Agricultural. ftlisccllancoi jliSfcIhlllfOMS. J&imifactttrcrs. (ililt0il8. iUtC01t5. rr - V Conn Fodpkr. At tho last exhibition fif the Eisex County Aizrii-iilt.urrtl Society, it wna tho utiiiniiuima ojilulou of lit com mittee on the dairy, th:it crein corn fluldiT Is the bent article) ili:tt tan ho nvtl fi-rcows Riving milk. Una of them luul trim) nn nx pcriruiMit, whlcli ho t:ilp1 u follows : Four cows were solncloil I'ruiii his hot-il wIhmi thu pastures wtro pervlu.u willi fxccHsivn draught. Tiro of llvon "'-re foil, niyht ninl morning, will; green i.orn stulks, ui iniu-h ns tliey W'Hil,i int. "i lt- other two were fed with English Im-uf nn"!iuin qa-ility, us much ns tiny woul'l i ;it, till fining in suiiu j.astiiro tliirin j ilio day. Their ini'.k was cniv!':i!!y im.isun il. A Her ahoiit two weeks their feeil v:s chnnueil ; thorn that hnd been feu on c.:" wore foil with hay, and those that h.ul In ;n fi d on I my were fed with corn, fur about two weeks longer, and tho milk carefully measured. Thu re suit was nearly ll.c There was no perceptible (lillerence in Iho quantity of milk jjrodu.'e.l when fed on gtvcu corn fod der or English Ii;iy. Ulmehy ron Tin-: Cut Worm. After the corn is dropped and and covered, and before it is np, apply on llieRUii'hre of each bill about out; tablcspootii'a! of ground salt. Uules il is carbolic acid, notbiiit; makes worms of ail kinds f iiire.i like suit. Il is sometimes applied Ir.i.uU-oit, at the rate of 0 to li) bushels per acre, which is also an excellent application j'.st before the last harrowinir. In old uaideus, such us have been heavily manured and cropped year after year, lor a Ion,; period, snails and grubs olleii ab iuud, and, as commoiiiy do Bcribcd, the soil seems to have become in f Cure sick. Vegetables do not ot-imns they used to do. Here also a diesuiu n s ilt will be found beneficial, as n restorative and also a worm destroyer. The vah'.j of Bait, ns a fertiliser has piobably been over looked. Remedy roi: Over low or the Gall. A iuie pieveiitive of the owr-llowiiij; of the gall iu catlle is t.iut uud s ilt, uivcti it; equal quantities oiice a week, or its oeea bion may rc-j.iiiv. If soot is not conve nient, copperas, with salt to the amount of one teaspoonful to a civitiiti-. una wits a pood purpose. When catlie t very weak from the ejl'-cls of mis disease (which they sometimes will iu the Ik: t condition), lake es?;s, turn out the whites, and till the shells with soot and salt, and nive three at a lime, throe mornings in succession. :'U! U.iii omit three, ami so on uiuil j i have given three times, which has iiK.iys elleeled a cure. A iymptoi'i f the disease is a !'i!l, suuken eye, discharging a yellowish, watery Bubstancc. Salt anu Ashks Ko;i (.'ows.-An ex perienced stock-raiser says : 'On turning my cows to pasture iu the snrinj, I pro vide several small tubs, and h.iviiii fixed them lirinly iu the soil to previiit them be ing overturned, put into each tub one quart of salt and three quarts, or sifted wood ash es, previously well mixed by stirring. The cowa partake freely of this mixture. It prevents injury from the suddeu change from dry to green food, and has, besides, a most inv'moralin clli-et upon the general system. Some awit that salt should be given only as often as once, a week, ns its more frequent use would be injurious. 5ut when supplied iu this way, no apprehen sion need be entertained. KixoiioNiw and Ci iih Spavins. A corresiioiiiUht of ilic l' nd lie I'as cured a nuuitwr of ri!izl'"ii s :unl stvwi'.is by blistcriiu witli Sjmuiuli Has. del ten ctiiits" worlli of the powdiT from druj Rist, put them in u bott!-, cwi-.r 1 j or 2 inches with altvilml or sjiirils of turpeutino; ufier t:iiuliii -2i iiours sliuku it and applv by rubbing ii in thruo or four liuus. If that doi: not kill tin-in, njiply aain in ten or Iwclvu (lays. Win n K.-tlimj uell it and nil otlr snivs should be grtanod taprevijut white hairs. $11 morons. GOIXCl 'IllROrOH THE Uli.?.. A t:ill, ' lotin-kfred Ytinkei.' f.-.i:ii i ho country, i:s- j tinuiulied liy a littl.- head pi relied on a i crunu's neck, :iT"utivd with a t',', v- ; tailed coil, and ii.inlaloons thai refused to I bi! coaxeit down to Ids :in':!is. Inmis s'lin- 1 5., ,'.,.. .... I I,.. i ii.i ...l ,. .iim i. t.i".t, .iii.a nut i.i.ii. -i "i ill il in ri I . , . , , .. . u- :.. i t- i ,, , . . ..I Adv.iiitau.c- o e- Snnnvslde : a hah inch o, Lrun, Ma b d .uto a eity , v ,, u . .,,,,,,, ,j,: .......oar-l m.ue of hotel to set WiKU lie called n "ialu-y .illl- J ,1(.. ra,!iatliis siirl'ae.- cAu n into the mom, Iicr." lleiii f;.ited at the table, and aked Pi; tint much more additional heat without ex by a servant, what ho would have ira fta-i. "Will, 1 swan, 1 don't know.'' said he, 1 -' 11 is '" cu,.v 'I-t-Air Fire-piupe Heater iu Mtilmi litw .,r.w ,1, .hi. i , I ..... .......... ,.r IVieaiHiiit'dN', cotelli Hi s, rauou'.s'and kick- ehaws'' on thu hill of fare, wi.ieh enfound ed him with tliolr variety, whiiu he du sp.'tired of miipliiiii with iliem aii. e.hat would you l ike, tquiro, it' you in my jilaoeV 1 can't a!!, ef I t'.cwr was to imvc nuotlu r meal id' yUUcs l'rniii now till tLe snow files." "Wouldn't V'jll llkt; sotjin soup ?' aak'-d the waiter. "Wal. s ju'iv, voii'io 'bout ; ;ht. I reck on ; Lrinj "ii your s'eri, and tin :i I'll into your Li'i. il viiti s. You i tx ail tho name, thev s,iy. ;.iid i.'s h.i..l '.o.-kin'. i I'll list try one'.o I'trU'Vi the I'.t l trill J 1 (,...! ." A woitniv Parson had, nn worried par- n;s r.licn Uo. becoiuu bald headed, :ind tliiukin U no I., nn to at-'Ui natuiv iu her tousoriid opcT.tlions, proottivd a wi,'. His old-f.ishi nr. .! c-' Ur. aiioti was fireuily ex- rcised tliftrcby. Si.ino thiniht il very worldly for a parson to wear a wi.; at. aii, while! soiiio th:'Uj.Lt the Ko.ine "horiid." Oilu i.i thought too h.iii' Rhouid bo shorter I'l fi'osil. soioi: at I iiii tides, and s ittiu be hind. Finally thu cno.l pastor invued l he brcthicii anil sisters to meet Idui at thu W'iieil they Well- aMU:'li:d ho Iiiinded his wi' to theui to trim aecordin ti their taste. One clipped it here, another t!v;re, and another in a oilieii nl phice. uulil the poor wijj l inked like nnvthinn but a hr-nd of hair. When Landed back "to the parson he examined it carefully and gravely : " iiretlireil and sisters wo may wifely worship this, for it is the -likeness vf inth:ti2 in thu . . us above, on tho earth bjiaih, or the waters under tho earth.' " (l.vEMiiiii: ( 'rui:. A Cermau forrst keupt r, eihtv-two ytnrs old, not wishing to curry to thu jjraw witii him an import ant secret, Ims published in the l.cipsic Jmti-tm! n recipe ho has used for fifty years mid which, he. savu, has saved several men Hiid a ureal number of animals from tl hor rible e'eath by hydr hobla. The bitu must be bathed as s nui ns possiLlo with warm vincoar nud water, an 1 when this litis dried, a fow drops of muriatic acid poured upon thu wound will destroy the poisoa of the ssliVM, mid relieve, thy patient irom all present or 1'uluro danger. Is view of the frequent experiments in laudanum nud other deleterious compounds nt St. Paul, Minn., thu phjsiciaus uro forced to order new stomach-pumps, ihe nlj ones bavin" worn out. .sections of liosu will be used until the new pumps ar rive, and they will Ixj oierated by steam. Kansas expects shortly to ennaiie largely in salt uiHiiu'actmv, owini; to the promis loj; saliue iudicutious in a Dumber ofcouu- llo8. Matirmokial. Maniae makes the husband aud wife one. Thu query after lhio Biontl.s of it is, though, "U'LJch is taoocjr" PELLETS. isA W V o o o Or Rii.Tnr-Cofttoil, Concentrated Root and Herbal Jntrr9 Atill-i:ilIon 4r:imilr. 1'llt: l.fc'M A l-P. GIANT " CAM3AKT21 , or ?lulluin tu Pnrvo Tim r.rtveT'v of Moroni Mfuicnl. rifink-nl nmt Pliflf nmci'iui' a! s ic lit . N ti-i f jiv )(Mi;tT ink'nu' thfl Jnvtfr, .M,t.-(v-' n.ul ij.inffona pill, .npofucl of r'u ijt. oi Mile, fl:nl l.til!-v 1nr,t.M,nt.-, whvii wur.'tn ht nfiiulnl i'phftiiioit til ri.piiilrnl n', 'Mri t nil t jo rr tin: . :i m.ti i-ll i r i!.i".irii.iil i n-x 1 1 it i Irom Iht tiio-t.vainuNf rmHf m.d dt-rln, H 'rt c.iittt'iiir.tlt! tlioi.i I'lfoa mi an! L (JpflHnI!, scarcely l;irorlliftti n liiut p('i-l 9 lii ii lert .iihlv pvall.Mwl ty l;iO-(i ot l.i'! :trnt KMi'-liTO hh-tll.. lid" fill-1 (flHL.c.U'Ui ulf. E-uMi e'lirifiil ! vo Ic in ( r-j.-i-i lf, iu n i;i i c-'n. '.'Mind'J l in i.r mm h r:rh:u . c -o cr v, i i L.i.'.m.lusl in aii.v of tin yV, f- nn.l f.T rtlo i:i !rn: ijii'. Vt'tni t!iir wuhtfrt fill i-nthnitl 1 i vc . 1 i r l i t n :r ";:!. j. x-; ! i vi li-i linvn ;.r T.-ic 1 liu'i.i rt' u t:;(. tu !;;, hp-o li,r '(, l1' nr .lii-Mfi l-i f.lVi't, In t M'CH lift f.4 n'.l i: nc, IliO cliff.tpnnt net iiictiii' ;;.!'! vi'i 'trijilfr rt" Ii.t h Unyi.rt5 i . . ti p'li4 ) : t i 1 1 1; n h. mi.-il notliM A o lnf t'u! (thiT. n to '!:! ii itiii( '.?';irt li i tlt tiv.i 4 lio ron Ii, l v i;ly Kin..'; ijh r.i l ; ii It" tvnri! i h''C.,x Vv 1 t t;f ;! t 1 ? . I.i ft .y u-M t wlv f'.r-t iv. P.t'., Will ft ml it l!'i';:i i i.M ".-liti.'irl nr Ulact" i:t Ui e:?ir.?!y v.'.olaiil", r-. Tij.-ticn t;- t :.:Q i It I 'ii l'U V !..?' V. i.. J li. T.. ." II? v. ini'.;it titi' in lnce to i ..r-iii.ia :i. i.i. t. r c ? ! pa: ion. t'o .9 .i mi !it"'i II; i-.i ' n C in:- 1 1 pjntoii, i'lJ .ni n lil(HJ, i r; n ,;i SIi on Urrff 'ii li l;r ci i.i" C i.; . r,iu . Star Jfc2riit'ijtiu:i . If I.' t i'.r tit tJt I t;itio i .i u j; Ft, ; .-' i j ,j .1- ;!(:tl'Ivh. I'fl!5i :l I iiill J' g;t!tru;i! I'wcv, Hlfi.unl fullt.i nout S(u n.trli, Slu-h Oi li-1 ; to fc3;i;!, il'fi CuJorod Vein? h .'.iclaMl It y iiikI '..loony X'tfv ooflln i.r.! Rr kMoimnut 'ii'-iulivo CViK 1, It iiht:!:i ii.t:tnftho rci.ic.i! '.I p.M"r i i ' vy l'urcr.i u li'.V'i nvcr f-1? pf j vt a vai (.ty i i t i'-.ttt. i v, i.- tu v. y t : tut ?!i(lr iK.'iio! tt;nri t; t iitiMiti - t i niv I inii vi tl, .1 1 n I.i n I or tin j "C.ipiit;x tlitlr ;ir:.-.lio Hsi-r-N A;e u..V' nn? l ;i;.iir tnutu; l ie r i ii; utinj a. tl bi::i. tvicl -L-i ..i i.i'" b'..:.t"S i;:-j rrvo ll.eit" vl.ti:c3 njii:;i. I-airiM Urn i.' Irt'tffih ot tmio. 1 t any cll.i ale, n tat-yurp uKvay ftv:i oik! n-'.iMtv '.!ucU it nntlhu c- with t'.io jillli f.t'.uiil In t!:o Ai uj toic, pi:t u; in e lejp v.-fJ if 't"tc-b '.ri bof!. T.-'L-olliTt ilifli Vr r.!l t...-t . wUtc a litiutiv AIto i:tivc or I'liraaUvo i inJb"iti'l. t!u'.-i! iif'.a IV 1! t v.iil t'ivrt Dio uuat pL-rfccl eutinlacU'in to '.ill who ui- t!im. ffitioy r.rt -oM Is y r.M cnti'i'priiflisrj Drutrftitis nt ' ' coian h tiortlot Io r.ot nllow finy dniT-lst to Im'.uco u.n t i tt:" vlhin-f l!ir.l I i r-jv . 1V Poll.-' V n l., -. l'O ivc..ii:n,'"nil. Il' y".e ci-p-r -t i v i t them, eucluao 5 c-.-nin 4 r.'iv.v t'.i-..i It. r. i u:ii:v, 31. v , r, :; rv;-:u. , May 4, 172 V. me;v .Mt its vai, I OF spRiisra goods: AT Clement & Dissinger's, in Ilic new C liini nt lluiMiuir, lurki't Nqmire. Nuiibiirj, We take pleasure in iiiiiiniineiii that we liave nl Di'i'iie.l a new assoi tmeiit of SPRING DRY GOODS, of all Mvies at the lnvt pi u-e. DOLLY VAK1)EX, still ruling in new an I lira i.ii !'u 1 di .-ii'iis. dress coons, mourninc, (;oods, CLOTHS, C'ASSIMEItES, VLSTlNfiS, &e., Ac. Itvaily.Mlo l'ltliiiis. u fn!t aesoitoieut, niiieh will be fold lower than L'iM'WllL-rC. CarpctN, Oil lotlis niid Flocr .Mat-- G HUGE ill E3 of all kind, wliiili are L'lianinteeil all freli. (JUEEN.s WAU i:, AVILLO W WA UE, &c. Sec, iVe. TIUMMINOS, O LOVES, anil in f.iet t-rerylbini; tlrit ean be lneulioui j in U lii'--t-ela.,- j-ltn. Ca'l aii'l ex mime oar Mih-U. H.wlnir on r tiore llulili'.l w il Ii (in, sdoiU ean 'w teteeled in tlie evening as well an in the ilay tiliie. No liares fur f how oil. CLEMENT & DISS3NGER. Al'iil 0, 17'2. KX'X XVMUIl II I'.AT r. i t . Sl'NSy-il l! AT M.MlVUM) ?T.Tr Faiii. Bai. 1imo::i:. l'irt preniiuni for Virv place llealeis awatdi 1 the Mn.avfi ,le. the inark't. J.ikc Tie reiralar bui.t cellar lu-ater it loses no ue..l, but conune? i: uA to it - Kjjui- ; a. The t'ui'l ina'jazlnc Is double the usual si cxtciiiiii Horn the lirc'box to the t-.n of thu . stove, wi'ih iciiv for t..--i.: .' ho'uio' tuj- llyofeoal. I 4. TI:" patent double enver f.r coal magazine ! eoi.smiie.s i lie .is. prevents escape of .'as into ! i the loom, and inakcs il 'iiui-w-i!ilo f..r any ri.f. I ; iliius or e.ud.i-i "is lo occur. '1 ., an a. leant- i n.r,. pi ,j,..ej by i,o other Urc-pluec stove iu the ! in it i.'-t. j ;. Then, .ir; IV'W air "e.iinb.'i.-, wherein n I brisk circulation is kept up, dunlin;; the cold air In tii" rei'i.i through heated II :i Into u large I hot-air, at the tv -k of the t; lie. i it No si ie pipes are u-fd, as the air is healed j in a re i-rvoir having double radial'niu' tluc and I lio.ibl,1 hack, t apply "ini; iarje ij'.iaiit.lics of hot ail i .ilonit n asle of beat or lttel. I 7. Tho Sr.NNY.s!:n: I'.l iliz.-s tin: w.i-le heat w ! thoroughly we i.e.picnt ly an in Ij . .ii T: n ir j loom on the liisi, besides lieali:: lie roouio in ' second an I I hil l -lo: ies. j b. A damper on top of the stove, (onni'ctcl ! with the l. l air Hue-, controls the o'.ianlity of hot air retpniej lor the Use of either tile li'per or loner lo nils. All other liie-plaeC ttoves urn viry hii'.invenieiit In tbi- r.'-pecl. U. Tlie Orate i s.efM'aliiiL', and no dust can CftCiei: while sh.ikinir it. bil'UAT, I'ETEuS'N ,t CO., Philadelphia. II. C. M VSSEn, Ajjeul. Nov. II, lltl. Beef! EJecf! TIMip U'lleisijind lii prepared to farulsh the 1 citizens ol Sunbiiry and vieinhy with thu elioiccsl Heef nnd Pork in Market, cilher at b'i'c ale or It.l.iil. Fiimilic will be snpplU-d by the quarter or side, or smaller ipiantilics at the most roabotm bie rates. Constantly on h and the choicest cuts of Beef, Polk, Mutton and Veal,ni-o Saiisajrea, Belonas. Ve. Applv l lh Meat House, South Third street, in Moore it Dissin jer's Itow, Sunbiiry. On market dajs Ihe best of meat Is f ci veil to customers at tin lin at Stand, corner of Maikct and Third t reels, wheu the celebrated llrosious' sausaues can be had, Ion if Uuuwu us the best hi market. HENRY K. FA'iF.LY. N. B. Persnns having fat line or heeves for sale can procure the binert maikct price by ap plication at the above establishment. hiiubuiy, Nov. 11, 171. 1.1 K It 1 1 il II SI A IV 1 1' tt'TOUY, SL a'IH'UY, l'KNN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "ITOL'I.I ivrpecUully 1111110111100 t tlie cltl- V 2tu of Minl-ury ainl hui rituitdiiii; (.'ountry, that lie U rc'aiL'il to iimiiu tucliiro all bt) leut C'nrrluKCM, Uum;ioM, tic, nt Ma ue(v litp on cul MutKt-t fclreil. He will furuUh every dcac-ril'tiou of Wuou, bulh 1 AI N A S D lA XC V. iu fchort, will make (.-very tiling In bU Hue from a Uit-claa carriage tu a hcelbarrow, wuiinhU'd tu bt made nf ibu btit und must durabln nmt. rl ul. und by tins DHt i-xj'ci icu-ctl woiktoeu. All work tent nut from bU otubiUbmeul will be (ou ii J ittllubU In every partleulur. TU patrooaB of the public U fcollfltert. j. s. sEASiioirz. c a i; i . No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MF.HP1!?. V M tiWF.I.L ft CO., DI'SIKK TO CALL V.'VX I AL ATTKNTION TO THEIR 1)K l'AHTM EN'T OK SOLID 8II.VK.Il WATCHES. l'OSSESSINO bt I'EKIOIt KACILITIKS I'll EY WILL 1!E KNAHLI.1) TO ll.ACK HKVOKE CI STOMEItf. IN ADVANCE OK 'I II E CEMC HA I. MAKKl'.T, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMIT.OVKMKNTS IN SiLVEK (.OODS AS HA IMDLY AS 1'UODfCK.D, VEKY TAUTK I LAU ATTENTION HElNti OIVEN To THE fc-l'K-CIAT1ES OF BlilDAL AND OTHKH l'KKSEN TATION (ilKTS. 1 1 1 E STANDAKD OK KII.VFll LONi; SINCE ADOPTED MY I HEM IS TH AT OK ENGLISH ST EH LI N ( i , (p:.Ti 1 (HUnii h F I N E, T 1 1 K tt ' A LIT Y OF EVEltY AliTICLE SOLD IIEINU STUH'T LY (IV AR ANTE El). ATTENTION IS nFfPECTFl'LLY I'lHECI ED TO THE t'NV.'.r.YINl! 111SINI S.S Pol. I' Y OKTHIS 1HH SK. IN P.EOAHD TO 'I HE FH1M LY ESTAIILlsllED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL 1SH HH.IDLY AD HI'.HI'.I) TO IN ALL CASES. SEC nil NO TO PIKi 1IASEKS, FA I HN ESS AND KyCAUTV IN EVERY Ti:ANSA( ION. 1'nl.lTF. ATTENTION M.W HE F.XPFCTLD BY ALL VIIU r.W Oil THEM WITH A VISIT. OKDERS AND lN(l'!'tlES UY MAIL, P1ULMPTLY AT TENDED T. J. K. ( AM)lVI'LI. A- CO. Fib. 1(1, f-y AS I'lXTl'HES. THACKAltA, LUCK & CO., SrL'CC'E.-SOIlS TO MISKEY, MElUilLL & T1IACICA11A, MANUI AC Tl llEKS VV GAS riXTUHES, DKONZES, &c, &c, t'ltuuilvlicrM, J'eiulunts, lli-nckctM. At'.. Ac, would respectfully Invito tliu nttonliua of jmr- cliasci'8 to our elepUit ansoitnii'iit. WHOLESALE AND KF.TAIL SALESROOMS, 71S ChrMntit Klrccl. MAN I' FACTORY, 10?. -n4.piG AND 40S RACE bTltEET. Au 19, 1S71. Tin: .ki: vt c aisi: op 11 U M A N M I S E K Y. Just l'liMi.-htvl, in n Scaled Envelope. Price, eenU. A l.rrlnm on tlie Nature, Tioatiin iit, and Radical lime of Seminal Weakness, or Spernia toirhiea, induced liy and IiupedinieiiH to Mar riaL'o irenrrally ; Citiipiiuiptlon, E ileiy, anil Fits; Mental and PMh'vI Ineapaeilv, etc. liv liy ROD. J. (. i'LVEliWEI.L, M. D.," author of the ' lirecn Hook,"' etc. The Woiid-icnowned aii'lmr, iu tliis adiniiahle Lecture, clearly proves Ironi hi own cxperieiiec I hat the awlul eousecitn nce.t of Self-Abase may lie cllect'iaily iviu.)ve. without incdiiiue and without dangerous oi-riati.n:-, li.uyk-. inftiunicnls, li'U!, or cordials, poititinis oi.t a nir de cd' cur ai once ceilain etid t ih by whieli every tatfercr, no mailer what hi eon li' tion may lie, may cure hiin-clf cheaply, private ly, and ladiially. TTiif lecture will prove u boon to and tlioiand". Sent, uiiiler seal, In a jilain euNclope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage tt.inips. b ddrc'iinir the publishers. Also. Dr. CL'LVER WELL'S 'Marriage (iuidc." Price -j ceuli). Address, th.' Piib;isbi rs, CHAS. J. C. KLINE .V CO.. p. o. Box. 4.:. :,. i.'v i:nwci, n YoiU. April VI7, 1 7-'. II ARDWARF. FOR ALL AT TIIK HARDWARE STORE OF H. CONNELLY & GO. .Market .Street, S-.iiiburj, I'a. J. It is useless to enumerate every kind of at tide In his Store, but ainon tlie leading items may be set i! "'. the following: iron, Stic!, Leal. Se.ilc, St .'').inl-, t, i u.dslote. --, Ni.ii- of all liitiai and s:.c, Vices, Sails, I'laars, S.ivts, (bains. Axis, Brass and lion Kcitl -s, Shovels, Hi.', link-, Spa les, Rakes ILitehet-, Carpenter and lilac!. :,niil h Iloiitur Machines, Cellar (irate--, biawlui.' Knives, Mule- SlcdeJ, Piaslctels' Trolvci, Mi!si.!i llamtiii-i3 and '1 rowcU, Hand Dinner Pu lls, and la rue ea-l inii Ih 'ls for Seliool Huu.ici and Fanner.-,' Dinner II' lis, Carpenters' Screw-, Potato Folks for diirniiiL' polato-s. Lookim.' (.l.i.-scs. Twine, 1". ; . s. K-ives and Forks, Spoons. TacU, Male ami llor-e Shoo and Nails, lLillimevs. Augurs. I iiisels, J.antci ns, llo (. lolbs, llrooin Lockn uf nl! dfi ihf , tV.llV; Mill- V,l an I Itratv, 1 Carriage liuil nf ail kbuK. lIut und Wall : Oils, Vui'iiisliON, Japaitw, j T.vf. Sola Ah, Wa-bl'iir Sf-da, TAl.M.S OI AM, ICIM M. t iiurl rv, j rarti-ruliirrt of all kinJ, CEDAK-WAUE aud otber M'no un-Warp of ail k:i.U and very j I'liHap, Uav-rork I'liili-v-, riukf, Mi;l I'i.'U," I.i vcU, Lev-id ibui-. Fi'.i-, lli:iu'-if Coal il, ! Saddlery an-1 Irlioe rimlinti, I Hiiifiry Tii'iiiniiis, Kxt't '.finr Olass Cutter. TocUtl Kiiivcs,, blu-ars, j Shot, Cap ami I'owdcr, a t uirty ff oilur nrt'clfx. Any Ihbiu wan tod and not on hand will be ordeivd at omu. fciuubury, Au. i'J, 1'. 1. I I li OF A TT II A C T I O . Everybody U invili'ii to come and buy of the handrutiic aooi luit'iii of TOYS AND C'ONFKC'TIONEIUKS ut SATIUEL F. KEVIN'S ISTCH33, In frame b lil liiiLr, adb'iniiiir Moore & O i ti i- buildiiiii, T1UU1 fcTIiKKT, fcl"S UL'UY, I'A. Jurl opcjK d a liusli KUj'jdy id' ConlVttioncrica of cvtry dcbi rii'tion. IOVS or A 1.1. HIMS coinituntlv on band. The be-t HA I SINS, FIGS, CUUtANTSA: IH1F0 FKL1T. VUllK ItlO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fretdi Bread, liun Jc Cuke, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCt'lTS, CHACKFKS, Ac. OYSTEKS ! OYSTEUS ! OYSTEKS! Having tilled up a room cxorot-bly for mtvIms up Oyhleri in every style, Ludies aud Gemleiiuu will be uccommodaled with the be-t bivulves hi tiiai kt-t, at all hoar durinif the day ami cveuliuf. FaiulllfB w ili be supplied ut their retddeucu with the bet bhetl or Canned Oyfelcrri, un U deeiiable, nt tho very bvefet prices. Call and see my exeelleut assortment of goods aud ascertain the pricee. S. F. NEYIN. Dec. 10, 1671. a 1'iiui'ir.iiii.K m sim;ss. I.HillT KlJt'AL. TO (iAS, AT ON K KHillTII THK COST ! t'uuuok be i-Kploikd. No t-lilmney or Uk iiM'd. Meu dcoii in' a I'roQtahlu ItUhliu-s, can ptTJie the exclusive liht kir the sulo of Ityult'a I'ati ul i'urttou iin Uulit li u i net nnd Oil tor C'ountici aud ttatc. rite fur lufuiuuttion or t ail nu M. IS. IVOTT, No. 114 South Second blu et, I'liUa., Pa. N B. Cliurcht furuiihed witb CUuudelierg and Lamps of every decritlon, 25 per cent, cheaper ibaa at aoy other UbHUuiem lu the couutry. Vinegar fllfters nrenot vile ly Prink, made of Poor Kum, V hitlcyy, l'riof Spiru and KHttsc Utquorv .c:tirfn, itn:oii, aim givc-tencd to j-irasc hic r.nieu " Tonics,' 'Appeii):cis" ' nestorcr," &c.f thai lead the tippler on In drunkenness and min, but re true McdiciiiP, m.idc from the unlive root and hrrb of t'ali fnrni.t, free from all Alcolir'is MimnlanH. They are tlit iireat lllood i'urifior and a I. iff -pi vim? Principle, it Per fect Renovator and Invij;or;itor of the System, carrying off all poinnou matter, and retloting the b!Hui a a lieiltli.'c.HiJttt ; it, : :f;ckhmp and invienrating botb mind and budy. They ate c.vy of administration, iro'n t in tlieir ntinn, i jn.tin in their resul'.s, a.ife ana ic'i.ible i' .t'.i forms cf die.t-ie. 'a PciKmi can luUo Itipso niffera anuru ing to directions and rrnuin long unfl provided their L uc are not dtroyed by yoison orothcr mean E''1 the orgnn- '.vincd beyond the pfiint of lepair. l.vicpMta or liiUi4.llon Headache, Patn in the Shoulders. Coi.-h 1 lyluncssof the Chet, Dizti nes Sunr Liuct-itio. of the S(, bad laste in iho Month, bili.ins Attacks, i'Aip.utiou f the llenrt. In flammation cf the I.un Pain in the regions of the Kid reys, and a hundred other pa nfui vmptom. arc the off spiinga of Dyspepsia. In tlie&e complaints it lias no e pial, aud one b. tit Ie will prove a better Guarantee of its nieriii than a lengthy advertisement. For F initio i. niH)ilullH, m younq or oM, mar ried or siusle, al the dawn of womanhood, the turn of life, these Tunic Hitters thtplav so decided an influence that a muUed tin(jiov ;:'fnt is soon pTrrptihle. I'or Iiillmtiiiintory and Chronic Iltieit mn limit and Cunt, Dyspepsia or liuhestKm, tiliou Kcinittent and Intermittent tever;, Ihseasrsol ihe blood, Liver, Kulni'vi and llladdur. thc Putters Inve been most succjNsful. $tif'i l)se.ises nr canned by Vitiated blood, vth ch is generally produced by derangement of the Di getive Oisns. Tlioj- arc a Cicntlc Purgative nn well at a Toitir, pos etsm; also the peculiar merit of aciiug as a powert'ul acnt in reiievini; ConRcMinn or Itifl.onmation of ilis Liver and Vtceral t ran, and in Uiiinus Diseases. For hktit llHiir Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, blotches Spots Pimples Pustules, boils Car hnnc'es Kiri-wornis Scald-Head, Sore Kyes Krysipelas Itch, Scuvi's Iiivco'.oiationa f t!.; S!tin, Humors and Diseases nt Vn Siiu, if whatever name or nature, are literally du up and rimed out of the system iu a short time hv tli-; u-c of thee Hitters. One bottle in such c.isei will runviiice the most incredulous of their curative effects. C'lcnitva tho Vhlnfrd Bloodl whenever you find its impui dies bursting through the shin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Snre-; ; c!eance it when yoti find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul : your feehnjs will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system wi.l fo'lnw. d rate fill HioiiNitiKl proclaim Vinegar HiT trrs the n.ot w.uduii'ul Invigorant tlut ever sustained the sinking system. Plu, Ta, nnd other Wormi, Iiirkins; in the system of s many thousands are eifectua'.ly destroyed and removed. avs a diitinRutshed phyioUist : T here is scarcely ai indiridua'i upon the face fit' the earth whose body is exumpt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the heiithveieincnt of the body that worms rxitt hut upon the diseased humors aud slimy deposits that breed these hvnK monstei v( disease. N system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthc'tmuitics, wUl fiee the stcm from worms li' e there liaters Mrcttitittenl ltsjies. Persons enlaced io pjims and Minerals, such ai P'u nScts Tyiv setters, Oo'd-heaters, and Miners, ai they advance in lite, will be tuhiect to pra!ysis of the pnu 'I ruaid against this take a dose of W alkiiu's Vinecau UiTTtus once or tw;c? a week ns a UllioiiHt Kemtltenlt nnd InlermUteitl Fcvrri which are so preva! nt in ilic valleys nl' our great nvers throughout the Lni:ed Stales, esjietialiy those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland. Aikansis, Kcd, iailorailo, Urao, Kto Lirande, Pearl, A'ahama, Mobile. Savannah, Roanoke, James and many others, wwli thoir vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and retnatkab'.y so during seasons of unusual lieat atid ihyness are invaiiubiy accompanied by exten sive tleiangL-meuU of the sumach and hver, aud other aUIominai viscera, Theic ate always more or less ob structions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and meat torpor cf the bowe's, being clogged up with vitiated acciinulations. Iti their tieat incut, a purgative, exerting a powerful iuriuepre upon thee various organs is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpo-e equal lo lilt. J. Walkbk's ViNtt'.sn IliTrKKs " l''ev wid speediiy remove the riark-rolor'd vi-cid matter with which the bowels ara loaded, at the same tune stanniatiii' the secretions of the liver, aud generally restunnj the healthy luncitons of the digestive organs. Serufttln or Ivi 1134 Kvll, White SwcitniKS Ulcers Kt ytipe'as, Sweiird Neck, (loiter, Scroiulttia lull munitions Indolent liifiamiuali'ms, Ntercunal Af fections, d Sores, Kruptions ol the Skin, Sore Kves, etc .etc. In these, as in a l oth'-r crnstituhnal Diseases WAi.Kt'.k's ViNtGR HiTThKS have siH'wn their great curative puwers 1.1 t!i niobt obstinate and ititiacable CVes. Or. WnllterW C'nttforiiia Vinegar Hlttem act on ah tln;s rase in n simitar manner. Hy purifying the blond th-y remove th c.tnse, and bv revolving aay the e t'-cts ot the irif. i vina;.oi i:he deposits) tlie a K-tt'.'d paits recede health, and a jujiiiuueui cure is rtl- -led. The pronTttrs of Dr.'s Vinrgas IIiT.f" ae Apene'it, liaphnreiic and (.'arminative, N ut l 1 nuns, 1, 1 vr, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, S J.'o-.tir, A tor.itive, and Ami bilious. l'lir A pet it'ltt and in :d Laxative properties of J)U. VV'ai kkk's VtNitiAit I (TfRi ate the best safe-u-ir-1 in .i.i ca-fs f eruptions .i;d m.'.'-.ant levtrs, the;r La Mure, h.aiin?, and : :l;.' i p:o,K-riic- pmiect the Jrniiois of the taittr. I 'it r S .--.iative pioperlies allay paoi in thft n;i voui 's;:n, s;or.'.;.rli, and bowels, either f: ra inrlaiiiiu.''..o , wind, c 1 i., ci amps etc. Their t unter-Irritant influence ertoi.tli tlirnu-hout the system. 'I h:r Diuretic pn pt-rt es ait on the K'dneys, corrwCling 1 ind rcu.aii'i ths thsw t-f mine. Their Anii-ltihous no.ietites st'.tuu'.u t i i-j- li'.er, in tlie sitretion of bile, and its d scliai.s thn",i'i the b..iary ducts and are J s.ipcnor to a!l aents, fur the caic of Uthoua J,'e,er, F'vir and A 'U?. t'-c. Fot tifjr llie tmdy a;alni .llsvAr bv puri j f. in,; all its flviidi w:th V ini-l, 't UiTi v.u. No eiuemic j can lake ho d of a y-,:om thus forearmed. The hvei, the stomach, th? bitweis, thu kulnevs, aid the nerves lit j retiri-rcd di .-ise-proof hv thi creat iiiviorant. The Kftlrary of Ds:. Wai.kkk's Vinigar Pit ! T:S in Ouon.c l'yi ")iv,i, Fcveis Ncivous Disorders, i Constipation, d.ic.etiry ol vit.i! power, and all maiadtc ailecttng the tlniiiitli, l-.ver, bowels pulmonary organs, ; cr mu'ii!.ir sy-.t-ni, h. b-e:i experienced by hundred i of thousand-, aud hundred i of tli"u;aitas moie are ak- IUi tor the vvne ic iJf. ' L)lrrtifit. l ake f the liiiters on nolng to bed J nt niK'tt tio.'.i a hid to one an' one-hail tvineiassfull. I t-at good iioin isli.r. IovmI, sut.!i as ltt-eitoak, mmt.'n i chop, venison, ioit beef, j;d, and take out i door eicrce. They are tf puiely wsetab!e 1 ir.Fr'hei ts, and c vnaji rn r.t : WAl.KKK.P r. it.ll.M(l0AI.lA.CO.l J)ru(tpits and (en Agts., San Franc. lo, Ca'., I aiid comer i't I'liintoii ar.H ChaKtou Sts., New Vork. 1 SOLD LY ALL DKUGtilSTS AND DKALFkS. March bO, lT'.-uni. THADD'S S. SHANNON, j Tllllll) AM) MAHKKT fitJl'-VUK, K.t iu ttiifU mill i'oiiflanll.v nvrhitiir Nnvi'.ilca in liis litic, ronsiMint; in put nTa full line of a n v.u m ax sv a i 1 F.Il'Iii, llnwitnl Co., Witltlistm. Miis ttarlitistiis, ami Hoy's AMLliK'AN WATC 1IKS Also, a Cull m i of Lailit, atiil Uvnt's liolil aud ."-ilvt-r Swir-s WaUlii s. JEWELRY. Itotuaii liolil n-ls, iink roial an.l (.old tsvle, Kar-UiiiuR, NvcUUtcuj utiil IViuluntf, (:ivx uml Jil J.wtlrv. Solid Silver-wart- of Slerlini; puritx, marie to or der. H1itl.1l an 1 I'reaeiitatioii I'ieti, Knivef, Fork and noii8 in eimi K, aln, u full line of r-ilv. r Plated (iooiU, Tea, I o Water Sols, Stands, ('tike llarkels. Collie I' ins, Kinks and Spoons liel.le plated, the liest iu I lie nun ket. SI'KCTACLKS. If you Talne your Kye-mlil, life the Perfect l.etise., irromiil tr.atl iniiiiitu C'l Wli' P. l.bles inel ted loL'eilur, nnd derive there name '-Diamond'' nn aceomit of there hardness and brilliancy. They uill Lift many years without change, aud warranted Mij'erior lo all otln'rs lit use. TA111.K t LTLl liV. Ivory, Pearl and Metal ltaudks ill case su J.lied lo order. t'l.OCKN. A full iisiiilinent of KiM day nnd Thirty hour Clin ks, ulsn Calender Clocks ol all dioei ip lions. Kiiirnivimr done at the sltoi tesl notice. Wate'des, Clocks and Jewelry, Reiuiirtd and S.itii-laelion Win ranted. All (foods w ill he sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is eonlially luviled loCull and Kxuiuiue for themselves, Dou'li Juliet the plaec. T.8. bllANNON. BunburyUcc.lO, if. KIMIIKV .MAKHI.i: YAltn. TIllK nndersliftied liuvini; bounlit the entire 1- stiM'k of Dissinifcr A- Tavlor, would Inform j lho l,ublie u' reudy to do ull kliuU of .ii a it it if: uohk. Has ou baud, uud lnukes to order at 8HOUT NOTICE Muuuuieuta A" Ileal-Stoue, ; r?:vfcTYi.K. DOOR AXD WIXDOW SILLS Also,Ceiuetery Posts w lib Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used ou Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will continue in the employment, t thsoHsiiodon MsrkHB'-.Sunbury. msyO'W m. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF (HIES THE WOIIMT PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR &ft?r reailtTyt h silw;tlsrnirnt nftd any on RADWAY'S ItEAMY KKLlbF lV& CURB yOR KVRKY I'A IN. It was the flrst and Is Tho Only Inli llcmctly that iiidinnlly utops tli most excruciating pamf. nllavt In f:4ntnintltiiis nnd curt (.'ui'tceMloiis whetlu-r of the Lungs, htnuiutli, liuwtis, or othtr cmuds or organs, hy oue applicn turn, IN rPOM OXE TO TWENTY MINUTES. N" matter how violent or etcrnrlntltn the pnln tlm KflEtT MA TH), Itfil rl'hU-n, Infirm, ('rlppM, Wervous, Neuralgia, or picftiiiiUil with diseiise Bulltr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wtl.I, AFFORt INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OK TIIK KIl'NF.VS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OK TIIK ItOWELS. COMiF.BTl'tN OF THE LVK08. EOtlE THROAT, IT t KKTLT IIKRATIIINU. 1'AI.I'ITATION OK THE llEART. 1IVCTEKIC8, (T.Oi;r, DU'IITIIEHIA. CATAliUU, 1M LVF.NZA. HEADACHE, TOOTlIArilK, NKrKAf.OlA, nilELJIATISll. cnt.n CIIILt.3, AflFIi CHILLS. Tbu nppii:.iili.n i.f tin' citlv Rollrf tn the partor rut wlieis tli, l.alu or tlluiuulty ckuts v 'A ullorU eoao OUil fcunifurt. TntP A'nn In Imlf a li.n-M.-F fif v&ttr will In ft frw Pinii,,.i,i r.i.. CUAMI'S. M-ASMtt. Pot'lt STOMACH, IIF..nTHC!!, HICK IIEADACIIK, DIARRHEA, )Y-K.NTF.ItV. COI.IC, W1M) IN THE UOH tUi, tint ::ll INTEIINAL l'AINM. Tnn'i'li-r, .Ihi-iM alwtiv, Miry n Itl, cf Rnilnrfty', Rrody Hi.lirf W:th tlirnt. A fow iliopt Iu water wM t TKVi-tf .liuiii-!.. i.r piiln fnnu rlmiir "f n tttr, It to belter iUa Freut'li Ui.tniW or Hitters h., it Bthrmlaiit. AND A OIK. FEVER ANn .vil li cur ' r r cnv ceiitn. Tbert la not ft rt'inciUnl r.Kviit Iu IUI, wnrlil tli:tt wl.l am Fever nuii .. ....A .11 ........ i.....i..... tun c. ..1.. .r..... u 1 1- 11W. unit ilhi-r I evi r, (ultltM l.y i evi r, (ulilp.I l.y It A Iv A l I'lLI.S) n..U!( iu RADWAV liEADV l.LLtLF )vr Vulllc. dviil by DiutMe. i'ir. vuu HEALTH! BEAUTY!! I TTtnNl! AVI) PriiR RICH I'.I.O'.n -INCREASE CP H. t.SIl AMI WF.IHHT Cl.KAIl t-KIV V) JitAU T1FUL COill'i.lC.UO.N bkuUKED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE M'wr ASTOVIHINO rrKtS: S' I'l l- K. HO UA1H AUK TIIK rilANt.ES TIIK iVlilY I'NUKH'itiFS, t'NrKIt THK lNKI.rKNri: t'K THIS TKl'lA' WU.NPKUKLL ML.DIL1NK, Til AT Evory Doy nn Incronso In Flosh nnd Weight 13 Goon nnd Felt, THE GREAT CLOOD PUIFIEF?. Kwry lrr.p .f tlii SAKS A l'A It 1 1X1 AN RESOLVE t f ninntiicilcs;:li ,v. lil'ml, S.w.i. I 'i ii.e, uiM fuldtand )'iir- it:.- nvst"'ri tl,p vif.r if 1 f. fr It r -ini'ira tiitf wit.t'- of Ilia v wl'li lifvv iin-l tu'j'i'l tn:i!i ri:il, hcrnfnl.1, Svilill I ''ni'Tl(.ti.'n, li::'i'.l.,r . nic. V In tli TIrMt, M-j'itli. 'lu-'.-ir-, ' I i t .o ti atn! nr.! i'iit r!.'f lii! "!t.Mi, Sorn Kv'?. Str .iiit.-n 1 U;!,:.. 4 fro'n tti Kir, i.'i-l :ir- v .ir 1 f,,r.u f S-.'u tli-cuc. K:np. t -.. Fi-VL-r S . S"iM I(.:n1. lim ,'.im. S.ilt HI.imiti:, I'.i vlf.el.t. Acne. It lack ISp'iTst. Wartnt In tli KIchli. T"iu r C':iiH,r4 In tlj Wttinii, uii-l nil wcuketilii mn! j-nMifnl 1! m. c'isT', Ni.;!it, of Spi-r-n, im;l n:i w.-istcmftlte 1 fV iprirtriji;-, ire witniu l'io c ir.Utv ntice df tli in wmt'li-r iT MotliTii riiviiltrv, h:.. .1 f-v !iV un vill trove r.i cnv 1 f i :i 1: It f -r citliti- t,T ll.vkd f.:u. f disease it ,',-f it l'i ft 1 '-I them. If the int!-;,tt 0 .nv l-'w.l"rr r."Uici' l I v t!io wntM anl ftci,ii'nnyi'iti"ii t!''. it . 1 . Hiitnvliijr, tnicreciU in n:i,ti,i th v-.U", Mil 1 ti',v'' m't. 'v " h ricn ii'.itnr I i ni rlp from he .Uny l.h...d ;mJ thi tlio S'A IWA 1'AUIL L! AN will :iin! ' : tt n- , N' t only im' tin itrBii.i.iAW Tim n.vr.ST fKrel nil V'.nwii roii-i! I:tl ru-M's t i il o t-tm tf rmn'iir, Scrtf.i'rnp, 1 niistltnln-ii-1, itt:J fcsiu ilif jao ; Lvit U UU10 unly ji'ijitlvo t:irj fi-r Vr.nsrr, n'nl U'rnS ('l-cnsi-, (im"'-!, JH i'.(-to, pr.ipiy hl'ipno of Wnt.'T. nor-niltii,.c' iT I'rinp, Uriiflit'n I !':.-Ci A Iti'liu.ntniai, S'.i! hi u'l c:m uln n- 11 nr.- Lilckilnrt ! I'-its. ur I'tf .iitT i tiiK-L:, rln',1', nivl v li'i miloiitfic I. -.c tho hitc cf :m 1 iec or 1'irr.i.l-t It 1 whiff rr Xhvri I- : tuorl-hl, tbrk. Lt!ifit nn;i.'uriirri, an ! white I mc-l;mt il' j.'vit, v In n (here U a tUkhij, Intr i"K rutal on idi v' i it wuti-r. iPfl t la tl.v baiuil of tUu L.icli uuJ t.; n.f I,.. i , Jiku vi m, WORMS. Th oil kuowu run! suro Remedy for Mot i t.t, eff. Tumor of 13 Vcar ttrowlli Cured ly CSuclwpy'ft IlcsolvcxU. I'.-i n;i v, M ., .tulv 1. W. T1. U"wy:-T kiv , A Onri.i T..'u.r in orU n & i rtt. Ail H Iwtmi 11 t1 M'K i-.i V-rljif-r It." I tr'! i- pi j IH'ik Ui -it ii re . i.nittn'iiil' d ; 1-it. it tMii lirliii-l tnf , I ur .wt Rr 1rrntt hil'a I w.iii-llry it; t, .1 hi.l ti!l In II, t-H.. , I li-.-t tttrr.i Tf l-r!.( .,r.. I 1 k il I 1 1 ! i f l!t nii.l Art I.. I of U.1 . I' ml two UtlKl .f v:i :.i- U I'.l ; .t tlicq It i.-t c ! t."- ' r t I t'rtt I r 'frit, f A i fl lttT, .icirir, t.apr '-r I'nti I 1 i e f r 1 r I Vt-Ar. 1 nt wont tii' . i f 1 i Iho 1-ft '' cf t tvrl, ( ar er.-n. I writ tint Ij run luf UlJ Uii.t-l tf OtuiT'. V i cn ril-lili H If i.n rh..M. HANNAH '. KNAl'P. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PUHGATIVt- FILLS, n-tf-'-tiv t:it-!( m, rVenntly cn:.ti-i! v Ifh RWf-t p'im. f nrgH Wnlttf. l urli'v, r ut nn 1 iitrotirth-n. It v.hvftx" ItlT f rthff CUl 'uf :.ll ril-.iiilcr. f llu Mt'ltntli. I.ivcr. Itnwt'Is K'.iru'Vit, H .ul. lot, Ntvimi li- . Ik' -tInchi, Const1! a l.ti-i, r..-.tivcn -k, ln.Mj;piitii.n, lM"l cl -li, H Iloil-t.i-M, D.l lmi Kt vc l!:fl..nanti.i:i fl t' i:"Wfl-, JiU',fn d all MM-fnrtiT t.' tli-i I'itern:il Vinorr-i. N':irr:iiitf! t- cfTict ft no-itie enr-f. l'.ir.-!v Vi-:;t:ilji-, tuniaii.ii ( ra mercury, I. .l'.r .',,,-,1,-n-t. t:.. li if it I't'iv" t!i" f imwit.a pvn'.itnnu TC'tItfr(; from Dit-(t-tlcrnnf Dm 1 1 itbt i v C Oihi: CnntpVI l .iM'l r-li, I'tiHiifn .f 0 VW In t tlr.l A....ttv .fir, v.i, ..-h, ).,.. s,,r... liV'i-'t F'.t. IUI r-i-M iTU'vlKSt iu ",u' h, S.--ur rt. .t-n, Snikinir T lHrf If il lltr I'll 'f t niA.-h. S null .ijt.t Ilo tfrit, Huirint Hi.d 1 nit trtf l. m, r'!u i( j. l ii lh . t, t homing or Si.ff.H.l.i.)( f-.ilirt. wi.r i i I ii rr r-i-if-. I'lnpot "i V.; p. I-u o VV..-,. l..f r . . .'.i, ,t.r: .1 i'.i!l l'..n in 1 Hpb.1. lVfuijfi. f i'tt'1 it!. . 1 ni tl t n ni.. I 1',.., t n In 1 1.1: A f" il., AV: !I1 frrp 0 vntkm f i'l 11..- Ft. r; .1.1. r.v rr.i i' i:ka 11 -i- i.-s. U, RAI'VAY .'. I. f. ,.....:... . .i- , Muroh nr, 17 IIHT . w y. .1.- Xlil I. 'i I.une, V.-rk. SADALIS Tin-: im: ni-:inr..T.-i that COMI'OSh". Kf)S:i.: .i uro p'l'!:i'i! fit cw;Vii l,:t:;t ti rt it is r.-l ;t .l rl . ; ta i .r. , coasi'ijiu-iilly ;riiYsi(i.vNs I'KEscKirv: it I It is a rort :t'ti euro tor Siri''u!i, j Sy .! nit j hi all 'da 1' 1 Mi, I.hui.n t- l!ai:.t ami ull tli-iucs of t u ..-.1. will ilo moro p. 1 ul lltu t-2 r:i THC tJN0-.T5IG ill 1 1 ..".tl I., if 'u cf Sai : iritlit. NIJ PIIYilCIAS Irivu ti-f.l i . tlu-ir iir.v-tit o ;i'ir tliii pist tliror ...itnaiul I t-ly ItMidurs.. it ua a r. iuUi- AHcrtive Urnl illnoil l'urifitT. 1. i'. I'l';.r,, ( I.altitn.m. It)!t. T. J l; kl.s, " 'lilt li. V. t'AI.K I'll K. O. l'WM LI V, 'u;t. j. s. siwiiks, ot .Ntc!i..!-si:u., ! l.y. .lift. J I.. M: CAT. TI '.A. C.)-.illi.! il. S. f. t.n.A. it., .r. "iusLD and j;:;boiisid BY J. 8. V'ltLNi II St K).N, rail l;icr, M.i. if. V. SVITII, Jv-Us-n, .Vi-h. A. I . Will 1 1.1 It. l ima. .'hio. II. II Al I., I i:na. o'uii. t It A Vt:. ii t i ., I.. v. .SAM'I.. ti. UiAUHK.N, .!i..'r,-ts- tuii., T.'iui. f.iir pi.irii M ill nrt allow rf nnv rx. 'tcnil ii'iimks la ti' to t'.o itil. .il I'.o-a'lnln. 1 ll,.' Mr,!ir,l I I'riiU vi"ti m c puni i li: nl I',. tr.ii t tn;'i nor t uny I li. y l.avt- cv, r !m.,iI la tl.e tr.-a ii-.t-ht ( tl.&.-a.'J ; ; nllU tu tin- iililirip 1 u t ftay try U.iM.lalis, and you uill restorc-i i to htiltli Ki..' is J'.M v alt I TiTriita. fiti- J lcr rjuttif. a ii:u--i j .li'in.''fliuri'iij f Aim;,,, j Il.Lriyo -, tin Jul.T53.lKTl. It. Wit. Ml'ltllAT. 1. BI.AYMAKCH. WM. II. UI.ACK. I MURRAY & CO., I Wliolfsale l)ettlrr tu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, j (Hlk-e una Sclinnl Klatloticry. Ir 1 C iii, VruiiiiK hiiU .Mauillu PAPERS, I'ATFIt lt.UN, At-., Ac. The CVlt'liriitttl Corry Kerosene Ituriiing Oil alwity uu baud. Having alto oicir'(1 a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply ut niton uolicc.uud ut the lowed Intel, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT utul PEA COAL to all who nifty be plt-uneii lo give ua mil. j Orders tell at our ollU-e No. 35 South Third St., ill be iiroininlv rilled. MUUHAV A CO. No. 35 Sout'u Third Strwt, Suubury, Pa. Auj. 9rt, lsn. o S 1.1 .Li. i-j 1 SHOP AXD IKO. FOl'XDRV. or.o. noiiKBAcii & sons, Nu ii hitr)-, return, INFORM tho public Hint thcT nre prr-part-a lo tlo till kin.M of CAPTINfiS, inul Imvluif ndil.vl n ttpw Mnclilim Shop In ooutitiption with thpir Fonmlry, nnrl have supplied llir-inni'lvei with Nrw l.utheK, l'liniliifr nnd Ilnrlnit MachlneK, with the ltitwt Improvement. With the nid of kllll"ul niicluiuies, they nre enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be lvcn them, In a sntlv factory tnnn ner. Cm ten to milt any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for clmielie or other bulld lntrr, of nil piKes. BKASa CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR (iRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOIt YAK US AT HESIDKNCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already eelel. rated Tor their su periority, have been still f'trtlier Improved, and will niwav ue Kepi on M:tint. Mro, TllltIHlN(i MACHINES. Sniiburv, May 'Jt. 1STI. i.lMHLK AMI I'MMMJ .HII.l.s! Third Street, nd,lolnln( Phil.t. A F-' R. R., two t-iiuarei North of the Central Hutcl, SLNUl'RV, PA. 1IIA T. "CLKMEXT, "I S prepared to fui uiidi every description cf iiitn 1 her re niiied hv the demand of the publie. I llavina nil the l.ite-t Improved maehlneiv for I Ml.1lie.l..llirl,..r 1 I.f. i. IWIII- .,). .111 ...... . ..... v ... : iiii; uniiuilf UI .1 MOi. 1 vu III .HI V." 'Ii r i all kiuilx of FLOORINtl, FiniNfi. I""'0n.S. SHUTTERS. fcAi-II. lll.INDS MOl LMNNfi, VE RANDAS, liltACHiltf, and a;; kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Tuni inc of eety ilesciiiiticit promptly exteuted. A'.ro, A I.AIIUK MlilMl:ST .r HILL LUMIUCl!. HEMLOCK i.t. I PINE. Also, Shinies, Pkki is, l.ntiie, o. Of'et proiuptlv tilled, and shipped hv Railroad m-fithnwii-... ' ' IP.A T. CI.LM.NT. iie,-l!i.t'.s:lv VKtViC .V Ti. rSTAItUSIiniAT. I MARKET STREET, SL'NllfRY, PA. j ALl'llKl) KlAlI2, l'roiiriotor. ' pVi: I SSClIt TO SMI11I & UENTHLIt.J HAVINtl pui'i lia-ed Ihe aljovewel! knoWM . s kiMMimenl, Mr. Kraiisc would n--.pectt'al- iV mlorui the l'Ul'lle that he now has on hau l a lare at-M.n mcnt oi' C () ( K 1 x ; S T O V K s , Speir's t i'i.U Auf i-lU"t, Ketrul'itor or Kevolvinir' Tup. t'oiiilihiation, SuM;ui'hannn and others, whielt are so ai ranti.d to be used fur Coal or Wood, and arc warranted to perforin iatifuctorl ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kiudo ut up lo heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of Jilli'ieiil kinds at Very low prices. Tiu ware of Is very iseHcrlplloii kept ron.-tautly on hand. Rooliu'.' nnd Spoutini; with the he-t material, done at 'lioit unlive. LEl'AUUNG attcn.lcd to with dispntch. Conl Oil hi J Lamps eonslantly on Pan. I. Japan ware of a x.n.l-. St're opiosile (.'oulcy's hardware store. Give me a rail. A. KRACSE. apltH-ly Xew Store! New (Jootls! 1'. J. BYROD, H.ivli'i; taken the store room lately occupied by II. Peters, corner ol Third and Church streets, SITXUL'UV, PA., Ins j'.ift opened a new store, with an entire new Slock Of LOoJs, COUlp! i-ill(J of Dry iols nittl Ui oterirs. i The IliyGooils dep.n tmeiit 1 tomplete, havinij n j p'lu rul iissoilmcnt of j Clot lis, Ca-siniof s, C;ili-os, DeLains, ! nnd every tli'uii; in the Dry Goods line. The ' iitn i.itii:s are all fresh, uu l consi.-ts of Tea, ColTee, Siijfar, I MoKases, Sjik-vs, Meat, Fish, ie. ! WiltowVa'i: uutl ;inss-Wa ro, I a gci cral A.;sc.vl niriit. Iu liict everytiiin hc l ! iu a e'.a-s store, can he had at the tnol ica-nnal.le priced for cash, j Ilavini; liieated in Suiib:ny for the purpose ol i heconiiii'j one of its citizens, 1 Pope tint by lair dealing aud strict attention to husine-s to inert . a share ol the public pat rmiii l'i . My motto Is j "tinall Proiits and 1,'uii k Sale-..'' j All aie cordially invited to call and examine j my L'on'-, as no emircs be made, for tlmw 1 iii;,' tin in. I I'. J. liVROD. 1 Siinb-iry, ril IT.'. ! TO Till: I. Vt.MKS! ! GRAND OPENING OF !iIliuTj and 1'itiii-y (Jootls. SpriUL' sfyl.- of HATS and RONN I'.TS. trhnmcd I aud nuii nnmccl. Al! the latest styles in STIt A V, CHIP, I.KG-IIOKX, CACTI'S, ' Neapolitan, Watet proof. .'e. SvUoul Halo and S mi Hal. 1 Tiiiiiuiliijs- I', FloAcrs, Lives. ,te. . ;!., Collier do (ruce, t raie, Crai' Veils, 'I issues, Nc ktics. P.iai-ey. War ! tier ,V: Co.'s Piitteiiis. and all Ihe Sprint; styles ol Millinery Goods. Call and see my choice ns-oriirst:t. , mi.-s l. wrisi::;. I Market Street, one do-r we-t of Geaih.ul's con- leetionei v store. ! April 211, 1ST-.'. 'i MIl.I.IMiUV. , M'KIXCi .STYLES i nt the TEXTUAL MII.l.lXEUY STOKE OF ; MISS I.. MIISM.1.K. 1 Every kind of Millinery, cmbrac'n: ' Unix, llomiets, Ncliool IIuIm, ( rape llll! UI1 liltlllM lN, i llibhoiii and Fiowers, Triinn.'aii of i v ry c. '. seiiption, and every k: i I ol go.hH utl:i!ly kept i in ii mi'liuery ctabiishit:ent, r.m be had at her si, ire at tb" lowest pi ices. The very best iu the Philadi 'ipliitt inaiket has been selected, to which Ihe ladies ale invited to examine and be convin ced. MISS L. SIII.SLER, Market Square, Suubui v, pa. piil 2o, 172. Strong Beer and Ale. n. vi :ii:i(T : Having refitted the Mi. ton lirewery, is now man- ufacturim; llist-cius. it i: i: it i . i. r. . ! Havinc; -J7 years ei,rienco In brewing, lie I tlallers himself that his tUeruud Ale Is not ex- celled in Ihe eouiilry. j His celebrated Mrons; Beer is not only a health bevel, nre, but Is the most point. iblo aud lefresh inir drink now in use. I Restaurant nud Tavern keepers will be regu ! Imly supplied liy scuJiiij; orders. Addrc , U. 1 1 hM.l.IU , May II, ISTJ.-lw. Milton, Pa. " "'" NEW SCMMEK GOODS ! ' .MISS KITE 1II.ACK, MARKET SO.UA11E, SLNUIRY, PENN'A. llLAt k Diikss Silks from 50 to $2 00. Japanese Siiks, Silk Pont'eis, Plaid Po(ilius, Mixed Poplins, llarnni from 20 cents to tl 00. IXI1.LY VKIiA. Chintqes, Dehtius, Ae. Kreueh Muslins, Mur beiiles guilts, Kid Gloves, with single and double bullous. I. are N Ii a w 1 k A (tenerul iissortinent of White Goods. LAWXS, UIXGHAMS aud PUJCES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES, ic., told 1.1 greatly reduced prices. Simtniry, May IS, 1872. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, fcl'NUl'RY, PENN'A. Deenratln? and Paper llanrlrg done lu the latest improved slvle. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. rlesi leuce iu Purdvtown, EmorlrW'a building. nnbury, My 11, 1872 -If. Keaaing RAllrrK4l. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May Qlh, 1872. GJ.REAT TRUNK LINE from the North aoj North-West for Philadelphia. N. Y., Rend lup, rottsrille, Tamnqim, Ashltind, Bharuokin. Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephmtii, LItii. Lnncaster, Columbia, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Hurrisburir for New York, us fol. lows i At .2.45, 8.10, n. tn. nnd 8.00 p. in., con-ne.-tinjr with similar trains on Iho Peunsvlvnnia ltailtimd, nnd nrrivlnif tit New York at io.07 . m., il.5o, nnd 0.43 p ni. respectively. Returnlm; : Lenve New York nt 9.00 n. m 12. oO noon nnd 5.45 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80 8.H0 n. ni. nnd 8.30 p. ni. Leave Harrishurff lor Rcndiiitr, Pottsvillo, Ta innqun, Minersville, Ashlund, Shamokiu, Allentown nnd Philadelphia, ut H.10 a. m., 8.00 end 4.05 p. in., Hoppm- nt Lebanon and principal way stations s the 4.05 p. in., train eonnectlni; for Philadelphia, Pottsvillo and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Hal l isbui g ut 8..J0 p. m. East Pennsylvania Riiilroiul trains lenve Read ing for Allentown, Easton aud New York tU4.81 10.40 n. m., nud 4.05 p. m. Kcttinilu.', lcava Newrik nt tl.OOn. m., 13.30 noon land S.45 p. tu. ami AUentown at 7.20 a. ni. 1J.25 noon, 2.15, 4 25 nnd U.15 p. in. Way Passenver Tra!:. leaves Philadelphia at i.liO a. tn.. ronnecliiiK with similar train on Enst Pennn. Railroad, retiirnint; from Reading at p. in., stop).iiiL' al all stations. Leave Potlsille ut 0.(mj a. in. nnd 2.30 p. in. Ilerndon nt l".wi n. in., Shamokiu ut 5.40 nud 11.15 n. m.t Ashlund nt 7.05 a. m., mid 12.4 noon; Muhaiioy City nt 7.51 u. in. and l.o p. m. T.ihuiqua ut S.o5 n. m. nnd a.lo p. in. lor Philadelphia, New York lteadiii, H.inisbiire-.eic. Leave Pottsville via Sclr..v:kill und Su.q-.iy-hanna Railroad i.i K.15 a. n.. for Hal risbuii.' und 11.45 n.ui., for Fine Grove nnd Trc:!iout. Pottsville Accoiinrndatlou Train leaves IVts vi!!eiit 5.50 a.m., passes Ileadiiijf nt 7.25 a. In. nt Philadelphia ut H.50 a. m., returning leaver Pliiiadeii ant at 0.15 p. in., passiiip Keud iui' pt 7.40 p.m. in riving ut Poitsviile ut u.-'o j.-. Pottstnwn Accommodatiou iiain leaves p'otts-o-.vii at C.15 .i. in., returnlnu leaves Philadelphia (Ninlli nnd (iieen,) at 4.31) p. in. Colui'-.bui haiin-d Trains !-te Re.-tdln(f at 7.20... m, nnd ii.15 p. m. lor Eplirata, I Mix, l.uneiister. ( oliunbia. ie. ; retiirnint- leave Lan caster at 8 20 a. n. :! 1 C.25 p. in., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m. mill 3.15 p. m. Perkioineu Hail Road Tnitis leave psilclomen Jmictiouat 7.15, tl.OOn. in., at 3.00 nnd 5.45 p. in. R unnin.',i.-ine ecuwenksville ul fl.t),s.0U a. m., 1 05 and 1.15 p. m. conneitiiiL' with tiuins on Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains Phue uixvilleat 0.10 u. ni., 3.10 and 5.50 p. in. j r tuniin. leave liters ut C..35 a.m., 12.45 noon, and 4..J p. m., fiunectin; with similar trains on Reading I Colel.r.H.kdiile Ituilnad Trnlns leave Pottstown j at 0.40 a. lit., 1.20 mid il.25ani! 7.15j. in., iviurn- Inj; leave Ml. Pleasant at fl. 0(1, s. Ju and 11.25 a. 1 m. , nnd S.25 p. in., eo:incrtinr iih tmins on I Readme Railrjii I. Chester Valley Railroad Trnins leave Ilnda port nt .30 a. til., 2.4'land 5.33 . in. rctumii.i, leave io nmyton al i.d.-i a. m., 1J. 30 noon and 5.40 p. m. connecting with similar trains on lietul in ir lliiilroad. On Sun, lays : Leave New York at 5.45 p. in., Philadelphia e.t 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. in., (ihe r.o0 a. tu. train ruiniini; only to lb adlnu':) leave I' 8 -una. m., leate llurriiburu. y.45.t. in., and I'.OOp. in.j li.ute A!lent..-ii at 4.25. 0.15 p. in. : leave Keailiu,; ;.t 7.15a. 111. and In. 35 p. in. to.- linnl-Gnrir. at j.i tt. for York, nt 7.211a. m. for Allentown aud at 0.40 a. in. nnd 4.15 p. in. l'..r Philadel'a. Comminution. Mileage, S.-ison, School and E;.ear-.ii; l 'licked, to and fioiu nil puiiUs at ic difi'cd rales. Unease chi cke 1 t!iroiii'b ; Ifuge a.iowej each Passenger. U'O Pmuds I'.a- J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. ,t Eiij,'. Mach-iy. siiok ri-:sT itu ri; j:atw.kd. l uit illr, !Ii7!-loii A WilkcxIiKrro Kail ICoatl. Wl N I V. U A III! A NG EM F.N T. I.KAVK TASIW Alill. Sunbiiry, C '.'0 a m Danville, " (e.. Cattaw'a, 7 2s " l.r.ivr. wisTWAiin I (v.Yoik, y, j Kls(OH, 0 Oil i m ii 25 llazletnp, .1 i)i ' Phil'a. s no Helhle'm 10 05 " llethle'm 12 10 p l'hii'a. a r, Easton. 1J 35 N. Vol k, 3 5J ' ni Hazb lon, 1 01 J. til -;':i, 2 40 " DaliMlle, 3 20 ' s nibuiv. :i ii. ' i The afternoon train conn. '!. at Sn'mil arv with 1 Ihe Phi'iidel bi.i ,v Erie, 4 p. m., fa'-n'eohts ! wet, ariivi.ib' at Willi. m. .-p, , n r, ; ami l.c k I II iven 7 55 j-.. in., and Willi the Noithitn Cen- t ii 4 1 4 50 p. in., innvintr south arrivim; at Harris j liur 7 no ).. in., and liiiltimore 10 4.'. p. in., and i'-o with the'iiiy .V Lewi-town R. K. J ' in fort a tie ui..l ii.inJsomu eoueiuo tin ttiis j nc.v ro ii-. J. HERVEY KASE. Suiieiiiit'iidei.t. I.iK'ltuvtr.iiiia u ml HloouiNburn ron, I SUMMER ARRANGlMi NT OK PASSUNUIVIl J . alNS. j Moi -liiv. Jitlv 171871. i si -i niWARii. leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P. Scr.nito.., li 45 1 45 10 01 f 5 ' t W liellevtie, . C 51 0 f.5 4 OA liivlorviile. ll 57 !0 17 7 I -2 4 12 Lai kawauiui, ' 7 (' M 21'. 7 11 i 2J PillMon, 7 1 1 2 11 10 35 7 10 4 SO West I'ltlstoil, 7 10 10 4.. 7 21 4 35 Wyomintr, 7 iT 2 21 pi 47 7 31 4 42- Ma. thy, pi ;..' 7 30 4 17 Wle"; 7 40 2 Z'. 00 " 51 4 55 I'lyn.r.iaii, S inl 5 00 I'lMiiouIh, 7 50 2 40 8 05 5 05 N.iiiliiolie, 8 0' s ao lliinhr.k's, S i:7 S SO slilel..-hltiuy, s ..' S dt 8 45 ! 'li li's Kerry, 8 3o i be.teh Haven, 8 43 3 2. ll. rwi. l', 8 5il 3 34 I lii iarl r. ek, 8 .',7 ' l.ime,o, tl 07 J Espy, l 11 ' Hl .oiii litue;, ll 10 ' Repel l, U -Jil 3 57 ' Cal.iwissi, t 31 Danville, ' V 51 Clmluskr, U 50 ! Camerou, 10 03 Noith'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 52 NOllTIIWAKD. Lea vc Noi ihunibeiland, Cameron, Chulashv, Danville", Cataw issa, Rupert, Hloomsliurp, Kspy, Lime Ridire, lliiar Creek, Hcrw iek, Ueach Haven, Hick's Kerry,, Hunlock's, Naulieokc, Plymonlh, Plvinouth June., Klnustnn, it W.-Harro crs Maltbv, Wn.uiinir, Wesi. rillslitu. PUiston, l.aekau unua, Tiylorvillu, Heilevue, 8 23 6 IT S 0 6 ii beruulou, (arrive) DAVID T. BOUND, tup l. O. W. KEEKER. It. A. OAs. New Goods ! l)py G00J, Notion, FiirnUlnug (oojs, lirocerira. Oil Cloths, Glass anl Nuii of every variety, at oue low pi lie, KEEPER & GABS' STORE, Corner of Eoiirlh and Maikct Streets, Sl'Nul'RY, PA. All kluds of fir :. In taken lu exchange sum is cash. Call and see us. KFEFER O A. HMni'mry. April 7, J87'. A.M. P.M.. 10 K5 5 10; 5 27 5 31 10 50 6 40, I 0 00 t 05 11 14 C 12; 1 17! 6 24 34 11 Rf. 6 41 1 1 43 6 4H A.M.; 6 55 1 13 00 7 0U 7 80 7 24 7 45 P M. P. M. 7 31 8 00 - 12 20 7 41 8 15 P.M. 5 10 i : 8 20 5 15 c"s 13 54 7 M 8 80 8 S3 5 5 b 40 9 43 5 35 13 43 S Oil 8 45 2 48 5 40 8 13 8 52 2 51 & 47 12 52 S 18 V 04 2 50 5 C2 : 8 2- 0 14 3 07 C 00 i i 8 S V 25 3 IB 6 10 1 S 4'-" t) 33 1 14 8 4a tl 40
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers