H. B. MASSER, t. WILVERT. tdltort. suNBUKYt October as ibti. Tub first case to whtcTi ft Mormon was ever prnsocuUd tri a Utah court fbrhclulte rhasjuet pftici 1ft A verdict of guilty, which Wtw Uvo only result tlio evidence wotttormU tlio Jury to reach, and thus tho first stop has boon taken toward Hie ns ncrtlofi of the principle that a ninn shall not Ixs allowed io violate tho laws of the land under tho plea of acting out his religious belief. It is a healthy sii?n to noto tho Interest "which the people arc now taking in Con stitutional rtYoftn, and we anticipate tlicro fiorh the tast results, but wo must bo par ticularly careful in tho selection of men to represent us in tho convention to revise nnd amend the Constitution. Wo must have our most wise, pure, liberal and hon est men to act as such delegates 5 men who cannot bo bought by corrupt speculators or awed by ignorant mobs. The selection of these delegates will bo the most delicate part of this work. Skxatou-elect Weakley, of the Nineteenth district, will take measures to compel tho Democratic election officers to do their duty and issue to him tho certifi cate of election. After consultation with eminent legal talent he has determined ou his course, and an application will be made at the earliest day to tho Supremo Court, at Pittsburg, for a mandamus to -compel tho recreant return judges to perform their duly, clearly ministerial in character. A STREET PllEACIIEIl MODIIED. TllO Rev. A. P. Devlin, anti-Popery lecturer, who harrangued on the streets in this place, a few Sundays ago, was mobbed at Scran ton city, Pa., on Sunday last. In his lec ture ho referred to tho Catholics as being thieves, murderers and cut-throats, when ho was attacked by a crowd of men who wounded him severely in the head, when ho made his escape by the aid of an officer. District Retuuxs Official, 1871. The following are the official returns of tho election liuld in this Judicial D'mtrlct, com posed of Xorthumhcrlaud aud Montour counties : Beott, D. Northumberland Co. ll.osi) Montour county. 1,30!) Rockefeller, R. 4,045 1.070 M.iJ. i,r.t'.5 SS'J 5,715 1,320 vote for 4.389 Rockefeller's (Republican) majority, Tho following shows tho official Assembly in this Legislative District, com posed of Northumberland and Montour counties : Montour Co. Kor'h'd Co. Brluhl . R. SnMif, I. Di.ir.nl, D. Gallanlivr, P. 1M 4.1:- ,1SS 4,1(95 97S 6.4.10 4,402 1.3MI 3.0U.I 4.WS l,:it.'. 3.147 4,4E3 Majorities, 1SK1 A GENEitAL move along tho whole lino seems to havo begun in suppressing ttvo Kuklux. The first step towards purging Florida of this nefarious Klau has been iu nuguralcd by tho United States commis sioner at Jacksonville. rive would-bo as sassius of a colored family have been arrested aud are to be arraincd for trial. Drigiiam Yorxa, the leader of the Salt Lake Saints, besides being a polygamist, Booms to havo dipped his hands in swind ling. A suit has now been entered against the Mormon chief for retaining money rightfutly belonging toa Mormon lady, and which was collected for her benefit ou tho death of her husband, Camion County. Tho Republicans of Carbon county did well at the lato elec tion. They elected an Associate Judgu by a majority of nearly 100 over his highest opponent ; their County Treasurer by 301 majority, and reduced the Democratic nia j rity on tho State ticket over 300 compar ed with last year's election. Wc congratu late the llepublicans of that county on their success. Oi.u Things Passixu Away. Soiuc of the eiuocratic editors are crying aloud for new leaders, aud others are demanding new principles. It reminds us of the chap who had a Knife, and breakiug the blade had a new one put in the old handle ; he tlien broke the handle and had a new one substituted. The question with biui then was, "is this the same knife 1 had origi nally V" lie finally concluded it was not. Willi new leaders and new principles Would our defeated and disconsolate Demo crats still be the Democratic party (5. T. Vetkcs, Jr., & Co., stock brokers of Philadelphia, failed to a heavy amount la-it week. The cause of the failure is said to havo been caused by the Chicago lire, the linn holding heavily in stocks that were depreciated by that calamity. Tho city of Philadelphia hud deposits with thiMi) to the amount of 478,1X10, and the State to the amount of lill.OOO. Wo sco it kUU'd that Mr. Mackey, Nta'o Treasur er, promptly mld the If 130,000 into the Stale Treasury, and took the individual rUk of recovering it from Vtrkea V Co. What the Chicago Hihk Dm It is slid that there is not u kindle indictment lull against auy accused leison in Cook euutity, Illinois, which is certainly a piece nt" good fortune for some rogues. Hut, on lliu oilier hand, the lawyers have sintered severely. 1 JurU'y a law library or law of lieu is U It ; not a imp-r to show that there i a suit pending in uny of llm six lunula film nuiitty. Not a ju'luu iit, not u k-. I i lints tu luiikruiitey in thu KeiU nil courts. And worsw yet, agj fiir as is known, ull the iuc4rd of tWda a in I mortgages are de klroyt-il. Tiiu forest Un lit the Noilliuesl Imvu Ih'i-m i xtinjuul'tnl by rect-nl riuu. t on luliiilioiin to relieve ll aulUrura aro bt lu,( kturteil throughout tho country. 'I'Im- i Ilia luui-ifV iok by llu-.au ttiv. is muih fclUllUrlllHU I ItSt by 111 CututtfO caUs- Iii1m , IU Imm of hfu aud siuoui.t i,r bu Mail ulWrl4 U dr JfrwU-r, ilui ksera Uiv of Wr Im u'U'ii4ud (tviM-rsI Mml d ui it i lu . ms Sur a in hi iim r, lU u-lrsis ly ! fire. Wholcunie ArrPMtn or Kn-klnx In Nouth Carolina. Advices received from South Carolina state that at Spartanburg, ou Wednesday of last ftvek, a Ku-klux7'dcti," consisting of a chief fittil twenty members, surrender ed to Utaitcd States Marshal Johnson, with Men arms and dls-miscs TTn to Friday "morning seventy arrests had been made in tlio vicinity or that town alono. Spartan burg Is known to be the headquarters for that Congress district. Arrests havo been tviado in tho counties, but the number is not known here; A number of well known citizens are missing, including Mr. Lyle, a member of tho Legislature, wlio is report ed to bo the chief of the Klan for that dis trict. Among thoso who have disappear ed are two or thrco clergymen, known for their strong rebel proclivities. Tho officers of tho law sro proceeding steadily with their work, nnd before tho arrests are all made they will, it is affirm ed, show the existence of a deep and wido conspiracy against tho State, tho laws and all who sustain them. Most of tho Ku klux refugees aro known to havo fled to (Jcortjia, wlicro tho order is quite strong; Tho Grand Cyclone for that State Is believ ed to be a son-in-law of Robert Toombs. Advices from Georgia state that Judge Krskine seems determined to demonstrate that there is no occasion for tho military law in that State. The officers of tho court are arresting men by the score in tho upper part of Goorgia, under charges of Ku-klux-ism. Tho Savanuah liepmlicnn says : "The civil tribuualare vindicating the law, and wo believe that Georgia juries havo long since lost patioucc with heedless nicu who are bringing so much trouble upon the State, and will punish them when proved to bo guilty." The Chicken Coining Home to Root. It will be remembered that last winter tho Democracy iu making tlio apportion ment for members of the Legislature, vio lated all consideration of population, geo graphical boundary, and did not conceal their purpose to be a gerrymander to keen the Republican party out of power in tlio-J senate lor mo next ten years, l no ses sion of the legislature was prolonged for weeks to accomplish this unfair object. The consideration of the apportionment bill was utterly neglected in tho Senate, nnd no business of any kind allowed to progress until Mr. Wallace nud his fricuds had received what they believed tho power to give tho minority a control of the Sen nte. There was no attempt at concealing this purpose. Tho work to accomplish it was dono openly and boastingly, as a means of "giving the Radicals a taste of what they might expect iu the future." But what has been tho result V The snare which was thus set to entrap tho Republi can party, and in the very districts whero the Democracy were most sanguine of suc cess they havo been overwhelmingly de feated. They have lost a prize to secure which they resorted to every corrupt in vention, and tho precedents they made during tho madness and intolerance of their brief hour of power, nro destined to prove their worst punishment. Already tho Democracy aro protesting that an un fair Congressional apportionment is con templated by the Ik-publican leaders in tho Legislature. Why ? Simply because the guilty party now fears retaliation. After the unreasonable and unmanly course of the Democratic majority iu tlio Senate of last winter, it is imagined Repub lican control of the same body will resort to the same acts. But iu this our oppo nents will be disappointed. The Republi can party never resorts to official power for purposes of political revenge. We thrash our opponents at the ballot box, and wield tho power wo achieve thereby for the good of the whole people. Tho Congressional apportionment will be fairly mnde, in a manner to secure just represen tation, aud thus promote the interests of the entire State. The suspicion that any other apportionment is contemplated, is the confession of a guilt on the part of our opponents that thoy intended to do what they uow nccuso Republicans of contem plating. llarrixburij State Jouvnal. The lluturn Judges of the 20th judicial district met at the Court House, in this place on Tuesday last,nnd counted the vote, which resulted as follows : Snyder county Woods, 1,.")S0 Milllin Woods, 1,018 Union Woods, 1,831 Official Vote of Pennsylvania, 1871. Voitrnor. AnMor Ooncrat. Rmrrtyor General. Vonnntkm. COUNTIES. Total, Snyder county Ihichcr, Milllin Rucher, L'uion lhiclicr, 0,038 1,595 1,800 1,550 5,047 it' mi KM siutfla uaiU;r r-citilly (Urv unikfel lu lta 1 biUU KUUl, 1 1 i.i lioiiil- uistot. Jfciuuurf Haw" lll t bl- Li4, 14 UULk, JkWl 4tiiU miI luiw4U ' I uii-WiUktr, 44 l. link. i, i kiuW hutm;tmt lltw,) Ailnma Allegheny Armstrong.. Hcnvcr.., Hertford.., Hnrks.., Itlnlr. Hradford.. Hucks. Hutlcr.. C'anihrla Cameron . Cnrbon Centra ClieFtcr (Marlon Clenrllcld Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland Daupliln Delaware Elk Erie Favette Franklin Fulton Forest Greene Huntingdon . Indiana Jcfl'erDuli Juniata Lancaster l.iiwrcnee Lebanon....- LcbiL'li 1.117,01110 l.vcnniiiii M'Kfun Mt'ircr Milllin Mouroe Montgomery Montour Northampton Northumberland..., Perry l'lillailelplila Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Busiiuchanna Tin-ja Union Venango Warren Washington Wayne Westmoreland Wyoming York Total Majority a ? B f p. J S? 3 3 3 2623; 80O9, 84fll 8035 18 17SSS 18301'! 14HM 11134 54, 84;l; 8070 8515! 8144! I 80961 8408' 2ttl 25231 00 2485i 2N33 2H1' 2S32 20 o7i i3521! fi3,,fll in17 1 S4S41 2773 83S2I 318! 80(1 0C.53! 8Hft, 57371 80071 50 0505 7001 1 0HO3 01143 13' 8250 2W4! 80112 SRIW I U5i i187; 2-4 80211 ; r.' 474 423 889 839! 88 ! T940 2025 1935 2100 ; 7 81(12 8404, S97R 8470! I 8.j30 0140; 7308 4053 153 ! 17S5 2831 J443 2511 5 1799! 3015 144l 2744 i 1830 3ru' K1 2139 10 H4,5, 8714 1500 3383 09 6,07 4805! 5172 4213 22 8514 4s 8901 43C9 24 fil-iOO 4:128 6383 41 34 308 8533 2295 8787 2139' 58 475 ws , 508 907i 1 049S 4284 290ol 03 834lll 4'-,2!', 2921 8804 80 I 8005; -a 4400 40U. 09 I 3098 4000 777 liu' 11 nSO1 1000 , 254 218 ! 1542 -m' 1870j 2-54 10 2825i 2308 3140; 2389 132 4003 2070 4348 2104 1 1907 - 2039 1 800 1785 8 I354! 1642 1294 1047; 80 13804! 8316 10740 0045' 853 ! 8217 15'-2 2432 12SS 40 i 4027 '-'090 3000 2380 38 ; 4555 0133 4420 5035 i 8090 IMM'O 0100 10551 j 4053 4587- 8980 440O I 8S0! 090 W3i 751 8 1 4529 8785 4041 3335 122 I ! 1040 1702, 1719 1790 02 I 059' 2092 735 s.V.18 4 I 7303 : 8447 , 0551 7315 130 1 lOOOi 1555i 1020 VMW j 4023 7449 8248 0102 'j 8497 40X1 4004 3700 28 2439 2408 2478 24971 I 51203 40802 3005 50511 i 815 HIM 249 1 013 1 I 13114 T08 13-Wi 788 1 j 7903 8901 0993 8499 3,7 I 1719' 1315 1755' 1391; 6 2940 1700, 3H05 1877, 81 I 400 759 407, 700' 8 1 4004 2982 KM, 2457 23 ! 4535 1825 80131 1741; 27, 1788 1207 2013 1332, 12 1 i 3507 8241 3722 ; 81541 37 ' 2430 1079 2128; 1627, 13 1 4470 403-2 4854; 4888 80 i 2275 271.V 2081 ! 2390 20 4853 0195 4706 0041 50 1453 1772 1381; 1540 82 5545 8320 ; 5701, 7190 22. 290553 285950 ;284007 209151 8180 285950 209509; ! -1590! i 144981 , ? i a g H f 2493 1 170191 8517 8000 2820 5301! 8883 i 5750 0910 8089 2203 890 1920 2975 7337 1443 1445 1017 1507 6107 4008 5480 8750 508 42851 2929, 4400 782! 254 1375i 8145 4838 1807 1394 10707. 2214 8085 4435 9102 3999. 9O0; 4033 1715 730 0557 ; 1005 8252 40101 2482 62040 249 1340 C9S2 1749; 3005: 400 3504 3015 201 1 -3724 2188 4857 3070 4725 1388 5703 30841 8500 8185 .... 2524 2833 U124 ... 28331 8069 ' 6939 ... 28891 ... 8O07I 838; 2108' 8470! 188 26 I 804 61' 4011 8513 2739 i 2139 Hsn 4238 4373! 4005! 212tl! 907-2904! 8858 4012 1111 217 2851 2393 2154 1780 1050' 0045' 1490 2386! 5027 10023 4398, 748 8197 1790 2580 7324 1370 6096 3097, 2495' 50306 1015 787 8480 1377 1870 700 2458 1741 1329 3150 1023 4894 2400 6030 1451 7199 68 88 7 0 130 5 i I 1 r j j 8525 1925 22044! 859 6033 89 00 21 24 283 ' 47 1 63 83 99 1' ""io 131 I "' 8.! 83 889 85, 88 7, 8 145 02: I 128 287045 2CC735 200735 ! I "28 I ltt-1 ' 0 77 3 21 27 12 35 13 28 i 20 ! 57 25 23 2924 20ol0! 6016! S209 6214 8397, 11181 2931 1 4004; 500 3815 ' 6155 9473, 8408' 2587 j 2891 3835! 5258 570l! 7043' 6787 ' 6284; " 21831 209' 6588' 1789j 1433, 5453; 587U 2394 35911 10863! 3325; 40101 5836' 7283 1 8211 1020 5419 2700; 1045 7000, 951; 5491 1 5590 8097 16781 : 549 1259' 7233: 1S03I 4809' 958 443l! 419! 1896 6959 4510 0248 4452 6825 1008 11458 328:154 ! 70205 1,258149! 554 10905 16 223 2i:i5 1044 196 '"l05 2:3 2030 245 1013 808 88 18 2405 799 29 ""276 2054 1574 63 1 2725 5 13 925 845 116 878 1096 4030 789 0 11 1689 703 1328 6827 67 8784 190 693 523 431 29 2000 1213 14 10 489 8 846 597 80 2780 9 8727 848 1104 70205 The llnrriNburj; 1'olsoner. PAItTIClLAKS OF HIS OK TUB DEATH VICTIMS. The followinfr, inken from tho Harris hurj 'lelnjrujth of Thursday, gives tlio par ticulars in the Shalfticr poisoning case : The wife of Emanuel .Similiter, residing iu West Hanover township, about three miles north of Union Depot, died a year or two ago rather suddenly, and it was given out that she had died from the cfl'ects of cholera morbus. Within a your or two thereafter ShalT ncr married Miss Nancy Good, who was estimated to be worth lliroo or four thous and dollars. Iu June, 1871, this second wife died under similarcircuinstauces and was buried. From certain rumors it be gan to be suspected that tho deaths occur red from the same cause, aud rumors of foul play were soon afloat. The liody of Nancy Shaflher was exhum ed iu the latter part of (September, the sto mach and other viscera were taken out and sent to a celebrated chemist of Philadel phia and a professor in tho University of Pennsylvania at that place, and six differ ent tests, well known to seientillc men for the discovery of poisonous substances, were applied, lie made a report of the re sult of his examination, which was sent to TIIK Ill SSUIV IMtlXCK. Preparation Tor IIIm llereptiou. A special to tho Philadelphia Press da ted Tuesday, says : For weeks tlio Committee of lteception and the liussian Minister have been busily at work to devise a series of grand sur- E rises. Programme after programme has ecu adopted and then rejected for some novel scheme which would show off tlio city to better advantage and expend its money to better purpose. At last all things are iu readiness. From out of the councils of M. DcCatactizy, Mr. Asp'mwnU, tJcncnil Dix and ex-Mayor Montgomery has come the final plan. The following L nited States war vessels arc designated to receive the Russian lleet, and arc now anchored off Sandy Hook: Con gress, flagship, screw, 10 guns ; Severn, screw, l. guns ; Iroquois, screw, 0 guus, and Kausas, screw, 3 gens. This fleet is under command of Vice Admiral Stephen C. Howcn, assisted by Hear Admiral Sam uel Phillips, ltear Admiral Silas II. Stringhnm, and Itear Admiral Melauclhou Smith. Coming up the bay, with streamers fly ing, cannon booming, music 011 almost every ship, and a picked band of one hun dred pieces, lea Dy Ievy, on the Alaiv Powell, the committee boat, tho see no will be au inspiring one indeed. Total, which gave Mr. Uueher a majority of 9. We learn that the Heturn Judge from , Snyder comity handed in his papers "un- j der protest". His reasons for doiug so are not known to us. It is is supposed that there have been some dark doings down in I Snyder, or lie could not have done so. ! Where we iu his situation we should desire an opportunity to say why wo 'protested." Otherwise, people may think ho is playing false, or seeking to get up a sensation. Jtticixbury Chronicle. An A'l'TiiMrT to Ufiix San Fhaxcis L'O. An attempt ingeniously devised to destroy the city was detected in time and completely baflled ou Friday evening last. A block thickly covered with frame build ings was tired iu live dill'ercnt places, and but for the seasonable discovery of the dia bolical work half the city might have been consumed, for San Francisco is peculiarly subject to high winds. Aud here the sus picion is iigaiu suggested that incendiarism is probably at the bottom of many of these tires, and that the villain concerned, intent upon plunder, have been incited iuto these atrocious cxporimenU by the teaching of the Paris Coiuinuue. Id this view of tho ubjeel we hope that the investigation Into this San Francisco itfluir will bo pushed to u complete expokuro of the plot aud all the parties concerned iu it. A. j . Jhrulil. AsoriiKit dark outrage attempt by the Cumberland iK-mocraey, uud 011 a par with 1 . 1 . . 1.. .1... f . llleir CiHUIlll'l III l lie ncniuoriui ijueaiiuu, lias juot been extoed to the light ot day. The people of tlio Ninth Judicial district, omiiobea 01 1 uiuucrMiiii, J unlaw, aim IVrrv. ut tlio nei-ut tli-cliou declared as their rel'ert-uco for Judgu the Hon. J. H. Juiikiii, lit-publican, llu ninjoriiy, even niter Waving out ait obvious Ih-wocrfcliu irror or Imud lu CuinU-rluud county, was U11, kultU it-ul to elect hiiu uudur iimjorily ruUi. I'll t-akliua up liui returns ana una inn that Juuklu Wl a iiiulorlly, the lu. iikucraliu returu luduu of I'uuiberUud, hailing from l arlulu, u courw, ivad a car- lully-i'itipared luuU.t aumuil Hut b itMhly of the retuius tioui hi eouniy, a rtiug that the IkiitucialUi Ntajoiiiy of eiilil r- luuu d ia rvahy iuuiu laiur. liw pro- Ukl 4 H"t IwviVBii. and ha retUmJ tu kitfu tho ttiltiu-attf. IU laiuociaiui ao-tuu-k Ikhii Juim and iwy, lur, i (M.k.d i t inoio hi-ukty, su4 f Jaiikiu iil bu duly loiuiMlkkt'Mwd. Ills haud, t"li: iy, mi l Vlolcuea Mil "H Uui 4ui mth tiM ipMaiuu. I'KiUUIf km '(. (4m 4 UUld ik.v.nU I, the district attorney From it, it appeara conclusively mat ar- ; seiiic had been used, and that the womau 1 Flit EN. died from ltscflects. On tlio tlio streugtn t HARinsiiri:, Oct. '21. The mountains of these facts, Martin Good, a nephew of; nbovo 1)aUpuill i,avo ou lir0 hince of the deceased wile, made lntormation last , FlUliiy T1C telegraph operator at Dau uigUL, eiiiir-oi- xjiii.iuui administeriti!: the poison, from tho effects of which the said Nnncv Shaflher died. Licutaucnt of Police lloopes arrested the defendant yesterday morning, conveyed him to this city, and ho was committed to prison to await a hearing. It is stated that a woman resided in tho family of Slmffncr, while his sccoud wife was living, who was married to a man named Shur lock or Shillock, employed at tho Pennsyl vania Steel Works ut Baldwin, who visited her every week or two, and remained over Sabbath ; that duriug 0110 of his visits in February last ho was taken suddenly Biek, and, after vomiting freely, ho died. A coroner's jury was emjiannelled, tho body being fully identified, and some evi dence taken, but tho Inquest adjourned to await tho result o( the examination of tho stomach and viscera, which will be sent to Philadelphia for examination. From tho circumstances of these deaths it is supposed that they wcro caused by the same party aud by tho same menus. Tho Pope to leave Home. Home, Oct. 21. Tho Cardiuals havo held a meeting here aud advised tho Pope to ouit Home to preserve his spiritual in dependence. The Pope has almost made up ins mind to depart at me lime 01 mo convocation of tho Italian Parliament. Ukulix. Oct. 21. A distinguished pre late, an emissary of tho Pope, obtaiucd un audience with the Emperor to-day to as certain if it would bo allowable for tho ap proaching conclave to sit outside of Home; tor iustuuee, In some French city. Tlio emissary was referred to llisumrk, who evaded a renlv. Tho Kiuperor has sent au auUigraphle letter of sympathy to tho I ope. UUeoula..-Ovrr IOt l.lve l.oat. Terrible Kullerluif. MiLw-AtkiK, Oct. 13. The latest ac count from Norther u VI'oulu eoutlnu all previous report and juniors, Tho Ium of hl'u in the vicinity ot Pikhtego will reach twelve hundred, aud titU-uu per ceut, ol ilioMi iujurud caiiuut rucuvvr. A ineiuber of thu rein f coiumiiu), auiit from Milwau kin with MUppltcs, ka)lho only survivors were tlioku who were foituuaW uouuh to reach thu water, Ihrowluif themselves Iuto mill ponds, aud iliiiiiliii' lo floaiiug lugs. A number of Ihtso wem Urowuvd, beiun llirowu from llm logs by mudduuud hoi u s aud iallki that rukhud lulo tho waUr. Tho lira swept ovur it tract of eouulry li;lit or U u mite wiiU. Kury kuildiim aud ft iua and all I lis timber mm dekiic.l. 'Ilia tupulatiuii ot lWbU'iu uuuiU r tiJ, oiw. bud of bM Kilkhd, iU'lurt Iroiu Us boi of tirccu lUiy pluiw lit U of Ut Ml as likn at I'tkliUiuo, 'i ! My of of WtlwaukW has imim4 au apU I" kha upw for am, A V . b . . i - . ..... lkJ . L. - k . H . Ii. tits prcavtit avastH-, Iftid uw B aiis of phin reports that tho lire extends two miles from the river and theeutire breadth of Peter's Mountain. Tlio surrounding country is shrouded in smoko. No state ment ol loss is givcu. IN NEW YOttK. PovoiiKEErsiE, Oct. 21. Tho atinos tihere here to-night is dense with smoke irotu the burning mountains nud forests in L lster county. J he r latousn nres arc ex tinguished: but the Sliawausuuk Moun tains aro still buruing. A littlo rain fell to-day, but uot enough to extiuguish tho flits. Ciiicaoo ItELiEK.-Lowdon, Oct. 24.-The subscriptions to the Chicago relief fund cou- tmuo to pour in. Nottingham lias given iXHKH); KidderminsU'r has subscribed JtoOO; Kdinburg, i.1540 ; l'erth, 1120: Dumferm liue, X'l-M). As tho details of the calamity reach this side by mail tho interest aud sympathy increases. Theatrical represen tations tor the benefit of sullerers are given or projected everywhere. Mr. Clarke and the other American stars particulate warm' ly in the movement. The Mansion House tund hero approaches au aggregate of X'iA, 000. The leading journals, with rare cuter- prise, receive details of tho particulars, tel egraphed from (Queens town in advance of tlio mail. The mercantile community lias subscribed liberally, ana tho nobility ana higher clusw-s show uo less seal. Tlie Maruuis of Westminster. Ixtd Kbarv, aud many others of rauk have diktiuguished themselves by largo contributions, which are announced tu the lists of tc-Uay. Tint Peusian Fahink. Loiotoii. Oct. IU. letter advices from Teheruu show that Perkla is still suffering from lam I ue aud pestilence aud 11m dlsorguui'iatiou aud dikluibnuces which these calamitiu have ludueed. Tlio urovliu-o of Khoriaaau has been lu- vaded and plundered by tit warlike Hi Us. lusuirvctioiis nave broken out iu various nuarUirs, whick tlio voverumeitt tluds tt uitneult or iuiioMibUi to nuell. Tho pro vtuue of Ftrs U tu ou rvU,llion, aud tho liovuruuuiut Iruops uavo Utu driveu from hblraa, tha capital of Hut provluoo, wliich ut uow uuia oy nut roiMiia. A new davs ano MeUaus In tho City of Mvtleo in kid out, made to kuovl duwu, and shut, Ut Ulni kiijiajjod lu au lusurrot tmu. This sort of thiu-i has U vu vny vuiuiuou of UiU u that uuhappy vouu uy. Kivvr scldoiM utaka aa attack will. out waruluii, aud may olWu tat thiuwu uif by auaklug that Uwl tu umitt watsr, wraplluj uu inu lu U4, and ukiug lo or thiM uf J'aikm' Puitfauva fiiU. A MlkkliHisry Jut relumed. m) re klil J.-liUkKU AlUMltlMt I llllUUJUt NEWM ITEMS. Nevada has a spring that will color tho hair a jet black. Keep clear of a man who does not value his own character. TiiR Chicago fire has used up nearly fifty insurance companies. TnB Alleghany river has not been so low as it is now since 1831. Tiieiie Is talk of establishing a match manufactory at Reading. Tub 8500 premium offered by tho SU Louis fair for the best bale of cotton from that State on exhibition was found to have sufficient merit. Quito a riot occured in Lincoln, Eng land, on Saturday growing out of the strike among the miucrs. Tho police were overpowered, and couBldcrablo damago was done. General Sheridan has ordered 4000 army blankets, 2000 overcoats, and 100 wagons, to be sent for tho people of Northern Wisconsin. Terrible tires arc raging in tho woods in Campbell county, Kentucky, and the peo ple havo sent to liOuisviuo ana Cincinnati for assistance. The Hague is said lo be tho wealthiest town for its population in tho world. One third of its citizens aro wealthy enough to live without work. The order of United American Mechan ics, at tho session of its State Council re cently held iu Philadelphia, took ground against that System of the Trades Unions which limits tho number ot apprentices that employers are permitted to have. Geo O. Evans, charged with embezzle ment, was recently arrested in New York, and has been lodged iu jail at Harrisburg, to await trial. It seems that the Tammany ring aro making pseud o military arrangements on their own account to secure matters all their own way nt tho coming November election, by organizing tho laborers on tho public works iuto military squads. Their nly hope is lo pollute the ballot box ana again oblaiu place ana power througli fraud. . Lycoming county elected a Republican Associate Judge, Frothonotary ana Sheriff. This is tho first time the Democrats of Ly coming have been defeated iu seventeen years. On joint ballot iu tho Ohio legislature tho Republicans have a woiking majority which may be interpreted to mean the re election of Hon. John Sherman, to tho Senate of the United States. England, Ireland and Scotland aro no bly responding to the cry for relief sent across the ocean from Chicago. Thus far over $151,000 in gold lias been collected in .onuon, liiasgow ana Uublm alone. iV terrible riot, attended with bloodshed. occured at Los Anglo, California, on Tues- V, growing out ot resistance to the laws by some Chinese, fifteen of whom were lynched. Ox tho loth instant a largo party of Che rokco Indians arrived in Kalcigh, N. C, to give au aboriginal "exhibition ball game." 1 hrcc squaws parttcipateu. The Weakley Cask. There will bo no dillicultyy whatever in this case. Mr. Weakley ts so clearly cntitilcd to his sent that we do not thiuk his right will bo ques- toned by a single Senator. Mr. Skiles, tho Franklin county return judge, has signed a certificate of Mr. Weakley's elec tion, having been convinced that his refu sal to do so'in the llrst instance wa a vio lation of his duty under tho law. This, with the otllcial returns showing a majori ty of 803 iu his favor, is all sufficient, and Mr. Weakley will, we think, be lx'rmitteil to take his sent at the opening of tho ses sion as a Republican Senator without oppo sition. There is really no ground for a contest, and the Democrats kuow it. 7n rnnhu nj Teh 'jraph, Ut'iiNiNo Mountains. A fire com menced burning on tho mountains along the dam below Itixler's gap on Thursday last, which gradually spread until most of the knobs and main mountain in thu Nar rows were burnt over. On Sunday another broke out or was set on tire through (irauvillo gap, which raged furiously iuto the night, presenting a long line of tlaines to the top of the further mountain. Tho weather has been dry, and occasionally windy, but it is hoped the showers of Mon day uight put a stop to its further ravages. lAtrirtmvn (htulte. .AJST APPEAL To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspeptics, To Sufferers from Liver Complaint, To those having no Appetite, To thoso with Broken Down Constitu tions, To Nervous People, To Children Wasting Away, To any with Debilitated Digestive Orgnns, Or tufftring vrilh uny o lAe follotcing Simiitom, which indicate lfieordertd Liver or Stom(tch such as Con Mlpatton, Inwnnl Piles, Fnllnpos or Blood to the llcnd. Arid ity of the Stomach, Nmisen, Hrsrthurn, Dl?irnt fur Food, Ftitlncts or Weight In the Stoin neb, (Sour F.rucUillonn, Sinking or Fluttering at tho Pit of the htmii nrh, Swlminlnir of the Head, Hur ried nnd nuilciilt Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart, Choking or SiifTocnt Ing Scniuilion, when in n I.ylnit Poolure, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Weln before tho Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain In the Hrnd, Deltrlcn cy of Penplmtlon, Ycllownem of the Skin nml F.ye, Palii In the 81,1c, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ar., Sudden Huh hot of Hent, Burning In the Flesh Constant liu nglulngs of Evil, nnd Great De pression of Spirits. Hoof land's German Bitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is different from nit others. It Is composed of the pure Juices, or itai. I'niNcirt.a or Roots, 1 1 eh us nnd Bahks, (or ns medicinally termed Ex tracts,) the worthless or Inert portions of tho In gredients not belmr used. Therefore In one bot tle of this Bitters there is contained ns much me- dlcnl virtue ns will be found In several trillions of onlliinry mixtures. The Roots, Ac., nsed in this Biltura are -frown In (tornitiny, their vital princi ples extracted In that country by a seientillc Che mist, nnd forwarded Id the manufactory In this city, whero they nre' compounded nnd bottled. Containing no splr.tuous Ingredients, this Bitters U free from tho objections urged ngainst nil oth ers t no desire for stimulants run bo Induced from their use i they cannot ninko druukurds, nnd cannot, under any circumstances, havo any out a ucnencini ctieel. IIOOFLAXD'S OEnJIAK TOXIC, Was compounded for thoso not Inclined to ex trenic bitters, nnd is intended for use in cases when tome nlcohollc stimulant Is required In co i neetion with the tonic properties of tho Hitlers, Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one hot lie of the Hitters, combined with puree SANTA CRl'Z Kl'M, nnd flavored In such n manner that tho ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form lint n pn-panilion highly ngrecablo nnd pleasant lo the pulute, nn,l cnutalUHig the liieiUelniil vir tues of the Bitters. The prieo of tho Tonic Is 91. 50 per Botile, which many persons think too high. Thry must take Into consideration that the stimulant used Is irnnranteed to be of n pure quality. A poor nrticle could lc furnished ut a cheaper price, hut Is tt not better to pay n little more nnd have n irl nrtlele f A meilieliial pre paration should cont.iln none but the best Ingre dients i nnd they who expect to obtain n cheap couioiind, uud bo beueliltvd by It will imt cer tainly uo ciuated. fcto bbtrtisfittcnts. AtiEVrg WAMTF.D FOR THE GREAT WORK OF THE SEASON. Or Fhnne of London Lile. By D. J. KIRWAN, the well-known Journnllsti Very I,arget C'onsmlnnlon mid. This book ts a very beautiful octavo of 063 pa-res, embellshed with 300 cngrnvlngs, nnd a llnely executed mnp of London, desiirncd nnd executed expressly for this work by eminent nrtUls. It contains a full, graphic, nnd truthful statement of tho .A!, ,i!rrM, nnd Semalimt of the isront Mclroolis of the world, which coutaluS n l"iulation of over 11,000,000. History, Bloirrnphv. Romance, nnd Advrnturo nre combined in tills volume, making tt a work of Intense Interest lo nil. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with full tnformntlon, scut free on application to Ul t FIK1.I1 ASH MEND, Fiilillxhrr, 711 Sansom Btroct, Philadelphia. Oct. 21, lHTlOui. ISAAC K. NTAI FFER, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1 IS North Neeond Nt., Cor. or Uarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, 8llTer nml Plated Ware constantly on hand. Repairing of Watches nud Jewelry promptly attended to. April 1, 1871-ly. H lNTKl) 500 AUKXTN. LIGHT employment nnd good Jwagcs to thoso who want to work, tfboukl call on or address. Yodor Wolvcrton, Sunbiirv. Pa. Oct.14.18Tl. Ilooflnnd'n (eriNii ItltlerM, or HOOFI.AXIVS GERMAN TOXIC, with HOOF- LAND'S l-odoplijIHn Till, will cure you. They nre the Greuteit BLOOD ITHIFIRKS known to the Mclieiil world, and will cradlent'i diseases arisint: from Impure blood. Debility of the Digestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu n shorter time than any other known remedies. T1IK WHOLE Sl'PltEMK COl'UT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOIt THESE REMEDIES. Who wot'l.n ask kok mohr Duimfiko and 8thom;kh Tcstimonv I Hon. Groiiiik W. Wo miwaiio, formerly Chief Justice of the Supremu Court of Pennsylvania, at present Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes : Piiii.aiiki.I'IIIA, March liUh, lSti. I tlud "Hootland's Gei nuin llitteri," U a giHiil tonic, useful In diseases of the digestive organs, and of crual benetlt in cases of debility, an i want of nervous act inn ill the, system. Yours, truly, GEO. W. Vi)01)V.hl. lion. Jamm Thompson, Clilef Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Pllll.AllRI.IMIIA, April 2S, 1S0T. I consider ''Hoolland's Gerinan Bitters" a val uable medicine in case of attacks ol Imlltrestion or Dyspepsia. I cm cerlit'y this from my eNpo- rleucu or It. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA, JF.Wl'LEKM, MLVKKN.MITIIM AMI 1MPOUTERS, nre now In recept of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing n superb stock of l'AKIS ltltO7.i:S! CLOCK SETS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS! VIENNA PANCl CiOODS! PAUIAX STATUAUY I Nolid Nllvor Mure! tastefully arranged In cases lor WEDDIXtJ PRESENTS, also n splendid assortment of FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHAINS, E LECTUO-PLAT E D W A K ES. 11, ISTl. CK-t. LADIES' FANCY FURS. John Fareira, 70H AKt'll KTKKKT, Middle of the Block, bet weeu Till uud cth Sts., South Side, l'hiliidclplilii. Importer, Manufacturer nnd Dealer lu ull kinds una iun'ity or r-A.3STC"5T FURS, For Ladles' nnd Children's Wear. Havtmr lmiorted n very lurire nud splendid ns- soitment of ull tho different kinds of Furs from tint hands lu Europe, nnd have bad them made up by tho most skillful workmen, would respect fully Invite the reader of this imper to call and examine his lar-e nud very beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, tor Ladiea and Children. I nui determined to sell nt ns low prices ns any otner rccctabte House In this city. All rum war rauled. No misrepresentation to ( flirt sales. JOHN FAKElRA, 714 Arch Street Philadelphia. Oel. lHTl.-Sm. Sii- Hon. Gkohob SiiMiswoon, Justice of the prcuie Court of Pennsylvania. Piiii.aiiki.I'IIIA, June 1, ISfis. I have found by experience that "llootlund's German Bitters' is a very coocl tonic, relieving; dvsiK'ptic symptoms almost dlreetlv. GEtlltGE bll.VKSWOOD. TO Till: Sl'FFKItI. The Ucv. William II. Norton, wliilo n-s,llni; In Hrar.il as a missionary, discovered in that laud of medicines n remedy for Conmi'mi'Tion, Britorri.A, Mour Tiiiioat, Cormis, Coi.ds, Asthma, ami Nkhvih Wkakness. This ivm edv hie1 cured myself niter ull other iiiedielues had failed. Wl-liiiiR to benetlt tho f iiU'rilnj;. I will n-n,l the reeie lor preparln-; and iislni: this reniedvto all who desire it f REE OF CHARGE. Please send nil envelope, with your name and address ou It. Address, Ucv. WILLIAM II. NORTON, (iTti BlUIAIIM AT, Oct. 11,1871. ly. Xkw Yokk City Hon. ll'.a. F. Itwjtre, Mavor or tho City of Bul- rulo, N. Y. Mayor's OtBce, Butrulo, Juno 2J, 1SC6. I lmve used "ItiMiHand's German Bitters and Tonic" in my family during the past year, and can recommend tliem as nil excellent toule, Im parting lone and vli;or to the system. Their use lias been productive of decidedly bencllelnl ef fects. W.M. F, ROGERS. Hon. Jnme$ .V. U'owl, Ex-Mayor of Williams ixirt, Pa. 1 take (creat pleasure lu rccoininciHlliii; "Iloof land's Gennuu Toule" lo nny ono who may be ntllleled with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia so badly It was ImiMtsslblo lo keep any food on my stomach, nnd 1 became so weak a not to l0 able to walk half u mile. Two Ixiiiles etfecloit a perfect euro. J A M ES M . . WOOD. lUTTEH-S, M U vtM4 ! t'i ui siwl 4tutui twyoutl u Ukl Itisvtil'.lu. II U ftiiapUMl li ft K s ms1 iklrff UI , uj U tli Ut WlU klikl tu lw u4iU. Wanted Immediately. 10,000 ytru nud lVouien to purchase the entire slock of GOODS now of- lered lor lui-llou uud sale nt I no .Muuiinoiu ttoro oh tiueea Hlreot, Northuiiiberluud, us 1 tint determined not to be I'ndrraold or Ksrrlled lu uilallly of Koodt otfervd for ale lu my Hue. 1.- I VI I I L U Oft. 8M, IHTI.-Sm. & PATENT OFFICE" Wasuinutok, D. C, lrtotwr 10, 171 Ou the petition of II. B. M AHSKK. ot ttuubury, Peuusylvauk, prnylug lor tba rwu.loo uf u puteiil irrautud lo him ou Ika HHU day of Ju uiry, aV, fur nu Improveiiicut lu let Ciwkui rruvsurs. H Is ordered tbul tho losilinouy lu lb vusa t closmt uu the ItHtt day of liwvuilwr noil, tintl thu lime for ulluic aiguiuvutsitud tlx Kuiliier report 1m lliullud lu ll KIM It, U.iy ol ixxi-uiuxr Uukl, aud llut suld 1111 lou fe litard oil Ihu aid day of Juuuuiy ueai. Auy lwnou ui oppose mu icu.u. ' U. II- tl.:lT, luiuuitMluuer, IM- HI, UTI.-Ht- , NOTK'K. IirilKKKAl uiy lf, lliw Cuerry, Ws Wft 11 Ul imd aud Uutrd II Uout lutl MUM Ol uiuuelUM, I twmliy uruitil pf svu u.it tu kdr bur ut trust lior ou my imoouui, Mill J MO a-buu'b,"u4a',,l,";0UiEL ?. ufr. Muubury, Ovt. It, UTI.-M. 4 ItiMiU pvJHI Al KNtilltK, kit ut-U, i V IUUUIU4 ol4vl, U ult. k-4 l4 mU l IIm uu j.uw4, lls .! sjllu. lt (oil u Ittuuiu. l l uuUi U Hk: l l ' " " II. It. UOiiliUit II- Kuubuiy, (M Jlfch, 1M -. A iWwJul tavustiMfel l iV (Itll Umni 4 lUtet' tH UUtl ItEMEMUEll THAT IIOOELAND'S OEUMAX (I ml IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Will Cure every Ciino of MARASMUS. or Wmitiiis nwny of tlio llotly. REXIEMUF.lt that IIOOFLAN1PS C HUMAN REMEDIES An the iiiedielues vou reiiulro lo purify lbs Ulo.l. exello the lomid Liver lo heullliy uellou, and to eimlilu you to pas safely llirouU any hardship, or exposure. IHU 1IOOFLAX1TS O D 0 P II V L LI N , or substitute for Mercury I'liia. two riiis a Dose. TU. uiosl Poaerlul, yet luuoevui cuwur- tie kuoau. Ii Is not iii-.t-s.-iry lo take a handful of Huso Pills lo product) Ih. dlr rlfcct lo of llu-iu act ulekly aud .urlully, i-leausluH IU l.lfcr, Miuuweb aud t4iwil of all ImpurUU-s. The Iirluel.il Inrrdlenl U Podophylllu, or Ilia Aleo lollc kvlruel of Muudruk., wbleli U by uiuuy lluivs liior. imsivrful, aelliiK and aearehlui; Dull Ihu Maudruk. Ilsoll. lis peculiar acliou Is upou lh l.lver, cli-aiilnif it spm-llly from all olwlruo. lions, with all th. of Mercuiy, el lr from th Injurious rosuii uiucucq 10 ihu un 01 Hi. k luluriol. Fur all dUcasfs, lu ahU-U lha um of a calU ir liv U lu-llratrd, IbeMi pill will flv. snlll. sulls. faellou lu tiny . 1 hey utter lull. lu rasssi of l.ltvi I oini-Ulnl, lii.-.ia auJ Irvui. roallnvuess, Dr. ltoudiid'. G.-iuutu Hn Urt or Toule should tm Um-4 In roiiuu. iiuu a illl Hi. Pills, lb luuU) .oV-ct of IU. Uiil.i. or To. but builds up Ih. S)sm. Th. blilri. ui T-utie iiunu.-s lb. uiouu. strvuuiuvas i -. ..... CD 63 W a I -S tmml Ui w i c: tr rs P lb J- a 1 Ul 0 tj. HI P a 1- Q 0 t-1 O hr1 a a I lJ zn 0 a o o o C2 MmmIsmIi B.smI, Haw ltratrrd. m. . Ju.l puhlUbetl, a ura idllkiu of Dr. 4(rji.l'ulili'ir I l- -ul-ul E.... 01. Il l - r-tdieal rur. (aliloml un-lu li,. ) of ltii-rui.iloriliuu. or Iti uiliial Xtaakuras, li.toliiu- ' lm sxiiiIujI I.iim', lni4i'lit'), M-ul-tl aud 1 'l,).l.al Inettl-ai ll, lui-..lioii 1.1 . .i Vui.L,.-, ' tin 1 also, I ousuini-tl-Hi, I -IU-x, jud I lia, iu I ducnl ! mII ludulti.'Utv 01 tuul 1 tu itii .utu, I I t" 1'ik-., lu a Btalod uttii.-., cult cult. I b. iiiltbialtMl aulhiHr.tu thu a li.ilii.i l. im.., rlt-Mil dttaiHMlr.il iimii a lltlil irais' sue- UtM lu l-t-W u gla stituKib, suijr aud , t.iu pmcibv, lUalttit.l.irutin uu.tsiiiutt' tu4. J ol s)l -.Uum nut Is l.li.ali t tti.4 aill.i-ul ts utua'riuus a. 01 Uil.iu.1 ukiuiuoi ib ii taliuw ul Ih. Ituilv 1 pultillii.; uu bital. il tuia tu your lioaiil. ill. Ull I. Pills, aud u7. 11.. .t.iuiu lib taiilt-isix Tuala. aud uo dumts tll itHalu la. hold. 0 ."u bmniII " al tMiea .m-i U, t- iUiu, aud 1 il-. lu .l, MiwulltMl tlt4l It u I'H- lliMilLASD u littH- ' ul uib ttn tuibivi, uu uir.iur -l k uiv UviuKik. iImI am so utotiiiMlly u4 aud liikhlr itoututi.udvd 1 aud do U"t allow It. Iii.tfsis lu lu4a. lu Uk. aatlltlita Im Ibl U ksl U )ust a u"l, mwu ! uutM 4 Ul .llUl ou U. 1 U.W lUun-iu .III Im muI Ii kt-i.. lo .u b jUli. U- .r-1'IUa- !. iu iu i ui" ir tt- ''Hi' r. i o ii u- UtS UIIHi lk ti'sitL, ( AIM II ll , fllll.itol IHU. t II . M. KVAMH, t'i..,.iu.i .r. Miul I . U Jt-U In. 1b. Hiw dii sis l"t aWt l-i Iiiiii, H.-tLt. ri, aud M.4..1U. I. Ull sii)b.K, Utv.U. IS I'IMI dubm uwy Ui h mi. Itiuisvll iUi, il- tUII, aud I4ditll. ts'lliu l-l... should l. lu th Ii4udt of u4 t.- twlli .a-l a-vir uitu iu ils Uud svui 41.4.1 ixl,is a v-im 1-, I .i-l d- ltMt4 mi i4.'r vt t -i.lt, w 111 Ivl Si4U. 4iw, Ik- tult-i- " ik. ilk catil. A4ilM lb. Puliltlr-t I II lb J I tl Ib-am. - a It ill .1. Is. I l U IUU l4 4utt," III INK I II , III-. IK I -Hi. UnI pUiiUj III ibi aud mia-stuiiks. j.. ii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers