tontorj American N. B. EN OLE, I Publinhera. NI!3IHIIR, PA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1808. Eocal Affairs. Tn tArwn wKa funmwAil ft tialr of tinners' hand shears from the premlsss of th tdltor will pleas rttorn thtnr. tat Norlhainberland Coonty National Banh of Shamokln has declared a dividend of 4 per sent., cloar of C. S. taxes. DiiirrotiTKD. Thoia of our Democratic friends who went to llarrisburg to in the new President, in the nerton of one Horatio Seymour. Tna rowdyism of itit boy at th depot, and anoro particularly In front of 'tlio Toat Offioe, on the arri val of the maili, ii nnisnno thatihould he-abated. J. H. Eksel has Just received and for sale a very handsome lot of Ladies' Furs, at very low prtoes. Alto, nme very handiomo Shawls and Ladles' Dress floods. V regret to learn that tho Rer. W. Yf. Evans, pastor of th Methodist Chorea of thia plaoe, Ii oon fined by illnes at the rotidonos of his fathr-in-law, In York, Pa., District Attorkbt. Jeremiah Snyder, Esq., wa was re-elected District Attorney at th October leotion, wai iwora into offioo by th Court, on Mon day of latt week. Hoosekeepbb and other) will coniult comfort and economy by using Wail Paper and Border, ft large stock of which can be had cheap at at Liobtkbr A Zeioler's. Thb Commissioners of the Hospital for the Insane for tho Northern District of Pennsylvania, to be lo cated at Danville, adverliao for proposals for tho erection of tbe building. The bids will olos on the 24th inst. Oil Cake. Most of the oil cake made at the Wa ited Oil Mill, at this place, is sent to Philadelphia, end used by th farmers of that neighborhood. Our farmers here bar not yet learned to appreciate its vftlno for milch cows. 'Cookt. Tbo second week of Court commenced on Monday with the civil list. Several important cases were tried Tbe proceedings of last week's Criminal Court, and part of this week's proceedings, will be found in another column. Rev. Jas. J. Kakk, formerly of Lewisburg, has been appointed fleet chaplain of th U. S. North At lantic Squadron, his vessel (the Dag shipl being the "Contoocook." He expects to tail for tho Wost In dies in a few days, to remain until June. Mam Killed. Earl yon WedneFday morning last a brakennen on a freight train oh the Pkila. A Erie llailroad fell from a train, while in motion, betweon Watsontowu aud Dewart, (his county, and was in stantly "killed. We were finable to TeaVn his name. Tub Shnmokin herald says the election in that Borough passed Off Very traiaMr, and resulted in a majority of 2 for the Republican Electoral Ticket, out of a total pull of 603. This is an increase of 18 on tho total Tote of Ootobor, and a Republican gain of 10 on the majority. (Soon ron Milton. On Tuesday lust the Repub lican ma jority in this Borough was 155. hast month it was only 133 showing a Republican gain of IS. The full vote was 305 Republican and 110 Demo cratica little over two to one ! It is not many years since a Republish 'majority of 50 in thin Bo rburji was considered vory Ut.Millonitn. The Public Schools. the following teachers wereseieoted by fhe Sunbury Seh'oil Board, on list Friday evening : X. E. WardI";. James and Miss Ellen Bastian. A". W. Ward E. B. Kline and Miss Mary Brieo. S. W. Ward Samuel llaupt and Miss LisjieDie Iner. Cake's Addition Daniel Barnhnrt. hAnns Ym.n or Rail. Mr. E. O. Ridgwoy, who has charge of the rolls la tho rail mill of tbe Ponna. Iron Company, informs us that during last week 2,;7 tons of rails were manufactured at that establishment, the largest amount over turned out in one week since the starting of the works. Mr. K. also believes it to bo unequalled by nny other rail mill in tho United States. Danville Intel., 6."A iiut. AcciSbnt os tub Northern Central Rail ItOAD. On Wednesday morning last the mail train, due here at 6 o'olock, A. M., rah Into the rear of an empty coal train, near Clark's Ferry, throwing tbe engine and two baggage cars off th track and np sotting them. Fortunately no one was seriously in jured. The ooal cars were badly wrecked. Another engine wis sent for, Vrbioh arrived her with the train at, P. M. Fatal Accident in Dan villb. Tho DaaTilie Ameriean, of the 5th Inst., says : Robert Sigler. of this place, was instantly killed on Tuesday after noon, on the railroad switch neor the Pennsylvania Rolling Mills. Ho was unloading oars, and In at tempting to jump from a oar, which was in motion, bis clothes caught fast, and he was thrown under the wheels. I17a borcaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. It was tho first day ho was employed on tbe railroad. Tha deceased was tbo first soldier to volunteer from Liberty town ship. Thb Reading Rook and Litbrart Associa HON Agreeably to the call publiihed in th Bo rough papers, lust week, number of tho young men of this placo mot in J. B. Bergstresser'a photograph rooms, on Tuesday evening last, to organise a Roading Room and Literary Association. A tempo rary organisation was effeotod. A meeting of tbe Association will be held at the same place, on Wednesday evening of next week, at 8 o'clook, for th purpose of permanent organisation, when th committees will report, offiljert looted, te. All persons interested in this Very lauduble entorprize ar cordially invited U attend. Th Sooiety already numbers about forty members. Important Surgical Operation On Tuesday last Dr. Slrawbridge, of Danville, assisted by Drs. Anglo and Masser, of this plaoe, Dr. Doujal, of Mil Ion, Dr. Harrison, of Lewisburg, and Dr. Priestley, of Northumberland, removed1 pus-tumor from the nook of Ooo. W. Zeigler, Esq., of this plaoe. Th tumor, which had been growing for about fife yeurs, was larger than an egg, and was looated on tbe left aide of th neck, at th angle of th jaw, and ad hered to the jugular and other large veins. The pa tient was put under th influence of ohloroform. The time required in the operation was 69 minutes. Th operation, which, from th location of tb tumor, required skill aud oare, was successfully performed, aud we are pleated to learn that Mr. Zeigler is doing as well as oould L cpeotetL A Queer Bt. Dr. O. II. Dougal and John te. Gehrig, Esq., entered into an agreement previous td th election to this effect: If Qranl's majority lit this State was 15,000 or over, Mr. Gehrig was to walk from hero to Northumberland with a twenty-flf pound sack of flour 60 bll bid, wbiob, was to be given to the poorest vfoaaa la that plaoe, th recipi: cot to be dutignated by thr ea of th prominent eiti' tens of tb borough. If Grant tii e reoolve 15,000 majority in tb Stat, Dr. Dougal was to arry th flour. The "provisions" of tb bet ar to be "earried" out on Saturday, November 14, J88 and the winner of the bet la to rid la a baggy be hind th loser, to see that th latter tarries out th ooaUaot. Wa opine th rood to Northumberland will be wall travel d on that day I And w have do doubt Mr. Gehrig has diseovered by this tlm that h U o " th floor Miltonian. Proceedings or Court. Th November Session Of Court onanod la this plaa en Moaday of last week, his Honor, Judge Jordan, In theohalr, assisted by Aseooiat Judge Sbipman and Baidelspaob. Th following is a report or th proceedings : UOBDAT, NOV. 3d. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Williamson. For. and bas. Defendant was bound over to next term. Com. Vs. Addison Sboop. For, and baa., Kale Wagner, prosecutrix. Defendant bound over to next term. But little was don (1) is day, except aom natural liat'ion. 'Court adjourned until Wednesday hold tbg over Tuesday for th election. ve6ed'at, nor. Itb. Return of special eleotion, ohangfng plaoe of holding elections in Mt. Carmol township, filed by th Court. . Com. vs. F. W. Adams. Fir. aad bas., Galena Reits, prosecutrix. Defendant bound over to next term. , Com. vs. Malinda Balada Libel. D. H SoUle- gol, prosecutor. Verdiot, not guilty. Adam K. Fahnestook vs. S. B. Boycr. Petition to set aside Sheriff's sale of defendant's property. Com. vs. O. F. Parsons. Conspiracy. -Court dis charged prisoner. Com. vs. Peter F. Oberdorf. Carrying away fruit. No bill. John Derr, profooutor, to pay oost. Com. vs. Emanuel Paul. For. and bas. Lydia Stare, prosecutrix. Trno bill. Recognisance for feited and reepitod until next term. Com. ts. Thomas II. Blue. Disturbing a religious meeting. Joseph Johnson, proseoutor. True bill. Not tried. Com. vs. II. Jl. Rhodes. for. and bas. Catha rine Reeder, prosecutrix. Tru bill. Verdit, guilty, and usual sentence. Com. vl. Isaac Reiti. Larteny of a bull. Oeo. Raker, proseoutor. True bill. Verdiot, defendant not guilty. Com. vs. Wm. C. llencTtrahdt.--Profane swearing and souimon nuisance. Defendant gave bail to Veep tbe peace and paid oost. Com. vs. Franklin Foulk. For. and be. Not tried. , Com. vs. John Gonna. For. and bas. Hiisan Ey- erly, prosecutrix. Defendant bound over for next term. Com. vs. Wm. Ilaai. Surety of the peace. Re- oogniiancoof defendant and baiMbrfeited. Com. vs. James Rafferty. Misdemeanor in office. Tru bill. Capias issued for defendant. Com. vs. A. J. Rhodes. Concealing' goods from Sheriff. True bill. Verdict, not guilty, and M. B. Weaver, prosecutor, ta pay costs. Com. vs. Isaao Klin and Ilarman Campboll. Isaao Slack, prosecutor. No bill. Com. vs. Wm. Fisher. Burning barn. Tru bill. Verdiot. guilty. Sentenced to hard labor in Peni tentiary for two years. Jonathan Eisenbart made oath aud was discharged under insolvent laws. Com. vs, Catharine Ernst Larcony Solomon B. Walter, prosecutor. 'JcTcndaV.t bound over for next Court. Com. vs. Simon Startscl Larceny D'ofWant bound over for next Court. Com. vs. James Gingery Assault and battory Goorge Hill, prosecutor. Tried. Verdict, not guil ty, but to pay half the oosts. Prosecutor the other half. Com. vs. Reuben Klino. Defendant g'ave bail Tor bis appearance at next Court. Com. vs. F. J. Parwin and Chorlos Whitman Forciblo entry. E. F. Buyer A Co., prosooutors. No bill. Prosecutors to pay the costs. Recogni tance and bail forfaited. Com. vs. Mary IleuMt Assault and battery Sa rah Blank, prosecutrix. No bill. Pro3ocutrixtopay costs. Com. vs. Reuben Johnson Two bills found each for n'uiVanto. Com vs. Jacob Sharp. Recognisance forfeited at last Court. Forfeiture taken off and en proclamation prisoner diroharged. Com. vs. J. Ramsey Misdemeanor in offioe Three bills found. Bills dismissed and dofendant dis charged. vriuat, Nov. 6tb. Cora. vs. Joseph Eveland For. and bas. Defen dant on proclamation discharged. Com. vs. Robert Wilsou. Maliciously taking down a sign. Recognisance of defendant and bail for feited. Com. vs. Edwin Wallace Disturbing a regions meeting. W. II. Harrison, proseoutor. True bill Verdict not guilty, but to pay half the costs, aud prosecutor the other half. Com. vs. Jerry Lewis, Christian Miller, Amos Hummel, Henry Yordy, Joseph Lewis and Malvin Scholl. Malicious Wiliehief. Calob F. Persing, prosecutor. True bill. Jury discharged by consent. mondat 2nd week" civil oitsj. Tho whole day was occupied in taking judgments, hearing petitions, motions, 4c, and the triul of John Weisel vs. JIArrVet Marr, administratrix of David Marr, deceased. Verdict in favor of plaintiff for $2,275 30. Ti'esdaT and Wedxisdat were occupied fey the trial of Marlon Trego by her next friend Ferdinand Piper vs. E T.Trego. This was an action of eject ment brought against K. T. Trego for a ho'jte and lot ewned by him ia Milton. Considerable interest is manifested by outsiders in this suit, but until a ver dict is rendered It would b Improper to expreu any opinion. , . Advertising!. A distinguished authority on tbe subject says that the country is full of men who have got rich by advertising. In fact no man expects now to keep his business running without informing the people what ho is doing, and where he can bo found. The people oannot afford to spend the tim to bunt up places of businoss and trade. They hare been so loug aecustomed to gaining that information from newspapers that they depend upon that source altogether, and govern their trade from what they loam and read at their homes and by their own firesides. A lively advertisement is a friendly talk botween business men and their customer!. It ia an invitation for people to oome and trade, and every day the readers of a local paper expeot to sea and bear what the merchants, the manufacturers and the tradesmen havo to say. A local newspaper is a traveling agent, taking his daily round to tbe fami lies of all their customers. No matter whether the times ore good or dull ; no matter whether trade is brisk or otherwise, no business man can afford to take down hi sign nor withdraw tb pleasing influ ence of a daily chat with bis oustomers through the newspaper. For a business man to stop advertising would be equivalent to his saying ; "I have stopped business, and ask no more favors of the people." Watson's Philadelphia Business Directory, roR 1869. We call tbe attention of bur merchants to this new and valuable little work of reference to the trade of Philadelphia, and oommehd its utility to every merchant buying goods, or doing business with Philadelphia to the extent of a thousand dol lars a year. It will contain aolassified list of all the merohants, manufacturers and professional men of Philadelphia, arranged in systematio alphabetical order, a well executed lilhographio map of the city, and views of tha publie buildings, with other ob jects of interost in and around the Quaker City. In ordering goods, dirooting correspondence, or ascer taining where to obtain any article of trade, or man ufacture, it will be indispensable to our merchants. Buck a work is much needed, and its popularity, and the standing Of tb publishers, is vouohed for by th daily Jnifuirir, Telegraph, and tb leading daily and weokly press of Philadelphia. Messrs. Wataoa A Co., 210 Dock Blreet, Philadelphia, ar tb Pub lishers, and will send th work as soon as issued, by mail, postage prepaid, upon tb receipt of on dol lar. Send your Subscriptions in immediately Collision JVarroto' EaMpi.Al th Northum berland stag was coming to town oa Saturday av niog, it was struck by lb Mifflin and Centre train, demolishing th back part of tb stage, and Beset ting th paasengtn, all of whom, however, escaped with but slight bruises. Th driver was somewhat hurt, bat sot seriously. Th evening was dark and stormy, and as th engineer gave tb usual signal before reaching th crossing at Mt. Rock Mills, wber th aeoident ooourred, no Warn eaa b at tached to him. Lnrittvvn 0ttt. Tbb MrjRDEB r A. W. Rba. Rewards amount ing t f 60,000 bar been offered fot the apprehension of th (uurrers of A. W. Roa, Mar Mt. Carmel, this onnty, bat no persons have yt boon arroeted on suspicion Mr. Rea wo at on tlm a citison of Danvill and wa woll known In that piao. An Pittsron Oantt$ ay : "Mr. Roa was aa oW and eetcomfd aequaintaiio of Ours, and for many years engaged in th printing business. He was at one time publisherof the Har ritburg Telegraph, associated with TheophilusFenn. Previous to this engagement be bod tha manage ment of the Danville JnulUgt(T daring Hie term of Valentin Best in the State Senate. Mr. Rea was a gentleman, and at the period we speak of. a mem ber, fn good standing, of tb Presbyterian Cliurob." Th Shamokln Herald says : 'No arrests bar as yet Iwen made of the parties Implicated in th murder of Maj. Alexander W. Rea. The sxoitoment bas not abated in and around Cen tral ia, and active measures have been taken to bring the murderers to justice. Several men, supposed to be tha parties guilty. of the crime, have boon fol lowed on to New Vort;, tut no facte have been re vealed oonneoting them wlta the mtirder." Business notices. Merchants and others can always get Paper Bags, thereby saving freight, at ity prtoes, of LlUUTBER A JZkUULKR, ft Market Square. A larob stock of Books, Stationery, Frames, 4o., always on hand at the old established oheap Book Store of Liumtnbr A Zbiolbr. ft Market Square. jeAAerin i i For Sal'. An excellent tip buggy, new. Kn- quir at this office. For Rent. Tho rooms adioinioit the hat store of bamuol Faust, in Market Square, lately occupied by E. A. Evans as a law ofce. Cob's Cocoa Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sites ordinary 4 ol., also mam moth family bottles for salo by all druggists and doalers in medicines. No family should be over night without it in tho house. .... ' T'l I C I l . Cob's DrsrepsiA Core Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and lion els. Physicians, clergymen and nil who use it, joiu in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1.04. Tub I'LAtB Tlio place Vo'r a largo and cheap assortment of Cloths and Castfm'oreJ, fjr Fall and Winter, Is at J. O. Beck's tniloting eitablisfi'ment, on Fourth street. It Is th right placo Vor til kinds of clothing for men and boy, marie to ord'or of any kind of material, in the Very but manner, and at the very lowest rates. Call in and ybu will find its. No less than two hundred kinds Of hats are 6rn by men, and all fashionable, the presont season. The best of these styles are to be found at Faust's fash ionable Hat and Cap Store, Market Square. Faust has just received the largest and cheapest stock evor brought to Sunbury. ii . J. F. SnABrrsn, th Merchant Tailor, has re ceived another largo stock of goods nt his establish ment, on the oorner opposite tbe Central Hotel. Ha turns out tho most beautiful suits equal to any made In the cities, wbila his prioes are so low that no one can afford to send abroad fur his clothing. A visit will eoL-vinco all of the suporior inducements offered by him. Goisu, going, and continually going peoplo to Miller's Excelsior Bobt and Shoe Store, in Market Sqnare. No matter how many oali, all oan bo sup plied, both in quality and quantity. Miller le un surpassed. An unusually largo stock, for tho season, has just been received. Go and see tho assortment. MAKRIAOEB. At Turbctville, on the 10th iust., by tho Rev. J. F. Wnmpole, Mr. William II, Jarrbtt, of Liiue stuue, and Miss Mart A. Lilly, of Anthony, Mon tour oounty. At Washington Cily, D. C, on tho ISth of August lost, by Rev. John C. Smith, Mr. Lhward W. Ovs TR, of this place, and Miss Mary A., daughter of Mrs. 11. A. Uumbrill, of tbe former place.. Tbe thanks of the entire force of this office are tendered to the happy couple, and their health and future prosperity wore not forgotten when onjoyinj; the fine present that accompanied tbe ahovo notice. D B AT IS In Irish Valley, on the 8th inst., Mra. CATHA RINE, consort of Mr. John I). Hoflinan, ngod b7 years, 10 months and 8 days. S I . IS I t V Itl AICB1 ivrs. Correotod Weekly for th "American." Wheat Flour, cxtrs family, per barrel, do do da do perewt. $12 00 a oo 10 oo Kye t lour, por bbl. do per owl. per bushel, do io do do per pound Wheat, prime red, Rye, Corn, OaU, Potatoes, Dried Peaohes, pared do do unpared Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (aasloned,) per be Butler, per pound, EBB". Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per dosen, per pouud, do it do To d do per pair MUiaasaoUln Coal Trncln. Bhahoein, Not. II. 1868, 7uh. Cut. Bent for week ending Nor. T, 1 5,155 11 Per lost Report, 419,433 17 431.639 08 To save tlm last year, Increase, 417,145 12 il 493 If) Special Notices. o NK PRICB CLOTHING. OLD E8TABLI8HBD rnux CLOTHING HOUSE, OO 1 Ulnfkct Street, On door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment bas done busi ness on the One Prio Bys:em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the oity that striotly adheres to this principle. W have earned a repu tation whiab we are proud of, for good taste in seleat- f;dod styles and substantial materials, and not less inportant, for having all our goods I11TKA WIUJL. IIAUK, We ktnploy tha best talent, for Cutters, and ur floods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so thai all tastes oan be suited. The prices are the tery lowest, as any on by a momeut's thought must lee, or otherwise we oould not ineet tbe competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prices down to the advantages w promise. Tbe people mev depend, this Is th trde plan upon which to do business, and .many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in miad JONES' ONF. PRICB CLOTHING HOU6B, C04 Market Street, Philadelphia, Rot n the Corner, but on door above SixtU. K. J: MA1ZH, Haleasnan. ApfU 4, 1868. ly . A J'urd. A ClerKvinan; while residing: ia South America as a missionary, disadvered a saX and si in pi remedy for tha Cure of. Nervous Weak ness, Early Decsy, Diseases of the Urinary and Sem inal Organs, and th whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been eared by this noble remedy. Prompted by tha desire to benefit th afUioted and unfortunate, I will lend th wipe for preparing and using this niedtoin, ia a sealed envelope, to any oo who aotds it, Free or vbargb. Aouress, JOSEPH T. INMAN, (Station P, Bible House, Kw-York City, ept. II, 163 -Jra DEArNKsa, Blindness and CATnR treated witn me ntmuet suocosa by J. Isaacs, M. ii.. Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. no Aroh titroet, Philadelphia Testimonials from the moot reliable eonroes In oity and country oan be mi onioe. An nieaicoi laouiiy are tnvitoa to acoompany their patients, as be has no seorots in hlepraotioe. ARTIFICIAL KVK8 inserted wlth out pain. No eharge for examination. nov.S0-ly. A,,X,EW RKMEDT IN CONUUMPTION.-A rnykieisn who tui iw.u.. r... . 1 with froquent bleeding of. the lungs, oured himself With a medicine unknown to the profession, when his y Lrr j . ' Aie u tneonli anystoian who has ased it in his own per,0n, or wVo has any Knowledge of Its virtues and he can asoribe the do grar baaltt now enjoys to nothing but the oso of Ml mtdicinot and nothing but utter despair and entire ektlnotion of all hope of reoorery, to gether wttha Want of oonndoneinall others, indue ed him to hasard th vkpq'riment. To those suffer ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat meiit le confidently . bolievos will eradioato the disease. Price $L6p per bottle or $S a half doien, sent ty express. Send for a elrcnlar or onll on Dr.K. Bovi.ston Jackson, No. 250 Sfcrth Tenth Street, Philadelphia For salo by H. Y. Friling, Market Square, Sun bury, Pa , and Druggists generally. May JO, 1808 ly. 4ilssile to JlHrvIiiBsy. Young Men'sGulde to Happy Murriago and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses rncident to Youth and Early Manhood, aout in sealed lettor envelopes, fro of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION', Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. JWno 13, 1BH. ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER 4acutlenieii' l'urn tshlusj- ftooda, at THOMAS O. NOTT'8 .UKKCIIA.Vr TAILOR KTORE, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Consisting of ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLOTH.. ENGLISH A ND Tit EN Oil C.V.SS1MEKES, ENGLISH MELTONS OF ALL COLORS, wlilA have been lelccfod from t!i lirgnt and best establishments in New York aud Miiladelphia. A general a't.iortrhent of GENTLEMEN'S FUKNISU1NO OOODS, embracing, Neckties, Collars, Cravats, of the latest styles, fine Tiamb's Wool Pollor Jackets. SHIRTS and DRAWERS, a large assortment of tbe best quulity. A largo variety of GI.OVESof every "stylo and qualtity, from the Bull Hroom clown to the laboring man's, and many ether articles for Gentlemen's wear. I'ino I'i'cuch Toko Shii-la in ado to Order. Hnrlng prsured the services of the best workmen in tfie cities, garments will be made u to order which ceuimt be excelled !u any city in Qtsor quality of goods. . Gen tic men are particularly requested to call and see the goods and work before, uurebusi'ng elsewhere. Sunbury, Oct. , '08 THOMAtJO. NOTT. Ladles' Fasxey syare ! ' At JOHN FAREIRA S, Cld Established FUR Manufactory, o. T1U ARCH Street. above 7th, PHIL'A. Have now in store of my own Importation and Manufacture one of the largest and mo3t beauti ful selentiona nP vsvf'V KiiPa VXfnr Ladles' and Chil- 3f?S,riT5?,lrn s Wear, in Iheoitv gS32S5Z&ii:df A iso, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars.. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prioes, and I would therefore solicit a osil from my friends of yortbuSibirland oounty and vi cinity,, , ltememoer the Name, Numbor and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA, . No. 71S Arch St., above 7th, south side, I'hilad'a. 13" I havo no Partner, nor oouneetion with any other store in Philadelphia. Got. 3, 'tii.-tm r. . sua i o rr, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEE, Corner of Third Street and Market Square, la Mil ler's Stone Building, 8 U N B U 11 1" , P A., Vi.7v..'.BS'iczjB a jj:s(a of the most oolcbrated makers, poncisti'rj of tbe Howard. Appletou, Trucy & Co., Walthara, Partlott, W. Kllery, uud ull grades of the Elgin Ill's mako. AUo. sole Agent for tho celebrated, PAUL BUT TON Watch, in Gold and Silvor Case, at low prioes. ilv-r Ware lor Wcddlns Ireacntw, of entirely new designs. Solid Silver Tablo and Tea Spoons, Buttor Knives, Forks, Caitors, loo Pitchers, Fruit and Cake Baskets, $yrup Hugs, Butter Dishes, and everything ia tbe Silverwaro line ut lew prices. JEViTELBY, A fina stock of 18k Hins. Also a One selection of Gold and Jut Jewelry of all descriptions. Gold and Silver Chains, at low prices. GOLD l'KNS. Fine Gold Pens in Gold, .Silver and Rubber Coses, of thecelebrated make by Huffman and Site wort. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 3 day and 10 bear Clocks, at low prices. Also Sole Agent for the ealeorated 1'erlcstea anso- tacloa. warranted to give entire satisfaction. atebos, Clocks and Jewelry repairou and war ranted. All orders promptly attended to at the shortest no tice. Sunbury, Sept. 5, 1868. (STSamplci lent by mall whan wrttUn for. October 3d, 1868. ly MONEY SAVED 1 WE araoonatantly purchasing for cash in the New York and Boston Markets, all kinds of Dry and Fancy Goods, Bilks, Cottons, Boots and Shoes, Watches, Sewiug Machines, Cutlery, Dress Goods, Douiesu Goods, Ac, Ao. Which we ar actually sailing at an average prioe of Osie ollur tor eiielt urlU'le. Our sales being strictly fur caab, and our trade much larger than that of any other similar ooncorn, enables us te give better bargains than eaa b obtained of any ether bouse: , . .. . , . 'I'llB E, A Ik IKS Ar spootally invited to give us a trial. ttno feu a Cirociar AErJ ExcaAjto List. fjur club system of selling U si follows : For 12 we send 20 patent pea fountains anol chocks describing 20 different, articles to be sold for a dollar each 40 for It ; 60 for SO i 100 for 10, 4e. Seut by mail. Commissions larger than those offered by any other firm, aooording to site of olub. Single fuuntuiu and check. 10 ets. Male and female atteuts wanted. Sebdhoeitir Rboiitbrbb LB-rraaa. Send u a trial olub, and you will acknowledge that you oannot auord t buy goois ol any otner House inereaiter. sUaHtssiasa V lieudtsll, 64 Hanover St., Boston. Mass. MayH, '-m Philadelphia. FALL OPENING. GREAT REDlICTlON IN I'&ICES t You can Buy More Goods f tbe FVr at th MAMMOTH STOEE, 'o ii. V. ri 1.1.0, MaREKT 5QtAP.F, BUNBURr, PKNN'A., TLan an other placo. HAS JUST 'RECEIVED AflD OPENED The Best Selected and riNMT AM9RTMBST. oV DRY C00DS IN TOWN, I-'REXCH MERt.V0S, PRINT,, . MU3LIif3, (SLNrOHAMS, CA8SIMERKS, &i. Delaines ani Armurt Douestie Ootlehj, Brort'a and Sieaebid. NOTI6JI3 af ail hinds. B.os'.ery,(I loves, Mea'sand Ladles Uaiergarmouts WHITE CSOOBS. A full assertment of TKIMMIKfl Builders will Bad my Stosk 'f IlairsltTarc, Ialnlt Oil, (alase, Ac, Orapletr. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AXD CEDAR WARE, QUKEKaWAUK, UI.A83WARB, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- BATS AKD CAPS, and th fas! everything usually Bejit tn a large Store Cull and bo coriVincbd that the Cheapest Place to Uu)' all Your Goods is at THK MAMMOTH STORE w Tfcrsai Co all, SO dayaSj as my Goods are bought for Caab and Sold Cheap for tb KEADY MONEY. X giv th trad th ad vantage of all redaction as fast a they ar made by Manufacturers. H T FRILIKU. Sunbury, Bpt 1, 1M. jyjenera. LIZASUH Ac ITIORniS, 0CCULI3TS AKD MAlvOPACTUHKllS OP TUB CKLKUH A.TED PBUPllOTED 8PKCTACLEB, ETC CLASSES, AC. UAMFOIW, COJiJf., SAVE ArPOINTtS T. S. 8HANW01t, . BUflBHRY, VEMN'A,, Ai their tola agent fur pnnbnry and vicinity for the sale of Iho celebrated PEtiVLV SrED HP EC TA CLES, AND EYE GLASSES. ' In doing so they havo confidence In tho ability of their agent to moot tho rcfuirene!ita of nil cus tomers. His of our BKAl'Tll'UL I.I5N B1CS oompriees ovory form nnd kind, calculated for the simplest as Well as the Krornt f asi-s of diseased or impaired vision. An opportunity Will be tiius af fordod, to prooure ut all times Bi'KCTACLEd UNEQUALLED IJT ANT OS TII"IR STRENGTHENING AND l'UKSLR. VING QUALITIES. Ton much cannot be said as to thoir Superiority over tho ordinary glasses worn. There is no irliiu- morine, wnvuriog of the light, dizziness, or other unpleasant sensation, hut on the contrary, from the peculiar construction of tho Lenses, they are sooth. ; ing and pleoennt. causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, and l'ro'luoing u Clrcar aiul Distinct Vision, aiin the natural hcaUliy eijjlit. Thoy aro the only ; epci.-tacf.'S that rRKSKUNI: A?, WI-LL AS ASSIST TIIK SfOIIT, and are the Cheapest becauso tho Jlcfl, ul .rajs List ing mnnv venra e. it!:out chune buin-; neesary. IV'G'At'i'ION Jlr. X. B. -HAXNON, Jeweler, Is their Ouly Agenl appointed in uuoury ur.d vi cinity. tjjrW'e empL.y no Peddler. anj;1 ,'CS ly. G28 HOOP SKIRTS G23 ADD CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, o. 088 .lr-ls Street, I'fcUuiSelpliJa. A!H!FACTUBEK OF TUlt 'Ctlehrated "CHAMPICS"1 7I,;op Skit It FOR LADIUS, M1-5SKS AND CIULUKKN. The largest assortment, mi l best qunlitv and styles in tlio American Market livery lady should tiy thorn, as they roouinrroM then. .".'Ives by wear ing lunger. rtai.i their shape much better, lighter nnd more cla-aie than nil others- wm ii.-jIh,! ni tver'v rmpect. and sold at vory low piievs. Ask l ,r lion kins' "Champion-' Skirt. Fiiperi.ii- llnml-iuaiia Whule-INmn ('ots! in T if teen ciffcrcnt (int.lrs. ineludin" the ' 1 1 n i , :. i ' unJ Thompson A I.Miilon "Olove 1'iitin'' t'nrsctit, rangingin pricti fioni Si cents to ; iv,etlier with Joseph Deckel's Celebrated l"i i-ncli Woven Corsotf, sV.perior ibnpes and futility. Ten diTi'ercht Grades, fr. tn J I .It) to $3.N. They are the finest an-l hest foo4 fnr the prices, over imported. The Trade supplied with ko-ip Skirls and Coisels at the Lowest Those vi-tlint: the City vhuul.-l not f.til to cMl and oxaminu our Gvotis ulU l'l ices, s we dufy all eom- petitictn. February 2?, 1S6?. lOmos. A EM.Ee.Tl AT B!lVATt: K.t B.BJ. fl'HE subsoribor nft'ers for salo a FARM, situnted X in l'erry townsliip. SnyJer county. I'a..ntli'in iiitr liiiuls of George Gelui tt, Abner lioi nbcrKcr, Aaron Sbullcr and others, containing 140 ACliliS nnd CO l'UUCIl ICS. About h0 aores of the land are Cleared, and the bnltiiico is clioko timber. Tlio improve':neritd consist of a luro two rtor Dwelling House. Loic Hani, und nil the tiocessiiry 6utbu".luiurs, mid an OrchilrJ or C acre?. Cuntniiiiij choioo fruit., A spring of v.iiter is lteur the door, And a nico stream runs through tho linn, j em- the house. This property is conveniently hicato'l, iur.1 is within n mile of stores ami mills, and is within quarter of n mile nf a suvr-tuill . Tor tonus, call on George Gtlnett. whose property u-ljc.ins the iond, or en tiio undersigned, at ew Berlin, Union ooitutv, I'a. G. W. RATIil'ON. S ept. 13, isr,8. am. Wo do not wish to inform vou. reader. tkatvDn Wonderful, or any other man. has discoveruoa rem edy that oures Consumption, when the luug's are half consumed, in short, will cure ell diseases whether of miud,body or estate, make men live forever, aud leave death to play for want of wurk, and is designed to make our suhluutiry sphere a blissful paradise, to which Heaven Hsc'.l sum be but a enloenow. Ion have hoa-J enough of that kind of liuinbugery, and we do uot wonder thr.t vou have by this time become di.-guUed with it. I'm when we tell yeu that Dr. Sage's Cntarrh ly tv-;7 Tiy.?i,'t'y pare tiie It'orst c?es tf Cahtrrh, we onl v assert thai which thousands can testily to. Try itu.nd jou will bo con vinced. We will pay JifO ReiVAku fo." a caso of Catarrh that we cannot euro. FCS SALE l: Y MOST DRUGGISTS EVERY- Vi 11 URIC. PrtlCE (ixi.v .0 Cams, fjeiit Ly Hail, post paid, for Cixty Cents ; Four Packages f.-r Si.Ort ; or 1 Dos en for $b.i)'J. rend a stamp lor Dr. Kago's pamplilot cn Catarrh. DK. SAUL & CO., Proprietors, llunuio, N. i . I No link aro. It is iti ranted to euro lost cr im paired rsste, tfmeil or Hearing, Watering or Wcr.k Ryes, offensive lireath. I leeraled Throat i.r Mouth, Pain an-l Pressure in tho Head, and loss of Memory when oartiO'I, as all of them Irequently are. by tbe ravages of Catarrh. It is plcasaut and painless to use, contains no strong poisonous or eaustie drugs, but cures by its mild soothing action We will pay $j00 Kcniira lor a case of Catarrh that we cannot cure FOR SALK LY MOST DRUGGISTS fiVERt WHERK. I'nu E CNI.V 00 Cksis. If your Iiruprelts has not yet got it on sale, don't bo put off w ith soine worse than worthless urong rnnlT, 'fumiK'itor." or poisonous caustic solution, which will diivo the diseuso to tlio lungs instead of curitig it, but soud siity cents to us and tbe retneJy wi!! reaoh you by return mail. Send stamp for Dr. (Nig-o's pamphlet on Catarrh. DR. CSAGK i CO., Proprietors, Duflulo.N. V. S This Inp ALLIRI.B Rem eiiv does not. like the poison ous irritating snulls and strong caustic solutions with which the people have long been humbugged, simply palliate fur a short time, or drive tho disease to tbe lungs, as there is danger of doing in the uso of such nostrums, but it pruduoos perfect and permanent cures of the worst coses of chronic cutarrb, as thous ands can testify. "Cold in the Head" is eurod with a few applications. Catarrhal Headache is re lieved aud cured as if by magic It removes effsn sivs lireatb, Loss or Impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hoaiiug, Wutoring or Weak Lyes, and Im paired Memory, wheu cau,l by the violence of Ca tarrh, as they all frequently are. We offer in good faith a standing reward of $iWU tor a ease of Catarrh that we cannot cure. FOR f ALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS K VERY WHICHli. , Pkh-b onlv iO Cents. Ask your Druggist for the Reiiedv, but If he has not yet got it oo sute, don't be put off by accepting any mlserablo, worse than worthless substitute, but enclose sixty cents to us, aud tbe Remedy will be sent you cost paid. Four packogos $2 00, or one d zeu fur bond stump for Dr. Sage's pamphlet ou Catarrh. Dr. 6AG A CO., Proprietors, Buffalo, K. Y. 4 This is NO PATKNTMEDICINB HUMBUG, ot ten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being oouiposed of rare aud precious substances brought from tho four ooruersot the earth, carried seven times across the Great Desert ot Sahar ah ou the bucks of fourteen oamell, and brought across the Atlantio Ocean on two bhips. It iaa simple, mild, soothing remedy, a porfoot Epeoifo for Ca tarrh and ' Coi.n in tub IIeao," also lor offensive breath, Loss or Impairment of the Sense of Smell, Tost or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, Pain or l'renuro io th Head, wheu caused, as they all not uufrqueutly are, by the violence of Catarrh. We oiler, in srbod faith, a standing Reward of JoOO fnr a ease of Catarrh that wa cannot cure. FOR HALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EVIRT- VTHKRK. Phicb 60 Cests. Bunt by mail, post paid, on receipt of Sii.i T C'ebt. Four packages tor ti 0U. or I Dozen lor fo.Oo. Send stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Dr. SAG Is A CO., Proprietors, Oot. 10, '68 ly. Buffalo, N. Y. Trevorton Loti for Bale. nHREE LOTS, In tbe town of Trevorton, Nor X thutuberlauil eouuty, will be sold oheup, uu ap plication to tha uoilersigued. Those lots are advan tageously looated, ani aro valuable for building purposes. Apply to, or address JOSEPH CONRAD. Oot M, Wi -It Buobury, Pa 1 sjTiarrtMSBSBrrTJEiHlwsfTssrrps'iiiaiMiiai' thaiti it in ri r j . THB NATIONAL LIFE IU8URANC2 COMPAMV, UNITED Sl'AtES OF AMERICA', WASllfNr.TON, D. O. Chtwtorsd ly Spaoial Aol of Congress, Approved Canls 4;iiftfil 1,000,000. TlRANCn OFFICK, I'UILADELPn'lA, riniT Natiokii. Bahb Brit.oiRO, Where the general h'iicinnss of the Company Is trane aated. and to which all general oorrospondance should be addressol. DIRECTORS. Jay Cooke, Philada. E A. Holjins. vTaahlngton C.H.Clark, " lienrv D. Cooke, F Ratchford Ptarr, Wm &. Chandler, " Wm. (1. Monrbead, John I). Dcfrees, " Ouo F Tyler. Bdward Dodge, Kew Tork J. Hinckley Clark, H. C. Tahneatook, N. Y. OFFICERS. C. n.CLAPK. Philadelphia, President. lll:.l!V II. CiytV.K. Wi,sliingtou, Vice-President. JAY COOK IS. Chairman Finano and Exeoutive Commlttoo. KMERSON W. TEKT, PLitnd'a, Seo'v and Aotuaiy K. 8. TURNER, WashingUm. Assistant Seerelary. FRANCfSO. SMITH. M I)., Medical Director. J.KWIXG WEARS, M I) , Assistant Medical Di rector . McctIol Awlaot-y Iteartl. J. K. Litrnes, Burgcon-Genurol U. 8. A., Washing ton. 1 J. HorwitE. Chii.f MoJieal Dcparlniont U. S. N., Washington. D. W. llliss, M. D. Washington. Nvlifiiorst and Allorsieya. Woo. F.. Chandler, Wasliinnton, T). C. George Harding, Philadelphia, P. This Compa-'y, National in , its oharaoter, offsri, by reason of its Laro Capital, Lqw Rates of Premi um and New Tablos, tho most desirable means of insuring life yet presented to the publlo. Tho rates of premium, being largely rodnoed, are made as favors 11 o to the insurors as those of the best lii'.luul Coirpanies, and avoid all tho oomplicatioa n:id tincerlninties of Notes, Dividends and tha mis understandings which tho latter are so apt to oauso tho Po'.icy-lIoMors. Seveial now nnd attractive tablos nrenow prcJcnt ed which noed only to bo understood to prove acoep tablo to tho public, such as tho Incoma-Produoinp Policy nnd Return Premium Policy. In tho former I tho p'llicy-hulder not only secures a life insurance, payable at deuth, but will receive, if living, after a 1! period of a few years, an annual income cqual,ta ton por cent. (10 per cent.) of the par of his policy. In tho latter; the Compaiy egroes to return to tbo assured tho total amount of money he has paid in, in addition to the omount of bis policy. Tho attention of persons contemplating insuriog their lives or incroasirj the amount of iusuranoo they alrcny have, is cillcd to tliospocial advantsgsa os'ered by tho Xutininil Lifo Insurance Compary. Circulars, Pamphlet and full particulars given on application to the Branch Office of the Company in Philadelphia, or to its General 4 fronts. l Local Agcnta aro Wanted In every City an I Town; and applicn'.ions from coinpeleut parties for sin'ii agencies, with suitable endorsement, should be addressed to tho Company 's General Agents only, in their respective districts. Uf.NKPAL AOENTS ' B. W. CLARK ,t CO., Philudelpqia, For Pennsylvania and Southern Kew Jersey JA 7 COOKU A CO., Washington. D. 6., Fr.r Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia aui West Virginia. September 6, ISof). ly $100 REWARD Foi a medicine lhat will cure CI TUIH, INFLUENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPING COCCUS, oi relieve CONSUMPTIVE OOCGflB, as quick as COE'S COUGJI UALSAMi f)Vt;a ONK MI1.LIO.N EOTTI-r3 h:ive bcn i)ild and ivt n tn!e ittEtHiicc of itt :N''i:rg is kiown. 'c Imve, in (mii piuschii'ju, any Cur UiiouttH, juitj nf llifin I'ri'iu UMIN'KNT PHYSICIANS win lmvt 'I a in ihfii p("-'llt'e. 'd givwi it tbe pirn eiiiineiii !? ti'iT cvory fMitT (niiiptitnul. iT OOi-S NOT IHV IC A COUGH, lut looSkns it, i riR to eimb!ti i'lt pal. cut la cxpectumte t'reely. Two ar )tiit-e dtiru. Will InvaMelt Vvhk Tkklino in thk Thboat ! A h'llt" littUle li'U oftt'i- f:o;n;1etrlv cured the nvnt SiuIh btirii L'-TU'i, out! ft tii u7U ,i in so euieunit speily in jf a npf rutif'i., it i juTfriM!' !iurni!tH. bemn purely vfgetribltT. lr tit very nsr-tililf. io the '.uat?, and may be ediiiiuiateied to chiUtrmi ol any In enscs of CUOl'P wo will ?imri.u:ee a cure, if taBtn la NO I'AMiLY SHOULD 13 R WITHOI T IT! It i witliin Uh' M'ucli of ull, it being the clienpeit and bet nu'iia-iutf fjiHit. C O. CLM-K A- CO., Prnnrift'irs, NEW 11AYCN. COaW. t.iJl, lo?.-ly C O E ' 3 DYSPEPSIA CURE. THIS UUKAT KUAIKUV 1-OK ALL, DltAMlISof X u,e ST O 2vl A. O IX 3 is the (h--ovt-ry llie inventor of toe's valuable Couph KiU':',lit, Ji; :r iiuentlii lor hisown lieallli. Iteurtid Crpnip in tlx Sn'inarli i ir nun wludi liad before yiekled to nullt;ni; but cliloroforiii. Tlie almost daily usimi-v.y from various pain of ti e country encourage us In l.tiit-ve lliere is lunlisease caused by u disordered stomach it will sL-etlily cure. Physioian3 endorse and Uso it! Ministers civo teBtiniony of in erllcacy. And from all directions we receive tidings of cure per formed. DYSI'KI'SIA! It ia sere to curs. HEARTBrrtN 1 One dose will cure. 8K'K-IIt,f.DACIIE! It h s cured in hundreds of eases HEADACHE AND DIZ.INKSS! It. si, i in thirty oiiuutes. VCIUITY Or' TIIK frli'UACII I Hcoructs ut ones. KIbKOF THEKOOU1 It atops iinmedjaiely. DlSTItti AFTElt EATINO ! One dose will remove. CilOLKllA MOHBtS! lio..dly yields to a few doeu B AD BRKATII I Will be changed with half a bottle. it is ruiirEoiLY habmlis Its UNPKECKUENTKD SUCCESS is owing tj the fuel lhat It fisr'M ly Aksiait Injj Mature TO HH-ASSEKT UKK SWAV IN THU bVSTKM ' Ntsaily every dealer in the United States cells it at ONU DOLLAR PKR BOTTLE. C- Q. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NBT IIAVKS, CONK. April 18, 188. ly. Taluuble B'roperfy ut frivate Rule. rilllU undersifrned offers bis valuable lot, 60 feet X front by 2IU deep, on tbe south-west oorner of tbe SUauinkiu Valley aud Northern Central Kail roads, on Third street, on which is erected a I HAM B W AUL11UU.--H, iO by 40 feet. Tha Waiehouae is a new uue, bavins; been built about two years since, aud is a splendid stand fur any one wishing; to go into tbe dour anil graiq business The fixtures of lbs conceru will also be oG'ered for sal, at rea-wna bl rates. This property is 0 Cored for sale for the reason that I Intend giving up businera in Sunbury. For further particulars, apply to J. M. OADWALLAHEU, Hept. 19, JS. Urn. Sunbury, l'a CALL uud see inoe beautiful Bird Cages at thi Dew Hardware store o J. U eONUTt A C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers