. . vmm,mr- ..rr'.' W-''SBPr?''m T,-r ,.. , v.-" NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Third St., ore door below the Lutheran Churoh, BUJfBURT, TKNN'A. HENRY PETEBS, " lias just oponcd a largo assortment of liUY WOODS, sich ti( Calicoes, Delaines, Mmllnf, 0,ls Q-KOCEBIB s nnd provisions of nil kind?, suoli ns hUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICKS, COAL OIL Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hunts, Nuts Tried und Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Choose, uud Crackers, and in fact everything usuully kept in the Grocery lino. Ham?. Fish, Coal Oil, Crtvkcry-wnro, (Juocnswnro Glass-ware, Willow-wnro, Ao. Tho boat FLOUR nnd MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a vnrioly of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tho lowest prioos. . Country Troduco taken In oxchango for Moods. Of Call and oxamiuo my Stock, and satisfy your ,lTCS- JIENRY rETERS. Sunbury, April 25, IgliT- 111 &&C M 0 XjEp T II E G U 13 A T rUIZE Exposition Univcrselle, Puris, 13C7. THE HOWE EEWING MACHINE CO ELIA6 HOWE, Jb. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, The Ilifthest.I'rcmiuin, Tho Only Cross of tho I.ogien of Honor and QOLD MEDAL given to Americas Skwino Macbimes, per Impo rial Decree, published in tho "Moniteur Uuivorsnl" Uncial Journal of tho French Empire), Tuosday, 2d July, 1807, In thuso words : SFubricanto do Machines a ecu dre exposant. Manufacturer of Bowing Ma p.hinns. Exhibitor. "This doublo first honor is another proof of tho L'rrat stioorioritv of tho HOWE SEWING MA CHINE overall others." SIBLEY & STOOPS, Vfl a .STnuih Kiil,t Street. Philadoluhia Agents for Pennsylvania, Now Jorsoy, Delaware and w esiorn v irgimu. February 22, laC.H. 3m i r. n. moore. n. c. dibmngeh. 1'ew Firm! Sew Store! Sew Itoom! and an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! MOOBCi: Si. DISHI.fUGK, IIuvo just oponcd a oarefully selected etoek of x-L-ur ll,l,1,0 in I Iiiiip I'm Sew Iron Front, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PENN'A Consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, ULAWAllL, and a tun lino ol GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AMD II. a dies' 1i-ck oolw, Calicoes, Muslins, Flannels, Tablo Linens Toweling Chocks, Ticking, Countcrpur.es, i:u-siuioro5, V citings, Yarns, Skirt, Nuok Tie, Cud's, Collars Handkerchiefs, lloso, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. We invito tpcei.il attention to the quality of our cjrct j:siii:s am simces, 1U0 nr.d JAVA COFFEE, TEAS. SUGARS MOLASSES. SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, V1NEUAR, &c, &a. Campbell's Cekbnited FLOUR, f.lwnys on Lund We feel confident that cash buyors will find it to their iidviintutio to civo us a cail, and customers generally are invited to call uud examine our goods ana e;ct postou on our prices. By strict attention to tho want of our customers und fair dculir.g we hopo to merit u full share of the public patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of alt kind taken In cx cbungc tur goods, for which the highest prico will bopuid. MOORE A DISS1N0ER. Sunbury, April 11, '63. REMOVAL 1 T. t JlA 1 S O S, Watchmaker & Jewelry, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Will removo his Jewelry Rtoro to Millor's Stoue liuilding, corner of 3d and Market Square, ON FELRUARY 1st,' 1S6S, where ho will bo happy to receive his old customers und the jiublio in general. Thankful for past favors, he solieil j a ooniiiiuaceo of the same, and ho is de termined to sell as low ns tho lowest, and for quality, not to be surpassed by any goods in tho inurkot. A largo assortment of VuU-li's, ('loci!, Jcwi'Iry nnd ri!v'r Hare, constantly on hand, conus ting of all kinds of Ameri can Watches, men as tho Howard, Applrten, Trncv & Companv, 'i'remout, Wulthum. 1. 6. linrtlet, Win. Ifl'l leiy, Homo aiut u Hue ittsortuiout of Swiss Wiu.chos All kiada of 8 Day anJ SO Hour Clocks ! Silver tea tcttn, card and cako baskets, bronkfast and dinner castors, Colerystunds, syrup and drink iuK cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives aud Forks. P.rtieular attention paid to the repair ing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry aud Music Poxes. All work witrranled- Feb. b, litis. TOEEIN GTON R- A. V7" Ci HODGICINS. 13 OjilNT U SUrElWUOBl'UATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIHLD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within the paitycar greatly incroaccd and Improved bur tuouitica lor grinding lioncs aud man' uiaeturing, we mo propured to furnUh tu tho farm org ot Pennsylvania a superior article of rtiCf.lloijliiite. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested tho past season by practical men of our iminediato miijliWhood and eUowhero, and in every capo tho ,t X... . 1. - . " Our process of pulverizing, whereby it is prepar ed fur and UUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviutui an ulijcetion which altacLod to many fer tiluers, and secures to the farmer a saving of much vaiuublo time. POLD AT TUB MANUFACTORY, K A S T M A R K E T b T it E E T, hl lU KY. IM.. uud by our Agouts throughout the oouutry, in Hugs o iUO lua. each, at 5a per Ton of 2000 lbs. A I,i40 SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points uc'-.osjttblo ly rail or canal, uu receipt ol order. TORI! I N; TON' A HODdKINS. V-" A!:'ut,, f)r Seymour, Morgan A Allon' Self Raking Utapar aud Mvwer (The New Yorker) and 1 1 alt 4 Suicdliy' Hay and Graiu Rako. .-ini-1 1m- t'irotilnr. February li, "fls ly J lib bis and tliep..i acriment ol titne Ware n thMie,jaiirw.-eiwi nd lor (4le choar, at the H V. lidLINw t SPBING OPENING. GREAT FALL IN TRICES ! - Buy the", MOST - GOODS, of the BEST For the LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES I QUICK CASH ii. v. rn,i.j, at tho MAMMOTH STORE, MARKET SO.CARE, SUNHURY, PENN'A Ho just received and opened the nrsr i:i.i:cti:i and FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Priuts, Murine, Uinghams, Cuuiinorcs, Lo. Delaines and Aruiures. Domontio Cottons, Drown and Dleucluxl NOTIONS of nil kinds. Hosiery, Uloves, Men's aud Ludicj Uuiloryamieiit WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Luildera will Uud my Stock of llardivui'c, PuiiitM, Oiia, (jjlitsH, V-., .'oiniU'te. Drugs and Medicines, Willow aud Cedarvvaro, Queeucwuro, (.ilnswuiu, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and iu fact every thing usually kept in a large Store Call and be convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO DUY ALL YOUR GOODS is ut ' The Mammoth Store. of II. V. flill-IlNl Oi, Tcmit) Cuo-li, 30 daye, as uiy Moods are bought for CaU aud tli Cheap for the READY MONEY. I give the trade the 4. vantage of all reductions u fast as they are made by Manufacturers. , il Y FRIU.NU, E.uoury, April IS. JSC TUB GREAT ' AMSItltJAN COMBItfA TTOUT ' lliillon Hole Overneamlns; IU Wonderful Popularity Conolusive Proof of iU The inoronso in the domnnd fbr this valunble ma chine has been 1M luiii aunng mtuanor months of its first year before the publie. Tbii- grand and surprising suoooss ia unprocodent ed iu tho history of sewing-mnehincs, and wo Joel fully warranted in claiming that IT JIASIHU jiyuAu, Doing Absolutely the Dost FANlliV JIAClllSli IN THE WORLD, An. I Intrinsically the Chea' cd. n l rontw two machines oombinod in one, (by a simple and ueoutuul inecnanicni rrn"Kom"in,) mn king both the Shuttloor Lock-stitch, and tho Ovcr- ...i.. n,l llullnn.hnlu t.itl'h. Willi CU uul lacil it V and perfection, It executes in tho very test manner otery variety of sewing, such as, Homining, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Draiding and Quilting, lliithf.rincr auu suwinir on. aaiue hi. uib wimu hihd, nnd in addition, Ovcrseams, Embroiders on tho edgo and uiukcs beautitul liutlon and i-yolot-noius in an fiilirips. Every Machine is warranted hy tno company, or Its Ageuts, to givo entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars nnd sample of work done on tins JMnchino, can be baa on npplloa tion ut tho Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cer. Eleventh nnd Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa Instructions given on the Mnoliine nt the rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purouasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K FAXSON, President. W. H. MiindeniiaMj, Trcaaurer. April 25, 1S88. lycjon. 25, FLOUR & FEED STORE WH0LK8ALE AND RETAIL. fpiIE subscriber respoct.fully informs tho public that ho Keeps constantly on nana at nis now WAREHOUSE, nonr tha Shnmokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks ot all mnusoi ieou Dy tno ton Tho abovo is all tnannfacturod at his own Mills, and will be sold ut the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 1863 THH GBEAT ZINGABI BITTERS The component parts of this remarkable pre parallcn were ucdt discovered, compounded and distributed, eome twnty years ago, by Dr. Cnsoi'sus, the enle-braU-d Eeyptian Physician. Thousands or bis suffer. Ing countrymen were restored tu health, as well as great cumbers of the inhabitants of Kubia and Abyssinia, and ot theoauntries bordering upon the Southern coast :oi cue sicauerraneon sea. I Indeed, the fame of the ZINGAIU BITTKRa soon spread over Kurope, and was adopted hy the principal l'liysiclans in charge of the hoipitals of the old world, in which it is still used with preemi nent suoecss. The Viceroy orhgypt placed the name of xa. CnsoPSDS upon the 11 Roll of Nobles, and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " l)B. Cmopsua, tho Public Benefactor." This Hitters is now offered to tho publie of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a speciQo for the cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Dtarrhosn. Cholera Morbus, Fever nnd Ague, Yellow Fever, Kneumntism, Typhoid Fever. Dyeprpela, Colic, Uroiichttls, Consumption, Vitu Itnoy, Ulieaaea or the Kldneye, Nervous llebtllty, and Female Complaint!.. , Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been effected by Its use, as numerous certificates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it is destined to supcraedo any preparation extant. As an agreeable ' Tonio, and an ISVI00RATIVO BEVERAGE, IT HiS NO EQUAL. ... ZIXGAltl HITTERS . , HAS 1, AS WELL AS DODY, AND AS A PltEVKMIVE" or niBRASE, nA3 NO SUTEUIOR. A FRW WORPS TO LADIES. Tl,e use of the ZIN'U Altl UIT'f KKS will Klve to you that soft, semi transparent complexion winch tho God of nature (do EiKniiiit woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for it Ui nature's own powder and paint combined. 13y purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to ho desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly lnnk so common in our day; and what is even better than this, it cures every sjieciesof female irregularities aud disease. Principal Depot, Uarrieburg, Ta. KAIITER & HAUSE, Solii PiiomtiiiTons. For salo by W. A. DENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury l'cnnsvlvania. August 3, 1S0T. I.M l'OK'l'A VI' SOTIt'i:. rl"UIE undcrsiirucd having succeeded to tho busi I ness of T. 111MES A CO., takes this method of inforiuing Diick-Layers, Duilders, and all others in terested, in und about Sunbury. that ho is prepared to fill ull orders, for building uud paving Prick, of a superior quality, uud ut us low rules as can be had oi.-ewnoro. I am also tho A rent in tho Counties of Northum berlimd. Union, Snvder nnd Montour, for WAR REN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF ROOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that can bo ufed on buildings. Wo oovered several build ings with it, during tho last season with entire satis, t'uetion. Orders left at tho Driek Yard, in Cako'i Addition to Sunbury, or at the ijflico of Mr. Wm. Roagnn's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post uiiico, win receive prompt ottontion. TOWNSEND HIMES Sunbury, March 11, lS6j. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. jiI'AIY X, CO., In Wciincr'a Duilding, Water Street, near King st NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., T NFORM their friends and the public generally 1 that they havo a lurge assortment ol ( Provisions, Ac.,u!l fresh and of the best qua sistiug of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices, Driod and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese nnd Crackers, and in fact everything, usually kept iu tho Grocery lino. Fhi y would also call atteuliun to their lurge and ueupiotvi uoou fAJiiL.1 i-ijUUJt, ti rein lea, Hums, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on hand. Also, all kiuds of Vegetables, Ac A. nivui n can unu Ece tur yoursetl Nurlhumburlund, Sept. 2d, )t!o7. IRD CAGES, 11 difforcnt kinds. If .nil wnnt ,a,1 nnii -I. ...... ' ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WuichmnUer uud Jew eler. ' ' iiuatttjA-ia-ifMl 2STO. 14a NOHTU 2d UT-, COM. OF QTJABItY, PHILADIHJ-HIA. An aisortinent nf AVal-slioo, Jewelry, Silver and l'Utee Warn constaull)- un linnd, leHepuiruig of Watclua one) irwelry promptly it Niv. , 1S6T I y. '" ' ' Coachmakers Jh are selling Rims, Spoken, Hubs, Bnrincs, f Ciiuvase, Rolls, Cliia, Axles, do., very low- Large Slock ut CONLEY CO. Sunbury, March 30, lb07. Ai-U-ull tiral luileiuentai, I I OK 6 Grain Rakes, Kleol aud Iron Garden Rakes Xl Long and D lluudlu Spades, Shovels, Maaure auii nay f orks, urn. aud Grain bcytnea, Grain Cradle, Cradle Fingers. Traoo. Ureast. Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill St-ivee of nu biios ami Kin its, a lurguasaortment oi jtcu .nagon Uames. for Plowing, Farm Lulls, Cultivator Tueth, lor tale b.-s J (I: CONLEY A CO asmk BOOTS AND SHOES, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, . j. , . JOHN WILVER. - RKSPEOTFULLY Informs his friendl and en lomers, that he has just opened shop for the aianufaoture of ROOTS 4 SHOES, on Sjiruce ttreet, letteeen Second street and Cenlr , Alley, Hunhury. where all kinds of work In his line will be made up In the latest stylo and in the best workmanlike man- nnr. Having first olass stock on hand, he natters himself that he will be able to suit tno tastes oi uie most las tidious. The public are invited to call. JOHN WlLVEK. Sunbury, June 1, 1867. THE OREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I2ST STTZSnBTTIVX" ii on 8d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTBEESSER S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLEEY, Itut Irately ItnMlshed, wltn nil tho Modern Improvement of the Art ! nHE subscriber, having built the room expressly fur tho tiurnoso of Photographing, and having devoted many years to tno Dusinenn, is uuuuueuv ui his ability to assure nis patrons tnat uu worn pio' duced shall be second to none in country or oity. No work a lowed to leave the gallery unioM en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the oounty, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kindB of weather, but would prefer oloor day for mnll children. Ho is also prepared to take new size, or cauinct card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Beau, e., a large lot of Photograph tramos constantly on nana The public are respectfully Invited to call and soo our specimens ami our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special torin to fumilies and duos. Sunbury, July! 5, RI. C. IIEABHABT'8 Confeetionry. Toys and FRUIT STOEE, ninrUct r?itreet, Sunbury, Ia. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above j cstaulisumcnt atwuojcsaio ana reiau, ui icnw flttla nricoti. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confbetlonarlcs to keep up a lull assortment wnicn are soia at low rates. ...... Tobacco. Scir.irs. StationorT, Isutsol all Kinus, ana varictv of other articles, all of whiou are offered wholesale and retail. I tf-Rcmcmbcr the name and piaeo.i M. C. UEARHAR'f, Market street, 8 doors west of E. Y. Bright 4 Son store , . Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1SR3. tf Water nnd I-'ire lroof SLATE ROOFS. THE undorsinnod rosncclfullv Informs builders in this and adjoining counties that he is prepared to put on Stale Hoofs in a superior manner. Ho turn lKhcatheoelebrated Lehigh county Slato, which is the best in the mnrket. He warrants his work to be durnblo and fire nnd water proof. Ho invites tho in spectionof the public to the work he has dona in Sun bury on llaupt's, Ureenough's and Hans' buildings, and on others at various places. His prices are as low as those of any other slater. Address, v. a. can i a, Sunbury, P. 0., or call at his rosidonoo in Upper Augusta twp. January n, isua. ly ChesMnnt Street, l'liiludc-lpliin, Aro tho best in Uso, FOR i'HE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS : They aro inoro simplo and duruble, easier kept In order, make a stronger and uioro ehujtio stitch, a firmer and moro beautiful scam than any othor They sow all fabrics from two common spools, ro- quiro no ro-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tho scnin by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. I'lic Very Ilighesjt l'rlxe, the CrOKW of tha Legion of Honor was conferred on tho repre sentative of tho UKOVEIK Si llAUF.lt i)i)4 at tbo Exposition Univorsclleo, Paris, 1867 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sow ing machines. OROVER A BAKER'S HEW STYLES N II U X T 1. 1: JIAOI11S I'. H For Manufacturing, Combino the most rnodorn and essential Improve tncnts. Tbo attention Is requested of TuilorB, Munufaa turcrs of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the uso of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, 1KB7. ly ti. M. Ki;.., IcntIo-t, Will remove his Office to J. M. Simpson's Building 2nd story, Markot Square, sxjisrTrii-r. TITHERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of II work pertaining to Dentistry, will keen constantly on hand a lurge assortment of Teeth, and other Dental matorial, from which he will be able to select, and meet tho wants of bis customers. AH work warranieu to give sntisiacuon, or else uie money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. Ilia references aro the numerous patrons for whom be has worked lor the last twelve yours. Sunbury, March 21, 1868. " TRON. A large assortment of the best uionufao lurud . . - Bars, Hoop, Band, Round and Square Iron. Nail Rods.- Cast Steel, Blislor Stool, Drill Steel. Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hammers Sledges, Rasps and Files, at CONLEY ACO'S . SHOEMAKERS. THE best qualitioa of Sole Leathor, French Calf aains, jaorroooua, tunings, Lasts, It alts, regs, Tooh of all kiuds, and every thingused by the trade, iorsu:iow uy j. u, uuLr.I tu BUNBTJHY BTB AM SAW MILIw M 11.I.IA.U Itl-ACSArV, Manufacturer und Dealer in all kinds of TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALING A SHIN GLES. Also, Flooring, Shelving, Siding, Doors, Sash Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Ao. Corner Race Streot and River Road, 8 VNBUR X, P April 4, 1&0S. Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of lltlLDill'B JIAItDVV ARE, com prising Ainu. ,uu cinkn ui Mil T TlUllUS. JJULl,, WI1K, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Plus- tering Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer s Sieves, )., AO., lor sale by J II COXLL'Y 1 CO Great Attraction ; at the ' " NEW TIN -WARE, jPlhoet Iron and Stove Store of 1 SMITH & OfilTTEEP-.,. Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to ordor at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They wontd especially call the attention of pur chasers to thoir large and woll soleetod stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have ell thoir best stoves made to order, and thoee who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They dofy competition on tho following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vii : Combination iAan Ilurncr, Cook. dSovernor l'cnn-Cook. WABASH AND IHONSIDE3. and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor nnd offloe Stoves tn great variety em bracing all the best manufactured nnd most fashion able designs, unsurpassed fur beauty of finish simpli city of orrongomenU combining cheapness, durability and eacn stove warramoa to periorni wnnt tney aro roprosonted. Also, The oelebratod Baltimore Firo Place Stove fur heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING OLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp, Kunden, Chimnlea, nnd nil articled usually kept in an establishment of this kind They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating In the best workmannxe manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Goa Fitting, Ac Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "Itaugh'a Raw Hone Snper-lMioa phatc." Remember tho nlaco. f amnio and Saloe Room noarlv opposite Conly's Hardware Storo, Market street, between Third and Fourth stroeta. Duilding dark painted. August za, lttoe. JAX. i:. CAI.iMVF.I.I. & CO., JBWELEKS, Io. OOSt Chentnut Street PUILADELPIIIA, , Jtlantifacturerg and ImpurUrt Of every description of First Class Goods, bolonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths. Have removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Street utlording ample room and convenient accessories. giving opportunity for a proper display of goods, and ueuur moans tur tuoir examination. With OXtcnsivo and favorable nrrnnffemnnts in this Country and in Europe, we aro iu a position to offer wwu aiu i lAxtu prices. Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods BUver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelains, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strnneori visiting tho citv are cordially invited to xnniine our New Store. Mnroh 7, 1868. 1 y . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERT, Monthly Time Books Drawinir Rnnlti and Slates. Books, Hymn Books, Blsnk Books, Memorandum .U:,n,, 1ianuB, i-ucaet jjouks, ink DUinds, 1'ens, Pencils, a fino assortment of Paper, Ink. Ac. For salo by ANNA PAINTER. SEEING IS BELIEVING AtTOl Arch Jitret. NEW PRICES I NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silver-Platcd Wares, Including every style and .description, made expressly tor tne Yt inter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot bo surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholosulo and Rotnil Manufacturing Establishment, VU AKCI1 STREET, PHILADELPHIA. t""aRo-plalingnt short notice. December 21, ;807 ,qug27 PURE LAGER BEER! io icrr.it am am:, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH EACHEn. T ESPECTFULLY informs the public generally 11 tntit no is prepared to lurnisn LAGER IJEER, PORTER AND ALh, n large or small quantities. His facilities for mak ng Beer cannot be excellod, and is pronounced supe riur to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also boon rooommended by physicians us a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at snort notice. Sunbury, Sept 21, 1867. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GT7.3KTO. THE attention of Farmers and other consumers of Fertilizers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notioo. Its use tor several years in Maryland, Virginia and other Southern States, fur all crops, has given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities net found in that article 250 lbs. of this Guano are found more than equal to 300 lbs. of the nest euperpnospnate. it ripens too wneat orop irom uve to seven days earner man tne pnospnatos, wmon fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by juiijn s. ttur.ftr. uu., General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 38 South Delaware Ave., Philad'a., - And 71 South Street Baltimoro. March 23, 1868. 6m A llorder, just received and for sale cheap at the i Mammoth Storo of II. Y.FRILlXa. April 4, 1863. Children's) Cus-rlugeai. 11 TE would call the attention of those wanting V V Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort ment comprising: new and beautuul style. i u enwr 1,-v A- rwi J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, I?ast oft he Itallroad STJNBT7IVX', PENN'A. DEALERS IN roitr.14.- Si. AJir.niCA, Hardware & Cutlery. mUE attention of Mechanics. Formers, Builder I and Buyer, senarollv is invited to the foot that we are now offering a better seleeted assortment of v - llAKDWAtlti, (JU.lLfcKI.au., than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all artlolee in this line of business embracing a general aisortuiout of tools aud mate rials uaeu oy CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS. AO.. AC. together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails. Spikes, lllope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut caws, sc., so. Sunbury, March 30, 1867. Notice to Merchants and Shiunen miiK undersigned, proprietor of Weisor A Friok Line, give notices to merchants and shippors that ths Depot is still at 811 Market street. Pliila delphia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburg, ana all intermediate stations along ui roiiroau, wui us promptly ueuvereu. I ff' Cars leave Ull Market street, Philadelphia. tn-weekiy luesaays, xfiunutays ana Saturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, F. December 7, 1867 HOOP SHIRTS. WM. I. H0PKIN'B"0WK MAKE", OR "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." are the best and Cheapest Low Priced Hoop Skirts to the market. Trail 6klrt, 26 springe, $1.00 ; 80 springs, fl.SO j and 40 springs, $!.. Plain Skirt o tapes, IU springs, o cent; svrmgji, 30 springs, $1.14 j and springs, l.2o Warrant ed in every respeot. "Ourown Make" ofUMtUiN cmuus," Kiev en Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.60. Plnin, Six Tapes, 20 to 0 springs, from OS Cents to $2.00. Those Skirts are bettor than those sold by nther establishments aa first class goods, and at much lower pneos. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS," are in every way superior to all other Hoop Skirt before the pnblio, and only have to be examined or worn to eonvinoe overv one ot tne titot. manuiao- turcd of the best linon-finishod English Steel Springs vorv superior tapes, and the stylo of the metolio fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, ana are nituior, uiurv oiubliu, ma nr longer, give more satisfaction, and are really oheaper than all others. Every lady should try them. They are being sold extensively by Merchant throughout this and the adjoining state at very mouerni prices. If you want the best, ask for "Hopkin'i Champion Skirt." If yon do not find them, got the merchant with whom you deal to order them for yon, or come or send direct to us. Merchants will find our dif ferent irrados of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invito them to eull and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and or the Retail Trade ecncrallv. and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addrossed . MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, 628 Arch St Between 6th and 7lhSti., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS February 29,1869. lOinos. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. TiR. JOHNSON has discovered the hum Certnin,ipeedy U Olid only Kflcctunl Kemctly ill Hie World lorall" I'll vnte Diseases, Weakness of the Hack or l.lnibi, Strictures, it,.,. ,;,, of ths Kidnevs and liliulder. lavoluntary Dis charges, linpoteocy, General Debility, Nervousness, Dy- P1 lepsy, Ijinguor, Low Spirits, Viinlalloll ol lueas, raipl. Ktioii of the Heart, Tnniiluy, Trenilihngs, Dione of (utirm Sight or Gicldineaj, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or sltin, Affection, ot the Liver, Ltins, Stomach or Unwell these Terrible Dlsoideisarising I'lom the Solitary Habitl nf V, tilth thuie secret and r-illtai v practices mnre fatal to their vlcliml than the aong of Syreal to the Matiuen of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, ao., uupoBiiuic. Young Men rmrmallv. who have become the vicinnsof Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive hobit which annually sweeps to an untimely crave thousands of Young Men of the moit exalted tnleiiti and brilliant intellect, who might olherwise have entinnced listening Senatel with thethuu den of eloquence or waited to ecstuty the living lyre, may call with lull conhaence. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mnrringe, hn in nwnre of n lvsiea weakness, orirniiic ucoiiuy, u foimities. fcc., speedily cured. He who places himself under the enre of Dr. J. may may religiously confide in his honor us a gentleman, and coniideiuiy reiy upon uiiniHii riiy.ivian. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor This Distlessing Alfectlon wnie, ifor Restored. ussintz Altectlon wnicn renoers t.ue misera ble and marriuge impossible i. the penally paid by t he victim, of impioper indulgence.. Young peisous aro too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the diead ful consequence, that may ensue. Now, who that under stand! the subject will pretend tu deny that the power of piiiercation i. I'st Maer by those falling into improper habits than hy the prudent.? Besides ileing deprived the pleasures nf hcnlthy offspring,the most leriousnnd destine Uve lymploin to both bHly and mind aiise. The system become, ueningen, me i-iiysieiu sou nientai i-iineiioa. Weakened, lxsiof Pric,eattve Power, Nervous Irrit-ihili-ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Coti- Blliuiionai ueonuy, u vuiu,g n mio i-iuuie, vuun, Consumption, Decay and Dtath, Oflice, Ko. 7 Mouth Fredcriek Mts-ect Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few dooi. from the coiner. Full not to observe name ami number. Lelteis must be paid and eouiuiiiu.Uimu. The Doctor's Diplomus hung iu In. office. A Curo Warranted iu Two layu. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs. !. Iohiiton, Member of the Royal College of Surgeon., London, Grad uate from one of Uie most eminent College, in the l.'nlted Suites, and the greater Nirt of whose lite ha. been .pent in the hospital, ol Loudon, Pnn., Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled wilh iiiiging iu die head and ear. when asleep, great nervousness, being alarm ed at luddeu sound., ba.liluiuo, with frequent blushing. attended sometime, witii derangement of mind, weiecuied unmeu lately. Take larH ulnr .ottec. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and Military haluti, which ruiu both body aud mind, unfitting them lor either busiuesi, aiutiy, .ocieiy or murriage. Tuesa are some of the sad and melancholy effecl. pm dueed hv euilv llahll. ol youth, viz: Weakness of the Hack nnd I.liuli., I'aiu. in the Head, minuets ot 5igai, los ul Muscular Pnwei, l'alpitatioii of the Heart, Dyspep.y, Nerviais Irritubility, Deiungetueiitof the Digestive Func tion., General Debility, isyinptoiii. of Consumption, A:e. Mbnt.llv The fearful effect, on the mind are much to bedreaded Los. ol Memory, Confusion of Idea., De pression of Spirits, Evil-l-'oicbodnig. Aversion to Society, Sell-Uiritrust, Uive of Soliliule, Tiuiidity, Ae. are some of tne evil, produced. I iioiiAXus ot perkius oi an ngei con now juoge wimi is the cuuse of their declining health, losing their vigor. becoming weak, pale, nervous and ennciutcd, having a lingular appearance ubout the eyes, cough and symptoms uf cou.uilipliou. ounjr .vsest Who have imured themselves hva certain nrnetice Indulg ed in when alone, a habit frequently leuiued from evil companions, or at school, the effect, of wiiieh aia nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not eured render, inairiuge nnKtuihle, and destroy, both mind and body, should appiy iimnediutely. waul a pity that a young man, the hope nf hi. country, the darling uf his parents, .liould lie snatched from nil pros pect, aud enjoyment, of life, by the consequence nf devia ting from the path of nature und indulging in a certain secret habit. Such person, must, before couteinplatiug Marriutre. r'-deel that a sound mind aud body are the most neceaiarv requisitesto promote connubial happim-M. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the prospect houily darken, to the view ; the mind become, shadowed Willi deepair and filled with Ihe melan choly rettectiou that the huppiuess of another becomes blighted with our own iMMeiiMe ox iniprituenee. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find, that he hus imbibed the seeds of this painful di.eu.tt, it too often happen, that an ill-tuued seme of aliame, or dread of discovery, deter, him from applying to those who. Horn education aud rojiectaidiiiy, euu alone ueiiieuu uun, delaviitg till the coustilutioual symptoms of tin. borild disease make their appearance, such ai ulcerated aore throat, diseaaed nose, noetuial pain, in Ihe head and limb.. uimnes. oi aignt, aentiieu, none, on tne win unite, uuu aim., blotches on the head, face and ealiemitn., piogieai iug with frightful uqiidity, till at km the pilute of Ihe mouth or the hone, of the note fall in, and Ihe victim of thi. awful disease becomes a horrid object of commisera tion, till death puis a insriiHl Pi his dreadful suilenug, by ending him to "that Undiscovered Country from wliance no traveller returns. H It is a melancholy fact that thousand, fall victim, to una terrible disease, owing to the untkillfuluen of ignoiuut pietenueis, who, ny the useni mat -ueauiy i-oianu, me,, eury," ruin Uie constitution and make Ihe lesidue of life miserable. Strnnsersi Trust it your lives, or health, to the eure of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or ehamcter, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or style themselves, in the newspapeis, regularly Educated I'avsicinn., incapable of Cuiing, they keep you trifling mouth after month hiking their lililiy and poisouus compounds, or as long as the sinalleat fee ran be obtained, and iu despair, leave you with luined health to sigh over yout galling disappointment. Dr. J, amnion i. the only Physician advertising. Hi. credential or dinkiinas always hans ill his office. His rriniilieaor treatment are unkiaiwa tu all other., prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals ol r.urope, tha tint ui this country and a mora extensiv. "Private l'luctu-e" than any oilier 1'liyaiciail iu the world. Inilerarment of the 1'reisH. The many thousand, cured al this institution yrnl after vear. and the numerous important Surgical OtierHtinn. pertoruieil by Ir. Jolia.tna, witueweil bv the reiuirlera of the "un," "Clipper, " and many other papers, notice, of which have appeared again and again before the public, beside, hi. studding a. a gentleman ul character and re sponaibility, i. a surhcienl guarantee to tho altlicted. Nkisi lsienaieij Npeedlly Cured. PerrsHii wiiting ihou!d he particular in directing their cllci. to Ins iuatiiutiou, in uie loiiowing suunner, John 31. Juhnslen, M. I. Of ihe Baltimoie Lock Uospital, lialliui ne, Md, Nov. 30, IM 1 y. Lime I Lime I Lime I fllUE new Lime Kilns of II. B. Masser, at Selinj. I Grove Suitlon, are now cnmpluted and in sue. cessful operation, producing lime of the very best quality. These kilns are built with all the modern conveniences and improvements, and have a capaci ty of producing 400 bushels per day. Excellent roads have been made to the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds can be loaded in a few minutes from the schutes, without handling. Having- onened a laree bo.lv nf tha best limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they aro nuauiuu to sen time at me low rate ot 11 cents per uuButu. iue anus are in enarge oi oomptlent per, sons, who will always be prepared to supply cut vomers. Apply to il. H. Masser, bunhuiy, or to mas. iiuiikieburgcr, or Chas. J . Ceurad, at the kilns, ueoemner 14, l0(. SELLERS & F0LWELL, WHOLESALE , OOHS'BOVSOH.E.RS AND FRUITERERS, No. 101 North Third Street, Philadelphia. tjV'Ordsis promptly attended to. 9. Philadelphia St Krle Itntlroad. BUMMER TIME TABLE. Through and dlreot rout between PhlUde4nM Jlaiumore, tlarrlsburg, Willlamsport, to tha Nnrih. west and the UreM Oil Region of PeimsylTanla. ELEOANT SLEEPINO CARS en oil Night Trains. On and after Monday, May 11th. 1M8. tha Train. on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will r.n follows: . Wistwahd. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 11.16 p m, ounDury, ft 06 am arr. at Erie. r ao nm Erie Express loaves Philadelphia. 12.00 noon rut)0ury e 40 p m arr at Erie inn.", m Elmira Mail loaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a in cunoury 4.16 pm " arrive at Lock Haven, 7.46 p tu Eastward. Mail Train leavoi Erie 1 1 00 a n " " Sunbury, 12.00 m 11 arr. at Philadnlnhta. Tin.., Erie Express leaves Erie 7.40 p m tsunhury .68atn " " arr. at Philadelphia, 6.00 p m Mall and Express connect with Oil Crook unit Allegheny Riyer Railroad. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintend out. Northern Central Itnilway. SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. ON and after May 11th, 1863, trains will leave SUNBURY, as follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6.00 A. M., Daily for Williamsport. Duily (exoopt Dunuays,; tor r.imira, lianandaigua, Rocho3tor, Iluffaloe, Niagara Full,, Suspension Bridgo and toe Cunndas. 4.16 P. M., Dully (exoept Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buflalo via Erie Railway from Elmirn. 6.40 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Williams port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A. M., Doily (exoept Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. 10.02 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.00 P. M., Daily (exoopt Sundays,) for Harrisburg. J. N. DuBahrt, Ed. S. Yocnq, Gen'l. Snp't., Ucn'l Passen'r Ag't Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimoro, Md. Latkuw unuu Si llloomtthnrj Ituil ' road. ON nnd after Jan. 1st, 1867, Passenger Truius will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. Leave Scranton, 5.60 10.00 " Kingston, 6 55 11.20 P. M. 7.10 8.20 P. M. 4 411 6.011 8.17 8.50 10.15 " Kupert, v 20 " Danville, 0.&4 Arr. North'd., 10 Si NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 " Danvtllo, 7.40 Ruport, 8 15 A. M. 6 20 6 Oil P. M. 6.35 Kingston, 10.50 8. SO 2.60 9.05 4.00 10.15 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 9.S5 Trains loaving Kingston at 8. SO A. M. for Sura ton, connect with Train arriving at New York at 5. 20. Passengers taking Train South from Scranton at 6.50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach HnrrUburg 12..10 P. M., Ualtimore 5.30 P. M., Washington 1U.- uu A . iu. via ivupurt roacn i ninuieipnia at r.uu p. ut. - 11. A. iUiNiA,up t. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1S67. tending Jtailroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20, 1868. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North anil North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lobanon, Allen town, Euston, Ephrula, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, J'C, iIC. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now-York, as fol lows : At 2.50, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. and 12.20 noon, and 2.05 nnd 9.35 P.? M, connecting with similar Trains on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5.00 10.00 and 11.60 A. M. and 3.611, 7.4010.30 P.M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.50 A. M. and 0.35 P. M. trains without ohungo. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersvillo, Ashland, Pine Grove, Alloutown aud Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lobanon and principal way stations ; tho 4.10 n m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, v Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.55 p. m. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 a. in., 12.00 Noon and 6.00 und 8.00 p. in. Sleeping cars ac companying tho 9.00 a. m. and 5 00 aud 8.00 p.m. trains without change. ' Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsville at8 45 a. m. nnd 2.45 p. m; Ashliuid 6.00 a.m. and 12.-19 and 2.00 p.m.; Tauinquaut 8.30 a.m. and 1.00 aud 8 45 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 10 a. m. and 12.00 noes. Reading Accommodation Truin leuves Rending ut 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5.15 r. n. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts- town at 6.45 A. M., returning leuves Philadelphia, at 4. SO P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.eadinz at 7.00 A. M., and 6.15 P.M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ac. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leavo Pcrkiomcn . Jnucticn at 9.00 A. M. and 6.55 P. M. Returniug : Leave Skippnek ut 6.45 A.M.. and 1.15 P. M., con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Un Sundays: Leave now lork at 8 no p ui.. f Uilu- delphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M, the 8.00 a. ni. train running only to Reading, Pottsville 8 00 a m., Hurrisburg. 5.25 am, and 4.10 and 9-35 pm. and Rending ut 1.10 2 56 and 7.15 a. in, for Harrisburg, and 7.06 a. in. and 11.40 p in. fur New York, 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, boason, bcbool and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from ull points. uaggago chockod through : 100 1'ouods Brircago allowed each Passenger. U. A. fliiUULLS, General Superintendent- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf, BUNBURY, Penu'a. FiOrders solicited and filled with nroinntneK, and despatch. euubury, May 12, 1866. y UNION HOTEL. 4'HA. H'i:iH Ii-oprieloi. In Cuko's Addititn to SUNBURY, near tha Pcnn'a. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. kept who will find ample accommodations. Good cooks and waiters, boarders con enjoy the quiet com luria oi uuuia witu tore equal to uie oust nuiuig. ins liquors are oi tne choicest nanus. Sunbury, June 8, 1H67. NEW GROCERY STORE, "W. S. FTTlRlrlAlT & CO , Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north. side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and thu publio, that they have opened a NEW QROCEH'Y AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried fruits, Deans, llonuny, uneese, urackors, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles. Soda. Ao.. and tu fact everything in the Groceryond Provision Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, W illow-wuro, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Call and see uelore purchasing elsewbero. W. S. FL'RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 187. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT as BBOTHEH, Shlnnem Ai Wholevalo Si Itetail mseaierst in w iiiti: Si hi:i AHU COAL, tn evory variety. Bole Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Cool. Lowkb WuAur, Btast ar, Ta. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1866. - B00K BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN' North Mill street, DANVILLE, i T 8 prepared to Bind Books, Pap'. . 'd !. 1 klusio, iu any style that may lrtd' l oheaper rales thou can be done iu the cities. All Orders left at this Offiee, wilt attention. Saddle w. have 8f J,BLtai4 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers