HIE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS riTKLtsnED EVERT SATURDAY BT EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor,. . Moor Msalnfrsr'i Balldlnff, Market S$or, At 91.50 la AdTtsnr. II not pltl wlthla Month 99. SnbutripHon taltn fur lett than tiz JbnMt. CoNVKCTrn with this establishment Is an extcn- IveNKW JOB OFFICE, contatulnga variety of plain and fancy typo equal to any establishment In the Intsrior of the Bute, for which the patron ago ofthe.publlo la respectfully solicited. , . ADVEKTISIIXG SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or ubont 100 Wonls, nmko a Square Onawsok l.oo, .ikj; a.5'i n.cs'-j r.oo 8.oo,tr..co Two wockil.DO, S.OOi S.M .ij' 8.0O 1UW lo.tl fhico " .. 8.0O; 4.W &AKi 0.(itf U,uu!t.U00 Four " j8.80! 4. AO, 6.R0! W.Ou'lo.DO I5.00ilri.60 Kiv s.75; 5.001 o.wl 7.00 1a.00n.1n 25.00 61r " ;:i.oa 6.7ftj 7.50 B.OiilW.OO.W.OVsiT.ao Tranio's j3.si5 7.6ol 8.5o .oo!i5.ou2o.oo!so.ow Thru" !8.S0! 8.U0 l.5oll0.00 20.00 SS.OoUo.t 8i " 15.00, .0t)jll.(kii i8.0U.M.UU:85.O0;.W.0O Nino " iti.Oeilo.Oiiiia.oo'lS.OOSi.OllS.CO 75.00 One Ycor :8.0o 1H.U0 15.O0iad.Ca4O.00 00.O0j (100 0 .vnTur '.iriFfifT"u " mtrf-'irin I2statllMhel In lNlO, ' l PKK K 1 BO IX ADVANCE. SUN1UJRY, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1871. c New Nerlest, Vol. 8, No. 0. Old Nertet, Vol. 32, No. B. A Ml CA5 professional. "lirSI. J. WOMKKTOX, Attorney a V Law. ottleo, door No. 5, Iiml floor, Haupt' Bhwk, near Miller Shoe Store, Sunbury, l'a. ManhJ-ith, 1871. ly. Sit. IIOYICK, Attorney nt Law. No. 3 ami S, Second Floor Blight's MuUitlng, fiinltmy, VtU Professional business iittenileil t thecourls of Northumberland auil adjoining counties. Claim Promptly collected. Consulta tion can he had In the tJermau lnnguna. March SMh, 1S71. 1y. - NO. A. WII.M, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 roi'RTII AVENUE, ft'otnry Public, Pittsburg, Pa. .Ian. 1 lx;o. ly. J (J. MAItKf.F. fc CO, Market Stroct, BLNBVRY, PA. IValcrs In Drug, Medicine, Paint. OH, Olnss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigar, Pocket Hooks, Dairies, &c. SI. WOLVKIITOX, Attorney at Law. . Market Square, 8l'NBURY,PA. Profession nl business In this nud adjolulug couutle prompt .V iittcuilctl lo. c A. UKIMF. YOl'.It, Attorney nt JJIW. M. .MIC K . rA. All nnsines cn- t rusted to hi cure nt tended to promptly nnd with diligence. npl-'T-IIT J0. HAY Cl.r.MKNT. Attorney nt Law, M'NItl KY, PA. Collection and nil pro-tVsniot-.nl badness promptly attended to. luchitl-Ut) c. t. Jiiti'Ncn. L. n.,i:xsK. JYttl IN T.It A It ASF.. Attnrncvs nnd Coun- sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Olllce on Chestnut street, west of the. N. C. and P. & K. Haihoad Depot, In the building lately occupied by r. Lazarus, l'.sq. Collections and nil prole binnl lui-ducs promptly attended to lu Northniu. herlund and a Ijolnlug counties. uplllMill I nil. SIASSKK. Attorney nt Law, SUN- lll'KY, PA. Collections attended to lu the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. apllH-U'J V M. M. lilH'KI'tT.M.KIt. Ll.OtU 1'. ltOUlllllCll. XtMiF.FFI.I.FK ltOIIHItACII, jLt Attorneys at Law, BUNBUUY, PA. Of ik c in llaupl's new building, second lloor. Ku trance on Market Square. Janl (IS AN. liitlt'F., Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, l'a. Olllco lu Musoulu Hall Building. Collection of claims, wiitlugs, and nil kinds of leaal business attended to carefully nnd with illspnlcli. II April 8, 1871. ly. 1)11. J. I'. CAM LOW, ffllro nnd l!eii',e-ice, Walnut Street, between Thlid and Fourth street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All forms of Disease of the Eye will be treat ed or opt rated upon, such ns Strabismus, (Cios l'.yes.) Cataract, (lllindues,) and nil oilier dl case rvlutiiig to Surgery, us Talipes, (Club or Reel Keel,) llalr-LIp," Excision of Tumors, Jcc. Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Fulling Fits.) Snnbuiy, May Ui, 187K 1. W. Illj,l.i:it. L. T. KOIIKIIACU. 7.Ii:;i.FH A itOIIKIIACIl, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Olllce In HaupCe Building, lately occupied by J.idgc Kockefilier nnd L. T. Rohrlmch, Eq. CuiUttions and all professional buines pr nit'tly attended to lu the Courts of Northum berland and adjoining counties. . Dec. ISil. ftiusincos t sa' ; w. s. ii'.ioak. t. rictru uais. T ti. IllIOAI4 CO., ki:taii. nt.ti.FU8 or ANTHRACITE COAL, 8USBCKY, PENN'A. OFnt E wtTn IliAS, Faoblt J: Co., Orders left at Seunhnlts & Bro's..o01ee Market trect, will receive prompt atleullou. Cuuulrj iistom re.ptct fully solicited. Veli. 4, 1S71. tf. COACiniAItlCKK. "11TF, are elllns Rims, Pn-kes. Hubs. Spring, Canvass, Bolts, Cllp. c'es. sc, very Large Slock at CO.NcY fe CO. Siinburv, March HO, IStW. COAI.! COAL! COALI-liUANTimoS., J Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND UKD ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWnil W1IA1CI'.) I $T Solo A gent , westward, at the celebrated Henry Clay t'ual. Jjaiiltt-Oil i:t llX4iK LIYEIIY. M. liAUTllOLOMEW, Puoi-niKToit. J IOTRT1I STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nunbury l'u. rpilF. best of ri.ling ud driving horses always 1 ou bund to servo customers. Orders lelt at the Central Hotel, for vshlc'.ss. will roce've prompt ntteutiyu. Nov. , 18;o. ItF.NTISTHY. (iEOHUE M. UENN, Jit ioij.oii's lUtihliiuj, -VniAfJ S;uitrf, SfNi'fitT, Pa., 1repare.l to do all kind of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand u 1 1 i L-0 assortment of Toclh, uud other Ik utal mateiiul, fioui which be will bo ttblo to select, nnd meet the wants of his customers. All v".'k vt ai ranted to give satisfaction, or cl the ui, uev rel'auded. The very hcH Mouth Wash nud Tooth-Powder kept tin Inn I. His ii lcuueo ai the uumerous patrons for whom be has worked for the uul Iwelvo year. Sunbury, April 'Jl, 1871. N F. iV "CO A lT Y A It l. fpilE uiuliislgued having connectiMl the Coal 1 hiislness Willi ulsfxtumdvo FLOl'R A GRAIN trade, is prepared to supply luuilllc Willi the YLIIY III VI OI (Oil., ciii:ai rou cash. Kgg, Stove and Nut, eonstautly OU baud. Grain t.tkeu in exchange lor Coal. J. M. CADWALLADKR. Saiilnirv, Jan, 1 i70. tf. Ji VKKUV ! UAKKUY ! ! HAKEUV 1 1 I LKtiSAKlt DOVF.IUH, H AS u..t opened n llr.l etas llik.'iy on Prnul slreil iic.tr Ibo It.illroad d,qi tit NuilliUiiibvl' luu I, aud U prep.ired to I'miilah the cilliens of N.iuliiiinian l.iiid nud Hniibiy wllU ll kiuds ol Bread mid Cake, tuc.lt nt itttoWN llltr:lt, MII.K HUE AD, Ultt VI) BAKKD on IhallEVKTH, nnd n full I ui" of FANCY CAKkd, T Uuus, Roili and l l.t. Ur .m aud I . tkvs delivered to customer SVtiry lilin 111114. I 4ke. lr It til., I'.ulio. Wsddlugs, Fairs, Aot lurai.l.i I ul ah. ut uolltui. H iii I pr o tH-.tl b.ikor, nud lotting ituikud nt Ibti bii.Uis lit Suntiuiy lor sctotul cai pa.l lis lio .i niv sululitetluu to bis wu.luu.tiis. t limetololrt. . II ibis UID cKfiriill tiiUellrd. S.iillmnili.'il.iii I, Juns 10, if Hi it 1 it M it 11 1.1: 1 it 17 rpilK uul l-l.'ii. l U.tlii k.iUKlu tlis tnllls 1 k ui In.iiu'sr I ol'ii, ttuuia luiiiim tkg uImi tn .l lu I, tuns ititdt In ilu all klud. tl fVy M tltlll L OMH. fl. ttri l , uu bin I, aud utukts lu uidn at I f. j ' ntuur tiiu tt. 'SWMUUS'UlS) 4 lltl'tl4. t Klt sl imsv mi.i.tt ttl,41..l In., lb r,itlillll SW4 uu UtiuUii,,... J.kM lllul III .olU.US lu lb suipki)Utllll. mi IW u!4 t4u4 utt Uikt4 M , SsiuLmi,. u,4 4 ; 1,. lit) I'lMll lilt tldltUlS4.J ilp Sl I 1 n 14 !.' 4 iiiutt's (fi Vttit M ul . ins IH 11 tj 14 to i'iii. lUbl's y ufbUtiit, s Is t 4 4 l I t. jotcls nub Restaurants. LA 11 K. It It K HOI SiK, Broad nnd Chest tint t., Philadelphia, J. B. HL'TTEK WORT1I. Proprietor. Term per day, la.Mi. April 15, 1871 ly UNIO IIOTF.I., THOS. FOVLP8, Sr., Proprietor, ijhumoklu Btroet, Trovortan, Northumberland county, P. Itic tnhto l sup piled with the boot tins market affords. Hood stabling nnd nttentlvu ostlers. Jan. 51, '71 r. I1YKHLT. CO. BOW BR. UNION IIOI SC," LYKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY A HOWEU, Proprietor.. The tahle I upp'iled with the best the market alfonH. Good stabling and attentlvo ostlcri. May 80, 1871. IIYLKLY'M IIOTLL, JOSIA1I BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Mahn noy township, Northumberland county. Pa., on the roncl leading from (leorgetown to Union town, Smith Inn. Trovorlon Potlsvlllc, tVe. Tli rholcest Liquor nud Setrar nt the bar. The tahles are provldetl with the best of the en son. Stabling large and well suited for drovers, with good ostler. Every ntteutlon paid to make guests comforta ble. Nov. 11, 187t.-ly. "VTATIONA L II Of WL. AUGUSTUS Ai WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown NoithM Coiintv, Pa., at the Station of tho N. U. R. W. ' Choice winos and cigars nt the bar. The table I supplied with tho best tho market ntl'ords. Good stabling and utteutlvo ostler. LLL;lll'.NY llOl'SF., Cm.. Clt AS. KLECKNKK, Pjoprletnr, Nos. H-J ami 814 Market Street, ubove eighth, l'llll.ADKLl'HIA. Terms, $'J per day. 'Ho respectfully solicits your patronage. fANlUNUTON liotNK, C. NEFK, Proprietor, 1 orner of Market v Second Streets, opposite tho Court llnusc, Sunhury, l'a. AlnysH.'TO. T j OTF.L A It F.WT A V It A T, 11 THOMAS A. HALL. Proprietor, Sunbury St., west S1IAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, nt short notice. Tho best or Liquor nt the Bar. Tho Table Is sup plied with the best and latest lu the market. At tentive aervuuls. Terms uiodcrutc. Putruuuge solicited. HI H Jl E LVS It V.ST A I ' It A N T, LOU IS HUM M EL, Proprietor, Conimcreo St., S1IAM0KIN, PENN'A. Having Just relltted the above Saloon for tho accomodation of tho public, Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best lel'reshmeuts, and fresh Lager Uecr, Ale, Porter, nud all other malt qiiors. IYF.L.Si: IIOI !'., Third Street, nt the depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wji, Ruesk, pro prietor. Warm meals served up nt all hours. Fish, Fowl nnd Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly ou bund nud served In every style. The bsst of wines and llquoi iful the Bar. rflTFniullle will be suppliod with oysters done up lu nuy style, by luuvlug orders ut the Bur. Nov.r,70-ly. J. VALE lt'S. Yt'I.TZ:il C.AItOLN ANIl HOTEL AVi. TiO, 722, 724 A 727 Vint St., PHILADELPHIA. W INTER fi aITd EN HOTEL, (ON TUK KUHOt'EAN l'LAhi) Centrally located, connecting with nil the City Passenger Railway Car, from all tho Depots lu tho City. Excellent Accommodation for Tra veller;. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts ercry evening lu the Summer nnd Winter Garden. f&Onhtstrion Concert Eviry Afternoon.; F1NB l.Ariir.s' ItUSTAUIt ANT TUB 1IBST OT llKKltKSIIMKNTS RrilVKO. Oflteo of J. Yuler's Fountulu Park Brewery. .Tune 4, lhlO.-ly. L I t I' O It KTO It K ! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite tho Court House, bUN UURY, PA., Respect fully Invites the atteullou of Retailers and others, that ho ha ou baud, and will cou stautlv kei i) all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogulac, Cherry, Ginger, ltoebelle nnd Otiud. Whiskies: Pure live Copper-Dlstliled, Monnu gaheU, Apple aud Nectar. PUKE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wino, Sherry, Tort and Claret. Crab Cider, Champaguo Cider, N. E. Rum, Biowu Stout nnd Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liquors which van be found In the city markets, which will lie sold ut Whole sale uud Retail. Every nrtielo guaranteed a represented. Also, a largelut of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, tilvvuvs ou hand. t 0T" Orders prompll) iilleudod In, aud public putronngo iespeifully solicited 0 NkFF, Sunbury, July , 110. ly. JACUU SIIII-MAN. IIIUMI'SON DRHU. Fire, I.1(V aud Aerldeut INSURANCE AGENCY or SIIITMAN t DLItlt, MAUKET ST11EET, SUNUUUY, l'A. COMPANIES, REPRESENTED. N. Amerleun, Phlludtilphla, Asscls, 1,783,580 Kulerpri.e, " Muuhallau, New York, N. Auierleau " l.orlllaid, " MJll.lillS l,!iii8,0Hl (nJ,f.70 1 ,., t:m KKJ.lSt) T.VI.UH) ,0tl(l,(KlJ 6,601,000 ,HA7ai 4, fllll,Uti8 5, M4,lilO l.H'.'T.UlO UU.! 1,007 Yoiikers ik N , York llauover, " Imperial, London, l.vcomliiK, Muucy, Kiuiikiiii' Pblladclphlt, lloitie, New Voik, Httilloid, tlaitlutd, Phmulit, " Ti uveit i s, Fitrmars In. Co., Ymk, N. Uilll.lt V Mori snlU Nuiumt'iee, New Yolk, Corwleli, Norwich, Now EugUud Mutual l.lfs, V'Jtl.lUU ii'id.lOO aii8,'.'oi T,lMJ,UOt) J. W. WASUlNti'i'DN'.S Clttl HtKIII H MIIOI. The old poriiiiiuent shop of Ihs town W iliu'lln I liu Ihi.i,i, but at lb sains tuu VOU.Idel llldl III IUI(Uly lllllll Ul'llitl Stu.ill4 bl) spukuu Illi. ml Inulilli .IhiU HU Ulii'oiiilolU blu uutouiil of tuuily itud h nihil loll. Ju.l I, niy ).4is uiin I ssg iu my bu.lne tat.Ht lu I tit plueo li.tll my illi lima lliu. lur SK'lll, ImS I sIihhI "I""i ill IIimiI ul ulir slnqi-. day alter tUy.aud ulitlil slur uilit, aud up Uud tbtf sbat p lilttti Kli'4iiilua sttiul, mi l lllou tii4i tila of limy ulllliluevd l llm luliilil) lul.l. i,f lllal SVtlllllul l-vil'-l Into I l,tt. uiari) Vtll)- luif lu tiio tuuiiii) lu v.nuiu.iu paiUun ) mid I lu uliilg Ilia putiUtl lul. i, . I kui.m pul.il, i auuiiuma i't out puln.us uli ou t uw Ibl ' ai tvadi la ukii tU.tu all lu lbit.a liuud'td 1 tbiitiMiud lluii.s o uiis. I lilttti itkvu iU l.a.t, )HI It llM 1 lb lust lut alaa im'I Ik Slulk, loirbiaiu ul klUilt.Kib, l i Ii4 1 tia, U.,11 tut lull, sk4Uia-u uit, l4i.k.i da ol lilums, t.-iuU nud al l4b lb I14II ilb siIUIU skill, III lbs "4UI I 'll ' bi .tint W sltla lu sail lb sastuuii.1. . W t" but blvdi ! " t " !" u,u '' -U-.t.i but bl4M) tU ...k. 'p U Mtt tbtt4 Ull b4u.ii u au 14 ss tl.li b U tan U dun wi st. 1 iu.,1,1 b, 4 tb.a. ui 1 I lb! 4iid I4 , b I'iuuI ( bui4 lu bbV 4 l. 4.l lsvl lb. 4, SJtlttt Ml) , I, ISI'l. THE NEW NTOItE CLEMENT & DISSINGER, In tho new C'lumeut lliillillug, t Stnrket SUMre, Nunbury, ln., olfor to tho public, (in etitlro nuw assortment of WINTER DRY GOODS, of all stylus nt the lowct price. Full line of Alpacas, Mohairs, Plnlds, Empress Cloths, Shawl, Flnuiiels, Hosiery, MOURNINO GOODS, t full Tnrlcty, Illanket nnd Woolc goodi of nil description. CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8, VESTINGS, Ac, Ac. KfiKly-MiwIc Clotliliift. a full aesoitmunt, which will bo sold lower than olsetvhuro. Cnrpctsl and Oil Clolha. CillOCEIUES of ull kinds, which nro guaranteed ull fresh. QUEENSWAltE, W I LLOW WA HE, &u., &c, &u. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, nnd In fact everything that can bo mentioned In n tlrst-cluxs store. Cull anil examine our stock. llaTliigour store lighted with (Ins, goods can 1 10 sclccicd in tint evening as wall a In the. day time. No charges for shott ing goods, CLEMENT A DISSINGER. DocMl, 1871. . BEEF, PORK, POULTRY act FRUIT LJI I'OHII .!, In C. Daltiis'storerooin, two doorscat of Blight's IlulldTug, Market Square, SUNUUHV, l'EXX'A. Having lilted up a room two door east of Welt- r.el'j Store, tho underslunod Ini opened 11 Meat Shop in connection wlih bis stand on MARKET DAYS, where he will keep oil hand Hie best of Heel, I'orlt, Venl mid Poultry of every reserljillon. Turkeys, Gecso, Ducks, Chicken ready dressed, una pin up lu regular style ol city market. ALSO, Itutler. Eirir, 1oIuImm, Ai- lesi, and Fruits of nil kinds, all of which will be sold at the lowest Market Pi Ice. The citizens of Snnhiiry arc invited to call uud examine for themselves before purchasing c'so- where. A full iissortmout 011 hand every market illuming. HENRY NEUEIl. Dec. , 1871. t "I o c? -I Pi H Q ui 0 S o "I P CD W H O t P 0? S a r. d ti W cs o o xn o4 p a o 1 c H o 3 W 0 k. n n 3 o M rH o 0 a HI Hi a p 3 w .0 Plui Q 03 CA II It I A U V. H AM l'A TOIIY, Sl'XlU.'HV, l'KXN'A. J. S. SEASIIOLTZ, "VlTOl'LD respi'ilfully uiiiioiiiiiti l I lie I'lll- f feus of Siiiil.iiiy and sui naindluil cnuntiy, lU.il bo Is pu p il i' I lu 111.1hul.ol.no nil .ly.istif ttri'ltigfu, lliitilesi. An., al III He 8( shop 011 tjl M.iiki'l slivil. Ha 1411 furuisb t .y j..n:pilou ul V..,u.i., L...I It 1 LAIS AND I' AM Y. lu blunt, ts ill luk Sttl)lliliiU In 111. Una fimil a Ui'l elu.s runlnga In 14 a In II1.111.1W, t 111.111I1 I ,i ba lu iJs of lb bi si and Hol ,1 1 1 . ' Iii4i'il al, uud by Hi uiu.t csjauli in'cl tt.nkuu 11. All tsuik sunt out lioiit his ouhll.liiiu 11I a III bi) luiitid liillitblu la ttn) p4illi ul.tr 'Mis p.iliuioiu u Hie pnlille I- ti li J. K Mi A sntil.TZ. Muubui), Nov. i, '11 1). Ikj.lC li. Ill At I I I II, WATcuns, Ji:vi:wtv. Il ftstrilt tMd 11.. tor lturri nni.ui. 1 pin . A a S'.'oiuit ul 1.1 VI .1. b , J. . li ) , I tn su4 pl.il.d st si .u.aurt "b I. '!. Hi4llntf bt II si ..is ab I I' 4 . Il ) ! 1 lii l kltvu.. -4 14. t ill I,SI If . W 1 .t ftutt iblMti. 1 li It I l.-l.. 1,1.1.1 u4 t "d k)4(ilu Ik 4 ubu an tu .. k. tbwal4 Mllss W 4lia.s. I Wll A Wull.ll H , b,Uuii, ti $tttt fjoctiy. ALL FOR .llONt.Y. What will not most people do, All for money ( Anything, 'twl'x 111c nnd you, All for money. Friend will tain hi back on friend llauglity pi-opli! biivc to bend, Love soiiin to old Harry scud, All for morcy. A you travel on through life, You will find It ever so Nothing like the ready cash, For money make the inure go. Homo will Mvcur that black Is white, All for money 1 Do 11 w rong nnd say It's right, All for money. Moses ho will swear to yon Hln old ctol.h" arc good a new Don't lie iniilin tlieui lit you too, All for money. Pretty iclrl can lovo old men, All for money 1 Even wed three ;ore uud tun, All for money. 'Tl but a fool ho ever dreams That nnjllilng Is what It seems ( The world Is full of mocking schemes, All for money. Many people go to law All lor money 1 Dentl-ls nearly bleak your Jaw, All for moiKiy. Trn'',incn give, you unjnt weight, Beggar teasn you, early, lute, Garrolers kindly oil you wait, All for money. Lawyers plead thn felon's cauic, All for money Vow he bus not broke the litws, All for money. Ibid he I n oii t'other side, What a illlle rciifi., an I how wl In To ninlti! him utility he'd liuve tried, All for money. Don't thi! doctor physic you All for money ? Give black draught and bl'lo pills, All for money. Wlinl their patience all endure Any saint won't try, I'm sure Tin y are good to kill or cure, All for money. Clialk niid-waler milkmen soli, All for money, Sniui'tl.ing elsi', perhaps, ns well, All for iuone . Thus will I conclude my strain With u M'lilctirc sliorl ami plain Ever) tiling Is ilouu for gain All lor money. cynics & Sketches. A LITTLE CHILI SHALL LEAH THEM. A STORY 1011 CHRISTMAS. It w:ih CIii'InIiiuih 111110, nml 1 1 10 weather WIIH IIH C'llll MH 1 1 II) l iVt'l'IS ol' hliarp. Klillillg winltr W'utluq' fiuilil ilihirc, 'J'liu i'hikIh were fro.i'll ll nml iho lining tin1 itili 1 1 it- hu'i sv:ii,il ti uiui hiii il 11H iron, hi I'lningly ; uiml wnilt'il iiiiiui iil'uily iiml sliivi'tin;,' II'i'ih, whicii I't'o like "li mls in tho uiui, cmniiilui uir. Wltcii llm witl iw Murlcy wiim hculcil, nml li.nl j i .11 ri-i I nut tea, Ini' liillu tliilil lui'.l IM It It'll mi : ,i;l us talk almut t'lnintiibiH to-tiiglit, unit lit i . It is Kiii'li 11 pt'olly tiino, ihu'i it 'i 'I'lit! toy simps 11 re ci'ovt'tJoil uiUi liuppy little j.h'Im nml lioys I'liosin' uiui Inlying Mich lovely 1 1 1 i tits. I clionfm IliiugH wlu n I Maud to look in ut llm tvimlnWH, lint, uf fiiur-i! 1 can't liny aiitliiti;; ; it'n only ro lutdiittj, ynil kllnlV, llinllil l'. A till till! t'luihiniiis tiirs! you juhi inilit to hen thrill, 1 wish Mllrli IrrnH ;l'rlV ill gill'ilrllH I ('nill.lu'l vii n'wu pi'isrnls nw.iy In lngi;ri littln rhtlih't'ti thru, a 1 ul tiiul.es iht iu nWA 'I You'll try to Ijr well rlin.lgli t') go Up lou n on I'liristinas Lvu, A'on'l you iiml lu:i- V It is 8l llic.:) tii Kcr tin: bhiij'8 ts.ll lililril mill tin: pi npli) buhllillg uluitll litiyin; tliiu-4 ini llm hly lor llirie Ii'icihIh, no 11 1 1 givo thriu it KMi pri.iii mi '.hii next iluy ; uiui to SOU ill'' til. Ill 1011 uul will) llll'il' III' li llt'l H ui. I liilhrin, nil no merry nml liiuliiiii ; an, I lo lii'lll' tlio hitllh riliill I i Uu inilsic. I Two Iiml it fitllitir, H'fliiii wo inijil krrp C'lii'iKtinii in well ti oilier tiDojitii, nml linvu 11 C'lu-ist iiium iipiliu, mill kiuli, itinl Hiu ciiroU lik'i they do in iillirr Iuiuhoh. S uiirtinK'8, wlirtt I'm guiu'4 tilun llm htrut't, I sen shadows of liltln uiiilill'011 im,8 liy on llio IiUiuIh iil'lighlt'tl wiiiilows, mid 1 hour ihrin'lil.iyiii nml Imtgliin uiui sin 1 1 1 jr. It Ihu'I. !vcrybitl,v I tuit, c:u bo inrrry ut (.'lirUlnrm liuio, tlnn'l yutt V 'Ye, iltar. W11 Imvo ull caiiso to bo lliatikrul tu (itul I'ur lii inrrfiis,' a ul tho willow. 'Yi.' nnltl "Villi lliou-liil'u'.ly. 'Wo liuro got iimrti jlmii aniiin, t vi ii now I mi l Wo urn so illiet llllil liniri'lul lu'l't! togi:llli'r. II' wo tau'l liavo 11 iuililiii;; mill it ilorsn'1 imii li inallt r iibout it -wo will Imvo H unt) holly over thi! picture, mi l uuko il ltk liko t'lirlsiiuiiH, ill, in other V' Ol couiHii,' siiiil Mr, llarliy; 'but I think, Faith, il' you 'l pal I l'u' llirm) ihlngs whim you luko tlicu lnuuu lo-iimr row, 1 shall' ha 11I1I0 to buy some plum nml L'urr.itiU wlitu wo go up town mi Christum live' l'u i tli'si t yi bi'luhlcncd. "I ilaro sty tint l.nly wiil pay.' bho said, liop. lully. Moiiu r, inoiiii r !' i t'll i r.nth, smlili u ly, Mo initio nml look ; lu-io I Mr. Morgan nil, bo tipsy I look, Ito fall bt'lliVrly llil'l Ills II tV II ilonl',' Mi. II uli y iMiui) quickly tu llm win il iw, uiui loi ki ! ilowu up ui Iho in, in with It Vrl'V illbtltssial I' It pi t'Ssliill. 1 lli'V Wllli'll- I l lilill II lli iniliiipi'ii ill iiiu uooi, mm j tin 11 it boiui'tvli it Korpuiriii wiiiuau iiiailn , ii, r uppi ai.iurii, uiui ptilli il hint in, 1 'Hot siil!' iinittoitil iho ni l nv, us hi) i l.ii 11 il iiti iy li uu tho tiui'lotv ; 'nml ih.it lll.lll lllljlll llUV.I kept III l,llll.;il lull -J IIO II bu In. I lik.'.l.' Alter g iliil 1 mil 'I' s 11,1.1 iiiinuli Ion;. 1 r, I'.iiili loiiiuiii 'il ; 'And ill t 'liiisim.t lilill', loll jllsl M 111 II l. oj'l.i nil 'III In Ihi SI goml, Ui ao.n tin V Uliuk llli nil J. il l oin- ; III i 10I0 llm tt .. Id I 1 il.o o' ,, I III sllto Mi. Moi-. 111 nil 'bin lo Ihi iliilikiii liotv, ' lii,'lil ho, llinlln I 1 I't'oplti infill 10 II V lo j Ini bt lit r, HU'I l l pli'iis.i tind llinl'ti than l it r ill rtilUlili l llion, wln li Ilu y I nit ut- 1 I ini lh.il il I tho limn ill M lilt It II j t ul Ui soil 1 'Vis, In I" d,' slid the M Id 1 'lint, III Sit ltd 1. 1 Hint, II I it llili.'W In 0 li It ked IIH U Ih.ikii It Ull t I I It. I11J W n.i I lot II 111, I .l: lit 4li i'lll' I Hill".' ' I I. II I 1,1 l.l 1 1 1 1 l ill'l Ihi 14 lolppy H ilt) 1. 1 III, 1.1 ' 4i I I' lilti III ii, l.llllll) , 'II I 1,1... n ,1.1 s( ind Mi, Moi j.Hi nio't Ij ! t .101 t nil I it llolll.' Hl a i l b I I I i .ll'l. ,, l'l d HI I ' holl I I'f Hu ll li' ul a I J"i, and uu lvii I li i I .u lil.lll 1 1 ., Is lili ll. Nikt in iioiil, In-u r'aiili st'Ati, slni Sal i.,i.d l . f.l I'M'blil, I'Ul, Ihll iU Mi.l'i Sll US tU,l.l IM'1 HU Sll od iLst lb ti h loi. upp.. O wiii-o niloriicil willi enow. 'Now cvory lliiug look exactly like. Christmas, mother,' elm Haiti ; 'I'm so glad that 1'vo to go on nil uri'iiiid Ibis morning.' Prenuritly alio bud performed Imr crrnnd lo tho lady, mid I1n.1l received tbu money (lii to her mother in one coin, it flvo-Bbil-ling ph'rc. 'J hi (the curried in lu r banc!, buing; n I'm id to truiit so precious, a mini in her pocket, for fenr of buing operated upon by pickpockets, of whom oho lmd heard iircaill'ul talcs. Her cheek) glowed with health nnd cx i'rciu us'hIio tripped ulon through tho Hiiow, glud in tho pnsHi'Sftion of llm crown pier, and In this anticipation nf goin 'up town' with ber mother 011 C'hrh.tmas Jiv. Hut, alas 1 Just ns Imnvy clouds often rise lo darken sunniest skies, a circumstance happened which shrouded nil her 'jluduess mid her bright imnginins, nnd tilled her childish heart, with sorrow.- As she wan Tfltiptiitijf round tho corner of it street, sbu would buvo knocked roughly against 11 ens trrniouger, carrying n huge banket 011 each arm ; il hIiu had not simply sprung nsido ; but In so doim; she- encounled n em hslone. mid fell heavily into the know road. Hood ies of how much she was hurt, slid sprang up with n frightened air, for tho crowu piece had fallen from her baud uud rolled away somewhere. 'hit 1 my hltlo lass I' said tho coster monger, kindly, 'arc any bones broken V 'Oh,' said Faith, with stalling tears, 'I havn lost my money ; it fell out of my hand 1' 'How much V' said tho man. 'A crown-piece,' said Faith, stooping mid peering about in tho snow mid mire. 'Well now, that's a bad job,' said the man, selling down his basket, and stoop ing to assist tho child in l.er search. Hut their cll'orts wero fruitless ; tho crown was not to bu found. 'I wihh 1 wai rich now, my littlo dear,' said tbu man, with it sorry attempt to comfort her, 'and I'd cdvu you another crown as sure ns my name ain't King Cole. There now, don't lako on no ; it makes, mo feci quilu (puecris.li. Your mother won't beat jc, will sbo "i" 'Oh, no. Hut she can't ullbrd to lose that money ,' sobbed Faith. A little group bad gathered round while tho Hcurc'i bad been going on, and a. home ly woman said, 'Do go homo, my dear. Sou, now, your cloak and frock are dirtied. It's 110 use standing about in the cold.' 'What's lhiy said a man's voice. 'Why, it's littlo whalVher-uainc, 1 declare ! What's llio matter '( Faith looked up and encountered Mr. Morgan's antonished gaze, T'.iocoatcruion ger answered bis qunMiinn by explaining about the child's Iom; and then Mr. Mor gan took her hand mid said hu would tell her mother all about it. Like many other drunkards, Mr. Moigan was a very kind man when be was sober ; and this, morning be was sober, though how long ho would have remained so if ho had not met with Faith is 11 question, considering that he was just on his way to a piihlicdioiiso to gel ii'omet b'mg "lo steady bis nerves,' as ha phrased il ; lor I hey wei'u sadly out of or der, iil'lur hit debauch of the previous day. Tho band which bad held litlle Faith's was was uuiiaiurally hot and tremulous. 'Flvu shilling !' said Mr. Morgan ns they walked aloii0' ; 'that's a food miiii lo lose. ' 'Yes, and it was all in one piece--such a beatitiliil crown,' said Failli, her chin quivering with sorrow, 'Was it now I' said Mr. Morgan invol untarily pulling his hand lo his waistcoat pocket, for il held a similar coin, which his wil'o had supplied him with before bu lei home that morning. 'Yes,' answered Faith; 'and I w;s thinking how pleased mother would be Willi it. Ami now I can't take lu r any money, mid inv new cloak is dirtied, and pV'.ios wo shan't be ahlu lo have even tot ad mid butter at Christmas ; oh y. s, wo 1 shall, thou.'h 1 We shall bu sure to have ! bread, because ( Very morniiij wo always ' iiray, (iive us this day our daily bread; but mother won't lie able lo buy any Christmas things.' j '(iive us Ibis day' is in 'Our Father,' ; isn't it V said Mr. Morgan, alluding to the Lord's l'layer. 'lo you say that every j morning V 1 used to know it by heart when 1 was a boy, years aud years ago : 1 used to say il every morning leguiarly with 111 v mother.' For a moment Faith forgot lu r sorrow in the elrumt! interest w hich she fell in which I Mr. Morgan was saying. Shu looked up J at him through her leers and said, 'lou't you tay it now. sir V 'S.iy'il now I' ho echoed. I haven't nud lin n bu abruptly slopped and turned away. "Look here, little onu,' hu slid, I after it silence, 'would you like Income wit'.i j 1110 mid let Mrs. Morgan clean your cloak a hit if lYrhapH your mother will bi; cross to ' see it ho dirtied ; and then l'P walk over! and explain to her all about llio mon ".' ' At this allusion (o Ipt loss the sad ex- I prcshiou camn back into Faith's I in'. As limy drew initr U Mr. Morgan's 1 house, she looked tip anxiously to her j mother's window, but 110 0110 was looking , Mr. Morgan was silling on Urn soft In j her sitting-room, doing nothing. Although , I the furniture was good, Iho place, looked as 1 nulioiue-like as In nisi alway tin when neg- ! leeled through drink. Mis. Morgan was astiinisbe lo sen her husband return bo 1 k 1 ni, and with Failli llarley, loo. Htc wu Sober II Jet, so l llllll W as mldl't sscil Its 'little dear ;' and wlu ii Ibo fit old lady had beard tho story of her loss, she ulteied any lllliubrr nf I'jai'lll.ltiiill, 1'i'Used herself lo I . til her maid to bring il ll iuin l mid hot wain' for Faith's cloak. W lieu thesu wero brought, sbo look Iho cloak oil' Faith' shoulders and began cleaning It, while Fallb sit by the lire nil a lotv ill ill', which Mr. M ugaii h id U lor her. It" lol l bi wilo what llm child bi I Is eu stiyiug about In in .j sii ro nf Imviu. bitdi al t Inislin t, 1 and of h r tli ippoiuUd Impes nf ha vim 'mil ChiUliii.i lluiijs ;' uud llteii, lodivt it llm i hild' tillriiltiiii, hu said. '.Ho, ymil i. mm la I' Hill V I i ts, sn',' stid I uitli, rcbiiiij lur f'.d"d Lands on lu r klirt'. wond. r u, loii m idi! your iiiotlu r call : you Hi tl V hu lid. Iliqllistlivi ly. 'I know,' silt I'.nih. stub a ilrgim nf: In sit. iiinii. 'Molln r lold iihi ull ab. mi It niiu d iv. mid I r ui Ull "U, if )ou like. Uul i ni Huii'i ull ant I. 'i l) V' Of totiui n a,' su i Mr. Moij tu. l iking lii Mlli ' i!.ici nil llm !!, ( in lllllll bu . Il imri'ilt libit) lo si. tud 'Hal t tit a llliiinl.', lilll.i tine. Wil l,' h" mlded, 'bill' i I'll it in.i id lii.iu ly ! Il IU t- b"ii.. i f I ...i ...... il.i.n uu 1 I 111, I iliu i liti'l Ik lulu t .iiilil Hu ii in u li' ro " Faith In il I Ik at it'll, k. M tk I ii 4 uil I f- full, bhq ll bloiultl a tin II llull lo In I Lieu kliu uil Uii. and Slid, 'FU , sir, dill 'I U ll (dl I liilw lld I'm lb' ' III M Ok IU. nil 1.. r 0)4 I k' I lU biau J, piawjlll t 4 Ife ll4 astoUIlllMHll. and Wsibdalbo l.bsbau I i.4 (4 r'.ll Tho old Rcntlcman's elbows wero raised in equal astonishment, ns ho looked at Faith's Hushed mid earnest face. 'Decfluso it's something about that I'm going to lull you, ndded Iho child, apolo getically. A, 'Very well, then, let incnr it first,' said Mr. Morgan, setting fiitnself buck ou tho sofa. Faith wtmc back to her sent, looking very pratillcd, uud, folding her hands on her kneo again, as she had a habit of doing, sbu began, in n timid voice. A long turns ngo, before I was born, when mother bad two boys alive, sbo was almost rich. .Sbo hud such a nicii house, she told me, nnd money enough to buy anything sins wanted. Father was n mas ter then, nnd had a lot of men to work for him : his was a builder.' 'All, well then, I knew hhn,' interrupted Mr. Morgan. 'Jlless mo ! do you mean to say that you are David Hurley's little girl? Many's the day I met him, and a good hearted, sociable mnn ho was. Hut I never heard what came of him nt Inst ; I quite lost sight of him. Go on Faith. 'Did you know that he ho got tipsy V' asked Faith, with n burning face. Mr. Morgan nodded his bead. 'l'cs,' continued the child, 'nud 'tic kept on so dnailful that at last he was obliged lo scud nil bis men away, and go out to work under master himself. And so mother got so poor, she bad to live in a house, and go without many things that slio wanted ; and besides having so much sorrow about father, sbo had other I roubles, for both her boys died. I illicit thought bow dreadful she must have felt then, because it is so bad to have to livo with people who get lipsy, isn't it ;' Air. Morgan coughed, nnd said, 'Yes.' 'Well, then, after a time father had a dreadful accident. When ho was going up a ladder one day hu slipped nnd fell, and had to bo carried to the hospital. 1 think mol her Niiid that his spine was hurt yes, that was it ; aud hu had to lie in bed fur a great many weeks ; and nt last ho died. I oltcn ask inoth'T to tell mcuboulhis death, because it's so beautiful.' 'ileaiilil'iil !' echoed Mr. Morgan, in credulously. Willi bis uotions of death nothing but the horrible was connected. 'Y'cs.' answered Faith, looking into the (ire. 'You know, ho was so changed while he was ill. Hu got lo lovo (ioil, nnd he was so sorry lo think be had been such a wicked man for such a long time. Mother used to go and tit by his bed at the hospital for hours, and kIic tells mo bow kindly lie Used lo hold her hand uud try to comfort her, aud beg her to forgive him for causing her so much sorrow through drinking ; and he said that il'tiod made him well again he would never touch the drink any more ; and if be bad got well I don't ihiuii he would. do you, sir V Mr. Morgan squeezed his eyes together, and used his handkerchief vigorously be fore hu repliud, 'I should think not, dear.' 'He died that very evening. Sonus one came from the hospital to tell mother what his last words were, aud they wero thesu : 'So foolish was I and ignorant ; I was us a beast before thee.' '1 shall be satis lied when I awake in Thy likeness.' There was another silence. Mr. Morgan clasped his bunds round bis knee, mid gazed into tho lire with liiosu bloodshot eyes of his. vhi ;h, however, looked better than they had ilmu for many a long day, because of the tears that glistened in them. 'Isn't I hue something in Isaiah about 'iqieiiiling your labor for that which batis fi.'th not V be said, musingly. 'I used to know iIks chapter with that in it by heart.' Yes,' said Faith, 'I olien read it to mother. It is one of her favorite chapters.' 'Well, now, all tho marks nro out of your cloak,' chimed in Mrs. Morgan : 'and ; look, Faith v, lion it is quite dry they won't show in the least.' I Faith got up, nnd Mrs. Morgan put itou I for her. I 'I'll take yon over,' said Mr. Morgan, j rising and buttoning h'u coal. The sad look caino back into the child's i face as she hade .Mis. Morgan good morn- ing ; for. although tbu cloak was nicely I.I..II lli'il ll'l.l fell,, lull 1.1 ,r,, lu'inn 1.. I, . .., ...... ...... ' . - 2 ... , inolber emplydiauilcd 'I When they got over iho way, nnd Mr. Morgan had opened Iho dour fur her. he le.iid : 'I won't come up, dear ; you can tell your mother all about your tumble. Hut the poor w idow inusipt "be a loser by it, lit lle l'aith. (iivu her Ibis, dear.' And with hii trembling hand hu took the crown piece from bis waistcoat pocket, put it into the child's hand, and, pushing her hand gently in, ho closed tho door, and went away without saying another ivurd. Her hum L beat w ildly with joy. She sprang up tho stairs, and with tears mid laughter 1 aid her mother of the events of Hit! morning, .vnii 1 never lli.uiK. 'l lii.n,' she said in conclusion ; 'bo wouldn't give mu linn Let mo go over bcfni o 1 lake iny things oil'; ' i may I, iiminer r 'Yes, dear, c. rtaiiili' Oil' went Fa'uh, her fico glowing wilh excitement. Mrs. Morgan, Bering In r com- i ing, went to the door, lu answer lo Faith's i iuquirii s, site said ih it she uiiisi run across I aimi.ier time ; Mr. Morgan was just gone up stabs 1 1 bed. I To bed !' faith feared he was ill ; but ; hi reasons for g un:; lo U d wero truly - pliilosoplural. Ni the child th.tlikril Mrs. Mor'aa f,,r the lite shiinn.',, presuming that she knots' all ab nil il, w loch was not the case, lliotili Mis. M irgaii did li d say so to thi t liild ; ' but direrUy I lie door was cl"--.d, up thciild lady toddled lober liltih.llid, uud linked UU explanation. I 'Don't ik mo to-tl iv,' said be ; "I will 1 Ull you lo nioiiow why 1 did it.' ! I'.iiili i a-l many an anxious glance out ol Hi.i window iluting lite tl. iv, tun li i Mr. I Morgan tlld h so go nut. N'cilhei nil Iho in XI d lt . I'lll nil I ! Ki follow ill.', nil, WiiU 'thi! she st.t Mr. uud Mr. Moroni t" nut 111 nl III Uiill. ' 'Look, liiotfierl' sh l llli' l, 'I'VO never B.'t'll Ibt III go nut I other In dole.' I Mis. 11 IliV 4llllled, Ulld I I iked gl'illilli'd. 'I'nlk oil ii tt'i lltiilgu at I ill. lints llial lb- V mil r do al any nth' 1 lion ,' she said. ; I'llili Watt Ind Ih. ot go up Ibo stint ' Mt. Mork ii looked id, shti lillliliied, uud , they Wile walking ttiy slosly. 'Iho In si lly situ tlld ll "t sec b.lll Ul all ', bill ill Ibo Itllt'llliMils tbu Ill lit; brl lalil Willi nut, Mild nil lur li'luiu alto bad ipillti in nigh lo d i lu unsttti I In) din I i in till 'toy. Si.e h id ill I- Ull) Ik t It mil to ,ltc nl di is i Ull 1 ll Ma nil I llllsllii ls Fin. AUt r it a, jusi us 1 siil uu I lo r in 'tin r IS IIC b'llllllJ ll'U'lV lit U'l UP I 'll ll, IIIU I. ilUi s I will biotijiil 4 bu in nlei lima '' "''" i'i'lniinis. nud sn invito 1 1 ni l.i ihb ul lois 4i'd I uiill ti dllio ulsr Iho s4V uu Iho luoifosy. Mi. lUiit y c i pud II It n.uili 4l 'liislnni nl. si i sui li an sinusal!) IhuiJ I ' i ta lit so liiti- Ulloll "I l'f klli I, l SilltU SOU l,4'l Ull ablloU slid In I tl il Utl III,. I tilotU w a tt sif t, n ,0' o. s su I t i a, i I, a a J What with going uptown with her mother, nnd the anticipation of the morrow, Faith was in an ecetacy of enioyment. Be fore going to bod that uigbt, however, her pleasure took n more solid turn. l)o you think, mother,' sbo said, 'that Mr. Morgan is going to try to be good now, I Imvo told him how good father became before he. died V I don't think bo has been tipsy since that day. 'I think not,' replied her mother. 'And I I do hopo that he will try to be good. Wo Biinu sue ns lime goes on,' The next day thev went over Uir wny to dinner, nnd spent n very plensent ufternoon tiiere. Jiotii raith nud her mother rather marvelled lint no intoxicating drink was brought on tho table ut dinner; and not even at desert was there anything of tho sort. After quietly peeling an orangp for Faith, Mr. Morgan looked up with moistened e.vcs, ntitl said, 'I suppose you knew, Mrs. Hurley, that iod spoku to me by your littlo girl a few days ngo V A pause, aud then be continued, ' i Imvo tried lo give heed to that voice ; mid during tho last diy or two I have had a coniliet wilh mytolf, aud with old habits, greater then lean tell you. Hut, pleaso liod, I am going to keep on si niggling. I took the first step in a new and happy direction when I transacted u little business with Miss Faith, the other morning, at your door. I went homo nnd to bed, to Iw out of tho way of temptation while I felt so weak physically, as well as morally. And I got moral strength (or j something belter, if you will) before I got j physical strength ; for ns I rend over that chapter which Faith and I had been talk j ing about, I came to those two verses, tho sixtkand seventh of Isaiah tho 55lh, and I went over and over them again, until I felt such hope as I had tiever lelt belore ; and this hope infused such life mid strength in to mo that I nt last ventured to think that the former things might really pass nway, nnd that all things might become now, mid I think so now, Mrs. Hurley, af'ler more relleelion. What a mercy that it is never too Into to begin to do right ! Though my head is grown grey, and though I bavo spent years nnd health and wealth in u 6inful wretch course, yet I have the assur ance that il is not too lute, I have indeed been, 'as a beast before (ind;' still. Ho has sent me a most gracious luessago of mercy.' Faith looked up and said earnestly, 'Aud will you always '(' ' Yes, indeed, I trust so,' ho replied, with equal earnestness. 'I hopo you will,' responded Faith, hear tily a hope, I may tell you, wbicli was not disappointed ; for ns the. months rolled by they found Mr. Morgan still doing honest battle with self, nnd over victorious through tho strength ni thcMighty Helper. Faith rather wondered that Mr. Morgan should always address her ns 'little child :' he had quite left oil' calling her Faith, tho expressed her surprise to her mother, by saying, 'It's a wonder ho calls mo 'littlo child' so, mother. I'm not so little. Mrs. Morgan says I'm a rather big girl for my age.' It may be, d.'ar, tliat bo does so in re membrance of that Christmas event,' said her mother. 'He is sure to have some rea son of bis own for giving yon that tii'e.' It was lo keep fivnh the memory of that day on which a child bad been instrumen tal, through thi! I'rovideiico of (rod, in leading him and bis wil'o Irotii that dark nnd horrible road of iutempeimiee to tuo pathway that leads on to life, light, nnd a glorious immortality. lisccllinuors. A Dt'TY or tiih li:')i'i.r It is with out regard to tho position or wealth, to discharge their political obligations in. every community, beginning at the prima ry meeting and" ending ut tho polls. If w rongs exist and dishonest men get into olllce, it is the fault of tlio honest men of the conn try who I avo tho power to keen , -' ' ! well-known rogues out of nlli,;e, by uniling defeat them whenever presented us can didate's. Hon', st men niv in the. majurity in every community. T..ry can control the event of every political coolest i hen the issue is una of the public morals, and it is their duty to do it. On this subject the Boston Adnrtinfr sajs. truly : "Attention to polities in a country like ours is as much the duty of good citizens as attention to any oilier duties of life. Whoever maintains that politics is a dis honorable business or unworthy a i iiiii) man's interest must be ci-t down ns a snob. No man may cxc.i,.) hi.us"lf for tiiir'.'iig the duties of his place and tints by ll alter ing his scllisiincss uiui assuming that bis n ilut'j is too line for the strain uf resisting the devil. The rich and cultivated li'cu iu New York knew well enough live year ago tho ni'-ii who ruled tho city, but nothing I in.. veil tlieui to lend a ban I cxerpL, tbu plain showing, bv columns of figures that I ; they wero robbed. Then they began lu lay the matter to heart, to ako counsel with politicians, to address UH-e.nih.ies of Iho people, lo orgatiiu houesl m.M for united action, lo go to cutieiisscs, and lie n o import ml than all, to go to the pons and vole. The ivsuli is a great victory, but tho sham i is thai dishonesty g lined its fool!, oH and aecouiii'.iili.d il crime be- ! ciio ih.-y had nrglrrU d po'.iiu s hitherto. I -Hill till') M HI Kl'i, It.lO VOtCtl I'tt'lt Jtlll III i iho last len h ill as t uililiilly an I ze.itot'.-!y as this year, the disgrace of ilia tireseiit ne cessity fur rof'iriii Would llevor ll.lVt! bvll. i The U s ui comes Imiiiu lo every cU.2ei' in j every pari nf llm republic?. Active pi i'soii al aiieiili ui lo llio liiitii, s nf g iverinueut i is a duty not to he !nr',id with sad ly. it. i i ni ,i. ii 1 1 ii I thti nil-it id. 'etc. I lo nlll m ' kholil'l bale lii'bl view nil ipieslimi nfpu i liey and iidniiiiisli iiiu), bul It is I. ir lU'irn . important ll Isim mi ll that Ilu'.. should I Ihi uiso liotioi'.lli!.' all l vn lUotl 111 "I. 't llii ! wor.t t uiiien',. nf iho c'liiiiiuuit y mighi ! li iiiiint'ii mi l elect th ku wli iii ptlty leal ly Is iu l. 4,1111 ibie, bill l'u nbllg llio. ral ' uu lb ' U iti r cuii-iiiii iiey nl i irry pa'ly lo in iLe it certain Ih it innno.-.thi m vt r wnt ll udt Ull l,'e. Llelllll Oglt.tllt'O I Ilu) ; I'lieo n nth r Vkl ale Ih tu Ui an that id li Uily. Sir William ll., I ing a a pn ii m, i lin, III t l'' S UIIO plnpiiaiU isbleh Hi r i tihj 'l I-t I i by u In tu. r. Ill, hly i in i d, l. said I I llm I ii uu r : "Nr, do ou kit th.it I b it a Ik i ii ul 1 4 o urn tu sit n , uul lo t"l. li."ul tub uitiitisilr t" "iH, sir,'' lid Ibt) Iiiiiii r, "stlnl n tb il If 1 I. id 4 i I I that kill k. d I mu l ow , uu I ll.n nl. . 4li i I ll. t K u.ia, llio Itlotlbss ted liiU ,'i. tb ( t id bu ii. 4S - Of 4 limb, si Iiiiiii ss i iltt.til nil I ici'y l.llll. si; hi an mi bail si iti nil Lie uins, Mi.l 4 fj'illlt st i, Ir. at iiu A tl I III I'f s ui is I. li ill l tsilb) lit ru Uis i bill iliiuht'is ! ll tt 1i i d. u I k I I In lii.i'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers