r v i THE NATIONAL . LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED STATES' OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, I). C. Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 18(18. 1'anls 4'upltal l,O00,O0O. BRANCH OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, FliiST National Bank Butnina, Where Hie general business of Hie Company trans acted, nml In which oU general correspond' nco should be addressed. .DIRECTORS, .lav Cooke, Fhilada. 1' A. Rollins, Washington. C II. Clark. Henry I. Cooko, " John W. Elli, Win. E. Chandler, '! Win. G. Moorbead, John D. Delrces, " Gen. F. Tyler, E 'nan! Dodge. New York. J. Hinckley Clark. C. Fuhnostoek, N . V. OFFICERS. (V II. CLARK. Philadelphia, Prosident. HENRY COOKK, Washington, Vice President. JAY COCKE, Chuirmnn 1'inunco and Executive Committee. K.MI.'liSc.V W. PEET. Philad'a. Saay and Actuary. ',. S. TI'llN'Eit. Washington, AsLant fcccroturv. ITtANOISti. SMITH. M I). . Medical Director. J.EWINO MEARS, M. J)., Aismut Medical Hi rector. .lSeH'rl .ttlviMOf.v J. K. Panics, Surgeon-General L' ESoard. . S. A., Washing ton. T J. Il.irwin. Chief Medical Department U. S. N Waidiingtnu. D W. Bli'8, M. 1. Wa.-hingloii. NoIi'i2oi'M tititl Attorneys!. Wm. E Crr.ndler. Washington. 1' C. George HarJiug, Philadelphia, I'a. I This Company, Xntionnl in its character, lifers. hy reason i f it Largo Capital. Low Hut!- of Premi um mi i Now Tables, tho tuoit disiiiiblo means if insming lite yet prevented to the public. The rules of premium, being largely reduced, tiro pifi.io as favorable to the insure! as those of the best Mutual Companies, mil avoid nil tho complication nml unccrliiiiitt.'e of Notes, 1'iviJciicls mi l tho mil understandings which the hitter nro so opt to caue tlie I'o'ioy-lloldors. Sevcinl new and nliinctive tables arc now present ! "Tin h uecd only to bo understood to prove ncoe-p-tuidc to I lie public, such aa tho Income-Producing Policy arid Return Premium Policy, la tho foruior tho policy -holder r.ot only secures a tifciiifuriir.ee, payable lit death, but will receive, if living, after n period of n few years, un annual incoino cquul,to ten f or cent. (10 por cent.) of tho par of hi? policy. In tho latter, tho Company agrees to return to tho n. ured the total amount of money ho has paid in. iu addition to tho amount of his policy. Tho attention of persons 'coutcuiplutinp; insuring thi-ir lives or incrca?in tiie amount of insurance they nlrcay have, is called to the tpecial advutitugcs cfl'orcd by the National l.ifo Inui'iinec Company. Circulars, Pamphlets uud lull particulate gii'cn en application to the Brunch Ollk-o of tin Company in Philadelphia, or to its ticneral Aenh). lf Loeal Agonts nro WanUJ in every City and Town; and applications from competent patties for fuch agencic, with suitable cndorseuieut, should be addreisod to the Company' Uencrul Aleuts only, 's their respective dilrio(j. VEStKKAh ACiEXTS : E. W. CLARK A CO., Philadelpqin, For I'ennaylvania ur.d Southern Now Jersey. JAY COCKE .1 CO.. WnjUngfon, I. C. For Maryland, liolawnre, Virginia, i'ietiict of Columbia and Weft Virginia.. it. a. K t'lSBF.L, I,lan.ih'ei'. W.M. II. EOliLI-:. Aprent. Milton. Pa., September , 1ms. lv 1. II. ."fOOKE. 1). C. 1)1 fl.NtiliU. NEW ARRIVAL AT nto now opening a hn-i) varied ujsoriment of 1-ALL AND WINTER tiOODS, v.Licti oH.-r ut tl lowi-n CASH Piice?, in MAItlvUT sthi:i:t, sumil'uy, tjawa Coi'-iBtir of 1 1; y ooaiij!. notions. iiiot.ur.iF-s. ocki:ns- WAItK, t.U.Vs.l Ali'J. ami a foil line of GENTLEMEN'S FUXtNISIIIWQ GOOES AND I.iKlics ! (ooi1s, Calicoel, Muslins, Flunneli, Tablo I.iniin Toweling, Cliock?. Tickin?. Couniorpnr.es. C-imeres, Vejtin(r!i, Varn. Sltirr. Xeek Tie, Cufls. Collam Handkerchiefs, Hose, Oil Cbith, Carpotf, M'ood and Willow -Waro. Wti initc special attention to the qualilrnf our H:ock of ;ii4 i.hcsi:s ,n ssa j;s. K10 and JAVA COFFF.B. TKAS. SlitAKS, MOLASSES. SY KIT'S, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VIM.UAU. Ac, Aa. CnnipbtH'i Celebrated 1T.01H. ahvnji on l.nul. We fuel eonlident that casii buyer! will lind it to thu.r a lvantao lo ivu us a call, and customer pciiciiilU are invited tu cull and uxauiiuo our goods an I jr.-t posted on our pricci. t h .nct attention to tho wants of our customers i.nd i"n i i- dealing nuhupc to merit a lull Uiuiu ol Iho pal. in. pntruuuj;e. COI N l'K V 'I'ilODCCE of nil kinds taken in ev- ! i limine tor g'-ods, fvr w hich t!i higiicst price will bi paid. MO0Iir.i MSSiXGER. liunbiiry. Sept. H. LIVKitV s'tablk. ! riHK ubjeribcrs having purchased the stock and 1 tiAtures of Mr. Charles Paeon's Liv cry Stable, in Sm.bnry. would rei-pcclfiilly announce to the r'iblic, that they intend tun, idling it with firn-cl.iss H'.rM s. Carriages, Bngiet nud .bpiing-Wit;onf s ut'iblu for the business, and will ondcvr to iimke 11 a l.iverv secin-.d to l.r.no in ti.i--.'elico of the S:ul. Or 1-n. loft ol the Ceiitial Hot. I. tit any hour of the du r nijlit, will rrci ivc 'ln.im.t nttcnlinn. M.tiAW A r'AH.NMOltlll. Sunbnry. O.-toUr 17. .;i NEW I) l GOODS ASl Fresh Groceries! ne In. id SI , on U"r b.low the Lutheran Church, H I X II L" It Y , 1' li X X ' A, Hag just op. m.l 1 irge assortment of MiY tionio, U(,, nsCalices. .Ju-lins. lo..whi,.b re tnld chouiiei tli in ever. Also, variety of o tions. I i.lti-liiits, Drawers, H.it.s ni. I Cag. LAbltS' WOO,i;y ooi.ilitf, ia. HOCERILU ai.l ritOVISLONS I of nil kinds, tucb Hi M .A Its, l OFi'LLS, IXAS, M'lttS. COAL OIL, Mola-sc, Sirupi, Muckei.l, Lard, Hams, Nuts, i'l i. -I and t'niiiii.l Fniil.-: Pi um.'. HaiMns. (T.eet'O, aad Crackers, and in fact everything usually , kept in Ihotlroeery line, llau.--. Iish. Tuitl (ill, Cio -kery-waie. (,'uf eniw.re, t.l.isj-are. V. illuw-Kitre. iu. T..o 1 LOCK and MUM. in U.e Miuket iot'S'.cn, l i(;ais. and a variety of NOTIONS. AIm : All kinds of tunned liuit. at the lowest prices. Country Produce tuken in ex lianiie for Goods. I V'Cull uud examine my Mfck, and uti.t"y your- Solves. HENRY FETER3. Subbury, U-t. III. 1A0. SlIOKMAKKIJS. Till, best fiuulities of So'.o L alher, Trench Calf, skin. Morroeoos, Liuiu-s, l.u,i,, KaiU, I'ttfa, iooj of all kinds, and ic,y lbi..4 ., .1 I,,. ,bo Ir ilJ, y llt.bL raw I g, l U,c l J Is.n iit',sf .Ol t ktd Ju-lge lot y.un-ell -t i i.-ture M'by at FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES You can Buy More Goods rth BEST QTJAI.ITir -Tot LE33 M01TE7, li the II AHSIOTH STORE, . II. V. I'ltll.I.-VCJ, m..ueet square, BUNBURY, PENN'A. ! TIiru ftDy other jilucd. Has just received axd opexed The Uesl Selected and i FI.NE.SX ASSOHTilEXI, ef I J DRY GOODS IN TOWN I ! FnrJXCII MERINOS, ' PRISTS, muslins, ginghams, cassiml:hes, &c. Delaines and Aruiuret. Domestio Cuttom, Brown and Bleached Notions uf aii.kiud. Hosiery, O loves, Men's unl Ladiej Undergarments. WHITS GOODS. A fulI.'Sortment of I KIMMI.NG.1 Builders will lind my Slock of Ifurtivt nvc, I'a ill Is., Oilx, a'Iu.s, Ac., 'iiijI-I'. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR- WARE, tJL-rJICNSYN'ARE, GLASSWAIU:, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOKS. HAT"? AND CATS, i aud iu Inet cvrr; thing usually kepi iu a Urge Stole i ; Call and lie convinced that llie Clieajic.-t Place to Jluj all Your (ioods is at THE MAMMOTH STORE of H.Y. FKIMNCt, Tci-iai t u.!i,- SO la) a, s my OixhIs are bought lor Cesli and gold Cheep ( for the HEADY MoN EY. 1 give the trade the td j vantage of all reductions ts fuel as they ere made by . Manufacturers. , II Y rRILINO, uubury, Sept I'., lisrln. YOl'XO MM PIlACTICALl.V EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT 1 CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 Cuosnu.St..or..rTth., PUILADKLFHIA E.Ubllhe4 184. Incorporated 1855. The longeU eUMifhcd and lent organind Cvmmtrcial College in (fit City. The praolloat value of He course of instruction has keen tested by long experience. HUNDREDS OF YOUNG MEN Hare found, In the knowledge gained hero, the means of profitable employment, and of lucoese in businoTO. Each Studont Is Instructed toparatdy, and in the most praotieal mannor. Booki for the varioue Branchee of Trado are opened, writton out, and closed in the manner prac ticed In our best inoroantilo houses. Ibedifloront Business Papers, iuch ne BILLS OF FXCHANOE, FltOMISOKY NOTES. CHECK ACCOUNTS-SALES, ACCOUNTS-CURRENT, LETTERS. INVOICES, Ac. . Are made out aa in actual business. Is taught by superior pentnnn in uch a mannnr that an attentivo student in a short timo Rains a llapid, Free and lilcgaut style of Business Writing. ORNAMENTAL WRITING, Of all kinds, is exocuted in tho moot finished man ner. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including the best and most rapid methods of com puting Interest Ktchnnge, Prolit and Sales, Avera ging Accounts, its , are comprised iu the Courso of Instruction. . , BUSINESS PRACTICE3, Purchases, Sales, Consignments, (shipments, Deal ings with Banks, Remittances, 4o., Ao. Also, Commercial Law, l'honogrnphy, Detecting Counterfeits, Ac. Etudentsreceived at anytime, and instructed at Sdch hours as mnv bust suit their convenience. Tho large number of business men now In attend ance, and the numerous applications received lor its students to fill vacant positions, fully attest the ap preciation iu which tho institution is held by the besinc.-u community. OPEN DAY AND EVENINO. CATALOGUES &EST GRATIS. The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic and Bu siness Manual, for sale at the College. Handsomely bound, It me. Frico, Sl.SU. Sent post paid to any address. 8. II. CRITTENDEN A CO. .lulv 2V lSf.S. 6m ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THU EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH CO.MPANYS OFF1CF., !o. 'iSt A. 33 ."nfswiiM Mrccl, X E W Y O R-K , Otganned tlnlet special nliarter ftom the Slato of New ' York. CAI'I.TAL . . . $5,000,000 CO.OOO iliarc, 100 Cacli. DIRECTORS. Hon. ANDREW li. CCRTIN, PliiUJlplna. I'Al'LS I'OIIUU, of Russell Jc Co., China. FKKD. BUITKRITELD, of F. UuUettieli k Co New York. IfAAC I.IVP.ltMORE, Tieasuter Michigan Central Ruilroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer Amer con Ex press Conimnv, New York. Hon.JAMKS MXON, Syrneure,N. Y. O. II. PALM ICR, Treasurei Western Union Telegraph ompany, Nrw Yoik. lT.r.rtTll'lt WI-'.PTR AY, of Wcslriiy, Cibbe A llarili nnle, New York. NICHOLAS MICKI.Ea, New York. Oiacei'x. O CCUTIN, rresicent. N. .MH.KI.Eis, vice Presiilenl. liHDIlCiE CON ANT, fecreiory. OlXiHliE ELLIS (Casliier,.Nutioiial Bank Common wealth,) i'leusnrer. Hon. A. K. McCLCRE, PluUdtlplna Solicitor. The Chinese Government having (through the Hon Anson UillllliKUinr) eoncwleil tu this Couiiuny the plivi l. eeol collll.elinn llie gleut seaHillS ol llie 1 .llipire by ut.maruielecltieteUgr,.pU cable, we pr .spine ciiiuiei. emit oiiciutnuie in China, and laying d"Wa hue ol nine bundled miles at once, between Ue following pa't'i via s'uruLATiox. C.iiiton, . .Mnciwi, llonplionij, Sfwalow, Amoy, l-'oo-Chow, -Wau-Cliu, Niugp", Hung Clieuu, Blliaiitiul, TSUI, 1,UI)0,(HI 00,IH)V 2,0,lMKI aou.uoti 2j0,0II0 i 3uu,uo0 j 400 000 I ,'.un,0!u l,nuii,noo S.'.iio." o , TIicm polls have a foreign commerce or TO,0W,OO0, naaucuormjusdoiiicaltc l.-u.le, 1huI which we have llieiiuiiKilii. inteciwl ouinmcice of llie Eniiuio, tadlaliiig Iroiil lli.-.e poliils, lliroualt ila eauuls and navigable llvcis Tlie cubic beiiig laid, this Coinpuny ptopunc. elecliug land lines, a(Kl e.tu!,luliins f"y and liu.lw..rll.y means ol comiiiuiiieutioil, wlueli must c oininand there, us vei)vhei elae, lliec uniiiuiiliatioin ol the liovcniiiiciil, , of business, nod of social life, especially in 1'liuie. blie j has no postal system, and her only means now ol vi.miuu- . iiieaiing iiifuimuiiou i. by couu.ison lund, aud uy ssam- ( cr.oii water. ... , Tlie Wc.ieru Wo.ld knows that China is a very large eouiiliy.lli llie muni Censtlv peopled j but lew yet iculixa , lliut she oontiiiiis more tliiin a Umd ol Hie tiuinan race. '!'.. U... ........ u.lr lo her eeutrul uullioiltlesfor tux- I : luc purposes by llie kK. tl niagwlriiles make her , l'l";bile'll 1 FOLK Hl'NDHED AND I OUUT1-.EN' MILLIONS. I aud tins IS mine likely to he under tliuil over Iho actual mitrrauie. Nearly allot Ibene, who are over Iwi yeais oil, not only run but do rend ami write, Her clvilloi.ul is peculiar. bul her llleial I'e is as ntensive us tlmt 1.1 t.u- ' ! rope. Clinuiis a' lead of t. acliers and trailers ; and the Inner are exeeedliigly quia lo avail ihemeelvee ot every; ' nioffered laeility bit priuiiug eaily infoimmum. It the lelegiapb, though .1 there tra,i.u..t. -ueaaugee in Kre ' easlialone. To duy gteal nuuibete of Heel .truiaer. eu- ; owned by Chiiirae iiieirbaiiia, end nsed by tbem exclu- bwivcd ui Cuuuriim inai luc i-ihh ..-- w . .7. ' .ively lor the iran.iuiwiioii m n ........(,-..". - I toleeruph we nioie, conueeliiig all their ileal eoapoiu. were im.w iu exi.lanee, it is believed thai lt bnaiues. I would pay the c..i wiiliiu the lirst two yeurs of it. eec : cei.iulopo,iioii, and woull sieadily increase ibereuficr. I No enterprise couimtuUs lU.il a. m a greulet degire irniunoraliveto eapilalisls, end Ui our whole people. U . i. of. vast nui tonal imrtoilunce coiuiiicrcully, polilicslly, . 1 aiel rvancclitnllcaliy. , . ' IV The stock of this Company has lecn nnqnaliBedly I neoauiieiidetl hi eapitali.ls eud Iniuueas men, u. a ueair. able inve.iiiient by cihlonal articles inline New )iuk lllBl.l T.ll.111.. V I .! .. I ... .1.- I1U.1..1..I..1..U K'frlh A.llMIllll. PfL'Mli. Till, I lines, rim, r.iisws. iiutr..' i. ci. i, miiii in me iiiin... 1 i i Lnlger, Inipurer, Ago, lliilletm and Teleetapli. ! tfiiuree ol this Company, in a Inniled nuiiilmr, may lie ' "buiurd al f jfl euoi, I0 isiyal.le down, l5ou llie lot of November, and payable iu monilily nisluluiruls ol I fti.iueath.coniinsucr Deeeiuliei I, lStW,ou epplicutiou DREXEL & CO., 31 Moiilli Third Hlreet, Pllll.ADEld'lllA. riliairi.au be oblaiurd lu funbury by eppltcatioa to 8 J. TACKER, Buuket, who is auiliocisved ki leewve aub seripiious, and eaa give all ueeeasaiy lufussuutiouou the subject. (Scpnanbef 10, IMS in I.10R Suddlere, we have Saddlo Trees. Bills. Buck ' lee, Hig Tree, Pad Trace, Hanes, all kinds and every thing pertaining to the business, fur sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. CAUrENTERS WILL find in our establishment a superior slock, of Pianos. Saws. Auiers. Hatuhete. Haiumeis. Files Chisels, Ac, Ac, for lale by J. II. CONLEY A CO IRU CAiiES, 11 different kiuds. If you want good and cheap liud Cages, go to CONLEY A CO S W.' A. DENNETT,1 ' ; DRUGGIST AWD CJrEMIST, . ' Hf nrhri SquBre, Simm'UY, Has just opened a fresh and full aseortmeDt of i Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept eon. Itantly on hand. My stook will alwTiys be found complete In every artiole of merit la Medicine. . Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt' ness and attention to ordert. 1 ' FANCY ARTICLES ! My stook is unusually large and embraces every thing that oan be found on a first class Toilet Table, including Amoiican aud genuine French and Eng lish PEUPUMERY, Pomades, llalr Oil, Ivory, Outta Peroria Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hail Tooth, Mail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, tt. ' l'alcnt Metliclncd. Embracing all the most popular Preparation! of th day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana 5EGAKS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the beet Brands. ' Paints, Oil, diliie, jlln, Putlj-, ViirnlwIseH, &v. ' All my Tinclnres, 5yrupj, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations am manufactured by myself, and from the bust material 1 can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in tho Drug and Prrcrijtion Butintn, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the ndvanlagc of the Col I ego of Phnrmnny, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, thai I oan procure.' Before purchasing olsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A BENNETT. Snubury, May 19, 13(19. I'uris t AT JOHN FAREIRA S, Old Established F U It Manufactory, Ko. 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, PHIL'A. Have now in storo of my own Importation and Manufacture one of the largest, and liio-t boauti t ut selections of FANCY FURS, Vsf'iur jjboil-9 nil'l Vllll- -i . j- t.l: ' 1 - - ..tlron's Wear, in I he cllr. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county aud vi cinity. Bcmember the Name, Number and Street ! JOHN FAItEIRA, No. "13 Arch St., above 7th, south side, Philad'n. Ijf I have no Partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. it, '(W.-4m FLOUR &n0RE WHOLESALE AXD HE TAIL. TIIE subscriber respectfully Informs the public that be keeps eonstfinriv on hand at his now WAREHOUSE, near the Sliamokin Yalloy Railroad Depot, in SUN BURY. Flour by the barrel and sacks . of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is nil manufactured .at his own Mills, ; and will be sold at tho lowest cash in iocs. J M. CAD WALL ADER. Punbury, April 1, 1 80S NEW MACHINE SHOP AND xiPLOixr E,oxjrrn-5rr. t;i:. icoiikii At v so.-i, SUNBURY, FA.., INFORM the puhlio That they have cslablifhed a MACIUNE SHOP, in coiinemion with their FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves wilh Now Lathes, Planing and Boring '. Machines. .ith the latest improvements. Wilh the aid of skilllul me chanics, they aro euablcd to execute all orders of "icw Work or IC-i li-lii;r. : that may begireu them, in n satisfactory manner.- lLiviug enlarged and rebuilt lln-ir Foundry, they - nra rnnilv tn v.fnli. nil kiluls of ('A ST I NGS. 1 1 i-ii sin 4'asitiii.'H At'. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, aud will ill wavs bo kept ou baud. Snnbury. June 13, lSfiS. PP A Lecture to Just rullititil, in a Setrcit Envelope. Price six cents. A l.crliii' on tli !iilure, Treal- ui.-jit and ltndical CureofSperinatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediment! to Marriage generally; Nervous ness. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Phy.-ieul Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. By Roiiert J. Culvkiim ell, M. D., Author of the "Green Book, 1 Ac. The world-ronownod author, in this admirable Lecture clearly proves from hisown experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may bo etl'ec tually removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, oiutiiigout a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hiuieolf cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture s ill prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, to any addross. in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postuge stamps. Also, Dr. Culvcrwell's ' Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publistu-rs. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, 1'ost-OtUoo Box 4,ie(S. July 4, lSiio. y NATURE'SQREAT RESTORER. CELEBRATED tter Cordi B i al. This medical preporatton is now offered lo the public aa a roliablesubstiiute for the many cellule:-, compounds w hicb now fliHid the murkut. It is purely vegetable. oninp.;:.ed of various herbs, gather ed from Hie great storehouse of nature uud scleuled with the titmust care. It is nut recommended as a Cl UK All. but by its direel and salutary iullti euce u noil tho Heart. Liver. Kidneys, I.uiil-1, Sto- much uud Bowels, it acts both as a preventive and I cure for many of the diseases to which tbo.e organs are subdVct. It is a reliablu Fauiily Medicine, and j can be luken by either infant or adult wilh the same buiieticial results. It is acertaiu, piouipt and speedy remedy for DfnrrhoM, Dysentery, Bowel Complaint, Jtyspepsla, Lowuutgnt Spirits. Faiutings, Sic k-Heudache. Ac. For Chills nnd Fevers of ail kinds, it is far better and safer than quinine, with out any of its pernicious cl) icts. It cre.ues an appe tite, proven a powerful digester of food, and will couutcrucl the effects of liquor in a few minutes. 1 repareu ny , JACOB SCELTZ Sole Proprietor, N . U . t or. Jifin end Uaoe fcl., Philadelphia, Pa BuLl by aUJgguHs. nuv. 14, 'ba.-y LATECT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. luvitcs the "publio to call and examine his elegant SJoOl lUlCUt ui FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, such as Table Linens, Duinualics, Doylies', Towels, and Dotucstioi of every description ut the very low oel price. CASSIMEREO. CLOTHS. &.C-. Kilks. Delaines. Lawns, Glnghauts, Caliooes, Muslins, .Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of CuUou aud Wooleu guods gonerally. . Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Couihs. lima nud C'apa, Hoots nnd Wlin-, His uasortiueut el gessl. will uot, he is sura fiul Iu pleue the fancy and suit the wauts of any dueirou of purchasing. His toek of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWAHE, and Oroueiiee is large in quantity and choice In quality, comprising generally ever) iking needed in. tlie household wlber lor use or oriiaiueut. lie is always, ready aud glad to see his friends and takes pleaaure in showing them bis goods even though no salae are made. He ouly asks a call, an 1 is sure that the stock will oouipaie lavortbly in price and quality wilh the cheapest. , JOSEPH EVblER. Sunbury, Nov. leOd. ISAAO K. STATJFFER, WatIuniaker and Jem jg2VjJ . . NO. 148 i NOBTHZd ST., COIl. OT QUARRT, . . PHILADELPHIA, . . An assortment of Wel-hes, Jewelry, illver and PUte Ware constantly on Imnd, rerRepelring of Welches and Jewelry Bromelly et lemliHl In Nov. 8D, 1Pd7 t y. C28 JIOOP SKIRTS- G28 C0RSET$,ADC0RSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, X. C99Ai-ch Street, IMiiludclplita. MAKCFACTUREB OF TUB Celebrated "CHAMPION" IToop Slirtt FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. The largest assortment, and best quality and styles in the American Market. Every lady should try them, as they rooommend themselves hv Wear ing longer, retaing their shape much better, lighter and more elaatie than all others warranted in every .n'niuil nnit il.t a I,.mt ..!.... 1-1. r. II ivu...v. nw ivtj tun IlllUOU. Afilh lOr AlOU kins' "Champion" Skirt. Superior Hand-made Whale-Bone Corsets In Fif teen different Grades, Inclnding the "Imperial" and Thompson ft Langdon's "Olove Fitting" Corsets, ranging in pricoe from HI oents to $a.o; together with Joseph Beokul'i Celebrated French Woven Corsets, superior shapes and quality. Ten different Grades, from 1.10 to Si IO. Thcvare the finest and best giasds for the prices, ever imported. The Trado supplied with Hoop Skirts and Coraf Is at the Lowest Hates. Thoso visiting tho City should not fail to call and examine our Goods and Prices, at we dcty all com petition. February 20, 1SC8. lOraos. No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. General" Agents, FOR A DrWfJQY!ArII A . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tho National Lira InsonAnoa rojiPAttY Is a eorporat onehor'ere.l be special .Act of Congress, ap proved July as, IRiSS. Willi a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000,' FULL PAID. Liberal terms otfered to Asents and Solicitors, who an-invtieil tn opnly at our olllee. Full p ! tlr'ilur-tobohftil on anptleailon st onr office, locatrn In iti ec on-l story otour ltsniiir Housn, wtiiTPt'liculart and Psniplilots, fully Uvacrint: a tbe ailvantsgcawtfeie l by Him companv ,iu;iv bo Intl." :. v. tbtHK Ac -o., A'o. i ..a 'Vurd SI. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva niato be madeto B. S. RUSSELL. Maxagkr, August 15, ls6?. ly. llarrisburg, P. seeingIs believinq At 7(lt Arch Strrrt. NEVv" PRICES I NEW GOODS Uicli Silver antl Silver-Plated Vares, Including every style and description, utad'o expressly tor tho VI tutor trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S 2 M'holesalcand Retail Manufacturing Establishment, AKOU S'lTtKKr. lTULADliLPHIA. I'tf Ro-plaling at short notice. Duccmber 21. 18(17 .aug27 H. Conley Co., lai-K-l siti-eel 1'iml til l lie ICailroad, SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I'ni'I'. A: A1II'.K1'A-N, Hardware & Cutlery. milE attention of Meehanics, Fanners. Builder, I lit n..:; L.-r... isl... 1 and ltuvers erenerally is invited to the fact that wo ate now offering n bctn-r seleeu-d assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at pi ices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing u general assortment ut tools and mate rials used by CAIU'EXIEIIS. BLACKSMITHS, CA1UUAUE AND W AtlONM AKERS, JOINER.S, AC, AC, together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nuilj, Spikes,: Uope, Chains, tiriud&tones, Mill und X Cut Saws, A'c, An. Sunbury, March .10, 1S67. w "SSkT vTi. B.5S. JX e TII E undersigned having bought the I entire ilocK ol JJi-smircr .1 lay lor, -would inform the nubliu that he is now rea.ly to do all kinds ot uiaroiu wore; ; Lui on naua, and mukes to ordur at short notice, Monument ami Hcad-StoiifM, of every stylo to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with (lalvaniied pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor wilfonniitiue in thn employment, at llie old staud iu Market Square, Sunbury. I'a. Moj 2, 'tis ly. W M . 1LVU li HE U T Y . UR.UAi.E&mUJOY MANUFACTORY. riMIE subscriber respectfully informs Iho citiieni I ot Snnbury an I vicinity, that he lias opened a tho) in Sol. .stroll's lllaeksmithsliop-Buildiiig on Chestnut street, Sunbury, Pa , where he keeps con stantly on hand, and manufactures to order, t iii-r . Ittitf i-yN. Iwulliyx, At',) of the luiest si vie and ol I be best material. Repairing of Wagous, Carriages. Ac, done at tho shortest notice. Persons in want of line Buggies and Carriages, aro reoiiesled to ouli before purcbusins elsewhere. 11. C. ROUSII. Punliiiry, July II, lS8d. ly 1'aiisom. Nxlion Ptou V U UNIT U 11 E ROOMS Vlfl. FAPeGOlT & SClTj 'uteof the firm of Farson A Davis. have opened ware rooms at No. 22 South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full aortment of PARLOR. (.'MAM HER. SITTINO ROOM nnd DININO ROOM FURNITURE. Thelrold customers, and all persons wishing to purchase are invited toc'all and examine their stock before purchasing olsewhere Particular attention paid to packing. myt ly. ItlalHOllllIoU ot lui-in-i-lil. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore exitting between J . Weiser Bucher and E. Mnaser Bucher, trading under the hrin of "Bucher-Brothers, "in tho tanning bu-inesj, was Ibis day (August 24ih, ltiirt,l dissolved by mutual con. sent. Tho business will hereafter be oonduuted by the undersigned, at the old stand, where ull persons indebted tu the firm of Buuher Brothers, are re quested to call wilhtut delay and make sutikineut, and save cost. E. MASSER BUCHER. Sunbury, August 29. 16rJ8 tiu. CHOICE FRUIT i ORNAMENTAL S SJtBBQV-fi UENJT. BOHNER, Dealer iu Fruit and Omaaiental Trees, will furn ish from the moat responsible Nurseries iu this and oiber Stetee, hat elaas XUtEo ofall kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines end ITauu. Oat den beads ef all kiudl. SEED POTATOES. New White Poach Blows. Early Goodrich, Chile end Harrisou PoUtuee, in large aud small quantities, are offered tor sale. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHNER, . Paxinoe, Nortb'd. Co. N B - Insurances Ukeu ia several of the mot responsible Fire Insurance aud Uor.e DeloeUve Companies in the Stale. cm 17, iaoo.-y Great Attraction, at the . NEW TIN-WARE, SUect Ii-on and BtoTC Store) ol "OlvTITH & GrElTTEER, ' SXJ3STSXJ3El'5r, PA., Whore they keep constantly on band and manufae- ture to order at short notice. TIN AND BH1.ET IRON-WARE of all aescrlptlon. Thoy would especially call the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Tho subscribers have made arrangements to have all their beet stovos made to order, and those who would have good stove would do well to go and txainlue their Urge and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook .Stoves, via -. Combination inie Iliirncr, Cook, ilorernor I'rnn-Cook, : WABASH AND IRONSIDES, end the well known Antldust Cook Stove called Sl'KAR'S ANTiDCST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves In great' variety em bracing all the best innnufucturea and most fashion, able designs, unsurpassed tor beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, Tho celebrated Baltimore Firo Piece Steve, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the oelebrated MORNING QLORY.1 Coal Oil, "oal Oil I.ainps, SliadrH, 4'liininlesi, nasi all iirlieles nsnally kept In an establishment of this kind. Tbey aro also prepnred to furnish Slate and do slating iu vita ua. n .11 n until una iiimiliur. Also, to do Tiu Roolilnr. Slioutinff. Ranwa .n.l Furnace Work. U as Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : I "Ilanjch's) llitw lEoac Suerllio Iliate." j Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room ( nearly oppusita Conlyx Hardware Store, Market ; street, between Third aud Fourth struma. Building dark paintcil. j August 25, laflu. . ! yt. c. j;i:Ait ii aim's Confectionry, Toys andj FRUIT STORE, .IliirUit Stre-.ft, sitiiiliiiry, ln, CONFECTIONKRY OF AIL KIND", TOYS Ol- PV'TP V IIP m"'lMTTTi iNT i.W.Iit IJWCUU 1W. FRUIT, Ac, Ac, C CONSTANTLY on hand nnd for sale at tne above J establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able pricos. Hois manufacturing all kind" of CnnfcMionarici to Keepup a lull a-Mnilineut wliicn aro Sola at lotT rates. T..1...M. Cl.hnn.rl. nl.r.r.ll ItlnS. . n S a variety of other' articles, all'of aliioh araottered wholesale anirretnil. IJi'Tlcmember tho name and place at. t:. utAititAi; r. Market street, J doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's toro. Snnbury. Sept. 19. ISn.1?. tf THE ORE AT AlTSIilCAX COX LISA TIOX llntton Hole Orerteumin SEVTlTCr 1ACHI1TZ. Ill Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of iu Ureal .virit. The increase in the demand for this valuable ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the lasl seven months of its first year before the public. This grand and surprising suoeess is unprecedent- IT HAS NO K tj IT A L , Being Absolutely the Rest 1M.HII.V H At'I3l.K IN THE WORLD, And IntvintictiUy the Chen-eat. It is really two machines combined in one, (by a sinndu aud beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma- '; king both tho Shuttloor Lock-stitch, and the Over : senining and Butluu-holo alileh. with equal faoility I and perfection, it executes in tlie very best mannur every variety of sewing, such as. Hemming, Fulling. I Cording, Tucking. Stitching. Biui linir. and Quilting, Uathering aud sewing on, plone at the samo timo.) ! and in addition, Over.-uuins, Eu. braiders on the edge i aud makes beautiful Jiutlon and EyuUt-boius iu ull j fabrics. Etcry Machine is warranted by tho Company, or its Agents, lo give entiro sutisfsction. ' Circulais. with lull particulars and samples of ' work done on this Muoliiue, cuu be had ou uppliea I lion at the Salesrooms of ! THE AMSIIICAN I BUTTON HOLE, O VERSE AMINO AND . V rJEWTNU MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh und Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given en the Machine at the rouuis of the Company grutuitously to all purchasers. AUKNTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, Prrsidtrnt. W. H. Men-dumiai l., 'i'reiisuiur. April 2j, l.to. lyejan. 2j, .ll l.E HAi:itE:it Ktl.OOA, The Oldoat and moat noted Institution the Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WASHINGTON, HAVING removed to his new building on Third . .Street, between Market and the Depot, is now prepared to serve bis customers belter than ever.- Having secured tho services of lirst claas Barbers, SHAVING AND II A Ilt-DRESSING will bo executed in tho latest style. The building having been erected especially for the purpose of a First Class Barber Saloon, aud having lilted it up in the latest style, ho hopes to recoivc a liberal sharo of patronage. In the adjoining room a first class Confectionery has been opened for tho sale of lVe-fi-t-aiu, t'mili-, t'nkt-H, CtVrr, and ntiuicroui other Temperance Driuks in common uo. Oranges, und other delicious fruits and eatables of home uud foreign growth in rich protasiob and elegant variety, buubury, September 3, !So4 TUB GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I XT STJNBUBY, iion 3d street, opposite tho MAsONIC II ALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lint Lately i:lublUlM-l, Mills nil the irlodern Iisiroveiaeut j l the Art ! fpTIK tthsertber, hr.Hr, tuiit tho loom exprely X lor Ibe pui p.e ui I'botogruphiiig, and having ' ileoted Ins y years lo Iho bu-ine.-, i-eoLli.lt ill of his ability loan-in o bis putrotis Hint tho work pro- dueod frhtill be eeooud to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unlena en- : tircly satisfactory, liming I he best sky light in Ike county, be is prepared to make Photographs in all j kinds ot w eather, bul would prefer a clear day tor I ..11 . I . .1 .1 ..n i ""no bi'uio'i"'epiired to take ne aiie, or cabinet I SLATE ilrlOOIPS card Photographs. THE undersigned respectfully iuforms builders in All kiuds of pietures copied and magnified te i this and adjoining eoumics that he Is prepaied tJ any required size au'd eolore-t boautilullv in Oil or i rut ou .Male Roofs iu a superior manner, tie furu Water colors or ludia ink . We pay speoial attention j i-he. tbo celubraled Lehigh county Sla'o, which is to all kinds of out dour work, such as l.andseapo tbo beat in the U'arket. Ho warrants his work to be views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, 1 durable and tire and water proof. Ue invites the tn a largo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand speclion ol Iho public to the work he himdone in .xuu Ths publio are respectfully invited to call and see '. bnrv ou Haupt s, Greenough's aud Haas' buildings, our specimens and our complete arreugeuienta for j aud on others at various places. His prices are ae maaiug inoiogrupus, special terms to luniuie ana clubs. , BEUGSTRESSEB. Sunbury. July 15, TO BTJILEEP.O. "71XD0W Gl as. and Building Hardware, at the 1 T lowest l asti Prices at The Miitruuoth iSt-ireof II. V. FKILINO. "AVii COME With great inducements to gouts tooo-operale wilh us iu otir UIIAMI O.U lOI.I.Alt MI.F.I Shttiiuji Jre of Coat ta our Agent: M'utchet fre4 of Cost to our Agent. Swing XtuMnet free of Cott t) our Ajenti. Leather Uixhh free of Cott to ur Agent. Linen O'oods free of ' Cost to our Ageutt. Hilie and SUtcU free of Cuet to our Agent. Boot and Shoe free of Colt to our Agent. IUft Good free of Cot to our Agent GREAT DOLLAR BARGAINS for aur Caitomara.. Bendforourtircular. Agent wanted everywhere Address JA X- 6IEWARI GO . Pet 10 :m J A 4 Pry Etitet, N . X- Northern Central Railway. V'3 lUMMBIl TIMfl BOUKDTJLB. OK end alter Nov. 121, lotle, traiaa wiB tear BlihBURY, aa follow : LKAVH NORTHWARD, 6 00 A. M , Dally for Wllllamsport. Dally (except Sundays," for Elmira, Caiiaudalgua, Rochester, Enflaloo, Niagara Calls, Busponeioo Bridge and the Canndas. 4.15 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Klmira, an t Butfalo vie Erie Kail nay from Klmira. tO P. M. Daily lexeeut Hundays,) fur Williams port. . , LKAVII SOUTriWARD. 2.4& A. M., Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 9 40 A. M , Duily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.60 P. M., Dally (exaept Sundays,) for Hurrisburg. J. N. DcBAnrtr, Kd. S. Yotrtie), Oon'L Sup't, Uen 1 Paasen'r Ag't , llarrisburg, Pa. Baltimoie, Md. t-hllaOelpliJa Ac Url.o Kallrond. WINTER TIME TABLET" Thrnngli and dlreet route between FuiladolphW, Baltimore, Uarrisburg, Wllliaiuspnrt, to the North west and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania, ELE0ANT SLEEPING CARS on ail K'ight Tratnl. On and after Monday, Nov. I3d. 1848. the Tniinc on the Phitadelphia A Jtrio Hail Koad will tuu ne fellows: - "rTaSTWArin. Mafl Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Punbury, ' " arr. etl'rie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia " " Snnbury 11 arr at Erie Klmira Mail leaves Philadelphia " " " Bunburv " " arrive at Lock INveo, Eastwahd. Mall Train lenves Erie IMSpsi. 8 00 a in V AO p iu II .50 a IM (I 40 p in 10 00 a m 8 no a m 4 l&piu T 45 pnt 10 55 a m 'I 44 a m 10 CO a m C.2j ii in Funbury, , " ," arr. at Philadelphia, ''ri" Express leaves Erio Suuhurv R 111 a ac " " arr. at Philadelphia, 4.20 pm, Mail and Express conaeet witli Oil Creok an.:' Allegheny Rirer Railroad . B AU U AU E CUECKUU THROUGH. i ALFRED L. TV EFT!, Oencral Sitperinfendent. j Wrll remove his OlEco to J. M. Simpsou's BuilJirj, I . 2nd story, Mnrket S-pinro, BUNBUHY, I'A. J .ITIIERK he will be prepare I lo do all kinds of j work pertainii'g to Deut;iry. Will k' p I constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and oilier Dental material, freui which ha wilLbe uLln i,. "ec,,i ulld meet tne mints ot Ills customers. All work warranted to ivo satisfaction, or klso lha i money rufuuded. Tho very best Mouth Wash aud Tooth-Powders kept on hand.. I 1 1 id references are tho numerous patrons-for whom i he has worked for tho last twelve years, j Suiibnry, March 21, ISrW. ' Ara WfeiaHy Invited to call and examine onr stock of liL ll.HLK a ll.lKUn AKE. ennnn n f Nails and 6rikes of all varieties. Bulls. Keren j, I Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Laiobcs. Uuhs. 1'lns 1 tiring Trowols. Brick Trowels, Flatterer s Sieves, i Ac, Ac, for Sale by I J. II. CON' LET A CO. s union iioJET7" l OU ef. irEL, !iM;tricl..i-. In Cuke's Addititn lo SUNBURY. near the Pcnn'a. j Railroad Company's Shops. J PERMANENT ANI TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations, tioct t cooks and waiters, boarders ean enjoy the quiet ouu. ions or nome wun lare equal to the nuii uoiote. His Liquors are of tho eb jleest kinds. bunburv, June o, lT. , rtirm I T TtllfP I T T t I Ml I i n. hvi:i.y, ' f HUE popular Photograper. has lilted up, In the i J old Post Office building, three d onra'west of the ' railroad, Market Square, c-uo of the very best Sky Lights t- be found in the State, and is now prepared to take picturv uf any kind, iu nil kinds of we.itber, early an. I KNc Children taken almost Instantly Bring along the babies we nro now ready for tbcii.. 1 COME ONE I COME ALL I both great and small, see -his new rooms, and ex amine speoimens. ; FRAMES and FRAMING material coDStnn'ly nn hand and uiado to order. Bring along Tour pictures and have them frninod cheaper than uny where else. Come and see lor yourselves, Anything in the j picture line constantly ou hand orordcred. Copying I done in all its I. ram lies nnd colored as desired. ! Both out und indoor views luken ut thort notion and on reasonable terms, satisfaction guarrnntced. as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully preserved. Remember the place u-i for S. BYEL ! LY, Maikot quaro. , May 2.1, 'BS.-ly. Asji-lviillural Iiu-.l-iiioiilsi, r T OF.'S Grain Rakes. Steel and Iron Gnrdn Rakes, 1 1 Long and D Handle Spades. 6'hnvels. Manure and Hay Fork". Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain . Cradles. Cradlu Fingurs. 'Irace, Breast. Tongue and Log Chains, tlrind-stoncs, Fanning Mill Seives of i all site! Ctrl kinds, a largo assortment of Red Wagou J ll.iuies. for Plowiug. Farm Bells, Cultivntor Teeth, ! for sale by J. j. CON LEY i CO. ! STONKWAHB. THE best and cheapest assortment of Stone Ware , in tho State, ju.-t received and lor laio cheap al tho Muuiu.oth C'oih 6'toie of II Y. FRILfNCi. ruinta, Oils., Ac, i A fall stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coal i Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines aid 1 Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, nlwnv on bjnd.,it lo r ! prices at CONLI Y A CO S Coachmakers, i T E are selling liimi. Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axivs, Ac, very low ! Large Stuck at CONLEY A CO. Sunbiny, March (), HCT. - sra lm. ak mxv x t .U. 6liU.UWj so. C XRON A large assurluicut of ihc bia'. manufu?-UMd- : Bars, Hoop, Band, Pound and Sniiiro Iron, Nail Kodi, diet Ctecl. Blislur Steel. I 111 Stool, Horse Shoes, Horso Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Ykes, Hammers, Sledges, P.asns and Files, at ! CONLEY A Ol'S JACOB SIIIPHAJf, FIItB AND LIFE INtiUitANCS ACE5T, SUNBL'H V, PENN'A. Uti'l- r.SKSI s : I Farmers Mutual Firo Inarauco Co , Yoik Ts , Cuuibeilaud Valley Mulu I Protoution Co, I New York Mutual Life, lji:aid l.lfool Hi.IV A Uuj: ! ford Conn. General Aceides t. CO J. RAD LU.ltU, ' Invenfjr aid SfunuJUcturer uf thi ' CELEIUIA TED A" OA" FK.i.ME 1'IASOS, artrwmt, -v. tii Arch tt., I Una., II AS received the Prize Mcdul of the World's Great Exhibition, London, England. Xbe high est Prizes awarded when aud wherever exhibited . ESTA15LIS11KD lt21. Pot. 3. 'bH -3m W tiler and I'li-v l'rovt' low axluoseot any olueralulir Addres. D. P. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., ereall at bis residence in I'pper Aii;,-i..:a tu p. January II, ISoi. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AN71 BTATIOKERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slulei. Bocks. Hymn Rooks Bunk Books. Memorandum I'cnki, Diaries. Pocket B.s ks. Ink Stand.'. Pens, Penils. a hue aseurUueut of Pi per, Ink. Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. IIOOTM Al !iioi:. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH M. O. THACHEIT, Mauufaeturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF lloola, Khoee lend J:Ur, - - PleaianU' Puilding. Mnrket Square, SUKBl'KY, PA. I.adiet' Boots. Shoes end Guiiera of all deseripiioa made to ardor on the shortest notice and moans' unable leriue. Having the beet wui kweuemployed- e ean aasure the public that, if they will ve us a call, inev will be aalisnea oi tnu aoove iuu... PAIHINbl neatly done wilh dtspatcb. If your corns do hurt your feet, Just call and leave your measure, Aud we will make your 6hoe of Beets, Thai vou T1I call a Ueuuie Vtrah IV 'be - ly I " f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers