lodknllnre. The Flower Clartleii. If flowers bavo been growing In the ground or ninny years, new toil docs wonders. Rich manure makes plants grow but they do not always flower well with rigorous growth. If new soil cannot be had, a WhcelDarrow 01 manure 10 auout, very 60" square feet will be enough. If the garden earth looks grey or yellow, rotten leaves quite rotten leaves will improve it. If heavy, add sand. If very sandy add salt about half a pint to oU square feet. If very black or rich from previous pear's manurings, use a little lime, about a pint, slaked, to 5X1 square feet. Prune shrubs, roses, and vines. Those which flower from young wood, cut In se verely to make new growth vigorous. Tea, China, Bourbon, Noisotte roses are of this class. AV hat are called annual flowering Hoses, ns Prairie Queeu and so on, requires lots of, last year's wood -to jnake a good show, of flowers, hence, wih hee, tliln out weak wood, and leave all the stronger. To make handsome, shapely Bpeclmens of shrubs, out them now into the forms you want, and keep them so by- pulling out all shoots that grow stronger than tlio others 'during the summer season. ,. Do hot transplant extensively till the ground is warm and the bods are about to push. Many things die by exposure to winds for a few weeks before they have warmth to "push roots and leaves into growth.' The rule for pruning at transplanting is to cut in proportion to apparent injury to roots. It not much the worse for removal, cut but little of tho top tfivay. Properly pruned, a good gardener will not have tho worst case of a Gadly dug tree to die under his hands. In a nursery, where these mat ters are well understood, trees "never die." Box edgings lay well now. Make tho ground Arm and level, plant deep, with tops not more than two inches above ground. Roll the grass well before the soilness of a thaw goes away. It makes all smooth and level. Graft trees or shrubs where changed sorts are desirable.' Any lady can graft. Cleft grafting is the easiest. Split the stock, cot the scion like a wedge, insert it in the split, so that the bark of the stock and scion meets ; tic a little bast bark around it, and cover with Trowbridge's grafting wax, and all is dono : very simple when it is Budorstood, and not hnrd to understand . 'Chrysanthehiams are not indispensable for autumn decoration of the flower garden. Now is tho time to procure a supply. They do well in any rich garden soil that is not too dry. Tho LlHipution or Pom pone class are still popular conservatory or pot cul ture, but the largo flowering kinds still re main the gems of the open ground. Hyacinths, tulips, liliuma, ad other . hardy bulbs set out in tire rail, and covered through the winter, should be occasionally examined, aud when they show sign? of active growth, must be uncovered ; in this latitude this is not safe until towards the end of the month. Most things have been pruned, but roses are always left to "see what damage the winter may do." In the summer" roses, or those which bloom only once iu the sea son, the rule is to thin out the weak shoots and leave the strongei ones, merely short ening their tops. If pruned severely in tho . usual shortening style, they will not bloom freely. The hybrid perpetual roses, if wanted for early flowering, should also bo served much iu the same way ; but as their chief valine is as fall flowers, a sevcro pruning now produces a vigorous autumn growth, bearing large and luxuri ous blooms. Tho Tea, China, Bourbou, and Noisette roses which flower best ou young wood, should bo well cut in. Renovating Old Orchards. Several modes are recommended how this can be successfully dono, but we do not see how it can be more effectually done than by tho one have frequently recommended.. That is to cut out all the dying wood and three fourths of the suckers, scrap the trunks of the trees completely, removing all the old hard, broken bark ; wash with a prepa tiou of whale oil, soap aud water, a pound of tho soap to a bucke of wateraud give the orchard, not merely under the trees, but every part of it, a heavy top-dressing of good barnyard manure. If there is any life or productiveness life in the trees this will bring it out. Tho suggestion that tho trunks of the trees should be shorn of nil the boughs and nllowed to sucker, and some of these when largo enough grafted, will prove a failure. The grafting of" tho ordinary suckesrs growing from the trunks of old trees can rarely be dono with suc cess. We tried this several times, and the grans ail died at tlie end ot the second or third year. Far better to graft tho old trees whenever there is any &nooth-darktd wood near enough to a main bough. They will not only grow but in most cases fruit tho second year, and always tho third year. Genmntoton Telegraph. Horse Radish fob Animals. Horso radish is an excellent condiiiiPtit to mix with tho food of cows, to givo them an ap petite, and make them look sleek aud thrifty. It should be fed freely to all aui trmis that are not well, and it will be of groat service to working oxen troubled with heat. If giveu to cows iu doses of a pint a day, mixed with potatoes or bran, it will prevent or relieve cows of tlra disease called cake in the bag. Few animnls will refuso to cat it, and some will cat of it, greedily, as much as a half-peck ut a timo Je. JUbrtllaiuous. Cackling. .J'ovl as a lien juve lior clfluUi when uliu cucUlts, U'causc alio due laid an , ulio in nut Imlf such a fool u wlieu alio kiln upon egg ami liatclic ducks, a ik! tluee not know that tliuy lire But tliickv'ui vrn) thy tuke to the water, aud to en till) parbuif. auJ U not euro of it llieli. Her fully begin when nho tlNtu't know thu Utll't reiiee uetween her own kli:ic ly whiui egge autl thu pate green aiiunt otic of tlto duck ; it iiicreUM to Umiiiurtf ry ineamty when klio cluck about with rrulo n n J kcrulthe fur the sustcnuuee of a l of lUt-fo.Ho-1, iKJon-billetl creature, with much reMiiubUucfi to vliicktu n tin klinder silvery salunm bear la the tliuiy broad headtid omIiUIi, aud it do tkud Into abaoluut Id in. y, heit Imi tl.i to au UUud Und to Kuard lu r kiuu iuu chick from iim datik':r of th mill-.oiid. Mtukiud furuisli k4iu(iU uf eurii Ii14v fuid uutdut Mi M hun lUi y biood iver aud hxtch liu; whii h, biiudid by tb ttdti of supposed uwUiruity, th. w di not hiw. IiIm a uut tlieir wwti until thu vr bitli it In tin m U gin utiiiiikt4tkitbly ( show it vlf, and limit s tuauitett their real natuiu. tfilaer uot I tin, 4iujUj taikW of Uaa Um bind would bw uvirruu with fowl, ir.twvr uot lot tlx WKmuin -uikU if uu i a l'rd of iiumiu n wiUt bu bait hi d whUH wottld vtsnua aud duimli lUe ulbt. 'MKaru r au luti kv It ot, - J u ati li.h by ur, ou Ibvtu aud rub tbe jur lu, Urn iimu. sr aa 4it. kiu it Uwia Ui km dv. If tlta IUl lm Ubvutiud It 'I Um U 1-404 Ji y afUf tl., Ukiu' to tspua ti ui, (totetx ib4 air iu'iutttiik, u puttiat M ddiUi, I Uh im! lt Ibia ttMbutf aid U b-ond. U'it dv.d, w.kMbu..ii-. absl b W U tuikd by uf iu kt. I'w a loi.ii of si pu4Ml I.bla UIW- y k)mv bat. Stoical. HENRY T. HEMnnoLD'M COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PIT-.X.S- Camponent Tartu Fluid Extract Rhubarb and fluid Extract Catawba Grape J nice, tor Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Bilious Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costlveness, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. Tr.we Plllsnrc the most drK-ghtfrilly pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, ct. There Is nothing more acccplublo to tbe stomach, 'They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They arc composed of the finttt inartxHmt. After a Tew days' use of them, snch an litvlgoratlon of the entlro sys tem takes place as 10 appear miraculous to mo weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease, n. T. Ilelmbold Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sngar-coatcd Tills do not dissolve, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired effect. The Catawba Grape Fills, belnir pleasant In taste and odor, do riot .necessitate their being sngar-coatvd. Price fifty cents-net dox. IE isEMtV T. HEEMBOEIVS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND ..... Fluid Extract NartsMnnfilla Wlll'rndlcally exterminate from the system Pcro- rula, ttyphllls, Jrever Bores, L leers, pore r.yes, Sore 1cVs, Bore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, 8kln Dis'cnses. Salt Rheum. Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer- ' . i r i - v. j i : ..i. ... a..-.t lnirs. Niir'ht Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kind. Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for years. IL Peine prepared evpressly for the above Com plaints, its blood-purfyineoropertles are greater than anv other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It elves tho complexion a cleat and healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, and the only tellable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of tho Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Bldtcacs, Pimples -on the Face, Erysipelas and all scaly ernptieus of the sklu. aud beautifying tho complexion. Price, (1.50 per uotue. m IIENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT KVCIIl, THE GREAT DIURETIC, ltasenred every case of Diabetes In which -it has been given. Irritation or the neck of the Blad der and Inltamatlon nf tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine. Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, ana Mucous or Jinny Discnnrges, ana for En fcebled and Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, ittetdud with the following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Mo- mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, uimness oi v ision, l am in ine Back, not Hands. FlttsWing. of tho Body, Drynessof the Skin, Erup tion on tee race, paiia countenance, Universal lassitude of the Mntcnlur system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty-five, and from thirty-five to flfty-flvo or in tnc acciino or cnant-e oi life i alter conflnc meet or labor pn.c9 ; ted wet ling iu cb'Jdreu. US Helmbold s Extract Buchrt Is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, aud cures all diseases arising irom nanus oi dissipation, and excesses and lm deuces in Life, Impurities of the Blood, etc. superseding copaiba in affectations for which it is used, aud syphilitic affection! in these dis eases used iu connection with Helmbold's Rose WasE. LADIES. In many affectations peculiar to Indies, the txtract uuenu is uncqualcd by any other reme dy as in chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, painiuincss or suppression oi customary evacua. lions, ulcerated or eciilrus state of tho Uterus LeucorrlloEa or TA hltos, sterility, and for all complaints iucidont to the sex, w hether arising lnaiscrcuou or nanus oi dissipation, it Is pro- scriucd exteusiveiy oy l lie most eminent phvsl cians and midlives lor enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all aires (attend cd with any of the above dlautscs or symptoms.) II. T. nn.MHOLD'B EXTRACT BUCTU CURKS DISEASES ARISINf FROM IMl'RU DENCE8, HABITS OK DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, nl little expense, little or no change iu diet, no Inconvenience, aud no expo sure. It ciiiibCg a frequent desire, aud fives strength to Urinate, thereby removW Obstruc tioii, Preventing unJ Cuiluif Strictures of the Lrcinra, Allaylui; fain aud lutlauiation. so fre quenl In this class of diseases, and txelling all roiHomus inaiier. thousands who have liteti (lie vkTiii? c'f in com latent irsons, and who luivo jtnid heavy ees to lie cured iu a suort time, have found th1 have been deceived, and Unit the. "PoUou" lias by the use of "powerful am lnireuts," been dried up in ine syoiein, to break out In a more aggru vated lomi, and perhaps after Murrliore. Use Heluibold's Extract Buelui fot nil Afcc. tions and DiseuM'S of the Uulury Organs, wlietli er exlstini; lu Mule or lemule. from what eve originating, and 110 matter how loni; standing. i iux, inie uonur una uuy cents per oollie. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and w ill be found the ouly specific reinc.lv In cverv sneclcs of Cutaneous Adecllon. It sicedily eradicates INirf Us. SK)ts, Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations of the C utaneous .Membrane, etc., disls Red lies and In lit i,t luttaniHtioii, Jlives, Itm.li, Molli 1'alchc, Drynessof Scalp or Skin, Krol Biles, aud nil purposes for wkicn halve, or Oint liieuls ure u-ej 1 re.lores Ilia skin to a stale of purity and snltnos, aud in-iircs ciuliuued iicalthy acliou to tho titsuo of its vessels, on which deHinli the agreeable elearness and vha city i'f coiuplcxkm so much sought uud admired. II111 however valuable as a remedy fur exMlug ti iVels of the sklu, II. T. Heliuliold's Hum Wu.b I has loug su.laliifd us principle tluliu to uiilxjuud I cd pHtriHiaifi', by M:.lng qualities wliteb reu. der it a Tullel Aijhu lah'e of tha most Supcrlu. livsaud ('.wgeuUl rhameter, coiiiLlning lu au I clivuiit formula those prominent nuLUrs, Safe ; ly and KUtcacy Itia iuarlabl aflconiiwuitiieuu nl us um ns a lruerut.vo and Itcfrvslur of lh 1 '0111 pUx ion. It U au txcelieut Lotion for iIImimm'4 of a SpliiliiU) aluis, aim us au IuJ.t. Ilou for dUcu o ilia I riuary n,'ii, arUiug froiu kublls of dllullou, UmsI lu ruuuecliuu with Ilia kklructs ButUu, rWprltU, u,ta. lat, i,ra Pills, lu uih diMasr as rec.,111. Uicu.l.-J, euuuut be uri u,M,i, prli-a, on dollar p r bottle. full u, n,UU dliatllous accomj,uy lUa kl.iMia ut ilte uiuh tuiuible are reliikl liaia.l.r luiuUU4 u applicUUMt, atalt kuu douls uf Ikuuwbds ut UU4 SilmiKt, uud up. -oJ i,f 40,ia iUMik.t4 wlintaUaiid i,euiu Itiiij4ury Uiicu, iiiauy u( aliuhaia huui Iks li ,Ui.t uui,i luiludmK rinluai.i 'U).i. l.tigjUMU, aialwunru. l. Il.u plo 11.1,1 L.. l.iin iw iliJIi iUAr kulIUaiUi lu IUa baas. l"S t.. 4o Hits It.. sit IUa Ian ii,a uaiu.l.a takk ai.u4.tvl l'i.tatlo., at,J 4.J u.4 tttJ tu ka H"l k4 uu w vnlitt.a4Vfc lUsiry T. UelkMttstM'a t4MUa 'r. Mrslltits, Dviku4 la a4liva. vwia fi uU-t. aluau. .UbluluJ utaa(4 ul laatili at. aul4 t l'-asiM iiosl.., A4-liu Uuis U-4 Uil.j. -- . 1 i-.ka4b. u IUut . JK.'iUi4. 1.'J t.. - 1 . L ; -.- ss. 1. itfc, l.a-j U-a iKi -V.'i r;u,"- H IUi T vf- II, lU W., I, I,,. tiscdlititfotts. jjiiciLiNcrn MAMMOTH CASH ST'6R.E. m MARKET S Q U X R E. is orrsRiKO BARGAIXS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CEDARWARE,' JUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SIIOES, trugs, PataU, OilsJ&c. jfCST OPENED A SEW ASSORTMENT FRESH FROM THE CITY. DRY 'GOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, 'CASHMERES AND CI.OTnS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BILKS AND SILK POPLINS, ALPACAS, SHAWLS, with every kind of Foueios' and Domestic Dry Goods. Groceries of every kind, Coffee, Teas, Sugar. Molasses, Fish, Meat, and everything in the Grocery lino. HARDWARE of every discretion and an endless variety of cutlery. QUEEXSWARE of every variety and quality. !OT3 AXD SHOES of the best manufactures In the Country. WALL PAPER an extra assortment suitable for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every discretions. FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PaNTS aud OILS of the best quality. AU of which will be sold at the very LOWEST TRICES. As these roods have been boucht for cash. special Inducements to purchasers are offered. tJall aua examine ine immense biock. II. Y. FBILIXC Sunbnry Nov. Sth, 187(X TIME IS MOXEV ! I ALL Wall Paper and Border, sold by me wll be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, BT THR YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, which I have the cxclnive right to nee in Suuburv and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of X. FERRER LICiHTXER, Dealer iu Books, Stationery, Wall ?apcr, Music, Ac, &c., fte. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality, lltank, Ulenioraadam t raa Book iu endle-s variety, Just received. , BtKMv BINDI NO done to order. Persons will save rxpeusu by leaving their order for binding with me. lMCTlRE FRAMES of all sixes, cut from tha Moulding at very low rates. OVAL ft Sljl'AKE FRAMES alway on hand. ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD l'EX?, &c, &c, &c. A large and well selected stock of Toys alway on baud. Anything not on hand promptly 01 dvrtd. rjurgaiu lor cask. Call at N. FERREE LIGHTNER'S BiHik Htora, Sign of Foley' Gold Pen, Market Square, Sua bury, y. buubury, Augut-l ith, 1870. J. W. WASHINGTON'S (HIM) UAIIBKK fHIIOP. Tho old pennanenlNbop of th Iowa We decline lb boa.l, but at Ilia saw lima eou.ider that Iba uithly truth ayb trnsuua. bly aMikeii without uiaulfuallua- K ueomforta bl amount of vauily aud uibtikm. Just I weiil y ytur wga I brgHU Biy lni.laess rarwr In llna plaia half av llfrtliu thus lar swnt, ha I tiuoi upon lb S.jor uf oar shop day after dy,aud uU;bl after ulfkt, aud appiicj th sharp blue gltaiuiu; siaal, auU wulilu Ilia I laa of lima aiabiauaj by Iba uilgbty folds uf lb.il evaulful IhiIimI have I sliatad nearly ir). boily lu 1 1. a tuuttiry (lueoutnsoa parlaucr) aud Ut ulillga IUa ouUlio luUirvat harclu publicly auuouneo to our uir.M wld aad aaw Ibal a at wait to skat I Leu alt h laMi kuudrvd lb'uauj lii.ua or itir. t'ootu a ben )oit ylaas, jmt h Hm4 U Ik ! iiu aaala ulaa trail) to oi, tutKHmm Ul alU'ii.Mtu, to ibaia u, balr cut ou, sbawutaj you, liuk d ou, 01 pairurat, twiii aad ar- 'K' lis kuli a Hit ailUlut ak III. la Iba 'aatuf l .ir'ur 4i( itlM tlla taauM Iba saaluuwr. Vta auiW iu pluata, uoS plaa to utk. aioo, '! uo pal oar uoy la at luv4 aa IUa Ui. ut aL.lii) -Umum a aa U a will a It tt ta ituua uf r aouUI ba. 4 tUaave I all Ibat a drwaa4 lu ! (U iuu a buid la baud. A a d. aU.ua U Vwt, aaar Mart rtfart. U.I. I, t)o. UtIIHMMt. IIP I at eslllua sin), aea baa, II a U. mu.s, If taa, il't A'i. luf l.k at.. b at tuaaSlAtii. e .wi-.,;, u.t.b lis, laett, Y.i-; ... ! 'Hat' M'Nfc HaJSI,(bJ (Ma M M. 4., isftllantona. ECKNAN at CO. A rCLLUNE or FAXX St WINTER GOODS JOIIN ECKMAN & CO'S. Groceries, the best and cheapest In the market, at Eckman X lo'l. Otl-CIth, Carpet Ittasl Carpet Cafcln at the very lowest prices, at ' Eckman t Co's. UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, UJLOVS and NOTIOITS of every description, at Eckman A Oo's. Hata and Caps), Boot and Shoe, at Eckman & Co's. Btone-Ware, Woott-Ware ana Billow-Ware, at Eckman ft Co's. Hardware, Nails, Salt, Fish, &c. at Eckmtin & Co's. Country Produce taken In exchange at Eckman ft Co'. Don't forget the place, JOHN ECKMAN ft CO., Corner Fourth, and Market Streets, PUNBURY, PENN'A. Bunbnry, Dec. 8, 1870. 5FRESII A&fclVAL OF GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to the public that she ha just received, at her store lu Dcwart's building, a large supply or THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trimmed and nntrlmmed, aud of all color, in. eluding the NEOPOLITAN, the latest and most fashionable thing out in hats Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girl and toys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest stvlcs. Sash Ribbons, plain and figured. Ladle's BpcneeTs, Lace Colars, Linen Colors and Cuffs for Ladies and Children, CToenet collars. Neckties for Lad1?s u8 eut's latest style, Silk Sack Loops, a superior article. Gloves including Kids, and Ladles' BuckrVin gloves. Handkerchiefs. Ail kinds of Trimming. Embroidery TVWern. Hosiery for Ladles, Gent' and Children. Nets, Pique and pique trimming. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyr and Tarns, and a general variety of Notions. .- , Thankful for past patronage, she hopes that the quality of ber goods will merit a continuance of the same. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. A CiEXT (.VAX'S WARD-ROBE. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAXCORING IIOUS, TuniD St., Oxk Door Below Market St., Scnuury, Ta., J. M. ZIEGLER, PropretoH. . FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA RIETY. Embracing every qnalltv and style that the New York and PMhtdclphla Market afford, which will be madettp t'6'drder by the best of work men, warranted to Ut and render cutire satisfac tion. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assortment In town. Embracing everything of Gcntlnmcn's wear of the latest styles. Call and see my stock, also the latest fashions, before purchasing elsewhere. J. M. ZIEGLER, ncenBor f a Thomas CJ. Nott,) Third st., one door below Market, Sunbury,Pa. Buubury, Jan. 15, 1870. Agricultural Implements), HOE'S Grain Rake, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Loug aud D Handle Spades, Sliov els, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, ttrind-stoncs, Fanning Mill Seivcs of all sizes and kinds, a largo assortment of Red Wagwt Humes, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Culttvutor Teeth, for sale by J. II. CON LEY ft CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Br. WAXSER'3 CLTFOHNIA YINEGAE BITTERS 34 6 Hundreds of Thousands Dear testimony to their Wonder ful Curative fcOecu. THKT ARI OT A VILB FANCY DRINK ataOeef Tear Haul, Whiaker, 1'raol Balrita and Ucfuao I.lwra4uiand, iplctd sndawcit caed to plaasutbo lasts, called Toalcs,"" Appitic era, " Ittsiorcrs," a., that lead Iba tippler ca to druakaBBcas and rala, but are a tree Medicine, aiad mm Ik Kattvs Ineawa4 ticrbs sf California, free frasa all Alcekvllo Sllaialaai. They st la VII BAT ULDOU ri'MiriSU wad A LIFE UlVmi mlXCiri-Ksporct llaaov.wr aad lavkjoralor of Iba asteai, carrying oM all polaaaaa aaitarD4Taor1ft(th lluod la a SralUr c4&dltioa. Maaersoa caataka tbea IMiiar aecardug latfirea. Ilaaaadraaialalaaaaawcll. t IV villa (Ivaaairaa lacaral la cm, provkitd M aoaa sra act desuorrd by nUiarsI poUwa ar tkar ssaaas, aad th vaal artaus aaaud bcjxiaika poial araralr. Far laiaaaaaularr aad (kraal It baa ma. laaa aad Ueal, liaaaala, ar laliatla. Uillaaa, llaaaiiiaua aad laiaraaliirai Fatria lilaaaara al iba Hlaed, Llvar, Kldaaia, mm4 llladdar, tbaaa llllla) Uv baa aiaat saawsa. IU1. aaeb JMaraaa sra erased ly Vlllaled Ilia), waislt I caallr pradacad by dwaaai ! f Uw ttlgvet! Uraaaa. UVaCLrktA OU IXUKiEsiTIUX. Urad aeb. fala la Iba ikaaldtrs, taaaaa, t biaais al Iks Cfca-t, PUshwas, baar traalauaaa ft Ike kkaxk, thai lac la U Maaia, b.Uotu Altaraj, I'arpuatua f U Ifcal, UlaBMaailw af Ik laa, faut ut U4 teaa 1 1 Hw kldaer,aadbaadra4 Klkat palatal s Kflian. era oa va.na,, ut t !. 1 e-1 atif asa Ike biiaana aad stiwalat iba toe pUt.tataad bteia, abka MMkaatlbaat afae.alk sdMaer (laaaalaa laa hlaed af all laspartiu. k4 khretaa aa hie e4 f to Ike abate eaw. ttlataatm lllailkia, ial.aa. Telto. ba4 kaeaai, bwtaaaa. baato. rta.pi. I toU.. kaila. I a baka.lua a wiaa, IimU,4. kwa ). kil.lp slae. Ilea, keeife, l-kHakMeiaa4 Ik iia, liaavei bad liawaat at ika kk a. al a betaief aaaM al etar a lliatally a a aad eank-d aa at toe la kas Uaw bf bba ae af iaas Hiltai. tia kartU U sa mm a III eaaiiae kk mM lai,we kl iww eeaklit VL bkHiaaa Use Vuawed ktoad bafat ee $ i t ta-aaiaM basesika ItKm um abia la I'teer. I lea tlM M Ihm, tkaa a a Bad U aeaifaal.) aad iaaa la baa taeieeaae M baa M a aL bad arf aaliaa alll Wl paa aaa. A aW Uwd paJeaadbVea-auawiaee.at ula-4.a. I a, firinaloaai tttJUMa, swbta I Sivai 4 a ea Ua.w.,4,. a ta-Maf f iau. dea4a.ei4. a4 Ijumm, lt-4 aai.a 114 wmW ee'aad la Walk., pxtas- 4 to toal laa ' M.bHiaa, . . -b a4 '.- i. 4 tkaa, r il buvb ua icl, U ii aad aa la.aM. I si. fi5 WHAT ARE THEY?c p a e ft 2 m x ptf THKT ARI OT A VILB laad . tiMaa .t, I '' l fanaisi a iji) MACHINE NIIOP AND IROS FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIKBACH A'SONS, tottnbarr, 1 eanH. tha public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their ronnary, ana nave sunpnee themselvee with New Ajn.iicn, 1 mump v.iw w.iiik KinvuillW, Willi latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanic, they are enabled to execute all orders or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, la a satisfactory man ner. Grates to Halt any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for ehnrches or other bulld- . , ings, or all size. BRA8S CASTINGS, Ac. The fLOW8, already celebrated for their u- perlnrlty, have been still further improved, and win always tie Kept -on oana. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbnry, June Id, 1870. FI.OREXCF.NEWIXO MACHINE. THIS celebrated Machine is now on exhibition tjcvt door to Krnuse's Tin aud Stove Store, Market Street, Sanbnry, Pa. The Florence Scwin? Machine stand nneqnal led for 'beauty and durability I bclnjr the best Family Sewing Machine now offered to the pub lic. THU ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: It ha self-adjusting tcntlon in the Shuttle ( change for the various Btitches made while the machine is in motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of all for beauty and fiuWh.'being alike on both ififles of the fabric. ft, sews light and heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The woTk will feed either right or lea. Run quietly anft rapidly. r No difficulty exper ienced in sewing across ncavy seams. Its mo tions are all positive t no sprinirs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tho Heminer turns wido aud narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It U thoroughly practical and will last a life time. Every Fumlly ahonld Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Isthe cWy Machine in the world that is ca pable of making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examlue thetn, ana the sample ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cord, BraJds, Tucks, Quirts, Binds, Gathers, Vc, without tasting. It makes a gather and sews it on a batid at one operation perfectly. F.icli Machiife Is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. F.very purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted end kept In order. Machine Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH & BRO., Ajrents, ForNirthM, Snvder, Uu Ion and MoutourCoun's. October !t, iH'O. niLi.iui .iui.i.i.(.n fTfllE subscrittcrs having taken possession of JL. the sunnnry steam Mills, on walnut street, and having repaired the same, are now prepared to luanutacturer ail nrnnds oi FLOUR AND FEET. They rcs'ruf-t fully invite the citizens of this vicinity to give lCfi a trial, as their facilities to make the best quality are equal to any in the state, i ncir present retail prices are i Estra XVTille, Wheat Flour, per barrel, $S 00 Red Wheat Flour, per barrel, 7 00 Corn Meal, per cwt. B 0 Buckwheat Flour, per cwt. S Rvc Chop, " 2 SO Rye & Corn. . 2 25 Oats & Corn Chop, 2A White Middlings, " 2 SO Shorts, " 2 00 Brau, " 1 25 Cirri, per bush. 1 15 O.its, " 65 Order are respect fiilly solicited and will re- 'ceive prompt attention. MUltlt cs B.U1.D. Siinbury, June IS, 187Q.Mf. LIMBER AXD I'LAM.VU MIL EN. Third Street, adjoining Philn. A Erie R. R., two bquaree orth of the Central Liolel, SCNBURT, PA. Ill A T. CLEMKNT, 1 S prepared to farnish every description of lum- X bcr required by tha demuuds of the public Having all tho latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lnnbcr, he is now ready to till or- acrs i an Kinus or FLOORING, fiiriNO, DOORS, 8IIUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, aud ail kiuds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn lug of every description promptly executed. Also, & HUGE ASSORTMENT OP . BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, rickets, Lnthe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA i. ULEMENT. dwHMWily NTOVE aV TIX ENTA BEI S I M EXT-. MARKET STREET, 8UNBURT, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroprittcr. si'CCESSOa TO SV1TU a OCNTUEK.J HAVING purchased the above wc.l knnern es tdjllshuicnt, Mr. Kruuse would respectful ly Inlorm the pntille tkat he udr hits on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Seer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and arc warranted lotierforin satisfactori ly or no sulc. IIKATKKS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dllferent kinds at very low price. Tiuware f Every Deaeriptlen kept constantly ou baud. Rooting and Spouting with the best iiiiitoritl, 4me at short notice. REPAIRING ntteudnl to with dlsputch. Coal Oil aud Lamp constantly ou band. Jupun ware of all kinds. Store opposite Coulev'a hur.lwure atore. Give mu a call. A. KltAl sE. j.l'.'4-ly fbl.UlHV M tit II EE V A It IK rilHE nndr1gnr, haMng bought the entire .L dock of Dlesliigur Taylor, would Inform I be public that he l now ready la do all kluds of M AKIILE WORK. Ho ou baud, and make la order at 6UOUT NOTR K Mttuameula 4 HeaU-toisea, : rrw style. DOOIl AND WINDOW SILLS Alo, Cemetery Poal ailh Gulvunlu! bin aud all other feuring generally aea, ou l einciuru. John A.Taylor a ill eoutluue ia lb employment, at llw old Uud ou Market bl buubury. luay'ba Tilt OM. MTUVK WITIIUIT A I tl LT IN THE (alt KIT U1LTI HOIIt! riHEPLU C HEATCH. 11 1 II IPS IIUUISATED DIAMOND OAS BURNER, v waicu f ARLOK AND CIIAWUCIU A KE WARMED BT ONE riUK IT I b only Ftrvplae Healer Ibal bal a par. fact ''u(i p'reder, aad five froui putting ur v ulueloua, o emilllug gas lulu tha aua Hint ul. II la lb Mil P llwr-Utai U.-4el auU Iba patuill Duifou! ilKuslo by abltb SaUr llluiniaat lay ue( la ot4alua4, lb atiltuaut Iba Mmi I lu, utoi euVM'lttally saiua4, aud laa Urate sW IW4 ut lb t laal aelybi y lb t'Mf la tb taaer Voir. It I Ik ouly VlrvoUre ILalii tkal U a Par te Mall lalr aud baa buiaef, waly (abulia aillua mo la loeuii'lour boui. llUlka uulf PU.Uv lvlf all) Llfvl stfliud auj duisipliif lata. Il a Iba wi.l Pliei'lava ilaaUf altk Ik f kaa, lu abaa4al louea luf asbaa, au4 aub ut Iva4i'i"4 IUa aiala Itabl In lua ami. ta If I a at Mi it wiiual haiintta fli fWt lltaMf, Lut-iuiaa) u4 I laHvSMt 4 klautf b4 la (al.. ilia) tu., a aa4 It IHiU I Iktft f. VosaaUVf I Mil . CO TlUwTlt?..a,.y, W, lt - af Ayers Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray. Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing mich Is at onco agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving tlio hair. Faded or gray hair i toon rttlored to its original eolor iCfViWf tnth the ,gfo$i and fxfi -fe fresh of youth. Thin tinii Sa tliiclc. encd, falling; hair checked, and bal- ncss often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles ure destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such Its remain can be saved for usefulness by this 'Application. Instead of fouling the hair, with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, aud consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances winch rnnke some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benelit but uot barm it. It batted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so dexirable. Coutarning neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, 'giving it a rieh glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical Xtau Analytical Chemists, LiOXVKLt, MASS. PRICE $1.00. MarchSS, 18T0.-1.T. FUKNITUftE T FURNITURE ! I X XEW STOKE .AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Fa. WILLIAM NEGELY HAVING opened a new Furplture Store at the above place, will constantly keep on hand, a large and select assortment of !f URN IT URE, Comprising of Tarlor and Chamber Su4ts, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Hurcaus, Cune-Pentcd ' Chairs of all grades Rocking; and Kitchen Chairs, Washstttnile, Pedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottajre, Vo.-rklnij-Gliissts, Window Shades, and iu short, everything usually to be fouud In any well-kept Furniture Store, may to f.a.l at Ibis establishment,. ( Hoping, by fair dealini; and strict ultentlu'n Vs busiuess, lo merit the (wtrouaire of the public. An Invitution Is extended to all desiring nnythiiir lu the Hue of Furniture to call aud exaiulue my stock. I'wdertaklua; uVne In all Us branches. l-if Ropalrluj done at short notice. , WM. NEGtLV. Georpetown, June II, '70.-ly. "AUANDAUrorfLXG NEW STORE GOODS. A complete aEsortmcut of hock i are now being opened at MOORE & D1SSINGER S STORE, IlHiift's Building, Market Street, SCNBURY, PENN'A. Consisting of CLOTHS AND CASSl?4F.RE3, DRK8S GOODS, Dry -Goods of every variety, SWtions, Ladies'' rihawls, (tent's Furnishing Goods, steady .Mude t'Iotblnr, Woolen Blankets, Carpets, Oil Cloths,' ntET.n GROCERIES, Qucensware, Willow-Ware, Glussware, Ac, 4c. Flour aud Feed. Call and see their well selected tock of the very latest styles, fn-sb from tho eastern cities. Prices arc low. They are determined to lteep up luuir oui mono oi Qri'rfc Sales and Smaix FaoriT. All kinds dT couutry I-duee taken in ex change for goods. MOORF. Jt DIKSINGER. Sept. S, 1S70. Sortlieru (culral Itallvi? WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Jau. 1st, 1S71, traiu alll run as follow i NORTHWARD. Leave flnnfcery at 4..15 a. m., arrive at Canan daiprua 8.10 p. m., Syracuse 7.00 v '" Roches ter 4.45 p. m., BulPilo 9.00 p. m., Sustieasion Bridge O.riO p. tn., Niuiriirn Fulls tt.55 p. m. Leave Sirtury at 4.3ft p. in. for Elmlra aud Butralu via Eri Ituilway from Klniira. Leave Suobury ul 0.4t) p. tn. for Willlamspoit. SOUTHWARD. Leave Suubury al 'i.'M a. ni., arrive at Harris burg VIS a. m., Baltimore .Ij a. in., Philadel phia U.&0 a. in., WusliliiKiou city 1.50 p. m. Leave bunhury at 10.. V. a. m., nrri ut liar risburg 1.55 p. in., Baltimorn 0.15 p. t., Phila delphiu 5.35 p. in., Vuliitigtou 10.00 p. in. Leave Buubury, 10.20 a. tu arrive at Harris burg 1.00 p. iu., Wat-hlnicton S.35 p. m. Leave buubury at it:. 05 a. la.srvive utllarrl burg 8.30 a. lu., Washiuuton T.f!) a. ni. lUlliiuoru uccoQiiiioilullon leave bunburv 5.09 a. ru., arrive ul Hurrisburg 7.45 a. ui., Balliuior 1U.30 p. uu 6IIAMOK1N DIVISION. EASIWIUD. Leave Suubury st 4.40 p. in., arriv at Shama klu 5.55 p. in., Si l. Carmel 0.1(1 p. m. Leave buubury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. ru., aril" ut fif arruklu 1.00 p. tu. WCSlwaUU. Leave Mt. Carmel at S.05 a. at., arriv at bhuiaokla a,M a. in., Suubury 9.55 a. tti. Leave bhaiuoklu ( Aevoiuniodatlou,) al S.45 p. ui., arrive al Vuubary 4.00 p. ru. Ksprua luavi-a dully Leatiuj oa ftunday, ran North only lo WillluuMporl. Ail oilu r iruiu lutv dally, escept Sunday. A. M. uaa. Fr. a. Yot ko, Uaii'l. bup'l., Gea'l Paeaeu'r Agfl., HarrUburK, Fa. baliutore, Md. Auiira; AT TUB OI.U FE4t E. rpilE tubeerlbur auaoiaee lo lb eltlsen of A. buubury Ibul, bat lii agaiu r'lw hi UHEAU aisd CAKE laTABl.bMtNT. aa Ikt old l.Ueo, waeaa U aa recanily destroyed by Sra. be la aa'alu l'liv,d Id ul lilv lli.-ia anh .11 L ... U ... ..I ..... i . ... . UKoWN HKftlt, AllLk; bittUD. bUK til B .IKK II ia Ik IIKARTII, aad a full Hue uf H V CAKta. Tea Huu, H.UI aud 1 let. Aietsali klada ol CoufavlkMf aba at bie ebou oa I lilif elr4. Ilatlaa euplid a BiS-tlaaa baker from lb ellt, aa U ria4 la lite gaoaial eallalai'lliMI la his llw ut baaltiaaa, anl aaaira all la ah kiui a lilai. Htaad aail take alta4 la aatoaast ary ami alaa. U K (IK AW. Aa Ira Craai tValuua la eawa apac4 la aa Beiiu aaa Ik abut luetuae, aad a Ladle' SsUiai atlwl a is a bar Ikt Ua4 We t la a ill It eel 14 ay ei eteou dauua lbs eMe. M. U. HAAS. tubbury, Jaa II, l1tl, I'aUia. Ula, ia. A fill, at-b a Kit aussibeialaa llaaaaaj J IW, loal I ll. II lt4, awl lull.lu(J l4 fw Kuiaa 4 et.tW.et f, kiasWaM. tja. ) a Ba4, at a. a pa al ailronfcs.' J kadUMK KaUlrotsst. . . "WINTKR ARRANGtMINT. Monday, JVbc 1st, 1870. GRKAT TRUNK LINE from th North aa4 North-Wet for Philadelphia, N. T., RmteV Ing, Pettsvllle, Tamaqna, Ashland. Bhamokla. Lebanon, Allentown, Fjtston, Ephrala, Litis. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, dtc. . Train leave Harrlsburtr for New Tork, a fol low i At 8.10, .10,10 50 a. tn., and 8.60 p. m., connecting with similar Trains ' on tha Pennsylvania' Railroad, and arriving' at-New Tork at 10.10 a. tn., 8.50, 6.50 and 10.00 p ra. respectively. : 'Sleeplna Cars accompany tba 8.10 a. in., tram without change. Returning i Leave New York at 0.00 a. ra., 18.00 noon and, 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m. and 8.90 p. m. Sleeping Cars aceomrKiny Ing the 6.00 m. train from New York wlthont change. . Leave II-x'rst)Urg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta mnqna, Minerivllle, Ashland, Bhnmokln, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m. 2.A0 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations t tho 4.05 p. m., train connecting ror Vhiladelphla, Pottsville and Ce lumblnonly. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna nanroao, leave liarrisbnrg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leav Read lug for Allentown, Easton and New York at 5.00, 10.30a.m., 12.45 Noon end 4.45p.m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 13.00 noon and 5.00 p. m. and Allentown at 7.70 a. m. 13.25 noon, 3.55, 4 20 and 8.45 p. m. vtay rasscnger I rain leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connectine with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.20 in., stopping at an stations. Leave Pottsville at 9.00 n. 'm. anil 8.10 n. m. Herndon at 10.15 a. m., Slmmokln at 5.40 and 11.20 a, tn. Ashland at 7.05 a. m.. and 1250 noon; Muhanoy City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.35 p. va Tamauua at 8.83 a. m. and 3.40 v. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg, CvC. . Leave Poitsvllle via Scliuvlklll and Susauei bnnna Railroad at 8.15 a. tn. "for Harrisburg, and 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Tremont. Kcauing Accommodation Train leaves Potts, ville at 6.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7.30 a. ni. nrriviug ut Philadelphia at 10.20 a. ni., returning leave l'blladelpbiA at 4.45 p. in., passing Read ing at 7.25 p.m. arriving at Pottsville at 9.10 p.m. ruiisiowii Accommodation Train leaves l'otts towu at 7.00 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m., nnd C.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Lltii, Lnncntcr. Columbia, Ac. Perkioinen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrkiomen Junction at 7.45, 9.05 a. m.,at 3.00 uud 5.30 p. m. Riturnlng.leavc Si hweuksvillc at 7.00,8.20 a. ra., 12.50 noon and 4.30 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Rending Rail Road. Cole-'ftfcfcdiile Railroad Trains leave Pottstnwa at 9.40 a. tn., and 0.20 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. ni., connecting w ilb similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. in., 2.05 and 5.02 p. m. returning, leave Downitigtnn at 6.55 a. m., 12.45 uoon and 5.15 p. m.conut'cting with similar truiuson Read lug Railroad. On bunuayf : Leave New Tork at 5.00 p. m.', Philadelphia ut 8.00 a. ni. aud 3.15 p. in., (the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsville at a.UO a. m., leave Harrlsburtr, 3.10 a. m., aud 4.05 p. in.; leave Alleutowu lit 8.45 p. tn. Teive Reading at 7.15 a. m. and 10.05 p. in. for Ha'wisburg, ut 5.00 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. tn. nan 4 V5 p. ni. for Pbiladel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnd F.xcursiou Tickets, to aud from all poiuts at re duced rates. Bsgiraire checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS, Getieuil Superintendent riilludclphia nod Erie Hxilroud. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Monduv, Nov. 21t, 1S70, the Trnlut ou the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, Sunburv, " " nrr at Erie, " Eric Exu.-oss leave Philadephla, " Suubury, " " an at Eric, Elmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Punbnrv, " " arr at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Eric, Suubury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Bi press leaves Erie, ' ! " Suubnrv, " f Vr at Philnde'lphla, Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, Sunburv, " " arr at I'hilndclphia. 9 40 p at 4.55 a 10 7.40 p in 12.20 i in 6.40 p in 7.40 a m 9.3u a tn 4.35 p m 7.50 p ta 9.00 a Ui 12.05 a m 6.10 a m OOOpin 10. a m 5.80 p m 8.15 a m 11.05 a lit 5.30 p m 12.35 a in 2.35 a n 9.40 a m, I Buffalo Express leaves Williainsport, bmiburv, " " arr at Pbiladi lphla, Express, Mall and Accommodation, caft nnd west, connect at Cory and all west bound trains, nnd .Mail and Accomed jtion ch1 nt Irvinrtou with Oil Ceek and All'iV.i't-uy Ri'.er Railroad. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Luckaaauua asnd ltloouiabnrr; Itull roail. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINM. Monday, July lSlh, 1S70. SOCTHWAKD. Leave. ; A.M. P.M. A.M. P. M. P.M. Peranton, BellevBj,. Tay'.orvilie, I.ackawanua, PillMnn, West Pillston, Wvomiiig, Mullby, KlngKton, & ) Plymoulh June Plyuiouih, Nautlroka, llunliM-k's, Milckflilnny, Hick's Kerry, Beach Haveii, Berwick. Willow Grove, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Blooin.tburg, Kiiert, Cutawlsia, lbinvilla, Chulasky, (amtron. NorU'd, (arrive.) 10 45 XORTIIWARD. A.M. P.M.' Leav. Norlbumbcrtaud, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Culaalaaa, Kuptrt, kiouuuburf , Kpyi Liui Kids:, Briar Creek, 10 25 i i 11 02 U 24 I II 35 11 40 I I 15 01 14 (Ml 14 13 14 ; 12 45 14 & I 1 0 ! i 8 20 5 2 5 82 6 40 U. 11 25 8lv 4o 50 A. M. 55 W illuw Grave, Berwick, Boa. k llavea, Uuk's erry, abWAsbiuay, lluulmk's, N'ubtUHke, l'l)uioulk, . PI)iuouta JV. kiiiyiua, i l. W.-Buri (t'r Mallby, VI )miili.-, al fH tale). Put Mast, ltekaaaaaa, Tatluttll), Helletua. 10 20 6 30 1 Si 4ft t 00 p. . I lo 7 25 1 1 ou P. MT T ko II t5 V I 4V 80 7 4 II 15 f .T It 25 M 1 1 to OU II HI a t4 1 1 41 a li II tM a ( 14 til a au 14 it a kA 14 u 4 10 4 II 4 V 4 lf 4 I 4 40 I to 4 f 6 U I 40 I 16 33 a 4c ' a 4 04 lo aViauluu, (arilt) UAVIUT. owl k IS ur i. 4 II to aluut A iHae.aati ' lor U tail e li V sail 4 lew Wei. a-. (1 II la Mao A Piuiei' lut UaaMal liaa I ita4. a).. ( 1 StiH tklt al all tu., vaatal. kil I klaae a I'laelaa. . 4 Llkilta4i a Wall t-iJi at.4 wmlut 0 45 3 25 9 30 5 30 1 Vd I 6 5 9 25 5 35 1 tl", 5 Si 9 12 5 4U 1 15 ! 7 05 ' 9 51 5 f3 1 27 7 14 3 50 10 Hi tl 03 1 35 ; 7 19 10 6 6 OS 1 4. 7 27 4 00 10 : 6 15 I 55. , 10 0 21 2 00 ! 4 15 7 45 10 ' 6 35 8 . 10 4 6 40 7 55 4 24 10 5 , 6 45 : 8 07 ! 7 00 8 14 ,7 07 I 8 29 4 (5 1 7 25 j 43 j T 40 I 8 Ml 5 15 j 7 50 ; 8 67 6 32 . 8 00; ! 9 02 i i 9 05 ; I U 15 I ' 1 . 9 25 5 45 - i 9 3ii 5 50 I 9 3 5 87' I 43 oa I0 OH 6 2S 10 18 10 23 6 65' I I I t.'rn.ai m ( i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers