tit' WtJJJJftWea.fr ear THE NATIONAL LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THH " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, . WASHINOTOX, P. C. Chartered tj Ppocinl Aot of Congress, ATrovti July US, IMS. p Cash Capital l.OOO.OOO. BRANCH OFFICE, rillt.AriELi'HrA, Finst NaTio:. IUxk Bi'ilm9, Where the general businse of tlic Company it trans acted, And to which all gcncml correspondence should bs addressod. nuLTTons. Jay CervVe, Pliilndii. K. A. Ro!l!n. Washington. C II. Clark, HcnrT 1'. Cook, " John V. Kllis, Cin'tl. Win. L'. Chandler, " Win. G. Moorbcad, I'bil. John P. Delrce., " tteo. F. Tyler, Wwnrd Dodge, New York. J. llitiakley Clark, . T , c. Fahnettvck, X. Y. officers. C II.CI.AHK. Philadelphia, President. UENRY I. COOKK, Washington, Vice President. JAY CHOKE, Chairman Fitunco and Executive Committee. EMERSON W. Pl'FT. Philad'a, Ster nn.l Actimry. E. S. TtTRNIiH. Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS (I. SMITH. M. !., Medical Uiroctor. J. EWlNtl MEAR3.M.D., Assistant Medical I'i ree'or. ftlcdivnl Aliory Honrs!. ' J. K. Barnes, Surgnon-tlcuorul V. S. A., Washing, ton. T. J. Uorwiti, Chief Medical Department V. S. N., Washington. 1). W. Lliss, M. D. Washington. Nnlii-itorei rmul Attorney. ' Wra. E. Chandler. Washington, P. C. tloorge liui-ding, Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National in its chiractcr. offers, by rensen i f Its Largo Capital, Low Rates of Premi um and New Tables, the uioit dcsirablo ir.cr.Ei of insuring life jet presented to the public The rates of promliiin. being lurgely reduced, are liiadn as favorable to the iuuren as lhoe of the be it Mutual Couipai.iu', and avoid all the coin; ligation and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the this unierstiiudii'a bich the latter are so apt to oauio the Policy-Holder?. Several new and attractive tables nrei.ow present. d which teed only to be understood to provo nceep table to the publi.; suck as the Income-Pro Hieing Policy and Return Premium Policy, la the foimvr tho policy-holder not only secures a life insurm ce, payable at death, but f ill receive, if living, alter u period of a few years, an annual income cqual.to tea percent. (10 per cent.) of the par of bis policy. Iu the letter, the Company agrees to return to iho assured tbo total amount i.f uumcy ho has paid in, in addition to the (mount of his policy. The attention of peisons eontoinplutirij insuring their lives or increasing tho nii.ouiit of insurance they itlreay have. U cillcd lo the ipcoial nJ vuutages cHured by tbo National Lito Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets find full particulars givc-i: on application to the lir.u.ch OiTi.v of the Company in Philadelphia, or to it (.roncrul Agents. (3r" Local Agents arc Wanted in every City nv.' 3iwn; and itppli'Mtiniii frri:i n.uir cte:it rtrti-H for such agencies with suitable c'i d-rscniciit. Hb.-.ui-i Kddrcaed to the Coiupniiy's tjeuerul Agvi-H only, iu tla-ir rcfpaoiive distii-m. o km: a a I. AOEXT3 : . W. CLARK CO., Pbilnlo!si, For Pennsylvania and soinhtsru New Jcrtey. JAY COOKE A CO.. Wsliit:ston, D. C. Fur aiiaryii'.aU, Duluwnr, Virginia, Lislriot of Columbia am, t'e-t 'iriuia. B. S. KUt53-:ii, Id.dii.igor. WM. H. lirniLE. Az-nt. Miltnn, r..., I.. M. VoniiU, Airoiit ior funbury and vicinity. September 6. 1;;-1H. lv W e in, not imi ki in in you. i en.UT, liiu: or, M utdcrl'ul, or nuy oihi-r mars, tins ui.-i-.vii c J a n-in-tdy that ciircrt Cnuiiiuiplion, mI.uii th Iuiik aro half ojtisutuc.l. in iln.rt, wiii core all d;.ic.'i3.:s ttruthur of mind, body or 03tulo, uiake mon ii.-e forever, and Uavo death to piny f,ir want of work, mid is JC4ipri0i to iiiaki.' our tuuluiiary eph!r a hli.-lV.I p.t ;:i ii.-t-. to which Heaven i-stlt ,h,; hui rt ,.( ,1,, y0 have heard i-iioug.'i of thai kind ol huin'..'.ij-;;i v. und 't W'O'I.t f.-it you huiely t!,i time become ilisgusted with it. lUit when no tell you that lr. bago' Ciitaiiii Remedy nill jiotit.vc.'i cut tin f""'v '' Cifir.-li, we only assert that which thouiaiid.- ean teli;y to. Try i! and you wiil l,o eon juiced. Vio will p iy f ,M Klwako ior a ca,o of Catarrh tli.il l ,n..t cure. I0H tALK UY JIfi.ST lUifillil!; TS VniV WliLP.L. Fiuce om.v 50 Cfri. s,,t by Mail, ,.t paid lor Sixty Cou'.e ; pour Packax:s for sJJ.tiU ;'or I l),.i ',,r ".""-l a "'mlr Dr. b-ig-. .amphlet en Catarrh. A ldres, the I'loio-ioior, K- V. I'llvUCK. -M. !., Uufla'.o, Y. 2 No lie vara. It is v.-umvKd lo eur lost or Ij.i railed I'.nta, biuoll orllcmin?. Wnterir or Weak iyee, o:Ti'r.ivo Uroatb. L lovrntod 'tbioator Moutli, I'uiii and Pressure iu the licu.l, ar.u lo.-s of 11 u'oiy vhen oaustkl, as nil of thoin lio iueiitlv ore bvtiiV raviiges of Catarrh. It is ln.-uanl nu I diis!cM to tse, contains no strong , utouous or caustic dru-c but cures by its niild soothing action. ' Wo will 'ay ciooj Keward for a od of Cntarik that wo cannot cure. 10U tSALK UY Mu.T IKCGIST3 EVERV !!tHii. Pi.k b ent M Ci.xrs. It your lruifgits has not yotgot it on t1o. d.-.n'tbt put u8" with some woise Iho u worthless strong siiutf, "fumiL,aU.r '' rr poisonous caustic tidution, whu h will diiv the dieru-e to Urn luusja innend of curing it. but sund fixty cents to us and the- remedy will rcuch you Ly rturn mail, ceud stamp for It. ejaj-o't pamphlut on Catarrh. K. V. PIKUt'IC. M. 1) , UuJulo. K. Y. ThlsInriLUBLi: Rcvt.tii doMnot.likethiip.iixon eu iTiLiuii k snutis kiwi stiouj: -otitic roltitioi with wbicb the pcoplo buva !oi .g beuii hiiinhu;;b-c.l, eiuip'y fi JIiata lor a short timo, or dnvo the d'uo'iue t tb udrs, tu, ihuro in danger r.f Joii. iu i h uen of tuch EMiruin?, but it produus i,o,-tVct and pnuiuueut euros of iho ivorct c:o, i ef cLionic o.taiih, ,.( th,,u.-. and . can l..-iiy. "Cold iu iho Head'' u cured wiiha tewhpplicutions. Catarrhal JLiadacho ir ro litve.l and cured as if fy initio. It rei.io. m otin live Urcatb, l.OfSm- ra'p.drpi.m ,f t:,.,,,,,.c , f UJ.e. until or hmring, utermg or Weak E'is. r.i.i lu . pniKd Mc!i.jry. alien eau-od by tbo violenoo of IV tanh, ei th..y nil fruqunntly arc. We ofjci in ir, ,1 fiiuh a iumlii,i rowmd for a aa'se of Cjtun b that ivo cai-i.oi lull A1.K IY HOST HJHTOfirSTS EVEUY- Vi ilLHtj. PlilCB 0,L1" 0 CtMS. A'k your Pnifrgist for tho IttMuur, but if bo has not yot got it on .aio, dou'i bo put otr by nceoptiii" fcny latiorabiB, w.iie than worihlcsj eiibsiituto, bul oeloto sixty ceiiuitous, ami the Home ly m !,c.hoiit you post piid. four packi;os S: uo, or ono doj'.n fitii.Oi itai tmp for lr. Saro'si i nnipblut ou Catirih. H. v. Wtiu'li. 11. i.., tufialo, . y. ThiiisNO PAtENX MEPICINE Hl'MLlli, (rot Un up to dupo tbo ignorant and cicaulous. nor is it ropronted as b.iug emiipojud of rats and preci-ej abetuuoae brought fromtlia four comers o theeuh, carried seven times .c,u tba Urtiat Until ,.f Sahar hon tbbacks if fourtoci oamois, and Uuucbi across ia Atlantic Ocean on two rihio,. It i-tiu,a, mild, thii. remedy, a pcrlejt rrncciiic f.r Ci ft?" f "Culru J 1 1. a i'( " l',o for of) ..; ?UiJ ' m .r 'T''Mvf ihciiMisoof ,moil, Ite or lleiinng, auuir ir Weak Ert, tatu or PfOMUrtfheUottd, wber! cau.cd. a Ttbcy iu Uoi ttofiequ.Q.lv.re.by tbo yioloiioe of Cur, h fo .V', ",,oJ '"i"1' 4 ,u"uii"B tiu"t4 of Wi Wulil-15 kX JU0?T UHLiiiJIS'M EVJHY--ut by ukll, post pui.i.y,, r.jciptuf Sixrr CeKii rour paokafor oaorl Pnian for 5 u 6ud jo,f ut Dr. 6,-, f u,u.l.i oy. CWch. OPENIHG. FALL GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! You can Buy More Goods of th Tor LESS' IflClTET, at tb MAMMOTH STORE, OF ii. Y. ritiLiTSCi, ; market s5t.Ar.K, IWKURV, PEKN'A., Tliau tiny n'.licr jilncc. HAS JUST F.ECEIVED AND OPENED The Best Selected nnd FINEST ASSORTMENT, of mil COOLS JxN TOWN FRKNC'H MJ-KIX03, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CASSIMEKE8, &c. Delaines and Aroiurcf. Poujcstio Cottots, Brown and Bleached. NOTIONS of all kinds. ilo.iery. (1 loves, McnVrd I.ndic, -Vndorgarn3ents. VIIITI3 GOODS. i i i A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Euildors will find my Stock of Ilnrdware, KVitutM, UlauH, &., foist ;lolc. DilUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR-VA RE, QUEENSWARE, OJ,ASSVARE, CROCI1EHY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAP?, j and in fact every (Ling usually ko-t la a largt Stoi o ! Cull nnd Ijo convinced that i i i jtlie Chesipost Tliice to luy nil Your Goods is ut THE MAMMOTH STOKE of iiiist "siIj, ao iuj, at my Goods are bought for Cb and Sobl Cheap fortbo UEAUV IH'XLY. 1 give the trade the ad vaatAgavf all reduetiuu telW w tboy ire uaie If JUuuUoluri. VauSeery.sVeTt , tV I ELECTKIC ' TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE EA8T INDIA TELfiOflAPH COMPANVB Os- Fl(-K, Nee. S3 St !i iXnaeuu Klrfft, NEW YOU K, Organized tndr tpevial ehertcr from ike Flat t Ktw York. CAPITAL . . , tS.OOO.OOO mm 60,000 Msftfcst, lOO lia DIRECTORS, Hots. ANDRBW 0. CURTIN, rkildclhia. PAUL 8. FOR UK?, or Russell k Co., Chine. Flll'l). DUrriiRFIELO, of F. Boltetnell ft Co New York. IKAAC 1.1VKRM0KE, Tieesoier Micbigau Central Ruitroed, Itosum. M.l XANUB t HOLLAND, Treasurer Aniercsii F.I press Company, New York. . Ilox JAMi: MX()M,Syracurf,N. Y. U. II. I'ALMKR, Treoturei Western L'niou Telegraph tap any, New Yoik. Fl.KTCHKR WF.STRAY, of Weetray, Oibbe HuritenUlr, New York. MCUULA8 MICKLC9, New York. incora. A 0 CVUTIV, Presidtat. N MICKLUS, Vice PreeiJenl. OUOHati CONANT, tJecreiory. (jl:oltGir ta.1.13 (Cashier Nttional Bank Common wealth,) Tieosarer. Hon. A. K. McCI.CRG, Thiladelpliia Solicitor. The Chinese Oorrrnmi-nt heving (through the H-m An'ii liuiluisaine) conceded lu this Conipany the privi lege of coiineclli'g tlie ulriit frnioits ol the Kinpire by euimaiiiiie clecUiv telrgraph ealile. wo iriiose caliiiK-n-ciuy opciuli jus in China, and ki) ing don a line of nine tnn.died units at ouce, between the foUowing pans; viz PofcLArios. Canton, Mhc.mi, -lloug.Kuiie;, Swatow, Ain'y, Poo-Chow, WuaCliu, Niiigpo, Hang Chcaa, 75uaiiKt.ai, Tola!, l.fJOO.l.'JU ti..,O0M iiou.uou 5U,WKI 1 j:,(',ikju yaj.oou 4o unu l,ioo,oui l.i.uti.oou These pons have a foieiga oorararrcs of ."lCO,v.iO,CWJ, aildiiiieiiorinoas il.auestic liade, l.csul winch we liave the immense niterutl comaieice of tlie Kui;nre. laduloig Horn inese pouils, tlirouvh its euiinle und uuv igul'l" llvus '1'ne vable being hid, llos Uuui,uiny inpoes creeling land liure, and uiuli.islung iUy ana ituMWortliy means ill CJllliliuiiK-attoii, winch musl cmaiand llieie, us evelvvlicie else, Ihe coiiiniuiiiealions ol the Government, ol bumness, anil of social hie, especially III China. Mie has no postal rysirin, and her only means now ol commu nicating lufui iiiallou ih by cou:icisoii land, and ov si earn ers "ii watei. Tlie Western World know s- thot China is a very largo countiy, in the tunui t'enselv peopled ; but lew yet reatixo tliatsUu coiiluius wore tliali a Hind id tlie human race. '1'lie lule?t retains wade to tier central iiuiiiilllesfof tax lug purposes I, y ihe l.icat uiaemratcs make hel popnlMlMii Fi-Ut HUNOItKO A.U KOUKTKUN MILLIONS, and iliisis in ne likely lo he under than over the eeliial afjgirga'e Nearly allot these, who wre nvil ten ears old, not only can lial it i read and u nto, Her civilization is peculiai.bui her liteialu'e is as eleneie as that ot l-.u-rope. China is a land of '.raillcrs and trailsis; and ihu latter ure exerediugly quick to avail lln-imetvee of every pi. fiend facility lor proeuiing eaily inl.a uialioa 11 m oUeivi-d in California thai ihe. Cluuese UiaUw grer.t use nl tlie tcteginph, tlnuigh it there, tiai.suilte mesaigre in lire glisii alone. To Jay great uuiilliers of Seel sleaulen im .i .viualby Chinese uicichaata, and used by them i nclu sively f"l the iraiisniission of early intelligence. 11 the ttlegiaplt ww propose, coiniretilig all llieir areul soapills. were miw in existauce, it is believed that lis business would pay the eon within first two ycaisol its tau cesblal operation, and would eleaUiiy ua reafre tficreaiter. N i enlerpiibe e.iimiieials used as tit a preal-.ar debtee leauinera-ive to enpilaiuts, end to our whole people ft is of a vast national iiilpoltauce canunercially, polr.lcdhy, and evainielii-alienlie. W Tlie stock of this Company has been unqualifiedly ri-e aninendi-il to cipitalmls and business men, as a nesir able investment by rriilorml anil-leu l.t the New oik Heood.Tiibaiie. World, Tunes, Post, I'.liirens, Indepen dent, and in the Philadelphia Notih Aiiieneon, t'rcn, t.eiler, Inqairrr, Are, Btllletin and Teierapll. Sliares ot llos Company to a limited innn'icr, may he blamed at Sib rneli, SMI payaUr down. Sli on lite 1st i i N'.ivemlier, nun KJ5 payable in rn initily iiistabnenie of .'. Oil each, i-uiaiiiencing December I, Ic6s, on uppiicution ' DREXEL & CO., 3 Siosills Tliirsl tSlieel, PHlLADkil.PlliA. Bhiirescaii lie ublnillrd InPui hury bv app'icntion to 9 J. PACKKR, Danker, who is aulholized tu receive sub scriptions, and can give ad uecesxaiy uifoiuiatiou on tim sunject. feptember IP. leJ thn P. U. MOOKK. V. C. DISdtMiUH. NEW ARltlVAL AT We are now openiug a large variud assottment ol FALL, AND WIN XL 11 UUUDs, which wo offer ut the lowest CASH Prices, la lsiipl. .ey- Iron I'roul, MARKET STREET, SUN BURY, 1'ENN'A Cui.sisfiug of i)KY GOODS, NOTIONS. J KOCliRIEi, QVEKN3 Vl AKt, ULAsaW AltK, and a full line of QENTLliMEN'S fUHNISHINU GOODS . LVD f.llllel, Irt-N iioods, Calicoee, Muslins, Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Checks, IicKiug. Couiiturpiu.es, Castiuieie4, Yealiiigs, Wrns, iSkirti, Neck Ties, Cutis, Culture Handkerchiefs, Jlose, Oil Cloth, Cai i'ots, M oud and Willun-NVuro. We Invite special attention to the quality of oar block of UIO and JAVA COFFKB, TEArj, 8LUARS, AWLA.tjsb.ij, hYKUP, SOAP, HALT, 'lbU, VINiviAK, 4c, 4o. I Campbell's Celebrated i'LOUH, always on 'hand. We fuel confident that sash buyers will find it to tbeir advaulage to give us a call, aud eusiouiers generally are luvited to call and examine our goods and get pojlod on our prices. liy strict atteution lu the wants of our customers and lair iicaliug ae hope to merit a full sbure tit loo pubiie putruuage. COUNTtU PHODUCE of all kinds taken iu ex ehuugu tor goods, ler which the iiigbust plice will be paid. MoOEIi i DISSINOtR. Kimbury. Sept. M, 'A3. Thsj Oldest and most uated Institution th Kiucl in Bnnbury. J. W. VV ASHINtn'ON, HAYINti remove j to bis new building on '(bird Si'ieoi, betnoen Market end the ileput, is now loopurod toscive bis ousluuiereabettcr than evor Having scoured ibe services of Ural olees Harbors 'sllAVINti AND UAlK-HUEosiNli will be executed io the latent style. Ths building baviug been ereoled espeohilly forJ u. fu.K.... v, a u biiua uaroir anioon, and haviug Sited it up iu Ibe latest style, be ounce tu receive a liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining loom first claw Confectioner has been bpuned for the sale of ' . ' JU'tCreuui. C'uudiesi, Calaea, llcer, and numerous other Teuipersiioe Drinks In oommoo use. Oranges, and other delicious fruits and eatables ut home and foreign grewth ia rict tirofasiua sad elagant variety. Sunbury, beptember t, 1808 SllUKMaKliiiti. ' UE besjt quaHUes of Soli thtr, FrcBoh Calf. t ? T'f- "'W. Lasts, flail., v"' iou of all kmis, aad .v,, tb,Bg Wui b, ,u. lorai.lowb - ' i. i'- CONLKY A ;0 , ALAK(JE opply tt Pn7e,. aud Horsier, ju. reonred and for Sttleuhean, Mammoth (tori of D. T.rRlLlSU. April 4, I3dd TO BUILDEP.O. WINDOW Ulaas and BuUdiag Uardweu. at Qm oweet Cosh Pnaei at ' Iwst tla'TiiMsX fltmecf a Y rKitdX) IN 8UNBUHY. THE NEW DRUG STORE OP J. . MAlIKLIi eV C O., On Market itreet, East of the Hull road, nearly oppoeile the Uardwart b'tore of Coulcy A Co , 8UNBUHY,.PBNN'A. WE would teepertfutly Invite the attAntlon of the citiieue of tjuubBre and Tioiuity to our entire new Bteok of I'wi'c l's-'l Ursig-is nnd .IcII Iue. " PaiuU.Oilt asd Varnishes. " M Ulasa, Putty and KyeBtufT. " " Perlumciies, CoinU end Brushes " ratonl Medicinee of all kinds. ' LIQUOUS by the Bottle, Uallen, Quart and Pint. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON POIUEH and CONtiREeiS H ATER. Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. Lookiiig-Ulass Plates out to init Frames, NOTIONS OF ALL KIND3 AND VARIETIES Trussae, Supporters, Bandages, .to. We have selected our stook with cars and can war rant it fresh, and of the best material in the market. Having bed several years' experience in tbo busines we flatter oucelves that we can ive entire eaiiidio Hon to alt who may favor us witlt their iatroiiuc;n. bpouial attention, given to ouiupoundiuf I'bysioiaiie' Prescriplione at all hours of the day or night and on Sundays, dive us avail. J. U. MAKKLE A CO, Euubnry.Oot. 17,1807. W. A. HENNKi r, DRUO'OIST AND CI1KMIST, ilInrlisH Kqnnre, Ml iMIl ItV, Ia. Ilasjusl opened a froab nad full nsfoiiuieat of Drugs and Medicines, iinsttTpnsacd in purity and freshness, and kept oon. staully on band. My (took will always be found complete in every ai Hole of merit in Medicine Physicians and Customors may roly upon prcuipt ccsj uud attenlioD to orders. T A-NC3T ARTICLES ! My stock ia unusually large and esufcracos every thing that can bo found on a first olase Toilet Tabic, including American aud genuine l'rcncQ and Log- PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Outta Tercha Wood and ilorn Combe, Toilet Kuaps, Iluir Tuotb, Nail, Cloiu and Paint Hrubes, o. B'ntctit .1'H in'. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of tbo day, at manufacturers' prioei. Pu're Havana SKUAUS and CUKWINa TOBACCO of the bett Erut.dF. Paitttn, Oils, ltis V.I-.tuM, I'uur, Vai'itSaiboti, &-. All my Tinctures. Syrups, Oiutmei ts. Cerates, and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having bad quite a number of years' experience in the Dmy anil Pren-ition Biiniiu'tn, both in Philadelphia and tbo country, and also tho advantage of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL FUKSCKIPTIONS Unit the Physicians and public may favor me uilh. All uiy preparations ad I have above a-merled, arc madu from the best material, and npon boiiwr I assert, tboy nre of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I koupon hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES' AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. lietore purohaeing elsewhere, call and convince yoor onu mind. VT. A. LENNETT. Sunbury, May IS, I8&8. liSOS FALL & WINTER GOODS. OUIi AT REDUCTION IN PIUCt'3. II. la. LAZAKUS, would oall the .mention of the public, and her customers goueraily, to her large aud new assort ment of DREeS GOOP?, eonsUlinr; of Poplins, lie Laines, Reps, A j., at reduced prioes. CALICOES OK EVERY VARIETY. WliriK HOODS, including a superior article of Marseilles. Kxtra finality of Muslin, drilling. Fino Flannels, Canton Flannels. Haliuorul Skirts, rihaivln. Jlo'.'ds, Wigan. Hoop tSkirlmif all siius and quiilitiei, Iflovee of nil descriptions, including a very superior quality of Ladies' and Ueutlcmcn's bilk l'lcccc, Lined uud ('loth Ulove. Ladies', Alissee, and Children's Merino Yep's, Children's Wiafs and Hoods, Ladies' Zephyr Jackets. blanket Shawls of the latest s'ylcs and pattems Hosiery, Ribbons, Trimmings and flowers. Lacos, citaoipod Hoods, Zephyrs and Yams, Tow eling. Napkins, Quilts. Table Linen, lient s und Ladiea' ilundkercbicfe, SoartV, MuQ labels, Fauoy fioaps, Perfumery, and Toilet articles generally, and a Inrjre variety of Notions and Fanny Articles. The ahuve goods are held at tho lowest prices. Cull and sue tboiu befure guin( elsewhere. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbtiry, Nov. 23, W. WHOLESALE iSJJ RETAIL. '"piIE subscribur rcspecifully infprins the public JL that he keeps constantly on hand at bis new WAUKlluUSK. neiirth Shamokin Valley Rnilroad l'epot, iu bUNIitUY, Flour by tho barrel' aud sacks of all kinds of Feed by the tou The ubove is nil manufactured at bis own Mills, and will be sold at the loe."t cesh ptiog, J m. cadwalj!aii:r. Sunbury, April I, IsC8 "NEW M AC II I N I S 1 01 AND 1 IRON- FOTJJSTJDl.lZ'. ui:h. Koiutci i'ii v so, SUNBUItY, PA., I NFOltM the public that they have established a 1 niiyi.iu.-vji oiti':-, in cOuuceiion mill their FOUNDRY. Tbey have supplied tbi msulvis wiib New Lathes, Pinning and Poring Machines, n ith tho latest improvement. Willi the aid of rkilltul me chanic, tbey ore euabled to execute all orders of !ev Work or Kcl irhig, that may be given them, in a satUfactory manner. Having cularged and lebuik their Foundry, tbey are ready to execute all kinds of CASTl.VUs. ktiUMS ( astiai Ac The PLOWS, already eelobrnted for their supcri oiity. have been still lurtber iu proied, uud will al ways bo kept nu band, riunbury, Juno Id, ltjttS. FALL AND WINTER Millinery Goods, .tli .11. I,. Cat,.lr, birs leave to au- uoui.ee to toe iiauiesot dunuury aud vicinity, that sue uaajuHi opoi.cu a large and varied sluuk of i ILL! X E K Y G O O U ti . iho Uloil ., loik and Philadelphia styles of LAiJiEb' IlATo Alib BOflLlS. wooli;n goods, &v Also, an excellent assortment of f ai-hionublo Em broideries, Edgings. Locus, Wuoleu Caps, llandker chicl's, tiuui fs, Ulovts, Hosieries, and all kinds ol Fancy Notions, iSteinped Muslins, Corseis, Pcituuie nes, tSjups, Lilly Wbito, L'namel of America, Sta tionery, Ae.. Ae. Cuil and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods tSuubury, Oct 21, lo8. RI. C. 4aF HCU HIT'S Confectionry, Toys and IFIVCTIT BTORJ3, Mnrket feitrocl, Kiisibiss-y, lii. COXrECTIONF.KY OK All WINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, ic, ic, CONSTANTLY on band and fi-r sale at u.e abova oetublnduneiit ut wholes ale oad teUil, atieoeon ablo prices. He ia manufaaturiug all kinds of Conlaeiionariw tokaopup.fulluoeortujBut yU , al low ratoe. lobaoeo. Segars, Stationery, Nats of ell kinds, ato ajrenetyuf other articles, all ef wuiob are ofleieo wholesale and retail. Uk Remember the name and ploe r u u . . j M C. UEARUAUf. suTro ",',rflE V- ' Bunbury.Sopt. 1. ItJM.tf BIKIs CAUa-ti, tl ditferost kiada. If JoflUEr yeas wont a. LEY OOt ISAAC K. STAUPFER, Wntclsrasakrr oust Jciv tier, NO. 14B Is Oil TU ad BTf., COR. OP GXJAHBV, I'HILADK.I.PHI A. An atenrtinent Vf Wal-hee, Jewelry, Slrver and l'trtee Ware eiaieltuttly on hand, leTHernirmej of Watches awl Jewelly pvumptry at tended t" Nor. 3ti, IF67 I y. No. 35 South Thiro Street, PHILADELPHIA. JENERArENT3, Ol, AND .y or the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The HiTiowxt. ti iHepsseoa Oosrrxsit ts a eairrioratln i Ciar'eri U 0 V up. clal Ael 01 Congress, aP proved July uS.liiti, ith a CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,000, ITULX PAID. Libpralterrns offer, d to Aartits see oltctlors, wbe aie ipvlted rr. fcr-ut j utoer otBe.. Full p .ittciilsmt iheliadoo ami'leaUoa at our ntueej, ii-catei ta ihe eeo id story of finit be; lion-. lore Clieulars and fiuniJbiate, ft:! 0 ttf't'ji.g the SHtvamag'-s oilsre i y me Crnnoa-.r ,iu iv te 15. "IV. sLAilK k CO.. A, ae H"uiit 'fii.d m Applieations for Central and Western Pcnnsylva uiatobemadotn II. 8. 1'L'S.SELL. M.isisr.n, August li, 11:64. ly. llarrisburg, Pa. H. Conley Co. lni-U-f Sli-ccl, llttMtol itip i;al!i-oa!, sunbury, PErjrsr'. DKALKRS IN rourij.A i aii:iss a.'X, Hardware & Cutlery. fl"HtE attention of Mechanics, Fanners, liuilder, 1 nnd lluyer! frenernlly ie invited to the fact thai wo ai e now tillering a better solectei assortment of HARIiWAIlE, CU'll.FKY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at fa ices much below tboso heretofore demanded by dealer. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of businew, embracing a general assoitiueut of tools and mate rials used bv CAKI'LNiKP.K, BLACKSMITHS, CAKKIAOK AND WAHO.N MAKERS, JOKRS, AC , iC, together with a large stock of Iron. Ptcel. Nails. Spikes. Rojic, Chains. Grindstones, Mill and X Cut tiawt. Ac. Ae. Sunbury, March 30, 18C7. .SUNBUUY. MARBLE "5cV .U D& 3L es I HIE underyined having bought the enfira stuck of Di.-sinirer A i'avlor. infoi ia ike public that be is mm ready to d.i all kinds of mai hie work; hue ou hand, and makes to order ut short notice, rdoiiiinioiilis is snl lacad.Stoiis'N, of every style to suit purchasers. LOOR AM) WINDOW SILLS. Also. Cemetery Posts with lalvai.ir.ed pipe aud all other feuoing geuerally used on Cemeteries. John A. 'Taylor will continue in the employment, at tho old staud in Market Square. Sunbury, I'a Aluy 2. tH ly.J W. M. DA UiiUkRT Y. MAN QlAGTO hirT. 'ltlil; subsarjbvr respeitfuliy informs Ihe ciliieus X ot Sunbury and vicinity, that behasopi-nod a vhop in 5ol. Stroh's lllaclisniith-ihiip-Iluil.ling on Chestnut street, buulmry. Pa., where he keeps con stantly on band, aud m.'inutuoturee to order, 4'isi-riiiK'N. Itii:. -4 yulKy n, V'., of the latest si vle and of the bciM material. Kcpniririj? of Wagons, Carriages. Ac, done at the short e?! notice. Perrons in want of fine Buggies and Carriages, arc requested to call befure purcbasine: elsuwiiere. 11. C. ROL'SU. Sunbury, July II, IS55 -ly lilli GREAT Ct.VTRK OP A FfR ACTION, is on W street, opposite the MAbONIC HALL, at EfcltGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, itut C.alc-I.v i:tiiLllritM-l, Mills sill lite .ISoilvrn ImproTcsaviitsi of llie An I rpiIK snhscriber, bnving luill the room enprowly 1 for the purpose of Pbotoginphing, and having tlivoted many years to the business, is oonBdiiu of hi. ability to assure his patrons that the woi k pro duced .ball be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leavo tho gallery unless en tirely saiii-t'adiiry. Having the best sky light in the county, he is pri pured to make Paoiographs in all kinds ot weather, tut would piefer a clear day fur small children. Jle is also prepsred to take now site, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds if pielnree copied and magnified to any required siia and colore! beautifully iu Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay rpoeiul attention to all kindr of out d"Or work. uch as Landscape vious of Monuments, Machinery, County Peats. Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on h.'ind The public are respect 'uIIt invited to call and see our fpeciineus uud cur complete arrangements for miming ruotogruptis, special tornis lo families and vluhS. . BERURTRESSEU. Sunbury. J uly 15, fig A Lecture to Just 2'tibhinflt i a $rd Ehvvj. P.ut six ce.iis, L,rcfiiru ou lie future, Trrui iisoiit huJ i;vji?;tl Curiot 8permatoi rbiCH, 01 Sumiiml VVeukiit-. liivuinuliti y ijuiiM.oiif, SwjuihI itubiliiy, ar.U iiupcJiuiDtjU iu Mauiugtt generulty ; INervuu ih3, Cuuimu!iun, 1 ili'iiv, auti Jr iu ; Muntal uud I'ljj-icat Iiic.ipi.citv, j ciiuliiu Jruiu Swif-.Vbu.. Ac ly iiut.iitir J . CuLrsiKWcLi. li. i.,AuUui- ; 'tla 'Cirutn iiutk, ' Au. 3h wurKI-i onuttoo I anthyr, iu tbia AtlmintMo Lecture, olcuily proven fioui tnhou uxpuriunco that tt awiul ouiirfqucncsi of l-titrAbus may h ctiio luully rcumvtj i Hiikuut laiuitiue, unJ without tian gcroui iiirgioul upuruiiuoy, bouii-a, iiiftiruuioit4t ring, or coiumln. pulntmg out a mo do wiouie ui 1001 inn mi l vuuuiunl. by wiiK-h every auBuier. no iuMter u tittt bin em-iittiou uiuv b, may our) biUaafelf cucftpi, privutviy, ana rauiouiiy. ibis Ledum will Ijtu u buun to lbouMiijtJ aud tbuutautia. Suit uiHJur bcul, to any adilrttM. iu a plain M-akd Miv.ope, on tlio rcceiutot' an cent, or two potaza utuuif i. AUo, l)r. Culverwfll'i" Mun m-o t-uidu," priiit 2b emu. Ad.lrer the I'ubhvbcrti. CJJA6. J. C. KLlhK CO , J27 Bowery, Kw Vftrk, iot-0Uicu iia i'i6. July 4, ltttiH.-y NATUEES GREAT RESTORES. SC5H2DZTS-S CtUkl'BATtD tter Cordial. B i Tbis raediaal preperatioa is bow offered to lha public as a rclieblesubslilute for ite many orth leM euinpnuuds whiuh now Hood the miirket. It is iuruly eetistabla, eeiatioeed ef various kerbs, father ed trom the gruut sturubouse of uslure, aud aolccteii with ibe utmost eaie li is but recommended a aCuHt All, but by Its direst and salutary iuflu. eoee upon the lleurt, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, etc rueeb and Uuwels, It sets laitb as a preeeauve and eure Inr many of the disoiuus to which ibose urgaus arasubjoel. It Is a reliable Fstcily Mediaiue, aud ean be taken by eitboi Infuiit ur aJiilt with tba sains benrfioinl resulu It is aeerUuj, prompt and spaed; remedy for Diarrhoea. Uysmiery. Uuwel CompUlut, Uyspepaia, Luwiieesal fpints. roirtUg", Sick-lleadaube. Au. fur Chills and a'overs fit all kinds, it is far better ud safer thou quinine, wiih ot any of iu eraieinn effwis. Jj ereatae aa aap. tile, proeee a powerful eUfeetar of bod, and wiU MiD'araat tba t-toa 14 f lloisat U a lew rmitssj. lYepweii b r J AOOB iOHS.TI. Sola fMeirieiar, V. W. Cor. rut and Kao '. , fbilawaiuht, Pa tU 1-7 all Vastus w. IsW m .fttBI - wj 1 1 Ll . m a i iu- BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. EtjTAULlSUUO A3 A ltCFUUB FROM UU ACK KUY. TUB ONLY PLAOB WIIBRH A CUIUS CAN bB QHTAiNUD. DR. JOHNtHiN (iu rtitcovcredthe nuiM CkTnniiipw'T unioniy iMT'itnal Kcmetty in lb W'urnl I'T ili I'll vme DiseoprM, Wrikiivn f Hie Utu-tt ur l-iinl', mi iiturt-a, Atf.i;tmni m the kiU..e7t ami BlutMfr. luVt'lutiiury iia rtmr f?i, intiteiiy. iiwirrl Dflnluv, NcrvouaiieaH, Dye ((psvt lai'gU'ir, lsiw Siuiii, Condition of Itlva. I'al,- tHti'Mi nf ti'O llcnrt, Tnni'tity, Tri'inhliui, UimHen wf Kilit or liiatimei, lHfaw ul Ibe Heud I Itrmt, .NaMir km. Aif.'Cifnit til the Liver, 1 .11111, rHunWh or UnwrH tlteae TerriUte Uimsiitrm iiriAin 110111 UteHohinry HHMte 1 of Vmti ttomv. ferret utttl litat y prHuticft innrv I11MI t ibeir vuMiin tlutn the e"iif 01 Serena li tUe Mut.iitt.ra of ' Utyiaes,)) it tit inn i9U 11,1,31 brilimnt b"eiui uuiietpuuvna, reuiier i 1 iaj timrriiige, nnpiiMv. - VI...S. T rpihTialh', Wh" Imve heriMiic Hit? vn:timinf r?ulitnry Vice, Uiat drtHitlul iin.l ilustrut!tive hultit Wlirch anniinlly wtrep lo Hn untimely bimvh tlH'tiauhd "f Vuung Afru ut the milt rxiltfil ktleiila in lit britlmiit inielluit, who tu) othtTwtie havt entianrcd liiU-uing Scimtr with tlietLun di n tti erttqtiriic-e or waked li ecaUcy the Uvuig tyrv, may cull wiLhl'ull coiifidctjce. .Miii-rlngr, Married Peranna or V untie: Mm mntemphiliufi mirtieje, betns; aware cf pliynipiil wenkHt-M, oigiiutu tlctniuy, de fornntiffi. c, tpmlily currd. ajlltt wlii pliifea hiiiiatdf nti'lfrth rnro of TV. .. may roav rrligiou!)' ennhd in bit honor at n p cm tema 11 , ana cnudrntly rety up"ii ikill a I'lvioinn. -( a 11 U WcHiii tia tmini'tliattMy Cured, and KuH Vncr Hfitiircd. Lh a l)iatlirnia AtTwti'Mi wltirii iendtra I. iff m inert. eihlrMiitd m-ifringr trriiioiitttleia the pciniliy pud by t he victims ui itnprpt-r iniitiltiic'a 1 nnng petiona are 100 apt. ti c unniil rxtTSHea trom not being awaie id the rirwid ftil eotiKfqttciirca thnt. mny entue Nw. vh. th:it nndt-r-MAinl Ihe iultirrt will nfftetni M deny thai the power of piocrrnton is loat e-i-iiir by 1 hi tee fa'lnii! int impntper ii:i tutu than ly 1 he prnHpnt f Hsi(h'R dpin ihprivfd tin plpiiaiirea of hcrihliv r mar ,t he nii'ft fenuunHitd di itioe ttve eyinptorn! l iltitli h tdv mid moid anne, Tlie eyiiem IxTonu-t i)frniiacd. the I hyittl ami Mental piinc'iotta WVnkeiieil. Iotaof PrurtYMttve P"wef , Nervous Irrit diili tv. Dvpepsi, rlpilMtinit "f the Henri, IitdiKfRiion. Cmi titulioMnl Dettihty, n Woeting of ihi' t-'iume, Cough, Conniiniptiiiii. Denv nnd ltnih, (l'4o. 7 NoitiI rrcfloriOeW Slrcet Left hHiid side goine; f r xn Jlallim-tre atret t, a fewiioitt 'lm the comer, l-'uil 0"l loi'bucrve nunie und nuinuer Letter) muat be p-'iut nnd euMlaoi u a'amp. The Uuctor 'a Oiplomn hatiC in Ina oiTice. A ( ui h iirriiLilt 1 lu Two Citayat, W Mercury or Xau$6uut Druy. Or. IIiii1ii, Member nfthe Royul C-ilirpc of uttjeona, Indrtn, fJrid U'lie Jrotn mie o tne in ret emini'ii'. CoIIi-k'-m tn the I lined fUiles, uud Hie urtalef pa it l vvImkis ,L. lita icn Syvnt iu the h lepittiie "i IahuUmi, I'm , Lhdudclphm and r at where, h is eftVcted litite ol the in nl uii.intktiins; imrea thiil Here evr kmiwu ; irtany trtuhirU wiih t nigii.g in the he.id and e-ir when wleep, jrcul ni-rV"u:ie. beinif aUirin ed'ut ludd'.'ii e-iuudj, hiiinunieit, with finpjeut Ltiutuwig. attended 1 unetiioca withUcringeiiicul ui mind, waietfurci iniiiitdijtety. i nhc I;t riicatlur .iolicv. Pr. S mldieiva ail th"nc wti-i uvi' ii.jnrcil thfrnaolves hy imroprr mdu gen e nnd t;intry hjijiia, v tilth ruiti b 'ai l"dy und uniul, unatli;ig tne. 11 for eillur buatneta, tudy, a-.'CU't)' i.r iiifirniit'e. l iist-i nre a iue of the an 1 anil mclpinchoiy ttT' eta pjo. duivd t.) ewily Imtnttot yuith vi: VWHktosa id the Um-k and Liiidm, I'ama in the Head, limma "I h g it, 1 m of Muscular 1. wei, rnlpiutiini of the Heart. sU)pepv, tervi'U lrntulxiity, Leiimcrmeiii of the liieaiive Kuno tiima, General f r Inhiy, j mptoins it C'onauinption, Jkn, MiiNTALi.v The l:irtui rtFti'! on the min! nre much to hedre-ided L-'fcsi 01 MeiQjry, C'oni'uion of hie. a, Ue premi.'ii of Sjiirita, I )vil- Fwi eli i1iisi, A v. ri"H lo 8 tcivir. Sell'-Uiatr'nt. tsove of boiiiude, Titst.uity, V.c. are 8miu ol Ihe evila produced. Ih'Hiammi ut" persons of nil apea ran yv Judpe whal ia tlie eeue of then dt'Ciiiiing health, t..;ini tt.ir vigor. heLMnimg we:ik, pair, nei voua nnd eimcMated, havn g a lingular iippearaiife abnul the evee, c v$n uud symptuHia of cousuinplioii. Vnii Son Wh liave injured thei twelve hyu eerlnin prnetiet? tneVg cd 111 when ul-'iie, ti h-ihit lieiiicurl; lc:iind ir-un evil c mp:i!ii"tin. nr ut a'-h-nt, it.- k,Ci'-,m ( which me nryhUy felt, even when nuke p. mid if u-t cund leiuh-rH nun rmpe mij-ofiiible. mid eisiro) bUi iiiindaiid body, ii-uid eippty imiuedMtelv. '.inf, u pity Uiut a vuiig min, tlie h tpt of Ins cna-itry, the d.irli.iji .tf hi pnronta, iiniil he kiiulcIm iI fr-irn nil proa pecta .md eiijoyHit.iU ( me, hy ihe eonaciiuence of tlevia tinK fr-.m the piilh of iniu( und mtlulitip in m teriatH sevret habit. Such juts 'na Murr, heiore coitletnpluting reflect ttntl a nmnul rnind ;md h.u'y urc the ni'tat neeeeery retf 1 mi ira Ls proucte e:in:iiiln:il Ivippi :-. hid, , j withoni Iheac the j urut y ihrouii life lcc inea a wenry pilgrim ngfj the ptoHptt-t hoioi) ilurkftia totiievit-wj the mntd l.i'LMtncti aU.u1. lived wiih dtapittr and tilled with iliw meitm ch tiy r-tl-t'ii-i. ii;tt the hiipi:it of aautiicr b:ciiia biig'iiul with our own When llie mo)juidet nnd tm(irudi-ut vUry f p tent ire fiit-lsi 1h.1t In h ia nti'.iil'eil ihe Ki-cdx ol tins piilnful iliaeaie, it l-'u.'Oen h-ippena tht tin ill-timed acie of ahuine, 01 drt.d of disc .Vcrv. dctt ra Mrfr"in n'.nlv h-L' t - l!tuf u h . i'rtun ed'.iriiLiin mid n itjwiainltiv, run nh -i:r hefi lend him. ! deUvnig ml the rontiiutioU:il Mtiinl'-in of thia h .nnl diseaa m-ike their appearance. eHrfi na uleeraird a re ! Ihr.mt. ditt'MKrd ue. ii rtiu:il ititina in the In ud and limia. ; dot.iifs ol b.ghl. flcttfiusa, u les on the l n b ni.s und nrrtia. Id h!t on ihr iit n.l, iMt-eand rxiieti(i. a, pi rriw. in Willi lituhtful tnpidiiy. lit! at I set the p.lilr of .1, iii"ii!h or tin: b' 111$ nf Ihe note fall in. und tiie vici itn of thtsawf'il d ii'Ufe he,c iiiea 11 hoindohjeet of rinnmiaera. Li 11, till deuth puia n pfri. d to ha dtrwHfnl anlTi-rtM, hy aeiutuiff I. in 1 1 t,m L'ndiacovered Country from whmce travri'er letitinl " It it 11 iiielatiph- ly f:tet thnt tti'iaanndf full victim io thta temh; tiisn.se. owmg to the ntukiilfuhieaa 'f igimnmi piotendere. who, hy tne uaunf th.t( Uendiv Poison, Met. run-.' runt the Conadtuiioii aud nvike lha icatduc of Ufe iniaurable. 'Priirt net y.uir liven, nr heai'h, to the enre rf tha winy l'iilenma.1 hikI W.irthl, (;, Prclendera drptiute i-f knowl di;e, name or rlun.eier, who c pv I)r JohnatMi'a ndver tun meittf, oretyletieiii'vea in ihe newso ipeis regulaily Heated Piiyainant. ineiisnhtrt o Cumip, they kee.;i you trilling ni-'iith after m 'nth takinc, their fi thv m.d pi.ia muh r fTip..uiidi, or r.s 1 ng aa the anu leaf fre can .jo ihunned, and in r. spuir, leive you with, ruineU lieahli t.j s gii ufr yotn until. j,' dii.a;)piiiitim-Ht L'r. J.hhato,i 10 the only Pli'-nician nrlvcrtlhint;. Hiscieileiitiai or dtp!oin: atvava hattg in h i -ffi rf. His rcio'dieior trealtiifnt ' uiti,t(--wn t- !t -tfiera, prepmed from u life pent in the treat h'api:;,!$ ..f Kut-t, e, the brat in this eoimtry und a io-m ritfiive "i'ru'ule Praelire'' tt.au ;ny "iiief P.jarinii in the world. lutUMNrinMf ' 114 PreiN, The mHiiV thoitind curtd it thia itisimili-m vein afir yriir. and th nnmerous mtKirtant Snign al Opcr;t ii.ua perrrnued hv Pr. J.duit.n, witnessed hv Uie rep'Ttera of t'ie ''Huii.' '-Ciipper," mo inanv oilier papers, i.mires f wh'eh have pppruresl nft i tt nua ugain before ire pnhlie. Ims dea ha aiouiUt na a peni lern:in of charneter ai.tt re ep-Hiiihiliiy, ii:ri.M.i.t eu umitee t the iifTltfird. Kin fti n'iiM Mrrlily Cured, Peratiis wiirini; ebouM be piirtirtnar i:"t dii erht-g their rtters t fits 1 i.r , 1 .1 L 1. mi , 111 tl. folLuvit. manner, I O.I II 3. .lollltailoil, .11. I, Of the R.iliimoie l,otk II .pital, Laltim-Jte, Md. Jai-u.ity ."0, !S'.H. T LIVKHY NI'ABlK. riIlT subscribers buvius; purchnsfj the sterk and JL Sxtures uf Mr. Cbniks Bacon's Livery Stiihle, in Sunbury, nuld reenectfallv annuuiu.a in it... I imblio. tlmt tbey intend luri.ifbiiu ii with first olass j lliirses, Currin,!us. liujjiis an I .Spring os;iis ! suitablu fur tlie bu-iii(?3. n,l will endeaiwr tu uiuku It a l.iverv second to ii.me in ilii'si olion nf Ihe fc!le. Orders left ut Ibe f. 'initial Hotel, at any Lour of tlie dnjror Bight, will rcetive prr,rr. t uituntion. MM AW i FAKNSW0RT1I. Sunbury, October 17, A ; ri.'ii 1 1 u rn I I ist ii-iii si I , HOE'S Grnin Rnki'S. Steol anil Tron Gurdin lUkes, l.on and 1' Handle plie, Shovels. Makure and Uuy Kurks, tirass scd tir.iiu Ifcyilies, Urain vmnius, Lruaie rintTS. iraoo, lireast. inngue su.t Log Chains, Orind-elonus, Kniiniiig Mill tjoives of nil .'si'S unJ kinds, a large nssurtinuiit nf Hed Wajnu Humes, for I'lowing, farm Hulls, Cultivator Tocih, lor sale by J. if. cONLhV CO. STOrJU WARE. DIE bvst aud cheapest assnrtiuaut i f Stone War il tiie siuie. jut reunit ed' aud tor sule chusp at ibe Muii. mutt, Cusli ''.ere oi II. T. fulj:m. JROiV. A largu assortment ef the best nsanufao. tuied bars. Hoop. Rnnd, Round and fViwaro Iron, Nail Rods, Cist Steel. blilar tiled. Drill rime), Horse Kline, Horse ha.ls, Anvils, Rellows. Vires, Hummers, . iiledges, Rasps and files, at CONLEY A CD'S JACOB SHIPMAN, I'IBE ANDLIFKINauaANCB AQENT. BUXUCUV, TENM'A. narensBSTs t Furmers Mutual Fir liuuraiie L'a , York Pi Cumberland Valley Alutuul Protoulioli Co., New loik. Mutual Lite, timid Lift ef Pbil'sx A llait fird Coau. (iencral Aeoidoiit. Wm. Fatisvy. FURNITURE Ninon Ptrca It O 0 SJ s 'el of the Ursn of Ferson A Davis. have opened war roouisat No. 22i buutli 2d sireol, below Dock, 1'UlLAlitl.l'ilIA. Where they keep a full assortment of I'akluk, c'iiamuku, isinixo HOOM uud DJNINU KOO.M KUUMTL'UiS. , lh.tr old customers, and all rursons wishing to purchase, are iuvited to U aud essmiae their uwk tc m purcbasicg elsewber Particular a'Ur.lmn paid tn ps-king. "? If- FOR Saddlers, w have Saddle Tr. Bills, Buok. lu. liig Ircw, Pad Ireo. liaua, all hinds sod vry thing ueeiaiuuig us ttia busiii. for sale by J. U. CONLKY A CO Coachmakers, so tolling Kieaa, Spoke. Hubs, seHnr. Caavaesv , Uulu, Clips sUla. W, tryw LargssMoxik 4 oovuTaoe eVwVejrj, IXasrok K, flit 7 sNriftorn Central Rallvrny 80MM&R TIME KCHEDVLE. ON nnd nfterNuT. 22-1, 108, tru.w will ' UNBUIU'(nt forlowt r LKAVK NOKTBWARD, $.99 A. M., Daily for Willtntnsport. Daily Iuiidaya,) for llunra, Onimtidui Hooh'tetor, Hutlaluw, Ntfiara 1 futpeitfiioa flridi; uud tbu O-innrj 4 li 1. M.( Daily (exoept Sunday,) Tor Llutire, UuAalu vie Lric KiuLwuy from Lit 6.40 P. M., Daily (exuept Hundas,) tot Willi pMt. LKAVK SOL'PUWAiiD. 2 45 A. M.. Duily Toe Uaitimor, aud V.uLln V 4J A. aM., Unity (exuept HumlHyi.) for Itattib l'tula-telpUm und WR-uiu'on. 7.60 P. M.f DAily (uxeept tuivl y.) lr Hfirrid connecting with CiticiunttJ Lipror bultiiuoru. Vhiludelpiii.i un l WuM.iii, J.N. DttCAURY, kiv. K. Yop, Oen'L Kup't., Wwi 1 Ptvsscn'r Ag linrrifhurg, Pit. Enltimore, ft'lsiluUelplsljt V t:rie IliiUiom wi k TuiT t liiiT r bi.e Throngh and direet route between rkilmle'f iiiUilmnre, Hurrisbure;, Williaruaport. to the N, ei.t mid tbo (trout Oil Region of Feuni'ylvHLia. LLEUANT SLEliriN'J CAR.4 on all Night Tr. On and after Monday, Not. 23d. IMS. Uie Tr on the 1'liiladelphie & Kris Rail Rnud will m follows t Westward. flnll Train leaves Pkilsdelpbin, Bunbnry, " " arr. nt Krie. Krie B-t press leaves Philadelphia. Snubury " " arr at Kri liluilra Mail leaves Philadelphia, Hun bury " " arrive at Lock fluven, tSTWD. Mail Train leaves trie " " " Runbnrv, " srr. at Pbila.leiptila, Erie Express leaves Krio Kiinbury ' . " arr. at Philadelphia, Mnil and Emrofw eounect with Oil 16.46 T e 9 50 n 50 6 40 10 00 h tm , 4 b 7.46 , 10 tb 2 4i 10.00 1 6.36 0 4tM 4 -0 1 Ureeit k AMeebenv River Railroad. BAMflAilH ritri'f TUUUl'tiU. ALFRKD L. TVLLU.' Ocneral tiiiptriniendi nl ISouilluK laaili'onsi. W IN T E It Ali!lANi3H M IS N T. MONDAY, DECEMDB 14, 186?. C1RKAT TRl'XK L1NF from tho North n. X North-West for rhlla-lciphiH, New York, R,.; in,-, r. tuville, Xamaqm, ehlaud. .bsmokii , l.i-l Biiun, Allentoiiu, liesuio, tpbratu, Liiis, Liuican Columbia, Ae., lo, Trains leave HarrhnWz; for New-York, its f. lowei At 3 6: i i,u and b 10 A. M. and li.49 no. end 2.0ii and III 10 P. 11, couiieoUng wiih simi! Tr.iitis on the Ponnsylvania Kiiilnind, and nrri.i: at New York at 11 Uu A. M.. 12 2') neon, a.itt. 7 i HI. Us p. tu. nnd 6.15. a.m. respietiveiy. fcliu'Lii Cars aeoonipnnying the S ivl A. M. and 10 ill p. i truius without ebunge. Leave llarrisburg tor Reading, FntleviUe Tnici qua. Minersnlle. Ashlnnd, bhiviin.kiii, Tiue Hrov Allnntnwn and Philadelphia a! h.ifl A. AI. and 2 v and 4.1e P. AI., slopping at Lobunaa and prin.'ip.. wsy stations ; th 4.10 p m. train mskng connect in for Ptiliidclphia nnd Columbia only. K r Polt.vilU Bchuylkill linven and Auburn, via S"huyi!ii!l an Susiiuehenna Railroad, leave llarrisburg ai'll 30 p. ui Roturuiug Leave New Yoik ot tf.uUa in . i s Noon and e 10 and 8. no p. m- philudulphia at S.I a. m. and 3. SO p. hi.; Sleeping cars i0uip.invii the II. tie a. m and 6 Id aud 8 M p lu. tiaius iiue New lork without change. ' Wiiy Pusecuger Train leave Philadelphia at 7. ft a. in., oonncctiug with similar trniu u tust I'c.r.j Kiiilroe J. returning from Res liiij; at tt ,jj p ra 'op ping at all ISuiions ; Le ivo Puttavilln at f ..;u, 8 f. a. in and 2.43 p. iu; ghnmukin at 5 1! a. oi.; A-hUr.n at I M is., and 12 Se p. in.; Tr.miif;uu m S 30 a iu and 2 2o p n. for Ptiiliiiflplnn. Liave Potmviilo via. gebuylki.; .n,d S.i.iu,hmn; llnilroud at T.10 a in fur llarrubui-g. uud 1 1.33 u il. fur Pine (irove and Tremont. Rending Accommodation Train lenvis Readirg u 7.30 A. AI. returning leave Philadelphia at 1 Jo p m. l'ottstonn Aoeuiniuudalinu Trirn : I. hits Potm. town itl fi 4i A. AI., returning leaves 1'IiiIu.1j!hL: i at 4 00 P. AI. ' Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rcsil'njat 7 ca A. M . anJ t) Ij P.M. for kphruta, J.u;j. L.iiie,.- ler. Columbia. As. Perkiouien Itntl Road Trnlns Isave Pcrkinmen Jaucliin at f.li A. M. arid A j P. M. Rciurrin Leave Skippa.ik a: 810 A.M.. and IS Ji P AI . nootingwitb similar irains n Reading I'.nil hnd. On bundnys: Leave Now ii.rk M 8 Oupni., Pliila delpbin tvOn A. AI ., and .1.14 P M. the 8.(10 a.m. train running only tu Kcu i.ng. I'uii.- ille b 00 urn Hurrisburg, ii .10 a oi, nnd 4. Id end 10 So p m. nnd Rending at l.Oi, 3.u0 and 7. IS a. m. for IKirLourg, at 12 iu and 7 31 a. m. fur Niv yuik, td at 4 26 p. in. fer Phiiadulptiia . Onu mattttion, AIiIohju, SeSnn. Scbrol and T.i eursi.n Tickets, at reduced rates la and fiem all pOH.tS. 1,SJ!"E'' ebeoked Uirongb : 109 Tnunds CrMnze BiluweA raiii Parfingor. O. A. XICOLL3. pnrnl .ynprii,ioii.l(..nt- LiiilLaniisiun At DClooiu.xiur iil oil, I. P? aud aftvr Menduy. Nov. Ci'th. 18, Pasveuger TruiLS will ruu as lnllnw, : " ecCTIiW.MiD. A. AI. P M. A Af. P. M. 6.4 4 I') Id in f, j ! M 4.47 It'. f 'i 7 Irv - i.ii u.W i w K 14 7 il rt SM V 43 9 vS Lenve 8,iuit.'.o, " PltlSliiU, " Kiiui-t'u, 11 Ruj-.vi, " Lusitillr, Arr. North'd , lORTIIWAitP. A.M. P. AI. 7 lit i V A.M. r. il. L'fnve y.rih'i , " iNuivilie, " . Itupcrt, " Kiugstau, ' Plllalon, Arr. tniruitou, 1.11 5 Jl em : . s lrt..i7 i- to R J i -i $ It 29 6 I'I V 3 :..- 12. OA ti Ij 10. iu .i (A Tra'ns leaving ."-srsutrin at S Jj A. M. i;d 4. In P. At , connect nt S"rtviumberlaii'l Hub Irsltn i.u P. ,t K. II. 11. for llarrisburg, li:.!ti.no.-o, tV,ih.gU.n, Willtmusport, Lock Haven, I'ii is!:m ni.J U'eit. Trains arriving nt hernntun in Id tu A M c"C nect wiih trains arriving nt New Y"i k '. 4 4j P SI l'Liladcli liia at ti Jo P. AI.. uud Ureal Bmi at 1 P. M Trains arriving at f -rnnton nt . 40 P. M ceanixt with tiuitit for tireat Rend -f U .ni. 11. A. FONDA. Sup't. jkc mnzovin:E u s a. .ii. iir.ii-., Ui-siOk!, Will remove bis 0 Blue to J. AI. rir.ip!t') L'uiMiuj, Jul story, .Markvt H.juirc, l7nERK be will be prepared to do ell kin.!? i f V work pertaining to iicntiitry. Wi l kip constantly ou band a large iia-iirtimnt of Teeth, r.r.l other Dental watvriul, from uliicb he vtill bo abla t'i fcclcot, and tneol the wui.ts of tils ens', imcrs. AU work warranted to give satisJuoilun, Ci lite tr.e Binncy relundud. ihe very best Alouth Wash and Tooth-1'oivdi.ri kept on huud. His t references are the uun-.ercns patron.' for w4m be has worked 1W the laai twelve yeuis. SaLbury, Alarub 21, 1-iM. Are cspeatally invite. 1 te eall and examine nur .:ocs of Rl'lLDKR'S H A RL' W ARE, eorai.ri.ing Nails und tSpikus of ail varieties Pull, boiews, Suup and T lliuges. Lucks und Latches. Rolls. I lu. tring Trowels, Knk Itowe'.s, Plueterer't Sierus, A., Ac, (or (uie by J II CONLEY A 00. UNION HOTEL. t il l. I1XK1,. IVopriclor. Ia Cake's Aiditiisj to SIXUCBY, Dear the Fena'a. Railroad Company's r?hjps. TERMANKNT AK'UTKASiSIENI ROARPEUS, kept who mil Sud ample aevituuiodutiont. G1 oks and welters, boarders eon osijy tbeqnust ix-ui lui ts of l.oni with fur esjuul ti tb bwt UltV- His Liquors are of tiieobolneet kind Bun bury, June 8, I8rt7. LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! W. Ill I KI.Y, rillir rinpulsr Photogroper, has .tJ tip. ia tb JL old F ist Utbu building, thiee d vnr v e,i of Ue raiuoau, aiarkiatiuar, on ot t tie very beat Sty Light to be found lu tb etula, aud b now pr.pai oJ U. lake picture of aujr kind. In all kiuas cf woa:hr, early and IsX. Chilurtn taken aiteosl lsslasilf. Rnug oioag U tahUtww or sew tjy for but. COME OE 1 COM2 ALL ! both frwat aasl ssaatt, IM kit tie uosat,oa4 ' aniin epesnnou F K A il hi aad rRAatlSfd msUrtal Wuttiya head aad asad tu otder. Rriug alcug J jW phmrtt and have lueus fraraad choeocr ihati ny wUys l. Cusu aad ee for aoassMiv, Aayiaiag ut uUs piolur) Uua oosteoily on hajud arcrusswl. Cwpyto on in all it "raaouse) nad oolisreai a Usskiiwd. Buih ant amst indoor ii.es uksw at aaert ajoho aad aa reaswaabia Ursa. .iiin guarraatued, a our aoiee u to plesss. AU negaHvae oare.'uliy prMwred . ' KasaesHht tsus ytsssj i sj sV . Jit LY ssai ke ooimsss. H? . till,. RttaibJliilCal liyerlr " V- 'i v "UJ thr .c wvtt f tU raux4, ilu'tA. Jfs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers