, W, B. BiNqtLE, Publisher. t fiinilUHY, HA. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1808. J .I'... . . . J" ... i. i local Affairs. Campaign Badou, '.Flags, it., wfaoleeait ud retail,, at Llghtner A Zeiglor'e Book Store, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. . it O. AV. Hacpt, Esq., has nearly completed his rcri denoo on Chestnut street. It it a two-story brick bnildipg, and ii a handsome improvement. A littli daughter of Jackson Renn, of Trevor- ton, aged 3 yeare, died on Saturday week last from the effects of eating part of a box of matcbea. , Tost Office Removal. The Rushtown Pott Office hat been removed to the bouse of Jolin Hoffman, who liae been appointed Postmaster, viee Christo pher Dicbl, removed. Wb have soino individual! in Sunbury who are "souie" on lager,, but ire puces the uwn Ui Quincy 111., who recently drank 110 glosses in one after noon, slightly ."takes them down." Marten ARTS and others will find it to thoir edvan- (ngeto buy their Paper Bag.;, at city prices, saving the freight, of Llghtner A Zeigler, Booksellers and Paper Dealers, Markot Square, Sunbury, Pa. 2t The AYht Crop. The Lewlsburg Chronicle, iu speaking of the wheat crop in that section, lays thai a liner crop was never seen than Is now present i'd to the eye along the West Branch as far up as Lock Haven, ; . .i I. Coal. We dlroot altontion to theeard of John P Hum, in another column, who continues retailing conl in this plaoe. Mr. Haas is prompt, and will furnish tbo best article to all who may fuvor him with their orders. " 1)ROWHBO-On Monday evening lastayrrungman named Miller, of Lower Augusta township, was diowned in Furmuu's mill dam, while bathing. It is supposed that ho was soiled with cramp, lie was about 22 years of age. A nsw shaving, shampoonlng and bair-drewing saloon has rcoontly boen opened in the basement of Haupt'a new iron front building, in Market Square, by Mr. John Ludwig. Sunbury is sot) supplied with three good tonsoriul establishments. Struck r Lhhitki.nu. John M. Fry's hotol, at Turbutville, this county, was struck by lightning on Tuesday of last week, and Mr. Fry and wife were considerably stunned, Petor AVagner'e residonoe in thoaume plaoo, was struck on the previous Sunday. I'otir Orrica Contract. A contract has been ordered by tho Post Office Department with the Nor them Ceutral Itailroad Co., J. D. Cameron, Presi dent, fur carrying the mails from July 1, 1869, to Juno 30, 1S72, at (700 per annum, from Columbia to York. TnK Canada Thistle. Our attontion has been called to tho faol that this pestiferous weed abounds in various parts of the Borough. The authorities should not lose a moment in destroying them. Thero is a law Imposing a penalty when this is neg lected by individuals. Tic-Xic. The Lutheran Sunday School, of this place, hold a pie-nie ou Thursday last, in tbo woods near Unas' mill, about a mile east of town. It was attended by a largo number of teachers and scholars, and notwithstanding tbo warm woathcr, all seemed to enjoy thomsolvcs. f School Taxes. At a meeting of tho Directors, on Tuesday lout, a resolution was passed to levy a tax of seven mills for school purposes, aud threo mills lor building purposes. Xho school session is to con- tinuo for five months, commencing on the first Mon day of Novomhor next. Tub Bight Kev. Bithop Stevens, of this Diooese, officiated in St. Mark's Church, Northumberland, on Sunday morning last, and in St. Matthew's Churcb, in this placo, in the evening. The rite of confirma tion was administered to four porsons iu Uie former, cud to se ven in the lattor pi nee. Bitten by a Snake. We learn that a young man named Bcnnott, living iu Lower Augusta town ship, was bitten by a copperhead suiikc, on Tuesday lust, while nt work in a field. Tbo proper remedy was immediately applied, and he has since recov ered from the effects of the bite. A grand i AnADF, under direction of the Order of United American Mechanics, will take place at , Milton on Saturday, 25th inst. Distinguished speak ers from Philadelphia, Harritburg and other places, will he present eu tho occasion, and no pains will be spared to render the day a pleasant one to all par Ucipating. Concent at Lewisbuiio. We are requested to etato that a concert will be given in Commencement Hull, in Lewiehurg, this (Friday) evening, by Prof. Parry, of Danville, assisted by Miss Maggie Jones and eminent singers of tho Danville Choral Socioty. Prococds fur the benefit of the Lewisburg Baptist Church. Ticket SO cents. Hi dden Death A little daughter of a Mr. Clark, residing at Fulton Station, near Sbamokln, was taken 111 while attending a Sunday School celebration at that placo on tho 4th inst., and died the day follow ing. A difference of opinion exists as to the eause of her death, some believing her to have been poi soned by eating laurel, while others attribute it to sun stroke.' i ' 1 m p . A Valcablk Cow. Our old friend, John Mc Farland, Esq., of Northumberland, rejoioes in the possession of a cow which averages seventeen pounds of butter per week. She .has yielded 17 pounds of butter a woek, besides the oream used by the family This is certainly a remarkable eow, and we think, for produotiveness, can beat anything in this section of country. - . . . ... i i : '." Impartial." Wo have received a lettot for publication, from a correspondent who signs him elf "Impartial," in reply to a notice of the Sun bury Literary Association, which appeared in the f American of the 4th inst. As It was not accompa nied by the name of the author, we, of course, de clino inserting it. Wo inuke it a rule never to pub lUh a letter or communication without the name of the writer being given. Extrkhi Heat. Tbo beat, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, was greater than ever before expe rienced here, at least within our recollection. On Monday the thermometer reached 06. On Tuesday it ran up to 99, and in some places 100. On Wednes day it stood at 00, at 7 A, M., and at I P. M. at 101, and in some localities 103 in the shade. We hare heard of several instances of sun stroke, and labor ers overpowered by heat while at work in the fields. Dkatu from Sun Stroke. On Wednesday last John Wiukeluian, while at work in a field on Judge Boidelnpaob'1 farm, about two miles above Nor tbumberland, was overcome by the Intent heat and expired almost instantly, lie waa a married man, aud aged about 3S years. . We learn that a laborer, employed on the farm of A. E. Kapp, Esa., new Northumberland, w taken Tory ill, caused by the heat, while at work In a field, on Wednesday. H is maou better, and Is considered out of danger. Bln Stroke A Philadelphia physlolan write to iha Ijdrer. of thateily, lo let the iubi know the f Mowing manner of Wciusf ully . treating ease of sun stroke : "Lit th person th afleotea na re moved lo a eool and private place, hi clothing token ctr. and the body rubbed from bead to foot with large of ioa. at the same time that pl.oe of iee are ketit ia the arm-pit. Thi imp! treatment, If .teadily persevered in, will eatet which seem .i,at dewwtat. and there I reason to believe, .,dr uv ether Heatmeut, would certainly prove fetal" ' Miasm' Striki in tdi Coal Beoioni The PottavMaVofcnui, of the 11th lost., glvee the following auoonnt of the miners' strike in the Sha tnokin, Bohuylkill and Lehigh eoal regions ; The strike for eight boors' werk at a day's labor, ' toge ther With the demand for inoreaaed wage, baa be eome general, no doubt, In all the eoal regions by this time. On Monday last it commenced at Mount Carmel and Locust (Jap, in Northumberland county, and a large number of men tnarahed to Ashland and In the Mahauo? Valley, and stopped all the collier ies In that region on Tuesday. On Wednesday Ihoy stepped the colliories on the Woat Branch, Casa, St. Clair and In the Schuylkill Valley, and continued on thoir way to th Lehigh and Wilkosbarre Re gions. Ou Thursday the Lehigh Coal Company's men struck, and we presume tho turnout will be general. At We stated last week, that if a strike must take place, Ibis was the most desirable time, while the trade is extremely dull. If the strike hat become general in all the Arjthrnaito regions, and continues for several weeks, it must result In raising the prioo of eoal. Without an advance it is Impossible for the coal operators lo reduce tho hours of labor, or advance prices ; the only other alternative will be lo leave the eollioriea lie idle. Many are working them now, merely to keep the men at work, and thus provont derangement in theso colliery estab lishment, hoping for an improvement to take place in the trado. A oorrcpondent of the Press, writing froni Potta ville on Friday last, 10th inst., aays : The excite ment here in regard to the miners' riot hat some what tubsldod, they having dispersed from this vicinily. Through the county, however, they are still continuing their operations of notifying all mills, foundries, furnaces, J o., to eeaso work. Many ope rators Who have not been notified will be oompclled to cense In a few days, from tho want of eoal. The targe furnace uf AUIacks A Co., near this plaoe stopped last night from this causo. There is re ported 'to be some dofcctlon among the rioters, In consequence of tho miners In the adjoining counties not joining them. Tho main body, however, threat en to maltreat all the scccders, and most of them will ho iNtimidntcd from resuming work. Last uiglit a coinmittco of three minors visited a prominent oporalor hero and had the impudence to ask for one hundred dollars to support the strike. Tho coal trains are all coming down the different roads empty, and leaving the cart at Schuylkill Haven. Last night three hundred men were carolled at Tort Carbon, and this morning papers are being Signed here by numorous persons, pledging them selves to be ready at short nutico if any force is re quired to suppress the Ir.surreotiun. It is reported that the strike is supported by spec ulators, who wish to raise the price of eoal. Tho mode of oporations'of the rioters is to osscinblo in the vicinity of some town, and as the mob is generally umtur the control of the largest man iu.y yu mus ter, detachments are sent by him to the different mills. They proecod armed with olubs, guns and revolvers, uud order all the employees to cease work under penatty of doath. Tho Shamokin JlrralJ, of Thursday last, says: Werk at the collieries in this region, with the ex ception of two or threo, has been suspended on ac count of en attempt ou the part of some of the miners to compel tho adoption of tho eight hour law, which by act of the lu.it legislature, went into efleut on (lie 1st inst. The operators, unwilling to pay 10 hours' wages fur 8 hours' work, notified their mon accordingly on or before that date, and most of them accepting tho turms. work wot oontinucd without interruption until Friday, whan a party of strikers from Bcnuvlktll county ana Locust UBn visited tne collieries butwecn tho latter placo and the Green back, and compelled overyman to stop worK, woolli er ho felt disposed to do so or not. On j-ititurilny the some parly proceeded lo tno collieries around this piaco, and stopped all that were round in operation, except tno jiuuK lliuge and iiig Mountuiu, at which the 8 hour system had been adopted. Tliey compelled somo of the mon from each operation visited, to join their ranks, and whon passing through tbo town in llio afternoon on thuir return from Big Mountain, tho party numbered from loU to it j, Ihoy marctiod to tno mitstc ol the hie and drum, and carried in front an American Aug and a lioard, stuck upon a pole, with the words ICilit Hours" painted upon it. The first six of the parly ourried guns and marched in ranks of two, wniia the remainder were armed wun ciuos, and marched in more or less disorder. . They proceeded without hailing until reaching tho site of tho now banking house, where thoy notified the stone-cutters to quit work. Resuming their march down Sunbury street, the uuimiis at work at Mr. K. ragely s resi dence were next notified. Here ono of tho party with guns, bocaue Mr. J.'W. Young called out to tho uin.'oiu to continue their work if they wished to. duliheratoly fired toward him, tho shot entering the weather boards ot nil House, wiibin a tew luel or Uie door, where he stood. The shot was evidently fired with the intention of intimidating Mr. Vouug and other citir.ens who felt disposed to disperse the party, but it had not ttint cltect, mr tie stood Lis ground until better reason prevailed among thcin, and they started dowu tho street. The Cameron colliery was next vuitcd, after which the party returned lo und lilt the town, without further broakiug tho peaoe. Ou Monday morning it was reporteil that the stri kers would again visit us on their way lo Carbon hun, and it win determined, for the safety us well as the credit of the place, to prcvout them from car rying guns through tho town. Accordingly, an or gniiuulinn of tho citi'.ens of the town was soon effect ed, otfiocrud by und composed largely of veteran soldiors, and alter all necessary preparations had boeu made to iiiMiro the succussof their undertaking, a comiiiitteo was sent out beyoud the borough limi's to moot and read to the strikers a ntico from tho Chief Burgess that they would not be ullonod to enter the borough with fire arms. The committee met and read tho notice to them, and upon being aasurvd that they were unarmed and would molest no person or property in the town, they were allowed to go through, which they did iu a peaceable mun ner. They vi.-ited the Biirnside and Bear Valley col lieries, and stopped the latter, but allowed the former to run on, learning that the men were working by the hour. . On returning, they kept their promise, and pawed quietly through town. How loug the strike will continue, and bow end, their is no telling at present. Most of tho operators of thhrreginn cannot afford, at the present prico ol coal, to lo.-o tho 2U per cent, which the adoption of the uiglit hour systom would entuil, and as there is no immediate prospoct of an advance, tho futuro looks glooiuy enough. Severs Storm at Shanokin. The Sbamokln IleraJ, of tho 0th Inst., says: Between-3 and 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, a perfect tornado of wind visited this place, driving clouds of dust before it, and rendering it exceedingly unplousantanddan' gerous to be out of doors. It was of but short dura lion, however, aud waa succeeded by a refreshing shower of rain, -which had the effect of bringing the mercury down from a hundred and six in the shade to a point at which it was powible to breathe and sleep with some degree of comfort. While the wind was at its height, a fence on the Longoneeker property was blown down, and three ohildren of Paul Heidi's, who happened to be pass ing at the time, were caught under it. One of them, a little girl about 0 years of age, was dangorously and it it feared fatally injured, but the other two escaped with only slight bruises. We have heard of so other accident occurring to life or limb, nor any considerable damage being done to property in this place. Tun aica-WALva In this place are still in an un finished stale. In rojrard to the erouinm. whiuh form a nioel important part of the tide-walks, ia many placet nothing bat been done, and on a dark night are really unsafe, without a light. But the whole system is wrong. ' Paving the tide-walks without curbing, and without pavod gutters for proper drain' age, it only half doing the business, These mud gutter, requiring renewal every year, hay eost the Borough, already, twice at much at a well paved gutter would have eost, and in many tettanee arc of little or no aoeount. If our Borough father arc deficient in knowledge on thi subjoot, let them visit ions of the neighboring town on the Susquehanna, where they bare some system of paving and drain ..... Oroveb A Baker' Sawmu Machine. Among other ' well-established reason for preferring the Grovor A Baker sewing maohine to all others In ust w may state, upon the testimony of thousand of witnease, that it make a handsomer and more elas- tie stitch J that It I more simple to learn and operate upon ; that it is let liable to get out of order; that It tewing it more durable ; that its thread is let liable to break neeaute mere it lest mouon on u and lhat in embroidery, and all other kinds of orna mental tewing, it stands without even tbe attempt at a parallel. Mia Caroline Daliua, of this place, is tb ageut for the sal of these exeellent machines I all and see ILtiu Tni Mar Kilt.id,-A difficulty occurred on Saturday last, noar the Muney Dam, la this county, between Thome Hue", a boatman of Leek flifvoti, atjsl a man name! NororoM, also a boatman, from Baltimore, resulting in the death ef fluff. , It it (aid the men got into a quarrel and Huff went Upon Norcrosi' boat to whip him, Norcrosa ploked up a pole and knooked Huff down, and then ran into his cabin for Ms pistol., -In tie meantime Huff recovered from tho blow ke had received and retreated to hit own boat, but notwithstanding this whon Noroross came out of his Cabin, he shot Huff, the ball taking effect in the abdomen, and killing him. Noroross, Imme diately after the shooting, left his boat and fled. There Is a rumor that he was arrested at Milton, but whether Ills oorreot or not, we are not Informed. Since writing the above, we loarn en inquest was held on the body of Huff, by David Billman, Esq., of Munoy CTeek township, and that a warrant was Issued for tho arret of Norctwi. Munrf Lnmi vary of Tnesfiry lait. UbLftKN WilnniNO. Dr. James. S. Dougal and wife having hocn married fifty years, and during all that time honored and respoeted rcsideuti of this borough, Were the recipients of the substantial favors connected with so notable, an event at the bands of their many friends mid relations, on Thursday of last woek. Tho affair passed off in tho happieet possible mannor, and to the great gratification of all who participated. Few married couples livo to partake of the festivities of to remarkable an ovent and fewer still enn boast of a long life of to much usefulness and honor as Dr. Jin. 8, Donga! and his truly estimable lady. We hope that their pathway In life, as they journoy to the "happy land," muy bo smooth and plcasnnt. Milfnian. Killed rv Liobtnino. On Tuosday afternoon last, while a thuuder storm waa passing over the soulb-wcstorn part of the county, a bolt of lightning struck Cyrus, son of Simon Shrope, a farmer of Washington Township, while engaged at work In a corn field, Instantly killing him. Ho waa In the 17th year of his age. On Wodncsday night the wife of Dennis Kolloy residing near Mt. Laffco, throe nillos north of Polta Villa, Was struck hf lightning White In bed, and in ttantly killed. Her husband, who slept by her lido had his sight Injured. Mrs. Kolloy was about 60 years of ago. l'nllavillt Journal, 1 If A twi. BUSINESS NOTICES. Wn.vEit'a Boot and Shok Stork. Wo are glad to learn that our friond, John Wllver, who lately opened a first-olius Boot and Shoe Store In Spruce street, in this place, is meeting with the suoecss which bis Industry and enterprise deserve. He has an excellent stock, and tellt at greatly' reduced prices. Give him a call. For a styliah suit, and one thai fits ; fur one that will woar, and for one a little ehenperthan the same can be made up clsewbero, go to Beck's, on Fourth street. His scientific mode of cutting garmonts ren ders him able to givo entire satisfaction to nil. Try him. An immense stock of Boots and Shoes, from New York and Philadelphia, has jujt been received nt Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Market Square. We venturo the assertion that Miller sells moro goods than any other establishment Sunbury or vicinity. The reason is that be always keops the largest and best assortment, and sells at a small ad vance on cost. The Hot Wkathkr. Tho warmest dayt of the season are now upon us, and every one seems to no makinz an effort to "korp eool ' With ono of Faust's faahionablo and en.y-fitting straw huti one oan certainly be made eomfortahlo, and as it cost but a trifle to procure ono of thoin, we would re commend our gcntlouion to wear them. They are about as much of a luxury, these hot days, as ice- old ''lugor" or "mint juleps." Cor's Couch Balsam. The great popular Heme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both siios ordinary 4ei., nlsomam moth family bottles for tale by all druggitts and dealers in medicines. No family should bo over night without it in the house. Cor.' DvsrEPSiA Curb Will Immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated ohsb of Dvsnemi. Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praise of itt groat virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Trice f 1 .00. MARRIAGES. OntheMth inst., at E. T. Drumholler'a hotel Sunbury. Iiv P. M. ithindel, Em.. Nr. Ai.rkrt Fisbeb and Mis Eliza Mat Qakiham, all of the tkirougb ol Northumberland. 1 1 '!.'!. MU.iti iiv .n itiii"r. Corrooted Weekly for tho "Amoricnn.1 Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do per ewt. By o Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, primo red, new, per bushel , Rye, do Corn, d Oata, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unpurcd do Dried Apulos, de til 00 7 00 10 00 & 00 2 40 I it 1 10 RO 1 7.S 2J 2" 15 3 on 25 Dried Cherries, (unstoncd,) per bu. Duller,. per pound, per dnion, per pound, do do do do do do per pair 25 Choeco, Lard, Hums. Shoulders, Buef, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, 25 1. 2. 20 14 13 18 CO Klinmohin Cottl Trade, Suanokin, July 14, 1BA8. Tout. Cwt. Sent for week ending July 11, 7,739 10 Per lust Report, 234,381 11 242.121 10 217,547 14 5,426 04 To same time last year, Doorcase, Special 2sTotirra. QSE TRICE CLOTUIXa. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED ou i'iik.'i: CLOTHING ' HOUSE, OUl Market Nlrrrl, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years thi Establishment has don busi ness ob ilia On Prioe tSja.m, aud we belloee w ar the otily Clothing House in the city that strictly adheres to this principle. We bare earned a rspu- laiion wnioo w are proua or, lor gooa taste in seleet- food style and tubMontlal uraturia Is, and not lest luportant, for having all our goods . EX iiU vi:i.l. iriAitR. - W employ tb best talent, for Cutters, and our Uoods are of both kind fashionable and plain-, so that all tastes oan be suited. The priuee or tb very lowest, as any one by iuoment'1 thought must tee, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for at nodeduetiont are ever made, w must put our price down to tb advantage! we promise. The people may depend, this it the true plan upon which to do busineta, and many a dollar oan b aved to Clothing buyer by keeping in mind TONES' ' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOCSE. 04 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on tb Corner, but on door above Birth. K. J. HI A 1 if 12, feSaleman. April 4, ISM. ly . . Suruu, DiaxDHM axd Catabri treated with the utmost suocess by J. Isaac. M. D , Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Ley den, Holland,) No. 80S Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from tbe most reliable aouroea io city and country oan b toon at his office. Tbe Medical faoulty are invited to accompany their paticutt, as he ka no secrete in hi practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES imerted with iyt pain. No eharg for eiamlriation. . nov-lo-ly. ANEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Physician who bad Consumption for sevoral .years, with freqntnt bleeding , ot the lungs; cured himself with a hiodloine unknown to tho profession, when his case appeared hopeless.' Hois the only physician who has used it In his own'-porton, or who has any knowledge of iw virtues; and he oan ascribe the de gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of hi midieine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all ethers, induo ed him to hatard the experiment. To those suffer ing with any disease of the Lunirs ho proffers a treat ment be confidently believes will oratllcnte the disease. Price f .60 tier bottle or ?S a half dozen, eut by express. Send for a circular or call on jir. n. iiovi.ston Jackson, No. 2"0 North Tenth Slroct, Philadelphia. May 30, 1868.-ly. fJulilcio Miirrlnd't-J Youne Mcn'silntl,, to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. Tne hu mane views of lteucvolent Physicians, on tbe Krrors and Anion .Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sont In sculc'd letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Pbilodol- phi, Pa-. ' dune i J, i6on. ly. . CAUTION. I'niM hllM'I'N Ot the lMut ian fMriaift. la protectod solution uf 1he protoxulo of lrnn,) are cnu t.on.rffnint being decfirod by any of tho prepara tiotiK of Peruvian Trk or JUrk and Inm which may be offered them. Tho wptTtoi iiy of the PoravUn Syrup over odior premrR.-iuii9 i.f inm ii due ia n great mowuro lo the peculiar wlvunt !od, giving it the charaetsr of an aliment, as eaeily digested tu the Minplost food. Every bottle of gnuiuo has rRU. via tVBrr (not 1'uruvinn uahk) mown iu luegiuH. EX AN INK THK JlotTLC BEFORE It IUII ASl.Ml. Af)DKK93 TO THK NBflVOUif AN0 DKHII.ITA ted, wli-mc ul1jrinu8 have been nmtrMrtr.l limn .mi ll till cquiu!, ii ud win lie fuses teijiitro prom jit liuutmeiit t rentier L'siaie, ice oVtiruhlu. If ymi mc luucring or have suffered liom itivolmrtnry UittliiireeR, Vli:U effect iloui 11 produce upnii ynut geiictnl Iteiilili ? Jo you Irel wrnk, JeUilitH.nl, citsily tired Dim a little exiM xi;rti'in pro. due palpitation ol" theheitrtf Dock your lner, or urittniy organ or your ktdneyi, frftjnmtty pret out of ouWx f I your urine 'mrlimr thicK, milky, or tlH'ky or It it ropy iMiaeltltnK ? Or doea a I luck atMim ric to llie top? Or ia a avdimt'iit at the bottom utter u Iimr ntoinj awhilo.' Do you hnvu sttulti of iliurt lireulhiiie or d snrusiti ? Are Ynut howel conutiivitfd ? Do vim Imve and la uf fuiuUnif or Tiisliva of blood to the head? lavour memory iinniiiiod? Ia your mind uoimtuutty (I well i up Ukhi Una aulgt'Ct f Do yon fi-eldtiil, hslltts, iiioiiiitc, Ured of eomimny,ol life t Do you wish lo be left ulone, to out nwny fp-in evervlxxly ? Doos any lime uiinr mane you nuuior jump; in your icrp hrftkeii oi fpiLleaa? If Ihe Hittre o yiMir eyrana linlliunl f i ni iiioom on vourrheeKtia nnunt: Lfo vou eiuov vmir elfin .fietv an well ! Do yon umiue yur husmem with uie sione cnei ax f Do you luel tin much coulnlcuce iti your aolf f Are your ipiriti dull umt H hTJInff, ivon to fits of incliiftcholy ? If so, Jo tint tuy it to yoiirliver or dyopepaia. H;iv 7y'rcatleia nighU? Vtmr hnck Weiik, your kneea rveiik.aiHl have but little ppfiitc. and yuu uiiributc thia io nyaprpaui or nver-coinpnoni : Nutv, retuler, aell" abuse, veuertml tlittenaca laJIy cured, ami aexiMl exceim-a, nre all cnpahio of pnMluiring a wenK iiena ol the ircnenitive oi'h-his TIiu orpfiiii f generalion. when in nerftTt heallh. innKe tne mtln. Did you ever think thai thorn holt), deflaut. euereeiiu, perseverini, aue titiMlul Ihj ail less-men uru iilwuya t)i ae whonn pctionittve nrirnoa tire in perfect lieu It It ? Vou never he:ii aueh mun coiiiiil.ihi of beiMC inclrtiuHinly. of ncrvouaiiesa, ol lNilnita- tioii vf lite heart TIm nre never afraid tlicy caiim-t ana rent In bl!ines ; they dmrt become ad and diw;onruj;ed ; thev are nlivav nolitc ami nlcasant in the comiiaiiv of la dies, and look yon ami them riclit in the farenone of jour downcast ltks or nny olhor mcnniH-sa alxut them. 1 do not mean thorn wht keep the organs iuHanied by running to ex?eu. These will not only rui.i their constitutions but also tit'so thev do Imsiiiesa witli or tor. now many men tioin omny-curcn uiAeiiaea, irom inn edrx'ta of aclf-ubuae and excesses, have brought hUmiI tliat state of weakness iu tUoe orgaua Uial Im reduced I he general ttyatcm so much as to induce ntmoat Wery other dnense uliix:y, lunacy, itaralysii, spinal Uift'Ctioua. suicide, and almost ever jr other form of disease whieti Immunity ia heir to, and tins real cause of th trouble scarcely ever hum perteil, uutl have doctored lor nil but the riuht. one. DifHaa of ih5 trfffans rcpnre lh nat? of a diuretic HKI,MU()1.I)'? TI.IMD KXTKACT ML'CHU isthr (rent Diuretic, tnul is a certain cure lor riiftcnaes of the Hlailtlrr, Kiduea, tiruvel, Dropay, Organm Weaknen. Kenude Compiaiuts, General Dtdiibty, und all disrjtaea of Ihu Lti nary Drgatis, whutlier exiktiii! m Mule or l-'numle, lr.m whatever cause originating Dud no matter of how louy ataiidiiig. If norreut incut isrnbmitted to, Consnmplfon or lurmuity may ensue. (Mir fl'-ah and blood are supported from these sourceHind the hralt'i nud happinraa. and that of Posterity, depend nivai pnnnit use of a reliable remedy. llelmb-iiVrs Kxtrucl IJuchn, cstablitheil upwards of Ifi years, prewired by H. T. Ill'.l-M IKHsD, Druggiat, 5lrt Brtadway, PCrw Vork, and tt4 S-mi Hi inihHheet, pliiladelphm. Pa. raitK per liottle, or 0 bottles for ., delivered lo any ml d rem. Sold by all Druggists everywhere NONK ARK r.KAM IVK t'NM'.SS DON K IT IX so-el-engraved wrnpper, with fjuvtitnile of my Chein. teal Watehuuso, and rigiicd II. T. HKI.MIJOLD. July Is. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Joseph Eyster, Cornrr of Market and Fourth Street, s u x ii u n v , r k nn'a, Invites the public to call ami cxaurino bis elegant assortment of HPIUNO AND S1IM.MFRDRY (lOOPS, such as Tahle Linens, pnmpstira. Irylioa, Trnrels, anJ Domestics of every description at the vory low. est price CASSIMBRE S. CLOTHS. &.C Silks. Dolaiucs, l.awn?, tiinglmin.". t'aliciies. Muslins, Nhcelin;. TiakinRS, Jvans, and a full assortment uf Cotton and Woolen poods C"norally. Hosiery, Oluvcs, lluup bkirts. Also Handkureliiofs, Rrushcs, ComKi. llsitH and 4'lis, I tool ntl MIiooh. His assortment of goods will not, lio is sure fail lo please the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous of purchasing. His stoek of 1IAKKWAR11 AND Ql KEN'S WAT. E, and Urncttrie is larie in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. He U always ready and glad to see bis friends and takos plcasuro in showing them his goods even though no sales are inado. lio only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably In price and quality with tbe cheapest. 1 H JOtfKPII EYSTER. Sunbury, June. JO, 18G3. , GENTS "WANTKD FOIl '-WEARING OF THE MKEEN." The most entertaining book pub lifhed, abounding in Romance, Humor and Wit. Agonts say it is the best selling book out, as pcuplo are tired of the repetition of dry details and army reports. Una Agent Sold 58 in One Week. I. i i, 02 " " 182 Ten Days. Liberal Terms to Agents. Svui for Circular. Also, Family Quarto flihlcs. Best rdition pub lished. Wm. Flint, Publisher, 2ti South 7th street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. jylllt orESisa of SUMMER AT STYLES, Miss Louisa Shissler's, MARKET SQUARE, Ladiot' and Missos' HATS and BOXNTS, in immense variety. .lllllnory iiood nnd 'l'rlunulHgM. French and American Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, Gloves, llosiry, and a general assortment of Ladiot Millinery Uoods, which have been selected with great core. Utnt foliar, ecUllc lot est, An-. Every variety will be found to select from, at MODERATE PRICES. Sunbury, May 30, loot. FRESH ARRIVAL OP MILLINER ir GOODS 3STOTI03STS, Mia ANNA. PAINTER, Market Square, two door west of the Poet Office SUNBURY, TENN'A. RESPECTFULLY inform hor friends and the publie, that sbo hat just returned from tbe city, where the hat spent some time iu making selections and purchases, and has just opened a luge stock ol MILLINERY (100D3 AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laoee, Drese-Liningt, Crinoline and -Winn Skirling Liniflg, Holp JSklrt, Ruglo Trim ming, Crepe Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Duttoua, Corset. Kopbyr. A large assortment of Ladiea ant tacntleuen' Hosiery. DOLLS of nil sites. Alphabet Blocks, 4. Sh Batters herself In being able make a display lhat will give entire satisfaction to visitors, und good will be exhibited with ploaaure. Sunbury, My 80, lbtS3. COUNTRY DEALERS supplied with all kinds o Stone Ware at let than Factory price at liar rlsburg, saving package; tb Mammolb Slur of breakage and freight, at U. Y. FKILINU R KMEMBER Hjfrly'si new Piotur Gllery tliree ewori wcuoi ineraur'ja'j, .'arr.i' .tijiim" BAUGITS 4 :MI .11 UllG'l A I. n A i I ' H V.H t Lint mark: Hi"- strati 0!i JiVKHY TACK A" UAirail A 6IN3, Philadelphia. AND NnUT-WMSTtUN FERTII.IZ1NU CO., fliiciyo. Holn lliniir;s'lniM-ri. rnicEs. llALtill RAW BONB PHOSl'lIAll', j: per 2,000 lbs. llAi ail'S I'HICAC'J DONE IKUTlMZIiR, i0 per 2,000 lbs. llAl.tlll S OIIIl'AUD llt.OOD MAM RE, ?M pcrlOi'O p. unds. Tho aborc Manures are furnUbcd in bnth bag and barrels, whichever customers prefer. Li" The Dugs are uniform In weight 150, pounds. The attention of Farmer is especially directed to the flirt that the sources of the Raw Mnleri.il ef winch t'io abuve Manures are composed, are o well under control that we can furnish them nf strictly niiilnrm quality nnd enndilton.aml that lliev e(mtaiii n larger percentage ol'nnnnnnia than any oilier vluse of mantnetured manuios in ilie market. DAl tJll ,i SOX 3, HO Ii. Delaware Avenue. NOIlT.v:.sTKRNrKlTIT,IZl!IhlJ.J,,,,',,, Corner Lake A l.asnllo Sts.'cbieii-o. Ijf IIAl till'S COMMERCIAL MA Nl'li ES may he procured from dealors in any of tho priueiiiil tewns in tho United Mates or Dominion of Canada. .Void by SMITH i 0 ESTHER, .Sunbury. ' June 18, ISM.-iiug'BT-ly Oolite to 'rrefttmissti-ra. "VTOTIOK is horeby given, that no person or por. jLN sons will be allowed to trespass on tho proper, ty nf the underpinned, in Lower Mabunny township .Northiiiiihei land county, for (be purpose of picking Jlerrius, Fruit, Ac, or to ontcr into any enclosure without permission, as tho lair will be enfoiuod against nil otlcnders. ISAAC II. RESSLKR. Lower Miihonny terp., June 20, 1BS. 4in .-OM U i: I. HA.'Mo.ltl I'I't'V. nHLSIt to giro notico, that on tho 12th dny nf X Juno, A. V. IHtiS, a Warrant in linnkruptcy wa issued against the estate ot Jacob MijUer, Jr. of Lower Mahonor township, in tho county of Nor Ihiimberland and Stato of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on bis own petition ; that the pnyiucut of any debts and delivery of any pro perty belonging to such Dunkrupt, to him or fur his uso. and the transfer of any rroiierty by hia are fur- biddon by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said iiankrupt, to prove their Don:, and to choose one or moro Assignees ot bis estate, will bo held at a Court of linnkruptcy, to bu holdcn at f-un-burv. Northumberland county and Mate of Peitn- svlvanin before J. M. Wiestling. Register, on tho l'lUU day of July, A. D. 18SS, at It o'clock A. .M. T. D. (J KEEN A WALT, Deputy United States Mnrsbnl, (as Mersengcr,) Juno 20, 18S8. 4t Wentcrn District of l'cr.n'n. .stoiK i: i iiiMiiti ptcv, rpKLSistogive nntlco, that on tho 11th day nf JL Juno, A. D. ISriS, a warrant in Bankruptcy its Issued against the estate of Asa 11 Uergvtresser. of Sliainokin, in the county of Northumberland and Slate of Pennsylvania, who had been adjudged a llwkrupt on his own petition ; that tho payment of any debts and dolivory of any property belonging to such bankrupt, lo him r fur his use, and tho trans fer of any proporly hy him are forbidden by Law; that n meeting" of the creditors of tho said Bankrupt cy, lobe holdcn nt Punbury, in tlio county nf North umberland, and .Vlalu uf Pennsylvania btloro J . M. Wiestling, Register, on tho Ifith day of July, A. D. 1 fills, at 11 o'clock A. M. T. D. (IREENAWALT, Deputy United States Marshal, (as Messenger,) Juno 20, 1HW. 4t Western District of l'cnn'a. police iu Iluuki'isptc.v. rillUSia to give notice, that on tho 30lb dny o X June, A. D., IriflH, ft warrant in Bankruptcy win Issued against tho cstnto of HENRY l.tN(IE Nl!CKMriind A. 11. FISKE, us H. Longencckur A Co., of r-hiiinokiu, in the county of Northumlicrlnnd. and State of Pennsylvania, who have bocn adjudged Bankrupt." on their own petitiun ; that tho payment nf any debts and dolivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupts, to them or for their use, and tho trnnifer of any property by them uro forbidden by I aw ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupts, to prove their debts, and to chnnie ono or morn Assignees uf their estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holdtn at Sunbury, Nor tliiiiuburlaud oounty, and Stuto of Pennsylvania, before J. M. Wiestling, Register, on tho liitli day of July, A. D., lrl8,at 101 o'clock. A. M. T. D. UREENAWALT, Deputy United States Marshal, (as Messenger ) Western District of Pennsylvania. Juno IS. ISM. Jt. I V-VTr AHKNTS WANTED, lo solicitor 11V v-f AV don for Dn. William Smith's iilCTlONAi.V OF THE BIBLE. TiiBoxi.vr.ni TIOH 1'IIIII.ISUKO JN AllRKK'A, OOX nKNCKD LV Dll. ratrii'H !' hand. In one largo Octave volume, illustrated with over 125 stool and wood engravings. Agents and subscribers soe that yon get the gen uine edition by Dr. Suiitu. The tfiirinfirlU Uepnblican snys, this edition published by Messrs. Burr A Co., is tho genuine thing Tho Conprfpatioiiitlitt says, whoever wishes'to get, in the cheapest form, tho ' best Dictionary of the Bible should buy this. Agents aro meeting with unparalleled sucee.-s. We employ no Ucncral Agonts, and offer cx'ra'in duccments to Canvnssers. Agents w ill see the ad vantage nf dealing ilircttly with tbe PUBLISHERS. For deserlptivo circulars with full particulars und terms, address tbe Publishers. J. B. BURR A CO., Hartford, Conn. May SO, lSlW. 3m. Wm. Farkox. Nelson Pteii. FURNITURE ROOMS. PARSCIT & OOlTj lntoof the firm ofrnrson A.Davis. have opened ware- rooms at No. 22S South 2d stroct, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment of PARLOR, CIIAM11ER, SITTIXO ROOM nml DIXINO ROOM FURNITURE. Their old customers, and all persons wishing to purchase, are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid to packing. myd ly. UUEENS-WAHE, STONE CHINA WARE, &c "W. VIZ. CAIR3STS, Market Street, 8 doors west of Fourth St., south side, SUNBURY, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY informs theoili.ens of Sunbury and Merchant and dealers in this and adjoin ing counties, that he has just opened a luro assort ment of O.UEENSWARK AND STONE CHINA AVARS of every variety, from the best manufactories in the country, which will be told at WHOLESALE end RETAIL. Dealers are invitod to examine his stock before purchasing iu the city, as they euu save luuucy by duiug to. Sunbury, May 10, 18(18. Cm FANC V D IfY (lOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for the SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Siiuare, two doors East nf the old Bank building, Sl'NBUUV, Penn'a., HAS just opened a frMU assortment of the most tfwhiunable Fancy Dress Goods from the largest esUtblUhuiunlt ia Philadelphia. DkLAINKS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC.S. .HOI lt.l.XJ UUWIIX, Clolht, Sacques Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lins, Ladies and Cbildreut' HATS, Feathers, Ribbons, Urea. , 'I'l-lissstkiOKt., i:iili-oil-riok, Lace Veils, CorseU, Handkerchiefs, U loves, Hosiery Hoop Skirls, Hopkins' Eliptio Skirts, Ruul Black Lace Shawls, and Ladies' Uoods of (very deeeription. Sua Umbrella aud Farosol. Uentt' Collar, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and U love. Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Hair Brushes, Coml. etc. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, May 80, 186tf. F you want a pictnro, of any kind, of yourself or friend, go lo y-i-l)' new rooiu,Murkvl Sin are, near ine raiiroau. "AAA LBS. OF CARPET RAQd WANTED at t)U"U th Store of MOORK A DISSINGER, May 14. - Market street, Sucbury. at, I VI n - m .a. m AV. A. KKNNETT, imuuLiiar, and ciif.aiist, Tlm-krt Hnro, Ml IIV, ln. Has Just opened a fresh aud full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed In purlly und freshness, and kept con stantly on hand. My stuck will always bn I mil l complete in every article of merit in Medioino. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness nnd nttenlion to orders. F ANCV ARTICLES I My stock Is unusually large nu l embraces oveiy Ihinjf that can be fnnn I on a lirsl eliiss Toilet TnMe, inuluding American and genuine l reiicli and Eng lish P K R F U M i: R Y , Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Outta Pcrcha. AVimd nnd Horn Combs, Toilet H'jnp". Hair Tuolh, Knit, Cloth nnd Paint Brushes, Ac. I'isH'iii .il'li'im'. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day. at inanuraelurcrs' prices. Pure Havana .VKtl AUS and C11EWINU TOBACCO of the best Brands. ' .lilllw, Oil", 4alllC, (alilMN, IC1J-, Vm-iti-lii-.. V All my Tinctures, ''vrui. I'ihlnienl". Cerates, and other preimrnlions nie innniifnetiired by myself, nnd from the best mat. rial I enu procure in Markot. Having hnd uui'.c a number of year CAnerieueo in tho )! iiinl I'lxa 'q.lion Hiinhirnt, both in Pliilndelphiii and the country, nnd also tho advantage ot the College of I'linr'nnc'y. I feel com petent lo nwi'iM Xl ALL PRESCRIPTIONS tli.it the Physician and puMio may favor nie with. n niy preparation as 1 h.ivc above asserted, nre iniele lioiii the IksI nmliriiil, aud upon honor 1 I'serl, I hey nre of oliic i.-il strength. l'or lueaicllnil purposes. I keen on hnnd the verv best AV1NF.S, 15!!.NDII',S AXD LIQUORS, that I can proeuro. Before ptirclinsing clsowhero, call nnd convinco your own mind. AV. A. BENNETT. Suidiury, May If,, IKi'.S. LlGlTn LIGIIT! LICillT ! s. itvi:ici.v, rP'!Ii' ;l'u,"r ''hotogrnper. boa fitted up, In tho il I (""00 '",il,,int!i three doors west or the railroad, Market S,itnre. one uf tho very best Sky l.iglitMoboiuuiid Ihlho Slate, nnd is now prepared to take pictures or any kind, in all kinds of weather, early ami bite. Children taken almost instantly, tiling along llio babies wc aro now ready for them C OMK ONK1 COME AU, both great and small, soe bis new rooms, and ex amine specimens. MtA.MKS mi l FUAMINti mntorial constantly nn bnn I nnd ni.idu to order. Bring nluiig your pictures nnd have llicm fniuie 1 cheaper t!an anywhere else Coiuo and sco for yourselves, Anything iu tho picture lino conlantly on baud or ordered. Cunvimr .-...,. .,, nwk iium i: us ue.irC"!. Both nut and indoor views liiken nt short notico and on reiionnljlu terms. Satisfaction guarrnnteeil. ns our motto is (q plc.e. All negntivet carefully preserved. Remember the placo ask for S. LYEll LA'. Market Snunre. May 2.i, O.S.-ly. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Cull nnd ceo the Well selcctod Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, OVEKCOATINO'S, VESTINO.'?, Ac J list received at MERCHANT TAILORING KSTACLISI1 MKNT, Fourth Street, below Eyster '3 Storo, fc'l'NBUUY WINTER CLOTHING of tbo most approved ftyle3 is mado up to order a reasonable rates. Hp has nlso a finn assortment of Cas-imero Pliirls, Druwrrs, Undershirts. Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolcu Hoso, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, illovcs, and a general varioty of UENTLEMEN'S FUltNISHINO UOODS, Oivo him a call, which you will Dud to be to your advuntngo. Sunbury, Oct. 10, lo67. Wl AMI ItY THE subscribers hnvinz Olli Sill. I,. pisl crceteu and put in operation u Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer tho highest market prico for FLAX SEED. They have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers aud others wanting grain chopped for feeding, can be neoommodated at tho sburte.-t notice. A machine fir chopping corn with llio cob is attached to the mill. MORi IAN A MASSER January 25, ISti-i. ly sia:i 'l is aim; i SPRING TRADR 18CS. M. 1.. LA2ARU3, would call tbo attention ef tbo puldic, and her customers generally, to her large and now assort ment uf I'll !! j uutl loiiitali: Iry (ooi!. Which consist of Poplins, Delnins, Chcnes, Allapac e:is, Crepes, Itreiindines. IroU Bareges, Lnivns, liinhauis, Calicoes, Chinttcs, Ac, M IlitC IjioOlU. Cambrics. Stvys. Organdies, A'ieloriu, Plaid Muslins M:ir.-niltcs, l'i'iuu, Drillings, Wigans, Muslins, (bleached and unbleached.) Table Linen, Niipkins, Towels. Tuhle Covers, Bed Spreads, Ac. tilovcs. Hosiery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts. Dress Trim mings, tin variety,) Lndiui nud Dunta Handker chiefs, Neck Ties, aud notions in variety too numer ous to mention. M.L.LAZARUS. Sunbury, May 9, 13C3. J. AV. Si'Evr.NsoN. A. N. IJiut lt. ATTRACTION AT A U P T ' 3 NF.AV IRON FRONT! II STEVENSON & RRICE, I T AA'E opened up a new and Jesirablo stock of 1 1 iHioclsin jiaupis iScw Building, consisting n part of a splendid variety of AiiM-rirnii nf clii'si. tiOLl) WA'ICIIF.S, F.OOKS, CLOCKS, JKWr.I.RY, STATIONERY, S1LYKR-AVARK. GOLD I'KNS, Sl'I'.CTACLI'A, NOTIONS Gliiss-AA'unj, Cittlory, l'icturcs, Liiokitif Gl.i.isos, Ac, Ac, Ac. Call and examine our slock. Our aim will Lo lo l leu--c cud falisiyall who cull. S'lEA'ENSON & BRICE. Sunbury, April IS, IStiS. am i,An:si or SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, .. It, I j. ImOmkIvi, begs leave to an nounce tolbu J.adiesof Sunbury and vicinity, thut sbu has just opened a luro aud varied sNick of MIL LINKRY GOODS, The latest New A' oik and Philadelphia styles ol LADIES' II ATS AND BONNETS. Also, au excellent assortment of l'ashionablo Em broideries, Edgings, Laees, Woolen Cups, Handker chiefs, Scarf, (J loves,, Hosieries, mid ull kiu.U of Fancy Notiens. Suuipcd Atuslins, CorseU, Perfumo ries, .s'on, Lilly While, Enamel of America, ta tioucry, ,e., Ae. Call and examine for yourselves. No truublo to show goods Suubmy, April 1 1 LSSS. avai.i, i.ti:iiL pAl'lill HANtilNlib! AX IUUENSK STOCK OP WALL PAPERS, SEW AND KLEOANT bTYLES FOR PAltl.OltU, UALI.S, ETC., WlHll KHAI.K AM) KK.TA1L HOWELL BOUKKE'3, Corner of i'ourth and Market SlrecuJ, Itilutlvlpltla. March 28, '68. 1m. uliiti, OH", A full sbx'k of Oil oomprising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fiah Oil, aud Lubricating Oil fur ELgiue aud Machinery, Vaimsues, uiase, always on naua, si low prices at CON LEY A CO S l,prioes JP yoa have a picture you want framed, go to Hy-s-l and get it done cheaper than any- where el ui town ne dm mouldingi. el all kuid. CiliuteUlly M -d R READ & FA NOV CAKES. ES1'ECTKIIL1. I .' bury and vitin ,V int'orms thi ciliens of inity, Unit he wl'l bnko In nil Kin In "f I'liLi-i lor ICiilU. I'.-nfloH. Vr, Paiiillira 'lie sup lied nitli I'll ll.-'ll :I!EH. Ii-l liolls. t! it -K h. 'lea Buns. ,t c . and nlsokcpl mi hair! innnnl'iici ured out ,,f the b-sl muterinls , All ordars left nt bis r-'hop in .Murliel Square, on, dimreast hI'MivAiiiih Painter .i Aillinoi Siore pf ft his Itllkery ou S'lliee Street between I loot Jll'tl Second strei'ls. will meet if Ii prooipt all. ii n . PICNIC rAltlli:- Mii.,li"l iili t akes. I;e Prcani, Aa , ui the r-liitrt!-l noilee. Oiders are respectfully ,ulieie,l.' DA V III n; A Sur'niry. May 2". S,W. fSIINIUlRY M Ali RLE -if d. HIE undersigned having b'ui;bl ti.e entire stock of Di-Mpi-ei A Taylor, would inform the pulilic I Li i he i.-' h'i'-' ready to do all kinds of marble work ; has on hand, and makes to oi ler at short notice, .lloiiiiiiM'iil nml Ilr:il-.oiti-, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND AVINDOW SILLS. Also. Cemetery lV-ts with Unliiiiilr.cd pipe nnd all other fciicin" genernlly used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor nill'cmiiimiu in the cmpbij mi- it. at the old stand ill Market Siiuare. Sunliurv. I'.i May 2, 'US.- I y. AV. M. DA I'll II EKTV. THOMAS G. ITOTT, MKHC1IAKT TA1J.OK, MARKET StJl'AliE, SUNBURY, PA., JJAS jurf received aliirgcnnd well .selected stock SriUNO AND SUMMUll GOODS eonsi.-ttiipt f th finest CI.OTlIf , CASSI.M URKS AN D VESTING ever bruughl. Iu Sunbury, and which ho pnuiiii-cs lo sell cheaper than the elinapcst. Jlaving the acrvicea of skillful tailors, be guarantees a good lit in every instance inferior to none outside of the cities. Everything from my esl"Mishuicnt will bo guar nntccd ns represented. THOMAS 0. NOT! Sunbury, May !lh. 130S.-ir . "spring fashions in Miss LOUISA BHISftLER. THE popular Millinery, south side of Mai kid Square, Sunbury, is desirous of culling the attention of the public and trado to her uni'pio and hiuuboiuo aortiiicnt uf MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCDS. iul opened. On hnnd nnd mndc to order, nru the latest nnd most superb styles of Iti-iilnl, niourtifiiu' sunt Ilrosw Itoii--( iiimI Hals, Also, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Frames, A'eils, Collars. A c. (leiitlenieli's Hoods, such ns Horiery, Hnudker chiefs, Neck-lies. Brushes and goods f,r llio toilet Also, n line assortment of Perfumery, and nil goods usually kept in a well liirtii.-hcd establishment A call is only required to he convinced. N. B. Special attention is dirootrd lo a fine lot of Lndiea' Dress Caps und llriid Dresn-s LOUISA olllSSI.ER April 13, 1KIW. SlOO REWARD Fol a inejicine tl.at witlcurc OflfillS, INI I.I r.N.A. TICKI.INO in the TIIKfl.AT. WHOOIMNI! CiM l.tt. relieve coNsr.MPTivi: oni ons. as quick as COR'S COUGH IJALSAM! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been sold and not a single Instance of its lutlttic ia known. We have, ill our lios!essioti, Buy qmiiitlty ef L'el - tifictlles, Sume ol'ttielil from EMINENT PIIVP1CI.WS who have used it in llicir piuciiee, and given it the pre eminence over every oilier cuinponnu. IT DOES NOT DRV I P A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, na to ennUiitfi- patient lo expcciomto freely. Two or inree uosea. A'lLL IsvAauiiLV Cuke Tiesuxa tx the Tiikoat '. A letlf Iwit.te has oflen completely cured the nioul Slut'- Ixiru l'eui;h, and yel. Itionati il is ho sine nnd speedy lit lt3 opcndion, It is pcitcctly harnileB, Iwiii purely vi:,-liil'lc. It is very tirei-atiif to the liiste, mid may lit aiian-io i-.-tcd tochll.trcit ol nny ae. Ill cases of CROUP We will guarantee tcure, iflnkcB in Sen. Ml, NO PAMILA SHOULD UK WITIIOI T I I" It is within tlie reach "f all, it tuiiic the clicapest ami I'Cs1 uieilieiue extant. C. (J. CLARK ,V CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. April 1?,leV-ly. C O 33 ' S DYSPEPSIA OUPvE. Till CHEAT RH.MEDA' FOR ALL DISI'AS1 of the st o ivr -A. a ir fs is Uie discovery ol l tie inventor of I'oe. val"-lle r-nili flitsam, wtiit experiliiciiuinr for liisown henttli. Itemed CiHiiip iu the Stomich for him wiin.li nud hcloiu yielded U tliuiir tint eiilxrofortn. The anneal daily tc.liiuoiiy from vnriotis rmitaof the. country eiienniriie ua lo helieve ttiere is no iti.-wi.-e eaitsert hy a dimirilered toirucli It will in speeililv euie. Physicians endorse nnd Uao it ! Miniators givo testimony of its eftlnacy. And from all directions we receive tidings -t eniepii - forntnil. BYSPF.l'SIA! It is sere to cure. HEARTBVRN ! One Jose will cure. SICK-UK ADAC1IE! Il litis cured in bundled "f chsci HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS' It slom in thirty minutes. ACID1 IT OF THE STOMACH ! It corttct nt once. RISK OF THE FOOD! v It stops iininediaicly. D1STHKSS AFTER F.ATINO ' One dose will rtanoyo. CiniLF.rtA MOB 111 S! Rapidly yields to a lew dmce UAD BItl'.ATII ! Will he clianrcd with half a bottle. IT-IS PERFECTLY II All M I. 13 8 H. In l.'Nl'ltlXEDF.NTI'.D St'CCESS ia owing to tlio fact llml It Ciiich bj- is.5Hiis ialiirt. to i;f,-.sm:ht ni'.ii hivav in the system; Neiiil)' every d.ilcr m the Cnitml Stutea lelt ll at ONE DOLLAR rF.R UOTTI.K. C. G. CLARK & CO., Troprietors, NEW HAVF.N, tOSS. April 13, lbCsi. ly. CARPENTERS. WILL find in our establish incut a superior slock, nf Planus, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammcm, ides CbbeU, Ac, Ae.,loT,alc by & tsJO.Ml t'lthluisioi'si III I'ostP S'lli s.. PATRONIZE THE EST. Having tho lnr,'ent capital, most e xperienced buy ers, and exteusivo trudu of any cuiiocra ui tho Hollar Sale business, wo G UAUllAXTEE SA TIiEA CTION in every instance, and alio the best selection ol Uoodi ever offered al 0.i: IMH.I.AK i'.tt'll. Ko other eonecrn has any i-hnw wherever our Agents aro selling. Our motto, 'Prompt and Relia ble." Mala and female agents nuutcd iu city and country. The l.udit are particularly reouoated to try our popular club system of selling ull kiuds nf PRY AND PANCY (JOODS, BRKS.S PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, CASTORS, SILVER PLATED HOODS WATCH ES, Ao. (Established liu4.) A paleut pen fountain and a check dutciibiug au article to bo sold for a dollar, 10 ou ; 20 fur ; 40 fur II ; 6u for 1 6 ; 10U for 111; sent by mail. Fieo prcseutt to getter up, (worth 60 per cent, mnre than those soul by any other concern,) neenrdiug to si to of club. Send us it trial club, ur if nut do not fail to send for a circular. N. U Our Nilo should lint be classed with New A'l i k dollar jewelry sales or bogus "Tea Companies," as il is uulhiug of tbe sort. EASTMAN A KENDALL, 6o Hanover Street, Boston, Mus. May 2d, tig. Cm "1I7HI.KE can I fct the bett picture' Why at VV tl.t 'i-ys, cKeur.e Always goto bymy ail jadt or your.vli. i -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers