..mflroua lyttclico WnnnE to Find it. A fiirmrrrmiitny ti a Rcnllcnirtii from llio Lniornld I!ii one spring to take careofhis grounds, lie was excteilinuly jriwn, lutt lio wft pimply to oliey instructions, nnil ncconlinsilv lio cuinu every ninniing to receive orders what to do for the day. His lirsl ordur was to spread a licnp of manure. 'An' wharil I do Hint fur, sir ?' said he. 'Why,' said Ins employer, ' wo spread it o that I he roots will lind it.' 'An, they will find it ty spreading ?' 'Yes, was the reply. Out went Patrick and commenced Ms labor. Xlie manure was very heavy, and by-and-by began to wear upon the sinews of the toiler. About noon bis employer went out to seo bow bo got along, and found him sweating furiously, and panting for breath. 'Did you say, sir,' said Patrick, 'that plants would line', the manure V 'Yes, of course they will lind it.' 'Well, then, bwltitl,' paid the perspiring Irislmn, willing his herd rpon his sleeve, woulden't it to leave it in the stable, sir, an' letthemiind it there V It would save much hard work ; do yon ren ir i" A Shout Caihuimi.-'W homdid Adam marry, arid when did he mairy her ? One JCce. What was her bridal dress? Barely noth ing. Not even a ribbon ? Xo, nlie bad no need of one; she was rib 'loiie herself. When Adam and Kvc were in the fardell ing business, at what limrt did they com mence nlckirar 'apples ? In the Vf. "What was the lirst step they took in the j tugtir butiuvsr ifnt-rag lam. AV by did not Cain make good supir? Because ho wasn't Ahd, piri(3, as well ai sunr, comes from cane; what evil rear.l'.ed from this Cain'n epirit ? Abel got thind. "What reason have "ve to iuppi-BC that Cain also got slewed '( He went immedi ately to the lr.nd of Xo.l. Vi'lio was the wisest man ? Knnwtr. "What did he -Ittuitv V Ho knew enough to get in out of the rain. AN" Old At coi nt.-A roti.h lookiiiRspe cimn of humanity was crossing thiotit;li C hatlmin street, ill New York, the. other day, v.iieti bo came plut::ply upon a hook nosed Jew, a specimen of hi:; race, r.hottt wliom there could he no mistake. Without a word of waruiug the roiiiili l iioeked thn jew into the cutler. I'itkir.i; l.invU' up and tak-iiii? ids "claivt" now; hetween his thumb and linger, he. demanded an expla nation. '.Shut up or I'll heate you aain," raid the njres-mr, iippronthhi;: him. "I ueAerdonu noting mil you, an w'm;U i H' you mash mc in tor nose'"' tiski.'d Abra l:.un, '" Yes, yer have, yer Jews crucified Jeus Christ, aiid l'vu a mind to go for yer gain." But niue Cot, dat vasli l,8C0year8 ago," taid the poor Jew. "Will, 1 don't care ifit was, I only heard of it. lasl niiiht." roolied the unwashed. u"ain ciiiiijr for his victim, who wisely ! Went another direction. . ,,," " i lion on the face, palid Cour. i f nice, I'niversal Ihc brooklyti Jynjk recently published Massitude oi the Muscular system, tie. a lonj article on 'o:i!ilblillC und KamblelH," I'scd by persons from the. aires of i-it;hteen to tVoni which we lake the followiiiL': j twenty-live, and from tbiity ilve tliy-lhc or Younir people Wilt ciiniblf. The church ' in Jt,,olil" or .el'-"!-' lr i after e.mlinc lias its lotteries and iH (;rah-baKs at fairs; , w,u or '"bor pms ; U-dwetnuK iu eLudrcu. the press teems with the lirdhaut ecI lietneu ci lortuiiu-iiiiiLinn Ly orawmii nuiiibi i s from the wheel; ihu pooivst. the lowest, white and colored, together will risk tin ir ' last cent lor llio prospect of a 'hit" ia policy, with one chance auiust i',o.;r in thir favor; Wall street will amblc in stocks ;cvetl the Sinnday Loall rs, who sw ann the docks, j in warm Weather, jvill have their j;:tmu of draw, while the youi:oi.r crowd indulge in , pitching jietitties, keeping an hVetily j peeled to siclit a 'peeler' 'oui;' T.'ouu'ii ' gamble with their beauty, peacj of mind, : Jiealih. rcpulati.in, und happiness as the ' teai fid htukes, losing fort line, hope, lilc, everythii);:, by one lash hazard ol the die. They gamble witli tluir health bv l-lo ' liotirs, consinnptioii bo'. d i?'.ippeis and npi- i ner-iap'.'reu na;si-, Ax l.Nc (jxsDLAtii.K AViDinv. There was n Dutch woman whoso, husband, Dietrich ! Van l'rotik, kicked (lie bucket and hi! her j inconsolable. J'olks said rief would kill i that widow. She had a liure of wiod enrv- j d that looked very much lik;? he r late bun- Land, in order to Pe constantly reminded of the dear deiarted. la about a half; year she became interested in a. yount bboetiiaker, w ho linally tuartied bet. JJe visted the widow not more ths.ii a foituih;, when the servants told bet they v.inuouL i f kindling-wood, and askod what Lhould be done. After a pause, the widow n plied ia i :i very quid way, ".M.il;e, it ii.li r!l , cnoiteh now to sp'lu i;t) old 'ft:i 1'i'onk, vat is up st.ur-."' In Russia the circulation of the li.ble i rapidly iiicrcasin. Not nui no a h.md e ilil.dy bound copy of llie Mew '1 etl.inielit, quarto sic; wan pivsciitcd to onu id' the l'uiperor'h t hildi'cn as a birthday oi 1 1. 'J'he Eiiipresh complaint d of it sie, and linked : 'Why is not ;i smaller idiloti printed V' '"If it is yol'r Itrpi"i.il Wajesly'j ).!e:i.-uro, itc.iiisui.il be 'I Was the tinswir. JKl Al iji .-ly om-e "ae older- for lo.uoo t opics, mid tl.it number was Minn iiu rem! -cd to .Mi.i'i.0. Mure is;,:;, .cr tw.ouO topics of the New 'l'e t rou t l o.i ,o leu til ciliated in the hu-si.iu 1 iinjieta. TU lHili.ll f.lllllels M !ii.-e farms iuti: ail .ai-. Ji.-ii' li .-penile lt!l-, v. be.ud an liniisil i!! y Ion, I itiii . lion oi a '.i i' to a bir r.t;i ii iib nil sp.-. 1 to i!a f llbiMill- bill I tollVi l-.lll lo.ll, Vat i-ll ! in lib- M ItTindciliook, i:l, m .".'e oui in i" .1 one i" "im; ballooiu,: in tin b sloia w.il'., an I 1 laee v b. ii ll.c n i n-ii d : i V ' . ll, dt-ii ,' .aid ."-lion, '1 itns liy.ii.: to i top ol tllsll l.i;.'li Kloliu u nil, l Mini nil to rtoii,- all Iambic il und ban I lolo n .'ia- i I i. i n bolll ul 11.11., oilli-, Sli....., ,! ill i pi ; Kl .. s U IV 1 1 .11" ul, boil) ih! i i f. a I' oil' i ll cl'l i I'.. , .'I a...! 0 lii V i ib ill, au I Hi .!.- tup ul . mi.. 1 lo.' l.lllef, - , Jollt . )UU le .t all ': ul 1 l dl',1. KM 1' l y oi t lc I ill I.e. ' A c;i'lil Ionian bi-c lo.e bad l.-i -. . s 1 1 - - ills, tan l. ml oi d ilii ll.,- ii I .,;, p.. sa .1 mil to not iih , -.i 1. 1 i ia. .! n ., ,;, Lm.. n at ti c l,i Ll. : "tl ii,oli..i I.., ...I, tn.i s ill ; I'll a l loak I "Ol' . In . l.s i I,' i. c lul'i I i.v 'i I 1. 1 .1: ' I'.iU.i r, 1 1;, .f Ir. id -Al inllst I. aw sli.ili. I ll, ! ' M'l I l-l. ;ii. luc 11 I, l.l ' fi 1 ,(. . ,1 lilllo on l a, i.l, :, J ,A i.i,,,' 111 . s I. ,4., I 1 a i.x b 'i t .1 1 ml) , i, po as pu.i; .1 1, 1 1 1 l. l id .1 I'l.i.i 1 ,, i4, ft 11.11 11 ...kill ; t poblio In I " L u! -aid di.li.lv," a !. tlrr liku )l U HI,' te". ' "V,' 11 I I be l" ) , 'iHiy v ' t ' " tllli'Hi t i ,4 a Ills, 1 be d ll.l iHi I ill. .pp. , like I. It. 1 I tlu. I. 11. .1 ,li 11 I 1 ,u t I,.. a 1 iu ,1,1 1 'li ) I I I:. oi. I I. i I "l Ii . 1 1 .11 u ill. Il.ii t I. I IS II- l.l.ij i lain ! . i.,l., . ..,,, (Io isH, . In. In lli loi. 1. m ol "ll 1 1 I I, 1 . ul, tiiil ill In., 0,; uny 1,,;, t Milt.. I l. l. ' I Hi 1 'I I .11,1,1,.. Ill ll. J "V .. .1 lo ,. .. 10 ..ol 1 ) lb. ' I , ,1 I I Ul l.o.l I.. I li-J I il. 1 lU It-'.... ' 1 "l.l 1. 1 ll III i ll 1 .1, !. m:i.Y t. hki.mjioi.uvs COMPOUND FLUID LXTKACT CATAWBA GBAPE 3?IIjXjG. Component Putts Fluid F.xtrnct I.hiibnib suit Fluid F.xtraet Cut.iwb-i Grape Juiro. TVr Liver Conn hilnt, Jaundice, ISillotH Allee tlons, ISick or Ncrvout Headache. Costivenc-i'i, etc. Purely Veirctnbli, containing no Mercury, MiueruU or PeleteriuiiH I)ni''a. II These Fills arc the most dcll-jlilf-illy pleasant pui'irative. supcrsedlm; cantor oil, niMn, maunc ela, l. There is nntlilug more acceptable, ti tlic Rtom.-tch. They (five tone, nml cniifc noitliiT Hanson nor gripping pains. Tlioy arc compofcd of tin Jhu-Kt iHyftHctit. After a few days' use of them, such it n iiivlirdiatiiiii of the entire sys tem takes place as to apt" ar miraculous tn the weak nml enervated, whether nri-iny; from Im prudence or tll-ense. 11. T. IluJnil. dn's Com pinind Fluid Fx I met Ciituuli'i tlrnpc Fill arc not nurar-cnatcd, from the fact that snirar-eoatcd Pills do not iliwilvo, tint piss Ihro'ij'li the sto mach without di-.o!. liitf, cnnsi'iiieiit:y (in ln'l produce the ib'-dred cl'i ct. The Cutawbii Grape Pills, hc'tnir pleasant In tn-Me and odor, ilo lift necessitate their bciii'r BUi-ar-coutcd. Filcc fifty cents per box. I ' A m:n t. iiF.i.5inoi.n'H HIGHLY cnNf'F.N'TKATKl) COMPOUND riiiiil Instruct (.ari-iimrillH Will rac-l'iilly exterminate I'roni the system Scro fula, SyphilK Fever Sines, fleers, Sure I'.yc?, Sore Lcji-, r!ore Muiith, Sore Head, llronchit!, bi;lu Iiscnes. Salt Klicum. Cankers, Uuimiti'; from the r.ir, Wiiit llmr, Tniiinrs, Cancer ous A fit -'t -", Nodes, Kick.!-. Glandular r.ic'," ln. Niht Sv. eatn, lt....h. Tetter, Untnori" of all kind, Chronic Khciintutii-m, Dyspepsia, und nil ili-HH' tiiut tuvc been cstabllila d ill the system lur year. Hcirr prepared eTpreily for the. fibo-re Cum pkiint. its blood-pnrlyini; propcrtiei nre futiT ll sn any othfr prepnration of S,iiap.irlllii. It pivn complexion a clenr nu l hcallhy color and restores the J'atlent to a slat- id' Health ami Purity. For Purifying the Blood, rcinnvini; all j chronic con-titntiona diseiiM S ari-in from an I i:iii:ire state of tin P.loo l. and the only reliable and i lteelual known remedy for t lie turn of p iiats I and swelling of the Kones, l leerations of thi: Throat and Leit-. plotches, Piniplcs on the Face, j Fry-Ipclas and all scaly eruptions, of (lie skin, and beautifying the con.'pkxiou. Price, tl.W per Bottio. HSJ.5T T. HELMHOLD'8 Ci iNI'LN ruA n:o IXl'JO r.XTKACT BlfJlC, Till: GIHiAT l.'H'KETIC, 1 eni f d e' evy ca-e of Diabetes in n bleb It liern niV':i. ritation of tin' neck of tbe R'.n 1 jderand ine.ina:iuii of the Kldiieyt, Ulerration ! rd't'a' aiirt Hbiditer, retention of l iinv, !i'sim--cs of the presrute Gland, Stone In the Hladdi-r, Ciileulii-. 'f: ravel, Hri l;du-t I). -po-it, 1 und MuroiK or Mill.; lii-elcirLre, iud fur Kn ; feebled and Dclii'ale t. onslitmions of both sexes, i iitleiidel M it h the fillor '' symptoms : luiiis- pjsiiion to exe.' ion, Ic.-i, I'owi r. Loss of .Mc. I more, Diulciillv of Hrcn' hint;. Weak Nerve, 'I'!'l',"lllhfr' .!'."I'1'l;;. nf i:'. use, al,'el'illnc-s. ' i in iPh in v u ti l. lin ill li e Hack, II. t Hands, Flushinir of the Lodv, Drvue.-s r.f the Skin, Krup- HelmbeU's F.xtraet Kiielm Is Diuretic i.nii I'liiicl-purifyinir, nml cures a'l lifM'f sr;ini; trom habits of dissipation, a.i 1 cXce.ss and im I denees ill Life, iiniurilies of lUe itlocl, etc., tiipcrfdhii; copaiba In nil -i t itiur.s for which I; : Im Uae.l, an t syphilitic all'.--ti im- in Mieso din 1 fiMB uh'J iu eonnecliou :;b lieliiibold's f.ue LA Dir.". j Ji! insny nf. otai Mrs peculiar tn L.idies, the F.xtivit Lacliti Is uueipi il.d - any i.thir rcirs. ; dy a ii eli!oio-i or let-ution, itivn'ar'iM , ' paint'iibi. -s or siipp-s--ioii oi' , :i lomaiy f r.rm'i ' I'oi.s, I'lceratcl or M'hirus -t ile i f l'.;t l.'tiriu, i.r.io.in-llo-i or White, sterility, and for m l c :nilaiiits inci lent to the e, vkhclbrr orisini; ; 1". i:..crt';cii or habit-, of iii-si;..uion. Jt is pie ! keiiiif J kl !! ively by the. mo-t :naii'it phl ! ciac iLd laiivvive- ...r euf.-eblrd and delieato I cc i'ot'.iutioiis, uf both seXe- and nil u-, (iilln.l d U n aiij of tbe above dU, a.-'es or svuii tutus. ) n. T. iini.Mnoi ir.s txTHArr neenr CVULS liii: vsps AltlslNti KKOM lMfHO". DKNCP.S, II.MUf .; l is.-ll AllHo, l.TC, ill ail t'le ir . lau'es, ut little ?peiise, littii! or n t !-. -i!.:;e !'i i'.'ci , no iai oii-,.-;,ici.:-e, ft n J no rtpo- Hl'.-e. ll 'atl-ti :l lVe..l...ll d. IIS, i jitss s'i.ni.!ii to r.iuate, thereby reniovinsr Dh-tiue-lioa-, PreV.-otin a n t Carii'K t:trieiurrs of lha I'n ;l.r.i, ALayi.n; l'ain and li,il,tui .lion, mi n J'l.'iit in l'o- ciars ol' dit."i-e-, ani expelling all I o'.-, ileias matter. 'J LocoamU wl; have been the victim of In com:.eti al p' l.-.in-. ..,! huo l.ave paid henTV feci- to be 1 in . h: tit.i , have found ter be Poioii" has, .:j!s.'' tw rtriej in a luor? airr.1 M.u l iae. :i.u fur nil Atf.-c- Lave b'-i :i if i by the n-e oi' up ii. I a.- - ved. and Cui p.m. rial i:n in. I.. I 1-..I; ..: i 1 ll.ap- atl. Id'.- I- -a Mel 1 Vdl -J i'. .-1,1. loi 1 l',c Ii 'm..;.i t :ol and Di- ea t r e.-' :ni: Pi ' of lie l-i'- or loitai y brills, urin th I'.'in.ile, liom vli.iror oncnuMie, mid no oiatter how loiij; iaiijiiih'. Piav, one dollar uud liny cents jer bou.c. 1j 1IENRTT. HELMIiOl.D ! IVPROVKD R 'K WAII Cftinint be surp.-isie.t as a F ire Wash, and will '-e lo n.-i i ne i n r: :i'c iciac.lv ia mil r I :. ; of I A.'c.-t; ll 1.. y ei i ;..-..i. -i, 1 a l.n .i' in. i , o. I: In.-, Il. ir - iiin. I i"- Pi!,. ' 0 ih nil ..r ll I ' . .Mi i. il l . i.' it 1 ill. ii.. i I I.e.. I 1 1 M"lh Pat, ll '., i lta.. a;. I a'l p. up .- lin al a I e c I ' . -' I HIM V .Oct mil lie-.-, In I III.' ai tl-i. I In llo l.iell ll. p t.,1. the :,. ill . ol ciiIm;.'.i i. ! Hi. i I.omi r i I. di f- . I - I I tin ...in, li i.. loo.' t-ll-l i a I i. i d p illi il o',', to po-- il i . I "lb t App.-.i iu. . io a in i il - 1 1" i.i. li i i; 11 i a'- ' 1 '. .11 in .0 .1 . i a- I. 'l'i ll r. l.'.l 1. 11. 1 u.'n.' 1 .1. - us a l In, i l,.r , s 1 I 1 1 1 .1.11. ui',... I . ll . ll.-b I I. 1. 1, '1 1 : ., .1 to 1. 1 1 ., 1:, . l 1 , 1,11 I'.lle. W 111, h ,. 1.. 1. .. ol ll.e II. -I '. li i i. in, 1 .a. .l.n. in..- in an pi "inn .-l.l le pi) - u -, I te 1 . ..nil I I. .not I I' i.l II - l.-e I! 1 I ...p il, 1 .11 . ,. 1 I ! !l a.. Ii .1. M I.i ll,,' I l.oilM l.l III- '.. I' I, . 111 !",. T 1 I'.. ll, ia 111. 'le 10 ol. j.. Ill , 1, el l i' , 0 i,i.i- an I It I, -la 1 ,, 'l Is nit (Mi-oinl I. "In. 11 l,.r l ' le N il 111 e, it 11,1 as a 11 , ii e I ' 1 1 'i.i 1 11 : oi-, ui 1 o, M-'.. '1., 1 t I hi ... a. 11 . it .11 ll'.' loi. S I. lMI I'l.l, 4.-1 I I i, ll 1. ll dl'.' St l.i'i.lll- no J I. f 1 1 1 V , t ! d"li4r i-c I". il.li.'t 1 a I i. I 1 sr ., I d;i)':s .-sijira.tijr II. S r ii 1 " t U I 1 'I, . ..1, v Hi I. I. 1. I I I ll .11. I... .1 III- I i"! . I I 1 I ..II. I.I 0 1 .1 01...,. 1 1 i 01 o 1 I I SI . I I I- 1 1., lli mi I . IU iiaUuM'n I.iumIu. ri. I'll r.il I oil . I'. 0 1.4 I t UIO U I il I I . m ui I . I.- I .., . I I I I 1 ' ) f .1 I, 1 I ll I'l ... 1 1 ... .1 ., ' I'll I I . .1' 1. , 41V I I I I I ' I . to ! II I 1 1 I Is Li 1101 t M.t I. inn, mcous. TIIC Nlltlll tiY CATTI.i; IXSl'IC AXtT tOJU'AXY. Orrit'K P. Con. M aiiktt Pyt. a tin, PrsnrnT Fa. IXSUUE YOUKCATTLEl TIIU OXI.V rO.MI'AW THAT PAYS l'UOJI J'TI.Y. THIS Company pays nil losses lit all kinds of aeeiilents by death, (excepting in ease of ciidemlcs.) by theft, tp., itc. They pay prompt !y. No red taie procccdiui; to obtain your inotiey In case of loss. Lock nt the li.t of Losses paid itlilu (Is months liy this company i M. Hennlu'.rer, Suulmry, tS8 Sll I). Ilil'.'ert, Nurthumhurland, ftO 00 S. II. Dod-e, " HO 00 (leonre Fekcrt, " 40 0(1 Chnrles liolieb.Mt. Curmtl. SID 00 Kusstiis Sipple, " 40 0') Catbarluo Wnttner, AVntsontow 40 00 Geo. licit, Noi Iliumberland CO 00 dacobsnvder. Sunbiirv, S'i J. W. Bassier. " " CO Ol) Minor Cady. Pewnrt, tit) 00 Cu bni'ne 'Martz, Sbamokln, 40 00 Frani ii lliiiher. Snnbury, CO 00 Samuel Price, I'pper Lc'hiedi, . CO 00 Application ran be made, at tbe homo office or to the di!!i rent Local Asrent. C.J. llliVN'F.n. Prttitltnt. C. A. Ku'VFNSNYoni, .sve'ii. Snnbury. llircclois Solomon Stroh, S'm. Prindle, C'lms. Martin Thoina-" lla'dv and John A. fchisslcr. December lllh. ly. ARt-i-ti1lMril Iiiiplciiiciit, rOF'3 Grain T.akc Steel and Iron Garden 11 Lake--, Loair and D llaniile Spades, ShoT Loair and U llamili' Spade; els. Manure and Hay folks, tlrass and (irain Scythes, drain Cradles, Cradle, l-'iiurers. Trace, ISi'cin-t, Tone-lie nml I.ol; Chains, (iriii'l-toaes, l-'niniiue; Mill Seics of nil size, mid kinds, a la rare assortment of Pel Wujrnn llaeies, for PloMinjr, farm lielis, Ciillivi tor Teeth, for file by J. 11. CUN i,;..y tv CD. A CX.T I JIAX'S ",VAi:i-It!ti:. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF (iOODS, MEKCIIANT TAILOIMNO IIOL'S", TMikD dr., Onf. Dooit Ijelow Marktt iST., .SfNllCItY, l'A., ' J. M. Zir.GLLIt. rnoriacTOK. l'lIF.NCII & KN'CLISII cahsimeues, CLOTHS OK KVKI5 V KIND, VKST1X0S, ALL K1.ND3, FINEST (-'H ADES, ENDLESS VA IUETV. Enibraeinj every ipmlUy an.! styles that the N'ew York and Pbila leipiibt .Vaiki-ts ullbrd, vt bich v. ill be madi'iiptoorder by the best of work men, warranted to til uud rvuder entire aatinf.ic tiou. MEN'S rUKNISHINf (iOODS. The largest usmrtiiieut ill town. Kaibracinp fverjt'ain; of tintUiurn'a ar of the lle-t st!. Cll and my slock, nisothu latc6l fliio, before pNichasinic l.-cwlcie. J. M. ZiKCLEK, (succiwsor to Thomas (1. Nott,) Thirl -t.,oae door b!ov .Market, Siinbury,Fa. Suntiiiry, Jan. 1 ts7o. ItKtt!) AM! FAXt'Y I'.iKKS. DAVID FltY, TiESl'ECTFl'LLY informs tbe.c-tir.as of Sun Xi bury and vicinity, that ho will bakti to older all Mails ol CAKES FOi; BALLS, PATCTIES, t. Famlles nre supplied with FKE.-ll BP.F.AP, Twist, Rolls, KuU, Tin Luns, .ve., and m!so krid on band nu l manufactured -"t of llio bci.t materials. All orders left nt his Shop in X-'nrkct Peiiiire, oiiii door oust of Miss Anna Painter's Mi. liucrv Store, or nt his 11 ,Uerv on Spruce Ht rect, between ! rout and Second studs, will meet with prompt ntti-utliiii HALLS AND EVENING PARTIES uj plied null Cukes, lee-Crv.uu, Jcc, l tb Bluntest ""'"'' Ordr re rvj vvtf.Iy .ieiU-I. ,,, , DATID K. raauury, Dec. IS, 1ii.s. " ' TI3II-. ZH .lIO.ir.T I I ALL Wall F.v. and liorler, nn'.rt Wy K.e wi) Lc triinuird rendy for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHAKGE. r ike T FO.I AN 'B WALL FAriCR TRlXMIt, .-V .'. r-:- lf - t i'- ? . v.. - . v;...:v.'.'.s: 1. r h:rii I liue tbe ea-1 js.ve r 'st ltt to isse in t.nbsr i'. :1 -nd t.ii i ty. g -5 5 fi.iire miviry, time auj labor, by hiiviiif of i i. s " k. 11 r.ur.r. t.a;H rt:tt. : 5 1 I Ia'i- iu Boobs, Marcnery, Wail P-per, Music, , ... - -.. i '-. F;iii-Uy Fi bool Sl'PPt.lbS in 1 W n pt-ei:iity. Rlsaik. Ul'iauviiuiluiu V Fiisi:ouk I 1 ii lls. vai lely, J i t r -. ..'.le I. BOOK HiMilX.i d a-l .old.-,. Psr..,i.. '.!! j mvv vxi.i.c U' l.-.ivii, lu.-ir Older, frr LinJ.ag I ;t mv. ' Vli i'C Kl'. l'ltHIJ'.H efi'li'i I. e.lriii t tn- ii-t very bus !;-. UlAI. A n;t A KL I'li.l M is sins" on Uu p I ! Al.rU'MS, 1',;A( i;i:TS ttOI.U rt.S i, ! ,',A,'.,,V,'. I A !a- .11: 1 e'.l ci t si,. W of Tr,.'av oul.snl. A i! !.'. nil on hint promi I j 01 1 den J. Mali.' 1 i.s. f..t iaik. C 1 si I N. I I HLPK I.UIH'I M'.K'S B ui k Mioii", J f in of F. '.si s I .'1 P. ,1, 1 . paau-, But , Pu. h ii. t, in, A is)M b, !:. J. W. W A - lllN'CTtl.N S i.r.iMi it it it it iittir, '1 1 1 ! I 1 - 1 111. 11. j .,1 s li. j. of 1 In. town e il' . llie I. -I, I al St II... s.i'ar inn. j i "li - l.l- 1 1 Ii . I lli' I 1 1 J 1,1 .' 1 1' llll In I .,!.. t.i lo ll I I .... 1 a .. I.i..,. I io. not "l,-.fc .111 u.ir.,ii:i,l4i. I 1' .11 ...io t 1 I n.: v ,oi t .1 Oil ai l"ii. .' 11 1 I - 1 I '. '. . .. .." I P .a l, loi-'ri-st r .i, 1 1.1 Cos 1 ..o 1 - '.ail 11.1 01 I.i.. ' ilia, i.ii ,1 , I ... I .1, , I ii, 1 1 1 . ll ... i.l . ... .!.. p - I ... II 1 , i,.,l 1 I.:.. .1 .. .1 I : 1. I.I , ,. 1 I i. 1 I I II - ' I .. 1 , I .1 i. - ...... . .1 . ..il I b .1I1 .1 I I. I . , t I I , 1 i, I I. . I .. 1..; . ' . I. I I ,. ll. ll I I.' ... I I I ..." I I. ... I 1.. .1 I ... I 1 1 . . , 11, 1 ,1-11 1 11 . 1. i.a ai 1 1 . ,! l.l .. . I' 1 ...' . i 1. . I , . . I I I.' , V I ll I I .llll., , :. ... b. I I 1 l- ll, I.. 1.1 ,, , ... .. 1 ..... I . 1 1 I 1 u ... t" .1 .. I, I I I. ... I ..I, 1.... l.l. " i, . , I. 1 , I ... I, 1. 1 I I o, . : 1 1.. Ii it 14 ,1 1 ai . . ii , p .1. .0. 1 .. , ., I"..,. I II 4. - I 4 I... .... I" ,111 ll . a . . k I 1 . . , l. I 1 1 1.. 11 , , I .0 1 . I 1 o " 1' I 1 n I l. l 1 Mi I I 4 l . . .'I ' ll l .l. 4i ,1 1 l si vi.4 O C il. 4 ! ... 1 I t .1 I 1 4 i' . I ii,iiI 11 4,1 1,1 i I lu.l, I 'I ..... I'.u p" I f t-i lii, k.lil. 4 I -. 'I i'.'IV I. I 4. I"- 1 'I.i I 4ll.l. II. I l.l- .1 H I Hi 1 It I 111 1 ! I .1. . . I. .. . ... ll ,: . "' I . , I I ', l- ., I "I ' 4 .4. , .. . I 1114. I ll I ll i . 1 11 '.1 1. . M M4 .4) f) M.f Itsb, ..14 4 H itneons. IX KJMJi v CO. A FCXlTiNI OP TALL Sc WINTER GOODS JOHN ECKMAN & CO'S. Groceries, tbo best and cheapest In Mis nisrket, nt Kekmiiu & Co'i. ! )ll- loth, Cnrpct and t nrpct Chain ut the very lowest prlcas, at Eukuiaa A Cu's. UMBRELLA , HOSIERY, GLOYE3 and NOTIONS Ecktnnn & Oo's. Roots) ami Mine, nt Eektnau A CVs. of every descHptlon, at lints aiift Caput StouB-VYare, Yooa-Wure and Willow-Ware, tt Eckuiaii A Co's. i lletrdwure, Naila, Salt, Fish, &e., t.Eekiuau ft Co . Country PruJu taken In exchange nt Eckmnu A Co'. Don't forget Mn plnce, j JOHN ECKMAN A CO., . C'Or.NEIt FOVHTH AND MARKET SinEJtTS, I SUNBCnr, FEN'N'A. j Eunbnry, Dec. , 1S70. i mi?F. ARRIVAL OF GOODS. M' ISS EI.IZA11ETII LAZARUS nnnoiinces to the public that she has Just, received, at lmr : sloic in He wait's Ifiiildlmr, a lare;e supply of THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, trinnm j and untrimiiicd, ud of nil colors, In i eluding tho M.UfUI.1 IAS, luc Uitot and most fashionable tliltiK out Ui liati. Amo, CHILDREN'S IIAT3, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest styles. Hash Uibbons. plain and llirurcd. Ladie's Pl'se.cers, Lace Colars, Linen Colars Mid Cull's for Ladies and Cliildien, Crochet collars. NecktieR for Ladies and (ieut's latct syles. :Siik Saek Loops, a superior article. Gloves ineludiii:; Kids, aud Ladies' Kuckskiu irloves. riamlkerchiffs. All kinds of Tl ilnllliims. Embroidery 1'uttcru. Hosiery for Ladies, (iei,t"s uud Children. Nuts, l'biue nud pique triumuu's. TRIMMING SILKS, Chinonr-, Zejihyri and Yuriis, uul a gcutral vniiety of Notions. Thankful for tt patronage, the hopes Mint tbe nimiilv of her goods will merit a. eont innanee oft:icmc. ELIZABETH LAZAEL'ij. FRIT, FARM AHB 1M8ERIES, .mv iu:asv. j Our new Dcscrl tive and lilustrati d Cntaloirne, : vith ,.ri(,u lit for tUc g,,ritl" ' M-.;cmiaiy colore4 of lSil, contaiuiug I ' lire in os oT (ho Murtba (Thl(o Cmironl) , , ., T i-. . . , . ... . 5T'' r0"0""1' 3' K n4 other, the VI "" C ,0C0 lh 1,ltroiu;' tioa ol the Concord i and t lie j Jlicun!a ("Our Xo. 700") : F,raw,oirV) wIt)l descrip.iousof.il the leading i varieties of Small Fruits, new ami old, with di- reetions for plantinir, (rrowinf;, mid uaudiug i them, and bow we make from . ' ...... ...... . I I, 000 tu 9 ',(oo per Aero ' with the Jucundu Strawberry. It Is very h.infl ! Foinv and valuable book, gotten up ot R heavy expem t. aud will bo suul to all applicants en closing 10 ccuu. I Our Denc-lptWe Catslous of Tiosrs, Hreen- 1 house and rVdiline Fisnls, Shrubs, Evcrcrccns, etc., containing: (lercriitior,f !' many rare and , ln-nuliful r.ai.ts, is h!so rf1y, and will L seal to ail a) plii-anta for .' cent. I It. CM MING A CO., j UucccKtur to J. Kiiot, reb.4,lS7t-lm. l'iltsbin jf, Pa. i A CHEAT fBlGAL DlSCOVEnf I Dr. VAL2Ti:'3 C LirOUX I A jYINEGAE BITTERS rj Hundreds cf Ttburand ?JH Boar t 'stlmory totbeir IVjuJcr- i, y ? w iui euriiioi; kuicis. 3 " . WKAT ARE THEY ? f r B3'2 1 z r: . : il ; ,1; a h C V f ntrr apb sct a v:i k l-J F A IJ C V D H I tJ K . f .1 Hwlnf Four Itur.:, V. 'kiskcj , I 111.1 r-i.li li j , j It.tum, I luiior.li r..l.i;Ka I ic.a ....ul- I " IJ I'"" i'-illvd"'.va.ii."".'.t.,i.i. ." " !: u.i-i." .. tl 1.1 nul It r m lo .wUrfi.aii f i-i una, la.l 1 u-1 iruj K.U.C11..:. wsio t. jia NM..0 lioi M ti.d lo it i 1 f I ::ii ri..a, ir.-e ...U.,a llll 1 I. ...I... 111. fc.lllllllllll.l. '.LlLIH iir..T utwantnuu n..J a i iu: CIUMI l't;i(ll'I.i:. r. iU,.nulot J IKlliJiLi .r el f..jsj . t.s.i i.i.j.ij ..:. t'l . IJ..I.U-.S lull.. i..ij rciti ilii." I a- 1 1 .1 u I.- l 'il ) i u.i a. rw.n lanl'.e Ibisu 1. 1.1.-14 ictt-fi.. 4 lb-.sc- .o 1 si'tl 1- U K.ll 1 ' l;..w. II. 1 lb II i..lti'0 t'i...l,.oii piruriit Ij i.if , 1 1'. .,1.4 I tvioi J I., I it-.lie; , a t , .l oo II Ulll.f I1I1SI ai.U 11.U , .Wt W h,Uj t.4vi.l- ),:ul .iiu l-':. I r li.tlMiaiiii.iiii f ait. I i brio-l.1 I hrwn-a j lism uuU l.uul, i) pi i'l' pr lut.if-iiju. I UilluUfr, il. uoili-iil 10 d l..4-1 1..11 1 .11 i 1 11 14 lllwTMft. Vl its- l.t.4d, . lli", l.lbl.. 1. iiliU LluUe. 1 , 1 .. . j Ion. 1 l I ..w U.i.i 1 oi 1 .ii is. ii.:. r-u.U IOm. 4.H.-4 i.v ..i-ii.l l tiiu.:4 lilaa.1, ii-sl. 11 i.a.. 11 pi-i.ii.l.i. iik...vu..i ' tlH'i.ilii Ulluu.. iii.'iiMt t-u imiii tiii v, 1 ii u . I .' . 1 1 ',: 1 1 i.ui ...... 1 . ui ; 1 .41 1 ... 1 1 1 4 i l, 1-:. -1 - 1 I .11.1 ri.. Ul.wl 4 .1 I.i It lev 1, l.l.. lii ) ... '., I...... .'. o. . 1 , I 1 ' a. ui.,. ..1,1 , . H I, .a,, u ,1 tirf I k 1 . I . . in 1. 4 l.,-.i. 1 I ..j A. .kl .. J :. 1 I ttl.'llt .4 u... 1 1, h 1 I. i l I . I I I I I S 4 I .1 .. I. IJ I .. 1 I ,... U S. I .I.UI. ..14 t I I' i M ' . .-,l..ii .,.11.1., I 1 .. I . k, 1 . 1.4 .1 I . . I . . . . 4 1 I i ill J I I . I I. j I ,. 4, S 4 L4 1 ..tl...' . . I . k' I k .:, 1 I I. if ........ 1 si. ia . lilU"I.IMi : lsi,,l, ; 1.. u . -it 1 r'l I 1 .1 . 1 , 1 1 . , 0 , . , , 1 ., t . t 1 k . a,. , , . . 1 . t-i" - . ' t 1 c 1 . 1... .. 1 j I r I 1 ,- v . ., I -1.. 1 . 1.1 i.l 11. , il ii.- i .,. , ll ... I . 1 I .. . . .0 ., I ., ,. u .10 1 1 i -.-1 , S.ll 1 I 11, b' ,l.,, l.l I. ..J.. iu ai 1 ... 1 1 1... i... 10 a... 1 ... .. 1.4 1 wi... ia 44. i. 1 ... 1.1 ;i..i...,i.,,,,.ii,i iui i.4 4 -l.il 4 . j -. 0 I ..4. .4 ii. . .1. I a... I - .toil l J H4 lo 1 -! "4 I-..'. 4 iu , i..M ! I i. ., 1 . . I il," I. 4i . I I 1 I 1 ...a. Ilku, ) , O.i liil.li Ml 4 ft I.' . 4.1. I.. l 11 ...I4III .1 , l..-l,. on , 1 . , u.. l. . ,. . ii.,4 I" 4 l.-st 4..I..II I ,.W -ll O lli, tllH-l i-.-. 1 ll II ll I s If.l . .1 ' U.4 4Htu... i. t , . . 1 ,. ... I 1 .-I 1 u . - J In I 1-4 i! ..... 4. tl.. it ill....'-.. .." l..-'U,. .. h . ,4.1. i 41 I .. I .. , .. . I '. illlU.l 1, i-SS . Uil.4 . t . ll.-- . ..4,, 4- 1.44l4i.i.., 1,1, If" x U bt JkiL 1.-11,4. U 4v..i.. I VI, M .4 a sal -.i i4ls i...i 4. I V U..J. u- 4 l-s-4s A Ce Si. 1?; Hi Hi III CltF4) Si.' auttfadurcrs. diaciiim; niiop and iuo FOl'MtRTa GEO. KOIIRDACH & SONS, NunJuirj, 1 ruu'n, INFORM the public that they nre prennrert l(t do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and bavinir uddeit n new Machine Bhop In rouncctlon with their Foundry, and havo supplied ihemselves with New Lathes, Planlnir nml llortntc Maelilnes, with tha latest linirovuiuents. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they nre enabled to execute all order NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, lu a satisfactory man ner. Grntcft to unit nnj- Stove. IRON COLTMXS, for churches or other build ings, of nil sizes. 1IRASS CASTINGS, Ac. The FLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still fuitl.cr improved, nml will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnbiiry, June, IS, 1S70. r i. 0 1: 1 : 1 : m . w i ; ?i v 4 1 1 1 1,. rilUS celebrated Maciiine Is now on exhibition L next door to Krause's Tin uud Stove Store, Miirhct St reel, fiiinlinry, Vu. The Florence Sewiinf Machine stands unequal led for licaiity and durability 1 heltitf the best Family Sewing Machine now offered tu the pub lic. THE .ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: It has scll'-ndjutlmMcntlon In I he Shuttle t cham;cs for the various Stitches made while, the machine is in million. Its Stitchesare the wonder of nil for beauty and Oni-h.belinr alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews llaht and heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. Tbe work will feed cither rlubl or left. Kilns quietly and rapidly. No dilllcully exper ienced in sewimr across heavy senilis. Its mo tions are all positive i no sprint's or cost wheels to e;ct out of order. The Ileinmer turns wide and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. li is thoroughly practical and w ill last a life time. lCvrry Family nIkiiiI.1 Have One. fcvery Machine warranted to substantiate nil we claim for it. It Is the only Machine- In the world that Is ca pable 01 makim; more than one etltch und liuviii 1110 reverse teen motion. Call nud examine them, nml the in ni pies ot work. no ciiaiu.e rem showing. It Hems. Fells, Cords, Prald. Tucks, Quilts, Binds, tialhers. Arc., without bastlnir. 1'. makes n gather and suvs ll on a band ut one operation ts'i t'ectlv. K.icb Machine is finnl-lied with a complete set ot tools, Without ertra rliarte. livery purchaser fully Iii'trucluil and .very Machine warranted aud kein Iu order. Machine. Oil and Thread kept oil Laud at all times. fiEO. W. SMITH .t; BltO., Accnts, For North'd, SnviK r, Viiiou and Montour Conn's. October Ki. lfSTO. tlll.I.lX.! 71 1 l.I.I ! ! rjIIK subscribers bavinu' taken pos-essbm cf tlic Snnbiiry Meant Mil.s, on Walnut s.reet, and loi vlnir repaired the same, urn now prepared (0 luauulaciiirer ull Manns ot 1" LOI It ANI) FFED. Tbev repei':fullv invite the cilifens of this vicinity to uive li.ein h trial, as their facilities to make the best quality nre equal to any Iu the Mate. 1 Heir present retail prices are i Extra Whits Wheat Flour, per barrel, IS 00 Kfd Wheat Flour, per barrel, 7 00 Corn Meal, per cwt. S Ml Buckwheat Flour, per cwt, S Kve Chop, U Ml live .t Corn, " 2 It, Oats i Corn O.op, 2 !i5 Whito Middllnts, " V tit) Shorts, 2 00 ltran, " 1 r. Col li, per bush. 1 15 Oats, " C!i Order, are rejprctfally solicited and will re ce've prompt attention. " MOV Elt .V KOLti. Siinbm-y, June H, ISTO.-tr i JiltliK AMI t'l.V.Aa.Vti VI1M.K. Tlilid Hireel. ad.iolnlnp; Pbila. it Kile R. It., two Sqintrcb North of the Central Hold, EL NBl itr, FA. IRA T. TJT.EMEXT, IS prpared to fnnHi every description pf Inm lier required by tbe demands of thi pnb'ie. llavini; all the latri-t laipraved msrbinerv f r iniiiiufacturin!; Limber, he is now ready to till or ders f nil kinds of FLOolMNH, rliUN'fi, HOOKS. SHUTTERS, SASH, P.LINDS MOl'LDINOd, YF r.AXPAS, FRACKET8, and .11 kinds of Ornamental Bcrowl Work. Tnrn iu6 of every description promptly executed. Also, 1 I.AKl.B ASSOHTWIiiT Of HILL .LUM1JKU. HKMLOCK and FINF.. Also, eiiins'.c., Flcktts, Lnt be, Ac. flidcrs promj tly tilled, and -hipped hv Ril'rnad I or otb-r isc. JP.A T. CI. KM ENT. deelt ns;ly KTOVIi V TIN I SI' VMI.JSIUiK.N T. MAP.KLT STItr.ET, Sl NUlKy, FA. AI.ri.ED KKAVSi:, I'ropr'iitor. IstlX tolt IO SstlTU A aOTUKM.J nAVINft pur. timed Ihe above hi 11 knon e-Islili-hlni nl, Mr. Rru-e woiiM rss'i 1 1 nl il ilitoi 111 1 In- pill lie that be now has 011 biiad a lai'e a-Miilineiil of too K 1 N li stov Speer's Cook Aiitl-llnst, Iteu'iilator or H. ..t vln Top, Coail'iuatioii, SiiMitielkaua.i aiel ether-, v bieh are so tti 1 anV' .1 a- lo he 11 ,e, I for Co.. I or M on t, an I aie 1 1 ranlcd to pi 1 form sali-faetoi 1 ly 01 110 K.lc. il li A IILS ol all klu Is put up to lait one or Inoic rooms, lit: A'l I N'U b'lOVFS of ililleit iil kinds l.l Iviy loa puces. TiiiMur ol' l'.rrj- Ist'oeript ion k'-pt .ii-tanl!y on h ni l. K01 II111; and SpoatiiiK Willi tile III 1 tl..il,'lt..l. itHl att r-ll'.il in i i.e. Ill P. Mill Nil nil. nib-1 lo u lb do patch. Coal (ii an I lot in I .I. eoitautlv 011 bind. Japan Marc ol' all kin-Is. Mine oppokllj Colilc.'i. lir tMaii, sloif. l.iir luo a evil. A. hKAl .sK. pi-4 ly MMIl ll Ml It II l.l. .11111. Illt: liii.l. r-l.'ii.-1 h iving l. .li:; 1 I lha eat. re sl'b'l, o I iissin-.'.-r ,v T.ii'."r, Mould iiiloiiu the public that be is no., len.ll I" do all kind. Ol j mi Ji ui!i.i: uoitit. fol'M """ build, uud luaki to an Jr at I 7,1 Mlxlll' Sura K I i'i A Jlwutiiur ut 4 llfMU-Nivurat. ! U',-" ! -i ihk. sjy--Vai"ii ANinviM tv ku.i.s Ao.1,1 i-lll.l. I 1. i-l - u il li li.t' . .Iliiti ll I l i4lld tli llll I I- 11, lit- Li il' I I" l Uti 1 ml I . Ilieli I ll t. ' Jl llll A.I I . ,"1 H.l 1 'III lull.' Ill till' !l.lp!" lili-lil , t tile o. d al.ili.1 'Ml M llt.il M.,lsilllb.l. III. I) .' I S llll. UM.V MOi: Ull IKU T A rttii.r i 1 111: i.ui i 1 11 ii 1 1. muiii: 1 nit ri. u 1: 111 ill it, J 11 t II li K tt.Ll atlN A I tH I'UuMl At H'llMlt. kl 1111 ll riM 'iU 4111 l H VMUI ll Hl WAMULIi 1 I I lM. Illtl. I I' 14 iio oi. 1 1 I ii. pi .. . ll. .ii ill ii Ii it a 1 ' 1 In I I I' I 1 I' I , .ill 1 1 . 1 1 1-11 I llll, : m 4 4 ' -.411.11 4, Ol I III l I .11 i .4 I "111 I III .1, ' 11 llll- I.I . It I. II.. 1,1., I I 11. j is. c !t. .I. I u 1. ii I ll. 1 ..It til In. ,.i,. I I! . ..a 1. 1 uioili ii. .1 1 o. nun,. 1 l s.n.- 14 i.l.l 11. 1. . I, li.. ap.illli. ul tin' ft! ... .4 tu, 111 il. .11 1 U.HI ......li. i, iil.. llitf I.4.1I. It4 II. .. I o IIW . ...I Vl al. i.l IL. l.s. I la ll.V 1.4.1 III. I . l U Ill4 1.1,1. fil l 4'' lb , PI Hilt it 4 I'- I I' II , Iu Ill u I. I It .4. I 11 lit I, 11) Is J ... 4 it I lH 4 I i. I I .... I'OO ."-II4. ; Il III. I . ,,,.. It ..4 . ll) 4ils. 4 HI-4 "I. I .1 1 ... i , ...... 1 1 44 I l.s . U I I I. , 1 II Oil I4 llll I I.S -, p l.' ., -." a Uul I .4 I I 4 4 1.. 4,. I Ml.l. .11 I.'. 1 1 1 . . I I, 4 J. I 4 I S I . I . I -1 ". ll U -. I I 11 I I ll 14 l.. a I. . . . l.l. u l I .i. .1. I Ul 14 . ll.ii.i, i.i....4 1. i ii.iws4 aui 14,... 1 1 t ' I 1 1.4. 1 .44. t.MU I" , . suj ll I lull I a I 1.1 I f, 4 ....... .0., II I f i.i4 t I ill k folk III. 14, h.au.1,, 1 1' H l"0 ' Ayer's Oathartio Pills, Tor all tho piirpojo. of a Lax.tir Ilsiiiuina. 1 rerhn)). tin one meiii. cinu Is so IllliVOI'nlllly in qun'C't be everybody as a e ailiai lie, nur n- ever uiiv bel'nro su iuiiveri.al j.' 'adapleil Into use, In e'verv.-oiinli'yaiftl aiimn lilt .1,1- -ii-i, lis llm lllllll but uiUi'iat tiiinislive VUU I'iio nbvioiit isj... run I', Ui4t it is a uwiv is ll lllllt mill I I,' Ill,, I'D UlT.li.a !-s-i'!.'" I11-1I i-uiii..il.- ili ni ante nilier. Tlmi.0 ivh.i hava tl led II, know that It cured llieiu ; lli. 1-0 win hava not, know that it cures llieir neixhbors .out i'i-idihIs, and nil know Unit what it doe on.o it dmis ulwitys that It nover tails llmiuail any lunlt or iie,'loi'lof Its euaoiiniliiin. Wtt lime thoii-nu.ls upuii lliou. ssinls 111 eertilleittes of their remarkable cures of tho I'olliiwinii crtmiihiinH, but such eui-es me know n in evcrv neitfhliniliiMiil.and w. need nut inbli-li tliein. Adapted to all inres ami eniiibliniis In all clunaiesj eontaiiiiinr ncillier calninel or any ileb'lsrloiuibtiir, tliev iinv bo taken with, safety by anybody. Their snirai" eo'atlinr pivervcs Ihein cverlVe.h and 111 ikes tlii'in iilensiint to take, 11 hilu beia r mii'ly veirelablil mi harm cnii nrlie fi om their use In any quantity. They operale by llieir powerful Iulliieit. e m tho Internal vUecra to nn ilV the blond nml stimulate it Into heslthv a 'tion iviiiuve Iheob-ilrii 'tioiiiol'lho stninaeli, linive4, llrcr, nml oilier niir ins of tlm lindy, re-liiriiiu tlii-ir invit'il ir aelion to licillli, ami liv iii reetiiiir, wherever lliey cl-t, sikIi ilui'.ini;J nients us nre the llr-t orinlii ol'ili-ea-o. Minute ibnvtioiM in-c given In llio wrnpuor on the box, far the I'uU.nviiij cuiiipbiints, wilt ll tii."e fill raiiultv ctirei For It4ii.isli or nillarcstliin, I.Utlets. tiss. I.iin-imr ami l..i if iiet.i., lliey sliniild hu iiiken imideralely to sliiiinlate I lie atoiu Mi lt und rc-tinc lis health.- tmie and n"tinn. I'or I.lvrr 'iiiiii1iilnl ant Itsvan im symp. touts, lllliiiua llemldi hp. tick Bleilil.lclio, J.iitnilU'i. or 4rirn S)ic-kiiea, llllui.ia Cnllc innl IIIII.iik l evers, they .-Imuld tie j.e ill nul sly t:;Uen l.irc:e"h ease, tneni'ivet the die i-cj action 'r 11 tuns e the nb-tru.'lioiis wlu-'li eau-e il. For .far nl cry or l.ldrrbira, but one mild itn-e Is irenci-iilly ii'iiuirnil. Fur lkheniiiiillsui. IroiiI . Oriii-rl. lit1pW l.ilinn ..f this llrnrt. .in l.l I Ins siolr, llMrk Hint l.iilna, they slnmld be rnminttiuit-ly taken, us rcqiuteil, lo eliainre the iti-c ise.l iieiionof ths sy-tmn. Willi smh change Uiosu coiuplHiats iii-i:'i"'n". For ' jtsr sn I lrolrnl Anr'llngra they sic. ni l be l iken bi laiare inid IVe iitonl dii-.es to pro dice lite clt'e,-t ofa ili-a.ttc. pui';;e. For Hiiiiri asliin n I uyo .lo-e should lie Uitccn . it privla "c. tin- ilc-iie I cfl'eel bv svmn nliv. As a Ittnitrr I'M, lake out. or two I'itla to pre nnitc difrc-tioll and relieve the slnnvii'll. An orea-iiittat itii-s .tinttitutes the stomach nml battels iut, kc-.tttliy aettnn, is--lii-cs llio noestiie, mt'l iiivi,ioralr. the sy-tei,i. Ileuee it Is i.ncn ad vauliiireoits Hhero no si-rion. ilci-ntis'i'incnt exi-ts. One who 1'c ls toleiiililv well, nllrn llmls tli.il u.lme of llic-e I'ilti iii.-ikes him I'cel decidedly lienor, from their eleansiair and rcuvvaUiig cU'eel oii the iiitos tile appai. iiu J. ltii. J. C. .1 l i r. .t CO., l'ranirat ttalili, on:... .It ASS., V. U. A. Marcher,, lSTO.-lr. rUUNlTUKi: 1 rUUMTUHC ! 1 A M.H KTOKIi AT GF.ORGETOV., LOiVr.lt M AIT A NO Y Tuwushlp, NoithuiiihiTiuiid County, Fa. wu.LiAM ni:i;i:ly nAVINCI opened a new Furniture Store at the . liboie place, will cuilai:!'.y ticp ou baud, a large a 11 4 teleet nssiirlmeiit of TU UN ITU HE, Comprisinp; of Parlor an I Chamber Suits, Coueu , Lounges Tables, llnreaus. Cane Seated Chairs of all urj'lo. Km-kiae and Kitchen Chairs, Win li-'.ands, Pedi.tc.ids, ilapanes.', Ci.tliiKc and Half Cottau'c. Lookliij-Ulassen, Window tshades, and in short, rvcryiuinir usually to be fouud in any well-kept Fiiruiiuic blorc, may be had at this e-lablishnient. Hoping, by fair ilcalini; and strlel ntteutlon to business, to' merit Ihe oslronaie of the pillule. An Invitation is cMcndei. tJ all dcsliinif anV,hliK lu tbe line of Furniture to cull and examine my slock. 1'iiilcrf uklug done In nil Its branches. ? Kcjiuiriug doue i.t short notice. J VM. N EG FLY. Georpitown, June 11, 'TO.-ly, A" 01. AJS U l'A 1 .L OrlCN IN O C'T KIW STORE COOnS. A complete ussoi tms.it pf foods are now being opened at MOOHi: & DISSINOEU'S STOItr, llaujt's IP.iililinc;, Market Strcc', tLNIllltY, FLSN'A. Con. i-tine; of CLOTHS ANI) CAStUMKnF. in:?3 GOOFS. Dry loods of eve y l ariely, Noli. ins, Lajies' 1 1 nwib, tieni's 1 i.:u:l.iiij lo'O Is, E.cna,v.M.t!. lotlilns, Woo'.cu P.iaiikcls. Carpets. Oil Ciethi, rr.i'.-ii t.iiocio'.ir.s, Qneeusvare, Willow-Ware, (ilnsswnrc, Jtf., e. Flour unit I'itiI. Call and see their well selrete.l Unck pf the very b.tesl styles, ln-h from the en-tern cities. Price., are lo. '1 liey are .U'.criuincd lo keep up tluir o! I niott'i of ti tea Ki r-s nh Pmi t. PiioriTH. A'l kiuls of c.iniitiy projuee takeu In tx eluae. for eoojs. MOi'hM' A PlttSlNAFR. Sept. C4, HO. .Vorllivru cntrsit Isailviny. " wiNrn; AituANcuMr.NT. ON and alter Jan. In, 1S7I, Irair.s tll run AS folliiVXs I NOKlIlWAIiH. Leave P inbaiy al I..'!, a. tn , anl ' J al Ciiirtn dai;ni y.pi p. in., Mr.,,,ie 7.1 n p. ri., I', 1 lies. . 4. 4 p- ni-, I!iit!'..: V o l p. an., h i-r.'iisi.'n ltiidi;i' t ,'u p. in., Niiiiiit i laiis j V' p. m. L ave Minn ny nt s.,.." p. f., F..mua and P ill. ilo li.i I ia- liann.iT lie, 11 l.iitor 1. Leave .u.l. ai. ut ti -i.l p. 111. Im l liliaiuiport. Mil 1 II VY A Lib I.e. .ve S 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 r v at .'..'. a. 111., nrilvs M Hauls lini i; '1 I '.a. 111., Hall iiii.n. tl. l.'i a. m., I'hU.td- 1- pl.U V aO ,1, HI., W l-llili. .1.11 I II I .' I p. III. I eale Mia! in. 1.1 M.'m in , a'H.e at II ir I i-l .H I u 1.' ,'."lp. 111., P lin,' le l'...ip. n .,tl a. ib'lpbi 1 (' '' p. ui , W iishl.i: l.'ii 1'i.iHl p. in. i.e. lie Million , lil.k',1 a. in., aiii.e at Itatrts bail; I on p. in., U .1 1. 1 1 o 1 i l,j p. iu , l.'MVC I-a 11 'ui v ai I ; iv.i, 11,, m 1 in 1,1 H. .1 in. Iii 1 il ',M!0 .1. in., W .4-li .f i-l. ui 7 10 a. in. II ill lliiol . ttcc-oniiiii. 1 a. in b in s S .u,t. 10 v 5 I a. in., aui.e ul Hanoi ui 7 la a. 111., Ha.lui.uie !s..U p. in. BllAMuKlS I'lYiSlu.N. r isi inn. Leave ',i.!.'ir? al 4 to p 111., atiln. ai haius- k 111 & :.." p. 1 1., Ml. I 1. 11. 1 1 C ii) p. ui. Le.iv. Km. 1. ai) ( v ., .ilini lati. in,) al 115Ja. In , aiuii) al Mi4iii"k 11 I i.i p. in, w rt , 41.ii. I sa.a Vt. Cm 01 I at tea a. ni., aiilve al rti.intt'khi a .'si . 111., Mnihiuy 11 'l.'i a. 111. .. ...il Mi.llll .klll ( i ..MilllliuUlluii, I ( D.4 ,, 111 , mil.. ,! ...lii' 1 4 oil p. in, I I le- , Ii .1. 1 - d ,1 l I 1 l li, 3 1 11 Sal, I 1 . 111114 N.i.lll Oli'l 1.1 I .1.1111 poll. A I olb.'l II I.;.. U.l.J d.lliy, rle. I I tsiiii lals. .V. li. I I - 44 1.. i Ii. is. 01 4..', to n'l, iip't., lisii'l I'... m l 1,1, II.1111O ..1.. r.i. Pa In. ui, V.I (.i ti 1 in; in n i. T Mil', salt.. 1.1. 1 1 uiikoiiiiii-4 I 1 Ihu 1 s.j. hi uf b1ii1b.11 . 1 li , t , I... 1 mi, t,u 11 1 1- 4 !.. 11111 n muii i litis I. I till I.-Ml S I, on Iht is' I 1 ' 1 1, 411 a' 4 4 1.1 ill I 1 1 .0 1 I I I'l In.', l.u I .1 . mi 1 " 1 11. I I . I I I 'on. a .IU 1 all a 'els 1 1 l, ..4 ... it I 4I.S4, u a 44 III, I' tl I. Kl IU. iiini 1 11 nt. 1 i.t tn iithritoa tit 11 rutin, m.,1 a f . 1 b., .f lti 1 1 u.i 1 i.i 11, 1., ., ll" .. ut, I I - i'l.. I ll I'lllllilti'llli I. ,.11 u. I. 4 .ll '.14 -I. ,' OH I I. H i ... I II ,l... ''"I ""' I ' to I 1-4 t iki I I. "Ill l, . .1 1 , ii. .4 1 ii 1 11. 4 1 4 u- e 4 .1 4 .1 , I . I , I, 4 ail lj fti.v k-ol 1 1 I. I.. w I 1.4. Ill i,4 -i iiu il 1 I 1 11. 1 I ul, 4 is .11 I ll 4U4lui..4i. 40 4i ll V I HI IM .. 1.4 1. t I I U . I I . 1.. I li I 4 I . I .. ...1 1 .., ... in 11 1 1. 1., 411. 1 1 . 1 ts ...li t U ...1 I tS!,l..f 4u k .1 J ...4 , ,,i 14 l V U It li 1 i I'uImI. IHU. Uf. i A till' '-i iiu. .4. .. j 4 1 11444. 1 1 4 k i , I ..41 I Ol oil Hi. a. I ..In- ..1.4 li-: I I f ...1.4 uul Ui. 1. 1., I fi wtl., W I l 1.4) I l, .1 Ivl f 4) U .4 Viil 1 f Itradliix Kiiiiroml. WINTER ARRANOEMKNT. Jfomlfti, A'or. lnt, 1870. GREAT TRUNK LINK from- the North m Noith-Vet for Fhiladelpbla, N. Y.,fl"u Or itur, Foltavllle, Tauinqua, Ashland, Shantokiu, Lebauon, Alletitown, Kaston, F.pliriiln, Lili, Lnurnster, Columbia, tie., Ac. Trains leave llnrilsburir for New Tork, ns fot- ' low. 1 At 3.1(1, tMi),iu.;.U 11. tn.,nnd S.bll p.in- eoiinectiiiu: ultli biinilar Train, im tha T" . 'eiiiisylviitibi llnilroa l, ami nriivlii!? nt Near ' York, lit 10.10 n. tu.. il.r,o. 5.&J and 10.ISI a tn. spectjvely. Blccplnu. Cars nccoinpauy tU il.lti n. n , train without ctianire. Iteliiru.iiP 1 Leave M'W 1 oi k nt 0.00 11. in.. ll!.U0uounnu.l5.(i0p.ni., l'lilladelphin nt tt.lS 111. nml s.utl p. III. 1 tsicipiui; Cars nc-onii an?- I11K the (,) p. ui. train trom New Voi'k without cl mn"c. Leave llarrisbtirif for Rend lnt;, rottvllle, T.v- inaqiia. Miitoravlllc, A-liliiml, Miaiiiokin, iMIenlown and I'hihuleli hia ut 8.10 n. tu. Ml uud 4.05 v. in., stoiiplinr nt Lebauon and principal way statl ms i the 4.H5 p. 111., tmiu eonncctliitf lor Philadclldila, I'ottsvillu and Cn- luinina only, mr potts-- lie, Scl.uv k I lav.u nml Auburn, vln HchiiMI ill and rMisqiiehannii iiaiiroait, nave llarrisiui'ir a! it.-tO p. 111. Fast l'entisvlvaiila liailiond inlns leave lieml Init for .Mletitown, Kaston and New Toil, tit .VOO. IU..1II11. III., PJ.4,iNooii and -l.-iali. v. 'Murnliie. leave New York nt turn a. in.. I .'.oj tioon and O.tKI p. in. and AMenlown ul 7.".'0 11. pi. HJ lS noon, -'.;.i, 4 .0 uud M.-t.. p. m. , Way ranseuuer liam bales riiil.iililphln nt 110 a. m.. eonueetiiii: with i linilar train 1 11 F iat Fcnna. linllioad. rcturiiim; trom li.adini; at li.k'C 111., stoppim; at all Millions. Leave Pollsville ul IMM 11. in. nul C.lil p. tn. llerudoii at 10.1) a. in., MianioUhi ct a In an.! 11. .0 a, in. 1 Ashland at 7.O.. a. in., uud t'..M 110011; Mahaiioy City at 7.,"1 a. in. uinl l.u.'i p. -n Taniaitua al ei.tilt 11. in. and ','. l'J p. 111. lot Fblladelphia, New Y01I;, Kcatliui,, Hariiluiit, .ve. Leave Fottsville vln Sclim 11,111 mid Mis ino- liaumi Railroad ut tt.l.Vn. in. lor llurritb'.ti .;, i.ui U'.tl.S noon, for Pine tiroxc und Treiuont. Fiiiiliiiu" AeciiiniiMilatiou Train leaves Potts, Mile at ft.40 a. In., p:ises Itcnlinj; at T.'.M a. 111. on ivmir ul Fbiladcli bin at IO.U'0 . m.. rctar'ili.if leaves Phil idelphia at 4. la p. tn., assii'C Head tn ir at T.s'.ip.m.arriiiiii; nt Pottsi ille at U.tn p.m. l'olt-towu Aecommoiiatlou Truln leans potts tow 11 at 7.UJ a. ui., I'ltiiiiili: l.aM 5 I'lnotO p'oin at 4.00 p. 111 Columbia Itallroad Trains leave Rc.idieif at 7.'M . 111.. and b.la p. m. lor Fphii.lu, Litii, Laueasler, Colunibia, iV.e. Pcikioiucn Kali Load Tialns leave Perklouiou" .'auction ui 7.4."i, H.ti.'ia. 111., al ll.i'J an I :...i p. in. l'luniiin,',k'Ue l buctiks. ille c,t 7.1' '.s.'.Vu. m., 1 .'.a0 noon : ud 4. till p. in. connect .1; with 1 i.nllar trains 011 ilea lint; K ill li m.I. Colcbrookdale llai'i-oad 'I rains leave Pollstown lit y.40 a. 111., and L.'-'O p. 111., iiUouiiii; leave Mt. Fle.t'uiit at 7.0.1 and It.".1', a. la., eonucc'.inx; witU ninil.ir trains en K-n lnnr liailioad. Chester Vullcy Kaiiio .J l rains le,ive uridso ort ul S.liO a. in., a.t-Jian I 0.0 1 p. m. i tnrnim;, leave Ibmainkloii at 0..'a a. 111., U'. I.'j noon mid 5. 15 p. tn. lumivi'liiii. w itii -i.uilal' tin in.- en Kind- Inc, Uiiilroad. tin aun.lay 1 Leave New Yrtk i.t S.IV p. tn., PhilaJuiphia at K.e.i a. 1.:. and p. 1.1.. file B.l'tl a. 111. ti 1111 iiiuuiiiv only lo lo t in. : ien Pottsviileal f..oi.a. 111., 11 a.e' Hal ,..-!.. 11 ll.Uia. 111., uud 4. 011 pi in.: leave All. 1,1,01 u : I S :'. p. tu. leave lle.nlin at 7.1a a. 111. and 1.1. , 1 p. in. 1't.r llari isbur, at a. I'll a. in. lor Ni c !;, uud al U.-Ht 11. 111. und 4. p. in. loi Pliilaik :',!. Coliiiuutiil ion. Miicat;, ! .'as.'ii, b-.b-.m! ani Fxelll'sioil '1 i.'Uets, to .li.d fioluilli points at 10 (lller I lutes. Hassan elieekej lliro'.inh 1 10'' Foi'.'aij Ur.g gaca uliuwed iucU Pai.telik.er. U. A. N1COL1.P, Clitivi.it t-.n'.-i iiits-iiiti tit FUllsiiit-lphiH huiI l.rle I'-aili onj. WINTtK TiMi: TAIU.E. On and after Mondsy, Nov. Slst, Tra'.ia vu the I'hiiadeipbiu A Kiiv Uul inn as ful.utssi WltSTWAKD. Wall Train leaves Fliila lelpLU, " " " Siiubtiiy, " " arr at F.i n Vile Eiipreus Ituv.s Plii'n.lev hia, .. .. .. u'.ibtir-, " " an ni F i. , Xliulra Mali leaves Pl.l adc'pMii, " " " ('4iil''.oy, " orr nt 1. .. k Haven, i: U-TVV.U.D. Vsii Tiain lesr.s Frle. " " " eaiibiitv, " " arr at phl.adv'l.l'.ii, Erie Harness Ic-itch ':., " " " .siiiMit y. " " nrr at l'ni a.le ; !:!a, Fliiiirn MkII Idles Lock 11 tieu, " " " Minbiiry, " " urr al I'liiiaile ) lr.i, ui!o Kipre. Icaies Willuiat y ji '., " " biliil aiv, " " arr at Pli. a I I; h;s, Fxpress, Mall and Aeciii,ii-.i'i..t'.-n: U7J, tie 'Il.J il 0. 4? y m 4,r.;. n m 7.1 1 p in l'u'.-M l III C-! 1 p 1:1 ".-! a ui VU' a m 4.". .. p : 'i.s' 1 IU V.C? a in Is lo a 111 ti .',0 a in tl.oo p ui 1. v.o a ui M. 1 p tn t ...'i a ui 1 I.i '. 11 ul .'..10 p in 1 '.'"..' a m 'J.i.'i a m O..U) 11 m 1:1 t ni d West, .-oniiirl ut Cm v an I ill u.-l I ,i,m I tiaii laud Mall and Aecin.ml o u,;i 1 ol nt li.i,.t 'li with Ull ti' al Al.ei.1 euv l.ii.T llaiooad. t M.'.t. I! A! IH. IN, t;. i.'i s- ip't. a.Mchnvt (Uiuit ouil ITIuouikbur,; li.sli- I'Oll'l. rCMXttn ARKAN'tiLV.l NT OF F.'.S.-kNiiKI. 1 UAIN. ', .In y I .".!, IHM. 'F I 111. Ab'.i. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. G 4.1 b ; '. ',i 1 1 1 .'. I. 1 1 ll i ii ', :. : 1 i s ti 1.: u t .'. s 1 1 is 7 oi. y ",i :, ; .. 1 1.7 7i S r. ' 10 1 i. 1 . 1 ; a 7 pi 1 1 :, 1. 1 t 7 ii 4 10 to ii I'. 1 ! S I 1 i. L 1 .' I-.' I IS 7 4S 1 J t, K I 1 A t' 4 7 V. t '- IJ : 1: I 1 s 1 1 7 r 111 I 1 " ! .',- 4 IS 7 : ' I H I I 7 1 1 ' s. .'. 1 ,S IS 7 ,',01 s. SI 4 s.' n ui '.1 e ' "? i . o :s ! S I '. 1,1 1 .1 .1 f. I u ; ,s J Is 11 I ' Leal. 8 r.nilmi, It.'lliVl.c, 1 i Vi ilia, I n knaiu.na, P a.- ai, V.sl 'iltll)tl, VI IsIiiiiij;, Vl I by, Ri..:!ton, A I St. I1.11.11 te'is P 1 11, out h J aiii". i r inn, ulli, Nai.l.eoke, 1 rl.iiiloik's. Mild shoiliV, n ,l.'.s Pel I V, 1 n- .. I. ibiioii, I s, i, k. I w illoa liro.s, I Mi 1 il t u. k, Lime l.l li;.-, I I I , , h. ooni biuir, I IC'..l. I 1 1 l,l ..11, I l mill e. I'l is ll k). Si'iiu'd, (iilv. I to I.'. 1 1.'' N 1 11, 1 l, u;i. V M I f.i.e. j I l I. Ll III i4, I I t 41141 I. .11, t I. , l.k ., : ll.il... .. I l a' i ' .. 'a, I! i.it. ' ll . ,. ,.,..irf I I ui, I, IJ '.". II I .' I. 1 1 II I II. I S I" l" ' lli ... II 1 .4, 1 t 1 1 1 a 1 . -. I. 4.4, 1 u I i.l. II 111 I, a 4 I. ni, V M ' i 1 I. I. !, . s I 1 S ' I . ' - . .' 1 ii 1 ' i .1 t . Kill tn 1 1 i . . i . f 1 I . ti tt .ti' ,..ii. i.i ! 44 4 . . Ills I V ( si.it,. I . , I ' 4.1 4 1 . I I , . I, 4 . I . I I . . I I I V 1 I .11.11 v 1 a 1 I ills I I- . I ' 4 1 1 . !i 4 I I 1 11 I I I I' I I I . 1 ... , I , I ll I l.l i kuo 4 .l.no' , . il'i, on- i. , 1. ,. 1 1 , ll .l .iH . I u, A I I' "I. . I' . . .1 . 4 , 4 t ., .1 ll, k 1 44111.1, (I H lo l I I 4 (I I I I a tl I ..- '4 i I li' ' t I I ll .". . ,u A I Il4 I 1 A I - I ik .1 . i .1 i 1 bulk J J' 1 .-I A fc 1 .-o.at, W ... IM rau1 Uk 1 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers