tgrlculwtral. JJJTBCT OT TAR10C8 M AJTCn ES. A writer hi the Country Uenllotiinn, who hnd a jrxU elniiuo the past season to note the . . . i' ) 1,' 1 ...11 1... euoci, upuu grniu m n uiiicieuca iu buii uy the removal of buildings nnd the clearing up of an oli home tile, gives his experience ns follows : . "The whole was plowed nnd sown to onts. Where the pigpen unci stowi was n black crowth lodm-ii Hat before the Brain was beaded out. The chi-yard showed a good growth except In a lew small spots where the grain dwindled ; it was too dry. The place occupied by the nsli-elmnty had little upon it, but n round it was a dark cir cle of long thick grain nothing better. The door-yard showed a good yield, about like the gaidun and the potato patch, per haps a little stouter. Around the cellar was a heavy yield, lodged somewhat ; the rest of the lield boro nu ordinary crop. Terhnps the best of all these was that around the ash house. That on the pip manure was worthless. We should like to have seen corn upou it. We have seen grass (orchard grass) and weeds grow nrouud an old heap of spent n slice, and the growth was interesting ; such a profusion of grass blades, such length, measuring several feet, wo have never seen ; it Beamed almost incredible. Urine applied fresh upon grass will kill it; but afterwards it will make up in growth. Where sewage lias been applied ir many years, great rose when tho application was suspended. A untlowor planted iu the same spot was ulmost a tree, and yet the land was a hard clay and gravel. The eunllower was inci dentally planted where the soil had been loosened in search for angle worms. All theBe tilings tell, nnd are useful lessons. The lesson is, save and distribute the ferti lizers, all of them." Winter Cake of Sheep. Sheep are looking up. The tide has turned. But unless sheep are to he takeu up as a per manent part of the fai in stock and proper care and attention given to them, it would be better for the farmer to let them alone. Sheep properly cured for, are the most pro fitable and less troublesome farm stock ; but if neglected and improperly managed, noue so soon become out of condition und become diseased and die. Winter is the most trying time for them. "Coddling" is the most hurtful thing, with good feed u flock of sheep would do butter to lio out cf doors iu the snow the whole winter, than lo be kept in a close, warm stable. Running nf the nose and lung disease will suiely follow too close penning up. Un less the wcithor is stormy, or the ewes lamb are ueur their time, 'they should ho turned into t j,-!d every thy. "They should have Iresii water (itcces. to a Miring is best) tit least once ev( ry day. It is a mistake to suppose tlmt sl eep will thrive with suow for drink, nnd yet tunny llocks tire permit ted tnus to quench their thirst every day through the winter. Clover hay is the best standard feed, with half a pint jf nuts, rye, or buehwheat titiily. Sheep do better with a l'ltle change in their feed oceasionallv. Salt, in which a fourth part sulphur is mingled, should he placed where they can always have access to it. Corn-stalks may do as a course feed to pack unionist, but ns a standard feed it does not Beem palata ble enough for them. They will live on it but do nut thrive .Separate the flock into at least two portions. The lambs, and in lamb ewes which may be weakly, should, at all events ho taken from the strong, hearty ewcs.wcathcrs.and bucks, and extra care given to them. It is still better to keep the weathers and bucks by themselves, aud thus make three divisions. Guard against dogs, which at this season, are more than ever mischievous. If a dog is kept on a farm, let him be well acquainted with the flock and they with Mm. Above all things, be patient, quiet, attentive, aud exactly regular iu feeding and watering, not overfeeding nor stinting the flesh, but, having found the right way, persevere therein, aud do not swerve one way or the other from it. One can not neglect his sheep one day and make up by extra care the next. Medicine for Poultry. In ordiuary cases it will not pay to give medicine to sick fowls. In the tirst place but little is known of the disease of poultry, and again there is an equal dearth of knowledge re specting remedies. Besides, the value of un average fowl is so inconsiderable that treatment will not psiv unless very simple nud very successful. "Tho Inst course re specting poultry ailment is prevention. Try to secure such vigorous breeding stock nnd sueli complete sanitary conditions for nil the birds at all ages, that illness will be rare. Then the slicngth of constitution will be such that any ordinary disease can bo resisted without the aid oi medicine, if good nursing is given. What we mean by nursini' is lliiu Pliwo c!.X r. ....I- ;.. n ...... , ... .'iv m inn ia 1 II ifc uij, sunny place out of the wind and safe from disturbance. Then give them food easy of uigcsnon. sucii usinusli, potatoes and meat, every article cooked, and warm milk for drink. If, after nil, they can't make out to jive, say to yourself, by way of congratu lation 'lllor. nr.. en iimiti. Iilc.l.. ..... ' - " ' unua, in'. UIS- ease proof, that have been weeded out of IIowMicit L.vxo is Xecessaky to Keep A Cow Win. Johnson, Alletitowu Pa., wishes to keen a eow on half nn of ground ; can lie do it 'r1 Vis, if the .'round is 6ullieietitly rich and properly uiauasjed. 1 lull-the ground should he iu cloycr, whieh will be ready to eat in June and will lio,t three months; one fourth should be put iu com for fodder, in drills two feet apart, planted quite thickly iu the row (twelve grains to tho foo'.), and well hoed aud weeded ; this may be used ouea siouly to h flp out the clover, if necessary. The reiiiaiiitJ-r ol the "round should be put in turnips, oi su-ar beets, or partly both and may yield two hundred bushels, which', with the stalks left over, will feed the cow throimii Hie winior and until the clover is ready amiiu. Itemed y, the tops of thu beets and turnips will last quite a liuie, if used economically. Keep them lu a cellar iu a h;ivp, well pressed down aud covered with b'jurU. Keepiko Cauliflowers. The cauli flowers is. a i aunii il pliitu, while the cab-baj-e is bietmi il, and the former is therefore much more difficult to keep, aud with the utmost care cannot be kept ns well as the cabbage. It is also only half hardy, much less hardy thau the cabbie. While the heads aro but slightly atleeled by frost, they are injured or destroyed if exposed to a very low temperature." A cotntiiou icactice is to lake tin in up in XoiemUr with us much earth as possible about their roi.ta, ana niter aiiieniii; the leaves carefully over the heads, reset them iu earth in a li?ht, dry cellar, or in any other liht, dry localiou, secure from freezing. A cold frame, it at baud, might bcodvuutaijeously employed for the purpose. ''Tho didereuce," say. the Chicago Tri bunt between the i kiltimore and the Ihiladelphia Kul is that the lutter is always wanting omethinx tu eat, aud the former ouietliinjr to love. The Philudelphieune carries lar youn; man to dinner with her and seen that ho is foddered. The Bulti njorienne turrits him off for a troll, and look iuto his eyes.' . At ft New York reception a young lady accidentally set her back hnir on fire. A hen it was extinguished, she said the was glad It was not her bast. ftto Abbfrthtmcnls. ronrnttT nanoii cemetery COM PA NT. This company Is now prepared to sell lots In th new Cemetery, located on nn eminence sbnt ono-fourth of a mile cnat of Siinhnry. Tlie In crease of the population of Sunbury, and conse quent advance In the ratio of mortality, as well ns the limited facilities for the Interment of those who hnve fought life's battle, have suggested the organization of the above numed company. . Plan of Cemetery may be seen at the otllce of J. A. Cuke, Esq., or Lloyd T. Kohrbach. Frice of lots from 15 to $15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be exeented for lot sold. LLOYD T. ROURBAC1I, Bec'y. May 13, 1871.-tf. FARM FOR SALE. rpnE underpinned having a larger tract of land JL (over 200 acres) tliun can be properly culti vated In one farm, lurgcly devoted to tracking, offers for sulenbout one 100 acre, embracing the whole of t he old rersliiir furui, together Wltn a part of the Guldli: farm. The natural advantages of the part offered for sale, are in ad respects equal for gardening pur posed, to those of the part reserved. Mr own gar dening for the past two seasons baa becu cliiclly done upon it. There are many good fanners in tins county barely making a living at ordiuary grain farming, who might greatly advance their Interest by givingsomc attention to trucking uoiia farm so well adapted to the business as tiicnnenow oiler- ed, and o convenient to one ot the very best mar kets in the Mate, terms reusouablc. for par ticulars inquire of, or address W 11, I.I AM L.. Jl KSHIT, July 8-tf. Puxluos, North'd Co., Pa. PJterchant Tailoring. J. 51. MONTH V, In the Tost Office Building, opposite the Depot, (up stairs,) SUXBl'RV, l'EXX'A, Informs his friends nnd tho public generally, that he has just opened a large and ruled cs soitnient of Cloth. fasKiinr rrs), VoMtings, Ac, which will' he made up to order In the latest styles, and warranted to lit. Gentlemen in want of fashionable ults are vitcd to call aud examine his stock. SHIRTS scientifically and practically cut aud made measure. run ;co risk. We furnish the above styles of Improved voke r.ud sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee a perfect titling shirt. It is I lie best model of a shirt ever offered t.) the trade. Fine und fancy shirts made to order. J. M. BOKTIAN. Juno 3, ISTl.-Cm IF YOU WANT TO SEE the largest ussoitment of Millinery Goods ever brought totbU place, go to Miss L. Sliissler, Martet Square, NIMH IJV, lA Where nre an.ivcd Iu nil Ibcit dilliTciit varieties Fall Millinery Goods of every description just brought from Philadel phia and are now oeii. 1 lie new idiom lust completed is Illicit wun nn endless variety. A most magnificent display of Goods ou exhibition, and sold at the lowest prices. EVERY HIM) OF GOODS usually kept tu a Millinery establishment can be had at her (tore. I he best Iu I he rntlulelpuiii markets were solicited. Give me a call aud be convinced. MISS L. S1IISSLER. Sunbury, September 2.1, Wl. 91 At IE im: shop am nto. ror.MJKV. GEO. IIOIIUHACII & SOX9, Nunbiiry, I'rmi'n, INFORM the public that tliev are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a uew Machine Shop in connection with their roundry, aud have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the uld if skillful mechanics, thev are enabled to execute all orders of NEW YVOP.K OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a But if factory man ner. Grilles to Null auy Kioto. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sixes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornaitental Xroxi Fencing FOR GRAVE YAKU LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT.iESIDEXi F.S, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have bceu still f'lrthcr Improved, und Hill ulwnvs le kept on Hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnhury, May "Jo, 1871. The ingredients that 'COMPOSE KOSAn.MlS arc published on every package, there- toro it ia n"l a secret p ep.iration, cunscqticutly nilSKI.VXS ?KES(KIDE IT Itij a eerliviii euro for Scrofula, Syphilid in all il f.irms, Riieuuu- tisin, bknr diseases, l.ivcr Coio- llai i t and all discams of tl o Illood. will do mora rood than ten hollies ol tho Svrupi of tiarsaprrilli. THE UMDEnsiGNED PHYSICIAN3 havii used Ros.tdalisii their pruetieo tor tlie p:tfal tune 'ears and rtcly ei.doise it ns a reliuhlu Alieratiio aud Llood l'unl;i:r. Tin. T. C. ITCitl. of Eiltlmora. UK. T. J. IIOVKIX. ' DR. It. V. CAI.U. " ro. F. O. HASN I LLY, Ul!. J. S. SfAUKS, uf Nicholasvi'.la, I)U.'YL. MrCAIlTIIA, Columbia. S. t. DH. A. U. NODLLS, F.dgncomh, N. c. TJCL'fi AKD rDOIISED BY J. B. FRL.NVli 1 SONS, FallF.iver, Mais. F. W. SMITH, Jirkwn. !. h. A. F. W IKM.r.n. l.iuia, Ohio. B. 11 Al I I.iuia.Ohin. t'RAVi.N ii I ()..(. ..tdrr.svi.'c. Va. SA.M I.. t;. MeFAUDLN, Aiu-rrcca-Luro, Teuu. Our sjisro will not allow of uny . teu'tei remarks iu i-'uii.n tu the virlaeiol l'.(,.adali. Tuthe Ue-Jiral l'r'.!t'-.on we tuauntee J'lu.J !i any tluy Itava rvcr inc-d iu thu tn a ot. ii l cf (hsruseil I!!(k-I ; ti tliealll.rtpd wc aa;- try Kn ;a and yuu will b rtaiured tu health Rosa'talla ia aold by all Prn.T"i.nta. BaiTiuaaa, jlo- July 23, 1871. ly. SEW Flonr, Fecil, Fruit ana YeietaLle Store, (Spruce Bireet, belweou Frout uud &ecoud, hUNULIty, PA. JOHN WILVER ' havliiR J ial oened a Store ul thu above place, where ull kluda of of the lt bruudt of flour taaitl feed will be sold at Kreuily reduced prices. The cele bruted Buck's Milla Flour ill be ke coualautly ou baud. Alau, all kiuda of Feed, Grain, Coru, Outs and Rye' chopped or whole, Potatoes), Apple, Cabbage fc Fruit geuerally, at a cheaper rule than can be bought tUewuere. All guoda delivered Free of Charge. Call and exuuiius luy atock uud aaceruiu Ilia prices before purcUaaiuif elsewhere. . . JOUN WILVEB. R08ADALIB D fftlscrllanfons. FALL AND "WINTER STYLE! HATS AND BONNETS, KLBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &o. Crape Vella, CRArE II ATS AND BONNETS, and everything usually kept to a Millinery Btora. Callot M. L. OOSSLKR'S Btnre, Bouthourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R., BUNBURV,.PA. Not. 4, '71. No. 902 Chojtnut Stieet, Philadelphia, PHILADF.LPHIA, JKUELtltN, NILVEIISMITIIS AND IMPORTERS, nro now In rccept of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb stock of I'Anis mtoxzrsi CLOrK BETS AND MANTKL ORNAMENTS I VIENNA FANC V (HM)I)S1 PARIAN STATUARY I Nolid Nilver Ware ! tastefully arranged in cucea tor WEDDING PRESENTS, nlfo n splendid uaanrtuicnt of FINE JEWELRT, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED W ARES. Ot. 11. 1871. .Iltiiiliootlt ICow I.ONt, How IteNtored. . -jBBvt--. Jtit pul:hheil, a new edition of Dr. iir'jflfi ".Ctilverwell's Celebrated Ei"any on thu i.V't" radical cure (without medicine) of SperiiiiitorrhnM. or Seinlunl Weukucfa, Involun tary Seminitl Luea, linM)tency, Mental nnd ri.)!cul Incapacity, I in p- i i im-tit s to Marflnu'c, etc; nlso, Consumplion, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, in duced by aell'-lndulnencc or aexuiil cxt ruvatnncc. t4f Price, In n sealed enveloe, only li cciiIh. The celelirutel niithnr, in thix iidmlnil'le caaar, clearly demiuittratea from a thirty yenr' suc cesiifitl practice, that 'the ulnriulntj; coiiKcipienecs of elf-nl)U5e may be radically cured without the dunueroiia live of iuteiniil meliclne or the uppii cation of the knife ; pointinu out mode of cure ul once plnipic. rlain, uud elli ctunl. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition uiny lie, may cure hiiiiscif cheaply, pri vately, ami radically. t-?"Thi Lecture should be in the hands of of every youth nnd every man In the land. Bent under veal, in a plain envelope, to any nd dreB, postpaid ou receipt of nix cents, or two poM eta in ib. Also. Dr. Culvcrwcll's "Marrlugo .Ouide," price '25 cents. Addiess the. PnMlshers, I HAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Rowcrv, New York, Post Olticc Uox 4.5G. Oct. SI, ll.-ly. UH C-I1KA1EK THAN KEKO.SKXE. Oei-ice or the Simh iiy Gas Compant, !,, 1871. To the ClTtzrss : Recent inrcMigatinna de monftrute that (ins of 14 Candles inalily, can he sold .it t:J.OO per 1(100 cubic feet. The Direc tors of the Banbury Cus Company hnve deter mined to ndopt that price und 14 Candles ns the atamlaril of quality, this fixe the price of a 14 Caudle burner at one cent nu hour, or one third less than Philadelphia iras. A Keroi-ene lump tives a light of seven to ten candles only ihcrcfurc, iras at the above price is much cheaper than keroncnc, without cunsid eiiui; cot-lot chimneys und liability to accident. Let ull come forward und become piss consum ers. Make your uppHcnt'.niiK for service pipes nnd llttinirs ut once, us the siitson for introduc ing theni is drawing to u close. 13 r OittiEii or the Doahi) of Diuectoiis. TERMS. The contractors for the Works will introduce pipes upon the following terms. Service pipes at 50 cents per running foot, measuring from centre of street. I'pon Market Square, twenty dollars for entire service. ' Interior fittings nt. IS cents per running foot, in new 1 1 u i 1 1 1 i 1 1 tr ; 15 cents per running foot over plaster, und -0 cents per running foot under tloors. Chi.ndellers, Pendants rnd other fixtures sale at new York und Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1S71. EXTKAWitlI.Ai:Y. ' ?li OFFr:R510 30 OA YN OX Tit I A E. 5IOXTIII.Y I'AY.IIEXTS. IMtlt'E ItF.IH tEI. The Amehican Sp.wino Machine Co. lmvo concludej to oiler their whole Stink of Suptiior und widely-known machines, upon the above unparale'.ed terms, to everybody, everywhere, w ho have, or can. lind use for u really good Sew. Ing Machine, clic per than tho cheapest. Every one U welcome to u mouth's free trlul at I heir ow n home. The best, nnd only true guarantee of its quality. a month's free trial. The object of giving a free trial is to show you how (iood our Machine is. This is tlie sl'nplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine is Juft w hat you Wll"t. The Secret of safety is In one month's trial. No one pans with thu Machine after trlul. All pity for aud keep it. Buy no machine until you have found it a good one, easy to learn, easy lo manage, easy lo work, easy to keep iu order, perfect lu mechanism, peiTecl in construction, simple, reliable, and siilisfactoiy. Any company who will refute you this much can not have us good a bewiug Machine us ours. buy only lieu yon know tho dots not t.ikean hour lo get ready to do a iniuutes work. iluy only whin you timl a Machine that la ready In u minute to do any kind of work and Is ulaiiys reaily, and never out of order. A mom h's trial answers ull questions, solves all doubts, prevents ull mUtuke, and is the only safe way to gel your moneys worth. Try it. You cai'.iiot ioc. Write for our Confidential Circulars and Illus trated Pamphlet, containing full particulars, which we will send you by return of mail free, Willi Samples of Sewing, that you cull Judge for yourself. And remember, that e sell our good Me.elilneata low price, upon extraordinary favor able terms of payment, uud upon thcirowu mer its. Don't hesitate beennae you nre unccrtulu whether want, u Sewing- Machine or not, no be cause you have one of another kind. 1 ry a good one, they are always useful, uud will uiako money for you, or help you to save it. Ami if you haveanollier.axna w ill show you that the one you have could hu improved. Tho company stake the very Existence of their Rusincss ou tlie mere its of Una Wonderful uud Extraordinary Sewing Machine. County Rights giveti free to good Siiiurl Agfiits. Cauvasscrs, male aud feiuule, wanted everywhere. Write for Particulars, and address t AMERICAN MACHINE Co., Cor. Johu aud Nussuu Street. New York. Oct. 11, 1871. 1 year. CE. TEK O ATTRACTION'. Everybody ia invited lo come aud buy of the baudsoine assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moored: Dissiuger's building, THIRD STREET, M'XBl'RY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Coufcctioueries of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXDS constantly on hund. The best RAISINS, FIGS. IT Hit A NTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, 4c. OYSTERS I OYSTERS I OYSTERS I Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysteis lu every style, Ladies aud Ueuileiucu will be accommodated with the best bivulves in market, ut all hoars during the day und eveulng. Fa hi 1 1 lea will be supplied ul their residence with tbe beat Shell or Cuuned Oysters, us is desirable, at the (cry lowest prices. Cull aud ace my eneelluut assortment of goods and ascertutu the price. 6. F. NIVIN. Dee. 10, Ull. UsttllaittOtts. niLLlKEBT GOODS eEHERAlXY. NIW BTTLtg Of BONNlfiTS. 1IATS, FLOWERS. FRAMES, &o. irioornlDg and bridal lkt and Bonnets. Fnll Una of Monrnlng Veils and Crape, MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Qtovcs, Handkerchiefs, tc., tc. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. XIIB8 M. L. GOS81.tR. Booth Fourth St., below ths Railroa-i, Burbury. A prU WjJ 871. .AM FIXTt'REM. TIIACKARA,BUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS jro MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, MANTJFACTTJBEnS OF ' GAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, &C, &c, Chandeliers), Pendants, Bracket, afce.. AC't would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, ' 71S ClioBtuut Street. MANUFACTORY, 40-). 404,406 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 19. 1871. KEW MEAT SHOP. rilHE undersigned reepect fully Informs the clti JL r.eiu of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewarl's btiilding,on the north side of Market Square, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of the best of lieef, Pork, Mutton, &c, nt wholesale or retail, ot the lowest prices and of the first quality . A wngon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of mcot will found ut their shop. Give as a cull nnd satisfy your selves. REFFEW & 110WEU. Oct. 10th 1800. tf. milmm:iiy ami faxcy ktoiie. I'.ull nnd Winter Ooods). MISS L. AVEISER, Market Street, one door west of Ueai hart's cou fectionery store, SUNBURY, PA., lias opened her stock of 9IUilutry and I'nuej Jootlf HATS AND BONNETS. The latc.-t styles of Dress Trimmings, French nnd American Flowers, Lnccs, Ribbons, Back loops, Chignons, Collars, Cuds, Jeuvln Gloves, uud a large variety of other articles. Iu connection w'itb the Milliuery business, she curries on tlie . DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, la nil its brunches. She Is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott it Co.'s Patterns. Tho ladles of Sunbury and vicinity are cor dially invited to cull aud eiuiulue her splendid stock. Nov. 4, 1871. dress coons. FALL AND WINTER STYLES, now open, at MISS KATE'K'S STOKE, Market Square, SUNBURY, Penn'u., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Silk Poplins, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notious, Are. Cicnts' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Huudker cbiels nnd Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. Au invitation it extended to all to call aud se cure bargains. Nov. 4, 1871. FALL AND AV INTER STOCK OF LOTUS AXD f'ASSl.UEUESI FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, Just opened at tbe MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP OF TIIOS. U. XOTT, On Third Street, In Miller's Block, oppoalto tbe Moore it Diaslnger Buildings, SUNBURY, PENN'A. The most fashionable clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Suits of all sizes made up at the shortest no tice, fioin the best selected stock lu New York und Philadelphia. Cull and be couvluced. TUOS. G. NOTT. Nov. 4, 1871. Beef! Beef! rTMIE undersigned is prepared lo furnish the -L citizens of Sunbury and vicinity with the choicest Beef and Pork In Murkvt, olihcr ut liolesale or Retail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quautitics at the most reasona ble rales. Constantly on hund tbe choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Mutton uud Veal. also Sausages, Bclognus. iV.c. Apply at the Meat House, South Third street, ill Moore & Dissiuger's Row, Sunbury. Ou market days the best of incut is served to customers ut the meat stand, corner of Market and Third streets, wheu the celebrated Brosious' sum-ages can bo hud, long known as the best iu market. HENRY K. FAGELY. N. B. Persons having fat hnga or beeves for sale can proc ire the bigest market price by ap plication ut the above establishment. Bunbury, Nov. 11, 187L St'XXYSIOE HEATER. St-NNY8i!E at Maryland Btatb Fair, Bal timore. First premium for Fire-place Healers awarded thu buuuyside. Advantages of the Sunnyslde 1 It is m constructed that one-third more of Hie radiating surface exteuds iuto the room, giv ing that luucb more addiliouul heat without ex t ra fuel. 2. Il is tho only IIot-AIr Fire-place Heater in the market. Like tbe regular built eellur heater, il loses uo heal, but connues il all to Us legitl purposca. h. The fuel magazine Is double the usual size, extending from the fire-box to Hie top of the stove, with capacity for tweuty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. Tho p.i'ent double eover for coal magaiine consumes the gas, prevents escape of gas into the room, and makes it Impossible for uny puf fings or explosions to occur. This Is an advaut uge possessed by uo other lire-place stove iu tbe market. A. juero nro three air ccamhers, wherein a brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the cold air In the room through beuted lluea into a lurga hot-air reservoir, at the back or the slgve. 6 No side pipes are used, as the air is healed in a reservoir having doubts radiating flues aud double back, supplying large quautiliea of bol uiru n 'unit waste of beat or fuel. 7. Tbe Ri-NSYsina ntilizes the waste heat so thoroughly that we frequently heat au adjoining room on the riist, besides beuting tbe rooms iu second und third stories. 8. A damper on top of the stove, connected with the hot air flues, coutrola the quantity of bot air required for ths use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves are very l.iconveulent In this respect. U. The Grate is self-sealing, aud no dust cao escape while shaking It. BTUBAT, PETERSON A CO., Philadelphia. E. B. M VSSEit, Ageut. Not. 11, 1871. 6 Wanted Immediately. v 10,000 Men and Women to purchase tbe entire stock of OOODS uow of fered for iuspectlon and sale at the Mammoth Store os Queen Street, Northumberland, as I am determined ool lo be I'ndersMrid'ar Excelled Id quality of goods offered for sale In my line. ' M KU MILLER, Oct. M, 18Tl.-m, LFURNITURE STORE, In Masonic Hall Bufldlnga, .' Third Street, near 1h Poat TXBo, SCXtllRYi PA. " B. L. RAUDENBTJSII " now offers to the publto FTjnisrx'X' u ks selected and made with great cars, and with ft view to please tno wants of bis n amorous customers. TTls stock Is new and of ths latest styles. PARLOR SUITS, PARLOR AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosewood of the finest patterns made. HIDE ROARDN, In Oak or Walnut, and Dining Room Furultura of all kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Wludow Shades and fixtures. XJlST3DElCT!A.I5:i3Sra-- Special attention is paid to this department by W. P. Roberts who has bad a nnnibor of years experience in the city. Collins of every descrip tion and sizes, constantly kept on hand. Also, Flak's Metalic Burial Cases. Shrouds and Un dertakers' matorials of all kinds. iy. Personal attendance to funerals. Remember, tho Masonic Hull Buildings, on Third street, Sunburv, Pa. B. L. RACDENBUSH. Sunbury, July 15, 1871. I.l'.MRER AXO I'EA.MXO Ml M.S. Third Street, adjoining Philn. k Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lnm her required by tlie dcmniids of the public. Huving all the latest Improved machinery for mnnul'iiettiring Limber, be is uow ready to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, BnUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKET8, and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowIWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAHOK ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. nEMLOCK nnd PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, ite. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped by Railroad or ot hcrwisc. IRA T. CLEMENT. decI'.ltiS:ly ISTOV E- TIX EST A H 1. 1 S 1 1 M EX T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sl'CCLSSOll TO SHITU J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kriittsc would respectful ly inform the public that he now bus on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulutor or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which arc so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, und arc warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to licat on or more rooms. HEATING STOVE8 of ditl'erent kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every lrerlptlou kept constantly on band. Hoofing und S)iouliug with the best material, done ut short notice. KKI'AIKINU attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil nd Lamps constantly ou baud. Jupan ware of a x.niU. Store opposite Couley's hardware store. Give me a cull. A. KRAUSE. npW4-ly LADIES' FANCY FURS. John Fareirn, 70S ARCH STREET, Middle of the Block, between 7th aud 8lb Sts., South Side, Philadelphia, Importer, Munufucttiier nnd Dealer In all kinds and qua'lty of DP-A-lsrCr IFTTIRS, For Ladles' and Children's Wear. Having imported a very large and splendid as snitmeiit of ull the dltfeient kinds of Furs from first hands iu Europe, and have hud them made up by tbe most skillful workmen, would respect fully invite the readers of this paper to call uud examine his large and very beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, for Ladies' uud Children. I am determined to sell at as low prices as any other respectable House in this city. All Furs war ranted. No misrepresentation to effect sales. JOHN FA11EIRA, 71 8 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oct. 28, 1871.-Sm. FtfrTSALE ! EIGHTY acres of Improved land In the best section of Southern Michigan, within five miles of the town of "Three Rivers," In St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Stuliou, good buildings, out houses, lurge or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses and cburcba wilhlu sight title indisputable, ten acres arc In wheat, thu remainder in clover sod. A span of horses, entile, hogs, grain and farming utensils, iVe., will be sold with this property. Price 70 cr acre, 3,000 In cash, tbe balance iu time payments of iaoo. App.v to WM. A. MASbER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, II. B. MASSER, Suubury, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, 1871. WM. Ml'RHAT. j. 8LATUAKE1I. WM. H. BLACX. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Otllce and School Stationery, Frintlug, Wrapping and Manilla PAPERS, IA1'ER 1IAU8, le., ale. The Celebrated Corry Kerosene llurniiig Oil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YAED, we are prepared to supply at abort notice, aud at tbe lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL to all who may be pleased to give ns a call. Orders left at our office No. 85 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. S5 South Third Btrect, Sunbury, Fa. Aug. 26. 1871. NTEREOMC'OPEM, YIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. II. T. ANTHONY A CO., BD1 Broadway, STew York, Invite tbe attention of tbe Trade to their exten sive aasortmeut of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture aud importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GKAPLIOSCOPES. NEW VIIWS OF fOSEMITE. " E. A H. T. ANTUONT A CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, 1MTOBTSBS AMD MARCrACTUREaS Of Plaotographta Material. Man 4th, 1T1 If k ; -- v- mrrn;mttms: ' i Sunbury Cattle Insurance .; Company, " 1 TIU'KD AflJTTJAl,. STATE MX TT TxJTt TOT ' TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, . , 719. Amount of Property Insured-. ' f59,MR,00 Amount of Premium Notes la fbroe,' 134,213,00 CASH ASSETS. Amonnt loered at interest, , (9000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, (1000,00 Amount due from Agents, (it00,9 Amount duo from other sources, - (736,00 Available Capital, (30,83tf,W5 Insure yonr Cattle. INStTRE with a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. . THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, nnllke other Companies, yon are sure of being paid promptly for all losses, If Insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mntnnl, oar expenses are less, and our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, &c, &c. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money in case ot loss. Kearl $3,00 paid on Cowl alone nince Organliation. Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by tnis company. M ncnnlnger, Sunbury, Pn (33 D Hilgert, Northumberland 50 Georire Eckert, " 49 S U Dodge, " 30 Charles Ilollck, Mt Carmel..: SO Esiibetis Slpplc, " 40 Catharine Wnirncr, W.itsontown 46 George Heir, Northumberland 60 Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 3R33 i w u.issicr, . 60 Minor Cudy, Dewart 60 Catharine Marts, Shnmoklu 40 Fnincis Hiicher, Sunbury 0 Samuel H Price, Upiwr Lehigh Joseph Dcppen, Ml Curincl Matthias Schnlly, 40 Francis McCnrty. " 50 Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 40 J .t R C Quiirgle, Pine, Clinton co 40 R Ramugc, Shenandoah, Schuglkill co 40 J S Tharp, Shaniokin 40 Thomas Wurdrops, Mt Curmcl ...45 N A Loiidcuslagcr, lU'.iidiin, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 (i L Ren gan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50 Jacob Shine, " " 10 Jacob Stoltz, " " 40 D II Bower, Herndon, 30 Geo B Lahr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossmnti, Sunbury 40 W B Wallace, Northumberland 30 II 8 Graham, " 50 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Winterstein, Wutsnutown 40 G S Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40 , Lewis Osterhaut, Laurel Run, Luzerne CO.. .40 Mary J Iline, Northumberland 40 It F Krohn, Snnhury 40 Andrew Healy, Girardsvillc, Schuylkill Co.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Cnrtnel 40, Martin Pelnncy, Shenandoah city L4, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co Ill, Anthony MeLuughlia, GirurdsviUe 41), Llayniun S Hay, Mahnnoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Uaucher, Berwick '.'7, J D Focht, Puttsville 30, Erastus Sober, Point twp i0, A LiplH'iicolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Watson'n,2d loss pd last sum, 41), I P Lippencott, Wittsnntuwn 40, R S Amincrinun, Suydertown ....'M, Nuthan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co i!7, J C R Qiilggle.Plne Sta'n Clinton c 2d los3,4l, Charles W llur.zard, Rupert, Columbia co.,.40, John Foirieman, Wutsoiilowu 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Curtuel 40, Thomas Metz, Pnxlnns 30, R McClosky, Lock Haven VA, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER. Sec'y, Suubury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruner, Solomon Strob, Win. Brindle, Solomnn Shijic, John A. Sliissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Wuldron. March 11, 187J. ly. JJARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Mreet, Muubury, Pa. It la useless to enumerate every kind of article In hia Store, but among the leading Items may be set dowu the following: Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rukea, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Bnrine Machines, Cellar Grates, Draw ing Knives, Stone Sledroa.' trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Bells, and large east iron Bells for School Houses and Farmers' Diuner Bells, Carpenters' bench Screws, Potato Folks for diguing potatoes, Looking Glasses. Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule aud Horse Shoes aud Nulla, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions, CotTce Mills, Bits and Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint aud Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils), Varnlahrst, Japan, Lve, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, PAINTS OF A EE KISIH in I'll or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WAKE and other Wooden-Ware of all kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Levil Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery uud Shoe Findings, Bnggv Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Kuives, Scissors, Sheurs, Shot, Caps aud I'owdrr, and a great variety of other articles. Any thing wauled and not ou hand, will be ordered at once. Suubury, Aug. lit, 1871. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. Ou and after Monday, November 27, 1871, the Trains on tho Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run as follows t WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " arret Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " an at Eric, Elmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, Accommodatiou leaves Suubury, " arr at Renovo, a. 00 p m 1.00 a n 2.S0 p n 12. K0 p iu t.5i) p in 7.40 a lu 7. Ml a tu 4.u5 p tn 7.5.') p iu 6.1 a in 10.40 a m EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, 11-25 a in " " " Snnhury, 13.30 a m ' arr at Philadelphia, S0 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, i0 p m " Sunburv, V 'M a in " arr al Philadelphia, a. 0 p in Elmlra M.U leaves Lock Haven, 7.5 u ul ' Sunbury, 11.00 am ' arr at Philadelphia, 6.50 p m Accommodation leaves Renovo, 13 i5 p m arr al Suuburr, 4.U.'i p in Mall East connects east and west at Erie w lib L. 8. A M. 8. B. W. und at Corry aud Irviuctou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. It. W. Mall Weal with west bound trains ou L. 8. A M. B. K. W. and at Cony and Irvluelon with Oil Creek and Allegheny K. K. W. Caltawlsaa passenger trains will be rnn east from Wllliamsport op Erie Express, and west, lo WUlUsasport ob Kluilra Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN. (Hani IV- 'allraabs.: LaWlta-eranna and Bioomanars Rail rakl ...... BTrjMElAEBAGKMK.NT OT PASSENGER TRAINS. ' , " MovwUt. July 17, MU SOUTHWARD. Lasu. A,M'P. M.IA.1W.IP. M.fPM. Scranton, Bellevnc. Taylorvilk, 6 45 H 6 67 1 05 7 14, 7 ll 7 !i7l I 4510 0 00 lift 13 23 SO lift 43 47 I io it! io ae! 6 55 licknwanna, Piltstoti, West Pltuteo, Wyomlfste. Maltbyjs T Klnrstont4k I st. W.-Barre c'rs Plymouth June, Plymouth, Ntinticoke, . . Hunloek's, Shlckshlnny, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomnburg, Rupert, Catawlsaa, Danville, Chulnsky, 8 11 10 H5 ill) 40 8 21 io 47 0 52 J 7 40, 3 83 H 00 61 4 55 8 00 5 00 8 05 6 OA 8 an 8 1)0; 8 45i 7 SO 3 40 8 00 8 07 1 8 t -i 8 Mi 8 43; 8 ro 8 671 9 07 0 14 9 19! 2ll! 9 ;ni 9 511 3 &U! 8 08; 8 27 8 Mi 8 57 Cameron, 10 0 North'd, (arrive.) 10 20i 4 53 NORTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M.i Northumberland, 10 25 5 loj Cnmeron, I 5 37 Chulasky, 5 81 Danville, 10 50 5 40 Cutawissa, I 6 00 Rupert, 6 05 ! Bloomsburg, 11 14 0 12; F.i-py, 6 17 Lime Ridire, 6 24 Briar Creek, 0 o4 Berwick, 11 SC 6 41 Beach Haven, ;ll 4'J 6 48 A.M. Hick's Ferry, I 6 55 ' Shlckshlnny, 13 00 7 09 7 HO1 t Hunloek's, I j 7 24 7 4.V p M. Nanllcoke, .P.M.i 7 111, 8 IM . Plymouth, :13 20' 7 41, 8 15 P.M. 5 10 Plymouth June, 8 20 5 15 Maltby, j t 8 40! 3 43 5 3S Wyoming, 13 43' 8 06, 8 45! 2 48 5 40 Weft t'iltslua. j 8 13 8 52 2 64 ft 47 Piti.ion, 12 52j b 18 9 04 3 50 6 02 Lnckuwunna, I 8 2S 14 a 07 c 00 Taylorvilte, 8 36 9 25 8 111 0 10 Bellcvtie, I 8 42 0 S2 3 23 0 17 Scruutou, (nrrivc) 1 14' 8 48 9 40 3 80 6 25 DAVID T. BOUND, Sup't. Northern C'eutral Rullwu)'. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. and after Nov. 1471, traius will ruu as follows ; NORTHWAP.D. Niagara Express leaves Simbtiry nt 13.40 p. m., arrives at Niagara Falls at I. yo u. m. llutlalo Express leaves Sunbury ut 12 .SO a. til., arrive al Wiiliamsiort at 2.25 n. m., Enuirn at 5.30 a. m., Cunaiidaiirna S.l.i a. nt. Mail arrives ut Suubury at 4.80 p. in., arrive at Wiiliumspoit 6.30 nnd" Elmira 10.35 p. m. Fast Llti" arrives ut Sunbury ut 6.50 p. m., arrive at Willlamsporl 8.15 p. m. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury at 1.47 a. m., arrive at Uarribbtirg 8.45 11. ui., Baltimore 7.20 a. in. Mall leaves Sunbury ut 11.05 a. m., arrive at Harrisburg 1.45 p. ui. Erie Express leaves Suubury at 8.25 a. tn., ar rive at Hurrisbiiig 11.20 a. 111., Baltimore 3.00 p. m. Erie Mall leave huntury at 12.30 a. m., arrive at Uariisbuig 2.20 a. in. SHAMOKIX DIVISION. EASTWARD. Leave Suubury ut 4.40 p. m., arrive at Sb,tmo kin 5.50 p. m., Alt. Carmel 6.44) p. m. Leave Sunbury ( Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. in., arrive al bh.tmokiu l.oo p. in. WESTWARD. Leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 a. m., Bhamokiu 7.40 a. m., arrive al Sunbuiy 9.55 a. in. Leave bhamokiu (;iou,) ut 2.45 p. ni., arrive at Suubury 4, .10 p. iu. Express leaves daily. Ail oilier traius leave daily, except 8'ind.tjs. A. H, Fibre. En. VoiMi, Geu'l. Sup't., Geu'l Pusftu'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Pal, more, Mil. ReailiuK fCailrouJ. W I N T E R A R R A N (t E M F. N T. Mnnihiy, yjv. l'Mh, 171. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y.. P. I ing, Pottsville, Taiuaipiu, Ashland. Miane k:u, Leliunou, Allentown, E.istoii, Ephralu, LaucaHer, Columbia, iVc, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for NVw York, us fol lows: At 2.45,, a. tn. and 2.00 p. in., con necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving ul New York ut 10.U7 a. in., S.42, and 9.45 p iu. respectively. Slecpiim Curs accompany the 2.45 u. in., traiu without change. Returning: Leave New Tork at 9.00 a. in., 13.30 noon and 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. m. nnd 8.80 1'. m ; Kicking I ars uccoiu I'any the 5.00 p. m. train from New Y'ork with out chaiiL'e. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Potlsvillc, Ta maiiua, Mincrsville, Ahlaiiil, Shumokin, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 2.00 aud 4.05 p. in., stopping ut Lebanon and principal way stations! the 4X5 p.m.. train connecting lor Philadelphia, I'olisvilie uud Co lumbia ouly. For Pi.tisCtlle, Schuylkill Haven uud Auburn, via Schuylkill and fciisiiuehuuna Railroad, leave Harrishuig ut 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania i'.auioad trains leave Read ing for Alleulowti, Easion ami New York al4.u4, 10.40 a. in., aud 4.U5 p. ni. Returning, leave New Y'ork ul 9.00 a. 111., 12.80 noon a ml 5.00 p. in. and AMentowu ul 7.20 a. iu. 12.-6 uoou, 2.15, 4 25 aud t.l5 p. in. W ay Pu6suiif r Trtiin leaves Philaileiphia ut 7.30 a. m.. coiineelitii! with similar traiu on East Pcutiu. Railroad, returning from Heading ul p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Potlsvilie at 9.00 u. in. and 2.30 p. 111. Heiuduu ul 10.00 11. m., Shamukiu at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. ; Ashland ul 7.05 u. 111., and 1-.43 uoou; Muhauoj City ut 7.61 a. in. uud 1.20 p. mi. 'l'amaiua ut b.85 a. 111. und 2.10 p. 111. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Ilarrisburg,Ac. Leavu Potlsvilie via tehuyikill and buiue hauuu Kail road ul S.15 a. m.tur lle.rrishui,;, uud II. 45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tretnont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts- villeat 5.40 a. 111., passes Rending ut 7.80 a. in. arriving ut Phllmleiphia ul 10.20 u. m., returning leaves Philadelphia ul 4.45 p. 111., passing Read iug ut 7.85 p.m. tu riving ut lVitsvillc at 9.20 p.m. Pottstowu Aeeouiinooatiou Triiin leaves Putts town ul 7.00 a. in., returning leaves 1'hllude.ptiiu at 4.15 p. m. Colui'.bia Railroad Trains leave Reudiug ut 7.20 a. in., and 6.15 p. 111. for Kphratu, l.itiz, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. 1 reiurui.ig leave Lan caster at W -0 a. 111. uud 3.25 p. 111., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m. and 8.15 p. 111. Pcrkionieu Lull Road '1 r.jns leave Porklomen Jtmciiotiui 7.25, 9x5 a. in.. 111 8.00 ami 5.45 p. m. Reluruiuir,leuke Sehu eiiksviiie at li.4.,. lo a. m., uoou and 4.45 p. 111. connecting w ith similar triune on lieadiug Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phos nixvilleat 9.10 a. ui., 3.n5 uud 5.55 p. in. ; re turning, leave livers at li.5.1 u. 111., 12 45 1.0011, and 4.2J p. ni., couuectiug with similar traius un Heading Railroad. C'lileiiiuokdale Railroad Trains leave Po!iiown at 9.40 a- ui., l l-'ian I 6.80 p. m., leiuiniug iiate Mt. Pleasant at 7.15 aud 11.25 a. m., uud 2.54 p. III. , confer ling with similar truius ou Heading Ruilruud. Chester Valley Railroad Train? . Te" Brld.-e-poil al8.80 u. in., V.i iu.l ;.0 p. 111. leturnli., leave Dowuiiiuton :, tl..',5 .1. m., l'j.f o ii.n.ii und ft. Id p. ni. comicct.iig w itli similar trains oy Kead lug Railroad. On bnnduy 1 Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Pliii.uleli lua nt b.oo u. in. un I 8.15 p. in., (ihe 8.00 a. m. train raiiiiing iuly to heading;) le;, Pollsvilleul 9.IHM. m., Pure Harrisburg, 2.45a. m., aud 2.00 p. m. leave Alieutowo ut p. III. leave Heading ul 7.15 a. m. uud 9.5U p. ui. for Uariisb ng, 111 4.84 a. ni. for New Yirk, mid ul 9.4J a. 111. uud 415 p. 111. tor Pblladei'a. Coiuuiiitatlou, Mileuio, sk ison, eeh.ul a fed Exouisiuu Tl k-'ls, to and fiutu ull points at t. Uuetid lutes. Buggat cheeked through 1 10C rounds psf. gage ullowed caeH Pu"aoiigi r. ' J. E. WOOTTRif, Aaft. PorH. A Eaj. Mach'ry. TJLACK ALPACAS of the lxt quality, el A-f at ; Mom A msalnsysf's.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers