ghtnkri! American, SUNBURY, AUGUST 6, 1871, Railroad Time Tables. N. C. R. W. EAST. Buffalo Ex Fvo 4:10 a m Erio " " 10:20 " ElmlraMail " 10:68 " Erio " " 1:10 " P. A E. R. R. Wkst, Eric Mnll.Pve 3:10 am Buffalo Ex. " 4:50 ElmlrnMnll" 4:80 p in Erio EX. " 0:43 BnAMOKIS DIVISION N. 0. It. W. I.E1TB , ARRIVI Bunburv at 11:50 a ml At Banbury 9:53 ft m " " 4:40 p m " 4:00 pm D. II. A W. R. R. Lonvo Snnbnrv !i:55 a. m.. 4:35 and 0:50 p. m Arr. at Sinibury 10:00 ni, 6:30 aud 8:40 p m, f oral f fairs. Sewing Maciiikgs.-MIss Carolluo Dallus It the agent Tor tlia salo of tho three best Sewing Machines In existence, viz i "Tho Improved Singer," "firovcr A Baker" and "Domestic," which arc constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. Call and see them. Office on Market street, cast or the railroad. lloi'se tor Balb. Tho valuable house and lot on the Sonth-Wcst corner of Fourth nud Pem Streets, is offered for sale OS rcasonablo terms. Apply ut this Office. 1 Rkfuesiiino Soda Water drawn from thai ele gant Soda Fountain nt Dr. Moody's Drug Storo, To Oiit Patrons. Wo nro now sending bills to all who are owing us, and we trust that they w ill be promptly responded to. We are much In need of money to carry on our business success fully. To pay cash for all stock consumed, nud then lay out of tho money for six mouths or a year, loaves us without a proCt by which we must maintain ourselves. Our business Is ex pensive to keep It moving, and our purse is light, und if not constantly replenished by our earn ings, it will soon leave the machine In a condi tion that it cannot bo moved. We therefore hope that nil who owo us will remit, so that wo will fcc altlo to make further improvements and pay our debts. A Word to Ocu Fmnsns. Slueo wo havo become sole owner of this establishment we have labored under ninny disadvantages on account of not having the means to inako such improve ments as we desired. Depending solely upon our earnings nud to kind friends, to whom we feel grateful for thsir patronage, wo havo liqui dated debts contracted for tho Improvements which we were compelled to make. Wo are anxious to make further improvements, and make this one of the most complete offices lu tho country. For such a project wo must, however, rely upon our friends throughout tho county for their liberal support. Wo ntk the favor of all those who would like to sea us prosper, to exert themselves in our behalf iu securing subscribers aud Job work. J:i doing so they will reap a benefit as well as ourselves. We therefore solicit the patronage of all who feel an interest in tho Republican cause, ami desire a readable family, as well as a local journal, at a lower rate than any other published in tho county. To Accom plish such mi end wo propose to compensate all for their labor. Believing that "tho laborer is worthy of his hire," wo make the followiug pro position to all who will engage iu canvassing for us : Fur every list of 100 subscribers lit ?1.50 paid in advance, we will 'civean order off 10, payable i:i goods, at any establishment that udvcrliscs In mil' columns. For T. subseribcrs,iu aJvancc,an order of 835 00 50 4!) 15 00 10 00 0 50 5 00 4 00 3 00 a oo ;io 15 10 As we are ut tho beginning of an important political campaign, und the American la 'publish ed ut a lower rate than any other paper, and con tains the fame amount of reading matter us olhcra of larger nl;:e, wo fuel eonlldeut that eau vasscrs can very readily obtain subscribers Iu every parts cf the county. All clubs rcc.ivcd will ho promptly acknowledged, and tho paper promptly forwarded to any address. Foil Kr.NT. Two rooms, suitablo for offices, adjoining the Post Office, ueav tho Masonic llnll building, on Third street, Sunbury, nro o lie red for rent on icasonable terms. Apply to ('HAS. (J.Utl.NGt'lt. I'.rv. S. J. Mii.uki-.n, of tin Presbyterian church, Is away on a three week's leavo of ub nctico, with his family. ten Cid.l Sola Water, with a large collection of r-yr.ips to suit our patronage. Tho most pala table and rt frc.-liiiig drink for ladies and gentle men, un a warm cummer day or eveuiug, at Dr. Moonv's Drug Storo Ki.v. Mit. Ciir.H KI, of tho Reformed church, of this pi :ie :, has been culled to Williaiuspoil, on a salary of 1,00.) per uuipjin. Wu.ui vm llL'NTZiNtii'.a lias been elected Cap tain of tha Mt. Canned Hilles, located ut Mt. C'uruicl, this county, vice J. M. Joint, promoted to Major and Commissary of Subsistence. The taction of Captain lluutzinger was uuuuimous. Auukstkh. On Mou lay last, John (ironeraud Martha Mabrvy, of this place, wero arretted on a charge of adultery mil hound ovjr by Esquire Heard to next term of court. Fraukliu Mabrey, the prosecutor, was then arreted for assault and battery upon oath of Martha Mabny, and for threatening to kill or poison her and (i roller, and wiib lineal cuing to hum dow n doner' dwelling, lie vi .is comuillle.l to Jail in ib fault of hull, for trial nt Augttrt Court, by Kqulio Uiiie. . - - Tim committee to prepare the grounds for the Nuilhit ii'i. li.m l County Agricultural Fair, com. in. no .1 iiH'r.itioiis oa TluiroJ ly morning last, n llio N.C.'u.iy ground at tho lower cud ol' thU ll.uoii.h. The. lot- i'.Ijii I a good one, i i'l tin- r.iunii'.t"e .,.-o no time In hkviiig H n in goo I condition i.l once, us it will aid lu-uii in in ..kiic; lite Fair a em . by ha line, i'.c ground as carlv u po-v.hle. Iiiii::i I'm: ' sui'iiir.-ilv u untie lu an tin r put ol' Hi '.. pap. r, ii will I.e. eu that !c.,i. Uv-i'y A II. i 'i ily I. .ive dl-.iolvud part ii. rliip i.l IU.- Pliulogi.ipii ' ii . Inc.. Mr. I km. I . tiy will i oni'.i.iic the Lu ..a. i ..I tl.' old (land. '. : i a ii:-i-;.-- .mi i, ai. I a w.niliy young n i i, .1 i .i -' .! I n' j . Hi. hi i,; ' pf Him public, m Mi:ii..i) i..i.,.iu m.i lai. ly uiKuiiliud i il l, ', Ii l.i t tiiiU the "1. T I Itaileut i! .tiliy." 1 1., i h.uo ..lie id) enrolled kolttk 8 . ,a. 'I '.J i..lle. I. el. i i I, ,ie folio I l .., I I.l I : I I. .1.1 Ii. J. in 1 I ul.- Il lit II lloUl t. .1. J. l.'iuu. Mm Aut.Hi'Hi . r I l4iMa . vi.n.. , u nKu 4lll t. tel.. I Udci u( 11m .1,. I I III '.,, !U ul t..f I U OUMlJ tij. j or. .1 ' i ttU M.,klii4 tu put .. .. . in lb. in I. ..,(! al,N,Mtt- tkmtc. it un. it,. ..4 t. ,r ltui, mkil., ... JI..I ...... w U. u, j.u ,,4.a iiai,i j,uu. nui isuuuii Uii i1,, lu I'M V..l.( htuwl .. ..lui's i ill ii l. . M,k, ,-UL.4. j,UuW ,4,.ul bl .It l u vta .. ,H'I 14, II I.--4... ,i4 W '..!.. lU IL. Li4U.4J Lance and Shield Conclave, No. 11, 0. of S. P. K., stationed at Banbury, paraded on Friday last, aid cave a plo nlo on Bird's Island. This Conclavo was organized last November, And now numbers About thlrty-flvo members. Tho pa rade, although the number In line was small, about thirty rank and file, was unusually credit able In appearance. The procession, preceded by the Northumberland Silver Cornet Band, started from the llnll of the Conclave, Brlght's building, oorncr of Sd and Market streets, at 11 o'clock, a. h. After marching through the principal streets, the Sir Knights, accompanied by their families, ladles, and invited guests, took the steamboat from foot of Market street, for Bird's Island Leaving the ladies ou the Island, they steamed oa to Northumberland, paraded there, and, sub sequently halting at the mansion of Geo. Burr, Esq., by special Invitation, partook of lunch. Invitations to lunch were extended to them by Joseph Bird, Esq., and by John McFarlnnd, Esq., of Northumberland. ITavlng previously accepted the Invitation of Mr. Burr, they were obliged gratefully to decline the hospitalities so courteous ly proposed by Messrs. Bird and McFarlnnd. Leaving Northumberland, they proceeded to the pic nlc ground. Here tho scene was brilliant. The tablo was not ouly amply provisioned, but thero was enough to satisfy a regiment of hungry men, hi addition to the large number assembled, and lu variety and qunntity, embraced every thing, and tho best of everything afforded at this season it was truly olegantly furnished. Prof, trip's String Band supplied the music for dancing. The platform erected for this purpose, large and commodious- as It Is, was thronged with "fair women nud bravo men," who gaily and joyously "chased tho glowing hours with Dying feet" till late into tho evonlug. It was a charming eight this gay dance at night, iu the beautiful grovoj . Illuminated by an hundred lamps, gleaming through tho mellow and soft light of the moon, aud in the dark shadows cast by tho tall old trees. This first parade and pic nlc of the Conclaves was altogether a success tho aftilt of tho season so pronounco all the guests from Sunbury, and tho guests from Nor thumberland, who enjoyed together and Iu com mon, the festivities aud ttic pleasure. Sister Conclaves from Poltsvillc, Shamokin, j Lykcns, Ac, we arc Informed, had been Invited, but were not reprcscuted, a clrcuinstnuco which was sincerely regretted. Tho uniform of tho Kulghts of S. P. K. Is bluck frock coat, white pauts, (summer dress), blue cap trimmed with silver band, silver wreath with tho letters S. P. K., red baldrie, with proper insignia embroidered in silver, and edged witli silver, blue sword-belt, and square hlltcd swords with whlto or silver mounting, for privates. Officers wear the same, except that the baldrics arc blue satin, with silver Jewels and red sword belt. Past officers wear a purple velvet baldric, with gold or gilt trimmings, Jewels and mount ing and white sword-belt. Sir John II. Bluin was the only Knight wearing the lusiguia of a past officer, if our observation was correct. Tho parade was commanded by Capt. II. J. Waltz, Marshal, who Is to bo commended for skillful management of his men and tho Sir Knights arc entitled to credit for their fine bear ing and proficiency lu the sword cxcrclso nud drill, whicli are novel and peculiar. Perfect order and discipline was observed, nor did any thing oocur to mar the harmony or cause regret. Excitino Game op Basb Ball for the Cham pionship. The first game of baso ball for tho championship of Northumberland county, came off ou the grouud of tho N. C. R. W. Co. at this place, ou Saturday afternoon last, between the Star club of Sunbury, aud the Union club of Wutsoutown. The gamo was somewhat delayed on account of a heavy shower of rain about 1 clock. Tho whole nlno tunings were played and resulted in a scoro of 27 to 1 1 In favor of tho Star club. At tho bcgluniug of the gamo the chances looked diseournglng for (lc Star, but by splendid playing of all tho basemen and tho short stop, the Star gained very fast on the Union, and on the sixth inning took the lead and kept it till tho cud of the game. The fielders of the Star club did somo good playing, aud descrvo credit for their good throwlug j the left fielder mado a spleudld running catch, which ho handed to second base making a double play. Tho pitcher and catcher did their work splendidly, but one baso was taken ou called balls, and tho catcher leaving but four balls pass him iu the whole game. Tho catcher and tho second bascinau of tho Union club did somo good playing. The batting was uot very good ou cither side, on ac count of the wet ball. Tho second game is to bo played at Wutsoutown, on Saturday, August 12th. Ilelow wo appcud tho score i STAR. Sinick, c lfueher, p Hopper, 1st b V. K roll ii, 'J.l b.., Wclkcr, oj b Reese, s. s UNION. O R! ii 'J Kunkle, 1. f 4 U llousel, p 4 Kowmuii, ad Ii.... i 4 Wilson, c 3 -J Pollock, 2d b i! ii Ganger, r. f 5 8 IVtcriuan, c. f.... a ii Dennlson, s. s.... 0 4 Uoglo 1st b 0 R 4 1 5 0 4 1 1 a a i F.isely, 1. f. R. Krohn, c. f... Ncucr, r. f. , Total 27 27, Total ISSlNliS. .13345078 27 11 1 U 827 0 11 Star.... 0 2 3 I 7 a 1 a tulou 1 4 2 1 2 0 0 1 Umpire Mr. Lew is Dowart. of Sunbury. Time of game 1 hour and 45 inluutes. A Market in Sfsni'iiv. Tho Borough Coun cil, ut its meeting ou Tuesday evening last, pass ed a resolution appointing u committee to draft nn orilinuueo for 0IC estuhlUbing of a market lu this place, tut the sale ol moats, vegetables, fruits, Ac, on regular market ' days. This has long Ucu needed, und wo hope the council will ! not delay iu passing uu ordluunce to go Into ef fect at on e. Our eiilerprlslug Uclgblioi' of Millou luivo CatablUlicd A tuarkut lu their towu, whl. I. went lutonleel this ixik. The following remai k ou tho subject, by the MiltuiuH, arc ap plicable lo IhU iuu: i We uudcr.luinl that some of those persons who have becu 111 thu b.iliit of s'd.llliig priHluce and Vi'K.'lublcs tliroii,'li tlio, feel that lnjutlce has becu done I lie in iu I ho irlalilUhlili ut of I he mark.. 1 1 us liny mo now pr.ibibii. J froiu slicel iH-ddlliu;. Hut e look at It iu another lU'lil. Wu Ihink tin y i!l Hud lluit uud.r Itiu workiuu of tuu new synl'iu Ihey will, by Liking ttirir u lion at the in.ukil lu llio niurnlni;, Uiium. of tln lr W4ic lu it i hour or , lui.d ut requiring u day's oik, as llio old yloiu. Aud Hu n under pieul arraiigeuirnu lh.r will lc u lu.iiiy buyers at Ui.irktl, uud Inu. U compcli. lion uiikhiK llissi Hull Kood nr.Ui.' otler.d lor ulu UI biiui( tutler pru limit fi.iimrly, while ptmr oues will bi sold lor it lial Ih.y ai wurllt. Ihers r ninny ollur Iu luvor of a I vtil. U to lUluk lH i. nl ibriuMiv. hau lilt yiii. u Imcu li ed. At any lulu, gun lbs y.i. iu fair liul, ud IIku, If it Juu Ui4 o.k, abnudoit II. Himoval. We aollia lUal I . 11. Noll, lb tel.blul.J luvlvhut Ul.or, U tuK iUed lu Icmuf Ut UU Uul ttotll ut ( lioiu touilb I ft. I, lula U Huu building on Tbltd ttiwt, o.mi l.4 b J. M. XWalir. 11m tttt of liuu4l .iy u lbs ul uf luout to utiUigx bit bu.luw.t. air, Noll's uuuuci of iMtusMliu butlut. ! sppiwiihl, ab4 t4 aoiW llIU gVU4.l Wt 4lltv4 hiut a Ui- anumti uf piiiouugM. lu bu imiv u.iuit IWU ut uUt it . II U 1114J11 up iibU4 tu l, aliiU LU KM." uf sw.iuli U !) ol lb u.ui UUlMbL u Ik iiif ksA. Ksbj i'tvt I'Mlii- stwtwl asj siU ol t LUMt o4b iui kvMt luHhj 4iMyMki lo. ol II H. U.u.1. wkiM l.w.4 Ik U4 iMkkK Ut iu inutr,u4 . k.ii.. 4 tot (. fil. W MUl ta.ks Ul t U.l.iu II kt l ;., . k I'StiUKC l.slt ' Mil Ikvut Deplorable Occurrence Two Men Burro cated. We are called upon to chronicle a casu alty of an unlookcd for character. " At half past ton o'clock, a. h., Thursday, the STth tilt., two citizens of Buffalo twp., this county, viz t Jos. Gusslc, aged about 04 years, and John A. Gass ier, (his son ), aged about 38 years, wore smother, ed to death almost Instantly, In a lima kiln, near JofTa's mill, In the above township. It Is supposed Hint the sou was engaged at leveling tho lower part of the kllu, when his respiration suddenly became checked by sulphur to snch a degree that he called to his father for help. Ascertaining his sou's condition, Mr. G. descended to the roBcuo from the top of tho kllu, by means of a board, when ho wns also ovcr como, hut was able to call for help. Mr. David Beaver, who happened to bo within call, tan to the kiln, aud discovered tho Bituntlon, procured a ladder as quickly as possible, and, villi the aid of another and younger son of the suffering man, succeeded In getting him out. Mr. U. asked for water, but before It could be brought, ho breathed his Inst. Theso wero respected men and Industrious laborers, and their loss will bo felt by the com munity as well as by their hcart-brokcu rela tives. Leieitburg ChronicU. Ma. Editor Is not tho difference between the new and old stylo of tho calander, only ten Instead of eleven dnys as you have made it. It Is so understood by a number of editors, and by INlJllllEU. COMMENTS). Until the reign of Julius Ciesar, about 45 years before tho birth of Christ, SC5 days constituted tho yen. Tho fraction of 0 hours nud 11 min utes were then uot counted. At that time these fractions amounted to 00 days, and the first year of the Julian era. was mado up of 15 months. Caisar then ordained Hint tho 0 hours' frnctlon of each year should bo added together every foHrlh year and inako nn additional day Iu February. But tho remaining error of 11 minutes, which properly belonged to each year up to A. D. 1582, amounted to 10 dnys. Pope Gregory then ordain ed that the 10 days should be deducted, aud the 5th of October was called tho 15th. Tho Lu therans of Germany and other Protestants did not adopt tho new or Roman style until Hie year 1700, when tho additional accumulations of the 11 minutes made It necessary to omit eleven In stead of tcu days. Iu 1751 It wns enacted by the British Parliament thai clertn days should bo omitted after the 2d day or Sept. 1752, so the on suing day should bo tho 1,4th, and it further en acted lu order to couutcract a certain small over plus of time, that every four himdr cdth year, beginning with the year 2000, sluill not be con sidered a leap year. The year 1800, therefore, not being considered leap year by us, another (or twelfth) day has been added between, tho old and new style. A Handsome Residence. We were shown, a few days ago, through the new dwelling house of N. F. Llghlnei', Esq., tho popular Book mid Pe riodical dealer In this place, located on Arch street, between Front and Second streets, which wo found ono of tho best nud most complete houses in this place. All tho rooms nro well ur. ranged, with all the most modoru conveniences added, such as closets, heaters, bath room with water pipes from tho pump In the kltcheu, fire ranges, Ac. Workmen are now engaged iu sod ding tho yards and arranging walks, which, when completed, will make it a most desirablu private residence. The building I of Mr. Light ner's own plaauiug, an.1 wo could uot help ad miring his &om taste. Notwithstanding thoadvanco In goods lu the city markets, you can buy goods at Woiiner's cash Btorc, II. Iltiupt' Block, Market street, Sunbury, l'a., at a small advance aliovo city prices. In Summer Dry Goals, ho offers great bargains to mako room for his Fall stock. Cire him a call ; Bee, an.l bo convinced. At a meeting of the citizens of Turbotvillc and vicinity, July 2tt!i, 1871, to take means to ralso something for the relief of tho siillercrs by the great hall storm, Burgess John Hoof was call ed to the chair, aud Thomas Hair, U. l ltaup, Jab. D. Barr and Jobu Hoof, were appointed a committee to ascertain tho amount of lots, receive contributions of grain, hay, Ac., and distribute the 6amo according to theamouut of loss. iWiul, That a committee, consisting of Rev. J. F. Wampolo, Rev. U. Myers and Dr. K. H. Homer, be appointed to make an appeal to the benevolent, lu lavor of the sufferers. Vi'moli'iif, That tho Committee call a county meeting at tho Court House, at Sunbury, on Mommy, Aug. 7, ul 1 o'clock, V. M., to inako an appeal to IbeCouuty Commissioners to exou erate the sufferers from county tax for 1 year. Tha said meeting U hereby called by the Cen tral Committee, 'iMivJ, That these proceedings be published in all the papers in the couuly. JM11N HOOF, Chainiiau. T1IOS. HAM'., See'y. List of letters remaining in the Pott Office, ut Suubury, Suly ill, 1871. J. K. llody.J. M. C.inipbel, ll.v. 1). 1). Chris ty, Calvin M. Conrad, Aaron A. Conrad, Mr. Patrick Dawson. MWaLlz.ic Devllug, Miss Liz zie Fugiiy, W. R. Furiiiaii, Mrs. Caroline Fet tcroll, liurlcman ami Gorman, Mis l.iudhi II tr uer, (2), Mr. Jack Hcftner, Jnbu V. Helruni Hill, Mr. J. W. lioyer, R. Hollcnbuck, Esq., Jay 11. Johnston, Miss Gertrude Jones, Samuel Kelly, Cupl. K House, John l.ecnh, Mr. Itcnj. Long, Martin 1.. Mullck, Frederick Melxell, Soupb Miller, Mover A Seliwaru, M. A A. K. McCiiinllcst, Mr. Wills McCnrmick. Miss Lizzie Kcd, llusiell, Mess A Co., Miss Florence San sou, Mrs. Han S.ivlJgc, Mis He titid'cr. Miss E. Miisblcr, Mr. Thomas hilven, ( lias. I'. Smith, J. F. Sblvr, Miss Jennie Stroll, (ieo. W. Slroub, Daniel Troutiilue, A. Logan. J. J. SMITH, P. M. DtUTii or a Vr.Tr.itiN Hhh. The llloomshurg AV,nM,Vm of July 2uth, publishes llio following obituary I Died, ut tho r.'4.lcuco of Mrt. Ship man, lu this place, on (nimby last, till .'Id lieu thai was captured by n soldier of I ho KI'.M Penn sylvania Voluulocrs, lu the charge ou Fredericks burg,, IsjIJ. blie was carried lluoUe,li tin) lijjlil ou a soldlcr'a kuapsack, und erv.d with the regiment uutif I't dUcbarge from the ten ke, In May 110:1. Of course bo aus buihd with the honors of war. P. M. Mio alto paillcliiled In ite iiurii.ldu Ibrough llio mud. On Thursday of lat week, Willie Kckuil, H ycurt, fell from Ibe CuUl.a Kullroa l biklu lulu) Hid rlu r a dlUuco of M feci or more. Thu Ubc k ul tiitrecly time lo dart lu a Ii lhl fiotu hi splath U-foru llilly M Hi Lie, it Moikiu.iii, U'ukk utter btiu, nud, fortuual.iy r.'.iplu In Jui y from coulmt oilU lbs tone lyiux urnun l lom) lu the bed uf lbs lrr4U lUvtdi'4 lu Mllliij Iko U)'s lil'u aa w.-ll bU wau. Ultilii.le did it Uobl mi, und l-ruLubly I..U h tboul.l, uy It ill ..ll.lU.d lib Ullu.olf d doing U.- Wi.Wwa. -Ik kb4Utfu tu)s a sumi.iya inu.dy for Lu iloup U tal l lo uvu dowuiti. J itl Ul. Il U b'4l.lii( uioin Oo lit tk4U l(i. Il mil Iks phi. gut liiiu4 luktaully, au4 luduet Iimi ki.lblng. rkk..k4i,- A. o. . I , r. c, A. r. u. c. . M . i. I. 1 ua 4n tkiu , lot Akguti, okt null k ki lu. U ot. "Mkik Wul.w kuj a Uj4u4,.," li Juka uku, lit aki.k tkal ml. I iiflw lm iMttllAtk! -4lw4t 4 p. MM. .MUlolU4 4 IklUt ulin m4 !.. 1 Im Uu4 ihI kH4 o.k il totMfl. M 4l l'Wul lutl,! lk p44M kOU w tk.., ui la okua ii wiitiiuH'4 ik. ai.kw4 bt ut.l.4 null t fclulUk) IkiU Ml. i l-V I'd- lut uu tl itj. tilt ii iMtUfkil w4 lu kkkitf. I ilk. i AilUU ul luu-tv4 .a til ttW' Ut kik "Ml i klliib.k," t v't,tk4 Ol "kl .ulUUa'0.k lu tk U-4l kvl.i," "ku.j.ii- i.1 s Ti.i.l.1," 'Iu.vj iv.i.) " k u. t.. -u.iuktn4 l II Jw.. I ( . i Ufl "M.I.W i.4 Miv.4, "Ik ...,. I, ' ' t J.u. I. H k.liK Business Notice. Mr. Editor. Wo have a flue suit of New Clothes for every reader of your excellent paper. Will you please glvo them due notice of the fact. VANAMAKHH A DllOWN. JrST recelred, a number of popular frcpts and French calf skins, at tho Regulator. There is no lack of selling off boots aud shoes at the Excelsior storo of W. II. Miller, In tho stone building on Market street. They are uot ouly sold nt retail, but we notice many merchants buying at wholesale, who savo the freight by doing so, and get a better article besides. Tho wholesale business is drawing qulto a trade, be cause his stock tfe constantly kept up and a bet ter selection can be had than In many of tho city establishments. 5,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received at Llght ncr's, cheap for cash. New Beans, Pens, Potatoes, Lettuce, Straw berries, Ac, nt Kirby'. Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk, attd, Leather Storo consolidated with tho Book Store. Cull one and all. New goods at low prices. To look Into the lint Store of S. Fanst, one would suppose there wns n supply of Hats nnd Cnps for one generation to come, but as his cus tomers nro coming from every direction they are soon disposed of and a new supply put lu their place. Tun Croquet Shoe, a novelty, elegant aud com fortable, at the Regulator. Gfnts' flue French Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch cd bottom, nt the Regulator. All Rubber Wear, at manufacturers' prices, at the Regulator. . .. Shoemakers' materials for manufacturing, nt the Ueirubitor. Tltc CoufrNMloiiM ol' nil Invalid. PUBLISHED ns a warning nnd for the benefit of yinnifi wfn a id other, who puller from Nervous Debility, Ae., supplying the means of self:curc. Written by ono who cured himself and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAVFAIIi. May 2, I871.-Cin. Brooklyn, N. Y. .. .. i 111 Upper Augusta township, on the 20th ult., of consumption SARAH ANN FRANK, daugh ter of Philip and Mary Ann Frank, aged lOyeir.o, 10 months nnd 25 days. At 1ih leslilc'jcc, In Mt. Curniel, nt S o'clock, A. M., Thursday. July 27th, 1871, "f that wasting disease, Consumption , lifter a lin gering sickness of more tlinu one year, JAMES AD A MS, nged 54 years. Kllu bury 4raiu A l'roduco Market. CORRUPTED WEEKLY RT HILE AOEUINOER. Grain Cholfe White Wheat . 1 00 Best Amber, Winter 1 50 Com , 80 Rve 1 00 Oats, (33 lbs.) 50 Best Amber, Winter, per sack 2 00 " " " " barrel 8 i0 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2 50 Pennsylvania Roll !I5 Eons Per iozen 10 Meats Dried Beef, icr lb 2sirt:,0 Smoked Mutton IOOj-12 Lard per lb 25 Fisu Salt Whlto Fish, per lb 15 " Trout " 15 Cod " 8 Fresh Shad 40f'irt0 VKOETAiiLtto Turnips, per bnsliol 75 Potatoes ' 1 10 Onions " t 1 00 Hcnns, " quart l.'jQj)18 Hominy, " " 12 Dried Furm Dried Apples, per ib 12fn 14 ' Poaches, " 20("i:;0 " Cherries, " lOfelia " Blackberries 12 " Raspberries.. 20 Merchant Tailoring. J. M. itDvri.w, In the Post Ollleo Building, opposite the Depot, (up stairs,) iSUXDUHV, l'KXN'A, Informs Ills friends and tho public generally, that ho has just opened n largo and aricd as sortment ol' 4 lot list. Casislniercs, oxliugs, Ac, which will bo made up to order iu the latest styles, nnd warranted to lit. Gentlemen iu waul of fashionable suits are in vited to call and examine his stock. SHIRTS scientifically and practically cut and mado to measure. KI N NO P.ISK. We furnish the above styles of Improved yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee a Hii'eet tilling shirt. Il is the busl model ol ii shirt ever iillerc.l to the trade. Fine and fancy shirts made to onh r. J. M. UOSTIAX. June !!, is; l.-iiiu. MMUMJ OmiMil Largo Mock! Holler I-:u Willi ! J ii-l opened a Lirge, tine and substantial assort ment of srjuxt; (;oois, lKniifstiis, White (Jools, Fitiuy iioihls, Triiiiuuii!t t-'lotlis,' Cavintori'M, (lAlil'KTS A XL) OIL CI.nTllS. Ilou.ckoi'piug III great variety. Fl;l!l Gltot'F.lilFS, liuecnswnrc, Willow-Ware, Ghisswaty', ee., e.e. A 111. " st's k of substantial Kl'ixly 4 lolhlll';, f.r Mrii and U.'i-.. K icb line fi.'.l und couiplctu. t t'ut. (lotsit a hiechilly. ti J I'rlrt'w lo unit lh liiuru. ('Mil Mini ht'O our Murk, All kin. I. of coiiutiy produco l.ik.n iu c ihaliv;.! lor goodi. Mimi;k .v. iii.'MM.r It, j ll.llll's Ir.Hl llulldill.', Mali.. I Mini, 'Slll.iiul). I Apul :l, I -. 1 . j Clock &. Watch Repairer. I . TtOl.T, 111 IVn.irl'a II!. s k, Ihi.O d til Uo of I'.o C U- j ii. .Ul. UlaiL.l tquui... hi.Mii ;;v,l'V, ' It. tlully l. .I . uu. Ik., i iiu.ii ol KuuLuiy m l ! II. 1.1:1 V, lli. l h. I. l . II. , I.l r. I air t lo. I. .in.) i M.,1.1,, , lii nil I nil, I., j, i., j lnj, I uj i,l .I ! W am .! .,; .1, ui ii.ii,,ti.. , I lllll'ltf II 'd lOl 1 1 .' II M 1 . I '.ill III U 111 lllU bll.t. U ', iii I!. I, .'..unlit, ke U .ll.i knOM.l t i.l kc . -i ii i,i. v k ii. r .l ilulu. li-iu. til UO.W gU...iU1.4 i M.lnlll'l, -jHilfllll) ko IklteJ. JuiMI if, 1 1.1. II. I AMI'M tr I lSl, 41 u lliu I .ii. II. . .1 Ao.Lllil, kid b a oi Im14 ut I'on.U, Ni..iikaitlHi.4i.4 inauuly, l'4 , lo rouiuufUtk Augu.l l-Hk, i.4 ii.l.nm day. Tvul t lot l.ul tU 1.4 1 1, iJtlj u u. 'Iuum nukiug to luut uill ui ply by 1.11.., Ulk..u uu kul Agu! Ilk. lo U.t. II. . H4Ulkf, l l.lullwU, I , Ut 11'. iUk.l, l.u.f Au,u.l4. I'4. A U-Midiug l.ul ki.l U -.l b. Vt ko I'l il.. 14 KJU k-tt '---l UualillUu. Il" 'U. l IIU4.4 Uto IU'1. Ilout I 1. lull.. k ,11 U44 HalU.. llutUlkU-u I.l IUU tu kw4 lluUI lit lalU4t. D. . I 4 1 IHU. July ft, I. Bottlo Up. N H l II t it U .l i uu 14 ud r4MM. Iu4.i t 4 lu lu. k-4. 1 .1. ... I, iu k . u. k k. vouul, 14 lu.kt lutu. '.mi., , .,4 ..-uul ki t U 1-..V4 U Ik. k.u4 wi ."-l 111 I. t tVllte! -M i.i i itiiilbU l( il 4) 4 h kKUikll, ittl i IV '"I QSEMILI.ION OF MVI'.N NVEI! Il Is one of iho remarkable facts of this re markable age, not merely that so ninny persons are the victims or dyspepsia or Indigestion, but Its willing victims. 'Now, 'we would not bo un derstood to say that any ono regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels disposed to rank ii among the luxuries of life. Fur from It. Thosu who hnve cxperinccd its tormonts would scout such nn Idea. All dread It, nnd would gladly illspcnso with lis unpleasant fainiliartie'S. Mark Tapley, who was jolly under all tho trying circumstances lu which ho wns placed, never had nn attack of dyspepsia, or his jollity would have spceiliiy for saken him. Men nnd women sometimes sailer Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whoever beard of n person who enjoyed them ? Of all tho multifarious discuses to which the human system is liable, tliero Is perhaps no ono so generally prevalent ns dyspepsia. Thero arc diseases more ncutc nnd painful, nnd which moro frcipieutly provo fatal but none, the etl'ecls of which are so depressing to tho mind and so positively distressing to the body. If there is a wretched being In the world il Is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. Nearly every other person you moot Is a vic tim, nn apparently willing one; for were this not the case, why so many sull'ercrs, when n cer tain, speedy nnd safe remedy Is within tho easy reach of nil w ho desire to avail themselves of it ? But the majority will not. Blinded by prejudice, or deterred by sonic other uiiexphiiuvtl inliucnec, they refuse to accept tho relief proffered them. They turn ft deaf car to tho testimony of the thousands whoso sufferlntrs hiiAC been alleviated, and with strange infatuation, appear to cling with desperate determination to their rulliless toruicuter. But says a dyspeptic : What Is this remedy ? to which we reply : This great nllevia tor of human mitlering is almost as widely known ns the English language. It haa allayed thentronics of thousands, mid Is to-day carrying comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is none other than Du. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know moro of the turrits of this wonderful medicine than can be learned from the exeriiiice of others t Try it yourself, and when il has failed to fullil tho assurance of lis clllcacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT BE I.EMEMBEl.EI), first, of r.11, that HOOFLAND'S (JEIiMAN EIT TE11S is not a rum beverage. They are no ulcholie in any seu.'C of the term. They are com posed wholly of the pure juice or vital principal of roots. This Is not a mere as suitiou. Tiie cMracts from which they arc com pounded are prepared by one of the ablest of (ierniau clieniists. I'nliko any oilier Bitters in the market, they are wholly free from spirituous ingredients. Tho objections which hold with so much force ngaiut preparations of this class, uanicly that a desire for intoxicating ilrinki is stimulated by their life, are not valid in the case of the German Bitters. So far from encoiirajing or iucuh-ntimr a taste or desire for inebriating beverages, it may be conil'lcntially asserted that their tendency Is in a diametrically opposite di rection. Their elicits can be BENEFICIAL ONLY ill all cases of the biliary system, lloof Innd'sGcruiun Bitters stand w ithout an equal, acting promptly mid vigorously upon the Liver ; they remove its torpidity mid cause healthful se cretion of bile thereby supplying the stomach with the most indispensable clement!) of Bound digestion in proper proportions. Tin y give tone to the ttoiuach stimulating Its functions, and enabling it to perform its duties as nature de signed it should do. They impart vigor and strength to the entire system, causing the patieut to loci like auothcr being in fact, giving him a new lcaso of life. TULY PL'KIFY TIIE BLOOtL clcai.shig the vital tluid of ali hurtful Impuriiiesnnd supplant ing them witli the elements of genuine hcalthful ness. in a word, there is scarcely a disease in which they cannot be safely aud bemilltially em ployed j but in that most generally prevalent dis tressing and dreaded disease. Dyspepsia, THEY STAND LNKIVALED. Now, there are certain classes of persons to whom extreme Bitters arc not only unpalatable, but who II ml it Impossible to take'theiu without positive discomfort. For sueh Du. HOOFLAND'S C.EllMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It Is Intended for use where a slight ulcholie i tinnilant is require-., in connection with tho well-known Tonic p.o pertics of the pure German Bitters. This Tonic contains all the ingredients of tho Bitters, but so ll.ivoic I ns to remove the extreme bitterness. This preparation is not only palatable, out com bines, iu nioJiiled form, all the virtues of tho (ijinian Bitters. Tho solid extracts cf somo of Nature's choicest restoratives are held lu solu tion by a spirituous agent of tho purest quality. In cases of languor or excessive debility, where the system appears to have become exhausted of its eiierrics, HOOFLAND'S TONIC mis with almost marvelous elf.ct. It not only stimulates Hie slagging and wasting energies, but invigor ates ami permanently strengthens its actions up on the Liver and stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Bitters, when the same quanti ty is talicu is none the. less certain. Indigestion, Billioiitincss, Physical or Nervous Piosira.ii.i., yield readily to its potent Inlluence. It gives the Invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, re moves depression of sjiii its, and inspires cheer fulness. H supplants the pain of ilisiase with the ease nud co uifori of perlcct health. It gives strenutli to wenkuess, throws despondency lo the winds, nud starts tho restored Invalid upon a new and gladsome career. But Dr. Iloolland's benefactions to llie human race arc not coiillned lohis celebrated GKKMAN Bl'l TF.I.S, or his invaluable Tunic. He has prepared another medicine, which is rapidly w inning its way to popular favor because of its inliiusie merit.-. This is HOOFLAND'S PODOPIIYLLIN 11 1. 1 S, a perfect siili-titute for mercury, without any ol mercury's evil qualities. '1 bene wonderful Pills, uio Intended to act upon the Liver, arc i.iaiulv compo.e.l of po. dophyHiii. or the VITAL I'llfNCll'LE OF THE MANDIiAKE ItooT. Now we ileslre the reader to di-Iiiui'y under stand that Ibis extract of thu Mandrake, is many lime-, more p.iweiinl than llie Mandrake Itself. Il I, the In. lii.iiiii I lir. iiesol Ibis liealtb-eiv lug plant la a perfectly piiivau I highly eoneeiil rule I firm. Hence it is thai two of the I''l livl'.ia Piils ioniiiuli a full thu,.), while anywhere ii'i; to i iii'l or a liaiuuiii of olher preparations ol lh.' Mau.lial.K aie require!. Tim I'odopht I I'm ACTS Hlli.1.1 I LY O.N TIIE 1.1YLU, lug il luuetioiis and causing II to make Its l il huy e. ret i, una in r. gularaud proper ..uaiilhiei. The injiiiious r.siiila wlilili iniai ialily follow ll.u Use ol iiuicuiy U.iitiicly iivoi.h l ly llmr UJ. But il i. ii. 'I upon Iho Liver only thai lii.ii pow ers uic everted. The extract oi Mandrake eon. taiiud ill lh. ill is skillfully coml'liii I whb ban oilier t xli.u t.-, one iif whi.-li a. -(a upon llie, i-lo-maeli. one upon the iiq.r bowi !s, one upon the lower l.ov.els, nul one pit.etits any lipiiu', 1 1. . a piodu. i'.ig a pin thai ii.llu.iue4 ll.e entire liU'coii. e uik! ..iiuiehiaiy sy.-a.-ni, iu an i-'iil. I and liariiioiiol'.ii Maimer, a'.. I Hi in li m comely Ine fioui, voiuiiin it (jiipiii p.lillS llllllUIOII l, till l lh. T pT!l'.;it.Vl's. I No h.iiin liui.l thiilll.l bo Willi, u.t lh -nl. I'l' y I ale pel Ki Ily ..e, I. qullo I.l 111 i lialy doai', an: pl.iinpl and .It, i.-li :.i a I., .11, .I...I ' h In 11 I,-., I in .-on 11. 1 1. ..a Wita li. Ii. mil. .11. 1' li. iliiali tiilt.i.., or 'I olile, lil..y I..-. 1 . -j 1 1. 1 1 I ,.! 1 1 11.. in v. Hi, ill ail 1 .mi ol Li. el' I uiiipl ill, I, 1 t, ,p, -p. 1.1, 1,1 ill y 1,1 1.1. aiii,,l, li 10 1. Illlil 111. 1 .li in U oi.liiuiily tuli.,1. Hi; I'.hI "pl.i ll.,i I'llli .I- 1 llpoll llie ii all I liuH. !.,, 1 .. 1 1 ) lli .11 ii.,pi ,,p, 1 ol'.lin, u,iu., uiiil. Hi. Bill, 1 4 01 'I onii -pin ily Co l. I, .11. 1, l u, 11 .111 I iiui.,.r U.i lie liiliie, yilo ,.ue i.n.1 ,4 pi I 1,1 iLeclo, 1. u.l In uu bun I up llie li. .i 1 1, 1 .1.1, . l il ''.lli.l, flliio! , lui,, I, I I,., .11,, I in, li iti. f,. ,li..a.. I a tiiiull.: li.'i.d .'ii ti'.uu ly t.if 1 '.Un, il M 1 l. ..I .,, in t ... ..u I 1 In! pik p.iiali,.a k4ou a Di. II, 1 iii.l'n I i..k 0 1. Il.i Oil I k liiV.i.iU 1. 1. Il l) I'll 1A.IW Uli l .iu ol all kl...U, I.I.., Si ..lai, in,,h ', I I. ll i.l .In., b. lal..., li on., I an. In 11.0 li nk al. I l.oli., Ill' ,,,u., O, . , A. , all ) ., .4 I 1 II t . 1. 1 U .1 a I tuu. I Ut liUlii'.. t .1 I. ul. , .t. I U I.) Itl. utl'i. uLii. ,uudllii uiw la.i....i.i i.i) ,1.). lak.U I.l..' ) , ll 1, 4 tiliv ll 11.411 In. 11., ki ll., I I ". ia. ., i I, k, U. , I oil. , i'l . a I, l), t I. ,' 14 A u, t I .u,, 1'ulu lu IUU tIK Iii.i, k, t ul l.( t.iM, . I Le Oil 1 vi" I ...1U.I) i f k al", mUIi. M,d I ..Ultji Ol . 1' I'll-. 1 'J ll. i,. lit. 1 I . u ol.) ... tin.., I I. ,v 1-1. 4 lu lit. ww.k .tU41wl tilv.v. Illll.. ., 4 4illw, ll Lulu al II luavlta, I k,.it 41, 1 t.4t. I. 1 4 ....11. 1. 4 k; u. 1,. , i.4 u li -.1 Ly U- -4 uk 11 k-... 1 . i.ii v;,i t U ll.. .1.U...I U 1 . I a .. I.U.Jul l. la, ut l.y , . ,. , , I , l.k a ..I ) 1 14 .t I ,,- 4l, 4 I ,U I'l .u. 1 1 1 1. II all.. Ii l. .U ll, I- I,., kin. S. I I,, I ll. a t l "I.. 11114. ft! Ill 1 1. 1 ...I . 1 ....1 j I U J 1 la 11 4 I" U... .,.4l .a I 1 .ai. t,y lot., ..1. .--. k ..I M, (.. I,. 1. ... k... , 1 V4 I 'I , AobfrMturfinila. v "iJ AT THE MAMMOTH STORK, bus just received nnd opened A MAJl.HOTll STWdi JI.' (;41M, whicli ho has. SELECTED WITH (ill EAT ABE and oners to the Public at t';c vi ty LOWEST CASH PRSCEG. ll.ivl!i. e.-lablilicd a reputation for low prices and FAIR DEALING to ull, will endeavor lo maintain that position. COME ON K & ALL 12XAMIXH TIIE LAlKiEST STCK'K, UK ST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST 1'1(ICI: IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful for the large amount of patronage heretofore bestowed upon me, 1 will endeaver by furni.-liim; the lust goods at the loWctl prices to mcril a continuance of the same. 11. Y. FlilLINli. April 15, 1871. Ki:iY MEAT KlIOl. rilllE tiuderslirned rcsivctlully informs the citl J zens of Suubury and vicinity, that Ihcy have opened a MEATSiroi', in Dewart's liuildimr.ou the north side of Market Siuare, twodoor li m the railroad, were they will keep a constant supply ol the best of ii. i f, Polk, Mutton, ,Ve., at w liolet-ale or retail, al the loirest I'l ieeb and of the tlrsl quality . A w airou will be run to supply cu-luincrs every iiioruiug, (except Sundays.) Thcbe-t of incut will found ut their bliop. tiive us a call and satb tV vnur sehes. lltl'KKW .V LO Lli. I'd. n'.lh lCX tf. Sl'KIXU AND Sl'MMKIt. C l.OTUK AMI t t!iSIMi:Mtr.S! FRENCH AN I) DOMESTIC liOODS of every grade, Jiii-t opened al tin MERCHANT TAILOR SliOl' iu' TIKIS. ;. SOTT, fcu.eci.,ur to J. (. Ileck, Fourth tlre.t, below Marku, flN.llllV, FRWA. ; ,i.,!,Mi., ,i who diio I.e. l.i., i, at, I,- I'.othing In ule li ur,;. c, w lit call al llie atovo Litem,! i s. inline Uu. well tiie.uil itKh, it u.l h.i.n lhe:r nil made up in lUw L...U i ie. tall and be coiuiii.e.l. THUS. li. SVi 1'. May li, is;i. i:.l:ilt ol' t.l'ort'.- l.uK'i-K Ii, Neil,, l.lttl'J Jyld'l.l I'm ifilV, l.i I il..i. Nlliil'Kl.i luiii'V til. II III il lain t'-li-' In. b lleli i ll ii. il l I to til.' Ii, t,' ' l lie 1 , oi I he -M i'..' ii luoie,i' Liu 1 1, li, ij. n., late of J,i, t.m l iwi.hip, SoitltUiiiliiilaiii i,. ,;,' I V, l'a., All kMuoii in I. lai d l r. ild I .llie III! r. .l. all .1 I. i.. il,u liuui.ii..,. i uu nl. uii.llhin. tiailn; tl.ii'i,-li ,, .,.1 Uui.t tiu.y auihtiilic.iliM lor iii I ni, nt. Mil HAl.L lUKKIl II, F.v.iti!,... J..,,l III u lialtlp, J JIIO 10, 1 I. - I.l I'klulo ul' I lUubi IU Juii.'i, W.-c'tl. N1 w I lit: i ii.f.i,) in a ii.. i i.-i.i- t.iii. in. ul tl ll.l . .- 1.. .-u el .. III. I lo l 111- llli,l . "I I,- . i ..ii II....I..I...I 1 11 V It 1 I IIJiiNr i ii. -ol i a hiuiii!t,U ul b..l,l'illl, Sul i hu hi'rt lall4 eoUlilv, I'., I. ..a.. I. V I - i ll.-1' a. .1 .lc I. i in .1- I J ll all- lll!l,l..ll..L I ). .. I Ml. I Ul' I' I. Jill' , ,U,mi 1. 1 i-l IL u d. ) uulli, iilus...: ii i tlli.l.ii-. i ri. it ii n.i, i i. .ia-1., Jui.e .1, I .1. lit. wool ii riioi; ii'llli. III. J t 1 ll Ill Sltll', U.iik.l i.'i. I,.... a. , ui i i i the i4,:ivu I, i u bill. .,1. . kt Not I, I , I t It I.l lli .. I I I ILi; I...KUI l, I .IU oi U.S. .Hi tLl In . ,li I..,1 .,.4 ., .. . k k ji.I. i t . 1 .1 .l. 1". ) . ll. I J 'kl .ll .t."lt ll. ( .... i.i), U . ,1, klhl I k. k. . .. I IO MUI hi ." I Ulu, mt iiiuk'I 1 1 . 1 r s t , Ul I 1.1 I b"' I U. I I ( n.i -. It .1.1... u i m-U tt. t . ... i. ff l i ' - ...I-H-. t J Ull ,1 SUsrcHnncons. ISAAC H. KTAl'l'l'tn, WATCHKS, JKWELRY, 1 ! IVortU Ncrnnil M.. ( cr. of lurry, riin-AUELPiiiA. Au nssoitmcnt rf Watches, Jewelry, Silver and ' l'lutcl Ware eoOstantly on hand. Kepairiiig of WatrliM aiid .lewclrv prompt ly ntlciulcd to. Apill 1, lHTl-ly. - Bakery and Confectionery Iu the new building adjoining Iho Pot,l oiuce, nppiwilc tjie Uopol, S 1) , It V It Y , V K .V X ' A ,. Juiit ojiened a large aPFortment of all hinds CFJFECTIO N ARIES of every tlsscrli'tion. FRESH BESAD & CAKJC every niorning. Kaniilic will be supplied daily (Sundays exepi ted) with nil kindu of KKKAI), TWIST, lii'lv, TKA HUNS, .tc, and uho Kept on baud nnd manuf.ielurxid out of the 1ci;t brands of Flour. All kinds of Fancy Cakes not surpassed by any city bakeries eoiiflanl ly on hand 11 ml manufactured lo order for llullH, Lvculiig iartic,, IinuiH.'S nud at the, ehnrt,ebt notice. All orders left ut tlio felore opporitelhe Depot, oral Ills liukery, on Spruce Street between Trout nnd Second, Mil meet with prompt attention. Thankful for pari patronage, 1 hope by strict attention to bintincus, und furnishing the be it. to continue tho same. , . DAVID FP.Y. March 1 sth, 1ST1. FOR SALE ! TKllITV acres ol improved laud In the bivt U Ecetion of irmi tl:,:ru Michigan, within live miles of the ton ii of "Tluce liivew," In St.. ilu seph county, witliin two Miles of the liailroad Suit ion, good buildings, out houses, large or chard, mil, rldi Bandy ioain, Eclinol Iioiim'3 and churchs within siirhl title Indisputable, ten j nures arc in wheal, the remainder in clover Bod. . ppau oi nurses, cut lie, nogs, grain aim larunug utensils, iVre., will bo sold Willi this property. Price 70 per acre, $;l,0i)0 In cn.-h, the balance In lime payments of ."0i. App'.v to WM. A. MASSF.ll, Three Ulvcrs, Mich, or, 11. It. MASSEIl, euubitry, Pa. ruinhury, March II, 1S71. WAKE 11 Y TlJAKLUV ! 1 BAKERY 1 ft LP.ONAP.D DOVEKT1I, II A3 junt opened a 11 rut class Bakery on Frou'. street near the liailroad depot el Northumber land, and ia prepared to furiii'h the citizens of Northumberland and Sunbury with ull kiuds of Ill-cud and (..'nkes, such as liltOWN nilFAD. MILK niiKAD, HKKAD 15AKF.D on the IIF.AP.TH, an i :i full li:;a of 1MNCY CAKES, Tea lluns, l.i 'I Is ami Twist i:. Uroad and Cakes delivered lo customers every morning. dikes lor Ralls, Paitics, Weddings, Pairs, Ac, furnished at short notice. Being a practhal baker, and havlug worVeA at the business in Sunbury for several years past, lie hopes to-yivo eaticfaeiior. to his customer? ai hcrelol'ore. Orders are ii'specifiiily sol;citii. Northumberland, June 10, 1U71 . tf 11I. J. 1". t ASLOW, Ollleo and Kes'n'.o-jcr, Walnut frtreet, betwc.r. Third and Fouiih t'.ivcts, 6 U N H U P. Y , P V. N X ' A . All forms of Diseases of the FyeS will lie t rent ed or ululated upon, snch a-. Strabismus, (Cio l'.ycs,) Cataract, (Blindness,) and nil oilier di sease relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or Keel Feet,) llair-Lip, Liclsion of Tumors,, Ac. Also llie cure of Epilepsy (or Fulling Fits.) Sunbury, May li), 1S71. AT TUB Jiammolli Hoot & Shoe Store OP lu C. li. Suith'ii I'.ooin, Queen Strei l, oni- do' lai-". oi lire I'o.-t C'li.'C, NOKTU L'.V LEI'.LA N IL PENN : A . For Eliniia Loots, go to Eli Miller's llo"t an.l Shoe More. They are soli, i?et Calf at fO. For French Calf liooU, go to Eli Miller':-, ouiv f'J lo ?11 per pair. For Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, ul low'.ft p.v ; hie Jiriccs, tro lo Eli Miller's, on IJuccn Sired. For all kinds of Until Hoots and SlioCJ. nil ; '. Eli Miller's. For Ladies' ilni Overshoe, see .ine iis?.iil mi nt at Eli Millers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoes, go ;,.".1 e amine Eli Miller's large assortment. l or anytUng lu the Loot and Shoe line, mil and c:vauiiiii Eli Miller's nock before 1 ui' hii iuir il.iewhere if you ir-Ii to get lirsl-claes, r.l tl.e lowest i .rices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep-o, "70.-1y. A .nr:re slock i f llotiery N.'t'.otii alMm AW. .V l)is.-lui;er's. up'.';:. isilMOl'lliiDU. "VTOTICE is h.Tcby civ.ii, fbc.t the partncr.-h;;i heretofore i-xHiiiL', of tli m name of V'eit 1cl, Ci-Liiis ,v Co., ill the Merean;ile bu.-lncss it llie Horou. li of Suubury, lias been dis .olvc.i lij inuttail coiist-u;. Tlio Look ucouu', c, are Ull ill the haiiil-. of C. L. Wu'.iel, l the old lata u.l, who will s.u'.e up t'.u part.:.:' .hip ac counts. WEITZF.L, (iAt -KlNii .V CO. The Mercantile biiiie.-s of the aLove f.i in w ,!i lienaller be coiitiaili l at the ui.l siati-.l, un.l.i the linn mi tin.- of C. II. WEJTZEL .: CO. May i:l, l:.71.-::i. MAMIOOH : HOW I.O:'T, L'oW LKSToi:. I'll. Jll-t publi hi l bv Ur. I KWIS. '-"rt. pa-es, Tlilrl K.I. lion. fill: MEDICAL COM PANION AM til llE To IIUM.ill. ou ihi radical eitii el Spci in. Hon in. . , ..r Sciiiinat cak lie, lliMilillilaiy Siillillal Looses, lmpolcui V. Menial und liii.ieal In.-iijiaeay, Li '. tinieiit . lo Man iae, -, He., n 1 1 I t',i' Vi hi, I .iili I; M.,;. wait I'l.uu ur, I clear tl , nit :e., i IVii H f tin i' em .- ol 51. eci'hm Syuiptoii-, lioiniriii'i-1, li'lul-, i- iiilliei, imi I al'. di.e..,..'- ol lh,' kiii, sin li a-Sonny, t-i-rottt!:.,, Do.U, llli.tei, in in., I I'illl) It'J uu ll... I. ICC and I oi,.,iiinp. lion, ri'il.'l'-y, uu I t it-, induced bv c',i ;.. 1 gen. e u,1 s.-.iial . i ri.ialie,. T he ceh In. it, . aat'ior ;.i tl.'t, a.lniir.l ie u ., li.v, ill. '.-'V lielll..;: lr:l!e, luil ll i. IV V ,'r I. .-( I ., ! pi ... ii l!. il I hi. .ii : , jii, . t ,i, - .-I l ol sell' -;.lu,. ,- ciiV I a l':, l, i ll. i ; ;i.i, '. li mit . I llio,!.' ol ti.i uto.,,1- -iiii ; !., i,,, lin, ;i ' , . II . tin', I y I, , ..I'b i t wlili b i-i.-rv -i , , i n.i lo .'1 i I ... I f ;- ......Itliou inn) lie, nj 1 11 ,-. III..! cu. i.l, ib. aptj, piiial , iimi V.i. i T tti I..H.I. :. u1, 1 I. m.'. I.. i.: , ,i,ii ,i.: It, i. l . ' In:. ii in I In. l.i ;..(. ;-. ai i... .. r , ,i ' " . i, v. ... I.iie.'i'i r i.l-. A.i.h.-.., Ll'. l.i '.'t l, . ' 1.. .U !i , 1 1 , , i S. ol k, I MIH l.ll.llVIU. i'l ui: i i.t. 11 1 1' n i im. i'l i: t I . I..,.. i I t ll-- I , Hi ', l l I '.'iinl r-t ll, 11, i in J ...u.l. I lu.,.. I .' .i i il .l i.. I 1 i . I i il .li 4- .1.. . i' -ill., M. i . I I i I,.. !. ii.i.I 1. 1 I. b l n , ,. 1 1. iu . U . i . ,,t i , . , , ,t I - 1 ' ' -.' -I i ii,,. t i ili.i.. . ,' i . .it tu . i I . . . I . I U I. v.- ...iC I.I..I I I , I I ' I III J ',-.! I'll i'. l III l i.i I'l n , ! 1 1 t i , III l ist Uv. MillMi MV1 I s ll A'l, lioN I I .in l lt I'll VMI s, y i li .) io a-U :ii.mi!-Mil:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers