HIE SUNliURY AMERICAN, 18 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY EM'L WILVBRT, Proprietor, maisbr's mnuinros, market squaws, At 91.30 In Advance. II not paid within 6 Month $2. Snbtrriptiont tnkm for leM than ttx Month. CoyNWTRTi wltli thin eBtnMUhmont Is Bitpxtcn slvcNKW JOB OFFICE, containing a vnrlr-ty or plain unci fancy type equal to any establishment in tlm Intsrior of tlio State, for which the patron- tfo of the public Is respectfully solicited. professional. WiH. J. WOtVEUTOSI, Attorney a J.aw. ofllce, door No. S, 2nd floor, Haupt's Bloek. near Miller's Shoe Store, Banbury, Pa. March B.rth, 1 S71 e 1 y. 11. llOYEK. Attorney at Law. Nos. S and 8, Second Floor rirljrht's Building, Banbury, Pa. Professional business attended to.ln th'eeourts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion can be had In the German language. March 25th, 1M71. ly. , JKKE.lII-mll NXTIIER, Attorney at Law, Bunlmry, Pa. All professional busi ness Intrusted to his care will recelvo prompt at tention In this and adjoining comities. Can be consulted both In English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Aug.a0,1870.-ly. JNO. A. WII.NOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Fouktu Avenue, 5'otnry Public, Pittsburg, Ii. Jan. IS, 1870. ly. J . MARKI.F. CO. Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Points, Oils, Olass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, &e. SP. WOLVERTOS, Attornev at Law. Market Square, BUNBURY.PA. Profession al business in this aud adjoining couut ies proinpt .y attended to. DIE. A. It. MAVmCJK, respectfully an nounces himself as Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Mrfrket street , near ly opposite the Fairmouiit Hotel, where lie can be consulted at all hours when not professionally cngagid. npl24-ly Al W. .Ii:il.i:it. Attorni y at Law, north VUT side of Public Sqiinro, onu door east of the old Bank building, SL'NBCItY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. septlS-ti'j C A. lt:mi':XKXYlKK, Attorney at ' Law, SUMiCKY, PA. All business en trusted to Ida care attended to promptly and with diligence. upl-7-07 T(). KAY fl.ILMKXT, Attorney at Law, fj SUNBUKY, PA. Collections and all pro fessional business promptly attended to. lilelilll-iili J. hkcneii. L. tl. KASII. PSI'XEK !& li-ASK, Attornovs and Ctiun SI gellors at Law, SUNBL'UY, PA. Olllce ou lie-tmit street, west of the N. C. nnd 1'. & E. Ballroad Depot, In the building lately oocnplvd by F. Luzon, Esq. Collections anil nil profess ional busincs.s promptly attended to in Northum berland and adjoining coanties. nplIO-0'.l HI1. MANSE It, Attorney at Law, SCN- liL'UV, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Northumbeiiaud, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. iiplloai'.l WM. M. ilOCKEFEM.F.lt. 1.I.OTI1 T. IIOIIKHAt'll. f if HEl'EI.I.EEi & KOIIUHAC'H, IV Attorneys at Law, BL'NBUKY, PA. Of liee ill llunpl'g new buildiug, second Hour. En- trance on Market Square. J.intiiS AJV. 151SICE, Attorney nt Lav, Simlmrv, l'.i. Olllce in Masonic Hall Huilili.ig. ('ollcitions of claims, writings, nnd all kinds of legal business attended to on re. fill Iv and with dispatch. April 8, 171. ly. i:t. j. v. v..ii.ov, Cllleo and Keslde'ire, Walnut Street, between Third nnd Fourth streets, S U N BURY, P E N N A . All forms of Diseases of tlia Eyes will be t rent ed or opi rated upon, such as Strabismus. ("ion Eyes,) Cataract, (.HIIndiH'SS,) and nil other di seases relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or Reel I'eet,) Ilalr-I.ip, Excision of Tumors, ito. Also the earn of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.) Sunbury, May l:i, 1S71. ANTIIHACITK COAL! XTAl.EX'riSi: niETZ, Wholesale. and V Eete.il dealer In every variety of ANTHHACITE COAL, VPl-EU WilARF, SUNlll'llY, PENN'A. Alt kinds of drain taken in exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and llllci' promptly. feblS-U. W. S. HIIOAOS. J. JMCKCK HAAS. WK. ItSlOAUS A- CO., iti'Tni. ii:.i.kus op ANTHHACITE COAL, SCNIilUY, PENN'A. OFFicr? with Haas, Faopi.t & Co., Orders left at SeaholU & Bro'e., olllce Market Slreet, will recelvo prompt attention. Country custom respectfully sollcltel. Feb. 4, HS71- tf. O V IIMAKI.KN. WE arc selling I'iins, Fn-kes. Dubs. Springs, Canvass, Bolts, Clips, A '. .Vc, very Lartic StiK-k at CONiY & CO. Sunbury, March !M, 1SC. COAI.I 'OAE! COALI dRANT BUOS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In WHITE AND BED ASH COAL, SUNBL BY.PA. (LOW Kit WlIAllf.) I VSde Aueiils, westward, at the celebrate ! Henry ( lay Coal. jaul'J Otf e. iia(;e i.iveuy. J. M. UAUTIIOLOilKW, rnoi-niETOU. FOTltTH STKEET, ABOVE MAKKET, Nuubiirj' l'n. riHE best of rbllin; an I driving horses always 1. on hand to servo customers. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt attention. Nov. 5. 1S70. IETISI ky7 (i Kllltli U M. UEXX, ' j 7i iS'iiiiMdi' Huililiiuj, Mtrktt Simre, i Si sin uv, Pa., Jpieinvd to do all kinds of work pert. lining ; to Deutixtry. He keep counlaulty on hand , a I ii il'o uxsorliueut of Tevlh, and other Dental . Inalelial, flolil Which In, u III Ik; ubl to elect,' lihil iiii-,-t the ants ul hU fiir.lomr. All o, w air.iiiiu4 ioKivu.twi.w tioii,orelrf I he liiollev refunded. 'I lie iei Ih, Mouth V4h mi IToolh Powtlurs L' i'l on h.iiid. Ills r, lereiiees ale llie ii'iiiieroits ptrons for v limn lie h.i wake.! lor tint last twclvu years. h iiitiur.v, April Jl, I si I. roil, v ill n. f I V! !'. uii.li r.i.' I having eoiine. t.-1 ths Cxtl t n .i.iii. null Ins. vl ii.no H.OI'll A liKA KM I I rule, u pr. par I In ii'ily . niilu llll lliu , i itv 111: i' Ol' t u iii:u ion f , xi.au .ml Nut, ion I mily uii haul. drain Ilk II III i V. Iiull.u I. II ( o il J. si. i Wie, U.I. UUt hllllhill), J HI. ilO, -It. II. VKKUV !;ilKi:UV I! II AKI UV I ! ! l.M'N VH i lni i um, II A oj- hi I 4 u..i .1 , t.,k. i) ..it Kfuiil I ii. lit il lliu llilll"! I il. i-4 al Si.lll.ui.il.., Iju I. 4u l U ui.uar4 I t l .l.o.li I'.a nlu n. ., ' VlllhllililMM .4 4ll4 4hlUI I Itllli 4. kill U of III. . 1 1,. I Ilk.-, tlli'll ft UUUH I, ilk. II, ! illl.k Mir tt. UHfc (l UVKril ou !) UK ( III II, .... I 4 l .'l lo.., i f y kl t 4kt, (m, Uvui It 'III 4.1 I I I.I. I" "J u I I kh 4il.uiJ In iiulumiiu. 1.1 .11. t .k .l.fltl . I' -his-, Ww;aS,, f.li., , I-.I..I.I.. i mi U.4l Iuii4, I i 4 I I il t.k.i,.i.l ltl.4 tt.ilkl I 1.1 I '. I. .1m. - I-, A-ii-I-.. r lr kV(tl4 .4I fi l a b ., i , ,4i., ,. i,.. i., b il..l-.w,i, a. b 1. 1 ,i .. i I l. I 14. . ',.!. I - k."IV-,W II ... I, J , l, . ii T 3tnlllliort In 1MJO. i IMtlCE 91 50 I ADVAX'E. S A OUEAn. In search of the groat fcstlvnl, I wan dered between Mt. Carmcl nnd Locust Gap, and as night came on, tired and be wildered, and lost In tho mountains, I found myself at tho entrance of a wild se cluded cave, all overhung with brambles and briar vines, so that it was difficult without much perseverance to pcrccivo it and then obtain entrance. 1 learned since, that it is made ft sacred spot, as Iho secret jilaco of retirement of High Sheriff Hester, when disgusted with the vanities of tho world, and for holy meditation and prayer. I reclined on tho moss cwercd ground, and soon sank into a profound slumber, and lay for many hours, and on awaking, I found that a dream or vision of tho night had fallen on mo in my deep sleep. THE GREAT OX-ROAST AT LOCUST GAl' AMD MT. CARMEL. In my dream the day was ushered in by the liring of fifty cannon, which had been sent on tho day before from New York in a special car, at "the expense of tho City Trea surer, together with a liberal supply of powder. The. echoes were awakened on the surrounding mountains and valleys, like the noise often thousand thunders till the very earth seemed to tremble, in cele bration of this great and notable day aud of tho approaching arrival of the distin guished guests. Never shone a brighter morning as the sun began to move up grandly from tho eastern mountain tup, touching with gulden beauty tho surrounding landscape ; the birds having finished the early twitter of their twilight music, now burst forth into one wild anthem of joy, till the trees and the grass and tho (lowers and the moun tain, all seemed to join in this great jubilee ushering in of the great Festival of " t7m vcrral Lihcrty, .without law, or order, or limit." The whole of this raro and une qualcd morning scene, was one of transend aut grandeur, nn.l un rivalled and thrilling beauty a most lilting introduction of this extraordinary occasion. Soon amid the splendors of this scene hove in sight the New York train consist ing o' lil'ty l'tihnon I'aiace Cars, and about one bundled freight and baggage and pas senger cars. The first fifty Pa'.aco cars were appropri ated to the special use of Messrs. Tweed, Hall, Connoly and Kelso, and equally di vided between them, which were occupied by them, their clerks, secretaries and trea surers, their servants male nnd female. In the care of the 1 reasurer of each was a largo new safe, in which a large amount of bonds, greenbacks and public vouchers were con tained. Tho female servants were mostly engaged hi the four cars, furnished with great splendor and cost, in which were innumerable cages of exquisite workman ship of nightingales, and canaries, and rare birds of beautiful plumage nnd most admired song. Tho passenger cars contained a number of tho most distinguished Irish Catholic Rioters, both men and women each one having it club and a revolver nt his or her side. Several of the freight and baggage cars were furnished with great cost, cushioned and carpeted, with troughs and racks and mangers of pure gold, in which wero tho renowned horses and equipage of tho four distinguished guests, and each horse was attended by live grooms, all the vessels, buckets and implements of theso palace fitnb'iCH wero tnailu of puro gold n worn thu bits of the br'ulies and tho mounting of tho bnrn'ss; nnd the shoes of tho horses wero of pure gold. One of tho passenger cars in tho rear of the train, rather plain and rickety, was occupied by Horace (ircc I ly, Ix'dger Homier and Jim. Fiske, a com j mittee appointed to take charge and custo dy of the distinguished guests ; as they ! hud become security on t'.ieir bonds for j their appearance at Court in New York to i answer some little charges, that required a little of their time on their return. The cars were all, escept Greely & Co., ornamented with raro engravings in gold, and frescoes of beautiful design and finish festoons ol the tidiest and rarest and most costly flowers, literally covered tho cars, so that tho train seemed liko ono vast (lower garden or grecn-houso in motion and from each car were run up (lag stall's, from which stream inuuinciable black (lags with tho motto in large silver letters "fiiiitrwi! Likrtij wUlwut Jmw or Unhr, or Mint of Limit." Five cars wero occupied bv tho special band of Tweed & Co., who are engaged by lHo year each day, while dinner is in pro gress at each of their princely mansions, to discourse music of the great masters. These bands aro musicians of all nations, selected with great caro aud great cxpeim, and j brought to this country for the swcial Use j and benefit of theso distinguished guests. 1 iieir instruments ol music wero ol im mense cost, of all variety and curious work manshipembracing all that was used in the Temple worship of old. Tho procession required u littlo time to form, nud ufler that, speeches of welcome were miidu by Judge Nolt, ltcpreseiiUilivu Gallagher, and llili hliuiiilTli sler. j Tho private cuiriago of Tweed was j drawn by four shining jot .black stallions, j each horse mounted by a rider, draped in i scarlet livery, aud to each luuscuu out-rid-1 er, nnd two lixitmcu stood in tho carriage in rear oi me scat, eaeii iiressni in tiio amo continue, nn.l with Tweed sat Soot l. Tho privuto carriage of I'oiiuely was drawn by lour blooilod h i, ulltntis, w tilt j iiU)t) number of rid. rs.oul'-iid.-rs uud fool men. in mi-lil yellow livery, uml in this CHrriugn sal t'uiiutly uud IU in.enUtiYo Gallagher. Thu lil'iVHlt! carr'i:i"o of Muvor Hull mum I drawn by lour milch whlto lionus, with lino iHlitilxT or iidi r, out rl.li rsiind loui iiwu in bright green mid i iiiinnoi liviry, uud In lhi wtfioMitUU Mjyor IUII uud iiiyii Mienii iii-ku r. I I iithcr IUcW. r, id' Now Voik, lm oteu- l.led oiiotar nl'Mie uml l.roU.'lit n illl hull , Ins liivoritu ilmi r. u .U),i 5UHcmi Jink, ; whu h li.ir.lo in tlm (irnc ii.ni. Tlui l"iu I hIiiiu ll.iwinj U huI uii.I I.i.I.iii - ,tUi lnni tilling ovi r bis klioiil.lt r, uud Jn ed In i 1 iu h kiiiU t rolK) in.nlc lain a, t-uitsiituou ; figure. Iiy Uii liiuo lUu iiiniiiiUiiiis mill lliu trtvs uud ihu l.ouw's iru i'utvrul witU U.n. i rMiU of .iiU) In witiMM (bit Mfuitikilul ti r. iuoiiu ol this woud. ilul il l). Skiiii Um iriM t'Mitui r4i In. I 4 lulilul ll.il Mi. laiu, iiii.l4)r Utwtuti pH.ul(tJii mol I uriiw l. Mllll thu I tcli UIIMU SSAI. mid lliii kli.ulo u tlui iraui lul li4 v.uiiiiu ud iil l ho kpt't il Mil H ttkll llimcU, lo (lul k'n al U klial, '1 tut I'lallollu n k-JMI liupiid b) M m. Iktul. ri, I i-iiml), limlJtfl.il, II ill. II. .ui, t iill-r il.ik.i sod uiUi, uikI inui ul thu lunm .iu.iuju .li. . o l. i Uo i.,ii.tti , ni44 k imI'.i j ti. ll.lll l..(,.. ,M4 'Imk,. 14- , i, 4l in- ww tj 4, .iuL,,,, ID: IT SUNBURY, PA., cushioned nnd covered with crimson silk. Largo mirrors, richly ornamented, sur rounded tho platform, nnd tho folds of a hundred rich satin flags inscribed "Univer sal Liberty, without law or order, stint or limit," floated aud rustled over this kcciio ; a soft Turkey carpet of bright pink nnd rich Tytian blue skillfully nnd tastefully blended, some COO yards square, said to have cost tho New 1 ork tax-payers several millions of dollars, covered tho green sward on which wero great numbers of costly sofas of various silk and satin coverings, of tho most cosily colors to accommodate all that large multitude. Alt theso costly ai'Ueles, that added such enchanting beau ty to the scene had been scut ou tho day before by Tweed & Co. Added to all this wero tho COO cages of wonderful beauty nnd most delicate struc ture containing tho immense nnd costly collection of the rarest and most highly priaed singing birds suspended about tho platform and on the trees over the ground, adding their picturesque interest to this fairy scene. Then tho costumes of tho prominent par ty added still more interest to this novel scene. All of the leading men wore largo chapcaus, or cocked hats, covered with a profusion of gold lace, and mounted with feathers of the bird of Jovo. Tweed wore regimentals, richly ornamented with yel low nnd scarlet the coat navy blue, and small clothes blight yellow. Hall nnd Connely wore a similar costume. Judge Scott wore a similar cliapeail, but in some what strange taste wore tin immenso red wig and a long black gown ; and iu ono hand a large broad sword, and in the oth er a scale on one sido engraved "equal and exact justice" and on the other, 'Univer sal Liberty, without stint or limit," and strange to tell, the scale would not balance, but "Universal Liberty" was loo heavy, nnd went down, causing equal nnd exact justice to "kick the beam." It is duo to the judge to say that he could not help it, as some Molly Maguires had fastened to the Universal Liberty side of the scale a black parchment, upon which was written in letters of bright crimson "If elected Judge, I pledge myself to reward my friends, nnd punish my enemies." High JShonll' Hester, imitating tho High Sherilf of England nnd Ireland, wore an immenso while wig covering his head and shoulders, nnd scarlet silk regimental coat, a cha'peau, with gold lace nnd ostrich fea thers and yellow silk breeches, largo gold kneo buckles, nnd toppetl boots with yel low leather lops and large gold spurs. "l'y his sido hung a large broad-sword, and iu his left hand a tall spear, of polished steel ; his gauntlets covered tho hands and the arms up to tho elbows, wero of burnished steel ; a bright liuht green tsh encircled his waist and its folds and tassels swept the ground. As soon as tho meeting Was organized, Tweed arose and said ho held in his hand a. Euclitical letter from His Holiness, the Pope, which ho read, in which allusion is sadly made to the German Catholics de serting Rome, and forming nn Indepen dent Church, nnd with admonitions agaitist tho use of newspapers, fico schools, and against any "Uuiversal Libetty" that would allow tho open Riblc to be used by the people, and tho falsely so-called reli gious freedom nnd toleration and hinting nn admonition against tho uso of too much roast ox. Loud shouting and thunders of applause. Tho band played the. good old air "Tho spider and the Fly," whereupon .Scott replied iu elli-et : "lie telt honored that our Holy Father had noticed this great ox-roast Hint Ho sympathized with the Holy Father in some of His views of "Universal Liberty," but one branch of it that insured the purity of irunnvij elections and of tho ballot box was very dear and precious to him, nnd ho felt satisfied that these brethren iu thin holy cause, who attended church and mass on Sunday with him, gavo a guarantee, in this, that they would n" in for 'Universal Liberty, without stint and limit, law or or der" iu having jiriiuarii elections never pe rish from tho land for want of plenty of votes, and tho ballot box never grow emp ty in the belly lor want of tickets, and that us long as he could punish his enemies nud reward his frieuds, till would bo well. Great applause. Tho band struck up the patriotic tune, "The .Slink and the Frogs." Tweed, called on for a speech, tobo and said : "This immenso crowd of human lie iugs, satisfied him of tho deep interest felt by tho people in tho great doctrine of "Uni versal Liberty, without law, or order, or stint, or limit." It bad been tried in New York; and wnsarfiWdiii niirivx. His wor thy brothers uud sisters, who gained im mortal hoimr on the Ulli day of July last in putting down mobs and riot by thu l'rtes tant procession in New Yoik, agreed with him iu thu soundness of this wise and just doctrine. Il had also been tried iu the pub lic treasury of New York with wonderful success, uud not less than a hundred mil lions of dollars taken from Iho huid earn ings of l!io i.ixtiyeis proved its wisdom. .Noi'thiiiiibt'iluiid county is rich iu mineral and agriciilieral weallh ; mid her treasury could be made to hold ten, yea, a hundred limes more than ever. Her treasury has done a small business apply our doctrine, ami runup taxes to hundreds of ihoiiniiinlfi, and thine mines mid these lii h Cuius, uud thu hard toiling uieehatiii s will bu proud to pay all thu taxes you levy tho mora thu betU r the heavier you put them on, thu inont you prove how rich your t.oiiuly is. Your ('.unity could pay a mil lion ol dollars the l'at year after you m l power, and then go on liuTcaHing, till a few of you could build palaces to live In, uud lave piles of griH iibacks, uud shoo your boikcs or your mules feet with pure nuhl. Ifcitliu great Wulkulthi) polls Hint, nud begin thi fall, and J oil will u-t Ihu power; mid if, nlu r u few lair liinU you cannot succctd, then ki'lld to New York for milllo ol Itifko bravo brolliuit) uud kikleis of ours ( ., uud they will in. ike kliort w.nk of all Oip0k!liou nud tooti put I ho power mid Ihu bal lot bone uinl tlm Comity Trmiktiry in your haiiil. 'iliu cite rum was ileal, u- . lug l l. il uud Unmet Ueio Ibl'OMll iolii I I l.o uir - loi4 U and lutUdUi ivhiiU waved I - lliu llllllll UkU ttlldli III 0 eaM d oil thu tie . ('- UII.I lollll.'n, Mild kllolll. il, ' (j.bl M ild ' Ihu lilek, i il.iy kiMill - liml help n. Tweed Ulld Ju l uo Null, Ulld IU .lvlH.lil4UVii ti4l- l-ibur uml ili.tli hiiuiul IK.ur." "Ihu jlU) I'ullilliJ wlitu tin mi iiiilu Mild Ihewi ' I n ou sod tlu k.i ItoUkt und lots ami them I hinkk will li nil iii'iui, uud ull y.'Uik, uud I ull ol us mil Ii4vu ull of iIujui, uu I imiM of . Oa M 111 I14V0 UoUU III ll IM - 1-4 1 1 UUki H(U4l ; ihu.W." Tho Ii 1 1 y i4uinu lli. i mlm., ! und ihu Uu4 .U)il llw il-iw sir, "M- bl l lU ,114 ," j M4.r II4II 4 11I1... I on, stt-1 Imj ium und k4id i I In 4 "IUUM114 ul put I, uud I Itv (fli)f ol Hl4ln l IU lu K"l d.K.- , liiou i'f ' Tiiittifetl l4Ufty '' iry I Ill l.l-) Ulil, kil l tVllllol UM of l,u plll.lU 1-4.1 U, 4 u 4 I In Ii II I'l'IOl li II, ll-t laJu, I.14I l 1 U U.. I I 'l 1IAUI4 yiBTur LmrnTT m imEPCHPtiicr SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1871. tion. The prose of finance is light taxes, no pickings, nnd no uso of public money. That is a dull business, and not lit for men of enlarged minds. New York in the great est nnd richest city in the world because sho pays the heaviest taxes. If you want to make Northumberland County tho great est county in tho State, pilo ou tho taxes. Your fanners nnd your mechanics, aud mine operators, nnd your workingmcn can n fiord lo pay ten times heavier taxes, and they will bo proud of it. Stand up to tho great doctrine of "Universal Liberty," con trol primary elections by any means and tho ballot box, nnd if you want help, send on to us and wo will send you the boys. Tho cannon fired, tho people shouted, nnd the band Jilayed the touching nir: "The cirl with tho golden locks." High Sheriff Hester responded iu a few brief, nervous remarks, and said : "Uni versal Liberty" for him. A leau treasury is a darned mean thing. It's like the empty belly of nn ox, fill it tin with wntcr and the beast looks well ', or like a collapsed gum bag, blow her up with wind nnd she looks full. A full treasury, a tinger in the pie, nnd nil tlm profits nnd power and honor of the High Shcrilfof Northumberland county. Friend Scot for our Judge, and ho will "reward his frieuds and humble his ene mies.' Universal shouting, clapping of hands and hurrahing for High Sheriff Hester and Judge Scott. The band played the old tnnglcil-foot air : "Coming thro' the rye 1" Father I Iecker was called on for a speech. He rose deliberately, nnd in a loud and solemn voice said : I have watched tho signs of the times, and I declare in presenco of this immense assembly that before this century is ended the lioinnn Catholic reli gion will bo tho national religion, and tho Government be under tho control of the church, and Ihen for the great doctrine of "Universal Liberty." Much cheering." The band played "a good time coming, boys." Tho editor of the lublrt ot Now York, nn organ of tho Irish llomau Catholic Church, was called on and said ". The Roman Church is higher nnd nbove nil government, aud the government must depend on And be subject to tho church. The lpo, tho head of the church must be the head of tho government. Loud cheering. The band played the favorite nir, "Dance, Juba, dance." ( hie of the brethren, who was distinguish ed for his bravery on the lth July, said : We abide our time. Never again shall a lVotestaut procession celebrate in New York the battle of tho Uoyne, for two or three hundred men and women occupying the tops of the houses with hand-grenades nnd other missels, can conquer 20,000 polieo in thu street below. This ho had said at a large public meeting in New York the night of the 12th of July, nnd would repent it here again. Honrs and shouts firing of cannon. Tho baud jilayed the plaintive nir : "Come Mary to tho window, thy truo love is here." The sisters each wore a largo while tur ban with a black ostrich feather in tho top; bloomer costume of scarlet silk, the skirt of thu coat reaching only to tho knee ; a low cavalry boot covering the leg, and an ample white, sash encircling tho waist and its folds reaching the feet. One of the sister.heroines of Iho 12th July was called on and she sang n seeeli iu a loud, shrill voice, the burden of which was, that the water of the iioyno was cursed alter tho battle, and since then lish cannot live in it, nor man nor beast can drink of it and live. Then why try to bring it into New York every 12th of July to poison their families and their children r That she and her brave sisters would die lighting rather than let the l'rotcstant poison water of the IJoyuo comu lo New York. Trcmenihoio elic.ci inj. Thu tiaudplajcd 'Sallie, can you dio for me V" At tho head of the procession was a largo nnd beautiful niileh-whito ox of jierleet grace, and beauty, livery curve and lino of his naudsomo form was full of grace and symmetry his hair soli as silk, his dewlap hung lovely as the fleecy cloud just softened into life by iho fainled lay of tho setting sun, his horns expressive of gentle and aristocratic blood in his veins for centuries, his ears seemed formed T)f tho most, delicate artist wax and told too of his noble lineage, and his large deep 1 loqtu nt eye told of an indwelling spmt, that gavu lone to that mild, reflective, wonderful face. Never before was seen a bovine face, that possessed such a strange weird fascination. Once beheld, tho imauo was ever present haunt ing by its mysterious power your waking and your sleeping hours. This wonderful creature of such ivmarkablu beauty, was decorated with diamonds nud precious jewels, and cosily silks aud laces of fabulous prices, mid carlaiids of flowers, of such delicious perfume and such exquisite forms, and such color of da.ling richness, that Araby, nnd all,lier spices nud flowers must have, contributed lo thu ndorumeiil of this creature, and yet nil so rich and enchanting iu thu ornaments, tho simple unadorned Is-auly of that faseiiialing animal far sur passed them nil. II is said ho was imported from I'gypl by Tweed V Co., expressly for this oecaion, and hou-lit from the golden stall of thu Temple-.Hpicice. of thu Uoynl 1'iislia, as a stiecial favor ul 11 ml of several hundred thousand guineas. He Lolougcil to Iho Koyal family, mid hi aucesieis were long woikhipped us favorite lVilies by tho mokl learned and refined nnd wealthy ):,'Vitiaiis, and that far back in thu history of that laud of wonders uud renown, ono of his bovine ancester wus (be Iiuum hold God of thu beautiful Egyptian ui-cn, t'leoiiirrt, nud it is hiuted, excited the It alousv ol Anthony. Ill a iioiii-woiihy tut in Natuiiil His tory, that lliu liar of this cUi,i.u.liii;iiy animal, if tmii In d by thu thv. lay of ihu citing htm urn immediately U.iiiiuiulcd Into lliu iii In kt mid iiuikt colly ainU r. III Iho Well authenticated hUlnry of this OX, il 1 ktilttd, thill he WH lilno klolell from III golden ktutt H hlkt hit. keeper kll it, by u hordu of llfdoulii Ar.il.k, uml r difiued by ihu I'm ha by lliu ti iiuii r ol uu tuuu kuud Nubian klttVes. So thu lioblil blisid o ihu lioblekt of Ihu Lljypliuu ik ilick ran llnouh In Vein, mid . thi wonderful hUlory of ynmd. ur mid grmliii;, uvu u tlm fill!-!, by which for UKi of jjelillu lineage mul n liulii Intimate., moulded Ulld kll4ied Ibl folia "I ttk.pilkllu uud Tifii Uuuly. llii ttf.tk Ihu dulnu-Ulkhc-d uud tltiMu II Victim of lliu lll k'l'tlid Ibk In 4 1 1. 'II (.1. Hind In Imvii 4 wuild l..i It Until) of "l'ule4l 1-lUll), UUboul j Uw or mder. kimi ur Innii." Uu lliu iijjlil ol 1mi I'Mloriu, know ) I dlkUIll llolll 11, I'n U U-4Ulllul Ill4blu 1 kiiutlurv, ki um ku da hili uud fid) til I l.tle, Ul loj ihu -.4t. UltU lu i' 1 II ll'll .1 U lllU I Ullollll It 4 I.Ulll id pUIW j '4ll.l4U lll llhltl, UlU UU I U' III 4U1 k Ihu , lily ,liii.-nl. 4 l li4t4iil nil. uud ! iUl,u 4 by i-imi i-l tlui 1, n-.a iu-. uilikl ol I lull. . 4.4 I'l ktulpluiu Hill kit 1.441 ) ii mi lui.t. 1 11 Unit) lot 1 1) I u it tu lo t uiu'oj i-. i.. ' r ii 11 it AMERICAN high, with extended wings, their faces of the mmt heavenly loveliness nnd around their hends n briuht nnd dazzling glory. They seemtI to represent rot.'W.i of IhjH, from some purer, higher world than ours. One seemed to hold in ono hand an im menso open bag, on which was inscribed "Universal Liberty without law or order, stint or limit." and in tho other a lingo club. Tho oilier seemed to be pouring continually a great multitude of miniature, articles into tho bug, which formed nn in cessant strenm and seemed as if ten thous and times more than sufficient fo till it, On closo inspection, on this multitude of miniature pieces going into the basj, was discovered engraved "Free l'ress," "Tho llallot llox," "Frco Procession," "Free Colcbration," "Free Speech," "Freo Con science," "Light Taxes," "City Trea"-' sury," "County Treasury." "Township Treasury," "Free Churches," "Freo I'ie Nics," "Free Schools," nnd surprising as it may seem, tho bag wss closed tin and llie ninrblo nrtn, that' held the club began to move and soon to beat tho bag with great violence ;nnd stranger still, th ) two on"cls. Ltheir faces lit up with fierce nnger and rar;o, both began to stamp tho great bag with their feet, tiil nil its contents seemed crushed to dust, never to nssumo form ngain. The ox was then elevated and placed on flic niter, nnd before him stood a large laver or basin of pure gold to receive tho blood of the slaughtered victim. On Iho rear of the alter lay the wood ready to bo lighted to roast tho slain nnitnal, nnd in .1 circlo around nil. ttood tho lovely littlo singing girl s, clad in white drapery, and a chnplct of white roses on the head of each. Tho sad moment for the slaughter arriv ed, when the mild and beautiful face of the ox seemed transformed, nnd a sad, tender, pitying expression lit up tho face, and great tears welled up in those mournful eyes and rolled down that face, till Greely came nnd implored mercy for the animal, nnd said he was opposed anyhow to capi tal punishment, and hungry as ho was. would give up roast beef that day and spare the almost human ox. Jim. Fiske nunc forward nnd said, empty as his stomach was, be would forego roast beef that day, nnd fill up with other fod der, and spare tho remarkable ox. Ixsdgcr lionticr came tn the altar and said, nn animal of such exquisite beauty should not be slain, and ho would eat mountain mutton that day, nnd made tin oiler of a large, sum for tho ox, to drive iu the Cen tral l'ark, with his two fast horses, three abreast, the ox on the right. Uut all in vain 1 The illustrious guests nnd the immense assembly cried louder, and the noiso rose. it. to a tumuli, 'demand ing the sacrifice and roast beef. Seeing nil their cft'erts in vain, Greely fled from the scene, and was last seen on a "limn." Fiski, still lame of tho wound in the heel, tied, limping uwuy, till he reached Krielt. 11., nnd returned to New York. Homier was seen going over tho mountains behind his fast team, making a bee. linu for New York. llut still no 0110 could be found to strike thu fatal blow, till, amid murmurs of ap plause, Mayor Hall nnd the High Shcnll', ascended the nllar, unit in arm, and ap proached tho doomed animal. Mayor Hall took his handkerchief and gently dried tho tears of thu weeping ox end saiii, "There is a beautiful poetry in hie nnd i:i death," nnd the High SherilV, always tender-hearted and merciful, with bis grunt cutlass mndu tho fatal thrust, and the kind ly blood tell into thu golden laver, and the noble life quietly iU:j tilted. Wonderful to relate, the ox mill, during all the operation, even ill the roasting process remained standing on his feet. The. entrails were soon takeu out and tin nr.ny of largo buz anls came trooping down tho mountain, and iu a few minutes consumed all the en trails. Tho hide- kindly slid oil, and theu an invisible hand lidded a torch, which nn first touch licked tin tin: blond uud appPcl to the now prepared body of the ox, which passed through" tho roasting process in a lew minutes whereupon thu llih Sherilf began to carve and skillfully cut thu meat in long slats or slabs, sumo three feet lor.g and ) inches in width, nnd laid them 011 tho immenso golden dishes, Home i. feel long each, which wero passed out into the great assembly, till citeli brother aud sister from Messrs. Tweed, Scott, Father Hoo ker ilowu, v.ero supplied with a slat of beef three foot long, H inches in width und 1 inch thick, then tho" work of eating was vigorously begun. The process was some what novel, nud Was suggested, 11. 1 dotibl, by n snake eating a rabbit. So each ono chewed nnd swallowed his slat of beef, slowly but surely, by degrees chewing and swallowing and swallowing, uud chew ing, in 0110 continuous tthit. It was some what worthy of note, that in that vast as sembly no ono uucrtd a word, nnd the only sound heard was a strange uuiiatutal gut tural, not often heard in ihi world. 'Ibis scene was a study for thu Foot, thu Fain ter, tho Xalinal Thilosopbcr, and tho Me taphysician. Tho latter would try to read tho emotions mid thu mental condition from thu human faces, with llireo feet of hall-cooked roast beef, eiudileeii inches swallowed nud eighteen inches or two feel susiH'iidcd from Ihu mouth over tho head dowu ou thu bl'eusl. Indeed it was .1 very extraordinary sceuu, uud iniht null bo chronicled as onu iu Ihu history of this age, that will go down lo tho future, us iinsiir pakst d, or indeed unequalled in all thu uu 11. lis nf time. Tho liuiii sinking nU-U sang with gn at kWccllle nlid Ullltllei'led killlphcity, thu I'avoiiw old ballad, "Fill tlm pot chuck lull.Hl-ir.., ihu U.y mu coming." liul Uew uud ktill greater wonders were to comu. Suddenly ihu kturtlid uud in tensely pain In I attention of all weru direct ed lo thu kkulutou of tho ox still landing on ull fours uu thu ulu r. His lull lusirou c ck opened and be'au In muvu in ull their beauty of kU h extraordinary oli nnuty uud biihlui . The. dot 10 iH-rcelvu it was tho Hih Slu till', win ktill kl. Mid by Um ox, ciitliiu ill hand uud U klal of tail hall nwitllo wed -klupllud ttllll UtlilUellli lit bu Ullclvd olio let p oillleml i-rouo- bik kUi'ld ill'.qqd flolil lii hand - hi kin 1 trembled and kiuolu null ollur, uud hi Mliolu I1411IC khook like 4 littlo tiiilhipiiik.', Uk bu kUlik In hlk WlHH k, Ulld In UplliU d I14111U r!.tp d, uud In i)t'k luiiii d u,i ui Ik it 1 11 ii iu luu prair ul hi Ul ur'fiiy. liu a 1.1 lh4 l lor IU ubeii. ho te IU I i.i I lib eol..i. vt rrupwy but il is Mvvtr I i 1 1 Ihu ol. I Ulllt ll.k prolUlM of TW't'l I114.I0 In Judu 1 oil is InllUk d, Ilmi l.u l'4d UU lUVIkiblu l.lmiogiuplit r Up ill Ol.o of Ihu tin uul of klli', Uklu l.ielur. ktf Ihu liulu liitl.il Iu kv no, I Iu u llt I'l 1. .lb ul ''.Ml i Uli, I kil l in I..U.I koWluU l-l.i. . )t.l unH sud lin.bf uud if ul. ii. ; j um IU I11K4I iitt4ii Uul o( IImi 04 l.f i l.u , Ik'tUU 1 1.4 1 4tl I llU lU if lllU lut,l 1 hoi 4; t nli. ,111, mi ll,u k4td I ' 'loiit I I .1. I tu. II Mil I r .'4-f Nil I I lliu l.. '' I 1 I -l'U.MMt-1 IliUIld' I 4lfl W I ,.. .U I ( Now Rortcs, Vol. , Ko. 20- Old Norte, Vol. 31. No. t. enrlhqunkcB ' rushing together", could not have lerrilicJ the innnenso assembly more; nnd ono of tho eli''ets of tho fright wn a nascau at the stomach, ivhich, with Ihe strong desire to cry aloud nnd shriek in wild paroxysms of" feats, hastened the ejec tion of the slabs of beef from their mouths, was a renuu'kablu sight, never to bo for gotten, especially ns many wero seen to tare tho beef from their mouths in rage nud throw it lo the ground. lleforo tho nssenibly could recover from (his surpriso, tho invisible hand moved tho flaming brand to tho nllar, touched it with the lire, the blood returned nud filled up tho golden basin and flowed in a steady stream into tho veins of tho roasled ox skeleton tho slabs of half chewed nnd half swallowed beef came moving up from iill parts of tho assembly, instinct with some strange power of motion, silently, yet thick as the nufumunl leaves, nnd each slab found ils exact place in the ox from which it had been previously taken, till all tho flush was restored the, buzzards returned in a great troupe, nnd in a few minutes threw lip tho entrails they bad devoured, and went to their appropriate places, and laDt of all r strange movement and omin ous noise was heard under the immenso sash, and tho yellow rich breeches of tho High SherilV, and incredible as it may ap pear, the. beautiful bide of tho ox camo out from that cozy placo of deposit, and expanded itself and gently moved, of ils own accord, to tho skin'ess ox, as lovely ns ever, and as full of life as ever. Ho lowed in tones deep nnd loud, so that they re-echoed through all the mountains, in a melody solemn, grand, overpowering, liko the holy niill.em of tho ocean, and was board to proclaim, "Iloligious Freedom and Toleration in this Frco Lnr.d." And still more wonderful lo tell, in LI 10 twinkling of nil eve, a bcuulit'ul silver colored mist arose from the ground, and enveloped the ox nud tho little singing girls, and hid them from view, nnd nnved gradually upward, and they were, no more. Tho band played Iho beautiful nir "(Jo up, Old I laid head." The lirst move iu this scene of tieiieral stupei faction nnd fright, was that .tf Ju I go Scott, ns bo rtuhod into the arms of the High SherilV, and then on bended knees and uplifted eyes was seen tho lovely si ul t of brethren Hint escaped from sore (rouble, returning thanks. Then Tweed and Gallagher rushed into each other's arms and fell on the earth in excess of joy, nud then Mayor Hall led out one of the New York rioi sisters on the platform and danced n, crariole dance, sr expressive on the French boards of exces sive joy nnd gladness, from the top of thu ears lo the end of the great toes. Nor was tho scene in tho vast assembly less excited universal embracing, und every variety of joyful demonstration; in all shapes nnd nl'titudes, of course always perfumed with decorum nnd propriety. As soon as order was restored, short speeches were made. It could not escape the eye of a thoughtful observer, that tho jubilant and enutident tone of the speeches, Wiis moderated, for they began to liavu some misgivings that they were on enchan ted ground and that furies, and gliosis, and witches, ami spooks might inhabit that region ; so Judge Sooll, piously, nnd with ih ep reverence, alluded to tho Holy Father, bow infallible ho was iu his admonition in his Lticyc'iical letter to be ware of roust ox, and with solemn emotions alluded to thu purity of primary elections and tho sanc tity of tho ballot box; audio havo his friends rewarded find his enemies yunished. Tweed gravely claimed that Northum berland County could never reach its high destiny till the ta::es were increased u hun dred fold, and the Treasury filled with hun dreds of thousands of dollars, and sugges ted that 11 medal of pure gold should be awarded by the County 'ouiniissioners to the farm that paid the heaviest lux, uud one to the heaviest lax payer among the miners and ao'ong thu mechanics, and it should bo nailed to the lintel ol'bis door. Comicly endorsed ad his brother Tweed had said, and suiei-ted that it was such an easy thing to hire burglars to break into thu public oiliccsaud carry oil' important vouchors, if there was any danger of im polite people interfering. Hall said ho and his friend tho High Shi rill' were too much exhausted to say much, only ho ivas requested by thu Shoriil to say that a paid tiuio is coining in Nor thumberland ('.unity, when they g, t con trol of the flench, and nt tho jury box, and of the High Sheiill' s ollice, and of the Leg islature, and the County Treasury. Then their friends shall bu rewarded and their enemies punished with u vengeance ; that his I'lietnl Soolt was a true man and would tiiiiko the fur fly ; that tho day of thu Americans hud gnuu by forever, und that Irish Catholics would rule Ihu mis', nud that no more American "liniicrits-'shuuld hold nfilco ; thu only true, Simon-pure "Dimicril." is h roidlrish Catholic Diiui crit." tlnoofthn bravo brother of the NVv York Irish Catholic riot, got up and said, that the day would soon bo hero, when not a mother's son of any living man should hold priqierty more than 0110 year, that every New Year' day, lln ro would lo a a general division of ail property into equal purls, and nil tho poor would then get his lull share, that it was liou-r intended that a inn 11 should hold a farm, or a hoiiso and lot, or a co;i I mine, uud I.i poor ueii.-hbor have iiono of il lii it ono man had ju.-t ns good u right us another to property, und a 111. 111, vi ho labored ha 1 11 1 m nu rigid to lay up hi earning In buy u h iu-i) im.llol, or a faun, than bo hud -that if ho (hoiiodil best in sk ih hi earning in fu.i and ji'.'t, why lit the cud of tlm year that could 11 .1 bu divided, uud .i Iu hud 111 dividend l i lliaku, tut bu had hi id. .no i.l nl In i- divi dend In receive. Hu nhniid iu tho glory of thu Nov Yoik liinli Catholic rlou is, and ih,) Molly M'iguiiY. Their iiune would live n lliu benefactor u thu World, i H'ei4liy vt li. u Um Now iiiir mutual diWM'Ui of ull pro.i-ty .Hik placo. '1 l.u baud plaVid llui old mi', "GiVii us your pui w, my d irliug." Tin II .i tho I'.ilisli'i iclll.ill of all ur m.' Swt-riiy, tt ho had 11 d but 11 n 11 b. env, um' kimtt 11 to be iu ittuitdaiiu In In .id ll Ui d, ill kllipe.t hlai k Ulld ore) I'll.llelill lly llnl- I 'lui, I'.ilu an I wan, 11. d 1 a. 1 iov ii G .011 (hu lb ad, Ulld in lii.Uott . piili bi d toil. kpokil l.ll. l!,' u t'lllolt : W I. lie ull lllt ll.'d ill tiv'iilhh ulli Ull ill. I l.illd 1.11 el.itM.', Ihu, kul. I i.iiiii-l, i oni tl 4t -I by lb: I I -1.1 Mild llob.U lllUtll III. Ill if III) .lli. I i. t i'l ion H. II I I .V. d Ne Voik I lot. I it .id 1 4 "I iiltti.il J.iUitj." Ili lu wo tttiu 1 1. in ,.,1. id I 1 ,ieiid,u ba 1114 11 bl'o In iu b U 1 114 11 k ti I . a.'t b-t-l I 1 bi IU4.I0, uu. I lulu 011 ll. .j li.l'. , u 11 I il. -l jlU ., ,l.l,.! llil k (,,. l, i W, III l bful ll.'l.l 1 I tl l), U4 Well III llikd-llk-Itl III 11(1 I. .11. 1. I !. u Imi, tin Ml I .1 I l.i,d,W.H ., iii I, ki 1 1) i.ii'iii".ik 1.1 r.u i4ir I'l nil il-. tin.. . 40. 1 l iil'l...ll 4-,d I'lwlili tlu illtlllilk Hill W4)l.."ill, Will III, ."-I II.. I", if, tllil Uiu,,l. ll Uo Ul I'l lit ADVERTISING SCHEI'' 10 Linns, or about 100 Words, mnki it ;''iini 1 Pq 2 Rip i! Sq' 4 K ieol V"1 1 fine week d.uo 'J.oo 2.M 3.011 S.tio H.0,' Two Weeks l.fto, S.IHI 8.fA) 4.011 H.0011.0'1 ol 0 .Ml Three m.oo, a.i 4.w r,.(K) w.no in. tV' . i.ov ;l.h(r 4.fili n..Vf fl.0-1 10.00 1.0U',.5l, i-.J-M S.OOj 0.30, 7.U0 12.0(1 17.00 ..,.'i0 :a. .T", 7.ii b.oo iii.th)it.w ;iu i8. .7.80; S.fSli 9.00 :o.(K)mC.J.).li' 3.501 8.00 .5slt.Oo:jo.OO'a5.;K':40.oC ;ft.00j 0.0(1.1 1.00!l!i.0Ol.iMi:;i5.t'M.. LOO !r.w;io.(HU:i.(K.i l'l.oo :;r).o'.i:4r..bo .:..i;o ia.oojia.oo'io.oo'io.oo lo.tKHKi.oo, .ioo Four " Five " Six " T no mo's Three " Six " Nine " -One Year grout inarch of universal liberty, under Iho motto: 'Deliver or die." And here ton, the beautiful midnight Heavens were roln.l in celestial knuty, by llie luriod (Jrus ' grand eonllngralions. Short, as was oiw reign liere, wo nddod new impulse to the mighty and bloodivo.-j uud peaci ftil progress of civilization. Outside bnrbnriaus used tho iuiquitor 1 nud iiifitmotis laws of this enlightened a, , ntid prejudiced uud unjust Judges 1 :"l Court to iuteri'iij.t our Halcyon reign, m . thus stopped the rush of tlm groat, car . progress to ils grand destiny. Uut brothers nnd voters, tho lOtli day of October next will restore our power, nnd with a Judge of our own on tho IJencl., I wlio will "reward Ins Iriends nnd puuis'i I his enemies," wo shall ngnin illustrate the j lirogress of "Universal Liberty without j law or order, stint or limit." N it only in I these sacred groves nnd coiiseciuteil j nvountnins, but Northumberland County ; will become one grand theatre of the mighty 1 nnd triumphant progress of enlightened sentiment and sound principles, and every nere of its ten ilory, while it will tie all clustered over by tho richest fruits nnd the coldon harvest of taxes, will be consecrated by sonic heroic feat of our courageous uud ; sult-rlonving brothers and rulers, j Northumberland County redeemed, j disenthralled and free forever, j For a moment a. black cloud appeared, jand hung above the speaker, and uttered , tho voices of ten thousand thundets ami ' the whole people reared back responses of joyous approval. j The band played t"io touching and lender . uir, "Sweet peace, lovely nngel come." Near the altar lay twenty-live largo ; hogshead of punch, alLmmlo and prepared nt Delmonicoe's in New York, iu which no ; water is used. The hogsheads were of prime ; mahogany, wilh spigc.ts of pure gold-eleva-, ted soino ii vo feet from the ground and under ; each spigot was a largo bowl two feet in cli ; nitieterand three feet deep, of pure gold, into) j which the punch flowed from thespigoi. In , each bowl were six lades of ptiro gold aud i handdks of pure gold, 'each ladle c.iiilaiucd : a quart nnd no less, and once lifted to thu , mouth, w;is so made that il, never left Dm ', lips till the la.-t drop was drained. No each ' draft was just ono quart and iv less, and 1 it excited one's pity lo witness tho tears ! shed .'and the emotions of p tin aud sul- fi ring in tho. face of each one ns ho was : forced to drink up the quart full tit each ; time of drinking especially the sweec , faces of die istcr . inters and female Molly I Maguires. I Soon as the day Wore away and tho cv , oning began to close up ils wonderful I events, tho great exercises and excitements of the day, nnd especially the labor to tuko ; the golden quart ladles from their mouths, ; before drinking its contents all up, produe ! td (Irowsineso, and the entire, immenso as- audibly fell into a profound sleep, i As if by magic innumerable lamps nnd 1 chandeliers, that hung on the trees and the : houghs, burst into n brilliant nnd dazzling j flame of light, and the host of songsters in , tiio cages, that weru suspended through iho grove, sent forth gu.-dics of the most cx ; quistte music, and the whole scene seemed ! one of fairy enchantment, nnd int the least , interesting 'and wonderful were the changi d faces of the sleepers. The flush and fevi r ! of excited hilarity had all gone; tho wild ; excitement of boisterous merriment had , left every face, and each faeo was strangely j transfigured, till a sweet nnd a mild glory j shone from every countenance, nnd nil j looked like so many sleeping angels ; if I there bu sleep in heaven, this lcvilching ; nn.l enraptured sceuu seemed like a little 1 corner of it. I One of the most remarkable changes was ' in the face of the High Shot-ill'. No longer I flushed, heated, angry, despotic, cruel iu ' all ils dark and tcinlio grandeur, like a frowning Jupiter on his storm-clad O'ym- Il' ms ; Hut calm, tilaoul. tender, sweet liko luiiiuct'ii Madonna, or oven liko I bo innn. cent, lovely bubo in her arms ; so liiscinut- ing was the scene and nngelie beauty of j that face, licit tho attendant nngols that ; hovered over that scene must havo nansed nnd gathered around that wonderlul pic ture, and gazed on it iu speechless admira tion. Soil music in the distance "Folly put the kettle on, we'll all take tea." Soon the music censed, and the lights burned out, nn.l tho uiglit moved on, und all was quiet save strange and grating sounds, ;is if in rough harmony, thai seem ed liko the midnight iniUcs of snorvrs with big chests and large stomachs, nnd heavy lungs, thiowii upon their backs ; but thu night wore away, und a brilliant moruin.' j followed, and lliu grand prneeSMoU of cars ; dashed along hi peerless splendor to New i York, escorted by Judge Scott, High Shi j ria ilester. nn.l Kopiys.'iitativu Gallagher. !The band played the spirit-stirring air did John Hi-own "Marching On." Little, did that merry company dream 1 what dire calamity bung over them, till j some twelve miles out from Mt. Curmel, uu ! axle of a front car broke, and the whole l princely n liuui! of cars caino dashing on ; one alter the nlbcr, leaping down a fearful , precipice ol rocks, uud dashed into atoms. I The scene, tho ni"sl fearful over recorded I - -every car dashed into spiiiiUi uud cv I ry human being, mid hoiso, und bird iu , staidly killed. All 1 ho 1111110! of railroad i horrors liavo nothing like thi fearful tr.i j gcdy. There was seen the mangled ru j mains of pour Tweed -poor J ml go Sooit lay j pierced by a huge It am ihiMiigh tlui spinal 111. irii.iv, Lack biok oi - dead. The lament I i d G ill. ther lay with bis ivory cross rest i iug 011 hi Cnv. 'l lie Hil, M.,.,i .,y 1 pierced through tho st'nuaeii w ith In own I outlaid and bin ponderous bouil all , o,ihc.l nut." i The di. ad nud pi-oi'otm I klillin of dentil feign -d kiipiviui- over that deep!) tra j o,ic keclie. No pi 11 can evi l di nerilH.-il. No I M'.-in, U' in "an, u i uhipcr, no motion of Well li hair I Ik.uh Wn lb.' upioiiui con- I 'pi. ror ! I Iu H no. 1. 1. ut lie 1 tilicr el' 11 I (hit envoi- op.' I tho b. aiil.lul o d. 1 I-'., d nil I hung I ii' I' (lie tad act n nud a Il luelUd IIHHV, , 111.) Iv111.11 U ihio ut 1, nd the litltu longing ' till aph are. I. 'lii" o tt.pt big liaikiif j I'l)', uud fiiiiiti .11 bo k.i 111. tolly over , (bo kit no u d. ., tb, I 111. bill' 1, uh nun;. I, I O'llJ .', .Ill I il II k "lliu puvtelllil llle-leklol ei 4 in 1 b id l 'n. I., I 1 In in, 1 in li i nrit',' 1 1.1' in in .hi I vi .uu .11, an I : 1111, kiid Linl, w.i 11 1 . 1 . 1 1 : y i..i i.. 1 1 i u Hint projur I ii ill, und 1 t il l.ll ; I, it I. -.Ill U lUill lllltl lii-, and -...11 1I.0 whilu I' liiipkiiy wire '.i I'd, nod lb.' I.I.U.!-' In..,, d oil olliu i In !" ;d . I nn I 1 ul) . i'b on 1 'In..' III11I11 nnd II.. 1 lilt... kill in ( till 4 1 Iu onw l"'l ' III the alt , I III 1 MU I Hi" l t III 'I, klUI Uk i Ib i .1... I a- 1 .1 U I, nj 1.0 niin.J Mutt ' li- 411I, M.I 1 li t l illil II i'l Ibl, I 111. ill. I S'lll tt -i ; ' ' li' '.l "I I. ' d mi U I i uk I It I toil ' o i i..i ii. il itu-l ;.!.. t,i m t 1 ' nub 4 I i.j I I.. 1 li.. NU.it fil. ll.it 'td Ii oi, l in it in "in. 1 ' da- m Iu u I "kti, I I'M. I. I li. t t llu. I...nl,4 ll.J II, U Mu mi t I4t liu l il Mu U 4 4" no. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers