' ..... - - . . .. fiiwnniT, ia. HATL'ItDAT, MARCH , 180U. JLocal affairs. .1 ! irt. Tbo March terroef Court will ootutnenoe tils place, en -Monday next, and oontlnuo two . t j ' ' ; .:. S -M-jt . & . n nolghbora of the Borough of Northumberland bout organizing a Bull ling and Lain Aaswla- te prneoels ofUie fosSim! of the L'nitatian So , at Northumberland, week before last, atueuut; nearly $;)60. K ,.,..,, , , It. lis'dEL has Just received, and for lair, some ' good and handsome carpetj,dry g ds, groceries, a mid shoes, 4o, SB orders of Uool Tempi an and il. A. K. have cd iuto tho Odd Fellows' Hall, In Hrlght'i build on Market Etjunro. The (1 . T. hold thir moti on Jioudsy and Die 0 A H. ou Friday even- T a tinted useatingof Fort Augusta K'nearoptnent NO, I () of U. F., held, oa .Monday ereniug . the fulluniiiK persons were eleoted olfioersfor the lingtorm : C. P., Henry Clement ; 11. P., CLas Sotisholir. ; 8. Y ., F.tn'I Wilvert; J. W., Alex.' ntz; Sciibo, A. N. Brlce ; Tress. , Val. Diets. .axovAtef thoTomplo of Fashioato Eleventh i Chcsnut stroeta, Philadelphia. Orand opening pring Fn.hions, Monday, Maroh 1, 1889, by Mrs. A. Eiuder. Kcad advertisement in this issue. KL'jripKDaa. 'J.e of these modorn vehicles, en to from Elinira, N. Y., to k'aston, Pa., remained the riding of Iho .V. 0. 11. It., at this plaoe, on icby last, and a number of porsuns had their bos gratified by taking a good look at the aehino." Iitdomst Cdnkbkekck. This religious body I commence llicir s..-iuui in Dmivllle on Wcdnea ? next, luili March. It is supposed that some ltt tubers will bo present. Tl R Kenullioun fnon Is uf Northumberland ho. icll clc-etcJ tln.tr rntlrn t!nl,..t v,.i f i. I ck by n avcrngo majority uf i'j a gain of 1 cr the Presidential election last fall. liooU 1 Jettixo Xi'mkiiol's Wenrocrutio candidates for ice are becoming quite numerous in this county, 10 are willing to serve the people, proviJtd they 11 he elected. ':BiToniAL fJoMFonrs. Tho task uf nn editor i moult enough. What is food to the politician is ison to the philanthropist, and whut is oalouluted pleaao tho gay or utnuso Iho frivolous, will offend a sober senso and mnturo judgment of tho man of ought end reflection. It is hard for nil editor to .it all claw? and keep out of hut wat?r. Hiuxon Bi.itz is Cohino. The original Magician ' ii Ventriloquist, Signor Blitz, from Philodelphia, ith his learned Cunarie birds, will give one of his Mvrtuiniucnts in this place, at the Masonic Hall, on 1 i cdncsday, the 2 tth instant. Those who have soen i 10 Signor perform will go again ; whilo thoso who 1 av. not, shouldmbrac. this opporlnity. j CHntSTiAN Uoykr, 1 . welUnown highly siccuicu riur.cn 01 AY est lirunswiuk, Schuylkill ounty, died at the residence of his son, D. I,. Iioyer, .n Wednesday of lust woek. Mr. Boyer, wnj the ..pennieuuent ot tno turnpike totween this place Hams, .1 Cromer; overseers, P Voneida, J Pblegcr ; slid Heading, for ninny years. 1 I judge, D 11 Miller; inspector, 11 Burltheimef, J 11 - 'IDeiltuner; school directors, J Kruinur, A Allcman ; Tin: Couixa Stvle. tientlomon this spring will i auditor, JamosSiiiith war coats with a wide rolling collar, cut away to . 2'u"":J"'ii'"!' W,Kcc'5 ' cont,,,.'I!'- Pmill,.: , ' ' ! assessoi, D M Sauipsel ; supervisors, Ihos Johnson, J foiuo extent, and about as short as usual. .Vests will j Uuior ; overs. rs, J A Snyder, YV B Diohl ; judge, J be mostly single-breasted, open low enough to admit ! Newberry ; inspectors,, ti M l.c.bor, Joel Heckert ; a fair view of tho shirt bosom. Panta n ill be as snnir ! "uu"1 directors, F Iteed, W B Diehl ; auditor, W in the leg ns over. The sprint: ovoroout is something between the regular overcoat ar.d a cloak. V.'r. regret to learn that Foster lleuiol, son of Jo etih li. usel, of this borough, wes ba4ly injured at VYutsrntnwn on Monday Inst, having one of bis feet suiatlied by being run over by ono of tbe wheels of a cur upon whiuh he hud endeavored to jump whilo it was in motion.' Miltouian. "x the 1.1th Inst., a young man named Sassaman, , .'jilio nt Cenlrevillu, this county, while exhibit ing a revolver in a crowd, which' accidentally dis charged, the ball passed along the huud, and it is sundered that the hardness of the shin on the hand, 'raised the ball to glanc'j and il nttied tho thigh, causing a dcop and painful wound. The younjr man hud tho ball extracted und is doing us well us cuu be upectcd. Mi.U.!tli:rg Trihinit. . . Masser A Hit.t. are now receiving goods from New York and Philadelphia, and will open their New Music S oro next week, as soon as the room can I u made ready. Be.-ides pianos, organs, violins and other umfi'-a! instruments, they have a large variety of cbroino pictures, and a largo assortment of picture frame?, ni.J also, all sizes of French gluts for pictures n:.d ei glueing. Tab Ma'hivk Fnors. While passing tho shops of the Philadelphia nud Erie Bull Road Company, a few it' Vs since, we stem id in lor a few tnomtuts, und v. ere much surprised to find a greatly increased I force, und q-iito an accession of new und valuablo ' ijinrhil.cry. Among the latter we observed a doublu" , bended driving lathe for turning oil" the tire of tho I driving wheels nf locomotivo engines, Ac This ma- cbino wuigbs 23.000 pounds, and co?t $1,762. Major ' llnmer, the cflijicnt superiutendanl, iiil'urmed us that ! tho ca: .-icily of tho shops should be doubled to do tho increased work. Among other things, wo observed a massive iron bed-plate, forged in the shops, and 1 made up w holly from scrap iron. A large foundry is needed, nnd us it was included in the original de sign, will, uo doubt, be built, with other improve ments. Pfwauk. Some uf our exchanges aro cautioning farmers against the deceptive praolicea of certain purlies who are travelling tbe country selling patent UHits for nn Elliptio Hay Fork. Also other aharp t rho, for a consideration, promise to secure tbe furmtr's property against Die by lightning, by the erection of rods, aud to uiako areurance doublysure, give in addition to each of their customers, a policy of Insurance. These fellows then, "as quick as light Ti;g," get the farmer's nolo discounted; and leave the counly, leaving their dupes o pay them when due, aud to repent at leisure of their folly at being o easily duped. TnE 1"A in or the O. A. It. closed ou Saturday night, aud was a complete success ; the gross reaeipU (including tho dinner) umounting to over (1,700, independent of about $J0 worth of artioloi. which it was impossible te find time to dispose of oa the last night, but which will be sold at auction on Saturday night of this week. t The voting was the great feature of the closing hours, and orented intense excitement. Tba follow ing wni tho result : S-ott THE SlLVXa (.AKTEKS. James "E.' Forrester, (X. C. 'IU W.) 1913 votes. William Aulhony, (Philad. & Heading.) 114 tiiamolin lUrald. " J.'gN- The fast of forty days, oalled lent, began cn M luln ina'am. . xu season oi rasiing la observ ed by tbo Catholie and Episoonal chnrcbea by'the latteTtesi Itrietly than by the formerfand by the for mer not fo aa'vcrely at in earlier timet.- The pro (afsUwit doxioiAUualioiu whieU-e-eeosjulio-4Ue tetaon, leave tbe manner of in observance, to lodii jdual judthranf. Tent overlakei us fu.tbe widat qJ a jiot- l usfy g(iy syoaoa, from w hioh tnaujr oitkeue not na turally too zloout,'wille g4ad f a temporary aav captw-liAnt b litre xc dfe to Iboseos well aj a refer i d and sacred Tpterv3 Ei orhra Jf it is But a period d urinf athiasUht wiakaal aiMirat j eaaaa froat- Iroaa- 1 bancs' ro"rosrtuf raaucfatit iur sjusitW jJunj ,1 into lha turmoil of party giving aud lataaupparaltii ' P"" "'"e rr " laaadlor (so eeou lo b HJHil ur'WaTBStrTOltiJsy rs'up.T", flJa s)."jaj f'i s". .iir ' vU'll IUI li'lUl ui 1 AnjoinNEii CornT. Tb adjourned Oourt, which convened en Monday laet at tbia plaoe, disposed of the following eaaee - Those as Kaaaol, edm'r. of the estate ef Jane Orlf Ba vs. Peter Lllloy This luit woi brought for rent rprofltiof estate bald by ana (irifflo.ahe In her life lime baring reotodJier estate, which wna but a life-estate, and ehert Uino afterward) died. Her administrator ol aimed a full ear 'I rout of amble menu and profile of farm. Devisees denied her Tight. Terdlet in favor of defendant William B. Carr, Jnme Carr and rotor Oearhart," eoh, petitioned tbe Court to appoint yiewera to - teas damage against the Dativillo, Wilkesbarre anil ' Batelton Halt Road Co.. whose oonrsa ran throueh I their lands. Court appointed Monday, the 15th duy of Maroh, for hearing 1). V. Smith VI. The Milton Xatlonnl Bank Suit broaght to recover llai, with Interest, wbish plain tiff alleged be had deposited in that bank on Muy 2, 1SSS, and for whioh tbe bank bad gived no orodit. Plaintiff averred he had Sont a younger brother to the bank with the money, who forgot the bank book, and that afterwards the bank refused to give biui credit for it. The bank ofllaers denied all knowlodge of this. Vordiot in fitvor of plaintiff for $.V.'J 27. Billmcyer A Huckenborg va. John McCunnlok. This seemed te bo a sioiill suit; a inero simple quos tinu of fact upon whioh a verdiot wus JofireJ. Ver dict in favor of dofendant. Samuel T. Brown vs. John Kulir. Suit brought on revival of an old judgment. lofendant allegrd pay ment of judgment. Verdiot for plaintiff for $;ltll 25, which was abeut one-half plaintifl 'a claim. William E. May vs. Michael Wilvert ant Elisabeth Wllvort. This suit was an action of ejeotmcnt Plaintiff wished a verdict to pcrfeot bis title, ti which defendants agreed. Verdiot in favor of plain tiff for 6 cents damages and tl cents costs. Usual form in such oases. - Tho trial lilts being through fur tins week, several smaller matters wore disposed. ofnheu Court adjourn ed uutil 18'ocloek, AM. vfnoxt Monday. Townsnti- Ei.KCTioss.--Va giio bolow Iho offi cers elected on the lUlfi ult., in the diflercnt town ships in tho county, viz : Ptorthtintltrlayid. Corstablo, Joseph Johnson ; aascsrar, W. H. tVapples; super ison, I). YV. Kt-e-fer, Peter llun'i linan ; ovursuers of tho tuor, J. T. j Colt, Jaa Scott ; judge, John Luuhaui ; inspcotois, ! W J. Uaskius, lienj. lluckert ; aehoul diractum, J. I J. Traoy, W. 11. Leigbow, 1). SI. Urautium ; high I constable, 1). C. Kutiicr. I iVf(.:i. Corstulile, J. T. Summers ; nmesw, J. I P. Miller; ovcr.'ocrs of tho poor, W. Strine, J. I! Snydor ; jud(,'e, A. C. Logan ; Inspector, J. B. Mil I ler. James Caldwell ; school directors, T. K. Hull, 1 . n enk ; high, constablo, Jos. Kohlor ; auditor, Yt . P. Hall. lutsontoKit. Constable, Andrew Fifhor; assess or, Y. M. Uarnhurt; urcrscers, 1'otor Seilcr. Win. Kirki judge, David Teas; inpectois. J S. Scbooly, J. Cooner ; sehool direotors, A. U Lalsha, J. M. War ner. James Ualebuter ; high constable, Elias Doctor ; auditors, Tlinmas Burr, A. J. Uiifl'ey. MrlCwnisviile. Constable, James Oold; assessor, E. F. (iuld ; ovemeers, Wm. uiith. U JP tiold ; in spectors, VYillium lluvs, E Bennett; school directors. Win. Hood, M W. Wenok; high constable, Jer. Mi litia; auditor. J. N. Huuiiel. Titrbuli tlt. Conituble. John Lainpfor : assi-Mor, D. J. lleedor ; overseor, Michucl itceder ; jtido. David Fowler; school directors, S. II. Fuller, I'eter , Wagner ; high constable, J. W. Snyder; auditors, J. I . Barry, J. I.enhart. ; Titil'iil. Justices, C II Ilottcnslein, W Wablron ; constable, A Kissinger; n.-wesnrs. .Samuel Jullv. J. j Diehl ; overseers. Jllogue, P ittuiglee ; jude. J Hit ter ; inspectors, YY. (ieitsc. Asa Everett ; school direo- tois. ii Molt, bhiuI, Hupp; auditor. J Mieep. lieiawari. Constable, D W Vandvno; ofscssor. H D Mourer ; oven-eers, K Nicholas, l Stablncckcr : jfge, M A Nicely inspector, J G Durham ; school TIlZ ZTlnJZtl 1-"." VJTlV; inspectors, S Klase, J M Watte ; school directors, J M MuFarlaud ; auditor, J 0 Fulk. Chitiistjttaqiie. Justice, Jon.Hishel; constable. W ir..... w i . i 11. .Snvder. f''wT Augusta. J ustioe, Martin Ooss; constable, 0 YV Stroh; assessor, S H Hilo; supervisors, Jerilal liek, Jacob Seasholtz ; overseers, "D it Shipe, John B Kniss; judge, J M Cooper; inspectors, U YV Brewer, Henry flaupl ; school directors, A B Cotner, James Uciland ; auditor, Vf 8 Snyder. lKtr Augusta. Constable J 0 Wynn; assessor, Henry Bloom; supervisors. t?arul. Gcringer, J Long ; overmicrs, W W Dewitt, II 11 Mnllick ; judge, J J) Lyttle; inspectors, J D Dewitt, D Conrad ; school directors, James Cuuldron, J Campbell ; auditor, S bhipiiinn. li .. Justice, F 0 Vanostrnn ; constable, II K Luborvr ; assessor, S J Johnson ; supervisors. Edward Urady, 0 C 11 yon ; overseers, C P ticaihart, J Ober dorf: itidire, YV Johnson: inspectors. Jos. 11 Kuae, J I Sharpies; school directors, D C Campbell, J P Camp I bell ; nuditnr, J li Kasc. hatniiitu Township. Constable, Dan. Knoehel. ; assessor. J T Hepuer; sup-rvisors, b 1'ipler. .o) Haai'; juue. Nicholas auiphcli; inspectors, w 11 (.anisic, llenj. Itoimei; school directors, .S Knl, Hun t, 'luilh, Elisha sharp; overseers, U C Adams, J Murtt; au ditor, Freeman M d'ober. Coat. Justice, YV Uhodrs ; oonslnble, T Eurk ; assessor, N Dileman; supervisots, Patrick Burk, Den nis W'elrh ; overseer, B Eaughlin; judge. S Foy ; in spector, Patrick Hady ; school directors, T Eaughlin, J Downey, Theo. Miceberger ; auditors, (i Holecher, M White, F Krobner; treasurer, C Tborp; clerk, T tYooilside. Mount Curmtl Totenthip. Jus ice, W 0 Keefe : constable, Hugh O'Donnul ; assessor, P Kyan; super visor, Michael Onibum; overseers, Peter Dnnberry, C Cannon : iudire. I! Hvon ; insneetors, W McAn- j drew, J K Jones ; school directors, M McAlTby, lhe oioer eauuniaies a lie vuie, j, nuuuor, r aici.uriy ; treasurer. T Manning ,' clerk, X Cannon. Jacimn. Cnnstublo, : J Eustinan assessor, J Biuuruian ; aupcrvuiors, 8 Bobner, A Kembcl ; over seers, N Brower, M Browcr ; judge, J Trcssler p in. spuciors, V D Eongsdorf, 11 Tboiuas ; aehoul direct ors, J Hans, 11 B Eiilsha, Sebastian Stepn, D East- I mau, J Tresslvr, J Bower ; auditor, JSUortman; I treasurer, J j Smith ; clerk, W B Eongsdorf Cu meruit. Justices, E Eong, J H Haupt ; consta i bio, J F Lone ; assessor, D Wagner; supervisors. D I Haupt. M Dcrn ; overseers, li Dcrk, ti D Kerstettcr ; I judge, E Eong; inspectors, B Haupt, B llornherirer ; .i i .i: . u II li..-. II. ..i .? ' vote, auditor, r iiuiizeuuui; ireosurer, u Kerstet- ter ; clerk. 0 K W eiklo. , Jordan i ustioe, J S.roheuker; constublo, W Kemblu; assessor, A llomberger; supervisors. B Leit zel, A T Coble; overseers. J Williamson, J Wentzel; judge, 11 W Deppin ; inspectors, 11 K Troutinan, A Komberger; school directors, J Holocrine), J Hoff man, H Bowor, Elias Bower; John Bubnur. Eiininucl Buhner; auditor, 11 II Skadol ; treasurer, D Snyder; clerk, A K Troutmsn. f;7r ilfaianny. Constablo, Q W Ilomberjer ; assessor, J Haas; supervisors, ti Snydor, Ab tieist; overseers, S Kebuek, L Snydor; judge, PoterSturr; mspeetors, ul. u ruul, rs Annus ; school directors, W Durkhouse, J Mourer; auditor, J L Snyder; trea surer. D Snyder ; cleik. P UcUcl. Washington Justice, JNeilz; constable, JO Billuian; assessor, Amot Matter ; supervisors, II D HoUiiian, J D Kcilz ; overseers. E T Druinheller, P Ferster; judge, A Druinheller; inspector, II Hilbush; school directors, T Uotheriuel, balance tie vote, ; auditors, S Brotius, A It Troon ; treasurer, SI Troon; clerk, H E tterman. ijwer Malutnoy. Justice, BM Bubb; constable, A Seiler; assessor, J M Lcnker; supervisors, Simon Eenker, C Brosious ; overseers, rt Spatz, S Wertz; judge A Thurston; inspectors, (i W Arbogast, J Trego; scnooi aireoiors. a uajraun, li lluckert; auditor, J Uarman ; Clerk, U Qondmau. l.xille jltri uio;. Justice, Jaeob Grew; consta ble, D Y haker; assessor. W M Dunkleberger ; su pervisors, W D ltuker, A Heitz ; overseers, D Wag nor, J Dunkleberger; judge, II W Dornsife; inspect ors, J F Baker, Siuiot) Keed ; school directors, ii YV Dornsife, V. 8 Keitz; auditor, J Eong. Zerb Contable, 11 J Uenn ; asaeasor, M B Brv mire; supervisor, A Fisher ! overseers, F Bower, (i Brvmire; judge, J Humphrey; inspectors, J Cnyles, J YV Wiest ; tohool directors, E H Haker. 8 B Con rad, J YV Wiest; auditor, Km, Mourer ; treasurer, C Deitrieb; clerk, H I Uarman. Mount Carmrl JSsroitpk Constable, A Connat J aasestor, II T Joba; overseer, Andrew Sinellzi judge, AAyret; inspector, Frank Persing; Isaiah Miller school diiaotors, A il MuottUiua, C Fahrion, J Laza rus; auditor, J Evaiif, . . . . tihaiuoiiu lioruugh. Constable, Joe. Pitcbfteld, assasur, J P Fineher ; overseer, D K Bower ; judge, J Zondar ; inspectors, J E Thompson, Ben. MoClow ; school directors, I) Miller, W Lake; auditor, U 11 tarter. BaiiaiRn'a Musical Woblb for Mar eh la ra aolvad. aud contains tajanlv bas-ea of ahoioa Bear piuaia and iatarasling taading. Ihia ia by far ha-f oast ana ens peat Musical Mommy punnsnaa. us- ing te ita iuiuienaa ciraulation, (ovar twenty thou aaod eopiaa monthly,) lha publishers are enabled to furnish tbe M usual Worlc1 at the loir prioe of one dollas asa aaaasai t 1 . rTeUntijgTsrtarrm gain, ruiurs. aesting ntaebinea, elo., forolaba. For five ubsoriDers an elegant arriung dusk ia gtraa. Bneoi mta eoniek aasilaliiiaa a las gareuapont of ehaiaa sat- JJ.".'. f.77x!Tb llnarj t-kSsfe siq, Jull JissWarf prasninun. (...stall, ba ttblaiaed by BeAaLtT FEVta This, terrible disease, for lha last few month, haf ravaged all fool Inn a of country carrying affliction Jole thousand! of familiea. Al though onr town baa been ezampt, other eeotionaof the sountry bare differed terribly. Parents cannot be too cnrefal in noting tbe approach of thii fnsidu oua dfieaao and a ajt exchange eai : Parents ' ahould examine the throat of Uioir children daily, J so that the dUemre mar no hare mado serious head-1 way befuro ita presence Is diacovorod. At do liina j during the attach tan a (Mid ba Considered, outof! dnrger, for man; die at tbe Mine they are auppoicd i Tot6 recovering. Any deliiy niter" tho disiiaso ahowa itatrlf is darigerpus. ull a physician at ence. In nearly all caeee where il assumes Iho form or croujrlt rosulti fatally.' 1n Settle Initancof'qbildrcn . will run about until within a, death. " . j . i few hours of .their - . TitK Oi ii CuitNKn Sulu IluU'a ournvr and a lot of bank stoek were disposed of last ThAtVday. The 1 corner brought ?4,!9U, and the bahk Stock as follows: J Firsts ;it(ooal Biuik of Duuvillo, 2-1 share, were i bought by Mr Applomnd, of Bloomshurg, at $1UU per hare, tho par value being $190 ; 31 sharos iu the j old Northumberland Bank, now nt Eunbury, par ; valilo per sharo J50, brought $fiO pc share; and I j shares of tho Mechanic's National Bank of Philadot- pliia brought (38 per share. Total real estate and: bank atoek, $lt,6f0. . The oorner wus puruhuscd by Jsnios K. Davis. frlin'gruti Times. I.r.r none of our roadere suppose thai because tho city tailoring establishments advertisa extensively in Country pipers, they aro lha only places whero to procure th best and cheapest suits. Tho faot is4, our niochanlcs are just as oapable & tboio of tho cities to in ike up clolliiftgrnnl at loWbt,IktcS" To bo convin ce go to J E. .Sinick', on Fourth street, and examine his new supply of spring goods just opened. Mr. Sinick doef all etylUh work, so that garments coin ing from hit cstblihuicul are fit for the wardrobe ofjiuy gentleman. . ' ' . ' ' L , 1 BUSINESS NOTICES. I.BoU ;is-iutlu3. lluviog received a large supply of NEW JOJJ TYPE, of various now styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Curds, EuUer Ucads, Bill Heads, Labels, .to., can be printod in the latest and best styles, and on short notice. Urders by mail promptly attended to. Fon Sale. Au excellent top buggy, new. En iiuiro nt this oflk'o. Nbw patterns of .Wall Paper and Border, and Window hiules, in largo quuntity, at reduced rales, at I.IU HTNEK 4 7.TE0 1.KR 8 Fib 27 4t Book Store. Cami'ILI.ios C'AnriiTiNO Cheaper and better than Oil Cloth. YYholesule and rotnil, nt LIU HTNEK 4 ZIE'J I.ETt'8 Feb. 27 il Book Storo. It costs $100. and takes una week's time, te get a female chignon dyed In Paris to the newest fashion able color. This sum will buy at least three fash ionable and durable suits nt J. 0. Beak's Merchant Tailoring establishment. One bundled dollars could nut be better invested than in Beck's clothing. Tuk liidrjitnilrHt says that Miss Susan B. Antho ny is a ''masculine woman," with "a strung jaw, a sharp tongue and a kindly smilo.'' If this ttrong mimled woman should ever visit Sunhury sho would, of couiso, get a pair of Miller's boots befcro leaving town. Miller has nil sizes of boots and shoes, whiuh he soils at greatly reduced prices. SritiNO Time. Tho beckoning bund nf Spring, impressed by tho cheerful sunshine of the past few duys, is blithesomo, and apparently impatient to ! strew tho hillsides with flowers, und deck jtho trees ' iu Spring's enchanting grocn. YYith tho coniinu- 1 anoe of mild and pleasant weather, the opening of j iuo rpriug Hooi sua snoo uusiness win soon com mence. Our patrons und tbe public generally are respectfully informed that John Wilvert, on Spruco street, has oil hand a large (took of boots and shoes, whioh he disposes of at the lowest market price for cash. Auoxo the late inventions a genius has discovered a Bow hat ruck, to bo attached to pews under the seat in church. The rack consists of a piece of wire, and costs twenty. Bvo cents. YVe presume it will not be long before they uro introduced in Sunbury, and will bo used to '-hungup" Faust's fashionublo Huts and Caps. Uo and tee his assortment. Cot 's Coi'on Balsam. Tho groat popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, YV hooping Cough, and Consumption. IJotbsizas ordinary 4 oz , also mam moth family bottles furzalo by all druggists and dealers iu medicines. No family should he over Light without it in the houso. Dr. J. II. Cukssinu-eii, Dentist. Offico ver II G Tliuelicr't Shoe Storo, Sunbury, Pa. When uohing teeth on use dreadful groans, And sleepless nights and dismal days, Who comet to nie rauit giateful uwnt My skill, which all his paint allay. , A moment's suffering I may cause, 'lis but to bring a loug release ; And though for once 1 rend his juws, For yours to como I givo him peace. 2m Cok'i DvsriisiA Ccue Will immediately re lieve und permanently oura Iho most aggravated oaso of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all discuses of the Stomaoh and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who uso it. join in unbounded prni'e of its great virtues. Sold by Druggis'8 everywhere. Price if 1 .00." u .... i. GRAIN AND PBODUCE MARKET. CoiiiiLcri:n YYuii.v jiv Yuuxu & Isuael. Grain Choice While Wheat, f I DO Eest Amber, Wmler, 1 70 t-pniig, 1 40 Corn, Si Eye, 1 40 Outs, (22 lbs.) 04 Flour Pure Mich. White Wheat, per sack, 2 74 V' " barrel. It) 00 Best Amber,' Winter, per sack, 2 It " " ' " barrel, 10 00 I Seneca Lake, per sack, 3 00 I " ' " buirol, o ou ! Corn Weal, per owt., 2 74 Buckwheat Flour. b nn ' 1 Bitter New York, . . . 40 I ' Pennsylvania ltoll, 44 1 Eiios per doien, 2j 1 Meats Dried Beef, per lb., 23 a 30 cuioKed Jiuituu, Jo a 18 " Veuison, 40 a 4 i Lard per lh., 4 Fisu Salt W'hito Fish, por lb., 0 " Truut, 14 Cod, " 10 Frosh Shed 74 a 100 1 V LuET a DLEt Turnips, per bushel, hi) j'nlalocs, " " 20 Duiout, " ' I fto liuuat, quart, 14 a Is Hoiuiny, " 12 DtiiEb Fruits Dried Apples, per lb., 12 a 14 " Peaches. " 15 a in " Cherries, " JO a 34 " Bluekberries, 20 " Kospberries, 20 Green Apri.Et per barrel, 74 a 00 jiliasiioUin Coal Xi-ade. Buauokih, Merch 1. lslr)9, Tuhm. Cut. Pent for week ending Feb. 27, - i.i'yi u l'er last iU jJorl, i'J.iSi 07 oS-,987 1 il,6iil Ud To same time last year, ' Incrtasa, " 3 7 Special Notitta! tT-IKAFNESS, BLINDNESS' and CATAKUU treated with tbe utmost suoeeas, by J. Isaacs, SI D and I'rofeasor of Piseaaes of the Jjye and Ear ; (his apeeially) in the Medical College of Pennsylvania It yeara experience, (formerly ot Leyden, Holland, ) lo. 8l)a Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials can be seen at this ofiiee. The uedieal iaeuliv are in. s'rets in Tiled to aceompany (heir patienU. as he baa 00 creta in bis praatioe. Arti&oial ayea loaerted without pain, lie charge for eaaiuuialiua. Feb. IS, 1B69. ly. S J m I H J est lMM-lnA V kf ...... . s . : . . as . - -a ! uuiui t 0 urpT Marrtat-e and Con'ueal Falioilv. Tn. h... man slews of benavoWnt Physicians, oa Pie Errors aud-Abusea incident to Toath and Earl Manhood, I by I' drees HOWAK1) ASIATU).Viw f , fbtiidel H phia, 'a " .------ - . wt luiiawwtw -vnveiopea, rree oreuarre.. As: A SKW 11EMKDT IN C0f.SUMPTI0N.A I I livsiolnu who had Consumption lor aover id years, I with fraqnant bleeding of the laVga, eura himself I with a turdieino unknown to the proltewion, when his I oaseappaarod hopeless, lie il 'the only phjaiciunj wboho used it ia hiaowa oron, or who baa, any knowledge o! Ita virtue j and b oao ascribe th da-; area or steal I h ba now enjoys to rinthint let tho ' w. .... ..vino , uoinini! ma uuor uespair anil fintirn . I r -n i - . . . . ..u v, iinojerui reoororv, to jtothi r with a want oroonUJeuce in nil oUiera, indue- fl hint In havits if.n . A A- : .Uv v)iviiuicUbi ao luuee suuor ing With aoydiaenae of Uio l.angs he proflora a treat ment ho OinfiJonlly belinrra will ornelicnto tho duKiaee, Price fl.ou. por bottle or 1 a faalfdoien,' aeut by(expres.. lot a ciroulur or eall on - f DRK.BuvLaroaJAca.aoa, .' Va Q'.O X....I. 1' I. i... . iiv. '"' Av.iiu cireei, j'UIIUUel pliin. For Sale by II. I. l'riling, Market Suuare, Sun- I bury, Pa., and Jiriifrgilti goncrally. i -. . . ( To :ouiniiiiti on. , ; r I 111. aJvertisor, having been roslorod to health In ' I. a lew ,ccl:s by n simple remedy, afier having: fulloreil several years with a severe lung iiltcotloii. and that drenj disease. Consumption is anxious to ' make kuov.n to his lelluw luilurers the moans of . cure. .. j To all who desire it, he will send a Copy of the . prescription used (free of charge), with tbo directions lor prepuriug and using the same, whioh they will , find a sure Cure fur Consumption, Asthma, Bron- ! ohitis, Ao. Tho only object of tho adverlisor iu j sending Iho Prescriptiou is Iu beurlit the nfllieted. ; and Soea I iuloriiialion which he eonooiresi to be in- vulunblo ; and he hopes every suUerer will try his remedy, m k will oust them nothing, aud way prove ' a blouing. . . Parlies wishing the prrsoriplion will plraso ad- , drets itov.i.un ai.ua. hii.mi, liij South Second St., YYilliuiusburgh, Jau 9, 'till ly Kings County, Ntiw Yolk. ' Afjont H nntcsl. S7S to e-100 per month!!'. Or a coiiuiisBioii from which twice that nmount ran he ' mule h srllinij the LATHS I' J.MI'BDYEII Ctl.M.MDN : SKNSK FA1MII.V M'.WINti MACIHNK, I'biceSISOU. For Cueiilars and Terms ii'tilrrsa . I O. HdWMlst tt CO. OliO South Third Street, I D-c. 6, '6. Qui. I'liilmle'pluii, Pi 0 NK 1'IUCE CLOIHING. .. . s . - JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED 01: JPECM'sU' CLOTHING HOUSE, OOi rtS 11 r It ; t Street, Ono door nbovo Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the line l'i'ico Sys.eni, nnd we beliuvo wo are the only Clothing House in tho city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a rnpu tntiou which wc are proud of, for good tuste iu seleot goud styles nnd substantial materials, aud Uot leti important, lor having all our goods i:tk.i wi:i,i 3i . em:. Wo employ tho best lalent, for Cutters, and ur Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes can bo suited. 'Tho prices aro tho very lowest, as any ono by a moment's thought must ! see, or otherwise wo could not meet the aimpctition of our neighbors, tor at no deductions are ever ma le no must put our prices down to tho adruutnges we promise. The people may depend, this is tho true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar cau be saved to Clothing buyers by kecpiiig iu mind JOIST KS ONE pniCE CLOTHING HOTSK, 004 Maikut .Street, Philadelphia, Not eu the Comer, hut ono door above Sixth. I'.a. m saicMcitirn. April 4, ISM. ly i'L-in 1 (From liSientn!'rv of Iho Cuited Stales lllirl CKENATA III (HC I.KAVES. rtiirtaviKs Th-ir ikIoi is strong;, ihllusive, unij s.,nnc whul u(oui..lie, then lusle biltelisii, aixi analo;ous to mint. Aleibeal Prnpcrtiea and ITsei. lluchu leaves aie cently Btiinul.int, with :i peculiul temletiey to the l:riiinvy (liana. Theyare Riven in complaints of ttie Urinary Orpins, such as Oruvel, Chnaiic Caurili of the iil.,rbler, Morhid Irrihili if the III uliter and I.' if Ilia lliseuse 01 the I'r irate Ulnil, and ttetentnai or liicniitiiirnee of I'tme, from a loss ot tone 111 the parts concerned 111 Us evaenati -n The remedy lias nil 1 hueu reeoimneinled iu Dyspepsia, Chron ic Kh-umtisin, Cutaneous Alfecllous, unit Oropsy. Ilehiiara lxtruet Jjuchu la used hy persons fiom the apes of I-- to tf.i, and Iroin O i to 44, or 111 the itec'itie or change of hie ; niter Conuneineiit, or 1.0 Pains; lied tVettuie 111 Chililreu. In ulh-ctiotis peculiar to females, the Extract Buehu ia uueiiuaieu1 hy any other remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Ke trution, Irreeulurity, I'Miiirulness or Supirsa.n Oust. msry Kvaeuatioua, L'lecrated or tschlirous !tnte uf the Uterus, l.fUforrhrA, 111 Whiles, .Diseases of the lluelUer, Kutuevs, Oravel, and Dropsieat tswelbufTS. Tins nicdieme increases the p:iwer of liigra lion, mid excites the Absorbents into lienhnv aellon, by which the Watery 01 Calcareous depositions, and all I'll natural Knl:irc;eiiicntk are 1 educed, as well as i'uiu and In rlainuiatioii. Ilelinhold'a I'.xtraet Itilflul has cured everu ease of Dia betes 111 which it has been aivrit. linUilioit of the Xrck, of I he lll.ithler, and lull imiiiatiou of the rUdoeya, I'icrrn tion of the Kidneys and Iliudurr, Releotiou of Vriuc, Dl aensesol the I'ti slrnte Gland, floiie III Ihe Hluldsr, Calcu lus, Gravel, linen-Dust Deposit, and Miieus or Milky l)ischar)t-a,auil for eufeeh!ej and delicate constitutions, 01 hoth seArs, attended with the loll w'ini syiupt. mis ; ludUltoil to Kxertlon, )n8 ,,( ,vver. Loss of Meilio IV, DllTlcuhy 111 Hrealhuia, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Us 'ase, Witkefulness, lliinness of Vision, I'.iio 111 the U;i k. II .1 II mils, riu.huur uf the llixiv, llrvucss of Ihe Skin, Kiuptiou of the Knee, Pallid Cniiuleiiaiice, Liu Vernal Uisilludeof the Muscular Siilcm, fte. Ilehs.h ild s Kxtrart Huehil is IJiiirelienud Ul ml-Purity-Ing, and cuiea alt Diseases arising I'rnin hahita nf diuipl tion, rxerssesand imiiradences 111 life, iinpuriliea of the Hlood. Ac., superaeiljiie. Coji:itlia 111 ullectioos for A-hieh it is usen, Riieu hs ijoiioiilm-1, (ileeis of loujr sl'iiduia. and Syphilitic Atleetions in these diseasra, used iu eonin-etloli Willi Hi'hilhnl.!'! U .ic Wash. . M ld by nil Diuieis and dealers eveiywhere ' Beware of e-iuuierfi-ua Ask for ll-liuh .Id's. Take nn olhrr. I'rice S.K.; per hoille, 11rOlxalesforhV1.su. Delivered to any address. Ilcsi'ithe svinoms in all coiiimuiiii-iitions. Address II. T IIKI.M KOI.U, VM TlroniKvuv. N V. NONE AHK liKMI.XK UM.ESsJ DO.N'K IIP IN slcel engraved wrapper, with lac simile of my Chemical Waiehuuae, and tiauvd II. T. III.LMBOl.D. Feh.snh, IP09 Jin. (tirrora ol" Voiith. AftENTLEMAX who sufTered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature deoiiy, and all the el) acts of youthful iudiscrvtioii will, lor the sake nf suffering humanity, aend free of all who need it, the recipe and direction for mahinir tho simple reme dy by wbieh be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing, iu perfect confidence. JOHN' B. CODES, Jan. 9, Ti9 ly No. 42 Codnr street, N. Y. NEWjLDVEHmEMENTS. linaiululio ul' I'ai'tsif i-slsi. "VTUT1CJ'; is beroby given, that tba partnership Xl heretofore exist itig between (Icorgo W. 'uiilh A Charles tientlior, trailing unjer the brut namoof tfinith 4 Ueclher, was ttis ith day of February, dis solved by mutual consent. The hooks, papers, to., of the firm are- in the hands of lien. W. Smith, who reuuesu all indebted to nmko iiniueJinio spiilunicut. UKO. S. KM ITU, rHABLKS UKNTliEH. Eunbury. February 1.3. lrin'.t ,'lt P. S. DEW AID & CO, Jlunufaclurers of and Wholesale Dealers in WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, Hatting. Hope, Twines and Cordage, Ilrooiiis), llrusshrsi, lluakt-tai, PAmt, l'APLK BAGS, &c, Ac. No. 31 North Third Streot, above Market, PIIILADELPUIA. .January 30, 18na.iy ARCH STREET, betweon Third and Fourth Streets iuii.m:i.Fiii 1. fAlllKl, 8 WEUEU, Proprietor. January 30. lbd a ly The Arch Street Foundry, HEKETOFliRE carried on in tho name of J. Voungutan, will liereufier be carried on in tbe lirui narueoi VUl'NMMAM i II. LPT. All kinds of Castings will at all limes be tuaJa at the shortest nolieo, aud in the best manner. VOl'NUMAN & HAUPT. Sunbury, February 13, lsil'J. S'l'OIti: HOOM TO I.r. r, situate on Market Street, near tbe Railroad, Sunuury, Pa. Terms reasonable. Apply to CAROLINE DALIU3. Buabary, Fubruary 13, ItsS'J 3t Vols-r'anLateTliTler'.) istls-r isnnlen, THI, 722, 724 and T2 VINK Street, Philad'a. THE UKAN1) OHCHEaTUlON, formerly the property of the GRAND DUO Ot VALEN, pur sbaaed at grant expense by JACOB VALEU, of Philadelphia, lo combination with FLAMER'BOROIIKRTRA and alias HEI.L1K ANDEHSON, Wilt perform every Afiarnooa aud tvaulng at the above'mentiuned nlaee. ADMISSION FKKK. lanS0ni. T ei tba beat picture I Vthy al Hverl v'a. eijostree. Alfaya gotaaty Ud iKlg gtr Id Jlf ferjeurjcH'. X'nclitti Kuilronil ."eui lj l'lnls:cd. 1050 MILES HTJ1XT. THE rXION PACIFIC U. ft. CO. and the CENTUAl.rAOiriO U.-K. CO i llata adJed Eight Hundred (SOU) Mitratn their li'iee during the eurieht year, while doing H largu lival 1 passenger unit I'reigLt business. Ihu Ihmugh eoii nectiun will undoubtedly bo eoinpletod We.xt iiinnier, ' wheu the thrutigli trallic will he very creat. Forty ' thousand men are no employed by the two power- ' lul companies in pressing forward the gieot null. noil highway to a speedy amflplelinii. Only 3" II iml.i , remain to bo built, which mostly aro graded and ' ready for tbo rails. I First Mortgage Oold Bon.W of the l.'nion Pac'.G.i " Itnilrnnd I'umpany lur eale nt pir and Inleie-'. und First Mortgage tiold Bonds of the Central 1'ugilk- ! Itailroad al InSanil Interest. '1 ho principal and interest uf both bonds are pava bleingold. i I'E IIAVEX i BP.O., I IioaUrsiii aovernmcnl Secuiitlis.Uut.l. An . I No '10 South Third ?lreet. Philudalnhin. , Jnn. Nov 21, lis y I yr. 3. f!ieiait &, go-, ; Market Street, Six duors East r Third ttreet, n.-nh : eide.SLSBEUY, PA., RIPECTFLLLY inform their fi iendt and the public, that they huvo opened a 1 NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE,' nad will ho happy to have them call und examine their siookf which has just been opened, umbra o.ng everything inlhe lliujcry lino, such as i ColRe. l eu, r-ugar,tiyrups, apices, t anned and Dried 1 Fruiirf. Beans. Huminy, t'hucsn, Crnekei-4, Bacon. Ham, -Fish, ball. Potatoes, etc., together with -oapa, Caudles, Soda, Ac , and Iu fuel everything in the Uioceiy and Provision Line. 1-l.Dl B AND FliEP, Qneontware. Willow-ware, Ulewware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal tlil Ac. Call and see before purchasing elsoHlicra. I W. b. l'L'llIAX I C9 Piinl.tiry, Pee. 12, ISM. j LIMBER AND I'LANLM. ; nvriLiLiS, Third Street, adjoining Pliila. k Eric Kailroad, Iwo 1 buares Nurth of tho Contral Hotel, I KUXBfllY, PE.NN'A. j lit . T. Cl.i:.vI'.M', I IS prepare! lo furnish every description of luinbor required by tho deuiBiids of the public. Having I all the latest improved machinery lor inumif.iuttir- i ing Lumber, he it now ready to fill orders' ol all kiwis i of Fl.OOUIN'H, SIHI.VH, DOORS. StSH: bilLTTEll-S, ULIMJH, M'tC LDINUS, j Bit ACK UT3, VKUANUAS, j and nil kinds of Ornamental Pcron I Work. t Turning uf every description promptly executed Abo, 0 largo assnrtineut of ' HEMLOCK aud TIXE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, . .Lath, ilc. , (rjcr promptly filled, and shipped by Railrovd ; or otherwise. IBA T. CLEMEXT. j Kunbury, Deo. 10, ISM. ly j Lime I Lime I j riMIE sutiKoriber bavins? clmrne of tho LinmKilnof I JI. h. Alawer. nnr Selimcrnvo, ii now I'iiriti.-tiin , ' lo furmiTti nni othrs, Lima uf tho but (junlity in Urgo qunntiticii. The lime is burnt una tclt'CttJ wiib the u l most euro, nnd its qunltty titiraitirj. Jnn. It;, 'oU. CIIA. lL'NKtLUl:K(ii,H. I (LiceiikfJ by the United Status Government. GOOD NEWS for consumers of STAPLE AND FANCY OO0DS throughout the Country. II tUltlUTU aV CO., I Of fifteen years' standing as Jobbers and Uctailsrs , of the above goode, in Huston and vieioty, have eon- j eluded to offer the people ef Ihe whole country the advantages of their immense importations and J agencies for Amerioan manufactories through the 1 popular ONE UOLLAK SYSTEM. Our Premium List to Agents, and Exchange List I for Agents aud Patrons, are uot equalled by any 1 house iu ttie oountry. best New Y'ork and Boston roferencet given wheu required. Send for free Circular. 11 A Kit ING TON CO., 80 Summer Street, Buston. Pout-Office Box Deooinbor 12, lSbS. 3m HOLIDAYS ! HOLIDAYS ! H0i,llJAYS ! j Freaanta 1 Freaenta ! Presents ! j A UAXDSOMU 1 USEFUL ntL'SEXT! j An I'nluriug and Pleaiug Moir.ento lo llio.'e need ing Aids to Si-til. Our Agent, T. S. PIIANNON, Watelunakr an i Jeweler, hunbuiy, I'enu'u., hue 0 splendid stock of . our 1 ltcntilii'iil Oold Spectacle i and j E Y E GLASSES, ' set with the i CELEBRATE! PERFECTED LENSES ! Manufaoturcd by 1 LAZARUS k IMURRIS, HARTFORD, COXN. .The Best in the World for Strengthening and Presorting the .Sight. No more acceptable present te your Parents, Orand ! Parents or Friends, or I hose needing recU'ls, can be found. They are bunj.-ouie, useful nud io.-t many years. Cull aud eianilue them at the store of our Agrnt, T. S. SHANNON, Dealer in Jowelry, Watches and Tlaled Ware. NO PEKLiLEUS EMPLOYED. Jan. 9. Ist'iO augl,'iiH-ly. W. C. Yoiwa. O. T. Israel. SUNBURY MARKET, 3i St. M-;XT DOUU TO KfcYSTONK H016L. rpiIKiubjcriborsbcg lovo to chII the utttmtnin of X tbo public to tht fact that ibry havo .tnrlU a Wrkt fur nil kinds of Country Proiluoo. Vic-la bleu, Ac. und httvn h1o mad arrnngeiiionU tt tur uiah in Suoson all kinds of (Janie, Fisli, &o. Native and foreign fi uit, buU, lo.t alwurj on bund, whole sale and retail. All kind of Canned Fruiti, Vegetabloa, Tioklei Siiucen, CaUupa, ie. Call and Me for yourjilve, ua we doty competition oilber in rttrsortuieni or prices. VOL ING A ISKAL'L. Sunbury, January 9. ! S3?" Sample arnt by glljajar'illtct i Ceiobejrer,.4K.'-Jy 1ILLAD&LPHIA.: Latest New York News. IsADXES! I.M3t itxu 1 t Look Out ,oU Oasl ! ! Look Util I! ' Th. Bulis thn Complexion." ' Oivi s a Hn.iv How lo the Clicks. 'A Kuhy Tingo In the Li.'' 1 Eemoves all Mot -his and 1'reokUs.'' The llest iu the World." COSTAIV3 HI AUTIFIEIt! tl.u Hittr-Sot t cnl Omut Cloaenuis. "no Lottie, ?1 HO Three lor $J.t)9 DmO Potiles old Iu one day in Neiv York City. ( V All DiuL'ni.-'s iul'MllTl'V sell it. Ur aldrcsf-CiJSTAlt," No. ID Crosby st., N. Y. i those CO Morning I'api oil : llioin crip.xs. Aug. It!. I "II MY: U S ' 1 can't siand it ; tor he s'lit ri -hi oh and 1:0'. a b. x of but be .'.id, 'COSTALYS' C02N 5.0LVENT, au 1 it cure ! hiin." Thousands ol Eoxes sold. All Driirfg!.!. iu SCXBfUV tell it, Oi addn-CioTAU." No. 10 Cr',y St. S Y COSTAU'3 H t n fi tl aril I'r ;tu rn t i 11 kl'O rOSTAl'. S " I'.nt, Poach, Ac, Exti rminaiors. CO.I'Al:'S'' Hod Hug E.'itcnnin.it. rs. "CO.TA It's" innly pure) Iin'cet Pow-ler. Only Infullih'i! I'eine.lii'S kinTii." 'IS yenr.-iei-tiildished ill New York." 'il.lMiu lloxes aud l'l.ik-iiiaiHil'aoturei! d:.i Ail Druggists in Sl'NIll It V sell ihm." "' '' Deware!! : ol spurious imitations." $1 P(i i-i.es sent by innU tn r.vt'ipl of price. 2.Hu for nuy tlireu jl.OU sizes by E.ipieas. A l.lrcss HENHY il. COSTA 15. 1(1 Crosby M., N. Y. Or.JoIIX F. IIENKY (Succeswr to) DEM AS 15AKXES It CO . 21 Purk Kw. N. Y. i-'old by II. Y. FRII.I.VU. unlury, Pa. January .10, lS'VJ ly Ayer's Cathartic Pills, p-rpasss of a Laxatlva rpilinpfl no ono wpW ciitt1 i- .-"O m rHt!y rr liirt.l ly t'veryloly :m n fM'h irllf, iiur w:i. evrr any befiMi so UHtwv-a ly "'liitct into tic, in eVorv t-ountry ;iw auumi' nil t'!.f(, tlit- tiitl'l but 'tfiit I'lUfc.ilivtf j;. Tii a ohviotr iv.v urn i, Ui.it it i. a mro r .....i 1 ..ms-.. ...r... -tiuil ronuvlv th.ii, anv oilier. Ttiit6 who ha trio l it, know tii.it it cirtMl Uiem; tho-e who hm-o not, kn-iw lint it iuiv thuir ncijhWors ami IriiMiJs, Ami hII kw lliat what it Un: miff it -Iocs iilwavi thnt it never f.iiN thrnuli any tault or iit'Klttt t cf in rinimittin. h.ivo thou'.imH upon thmi fninia of oorUilf-ttcn of thrir rema.'knbU' cities nt iho iiltou'inK r iiiipiain'., hut tur.U enroi arc known in 'rMv miKhhiirhoiiil, nntl we netvl not pnhltali tli.'in, Alnjttii lw all ir,-ts aii'l cnmlitiniM in nil -lim:it. ; ronT.initny inithor calomel or any oVUMorioiu ilni;r, liiey in. iv he taken with safety by nnyhHly. TUuir rur;ir roatiir )i'-tt'.iv.- them ever fifih anl niak them Laa;nl lo takf, whihi boin purly 'OK'tHll6 nn harm can ari-o from their uo tn any (piautity. Th.'V operatt by Uieir Vr(""' iiilhHMi''! nn'ttio internal vtfeiH to piiniv tno hlo.ni HUk eliminate it into healthy a -ti m reiiiov? Hi obtiuetiont of tho titm.'t It, briwrN, liver, nt, oili"r tnif.nirt or tho b'ilv, ro-tinin ihisr irrt'iftiLir tin ion li hcnltb, tut nit'iitu a- ni. tti llrt nrixin nf di-t':iM. Minute liwt,,1H are K'ven in ttu vrnpne' oa tin- Imx, ft 11 tho fi)H win coniiaint whi Ji llu.u i'ilin v.'Ay curr : t-''r I.r;ttpHl.ft f' fiiitljfi-if in. l,Utlfi l.ain.'iioi iiti'l I, of t'int i, V.wy ishitiii'l lie liiktii h.M.iM';:i ly lo siiusiil.Ui: Uig siuia ;ifh .int I ro-l ro i t - heaKhy Iniif run, ai-tinn. 1 Mvcr i ouiuliilnt nu iu v:immi.4 fvnin. 1ii), it t lout Iiutlaii bp, Mfck llp;itlacita, JI mimlii'o u.' m r hicliai'iM, titlnu i 'ctlic an l ai!i4fi4 fcVi r. Uit'v "hnUi lo in- ilajt.ii tn -.ly UiLfii ttr tarli v-n to rotiv.'t the li :! -vl , ;irtim or rturi n Km t'li- h ti'M hni- w !n "li ui. t; ii. tor Orai.'nti'rv nr WJi,rrli :;, "oui o.u tn.i l 1 tl '-p i- Lr-'iir.-iilv r, i;iiri.'.t. tur MhHnntt-.iii. y-onf, Jr:-cl, IPalni (iitfiin of fh llonrT, Biia fin fiilt, licU an I Anoint liicv s!i rtM ranitiiTion ly tkfii, nt i'iMi''t'., i riiiinsi tlio liM'.i-'L'd ii'-ti'."i 'f j Iho bVRt 'iu. b -! :hj.i. tuv vo:npI;ii:iti ili.:itr'ir. V tr lio;it.r n:I SrOtlr;al 'w;1Inir they : thiiui i in- l ike-.j in lurjfo aii-t tVi'.ji.uiit il-jbu to jiru- 1 dii r c'V: ( tit'.i fluisti.. (tii-:;c. j K'M MujivrpMlon fi lat rt' il.se slmuM !. Ukcn i ii (HO'lii -v Hie t ir'l eif.'t by byimnlhy.. A - a lUnnt r i'ill, tuKi one nr nvii l'Ul iu ', ni'iti' .iirt'-.ji.m nn rlievi t)i' l-nn:irli. An o f.nHiiinHl rto-o Miiiiulatt the tttnni.irh nm biwU ini.i li. iililiy ai'ti'in, rti-.iAvt i hr anutii, -niiti invif.n'attM t!ui y-t-ni. JIimh-i it nlVn nil- j VJ!il:iinii wht'lM nn t.u (li't'tiiisrouirnt cTit. i ()-.e win i.tU tiilfi'.ibly .'ll. olton thi.t t'uit intos ul" th'-t: i'ilts ivii.tM liii-i ft1 -i tlt'i'i'lfili 'Pt(r, iVom j tliw.' 'K';ui -inir and i'cnovutin caocl on tkcdictt- -tivt appnratu. i joH rr.r. ir.j.s.v., r. s. a. Fold by II. V. TrHing. Sunbury. ami all I'rugjii and dtfalfr. in MtMliciue vvervwiicr. N'ovtfoibrr 7. ItJS. ly. WILLIAM N. KLLEa. IC-irlx i- mill Ilaii-di-s-kKfr, iowait s Trauio Tiuildinj;. nr!h side of Market Fquare, El'XCrKV, PA. Of nil the arts that prnec tlio lnnd. What grace ean with the h.irher vie; Who lakes ynur ehiu aiibin bis b'ind, While dreaming land in f ru.-pect lie. Witbsonthinjf touch his razor Kli lu, With nimble elip his scissor elides ; And lo I before his gin, ynu stand Tranrfnrnird, as in a fa Try laud. BREAD & FANCY CAKES, 13 -A-"V i id m-- T" f.SPKCTFl I.LV inform'' (he ciliiens of 5 un- I V ury and vicinity tbut bo will baku to order ui; b'u'Iu' For nil do Llodio.'uo. ('nUi'slbr ItsilU, Ini-lioM, &r, tlonU' Onllars, Navk-tiw, llalf-hojc, Handker Fnniilios -ire supplied with FltbSIt UHlCAli. Trit, ' ehiefa au iO loves. Kolls. llu.-hf. Ten Huns, Ae , iiu.l al.-u kept on baud I Perfumery. Toilet So-ifi, Hair Prushes Cnmbs ela. uud niauiilauiurel out of tbe best materials. I'eeeuibtr 6, IbiiS. KATE II LACK. ah oiaers leu in li.-.-hop in Aim ket fiuare one door euH of Mi.- Aunu Puintur a .Milliueiy Siorc. or at his llukery on Spruoe Street, between Front und aecunn treeis, win meet with nroinpl. attention llA.lt A VI, I ft- V Ik' .,.... ....... P.AI.1,8 AND F.VLXIXU PAK TIES sunnlied with t akes. Icu-C'ri ain, Ao , at the shortest uolice Order ure respectfully solicited. DAVID I IIV. Sunbury, Dee. II, ISA. i'ULSlI AKUIVAI. OK MILLINER V C.OODS -A.JLM3D NOTIONS, Miaa ANNA FAIN TUR, Market SUara, s u x u n V , P E K X ' A., RESPECTFl'LLV informs her friends an I the public, that she ba just returned from tbe oily, whore she bas spent some lima in making selections and purchases, and ba jiul opened a larg-e elock ai M1LL1KGBY GOODS AkD KOTION8, Ribbons, Laoea, Dresa-Lininfs. Crinoline and Wi a;ans bkirtinjr Lining, il.np iSklris, bugle Trim miuga, Crape Trimmings, Uat Crape, Cloak liuttoaa, ConuiU. Zephyre. A large assortment of Ladlaa and Oeallaaaaa'a Hosiery. POLLS ef all sises. Alphabet Blocks, a. jibe flatten keraelf hi keing able te snake a display ef foods ibe. will aire, earn e sauefeeiioa te Tuius,aad fintu win ae ajit. tiled wna i iuteury, Dee JI, JI6S. Ayor's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair lo ils natural Vitalily and Color. A, di'Mnitijf, v.'liis-h h al onco ngrncuMr, lionliliy, aud t-fl i'ti in-1 for ncsr viiifr (In liuir, I'uli.J or qrny hair t't sfiovt rrsftmui lo ilt original r'or It'ith (A g!ass anil frr,'.hnr?.i of yrnith. Tlliu liuir i lliii-k. eiicd, fa!linr Jiair chorlwd. an. I bnU-m-s oflun, lliono-Ii not nlwiiy, :nrorl hy it. usu. Nothing inn restore tlm hair vlierc tho follii.Ios aro driti roved, or the rdhnd ntropliiixl hnd deraytil. I5tit ueli as rcniaiu run be natfd' I'or list Tuitions by tliid fipplicaiica. ItmU'nsl of fouling tho liuir with A ras,y niciit, it will keep it clean and viroi'nus. h. OL-ftisio-.iul n?e will prevent Ilia linir from tuniiug gray or fulling ott', aici ronscqtiently prevent bulduow?. Frc from tlioe ddoterious ubstnticc.-i whit-It mak some, prepnratiotn dmifrerojn nud iiijnriouM lo tliu ltnir, the Vior can only Uetidit but not harm it. If wautod Dici ely for a HAIR DRESSING, nolhinq; else cm bo found so dcHirnbh. C'outainiu neither oil nor dye, it don not noil white cambric, aud yot lnsts loug ou the liuir, giving it a rich glossy luslre aud 11 grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Tkactical amj Analytical CutJiiii?, LOWKLL, MASS. PK1CB $1.00. P..I.1 l.v 11. T. l'riling. "unhury.a:i.l nil Drusjiit ; ami Di-alers in .Meilieiiiu ever is here. Novemlier 7, liilH. ly S1QO HKWA11D Coin meuici.ie 1I1 it w..ieure t t'l ,!!. IN'Ft.I'MSA. Ti'KI.lC m l..e I ilPO T. vuoir:N6 ' c 1011, ..1 re lo ve lis , C I) 1; i:uNI'.MPI'IVi: 001 flllr, S C O L' c: II 15 .Y I. A JI 'Vi;p. (m: mu.i.iun lio'rn.r.H .lvr,.n, k.i'V. 11 1 t:t;.iiti.. 1 mi'! 1 W't; iviVt?. I single itistni.r" 01 lis Ui n-e ts mi io,fci.-r"si..n, miiv .juiiotil j ol t el. 'Hie n( tUvrx I r ! I.MINr.NT I'lU -iici as ) wltrt hnvft t:-t it i- tlieir I'lm t :.. ivyn it the j ra vtitinciire n rr ivfi y !ln r i' nyMiiiiU. IT VOLS NOT l.i HY t l' A CU'lGII, J. but l.onSKNS I I', 11 to pi nlilt: ilic jiuticut In t'X'.rc' 't:i'.c (i:c'y. Tv "t )!u f dtiif'9. j Vl!.L Isvahui.i v Cvrx Tirm.'Nt it Tin TiinT ' A htf In t Je turn "l'n cMiipIciflv r-nnrt 'he !- Iniru Ctmli, H iil vri. in.'iipti it i so ruieurid rprt'dy in i' j ojienitt"!!, it i perffcily liurmt-", tifin purely vrj.rinli. It ii v.tv n:;rrcMl-!t.' tn ilie inBtc, nnrj muy he ;i'!iniitilei I ( to Ciiildrcti ut any iipt. In cases of CKul'l w vi It pu.Tranl"f a cure, if Uiii 1.1 -iii.ii, no r.MfisY piiui in nr. hi rnor T it: It m within t!. rifjh iiicJk ilia tx:a:it. uM, if bt!i:g the cheapest and lest t. O. CLARK A fO.. rrpriiloTn, NLW HaVK. COaN.V April I. ipn-a. 1 v o o E! s DYSPEPSIA CURE rpillr? Gl.KAT nt.MllDi" i'Oil ALL DlSEAStri 1 1 1 lha BT O M A C H O I tlic iliseover) of Ilie uiventot 1 foe's valu.sltia O-Mipli lllsnm, while esperimt-ntinii lur liisown hnilili. Il r-nn-d l.'r.iin,. iu His Htomarh lot I11111 winch hull bciort j icMe.t to ii--til ilist lull cliloroform. Tho aliunsl daily testinmny frrnn vni ions pnrts ttC Ilie eountry aueoinae us In helieva there is no (tisensa cuusaii liy a disordered stomai'li it will not speedily curu. Physiciuas euclorso and Uaa it ! . Miniiitr8 givo tOHtlntony of its efflrpny, Aud front 1 direction) ,vo receive tidiira of eurei pr- iorniud DYsri:rsiA! I' 1? in e to curt. uirAn rut w ' i in H se il! cure. . si a; hi: wjaciik. : Il llNH t'Ufol i '. Ill i nr.ADAf iik and txrxivKss I It :'v' ''1 t'li'tv nu.iiltfie ! tcini rv or Tin: kimm ai-ii :' It r i ice;.! a'. i i.e. ' nm: or t.h: rtmii ! It st.'jt ir'T-.f'tr.r,eli'. I Pisnn.M at i Kit i:a iiNr. 4 i:ie d ir-j .v i it remove. : rll"l.r.n. Mi.'HUI S' llniij:' iel Is t-i a Tl w J .-a i li.V! BRKATIl ' I Will . a m icel with In'f a V-tt'. I T i3 VEUFECTIY llAHHLES lis t'M'RKGKl'FNTKH Sl'CCt.SS is cwmg I., tde fa:-i inui It i'lsrow Isy ,f inllnj nlnr to ii k.a wr.it r iii:r swav. i the !V!ti". m Neaily e-.erv ili-lrr III ttie l''iit.l S'iii'S seie il at I'M: iioi.i.ah rr.it uiitti.k. C G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NKW 11 A VH.N, CONN'. April 1. lSrti.-ly. FANCY DUX (JOODS; ALL THE LATEST S1YLK5. . Buitnl lu f"r tbe . W 1 N T i: 11 SEASON, I MISS KATE BLACK, Jlarkct .vquara. two Vrt nf the old Bank buildirz- al'NUUhV. l'uun'a . H Adjust oened a re.h assoruiiuut nf Ibe rami I u-hinnnhle Fancy 1icsW lods ficm tbe largest i'si-il.lihiiients in Philadelphia. DaLAI.tlS. ALAl'At.'A,-l'l.'PI.IXS, CALI00S, 1RKSS .-1L1, SILK POPLINS. hoi mnu uoodm, Cloths, ?acquo I'lnniH'l'. Flannel. ?lieetine. Mm. lil.f, Ladies and Children' ll.'.T.v I'etitUeis. Kibbons, i lre 'l'i-isnniisia'K, ICibs-oitls-riea, Lace 'eils. Corsets, lluiidknrehierii. (ilovs, Il-vloiy Hoop .kirl. Hopkins' Kliptic tkirts, aud l.tnties tsoo is ot every de?eriplinn. j raii'ley's hhuulsat harjiains. Plaid H oolen Shawls, , lireakfast Shu!;. V.'i..,l4'n Shi-i'm an.l ('una fop Wnlnen anrl tlill.lrrn ni'.ii.i ri.ii...iLit. ir.i.nfrui. CI101CK FIUT1T k ORNAMENTAL I BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will fura I bb from the utont rci oti.-ihlo iurr'erie4 in ibis and i oiher Sihtey. toil eln.-s T1SUK5 "t all kinds Alan. ' Shrubbery, Vines lu.d Plant. Harden seeds of all kinds. H:r.D POTATOES. New M'hite Peai-h Ulows. Early Oandriob, Thila and liarriwm Polatoua, in large aud small a,uaiitiUe, are oH'ered tur sale Orders are rorpuvlfully sulieite I. Addrcsa DENJ.B0H.VFTI, I'axinos, North d C rXr X. B Insuranrra taken in several af ska moat responsible Fire Insurance and Uore DeteoUre Companies ia the Ktate. Oet. 17, lcoi.-y NATIONAL LAGER BEER SALOON, Oa Third Sureet, sear the Depot, Sunbary, fa. JOeiCPa BACHEkt infbrmhaha eitiaaa ei aWaasiry. aae) Ua public (aaaraliy. ibai ke kaa apeaed T - LAUDB BRG UMLOOI, ' . at the absea pleoc The beat of La(r Beer, eed. Malt iiijaora wU ba Jjer. Alao Oym.rs, & s.tx.ly ts.riid up iocu.oac.t mm- IIP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers