LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Cornor of Market end Fourth Street, . SUN BURY, PENN'A. InvilM th publl to call ul examine hit elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, inch at Table Linens, Dotncstios, Doyllct, Towels, and Domestic of every description at the very low est price. CASQIMERI3Q CLOTHS, fitC- Bilks, Dclniiics, Lawns, Uinghruni, Cnlieoes. Muslins, Mieeting, Ticking, Jcnns, nnd a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hotify, Olovcs, Uoop frkirta. Alto Handkerchiefs, " Brushes, Comb), lliif mid 4'nt, Hoots nml hoes, Jtis assortment of goods will not, ho is sum fail to plon?o tho fhney and suit the want of any desirous of purchasing. His stock of ii a u iiwa in.- vm oT-TfT'vsvi'ATTE. and Groceries is largo in quantity and ehnico In nualitv, comprising generally ororything noodod 10 the ho'usthold either for ti'O or ornament. Ho Is always ready nd g-'id to fee his friends nnd takes pleasure in showing fhein 'iii goods oven though no sales nro mndo. Ho only asks a en 1, and is sura that the stock will compare favorably in prion and quality with the ohonp Sunbury, JuneJO, ISM. YO L SiA "m K7t' I It A ; 1 I I.M I . I - V EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CHITTENDEN'S Commercial ol lege, Crs7 Che?nut St., cor. of 7th., HIIL APE LVJilA Established 1S11. Incorporated lSi5. Tin longest entilillhol and led organized CVtiuncrcid Culloje in the CHy. The prncticnl value of its courso of instruction has Icon tested by long experience. HUNDREDS OP YOUNG MEN Have found, in tho knowledge gained here, the means of profitable employment, and of succcts in business. Each Student Is Instructed j eparatcly, nnd in the most practical manner. liooks for the various Branches of Trade nre opened, wrilton out, and olosod in the manner prac ticed in our but nicraiinlilo houses. Tho different Uu.-incss Papers, such as BILLS OF EXCITANrtE, PROMISORY NOTES. CHECK ACCOUNTS PALES, ACCOll N TS Cl'K KEN T, LKTTKUS. IX VOlCiiS, Ac. Arc made out ns in actual business. Is taught hy a superior penman in such a manner that an attentive student in a short tiuio gains a Rapid, Freo and Elegant style of Business Writing. ORNAMENTAL WRITING, Of all kinds, Is executed in the most finished man ner. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including the best and most rnpid methods or eo". puting lutcrest Exchnngo, Profit and Sales, Avera ging Accounts, Ac, ore comprised in tho Course of Instruction. BUSINESS PRACTICES, Purchases, Sides, Consignments, Shipments, Deal ings with Bunks, Remittances, Ac, Ao. Also, Commercial Law, Phonography, Delecting Counterfeits, Ac. Studcntsrcccivcd at any time, nnd instructed at tuell hours as may best suit their convenience The largo number of business men now in attend ance, and the numerous applications received for its students to fill vacant positions, fully nttcst the ap preciation in which the institution is held by tho business cemmunity. OrEN DAY AND EVENING. CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS. The Crittcntlon Commercial Arithmetic and Bu siness Manual, for sale at tho College. Handsomely bound, 12 mo. Price, $1.50. Sent post paid to any nddress. S. H. CRITTENDEN 4 CO. July r.MR53. tn CONRAD MEYER, Lnciitor and Mutitipicturtr of the C'EI.ERRA TED IRON FRAME PIANOS, treroomi, Xo. 723 An-h St., Phila., n.S received tho Prize Medal of tho World's Groat Exhibition, London, England. The high est Prizes awarded when nnd whereve thibitcd. EST A I) K I) 133. Oct. .,, 'iM.-:im P II 0 T 6 OR. XPHT L BU II S BOOKS AND STATION ERY, Monthly Time liooks Drawing Books and Slates: Corks. Hymn Books, Bunk Books, Momorandura Bo' kl, biuries. Pocket Books. Ink StiuiJs, Pons, Pemils. a fine assortment of Paper, Ink. e. Forsaloby ANNA PAINTER. STC5N JG PUMPS. riTHE tubscriber, W'.'ll known in this part of tho JL coumry as a mnmifaoturer of Wooden pumps, has now turned his attention to putting in tho CELEBRATED STONE PUMP, which for durability, nfpearanco, continued fresh ness of water, and protection aguicst froozin g are greatly superior to tho ordinary wooden pump. They have been used iu Suubury for tho past two years, rendering entiru satisfaction, and cmi bo seen ut the residences of -Messrs. Chas. J. liruner, Lloyd lt"hrlach. James Boyd, Win. I. Greenouyh, and other gentlou en in Suubury. Price, J1.0U per fuot, PETER WEAVER. Upper Augusta, August I, ISi'k 3m NKWCARKIAGE& BUGGY MANUFACTORY. f I1I1E subscriber respectfully infurms tho citizens JL ol Sur.lmry aud vicinity, that ho has opened a ii"P iu 'ol. .Strob's Blai ksuiith.-hop Building on Chestnut street, Sunhury, Pa., where he keeps con stantly ou hand, and manufactures to order, Uai-i iHiiffc, SXisivjs WilUj-i, An;., of the 'latest itylo und of the best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, 4o., done at the shortest notice. Per.-oi.siu want of f!no Buggies and Carriages, are requosied to cull before purchasing fcl'owhcro. U. C. ROUS1I. Sunhury, July II, 1SS3. ly Wu. Fahsox. Nelso.i Ptuu FURNITURE ROOMS vric. & 3C1T, late of the firm of Farson A I)avis,hav opened ware rooms at No. 220 South 21 etreot, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment cf rAI'J.Oli, CII.YMBEr!, fclTTIVCI P.OOM mitlDlNlNa KOOtt Ft' UMTUKK. Their oil customers, and all perf ens wisuine to urehase. nro invited to call aud examine their stock et'ore iiurehaing e'sewhero Particular attr-.ition paid tc paching. niyfi ly. HikKoluliou ol Iuriiwi-!;i. "yOTICE is hereby given that the co partnership herelolore existing botween J. ei-er Bucher and E. Me.sser Buehor, tradiug under the firm of 'llui'her BroH-era," in tho tanner buinc.-s, was this day (Auguit 24th, l.sf.S,' dissulvcd by mutual con tent. The business will herevfter he cumluetod by the undersigned, at the old Hand, where all persons iudebted to the firm of Buoher Brotb'vs. are re quested to call without delay and make aettlemuut, ami save eost. K. Mrista BLCllhU. 6'unLury, August 29, ltiu8. Cm. FLOUR & FEED STOKE WHOLESALE AA'J) RETAIL. f pilE subscriber respectfully informs the puhlio I. that he keeps ooustantly on haml at his new WAREHOUSE, near llie Shamokin Valley itailrtld JJeput, in SUN BLlt V, Flour by the barrel and aueks of ull kinds of Feed by tiMi ton The aliove it all maniinlolured at hit own Mills, lad will be told at the lowest eash pricct. J M. CADVVALLADEU. Sunbury. April I, l&iS STONE WASIB. THE beat and cheapest assortment of Sujne Wsro in theSute. just received aud tor tide cheap at the Mammoth Cosh Store of H:V.KILrSO. l I it 1st, OiU, Af. A full st'.'-k of Oils roinpriilng Linseed Oil, Coal 'il, l i.h (ill otul Luluir.iing oil lur Engines and .M. hiner y. V.iriiijhes, tilust, alwavt on hand, h( biw pneoat CON LEV A r ' C It1 If O lUniIRR SALOON. The Oldest and most rioted Inititutioa of the Kind In Bnnbury. J. W. WASHINGTON, HAVING removed to his new beildlng on Third Street, between Markot and the Depot, li now prepared to iotvo his eustomers better than ever. Having secured the services of first elass Barbers, SHAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING will be executed in the latest stylo. The building having boen ereoted especially for the purpose of a First Class Barber Saloon, and having fitted it tip In the latest style, he hopos to receive a liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining room a first elass Confectionery hat been opened for the sale of Icc-Crcam, 'niili, Cnkfn, I leer, and rmmeroas other Temperance Drinks In common uso. Oranges, and other dcHoioui fruits and eatables of home and foreign growth hi noh profosion and elegant variety. ,,,- Butibnry, Seplomoor , Ki;.III IIY OIL .til LI THE subscribers having just ereetod and put in operation a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, ofTcrthe highost niarkot price for FLAX SEED. They have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, nnd farmers and others wanting grain chopped for feeding, can be accommodated at the shortest notice. A machine for chopping corn with tho cob is attached to the mill. ' MORGAN A MABSER. January 23, IPCS. ly SriUNG THADE 1868. M. 1,. LAZARUS, would call the attention of the public, and her customer! gonerally, to her largo nud new assort ment of 1'sincy rtiKl Domcnf ic Dry 4oo. Which consist of Toplins, Delainn, Chenes, Allapae cn, Crepes. Grenadines, Iron Bareges, Lawnt, Girhams, Calicoes, Chint7.cs, Ac, White Wood. Cambrics. Soys. Orrjsnriies, Victeria, Plaid Muslins Marsaillag, Piquu, Drillings, Wignns. Muslins, (bleached aud unbleached.) Tablo Linen, Napkins, Towels, Table Covers, Bed Spreads, Ao. Gloves. Hosiery, Corsets. Hoop Skirte.Dreis Trim mings, (in variety.) LadUs and Gents Handker chiefs, Neck Tics, and notions in variety too numer ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunhury, May 9, 1Hifl. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THU EAST INDIA TKLKURAPH COMPANY'S OF KICK, ."on. 33 &. '-iti Aasnnii Nlrcct, N C Y Y O It K , Organized untler spcciHl ohnrlar (rum the State of New York. CAPITAL . . . $5,000,000 0,000 Klftiirott, lOO l-ach. DIRECTORS. Ilojf. ANDRKW G. CL'UTIN, ThilaJetphin. PAUL S. FORM:?, of Kusxrll & Co., China. FRKD. r.fTTLilU'MU.l), i-f F. UutterficU & Co New York. ISAAC UVr.UMOKE, TreaKurcr Michigan Central Ruilroud, ll.'Sinii. ALI-sXANDKK HOLLAND. Trcneurer A met cm 'Ex preiaa Compnnv, Nv Y"rlt. IIon.JAMKS NIXON. Syrnrurp.N. Y. O. II. PALMKRjTrcuBurer Western Union Telegraph Compnny, New Ymk. F LETCH KR WKSTRAY, of Wentray, Cibba Sc Hard entitle. New York. NICHOLAS MICKLK3, New Yurk. Oflaccrv. A. G. CU UTIN, President. N. MICKLL9, Vice President. GHORGK CON ANT, l?ecrelary. GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier Notional Bank Common wraith,) Treasurer. IIos. A. li. McCLUUE, Philuilelphia Solicitor. The Chinese Government having (through the Hon Alison ,Juihn;iii,r) cmiceiitil U tl.u CuiniKiny tho privi lege oi' Qtiiiit'-'lmg i"e Kieut iPiipuits of the Empire ly sutitnirine elcetrie tckgrapli ijhle, we .propniic c rrnncii cing operali-'iis in China, hikI l;iiut; down u tine of nine imnurcu uuian ui once, uciwcn me i"i'wmg pane, v. Poroi.ATtoN. Ceintnii, Mucon, -Hong-Koii. 6w:ttnw, Air.oy, Fon-Chow, Wati-Clm, Ningpo, Hung Chen ii, Shaii-liui, ToUl, lKK),O0O tl,XK S.Ul,IHKi . . . . . 2jU,000 I 33(1,000 100.000 410.000 l,?UUtOO0 1,000,(100 5,010,000 These prut have a foreign einimeroe of l?!)0G,0t)O,0OO, anJ uii enunnoui il -nu'st ic ::ult', (hpiuo which we huve the inuncntitt mtern il cmnineice of t lie Empire, rudiuiing from these points, uirouuh its ennuis and nuvigable nveis Tlie cuhle ht-in IhmI, this Company proposes creeling land linrs, and eaiiilihahiiifr a Sieedy und tiusl worthy iiieans ol coniinumcuti'iit wltu-h mini cinuiimnd there, as everywhere emc, thee luiiiunicalions of the Government, o( husiiiL'ss, and til tend hn , especially in China. Site has no p sinl tyfetein, iiitd her only menus now f eomniu-mcutinu- infuiiiiutioii is by cou:ierson land, and by steam erson water. The Western World knows flint China is a very lurpe '-'onntiy, in I he main densely peopled ; hut lew yet reuhzo thatslie coiition1. uire limn a third of the humnti race. The 1; i test reuirns iMade to her eentru) uuthontiesfor tux ir.i pnrpoeti hy the local ni iginttes make iit-r iopulutioii FOLK liLNDKED ANU 1'oUUTLEN MILLIONS, and tin is in ne likely to he under than over the actual Hpri-u'e. Ntatly nil of these, who ore over ten y run i Id, not only eitn but do read and write, Her civitunti'm is pecuiiui,but her literutu'c is as mtensive us that ffi E ropo. China is a land of teneliem and traders j and the lulti r are exceed uifjly quick tMivnil lh'.-niKelvts of every proifered i'a'ilitv l r tiroetiiiitL' eai ly inioiinulion. It n iibdeivetl in California lliit the Chinese iruike great use of the te.ciiuph, though it Uieri trmsnnts na-ige ut Rhih uloue. rodnyptejt iiuiiiIhts of fleet steamers an mvnccl hy Chiin se iiK-rcliants, and used hy them exclu sively lor the transmission ol early intelligence. If the telegiaj h we propttRe, eomiectinir nil their ereat seaports, Werti now in exifctancn, it is bebevrd thai its business would pay the cost within the hrst two years of Ua sue cesiul operation, and wonld steadily increase tnereallec. No enterprise eommrudi it -If us iu a f renter degree rrnmnwrative ti enpitululs, und to our whole people. It is if a vut nationd tiuporUnce c-uumercially, fohltcally nnd evangi-ltcohrrilty. fct" Ttie stock i f this Company his been uuqual'firiHy rr- omnienrttd to r ipualitiifi and btisineaa men. as a drsir ah'e investinrut hy cditoriM articlea in the New York Herald, Tribune, World, Times, post, Express, indepen dent, nnd in lue Philadelphia North A me neon, Press. Lrdirer, In'iuirer, Ann. lUilletm and Teleeranh. Shares o this Coniimiiy, i a limited number, mav hi oiitniued at 00 e.M-h, JflU payjihle d wn, 915 on the 1st of November, ami T!3 payuhle in mouihly iustuhneuls of wj.w eath,coniroeii jug leceinlei I, lau on applioatioi Ol DREXEL & CO., 81 Koulli Third Ktrrcl, rillLADEl.PHlA. hateimn h obUiiiinl ill Sunbory by annlicatinu to B J I'ACKKK, Banker, wlia it authorized to receivt tub- script ions, and can give all ueeeaaary infoi matioo on lh ul'jei't. t'Heitil)r ID, 160 Cm. NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON rOTJ3ST3DPl"Y. .i:0. ItOIIKII A41I A tiO.t, BUNBURY. T NFORM tn pul.lio that Ibey bav. ettnblitbed a MAOHINK SHOP, in eonnrotion wirti fbair KOt Nl'HV They bav tu pliel themselves with New Lathes, Plarmnc and liorinK Macbiuea. with the lateKt imiirovementa. With the aid of tkilltul me- chanies, they or enabled to eieoute all order of ."w VorW or KoiH.lrlns', that may be given them, in a satisfactory manner. Having oiilnrged and robuilt their Knundry, tbey aro ready to aiecute ull kiuds of C'AS'ilNUS. llrubH t'aitllniin, At'. The PLOWS, already toltbmted for theiMuperi ority, have been Mill further improved, and will al ways I kept on hand. Sunbury, June 13, I86b WJIt.KK u I get the bott pioluref Why at Iljf rlj , of course. Always go to Dyerly -I n f r )ur'.f , TKESII ARRIVAL OP MILLINER f GOODS A.3ST33 3STOTIONS, Mill ANNA PAINTER, Market Bqnare, tw deort watt of the Pott Odre SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs hor friends nnd the public, that she has just relurnod from the city, where she has spent tome time In making selections nd purchases, and has just opened a large itoek of MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Xaoes, Dren-Linings, ' Crinoline and Wl gnns Skirting Lining, Uoop Skirta, Bujjlo Trim mings, Ornpe Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladiei and Gentlemen') Hwiory. DOLLS of nil lizes, Alphabet Blocks, A a. .vhe flatters hersolf in boingnble to make a display that will give entire sat ill action to vititort, anil goods will be exhibited with pleotnrt. 'unbury, May 30, 1S6S. AV. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, .llnrkrt Xunrc, HI .III KV, Pn. Has jnt opontd a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed In pnrlty and frefhness, anfl kept eon. stantly on hand. Aly stoek rill nlwnj-s be found complete in every article of merit In Medicina. Physicians and Customers may rely upon proinpt nesi and attention to orders. F ANCY ARTICLES ! My itock is unutually largo and embraces every thing thnt can be found on a first class Toilet Table, Including American and genuine French and Eng- PERFUMERY,' Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutla Toroha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilot Soap, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, to l'ntrnt Medicines. Embracing all the moat popular Procuration! of the day, at manufacturer!' prices. Pure Havana SKU AHS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Brands. Painlx, Olln, .Inc, CUntm, I'll My, Vai'iiimlirvi, Ac. All my Tinctnrcs. fyrups. Ointments, Cerats. and othor preparations nro manufactured hy myjelf, and from the best material I sn procure in Market. Having bad quito a number of years' oxporienco In tho Drug and rrerijdwn Business, both in Phitfdclpiiia and the country, and also tho advantago of fie College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL d'ULtjCIUPTIONS that the Physicians and pubUo mn.v favor mo with. All my preparations as 1 uavo abovo asserted, are made from the 'best materml, nd ai.on honor I assert, they are of ofiicinl strength. For medicinal purpo-es, I ktop n hand the very best WIXKS, BRANDIKS A I LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchating elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W A. BENNETT. Sunbury, May 10, 1803. QUEENS WARE, STONE CHINA WARE, &o w. nun. oviiisrs, Markot Street, 8 doors west of Fourth P'., south side, SUNBURY, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY informs thecltizeni fSunbury and Merchants and dealers in this and adjoin ing counties, that he has just opened a largo a&iort mcnt of yUEENSWARE AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho country, which will bo sold at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Dealors are invited to examine his stock before purchasing in the oily, as they can save money by doing so. Sunhury, May 16, lRfi8.m NEW GROCERY STORE, S. PTJP.MA1T & CO , v Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north ido, SUNBURY, FA., RESPECTFULLY inform their frieadf and tho public that they have opened a IKTE-W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, nnd will be happy to have them oa'.l and examine thoir itock, wlikb has just been opened, nbrae ing everything in the Grocery line, such as CoDee, Tta, r-ugar, Syrups, Spicos, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Checne, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, eU)., together with Soaps, Caudles, Sjiiti, Ac, and In faut everything in the Uroceryand l'luvl'ion. Line. FLOl'R AND FEED, Queensnaro, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coul Oil Lamps, Conl Oil Ac. Cull and sec boforo purchasing elsewhere. W. . FLRMAX t CO Suubury, April 27, 1S67. IIOTEL FOR SALE THE ruequcbanna Hotel," located on tho corner of Peun and Fourth btroets, in tho Borough of Suubury, .Northumberland county, l'a., it ullurod at private alo, on reasonable terms. This well known Hotel has lately been renovated, and it one of the best stands in the placo, with an excellent run of custom. For further p urliaulnrsnpplv to U. W ARDOvlAST, Georgetown, Pa., or GEO. WAGENSELLEK, Suilbury, Pa. July 11, 1808. COAL! COAL!.! COAL ! M GRANT c BROTHEK, SliiiM-H X. lVliolewale V Itt-lnll culcr In WIllTi: Ac ASH COAL, in every varioty. Rule Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lower Wbasp, Sl'N.lkv, Pa, Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1800. SEEING IS BELIEVING At 90 Arch Hlr rl. XEW PKIC'KSl NKW GOODS Hich Silver and Silver-Pl'ited Wares, m Including every sljlo and J i5;J2?-rt description, .umde expressly fLU f I for WintBr tr"'10. which VtV pli j f"r neatnest aud durability ltXXt ' caneot be turpaatcd at JOHN BOWMAN'S $y Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Eilablifhiuent, 70 AUCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. l3rRo-pltitingat short notice. December 21, :o07.aug27 LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! s. iivi:ii.v, THE popular Photograper, has fitted up, in the old Boat Office building, throe doors west of the railroad, Market Square, one of the very best Sky Light! to be found in the Slite, and ii now prepared to take pictures of any kind in all kinds of weather, early and late. Ohildren taken aiinott instantly. Bring alang the babies wo are row ready for tbein. COME ONE I COME ALL 1 both great and small, tee his nm roomt, and wx aunne spoeiment. FRAMES and FRAMING material eonttantly on hand and made to order. Bring along Tour pictures and havo them fronted eheapw than anywhere eli.. umo and see for yourselves, Anything in the picture line constantly on hand m ordered. Copying done in all its branches and oolerad as desired. Both out aud indoor views taken at short notice and on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed, at our motto is to please. AU negatives carefully pretervod. Remember the plaoe ttk for 8. Bl'KR LY. Markot Square. May 23, '08.-ly. SUNBURY MARBLE rpUE undersigned having boueht the v X entire stock of Dissinger A Taylor, -S would inform Ike publio that he is now ready to do all kinds of marble work ; bat on hand, and makes to order at short notice, Slosiunieaitti aud lleud-Klonrt), of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Poets with (lalvanlied pip and all other feneing generally used on Uemeterie. John A. Taylor will continue iu the euiploymeat, at the old aloud in Market Square, Suubury. Pa. May , '6-J. ly.J W. M. DAUGHERTY. CALL and see touae beautiful Bird Cages at tho now Hardwarottoreol J Ii COKLEY k 0( 730 Chestunt Street, IMilInUelpbln. Ar the beet In tie, FOR THE FOLLOWIrTS REASOHS : They a, mora timpfa and durable, attler kept In order, make a stronger and mora elastic stitch, a firmer and mora beautiful team than any other They tew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, f.istcn both ends of the seam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is out the am Will' notfti). The Very ISfjchcpitl'rlKe, tlie Cross of the Legion of Honor was conferred on the reprt tentative of the ' URUTER A. ItAKi:U at the Exposition UniverseHeo, Paris, 18G7 ; thus attesting their great luperierity over all other sew ing machines. G ROVER BAKER'S HIW STYLES ft ii a; x v I-1; JtAciinEH For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential Improve ments. The attention Is requested of Tailors. Msnufae turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the use of the most efievtire LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these now styles, which possess unmistakable ad TantHgti over all other!. FOR SALE BY Miti CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN 'A., Not. 23, 1807. ly NEW MARBLE STORE. Chesnut Street, JAS. E- CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, Have been appoiuted SPECIAL AGENTS in this city for the sale of the GORHAMMFG. COMPANY'S Fine Electro-Plated Wars. We guarantee iheee goods to 'be decidedly supe rior to anything in tho market, excelling in design, finish and quality. A large assortment will 'be maintained, and sold at tho manufacturers' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark of 1 Stamped oa the base of each articlo. r-leotro rtate tJWMf1 J.E.CALDWELL&C- .'. 009 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, JulyJ8, 1S83. mh7,ly. A LARUE supply of Willi 'iiprr nnd Uordcr, just received and for sale oheap, at the Mammoth Store of H. Y.FRIL1SG. April 4, 1803. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, AVntrhmnker nnd Jcvi elor, fcgilslsTO 2STO. 143 I NORTH 2d ST .'CDR. OF QPARHY. l'lIll-ADKLI'tllA. Anaisnrtmcnt of Wai-hct, Itwctry, Silver ami PUU-o Waie coiitlnntly on hand, Vff lte(Hiiring of Watchea and Jewelry 'promptly at tt-niU J tn. Nov. 30, l'7 I y. iV you bate a picture you want framed, go to Uy ri'ly's and get it dune cheaper than any where else in town. He has moulding! of all kiudt constant y rp band. J 0HN P . H A A 8 , Dealer in all kiadi of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBURY, PA., IS prepared to supply all kinds of Antbraci.o Coal from the Shamukin Coal Region at cheap latos. All orders promptly filled. Country euitoni re ipcctfully solicited. JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury, Julyild, 1868. i n io it r a -rx ox" i c i"; TIUE undersigned having succeeded to the busi X nest of H.illItES. CO., takes this method of informing Briok-Layers, 'Builders, and all others in terested, in and about Sunhury, that he is prepared to fill all ordera, for building and paving Briok, of a superior quality, and at at low rates as eon be had elsewhere. I am also the Agent In the Counties of NorUium erl and, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR EN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WAT BR 'PROOF OOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that n bo used on buildings. Wo covered several build gt with it, during the last season with entirosati. ction. Orders loft at tho Brick Yard, In Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or at tho OtJIce of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Pott Offioe. will receive prompt attention. TOWNcEND DIMES. Bunbnry, March 14, 18o8. FANCY DRY GOODS. HLii tub Latest btyles, Suitable for tho SPRING AND -BUMMER SEASONS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Sauare, two deort tt -of tho. old Bank inUding, BUNBUKY, f .un a., HAS just opened a fresh assortment of tho moot fashionable Fancy Drost Goods from the largest establishment in Philadelphia. DaLAlNKS, ALAPACAS, POPLUKS, CALIO-8. ItlOl'K.-Xl.HtJ CiOOOS. . Cloths, Sacques Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lins, Ladies and Cbildrens' HATS, Feathers. Ribbons, lit'ttt 'lViiumins's, lmlirolderieH, Lace Veilt, Corsets, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptio Skirts, Real Black Laoo tihawlt, and Ladies' Uoodt of every descr'ption. Sun Umbrella and Parosols. Gant' Collars, Nook-ties, Half-boss, Handier ohiete and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet 8oapt, Hair Brush, Combs eto. KATE BLACK. tlOOTK AKII miioi:h. J. 'C. BYLVIS, WITU II. O. TUAOHER, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Moots, Bhoesj and Walters, rieosaat' Building, Markot Square, 1SUNBURY, PA. Ladiet1 Boots, Shooessd Gaitort of all dosoriptlen made to order on tho shortest otiee and siott real tenable termt. Uaviag tho beet wortkmen employed "V! "ur,th ubli that,if they will give ua s Vi riy,!'"" b, i"'"1 t too at.,, facts. UK PAIRING neatly done with ditpaick. If your oornt do hurt your foot, Just eall and leave your measure, And wo will make your Shoe or Boooi, That yos will oall trooear. 'March iS, '. Vj. RBUKMBBB Myrrly'a now Piotere Gallery throo door wont of the railroad, Markot So, jaro t'lilldrcu's CarriagesT " WB would sail the attention of those wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and largo asturt meat comprising new and beautiful style. J U CONLKY A Ct Great Attraction.' at the NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet Irofa Raid Storci of sxr:ixr:BTT:Rrsr. dp-a.., Where they keep constantly on hand and Biannfaa ture to order at short notice. XIN AMD SHEET IROK-WARK of all deaerlpUons. They would oepeeially (all the attention of pr ehaion to their large and wall aeleeted stoek of C00Z AND PASL0R 8T0VES. The lubwribers have MiUe arrangements to have in tnmr cm imin maae to oraer, arm mote who would htfT' pood stove -would oive11 - to go and examine thetr largo tad troll nletrted stock. First. They dofv eompetition on the following tried Broads ef Cook toves, Til : Combination t)s Ilm-ner, CooU. Uovrrnor Pentt Cook. WABABH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in groat Tariety em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able design!, unsurpassed for beauty of finifh simpli city of arrangement 0rmbinrog ehctpriSM, durability and eich rtove warranted to perform what they are represeatiid. Also, The celebrated Baltimore' Fire Plrtce ftive, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Alto, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, Conl Oil IJimpt, Khndew, t.littnnlcsi, nnd nil article usually kept in m stablishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnitb Slate and do slating in thobent workmanlike-manner. Also, to do Tin jRmotlDg, "Spouting. Range and Furnace Work, Gat Filling, Ao. . Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Aim: '"Itaiixh'a Knvr none NaperIho phntc." Remembtr the place. Sample and falsi Room nearly opposite Coniy'i Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building aara pninica. August 'ii, 1B00. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. UIMH A. CO., In Weimer't Building, Water Street, near King it., NORTHUMBERLAND. PA.. 1 NFORM their friendt and the public generally that they have a larjro assortment of tlrocerict rrovislnns. Ac, all rresb aiwl-ot thoeerto.uality, con sisting of Teas, 'Coffees, Sugars, sod Spices. Dried and Canned iFrUita, .Prunes, Raisint, Cheete, tod Crackers, and in foot everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. Tliry would also call attention to their large and heap lot of 'Good FAMILY 'FLOUR, Greon Tea. Hams, Shoulders, &., which aro constantly kept on hand. Alto, all kinds of Vegetables, As., it. Ilivo them a call and so for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 24, 1bS7. THE GREAT AMERICA COMBIXATIOy aim ton Hole Orerseaininir; ttD 5EWI1TG lACHHTEw Id Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its ureat Merit. The inerrsto in tho demand for thit valuable ma- ' chine hits been TEN FOLD during the last teven mnntht of ill tint year before the public I This grand and surprising sucoexs it unpreeedeut- ' ed in tho history of tewing-macbinet, and we leel .fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS SO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best FAMILY niCIUAi: IN THE WORLD, And Intrintically the Chtvjitt. It Is really two machine! combined In oa.. (by a simple and beautiful mechanieal arrangement,) ma king both the Sbottleor Lock-ititob, and the Over soainiiig and Button-bole stitob, with equal faoility and perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such at. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Uathcring and sewing on, (done at the same time.) aud in addition, Overseams, Embroiders on the edge aud mukes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fnbrics. Every Machine is warranted by tho Company, or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had en applica tion at tho Salesrooms of TUB AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OYEKSKAM1NG AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. 'W. Cor. Eleventh and Cbestnnt Streets. d'hiladelpbia, Pa. lustructioni given on the Machine at the roomi of the Company gratuitously to all purohaicn. AGENTS WANTED. vFRED'K TAXSaX.iPrasidtn.t. W. B. THekdeniiam., Treasurer. A pril '.'5, HoB. lydjan. 2. THE GREAT CENTREOF ATTRACTION, is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, 11 ut Lately 1:miiII1!m-I, tilth all tUo .tlodrrn linproTCiiiculs ol the Art ! THE lubscriber, having built the room expressly for the purpose of Photographing, aud having devoted many years to the business, is confident of bis ability to assure bis petrous that tho work pro duced shall be second to none in country or eity . No work allowed to leave tho gallery unless en tirely tatitfauUiry. Having the best sky light in the couuty, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. He ia also prepared to take new list, or abinet card Photograph!. All kinda of picture copied and magnified to any required lite and oolored beautifully in Oil or Water coltrt or:Joilia ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of .out door work, such as Landscape views of Monument, Machinery, County Seat, Ac, a large lot of Photograph, frame constantly on hand. The publio ore respeot'ully invited to call and e our specimens aud oureompleto arrangement for making Photographs, special term to families and olubs. . BERGSTRES8ER. Suubury, July 15, .!. C. UKAUUAUT'S Confectionry, Toys and raxjix STOEE, tlurket Mtroet, Nunbury, l'a, CONFECTIONERY OP AIL KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION IFKUITv&c, Ac, CONSTANTLY on band and for tale at the above establishment at wholesale asd retail, at reason able prieei. He it tnanufaeturiogall kindt of Confeetionariet tttkeepupafullssaorunent which are sold at low rates. Toboeoo. 6ct)tri, Stationery . Nut of all kindi, ana a variety or othor artitlet, all ef which are olerod wholesale and retail. URtineonsor tho Dam and plMa.SFt M. U. UKARUART, Market Itreet, i door west oft tore. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1863. tf Y. Bright Son'i Water statt I'lro lroof SLATE ROOFS TUB undertigned rotpectfully inform builder in this and adjoining eonntie that ho i jtrarared to iut on 6'lato Hoofs in a auperior manner, 'lie furn sbeithoeelebroted Lehigh ooanty Slato, whleh it the bett in th tcorket. Uo warrant hi motk to bo darablo and fir and water proof. Uoinvits the in spection of Ihl public to tho work hehVso in Sua bnryon llaupt s, Ureenougb'a and llaa' baitdings, and on others at Tarlou plaee. lUisprito sr at low at tho of any othor okUor. Address, D 8 SMITH, sSunbury, P.O., ortaUatkitrw-rdeseeinUpper Augutta two. January H,lt8. ly I.TOH Baddi.rt.w. has Baddl Tr.el, BiUa, Ituok L1 let, wig Tree, Pad lrMt,'UaM, U1 kUdi oad every thing BM(tunx U th butinoaa, (or tola by J. U. CoXLBV 4 CO. K(f( LB8. OF CARPET HAGS WANTBD at OUUU th Stor.of MOOSB DltSlNdK, May 16 Mark. ifwr tot anbury 33-tTl.TIIatOR.E LOOK HOSPITAL. ISTABLIIHED A3 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAS BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered the aiett Certaln,fpeedy end oaly Kffecinal Henerty m tke World for all Pri vate DiMtiee, WeakaoM of Ilia Back or Lima, tttricturea, AtectKini of the Kidueys'and Bladder, Ihvolantary Drt eharf m, Impotency, Oenrral Debility, NorvnnsiipM, Dye p.pT, Uintnor, Low Spiriu, Contusion of Idpas, Palpi lalioa f the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinrt, Dlmaen of Sight or Oiddineot, Diaean of the Bead, Throat, Note or skin, Affection! ot tho Liver, Latin, HtonMch or Bowel Ihtee Terrible Dltordeltarisiiig fiom the Solitary Hnbiti of Youth those tecret and wilitaty practice, annr. fatal to their victim than the aong of Hyrent to the Metinan of U Iretet, blisEHtiiiar tlieit moat brilliant hopes oi auiicioStieBs, rendering marriage, Ac, impossible. Young .lion TCspcllly, who hhve become the victims oMInh'lary'VIre, that dreadful and destructive feahit which annually sweepe tn an untimely grave thousands of Yonng Men of th most exalted talenta and brilliant intellect, who might othrrwiM have entMiteed littening Senate with thothan deta of elooaence or waked to ec.taty the living lyre, isay call with full confidence. Ivlnrrinftpe. Married Persons or Young Men eonte laplatlng marriage, being aware of physical wrakneaa, organ it debility, de fonnr.ini. Ac, speedily cured. He who placet himself under th care of Dr. J. may mav rehfioosly confide in hit honm at a gentlemaa, an confidently rely upoa hit skill at a Poyaitian. Organic M'raknen Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. "Tbia DifttlBMIIIir AnPllni, tvhieh r.n.r. l.lT. .Immrm. tie and niainage unnonilile ia the penally paid by t he victims ol improper indulgences. Yoong persons are too apt to cinnmit excettea from not being aware of the dread ful conerquencea that may eiwue. Now, who that onder liaiult the auhircl will pretend tn deny that the power of niocrearion It l"tt anoner by those falling into improper bahit than hy the prudent! ? Besides deing deprived the pleasures of healthy uflipriin.the most serious and destiae tive symptoms to both body and mind atise. The system becomes Deranged, tho I'hysirnl and Mental Punetinna Weakened, Iiss of Prncieativ. Powei, Nervous Irritabili ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigeation, Con siitiilinnnf Debility, a Wasting of th Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dtath, Ouicp, ."Mo. 7 Nontli Frederick Street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few dnort rrnm the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Dootor' Diplomas hang mlus office. A Cure Warranted la Two Itnys. JV Mercury or Xaueeovi Drugt. Ikr. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of furgeont, London. Grad uate from one of Hie most eminent Colleges in the I 'lined Utatea, and the greater part of whole life hna Iwen apenl in the hospitals of kondoa, Peril, Plnhwlelnriia and else where, hal ejected iotas of' tlie Wiost astonishing euret that were ever known ; many troubled wilh nnging in the head aud enra when asleep, -groat nervousnesa, being alarm ed at audden aouiidtt baslifiiluese, wilh fiequent bluahing. altenried s metHnes with derangement f mind, v.'ei.cursd immediately. Take Pnrtlcnlnr miotics. Dr. J. addressetall tlmse who have injured themselves by improper .indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both bodyaiol mi"d, unfitting them for either business, study, aneiety or nwrriage. lias are auine ut trie and and melancholy euecla pro- ducedhye.ilybnl.utot youth, via, Wet..e.rf the Back and Limbs, l-aintin the Hend, Lirmie ot flight, Una. of Vlaaealar 'Power, -Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy oervi'us irriraMlity, ueianaemriit of the Uigestive Funo tions, Ueneral Drlnlity, yinptoiii. of Uousiiinption, Ac. Mbntally. The Icartul elfeuta on the iniud are muoh to hedrcuded liss ol Memory, Confusion of Idem, De pression of Spirits, Kvil-ForelNidiiigs, Aversion to Society, Sell-DmruM, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are tome ef the evils produced. TuncsAMM of pertnnt of til aree can now judge what is the cause of then d-cl ig health, loting their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and enaeialed, having a aiugular appmrance about the eyes, cough and -tyiaptema of consumption. Young Men Who hav injured tliemiclves liya certain prartir. Indalg- ed in when alone, a iiauit I'reauently learned from evi c..n.rn.ou..ort'.H,o,,.eneot.ofwh.ha. ahtlv ft ac.,, aawl.s... at. A if , , imoosslblcanddearoviuitl. mi,ul.., immediately. i W.iut a pity that a vonnir man, the hope of bit country, : the durlin of his parents, should he anaiched from all proa- pecla and enjoyments of life, hy th. consequence of d.via- ting from the path of nritur. and indulging in a certaiu aoLT.t hubit. Such persons must, b.loie ceuteraplsling j Marriage, reflect that a sound mind and body ara the moat necessary w ,w,i,ui.vuiiiiuuiiti Happiness, luaeea Wlinonc thes., th. journey through hi. become, a weary pilgrim- aie: th. orosuert liouru .lurk.,.. k. .1.. .... ...4 become, shadowed with despuir and filled with the melan- Commatation, Mileage. 8easea. Eckenl and Kx rh ily raflerliou ttml th. Iianninrii of anulher bnomu CUrtloa Tiek.t. at rdad rates to aad Onm .11 blighted With our own DiseuNo of Imprudence. When the misguided and imprndent'votarv of pleavire ifinds Unit be hat nah'ked the seeds of tkrt psiofol discat., 'It too often huppeiisatiat an ill-luned-aeun ef ttnun., ol dread of discovery, deters hnnTrom applying to those who, lorn educalion und ri.pertaliililv. ran alun. befnend hull, delaving till the roiialilulinual sjmptnm. of this hnrnd flisevw milk, their appearance, such ua ulcerated a.i. throat, diseased none, uoriuiol pain, in the hi-ad and hmlw, ainiiirn oi gill, uealness, unde. ou lit. sh iu hones and aim., h "tche. on the head, facand ememin, ., piogiesi- fiaJUmore, Harrisburg, Wllllamirport, to the Norih mg with Irichiful uipidity. till .t l..t the palat. ol the west and the Great OU Reelan of PenalvaJ... mouth or the lame, of th. nr.,. ,U .n.l th. viciim of egian ot renanylvama. tltiaawrul discHse beciines a hnrnd obieet of eomini.era. tisi, till death cut. a period to hes dreadful .infer in;, by .ending huii to "that L .discovered Country from whenet no tniveller tetuuis.1 It ia a melancholy fact tlial Ibnusniids fall victims t this terrible disease, owing to the unsiiilCulnrss of ignorant pietendeia, who, by tl use nf that "Dwdly Poison, Mer. i-nry," rain th. coastitution aud make th. residue of Iffe miseruble. Klrniispersi t Trust not ViMir lives, or he,.liU la ll.i mm ik. .... 1 Unlearned atid Worthless Pretenders, demiui. of iroi. edge, nam. or rh.rarler, who ropy Ur Jnhnslnii'. adv.r. tisemeiits, or s:y!rlhenwelves in lh newspapeia. regulmly Kacnted IMrsiciaua, iiirapahla nf Cuiiug. ihey ks.p ynu trifling mouth after mouth taking their filthy and poisona. compounds, or as long as the smsllest fro c-an b. obtained, and in demair. leave von with mined h-.lik , .,.k ...... j. '. " your CHlllna dlaannAimmeol llr. Johnston islhaonlv Phvtieiun anerliBina. 11 is credential nrdiplnnnrsalwaya'baiig-in his offea. Hia remidies or treatment are uukmiwa to all other., 1 prepared from a life spent in th. great bospilalsof Kerop., th. first in this country and a mora eitensive "Piivat. ', Ptactiee" I hail any other Physician in -trie world. Indortrmont of I lie Prra. The many thousands cured at tin. institution yeot .flsr j year, and Ihe numerous important fnrgicsl Operatinna j sH-rfnnnrd hy Dr. Johnston, witnessed kv th. reportere of 'the "foil,11 "Clipper," end mauv otb.r paper., notice, of ' whirt have appeared again and again before the public, 1 viaiiuiiia a geuiHMnaii oi rnamcter and re aponailnluy, tmm sufbcieiit gaaiaule to the afflicted. IViii IkiMoiiHeit Meclily Cured. Peraons willing sbou'd he purtieulnr in directing thtir elten tu his Institution, in the following raunntr, John 1. Johuslon, .11. I. Or the Baltiraoi. lack Hospital,, Md. Nv.Uf, 18071 y. Kotica to Merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Waiter A Friek't Line, give notice! to merchant and ihippert tbat Ihe Depot is Hill at 81 1 Markt ttret, Phil delpbiu, and all Uoodt directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewiiburg, and all intorniediat ttationi along the railroad . "will b promptly delivered . ljiCari leave Ul l Market itreet. Philadelphia tri-weekly Tuesday. Taeiredavt and Saturdayi. J. W. BROWN, Propriotor, Lewiiburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December T, 1B7. H. Conley Co., Market (street, ICustelIhe Kailroad, STJJM-BXJR.-X-, PENWA- DEALERS IN l'OI(LIU A. AJIKIIH'AX Hardware & Cutlery. fl'UIK attestios of Mechanic!, Farmert, Builder, X and Buyert generally it invited to the fact tbat w at now offering a better ivleoted assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLKRY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below tho heretofor demanded by dealers. Our tock comprise all article in thil line ofbuiiuott, embracing a general awortmeat of tooli and matt riall used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, iCARRIAlaR AND WAOONMAKER3, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large dock of Iron, Steel, Noll, Spika,tRop,' Chain, (Jrinditoa, Mill and X Cut riswi, 4a., are. Suubury, March 30, 1867. leLXSirWl CI. 31. Ki:.. Deatlst, Will rsmovo hUOffit.toJ.M aimpeon' BuUdtag, 2nd story, Market Square, STJ3M-BTJJH-3rT, 3? -A. WHERE bo will bo prepared to do all kind of work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep oa.untly.on hand a large asaortanant of Tooth, and other Dental isnaUerial, from whioh be will be able to eleot, and meet the want of hi euttouiera. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or olio the money rofusdod. Toe-very .faatt siesta Wash and TooLh Powdort kept on baud. lilt referencei aro the numerout patreniCer whom b ha worked for the last twalv years. Sunbury, Maroh II, 1868. IRON. A largo aasurtasst -f 4ks ksttaianufas turod Ban, Hoop, 'Rand, Round and Bnuar Iron, Nail Rod, Coat Btesl, Ul later Stool, Drill btoel, jaorte Shoa, Hon Mail, Anvils, Ballowi. Yioes, Uammart, SMgos, Rapand FUm, at CONLBY A GO'S CARPENTERS WILL ind in sar atablithmant a tupariar stock, of Plana. Saws, Augsn, Uatfihtu, Hammer, Fjia Cbiitlt, Ao , As .fer tale by J H. C0XLEYACO Horthora Catral Brilwar, UMMBR TIMS SOHEDTTLS. LEAVE NORTHWARD. 8.00 A. M., Dolly for Williomtport. Dally (euest Sundays,) for Elmira, Canandaigul noeoesvor, jsunaloe, Niagara Falls. ...., 1T?"TMlra ai ,he Canada.. 4.15 P.M.Daily (oxoept Sunday,) for Elmira, and . n w TVBu,ffal Kris Railway from Elmira. 6.00 P. M., Daily (exoopt Sundays,) for Williams port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. U.OS A. at., Daily (except Monday,) for, Washington and Philadelphia. AS I A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. .to1 P. M., DaUy (ozoept Sunday,) for Harriibarg. J.S. DuDiaav, Ed. 8. Yotras, O tn 'I . Sup't. , O tn 1 Possen 'r Ag't , Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Lsckawiuu k Uloomabarsr I tail ?f na ftw Monday, May 4th, 1848, Fassengef .'..- n ... hu mm luiinwi ; iiiav " Csrutea, " Kingston, " Rupert, " DanvUl, Arr. Nortb'd., Leave Nortb'd., SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. M 30 0.4t (SO M 10 3 NORTHWARD. 25 7.02 P. M. 641 7 t P. M. I SO 60S 8 44 t 23 4 46 l 26 " uanvuie, " Rapert, 11 Kingston, Arr. at Scranton, 7. IS A. M. T Of) P. M. 1.60 6.00 8 40 47 10.00 11.10 8 09 66 H. A. FONDA, Sup'l. Kingiton, May It, 1868. Readlnr Hail road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. iMONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1368. GREAT TRUNK LIKE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, Hew York, Read ing, Pottavilla, Tamoqaa, Ashland, Shamokii., Leba nnon, Allentown, Eat ton, EphraU, Litit, Lancaster, Columbia, Ao., A. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol low : At 2.60, 6 25 and' 8.10 A. M. and 12 .20 noon, and 2.06 and 0.36 P. M, eonneoting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at i.00 10.00 and 11.46 A. M. and 3 60, 6.66. 9.60 P.M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.60 A. M. and 0.S6 P. M. train without ohang. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Potuville, Tama nua, Minersvllle. Ashland, Shamokin, Pine 6rove, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 A. M. and 2.86 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and prinoipal way stations ; the 4.10 pa. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottevill. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. m. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon and 6.00 and 8.1)0 p. m., Philadelphia at a. ni. and J. 30 p. m.; Sleeping cars aeoomponying the 9.00 . m. and 6 00 and 8.00 p. m. trains with out ehang. Way.Pawenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 iGlTrZ r i?;"1 i ""'road, rsttirning from Reading at 6.30 p. a m., eonneoting: with similar train on Ksit Pann. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 7.00 and 8 46 a. m and 2.43 p. m: Sbamokin 6.26 a. m. and 11.20 a. m. Ashland at 7.00a. m., 12.43 noon and 1.66 p. m.' Tamaqua at 8.30 a an. and 2.16 and 8.45 p.m. ' Leave Pottsville via. Schuylkill and Sutnnehanna Railroad at 7:10a. m. for Harrisbarg, and 11.30 a.m. for Pine IV rove end Tremont. Reading Aocommodation Train leavet Readiag at 730A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 6.61 Pottstown Aoeommodation Train t Leaves Potts 'town at 6.45 A. M., returning leaves Pbiladelnhla at 4.30 P.M. Columbia Railrcad Trains leave F.eadinr at T AO ! ."1 .;i,'"Z,'Zf' "r P. A . Ml., I i ,L B l . .... . fcr. VUlUIUVlO, 1 Ptrkiom.n Rail Road Traint leave Perk Junetion at 9.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Returning : mra.n Leave Bkippaok at 8.16 A.M.. and 1.26 P. M., oon. neeting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 OOpra , Phila delphia 8.00 A.M., and 3.16 P M, the 8.00 a.m. train running only to Reading, Pottsville 800 am., Harrisburg, 6.26 a m, and 4.10 and its p m. and nraaing at i.io4.?a ana a. m, tor itarrisbarg. j v na M ,i ia - . "n1 7;09 m' . t P r Philadelphia.. lor iw York, 4 21 paint. Raggage thttked through i 106 Toands Baggago allowed eaoh Paoieager. O. A. NICOLLS, a.acrol hlludolpltla dk Krle HaUrond. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Throurh and dirn.1 m,u Wm Vkll..4&ir.l.i.. BLKQANI SLBEPINQ OARS on all Klght Train. On and ftr Monday. Sept. Hth. 1M9. the Tra on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ran a fcllews t WSBTWABB. Uatl Train liavet PhUadelphla, 10.40 p m. " " " Sunbury, 8 06 a u arr. at Brie. B m . 'Erls Exprott leave! FKllndelphla. 11. 3d a a 39 p m 9.60 a m 8.00 m 4 lipn. 7.46 p m 10 60 a a 12 00 7 00 s si 7 .36 p a 10.08 a as 6.00 pa I " " " 6unby ' " " arr at Efie Elunlra Mall leave! Philadelphia I u Banbury I 11 u arrive at Ijmk if.., arrive at uu nav.s, I HilTWllt. Mall Train leavel Erie SonburT. " arr. at Philadelphia, 'Brie Bxpreai leave Erie " " ' Sanbury " " arr. at Philadelphia, Mail and Express connect with Oil Oreek and Allegheny River Railroad. BAQA(jH CHECKED TUROVUH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In ovary variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Uppsr Wharf. 8TJNBTJRT, Psnn'a. COrdorolicitod and tiled with prompts.. as4 datpatth. Sunbury, MayiH, 1666 y MaUvlLsOjlftN, Ar ssnecially invited t eall and examine onr itock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, eompriting Naili and Spika of all varieties. Buttt, Screws, Strap and T Hinges. Looks and Latches, Bolts. Plat taring Trowels, Brick Trowels, Platrr'a Sieves, Ac, A., for sal by J. H. OONLEY A 00. UNION HOTEL- CHAN. IIZKI.. Iroprltor. In Cake' Additica to SUNBURY, near tho Peon's. Railroad Company'! fhopt. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS kept who will nod ample aooommodation. vnad oeoki and walt.n, boardert oon enjoy the quia oota fort ef homo with faro equal to the bett hoMst Hii Litjuor ar of tho tffaoletsl Irtmsf. trusbury, JSne6, Ihy. BREAD & FANCY CAlvES. DAVID PRY T) ESPECTFULLY tsform tho oitiient or Sun 1 bury and vioiuity,. that h will bake to order all kindt of I'nket for Ualls, Ianties, Ac. Fsmllias aro supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twit Kollt, Rusk, Tea Buns. Ao., and also kept on hand munafaotured out of the best material. All orders loft at bis Shop in Market Squar, ons door east of Mia Anna Painter Millinery Store, or at bis Bakery on Spruce Street, between Front and Saoond streau, will moot with prompt sttontion PICNIC PARTIES supplied with, i. Cream, At., at tho ihortatt notio. Ordertar r.ipeotfully eoliciud. 8..s.r,,M.y,,18f,8. DAVID FRY. BOOK BINDERY" JOHN HERMAN, North MUlitrtet, DAN VILLE,PA., I -prepared to Bind Book, Taport, Maeatin bMun, auy stylo tbat may b desired, at ubeaper rata than an b done in tho cilia. All Order lef t at this Offis win t -attention. M. ,S '," Goaclimakers. w B ore tailing Rimi, Bpoka, Huh, Sprlngi, CinviSi K..1 1. 1 ' I , alu & - I lrg Stoek at . , OONLEY A TO. Banbury, Marsh Ut, 1HBT. A STS-I.-U I ,.wa 1 1 ... . . Ini.nla T1 0'S Urals Rakaa. SLaal and Iron Garden Raka. XX Long and D Handle Sda, Shovels, Manure sud Hay Fork. Uraa and tirain Soythe, tirais Crsdlsa, Cradle Fisgata, Trooa, Uraaal, Tongue and Log Chain, tirind-lona. Fanning Mill Seivetol all tito and kindt, a large anorlmeot of Red Wagna Hamaa, for Plowing, Farm Bell. Cultivator Tooth, fonaUhy J. H CONLEY'-0
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