Sttiihrj American H. B. KAS8XB. Editor. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909. TBI Nvw Cabinet.- TLs formation of a Cabinet of 'Cmiesellors, by an incoming rroiMcnt, It alwajs difficult, toil Gsoeral Grant's experience Unt bctn ne exception to this rule. Mis appointment of Ales. T. Stewart, cf New York, b is at the Lead of tlie largest mercantile bouse In (Lit coun try, at hit Secretary of the Tiessurv, bad to le recalled, because an old act of Cengress ia 1780, precluded u Importer of goedt from holding the office. -General Grant evidently bad great eoufldsoce la Mr. Ste wart, and accepted his retignatioo with re luctance. Mr. Btewert bad offered t put hla bueinete late tbe bsads of trostess, and pay over tbe profile, during bit term to public cbaritiei, wbieh, In fnur yean,wre estimated to amount to aiz millions of dol lart. Mr. Stewart could bTe bo motive, but to terra tbe public, at this -aalary would not amount to two days of bit income, which it about $5,000 per day. The .proba bility iatbat Governor Boutwell,ef Massa chusetts will take air. Btewart'a place. He it an able man wboea appointment, will giro general satisfaction. Mr. Washburne it it laid will not continue at Secretary of State, but go at Miniater to France. General Rawlins will be the new Secretary of War. lie hat been General Grant't cblef-of-etsff during tbe entire war, and ia one of tbe bctt executive officer in tbe army. Col. J. AY. Oaeb. Among tbe removal of Acdy Johnson on tuo laat day of bit term, wat tbat of Col. Cake, tbe Collector of Cuitomt, at Philadelphia, and tbe srppSat mot of Jas. Mark, of Philadelpbia, in bit place. Tbe tmpresiien bat 'been tbat Col. Cake wa removed by Gen. "Grant, but it wss one of the lest actt of Andy. Thie semination and tbat of Mr. O'Neill, Diitrict Attorney of Philadelphia, were both con firmed tbe lait sight of tbe session. Andy wa determined to punish the Colonel far aoabbiug bim in not removing kie eubotdi sate according to order. It it eaid that Mr. Mark cannot relieve C'. Cki until lie gate bie cemmisiion which i withheld, either by tbe order or con tent of Gen. Grant, and to with Mr. O'Neill Death or Ho. C. It. Cobcrx. We regret to learn of tbe death of Hon. Charlee It. Coburn, which took place atKicholt, Tioga county, on Monday lait, after a lingering illneaa. Mr. Coburn, in 1663, wat appointed by Governor Andrew G. Curtis aa State BuceriDtendeat of the public achoele of Pennsylvenia the auccetaor of Tbouiet II. Burrougha which responsible office be held until November 1, 1836. when be tendered bit resignation, which wat accepted. lie wat appointed Deputy State Superintendent by Hon. J. P. WicfctrcV.etn, who tucceede Lim. which potitien be held until the time of bi death. Tbe constitutional amendment wa final ly passed by the Senate, at Hsrrisburg, on Thursday lest, by a itriet party vote. Rbbrl Democracy ts. War Dbuocba ct. We copy the following rich article from the Selinj;rove Tim, the organ of the rebel democracy af Bayder county. Major Cuinmiag, to whom the Time man refer, lis lung bees the war hort of the party ia that county. He should be rather grateful, than otherwise, (or this "unintentional en donemant of hit patriotism and Jackton democracy, by tbe editor of tbe Time, even though he couplet it with unworthy motive Every true man and patriot will think better of tbe Major after thie ezpoture, though they may regret that be did not aet open bit first and boneit convictions: "Hi nrpocmrr. The old demagogue who at tho begtuniaof tbe war, and all IJiraagii the war, lnustert on as tbat we should join in with the war party, for tbe reosua, a he always alleged, tbat be could make "roprs of money" yes, "money by the bushel" now claims to have been a great and unselfish patriot for not having jeined the war party .sacrificed his principle, and mad hi "bushel." vea ao late as the early part of tbe year 1865, be said it ws not too late yet to make a "cord," and that we had better join in with bim and do it vet. He aisnred us tbat if be bad to do it acain hi coarse would be different. Now he hss the unblushing impudence, when talking to country people, to lay hi band on hi lilack heart and say : "I tell you, if I could have sacrificed my principles, I ceuld have made rapes and bushel of money during the war, but by G d I have al- waj bo tn toe 'true a democrat to do it." We would here refer to the fact that the first War Meeting gel up in Selinsgrove was got cp by this same man, who all during the war when talking to a democrat pretended to hcoppoked to the war, end when talking to a Republican pretended to justify tbe war. Knowing that we would refuse to print bills fr a War Meeting, be got them printed at Harrisburg or Philadelphia. Now, forsooth, he waa a great patriot I The democracy of thie country were almost uaaalmoudy opposed to tbe war, and we want them o bear in mind that whilst the 1'inut refleoted their sentiment this old demagncue get no the first war meeting and used hi best ea rirtvor to persuade u to go with him. When we refused, then be pretended to go with ut. These are positive facta." Asdrbw Johnboh pardoned nearly all af hi penitentiary friend before leaving the Presidency. Among the latest recipient of Li favor were Bpanglsr and Arnold, two ef the person convicted for being concerned la tbe aaaasaination of President Lincoln. Even tboee of tbe aasasaio who were eie cuted bad to receive tome mark of bi re regard, and all of thtm, Booth included, were taken from their felon' graves for hon orable interment. Tbe better part of bie nature perhaps demanded thie act of grati tude for tbe conspiracy and murder that made bim President. James G. Blaike, who bas been elected "peeksr of the 41st Congress, is a Represen tative from Maine, where, for many years, be wss a successful editor. He is a native of Pennsylvania, having been born in Wash ington ooucty ia 1339. Hit grandfather waa aa orticsr in the Revolutionary war, and aa Commlstary-Gsnsrsl did ia the army f WblogtB, U it terrible wlattr at ' alley Fur, grail (r.C. PAT CP t PAT CP ! SIMM tbe first of January, wf bate Mfit out a nnmber of bill of indebtedness to ut for subscription, advertising aad Job-work. To those who have to promptly responded to oar request in remitting, ws return our sincere thanks. A largs number have net as yet given us any reply. We desire that ttity should do to, as we are in need of the amount due us. Contemplating making improvement, in a few weeke.fortbe bene fit of our patront, we necessarily most have the meant to do 1t with. And at we ask no more than tbat which bclongt to n, to ac complish' oor object, and at the tame time offer the AaismcAir, with improvements, at reduced rate, w trut that none will look to bis neighbor to pay first, but at once remit to ua the amount due, so tbat we can carry out our contemplated improvements. How to Kill a. Town. Tbe Doijuque EaU gives the following receipt for knock ing a town stiff and dead : "If you wish to kill off a town,' put up no mora buildings than yea are obliged to occupy yourself. If you should bsppen to have an empty building, and one shoukl want to rent it, ask about three times its sctual value. Look at every new comer with a scowl. Turn a cold shoulder to every business man or me dian io seeking a boms among you. Go abroad for wares rather than purchase of jour own merchants or manufactures at tbe same prices. Refuss to advertise, so tbat a person at a distance will not suppose any business is being done in the .place. A prompt and close observance of these rules will ruin any town in two years. James Grant, who killed Itives Pollard, at Richmond, some months since, was, on Saturday, acquitted by a Richmond jary. Tbt verdict was received with applause by the spectators. A waggish editor says that ths streets of Allentown sre to be lighted with red bead girls, to which an over practical brother ob jects tbat too many people would be found hugging the lamp posts. Cabinet aad other .HouiiaatloaM Confirmed. Tbe Senate en the 5tb inst, confirmed tbe following nominations in Executive seasioa: Secretary of State E. B. Waekburae, of Illinois. Secretary of tbe Treaury A. T. Stewart, of New Yoik. Secretary of the Navy Adolph E. Borie, of Pennsylvania. Secretary of Interior Jacob D. Cor, of Ohio. Post Master General John A. J. Cress well, of Maryland. Attorney General E, R. Hoar, of Maata cbugett. No nomination for Secretary of War waa teat . Gen. 8cbofield will act until super seded. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Co lumbus Delano. Litutenattt General Sherman, to be Gen eral. Major General Sheridan, to be Lieutenant General. Brigadier General SchoSeld, tebe Major General, ia place of Sheridan. General Augur, to be Brigadier General, in place of Scbotield. Keeiffaallon " isemocrnf Ic RIeaa ber or the Indiana I,csrllatmre. Yesterdsy the Democratic members of tho Indiana Legislators broke up the seseioa. Enough of them resigned in each House to deprive it of a quorum. The object was to prevent the ratification of the proposed suf frage amendment to the Constitution. The desertion left tbe Appropriation bills an fiuished. The pretense of justification for thie act is that they desire to hare the amendment referred to tbe people : but the method was contrived so aa to dodge any popular trial of the question ; for the mem ber from district in which the Democratic majnritiee were small held faat to their places, net daring to make the reference ex cept in strong Democratic district. This it a new style of popular trial. Had all the Democratic members resigned they would have thewn some confidence in their case ; but in the way tkey managed it, it hat a tneaking and dodging appearance, ae if tbe instinct to hold oo to otlice was paramount to all other consideration. The thrift of tbe Domocratic mind was also shown by their drawing their pay and stationery aad postage stamps to the lest moment. Tbe Governor has ordered a new election for tho vacnut districts on the 20th. Aa these members bave deaerted their duty, their constituents ought to tske them at their word. If they eloct them it will only be to desert sgain ; for their re election will not prevent the ratification. It is not likely tbat the people of Indiana will continue to elect mcnibera to the Legislature merely to resign. 1 ne regular election oi tue Legisla ture is biennial, and will not take place un til next year. Cincinnati Gatette, March 6th. latercatlatr; Malta. At the late term of the Circuit Court at Sandy Hill, a suit waa brought by a Whitehall lumber dealer, Mr. Cooke, agaiust Mr. E. Davie, of the same place to recover $10,000. Tbe plaintiff alleged that defen dant bad agreed during the war to furnish him $10,000 in greenbacks, at a specified time, for fifteen cents on ths dollar. Plaintiff brought suit to compel tbe performance of the alleged contract, but waa nen auited on the ground tbat it waa ia the nature of a wager, and hence immoral, tended to de grade the national currency, and was with out an adequate consideration. At the same term of the conrt aa equally novel euit was determined. Tbe Bank ef Whitehall, of which A. II. Griswold is Presi dent, brought suit to recover the face of a note upea wbich it had taken more than the seven per cent, interest allowed by law in this State, and which tbe maker of the note refused to pay oa the ground that it waa made at a usurious rats ef interest, and cen aequently forfeited nnder the State law. The prosecution aet up tbat the law of Congress was superior to the Stste law, and tbat tbj act creating tbe national banking system provided tbat the rate of interest should be fixed by tbe different State, and that in caae of excee the forfeitnres should be only twics tbs amount thus taken. They further claim ad that was tbe only penalty applicable to the oaae of a national bank, and tbat the State law declaring tbe note void for usury was inapplicable ia such a caae. Tbe court deoided that tbs note waa not vitiated by tbs Stats law, and tbst the plaiotio" had to recover Albany Argvt, 6A. An effort will be made at tbe next election for County Superintendent in Chester county, ia May nest, to bave tbe office tilled by a female. Tba caudida'.e will be Miss Maria L. Sand ford, of Vnionville, who is a gradu ate of tbe Connecticut State Normal Behool, and a lady of emioeot qualifications, energy snd ability to fill tbe position. Tbs State Superintendent of Common fecbools hss decided tbat there is nothing in tba law to prevent the alectioa of a feasle for County j atiperiDteodtnt. PUEftlDKlT UtlAirm CAM. RUT, Tb cabinet of President Oranfbas been thoronghly csnvsssrjcl aad whilst ovae few Republican eeem to be disappointed, It cannot be denied tbat tbe masses of tbe party approve the appointments most heart ily, and the President will be fully sustain ed 4n hie wise selections by tboss who ele vated him to 'hi exalted poaition. Tbe cabinet is composed of men who know how to work, and lt ia only fearod that some of the most distinguished gentlemen will not be able to endure the bard lubor imposed upon-them. Mr. E, B. Washburne, of Illinois, the Sec retary of State, is so well known to tbe country that reference to bis antecedents is almost superfluous. A native of Maine, ho commenced life, as has been tbe esse with so many of our most practical and energetic publio meu, iu a printing otflc, serving a regular apprenticeship to the trade. Subse quently be studied law nt Harvard College, and removing to the West, commenced ths practice of the profession st Galena, Illinois, which has continued to be bis residence. Ue wss first elsctsd aa Reprusenalire to the Tbirty-tbird Congress, and has served iu svery Cengres tinea then, and wa re elect ed as member of the Forty-first Congress just opened. II is services of fourteen years bad given bim the title of "Father of tbe House," whilst his influence and ability was recognized by hie appointment us chairman of sums of the most important committee. On tbe death of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens he wss sppointed Chairman of ths Reconstruc tion Committee, end at the bead, alto, of tbs Committee on Appropriations, sssumed tbe leedership of tbs House, so far tbat po aition can be said to rest ia ths hands of any one man. A townsman ef Genera! Grant, the most intimate persona, relations bsve existed between the two gentlemen, whilst ia their geaersl political views, and especially in all tbat relates to tbe economi cal and pure administration of the covern Bbsnt, there baa been the closest agreement. Ae Secretary of State Mr. Washburne msv be said to be tbe very opposite of tbe retir ing Secretary, Mr. Seward. Direct, straight forward in purpose and flsae, SD'i free spo ken ia expreesing hie sentiments, Mr. Wash burne will bring but little, if any, of what is known ae "diplomacy" into the State Departmcat. But he will bring something tbat is better aad more in consonance with the Amerieaa miad. He will think right and do right; be will represent the lull patriotic sintiment of tbe people in regard to our foreign relations, and will do his best to carrv out those sentiments. A. T. Stewart, Esq., is the Secretary of tbe Treasury, and whilst he may not be ex teneively known to tbe politician, be i un doubtedly on of the very best and most active baiine men tbat ould bave beeu found ia tbe United States. He began ba sines in New York in 1823, and hia sue ores as one of tbe street merchants of tbs world proves bis cspscity to manage finau cial affaire of unuaual magnitude. With regard to tbe important question of pre serving unstained the commercial honor of rbe nation, and of paying the debt, hi viewe, we may be aure, are in perfect har mony with those of the President; while hi genius for system, his zealous de votion te honesty, and bis power of enfor cing bis will upon bis subordinates, will tead greatly to promote "the faithful col taction of the revenue." Let ua hope that in the vast, difficult, snd com plicated sphere of action on which be now enters, Air Stewart may prove ae successful aa he bas beeu iu the operations of commerce. An obsolete law passed in 1789, which contains tbs following : "Sec. 8. No person sppoiated to say office instituted by Ibis set shall directly or indirectly be concerned in carrying on the business of trade er com merce. c..&c." may not permit bim to accept tbia important trust. Tbe Prei dent, in making tbe appointment, having overlooked this sectioa, be couaidered necessary te send an especial message- to Ittogress asking lor ita repeal. Tbe Keystone State is to be represented io the next Cabinet by AnoLru E. linhie as Secretary ef the Navy. Mr. B., ia a gentle man whom every intelligent citizen of Phila delphia considers worthy of any honors tbe President or the people may have to bcetaw. That he bas not been a noisy and busy par ty politician is a (act. But in all great po litical excitements, be has been one of tbe wieeet, most earneat, most efficient and most libci al workers on the side of the Republican party. Hs wss one nt' the foun ders of the I'nipn League of Philadelphia, and has been one of its Vice Presidents ever since its organization. It was in that capa city tbat be waa first introduced to Grant, some j ears ago, and the acquaintance thus begun has ripened into a warm personal friendship. Hie loyality, hia liberality, hia business experience, bis sound practical com mon tense, bis uprightness and bis purity of character are sucb ss to secure for bim the confidence and respect of tbe whole county as a member of the new administration. It is quite certsin that while be is at the head of tbe Navy Depart meat political jobbers and tricksters will have no chance to de fraud the Government, or to "run" the navy yarda for the benefit of themselves and their particular friends. The presence of such a gentleman in the Cabinet adds to its digni ty at well as to its strength. For the important poet of Post Master General, President Grant has selectsd tbe Hon. J. A. J. Creswbi.l, from tbe State of Maryland. Tbia ia one of the most impor tant ofUcee under the government, and no better selection could have been made. Mr. Creeawell waa bora at Port Deposit, Cecil county, on the 18tn of March, 1828. He was educsted at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., wbeie he graduated with tbe Brat honors of bis class in 1848. On Isaving collage, he studied law, and two years there after was admitted to tbe bar, since which time be bas dsvoted himself assiduously to tbe practice of bie profession, and is justly regarded aa an eminent lawyer. He baa filled seversl important positions in the State acd Natioual Government, in all of which he haa conducted himself with abil ity, ana in a manner calculated to secure the respect of all with whom he was brought ia contact. Tbe Republicans of Maryland are justly proud of him, and he may be pro perly considered tbe representative men of the paity in the State. His character ia without a blemish, and a brilliant career awaits bim. Alter serving with distinguished ability in Cougress, be was iu 1864 chose a United Btatea ttvnator for ths unexpired term of Governor Uicke, who died in tbat year. He waa one of tbe first members of Con gress to actively reeist the attempts of Mr. Jobnsoa to override the laws of ths nation. and bis vote as Senator wa alwaye on the aide of right and against Mr. Johnson's vetoes. Mr. Cresswell wss a member of the Republican National Convection of 1864 tbat nominated Presideut Lincoln, and waa also a member of tba Chicago Conveption tbat nominated General Grant. Generel J. D. Cox, of Obio, the Secretary of the loterior, eerved during the rebellion under General Shcrmaa, with bravery and distinction. After the war he was eloeted Governor of Obio. Duriog the Stanton embroglio General Grunt wished General Cob to accept the position of Secretary of War, the Senate being willing to confirm hire, aud thus and tba atrueds. General Cos, however, iu unwilling to sceept the position nnder tbt ttttamgUatt. IT ts a thoroughly etauach Repobliean, aad a man of ability, wo will, U la discharge of ths duties of tbe vf&oe, ate credit o Ghweral Grant's choice. Judge E. B.-Haer,' tea Attorney Beooral, s tbe present Chief Justice f the etaiM-ems Bench of Massachusetts. Though aw has tint been pr.oniioently in politico, ha has been thoroughly identified with Use Repub lican party. As a lawyer be bas a'tlira. reputation at tba Massachusetts bar. ilia brother wt elected to tbe preeeni Uoagrete from tue Worcester District 01 jdatsaoau- setts. General 5cRorre3J remains In (he War -Dcpartmont, at least for the present, a pest which he bas filled with honor to aiiuself and tbe country. With such a Cabinet, the administration of General Grant will and must be maintnin td by tbo loyal people of the United States. Tlevr Jlampshlre selection. CoNConn, N. II., March 0. The returns from the State election show a smaller vols than in November, but indicate an increased Republican majority over March last, when llarriuian was elected Governor by aboat 2S00 majority. The clectiou to day, of Onslow Stearns, Republican, for Governor, over Joun uecleii, Democrat, is probably secured by 8000 majority. The Republicans also elect a full delegation to Cougress, and a large mujoiity in the State Legislature. The Governor elect, Mr. Btearos.was called on to-night by a large crowd, and after re turning thanks said New Hampshire would standby Grant in tit declared purpose af introducing economy, retrenchment and re torm into every department of the govern' tr.ent. As New Hampshire waa the first to formally present tbe name of Grant to the nation, it is fitting tnst she should send us a greeting, tue first endorsement of bis ad tn mist ration. Tba Hon. E. H. Rollinsfurnishes the lowing despatch : The Republicans have elected eight of twelve Sonators, and a majority in fol out tbe House of Representatives of about sixty-one, One hundred and sixteen towns show a Republican gain on tbs vols of laat spring ot WO. Tbe Kepuuueans bavs carried sevsa out of ten counties. Another despatch ssvs Stesrns will have about 4000 majority. "All tba Republican Congressmen are elected. "Batesjian" Office, Concord, N. H., March 9 1 1 P. M. 120 towus givea Btearna 23,432, and Bedell 20,100. Probable ma jority for Stearna, 3500, ! lIA.- WAR, THE INDIAN WAH ENDED ARRIVAL OF GEN ERAL SHERIDAN AT FORT BAVS E!f ROCTE TO WASHINGTONHOSTILE TRIBES E5T1RE- Lr suiiDrRD. Fort Hats. Kansaa, March 0, 1809. The Iniliau war has ended. General Sheridan and staff srrived here this afternoon from Medicine Bluff creek February 21. General Custer, with tbe Seventh Cavalry and Nine teenth Kansss volunteers, remained behind, with ordere to move along the south side of tbe Witchita Mountains to the head waters of the Red river, tbeuce north to Washita, thence to Camp Supply, at the junction of the Beaver and Wolf rivers. Affaire at Med icine Bluff Creek are ia a highly satisfactory condition. The Indians are coavinced that they csn find protection at no season of ths year, and tbe campaign haa already proved a salutary lesson. There is not a hostile In dian within the limit of ths Missouri de partment. The refractory tribes have been entirely eubdued. Tbe few that have net yet come in, but bave made promise?, rare been driven far out of the department. The troops sre in fine health. Weather cold. Cam j) Supply, at the forks of tbe North Canadian, will be kept for tbe present. Mail dupatchse will give tho details of tbie brilliant Indian campaign. Before reaching this point the General met the courier sent With the teleranbio announcement-of bis promotion to the Lieutensnt Generalcy. Tba Gent-mi's arrival waa entirely a anrprise He leaves by special train to-morrow for Washington, whither he haa besa sunimoa ed by telegraphic dispatch. One of ths most complex family relations is that describsd as follows by IJsn Bryant "I married a ymtnz widow, who lived with her atrn-datichter : my father shortly after married the step-daughter. .My wife ws therefore, the mother in law, snd the tlausb ter-in-law of my father;! am the atepfnther of my mother in-law, and my wire a step daughter is stepmother. Well, my step mother tbst is to ssy, my father's wife and my wile a daughter had a son. lie is my stepbrother, of course : hut. beinc the son of my wife'e stepdaughter, my wife's is of course his grandmother, and I am biscrand father as well as his stepbrother. My wifs also had a boy. My stepmother is conse nueotly tbe stepsister of my boy, snd alto bis grandmother, because he ia the child of he stepson, and my father is tbe brother in law of my son, who is tbe son of my step mother. I sm my mother's brother in law, my wile ia the aunt of ber own son, my son is the grandson of my father, aad I am my own grandfather. ' nitEiTiTirs. Peach trees are in blossom in Nashville. Edwin M. Stanton suffers from asthma Peacb trees are pink with blossoms in Georgia and Mississippi. At Amherst, Mute., three Japanese are ttudyiog for tho ministry. Tbe most populsr barbsr in Lansing Michigan, is a girl fourteen years old. All flowers of speech spring from tu-lips Indisna has 831 aboriginal log school houses still ia use. Tbe Prince snd Princess of Wales will sona go on an excursion to the Holy Land In Meridac, Conn., there is a physician who makes bis professional visits on velocipede. Missouri wants to bave a Stste entomolo gist, with a salary of about $3,000 a year whose duty it will be to kill tbe grasabop ers. A Boston psper saya Mr. Builiucams when in this country, suid ths Emperor of China would take stock in tbs Darien canal to tbe amount of $80,000,000, and supply all the labor needed. There are about 100 Slate companiea in Northampton county. Huntingdon county last yssr paid $3 204. 80 for fox, wild cat, polecat, hawk and owl scalps. Tbe citizens of Bedford hsve voted for Postmaster of tbst place, which resulted : the election of A. Sidney Russell. A gentleman af Huntingdon has msds calculation, which shows tbat more than $100,000 are spent for intoxicating liquors each year in that borough. A railroad Presideot has sent Rev. Georg Traak, a pass for a yssr, inscribed as fol lows: "Pass the Rev. George Trask, for services in fighting the devil oa his own hook, until Dec. 81, 1869." A Vemerarlb Woman. There is in Nashville, Tennessee, a woman, aged 114, who baa out lived three buabanda, all of I whom served in tbe revolutionary war. an for wbnae services she draws three pensions. Iter name la Dtaab Vies'; ue bas 4UU de sreudanta, aud hsr daughter, eged 00, lives wun tier. A young lady of Great Bend, Sasquehsnn county, wss relieved of a tape worm thirty nve i) i in irngiu last week, and sua 1 do doing wen. Anna Osgsrin, the daughter of a Mescow mercbaat, ie tbe wealthiest heiress in Russia. Her prospective fortune 4s estimated at -100,-000,000 reublee abotttt76,000,000. The negroes of South 'Carolina ara sadly perplexed about State and County taxes. Tbey canuot understand how a sheriff elect ed by themselves should turn around and ask them to psy tsxss. Tbe assessors' books sbow tbat the aggre gate sales or Ulatlln & Vo. lor looa were $48,000,000, and those of A. T. Stewart, $0,ao,OW. Q ho latter is, however, fur the wholesale department alone. Nearly all the member of The Rhode Island Lsgiblsture live at their homes during ths session. They go home every evening aod return every morning, like oar suburban resident busiuess meu. The Legislature of Maine has fncrrated the bounty an bears from two to (Ws dollars. These creatures sre increasing their depre dations lately, and killed three hundred sheep in Kingfiehl alone last year. ' Tbe snow blockade continues on tho Union Pacific Railroad ; also in Canada. A dispatch from Muutreal reports that the Atlmbaeka Railroad is so complotely suowed up tbat it must be abandoned for the sesson. In some places tbe snow lies in dri fts nesrly thirty feot deep. Recently, Henry Csrr. of Middlesex, Vt., found a bellow maple while chopping in tbe woods, snd in it found a swarm of bees wbich bsd filled a space five feet tea inches long sod one foot in dismctsr with beauti ful bonsy. He cut off the log, aud carried bees and haney home, intending to keep tbe twarm. Ku Klcx in Virginia. A diapatcb dated Richmond, March 8d, tayt : General Stoneman haa inatructed Col. Uose to notify the citizent that untess the Ku Klux out rages cesse, a detachment of soldiers will hs sent into the infected portions of tbe State who willpiessrve order and subsist upon them. It it rspoTted tbst a Scotch engineer hat recently discovered a method of producing intenss light with common coal gas, by mixing it with stmnsnhorie air. Under ordinary conditions, it is statsd that ths introduction diminishes ths illuminating powsr, but greatly incresass the beat of a gas Hume, in the aew plan the mixture or gaetes is lighted after passing through a tissue of wires, composed of irridium snd plstiaum, tbe metal soon becomes heated, the flame disswnesrs, and a vivid white light ie the result. It will burn, it is said a a gale or wind witnout prntectioa, ana will not be extinguished by heavy fall of Tara. India has had a curion rsilwsy accident. An elephant, seeing the red ligh and smeke, cone hid sd tbst ths noisy loaomotive was an enemy to be summarily demolished. He accordingly placed himself en the trsck, and met the etrange creature, head on, with track and tasks, lbs rssult wss a dsatt lephant and eleven cars cspsized. 'I won't psy for rtesks as tough Ss these," said an angry boarder, "there is nn law to compel me taey re not a legal tender." Tub fallowing is a list of Licenses granted by ths Court daring the last week. Seversl of the spplicants are held under advisement antil nsxt week. a affy Xekert, JTwthaMtalaad bore., e!4 ttaa4. JahnV. Babling, Hsrndoa, Jaokno tp , aid staid. D. I. Kails, Littla Mahanoy, old ataad. Marriaoa Wagner, Gameroa tp., Wisklts' eld siaad. Joha afoMiaa, Caal twp.. Ban twid. Tbas f ealds, Jr., Zarb twp., aid stand. William Farrow, Shaaakin twp., " Jaa. Mewary, Upper Mahanoy twp., old itaad. Joha H. aiit, ' Maury J. ltaadar, MoSwaajrllla here., " Hanry Haas, guabury boranjb, Jehn Albert, Uaradaa, Jiakaoa twp., " Franklta Barga, Lawar Makasoy Iwp., " Frank Byarly, . " ' D. A. Start! tl, Dppar " " " O. H. Rakar, Littla Thoaaa Natal t, Bhimakli twp., Mrs. Jalia Jabaann, Nartb'd boraajb, " Bliai tthaffar, Jerdaa twp., " Cbarlaa B. Beyer, Caaaroa twp , 11 Blia Fagely, Jordan twp., saw ttaad. Ckriatian Oinbb, Jaakaon twp., 11 Jaal Bidarmaa, old sta'ad. 4enrxe Koblt, 11 ' Heradoa, " ' William Conner, Witeoatown borangb, 11 A b Mattia, Lawar Makaaoy, " WmDataamaa and John Haokle, Dawart, " Joha M Huff, Miltoa bareng h, Aug Ziaaarmaa, aft. Carnal karaagb, Jtichalaa Wenok, -k. v-,..w Jiiaaa Vandka. Eanbary sorangk, Mary Brymira, Munbory barongh, Micanol tiraham, Mt. Carnal twp., aaw ttaad Robert NioboUon, Shitaokin borangb, aid staad. JabnH Conrad. " " " Cbrittiaa V3, 6'unbnry koreagh, 11 J H Faroaaaan, Waiaantawo baraugb, " William it Wearer, tfbaaiokin borongh, " I J Btamm, Northumberland borough, 11 William Bhartel, Jordan twp., " Aaraa T Cobla, ' " Hanry 8lmands, fihaaekla beroagh, new aland. Joaaph F.jitar, Sanknry borough, old eland. John W oarer, " " " Thorn ai Fonldi, Sr., Zero township, " Benjamin Kneuie, Zarba " " Augontnt Wald, Lower Uahanny, " William togeltnen, Bunbnry boreagh.aew itand. Jaoab Laiianring. Miamokin tewnihip, old etaud. Terrvnee Qnian, lit. Oarmal borough, . U B Wearer, Iroiorton, Kmaanel Uaiat, I'piier Mahanoy, " Jaaapb Temmea, rJbainnkin bereagh, " L U Mitker, Miltun borongh, " i'ntr B Y eager, Cnnl township, Ihonaa Uibboni, til Carasel twp., Ibnoiaa Welth," " " I T Drutttholler, Embury borough, " CarlUarioger, " " " Jaaab bhceta, " Abraham Rolharmel, L.Mikanoy twp., " Charlee Hartman, Cbilisqnaqut twp., " Miohael J. Ilewnay, ireronoa, " Pair io k Kearns fehemekin borough, " Franeia MeCarty, Jdl. Cermet twp., " William ilarrey, " " ' Theodore Howell, Shsmokio borough, W F Both, " " " Joha Cartia, ' " aew stand. Peter HoDoaald, Ut. Carmel twp., old ataud. William Meyers, Ckilisalasoa, " John Fry, lwart, " Charlee Culp. Ut. Oarmal boroogh, Dar id 1 Davis, " " " HaghTyt, Looust Cap, Bamuol biahlneoker, Dataware tp., ' Jamee B Braae, Lewie twp., Bimea Opp, Turbulvilit Boroogh, " D fl Dreitbaob, ' WmJohnaon, " " M Jacob JdowerT, Sbamokia boroagh, " H C Foher, VYaihingtea Iwp., Wm M Nuebitt, Neiibnmbarland boro., " Frederick Fahrion, Mt. Carmel boroagh, " William Fiabor, Milton beroagb, new stand Charlee Hliokar, ' ' old Joseph Deppin, Mt. Oarmal boroagh, old stand Joseph Vankirk, Morthemberland bare. do. J. Malm Bmitb, Jaukaoa towaebip, eld itaad. John Pearaea, Point twp., ' Patriok iieatar, Mt. Carmel twp. " Jamee II. Joaea. Milloa borough, " Joeepb Dieb.1, Milloa Boroagha, " James U. Jeaee, Milloa Boroagh, " EESTAURASIS. Frederick Shrank, Baabery, eld staad Jaoc W Bright, Ooarg A Kecear, " Stephen Tom pi m, Forsyth m Morgaa, tlerth'd borcugb, old staad Joha Corns, . " W W Huth. Miltoa borough, Henry W Hath, Fredariok Wolf, - " . " Jaoob Kr el Her, mm n Miebaet eioder, fibsaskia koroagk, " W both, " m laaa ft klcisar, mum Wa K Saydar, Heradso, 7ackaoa twp., - Aarem Leroh, Mt. Carmel boroagh, " JttLJl Murphy, Watfcntown burougk, M Jomce Burks, Mt. Carmel twp., - Thomas a irwia, Xurbat twp., - Hoary Daek, tihamokia buroaghi " MtiWD Troxel, XaxbutrUle Daniel staap, mm Jacob Klymor, Miltoa borongh, Vim A Fiabor, Ohas W . Booat, Kerthonibarland bora. " Wa. Burrows, Bhamokio borough " Jamee oHibert, ahataokia borougk, LIQCO alORS. fyru Browa, Miltoa borough, eld staad Mortia kiDoev m w ii Cos, aaaburr, " Ibomoc Feulda, Br., Zorb twp., WUa a. (Jeruos, fibafaokia Boroogh, aid staaa. a. siaaom, bow stand A htgWy lotslUgsat lady, attvMent ef fyvmmaa, V. Y., saya that :b was afllloted nearly a year, pariodloatly, with doraagemeat of tho oirouUUon, tbo blood rushing to the luagi with tuoh Inroo to threaten" aongeation and death. This waa alien. led wlih fh moat intenao pain tn all part of tho bwfy. FailiSg to obtain roliol from any tif lb phyaiolans when the employed from limo'lo time, eh wai In duaad Ln lr ih. plantation ttt"S. and to her lur- I 'rise and joy Ihey hare relieved ber, aad all is now a good health and ttoeh. JKiSKOKA WTia. Snportor to UiS belt Inv portoa Uerotja Culngnn, and sold SI aau me priee. SI. Jacob Shuts rfirl t enoaot rofroin from expressing my ontire oontdrnoo in the curative pownra of y'onr 'Celabmted Hitur Cordial.' I ad aatniateted It to my shlld eighteen monlha old, lor Bowel Complaint ; to my neighbors' children far peine in thestomaoh mid other ailment; to my adult friondi Jor Diarrhoea, with aatoniahing eurea. I was dreadfully ftaraljied, and for two jeare suffered Sevcrels' with ilbeamatUm. Arte using all the talked afoures without relief, and beooming rati fied that ths kidneys is tbe oenlro from which Kheu- matmm emanates, l made a urin atana ngntnftian liquors, pnrtioulnrly malt, aad uied your renowned ilerb or bitter Cordial ezelueivaly ; tbo result ia I hare had ro itheumatitm during tbe Winter lust past, notwithstanding its sorority and rannr ehnngea Yonrtroly, P. lUNKLIi, Jk. tItoad SrjIETZ'S standing adrcrtiieuiout in another column. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT MASONIC HALL, IUHBURY. The Os-iftlaat aad Popalar SIGN OR BLITZ, FROM PHILADELPHIA. Hit Crest Magioisn and Ventriloquist, with nis LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Wednesday Afternoon and Erening, MARCH titb, commencing at S and Ti o'clock. Mysteries of tho Mngio World, tk Loarned Canaries, and the Wonders of Ventriloquism. Admission in tbe Erening, 26 ots. witbontdittins lion of age. Referred soata 50 cts. Tickets io the Afternoon 2i ets. Marsh IS, ISIS Children IS eta. JOTICB. The' Hon. A. JORDAN, being toe unwell te bold Court Neat week, Jurors, Witnesses and partite sum moned and expected to be present next week, are bereby informed tbat they are not required to at tend. JOHN J.KIIMEXBNDBR, Maroh 13. 189. Prolhonotary. Philadelphia, Marsh 10th, ISM. W brg leave 1o inform yoa that ws are prepared to offer for yoar inspeotion, our usual assortment of - MILLKNKUY OOODS, Consisting of the Ntwtit Siapet in Straw, Silk and Oimp.HaTS, BneTS. Ae. ; Velvets, tfilk (loods. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers Rnohes. Crapes, Blonde. Braids, Ornaments, Ao. Ae. We shall be happy to wait on you at your store er reoeire your order. Pliers low far cath. Voura, Ao, H. WARD, Nee 103. I OS and lil N. Second St, Pbilad a. March 19, 186V. 1 m. 1869. I860. Opening of NBW SILKS. Opening of XKW bit AWLS. Opening efSKW CIIITZB"!. Opening of KBW POPLINS. Fall stock of STAPLE and FANCY EJatlw OOIH. EYRE A LANDRLL, Foartb snd Arob Sheers. PHILADBLBHIA. 17. B. Jobs from Adotlon daily received. March 11, '9.-t. "WATER'S NEW 8 0 A L B PIAMOS, Witt Iron Frame, Overstrung Baseband Agraffe Bridge, MZL0DK0NS and CABIJtBT ORttAhS, The best Manufactured : Warranted for 6 yean. Fifty Pianos. Nalodeona and Organs of first olaa makers, at low prison for Cash, or one quarter casta and tbe belauccin Monthly instalments. . Bee-ond-hand Instruments at groat bargains. Illustra ted Catalogua mailed. Wsrereoais 4SI Broadway, Ksw York. UOKACX WATERS. HOUSEKEEPERS 1 HOUSEKEEPERS 1 Hrm Women a ad Children I yita-Womra-anl thllrtrea t "Cooling ts Eoa'.ds and Burns." Poothing to all painful wouails, .' 'Healing to all Soros, Ulsers, Ae." 'Costars' Buckthorn Salve Is tba most extraordinary ealrc ever known. If power ef toothing and Healing for all CuU. Burns Bruises, forne. Lloers. CbSDned Heads snd Skin, for Sore Nippier for Piles, Ao.,Ao ia without a parallel. One nerson sari, of it, 'I would not be without a Dox in my Hoare. if it cost to 00, or hod ir trava) all the war to New York for it." IK Y Evening Sews, Sept. S j All Druggists io Sunbary, sell It. "That Ceugb will Kill yen," Tr,"Costar's'' Cough Remedy ''Colds snd Hoarseness lead to death," Try "Costar s" Cough Remedy. "For Croups Whooping Coughs, Ac , -Try "Costar s" Cough Remedy iT.ior hti it t iha but in the wids world and f Ho save on ita True its True its True ; and We say Try it-Try It-Try it." . lasornina: i ipn, m .t All Druggist in8unbary,eU it. CO STAR'S taadard I'rrparallcas are bis BEAUTIFIER! tbs Bitter-Bweet and Orange Bloaaoms. One Bottle, $1. SO Throe for II OS UIS "OOSTAR'6" Rat, Kossh, As., Exterminators. COSTAR'B" Bod Bug Iitormioators. "COSTAR'B" (only pure) Inaoot Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." "ISreareoeiabliabed ia Kcw York." "2.000 Boxoa and Flasks manufactured daily.' 'All Druggists in eU.NBL tt aau loom '. Beware ! ! ! ol spurious imitations." SI SO sites sent by mail on receipt ef prie. S3 00 for any thro SI 00 sites by Eiarese. AddrcMj HENRY R.COSTAIl, 10 Crosby St., S. T. Or.JuHKF. HBSRY (Saeooicor to) DEMAS BARNES A CO . II Park Bow, K. T. Sold by H. T. FRILINtf , Bunbary, Pa. January SO, loVit ly Asslfaes ."fotlce. Ia the District Court af tbe L'nited State far tk Weeiora District of Penasylvoula. . Ia tbo matter af I Conrad F. Cores, Baakrapt, ( la Bankruptcy. To wham it ma Concern : The aaderslsnod here. by gives aotioe ef hie appointment as Assignee ef Coarad F. Car, of Turbut township, ia tb Couaty ef Northumberland, and State of Peansydrania, within said Distriot, who kasboea adjudged a Bank rupt apoa bis ewa BoliUoa by tbo District Court of aid Distriot. L. H. KAtjB, Aaigao. bnnbory, February 17, 109 St Aewlgmoo ivjatioo. Ia ike Metrics Overt ef tk Failed States ft tkc Woeeara District M Paonsylvaala In tk Batterer 1 Ucaaasak P. Bcaaaa, Baakrapt. la Bankruptcy Ts whom It may Coaeara : Theuadercignod here by give nolle of hia appoiatmeiit aa Aasiguoc ef Meaaaaak P. Seaman, of Milton, la th couaty of Nerlhumborland.aud But of Pennsylvania, with la said distriet, who hoc boo adjudged a Baakrapt apoa bisowapotltlaai by Ih Dis'riot Court af aud Pistrict. L. H KASB,Assi(. tuabury, Febmary 13, ISOS. St Dlaaolatloa ot'FartneroUlae, . . NOTICE U horwby giroa that th eo-portnardilB bwotoiure eaiotiaig emtweoa Henry Fagoly ire a moa Staol. trodiua under tb Srae Mace of FanTy a. AimI, waa diaeulvod by aataal oumosI, eo tb ibddv0 J-aF BFjrjTTAltT, . MOaehitEL. (futjlniry, MarVh J, lW5 . ncXeronT ti: FLOURING MIL J. M. CADWALLADK havtiur taken eh arse of the above VMl k i flcllment, is proporod te furbUlt FLOCBoX all kinds. MEAL, sin an tli a bast tnraia to SnstornsrS. 'Ilia highest aimh prluea paid for at graia. Custom Work solioited la J rcforcae ch on i work. b'uubury, Maroh t, Ifll?. ItcnioTul of tho ''i'pu :.-, Ol Ion." GftAkrnOPEjrmj of Spring Fashion, Miiroh 1st, l8o For tho better r, of her patrono, Mrs. M. A. Hinder baa rati Dree Trimmiuis and 1'apor Pattern i N. W. Corner of Bloveiitb and Cliejni Philadelphia. Drent and Cloatt Making. Presses nu with ene nod ole'auce. Tho finest u( Ladies' i)re?s and Cloak Trimming ifi It tho lowest pnoei. Orders tsrontd nt ahi mlroi lories, lld'fs, Lauiu, RiObon.i. Iir nn i Wreathes, Kino Jewuiry and Fain Pinking and (Jotferlng. Cutting aud H porfuct synetn of Dross Cutting taught Pi with Chart. Patterns sent by JJmlor Kip SKrts of the Union. Do not forget our new . W. Cor. Eleventh and Chesnutslreote, Maroh 8, lbd'J. .Iia A.aiaao rtJollca. In the aistriat Court ef the United State W estern Dislriot of Pennsylvaai Ia the matter ef William Itaupt, Bankrupt, j In Bankrupt T whom it may Concern I Tho undersiii y X'ree aotioe of bis appointment 9 Af William Haunt, ef Milton, in tbecocntvn berland.and Stateof Ptne.vl vaiiia. wi Dialriet, who boa baen adjudged a JUankru is own pennon or mo isisiriat Court of s triet. L. II. K ASK, Ass Banbury, February 23 J, lSW.-Jt Western District of Pennsylvania, aa. In Bankruptcy. At Port Trevorlon, Feb. TUE undersigned hereby gives notioo of pointmeat aa Assignee ot William A. t item. ton, in the Ceuutr or f art hum burl State of Pennsylvania, wilbia soi l district. eon adjudged aJUaukruct. UBonbia own bet the Distriot Court of said District. Port Trevortui T the creditors of the said Bankrupt. reereoryae, ism. et ff oarern District efPeaaayPr la Bankruptcy. At 8unbury, Feb. IS, 1 THE undersigned hereby gives notice ef peintment oa assignee of Charles K. W Cameron township, in the County of Norfh land, and State ol Pennsylvania, within said I who baa been adjudged a baukrapt upon h petition by tbe District Court of said uiatnei X. KUUKJSACtl, AlMn Runburv Te he creditors of ths said Bankrupt. rooruary zs, 18tl jt IVeatera DlatrlcS of frmttnyVn In Bankruptcy. At Sunbury, February 1(1. THE uaderaigned hereby givea notice of I pointment oa Assignee of John L. Haou &b amok in, in tho County of Nnrtbunikeilai,, State ol Pennsylvania, within acid district, w been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petit ino viamei oeun ei seta aiMrict. LLOYD T. ROURBACH. Aasigac Sunburv. Pod To tire eredltcrt of tho said Bankrupt. reoraary zt issn. .it BAUGH'8 RAW BOE SUPER Fi PIIA.TK OF LIME. Stnadard fTnrr-aanlrcl. Wa offer to Faaesas acd Dsalsrs iu Ms tho proSoat' season our Raw Bone Super P bos of Lime ae being highly improved. It is act necessary at this day, to argue the e of this manare, as a usofnl and eoomieal npplis for C0R5, OATS, and all sprirg orops. The ai has a reputation ef over fifteen years sland.x, is still manufaotured by the orginal preprietori Fanuaaa will please seal their orders to Dealer early, a this on!y will ensure a supply BAL'QU A SOU, Bale Manufacturers, Office Ho. 30 South Delaware Ave. Feb. M, .-3m PHILAHBLPISI. fKtnt, Oil, Ar. A full stock of Oils cownritini; l.injecd Oil.' Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil tor r.nginoe Machinery, Vorruaos, Ulaas, always on harl at pitoaa at CON LKY A CO FLOUR and FEED. HAVE OPENED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE IT TUG. A n.tUR ." I'KFn tS'fOK 3 deors East ef Moore A Dissirger's, On Karkrt Mtrecf, anabnrr, Whero they will sell and deliver te l!. J riiiz.', bunbury, each and .every day m tlio n.crL iug or afierouao, eayihing in their line of trade. Q7 It la alto a suitable plaoe for farmers to leu thgix grain for the anil. 0. HAAS BI") Snahnry, Feb !7, 1JI9 3m. In Ih Cltatili-l. t'o&rt ol it.e. J'n tosl Mlnlra, for fSio Vlr-ft-.'-i-n sTli ti-l't of Pnnj Is anln. ROhEhT IIA YES, a fiankrupt under tho Act Control 01 .Mar.-h 21. IS-iT. baring apj-liei f a di.oharge from all his debts, and (,'lnr c-1m.ii t.rOTol.le under said Act, hy order of tiie ( ,,u! Noricu ia tiaarar qivrm. to all persan who ha proved Ihoir debta, and other penrns iutrre.-lel. 1 appear on tbe 20th day of Mnrrh. lo9. at 'ill a aleak, A M., before John ,S. Detmilur, Ls; V't ister in bankruptcy, at his otuoo. in fcuntnirv. Pa tn show cause, if any they have, why a di-charg should not be granted te the said Bankrupt. Ai. further. NoTii s is UHKBr cirs!v, thai il,e toeoo and third meetings ol creditors of tlu said .V nipt, requirod by tbo ST th and ZSth cecticus Q.'t. Aet, will b held before the said I'.ogistor. at ih, same time and plaoe. B. C. MeCAXDLKSf. Feb. 13ih. IMS Clerk THE FIRdT ARRIVAL OK NEW DRY GOODS AKD Fresh Groceries! Oa Third St., oa door bc'sw the Lutheran Church SUNBURY, P li N N ' A. HENRY PETERS Haa juat aponed a large assort meat of CRT GOODS, auoh as Calicoes. .Muslins. Se . aV'-''J arc sold cheaper than eror Also, a variety or tieas, Ualcrshirts, Drawers, Hats and Caps LADIES' WOOLEN GOODti. Ac. OHOCHBIHS PKOV1SIONS of all kinds, tuoh aa Sl'SARS, C0FFKE6, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Melasmas, Pyrups, Mackerel, Lord. Hams. Nuta, Dried and Conned Fruits, Prunes, Rauina. Cheese, aad Crackers, and in foot everything usually kept in IhoUroeory lino. Haas, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queensware, Olacs-waro, Willow. ware, Ac. Tk best FLOUR and MEAL ia the Market Tobacco, Cigara, and a variety of NOTl'JXS. Ala: All kinds ef Canoed Fruit, at tho lowest price. Country Produce token la xehaag for Oo-tdt. iaOaU aad eeiamina my Aleck, and satufy yonr- BBNRT PETKRS Suabury, Fob. SS, ISSt. P. S. DEWALD & CO. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealer in WOOLEN AND WILLOW WARE. Oil Cloths, Window Shade, Carpet Chain, CouJa Tara, BaOiog, Hop, Twine aad Cordage, Ilraoaat). IfrsoHea, UaaUlsi Paper, paper bags, ac, &c X. SI Nerth Third Street, abov Market, PHILADELPHIA. JonaryjO, lb6 ly The Arch Street Foundry, HERETOFORE sarrwd oa la the nemo ol J. Youagmaa, will hereoficrbe oarrlcj on in lh trm namaol Yot'NulMAN A HAl'PT. AU Ikinje ( Casting will at all time be mod at the obertost asissa. a-d U tk. kest .m f svubbar, lohniary IS, Jiot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers