TJlOUNBURYAMEItlOAN. BULBSBB'S r UMBOS, MARK IT SUUAB, - At 1.5f ! AdTMM. II not p14 wlthia NmUbi f 3. , . . - 5uKHr)(ioiu t4i far Urn thai iz Jfmth, r i bit k HI. AalnKlLilimani 1a . n tvvtjm. IreNEW JOB OFFICR, containing a Variety of . n 1 ..... Mkll.klAAMt . In the Interior of (be Blute, for which Ihe patroa- Bj( OI sue w ivoji" bviiuwvw jrofesftionnl. C3 IK ltOYEK, Attorney at Lw. No. 0 Sandl, Second Floor Bilirhl's Bulldln;, tJnfibuiy, P. Professional business attended to.ln tbeconrl of Northumbtrlnnd and adjoining tour ties. Claim momptly collected. Consulta tion can be had in the Genpan language. March S&tb, IB71. lj. r . JEREMIAH SSYDKIt, Attorney at Law, funbury, Pa. All profcssloaal busi ness Intrusted to his euro will receive prompt at tention In this and adjoining counties. Can ba consulted both In English and German. Also, iltrlct Attm-nev of Northumberland eouuty. . Aug.20,187u.-'ly. JXO. A. WILNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Kocbtii Aram's, Notary Public, Filtsburg. Pa. Jan. 15.1S70. ly. IU. MAKKI.K A CO, ! BUNBCRT, PA. Jcalcrs In Drugs, Medicines, Market Street, Ticalcrs In uruj;, Medicines, rami", una, VlUss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigar, m i . ,1 - .1- . TV. ! rWKV MIllK"l CJ P. WOLVEHTOSr, Attnraey at law. O. Market Square, SUNBURV.FA. Profession ' al business hi this and adjoining counties prompt ; .y attended to. ' ; pvR. A. It. NAVinUE, respectfully an , JL nonnces himself as Physician and Surgeon ' to t'ae citizens of Biinbnry aud vicinity, having o ; eatcd himself permanently on Market street, near ' y opposite the Fairmount Hotel, where he ran e consulted at all hours when not professionally tnsaiiid. np'St-ly '"I W. Z1ECL.ER Attorney at Law, north VjT- side of Public Square, one door east of thold Bank biilldlnc, BL'NBCRY, PA. Collec, ilons aud nil professional business promptly at ''tended to in the courts of Northumberland and 'adjoining counties. sept 15-60 ?A N. BItlCE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, ilta. Pa. Oitlc In corner room up stairs, of Hauptt New Building, formerly occupied by G. Sv. Hatipt, Ksq. Collections of claims, writings, ,nd all kludi of legal business attended to esre inlly and with dispatch. Arril 2,'70-ly. A. ItEI M VS" YIKIl, Attorney at , j Law, SUNBURY, PA.-A11 busiuesit cn t rusted to his care uttended to pro:ntly and with 'diligence. apii-07 J"X. KAY CEEM EXT, Attorney ot Law, Ht'NBL'RT, PA. Collections nnd all ro rissiouul businefs prutuiitly attended to. mcliHl-CO c. i. BnrnFB. U u. ka.ib. BRI'XER & KANE, Attornets mid Coun sellors at Law, SL'NBL'RY, PA. Odica fn Chestnut utrert, west of the N. C. and P. & E. Kailroad Depot, In the building lotrly occujded tiy K. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly attended to In Northum berland and adjoining counties. ap!1U-U9 HR. .MANSER, Attorney at Law, St'N- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Knyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. aptlO-MI WU. M. BOCKRtBl.I.EK. LI.OII) T. KUIIUBACM. KOCKEt'EI'I'F.R A ROIIRRACII, Attorneys at Law, bL'XBURY, PA. Of tire la lluupt's new building, second tloor. En true on Market Square. Janl-GS i. i j ; i. . . p. .. , - i , .. asiucss VAEENTI.VE DKETZ, Wholesale and Itetull dculur iu every variety of ANTHUACITB COAL, UPPEU WHARF, SCNEL'RY, PENN'A. All kinds of (Jraln taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and fllled promptly, feblt-71. W. . KI10AD3. 1. rxenta 11A1S. r H. RIIOADN A CO., ANTl'RACITE COAL, SL'NBURY, PENN'A. Orrica witii Haas, Faorlt A (., Orders left at 8easholtl A Bro's.,oflice Market f-trect, will receive prompt attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, isn. If. CAOAE! COAM OAU-URANTBR08., J bbippers aud Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SL'NBURY, PA. (LOWBU WHAHr.) t7Bolo Agents, westward, at the celebrated Heury Clay Coal. )lU-tiii E X'II A. t! KLIY ER Y. J. M. UAIlTIIOIXJilEW, I'noPKiKTOR. FOTRTH 8TREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nunbnry Vi. rpHE best of riding and driving horses always X uu hand tn serve customers. Orders lea at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt attention. Nov. 5. 170. nE.VUSTRY. GEOHOE M. UE.VN, Jn 4'mijijoM' HniUlinrj, Marktt Stuart, Sl'NUl'UY, Ta., 1 prepared ts do all kind of work pertaining to Denlitry. IU keeps roiiktuntly on hand n large usurtinBt of Teeth, aud other Dental material, from which h will b able to aclcet, and meet the wauls of hit ni'-timieri. All work warranted to IvesalUfaclieor elks the money refunded. The very bent Mouth W:uh aud Tooth-Powder kept ou h.tnd. His relsrsure are lb nuinerons patrons for whom ba has worked fithslat Iwalv years. feunbury, April VI, IStili. NEW COAL YARD. alllE undurlgusl having counseled the oal . business with hlscxwusii' KI.Ol K .tl.KAIS tru.lf. Is prepared In supply f.nuilun kkth YEUY RENT OF ( OIL, 4 II E l I' FOR CASH. Fgg, Ptovs and Nut, eonuautly on hand. Crola takru Insn baoKS fur Coal, J. M. CADWALLADER. Buubiiry, Jan. IS, l7u. if. JACOB SUirwAB. TUOMF.OB llBBB. i'lrr. I.I As aud Acrtdcat insurance: agency t kiiifsiAN ntiiit, MAUKET bTUCET. Vl'NUl'UY, I'A. COMPANIES KEf Hf.BESTKD. 1. AuurteB, rhUadstphU, Ass.ta, li,7,0 EulSf Uf 1ST. M ,ak4iUu, New Yu(k, i. Aiuttic l..illiitl, " f'M. litis 4 X. Votk " iUuot.r, " .niUI, London, I tsuiuiuCi Muury, V I4USHH' PfHstikU, Horns, V,W talk, 'V ll.rll ..., tUltl nj, UuiS. " I !'', u I iiiiioi tut. ( a. . Yvk, S. tt.liuk A Vlxixkll. t iitUH.II. itkW lt, X u . Sui f t b, i,uu ,, l:.K IM.UisJ l,OUj I ,l,.l I 4ki,;s M It lt,Bt.iM -.s.i.i KS . T.suu.'ju) li U s: ALfAClutBUait)y,khsp, t liwii twlu4 .. J. 0 'Lit It HI k4 4iu, -xt- Wt t k' 4 tikhtlliSS .. st4- 1 .1 4 . i'i M t-JB Wm iflWSa v t i ' - ti A 1 4 V ) f- I A i JN '-A, I L T M II P D -A TaenVil t Txf Sn IBn. PRICE 91 50 IX ADVANCE. I. USIOX HOTEI TH08. FUVLD8, Br., Proprietor, bhamokln Street, Trevorton, Northnmberland county. Pa. ' The tabla U sup piled .with the best the market affords. Hood stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 01, '71 i , HOOVER HOUSE, Third Street, at the depot, SUN BURY, PA., Wm. Rekse, pro- prletor. Warm meals served up at all hours. Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand nnd served lu every style. The best of wines nnd liquors at the Bar. 1-4 Families will b snpnllei with oysters done up la any style, by leavlug orders at the Bar. . . . iov.,-70-iy. RESTAURANT A EATING IIOtNE. CnARLES ITZEL, rROPBtBton. Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot. EcttDCur, Pa., HAS open a Restaurant and Eating llousa, for the accommodation oflhe public. Warm meals can be hud all ho urs. All kinds of gamo, nun, tc., sorvod up at suors notice, ins bat is supplied with tha bsstllauor lu nutrket. No pains spared to please, and terms moderate. BunDury, scpiemucr, 4tu ty. NATIONAL LAUER RGER IsAEOON, OK TBIUn STItCET, NB4K THB DBFOT, SL'NBURY, PA. JOSEPH BACHER Informs the eitUens of Bun bury and the public generally, that ba has opened a LAO Kit BEER SALOON at the above place. Too best or Lager Bi er, ana Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, OiC., eouslautiy serv ed up to customers. XTATIONAl. HOTEL. AUGUSTUS a-N WALD. Proprietor. Georgetown North'd Conuty, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. R. W. t. holco wines and cigars at me nar. The tublcji supplied with tlio best the market alfords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY HOlSsIO, Col. C1IAS. KLECKNEK, Pioprietor, No. hl'J and S14 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, t'i per day. He respectfully solicits your patrouuge. ; - . Y7sTriNtJTNII4l J.E, C. NEFF, IT Proprietor, Corner or Market & Second Siri'iU, opponitc the Court llousf, Sunbury, Ph. Mav'.S,'70. HOTEL A REST.t lR A NT, THOMAS A. HALL, Prnprktor, Sunbury St., wet SHAMOKIX, PENN'A. Moals served at all hours, at short notice.. The best of Liquor at the Bur. The Table Is sup plied with thebedt aud latest lu the markets. At tentive servants. Terms uiodrratc. Putruuuge solicited. Hl'MJIEL'" RESTAURANT, LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietoe, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just retilted the above 8.1I0011 for the accoiiKHlullon of the public, Is now prepared to servr. jis friends with the best lefreshmcnts, and frtsh Lugt r Beer, Ale, l'ortcr, and all other malt quoin. I'"a "vkaW. an n a"va lle Yfio "iJSi:', J E. It. IIUKNHAM, Proprhtor, Corner Lacka wanna nnd Franklin Avenues, Scrantou, Pa., op. pobite Delaware, Lackawanua A Wcbteru Depot. Free carriages to couvry guert to and from Depot. Mur. 20, '70.-ly. J. V A LEU'S WIXTCU CARDEN AND HOTEL If 04. 7'JO, 722, 724 A 727 Tit PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GA"u"l)EN HOTEL, (0! Ta BCKOFIU rt.AK) Centrally located, connecting with all the City Patseuer Railway t.'are, from ull the Depots In the City. Eircllent Accommodation Tor Tra- Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts orsry tveuing in the Rummer and Winter tiarden. ZtrOi-chcftrion Owicvrt Eviry Aftcrnoon.&t I'IMF tnins' RF3TACRANT TUB BUST Of RKI BKSUWFNTS SRKVClt. Ofllct of J. Valcr's Fouulain Park Brewery. June 4, lS70.-1y. LKH'OH NTOKE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, -Second Ftrcct, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., llesiiecifully Invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on band, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND UDMEKTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies! Cognlac, Cherry, (linger, Rochelle and Oturd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppr-ittillcd, Mnnnn. gulicla, Appld aud Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! . Wines; Champagne Wine, Pherrv, Tort and Clara. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Rout aud tvuicli Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can ba found In the cii v markets, which will he sold at Wbulo tu! and Uail. Kury artklc guaranteed ns r.Tis. n'. t. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and KD'll I.E.", always 011 hand. l-f Orders riwt4tf altudcil , aud public palrouuge rne.fully ka)iciU.d c r.rr. Buubury, July 3, lSC9.iy. 1 .- i m. .. 1 II IRUH AKE MTOUE, J. II. Conlr y, k Co. MARKET STREET, SL'XUl'KY, I'A., HAS received a new assortnium of all kluds of Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic' Tools, e., 'f ail descriptions. AUo Wagnu Maker's Mate rials, HuIm, Kluis, Spokes. AIm, all kinds of ljulhi r for Shoeiuuktr's aud baddler'a. Every, thing lu th Huruauia line can b found whitb kllle sold as lu as iu bo bouukiof sny other SaUbilthiurul tathseounlry. C all sad tts their StlH'k. Jtuabary, DeeiL, 1M. ROOT AND NIIOE MASUFACTIKKR. J'HE anderslcaed bating srerll a shop ou 1. 'ihtrd sseat, nearly iptslt I lis C.ittral ll.H. I, I. iMvparvd to Iu4uu lutl urs all kluds of Boo l AND bllOEB in tl.a Ulest style. His siork Is of Ike .ry Ut quality lu lbs luaraol. Hat lay luat l Us Urul purimu "f bis ruady uiuus si's. k kv Ilia l ate lire, lu' will brrvalttr euuUu himself telw.Urelv lu luuuurarlailiig. - lit pkblui ars inviU'4 to vail aud ssawius his St 'k, aud skUud I hull Iwlrutma. Tsruis fcasil. U im iIi dons s sbatl UolUM. lUiNY MlUflStK. BMHhury, Juns II, 1ITO KALI. AM) WIXTEK MIM.IXKRY l4di UosiMeU B)t !, r.saiostail MiLuasaf Uuutt, f414.r, k.i jatt Uumi upii4 at Ml-S I, H tltU S BTOltl., Warkl BtlwU, UOS duuf wust U ll ball's io UaUMtui) stuis, fci xm uv, im. lM Uts4 ! of Dim litwuilka'., fi.ack lit tlWIU.ll tluDSf, I Ml., itlblaMlS, a U1', t ltlaiu, iuiUis. tail., Jell liiut.a, M4 Ui4s SaiMI ut 4kl situLvs. U Wl"lkM Bilk lb MUiiuw) fcaSlUk., lb tank, il liUiM AiAKitiu a Nil rrniMi, W U u, Waw'U. A mis a ijiMi ur .'Aiiuki u4 K 4ull'tU., I is lala o kkkli kl Ua t . U'; ii-U I it si s4 ..!. k.i m,t 4 . ... - - ..-. T r.r!m. SUNBUHY, PA.. BALTIMORE LOCK nOMI'ITAL. JB. JOUNSTONVrr" Physician of this celebrated Inftltutlon, has discovered the most rcrtuln, speedy, pleasant and effectual rcmedv In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Iiupotency, General Debllt vy, Nervousness, Dyspepxy, , Languor, Low Spirits, Coufuskin of Ideas,' Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorder arising from the Solitary Hubitsof Youth those secret and solitary practices nunc fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighttnir their taoet brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering carriage, c, impos sible. 1 OUNfl MEN especially, who have become the victims of Boll tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweopj to nil tiutimely grave thousands of yoimc men of the' most exalted talents und brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening HrnHte with the thunders of cloqtienco or wuked to testacy the living lyre, luut cull with full eouQdeuce. MAURIAUE. Married Persons or Young M'ii contemplating innrrluge, awnro of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreatlve Power Impnteucyi, Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Oiganie "Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or auy other Disquullllcatlon, iwedily relieved. He who places him If under the care sf Dr. J. may religiously coutlde lu his honor as a gentle man, and conlldently rely uoon his skill as a Ph sieian. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Lor of Power, Immediately Cared and full ViJr Restored. : 1 his Distressing Allcctlon which renders Lire miserable auduarjlngc impossible I the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. Young person are too apt to commit excesses from uot being aware of the dreadful conseqeuces that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation U lort sooner by 'those falling into Improper habits than by the prndeut I Reside being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most seiions and destructive syinpt 01111 to hot b body aud mind 11 rise, Tlio ytcm lieeumcs de ranged, the riiybkuil and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreutlve Power. Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Henri, Indirection, Coiihtitutloiu:! Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Cin4u:iipliou, Decay aud Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretvu ders who keep them trilliuK mouth after month, taking iKiieonoiis and Injurious compound. shuuld upply linnicdintely. UK. JIIJI.NOIU-N, Member of the Royal Collrec of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges In the Lnited eltates, and the greater part of who.e ife has been spent in thehiMpilals of London, Pris, l'liilajelplila und elsewhere, has effected some of the uic-.-i astonithim; cures that were ever known t muny troubled with ring ing lu the bead and ears when asleep, treat nervousness, being alitrmoa ut smluen sohuiIk, basht'iilniae, with frequent bltiuhing, uttcadvd someiiuius HitUderangeuientof tiiiuil, were cured Immediately. TAkK PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addit'ssc all those who have Injured themselves by improper indulgence and Military huliita. which ruin both body und mind, untitling them for either business, study, society or war ring. are some of the sad and melancholy 1 fleets produced by early habits of youth, viz: Wcakuess of the Back uud Limbs, Pains 111 the Back and Head, Diinums of Sight, of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, lyspep.-y, Nervous Irritability, Dcrnugcmeut of Diireative Ftiuctious, Uuuerul Dtbility, brmptom of Con euiuplion, Ac. Mkntallt The feurftil effects on tho mind arc much to bo dreoded Loss of Memory, Cuii fuclou of Ideas, iHprcssiou of Spirits", Evil VorcbodlugH, Aversion to Society, Sulf-Dlttnit, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are soma of the oils produced. Tuotsixiis of persons of all ui;es cun now judire what is thu cause of their deelinliig health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, lit rvous aud emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured thciutelvcs hy a certain prac tice indulged in wbeu alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which ara ulglilly felt, even when asleep, and if uot cured, renders marriage luipoa tlklo, and destroys hutU mini aud body, should apply immediately. What a pity thut a youug man, the hope of his country, the darliug of his pareuts, should he snatched from all prorpeeli and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature aud Indulging in a certain secret habit, fueh persons mit, before contemplating MARRIAGE, rr fleet that a sound iuin.1 aud body arc t'ae uioi-t uccessary requisite to promote connubial happi ness, indeed without lUe.,e,llie journey tiiioub lift; become a we.iry pilgriiuuKe 1 l ho proxiH-et br.Urly darkcus to the View ; the mind Lecolili shadoweti witli despair aud tilled with the melan choly reUectiou, that thu happlu?k of uuulhcr becomes blit'bted with ourouii. a CERTAIN" DlfcLASE. When the nil-guided aud Imprudent votary of pleasure Uuds that h has liubilxd the seeds of this painful dUem-c, It too oMeii h:i pens thut au lll-tiuicd sense of rh.iiue, or divud of discovery, ditns him IVom applying to those, who, from edue.itlou aud reiKelnlUuv. cnu ulone befiieud him, dels yiun till the cuuMiluliouul syuiptoms ol Hi ik tiorrnl iliatutc make llieir nvi.earuuee. such as uleenited sore tliront, ilie:iseil iiokc, mx tural I paius in the bead ami liiniis, uimucss of sight, I 11I 11m the si blolclies on the lieitrt, fun- ami evtreuiiiies, pro Kressliiir with friulnful rupliliiy, till ut lut thu k 7.." .. ,." j r. ", itnlaie of th. mou.b or the hones of the no fall ta. aua tue ileum 01 in s awiui uiseaiui beeuuirs 1 a, aua the tietlin of this awlul disease uecuuies horrid olijecl of couiuiiserutiou, till (loath puts a peril Ml to bis aicutllul nillennif, hy s.-iullu hliu to "thut t'ttilueovercd Couutry from wheuee uotraviller rcsurus." U is ii wu'luuebuly fact that thousands DIE victims to this tun Idle disease, through fallliiK lulu the hauds of iguoMiit or uuskillful fltK TtNKKHH, stwi, bj the use of thut tftudly fxi sou, Mereury, Ac, deslro, the eoustituliou, and luea.ble of cuxiui;, keep Ilia uuhappv ullertr Pioulh afisr woiilli tukiuf ihsli uukiuus or In jurious eoinpouuds, and histead of beluf restored to a reiiewul of i.lle Igor and Happiness, lu des pair ir.ivo Itlut bub rulu4 UaaliU ta skiU over Lis gulling dUumuiuluicul. 'lo suek, tUo,elr, Ur. Jomoston tildi;es bliu self to prvMi v lh Must luiUdabia becreetr, aud from his ssteitalva IUs aud oU.eialluu lu Ihe great lluiilals uf tluroue, aud Ihe Uri iu this aviuilry, tlsi Kuglad, traaeu, I'hilsiielphU ud llwsliMt, Is ualjied tit wtlvr Ilia luoot ver lulu, spocdy and stfectssl JkUicd) lu tha Borlii fu( all dlfBSe uf lHiJua.e. lift. JUHhBloM, orrp c, no. t, b. mtuntKK rKkr.r, M4lliMua, M. l. Ijrft Iua4 tl te goili'J from Bl'.llulolsstmt. lew duors huki lit luiuiif. )il . 10 ulSMtrvs soiiM) aud HiiiUr. (ff'Ko Ullrr IteiiKiJ uuUsa bwtuaki aud auuliuliig luiu in Ua u4 ib Iks lof'y. for Sous Bfiliu lJUl4 slaU aac, kd avud )ollu4 wf stiuiiM.iuiUI uesi'iuiiiig syitttoius! Iki so o u- faint, iWsigulutf tad I lUJllllAA 1 111 I . II . IaI 1 . -fl.. Il; I ll. ... 1 1 j MwiihU uipulis .duvitlilug IbkUistiitc as li)s.euus, ti'SUig Ull and taming IS ItsUk vl s.l Blii Wuluiluualsi) Ul lulo "ii, that l. JuI.ii.Iimi dw-tus U tixdMi) to Say Chtlit to lluos uautwlkUd BUB ttte Ik'U 4 IU.I b. t lt4t.tiU) Uf iJI,Ntt4 tU.)S Ut bis ulh.s. i.SlMjiikklkr Of 1 UK (rafBs. Tlx Ui-up Ui.iitMal ssisd t lh.s t..uUUb. B.ti.1, !.- .Hr u4 IUi buu.kiu lut- i.lll.t Bulkai Iiiu4, aifMitud k lH. )villuH, (lf4 l IIM llvMSlltM ul Ik t" .i laksifuk w4, M'Mjuf wCk l'4 4 .fed Iwvlkllt IS !.' I, tWUa tl st-wjiug as S tu't.Bg vl tiwtiul b4 iwiMiii, la tOfc.vt gtokiaaiia, t4 IBB ... , Skiis i'HSsra srilldiv I f Stt. r t',.i il i 1 t, .ii..f Siti Hit All i SATURDAY MOKNING, APRIL 8, 1871. fleet J0CllM. ALICE CABY'3 SWEETEST POEM. ' tO Plogy Is needed nt this llmo for repro ducing the following exqnlslte limn hy the la mented Alice Cury line which, In the Judg ment of 10 competent a crhic n Edgnr A Pc, deserva to rank among thu very finest contribu tions to the poetic literature of the coiiuliy. J Of nil the beautiful pictures That Imug on Memory's wall, . I one of a dim old forest. The l seeineth best of nil Not for Its gnarled oak oldeu. Dark with the mistletoe Not for It milk-white lilties That lean from the fragrant hedge, ' Coquetting all day with the sunbeaiur, , And stealing their golden edge Not for the Tines on the upland Where the bright red berries rest ; Nor the pink, nor thu pale, sweet cowslip, It seeineth to nie the best. I once had a little brother With eyes that were dark and deep In the lap of the olden forrbt . r lle lleth iu peace asleep LUht as the down of the thistle, - Free as tha winds that blow, We rove tbci-s the beautiful Summers, The Summers of long oito ; . But bis feet ou the hills grew weary, Aud one of the Autumn eves I made for my little brother A bed of yellow leaves. Sweetly his pale arms folded My ueck iu a meuk embrace, As tbe light of Immortal beauty . Silently covered his lace t And when the arrows of suuict - Lodged In the tree-tops bright, He fell In his saint like beauty, Asleep by the guteiol light. . Therefore, of all tbe picture That haute on Memory's wall, The one of tbe dim old furctt Seemetb best of all. 1ILACKDEAKD, The Pirate or the ChcNnprake. This old sea-robber was an Englishman, wlione real uatno was Edward Tench. TI10 soubriquet of JilackbcarU wn given him in consequence of bis personal appearance. Aljng, blitck&ad flowing beard, which,cov cring tiis face tioiu bis eyes, reached to his waistband. In bis hirsute appendage, to gether with the hair of bis head, which' was permitted to grow uncut, the pirn to great ly prided himself ; and this, added to eyes black as night, and of a jiecnlinrly siuster expression, gave him an exceedingly savagu apjicarance. This frightful expression he was was said to increase in limes of nction. by attaching to thu rim of his hat, and among his tangled locks, lighted matches ; so thiit, nt U10BO limes, he must indeed have looked the heartless fiend he really was. Many vessels of all nations became his prey ; aud their crews were most iiihumnn iy murdered. His favorite mode was to lie his helpless prisouers to thu main rigging, and dispatch them separately with his own pistol, that he might, as he said, improve iu his pistol practice. Em'joldcnud by a long course of success, 1 this terrible cut-throat iiilckicd all tho AU ! liiulie coast, particularly the shores of thu I Chesapeake J lay, to such an extent that ; fishing boats even could uot pursuo their j occupation uumolested. In short nothing i was safe along those shores, uot even thu dwellings aud poultry yards of the planters iu tho vicinity of thu sea. To such au extent, iudecd had theso atro cities been carried, that, in the summer of 1718, Governor Spotlswood of Virginia, made a proclamation, uttering a reward of live hundred dollars for the head of the no torious Blackboard ; and for every other commander of a pirato ship, two hundred dollars ; for each inferior otllcer, seventy live to 0110 hundred dollars ; aud fifty dol lar for every piratical sailor who might be taken, dead or aiivc. Soou after thu publication of these re wards, oito Lieutenant Maynard sailed from James Hiver in search of tho robbers; and ou the evening of thu 31st of June, 1 10 came in sight of lllackbcard's vessel, lying quietly nt anchor iu the mouth of Ocracoitu Inlet, on the const of North Carolina. Maynard was the very man for this im portant expedition, as was proven by his prudent, yet heroic conduct, aud the suc cess of all his pUius. lit thu first place, he prcveuted nil communications between the shore and the pirates, by atoppiug aud do tniningall bouts hu met with in the river nnd 1'amlico sound. it nnuenrs, that, ! tioiwiiiisuiuaing nil tnu lieutenant's pre- cautions, iho pimte's confederates on shore j communicated with Waekbeard, caution-; iuif him to be ou his guard. j l"v ""' viu iienuwiinjr ivnnu ; llut the pirate, Imvmg trequently Wloro ; been falsely alarmed, paid uo heed to this frieudly warning of bis accomplices ; nor u,u "0 "avu i""S cis.uiiiii I" .r UlU0 8Ul l'1 U'U I " " - .... : .....v. w,.. ....... .. . ,, , lost no time in guttiug Uls vessel ready lor tie fence. Alter doing this, lut uddrewM-d ' his crew, exhorting ihenilo light like lleuds, and sell their lives dearly. In biscouiuny j wus tho niunur of a coasting-sloop, who had long buuu susuected of acting us a lichtcr to thu pliutu, uud couveyiug their , ill-uoltuu plunder to thu storehouse uf thu I receiver 011 shore. With thut fellow the! pirtiUi chief di scuudiHl to hi cabin, aud ( commenced a drinking bout, a wus hi ' custom previjus to goiug iuto actiou. With , all his savugu aud iks:ruig ualure, tho ! ruftlau bad lo re soi l to druukeiaits U fortily hi eouruu'e. Ou coming within gunshot dlstanoe, tlm ' lleuleuaul Ul Ui Iwa mull stoop, audi muuiilUil ul bout advanced till Ins drew thu lint olha pirn la. His llivil WaiUid till this vvaauht 1111110 up Bad displaying tlw ; Miig a nan ixro uirucuy uowii upuu tuo 1 sua eiiUesvoioa U mil, HUlUi no keit 11:1 a , J tXiUtiuual diaehui'gu vl bu4vy guns, Mliiel. ' ( lh youug tillletr could tnly leply lo with ; j small Brms, uol Uiug ablu lo curiy tunuou i I uu shallow -dr4Uilit tcssls, 1 ' Tho lyirulv, lii.diiia it imiwHwibUi, witli : what liilUt tsiud lUiu was, iid ilia diad j.ia. .u I saiaiaj to sit, a.iMUly r aoUed oa a bliMoly aetiiiii, ran hi vism.1 ' uju tlm slioi.l., aud awaiud Ihu upptoaeh ' VI I'm lu.-iitoujvl's Ustl. 'I Im Utur, to i.wbw kiiu lo ou with-' lu bxardiud U'tilauMi. ad ub)Ue4 lo Uitow otvlbusrd Uiilsl, BSlf, au. sfl aitulo nlM MfPK HMVViij Hiiuu l'w 1 IU.ailli.rt PUU If dn14 IVI i WUV nue.Iy. jlluekbcuid uJw cut hi. tabl, I m, y J(, John, Au!4 Uu4 and 1 .... I I a . ...... l.ll.. I... 1 ....... ..I 1 . 11' 1 tl ' II I . I II i.. ! 141 UUhJ 1 . U lo III Ullell.'l, A U Bpp-iuUdi ' k'o4 J, BliU 4 fto lt"U Ulll, UvW4li4d 1 "I-uo bib w4 y so4 ly do )ou uuit RM U Uu ) e.4 to b - If ' ' Ikal I tut uul )w.f Iiii4. wii uuy lS II44I '." autled lb "U.1J uOliAl, iuulu4 lo llm fjojal tt4 si hi u.iUit4 i 'tlil a fir i-ot I do 11 1 sins tb k.ih. 1 .J I (; !.iia ' . .. (.!' ! 'ii'T.t t fiv'j . " '.t.'.t.) ' X - V . ' i' ' ' . "ftid your bout ftlfard of mo, thnt I Inny M-ri tro you are !" now shouted tho pirate, ' , "Wo hnvc no boat to siwre." was tho re ply. "I'ntl shnll itoon board you with my sloop, If 1 ran work her along side of you." The pirate now ftpppftred upon dock with it bottle of ruin, and, tilling n glass, drank to tho lieutenant. "See hero !" he cried, with a disgusting oath, "whoever you are, I wish you to un derstand thut Dinckhcard never yet afked for nor gave quarter l' "I ciect noun," answered the lieiiren ont 5 neither do 1 intend to give vou any." Tho pirate now opened tho buttle, by pouring a broadside Into the sloops, churn ed, as tlio, chronicler of tho event says, 'with nil manner of small shots." The effect of the first volley was terrible upon the decks of the lieutenant's vessois, sod more than twenty f his men lelt killed and desperately wounded. Hut thu bravo fellows still kept nt their sweeps, pressing closer and closer upon their freebooters. Dreading tho result of another such a volley, Muyunrd now ordered every soul, except himself nnd tho man al tho holm, to ! soerele himself iu tho holds. Tho helms j man was directed to layvloseto tho deck wiiiie ho ulone was the. only m:tu to be seen on board his little vessel. The pirates poured in another broadside, which speul its turv only upon tho sides and rigging of tho sloops, hut did not stop tho headway ol the latter, for the best mo ment, tho vessel ou board ot which was tbe gallant Maynard, came in contact with that of the pirate. When the two vessels struck, Black board's men hurled into the lieutenant's a novel kind of hand-grenades. Tftese were case bottles Glied to their necks with small shot nnd powder, slugs nnd broken glass, with burning mutches attached, which, had his decks lecu crowded, would have inude a fearful havoc among his men. 15t tore the smoke, of theso cleared away, the pirates leaped upon his vessel, lead on by their chief. May un rd now gave the pteconcerted signal, and his men, leaving their hiding places, met the charge ; nnd n short, bloody and desperate struggle ensued. .Singling out each other, the two lenders stood a moment face to face. Theirs, were the Ill's t shots tired, nnd tho lieulenanr bullet inflicted a slight wound upon the 4 pirate. Then they engaged at arms length with swords, till, by an uufoitunnta stroke, that of the otllcer broke ut the hilt. Throwing it over-board, the lieutenant stepped back to draw another pistol, when the infuriated Blackboard raised his cutlass, nnd would have cut him to thu deck, had not onu of the lieutenant's men, at this juncture, see ing the imminent danger of his commander, giving thu pirate a blow with a boarding jiiko thnt paralyzed his arm, so that only the point of the cutlass .came in contact with Maynard's lingers. The pirate received the contents of the lieutenant's pistol in his body. But still furious with the blood he had lost, and tho liquor lie had been drinking, he fought with the desperation of a savnue, till be had re- ceied no less than tweiitv-tive wounds, live ol which wero from pistol shots. Ik had discharged six pairs of pistols, nnd as he was in the act of cocking the last one he possessed, he loll with un oath to the deck, lie was dead 1 Eijibt of his men wcr6 also killed, aud 1 the others, who were more or less wounded, i jumped over-board nnd begged for quarter, ! which was granted them." Their lives, I however, were prolonged but a few days. J Hiring tins light on the deck of May nard's little sloop, tho other sloop hud un luekly run aground. .She now, however, came up. and attacked the crew which had remained in the pirate's vessel. With these she soon inado cleuu work, for al ready overcome with druukness, they wero easily dispatched. Thus this great terror of the colonies came to his end, and tho bravo lieutenant and his men received what they so richly deserved thu nppluuso of all the good peo plo. As soon ns the gallant conduct of the young ollleer rac bed the ears of tho ud iniiaiity at home, be was immediately pro moted to the command of frigate. Hbrdlnncous. Kroui the Lowell (Mass.) Courier. March 7 luuusf urutiou of the New Tomu of Speech ok l)it. J. C. Aveu. Ladit (011I titutkiiiCH. Ou Uio western const of .Scotland w here it stoues into Ihu lrisli cx;a, a river, ruing ou thu mountains of tho inner land, w iudsdown iimong tho hills uud cmptioa into tho Frith of Clyde, From remote time it has been culled Ayr irom nu oldsx-'otch word "Ayry," ineauing iruiu uu om ocuicu woru 1 nn eagle's nest thu river nn en ale's nest thu river ol tho eaele's uett. Near its mouth aud a contiguous n.nruor, iougstosi a nuuiiei, wuiuu occaiuo ,l rV)al .r t0WV, J,,u " ! " c'V. . V'"" " ' P " V 1 ,uu v, x vl ,i,ulu Vnuu nuu- . sand years it bus Uq noted in the history uf Scotlutid. During thu wars of KobeU Ki uee it was emu of his resorts, and was hn cially favored by hi 111 because he wus ila-ro cured of leprosy. Oliver Cromwell made it one of lliu depots and headquarters ot his army lu his attack uism tscotiana. bnd one of his oh! 1,1 furt. li now t'il ulel 0r; l.llort la now citadel or AJ ....... . Mnt nlii.vo nit IU 1Ih.t u. tI0n. An usatlw , birtli-plucu of the poet ilurus. Aud a mi I What a voice has ho given la all the endearments of home! How lias ho hallowed tint cottauu and alt it covers I weuusaud wifo, iiatehesutid fMvtrty, beans ' barley, ale, hardship aud tho Mor uiuu'a lull, now no wraps wiut icnuerucsa w nui ever lio iiuiues. even his bleak Wauttes of p.ituie, Iho stubblu fit Id, lev, snow, Wt, uud raiu, hiuoks, blids, mice, Ibisl esaud Uallier. His liouuy 1kmu, Juiiu Auuer HizhUnd Man loll round ihu world in tvei ringings) uiphoriy k llh w hut is purest and best iu huiin.11 iiuUuu. His song woo and melt Ihe heart of y.iulU uud .iiauh us, biiug soiiieu to ih Kirronliij and roursgo 1,1 Uui uwrburdumd by llalr lol. Hi in- siiii4lioi. ba mI llio ulUx i.iais to uttul lu struiiu thai urw IiiiuikiIbL .So oiUr oiui ui.u vti r tndo a Uu ;u4io i L..u, but ku lu nn ler.4 tbul I- it Uiul Suli a IWiu dial vt ul Uuar. Ths Uuuui i.f In homo uit lit U hived ntvr .r l.iud mt ihu ami wf Id l'-ulu-, u4 bow Imi uppi'oiu 1iijj trsvelk r )e.iru lu loaeU Iho s'. hi iiUilus i s-Hit lllled. A 1-114 ill U'ldel it Iho M4 il (Ntr slhloiaiu and sunoouJluj llui luwuU is ii.Miuiy wl tlm miuo bouui l)ishuv, 1( MiMihl BeH( )UUt MlUlBl lO lslr th bislois wf luV iet"l It "Ml utsd BtM-tsut J 'hu 4 Ar, th.ii J4 1)1, d"u hivoal tlm MUloib to this A Jul uoj lw- I o 1 u 1 IH--l ll.i II uaJlu.Us i (-.. ii 4 41.4 ( k .1) el .ijiwi.f ...4 u. w HcH, Y'ol. ft, SI. i Old HTi.n, Vol. SI, , fortune t, how thiy hnvn Intermarried with Kog'nnd, Ireland nnd Scotland, nnd Inter with tho Americans, who nrc nn excellent mixture of them all. M'jfcif ml, you have chosen the nnmo I Inherited for your town with nn extraor dinary unanimity, nnd have thenhy con ferred an honor upon me, tho proper ac knowledgment of which 1 do not feel fully ablo to express. Lut I bog you to bu as sured that it is nppeciatcd and that it wiil be gratclully remembered with 11 living in terest in yoHr prosperity whilu lifu remains to uio, nnd, 1 I rust, beyond thnt by my tnnorcn nuer me If this name has become noted nnvni'' tho man? thnt are worthier around vou that is greatly due to its publicity. May I be permitted to statu whence tliat cume ? Until witbhi a few will urles all the civilized nations of tho globe were pent un on tho r.Rstern continent. Two or three hnndred years ngo they leaked over into lira; few nnd few fearfully at first, I bi n more and move but always iu their seltkmenls timidly hugging theAtfautie coast. Within Ihe 1 .... 1 . ... 1 1. . ..... . : 1 t burst out, ns it were, and over-run" theso vast uontiiu'tils of tho WesU 'ow tlu v ni-e scattered here nnd possess these measure less stretches of inouiititins uud valleys, hills, plains, forests nnd prairies with the boundless pampas and mountain ranges of I South America. Former tieiieratious lived ' . i.u .uvMuv..! 1.1.., ri in villaces aud towns, ihickly settled to- gcther "where physicians wero plenty and near nt hand, .Xow, the pt-ople nrc widely scattered, in many sections ol these many couutties. For great numbers tho timely treatment of physicians ennnot be had : 4ver largo tracts of couutry good or com- lieteut physicians cannot be' bad ut ull. They can not visit patients enough, many miles apart to live by their profession, nor can they carry medicines enough with '.hem on horseback i'ortheirroquirpments. Hetice has arisen in I beso modern times, a neces sity for remedies ready at hnnd, with direc tions for their use a present recourse for relief In the exigencies of sickness, when 110 other aid is uonr. It is a new necessity consequent upon the changed conditions of human lifo a want 1 have spent my years in supplying, nnd I will toll you something of its extent. Our laboratory makes every day some 030,000 potions or doses of our preparations. Those nro all takeu by some body. Hero is a number eoual to the population of fifteen cities ns largo ns Low ell, taking them every day (for sickness keeps no Sabbaths) nor for once only, but again year after year, through nearly one third of a century. We nil join in the jokes about mcdicincn ns wo do about tho Doc tor's mission to kill, tho clergymau's in sincerity and the lawyer's cheating. Yet t each of these labors among the most serious realities of life. Sickness and its attendant sull'ering nrc no joke, neither is thu treat ment of them. This system of transportable relief, to bo made available to the people, must keep its remedies fresh in their mem ories. This is done by advertising. Mark its extent. Au udvcrstiscir.cut, taking the run ofthe newspapers with which wo con tract (somo l'JbO annually) is struck oil' in buch numbers, that when piled upon each other Hat wise, like the leaves of a book, the thickness tliiouli them is sixteen r.iilee. la addition, it takes somo seven miilious of numiihlcis uud twelve millions of circulars to meet the public demand for this kind of j iniormatiou. uur annual issue o? pampli fcts alone, laid solid upon each other, make 11 pile eight uin one quarter hides high, j The circulars measured endwise reach 1811-1 miles, and these assertious nru matters of mathematical certainty. What evef tho estimation in which theeo publications may bo held here, they reach the firesides of! millions upon millions of men who do j treasure nnd regard 1 hem, und who iu their I trials do heed the couuscl thev brin'. j "ot only over these great Western con tinents but throughout that oilier laud so little known to you, under our feet, tho Australian continent, there nrc few villages j us large as this which tire not familiar with tho tiauio you have chosen, uud aioiUovin.j the remedies that bear it. Thus, gentlemen, have 1 striven in my humble sphere to render some service to my fellow men, and to deserve among tin: .,oi;......i .....I ....r....i,..i,. , .v.. ..,.( 1'., 1. lllllieiA.ll Ullll lltll't V Willi," WiSlf.ft. , the name which your kind jian'uilily hangs on these walls atounit uie. V 0 mav I00K forward with confident hois: to thu renown you will gather under it, and tho prosperity, which there is reanou to trust the future has in store for you. bilualcd us you arc here on one ofthe main arteries between the west and east, between, the great iuuuslries ofthe plough and tho snindTe you must aid in their exchange and thrive with Uieni. Soon theso i hauncU will be npuiietl wide I nod noiiriiilhroiiLih vour liret iiiels streams I of men and merchandise that will need your furtherance nnd must contribute to your growth. Located here in thu center of Xcw Fug laud lo wl at dearer spot can you turn that men inhabit? lSe'iuniut; I do rich with tho honors of your mother town whose iiiduence , . . ul, , ,.,.,., . iu-iVa. iuheriuc. will, such exiunpU.; I us 1-twreiico. lloutwell. Hoar, what may i , . :.. .1... . . T. . . . J I vou uot Iioik) lor ol tiselulucu in the conn- cils of the stale aud nation i f.' our condition will, that .f tho 1 European natioiis.alU rnatcly torn and im- provikhwl with wars, civ.lit it a uu may to thu better edueuiioii i.f iho is oulu. and vou will realize the value of Ihu cxumnlo om uioiner i.roton na mi you, wunuy t.f your t bildrxu ami tlml l-ilent lo teach . . . .... a - ny flu. tn litti.lli.ii'iii. Mii.l inl..r,ft'it tf " . - 111 prosperous and happy kouica will bu your sure reward. Associated us you have iiiailu uie with your wt al and , I wish 1 might be allow ud to couti ibuio front my tueuus such a tliey are, aoinelliiiiif low ai d this lis att I'ouiidiUioii of the itiblie gixxl. liel.lli men, 1 huvo del4iued Vou too loll. Oppressed with tlut fear, thai 1 do not d- Berto ihuUikliiatnui you Ustuw, 1 pray iiod In Oiuko die woitliiel, n ml In siuik) . ... Ill t M,uu V"u w,t'' lhUs.lngs. ... - . Tin: iik i a (oujIi limn to.iilij t mut lb inhunt Voting, fur (ls . lull ul I'lth islo Im tvti Ire! 1:1 lii dell. '1 I.u UeV. Mi Ml. Mi lkiuuld, uf iktii; IW', olXew York, aud luskip, of lluliiuiuru, uil ne si utoutli for a missionary lour aeit lie' ilul.i, Uk- luil allU thi'iu a blj UUI fll-ubUl ul huldilU t.OtHj i roi. .iur aiu.11di.1u lo Iho rn I glllCMlloU Ol llllll IIIIU, UlO r tl'IS'U.1 geU- , tluiiau will liliivo houwaaid til Nill l-uko, ' j bUa.m ll..y aUI I ut llieir huo tuUrua-, i t'lw, and hold an nil ilnluniii-d kaiiii iihi I-' 1 1114 diii 1 tly Jiiihniu'4 jsiiiuu I14I I . liiiii, ll 1 sold lIutidKitBluuiuy il "iiumoi uji;rw loiuinly Ji ilnhlui bikI aro Uui !.l. Lr.. 11 .. .5.1 r. 1 I t 1. ....I..1.-. 1. I 111 aiik ii, i,..ehiuj lu Lull Iho Mo. I Ml WH W, 1 VI" .--. w, ico puaihiuK lu t ub, tho Mo.. 1 10 Cl iulWllb:U.I,Bl U.4.1, I.4.U I , Mtua u 1 )si hiu In ll. 'l atum iu.nw tui a ' bi11 Lb I ou Urn b-msIIi Uui W I "! lUa4 - lmu4 Mi SMlOliUt. tS-U.I'ii S 4 oi Sue lf -J Mo 0 i- I 4 1I4IS A 1) V K HX 1 S I IS ( i j SO 1 1 F.i)IJ I, K 10 Lines, or a Vent 100 iYonKinakeaHqnsra 1 Kl One week 1 .00 fi R1! R bV 1 !il '.,'rol V.T.1I cut 9. (Hi V..V1 S.Oe t.nt KOIIR.00 Two weeks I. M) S.O0 3.11 s.Oti: i..Kp 11 no IR.WI Tbrr;. ?.(i 8.7:V ;i.oo Jt.'.'.'i S..VI 4. Vi r,.iK, ti.oo i;t.tii.o.PO 4.60 6..V1. fi.oe ici.tM ir, u:2.f.a u.Mi 7.00 p.'.oolV.ox.vfi.eo r..?; ?.:io 8.1X1 u.wjs.iHtit'i.S'J 7..o, .fc l.iiu;;o.iKj':o.t!--) Vour " I YWa " Sis ' To mo's Three " Rlv . Nine " One Tear S.Snt u.oir D.j 1 nuio i.o !.'.., se.eC ,ou ".oal 1.00 u. 00 -S.'w'wi.i c r,o.un B.IKi I0.t;0 Ilt.Oil m.llju.i.iai 4;.( 0 '.5.UI :S.(Ki:ls!.uu I.ViNlWMrlt'.IKj'U...( Ot M. . hi ..u mmorus C3. Dissipation'. I dink dot der didlr of ilia bic-ces vill ml oneentldnicd uddeiidion. un l I hots: d't der clissibaders who sec dis vill bonder tleirjelfa is deyfead. In der firwt blaee, d:s dissiimtliou is n fcry Ur lormanrr, choosed now. Id scents do been one of tier neiw tidies of li!e do drink, und i bttsd, uud iHstihiide, und raisti tier 1 I'lu'ller.lllt.' Ill nrl... l.i lu.nti vmiiuI.!. ...! 1111 ll'S'UT. voting lirller doli'il I gousider himself liulnhed nndil he hastr-iMti ,wo 'L' hieburation, und many n.Unr j f""n? ,,'"'r " ""s'"-, ts-lore dot he geds j dt"00 j .,,., . nt u,'1('r r,,n' ' "d dis ? I gif td nb, ; nn(1 voodend uddemb.l do reply, excebd d 1 8iiv V"1 1 n, nadural feeling iu tiinsil men lio been sw-iuilo und clmllv 1 und sonie men haling mow of dis feelings ' dan of gommiiti sense, go in doo shdrong, I und, iiulidenil of being comfoidably clu-liy, I dey only sugtet d in iHiintf cxilremelv uu. comfordaplo for no feller vail knows deni ! r,0lM? Vl" H:.,-V.,,(T h. "" uluw ' lieaiy ; diisiliiu. 1 halo iK-tn "droo der mill. j und 1 Luiiw dot cotnlbt'd shlihs away veil der hthtd begins do woh'j'.c und tier legs do shake. , Uf dose betble cooil tndv noen snsiblj 1 , .... ... .'' . ! .c' 1,1,1 "."' b,,,V Uin, u,ltl j,"y er Jlity is lupg, tawfoutl ni,itn;; l0 " 'a'l"J a" lUr Vvur M lon9 '" ' '"lla!t- ! lf 81 "hhghd idea of der bleasures j r '' "eightl of dissibadiou, I vill rehtilo '" xw-'"eii's viclt hahtxiied vonee ve.n I VeU(1 mul a ,,ftr,l-v of young bucks do hufo 1 a. ",Kh lt dimes." Vo lirsd goaxod in- side a bile of drinks do shdurd mid. Dvit j w.c ;d in vaggou, rtsolfingdo shdoji nl f.ff.rv lifT'Tf.l wo run mniQ vn uiais! in sir..!.... j do insure id dot ve shnll hah! dot j "high olt dimes." Ad flrsd dot vas easy i enuir, bud nficr a shmull vile dot vns-i nice job. Vo coodend hdob dot foolish horse righd in frond of a shdoro do sufu o urself each our necks. Vealvays laudad him a cubblo of few houses on cider side, uud someditnes ve varied dermonodony py l i i tin lt his sehnood up in der door, und vou divish do die him do der door-knop, bud der brobrieder alvays ogaeuscd us dot vo cood do dot. t Der gidding ig und out soon bresended exdrnordinary dilliguldies, und nd lnsd vu coodend god der slnJep of der vaggon low enough for us do glimb iu, nnd ve van forced do cudcli each oder by tier legs nntl boosd ourself in. As for derchumpiugoud, dot soon beconied dangerous on nccound der sidevivlk didu't vaid us long as usual dill we douched id, bud shdarded up do uieeil us so soon us vo chumped from tier vnggon. Alder a vile it vas a fisieal i in possible -ncs do eliumb oud nuy more ; so as der iutisiblo green shades of nighd vus lting bulled down ve dnl'tled around for Lome. e singetl und ad lasd ve became quied uud schleey Uud sinked on der dop of tier vaggon. Afdor boud a bard of a hour vo miBSod one of our tellers ; ve coodend find him on accoutid lie had schbilled oud der vaggon. So wo dumeil round, und, after a lior ous search, vo found der objeek of oucn. iedudo iu der mid. lie of der mud, ou der boddom of his back, siu-jiu in it couibara- ; dilly cholial muuuer, "U'had tiro doso vild vuies spying auiiua iu ; ve oooucnu answer dot so vo god him iu, ven ho eggs claimed: "."iu, I vas schbilled oud of der vaggon, is id? Vtl, dt.ii! 1 douyld id Vtw joi'h Ai'iul 0 suAoU'.'" Vo rodo back, und der hotso being indc liondeud, vooj go himself his own vay, uud ve soon had der sudistiictiou do been sug cehsfully t unned iudo by u eiichine, lud Vas dumblcd each brecisou und exueduos. lH r march from dot gud der do our respecdif houses vas u hisdoriu ding uud vouderftil efeud, 1 cui;il reuicin ler tue dur tirstl ding nboud id ; I oulv re lilemper 1 vas iu bed f-r -uboio ol weeks iniJ imj uoo eyes gomhiticd iudo vou, und my head feelings fiku a dou of goal beiii dumtcd down 11 culler. I' lid dot wns gallctl a "high old dimes !" Oggscuso ino of dot, ul'you biese, I ruin somu uioi u "high oil dimes." Il l luud drink, I'd radder dook 111.. . 11 1 II 14 -,ubblu ot 'lua''d8. ,la,n' ",y '.,ia votuau, ven all uo chiitis arc euto u tier bed. uud drink id dogeddcr as vu dulk, of oil dimes. J 'ou "high oil dimes" enough for niu now, 1 bid you ! lAf vorsd stdo of der gasc is dot young fellows god tgg drcmcly bioiid ol'dey been drunk ; uud if dev hail tier good toiduuc do roll in dur gnaiuuuucr uey was a new 1 tuuiu is a 'ry nice ding, ludeed, do hafo a plack i'J'0 r "!, so 110 ix;eu upio ao say, una garulesblleos. t en a feller itska vau is tier madder is : "Oh ! I vaa on a hell of chuia- buree der odcr uighd, uud 1 failed 111 der cellor. 1 vaa so drunk I coodenl dull utn diilereueu Ufdweuil a second hand rufolli-r und a ci-lid-day gloek !" L'ud der heiglul of der aiubidioi) of gouio of doiO vouu roosders is do been dook up iui4 a bolici- man on aceouud of a drunk. Also lU W 'uW ffocd if nmoug ouiig ladies do been known ns an oggureu.eiv awiui u uiikcu lu...l.l.. ..-I... j Mill. 1.1 1ui...lll.l HAII..1 " 'f'""" r-. , . ' " young oei.on uium iitu uoS hutgaso is Uoily bad. ou inust sl.dop J. i""" lt ''. , ""''I u' ;"' r 'l ' ""1 down on Id 1 Dook idt r.y und niiKlerate uud 110 onu vill u imisira betu a uiipuuer- uud ad der wtmo diiuo yott ncedeud been a olt maul. Keep a siudo Uedweeii aer uwn. "JirA; (Jiiru.'ur" iAlU -Vctr Vocfc Cfty yr. Mi Tii.aTru t'i ititKMY. Treasurer Spinner hu decided that postmaster musk reivivu inutlluted curreuey al ihclr lull 1 value in pu nit hi Hr postago Blutup. j When lu tiisn of I'niUil Muu uou uor I uioro than 1-JtUh of tho nolo 1 musing, j aud in esso of iractioual curteney not luons I than t-Mtli I miasm?, tin a tl.ey may bu i ivviycj by HimukU'ikaU t'oriuliiiiatd. I but hen sueii uoie or iiuutioiiul eui teuey ! am umltiluieil U end the siauJurd refers I ; Id UO 11.10 l ei'lnji' Hi d III ilel'IVB lUl lU f-Jf 1 any pin of their value, aud thu only ino j B lu ro siii h tuil may bu redeemed I Kl lh i i'nikil Mate Treasury. I Dr. ! wiis.i lU-ccheri. to-J ic ututa the fll- low in if auei mlole: " ina tatiar - ii'acif ud U miiiiku lo shut ho k Sil, Biol ilu.t 111 141 Sl rillOU Willi liiU summary 1 "And o uu m.o, luiUixu, Ituil d 'U l kiio al.o M. leli.JeV w, au I ihtu 11 am 1 111 niitiu r " Tlm t ui.utoUaialiiy uf llu V.iU Im 14 I'dlllolllio. iltl .(. J 4 U Ut'i'U I I.IUrf.Uitt. 1 KOI lo ! Bla'ia 0 III tlw I UlU'l fsiatrB U.uif, IU Mui4 iWil Ulu - ui.ium U.i 4-WI.U4 B.4I ulusl au4 du4 lUs ''slultfi bi Utu4 tho to. A tBltil K Buoltulit Ms il 1 l.lfcl'S tiatily So ll 4f Mm ii 'wiil ihuy i "Ol I I "B.l!'' l tc I Kiutul Isikin-n 'IIji l-i'i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers