mnhtg American VH-l, WILVEHT, Publisher. NUIllintV, PA. 8ATDKDAY, JANUARY. 10, 1809. 3Local Affairs. Fata DoCotAsa passed through this plaoe on folday last, he having delivered, a leoture at JGilton on Thursday evening. Mao Doe. A mail dog was killed, laHwesk, in Lower Augusta township, near Celp's tavern. Fort Acocsta Lofrea No, 620, I. 0. of 0. F , held tbeir first session In their new Hall, In Bright'! building, on Tuesday evening lait The room b) fitted up handsomely, and if one of Ibt finest 1b this notion of country. Cbakokd PaoPitiiTORi. The Busquoharma Ho tel, on Fourth itreet, in tbli plaoe, owned by Q. W. Arbogast, wai sold, on Monday last, to John Wea ver, Esq., of Trerorton, for the turn ef thirty -seven hundred dollar. Mr. Weaver intends to make ex tensive improvement, and will no doubt make it Tine ef the fiuost hoteli in the plaoe. Tna annual eleotlon fur officers of the Sunbury Mutual Loan and Building Ajaooiatlon will be held in the Masonic Hall on Friday craning, January 16th. All tho stockholders are requested to be pre sent. Sheriff BecKLir bad twonty-three Sheriff's deeds acknowledged during this week, fur property old in ditToront parts of the oounty. These deeds wero got up with a good deal of taste. Mr. Beoklcy Is one ef the most punctual ofBoers that has been In that position, always ready to give ad rice and ac commodate those that bare business to transact with him, and treating all fairly, without regard to party -distinctions. Tor warm weather and thaw of last week oauied a rise iu the rWer, and on Sunday morning, at 10 o'olock, the ice on the rirer at this place broke up and doparted, to the great rogret not Only o'f thoso who hare failed to (El their ice houses, but to a nu merous olass who orottcd it for trade and business in this plaoe. Brow Storm. last wu one of the most dlssgreoable days of the season. Sleet, snow and rain wore falling nearly all day. The sidewalks were in such a condition that the use of rubber over ehoee were not only excusable, but almost indispen sable. This, with the driving slee', en ado out-door business almost impossible. Robert D. Nkidio, a brakesman on the Northern Central Railroad, employed in shifting trains bo tween lUrrisburg and liarysvillo, wu killed by falling from a car when in motion, on the 1st inst. lie was Orderly Sorgcant in Co. D, 12th Ta. Re eerves, and served with that regiment uutil it was mustered out, when ka'ro-eulisled in tho l&lst Reg lniiut, end serred until tho alose of the war. lie leaves a wife and one child. FERPETrAL Paste. A perpetual paste may be Jnnde by dissolving an ounce of alum in a quart of warm wuter. When cold, add u much flour u will make it the oonsistcnoy of cream ; then stew into it half a toospoonful of powdered resin, and two or throe olores. Boil it to a consistency, stirring all the time. It will kocp for twelve months, end when dry may be softened with water. Aproi.NriiBRTS.-The Commissioners or Northum berland county bare made the following appoint ments for the ensuing year : Clork John Farnswortb, of Upper Augusta. Mercantile Appraiser C. C. Uengiieh, of Jaokson township. Attorney Q. W. Haupt.of Sunbury. Jail Physician Fred. L. Haupt, of Sunbury. Janitor of Court House-Samuel Monti, of Sun bury. Fibb. On Wednesday morning last the seoond tory of the dwelling house of Mr. Samuel Neidig, along the Shamokin Valley Railroad, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was givon, and in a short time it was extinguished by aid of backets. It is supposed that the (ire originated by a dofoct In the flues. The fire was in the attic, and for somo time it wns supposed tho building could not be saved, and the household goods were all carried out. Undor the excitement some thoughtless person in the second story wu pitching various utensils out of the win dow. The cruh of crockery, falling on the rail road, awakened the attention of bystanders to the danger of their positions, whoso sympathies, u woll as risible faculties, wero excited at one and the same moment, on witnessing the praotioal result of the operation. Elbctior or OrricKHs. At an election of the stockholders of the Danville, Haileton and Wilkes barre Railroad, held on Monday last, the following officers were eleotod for the ensuing year : Presidont Thomas Woods, of Philadelphia. Vice President 8. P. Kase, of Danville. Treasurer S. P. Wolverton, of Sunbury. Secretaries 11. F. Pine, of Philadelphia, and George Hill, of Sunbury. Direotors Robert B. Sterling, Benj. Hendrioks, 8. P. Wolverton, George Hill, s. P. Ku, Andrew Russell and Sr. Hugh W. McReynolds. General Superintendent S. P. Knio. We learn that the work on this read is being pushed forward with great vigor. Tho grading at many points is ready for the laying of the track. We have no doubt that this road will l ,mniai..i at an early day, and when done will become one of me nasi paying roaas in mis section or country. Steam Ferry. While the ice wu on the rirer, and people could oross over it in safoty, we notioed that a number of our Bnyder oounty friends brought their marketing to this plaoe.and our merchants found a considerable increue in their business. The trade from the other side of the rirer Is certainly a very large item and worthy the attention of cur business men. There is another branoh of trade that might be brought to this town, if proper efforts were made. The immonse amount of produce raised in Snyder eounty could be drawn to ibis point if proper facili ties were afforded in erossing the fiver during all seasons of the year. Those interested should not allow the Legislature to adjourn without having an act passed to establish a steam ferry at this place, in order to secure the trade from the other side of the rirer. It is not only of interest to the merchants, but every eonsumer is benefitted by it. The ferry will not only prove to be a great convenience, but a successful investment. Oca Fibb Department We hare on sereral occasions referred to the miserable condition of our Fire Department in this place, and urged that some action should be taken to put it in better order. We are liable to Urea at any moment, yet we find our Borough fathers turning a deaf ear towards provi ding that which every oilizen hi interested in. Should a fire break out we would sadly feel the want of a Fire Department. There is nothing now in the place to aid in extinguishing a fire, except water buckets. Oar fire engines are all out of order, ow ing to the fact that we bare no shelter for them. We find two in stables and one standing in an alley. It is oerlainly deplorable to think that we have aot suffieiont pride to keep np a well organiied Fire De partment. Who is to blame for all this ? Certainly not the firemen, who are generally men of limited means, and perform the labor while a fire is raging, risking life and limbs to save property. The Bo rough Councils refuse to make provision oo aooount of want of power to do so. While this is the eue we would suggest that an application be made to the Legislature to empower our Counoil to levy tax fur the express purpose of keeping op a Firo De partment, and to procure fire engines that will be serviceable when needed, and for the creation of suitable buildings to preserve them and keep them in order. We hope that a move will be made at enoe toward! aeoorordisliinj that which, interests ovey tee pROoaxoiRos or Court. The following, be con tinuation of the proceedings of Conrt i ' Com. re. Samutl Etarttel Laroony by bailee;' reoogniianoc forfoltod. ' . . Com. vs. Catharine Crtsi. -Disorderly house J Mi chael Culp, prosecutor ; true bill. Com. rs. John Koble.Laioeny; Hannah Jillne, prosecutrix; till ignored. Com. VI. Edward O'CotmeH. Laroeey Mrs. 0' Council, prosecutrix ; no bill. Com. vs. Andrew Deibert. Laroeny ; A. W. New borry, prosecutor; bill Ignored. Com. vs. Geo. W. Freed. Fornioatlon tmt bas tardy ; Emma Mott, prosecutrix ; oo motion, pri soner discharged. REPORT Off SRARD JURY. To tht Hon. Alexander Jordan and kit Associ ates, Judgti of tht Count of JiortkumitrUnd County The Grand Jurors having passed upon all bills laid bofore thorn by the Distriot Attorney, and made the necessary examination of the County buildings, Ao , do atato that we bare made a tho rough examination of the oounty buildings. We reoommend that the breaks In the plastering of the different parte ef the Court Bouse be enoadod and repaired by the Commissioners. We also recom mend that the Register and Rooordor's, Prothono tary's, Treasurer's and Commissioners' ofllcos be sup plied with iron shutters on toe inside of Ihu windows of each of 'said offices. We also recommend the Commissioners to put in or replace all glass in tho Court Uouse that have been broken or removed. We alee recommend that it is neeessary that the Commissioners should purchase a Bible for the use of the Grand Jury; also, they Tcoommend the pur chase of a Purdon's Digest lor the use of the Court. Wellington Hummel, Foreman. The verdict in the case of Uonry Saylur et al vs. Andrew M. Eastwick et al, was brought into Court on Saturday morning of lut week, in favor of Plaintiffs, for $13,60 20 for coal and lumber. This trial occu pied eleven days In all, taking up the wholejof soeoud week after orimlnal oourt wu over, which took up but two days of this term, being the shortest term of Quarter Sessions held in this county for a number of years. THIRD WXtC. Lena Stout, George Troxol and John S. Troxel vs. Erastus Ross. Feigned Issue to test validity of a Sheriff's sale of Wm. Uaupt's personal property In Milton. The defendant, Erastus Ross, on an execu tion, directed the Sheriff to levy on William Haupt 's goods in a boot and shoe store in Milton. The plain tiff 'a claimed the goods u their property and not tboso of Mr. Haupt's. This action boing decided in their favor, the defendant is compelled to roturn the money recovered on Sheriff 'a sale. The trial luted two days. Lawson A Brown were attorneys for Plain tiffs, and Portor and Rockefeller for Defendant. George Brubaker vs. Potor Sultilack then called up. This wu an action of ejooUneut for property in Georgetown. VeTdict in favor of Plaintiff.' 0. W. Zicgler attorney fur Plaintiff, and Hill A Wolverton for Defendant. Henry Haupt rs. Herring Bros. Suit brought on a Mechanlos' Lien entered by Plaintiff against De fondant's property. Jeryut. Ziegher for Plaintiff, and Porter and Brown for Defendants. Licenses Grarteo. The following lioonseswere granted by the Court, lost week, to keepers of hotels, liijuor stores and restaurants : Hotels. Vim. Iloorer, Sunbury; John W.Sny der, Mt. Carmel; Heilman k Wirt, Lower Maha noy Charles Jones, Northumberland ; Geo. Conrad, Upper Augusta; Valentine Fisher, Zerbe; D. B. Foy, Lower Augusta ; Samuel L. Culp, Lower Au gusta; Jesse Ifeasyl, Shamokin; John II. Forcsman, Walsontown. Liquor Stores. Christian Neff, Sunbury; Patrick Daily, Shamokin; Lew Sticker, Milton; Henry Simmends, Shamokin. Kettanrants. James B. Beck, Adam Renn, Jos. Bachcr, Sunbury; Michael Flaherty, Levi Epler, Lewis Marquet, Jacob Bader, Shamokin Borough ; Jeremiah Yordy, Wm Gehrig, Trerortoo ; Jeremi ah Malick, Upper Augusta ; II. G. Eckert, Nor thumberland; John Boyd, Coal; Lowis Hummel, Shamokin. Srauokin Items. The Herald, of lest week, says : On the night of the 23th utt , the office or May, Patterson A Bro., (sioco removed to Timmes's new building, wns robbed of $7 worth of V. 8. Revenue stamps. Sereral drawers were broken into and an unsuccessful attempt made to open the safo. The burglars entered the building through a window. A fow nights before, Cruikshank A Bro.'s office wu broken into, but wc believe nothing of any value wu taken. The Catholic Festiral, held in Kutcner's Hall from the 21st to the 2Gth ult., passed off very pleasantly, and wu well attended throughout. That it was a suocess, tho handsome sum over $1,400 realised clear of expenses, shows. The sum realised is to be expended in the erection of a pastoral residonoe, towards which $3,000 is now raised. The building is to be commenced early next Spring, and will be an ornament to Shamokin street. The Refurmed Church Fair wu continued from Christmas ere until Saturday, 2d inst., and nottod between fire and six hundred dollars. The proceeds go towards paying eff the ohurch debt, and reduoe it to about $i00, which amount the oongregation pro peso to raise by another fuir to be held sometime du ring the summer. 'lhe members of Rev. F. B. Riddle's congregation made him a donation on Now Year's eve, thereby inoreuing his stock of worldly goods to the amount of over $100. The articles consisted of a purse con taining $52, a silk dress for Mrs. Riddle, and grocer ies and provisions generally. The affair was very cleverly managed, and took the rererend gentleman and his lady completely by surprise. Rev. J. P. Conkey has also been the recipient of like furors, though not presented in a similar man ner. During the distribution of gifts to the scholars of the Presbyterian Sunday School, on the evening of the 21th ult., a small book, addressed to him, wu found on the Christmu tree, which npon examine' tion rerealed a $50 greenback. Soreral articles of wearing apparel were presented to members of his family as holiday gifts, and flour, potatoes, Ac., not ordered by him, were delirered at the parsonage, amounting in all to about $50. Tom Mortor, koh tompot mentis, wu arretted one day tut week and taken before Justice Batchc- ler, on the affidavits of Mr. J. W. Chapman, Insu rance Agent, and Capt. Fowlor, that he had set fire to the stable of J. F. Sloan, which led to the oonfla gration in this plaoe lut month. By a little Ingeni ous questioning, Capt. Fowler drew from Tom the admission that he had slept in the stable on the night of the fire, and that wishing to take the morning train, Last, he had lighted a match to find his way out, and threw it down among some paper and hay, which took fire, and he could not put it out. He also stated to bis interrogators that he started the fire whioh, a year or more ago, wu disoovered on Robt. McCloskey's property, and also that which subsequently came near burning the residenoe of Olircr Donaldson. lie wu committed to the jail, where he will remain till the aotion of the court shall releue him from eustody, or enter his removal to the Asylum for the Insane. This young man's friends, we are Informed, reside in Northumberland eounty, and are able, and for aught wc know willing, to support him. But he is of a roving disposition and will not remain in one place any length of time. He hu been in the habit of going up and down the railroads, at pleuure, sometimes on foot, but more often on the ears as a "dead bead." He hu subsisted on the charity of the publio and hu fared bettor than most persons of bis olass. lie hu always been considered harmless, and would never have been suspected of originating this fire, but for a remark of one of the special agents of the Insurance Companies while they were here after the late fire, who observed that, wherever he had been in West Branch valley to adjust losses by fire, be bad noticed this idiotic boy. This remark led to the investigations whioh have resulted in Tom's confinement. The boy may or may not be the author of some or all of the disastrous fires that bave visited our town for several years put. At all areata, be should be taken care of in suoh a manner M will prevent him from being even the innoeent cause of any farther damage to the property of onr eitiiens. Loci Haven RsputUuin. Tin Singing Pilgrim, Philip Phillips, will sing in the M. K Cburob, Milton, en Friday evening, Jan llai, i 69. Proceeds for benefit ef Sabbath rkh oo! Admitsica 50 ceoU ; reserved seats 75 cents. A National Insuiuron Ksterprisr. The ten-; denoy of the time Is to naWwnelise enterprise which ire for general publio beueflh The PnetOflloe De partment is the sequel bf private loiter and parooJ carriage ; the national bauklng ayetem at first met with very trtng opposition, bat has had its mocito fully prevon ) the l'aoiflc railroads show the edran- tage of supplementing priraie enterprise by govern ment ohorler and aid, and national supervision of railroads and telegraphs Is aolivuly discussed. One of the latest Illustrations of this teodeaoy is the National Life Insurance Company of the United Statos of Amorioa, whteh wm chartered In July, lefts, for the transaction of insurance business, this charter giving it a fur wider Sold for operations than any mere State organisation can have. A paid-up capital of one million dollars attests the Solid char acter of the enterprise, whioh is managed by such widely and honorably known flnanoiora u C. H Clark, Jay Cooke, and others. The Company pro poses to do business solely Upon the stook principle, and to do this upon lower cub rates than are afforded by any oompany organised under the mutual plan. Avoiding all complications of possible future divi dends, It pays those dividends in advance by its un usually tow rates, and then makes a speciQo bargain of so much Insurance for so uiuoh money. Having thus afforded insuranoe upon the Life plan at rery lowouh rates, the Company has introduced some novel plans which must betramo very popular. The Income-Produoing flth nU only pays the full amount of insurance in oue of teeth at any time, but embodios a oontraot by which the Company is bound to pay the insured, after a certain term of years, an annual Income so long u he survive. By anethor pMtn the Roturn Promium the poli cies are constantly inorcucd by the amount of the aomiui premium, so that on tho death of the person insurod, his heirs roceive not only tho full amount of the policy, but all the premiums he had paid. Tho insuranoo thus costs no more than the interest on the premiums, and the useef thecaonoy la alt that the Company gains. Add to Ureso facts the further. ones that the policies are exempt from attuohmenl and ore negotiable ; that there is no extra charge for medical examinations or S'.amps ; that thero aro no rostriotions upon the movements of the insured, and it will be soen that the new Company presents unu sual claims to tho attention and confidence of the publio. U.hioh pAcirio RAanoAB TnoflREss Sever Miles a Pat. A dispatvh of October 23th, from what was then the ond of the travk of the Union Pacific Railroad, announces the almost incredible fact that ''seven miles and 1010 feet of track were laid this day." If the provious achievements of this railroad Company in rapidity of railroad build ing had not prepared tho way for belief in their ability to accomplith what heforo wore considered Impossibilities, we should be almost justified in flatlj denying that suoh a feat could ever bave been done. Soven milos a day ! Tho oars running to-day where yestorday not evon the screech of the locomotive, ut its nearest point of approach, oould begin to be heard! A speed that would build a railroad from Now York to New Haven in ten days, from Boston to Albany in a month ! Nine hundred milos havo now been finished, more than threo hundred and fifty of which bave been built this your. Salt Lake will be reached this season, and through connections to San Francisoo early in the coming yoar. Tbo time from New York to San Francisoo, overland, is now but eleven days bystcamor it is twonty-two. Wonderfut u hu been the ooostructicn of this continental railroad, Its traffic and operating profit hare been almost equally Impressive. Four million dollars wercearned in the year ending June 30, and $541,093 in the month ef September. To do this work requires the service of 111 locomotives and 1,393 oars, while the constructing shops of the Com pany are being steadily enlarged to moot tho increa sing demands upon their oapaoity. The road is tho roughly built and complotely equipped with as fine rolling stock u oan be made, and altogether, we may bo proud of it, u the oharaoteristio American railway. No other undertaking has had more wida-spread personal interest felt In its suocess than this, for, aside from the prido which overy man must fool u an American, in its progress, its First Mortgage Bonds have been taken almost u widely as was the government loan. The road is certain te bo finished at an early day. The greatnoss of its traffic guar antees full payment of all iU obligations; and the interest which its bondholders receive is equal to that of the best of the government securities, while the price is considerably less. Capital ir a Busi.hess Mar. Every thoughtful business man must realize that he possesses a capital in himself. His monied value may be estimated by hundreds or thousands of dollars per annum, accord ing to bis business tact or ability . All that he earns, over and above the interoat upon the sum employed in his business, is inturest derived from his capital tm J t'lf. If be be worth $10,000 in money, and makes that much a year, as many do, bis business talents yield him S9.400, and bis cash capital the re maining $500. The mm, then, is, in a business point of view, worth nearly sixteen times as much u his mount, and it is ull-iinportant that a portion, at toast, of this pecuniary value of himself be scoured from loss, which con only be done by an insurance en bis life. If it be unwiso for a businoss man not to insure bis goods, it is much mora so fur him not to insure himitlf. Few allow their property to remain un protected by a policy of Insurance against fire, yet many, through want of due reflection upon the sub ject, are without polioies on their lives. TaE Mctual Lira Insurance Company, of New York, offers peouliar inducements to business men, inumucb as it Is a purely mutual oompany, giving to each policy-holder his full share of the profits, u is explained in the oirculars of tho Company. It is the best kind of Savings Fund or Bank in whioh he can place his money, and nowhere else oan he get such a return for bis doposil. The examples given show that this Company, iu addition to tho sum in sured, paid, in dividends, more than the amount it received for premiums. A suooessful business man may say that he is so prosperous in bit business that be does not need an Insurance on his life. The more prosperous he is, tho bolter ablo is he to iusuro, and the more advisa ble is it for biin to do so. Those of moderate moans should not delay to in sure in this Company, as they can use their divi dends toward the payment of premiums, and thereby each rear reduce the amount of their rarments. Every dollar insured in Tho Mutual Life Insurance Coninanr. of New York, is a wise and safe provision for the future. Feeble health may, at any moment, unfit a man for business ; but be can guard against this contingency, by an Endowment rotioy payable to himself at any spocifled age. Death may remove him from bis family, but tbeir support oan he provi ded for by a policy puyable to bis wile and ctnlureu. JACOB SUIPMAN, Agent, Kukbiry, Pa. WILLIAM CURTIS, Esq. The following series of resolutions, upon the death of Wm. Curtis, O. 8. of the Encampment of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania, were adopted unanimously at a apeoial meeting held, Monday ercuing, Janu ary 11th, 16G9 ; Wukras, we the members of Fort Augusta En campment No. 140, have received with deep sorrow, the sad and unexpected intelligence that the Diriue band ef Him who ruletb the universe with an im partial judgment, hu taken from bis sphere of use fulness on earth and transplanted to the Grand En campmont above, our worthy Brother und Patriauh, Wm. Curtis, Grand Scribe of the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, therefore, Resolved, That we humbly and submissively bow to the will of Him who doetb all things well. lirjolvtd, That his uniform eourlery, bis unselfish, generous disposition, bis character and deportment as a Christian, endeared him to every one who knew him. liesolvtd, That we honored and respected him u one peculiarly and admirably fitted fur the position of Grand Scribe, which he so long and ably tilled through the voioe of the P. 0. Patriarohsof this Juris diction. Ketolved, That to the bereaved family of our de parted brother, we extend our earnest sympathy in this the hour of tbeir altlctlon. liesalved, That the Hall of tbe Encampment be draped in mourning for tbe period of sixty days; that these Resolutions be spread upon the minutes of tbe Eneampment i be published in all the papers of the Borough, and copies duly attestod undor the seal of the Encampment, be forwarded to the Grand Ea oampment and te the family of the deceased. S. B. Dover, P. C. P. Philip M. Keiiel, P. C. T. Fm'L WllTfRT, J. W. Committee BUSINESS NOTIOKS. tSTJ lrlntlns. linvlng received a largo supply of NKW JOU TYl'K, of Various now stylus, Tonton, HaodWlla, Circulars, Cards, Lettor (loads, fill) Heads, Labels, A J., Con be priutod in the latest and bost ttylea, and on fchorl trtlioe. Ordors by mail promptly attended to For Sale An exoollcnt top buggy, now. En quire at this office. For Rxur. The rooms adjuiuing the hnt store of Samuel Faust, in Market Square, lately occupied by E. A. Evans as a law office. Tbe ooldost season of the year is now upon us. Tho first duty of every person is to keep warm. No artlole is more tervioeablo to keep cut the cold thea a good orerooat. If you want an nrticte of this kind, or any style of clothing, whioh combines beauty, comfort, oonrenlenoo and durability, go to J. 0. Beck, on Fonrth Street, below Market. He is just the man to suit ererybody. ChbhtxaS hu passed by, and with it the holiday season. Thousands of haudsome presents havo been made, and many a heart mado glad. The happiest person wo have seen wu the individual who was the rooipient of an ologant now suit from J. F. Sohufler'e Tailoring Establishment, Market Square. Sahaffer's suits are of the boat matorial, and bis style and make-up Incomparable. A NoTelty. Tho latost novelty is a boquet bolder in tho shape of a rosebud and st.-r. . The bud oontains a dolioatc watch, and a spring !n the stem unfolds tbe rose and reveals tbe little time piooe. Tho greatest novelty in Sunbury is the latest stylos of Huts and Caps at S. Faust's, iu Market Square. Go and see them. Am irritable man baring been disappointed In his boots, threatened to eat up the shoemaker, but com promised by drinking a cohblcr. He Is resolved, hereaftor, to avoid all trouble and disappointments of this kind by going to Miller's Excelsior Store, Markot Squaro, for his bouts and shoe. Dr. J. R. Cressixorr, Dentist. Ofloe over II. O . Thachcr's Shoe Store, Sunbury, Pa. When aching teeth Cause dreadful groans, And sleepless nights and dismal days, Who comes to me nrrist gtatcfnl owns My skill, which all his pains allay. A moment's suffering I may cause, 'lis but to bring a long release-; And though for once I rend his jaws, For years to come I giro him peace. 2ra iii i i ' i Con's Couon Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sites ordinary 4ot., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists , and doalers in medicines. No family should be ever eight without it in tbo house. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure Will immediately re lieve and permanently ouro the mast aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatuloncy, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomauh and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join iu unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Prioe $1 .00. Corrootod Weekly for the "American." Whoat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $11 00 do do do do Rye Flour, do Wheat, primo red, Rye, Com, Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaohu, pored do do unpared Dried Apples, Dnod Cherries, (unstonej Butler, Eggit, C'boeee, Lard, Hams, Shouldars, Beof, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, per owt. & 50 porbbl. ' 10 00 per owt. 6 00 per bushel, 1 90 do 1 45 do 85 it o do 1 25 per pound ? do 2) do 15 .) per bu. 3 DO per pound , 5U per doten, 40 per pound, 25 do 21 do 25 do 20 U 14 do 11 do 13 per pat? 60 Sliaisiokin loul Trudo, SfltiioKiK, Jan. 9. 1B09. Tons. CVt. Bent fur week ending Jan. Oth, 4.735 01 Per last Keport, B.bVd Otf To same time last year, Docreaae, ' 4,165 OS Sptcial Not'uf0. Xo Cuusiusupdvea). rPIIK adrertisor, having been restored to health in L a few weeks by a simple remedy, afier having sufTwed several years with a sovere lung affection, and that droad disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferers the moans of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions lor preparing and using the same, which they will Cod a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, bron chitis, Ac. The only objeot of the adrertiscr in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afllicted, and spread information which heeonuoircs to be in valuable ; and he hopes every sull'eror will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parlios wishing the prescription will please ad dress Kev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 1HS South Seoond tit., Williumsburgh, Jan. t. '6a ly Kings County, New York. i:rrorsi of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who sufTored fur years from Nervous Debilily, Premature decay, and all the effects of youthful indisoretion will, tor tho sake of suffering humanity, send free of all who need it, the reoipe and direction fur making the simple reme dy by which be was cured, futi'ercrs wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addrussiug, iu perfect confidence, J01IN B. OQDKN, Jan. 9, '69. ly No. 42 Cedar street, N. Y. 0 KB PIUCB CL0THINO. OLD tSTABLISniD CLOTHING HOUSE, Dlnrhet Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Prioe Bya.em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the city that striotly adhorcs to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for goo J taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not less important, fur having all our goods i:TIU iVIXL JUDK. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and cur Ooods aro of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tnstos oan be suited. The prieos are the very lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must See, or otiierwise we could not meot tbe couipetition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prices down to tbe advantugus we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan npnn which to do business, and many a dollur can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 61)1 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not en tho Corner, but one door above Sixth. -:.. M.HZi;, Btulesisnau. April 4, mi. ly 4auiJ' to Miart'iiiffe. Young Mon'sQuide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane views ot benevolent Piiytieians, on the Errors and. Abuses incident to Youth and tarty Manhood, sent iu sealed letter envolones, free of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Sox P., Philadel phia, Pa. June 13.186H.-1y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auditor's notice. rpHB undersigned auditor appointed by the Or 1 pbans' Court of Northumberland county, to dis tribute tbebalanoe in the hands of Paler of Executors of iienry Masser, deceased, to whom Was referred baek bis former report filed August i, 1S68, for correction end to report the facts," hereby gives notice, tbat be will attend to tbe duties of bis said appointment at bis office, in tbe Borough of bunbury, on Saturday lhe 1'bth day of December, 1668, al It o'clock A. M. 6 B. BOYiR. Auditor; Futbary. December i, !. 3REAI) & FANCY CAKES, DAVID HTJEVET RESPECTFULLY Informs the eitlaens of fun bury and vicinity, that he will bake tu order all kinds of C'aUe for llnlU, fnrll, A. FsmUlns irefnppliwl with FRESH BRRAD, 'twist. Holts, Rusks, Tea Buns, , and also kopt on hand and menafnotored out of the bent materials. All orders pft at his Hhop in Marke Square, ono door east of Mis Anna Talnter'a Millinery biore. or et his Bakery on Spruce Street, botween Front and Uooon.l streets, will meet with prompt attention. liAl.l.M au KVENINtt rAKllftn SUppiien with Cakes, loe-Crcam, Ac., at the shortest notioo Ore" ere are respectfully teliuited. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Dm. 12, Talnrtble Property tit Irl vsate Hale. rilUK undersigned offers his valuable lot, Sk feet 1 front by 210 deep, on the south-west oornor of Ilia Bhnuiokin Valley and Northern Central Kail roads, on Third street, on which is eroevud a Pit AM B WAKKHOUSE. 20 by 40 feet. The Warehouse is a new one, having beeu built ubeul two yoars singe, and is splendid stand ior any one wishinsi to rn Into the lloiir and grain business. The fixtures of mo oouoern will also be ottered for sale, at reuona ble rates. This properly is offered for sole t,tr the reason that I intend Riving, np business in Suthnry. For further partioulars, apply to J. M OADWAM.ADWl. 9pt. a, '6S im. Sunbury, Pa. FANCY DRY GOODS. ALL TUB LATEST SULKS, Suitable for the WINTER SEASON. MI3B KATE BLACK, Market two dnom Eist of the old Bank buililini- vlTTVum.v n.i- .a . n-m-.-.i'vivij cull T TA8 lust ODenurl nuvrln,.n, ., Ll fiisliionablo Vanev Dress tlonds fiom tho laro-nsi aslali1iiihniintji In Pt.;'i..i..i..t.t- M,f,, l .... DeLAINIS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALICOS, DIIESS SILKS, SILK POPLINS. MOI Knu tiOODK, Clolbo, 8rifl Flannels, Flannels. Shoetine. Mus lins, Ladies ax 1 Cbildmns' HATS, Feathers, Ribbons, lai-cns TrinimlsiKH, Kwbrollorle-, Laoo Veils. Corsets, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Hotlery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' EHptia Skirts, and Ladies' ttoods of overy description. PaMny's Shawls at bargiins! Plsi.l Woolen Shawls Breakfast Shawls. Woolen Scarfs and Caps ' for Women and Children. Beaver and Cliinchila Water-Proof Cloths. Gonts' Collars, Neok-ties, Half hose, llandker ohiefii eud Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Bmshee, Combs, eto. December , 1168. KATE BLACK A1mitiitr-iitor''tt rVol !. Estate of Silos Feastcr, dectatad. NOTICE is hereby Riven that letter of adminis tration having been granted to the undersiz ed, on the estate of Rilas I'onstcr, lute of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, do oeosed. All porsons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and thus having claims to present them for settlement. JOHN SNYDEK, Adni'r. Lower Augusta twp., Deo. 5, 18IS flt II ( I- I it GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Can realise 1 liue'piofil by exchanging them forhe F1R3T aiOUTOAGK GOLD BO N I of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, and tli FIRST MORTCAOE GOLD COKDB of the CENTRAL TACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. They pay six per cent. Interest in Oold,and run for thiity yoaTS. Principal also payable iu fluid. They yield between eight and nine per cunt, to tho investor, and as soon as the iiisue is sold, if not before they will doubtless oommand a muoh higher ruto. As a First Mortgage on the longest lino of Railroad in this country thai is already earning more than its interest liabilities on its way business, and which oost noarly three (3) times their amount, tbe securi ty is undoubted. TI1IKTY MILLION DOLLARS ($10,000,000, of the First Mortgoge Bonds of the Union Pacific Kail Road Company, and of theCentral IVific Hull Koad Company, have already neon sold. The earnings of the two ('2) roads, from way busi ness alone, wore nearly ($1,000,000) One Million Dollars fur the month of October. One Hundred Million Dollars havo already been spent by the two powerful Companies. Fourteen flundrcd (1400) Miles of the route be tween Omaha and Sacramento nre made by tbe Lo comotive, leaving less then 40(1 miles to build of which 21 0 are graded and ready for the Kails. We hum fur rale Firtt Mortgage bends of the Union Pacific Kail Koad at 102 and noorued interest, and First Morigngo Bonds of Central Pacific Kail road at 101 and accrued interest. ' The Bonds are recommended to our most cautious customers, aud will bear the most careful scrutiny. The new descriptive Pumphluls, with Maps, Ac, showing the organization, progress, business and prospects of the enterprise, will bo sent on applica tion to. DE HAVEN A BRO., Dealers in (lorerninent .Securities, (iold, etc. No. 4 It South Third Street, Philadelphia. November XI, lStiS. y Philadelphia. tFSnmplo cent by mail when written for. October 3d, 1868 ly Notice to Merchants and Shippers. THE underslgued, proprietor of Weiser A Friek's Line, give uolicea to merchants and shippers that the Depot is still at 811 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Ooods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburs;, and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. Cars leave 81 1 Market street, Philadelphia tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. BROWN A KLEC'h NkU. December 7, 1S6T. CALL and see Ibuee beautiful Bird Cages at new Hardware store of J". II. CONLEY A CO. the REMKMDER llyrrly'si new Picture Uallery three duois west of the railroad, Market iaiuaro CARPENTERS W'ILL find in eur establishment a superior i-toek, of Pisces, taws, Auger.. Hatchet, Hammers, Files Chisels, Ac , Ac, lor sale by J H CO.VLEV i CO rutj, iJh!M IN SUN1HJRY. THE NEW DRUG STOKE K. ll. .TJ A IS Si. l, i: A- ' o., On Market, street, Karl of the I, nearly oj'io.siio the llurdwnro Wore of?nev A K , BHD l! K V , p K'X N ' A. "rE wnt.1,1 respectfully juvj, t of J tbeolilrene of Uvtrhurv a'ld rviiiiiy to our entire n?w Stc It of Buro l'ri'Kli ii na, nti .1Ic11riitn. " " Paints, Oils and Wtii'lie.'. " " Ola?, Pulty and Dye Stairs. ' " " Pfuinrles, Combs eni ltruthot " 1'iitntil Mn.lioinca r all kinds. LlaUOM by the Ikittlo, Gallon, Quart a id Pint. SCOTCH .. I.K, LO.VMN POiiXEa and COVUREAS WATER. Tobacco, Cigar and Snuff. Looking-tllara flattai cut t suit Frames NOTIONS OF ALL KIXD3 ASD VARIETIES Truases, Supporters, Eniidnr;cf , dc. Wohare selected our s'f"'k with oireand can war rant it frosh, and of lhe bent material in tho market. Having bud soveral years' eapoi ieiiuu in tbe businPia wo flr.tierou'olve that we can iv entire sniisiuc tion tu nil who may favor us with their pati'inage. SpocinI altentina K .'n to con poundinK Physicians' Prescriptions at nil sof Ibu duy or night and on Sundays. Uiveusacall. J. . MAKkl.E A CO. Btinbnry, 0.t. 17, 1" . For doing a family wnshiug in lh bost and clioau esl iranrnr. Ctanrnnteci equal to any in the worb'l! Has all tho strength tf old ruin soap with the mild and lathering qunliil-.s of rer.uinn Castile Try this splendid Pnsp. .Sold by the Al.l'KN t il UMiCAI, WOUKS, 4 Ninth I'r.-ct Street, Philadelphia. Auguit IN, 1S36. ly. rnnn I'IiS- 01' ''aupei iu'is wa.vild at UJfJ tho tetoro of MOOP.r. A MSMNOIl, May 16. .uittl.ttt e'.i'C'jt, Sunbury. FALL AND WINTER Millinery Goods, iHism 31. t,. OoHHlrr, boi leave to nn nouncetolhu Ladiosof iSunbuiy and vicinity. Hint t'uo basjujt opened a lai;e and varied Ft ,ck of MILL IN SKY GOODS, The latest New York ar.l Philadelphia stvhs of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. WOOLEN GOODS, kG. Also, an excellent assortment of 1 uahiouaMo broideries, Kdgings, Laes, Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scatfs, tJloves,. illorirs, and all kinds of Fanoy Notions. Stamped Muslins, C.i.:ts, I'oifuni.-. ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Lnumel of America, .Sta. tionery, 0., to. Call and oxamine for yourselves. No troublo to show goods Sunbury, Oct 2, M. We do not wish to inform vou. reader, that Dr Wonderful, or any other man, has dbcov-.rodja rem- ) edy that cures Consumption, when the lungs are half consumed, in short, will cure all discuses whethurof j mind, body or estate, make men livo forever, and . ieavo death to play for want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary ephera a blissful paradise, to I whioh ileuven itself shall bo but a tile rh.iw. Vou have heard enough cf that kind of huuiluiery, ami ! we do not wonder tbat you haobv this tunc becemo -disgusted with it. Hut when wo tell you that Dr. : Sato's Catarrh Twemedy null pottirt!y ruts the ' worst crises of Catarrh, wo only assort that which thousands eau testify to Try it and you will bo aun- ; vinccd. Wo will pny SiOU RewaI'.u fur a case of Catarrh that wo cannot cum j FOR b'ALU BY MOST DRfUUIsT-3 EVERY WI1ERU. I Pmcn oxi.t tO Cknts Sent by Mail, post ril. for Sixty Cents ; Four Packages for 00 ; or 1 Dm- en tor si 0U. S-nd a atau'p tor Pr. Knee's pamphlet on Cutanu. Addres the Proprietor, R. V. PIERCE. M. D , Buflalo, N. Y. 2 No Hiimrco). ft is wnrr.itled to cure lost or im paired Taste, tiinell ur lleaiinc;, A atcring or Wi nk Eyes, otlensive Lrcatb, Ulcerated Tl.reM m- Mi.uth, Pain and Pressure in tbo Head, and .-ss uf Memory when oaused, as all of them fre,uoutl v arc. by tho ravages of Catarrh. It is plcaNint mil paiuli ss to ucc, contains no strong poisonous or caustic drugs, but cures by its mild soothing acli n. We will pay $jUU Reward for u case cf Cutanh that we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRVfl'l I?TS EVERY WHERE. Price cslv :-0 Ci.sts. If your Druggits has not yet got it on sale, don't bo put otf with some worse than woilhless strong snuff, "fiimigator." or poisonous cnustic sulution. which will drive the disease to tho lung instead of curing it, but send sixty cents tu us and the remedy will reach you by return mail. Auud Slauip Kir ur. cage s panipn:ei on i atari n. ll. . . PIEKCK. M. D., Buffalo, N. 3 This lor A i.i.i n(.R KEKBiir docs not. like the poison ous irritating suit lis and strong caustic solutions i ith which the people have Inns been humbugged, simply r'alliate for a short tiiuo, or drive the disease to thu ungs, as there is danger of d dng in the ose of such nostrums, but il pruducea perloot and 1 permanent Ii, as thcus- oures of the worst cases of chronic catarrli anas can icstiiy. "tola in me ticiia is ciuca witn a lew applications. Catarrhal lleadaclie is re lieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offen sive Breath, Loss or Irapairint-iit of thosunseof tutc, smell or hearing, Watering or Weak Eves, and Im paired Memory, when eau:ed by the viuleuco o Ca tarrh, as they all frctpientl y are. Wc ofl'.-r in good faith a standing rewurd of JoUU for u auso of C utiaiii that we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DIU'OOIST.S EVERY WHERE. I'll KB omi.v oil Cents. Ask your Druggist for tho Knucnr. I ul if he has not yet got it on sulo, don't be put otf by aocoptin any miserable, worse than w orthless subsi-ilutn. but enclose sixty cents to us, and the H. iiiedy r, Hi be sent you post paid. Four packages fll.uu, or one dozjn for Sj-uo. beud stamp fir l'r. Hugo's piuni blot on Catarrh. 14. V. PIE1-.CE. M. 1' , Bullalo, N . Y. 4 This is NO PATENT MEDICINE HL MUUO. got ten up to dupo the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as bring oomposcd nt nil a and precious substances brought l'ruiu the f-jur corners o; the earth, carried soven times across tho lireat Desert ot .ahar ah on lhe backs of fourteen ouincls, and brought across tho Atlantic Ocean on two Ships. It is a simple, mild, soothing remedy, a perfect Specific for Ca TARnn and "CoLn in rust IUah, ' also tor olleu.-ive Breath, Loss or Impairment of the ttonsa of Smell, Taslo or Hearing, Watering or Weuk Eyes, Pain or Pressure in the Head, whon caused, as ihey all not unfrequoully are, by the violence of Catarrli. We offer, in good fa ills, a standing Kuwurd of fC-00 for a cuse of Catarrh that wocannot ou--o Foil SALE BY MUST DlUtjtilST'j EVERY- WHEUE.. Phiik50 Ckxts. pent by mail, post paid, on receipt ofSixrr Tests. Four packages for?2 00,'irl Dmuu for Pd Scud stamp for Dr. Buge's patn hlct on Catarrh. K.V. PIERCE, M.D , Oct. 10, '88 ly. Bulbil.., N Y. GOODS TOR THE HOLIDAYS. J.E.CALDWELL&C0- m. toil Chestnut Street PIlILADELrillA. In addition to tbeir largely increased Stork of l'ino 'WatrlivM, lsinniousU, Jewelry, Artistio Silver Ware, I'LATEI) GOODS, &a., &o. Are now opening a magnifl -ont enllrttion of Korelgn Fanoy lioods, in Metal, Marblo, dreoruted Ulass, Leather and OOLDEN BKUNZK, in Kpecial Designs of Ci'iuisite taste, from all tiuurturs of Europe, par ticularly adapted for their CHRISTMAS SALES. Our arrangements, both iu Europe and this coun try, are such as give us uuusual facilities in the se lection of aud economical produotiou of our stock. It is our wish, as well as our interest, to secure to our patrons the beuctit of such advantages in. Modern lVIoe 'l'lii-onhou I oisr (stock, without lsxcelioss. Deo, ft, 1b63. mh7,ly. IF you httf a picture you want framed, go to Isy rlj and gel it dono cheaper than an. where elseiu town. He ha; moulding, oi all kiuij eocr'.ant.y rx bsnd. t. p. s r n o x, WATCIiHAIIlll AD JEWsOLfii Corner nf Third Ftrnet and Market fxinnre, In Ma l-.-r't Stone fcuilding, 8UNPUKV.P A , ! tlU'y.rB.'C:n H hrCftn" ' of tl,i tg-'t oil' braled makers, t 'rtj'tini? of the) linn. i I ", pi.lemn, i'ra' y . Co . W althahi. L'i'o.i , ! W. I'.lloij , ami nil grades of the Li's in'.Af . ! AIo. (.?.. A jret.1 f. tli oeteWel, I'A'.I. .'hi. I TuN Wat -h, iu t).,ld and ,-iiver Cu.-.o.ui low j r .. JSH vst VJ'ni c for M -lliim l'rei sue, uf entirely now drslirns. Solid HUxcr ThM nni ! Spoons, Ilutter Kr.ivvs, Forks, Osiorv, lae lV'di.irs, Kruit scd Cuau !?steM Svrup- Mugs. Ilutter Dither, and ewer)t3U!g in the Silverware line ttl lev plijiS. J-BWELR?, A fioo s'oelt of I'ik HUife. Also a fne ti.;'i'm ol D.,1.1 aud .lot Jewehy uf it. I de-urf ,Hiohs U'.dd ai.d Silver Chains, allow price!. GOLD TEN 3. Fine Gold P. ns it, t oil, .Sil-.-r and Rubber feed, of the ee'.cbiatud nia'ae oy nuT.nan aod S'.ei'ar CLOCK'S. A full BMortment or 1 dav and la b j low prion. i Also riole Ajcnt for tbe celchraM l'rrfi -tei rlpes I ta'loii,--warranted to cive untttc satisfa.-tiun ! VVf.tobos, Clocks and Joelty repaired and war ' rani-1 I All orders promptly attended to at tho tb ji test a i tieo. ; Sur.bury. fept. 5. i ( i K A jS DO VK N i N U AND WINTER Ixeullcsiceii'si I'us'Siiahlncr oit:- at THOMAS a. KOTT'3 !IRftf H.VVsV . 'S'AII.OSt HIOP.Si MARKET SQUARE, 5rNM;UnV, PA , Consisting of SNfll.TSU Ay D FKIO'CH CLOTHE. ISN'JLtSl! AM)!'I:l-;N':tl C SSt.MEb,r..-, KNOI.IS1I MELTONS OP ALL CM" . which have been selected from the Inrgynl and boat establishments iu New York and Phila Tiilphi. A general assortment of U.HNTLEMEM'8 rUHKISUI-WO OOOD3, embracing, Kodaks, C. llar.i, Cravats, of the latest styles Finj liainli's Wool Poller Jackets. HURTS aud DRAW EllS, a largo aiJurtUient "f the best quality- A laruo variety of C I.OV1". of every n'vle an.l itt: l ii.v , from tbe Ball Rroom down l, the inhering man's, and many other unities for (iculieui'.-u's wear. l ine I'l-enc'li Vl.o KMrta saiado l Order. j Having procured the services of the l,st vnrkmon in the cities, garment will ho made up lo oi-'e' , which otuuot be excelled iu any city in fits, "r uuu'.i'. ot' goods. I liniitlenien ar n.iilioiilnrlr renitested to call n- l sen thegoods and work bofolc purehiisinji elsmvh'.T-':. Sunbury, O il. 8, 'S. J HOMAS il. NOTT. BAliGK'S H. A. "W B O WE surEu-niosriiATE of lime, o.i tvtuv 1'Ai.RASiE. B A t" G II & SONS, SOLE MAN L FACTI.'UEIIS A PKOPKI ET-'B?, Office, No. 20 Ouutri Dolawaro Avon-is. PHILADELPHIA . j The above Manure has been Lufore tloAgiicul ; turul public f?r fifteen yen.-." p.';t, und'-r ,hu re-no 1 and proprictorihip, end ni.w has an e.-l ih::;hed aid ! largo nniiuul aaiv Ibmuchout the oi-untiy. And n u peiieet siib.-titu'.o i'ciuiian Uuar.o (atl-.rde-l ; at half the cost) it has been adoptmi by Hri.:u! turalist of known intvlligecco and discrimination i It is warrantod not to exhaust tho soil, but on th.v contrary tu peruiauunllv improve it. Tho sa!osr.av I nino imt to niaiiy thousand Ions annually, and lhe facilities tor its aanulacturc ore vitcnsiii aui cm pleto. 'f be abut c manures arc furnished in both bags an! j barrels, nhh'iievir custciuors prefer. Tiic bugs ai-o unifuria in weight 1C0 pounds. : Tho ftttenti.-n uf l' i-t"i-is is , the fact that the s of wilioil tho abvve ii:ai:u!-.s yve j uudi-r c intiol wh can lis : ui il'inii nullity nr. t con-iit:-. cially direot"! tu l'.aw H il ll r,!' tt;e e'-l:i-&e I, a;.- -i -ii nish tl-.rni of f'. i, mi 1 th it ll.. --i:i. i fin, a inrr porcentoo nt uniiuonni tumi u:,y oi . clu.-n ot uiaiiufauUircd uiinure iu the xutuktt. L'.U'till A SOX?.. ii lciinTaro iiverm--, fa Tho highest cash pri-je j-.vid iliiS. November !-?, Iii8. IX. f.r i klLle ,t FALL & WINTER GOODS! AT Bliss Luisa Shisslefs, M-AUKET SQUAltK. Ladiee' and Misses' HATS and EONNET , in immense vr.rioty. .fllCIiK-iy mi1m atnl '1'i-imluliiK. i rencn ana rtn.oricrn ttinsons, l.ajes-, ll.unn.r j ehiet.-, (i loves, Ho t I. aUit-s' Milliiiorv I oeiety, au-1 n g.-neral nsoi-rin.-rit r.( t i.aUies Anllworv ireudf. which have been select.! wun great chic. AVOOLEN GOODS, FURS, Ac. oiitsi (oIlui-M, ecklli Move., Ac. Kivry variety will bo fund to sekct fr(iu, a M-ll'EitA 1 E PKICKS. Sunbury, Oct. 17, l.V.S. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! Call and see the well selected .Stock of CLOTHS, CAISIEHES, OYEKCQATIXGS, VESIINGS, do Just received at MHCII AM' TAII.OKINU EbTAIiLISil- MEM', Fourth Street, below Eysler's Ftrre. FUNDI r.i WINTER CL0THIN(J of the most approved ttyles is made up to order at reasonable rates. He has also a One assortment of Cassitnero Shirts, Drawers, Lndersliirts, Overhauls, Illouttv, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspeodt-rs, Huut kerchiefs, Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S ITRNISIIINO 'liOODS, Giro him a call, which you will find tt to he te your advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 2i, I8f,3. 1803. 1SC. FALL & WINTER GOODS. GREAT REDUCTION IN rUICEd. M. L. LAZAIll'B, would call the aileution of the public, and her customers genirallv, to her lare aud new auoit ment of DRESS GOODS, consisting of Prplics, De Luiuts, Bops, dr,at reduced prices. CALICOES Of EVlwiY VA1UETY. WniTE GOODS, including a superior article of Marseilles. Extra iiuolily of Sluslins, Drillings, Piae Flar.ustj, Canton Flannels, Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods) VYigan, Hoop ."Skirlsof all sUes and qualities, Ulovve of all dosciiplions, including a verv superior nualitv of Ladies' and Geullemon's Silk Floeoe, Lined and Clo'.h Ulovos. Ladies', Misses, and Children's Merino Vests Childrons Wraps and Hoods, Ladies' Zei.hvt Jackets. Blanket Shawls of the latut styles and r-attorus Hosiery, Ribbons, Trimmings and Flowers. Laces, Stamped GoodsZophyrs and Yarns Tew. cling. Napkius. Quiln, Table Linen, Gout's and Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Scarfs, Muff Tassels, Fancy boapt,. Perfumery, and Toilet article's generally, aud a large variety of Notions and Fanoy Articles The above goods are held at the lowest prion. Call aud see Ikom before going elsewhere c , . M. L. LA.AKl'c'. Sunburv, Nov. 13, ISM. 4 LAIUJK of Willi I'upcr nod trv sioruer.jun reouived and for .i al the sale ehea;.. Mammoth Sloit of Apr.H !rVf it y. rnmy j1 TV A V 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers