nnburi! American, SUNBURY, JUNE 22, 1872. Railroad Tim Tabic. P. A E. U. R Ootxo Nohtuwahp. Erie !n!t, leaves nt :0 n m Niagara Ksprcss, " ' ia:'!9pm Mull, " " 4:20 pm Erie Espress, " " 6:50 pm N. C. R. W Ooiso SOUTHWARD. Erlo Mull, lcavosat 12:45 ft m Erie Express, " " 7:40 am Mull, " " 11:05 am Nbiirara Express, " " 0:30 pm The Erie Esprcm train rcmitim here about SO minutes fur breakfast. Scnui'ry A LnwtsTows It. R. Mull traiu leave nt 7.30 n. ni., and arrives nt 7.50 p.m. Fut Line leaves at 3.40 p. in., und arrive at 1.50 p. in. Puamokis VaT-Ley R. R. Mall loaves 'nt 12.S5 p. tn.. for Sh a molt In nnd arrives at S-to p. m. Leaves for Mt. Caruiel lit 4.40 p. u., and arrives nt 9.25 a.m. D. II. & W. R. R. Trains leave f.ir New York, via Hazletou nt COO a. in., nn 1 arrives nt U.Si p. m. Accident TnsnmnoB Tickets c;in be had of J. 8hlpiniin, Ticket Agent at the Depot. rs. Sbwino M.vcmsi:.S.--lls9 Caroline Dullusls tho iiircnt for the sale of tlie best Hewing Machines In existence, via "The Improved Binder," "Orover & Jiutser,'" "Howe," and "Domestic wliieli nre constant!- on hand and told al rea sonable prices. Slic la also tijrent for the cele brated Frantz and Pope Knittinir. Machine. Call nnd sco them. C'li.e on Market street, east of tli? railroad. Foi: Sale. A one-horse pedlur wagon U offer- j r,1 for tale cheap. Apply nt S. Faust's hut sloie, j .Maikct Square, Snnhiiry. Pa. Jiri.Iit. ; turn r.'s.lers are directed to the advertisement j of John C. Muilen, in another co'umn, who has . npenel a new grocery store, nnd keeps first-class nrticies. I Tun Nijiir Mm. rou PtiiuiTir.Li'iUA. This j mail i now cairiei by the 6:3) p. III. train, nnd ' llu mail tlcsi 's nt 0 u'elot';, J. m , iu.-.tciid of S 1 p. in., u.- furim'i'.y. A Fink P.r.'loL'.NCi:. .Major James Maloue ; lnt.'ly had h'n dwcllim; house, on Areli street, i bear t'ae depot, repainted. It is now otio of the ban !soine-t '.oukini' Iiuihcs on that street. i V. J. li. RKKiTltKKeK, who Is now absent fioal Iowa, will rc.-umc his Phot':rr:iph Gallery on or iiViiit the 1th ol' Ju'y next. The bet r photographs of every deseii; tiua tit t'i lowc-t rates wUi be tu i.le to order, warranted to reader mtisf o lion. - l'..M;ii:f and C'oMK.itoNEUY !:. Mr. David Pry l,a opened up la Dr. !'y.-t,r" build ings, under I lie Cuuril ulllee, on Chestnut street, where he Ueeps on baud a hii-jre supply of :i!i kinds of conl'ccliiuiarles. cakes of every descrip lion, for pie nit.-, parties, which are not su'.;ias.-:d unywhew. Call and examine liU stock. TlTt Jthrht Kev. M. A. Do Wolfe Howe, '.i.-Lop of the newly creeled Diocese of Pennsylvania, preach -d in St. Matthew's church, nt this place, rv, I'.i lay evening, the Hill inst., ! 'i h.rire eon trreatloa, and n iiniaisttved the rite f conlinuti tion to a clais of five prrfons. The Il:-liop tiun'.e quit - n fvoiatle ia'pre.-slon with cur iv;; . Takk RrnnvH Truupe, from his opera louse, ! at Wi'.ke-b.irre, will ixhii.it in Fry's Hull, nt this pine.', on Wednesday ulid Thursday cvenlnij;?, June -uiii and "7th. Tills civipanv well Bnkeu of by the ;.re.-s everywhere. This troupe cousisu oj konie star prrfoi niers from hading establishment;! of America nnd Europe. Their ( it'.Mll i.i'.i be n rich tree.t, and we bespeak for ihi::t a r?e"pt!cn f.'"!:i 'j::r &hv.v olnir citisci.s. A lifNAWAV. On Tliu'-day ir.oii.ii'-', :.Uo:.t 10 o'c'.oek, n horse hitched to a truck v,aou, in J'K i.t of.l. '!. C'oiihys dure, hehniK'nc t. Mr. Diiuduie, took fright from the thooiie of lire cv.eketi and run out uaiket street, la his pio t,ress the wa'ou emr.e ill coi.lt.tt ii '.: .oii:e in.ir l;et was.-.im and a laii'e pile ol hriik in fioi.t of U. W. bxilh's resi tenee, whe'i it was a!u.o-t eor.ipletely denio'iislicd. The !; .r-ii wut brouglit to a liait near the C"i!y l.'oti 1. . Till. Cente.'iiiial t 'e'.i hruthm on Ihe It'a of July, by piefei.t appear.'.'iee, i!i be the tiejlett eveut l!i;.t lus ever oceurn 1 in tills county. The eoai luittee of iiiT:.:i;:eineui4 are coiittan'ly eiiir i.tT.l in perfecting nrrancuiev.s to nit'.ke it pli'aaiit mil :i..-iot;,!lc to a'.l i.-:l:ois that may come to pa.i,ei; .U'.'. Auioae tlie lnterc-tlng features oT the occasion will be the ud lie.-s of ihe- Hon. A. Ji idau, who has been wh.-etJd a the orator of the day. Ja.lvje Jordan is one of t lie ear'.Ie.- t set tlers ofthis phiec, and is wi'.e'y ku-Jivn as a ju rist uu l an ccia; !..iy eitizen. l'.f uame i. fa vorably known to eveij household ln tUo touniy, nnd an uddress from hiui on this oe'uoion, trivial a practical history of his native town for mure than half a century, will no doubt he highly sp preeiatej by all who know him. tiiiAWiirKi-its. Tlil Cv'lcioua fruit Is now cultlvatej in rre. iter nbiuidance every year, nud wliat if surprising, is the. fact that stiawbeiries here sell nt 2o cents ju r boi, or double the prices they bring in Piiilad. Iphia nnd New York. It is rallier remarkable, bat it thuws that many of uur farmers nnd markit men would do Well to give the niattei soaie little attention. Strawber ries can bo cultivated aud sold at 13 cents with profit. Thi" is the nvcr.i;;s price In most of our tities. At tiie present hi(.'h rates jt.-sons ol moderate means nr.: not able to Indulge In u luxu ry that might and ought to be more common. Tan people of Northumberland nre la good earnest in their projected improvements. Ground has been broken for the new furnace, and the work is proe;rcpin. The land has been bought foi flS.uoo, a fnu w hich formerly In longed to James Tjjrucit, Sr., and which some years ago would scarce biinj? 3,000. Mr. James Sellars, of Lewisburg, is one of the principal movers in the enterprise. This improvement will give em ployment to a large number of persons, nnd will put life and energy into the citizens of that towu to move on lu the g.xi l work of adding more im provements to that place. Their locution for manufactories is au admirublc one, and all that Is needed U energy and enterprise to make it oue of the liveliest towus In the State. A Labor Fi neiial. The funeral of Mosheim Martin, who was killed on the railroad on Thurs day night of last week, took place on Sunday nt 2 o'clock, from the residence of his mother, on Third street, belo-v Peuu. His remains were taken into tUe Lutheran church, where a very able sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. llem , perly. After the sermon the coffin wus opcuej and the corpse was viewed by some five hundred persons. His remains were lutcrrcd In the old ruetry m this plnce. Toe following is the number of mercantile es tablishments In the prluclp.il tonus cf this coun ty, ns reported by tha appraiser t Cunbury, . , , Fhntuokiu, , , Milton, , . Norlhumbcr'.uBilt Mt. Caruiel, VsWontLwn, Je, ...-.-), , Council l'roccctllntrsj. Council met n Tuesday evening, Juuo ISth. Members present Solomon Mallck, Chief Bar ffss, In the chnlr, J. M. Cadwallader, Garinger, Irwin, Clark, Geo. B. Ca dwallador, Rohrbach, Miller, Plssloger, Cake, 8mltu and Fox. Minutes of last meeting read nnd adopted. Be It enacted, Ac, That the report of tho en gineer, Dr. MeCny, to grade street north of Mar ket Square, from Second street to Third street bo trailed and guttered on tho uniform plnn sug gested by tho snld engineer, nnd In accordance with tho prollle nnd specifications herewith tiled, mnklng the summit nt Donnel's corner and run on tho uniform grndo marked on tnap. Yeas Clark, Smith, J. M. Cadwallader, Gnrlngcr, O. 11. Cadwallader, Miller, Rohrbach, Irwin, Fox, Disslngcr nnd Cake. On motion of Mr. Dlss'.nger, H$i&etit, That ft committee of three be appointed to have authori ty to extend Second street to Cako's addition to Banbury, by paying tho owners of hind through which said extension will pass, to ray those who nsk rlir pay. The yeas and nays wcro called. Yens Clark, Garinger, Miller, Dlsslnjjer, Cake nnd Fnt 6. Nays Smith, J. M. Cadwallader, G. B. Cadwallader, Rnhrhach and Irwin 5. Committee appointed Dusinger, Miller nnd G. B. Canwalhider. Ou motion of Mr. Fo:;, lies-lml, Thnt tho cotumltteo Oil River Bank hive the uuthoilly to forthwith receive proposals for the rip-rapping of the Fiver Bunk from the northern boundary of the Borough to Fry's stone house. Adopted. On motion, femile',, That the Gut bo opened so as to let the water pass out of tho same. Adopted. The committee on Centennial Celebration re port that they have $1C7 50 on the list. Ou motion of Geo. 15. Cadwallader, firming, That tho sum of S500 be appropriated for the celebration of the 1th of July. On motion of Mr. Miller, H'.eulved, That no stands be ereeled In Market Squire outside of curb, on Ihe Itli of July, for the sale of refresh ments, ie. Adopted. Oi motion of Geo. H. Cadwallader, 7iVoovif, That Cierc be a.-s'-taiit police force to ("apt. Koaeh appointed for the 4th of July, nt f J per day, aa 1 to report t Capt. Roach at 3 o'clock, n. in. on raid day. Adopt.:.!. Policj force appointed by the Chief I'.nrge-s, iz : A. K. Heed, John Landau, Geo. O. Bright, Peter Wiiver, Isa ic Lecher, Cyrus CJeasey, Geo. Kiehl, Jef-se Sheets, Thomas Hoover, Anthony I.etitzer, John Groner, John M.tulc, A. MaiU Covert and William lUnlr. Uill pre-tnted : iiii! of Roekefeiler and R-ihrbach, f 110 00: re ferred to Finance Ci,:nmittee. Bill of J. B. Bartholomew, 101 "M. for making (ro:--i:igs and culverts an older granted. Oil motion of Mr. Cake, 'Hint we adjourn ,.ver to meet on Tuesday night in rei'.renee I i the celebration on the 4ih of July next. Adopted. Adjourned. P. V. Gil AY. l ierl;. - AyNt'AL K.i:k-ii:!. The annual ts.Tclses of tlsu Sanhury Academy will hi held in lac Presby terian church, on the evenings of June ilTlh and i.'.h. The address will be delivered by the llev. v. i. i;,t( i, tr i hia, s.,i jeet. "a tvy al S'lusliiin." A raiid concert and exhibition will talte place on the 'isih. These ciere'.. ,-, i, be highly interest; i:l", and no one should fail to attend. The Academy has become a permanent I'istir.:'.!""! '.'.:;.!or the present able Principal, un.l 1. behooves till who arc favorable to education to give encouragement to this iiutltutlou by pat ronizing its nnnu.il excrcis.'s. It is no; alone encouraging to the scholars nnd principals, but the exercises arc generally instructive and heue ticial to the community. CV!::-o. The Ilarrishnrg Ttlf'jrnnh of Mon day last, I as tin follow ing uoiiee : iuiNu to SrvHi'uv. Tlie members of the Mourt Ycrnoa Hook and Lad ler cinnp my have nece te 1 an iuvilatiou to go to f-niihui v on t he I'ou i tli of July next, to participate in tlie cele bration which is to come otf in th.it b'..rou:,!i. I lie company proposi to ti.ni out about thirty men, folly n,n:ppeil, and will be aecoinp n.ied by ti l ilvi".- comet baud. They Intend to take their hook nnd ladder truck with them on iha above excursion. . . "Ou.-rnvr.'.t," tlu Snnhiiry c irrcpon lent of the Mi l, nit ), gives lie' following Ueni of news to that paper hist w.vl. : "In speaking of a furnace allow i.ie to say t li.it the strong priiiiabilities are that we w ill h ive one here soon. '1 he genta-mcn agitating tlie matter are responsible. They want to mite ifiUH.nni). 'i he Mini ol 1".OiM is now tillered by Hon. Win. M. llockefeller, fi-.'or;;e Conrad, John ibi.t-. and James lioy,.. Tiice are naiuis viii.h carry weight with thrin. It Is truthfully nsseiu-"! that iron can be made kcre eh.-aj er by i; .'.:ni per ti n tl a i either at li.inviMe or llarti-buig. We. have a sui'er-abundanee of uinc-tone, ami a Hear mat ki I for coal, w hile tie' iron t.re em be bioiiuht to our doors by I he Sunbui V t'c Levi istown rail road. Five railroads centv:ingnt thij point pie telit large ndvaulagts f.,r shijiping." - - IVi'Vi'M i). On Moi.dny afternoon our eitlzei.s weie thluwu into a wild state of eXeiti-m lit, by the ci ie s of several young boy?, who came ran niijgd .ivii the c ina'. giving tin ahum that a young boy named Daniel Long. r. ag-d about 1", years, a hostler at the Keystone Hotel, was drowning. It appears that he v.eut into ihe cilia! li bathe, and being a poor swimmer, he atteiupied to cross the canal when he sunk under the wall rj the young boys thought th.il he was only diving, did not at t'.r-t give the alarm, but after he disappeared for the hut time, they gave the alarm, and moll a number of nun were ou the ground. After searching for liiiii, lor about an hour and a half, his holy was f.jimd, about lifty feet from where it had disappeared. Lsipaire Eby, summoned an hniuest, and they ren re I a Verdict in nccoidauee with the facts in ihe case. Tlie deceased was buried by Hie Ovvrsecrs of the Poor of our Borough. Stlii. vre Tribune. Tup. Executive Committee of the Northumber land County Agricultural Society ne t June stii lTi, in pnisuanee of the call for the President, ut the Burr House in Northumberland. Jos. Bird, President, in tlie chair. Committee on Printing reported that they had awarded the contract for printing for one year to Tub Mh.tomas of Milton. Committee on Repairs reported progress. On motion, Hetolml, That G. V. Armstrong, Thomas Johnson, J. M. Barfholoniew, George Gaul and Wiiliam 1. Forsjth bu appointed a committee on picmium list. On motion, adjourned. ti. W. AltMSTIlONG, Secretary. Notic e. All the members of tho Executive Committee of tho Northumberland County Agri cultural Society, are requested to meet at Sun bury, in the Aibitrution room, on Mondny July, 1st, next, to act on the report of committee ou premiums and to appoiut Ihe Judges ou the same, and each Vice President is requested to report names for Judges from his respective district. Jos. Bum, President of the Northumberland Couuty Agricultural Society. June 14th, lSTd. Tue Rothschilds are to bold a great family re union uext July at Fraukfoit-on-the-Maiii, when, it is believed, Important changes will be agreed upon in regard to the uiaungeiueut of the vnrious branches of the great linn. Foiitt-Sevks tons of Marble lias already ar rived at W. M. Daugherty's Marble Yard. Borne of the beet grades as well as Some of the cheap est. All can be suited In price aud qualhy from Ills Inrct aojtujjr.t;. DRATti o Gkoror A. Fiiick, Esq. We rcjrrct to learn that George A. Frlck, Esq., well nnd favorably known In this place, died at Danville, on Sunday of Inst wettt. The Montour Atmricon says i "Our community was startled, on last Sunday morning, to learn of the sudden death of this estimable citizen who, up to the very moment of his demise, hnrt been cnjoylnff more than ordina rily good health for one so advanced In years. Oii Sunday inornlng ho nroso early, ns was his Custom, nud started for a walk to his lots, which lay a short distance below town. Ho was scon to pass down market St., apparently without any ailment and when within a few steps of his des tination was seized by tho hand of death and al most Instnntly, without a struggle or any Indica tion of siiffurlntr, ho died. Do was carried into the house of Thomas Whltakcr and medical as sistance Immediately summoned, but without nvnll. Geo. A. Frlck died as he hud lived, In the full enjoyment of a busy life. The day previous to his death he had riddcu a long clistnnco on business returning home In the evening well, as he expressed himself, but ft littlo tired. BetopJ retiring for the night one of tho members of his family stepped into his room to link nfter his health and he said he felt rtry well. These are the hist words hn Is known to have utterod. His physical mechanism was s imply worn out by long and active service. Mr. Frlck was so well know n In this and adjoining counties tis to render nny eulogistic remarks unnecessary. He was born In Lancaster City on the Uiith of December, 1 iMl. While he was yet a lad his father, John Friek. removed to Northumberland nnd thence to Sun bury, when he was nppoiuled Register nnd Re corder of Northumberland county by Gov. Buy-j dcr In 1810. In his early youth the subject of our sketch had no advantages of education. His ! mind was lilted for the responsible position lie I '"us destined to till by pouiing over honks ut j night, which he pcrclmsed by savings from his , labor lu the daytime. He wns a thoroughly self made man. Iii 1S1.1. w hen Columbia county was formed from a poition of Northumberland, ho ' was appointed by Gov. Simon Snyder, the first i Prothouotary nnd removed to Danville, ut that time the county seat. - I Bihtntkbs Ykau Lnci'sis. We nre informed ! that locusts appear in large numbers across tho river in Snyder county, and on Bird's !hind, be tween this place and Noithuinberlund. They be long to the genus cicada, but beyond killing the new twigs which the female perforates to lay its eggs, do not do much harm. They must be handled very caiel'ully when full grown us their stiu":. w hen the Mood Is Impure or disordered, is considered dar.gerotis. t Fiilisi uw vi Frns. Our lady fiieu.U will pro- i lit by ob erviiig the following method ofpreserv- i ing fur'. It has been tiled, nnd found to lie an i excellent 1 lan to protect furs from moth and j ether insects, during the .,umtncr months : One : ounce of gum camphor, and one ounce of pow- j , d 're I shells of rc.l pepper, are macerated in t ight I ounces of itrong alcohol, Tor seven days, and j then strained. With this tincture the fuisandj clothes are sprinkled over, and rolled up ill li.tnii j sheif. This remedy Is u-ial in Hiis-ia and is j foni. 1 to he quit j ellVetive. I ! H is rai l nearly all the Williainsport editors : were ruhbeil at Ihu num's show w hile in that city. : One of them lo.-t a Barlow kniTe, another an . empty "Wallet," and another n briar pipe. The FijKO Woman is suspected as the thief. Sosnys the Jersey Shore Jfcru'ai man, whose los we be lieve, was a pound of dog-leg tobacco and a brass ru'e. I.iif'.bi'f' CltfuitU'lf. Vt'niTt DiiRti Wooukn Mii.r.. This mill is now owned by BenJ. tiiiily Al Co., and is undergoing u thorough overhauling preparatory to starting business on a largo scale. A large ad dition i being built, which is intended for n list iiiantifnctoiy. It is Ihe calculation to manufac ture at leas', MO dozen a day nt the start. Hal- iiltuirii 7oY.nf. Ain't Unit lather large, John I If '100 dozen' huts are made up per day, won't there be a fall in price too, John ( or perhaps all the ballets in Ihe country may Intend to quit business. h iuri Kliv I.ioiitmmi. During the thunder- f torm on Wednesday uflenioon liglitnitu; struck lha l.nll.emn church, a ham and the house of Mr. M. Herder. The li.irli was set on lire be the stroke and consumed together with its contents. The damage to the ch'.ip.h and house Mas r.ct set tolls vi Karti. .V j TltK Pi:.ifi.Ks Isst uAMT. The lVopie's Fire j 1 lu!uranee t'o:up:my of Philadelphia, is consider- : ' cl one of the safest In the f-tntc : no pn-miuin notes, no assessments, and is the company to jjet your propeity insure. 1 In. Life iiisiiranees arc taken ct tlie lowe-'t lates cotisi.tutit with securi- i ty. 1 h.itisands insure in this company ou ac- j count of safety, reliability, an 1 plouipt pnyinrr r.f ! lo-..i s. For particulars apply to I.-aiuh (loss- . ler, iie ait, at tiinlniiy, l'a. I I'rr.ns. A lare lot of liiank Deed;., Morten- i V oou,!-, nn 1 all kinds of Justice;' H'.anks fi.r i t.iic :it tiiis ofiiiv. ; dohn 1'. Snyder, acd ,5 years, a proiuiaeM citizen of Milton, died on Tuesday last. ; To lht Ciii.i'titt il' .urlliumheilanl County. luasiiiueh as the ci!.ei:s of the iloroah of; iSiii.li.iry have uoiv Pi hand l lie arrangements ! Ir t'.ie eelebra'.'..vi of the c. nteiriia! of the lior- I o ih mi the coi.iiu:; till of July ; and Ina-nim h, al.-o, its the ccnteiiiii.il of liie I oimty of North- ' limb, -rl and occam I on tl..; wist day of March i 1. 1-1., nl the siiL'ze-tioii of laiuieioiin ci'.i.cus of j the County, the commit' ee uf arranu'ein. nts have e. .in liiiled to include the entire County in their j : MVitatn.n to participate in the pioeeedins of tliiit d iv, .inj theref.iie iuiiie, most earnestly and cordially, all the Uoroiih and Township olll"ia!--. to .,t.!,v. in a body, and ail the citizens thereof. ' Th eoi.in.iiiec furrher ii.jcl that each Horoimh an I To nsliip appoint its committee of urbaniza tion mid arianenieiiis, to act with tlie Sunbury Conimiltee, id which Solomon M.uicK, Enp, is chairman. The Cuiniuiileu hope to have a j;cn ' era I uood time, a general creelinu of all the good ' pco;!e. of the (.'utility a time of l' joiein over i our liiuoii'h and Cniiiity Criiteiinial, as well as , the rcuirim; imiiin rsary of Ann rii aii Imie- penden.-e. I.ei, com.-." lly order uf the Coinuiillce of Arrangements. I List of l.ellers re maining lu the Sanbury Post ! Office, June 10, 1S7U : i I llerry H.tihy, Mrs. Charle Benson, A. W. I Butlevrc, Mis Ilebi cca Illusions, Mi-s Jenf.ie I Canluni, Ceo. W. Canluin. (ieorire W. MeCollon, ! Henry Clark, Cliailes II. Dutlrey, Charles Dct j trey, llev. W. W. Evans, (1. II." Elili idfje, Win. ! Fulton, W'ni. A. Funk, Miss b irah C. (lass, j John Hov.arth, Mary lloucht, M,-. A. llaiipt, j Mis Auireliue Heckert, James W.llman, A. II. lleynol I-, Miss Elizabeth Seizer, James Feisnn, I M. M. Weaver ('.), Johu Waltz, Joseph Wallls, j J.uiicb C. Wallace. j J. J. SMITH, P. M. ! The Bah Room Kkmkdy for weakness of the ! Blomaeh is a dose of limn Hitlers. Tlievare sur charged Willi J'titrl (hi, a deadly element, which Is rendered more active by the pungent astrin gents with which it Is comiiiued. if your itoniuch i weak, or your liver or your bowci disordered, tone, ttrciiglhcd and reulnte them will: Vineirar Hitlers, a pure Vegetable Istoiiiaciiic, Corrective end Aiieiienl, free from uleohol, ami capable of iiifusini; new viiulity into you exhausted aud dis ordered system. jl-41. Business Notices, To Bi sines Men. You will find at Iho tai loring cstublishiueiit of T. G. Nott, thut business suit are made up lu the latest fashion. The best of material is used and good Mis are guaruu tied. Prices moderate. Boys' suits are made to order nt the uiost re.souuble prices. Aueau Again. Wiu, n. Miller, the enterpris ing boot and shoe dealer at the Excelsior store, on Market Suare, purchased the first ticket sold at the uew depot, ut this place, ou Monday of lust week. Mr. Miller U always wide awake in busluess, and manages to get ahead everywhere, particularly in boots uud shoes. Ho gets the best article at the lowest prices, and then gives his customers the benefit. Meu like Mr. Miller make lively towns, acd their patrons are alsrayt tatUfieU- Bttmsh 8rn!Q and Sommrh Hats. A Inrge supply of stylish SprlnR nnd Snmmor Hats to suit nil fancies nud tastes has just been received at 8. Faust's store, Market Square. A specialty In straw hats t nnd the lightest, coolest and neat est hat in use is the Teutilated easslmero hat. A large stock to Select from, stylish goods nnd rea sonable prices. Call ana examiuo before pur chasing clscw here. Dou.T VAnniNS at Wclmcr's. Iiiisii Pon.iNS ut Welmer's. Pi.aid PoruMi nt Welmer's. Pi.aih lVvi.iNS nt Welmer's. CiiiNTzrs nt Welmer's. SriiiNU Siiawi.s nt Welmer's. A endless variety of Goods for Ladies', Gent's and Chlhlrcns wear. Cam. nnd see for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. fecial Nnlli'CH, On .MurrliiRC Essays for Young Men. on Great Social Evils nnd Abuses, which Interfere will. Mairiag", nnd ruin th'i bupplnese of thou sands, w iili uru means of relief for the Hi ring and I'nrortnnate, deceased and debilitated. Sent in sealed letter CTivi lopes, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. :., South Ninth ft., Philadelphia. Pa. tiYtiik fii'n:ni.u. Till Rev. William H. Norton, while r-.si liug in Brazil as a missionary, discovered in Unit laud of medicines a remedy for Consi'mi'tiov, Si iiorri.A, Sour. Tiimn r, Coi uils, Cot.ns, Atiima, ANt Nr.uvors Wkaknuss. 'ilil.s rem edy ha cured myself after nil other medicine, had failed. Wishing to benefit the suffering. I will fend the rceipe. lor preparing and lndinr this remedy to lilt who desire it f Ktl'l til' It A K'l f.. i'icasc send an envelop?, with your name and i address ou It. Address, ; I Rev. WILLIAM II. NORTON, fitl! BkCa KW.tr. I Oct. 1IIS71. 1y. Nnw i'oiiK Citv, I "THE : CONFESSIONS 6KA!WALID. i IUm.ISHED ns a warning nu.Wwr tlie benclit of ytmnii men and ol!t.r.i who, sutler from Nervous Debility, Luss of Manhooi, etc., sup-' pl"Vi""THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. I Written by one who cured himself, alter tinder- I going considerable quackery, anil sent tree ou re. ceiving a post-paid direelcd envelope. .Vhlriss. NATIIANIKL MAYl'.MIt, June S, Brooklvn. N. Y. i i - ? S o . 3 Pt 3 - C3 (fi O o - i : - ' a ,- v. s tT :'- ii A. S '. v - v . - c .- w .-; J, ti a V, lAtnrl'.ri ;T worts. I'lonr mi;! F.xtra Family 81'.'. 00 lint k heat, p. ct., 5.011 Corn Meal, ' .'..'i't Wheat Ulan, p. bu. 1..VI Short, ,.,.(J t'orii .V Oats Chop, 2.UI1 Timolliy Seed, p. b. S.nj K'rndurc 1'., tutors, 50 Kl'-'s, per doz., 15 Hutter, per 11)., 'M Lard, ' VI t-ides, " HI rain Mnrhcl. lied Wheat, p. bu.,S:I live, " Corn, " llilekivlicat ' 1 Oats, lir' llu., .00 SO TO I .00 5i) 1 flaxseed, S.-.i IarU't. Hams, 15 Tallow, S Counti v Soap, H Dried Apple, Vi ' Peaches, Id ishonhh.:-., M KIXKIKY COAL JIAKKE'i'. j Iir.TAIL ATWIUKF. j IlKTVIL is!'.i.iv:-.iir.i). I Es and Etove f:l..'nl Fits -''nl Stove .(I.W Chestnut -'.5.1 Che;. nut 3.50 Pea 1.5 ) lVa .'.,';) j dlcUi bbcrtiscnunts j I'liiladolhia a lid lirlc liailroail. ( SUMMER TIME TABLE. On nud after Sunday, June -j,. is'J, the Tiaiii' on the Piiiladelphia ,V Kile llail Uoad wiil run as follows WESTWARD. Mail Traill leaves Philadelphia, 1 1.30 p in ' " " Sunbury, 11.10 a n " " nrr i.t F.ric, 7.110 p u F.iie Espre.-s leaves Philadelphia, li.UO p in " ' " Siiubnry, 6.55 p in " " an at F.iie, 7. Ait a m Elmiia Mail leavis Puiladclpl.ia, 7.50 a in " 8unbiny, 4.?."i p til " " nrr at I.oeU Haven, 7.15 pm NiiiL'ara F.xpreiS lemes i'hiladeiphln, 7.-0 u m " " ' Sunbury, PJ.K5 p m " " arr at llenovo, 1.15 am F.ASTWAKD. Mali Train leaves F.iie, 11. '.T. a in " " " Sanbiny, U'.4J a m " " nrrnt Philadelphia, (MO a in F.iie F.xpless h aves Frie, 7.50 p m " " " fr'imbiirv, 7.4J a m " ' nrr at Philadelphia, . l.'JO p in F.liuira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7.o5 a m " " " Suiibiirv, 10.50 a m " " nrr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Nia'.'ai'u F.vprcss leaves Kenovo, "J.-J5 p m ' Suiibiirv, G.5 p in " " air at Philadelphia, 7.55 u m Mall Fast conm ets ca t and wc.-l at Erie with I., s. .V; M. S. it. W. nnd ut lorry and Irvincton with Oil t leek and Allegheny K." II. W. Cutt'inissa p.o sender trains will be run rust from Wilii.iuispnrt on Kiie Kpress, and Wesl, to illirtiuspurt ou Elniira Mail. IVM. A. BALDWIN, (ien'l Sui-'l TO BOOK ACE NTS. .11 A K li TWAIWS XI'.W ItOUK. Houghing It, is ready for Canvasser-. It Is a companion vol- j lime to "Insoi cms AiiiiiHT," of which 10(1,(i(i0 copies have been sold. Don't wasle Tine on I book no one wants, but take one people will j stop v.iu in the streets to subscribe for. "There is a time to lausb," and all who read this hook see eleaily that time has come. Apply ut once for territory or circulars. Address, DLFFIKI.D A SUM EAD, Publisher, 711 Satisom !-Ue,.,, Philadelphia. III. KASi:, Attorney at Law, Sl'N J M'UV, PA., otllce lu Masser's liulldimr,. near the Couit House. Front Kooui up stairs above i lie Druir Store. Collections made la Nor. 1 1) u in I In n.l and afljoinbi'T counties, buubiiry, Pa., Jane f, li7J. W. O. gVlEUCK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. M . W. Moody,) At the old established stand ou .Market Square, Sl'MII KY, IA. Keel s constantly ou hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy (ioods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, rATEXTMEDICINES.OlLS.l'AINTS, GLASS, PL'TTV, V A It NIMH, I YEST lT I'l'M, In fuct every thing usually kept lu a well con ducted DEXJG STORE. Particular atteutiou paid to romponadloK Phy sicians prescriptions wad family receipts by the Proprietor himself. fcunbory, fa., June S, 187S. A.1ST A.PIPOUA.L To Debilitated rersons, To Dysjieptics, To tfufliircrg from Liver Corr.plnint, To those having no Apjiotito, To those with 13rokeu Down Constitu tons, To JCcvvotis Teojite, To Children Vnstinjf Away, oany with Debilitated DiguHlivo Organs, Of suffering with any of Ihe following S milomx, which indicate iJisordtred Livtr I Stomach, such as Con stipation, Inwnrd Piles, Fullness or Blood to Hie Head, Acid ity of tlicStom'ach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulinesr, or Weight In tho Stom ach, Sour llruciatious, Sinking or Fluttering nt tho Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur ried nnd Difileu'it Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Yislon, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain in the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellownes.i of the Skin im I Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden Hushes of Heat, Burning lu the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, nnd Great De pression of Jipirils. HooUamVs ticrinan JJiUcrs. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Js ilillerenl ironi nil others. It is composed ol the pure Juices, or Yitu. Fuixotrt.F. of Roots, llr.uns and Haiiks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthies or iueit portions of the In gredients not being used. Therefore in otic bot tle ofthis Hitters there is contained as much me dical virtue ns will be found ill several gallons nf ordinary mixtures. The Hoots, .Vc. used In this Bitters arc grown lu Germany, their vital princi ples extracted ir. that country by a scientific Cho inlst, and forwarded to tho manufactory in this city, where they are compounded and bottled. Containing no splr.tuous ingredients, this Bitters Is free from tho objections urged against nil oth ers : no desire for stimulant can Tie induced from their use; they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have nny but a beneficial effect. IMMMTAMrtt US'IMiAX TOXIC, Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, nnd is Intended for. use in eases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co i ncct ion with the tonie properties of tholiitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Hitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ BUM, and flavored in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of Hie bitters is overcome, form ing n preparation highly agreeable nnd pleasant to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonie is $1. .V) per Bottle, wliieli many persons think too high. They must take into consideration that the stimulant used is miiirautecd to be of n pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at a cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little more and have u good article ? A medicinal pre paration should contain none bill the best ingre dients ; nud they w ho expect to obtain a cheap compound, nnd be benctKled by it wiil most cer tain!;' be cheated. " Iloo(laiir (eniiaii ICiftors, or IIOOFLAMPd ( F.IIM A X TONIC, with IIOOF l.AXD S rolo(h.vIIiii Till, will cure you. They arc the Greatest Ill.O(iI) PI UIFIKIIS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arisinu from Impure blond. Debility of the Mis'estive Organs, or Hiseascd Liver, in a shorter time than any other known remedies. TI1K WHOLE Sri'KKMF. COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA M'EAK l'OIt THESE KEMEDIES. Wuo VVOI l.ll ASK lull MUKC PlRMricrt AND TuoNomt Tkstimosy ! lion. flKonoi: W. Woonw mid, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pi nnsylvania, at present Member of Congress froul Pennsyl vania writes : Piiii.A'in.fi.iA, Maich Ulth, 1SC7. I find 'II.)ol!ands lieinuin Hitlers'' is a good tonic, useful i.l diseases of the di-'eslivo organs, uud of i;.ei.i benclit in cases of debility, urn! want of nervous action In the system. Your?, truly, GF.il. W. Wi'lOlAVAi.D. lion. J a Mrs Tiii.mi-sov, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Pini.AiTi.i'itiA, Apr'i liiT. I ci'tisi it r 'lloollaud's Germaii liiiters"' n Mil Uab'.e mcdieine bi ca-c uf iltaeks of lndip:ci tloii or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe- liCliee 1.1 it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON'. ( Hon. fiiaiimr. Pi' iiswono. Justice of the Su pi'c'.ne Court of I'eniisylvaiiia. 1 I'liii Aio't I'iiia. June I, lSfig. 1 have found by experience that "lloollaud's (ierniuu Hitters" is a very rood tonic, relieving ihspeplic s.in"ton:s aluio.-t ilircet'v. j (iFdlllii: SIIAP.SWOOI). lion. jr. l!o,i.rt, Mavorr f the Citv of Bu.'- falo, X. y. j Mayor's Oil'.ee, llnllalo, June i'l, 1SC0. 1 IliiU'i.sel 'llo.l'and's (,eiiuaii Hitlers and' Tonic"' in my family dur'nrj? the pa-t year, and can rceoiiinii ud them as an excellent tonie, lm- parting lone and vi'or to the system. Their li i has been productive of decldedlv benellcial ef fects. WM.'F, KOOEKS. Hon. Jd'iia .V. it'oiK.', Ex-Mayor of Williams- port. l'a. 1 I take (rreat pleasure In ri'eoininendlnjj "Hoof- hind's (ieunan Tonic" to any one who may be iilir.ctel with Iyspepin. 1 hud the Dyspepsia so badly it was iinpos.-ihlu to keep any food on my stomach, and I became so weak ns not to be ; able to walk half a mile. Two bottles ell'ertod a 1 perfect euic. JAMES M. WOOD. i IIEMKM13EU THAT HOGFI.AND'S Cl'liMAX 1UTTE11S, HOOFLAXirS (JEKMAX TOXIC, AVill Cure every Cos- of MARASMUS, or Wasti.iv away f tho lioily. 11E.MEMIJEU thut IIOOFJ.ANDS (i E ISM AX REMEDIES Are the medicines you icipaire to purify the Tt'.ood, excite tlie torpid Liver to lirakhy iietiun, nnd to ena.ile you to pits safely itnuugh any harasblps or exposure. 11S. IIOOKI.ANDS O D 0 I' 11 Y L L 1 X , or substitute for Mercury Pil. Two Pills a Dose. Tho most Powerful, jet Innocent Cathar tic known. It is not neces'iiry lo teke a handful of these l'i'ls lu pioduee ihe' desired ril'eet ; two of them net iUiel.!y and powerfully, cleaiisini; Ihe Liver, rtoaiach and lt.iwels of all impiiriiies. The principal iniL.iicnt is Po lophyllin, or Ihe Alco holii: livlract of Mandrake, wliieli Is by many times more powerful, iiclin:; nud searching than the Mandrake itselt. its peeuliar iietiou is upou the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, wilh all the power of Mercury, yet free from the injurious results attached to the use of Unit mineral. For all diseases, in which the use of a cathar tic is indicated, these pills will cive entire sutis faotion in every case. They never fail. lu cases ol J.lver t omplaint. Dyspepsia and ex treme co'tiveness, Dr. Hoollaud's (ieruian Hit ters or Tonic should be used in connection with 1 the Pills. The tonic elfect of the Uillers or To-1 ulc builds up the system. The hitlers or Tonic purlllcs the Itlood, ktrenirthcns the Nerves, regu lates the Liver, and i;ivc strength, eueruy uud viiror. Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and tone up the system with bitiersor Tonic, aud nn disease can retain the hold, or even assail you. Recollect that it is DR. IIOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that are so universally used and highly recommended t and do not allow tlie Ii enlist to induce you to take auylhing else that ho may say Is Just as uood, because lie makes a laruor prollt on it. These Remedies will be seut by Express to nny locality, upon applica tion to tho PRINCIPAL OFFICE, ut tho GFR. MAS MEDICINE BTOKE, U31 AKCH 6T.. PHILADELPHIA. C'HAS. M. EVANS, "Proj-rietor. Formerly C. M. Jackson A Co. These Kerne, dies are for bale by Druggist', Storekeepers, au) Medicine Dealer evert where. 00 w g t-3 NEW CJcntral Variety Store? . of all kinds, DKE5S GOOm, DKES TRIMMINGS, MI AWLS, ALl'AC OAS, CORDED ALPACOAS, M I imiY VAMMMB2VS, C4 w I ( H O 'Si Deliuieu, Ticking?, Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood and Willow Wuiv. Floor, Tablo, nnd Stnir Oil Cloths. CARPETS. Bcafs ae, smells in great vuriuty, lower tlian the lowest in luieo. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Go to FESTSTEY'S for tho Greatest Variety of (Jootln ! rr'ux'S tho Lowell ! (Jood arriving Daily. ri i VICTOR ! VICTOR I VICTORIOUS I I. I Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine, y. MARKET N i nr.F.T, oho doer t a-it of Ct-araarl's onfoctionrrj- Ntorc , Sunbury, May 4, 1S7:.'. ly. Cnrrancl Spring Opcuin AT S. HERZFELDER' B Popular Clothing Store, Corner jVIivrket and Third Streets-. SUNBUItV, PENN A. Now on hand and receiving an enormous assortment of SPIUX'j jOODf. 300: mMMM O:0-Ei:?. 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants anil Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, IBoys Sis3t3 mul nft no iiiiii) dim bMd iiii mm mmis, A grand assortment in Ibis '.Inc. inel'id'nsr nil the erv late-t Prinij Etv'.ea. A large variet;- ct HOYS HATS AND CAl'S. Grants' irsEaisMsag Qoaiis. The Largest Asortiuer.t In this line to be found omside 'he lartro c'rties. S.O. .O m is: k x w m Calico from 75c up. White Dress Shirts from 51.00 v. p. .V'encv p.r t'ae Celebrated QLTAKF"? 11TY nr..! r.tUrSE FINE Dill 's SII IIVI ewrv one of whisli ! tiijrau.tea a Perfect li: S111KT BOSOMS, &c. Gents' Spring and Summer Uiulcnvaro. 500 Overalls and Oversliirts made to order. Only th'j best material n-e! ami well sewel. va 1 UllH. Umbrellas, Walking Canes, atul numerous other ailklcK. Eiiying only of tlie lnrc-st ami must reliubli! IIue, ntvl Tor CASH on!y, nnd dri'i bv far tliu hirochl business in my lino in this part of the country, I am enabled to bo!, 11ETTE1S AKTICEKSnt laower Prices than any of my competitors here or tlso vt hoi o. Cull at tlie Large unit 15o:iutiful Store ISooni, Corner Market and Third Streets, SXJIS733Urt, PA. Ht HKRZIJEL.BKE, itapi'ietor, Sunbury, March 23, lS72.ly. ' A. M. ME1XELL, lril.CH IN American aud I.urcpeaii V ATt 1!I.S. 1'INE JEWEI.UY and PILVEinVAKEL I'orlVcliMl NtC4'(Ui'lrri nud l.yo (alUSsiekj. COW) HEADED CANES. Watches uud Jewelry neatly repalrcl end war ranud. Murbct E-iiiare, 8USBURT, Ta. Feb. 3, 18T2.-lf. 313 and 31 1 Race Btreut, PIIILADtl-rrUA. Accommodations flrst-class. Prices ti 0U per dsv. apt'O.t'm. FR.O'K.UEtTTUUaC.r, Trrp'r. H P. o C o I I l -i Sl s ,1 Cj t'1 !-: 1V r.,ii nimni n-.ui nnvo ises, satcneis AU the above oooils wi'l be ofTerod nt Nprias uiitS Mummer Upfuiug or MII.MMUV I.OODN. I ia's and liotiiiits, -Tnmniod and I'litriiiiiiifvi, IIUUJONS, rLO'.VEKS. WKEATJIS, LACES, &c, all iicv styles. . t riijic Vo13h of "II t.riwlos.. C II AVE HATS AND EON NETS, nnd everything usiuilly tcja lu. a Millincrj Store. Call at M. L. t.Osr-J.KH'S Store, 41 South fouilh Ftreet, below the 8. V. It. K-, MT.NUVKV, PA. i April CO, 1ST-'. EXEtTTOit'N XOIUH. IlHale of Ouuicl lioi-ti, drrruNoiI. "vuTICI. i hereby kIvcii that hlters testa .a"N UlcliUiry have been jirautcd to tho under signed, cu Ihe Estate of Daniel Koch, lata of the. lloroiih of b'liihnry, Northumherluiid county, Pa., dee.iM-J. A1 persons knowing theiiiseltca Indcbied to said estate, are rtqvteidcd to maV.o immediate payment, and those having claims, to prcseut tbeiu duly anilieni'cattd for seulement MUd. C11AH1.UTTE KOCH, . Kxucutris, tunbury, May 11, 1ST2.-CI. AY TANinxtirox not St., c. neff Piomitior. Corner of Market & Second Binns, opposite tUg Coui-S Hot., PunbJirj, TO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers