-u.. . A!y THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 'COMPANY, OF. TH. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. ' Chartered ly Spooinl Aet of Congress, Approved July 25,lbiio , - , Cauli Capital I.OOO.OQO. branch office. rmr-APEiruiA,'. Ftns-r Natioxal Bask Brit.mso, Whrs tho general business of the Company ii trans acted, and to which (nU .general correspondence should be addressed. . directors. - Jy Confca, rhllcd.v K.-AT Rollins. Washington. C li. Clark, ' ' Henry I). Cooke, " John W. Ellis, vTin'tl. Wm. E. Chandler, " Km, (. Mnnrbead. Phil. John P. Prfrees, " Uen. F. Tyler) ' E'Vnt d Podgo. New York. . J. Hinckley Clark, " . C. lahncstock, N. X . . OFFICERS." . " C. It CLARK. Philadelphia, ProsiJent. HKN'RV 1). COOKE, Washington, Vico President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance end Executive Coiun.itto". ' -- EMEKSO.Y W. TFET, PuMad'a, Sec'y and Aotunry. N. ri. TURNER. Washington, Assistant Secretary. VI!AV'T4I4 SMITH M I) ., J. EW1NU MEARS. M. P.. Assistant Medical DI- rcoior. . Mrdicnl . Arieory Hoard. . J. K. B.irnos, Surgeon-General U.S. A., Washing ton, " l, -.-. P. J.' lforwlhr, Chief M.dla il TcTirTnjcnt U. 8. K., I , VMn.'ton. IJ. W. Blis, M. D. Washington. SrtHfllorn nnd AIIoi-hcjb. Wnv r'thnndler. Wnshinton. P. 0. Ooorgo Harding, rhfladelphin, Fa. Thi Companj-, JTatiotial in ii chnraotor, offera, by renson of Hi I.nrgo Capita!, Low Rates of Premi um ami ju'ew Tables, the most derivable means o( lururlng lifo yet presented to tho pxiblio. f Tho rates of premium, being largely reduced, are mn do as favorable to tho insurers as those of tho best Muto.nl Companies, and avoid all the comJicatioa nnd uncertainties f?fcfs,PMlenda and the lnla understandjngs which the lutter arc so apt to eaura the Pulicy-llolders. . . ' Feveral new and attrnotivo tables are now present. cJ which need only to be understood to prove accep table to the public, fnch as tho Income-Producing Policy and Return Premium Policy. In tho firmer the policy-holder not ouly secures a lifo imurai.ee, payable at death, but will receive, if living, after a period of a few years, an annual inccmo cqital.o ten pureciit. (10 per cent.) of tho par of his policy. In the latter, the Company agrees to return to tho anurcd tho total amount of money ho has paid In, in addition to tho amount 'of his policy. Tho attention of persons contemplating insuring their lives or increasing tho nmouLt of insurance they alreay have, is called to the special advantages offered by the Xatinual Lifo Iiitmranco Company. Circulnrs, Pamphlets and full particulars given on application to tho Crunch Oliico of tho Company in Philadelphia, or to ita General Ageuui. Local Agent ore Wanted in every City and Town; and applications from competent parties for such aencierf, vvilh suilablc cmlorfrmciit, should ho nJdreicd to tho Company' (iouetui Agents only, iu their roppoetivc district. OKNtllAI. A fl F.NTS : E. V.'. CLARK &. CO., PhiUlelpipX 1'or Peunsvlvanin and Southern New Jersoy. J AT COOKE 4 CO., Wa-l.iurit.n. U. C, For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of Colombia ai'd Weat 'irgiuia. U. fci. RUBSEIj, Mannror. W.M. II. IIOULE. Agent. Milton, Ta., L. M. TOli:i(, Airent tor Suubury end viciuit. Septelnber .') y mar ssf. rzi. r. . un r'w.'riF'eii a tOIIUl VVI.-ll lO Itllollil ll.ll. I.'ilil. l- ll.'i.l llr tt on lei t'ul. or any other imiu, has discovered a rem edy that cures Con-umption, when the Inn:--arc halt consumed, iu short, will cure all diseases whether of mini, holy or t.tiaUi, make mon live forever, nnd leave de'itb to play fur want of work, and i-deigned to make our sublunary aplicre a blissful paradise, to vhieh Heaven itself rli-ill be but a fide show. Vou have beard enough of that kind ot hunibuggerv, anh wo ilo nut wonder t'at you have by this time become cli.guMe l Kithiu-Jlut when vve'tcll you that Pr. Ku-e'.i Catarrh Itemed j u-i1 yoiiln'n rnre the wn:-t r,,f of Litunlt, we o:ov asei t th.it which thousiinds enn testify to. Try it :ir.d you will be con duced. Wo will pay f.iuO llf.v.Miu lor n case of t-'utan b that we cannot cure. 1'Oil SALU LV .Mi-f DHL'CiGI.STS EVERY .WHERE. Piitrn cslv 50 Ci:.vrs. Sent by fUil, pit pail, for Poxty Cents ; Four Package for f 2 00 ; or 1 Doi en for 00. bend a si unit, ii,r llr. Siu-n' r..T,M,.l.r. on Catarrh. Ad Ire.sH.e Proprietor, ! J R. . PI1.11CJ0, M. ii., Buffalo, N. Yt' H No Ilrvtia-o. Il is v inanli'l to cure loft or im .tireT;ist, fincll or Jlcuriug, W atering or Wenk T'.veii, olfciiiv lireath. Vlcerated Throat or .Mouth, l ain and PrisMira in the ilea l', and loss oi Memory when caused, us all ol them tuiuentlv are, bv tho ravage -f Catarrh. It U i.leas.mt and painle-s to u., contains on strong poi.-otious or caustio drugs, but cunt by ita iiiifTtoolhing action. We will payroll l.e.vurd for a case of Catanh that we eannot cure. J OH -SALE LV MOr-'T PRrc.GI.STS EVERY 1'eiU'i; cni.v in Cnxra. WHKlti: Ji your Drugiis h.isnot j et got it on t,un, don't be pot otf with tome Horse thun worthless tlrm-.g :nulT, "funiikyitor ".ir pisnons enustie solution, which will duve the disease lo the lungs instead of curing it. but scud listy cents lo us uod the remedy will each yvuXy return until. Beniu.ujpfr Dr. fcugo s p.impldet on Catarrh. 11 . V. piLltOl.. M. P., ' . ' ' liulT.ilo,N. y. . 3- Tli'.flNrALMBi i:Pcjn;i.y does not. like lhepu!?on nus irritating sniitra and stronj: caustic solutions with which the pooplo huve long Leeii humbugged, tiiuply r.dlinte f.r a short timo, or drive Ihe disease to the luns, as Uiero is danger of doinir in tho use of aneh nostiuins, but it prod noes i.crluct and permanent, euros of tho Korsl cases of chronic catarrh, as thoui Kiids can toslily. "Cold in the Head'' is cured with afuw applivuHnr.s. Catarrhal Headache is re lieved ar.d cured us if by magic. Ii rumoves oilen sive lireath, Loss or Impairmont of tiie sense ol tasie, smell ur hvining, U atciiug or Weuk l'yes, aud Im paiioUiilciJiuiy, w hen caused by the violence of Ca tairli, as thev ail freiiieiuly are. We ofter in good faiih a siiiinliug reuaid ol cvUtl fur a ease of Cufitrrh that we eanr.ol cure. FOR KALE LY JIOST DRl'OG IST.S' EVERY- 111 ' 'i P SLV ou Ci:!Tit , Ask .ii liug ;i.-l lor the Euijv, but if be has Bot yet ot it ou side, JTm't be put off by aoocptiug any miserable, wdrso thun woitlilcss suhsiilute, but BLolostsisty ort;o uj, aud the llcmody will be sent yi u )if st paid. Four paeknges (jiM's), iir one doieu for Sit 06. Send ttamn for Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Caiarru. 11. V. PIEl'.CK, M. P., Luffulo, N. V. This is NO PATENT MEDICINE IK'MBlU. got. ton up to du e Ihu iiuirant juid credulous, nor ii it represented us Wing .Vmpocd of l uro and precious euUuncca biiaugiil Item II. u four corners o: theeiirlh, earried seven luues aerai UieUrunt Desertol fiuhar li lion tho bucks .il fourteen uuuibla. and brought across Ihe Atlanlio Ocean on two ships. It is a simple, wild, soolliii g remedy, a poiltet Ppeeitto for Ca takiiii and "Cold in lue Hkau," ul,0 lor otUnsive lireath, Lost or lmpali meoit oi ihe hense of melw, "1 acta or liearing, Waiorii.gor Weuk Eyes, Pniu or l'rtssure in the Head, whuu cuaed. at ihey all not null eii ueiitly are. I.y Ihe violwoeofCaturrh. We oiler, in good lailb, a standing Reward of 500 for a ease of Caiarrh lli it weeuiuiut ouru F'K SALE Jsy AIOsT DKLGiilBii EVERT. WHERE, Pints, au Caars. rient by mail, p.wt paid.cn le, -eiptof Sisrr CtKTI Four uekar-t s lor i 2 Oi). or I Duuu fur i j.00. . Beiid atuinp for Dr. Sugo's immpblet on Caiarih R.V. PIERCE, M. P., Oct. 10, 'rlB 1y. Bug.ilo, K V. r,A'm Lli.S. O1 CARI'Ei TvAa j"ANTLl"Tt KVVU au atore oi i .w.kj iiiinmjl,in iaiti aiT OPEIIIKG. F. Pi t J -.1-1 fc CESV 4,. . kf I I- oAeat reduction in rn f r You can Buy Moie Goods of the La -BEST QTJALITYt 1 1 tit LESS MOITET, at the HAIIEIOTH.STOIIE, Y.'rfBlMMG,. , -.- i lii ARE, . mt ' r t r ''J'. 8pKiiUlCt1.-'"irt:NS,A., Tli an an; other p!ac. ' - . ' t , : , . HAS JU3T RECEIVED AND .OPENED 1 'I TIie'-BcsUSelected and FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TO Vi K 1-EKXCU MERIXOS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, - . t ' OASSIMERES, &e. Polaiucs and Armures. Pomestic CvUous, Brown and Bleached. NOTIONS of all kinds. ITosicrj, 01ovt-, Mci.'p.nr.il I.iidics 't'r.'Krjrarruciil. VJItt?H GOOD A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Builders will Cnl sty Stock of Hardware, E'uiutK, Oilw, tiilasn, Ac, l'oiiiiIcte. DRUGS AJD MEDICINES, A V ' WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AM) SHOES- I1ATS AND CAPS, and in fact everything usually kept in k large Sturo Call mul be tlie Chen jics t'-" convinced that ririce-''to' liny st 1 i Your Goods is jit THE MAMMOTH STORE cf. Temia Caatt, SO iluya, . . .. . as my flood a are bought for Cash ani Sold Cheap 4or the READY MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad vantage of all teductisui f-s fait as they are made by Manutaetar.il. . .. A J sat' . SO )4 jPresefrr: Ni t Present frosentk v 1 !' loo-. . t .lf-illiM I I V A itAKPSOMTi tSETt? 'laST ! An Enduring fk Pleating MoKentt te tn'ose seal . ' IngAids U8ignl.--'! ". . . 0,1V len. T.-S. SMARtfOW, Watohmakar aad Jeweler, liunbury, Podb'. haa . iplendid lUck of . , ' I ! and , EYE GLASSES, foUrlththa CELEBRATED PERFECTED LBHSEJ -MunuTactured by ' ' 1 LAZA11US & MORRIS, JIARTFORD,CONM.. ' ' ' ' The Beit In th Woria for Prrcngthenlng and, , Preserving the Bignt. , , . Va mnn ftnnnnl'ahla rtroacnt to Vour Parenta, Qrand Piranii nr Friend or tlioio nejcdiua Stieotacles. can ho found. They are kandwui, uiel'ul and luat inany-teai ai; at - Call and examine them at the store of eur Agent, - T. S. VKAVXVXy, bealor in' Jewelry, Watobei and tinted Ware. NO PKDDLERB EUPLOVED.' Jan. 9, lbfitf. augl,'!i8-1y. P. H. MOORJ5.' J ; . e. ttlSSliiOItR, Vnew arrival We aro new oneniur a large varied assortment of FALL ,AND WINTER GOODS, which we offer at tho lowest OABII Prices, a ' llauil" Icv Iron Front ( . XfARICET STREET. SUNBL'RY, PENN'A PRY QO0PS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENS' WARE. OLASSW AKE, and a full line of eNTLElEN"tfflRNI&rilN(J GOODS .ni . ' AMI i- . t i- f,,udic' Ores doocla, CaHeoaAMiKltiU, FlandeU, Table LJlens Toweling, Checks, a'icking, Counterpates, vassimerei, . Y eatings, Yarns, Skirts, Nuck Ties, Cuffs, Collars Handkerchiefs, lioic, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-W are. We invite special attention ta the quality of our ukoi i:kii:k A?m xiickb. RIO and JAVA COFFKJiiTEAS, 8LGAR4, MUUAbES, SYlllirrj, SOAP, eALi, " FISH, VINEGAR, &e., o. Cumpbcll'i Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand. We feel confident that cash buyers will hnd it to il,!r urivnntmre to irlve us a Call, and customers generally aro invited to eall and exaiuino our goods and gut posted en our pricoi. . . liy strict attention to the wants of our customers and fair dealing we hope to merit a full share of the public patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ex change lor goods, lor wbioh the highest price will be paid. M00RK A DISSINQER. !-'uiibury,Scpt. 1. 'Bit. "J "r ' uKaSu JIAHMKIC S.ll.03(. The Oldest and most fioted jnstfution Uie JCiadu lianbui y. J. V. WASHINQTON. AVINU removed to bis new building on Third Street, between Market and the Ucpot, is now prepared to serve bis customers better than ever. iiavin" secured the services of first class u.aroers, J SHAVING AND lUyUUKjteSIXU will be tifeuted tn tho latest syie. - The building having been erected esfeoially for the purposo of a First Class Barber Jjaloon, and buying fitted It up iu the lutosj, style, be hopes to receive a liberal haro ot patrouaga. Iu the adjoining room a first class Confectionery tins been opened lor the alu of Ic-sCrsfiuss, CandiCM,. Calf, Itrvrf anal aamerous other Temperanoe Prinks iu common uso. Oranges, and other dulieiuus fruits and eatables ol home and foreign growth in rleb profusion and elegant variety. bunbury, tseptombor 5,18dB. Third Street, adjoining Phila. i Erie Railroad, twe Squares North of the C?cr?traT Hofel, , srjfui'Rt, pn'n-a.'- in v t:' ci.KJiK.wr JS prepared to furuiah enery dcscriptionDf lumber leuuired by the demands ol the public. ' Having iul the latest improved machinery tor manufactur ing Lumber, he i. now ready to fill orders ot nil kmde l ' FLOORINU, S1PINU, UUUita, s-aau BHtTTKRS, BUNDS, ..MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, VKRANPAS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turning of every description promptly executed Also, a large assortment of , BILX. LUMBER. HEMLOCK aud PINE. Also, bhinglee, PickcU, , . ... Lath, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad orotherwiso. ' , IRA T. CLEMENT. rluubury, I'eo. 1. lM8.r-.1y Lime ! Limie ! -vJIKiubseiibtrf chre wCUie' J.ime Kiln of . i-U.' 11. MarvloiB limgsOi'e, is nnlr furnishing, to farmers ami uhor. Laie of the best ejuality in hio (iuiutities. Ijie lime is burnt, and selected with the btiuost care, and its quality guaranteed. Jan. 16, '6J. . - k CHAi. PUiiJiELlJLUUEU. tNuuiac Itullroad Nearly liulahctl, 19E0 MIL3 BUILT. TUBUNIO:, P.JFCjR. R. C. j r and the CKNTR AL PACIFIC R. It. CO., Have ndded Eight Hundred (BOO) Miles le their lines during the euuent year, while doing n lurge local passenger aud freight business. The through con ueotiou will uudoubtedly be completed next summer, when the thiotigh IraQio will be very great. Forty thousand men are uow employed by the two power tul eompuuics in pressing torward the great natiooal highway to a speedy completion. Only 200 miles remain to be built, which mostly, are graded and ready for the rails. First Mortgage Gobi Bonds of the t'uion i Paeifio Railroad Company lor sale at par and interest, and First Mortgage Gold liouds of the Central l'uoino Railroad ul lPJand interest. The principal and interest of both bonds are paya ble in gold. c. . s . ir'A. fDJ. JIAYJS & BRO., Dealers in Government Securities, Gold, As , No. 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Jan. SO Nov 21, 'eS. y ARCH STREET, between Third aud Fourth Street! iiiii. tii:i.iin i. SAMUELS WEBER, Proprietor. January SO. !). ly . , ral-i-'(I.ate Miller's) Winter das-dvss, 7'.0, 722. 721 and 72 VliiE fcueet, Philad e. Tlihi UhANP ORCHESTRION, formerly th. property of the GRAND PLC OF BADEN, pur chased at great expeuae by , JACOIi VALER, of Philadelphia, In oombiuatiofl with FLAM ER'S ORCHESTRA an 4 Miss NELLLk. AjiDEUSON, . Will perform every AkUeaoeuu aud s-venuig at the above n eniioned place. ADMISSION FREE. jau.10 6m. SHOEMAKERS. HE beet qualities) ef gyle. LoijUar, -f reMk Calf skin Morruucus, .inLugs, Lasts, Nails, Pegs, T a of ia) kiulqaM evict lliiiMascd kt tke trade, forsa .row by 1 I. 11. JONLW A CO il Hordi r, just received and fur sale cheap, at the Mammoth Store of ' April 4, 1868. H. Y.FRILlXtl. L1I TO BUILDERS. XTTIXDOW GLus ami Building .Hardware, at the If loatst Cajh Priou al ... It HasuiotU Store of ' tt Y FRIUVQ mm IN SUNIWRW NEW DKUG ; STORE Oa.XifrVet. etrtet, ' of "HUeMtallroad, nearly opposite the Hardware More orCnnle A Co., r " 0 tfw ti trf V"' V'ta t I tet ' I .7 w ' t f i (r. T) , s?'l "VlIE would rMpetf'ully.'ipY;te..tliVttonlor(f ll tno ettieens oi cmiiour? ,ane, vioiailr t ow entire now Stock of .,. , ,,, , , I'urejj 1'reah. Drag'' mm& RledU-tneaa ,. . m raintoflstnd Varnishes. , . " 'l'"'GhrPilry Pye Stuffs.!,. ;"-,'"'i 'erf3niHlcm,,, "itl Brash . ), " f rat'ent KloJio'inci of all kinda. LIQUORS by the BoWe, Uallon, Quart and, Pint. SCOTCH A LB, LONDON PORTER and i. : ToWcco, Cigars and Snuff. ' -, ., Looking O lass Plates cut to suit Frames. , i NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES Trossct, "Supporters, Bandage, ti. '' fc Wo baveleloctcd our stock with care and ean war rant It fresh, and of the best material in the market. Having had several years' exporionco in tho business wa Uaiterovwivoe UnH.we can five entiro satfsfao- ontp all who may fivvor us with their patromge". 'Special attention given to cdmpodndiug Physicians' Prescriptions at all hoars of the day or night and on bund ays. Ulveus acall. . . . . J. G. MARKLE t CO. Bunbury.Oct. 17,18(?- ' ' - AV. A. BENNETT, v. ." ToPRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, ' ' Itlnrket rnari, Htl.MU IIV, Ia. ' ' Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of . ; Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, hnd kepi eon stnnrly bn hand. My stock will always be found oornplcto In every article of merit in ttedioine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness ana attention lo orders. FANCY ARTICLES ! Mv stock is nnusuallv larare and embraces every thing that can bo found on u first class Toilet Table, iuoluding Atuerwmn audgeuiune Irencn and tug , : - PERFUMERY, Pomades. Hair Oil." Ivory, Uatta . Ptrcha Hiwil nnd Horn-Combs, Toilet boaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, iu. Patent Medicines. 1 Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers prices. Pure Havana SEUAUS and CHEWING TOBACCO I wo of the.bcst Brand". .. I'antr Oils), JWUlasH, IMitty, VarusKlst-M, X: . AU'my Tipctutes, 5yrip?; Ointments, Cerntes,jiU other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Hawing had quite a number of years' expetieuoo in tho . , . . Drug and Pncriptum Eminet, t both in Philadelphia and tho country, nnd also the advantago ol the College ot I'uarmaoy, A teei com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tho Physiciuns aud publio may favor me with. All Any preparations as 1 have above aucrted, are nvade from the best material, and upon honor-1 asaert, they are of official strength. " For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. licfure purchasing olsowbore, call and convince your own mind. ' W. A. BENNETT. .Sunbary, May 16, 1 888. 1808 '. I8ti8! FALL eUVINTER GOODS. orrEATincpucTro in"piuces. M. 1j. LAZARUS, would call the attehtion of the public, and her customers generally, to beMarge aud now assort- mcnt of DRESS GOODS, consisting of Poplins, Po Laines, Reps, Aj , at reduced prioce. " ' CALICOES OF EVERY VARIETY. . WHITK GOODS, including Marseilles. a superior articlo of ' Extra qaality of Muslins, Drillings. Fine Flannels, CnntoS Flannels. Balmoral Skirls, jjjbawls, Hoods, Wigan. Hoop kirlsof all silos and qualities, Gluves of all descriptions, including a very superior quality of Ladies' and Uentlemen's Silk Fleece, Lined und Cloth Gloves. ' : Ladies', Misses, and Children's Merino Vests, i Childreu's Wraps and Hoods, Ladies' Zephyr! JupkoiAy., )-.:, Blanket Shawls of tho latest ftylcs and pattcrr.s ' Hosiery, Ribbons, Trimmings aud 1 lowers. Laces, Stuinpel Goods, Zephyrs and Yams, Tow- cling. Napkins. (Jullts. Table Linen, Gout's and i-adiea jtanaKerciMeus. .oarts, -viuu lasseis, , Fancy Soajis, Perfumery, and Toilet articles generally, and a large variety of Notions aud Fancy Artiolae. The above goods aro held at tho lowest prices. Call and see them before going elsewhere. M.L.LAZARUS. Sunbury, Nov. 21, l&flrl. FL0HU:.&. FEED STORE - a rUOLKSALK: AND- Ji$ TAIL. j riMIK subscriber rqspcctfully informs the pubtio ' X ttiai no Keeps ouustiiiiuy on nana at nis new WAREHOUSE, near tb tSbautokiSbVaUey Railroad Depot, in SUN BL R Y, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds ot Feed by the teu iho nbove is all inaiiiitaulurcd at Ms own Mills,, and will bo sold at the lowest cash urieea. , J M. CADWALLADER Buubury, April 1, 5bfi3 NEW MACHINE SHOP AND -'. FOTJITpRY, uva. itointii icii A ku.y, tjU,JMliUi-t Y, TNF0RM Ihu publio that they Aa.... . lavo OSlahllshed a I MACHINE SHOP, in connection with tbeir FOl'NDRY. -They have sui.plied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and lluring Machines, with the latest improvements. AVIth the aid of skillful me chanics, they ure enabled to execute all orders of ev Verk or- IScpuJrliiK', 1 that may besuvau them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt Uiuir Fouudry, they aro ready to execute nil kinds of CASTINGS. Ila-ai 4'iiMiiiiu'ai A.C. The PLOWS, already relcbrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, und will al ways be kept on'nand. " .. Suubury, June 13, 1869. .1 FALL AND WINTER Millinery G o ods, .111 DM .I I. I.. Oshl)'I'. be leave M an. nuuucu lo the Ladies of Hunbury at 1 vicinityj that ihu basjust opened a large aud varied stock of M 1 L L 1 N E K X . UUUUS, Tho latest New Yoikund Philadelphia, si vies ct LADIES' HATS AMirBOOTETS. rios, iSeais, Lilly While, Euamcl of America Sia. tioiiery, Ao., au. Cull and examine for yourselves. No 'trouble show goods ' , buubury, Oct. 21, 1868. . ' . to SI." C. liIt f i. l I" n Coufectlonrj, Toys ahdr FRUIT STORfli JlurUi-t N I roe? I, annbury,'Ia. CONFECTIONERY OP All KINDS,. TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac., c, ; CONSTANTLY on band and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale au,d retail, at reosonja auio prices. k k He is maliufceluring s4b kinds of -OonfoaAisaiariea lo keep up a lull aeaortuasnt whie 4x0 sold at low raioa.. , a Tobacco, Segars79tattonry. Nuts of all kinds, ana a variety of other articles, all of whioh are u&eiosl wDoioaaie-nna retail. , d ji'ltemember the name and pla3a .Hl .. . M. C. UEAHJIARj,. - Market street, 3 doors wet ef h Y. Bright A Son's tore. tjuubury, Sept. It. IMS. tf ;a Alan, an excellent or.mentof Fashionable .Em. '. VWlfiT.''! ''g'""'- :..L- broideries, Edgings, Laces Woolen Caps Haiidker-i - Ull 'M Ut CiiK.rw.tl'a - AUiriagMluider chicls, hearts, Gloves, Holteries, and all kiads of .)rice 25 (WUU. a Address thgkPul.lialiem. . lanov Notions, blamped Muslins, Corsets, 1'erlume- , uu ts J (: i;i,t'p A rn iB IHD CAOKS, 11 difforent kinds. If you wa;it NT A Tin V A Y A n Vnul2t ,V. """""1 "VWttiHWI,7l OITAnif T 0a Third Street, near JOSEPH BACUER Informi anu me rnioire generally, mat he has'open kt the above plaee. The tUtt'oT tagef H.ef.'aTl' niaia uinaora will Dfnrsm. - Also uvatura. Akd.l eWHweo,f ta-outtemert i .,4 . o 11. V-a I. ' i JS a pfJSljn ynlaoOj Su4 j 'Hit 1 1 UNITED 5TATS;0F AMERICAN in, riATinsi&b wra msnnioa l.riMPA5T la a corporation cliar'nreii lr epenulvAat S UOngresa.ap -, proved July 23.fc(, Willi a , - ' CASH CAPITAL, tl.OvW.'tXKJ.'.WLtAIDi-"- ' -Llbemlterm!ifrrti Atts and Sollrttora.wlae, FntlpiitfeutnrtTnofiii'1onirt;pn?at('n'Rtr,nSAei a . iiieaicu in in een'iu,) aioav arssupaiiai noQ-'r, wtiers C'Ircalara and Pamphlets, fully T"iril'lii the' aavaaiatanedbythwoTipainy.Tairntitiad.. , Applications for Central and Western Pennyli uia wi Drmnueio r. o. liudcijlr'. n A.'VAvarv, 9 Angurtl. 1899: llarrisburg, Pa- . rat -r m - mmi . ... I U nma'tr"' I Al " sr.M Ala.la-VallV Tl1,.,V(Ulj"lrl1 Riser UtifrH-t. ttabtoi 1 1 Itnllrdad,' fc i STJNiBTTIlYiaPBNasr'A'.' ' i. DIALIiRS iS itiw i.'.ia I I'ORKIelnH. Ai:KI('A.ldM tteDiUInJuTy.-ri' l the eUiiensof!euntury ed . fllHE attwitioa. of Mecbaaipa,rFsIrsars. lJuidcr,Tiuilj, soewt) or jumnaae. . .. . . Xi! and, iluyers gotMrally. M.nvHed to. tuf.luct tnnv wouteoowotTerinira better selectcJ-asrtment of IIARPWA REjJ Cl'TLERT. AC;, , ., , ... j j... .1 Li-.. -i'.Z below IhOee heretofore. duninsMled Sy4ellra. ' Ouf 4 slash eeiiifisiaee ail aaliaUs i ibis jian ol 'sjusmess, embracing a geuaruA asopvnjiiic oljoota ana mare-; rials used liv I ! H OARPJHt-.KRS,i t.i-.T iftfiACKSMITHS, I. CAKUIAtidt-AJ-P WAOON.M AKLUS, joisEUif, c.,,e,. ,v t" ' t; together w ith a iareo auiok. ol Iron. Steel, NailaJ Spikes. Rope, (Jbaisas, Oi rind. tones, Mill and X Cut i Saws, Ac, Ac. - "i. i i bunburv, March SO, 1507. ... i "'CI 77! if., S' ' Mill M y " J I ' I '-tv' L 1 ill . k A L AJ 1A ; . t ' '.a Irmm "S i k BetJIBe 1 -1 .... ' . iHE' undCrsigncriinving boiighli,'th errtlre stork orDissiuirer A Taylor, would WfoVru-'THfr pnblte that he is now) ready to do nil kind. l iirrnrtoie worn ; nas ouiuaiiu, and makes to order at shott notion !slonsiiiient.aud tlcud-Skfonoii, of every style to suit purchiusers. POOR AKD WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Ualvaaiaefl pipe-nnd all other feuoing generally uiod on Ceinoleries:. ' ' Johnj A. Q'uylor will continue in tho employment, at the old Eland in Market lunrciSunbury, Pa. May 2, '04. ly.l W. M. DALtlUEItTV. 1 - NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY. MANUFAOTORY rfHIE subscriber respectfully informs the jclliaena a . . i '- . ., . , , L of Suubary jind..ieiiiiiy. that he has opened a shop in Sol. Stroll s lilaeksmithshop-umlding on Chestnut street, Sunbury, l'a , where he keeps con stantly on baud, and epauufactures to order, 4'as-s-ias's, JCtiUK.VM. Mulky e), Ac,, of Uf latest style and ul tli sui matetinl , Repuiriag of U':igoua,ui(iaj;o.!lo., done at ihe sliortvst notice.. Persons in want of fine Buggies and Carriages, are rcqtic, ted to call before purchasing elsewhere. -, v II. C. ROLSU. ,Sunbury, July lllSOS. ly, m . .: Till.- GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACT10M, ; X 3ST SXJIsTaBXJJ-, ' UTiin 'dJ street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at - NEW PHOTOGRAPH GAIlEliY, ' Uut'laatrly tuklilied, Willi nil , 1 .... m . - , T - isi5 iraotirrn aiaproTViutuul L ef the Art t- '. - . - rpilE Jubsorlbcr',' having tuilt the room expressly X. for the purpose of P holograph ins, apd having devoted many yenrs to the business, is coufideut of his ability to assure his patrons 'that tho work pro dueed shall be steonif to noue innountrv nr ritv No work allowed to leave the uullt-rv unliu 'm'. , tircOj satisfaetory, . lluiing KsiHbtsisitjjirftit inthe oouiiiy, liu 1 ptepired uuake J'sJotosraiihs iu all kindsot weather, butjwoulvl prelur a elear day lur siaau cuuarcn. lie Is also Prepared to take new aise. or jubinet card Photographs.' ., ; ,, . ,,. ; f , 1.1 All kinds nf piotures copied and, vagniaed tej Any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or U'alsr (wlors or India ink. We nay special attention to all kinds of uut door work, uoh as Landscape ! views of Monuments, MaMiineYyjTonr.ty Sdafs, 4a.) J a 4argo let of Photograph franios oniistaiiil vn baud. 1 The rlublic are resDect'ullv InvTr.,1 to unll uol i erspeofment' and our onninlute arruueaseuis for ' mkinif l'holoyrunha. rkeiAlijl.L I nruli. tkfl 4aatsja il iixt llmi uiuba. . . , . ,. ... ' .' . BKflUSTRESSER, L' . hunbury, July IS, in 1 1 J jf"0" A T.Ar.t nrA. tiS -1 .trw . 0 xTOJJJSTGr JEIST. 1 Just rulllilitJ, lit Saul td i'ltao;w. Inct tlx . ' :.' ',. A I.tMtiirV oni" tli (.atiire.VlWa't.' k.ent and Radical Cure of SuermaAorrhuja.oreminal uakne,S8, Iuvoluutary Eutiss.ona, isegtusl Dubilily, ana impediments m .Variia-jitujjlly; Nervous ness, Cviiiuiuiptieu, Lpllouaju mi Fni.jaeuiiil arid I'kysiwallnoapaoiiy, roulunt4euia-tMlf-AbasSt, Ao By Kiiaeur J (JuLveawtLfc, M'. D : Author of the dsGreetrUook," Aev - ' '' V - Th woHd-froownerl adthor', fn'lhis ,aJtuJ-aWs . livuiui c, vitui 1 j pruv ea iioui nis uwu VAoeJisae liuir - 1'!.' V1'"' cnnsr)Ufncc. otrajr-Abuse .ay.be.taua-. 1 lu"tVJ remok eJ witbuin utadieuia, atid witiiout duu- j,.,"". ... 1 1 . upviojawu., wgUKiw aaiairumeiiia, is'ievs- wi t;uoiiuiia,4iuiiiiiua;uu( a uioua 01 cure bioissu laertaia -and fctltcluiU, by whiek every svtle'rer, m. ..ri m n a. in. onouiiion mar us, may ebeaplyj. pvivately, and racnerrTlr. 127 Bowery, New-York, Poet-0e Bo 46. July 4, IbU?. y ' " . " . "VL.- NATO RE'S GREAT RESTORER. Jm.- e .WSi v 1.. -a. 1 . cThisraediec.l-preperatlon is now offered to the ami'i'ii ml b!.'!" if ''' "rl'1' purely vegetable, eompoaeS of various herbs, gather ed from the great storuhoase nf aature, aiol srls-eied. wuu tue utmost ear. 11 ta sua oreeoeaaienajjii Vdu..r..Tu"n, uu irt, Uim, kidneys Lungs, fcta sl-al4AA al a prevcauve and a Uuue All, bua euae upoe-l4ie ilea kaaasJI aiad aluwela. nun lur in.n v i,f Ilia A iaAaitiA til whieh llio.A OHksi Sjrvioat -Vailva4iibl 'Faily kMoAUuaa, and A&VaMesjta aWuti paid foieV Hig a Wv lv. AMJm tl... I . If I.W mLtlt ' lr. I. A.. mAuiA. - ' - Urn. -i P ! h m m m fcM.lll I LstaaM) btuatteiiU aawluai' iau.aaeiauivpeoai au I rasteaaly rsMAiedy :tfc4iiawt stuaa JpattUs;y, .Havwel WmisuA.ssijosaiki-.srri-ui rt.irisiai4aigs, Biaa.1i1uas1aBe.4s ajjnuisira esxtesejHeari; 1 kinda, it A. far bwtiee t4 Awfur ekkm qoAnlAWS) Lk- HI any of 4tsTsjiaiassaiislta- Is-aeaaeae aaifpe-j iAta- Hueaa wanliildlsU8rxo' Iliad, saw will oeunioraot me euecia 01 liquor to a lewnisaiea. t. t" rrepasva ir-'i ji j7..w a4-k. . v. -j JAOO)JOHHJtI.Aile ProprioT,v M. W. Cor. Filth .ad staoe bte., rhiladolphla. Pa .aLr -. -T Z m a t MU: ' BBJIME11 TIMB BOUEDULE ranv'VrB,-s;ii"n. ttViMJlllB J UWUfQVyHJ-WfH)Y,e fcllows .- - a-. Itt'rP Vr i CRTI-f I Ttf'1M,r fLAVH rJstMstifJ tWBg-fajr,T.;fwiiiyfui WliiiMswiiiiirriigiiy ,except 'OArWtOrjTkNrtt$ftl .t'-I .Ca lit. fiuiayA .for Kliaira, Canandaigua, Tl lOBNWJie tiWlV(itrviad ISM tH7)7l-G1ir,HlP vnte lliaeTiaea, Wenkueaa of Hie Dnek oi Limlia, saiel wftSjiih arf)niieykl DIuaitefrWKVMall.UDS a, wetikueaa of the Onek Ai Limlis, saicliires, ni. k4Tl.M1iliTt ttiiltdlkfifcfiiiiitf Iflilrt Il.sa.iliar. Llnt.tra 'i'"rnaiiwvuvrm mpnim)' jmrnmnmnn mym 9 iWMUauiMfcuilha isa xil jADrajia.nrUie Mutiutiifif MrS Sli'lf lmilu"WilASi M.d.r fciurrla, It t'Al l-aanit) I)Wsmssj iJaVt-jata Sfly I euti witlsns)tsns) ,PnasaM rskiwiakssii .t. !,,. wno notiiii X'itn thatluiav sletaM Ms)asi wwttktVenteuee Ssf4iarilyie. .by ,e,withfrtleurll'..l; it, , t..ai ,tw4i ..u., ii - .iiari liiRc. - . wieai -Wr.irVm atVfe.ns.lA VKa, -M.a silrreM(S7tilr1riri in it ijjnJ ska srsAf al lBsM sMMMeslsjrklllr tl- f "r wwjrmww i epv "a7f ., J. mny qawiniiiHialalir, annfidai la kiMiMa.ateTtt)7nuiii, end ij- iiiu bitsk.ui ai aA'Jivsieum,.,. , , . ., ..i- --. -rv-'. -e.A-.-i'" .1 'I, H IrrrrrthfWCaWd.irna'Fal'ViaW ' 1 . aai" ipanMe ),iwiey f ,11; ,ui.r,- -'tI,Hllff"TS''Vi!''e-!L.'.pem''l'y 'il ions neteoas use tsti . kMA k .as n) kfnMM fi,un.wtrm kliau'.i. ISit ilrt-nri. I XVn.la trie laliiect will tirsteiW f-7jV trart ijie power of kirafraatiarii' isOiaBVarKijaeiv I0ie Sailmn iiiWUmewner)i A hulols Ihau Jiy Itie nri rudeiitaf? Heaides dcinx uViirivaU lue Itlciisiireaol liralinv (mnrliir.llie llioai aenouanTin oeaiinc- iiee,m(n.isniieilitl vodtraaa) raiisd ariatu 'rtii-aWiXf brciiines Oeroiiae I,, tin IJiisual and' Mental functions We ikejieil. l.o-s if froi-eini"v'e Pnwef, Nervous Writ-dull, tv. TTi piMosTirWjflnflinMSu ul.tlie Heart. Initicestiolt. Con. siltdtimi -ftjibtlitT. sr Vwstliip-c tke f snme, Conga, I'mfanviii), tcoeiHt Istiith,. . y . ,,. i t--,OHU?..o. ?,uiiTU I'rcdewsj-y Street .f.efl Imnif sole goTn'if fl"in Baltimore alrert, a few dodrs 'iWiHiJeinvrer;' Tall nrtft nbtWve iiameito'-miailTW!' kMHxa iaaat lie iMiiliiMeeuU)naeUmik The Doctor's Ajiil)K'in:ia aaior in uia ouiee nnlrll (A Wo'ilajt. Ji V i-. .-tat- A .Ttf'inber of Inc Kt-val CoIWp tiftfurceniiir, londoii. Orati i i A.n..... ..r'w...-i ' A, Moios, aiat.lbs arearei iwrtu) Wt..Bc li(a lifrn'hprm I m H li-si.it:i'a'f. Lonilnti, ritis, IMiil.deli'tna aiul elae wi,M KV et felwe-Afh. arinVt-iiatoiiiahing eurea ffUA tiH(Wl; inj;jrttji.rd wubiingitig uithe tiuiid unit cum when iHtlecn. areHt nrrv-lunns-ast. hr tutf tfltirm: tl sVr1Mc'vmi,iliiiiTtrw, jWfili 'ff-quut hlUtlllME. itnuicdieilrly. , " " - Tl liTf-V fanrt fifril- Nokloe. - r.r.isT..iiiM-riileeBS; tm wnlifc lm taiused themselve. by improper iiulti'ifeiti e mid sotilnry iiulnts, wtHeh rum XboliLjuidy anil uuuj AiahMiug tiuau for cither busiueaa, i HKaTiire some of tiieshn aim rOerunTriiily eftelatpi. dsBecltiyteWsTMaairl ..wlK-veelM)ri?tl,rirtI J.nud.l.iusls, Paauj in Urn IIeial,Jiuaiiesaa.i 4evou1rfiuibihv. Delthirnbetitlif tiuus. General letuilv vyiiuitoiiMHe A'uusumaiiMli MaJ.vpi.v The leaiinl' effeela nit tlie mind are mVa to tienramlit Loss im Memory, t'oiiloNlou of Ide.ta, Jc; preianriif of spirits,4':vil-FiWlm-; Avirrnt"!1! M slti. SuliaLliattuiit, livu ol Solitude, TiiiiidiVy, Ite. aretaouie of thr.euila,irodueed. " a'Hl lliiaMH ol persons ol all ac un iw npe what is tkauiie of tlieii ileeliame; ;VuUU, loui) Uieir vigar lieeAilluiur weak, pale, nrrviius uiul enneiuied. Jiaviuc i ii siniiJlar Appeillanee about llic Cfea. cough aud. symptoms of ionsaniiilion. ' . ' ' " 1" ' k .:. Vaasa-"tla-aa e' i, L WM hnvspHiijurcd tlieinselves liya certain praetrre mriulg. w wian aione, a anon ireqilemiy wwfim ' I coiruMiiiuiia, or ai aenmu, uie elleeta ol wnieli len,vei TA'lien asleep, and tl uut cured raruiera imueil. and dealroj. both uuiidand linUr,eb..uld u iimnediutelv. v I . V.,dt aj,Uv Hint n voun mm,. 1 1.. h.,n. rj hi. ssoiniavi . Waul Uiiur t hut n vouinr man. I he horia nl" tna enuiilsvl tRewirlinrfof Im parents, simuld he amiitlied f.oni allyro. TPete and enjoj iiientaiif lire, by ihe consetineiiee of devia-1 i'", iifnini. mtii 'imDiff m rcsipvuftwiu n reriinit eeerrt haljil. ..Myl jer.us aiiiai.. heiuie.coiitimplatiM , . ..... , ... . . , . :r. . J...J, . . , '."" " .- ' -rnect that a sounil bjuimI iio4 sntv eifri(-moat nfceaiarV LrBqaurttpsn.pr..m..iasmil.iKl happiness. Indeed without Uiaserrrie journey lliroa(& ,re oni-S u wearv pilgrim- Mgrtfke proapeet h.aisljrd,.rkeiis I.. Hi view ;' the uuud j..o. n..f slniitiwyi wal'i lUssa-iir a-e' lil'H Willi tiie ineliiii. rh ily renei'iion'tluiu the JwiiouKMei pl.ajioilier beciwaeis MhTlftnl with mitnu-M - - vm fw r--a iklaAr fritprttdeiiec.'' ' ' Whan jU miuiiuled and. MppmdHwt'v,ari:of lerrjnre'l' fiiiila tli.-i 18 uiibille.l (lie Seeds oi tins nulnfiil disease visnnri leippeiia mat air-in vrmrn sense nr anoine, itreJil ul discovery. delete looifrom aplvimt Snlhoae win noni eooeniioii ami ria i ami reapeeinbiliiv. can alone lieiin.ii.1 kua. H IJavln? nil Ihe re miMitrtdtmaal s nv.t,.ini ..f this konid diapaee .inaae thsaru am.awaacev aeh us. ulerrated sirel iH",7vapMviwif vwm, wwlri-)fwuauafraa, y I o,iw f . f -'ii yr lyiiieiiu colony s.i tur n lilinms pcuykUiiiKUor.T.iw 9nisiia, Cujiluaion of ,MHe,'SMlipa1eil ":'P 7.,,' ' ,'' "' "i Trt''Tlrn,ditW jhesiAl,, WitaavofJ, , ,mvf i l,AVi. tWUTHWARD) 1 tlir iat,dieasl nose, nnctuiijl iuiiia m ilia In tut unS liaie,!rf OnSunuiayi ; Leatvai Maw 'York at 8 01) p ni., Phila- " . ., ...in, unit ur. ii'iuraini inr sion ooiii v,a,,,i,,IM mine JunsJ, faceaud eitie.i(i,a, pi. uinme.ani arjrni, oeiinieas, llodea nil Ihe spin bonca ;am gress- ins vvilh .triKhtfultanidiifc uilrat.iKtt tijo' nalale nf ili uiouta or tlie bonea of the imae full in, and the victim df Ihiaavvfiil diaease becomes a liorriilwbjet of eniTiiniaeni. I. ItHdculh pntew Jienod to hia dreadful aolferuir. W i lite vieim rtiTiiniaeni- d to h,a dreadful aulferuiir, h aoiiduiK iitaeto "th-t Uadiseoveresl Ouowy Trorh whence I 110 IriLi'nl.pr i.tunti ... ' It iSn metaneholV fnnl tlwt th lusnnila full viftima to it. i ' tefnbln disease, owing M Hies nskiilfMiiSaa nf iiiotaiiirl pietcjuleia, w(io, h' Hie use id iliqj, ' lAyaitiy t'niaos, Mai.'p ru.v.- mn, ine constiiuiion uuu make the jesnlue ot lilt niianraklft. .. . . ... : Slriiiii-or") .,, a 1 Trust net your live, mr- ln-na.-to the care r.f the many Culeii;na4 and Wonnlrsa t'leieudrr desioute of kimwl- dr, inline or flnra'-t.r, wlio cutiy i)r iohuatou's;ndver tiat-neiits,eira(ylethetnse'vea lu Ihe newsprtpeia, reulpity Educated I'ayaieiHua, neapablewl' I'anut, t,rf keep y ou ti ifl nig m 'nth after rn utu inKiist'.Uieil sjltby lid.rHnsoiins r'-iip-imm nr mm iurp ns inr aiuni.esi ire run lie or,mitis,. aciiil ueaiHlir, lairsyim true lumee aeiirtu lasighuvcr. i'iit a .nlioL' d11iipiHiuU11u.it. ...-.,.!.... nr.JohtiSton is ihe rnily Physician advertisirg. - si 1 i,if'K.Mii.uip.iiiisii.iws)i nifo 1,1 ma mrr. . Iia wniiiiu-s,QS tri'atn.riij are uuHivv ta all ethers, prepaTed from a nf upent in ilisgrejt hospitals of P urope, the Br.t luWAs eoaiftrVimrll witVe Vxtrnaive "I'rlvuie niiiiannnmuismmaiaiwiyi anna m nta mre P i-Ahe riacuce uiau aiustnaai'Knt eujiaa ia Ine Woiis). . , 1.1 MatlllS-fcl'ISMlsia ail' Sllll I'l'eaa. The many lh"sao euifdpt Ui,insjlltylin em nfter year. nitS) The niunemua important Vnrgn-al Operatiyns perlnnaee ky l)r. JiihiiaNei," wilimwd rn- K leporiera of tlie "Suii,'.'."Chpper," itnil v(hor.p irartawkoii' i-a of Wh'rh have appenird lyjin nnd ogam tmlore tin pubtioy besidea hie slaurant at a iiflenTiri V ehamrtrr and r spousiluliiy, is a suibowNU.4uMSi' t'lalhe altiebeal. J'ldts Isisii-iiM's !A'cUly .t;it-. vd. Pets inarritutc; ahotiM he pnrflf-nlHr in Sir1, rlmg their (tiers tussualiisiitiitia, ihe J"orA-iivia wianast, Julia, Jolinajlou. JI. .' or the Bull iiltimoie liek llostiiljil. liubuiujrs. Aid.. January Ol'lfttr'ly 1 I ll l'lir (."111 III II . J'i4lVrillI! qlilUliri.'" j Philadelphia at 0.20 lt M., and Great Bend all' 50 IliraTObsawlbert laving purchased the "star-k a4 1 4ti'.'i' ' ' e 1 fiture otVM. Charles dlacea Liaeiy ntaUv k a Za'yi rrivilll? t Sarantou at S 40 P. M cor.necl ' iu Sunbury, would respectfully . anaouuae to thy . ?"n trajiu for Groat Bend ar.J WuM.i pablio, that they intend luriiishing it witji first-class I' " ' '' ' .IJ.'A. FONDA, Sup't. liar sw, Carriages, SBulrglet nd'5pring Wngeae i ' '"'e '' a . . u tutuible for tliabviincaa. and SnH endeavor-tli luuiii ,.oi ig( IMirWH'alS Tiv T!, TT it a Livery second utiou i tiuseotion of the :. , t. . .. , , . Orders left at the Centio,! Hotel, at any hour of the' '.j..., - . ilay or night, will reoeive prompt attention. -' SI'.-.I, IlfiitUt, i..m-h ri.wsk.eo' -McrttAW A fXRVSWdnTH 7' ' ' f1100 OlTAoe to . M.; r'impern's Building, SanburyOotobsr 17, i a .1 .is.- . ui ,l"r- Mlket Square, ".lfWH ' of.U kind, of Hv.r. .'5-iararn rtaaca.sneei ana iron uanlen nakea.H T T wora pertaining to Uenlislry. Wil keep . Isoair. roi D ttandle bpedel. frhoredi. Maaure coustaally on hand a large assortment of Teeth, nnd diiajt, Forkif tiaaaa, and. (Irani den skee,-J rain othor Dontal malorml, Irwn which be will ho ablu to Cradles, CntdU Fmgcrst 'iiaeo. BruastKToague and.eeleet;, unl meet the wants .of his cuAtomera. r.og 1 nmirs. orind-slor.es, innninir Jli II helves ssHeraemn temnd'ftliitlsnlarlie assnrtrnent of Red Wagon Lllaiues, for Plowing, Farm Hjelia, t'uliivatof Teeth,' lor sale uyL qJ- H- COS-Lii V. A Qtt. , S TO 1MB WARE.7 - 4 ..X.y 5 bsmt awoUuhasawi aasertuieatof flon Ware ui.tjitj Stiisjus.t raeciv4,aud Iqr :ale 'oheati at the Mau.tift.th tis&Vtore of . , , " ?? .-. rxa. TKON', A li'jyojuaioiiAafit otlie ksjai paaaufae- j Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Latches, Bolti. Pius rorotl ' . . . tajrlMr.aVaj,.),, Ajriej, Troweli. 'Plaalerwe'e Piariw. are. . HoeplfaAi !," e Rm,eviij. ym Btia eielfvaj, Wait Atsda.. Jk,aTHjsl7'4 afn,,iuf oe, majeure nimseii. ctcei. jynu .-)iou 1 AjrHfaa M.A.laiaJlaiU, 1 " 7 y. .Th(iLe(;t,Hrf ilt f3 ' -Afivltf Beloersu, yXVt eiO y'ljWW'iU7 ? "lTtN F (W " TT flTtM bVuuidv.Y :. lelgei.R1,,a cf''t .A, v;a..Mi' lUl ilUl VAi- " " J'i.i. ""JrVCOB JTIIPlilAIlw :, riRB AKDlfiraSUltAlfC.E,Aar bLNHLKV. I'LAJA... . . I vtm' pm CauiborijLud, VaHe,.Al(4i MJVra.T.i TrT.T-ri i.ur7Tu4,w7"er,.lV'"!'t kds. nl1 r,e?" al oil 11 i i m aa a tirt VartA-lTT..oX,WrnV,n,:,r rhotograper. has Cited up. iu the sWlAs jP-R!k01T' fe iSGlTkALsaM Post Office buildup, three door, wist of th. aWtai'i llui firinMfaiA4Uvl rrwriire:- looms ak No. AeoxiUi ad ItriKa IsjiIujjj) jwsjjt , Oi Ud slr-wiAlialasllLtf 1 lltLAJl.LI'JllA, . ADELrJlI A, . Wher. Ilisr Vein foil n.aorf,, enl Sr " PAKLOH, CHAMBKK,: erT'lTO",RtTOM f d-llNIK(ROO rfWmJ -Theifold cnstnmsW, 1iM all Yiwi' 'fl'"''nj purchase, are invited to osllasnd oaaie Sbeiv' stock wiwk uillg wiwwirwre" aexnstaa paid fotpierlrg' tn.g jT Trees, Pad Trees. Panes, nil kinds aud Jtrtatuitjg te Ike bnilBes. fbr iaflg by mi ,viJ. 44.4XKUr AVeJo. OftSaddlurs, I les tilc TrN Jvesw tking pertai WJB areVelliag RIHt Spes,"rTubi, ' Springs, LY. Market Sqiar. ,V Caaavaaa, isuita, Clips, Aaiue, i.e, wary Miisi aAayssa, tst.iy. l.MgV.blSO. at i.L. . J VVJbLt I W. i r Wortm CVntrn; iiatltrny. ANl iH mIIav Kn. D'i 1 4Hfi nim m.111 W.. . . LEAVE NORTHWARD, IH'HI III 1 I ? . , rV"77 ' J -Y if , ' ei n 7,"S t"v;,"uysi) finnrn, nna ""U1" via jLria lUuiway from Kin 9 4 A, ALrDaail (eaeep Sundays.) for Bultimore, D Tain -n-jBUriiweipnia aao vrasainuuHX I 7.40 PAL, pally undent siundays,) lorJIiusrisbnrg, .J, v. connecting with. C ncinq.ni Express for mm V JFPiatDIM RWT,' T')if)IS).. X.()T7)6, 4-b i.'av..P,isjrt UseifclPeesso'r Ag't , mn"i;?rmm' icu tta' f , TTktkutiuv tauTi?"" Tbtosajk-MeV4tr4t.i atAwMI .Mal4delphia, flalWuere, ybjUMrWimsnort. Ui,M North- taa I.., . ...m .VaiTP .....Ti 1-T" at " nnu tuori i rtii ' 'ii ituiiuii 'U I vun: ELKliANT SLEEPIXll CARS on jiU NioLL Tr,.ln. A f s,r . i -. i n nTinr-nawirufiy. tiot. zan. inns, tiie iratrm i - - - w -mim ..wi, .nu in run an IftullDwa, - Uiw BiiijaA a.l l,i,... 'i' . ,,.. VI ESTVAse. I WanTafh IMviMolphiai'," " 16 45 j p m. n uu in 'I 50 p m II 60 a m A 6 40 p m E'P'ew I : , ' . I eunbarj . . - s T- :- tliotraMiilI leaves Philaiaip.la. " , . , ' -' Punbary -- 4 ', ' " " arrive at Loo Haaren, ' ' t ' ow lhAIITWAHP. 1 00 a m i 00 a in 4 14 p m 1 Ait p m , Mail irain 1vs,ym Bri. i. 10.15 am 2 46 a m 10 dO a ol 1 azipw 9 4(1 it m A on M , r Minbury 'i.i "' ar.Ttt Philndoli Erie Kxfress leaves Erie .f'jn'.W ' . ' Ja7ry ... " ' err. at Philadelphia,, man and taprcss, connect w 1th Oil Creek nnd Allegheny Kiver THROUUll. allroad.. IlAt)l(iAQEHECKED " " ' -AtFREiVL. Tyler, ' s jr, ' Genoralr-aptrintendent JAviNTEft Arrangement. ' Ufi KA'a7 TRUNK ,L1NF trdraAhe Xurth and : VJ s'irtb-West fuc.I'h.)d.lphl,'.New Vork, Read- nig, c-oiis,uiu, jLainao,uu, .snianu. .MiamuKU , l.el anon, AnetitwhEitsron, Ephrulil.XitiA, Luncaaser, 0hanbia, At.j Ae.' 'o-i 0 T ii , r - . . . l-a p' v-'1" -"'KAWPurn-i'ior vas -1 otk , ' as Pil lowa: At J ), 5 5U and si 10. A. M. and J.. 40 noon and 2.0S and 10 60 P. M, conu'ecting with similar TrUTiis 6b" flio PcnnTvTviinia Railroad, and arririnr. L,si Mw vi. mi 1 1 ou A"Pf A ! -,o - i,l Hi "r.T Va . -.lll ' .'" 3asH aio-ersville.. Aslirejia.iabaaiokin.'Fine (Jrove. .Iiontown and Philadulpiiia, at b.lB A. M. and 2.v: and 'JO-P- st"Pl'ing at, Lpbimori.iuid principal way sfafloiis ; the 4 .11 p rrf train miking councetinns for PhiladctriMwrfWVlrtflrTTWa onlv. For Pottrvillo, SobAiylkiUHivvcn aad Aubuta.virSchuvlkill nnd SunuelvninaRailroad, leave ItarrislHirg al3.S0 p. m. "Reftrming Leifvo'New Tork hi 0 uo a. m., lUflo Htottl mil fc 40 and rxi rr. nrVj Philadelphia at 8.15 ..n, at.iu p. mi, oieoainur Cava as.Tompinving ui. troius from adolphla at T.S0 on East Penna. f arroaoX returning frasa Hesdin'if nt B.H5 p in Stop. at at ll StauorsA iacave PoMsvilto at- 7. no r 45 a. rn. and 2 46 p. ui; bhamokin at b.2i a. m.; Ashland at i.uu a in,, ana li m it. m.:amaouaats .to n n. ..J lLAn . . r ksi .t . in M-p n. inr t nilitnerpnin. k . lsvo PoUsVille via. ,iwlkQl and fsitrinrhnnna 'va.u-oau.in, i.iua.,u. ior iiamsaurc, and 11 30 a.m. r, P: (ir.V... ,ya ( ..i,... 61 Rendinir AeimmnH..H.... T,.i, u.. o.j:.- . T i,m- t -rr,m:iiiiii! m -i - i T V- " L7' TeTnrfllTltt oTTii adelpuia at 4.4o p.m. J ArorTstown AowinimoaatiTin JTa'n : Leaves Potte. 0"1 .6.4 A. M.f returning leaves Philadelphia ,111011 P. U ' 'I "Columbia Railroad frains leave Koadinir at TOO A . M'.,- nnd J fiP"M." for Sol.rata. Litii. I.nnen.. ter. tolumUia, Ac. Perkioueo Kail -4Vva4 Trains lave Perkiomen .tolinli, n n O 1 . A M I . "A TS . f . 1-i "...l ".""-- neiurning : "5"."J"'1" a.m.. arm iz.il, v. M., con- nocurig wiHuimii. trains on Rending Rail Rood i u.eipjill, o.uw (., taun V-U P M. t:m U.ttn a. ! train running only to lv.cn im iing only l'eUsv iilo 6 00 a 111., 1 HarVrsbui'g and 4 ,H.Jin VA im.,s it . 10 and 111 5u n m. ami i , i i r.fl . .,, ... . , . . r; tor llamsLuri: 4 .7 r T t,i V ,' . 1 orK '"'u Mt fur Philndeloliiu.. inromucition, MrTe.-iire. Suasion. Vohonl and Ex- OIHSloB Ticket., nf fe.Iuocl artJiKvjf. Baggage okoeketf thjinngh ratos to and flom all 103 Tounds Trggage . allowed caoh raseencer ' G. A. NICOLLP, (iciirrid Superintendent' I.a Uavt uiiuii Ai lilooiitkburK itt.H. ' ' . . . ...... l'OMAl. t. ON and after Monday. Nov. -uth, I860, riu'en'er TfaiThj-will run as if..1Uw : 0 kail l-.l -i rOiriHAriD. T. ..in. . Lfove Scrnt.ton, " " ' 'Pituto,,,' Ktrig'ton, " Rupert. A. M. P. M 4 10 , S.3.V 7 47 it 20 9 04 A. M. 10. I'd J-ii.i.i 11. 3d P. M. V 42 7 in 7.50 , . 6.24 6 54 ' 6 2'J R.Hd -m-t 114 Daiiv ille, Aw. .North d . V 41 . , . HQRWIWARP A.M. P. A! A.M. P.M. Ii rtt vw North 'd.', ' a.Danvrlle, ..,' Rupert, " Kingston, ' " ' Pitlston. 7 16) 4 45 - T.4r5 8.18 10.57 11.29 12.05 21 ft lb ' b 40 1.10 D 45 a 55 0.25 10 fo rr. Abcrajitert, : 05 40 1 Tsalrts lenVlnr? Perantriri at S "S A M. tl 4.10 P. Miaaeaoaeet at Northumberland with trains on P. ,t SfciV t W'.llarri.hujg, Bultimore, Washington, .......... , , ..vn Ibl.UUI J UUU IIPSI. 7 .iotiuh "i i-eranton at 10. UO A. .vl. enn- 1 llrt ll Iniui .rnr n m V.. V,..b ,.i i e. s M , reel l of 1 All work warrnutej lo aiva saiisioeiion. or otae ilm rtnetioy refunded nl be vary beat Mouth Wash und Tooth -Tow dura kepi oa band. .. . ilis refereueea are the numerous patrons for whem he has worked for the last twelve yean. Hunbury, March 21, eV"?). ' " I -M Are especially invited to oall and examine our stcck r() Ao J s-for B J. II. CO VI. FT A m .MJi tilUK. I I ZI'I.. liI'OIa-ta.a.. .UCaka'a Addititn te SUNBI RY, near the Penn a. wl'.a. Railroad Company's Stiops. S irl PiRMANENT ANDTRAsltNT B0ARPlB3, . J kept l ho Will find amide aauomnivUti.,. u.i h:.!.; ,nr. .r." '".r LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! I ra'lroao, ftlarkel N,uar.. ena of the very beat Sky- ....'ee VP be louna iu iho ftUitc, and, iuow luepared u l''"Re-j.ieiunr-i 01 Bny Ktna, 111 all kjuus ol weall i pieuira-i ui any Ktna, in all Kjnns ul weallu' -f essray ana tJHe. Children taken almost instantly. leJAejisalang thtt babie.-e ar. cow ready for theoi. (. U. 4 t'OME ONS ! COME ALL J Wl groat "and small, see lb "hew roomi. 1 amino apeoimens. and ex- I RAMES I nsnd nnd ma . picture line I f done in all it Jtotb aat a FRAMES ani FRAMING material eonatantlrsa hand nnd made tu order. Itiinc alonar Tour piilurua f ad Slave tbera framed oheaper than anywhere else). aea lur youraalvea, Avyihiog In lb aouslauuj on baud eierdereeV vosyuut its brane.hoi and colored aa desired. Jtotb aatand indoor views taken ac short notie Bfirl aa isaisas'ils Irrnir tsaaiAfawtiao nuairanteod, aj utolle,ii to pleaaa.. AU aeTlv rrfiil:y iiraserteJ. Kemenaber tbe p'.y' ask fUf 0. I Mm . . . i W7ViU.a),,, '. - ewFiarars Gillea j' . n f-7W . UTU -T ..... . ..'It.rtTT . tT-:ii i Howe a ww -.--.. . v w " w u . y t!. ... rCars aocomnanviiiir ihe ajo Jt 1Jlii.I In in t m Ihe rji-rVsfi Fuiu:- ",n" wnnoui ermniro. , , . : ii. iii, ioi 'enay.'TA.i;- . - .. - tttt . . ... . i, sc.' -isaaa-o ntrrnsouTT tor nen.tinif. J'ottsvilld. T.mi. I I t -..- J-riJ - JUAo'..ltrs'., S-juMi . tl'BLEIf 4.CC8 Md ry ell tH-iggietf n, an -j ejqsstiurf, Mr U, ItVt j v v-ree aoorarwen 01 tat r4 railroaa, MVket BJA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers