THE SUN BURY AMERICAN, IS rCBLTSILED BVKRT BATUHDAT BY EM'Ii WILVEET, Proprietor, MASSKb'S TlMliDtNOS, MARKET JqOKZ, At 61.50 in Advance. II not paid within 6 Months Subsa-ijtHoni taken for lent than tit Month. CrmvFCTm wll ti thin establishment Is an Mrten BlvcNEW JOB OFFICE, contnlulng a variety of filaln and fnncy type equal to nny establishment u the Intsrlor of the Btatc, for wlilrti thepatron ogo of the public Is respectfully solicited. rofcssioiml. WU. J. WOUERTOS, Attorney a Law, olllce, door No. B, 2nd floor, llanpt s Block, near Miller's Shoo Store, Sunbury, I'd. March S5th, 18T1. ly. II. ROVER, Attorney nt Law. Nos. 2 and 8, Second Floor Wright's Building, Bunbmy, Pa. Professional business attended to hi tliecourts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion cuu be had In the German language. March 25th, 1871. ly. JEREMIAH SXYOEIt, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, Pa. All professional busi ness Intrusted to bis caro v. Ill receive prompt at tention in this nnd adjoining comities. Can be nonsuited both lu English and Gorman. Also, -M-.trict Attorney of Northumberland county. An?.20,lS7l).-ly. ?SO. A.WII.SOX, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 ForitTH Avbnub, Notary Public, Piltsburg, Pa. Jan. 15, 1870. ly. JCS. DIAItKI,"-'. ifc CO, Market Street, . 8UNM1KY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, rocket Books, Djilrlles,&e. FTuOIiTKBTOJI, Attorney nt Law. . Market Square, SUSBURY.PA. Profession al biisineps in this and adjoining counties prompt ly attended to. D- it. A. K. KAV1-E, respectfully nn nonuees himself as Physician and Burgeon to tVio citlzcusof Sunbury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly oimoMle the Pairmount Hotel, where he can bo consulted at all hours when not professionally cngag :d. tir-l-i-ly G. EIEC-IjER. Attorney at Law, north side of Public Square, ono door cast ol the. old Hank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions nnd all professional business promptly at tended to la the courts of Northumberland and idjoining counties. sept 15-0" (" A. KFITtK'S'YIER, Attorney nt J Law, SUNBURY, PA. All busings en trusted to his care utteuded to promptly ami with diligence. npl27-7 TN . KAY t'LEJIEST, Attorney nt Law, fc'UNJJURY, PA. Collections nnd all pro-"(f-iiv,nl business promptly attended to. ineliol-00 c-7;. i:;Ti;ri:. l n. ease. I" JXl'lV,St K.St5. Attorneys and Coun- eellors nt Law, GUXHCnY. PA. Ouko on Chiwtnnt ctreH, west of the N. C. un-1 1. & t; Kailrond Depot, !:i the huii ling lftely oeeupled by 1 Lazarus, Esq. Coll" -lions and all proVss Jonal business promptly attended to in Nortlmm lieihnil ami iidjolnins counties. apllO-IVJ K. MASSE-lt Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. Py.'H WM. M. liOCKEl-VLLlill. IXOYD T. KOHKBACU. i-DoriiEre'.-ER & noiiuwAi'U, X Attorneys nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of liee in llaupt's new building, second floor. I.u t ranee on Market Square. jan4-0- A IV. I.ECi, Attorney at Law, Bmibury, . Pa. Olliee in Masonic Hall Uniltting. Collections of claims, writiugs, and nil kinds of leeal biioiuess attended to carefully nnd with dispatch. 1 April 8, 1871. ly. issincss urts. AINTII VAl.IiTJ?-E U-ET?:. Wholesale and Retail denier in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPEK WHARF, SUNBURY, PENX'A. All kinds of Grain taken in exebange for Coal. Orders solicited and lille'1 promptly. fcblS-71. W. S. nilOADS. -"-C-.EB BAAS. WH. KIIOA-S A- C., KEVAll. 1) CALEBS Or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, FENN'A. Orncs with Haas, Fagely & Co., , . ,.. . c.ti.ji. T4fn.. oftlec Market uraert ieit .ir.. ....... fit rort. will rccsive prompt attention, (ountry curiam re.-pectfully solicited. Feb. 4, lbTl. tf. COACI-MAItEKS. W E are scllinc Kims, ?!kes. Hnbs. Spring'-, Canvass, 'Bolts, Clip-, A"1- l'r' i ... r,,. !, .t ' CO.iY&CO. Sn-.iluiry.laiiTluOJSM; OIL! CUIM COALl-tiHANT BROS., Shippers and boleeale aud Retail Dealers in WHITE AND KED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWtil WHAKF.) lUSfvlc Agents, westward, at the ccl-brtc.l Ib'ury Clay Coal. J!!0 EXCHANGE L1YEHY. J. Jil. BAUTIIOLOMEW, l'liorniKTOU. FOTIITH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Kuubury la. rpiIF. best of riling Mid driving horseB always L on b.'u 1 to serin oligomers. Or U is K-.t nt tbe Central Hotel, for vclilclcs, will ivi-lIw prcinptiitlenlion. No5.JSi0. irKA'TISTltY. (ir.oitoi: m. ltuxXi Jn Stmpaoix's J.'iii.'t'.'nf, Mdrlct Square, Si'Msi'KY, Pa., It,.,., nred to do nil kimU of work J ertalnlng tn D.anMrt. II" k'-el eout tut 1 y on ha ml u lur 'H n..i.'iiiiiuT'. of Teeth, nnd other Dental lii..t Tiiil, fioiii wiiii'Ulio uilllo abluto select, un.l i,i".l the wants of Ids eu-toU'Th. Ml woiL wairaiiled to ;lvceatU'.iitlon,or else the moii' )' r. f Mi'l'd. , , '1 he very I'evl MoutU Wash nnd I ootli-Powders kept oil lia'td. , I in nil ! :irc arc tbo nminiir.u patrons for wb-:nheh;i Hoiked for tun Umt Iwclvs years. Siiimury, April 21, 1MI. NEW f OIL YAH It, ,r,M r n...l..r.liriiiit liuVili-. COI' iH I't "'. till Colli ' I . . ... ... .. 1 I wii li l.U i.vlelii.lil k l. l U V il(.M ti.i le, ii pr. j .iie.l to supply iaiui.ks with the Yi.:iY ni'.wr or col, III'. 11' I'Ott CASH. r .'', Si.ivo nnd Nut, loii-lunlly 011 Imiid. tirala 1 11., u iiii-i.h:iii'e ur Coal. J. VI. f.VUWAl.l.ADl.K. Siiiib .ry, J in. l'7il. II. jii. .a mil Mi. 'iiii)y'..i litlill. l ire, l.ini uU Atrlileitt iNGUnArJCC AGENCY HIIII'Mi A llt llH. MAKKl'T MHKliT, MMU HY, l'A. t i)MHNlr.Tl.l'Hr-bKNTl I. .' h.fri. Ill, I'lllUdi'lpUU, Avk, .',7", I " " I'-' ii.ii, Nv Y-1I1, N. Am. i.i-.u " " v .1. v v..k It ... .. . r, I .. 11 l, I 'a, I i . .in l " 1 . I 1. i.LI... ' t'li.U ! LU, II . ..1. I uik. ,11.. 1, lU.l.oiJ, ' i (hi, IV. Vw., " II, l.iU V tl.l. tin., i,., "l. Ili, !,!. b, k M.-l I II. " 1 s-.i.lwj . 'I "'- A' y t... u.(f si , I. .1 W ! 4 l'...i.,K-i , .1 1 l,;i,ivl I k j, '.'i.j I l,i. ,'1,1 i ! mini ' l .),..! ' ft,!! l I ,'.. 1. 10 K.k.'.,l t .'.In,, ..i, 'J, Ml .'IJ I I n.'l.iMH t,,.i.i. y.j 1 ni 1 g I l l. -i.H lH..fc' H U t miiiu m. -QstalUlnbed In 1840. i PRICE 1 50 IN ADVANCE. ) folds uub cslanrants. -r A PIFIIKK IIOIINK. Brand nnd Chest.. Jj nut sts.. Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER- WORTH. Pronrletor. Terms per day, 3.60. April 15, 1871. ly UKIO.V HOTEL, TnOS. FOULDS, Sr., Proprietor, Shaniokin Street, Trcvorton, V..rf lmtnlinrliinri -nillltv. Pll. Tlin table Is BUO- plled with tho best the market affords. Good stabling nnd attentive ostlers. Jun.21,'71 HW k.i xii-. nii, imra DirucL, vuu depot. SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Rbese, pro prietor. Warm meals served up at all hours. Fish, Fowls and Gamo. Fresh Oysters con- ......l 1 J .! I.. .Ivln -!. .3 " I I . n. A -A Blllllliy 1)11 Ultllll TtU 111 v.v.j Dlj.wi - uv best of wIucb and liquors nt the Bar. r-rn.!ll ill l.a annnllrtil U'ttYl falA-a gZJ fllllllllVO V Dt.j'Jliv tvu WJ.WIU done up lu nny style, by leaving orders nt tho liar. i.iuv.u, iv-jy. NATIONAL LAGER BEER SALOON, on tihed Street, nkab tub depot, SUNBURY. PA. JOSEPn BACKER Informs the citizens of Sun bury and the public gencrnllv, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the nbove place. Tho best of Lnger Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also uystcre, c., cousiunuy serv ed up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD. Pronrictor. Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars nt tuc uar. The table is suimlied with the best tho market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY IIOl'SE, Col. CHAS. KLECKNER, Pioprletor, Nos. 812 and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 13 per day. He respectfully solicits your patronage. -.TfAMIINGTON IIOI'NE, C. NEFF, TT Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second Streets, opposite the Court Ilousc, Sunbury, Alays,"iu. HOTEL fc RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals Bervcd at all hours, nt short notice. The best of Liquors at the Bar. The Tublo is sup plied with the best nnd latest in the markets. At tentive r.crvnnts. Terms moderate. Patranage solicited. HCMJIEL'S RESTAURANT, LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN. PENN'A. Having just rellttcd the nbove Saloon for the n minmnjl .1 it. nf t hrt mtltllr. la iinw (IVlMIrt rnil in (VVV ......... ...V rw.., ........ t-.,....U .w serve '.lis friends with the best icfreshments, nnd .'..1. i ....... Al.. IV........ n.i nil .....n licru iai;i vvv;i, liv, utbvi, uuu uu vmu iiit.i. q llors. ' J. VALEII'S WINTER GARDEN ANI HOTEL Kot. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Via St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GaITdEN HOTEL, (0! THE EUROPEAN TLAK) Centrally located, connecting with all tho City Passenger Railway Cars, from all tho Depots in tho City. Excellent AccommodutiouM for Tra vellers. Grand Voenl and Instrument nl Concerts every evening In the Summer nnd Winter Garden. Orchestrion Concert Enry Afternoon. TIN- LAPlhs' K-STALIIANT THR BEST OF llEFRESHMEKTS BliltVED. Office of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. June 4, 18T0.-ly. Boots and Shoes! UONY UROUrNEK, Third Street, nbove Market 8treet, Sunbury, Pa., Is prepared to manufacture MOOTS AND SHOES of every description at the shortest notice. All his stock is of tho very best, which is made up in the lutett city style at the most reasonable terms. Repairing done neatly and promptly. The public are invited to call and examiue his stock and workmanship before purchasing else where. RONY DKOFFNER. April 22, 1871. L I Q U OR NT O R E! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Kepoiid Street, owioslte tho Court House, SUN BURY, TA., Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers and ul hers, that he has on hand, and will con stantly kei-p all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consoling of Pure Brandies: Cognlae, Cherry, Ginger, Roehelleand Otind. Whiski.-s: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Monm gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Tort and Chiri't. Crab Cider, Champngno Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, Aud all others Liquor which can be found in the city market, whic h will i soiu 11 1 uuiu sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS nnd BOTTLES, always 011 hand. t-tT Orders promptlj attended o, and public patronage respectfully solicited (J NEFF. Piiubury, July 3, ISii'J. ly. HARDWARE STOKE, J. II. Coulej , A Co. MARKET STHEET. hUXUL'UV, PA., HAS received a new ussortmuiii of all kliuls of Hardware, Cutlery, Meehaiiie' Tools, Aic, ..!' .il ii,..,.rli,ilnii. ll.ii U'ui'iiii Maker's Mate- riuln. Halm. Uinu. SiHike. Also, ull kinds uf l.eullier lor Sluwiuaker's and Saddler's. Every I., tin. 1 1 fa. u .. r lli, lu. fl.llllll Wllletl will lie oi l as lu w as eau lie bought of any nthur . . . t! I .'.II u .1 I...I. I'Bi.luiuaiuuui luiiiBiuumii, iftiiiim p.u .w.m ktiK k. Suubnry, Dee. II, 1A01). FOIl SALE. rpVO VAIl'Alll.K LOTS oa the eoruer of Jl. beeoiul uud Clit'Sliiut ktrevlk, lu I lid Ho routik olMiubuiy, uu wlilt'b lhrrt r urn led a In 11; u iiweitii., ki 11 1. iu aua uuiuuimiu The Liue-U'ad, lulu ol lluli Ikll.n, duo'd. A l.o, a Lot 011 Market .Hurt, In tit t)oroui;h ..f hui.ltiirv. mi 1-I.I1.I1 Llii-rf urn -dtttfiltliu lioue. ktablu und uul'jullding. Iii.iilrn al llm ulllic of . V, U)l.VtUfl'. Kih. II, lll.-lf. AduituUrulu 1 Mil I lKUY AMI MM V HIOUi:. MIS I AVKISKK, M.iLil hlic.1, uus d,M mI ut (i.mburl't cou M'liuuciy klurk, Sl'MIL'UV, I'A., Hat iimuci1 her Hpilu sud uiumcc ktutk i( MUllurrt u4 Vmmvf twl, 1 1 AT AM IMiXNKTf. Tbk Ull !!' -( Drck tiluiiuliis, fr. . ut, i- k, tti-nviiM, I.. I ,, t IjlUOUk, I'uiUlk, t ull, J "Ml 1 14 UluKk, kuj it Ui,i iu-l ul iriLei mU. lu kubi.ii.U.Mt aUlt !! -lUUUklJf bOklutt, tbs (411 4m l Ik llttv MAKINii AMI HITISU, U ll Us LikUibk. kUi U kU 4ul t'H L uli uf MkUiMJf, feuM 4 I u. fklldkt. k t .... ......... .1.1..L.- ' . j t - , , .. i. u 1 j mmm m f j ju.ii ikiuvJ k4 tuiW Ut j UkJi4 1 t. ii.r II. I7l Hut a ai i'4 nifit,", i Uwulk l.M.bfv'S, i k H- ( y ii u Niimi Ijumim i Im U.MJk mm I bw4s. SUNBURY, PA., UALTI9IORE LOCK IIOSl'ITA I R. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celcbrntod Institution, has discovered tho most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotency, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lnnguor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of 8ight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose nr Skin, AffcctloiiBof Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these tcrriblo Disorders arising from tbo Solitary Habits of Youth t hose secret nnd solltnry pmetieos moro fatal to their victims than the Bong of Syrens to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, ecc, impos sible. lOUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soll tnry Vice, that dreadful aud destructive habit which annually Bwccps to an untimely grave thousands of younir men of the most exalted tnlcnts and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to testacy tho living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, nwnro of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrcatlve Power Impotency"), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nor voub Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. Ho who places himself under the enre of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as u gentle man, und confidently rely uion his skill as a Pliv sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Auction which renders Life inlseriibliind marriage impossible is the penalty paid by tho victims of improper indulgences. Young pcrsonenre too npt to commit excesses from not being n ware of the dreadful consciences thnt in ay ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent 1 Besl.le.3 being deprived the pleasures of hcallhy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind nrlse. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical und Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrcatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Coti:-titulion:il Debility, a Waiting of tiie Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month alter mouth, taking poisonous nnd injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from ono of the most eminent Colleges in tho United States, nnd the greater part of whose ifo has been spent in thchoi-pituU of London, Pris, Philadelphia uud cltuwliere, lias effected some of the most astonishing cures that wero ever known j many troubled wijh ring ing in the head and cars wlieu asleep, (rival nervousness, being nlaruied at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange uient of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses ull those who have injured themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body nu.l mind. unfitting them for either business, study, society or mar riage. These arc some of the sad and melancholy effects, produced by curly .habits of youth, Viz: Weakness or tue nai u; nua i.tinos, nuns ui me Back nd Head. Dimness of Slulit, Loss of Mus cular Power, PalpituUou of the Heart, Dyspopt-y, NerTous irritalnllty, Drrnngenient 01 mircsiivo Functions, General Debility, Symptoms ol L011- suiuptiou, .e. The fearful cCVets on the mind nrc much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression or Spirits, Jivll Furebodliigs, Aversion to Society, S.lf-Distrnst, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., ure tome of the evils produced. TnorSANliS of perrons of all nscs can now judge w hat is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, wean, p;.ie, nervous nnd emaciated, having a singular appearance ubout the eyes, cough and syu.;toius of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by n certain prac tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learnc'l from evil companions, or at school, the effects of vhieh are nightly felt, even whun as-lecp, and if 1 ut cured, renders marriage Impos sible, and destroys both mind und body, thould apply immediately. What u pity that a young man, the liopcof his country, the darling of his parents, should be snateh'eii from ull prospects ami enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from tho path of nature und indulging in n certain secret habit. Such persons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, relied that a sound mind uud body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey through pi become a weary pilgi image t the prospect hourly darkens to tho view ; thu mind becomes shadowed with despair nnd Idled with the melan choly rellei tiou, that the happiness of another Ik comes blighted with ourown. a CERTAIN DISEASE. When the tnl-iruldcd and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happen thai uu 111-tiiiH'd sense of shame, or dread of ili-covvi j , duel, him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befri. nd him, delaying till the constitutional symptom of this horrid dl.-case make their uppear.iiice, siieh as Ulci rated sore throat, dbeiued uo6e, 110el111.1l pains in thu head and liniln, diiuni. of sigLI, dcal'iic., node on the fhlu bou und urnis, bl.iH hes ou the h.M.d. face and c-treniliics, pio-gr.-i.liig Villlt lihjibtful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the hones of the noktfall lu, mid the lclin of till awful diiae become u horrid object uf ewinuiiserutloii, till death put a period to hi dreadful mulcting, by sending him to ' that l'ndieovcred Country from wheueo uo traveller rtlurns." It I u inelaiieholy fai t that thousand DIE victims lo Uli leililile disease, lliniuull lalll.ig into the hand of Jguoraiil or uii.kUllul I'UK TKNUKRS, Mho, by ihu uu uf deadly Pol uu, M. ieury, .Ve., destroy the coii.tilutuui, uud Ineapublo of curing, keep the unhappy sulKrer iiionlU ult.r uionili taking their iiuxlou or I11 Jurlouk e.iii)iiinl, uud iuni.-ail of being reatoit j to n reueWi.l ul l.ltu lgr anil llappliiciia. In .1, .. pulr leuvo him with ruliii'.l lleullU to tlh over his uklliiri d lu l'1-ultit mi-lit . To mi ll, lin n lure, Dr. Jn!isTN ple U'e bliu- ll l.i uiei iu Ibu.iu.ul luvloUlilu rui iLiv, and fioiu hi i'Vteinlia plu. ll.o mid ob.ei valioiit lu the yrriil ll.wpiulk uf r:urH', uud Hid ltrl In tin. muiili), usi Eimliiii'l, Fiance, 1'l.itmlelplil und il.cnUuu, I J lo uiur in iiumi 1.1 tulu, ,...1 uud nb. lual remedy iu I L World lor ull Ui.a.e. ul illlplil l lieu. int. jiiiis.iiiiv, un it F., no. 1. . nu.uir.uH't: m::!:kt, lui.iiuou., U. D. I- n bind '.,le fc'.iliiti fiuiu llaltiiiiuiv lie. 1, ul, U.mik I iiii ll.u .uluvd FailUul lo oluvilv U4iuu und iiiiuiiH-r. S74 Iklll'f rn'clud Uull'M H-lpLI Slid i-.ii.UiniiiK luii in b uvd uu Ibu 11 pi). I'vr tull VI I II III J kbuuld tialk aud Mud 4 (Hillloll ul -liulu. uteul diilii4 .l'.la. 'luuu ui to Ui-i! '..liii, Ik.imIii k4 NSuiUiI... ii, i..1.i, k.liviiwl.ig lluiKt lr , 'L).i. uu,, li.ilu. lib u4 luiiilun lb Ixilli uf nil ok., uuioii.iuu: l-ll iuit lb, if !.., Ilt.l li. J ,L,..i m iu.iiit II u....-ir lu 4 1 ully Ik H.mi uu..iuluU4 a . U i. 114 I...U ll.kl klk I li I.UlU.k Wl li.jlulU-k klkkj kui III Lu UltlvU, VMMitielr UtS r iV Mii PHr. lUkUiju I- .U.-1.4 m4 l Ibu IC.ublUU. kU.I U4 lb MU1UVIUIM llll. ruuut Im..l l'1-.i-iu., iilwi..4 L lb. .Luil.-Uj llvk,4 lb tv.ik.uUIIv ul IU tl, a-4 lu-- uU.I (la, I1.411. u kk. It ! k l'v4 klu suit Wlua, lb. I'i'lu, I..II.I Li l'i,j u ,l'.-i u4 I k4 . .U.l.u;, tt tiU. Kul uKkU U Uf k..l.4. k.i Disdisra fltfcui'.r ttHka IiUhi) IS l.t .-!. ---. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1871. INFELLISSIME. A PHASE OF TUB "WOMAJl" MOVEMENT. Sat, 'Bqviiib, I've quit on 8usnn and I want a bill to show That she nln't got no claim on me, but's got to boo her row Aud twixt us, 'Squire, the J 1st kin hoc it like nny other man, For sho is keen ti hatch and gritty to carry out, a plan. Ye sec, she's a woman's-rlgliter and thinks her sex niu't free And to vent her spite agin the law, she makes it hot for inc. I call It rough, but Susan seems to think Its strictly just, Because tho laws' again her, to mako mo get up aud dust I ,, We didn't hitch well from the start, for I was on the trade, And swnpt a cow for three hound pups, the per- test ever made ; The cow her father gla her but a man's wife's thing is his -. Wal, lrom that day, agin my trades she's had a prejudice I She scolded when I traded off ten South Downs lor a gun We missed the wool and mutton, but a man must have tome fan And when I swapt her chickens fur a patent milklng-slool Sho snarled, "Whut good's a rullkilig-ftool with out a cow, ye fool?" I've nllus had n hankcrln, far labor-savin' tools, But Suko says patent.rlghts is only trap, for kitcliiu fools t The woman is that contrary sho's nllus been dis gusted Sence my patent steam egg-hatcher knocked her over when it busted I Ye sec, till we was married, I wasn't wuth a red, But, turning Susan's things, I got a heap of stuff nhend Dogs, guns, stecl-trnps and patent rights of tilings thnt'u labor savin' But rvcry strike I made wus 6uro to set that wo man rnviu' I Sho twitted 1110 of fooling off her property for trash, And tried lo shut down ou it. Now wasn't that rather brash ? I told her was bof s, nceordln' to the law's Mee Sho grabbed the tatei'-smasher u'.il forth wlthly went for me I Wc had a little interval of explanation then, Iu which she vowed ho wouldu't stand tho ty ranny of man ! I told her 1 could sland some tnter-sinashcr or abuse Hut If she tried to ha.petk me, I'd raise the very deuce I "I'm too much of a man" bcz I, "for you to no30 around, And lu this roost I weigh jist sixteen O Z to the pound I" Y'ou bco this searbohind my air? Wal, when I spoke of heft She flung my patent mop-stick and thnt there's the it lelt ? She took lo runtiln' after these 'ere woman-suffrage critters, Which so disgusted mo I took to ruunlu' after bitier i I'm satisfied slie 'dou't respect her husband as she ought ter Which conic of tho condemned rebellious no tions they have taught her ! Fur feminine equality she says she's nn aspirant, And vows she "will not cringe nor toil for 1.0 do mestic tyrant" That' me, ye know yet there's one choro she likes to do fur 111c ; She dusts my jacket uud cleans lue out with pei,ky energy I I'm peaceably Inclined myself but Suko is quar relsome, You don't hear uo complaint from ineif we don't have a crumb Fur three days 011 u stretch i but Susan 6he'll git up and rare, About scch little things as that, enough to raise ycr hair I I love a lively woman, but Suko carries things too fart I spose she'll be disgusted when sho finds I've quit on her, But I'm a man of spirit uud I won't be licked, ye see, Day alter day, without on e brcuk "fur death or victory!" LATER. 'Squire, ucver mind the paper ; Suko has adver tised, fur spite, Tli it sho won't p.iy no debt fur me I That's where she's got me tight ! For I'm dead broke. She says I must light out twixt you and me She's got me iu ouu of these things they cull a qiian-"qiiandary." llij Frank Ulue for Vu Jltiffaia Courier. A NTOKY Ol' I.i:.I-Yi:.lit. 11Y AMY RANDOLPH. 'It's nil nonscuso," saiJ Uoyal Vane, loftily. Uo was hlUinj in tin pleasant old-fasli-loticil thaw inn -room ff 11 I'li'tsant, oM I'ushioncil, witli only tho lUin.-iu; Ulnw ol'tlio ojicu wood-lim lo light up cor nice and ceiling, und a gtoun of mmy girl, gutlitiL'il about liiin. ltoyal Vane was just twenty-blx ycura old one of tliose yuuii uu n 1I10 Wlicvo imikt im t'Hi lt ly iu tlu'iiiM'lviB, nnd arc, con fccuiictitlv. believed iu by tlio world iu general. Hut Mr. Vano'a inetty bevy of coiikiLH evidently dillcrcd from bun, this once. "Nouii.'iisi', is it?" iid Dre wilt. "Juhtwalt and see, Mauler It-jul. l-ap-ycar is a solid fact, you'll laid, aud Ull Ill'liliU 1" " i'u be sure," said Amilu Tlglu ltoliUnu up a screen li twieii In r plump face, uud lliu lire. "1 Wnuvv kn m.iuy old maid uud widuns wliu lia J only been Mailing lor l In il.iwu of Hie year soS, u u-crl tUii How nylilsaud inviliii'H." iioyul looked I10IU olio tlio oilier, little duljluUklv. "V. j ; aud d' yu kfi"," mldcd Mary Iheiiilt, in u lujkUiioiu ,ui', "Uioio lias beeli regular of Iw l v M mid wid.mii pnuud lr iivato iluulaliou, ami It .yal liaiuo it ou It !" llavn )uU g"l t'"l'- diwauded Vuuu. "HI 1 our 1 lv " "11 liJ uo II- ll.i 1. ' kwel !" "lud.d, ioi," Alrv, slm-inii lier Iu4.i until llio yill j iuila .Uui.'l .kt Ikii y kii U.ul I.. 1 t. "lloiior ituu.u WoiuaiiliiMii I All i l.4v In My u, luuk out lr )uuiilt, ll.)ll If HI lii.l limllbd Ulill IU )"f U UP, i, Ut oiw, mu mlbiiiy muukvu I" "I 140 ( ttif U U mitirivd ialut my iil, I u.i V" "l au't IboaU I !(' ka Ui umn U4p,tt U.u tu or iIiimi J.aa- dud Hi himi.4 tMI4-tM) WUUM.II Mk Mti minJs," ll-'l Vi u.ukd uuily lu bit (Uif, u4 U"4b4 fuiv4 Wutfb "You really want to mako ono bolicvo thnt 1 hero nru women actually bold and unleminine enough to " "To deinitnd t lieir rights ; j es, lhat w exnctiy the idea 1 wl8fi to convey." f'ltiglite, indeed I What do you call their rights V" Mary lrcw itt glanced tip nt tho clock. "It's altogether too late to begin, to night, the vexed and disturbed question of woman's rignts. Why, it would take us two hours to define our platform, wouldn't it, girls V Take your hat, Hoyal Vane, nnd go homo, ana pray to youi Riiardiau saint, whoever ho may be, to protect you from old maids and designing widows I" Mr. Vano departed, rather discomfited by this novel view of tho perils aud dangers of a gay young bachelor's life. "They can't be in earnest it's only their nonsense," ho muttered to himself, ns he strode, moodily along tho streets ; but if their should be any foundation to it " lie involuntarily wiped the cold dew from his forehead. Meanwhile tho merry group of girls ho had "left behind him" were comparing notes, very much to his disadvantage. "lie's a conceited popinjay, if ho is my cousin," said liarbara Drewitt ; "and the way ho has treated Constance Martin is perfectly disgraceful flu tin? with her, un til the poor little thing was ready to beltere him desperately iu love, and theu coolly turniug round to Bun himself in the light of some newer attraction I" "It's a ehamo," said Annie Tighe. "They say Constance is just going into a decline." "More fool she, to let a mna alive exert euch au iulluenco as that over her," said Mary. "iiutyou know, Maty, we're not nil con stituted alike," chimed in soft-hearted Alice Bruce. "Well, at nil events, he ought to be pun ished for trilling so cruelly with her affec tions," said Barbara. "Aud lie skull be I" pronounced Mary Drcwitt, with an emphatic nod of the yel low curls. "Come, girls, liereSi an oppor tunity to avenge the wronga- of our scjj. Just all of you keep still stop whispering, Alice Bruce aud I'll tell you, the nicest idea that ever popped into an eighteen-year old head 1" And to a rapt and listening audience, Miss Brewitt sketched au outline of aeliou that would uot have discredited Bismarck's self. Hoyal Vano was sitting iu his ofllce, the nest afternoon, smoking a very excellent cigar, and very leisurely looking over a pile of lcal documents, when there came a desolate 'thump, thump,' at the door of his room. "Come iu," said our hero, laying down the balf-coDsumed weed. Tlio door swung open, with a cracking sound, and there tiled iu an apparently in terminable procession. First tame a ven erable old lady, in black bombazine, spec tacles, aud mouse-colored furs ; uext a skinny female, hooplees, and attenuated in figure ; next a plump old maid, iu glasses, and a full suit of Bloomers ; next but here Koyal's eyes became bewildered. lie drag ged forward chairs aud stools with reckless haste. "Bo seated, ladies, pray whnt cau 1 have the pleasure of doing fjr you this afternoon 'f " 'J.'ho Bloomer lady, who had taken up her stand on tlio hearth-rug, with her Lack to the lire, iu rather a masculine attitude, hero consulted a paper which she took lrom her pocket. "Bet tuc r.ce you aro Royal Vane, I believe lawyer by profession twenty-six ycais old aud unmarried V" A chill pang struck to our hero's heart. Wns that par the dread 'List' he had heard of t and was he now the victim of a 'Vigilance Committee V lie bowed aud awaited further developments, with a sort of forced c:.!mness. "Well, Hoyal, old boy," said the E'.uom er, giving him au n liable slap ou the shoul der, "it's hijrh time you were married. How do you like met" "Bike you V" stammered Mr. Vano Hashing to tho very roots of his hair ; "1 1 don't like you at u!!." "Mittcucd, th I" was the fair ones com ment. "Well, I've tried my chance, and failed. Hopo the next fellow will have belter taste, that's all. Come ott, Amariu thia Fowlu ; it's your turn now V" And Amai'inthia took her turn : nnd so did tho old lady in bombazine the 'Widow llotehkiss,' by name ; and so did but at this st:igo of Htiiiiis ltoyal Vane jumped over Widow HoictikixH' hastily-interposed umbrella rushed down stairs and made straight for his boarding-house, never rest ing until he had locked, barred aud boiled himself safely in. "(iood Apollo !" ho grasped, wiping the streams of perspiration from his throbbing brow, "what a peril 1 have cseaed I The girls wero right lap year is a fearful sea son I 1 wish 1 were securely married to dear little t'otihtanee Mariiu 1 Matrimony is my only fall-guard they'll haunt me to the ends of the eallh !" l'jvtty Constance Martin, drooping over her ry that wlf-sume evening, a blighted lily-bell, was Hurtled by tlin ap parition of bet recreant cavalier Hoyal Vano. "Mr. Vano !" There was a dignity about the littlu girl yi t. "Constance do imt stirak so coldly." lie km-lt down bckido her, so a to bring hi dark hazel i-yis, lull of pleading lihl, iliioei'.v' iu a miu'o with her own ol'l-bluo 01 Im. "Ciiiikl.iiuv, yu havo n il forgotten me you I'-vo me a l.u c i i r" AudCon.ituni'ii'icyir- Ih ti tM-d th truth shu kfttrcvly dared to itiik. "J.iMk lure, girts!" rxeliiii'icl Miry ruwill us shu unloldi-d lliu ilauip l -u rut tlio brcuklakt table, about a wis It ulti rwurd, "lu re's thu tluo to li iyal Y mm' uu u'l-ouiii il.lo ubki iiiK. He's Har ried -married t t'.uikiaiieo M irtuil" "1 kiu-w how it would be," said Ann Tigho, i-l.ippinj ho vu-li-!l, luhiily. Diik you, ( ii w, a mau i w t iily in.ui u'.d u a l puppy, if tum only know I...W to do It." "And bite's a U'do from thu you II i mall hliut. II, lu lill Ukl.e v ill cull Uu t vi-unig," 4ld IU1U14. "U I1.1t kl. ill do! ' "W ti'd iixilvk I.Hu, of i'oiirj- In full drix," lJ M iry, boikilnj ul 1 l ol Uuiii. r. "V tut m tii t'uiuuiua y t" Mr. and Mi. Uyl Vrnw wi-ra duly Ukli. fid tllbi lb lili4IUl, oi l I llil-li.d di4 111 room 1I14. ivunu, ut atu4 ,inu tliiut U I 'm any ono ;i4rv I. "1 d ill't S-41 li4lU4S Ucj iuj ui llwttjiil,' t4id II -V it, iur U. imiiui,' .Uj. ' I vu a mm 1 1 au4 -." At iUi lasfaul U dow !vily swung 01-M, Uidii..l au li'"0iu i i ,ikl 'U, tl.l4UI Uid-'W tivUbkl, UlUllMl UlitblvlU U4 kl i UlvU kllk Al4..H,l'.l4 uW i IU li I'laioi luuvf , liuatik. V Ul Miu. la tuil UuW ai4 i al Miutf iWmuyf lu fiuul U tl ala, U Ml IW.f tMm. New Kfrlcs, Vol. S, Xo. 19 Old NcrloM, Vol. 81, No. C. Hoynl Vano. started to his feet, turning red nnd palo. "What dues this mean ? Who aro you?" ho demanded steruiy, while Con&tauco uttered a faint scream. It was echoed by a burst of uncontrolla ble laughter ; masks, wrappings nud dis guises fell to the floor, nnd Mr. Vano was confronted by bis four mischievous c-ousius. "Don't bo alarmed, Hoyal," said Bar bara, "jott, ns a married man, are no lon ger in nny danger. But how iguominiously you were routed that day dowu in the olllce 1" "You little, inscrutable, tormenting, un accountable, good-for-nothing, miserable minxes I" ejacuated ltoyal j "so it was yoti " "We ourselves, and no othors I Oh, Royal I to think one so astute could be so easily taken iu I" - V "Bless you, fcirls," said philosophically Anno, 'he's only a maul M'Uat cau' you expect V" " And they all fell to fondling Coustanco, the new-comer, nud Hoynl subsided hope lessly into the background. . "I am so glad I" baid Anne. "I am delighted," said Barbara. "I wish tap-year came every six months," said Mary. 'Such fun !' lisped Alice Bruce. 'yes," grouned Hoynl, "fun for you, but ," here his c-yo fell oa Cormtaucu's sweet, blushing face, as ho added "nnj the luckiest tiling that tvef happened to me 1 Hurrah for bap-year I" And the girls echoed his ecnthuent with mischievous mirth : "Hurrah for lecp-year !" &&H;;uCH5. The IJuU-iory of rrieudlj la-Jluaa it t'utnp Grant. Tho board of Indian commissioners at Washington have just received tho report of Bieut. Hoyal B. Whitman, of the Third States cavalry, deled Camp Grant, Arizo na, May 13, 1871, in relation to the late massacie of frit nilly Indians nt that poet by citu-iis of Tucson and vicinity. From this-report the following facts are taken : In Feijuary five old women came to the lieutemwtFs camp famishing uud nearly naked-' .He fed them, and they asked per mission to return v. iih soma orders and a young warrior who desired to bo at peace. The latter came, and after eoino negoti ations brought in with him his whole band. aud was assured of protection and aid. All were placed iu a designated camp, aud the 1 facts repoilcd to General Stontman, and instructions ns to feeding nud treating thein asked for. All tho reply received' from Stoncman'B headquarters, after a long de lay, was to return the report without com ment, except to call attention to the fact that it had not been briefed exactly accor ding lo regulations. After two or three months the numbet of Indians who had come in and were liv ing peaceably, constantly aiding iu tho work about the fort and gathering hay and wood for themselves, as far as posbible, was about 510. The ollicer in charge gives a mist satisfactory account of the behavior of the ludiaus, of their desire to keep the peace, and to contribute as far as possible, to their own support. They were also aclivo in exerting a good iudueuce upon the Indians in the vicinity. From first to last they acted in good faith, and exhibited great content and liap piuess. They were given to understand that they were under the protection of the government. Lieutemint Whitman had moved their camp to higher ground, a little distance from tho fort, for purposes of health, and bi-causa water was mora abundant, and, as he supposed, he had the Indians satis factorily ctiibli.i'ucd. On the morning of the 3oth of April a band of citizens from Tucson, Aru without warning of pro vocation of any kind, surprised tho peace ful and unarmed c imp, and began an in discriminate butchery. Of 1" killed or missing only H were men. Many wcro wouuded, and the camp was entirely burn ed. Lieulenatit Whitman had succeeded since in gelling some of tho band iu again, and was aer tic. trying to protect tliein. The following is Bieut Whitman's ac count of his viMt to the scene and the sur vivors of fhe mattacre : "Many of the men w hoso families had all beeu killed, when I spoke to them and t xprescd sympathy for thein, were obliged to turn away uuablu to hpciik, and too proud to show their grid. The women whoso children had been killed or stole wire convulsed with grief, nnd looked to me appealin-.'ly, ns though 1 was their last hope on earth. Children h' two days 1s t. ire, had been full of tun and frolic, kept at a distaneo, cxpive.iii wondering horror. 1 did what 1 could. 1 fed ihetn, aud talk ed to tin 111, and listened patiently to their accounts. 1 gent horses itito tlm mount tins lo brill, in two badly wounded women, ono ouu shot through the left lung, nnd one with an arm shattered. Ihtso wero at tended t , and uio d 'ing well, au 1 will re cover. Their camji w.ii unrounded and attacked ul d iv break. I" 1 ru 1 I' ll and un-e- i'tcd w.i it Hi it in ono w as awak to give the alarm, aud I f uiu l quite a uuiii bT of wain 01 shot while asleep b.V.d.' their bundli s of Iny they h i I collected t bring in ou that 111 iriiiu-j. Tho wouuKJ who wero uiu'ilo to iM away had their brain Uiiteii out willi clubs ursioiiis, while some full or arrons a fit r hivm mortally woundidbv gunshot. The llu wire ail lripid. Of ihu mIio'.u nuiuUr b ii'ii'd mill wus an old man, an I ono well r. mo b y 1 all Ihu Kit WOUUU Hil l tll.l dr, 11. Ol (he ah !" iiui..'v r k.lVd and niitslng, about ui.. Iuiii.Il 1 .md 1 k .uu li u, 1 l;hl oiily wtie iik'H. li h it I'vi 11 said tbtltliti m. u wi to imt tin i. They w. 10 all ilu re. I )ii .Mill w count d on- hoiiilti.,1 snd l went Vi lB'hl tin 11, a small ItiMiUr b. llij nd.. ni fir uu s ,l all 14 wli'ini !ti snuo U. 11 lu. 1 I14V1) nl a gx.d d 4I "I liiuo Willi ll. llll tin.. !iu ulU.I, ao I hat I' l 'l ukt.'inkli. d al l!u iroiiiiiio.Ht uiiti'iki 11 faith IU Ul", -lid Ihe.r h 1 1. 1 lly 1 1' or Uiil.lUn I- iii j uf H..11 uiuioiiiiiu.'. iluy say, 'W ku iw thiii a itAl imtny ahiu mm su-t M. ti.'.ius a h 1 il 1 11 ( waul I hv at - ltu. link,- II. Ul UK ip4V4i Kt.Ul.1 I40I l.a Ciiua nut f tt al 1,'i.s l.iu II lie y lad u .1 Ukti 1 it 1 1. I d 1 1 d liny d ul u.i.l. IlllOl n. ttLlltf lb. ) ik i e and riik. 1 .ut .-( u 1 a i oil 1 tut. nl, that ihiji ilini'l U witii.l.iid l y 0l lllllh 111 fll. lit l bill It ol '4'44'k 4ud JUtlial.S II M uf lUn 1 i.Ul ta.-l , 't III ItiJ'l 't ll.i " " ', It UM Utukn! Ul-1 , sol 1 I.4VO UlU UIt'Sl lOU.Iill-1 lU-HI )1 .t lul.ti.s I I m .rt.l j 14.K iltltu ll4 l Ul bit 4l, b-l I ' t sU ,4 U Is ' u 1 H iit.a 4 1 '-d b 4iMk kw Wittk Ikl'U "U Suit 4 I 4 ft $ 4 Uli I l m i44kii4 u, la ft ln44 at k- ADVERTISING SCHEDULE . . 10I.I;.es, or n'juut 100Wo.m, make a Sqn-, One week l.ufi S.Mi, 8.(10 6.00 8.00 ,; 0 Two S.OO a.r.O 4.0!) 8.0011X0 1R.I 0 Tlirec " 2.1k) 6.10. 4. f,0, 5. CO. t.O'M3.0o -0.e0 four " ia.iio; 4.r,it s.w 11.00 10.00 ir.oo as.i'i Vivo " i.7i 6.00: 0.5O! 7.00 13.00 17.00 '-.').( j " ill.WI 0.7.r.j 7..VI S.0J 18.00 a7.6' T-A-onio's .UV .60 b.r.J B.OO 15.00 .0.10 SO C J TUroe" $.(,,) 8.0tf tt.00 10.00 '.0.00 --'S.tO IO.t-: vti- " u. 00 ll.oo i8.0!j'.8.oa::5.tior'.oi Nlue " ;''i5.noi;;B.oii ir.i;o'.3.t n Ouu fear i.0J lH.ou 15.00 !i0.O0;iO.O0 0J.UHl. to r 111 i 1 i b 1 111 - 111 1 1 lr ua nothing of, to a great Uovernor we never have seen nor ucver shall seo.' About tlieir captives they say : 'Uct them back for u our little boys will prow up slaves, and onr girls, as soon ns they are largo enough, will bo disoasodprostitutcs to get money for whoever owus them. Our women work hard and aro good womcu, aud they and their children have no diseases. Our dead you caunut briug to life, but those that are living we gave to you, and we look to you, who can writo and talk and have soldiers, to get thorn back.' " 'i hu writer adds : "Unless sorao action is taken to convince them that our government means kindness autljuslico, and they are driven away des perate and disappointed, blinded by ig unranco, rajjo and superstition, I assure you I could hardly command men to liro on them, aud if 1 tail lo do for tlicm now everything in my power, 1 should expect it to Ui remomlkred agaiust me when I am finally called to occount, as my gravest olleiiBo aud my greatest life responsibility." The matter has been referred by the Indian comiuicbiou to the War Depart ment, with the request that these citizen murderers of ludiims may be nrrestcd with the prousplnes. shown in thy case of tho Ludian chief batitanta. . . PllOTECTlON VS. Fit EH TltADE. TllO Philadelphia J7 says : Kngland, who discarded tho protection which had estab lished hnr iudusiries after it was no longer ofbenetitto hrr, is the mother of tho so called free trade theories. JDuring tho twenty years prior to 18oj, "the wholo of Europe and America," says ,Sir Bdward Sullivan," "with s ane trilliug exceptions, have increased their trado far more rapidly than Enfl-.uid has." Fiance, Switzerland, Belgium and Austria show trade returns, through their Boards of Trade, far mora pleasing to each of those nations than Kng nnd lias been able to show for herself. France is thoroughly a protective nation. England boasts herself a free, trade nation. The bullion in the Bank of France iu 180'J was sixteen millions higher than it was in 1S03. The bullion in the Bank of Bug land was three millions less for tho same year than it was lu 18311. Tho balance of trade has always bceu, for twenty year, previous to the "late European war, much better in France thau in England. The Frcuch masses, too, havo had within their grasp more real comforts than tho British working ioile. So much for free trade I Peach Pito.ii'EcT. For the palatable gratiftration of our readers who ure .nil lovers of this luscious fruit whether canned, pied, preserved, cr taken in the raw, ami who of course are anxious as to the coming crop, we can state that so far as heard from, all the indications point to nn im mense yield of the fairest aud finest of fruits In proof of this we clip the following item of interest from one of ourexchances : Tho peach growers of Delaware and Maryland held a meeting nt Daver, to mako arrange ments for getting their crop to market. Tho reports from all parts of the peach sec tion are that the trees arc so full of peaches ns they can well bear, nnd that they will, unless something not now expected occurs, reach SJ.O'J'J.OUd baskets, about o00,000 more than were gathered in lSG'.l, '.ho champion peach year. Reason von ' FineT'iik Dresses. "Maria," said a lady to a colored chamber maid, "that's the lliird silk dress you havo worn since you came to me, pray how many do ynti own V" "Only seven, missis; but l's savin' my wagrs to buy nnodur 1" "Seven 1 what uso are seven silk dresses to you V why I don't own so many as that." "Spect not, missis," enid the smiling dar key, "you doseti't need 'em so much ns I does. You see, you quality folks every body known is quality ; hut we bcttevmost kind of cullud pusMms lias to dress smart to uisUuguisii ourselves lrom common nig gers." -o- , Some years ago, thu best pilot belonging to Boston was named James Tiley. lu his youth he had met with an accident whi'"h caused him to become badly humpbacked. He w as ft sort of a man, much liked, and was always called upon to pilot tho ships of war in and out of the harbor. Ono day he took out a British frigate ; and, as ho Was leaving the liip, a pompous ollicer on hoard c.ilK-d out ; "1 sav, eld fellow, what have you gotou your bal k V "Vw.'.rr Ji'?l" replied Tiley. "Per haps you have heard ol the plaeo bef ire 1" A private iu the army recently sent a letter to h'.s sweetheart closing with "May Heaven cherish and keep you from yours truly John Smith." M XAH 111 1 IN ItlXHl" During tho recent Srengerfest of the NllKa.4ti ru Stcngcrbund, held iu the city oi Nev York, a very ludicrous iiici.Lut occurred ton leading member of a M'!;;iug K.ii ty hailing from l'liilad i. The gentle man v, a lU'Corated with sash and badge, though tin ho t-vidi fitly did nut coiuo up to his ilea of tho adornment which should graeo tlie p. 11011 of one who had t.ik-11 a iililiilpid pint in the gt'iit Ueu, if. St, for hi was wreathed Willi flower ol l'n fatl. i mi nt llio Tyrol, s" luinM,-, it iu Hi" 1Ij i y. Walking aloii, from LViitm klrin-t to Iho l i'T Hull, he saw two j-umg la tt. , whom ll. li eo'lli 'd II Meilgi'l fekltl lllk I, li.iHII ' 1 11 tin ni lr, 011 mi v d'r'i' the lniv:il. Thi ko l iltir s'i iwnf ll" ir budgt, 111.. I the il. Ii.-hti-d t u r loudly I. "knl allir th iua th luriH d into the 1'aik. 'liHyasci ii l. il IliC Step ol I r litre ktr.-. I il.ikplUl, uu I be at ome I'oiielil l 'd Unit thev Wile on tlio kituu' i rraii l u hiiiiki II, mid that the hok i wu 11 1 I'tlur thau a popular "lar Ui r tail 11." It uppiki thst thu Uli, IhI "in lin-liils MUl-'ii I lifl putii'ils, wieoil ll" V wiklad 1 1 lisil Uloiu . utiir; Ilu 1 iiv ; 'i. I litil in,; sliowid Uu if in ki it li 'iu llio I ' oil. Iii.-,.i is, Willi duly duiillid. t 'ihu pi. I.lllt ki I U ill 4 IHI'.f Ml tllH'U lo!'"Wid til- 111, mi I Itliol'iy IU .11111-. I lha b'h kt t l, at llm I p "I a bull ha unlih- hois. iu. i;niii, li. Vmi-Uaali. inn dot lor juhu ly ... d I nn wluit b a, mu d I i.n in. iu li ' ' i mtly 11 pile 4 ll lull, lull "Uml " ki. the ihu t f ! -I.ltl. -I ' li, t l.u ill blf.ilili lull I I . r l )UU ttau' ll" w V" lit Olid I hi. I u.. " ) i.u iiik I. u a iuiuk I" loud t-d Uu il ni n, ' , w I I I. II '1x1 11 .4 I 1 vat .d 1U10 Udn a, hi.' 41. k n- iu l-i' I 1 ' "lb ,,mlol' 4.4 lb d-l". ilu ll ),i4lua lh ai'l'd kh'pl ilu It a h i i t'. I ' ' III 1.1. 1 ll i.J .Ii.i i llm lill l ' I l4l 't lil4'l ' 1.14 I aole'ul IM 'IS I ', b bst'i r .,.l.. 4 4'44 lllk l. It iUI.,1.4 ll(C '.ll 4.11 i.f ll Vu'kil lu kllfj U.-i 04I i.Lit U w ti.k I 1 k-f .tikul"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers