"Lis I Sttnbnrii American. H. B. MASSER, C. WILVEHT. Editors. SUDBURY, FBIMIUAUT 23, 1871. L -. J " ' ' ' The Black Creek Coat. Keoion. The completion of the new rnilrosul from this placo to llareltrtu, has furnished nn cutlet for the coal of the Black Creek basin which Is a section of the Iitliigli basin, separated from the. Eastern market by ft diviJiopr lielge. The Big Black Creek basin Is 12 miles long, find averages about a lio.1T mile in width. The Little Black Creek basin is a continuation north about seven miles long and about three eighths of n mile, wide. There fire three, or four epeniugf) recently made by Mr. Beubcn Hotlicrnitl, of Pliiladelphia.oueof the most experienced nud reliable coal operators of the Schuylkill region. Sonic twinty tons of this coal readied this place last week, nnd has given great satisfaction in its heating qualities, nnd its almost entire freedom from slate. This coal mustseck an outlet by moans of the Danville, Hazelton & AViikcsbnrru Knilroad which connects at this place, with the Northern Contraband rhiiadt lphia & Erie Then Is no louger any doubt that tl.o coal from this basin will be carried to Baltimore aud the intervening markets, and in L'.v years grow up into a vast trade, to say nothing of the trade over the Erie road from this place. This nlono will be sutii cient to make the new road from I his pls.ee to Hazelton, one of the hist and meet proii tablo roads in the state. The Democrat attempts a reply to a short article in our previous issue on the "Ohor pcnn'tig claim," a mail contractor and a friend of Buchanan &. Co., dining his ad ministration. The reply does cot meet the chargo madebut attempts to excuse the Demo cratic P.ssociates of Chorpuining by tho suppression of the main la-.ts, and by im plicating Republicans who had nothing to do with the transaction originally. tr. Cessna being the -Representative of Mr. Chorpening's district, urged the claim, it is true, but on the represental ions of Judge Black nud others who certified to its cor rectness. But Mr. Cessna did not remain silent on the subject, but in a spueeh next day exposed the, whole matter with the records of Mr. Buchanan's Approval, as well ns the recommendations of Judge Black nnd other leaders of his administration. The cvasivo denial of the Democrat may serve its purpose, but cannot deceive intel ligent readers. The Washington Carnival. Ou Monday Washington City witnessed a rare eight, funny enough called a carnival, on Pennsylvania avenue. It was the formal opening of that great thoroughfare with its tplcndid new Nicolson pavuneut. The ttreet was handsomely decorated, and the sidewalks on either side were crowded with people, largo numbers of tlicra strangers. The weather was all that could be desired. The city was crowded with strangers and the general enjoyment was great. The carnival was continued on Tuesday. The President aud fumily were spectators. Such a scene, from its uniquenessattraefed great ettcution. The number of fast nags and gay parties was countless. The entire avenue from one tiiel to the other, was in a Maze of glory. "The TVorkingmeu's Beuevolert Asso ciation aud other combinations of laborers who get up 'strikes" in the coal mines and other places, are in our judgment the fruits of political demagogues, and do everybody harm, nnd none less thau the pour strikers themcu'ves who are constantly kept in a btate of excitement and uncertainly, nnd who duriug the strikes eoiiMimu or stpiau der all they posses, whilst the whole trou ble arises from a set of demagogues who are using tbem fur political purposes." The above is from the Selimgrove 77mcp, the orgiui of the Denioeraey of Snyder County. What is remarkable, is the fact that the strikers are nearly all democrats, nud are controlled by democrats, lu this county, and in nil mining counties, lb? iiiwvili i' ti, i,-. v.o i,.,,t ' foMy by rccruiij iVcm bv lTi--l:-1 4 i'vi m t-!ll:,i, . strikers aud demaoir:), -s u ho lead them. Eaixtv ol-- ma Ti.-wSj:-m.e. The Ten nessee, which cariied out the- s;m Domingo Comuiissioi!er, fvr 1! re was stub Kreat utixivty l'.-li fur te writ i weeks past, has been heard f.'oiu. The jovi'nl iiiteiliuence other safety was brought (.j New York on Monday l:..t. by ihenann r Noi'.h Am-.ii-I'H f:-"iii Brazil. Tho Teiu.i.-h' a arrivia itfu at fan D i, iuu with theC;r.iniis:.io i ns. Jivery one couneeti 1 w ith the party iu I'Xce il..nl health. '1 !.is puts titieuJt i a'.l further ciinjcvturo on '.he bubj,v-t. A San Ilinlno IvlivT'im, lUled toe 3d Inst, lays ! "A lull invev tv itiori r:Ud un t'.e OWi.vrsUip e. I:, nil u roil ud I -l. -iei .V d liiai no United .' i.rei o'i, eil is ...v'U-t'd lu Hliy pi'i;aie li'an&aeliini wl.atei r. 't in Colli!:. .u.iou lalnltil In ic I ) 1 1 looiuin;' l'lid vro iorinaliv I'eeeiveil l.y i . "Air. W'aeln i xpliiiiinl tin ii' char if ",. and obj'jct. ii.icz uiul W t'al'ini l pie thuu a ciiidul ut'li'oii.e. I!i". .ii.liue tlul a klubtu J;'. e I lilin nt oii',l . ;low a Union Willi tho Unite I Mat. . '1 lie people 1 Wert) all UllXlui.. lor the laooo t'al lal hiol lio 1 loiouin aon with liioi. 'i'pe coi,iii.ai'.. I lit in ii. ii I'Ti o no ,-i;;. , ..ua iu t. ni- i Uiaud vi. To J!-.yt:-ii., and II ii v. .ik ll.t- JV1 lllOM f ill llo W I.. "Jl- !'U- . ,1 !.- U.'.ht,l-.U Vtull'.l (Nail. I loll.Ui il to l i. Ij I i , he parly :. j.ot t-'iiriiQi in t! a, j l.i i la d thll'. Iltl i:u i p . i. a.o i'. ; le tl. .t 1 1 .ti l i.i- .1..; a. I Lias . , and lilt i.iiy . i ill,- ol j i li.u i-. ion ti. nt 'I . ' 1 0..1.1. . i u , 1 .Il i. . i I 4ri nr r 'i --. r ,. "Tl.u t'wi.i i.i .. .. .,.! ii la 1 1 il M. n0i r, an I ( i .1 ai h v . u A. uai.i xim k. 'i tn. ( iiuiiii' .i i i li.n i.-l l-j ul.i' i Ji f Ii hi ,. la ii'i-nii i i. I,- v. . j'. . Tl.u ti' it u -up ni l i io.iiiiL.4t. i , i.i 11. J tip 'I I i I tin I i.-'-aMo i ., n.i ii.i v ii hv j'.n ;u (Kit il I I. In O IU I ta u:.il iu . V u- ia ut M mi i tu . ii ini i m Mi nil.', I n i "in os ll.i mibIi iin n,s ,s to ia an 1 I.." jI l)inj nu II i il s'l li.uit uj I' I' ii.i - u ii, .i i to j j,. . I, isl. j 4, l b.-. . 4 ,j I I. ,11., 1 i. -M J. Il i Im .,, j inaiMl U.u - K ! t wu, u.4 n. -i lsu',1 n.. iii t, t I u i it I ii Ponoo Between franco anHlruj- Mill New YoitK, Teh. 20. A TTirahl special says, it is known In London that nn active intrigue is proceed ing in Berlin, having for its object the neutralization of Saxony in tho event of the war talkiug a new direction. Mr. O.lo Russell has forwarded nd vices to the British government from Versailles, in which ho assures the (fueen's ministers that the con clusion of peace between France nnd Prus sia is absolutely certain, but that the enrly inception of a revolutionary warlike move ment in the south of Europe is highly pro bable. London, Feb. 1!. Mr. A. A. Adee, Secretary of Legation to the 'United Stale Embassy in Madrid, who arrived In this city a few days since from the Spanish eapitol, took his departure from England yesterday (Saturday) on board a steamer for New" York, lie will proceed direct to Washington as bearer of special dispatches from Major General Sickles, United Stales Minister, to Presi dent Grant. It is understood that the State papers which he carriers contain ollicial information of the entire nnd sat isfactory settlement by the Spanish gov ernment, of all claims ngaiusl that kingdom arising from circumstances connected w ith the Cuban war. It is understood that the question of the purchase of Cuba by the United States Is not mooted in the docu ment : at the same time it is assured that Spain is better dispo.-ed at the present moment to treat iih the Exentivc at Washington on that subject consider ately nnd with patience thau at any time heretofore. Faiik, Feb. 10. Tho appointment of Thiers as chief exeutivo of the natian is well received in Paris and the jonrnnls generally approve the election of Grevy to the Presidency of the Assembly. Trocbu will go to Bordeaux to resign his o.Tccutivi.' functions, and take a seat in the Assem bly. Letters have been received from sever nl Deputies now at Bordeaux, declaring that thev desire peace, but if the conditions are;exorbitHiil, they will eio their duty. BoiiDKArx, Feb. 10. In the Assembly to-day the formation of a hew Ministry was announced, ns follows : Dufaure Minister of Justice; Favrc, Foreign Afiairs ; Pienrd, Interior ; Simon, Public Instruction ; Lambreeht, Cotn roeroc ;I.el!o, War; Polthuan, Marine. The Finance Minister was not named, though it is understood he has been np pointed, and his name will be made public as soon ns he arrives in Bordeaux. Thiers will undertake the duties of no special Ministry, that he may the better apply himself to the superintendence of ulnars in general. Berlin, Feb. 10. Xflpclcon has receiv ed a noli Heat ion not to again overstep the the. privileges of a prisone r, and to abstain from mlerterence in politics by protests or proclamations. Orders have been giveu to watch him closely. Veissaillf-s Feb. 19. Theru is not the slightest doubt in high quarters, since Favre's return, regarding final peace. The French forces now in the tieiaarens follows : With Chnn:-,v, 120,0'JU, well equipped and armed ; lllo.OOO with Faid herlle ; 'JO, W0 at Cherbourg, aud 40,000 at Havre, in bad condi-tiou. Pai is, Feb. 10. The Fntrie thinks that the prospects of peace are improving. It is said that the armistice will be prolong ed until March 1st. The. total war contribution required by the Germans from the eitv of Paris has been advanced by the Bauk of France. T!i 3 French newspapers everywhere repel the idea of the etcssiou of territory. J.n Liberte says a durable peace on such condi tions is impossible. 1'Aitis, Feb. 1,).Npw elections will be held in Paris on March 1 and 5. The Conservatives are preparing a carefully se leeteel list of candidates. The mayor of the eleventh nrrondissc mcnt made a speech, expressing a hope that theru was a mutual unilerstandiner among the Deputies elected to the Assem bly that France sb-mld remain a republic. This was received with cries of'I.ong live the Republic !" "Down wiih Orleans !"' It is announced that Gainbe tta has been elected to represent fslrasburg iu the. As sembly. The Palais Rsyal has been designated as the future roidence of President Thieis, and workmi u are buisily engage! in put ting it in order lor his lcceptioir. London, Feb. J. The 'J'imes says New York committees sent yttt relay by cable transfer .C!0,0"0 for the sutlciing people of France, accompanied by a request that Benin mill Moral!, Hugh McCulloch, Rus sell SturgM and J. is. Morgan act as the London commit tee. Tin: lhvbj Xirs says Gen. FaUlhcrbo's Troops coutiuue to embark at Dunkirk for Cherbourg. TltOCUL' OITOSFS THE O RUM AN ENTTiV IV TO I'AKIS. a letter i:-om c-tiK-rai i roeiiu eoiuieimis . . . ' .... eniians into l'aris. Jle s-ivs I'aris has deserved the j he'iiors of War, ami advises her ta chut her I ates and let the enemy open them with cannon. I The Kemova! of the f Jove runu nt to Touts j or l'.Inis is tim'h talked about, but there is I ivallv no belief iu its probability. Ai'i. r j toe ileelaralion of peace tho National As emb!y II prorogue it:i sittings, and upm i le-l-S"i!.l'lln..; will meet i:! l'ars. A do'patrli Irani Coie '.ai.'.i'acp'e tays the I'oi o- b.'n reee'ti: :' 1 t'.o l.v .y rK-ue.il i ( o' vneni ii. i Jt is ri p Mod Hint M. l!ai:d. l.a-i been opo.iit(".l repp.-sctitanve i-f .! ranee nt the l;!-u I. st a ( 'olileU i ice iu J .'Ulih-n. 1'AlMS l'eb. -21.- M. M. Thiers audi j I'm iv. bav.' iinivid l.eie, an I iio lo 'or- j failles to-U;onov. It li nii.ei.t ly l.i'eilj tli'.tt I'lvie has written tv C.M.t.t JiiMiWlck j ; lint Thill'-, i tu-lioil'jW r.2j eisaii- l.'tjji! i i :i (r :itv f Puiio may .. i, i.-.l'. 1. 1 1 V .v. ml. ' v ..n v .i..i". i I 1.1.1 -I.VMs.1loS I'F GENT HAL UIANY. i Ali-:v-, lYh. '. Ih io itM ( h-nizv hi " I I 'Hi .1 l p' an I 1MVH!'. to t'u. Air. y i I' tl.a ! I. i.i'C, i.i v. h u ho lu t'i -, the tl ni'i -i tn pat '. ii'l.u. i i iv-t I j ! I:' uii'l m l.l '. : -i (la' H I I ' 0 '' ' ant can. 1 10 ill nulli li: I I V 1 the tain- i ! ti I II') :iio I'm.' r i ii ai e, it .ii iM lliu ln.l II11I11-. I.I.M.OS, IM.. ... - e T v i( t, hs ii i Nil ih si-itrh Iimii Mail:'.. I us H.".Mv 'I In- i l- i ii id ' j -mi , ilai ;i r- i.-'y .11 i. I. i.i: al V It it r. ami h it lain it I i i' i i n III, lit I'll i ill. i lit. Ihr i.i'' i e-aiill li'l to '' . . '.i i il i teops Ml.) t, , ,, all tu J .t ill . '. I .i.si -sai. iic i al l l.iivu .il lal i u litln e list- .ly. I 1 old le'1 , I i'i. -Tim 'I iiiiii.,,11 I iiV . , , a- l.i-'l 1 11 lt, hi,, n' ,,, U1. Ii.-r io.ua. i.mu., aa ( ,,.,,ui, , ,a t ,v t f I In.ej V" ho In. In M t. il'..,tl, Wll iU iu'.!a:i u.i ;,u;l!ii ,, J lilt It 111,1 II ill. V I. I lo.'i ll .11 I'i n Ii' n. III hill lVl'1 ll'i.l .'I t I I U. l J.f 1. I. l.l. 1.. I, ill I III I I II IV' 11 1.. 1 Ti 111 ! iy I...I l li. w. I 'I.e. I i .t r 1 V l' ..iiin.i.. 1 1! 4'iO. 1 I..U llllli' Ll lit illi.111 I.S Mil. 'ti k . . 1 . . . . 1 ... I 1 .1 I A K1.H ..11 . . o'l, I 1 I la 1 I , ., I 1 nl U o t r i'. .. 1.1 .Ii 1 .iii .1 ; . .ov 1. ..I ,,(. 4'o, I t , sliil IU li.oii.u mn.' Mil ol.. . -Still... II. ..g , H i, ll.ll l. .it slid THE TEST OATH It II IT, A I, Ill I.I,. Messagb ot the President. Washington, Feb. 15. The following 1b the message, of the President vetoing the roi-ipjil fif'ili.i (jut finlli hill ' 'lb the Scnntcnmlll'iwcnfKyrfscntah-cg: I I have this elay transmitted to the Senate , ibr. n:ihrtiiiw..M,,.ni itn.t it,,, sinf.. Mil m i 218, nu net prfscriblng the oath of ollieers , hit tnkii hv nrnmtia whn ,.,.i ,n f ,.,i in the late rebellion, but who are not disquali- line! from lioldiliL' office bv the IWli-entli amendment of tho Constitution of the United States, has becoiiin i 'w in the manner prescribed by the Ce ''n wit li mit tho signature of the Pres. 'if this were a bill for the repeal of tie oath, required of persons elected or n, -inted to ollieers of honor or trust it would' Ihecl my apt rovnl. The effect of the law, however, is to relieve from taking a nrescrilwel oath all those persons wfiom It was intended to exclude from such oDIc-rs snd to require it from nil others. By this law the soldier ' v no tougiit anet hieii lor his country h to swear to his loyalty before assuming eflicial ! whelming nnd unprecedented in number functions, whilst the general who com-land strength of signatures. Tho loeal manded hosts for the overthrow of this j option bill is urged by at least a hundred coverumtut is admitted to place without i thousand petitioners, whose memorials nre it. 1 cannot arlis nynametoa nw which ! now on tile in both houses. No measure discriminates against the upholder of his I was evermore strongly supported by the government. 1 believe, howeve r, that it is w ill of the people, expressed directly nnd not wise policy to keep from ofllce by an , emphatically to their servants at llarris oalli thoso who are the choice! of "legal ! burg. Nutc Journal. voters; but whilst relieving t hem o,an eadi ! which they cannot take, I recommend the release, also,of those to whom the oath has no application. (Signed) U. P. (!n A XT. Lxkcutivi: Mansion-, l'cl), K, 1671. T!te Ikuklnv I'.xplsin the Cnuicoi their loiiiK. It AT.KIOII, l'eb. 10. The following Ki- j klux docnuie'i'.t was left on the person of .1... i -i I. . .; .1 t . w ! tnu j-.me. yn,, w as ucu nan am i, "on, , .... t, w .... J look out the ten neeroe s iu Union county to lynch them on Sunday l:iht. last : Taken by habeas corpus, in silence nru! iu secresy. Thought has bvti working, anil. Hit' beniunanletlieienev ol concealment I speaks for itelf. Once auain have we been ibrceel by force to use force. Jutic"! was lame, nnd she. had to lean upon uh. Infor mation having been obtained that a doubt ing Thomas, the .Iiuli:e the iuferior of nothing, the superior of not hi;?;;, and of consteiuence the equal of nothing wlio has neither eye to see to the scars of oppression, nor ear to lienr the cause ol humanity, even Iheaiiih he wears the judicial silk had or tieaed some iniilty prisoners from here to the city of Columbia, and of injustice and prejudice for an untair trial of lit'', thus clutching at llie wheelspokes of eh stiny, tlien this thinjj was created and projected. ouierwise it never wouui have tuen. NVe yield to the inevit ible aud inexorable ami net this the best. 'Let not thy i ii;ht band know wlmt thy k ll hmid e.'oeih' k our motto. c want peace ; bi't tiiir can not, be till juM ice return. We want and will have justice ; but this cannot be till the bloody liLiht of freedom is foii;;ht. Until then the Moloch inieiuitv will have his rihta, even if the tnarshall must have his martvr. K. K. IC. Governor Scott has advised the appoint ment of a Legislative committee of three, without regard to party, to visit the Presi dent and represent to him the condition ef affairs in this State, and reijuest snllicient force of troops to protect life atiel property aud to enforce the civil law. Another case of lynching is looked for in York county, where a number cf yero nimdereis arc coulincd iu jail. Skvkxtv-tiiuijk thousand horses vera slaughtered and eaten iu lma during il.c siee. TiiEnnnr? 10,000 attorneys in London. Mi::i:i:r.iof the Idaho Legislature vary tl.o monotony uf debate by bhyiuj; ink stands at each other's heads. Tin-: annual report of the board of direc tors of the 1'cnnsylvania Institution for the ileal' and dumb, for 1S70, shown that the number of pupils in the school on the 3 st of lJecetnbcr last was ilU ll'.l boys and 1)1 jrirl. They came from various parts of the United Stales, but principally from Penn sylvania. (!ov. Geary has appointed Henry South er, Ksq., of Llk comity, the additional law judjre for Schuylkill county. Mr. Souther .vas formerly a nicmVe r of the State Ucnutu ami serveel a term of three years. Nearly the entire village of Tioua, this State, is reported to have been eies troycel by fire, ou Thursday morning la.it. About forty builiiiuj were buru ed, including (i;e bank, two Churches, two hotels, and u large number of stores and residences. An ce-centric citizen of St. Louis died re cently, anet left in bis will fl.OUU to a Man who, 10 years More, had run awa with his wile." One of the last things be said was that be neve r farsoi a favor." OwiN.i t i the r.ant eif work, a larn-j number of h ind-i b ivi l e-.m suspeiided at the Milton Car Work, lately. Govrnxoii Gi ahy litis signed tin death warrant of Lloul Uritlon. convicted of tho murder of .lacub Uay ut Wlhiainspoit, the t'.e. clltiou to take piacu M.tivh -JJ.I. Articles -.of inn caelum nt a.'aii ,,.,.,., Clayton, ( !' Ai kat.:i-, have ihxii uiioj.ml in tl.o l'jvi r liulic ! llt lA'U!.lllH'v,e:liul jiltjj him w iili iii:i!ie.-iutily uioi u:i!au itiily con - sjiii-i.1 to iK'privc the' Lie Hi, u.ilil-t.iiveinor i 1 I. IS eilaio, nml the pi'o.-p.-i-l i tll'L I ho .hi l-i s d'lho Sii;.lrltio l',.iiM id' t':u Mnt v:llhi ih.all with, i;Mi.iili:i'.eiv, in t:a.-ninr . . . . i i .i i i i , i iiialil.n. Jue t.iniin. i' l,v.y, Innl it b ail.ia lx'inijvitl lloul tn" af-ci'al, Mid is f.ii'l I" bwtar.u ' in tvia 'l-l y a.-. uilIU ti 'i'i. 'i vil.oin i.j e.m .el tn .-i-rve. U'llii Li -ii'.:i'.i:ii! l.l si IV. -rll :iiiil :l fur 'h. f bupiii -im.nl to nu m l tn tiu'i'Viiorati; tho l.i w t-.i.ui',.', Ce til t o ainl ; ei I'n-i'k l' ilia .nl toinpi.iiy, upi'invi el April U.l'ill. uiltloii iziiii; ihi- i-suiii' id 1" i In, aiol he- ! 1 niin;; t h.uih; hy nn'ii-u 'i-, i;ivin ? nu-1 ! .h ii iu In ilii-u umi Ihn e-.ti u.il st rk. liKiiii! ! Ihu turn e l' id llil'i i lu' a In Cull-ll'llTo !l tl.o ixti ii -iim of Hum ii. i, nun aiii inn itin; the I'oil'i In lUuvtllu. U :m lui . ts Aliol'T Ciil.l l'( 'I IVO. uphill hlihilie -s- - ut I '1 lio 1'illn.i II '' In. Ill ull - ll-eli.i Wis I .id . i hat 'o 1 fill i'.:iu i x.u lly : "l.'H ivii l: :i tiki i Hi i.i.i I ii ! iilal -a. d I mv.'I.M Ii.iV Hill ei iit ,. u l.n iiieeil ;. l. v c a bl ho t llv , . I i. it l o .1 ir.i'.ii S'.tiii'la.v i.i;; ;.i i i.' lie- n.:"i ili.-il. i-u i imii.I I .ty lis in :i i! i) ni tii i. a', I Vi- Vll'IO (""II. ( 'a. l li.U ll..; HI M 111 Wl- 111 VI I 11. ill.' A I,' l III I' Nil 111 llU Vii'lllil H-I'.lo .11 silt ill. I .i,i, t.i .-. AliiUC Ii I in ilu- oil. In il, ii ;.,. i n i., uu.'n-. I i n. At. ..ll it '' he ilai ii t I ..id I.. h"i ui in ti. I , . I . .- il I '. - ill.' lit V ll ll IV 111 i it In II S.l.i . , "Il ! I ti o .1 hi I. a- ii- t h , i il i'i v .i linn. Si i' r . i I 1 1., v ' . oi l i i. 'I la Im II h li h t Ii sin . .1 I 1 . I mi 1 1, ., h . Il ( l '.1 1. 1 . I Ll' In lii.ialhi ii ;'i al I. a ol.. I i.ii i, ..', lot Ml) 1. t; nu 11 I - lll.'l IliM, l.., 111 I i H .1 I ll! US ul 1 . Mil .14 ll 41.1, A III. 1 I. V t . I. till I 'o " I i ' i 1 t . iin I U. I Lu, l I l.'OIS - , ... I'.M. ..,l ,'1 I .. I I .. I ''lit. l I is, I I 4i I hit t. 1 , ill. ." 1 1 11 4 f Villi; , ,'., ,1 1,1 I ..... i I, 111 1 1. . si ii'iiwni, . 1 1 ii ti. 1 . 11 1I.1 I 1 .1. t ill il t infi ll . l .1 i Hi ll I l.l. Ii ill Ii.i I. v U ' 1 1 .1 . .,, 1 I l 1 ..II is , I I'I b. til 4 SU'N-'I illf I, .. .' t . It I. .41 .14 I . .1 t. f mo I 1 I ..411 1 III- I i.'al.-i- i.m Ui n iii 1 1 ,m ;!,!. ii Iliu-'is tin I I. a l tl.u I i-..4.i i 1 I I' N wli' al f i t bi lli tl & m1 wsnw 4 iu Ian l) ll.'s aasin lu ' II.4I4 11 NOETHl'MBErtLAND CoUNTT COAL TnADE. The following collircics are nmv nt work : Cameron, Bear Valley, Burnsidc, Frank Gowen, Clinton, Henry Clay, Buck luetic, iiig Mountain, Lancaster iNo. 2, Hickory Swamp, Bendy, Greenback celsior, Locust Gap, Coal Mountain, Bendy, Greenback, t.x- Uoai Bulge, mm htunrlvillc-se)ineevenuen in number, producing about OOOcnrs per day, or o'l nn nverai;o about JO cars to a colliery. None of these collieries are working up to l,ll,,r ful1 cnpacity, and tho greater number nre probably not doing more than half a business. The daily shipments, nt tho present time run something near as follows : Over the N. C. 11. W., about 400 cars. . & T. R. It. X li. It. U. 15 " 600 cars. Total, Shttnuikm Herald The petitions for the prohibition of the sale ol intoxicating liquors which have come into mo Legislature this winter are over Aladama has outstripped anv southern State in the number of miles ")f railroad built since the war. Alabama has built U'.IO miles Georgia 2:U, Tennessee loo, Texas 1:!:?, North C arolina lbi, Couth Carolina 1-JH, Vii'L'inia 101, Mississippi 123, Arkan sas DO, Florida 44, Vortv Yeahs' Kxrr.niEMCE have test ed Vic virtues of Dr. WiVtur's Buham of Wild C'k'it', and it is now senc rally ac- kuoldced to be tho hat temedy extant for , a , difj0!W,s-. ctnbraci.lg the wliole range from a slight cold to a set tled eonsumpf'.rti), ere it not for its me ritt, it wot: Id long since have "died, aud made no sign." ificto Afcbcrtiscmcnt. n- xv I--iic .ii. Bj vrly A Iloniperlj-'H Excolslor ClaK lerj oTArt, Tliird Mreet, Nunbury, I'll. MR. I5YEKLY has lately a ided to l'.ls alre.-idy well es.taljlistic.1 reputatien, Le fcr"ir(' of Mr. M. H. Htmperly whose rcl-ui.ution r.t a pho tuiaptiic operator, stands unrivaled in this pint of I lie country, and hereafter they will can v on the phoMerrMplilc trade, nt the 'old stanl Unde rlie linn name of Byerly k llempe'ly's EreeN!"-.-(iiillery ol An, Ht whu rliiblisliniiint lie; puh lie will Ij.s cheerfully nceoiniiiodiiled ttiruujjliout the whole line of photography. l'or I'lmtu'raphs of all ! le nnd lizes raiu; !v.'.r from the small Gem to the lift: .sizo poitruil. t:o f i ByerlviNc ltemperly. For the beautiful porcelain picture whkh for softni'MS of tinih, and duratillity cannot tu ex celled, go to Byerly te lleuiperly. 1 or tlie Ueintiirtuill plioto(,'rapli, now no popu lar in nil qui larire cities, and nhowiiif; the peeii liar elleet of litit and nhade, nud the favorite of tie- old German Artist Hembrautlt, go to Byerly A Ifi'inperly. If you hive an old picture you want copied and enhirired to any rile, and colore! oil, water color, itidia isil; or crayon, take it to licyeily & lit mperly. If you want a frame of any lzu nnd nt any price, or any Myle eo to Byerly A llemperly's, and take n look at their Immeiikc block lu thai line. For Album co to Byerly A Hempcrly. Forsiiare Flumes made to order jro to Byerly & Hempeiiy, iu klioi't, for anything iu the photo Kraphle line, go to Byerly A iiempeiiy, aud you will be unite I. Feb. S5, 1871. KIMtlXU I1NHIU VOU ittf.lDY. MRS. M. A. BINDER, not, N. W. COIt. ELEVENTH AND CUCSTNUT KTS., rillLADEl.PIHA. Importer unel lciguFr of Fnhhlous. The oid eialili-hed Hud oaly reiiiililc Lress Ti hnminir, I'aper I'attem, Dress aud Cloak niak luir Fanporiuiii. Elegantly uiinnied I'aper Patterns, W'lolenale and Kctail. Fans, Uloves, Itilihons nnd Hashes. Laces, Em broiderici., Jet, (Jilt, and Pearl Jewelry. Evening drosi.o and suit!., niude in the uiont fashionable style nt r-hort notice. PiTleet fylem of Dress Cuttiinr taaht. N. B. Orders bv mail, promj llv attended to. Feb. 'Jll, 1ST1. m. THOMAS BEI'lV, 117 i'ov.t'i Second Street, above Chestnut,' S PUILAl'ELPllIA. Havhii; Just opened, wkh a larire and well c n'lecO' I Hock of i'urei'.-.u nud l'; live.tie S Carpetti.-iTi, cf choice ttva-s and qualities.' .- Als-i, Oil e lotlis. Matlinirs, DiUL'tti.ti. I'.nir,'! .Mats, btir Ui, Ac, &., ail of which; he will sell verv cheap for ciih. P. S. J. STEWART UEPfY, Is m t at 53 South Poeoiul hip'ct ( but, with TU-j'.udi Jlcpuy. Feb. 171.- jiai.k K's Mil.::. HAYIVfi so! I my farm on a"count of my lu habi'il v to (five it niv perscnal attention, owing to a pre--a of my oUlel tl bu-intes, 1 mn I conirel.cit to cell tny stock and f.uiniui; iuiple- 1 ineii'.., whi- h I will oiler i t Pab.ic sale, ou the j pn ai'i-1 ia Lfovvr Auatla, i a Tl.uri.etui . .Vtire li Utli, A. I. 1S7I, i ut i. ova oV'loi-k a. ni. of thai dav, to wit : IIOUSKS. ONE GRAY MAKE, ten yea- old, out f r a thoi -o!i;:hbre I Virnlnia liorearjl t.'uiniiiiau uiari. Shi- ih a !.'len li I trnvellernnd work tvei vv l.ere. ONE UAV 1T. out of the same. Um 'n.ir t,N,.; .v'oKkkl IIUUsB. I ONE it. Y MAKE. 1 CATTLE. I ONE GRADE ALUERN1-.V COW, yi.-lds from ' t' n to tWe.ve pounds of lu.tler per weik, tXp.e- t "'I ,n v f.'e.ti lu May ly full blood Al.leriiey I '"'':,. . inn mil iii ini UMni'M uni.i, (i - .,.,.. , ... ,,..,u ,..,.... i,,,; i I uv.iui.ru m.i( iiii'j mil .u,in.,j I ONE CRAIiE At.DEKNKY 11H 1 13. eh-lieen I I 11 1 1 . 1 1 . oi l, i-i 11 ui lu be licnh .a J.-ao by lull blond Al b :n,-v bull. TWO litltl KS, or e year old. fiiu'e A'..l..-i-! ney. u .1 1.1 1.1., 1, a.i 1 1 ll al.i 'l Ii 1. 1 , one yciir old. Myti.t.l. nre I10111 mie l.itlt to illtn"! six- ll'iilitli LllkHlvI'llle be I .tii.'k IU lb CvUiltli-. Mii.i:r. f One ith t uo luin ) Mion'r'T utixe.1 !. (be Immi ldi Uri--ti.j when l .l eat li-indnd j aul ihi i.ty tl.e j .inn. I ., .111 I lb. ,1 sliei-'mvci.ivd u.il )er, lli-Viu liiini' Is of 1V1.nl a h, 1 lit )l Is-. ! TWO !-itV3 nliii-h arc t-V-lt t In Kane la Man b, 1111 l.me IS .ar, ail nnulel to b f..l 1 , l,'-"l 1 1't.-ler VV Ii 11, -1. ! rtri.Titv. I I A bt of the ii,i...i.'l VVIllIK lilT.FA innis, a nl' I, .11 .1 Ii .; V 11 M I'i t I 4 A I j e Hie M N , v... . 1. 1. I- ... I l .,1.1.1., ni- I er t l'h ll " I.. '. inii 1 ..u ...I, La....t,, I i-it'ii". 1 VIlMINC Ml l.l.MI NTx I ' 1 . 1... 11 ii' . 1 1 -i 11- 'i 11 1 ' -i 1 -. , a l I l.i -u . ir ai IU I 1 , 11 .y I... II 1 ., l .111 .1. : li o, 1 -i' i 1 1 .1, I I . II . L .l -, 1, i,i IV 11 1 Mi. 1. 1 1 1.1, I. .k.-,, j II . , 1 .0 a e 1.1 . 1 . 4 ii'i. e.i.ii 1 e 1 i-i.i', '') '. 1. is, ' u 1 mi. 1 lit I- i a I'. . , V 1. .1 I .. . I 1 .1. ll., , I .-, s , I I'.'il, Hal. I I, Vs. . a I. I 1 t l.al'l , I ll.ill, -I. sy' ,111, 1 ll,,ii 11. . I iluil M .1 ' l. 11 ul His 111 uf , im I,, 1,, 1, ,t 1 I. i '.i.i n.u.i, 4 I .111 ) In. 1 tr .1. ,1 i.i.ii bo I I. i. '., a 1,1. 1 1 .u ...u I h , ii.i Vv 1. i-ju, a tul ul ' '.''"" .,,...1 1.1 ..,.. Iluuil 1 ..Ui-. , f',4' Mill Mill, Nsiv 11 k 11 1 i. J .IH 1 1 I am i-... l. 1. .ii ul 1 1., a. . I I 1 i ,. I .nl i illi.ii.1 Ii 11 ,. . i.u ,, 1 rn .1, I. II 111 I. il ! l )il I.. I i.i 1.4.I ii.. . I. . ..!,.. , (il.a ,.. .14 1 ai..4li I i I 41 ii .1 .i-l H ai l Lin 4 al ,b- 1 I .. llll'iW HIM, 11 iln.1 laslis Ii.i I , 1HIIIU lit Bftltl "is His U.I ..I (Ls ikil 1 . 1 11 1 11 (il all I . x I ini , i:,,, i. 1. ul iba J K .lid 1, I wlni 41. I 4 . I 1 1 ml i . im vims Matt 1. no ii. i.Ji ll i.i t Van i, ( I 1 1 4.1 1 L . 1 U. ,v I .. ' . .4 I,. 1 , 11L11, L. iu. Ui l.l nl 1 t i s- 1 u - 4 . : ' aaltsk kill , sl l U. ..., r.v 11 'M ir 1071. 1871. FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Suecesiori to tho Hunbury Lumber Co., nAVINtl I'UHCItASED THE LA HOE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, snd Just tlttcrt It np with tho latent Improved Ma cliinerv, are now prppunvl in (ill nil imlura lor nil kind" or Itll.LTlMBEK. FINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. .tc. BOARDS. HOUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. "EMl.OCK, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, 8IIIN(JLl:a, PLASTERING AND SIllNOLINO LATH. SASH, POORS. MOULDINGS. ItLIXDS, Nil t'TTLRW A mt.VCHr.TS at tho very lowost prices. A lare stock nhvuyi ou lmnd. Send for prices. Anipiu fucilitio for "hipping by Railroad or Cnuul, MiYJ.l.NU. HUW F.N t ENGEL. Sunbnry, Ta., February lSlh, 1S71. Dm. VecetableITi A Color and Dressing that will not Burn the Hair or Injure tho Head. It makes Ilairsoft and fine, restoring hs. natural color without dyeing, by Imparting a healthy aud vigorous growth. IT 13 ALTOGETHER CXLIKE AT OTHEft. fllHUS 0!(LT m J. B. DoBtixa, I. lit Prloe tl.00, large bottle. 60LD EVERYWHC Nono genuina without my slpnatnre, tnd.il put my n.imo to no goods that are cot of surpassing excellence. To the Coininunity at Large! CHANGE AT THE REGULATOR." I have this day purchased the entire stock, pool will and lixturei of the Itecnlator Boot, choc, Ti unl;. Leather and Fiudini; More, of J. a. Anie, and wiil continue the business at Its prc teul locution, coiner room, llaapi's lion Front, MAIiKET STIIEET, SVNBfltY, T . When having ct.ih!llic.d iirriu'Kemenn with the lending niannfui-turer of the country. I pro pose supplying the inaiket with ft e!a? of woik uf est.ib.i'ln-1 repntatlou for durability and liaifli, at prices that muft cluini popularity. A Bpe cia'.ty will tie made in the funii.-liiuy of Shoe makers materials for nmniifacturiiiL:. Your palrosaK : roiieite I. E. LKiKTNER. Punhury, Jan. 21, 1ST1. FOR SALE. rrUVO VALL'AULK LOTS on the corner of JL Second and Chestnut streets, hi the Ho rouph of Suubnry, on whh'li there ara r rectfit a large elwelliui; houe, etable and outbuildings. The huuiulad, late of Hugh Bellas, dee'd. Also, a Lot on Market street, In the Borough of Suuburv, on which there arc a dwelling house. btabld aud outbuilding. Inquire at the olllce of ii. P. WOLYEKTON, Feb. 11, 1S71.-tf. Administrator. PTJELIC SALE OF Valnttblo Torsional I'ropcrty. Will be seld on the premises of John Fry, In Cpper Aucust.i twp., Noith'd countv. Pa., ou Tl'ESOAY, .MARCH 14, lb71, tho following pro perty, to wii : Tlirre Milrli 'ott, one of which Is fresh, a Two-Horse Wa-on, S'eds, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, one Cutting Bos, Hay Forks, Rakes, Ac. A lot of Rye Straw. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. One rinreau, Tables, Chairs, Benches, Barrel, Ilutter Churn, and other nvtielt-s too numerous to mention. Also, Rye and beed Potatoes. Svile to commence ut 10 o'clock, a. ni.. of sail ! duy, when llie coudlt.ou will be made known by JU1I.N till. A. J. firnon, Auctioneer. Febll, lbTl.-M. riiSCKN KKDlllO AT TUB Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store or r.M Mii.rrn, la C. U. Smith's Room, Queen ttreet, one doo East or the. Poit OihYf, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. For E'tnlra l'oot, ;;. tn Eli Miilti'a Bin: and f hi o fturc. Tlu y are tcl.l. ll.-.si Calf at ti. F'H Frein h Calf Boots, go to Eii Vlliv's, only $'J to i ll per pair. For Boots, t'hncs nnd Cattfrs. at lowr t fSKi-l.-'.e piices. ;o l Eii rilliei's, o.i Q'leeu ttr-.t. Fcr all i;:nas r,f Cii:u lieuls and Chocs, call at Ell Miller-. For LhIIcs Gnia Ovtiid.ocs, sea flua asort-fe-t lit Eli Miller-. Vov all Kind of Children's Shv. ea r.ri! ix- auoae V. i Miiiei'd lurjij asotlle!.t. Tur anvthin.' in Hi- Boi.l and S um Una, eu.l m.-l exaOi.ne Eii M i.lci 's tU'ck biiore urcu.iMajx j elsewiiiie it you wall to t Liht-'lat, i.t tUe j low. st prl-.-h. .Ian. 7, '7;-S"p. a, 'TO.-ly. WE OITER FOR f ALE, AT FAR, THE i ., .. . aiv &'! f Tnnmln T nan ., H4.7,V7J7-. 1VUII1U JlVUil, IlcurliiK ? 3-13 lutT'l, Eolacnable after '') sn I ni'.l.ln tweaty-or.e I ) i :u s. Intrrv't I-ajuLle Misrcb nr. J Ncpt. Tie M. i. li aro llUls I C.-I"'.4i 1, Ml Will 1 9 klUiil 1:1 VY'i r i 1h r-,; .' ID nil Third Mreel, I'lilUat lilila. t octet nought uu.l fsolU ou t oils. IllUaioil. C.-.l l and a. iv i'..iio' i. i.uiii 1 a. id sold. Ac- j CO I I . I M l, urla . l l.i'..i:.l k.lwiua, i.l je.l to 1 bi. .1 lii.lt. 3 hi. fi vr.it 1 ivi 1.1 1 HOC. V Si AND .SHOES i 41. 1, fil'l ' ' t It.... I. . .1 fiKL V 1 I V Id IM'' t"l l'!ll' t S Jtll! V 1 1 A I It, fWtrnc ilri-l, susiiUury, IVaa'.i, 1 ti-i 1 t r t't.i.r i.t s 1 4 i.' 1 . i-i. ii.,i. . V 411-1 IbS ' 1 .i. US IPl.i l ... 1 l l 1.1 1. 11. .. i... ...e to hi I s Ai ill' .11. I. ij' s, ii. 1 I. 1 ( lbs t.it w-. .... 1 j. t, 4(" .''M fcils, (.a.4j " .fi.. I - I " " W .,i,n.i'irl,ii'i li'i W. iio.i, I I. .4.11. 1 BU. is 1 1.1. a tlt s s m . 1 til l-li It 4 44. i t v.a an.inu. tth't -kiniciiY 1 4ii .' .. Vtiil una l.itii ISS I I 4 . f ll,'S I Hi SIS ' 4. I, III 1 Jtlll-4 fcUfi k4lit,U', J.I , iv VSS 11.1. I '4 slmll i ( Iiskl's t il.Ul.lu; I4KU.I4 Sl M-4VI4 4 1'444,4V'S. S'-4 A'l'W 4nWas4t lUht a4 I -sal 1414144 sl If '. 4 ll4!-.ii t, 44 jjniLixci's MAMMOTn OASn STORE, nr . MARKET SQUARE. ts orrtRrHo BAROAIX3 IS DRYOOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CEDARWARE,' QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SI10E5, Drugs, Faints, OilsAe. JUST OPENED A NEW ASSORTMENT FRESH FROM THE CITY. DRY GOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, CASSIMERES AND CLOTHS, LADIES' DRES3 GOODS, 6ILK3 AND SILK POPLINS, ALPACAS, SHAWLS, wleh eTtrj Vlnd of F0KEI3N AKD DOMTSTIC DnY GOOIO. Grocerle of every kiud, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Fiah, Meal, and everything; In the Grocry Hue. HARDWARE of every dUcrlptlon and ua eudleiis variety of cutlery. QL'KENSWARE of every variety au l quality. BOOTS AND r,I10E of the beet niaaufactures In tl'.u Country. WALL PAPER an extra assoiticcnt suitable for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every discretions. FRESH PRUC.3 AND MEDICINES, rISTB and OILS of the be-t quality. AH of which will be sold nt the very LOWEST PRICES. As these ponds have ben boacht for rash, special iudaceiuei.ts to purchasers are olTered. Call aud exainiue this Immense block. II. Y. 1IS.S. Sunbory Nov. 5th, 1570. DANIEL LF.STiER. A. J. MILLSR EXTllA GOOD BARGAIN'S Jubt opened ul the store of Messrs. LKSIIER k MILLEK, In Scott's niiihiini; on QUEEN STREET, N'OKTHUMBEltLAN'D, TF.NX'A, A LAUC.n ASSOUTMEXT O.V DUY GOODS, ComnrUIn; nil the Fall and Winter Styles of La lies' Dress Goods, r.nlen Goods Ac, Cloths, ( '.' -siins es ami Gentlemfn Uiwiis generally, which will all be toid nt (,'ieat bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISION'S, of all kinds and of every desciipti-ju. tjuccuswitro, (lusswnro ButI Vil-low-Wnre. BOOTS AND MIOES for Men, Women and t'bild.vn. FLOUR AND FEED of all kai ls, is eonsttntly kept on hand. They will also pnrchasj GRAIN OF ATI. KINDS, M the Wiliett uturkot price, nnd will t'Xut..in:';e f,o. hU for Giuiu. Tin pu'j'.ic are Invite I to c'.l and clatulr.C our I CT;ea-ive iismiiiuh-hI ot (n.o.ls beiorc i rchasiu" I el.-eivhei e. uu l tjcc.uf.e eonviiu'cl tint (loo.U can ; be bought lower than i-oiln ie a', our establish- meat. LESIir.?. A MILLER. Nurlli'd, Scrt. 17, lSTd.-ly. A U RAND i'AI.L OPENINa n i:vr STor.E noorv-j. A complete u:.ortaier.l of '.".ids lire no hrinjr ;ei.e1 at moore ii Pisi:-:nEU-.- ?toke. i:-iu;t' 1!. li .'ia.-, xt.oU. t lUrisct, i bl'alll hV, -. EI.'N'A. ; Ci iii-V Ir - . f I ci c xri3 ami -.:vr. :!".:', rr.r.M c.oods. Dry Lio' l. if t cry vaii'ty, .No: ou, Ladies' t. L.1.1 Is, Ii-' t's I'...iil.-l.i:.j llOMlU, ItcaIi-lMile I'lottiiuvT, Woolen ltiankiti. Carjets, O.I Cloths, VLUll ',i.e.LL!t:E.-l, Q10 'asM are, VVillnw.Waio, l urs.ir', Aj., Ac. l'luiir innl I's't'il. j (.'.ill an 1 trt lluir we. I sileciid slo.l; t Ihi' , v. ii i.itist style-, l;.,t Iroiu llie eal.lti elto-s. I l'n.-, me lew. 1 i.ie iJi-lci a. a.. .1 10 Wiap uj j I lie. I o d ll'oll'l it (ji 11 w .-ii i J i..l 2 ji 1 i'lionrs I All Lhi'ls f eo'in'.ry : la. .' la'.' n la v- j chants U r ioi Ii M'll'lli' .'. IM: -llNi.l It. ! .'. ft 11. I '. . ( LIDIIV l t4 Y llilt! I FA It I'I U A, I s of t' s b .oek, bctci. 7IH Ai.li biii'i-i, M li.l all I Mil 31 ill' fi i U', run. vcki i' I apoi I.t. V it f. - .111 : ...,1 1 1 V, I Li'. .lt. ' a id .jus; vm v n its . ' and 1 I... '.. .' W . 1 . I, 1. !, I I ,.i I 1 .11 v 1. . 1 1 1 11 y i 1 "ill I l.fl M - .. II ! I'll. 1 , I I. I II .Iv . .1. I . I Ii il I Ui I 1 I 1 1 . 1 1. 1 1 . t iW I I I .. I .1 I. II. II. . r S 41 1 1 4 , 111.1 1 l. i . .III I I I 4 I ... I ... . 4 , . I . I,i' lull. ' 1 II i4i.4 ' 1 I It 1 l.l . 1 f.i ll. tlslif iM 4 1-1., 1-. ..ii. j. ' 1 I VKH.1t, I t!, ltUt, I (M.Hi. 'I'lilw ""loin s I k 1. ' " 1- I ea U il li- m a. I .liu 4 I. I'. l.,U,l.i, 1 inlff 1 1 1 ' 41, , 1 1, 1, a lal 1 ,' a . . 1 . I I 1 1 ... 1 1 ... . ,..,t ' . a t s 1. bin I .11, t .1 .4.14-4' L.s. I' ... 1 4. i. 4.,,. 4 4 4... 1 Ww - , i ..-. i."4 n .. a in u il k4nrH blsii,IUilt I 4.1 1 4i. rk, II, I'M H FALL AND WINTER Seir ArrlTul of iiooda, AT MISS K.iTK IM.ACK'H KTORf, Market Bqunre, BUNUL'RY, Paun'o Just opened, adnrire nesortment of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, eonslptlni; or the latest Myle4 of plalu aud plall goodf, lu all their vaiiellea. DrcM TrlmmliiH, Kmhroltloi-iett, NOTIONS, ftc. A ORUHHAL AXKOnTMBNT. OT LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. Gonts' Collars, Neck-ties, Kalf-hoio, Hanikor chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, TcIlotSvps, Hair lirueliee.Coinbs. e- . . . .. An invuntinu U acttended to all to tall and. :rc bariruins. Siiubnry, ov. 5, 1870. UNION'P HOTC GP.APn GALLERY jos. ii, it i; t: g r( t n i: s s s r. Oilers great lndu'.caie'.ilsto tlioji? " ho i;ive hini pr.troiiaeE Six pictures for Sl.tV! t all Mho call on hlTI Iliiu children to hint befoni,'eiiiii; elfewherl It ring old pictures ho will color t i-nhirp e UitX I-lverythlnx in my line ilona ns net, rs nn 15 Itule Is to give siitirnction ; nictto, '.3 lea Ii iit, rosewood and walnut frame s madt to orb tl Nvlis evcrytlilng ns cliff p ns the che.i;is' Try nud you will find hlin all you eoulj wifTT Itembrandt, Poicck-au, and eery other tstylo of pictui K Ksntnlnc spechnens nn 1 yon will t.nt fail to toI Notnethiuij new w hich will not fail to p'.ea' :; all., Stel oscoplc aud other views ukeu nt Sunbui y.l'.l. Ilveiythinff, hi fact, you could wih to C Keincmber! and bs sura of t tic placE CORNER OF 1th AND MARHET STREETS, oppj-ite J. H. Enu'leV Flore, S U N J". U R Y, V E X N 'A. N. B. Negatives takeu previous to tlui tin j were saved, from w hich tltipiu ales can be had ut I any time. JO.", h. UEUUiTi.ESiER. San bury, Oe-tCS, 1ST.). ?liKM Aiiiia E'uinler, Ac GEa'T for the sale of E. lhaterick A Cn's PAPER PATTEUNtj of GAKXitNlU, for Boys, and Little Children. Ladles' Dressj Trivial jj,-s. Collars, Olovjs, Corfets, Ehlrt Bosoms, EnibmlJeiici, KuUlins, V. l s Full !i o.- of ' Cent's Pi per C .'.!a:s aa.l Ciitrs, Lidlcs' and I'hh-.liva'e lii'rlc'j, titan. p-d V.'j:i, 2i'phvrs, En.broi.b'iv af.-l o:t.-1 l'. u.'ii.i. 4r;?":ilitch::'.-; a:: .'.'ii ..i I'iol- n-afv d. n.-. r-J ANNA 1',' IN I t.i.r r.rf'Vt's 11 nil ! hv-, Markei fc:..a-!, tui.L-.irv. Pa. jiu.o rs, ib7.i. IS70 FALL AND V.i.N IT.il IKTt). UILLII-IE-UY COOEn, South I'oiatli :;ti.','!, bjli'.v t':r Rallioad, SUNr.UIii', lE.NN'A. The present ngs of cn.V.css f.ul ici.s an-i Jnaa merablu styles respire the ino-t ilii t y pc:j:i to be on the iiV'.'t ia order to "keip .'.o-e v.iih il.j tiineK." The b n.iisono Iv i:rr..vi I ai.'v, as olio - .. !..,r , I n I -.. I ', 1-1,11. -. i ' .... I . fashion h.it upon hr lua 1. n iadi.'.I a:: attractivu j object to to. Ii ujoa. Ml-.s M. L. t;o..-, ihj popular .Milliner, cm F.'Uiili fcti"-..t, be.ow tli.: .S. ! V. R. R-, cate.-s to pl-'u.-e a. ,-i s.:ti.ly aii bf;f ' ciirloacrs. Li lit-r tt -ic :.rj f. ue 0. the i.itctt ' modi s In miHirv-rv i-::ta?.t. sacli as j RONN'ET.S, HATS, i-'RAME"?, Sasli Ribbons, Ol nauicnti., Fejtiiera, l-'iowers, ua 1 luuneroiis other apparel lor la.Hc;-' w.-ar. J Call and see thru cs tla-v l.ave t.i.-t be, ii i. ' ceivi d. M. L. ClOMSi.i.K. ! Oi-t. i3, 1670. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY I.ttdittM Iiomirl.-t and ilatn, FASiiDNM.n XiiMMi.T G o: fi, oenskvi.lt, base lu.-t been ol ("o'l l.l i rns-s J.. M J.lM.l. ID ! Markol Street, out di.or wei-t of 1IUI.1., Gearuai e's o.n- IV-.-t.,.:,. y :.t :-,:, f'UNl.'l'RY, PA. The latest styles of Inr-s i ri,i:i:;i:-r, French and American ll-v.ii., 1. ..-; j. :..',! ,.i,s. M k loops, Chlii'M!.. I ....K!' . Call' . Jo. via Ij..au, and a lur vara iv i f .r!. r ;-.: !.'.. Iu co.ieci-liou w'.t'j this Mlol'.erv t.-.is'ne., h cari ii- iu t v, - DRESS MA"' IN"''; AND TTi n'S.G, CUTTING Oil' PATTERN'S of everv .ii-"..'i .: tl...n. .llioty :': co Htii'J'il.'i) '-I i:.- : ?HJM1'!fir:! Ko. CC2 ChcstuvA Ctreit, i'iu l!avlr.(- iii;;t'.y ici ii... .'.'. tl-. Ir I'i V, 1 e- ailiaii.t, lull s;-o : a:".. a:. a. n . : LILVEK TL.VliiD GC eou'l i .:.-, I iV'uiVJ ol . 'i-b I la r 11- ':. . . I. .'1 i,t. ,'.i-r. a ic 1 -1 o- ta:::. r l a t r t 1 t' s 11 v: 1 1 1 C.1 1 P LAV tD SPC0N3, FOHKS. L.'.Cl It FTN3 TALI V. -ly a . -t-: f .' .. -' ixic.' '. ci i 1 1 o! lu. I V,'.i .iii.l c ;... I., r... 1 1 I lli'' ..a .'.Mi.,. :, .i.i, ii, i-;i 1 .- (. V T.vr.v, l':"' an I NLW GUCC'Li;V j Third f lii'.-l, i.i si 0. f i'OkE t-Ilii 1U1 1 . ri . -. l'. A uf c. m'.MhIii l.y l. -.if sti'i'V 1 ' 0 ii.''. : Ci-4 3". f ir. 11 ma -4, S!icui !. r. .1 1. 1 J .' 'V'-" 1 1 1 I I ... 1 1. t 1. 1 1 1 t . , ... ll... I. II Im 1 ia; ,(1, I j The ladic of S anbury a:. ! I dlal'y iavited to jfil i.t.a i-x.i.: I sioak. I t a r i i i 11 41 sS .1 ll Mtutbst l.i 414I4 ..U 4 ' 1. 1 U..4 4 lbs il I 11 il'I'llluU -f hi-Vl . llM I IlKl I It u I ' . l l .llH iwll Si Ii l' ." k I 414 J I.J luiUllM.iiisiiliU till i.lcf O'l I I I I ll 4.1 I t I . -1 - - 4 r 1 1 'i 1 t4 I 4 1 1 l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers