NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Third Bt., one door below the-LuUieran Church, BUNDURT., V E N.N 'A. HENBT PBTEB8, 11m Just opened large assortment of IUY GOODS, inch as Calicoes, Delaines, Muslim, A " GKOCBKIE a and mo visions of all kinds, tuoh as HL0AR8, C0FFEE8, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Syrup?, Mackerel, Lard, llama, NuU Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in tho Uroccry lino. Jtnuif Fish. Coal Oil, Creokory-ware, Quccnsware ' Olass-wnro, Willow-ware, Ac. The best FLOUR and MEAL in tho Market Jolmcco, figure, and a variety of NOTIONS. Aluo : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tho lowest prices. Country rroduce Ukon in exchange for Ooods, Of Coil and examine my Stock, and satisfy your elves. 1IEKRY PETERS. .i'unbury, April 25.JS67. HEEVE3' AMBROSIA. 1'OK Tllll 11 AMI, IMPROVED' Tt is on elegant Prossing for tho Hiiir. It oauacs tho Hair to Curl toautifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Ucaltby. It invigorates the Roots of the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly. It Immediately slops Hair Falling Out. It keeps tho Hair from Changing Color from Age. Jt restores Orcy Hair to its Original Color. Jt brings out Hair .on heads that havo bocn bald for 'years. Jtis composed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble substances. It hat received over six thousand voluntary testi menial, ol its exceiionoo, many of which ore from physicians In high (landing, it is sold in half-pound bottloa (tho nnmo blown in 'he glass), by Druggists and Doalcrs in Fancy Uood everywhere, at Ono Dollar per Eottlo. Vholosalo !y Dcmut Lames A Co.; F. C. Wells A Co.; SchicBo lin A Co., Now York. March 21, 1968. 3m ', H. MOOKB. .lew I'irm 1). C. WSblXGElt. w Ntorc! IVew Room! ami an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! U 11 EAT REDUCTION IS PRICES ! v sisi.cj hie, Jlino just opened a cnrcf'JIv selected stock of NEW GOODS", in Ilaiipt's Sew Iron Front, J1AI1KET STItEET, SUNBUUY, PENN'A Consisting of ;UY OOODS, NOTIONS, (1U0CERIES, QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AMI f.aUies" Drew 4ool, alimca, Muslins, Flannola, Table Linons Toweling liclts, Ticking, Counterpanes, Cassiiuercs, Vesting. Yarns, Skirts, Ncok Tics, Culls, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hoso, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. V 'v iiwtc Knecial attention to the minlilyol our Stock of P. 10 and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS, M0LAPPE3, SYRUPS. SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEOAll, Ac, Ac. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand. We fcil conlidcnt that cah buyers will And it to their advantage to give us a call, and customers generally are invited to call and examine our goods an.l gel posted on our prices. Jiy strut attention to the wants of our customers and fair dealing we hope to merit a lull Eharo of tho puUio patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ox change fur guod.', for which tho highest price will be paid. MOORE & DISSINUER. Sunbury, April 11, liS. KEEP WELL-dTeSSED. Cull and sec the well eeloetod Stock of ( LvTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING, Ao Just received at LCi. MEKC1IANI TAJLOMNd ESTABLISI1 JIEXT, l ourth Street, below Eyster's Store, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING .f Iho most approved fylea is made up to ordor a reii'onaiilc rates. Ho has also a fine assortment of Cassimere Khirts, Drawers. Undershirts, Overhauls, lilouscs, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen Hoso, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a call, which you will Cud to be to your advantage Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1S67. ni:.mji;kv oia siii-i.. THE subscribers having juft erected and put in ojieriition a -Mill tor tne manuiucture oi LINSEED OIL, i.ffcr tho highest market prico for FLAX SEED. They have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and4'armcrs and otherk wanting grain chopped for feeling, can bo accommodated at the vhoricst notice. A iua'hiuo for chopping corn with the cob is attached to tho mill. MORGAN 4 MASSER. January 25, 1&08. ly TORItIN GTON & nODGKINS. 3 OlIsT E RAW BUrER-niOSPIlATB OF LIME, A STANPARD MAKVBK FuR ALL FIELD AND OARDEN CROPS. Having within tho past year greatly increased and improved uur facilities for grinding Rones and man iitacturing, wo uro pruparcd to furnihh to tho lurin r of l'cuuiylviiniu a superior article of MiipcrlIioMpliat4 ur ltui.ufacluro hi3 beon thoroughly tcrted the ) Hit cumu Ly practical men of our imuiediiito i ighb.irhoud und elcnhoro, and ia every case the suit has bocn entirely satisfactory. ur prncotsof pulverizing, whereby it U prepar ed f.r and 'I'ARUANTEtD TO PAl-S TilUOUUIi ANY DRILL, 'Uiatesan oljuclion vhich nttaolita to many for tii'i7orB. and secures to tho fuiun r a saving of much 1 nlu:iblc time. (I.r AT THIS MANUFACTORY, AST MARKET STREET, M Will HV, l'A wi I by (,ur Agents throughout the country, in Rugs f '.!" lbs. each, tt fj'S per Ton or ?000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY M "llt.'.'r '"''" ",:'-'cfi41'10 l7 rail ' cauul, on recoipt XOlUt INiiTON & HODO K INS M:n A.fjibi for Sntiuour, M'.rijnn A Allou's Self Pratt k V "D.J. Mu"er (Tl10 Ncw Vorkcr) aud f,m,"l'y " nd '.rain Rake, jmil f,,r Ciri u,lr - J ' ly pAI'EU IIANtilKijb' . "lanasr. hock or I V- AMIl VI.LCJANT VttUM " r.H.L'.lttl, utLtl, ETC., H"LltAIE ANIl III,! All. "'V 1 .1.1. ROl'KKK'S, ""i ' I l"-i'h nni Mmfctt, M.T-.8 ft- , l-ll,l. THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Ilu t ton Hole Oi ersenralnR AMD 0HWI1TG- MACHI1TE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of Its Ureal Merit. The Inorease In the demand for this valuable Ma chine has bocn TEN FOLD during the last soven months ef its first year before the publio. This grand and surprising snoeess Is unprecedent ed in tho history of sewing-machines, and wo feel fully warranted In claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely tho Best 1VI1I.V MACIirAK IN THE W ORLD, An.l Intrinsically the Cheapest. It Is really two machinos combined In one, (by a simploand beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both the Shuttle or Lock-stiloli, and the Over seaming and Button-hole stilch, with equal taoility and perfection, It oxeoutcsin the very best mannor evory variety of sewing, such as, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, (lathering nnd sewing on, (done nt the same time.) and in addition, Ovorsoains, Embroiders on the edgo and makes beautiful Button and Eyclot-holcs in all fabrics. Evory Machine is warranted by tho Company, or iU Agents, to givo entire satisfaction. Circulnrs, with full particulars and samples of work donc'bn this Machine, can be had on applica tion at tho balosrooms of 'THE AMBRXCAXtf BUTTOX HOLE, OVEKSEAMINO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Elevonth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on tho Machine at the rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRKU lv PAXSON, IWidcnt. V. II. MicNrir.NitAM,, Treasurer. April 25, 1843. lyejan. 25. FLOUlf & FEED STORE WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL. ri"NIFi Eubsorihor respectfully Informs the publio JL ttiftt "no Keeps constantly on nana at um new WAREHOUSE, near the i-hamokin Valley Knilroad Depot, in SUN BURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Food by the ton The above is nil niunmiicturea at nis own anus, and will bo sold at tho lowest ciuh prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 1 SOS REMOVAL! 'i'. . n if aVS"o S, Watchmaker & Jewelry, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Will rcmovo his Jewelry Store to Miller's Stone Building, corner of 3d and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY let, 18(58, where ho will bo happy to receive his old customers and the public in general. Thankful for past favors, ho solicits a continuance of tho same, and ho is do tui mined to sell as low as tho lowest, and for quality, not to bo surpassed by any goods in tho market. A largo assortment of Wnfi-Iu-is l.'Il Jewelry and Silver Wurc, oon: tnntly on hand, consisting of nil kinds of Ameri can Wnkhos, such as tho Howard, Appleton, Tracy ft Company, Treinont, Walthaiii, P. S. Burtlot, Wm. El lory, Homo and a flno assortment oi bwiss Watches. . , , All kinds of 8 Bay unci 30 Hour Clocks ! Silver tea setts, enrd and cako baskets, breakfast and dinner castors. Celery stands, syrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular nttcntiou paid to tho repair ing of Watchos, Clocks, Jewelry aud Music Boxes. All work warranted. Feb. 8, lN3. O It E A T V 1! I Z U Frj-osition L'niwsrfk, Paris, 1807. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELI AS HOWE.Jn. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, 'l'lit' Ililit-Kt VreiHiiini, Tho Only Cross of tho Legion of Honor and GOLD MEDAL given to Amehh as frEWi.iu Mai iiises. per Iu. o rial Dccrro. puiilihcd in tho "Monitour linivcrsMr (Official JouriKil of tho French Empire), Tuesday, 2d July, lbiir. in these words : iFubrieuiitc do Muchiiits u con drc uxposant. i Manufacturer of tuning Ma J chines, Exhibitor. "This double lirt honor is another proof of tho grout ruperiority of the 110 WU fcliWINli MA CillNE over all others.-' SlULEY A STOOPS, No. 23 South iiilit Strcot, l'hiliulelphia, Agents for Pennsylvania, New Jcrbcy, Dtlaivuie and Western Virginia. February 22, 1 S'jS. im groceries; Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. B.V A (O,, In Weiniir's Luilding, Water Slrect, near liing N0I1T11VMLEKLAND, PA., INFORM their friends aud tho public generally thut they huvu a largo assortment of (irocciies Provisions. Ac, all fresh and of the liestquulity, con yisting of Teas,, .Sugars, und Kpiccs. Pried und Canned Fruit?, Prunes, Ruisint, Cheese, and CracUcrs, and in fact everything u.-unlly kept in tho llroctry line. They would alto call attention to their lnr"c mid heap lot of iood FAMILY FLOL'R, Orcen Tea, Hums, bhoulders, Ac, which aro constantly kept in hand. Also, nil kinds of Vegetables, Ac, io. lUvcthe-n a call and tee for yourself. Northumberland, hept. 2H, lsY.7. STONE V7ARB. THE best and cheapest assortment of titono Ware in the iSlute. just received aud lor salo cheap at tho Mammoth C... h 'tore of II Y. FRILINU. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WntcliitiiiKs'r and Jcm. NO. 14.8 MOUTH 2'1 BT , COt. OP QUAHRY, PHILADKM'HIA. An uisnrlinriit nf Will -lies, itwtli) , giivci and Plated Walt, constantly oti lianil, rsTii'i Jiiuig of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tcmlcil to. Nov. 30, r-tlT I y. BUNBURY BTEAM BAW MILL. UII.M in IIIMUA., Manufuclurur and Dealer in all kiuds of IIMIILH, LLMLER, LATH, PALINU i SHIN ULES. Also, Flooring, Flicking, Siding, Doors, Sasb, Blinds, lirackcts, Mouldings, 4o. Ooruer Race Street and River Road, SFXCURV, Pa. Ajiril 4, 1R6H. ' "silOEMAKEltS. 1 UK but qualities of Solo Leather, French Calf sains Jl.Tioceos, Linings, Lasts, Kails, Pegs, Tool, of all kiuds, and every thingused by the trade, Ibrsa'.t low by J. H. CON LEY A CO ' VH'e3 Met Are e; pr"islly inritod to call and examine our slock t DLILDKil '6 HAItDWAKE, comprLiiig N. i i.,.. l s:,.-.irn. ..II . ' ... J . --('.rev vi ail tiioilul. SvUUB, DOrewS. Wrap and T llingc, 1. .cl-.s and Lai. bes, li dls. Plas tering Tmnels Din k Trowrlr, I'la. ttioi o Eievea, ,', t')i sale hv '. 11 CONLLY A CO THE $r "A 79 CkcnlBut Bitreof , thlladeljhin, Are the best In Uio, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS : They are more simple and durable, easlor kepWn order, mako a stronger and more olastio stitch, a firmer and more beautiful sonm than any other They sow all fabrics from two eointnon spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tho soam by their own oporation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. The Very IlialicNt I'rlxe, llic Crosn of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho diltOYKBt Ac 1IAKKIS 1W' at tbo Exposition 'Universellee, Paris, 1867 ; thus nttosting their great superiority over all other sew ing machinos. (1 ROVER & BAKER'S NEW STVLES s ii li 'l' x i, i: iti a : it i: H For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improvo mcnts. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Eucts and Shoes, Curriago TrimmThg, Clothing and all others requiring tho use of tho most effective LOCK STITCII MACHINES, To tlicso new stylos, which possess unralstakablo ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE DALITJS. Markct Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, 1S67. ly THE GREAT ZmGMI BITTERS The component r&rls of this remarkable preparation wcrcfirjt dincovcrud, compounded and distributed, some twenty years ago, by Dr. CuEorsus, tho cele brated Kgyptian Physician. Thoutundsof his sutTirr lug countrymen were rcitorcd to health, as well as great cumbers of the inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, and of thecountrk-s border! nn upon the Southern coast oi uie Mediterranean bea. llnrleeil, tlio fame of tho soon spread over Europe, and was adopted by the principal l'lt'ysicians lo charge of the hospitals of the uld world, in which it is still usvd with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Egypt placed the name of dr. CuEorsus upon tho u Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following inserfp. tion: "1b CutorauaL, the l'ublie Benefactor." This Hitters is now offered to tho public of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specific for tho cure of Cholcrn, Dysentery, Dlarrhorn, Cholera Morbus, Fever suiil Ague, Yellow Fever, Kht-umatlum, Typhoid Fever, Uysiirpaln, Colic, Ilronchltis, Consumption, Viatu lenry. UUcnses or the Kidneys, Nervous Debility, and Female Complaints Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been effected by its use, as numerousccrtificatcs , many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and nn INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT DAS NO EQUAL. Tni' s tiis Z1NGA1II HITTERS HAS SHUI. AS WELL AS BODY, A AS A PREVENTIVE or DISEASE, HA3 NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use of the ZIN'u'AKI BITTERS will give to yon that soft, semi transparent complexion which the Coil of nature (de siKnini; woman to be the loveliest of Ids works) fully intended that you should have for it 1 nature's own powder ana paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulation the pigmentary cells of Uie dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the eomplexion so much to be desirce re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even better thaa this, it euros every species of female irregularities and disease l'riucipnl Depot, Harrisburg, Pa. RAHTER & HAUSE, Sole PitorniL-rons. For sale by W. A. RENNET!', Druggist, bunbury x eiiuyivauia. August a, 1807. Cll.N UAAS, JR. C. D. WOLVERTOil COAL! COAL! COAL! THE subscribers rcspoctfully inform lliooitizons of bunbury und vicinity, that they have opened a COAL YARD at J. Haas & Co s Lower Wharf, Niinbsiry, In. where they aro prepared to supply all kinds of Shu- mokiu Coal, ut cheap rates, families and others promptly supplied. Country custom respeotfully BOllCtlCU HAAS A WOLVERTON, Sunbury, Jan. 18,1868. I.IIPOIMM '1' OT ICK. rpilK undcrsigucd having sum-ceded to tho busi J ncss of I. H1MES i, CO., takes this method of informing brick-Layers, Builders, and all others in tcrestcd, in and about Sunbury, that be is prepared to 1111 nil orders, for building aud paviug Brick, of a superior quality, ana ut as low rates as can be had eisewncro. I am also tlio Agent in tho Counties of Northuin borland, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR REN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF ROOF. Tliis is the cheapest and best Roof that can bo used on buildings. S e covered several build ings with it, during the lust season with entire satis, faction. Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or at tho Office of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post no;,, win ,-;,. o : v.hvv, nil, IVbMIV fJWUll'V ttll.VIII.IOU. TOWNSEND HIMES Sunbury, Maioh 11, 1SJ68. U. -VI. Iti:.V, lrcutUl, ill rcmovo bis Offioe to J. M. Simpson's Building, -u "ry, uuraei ouaro, BUNBTJRV. r A . ' WHERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of work, pertaiuing to DeutUtry. Will keen Constantly on hand e large assortment of Teeth, and other Denial material, fiom which he will be able to select, and moct the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or olio the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth Powdors kept on band, llts references aro the numerous patroisfbr whom ne nas woraea tor ine last iwcive years. Sunbury, Maroh 21, 1HW. Coacliinakers 1ITE are belling Rims, S pokes, Hubs, Bprioes, Y Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ac., Vary low jjargeotocK at CONLEY A CO, J unnury, iuarcu mi, '"Oj- IRON A largo assortment of the best manufdo tured Bars, Hoop, Rand, Round end Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Stcol, Blister fetotl, Drill bled, Morse Suoes, Ilorso Nails, AnviU, Lclluws, V loos, llaismvrs, Slodcs,. Ru..psud FUes, t CONLEY i, CO S IMItP CAiiES, II cliftereut kinds. If you wen j t foo'i snt ;np rut images, gnio t 'ON LEY 4 0 S " boots and shoes. MANUFACTURED TO OBDBR. T ESPECTFULLY Inforas his frlonds and Cus Ik. bunnri. iht he has lust onened ahonibp Lhn manuraeture of UOOT3 i SllUIiS, en Spruce tlreet, between Second ttreet mnd Centre Alley, Sunlury. where all kinds of work in his line will be mada tan in the latest style and in lb best workmanlike man ner. JIaving first cliws stock on hand, he flatters himself that be will be able to suit the taste erthe moetiaa tidions. lb publio are Invited to call. . JOUN WIIVBR. Banbury, June IS, 1867. THE GREAT CENTRE OP ATTRACTION. 1 1ST STJT2STBTJIi.Tr lion 8d stroet, opposite, the MAbONIO I1ALL, at BERGSTREESSEE'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hat sLatcly Establlahed, wlali ail Alie Modern Improvements r 41io Art I rlHE subscriber, hovinff built the room expressly 1 for the purpose of 1'botoaTanhlnir. and having devoted many years to the 'business, is confident of bis anility to assure nis patrons mat tne work pro duced shall be second to none in eountry cr oity. Ho work nllowed to leave tne gallery .unlets en tirely satisfactory. Having tho best Sky light in the oountv. he is nronarcd to mnke l'hotoirrnnhs in all kinik of woathor, but would prefer a dear day for small children. He Is also prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required size and eolorod beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape viows of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on band. Tho public are respectfully invited to coil and see our SDecimens and our comnloto arraniroments for making Photographs, speoial terms to luuiilics and clubs. . BERG STRESSER. Bunbury, J uly 1 5, HI. C. CiUARIIAKT'S Confectionry, Toys and FHUIT STORE, nini-Uet Slrrt, Sunbury, lu. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, (ONBTANTXiY on hand and for salo at the above cstabiistimcnl aivrnoicsaio ana roian, av reamn ahlo prices. lie is manufacturing all kinds oi t;onicetionnrict to neap up a lull awortment v.uicu aro eoia at low rates. Tobacco. Scears. Stationory, Nuts of all kind.", and a variety of other artiolos, all of whioh are offered wbulcsaln and retail. Ltf-Rcmombcr tho name and place. JT1 M. 0. (1EARIIAHT, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright 4 Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 13fl3. tf Witter nntl I'irc l'roof SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned ra?ncctfullv informs buildors in this and adjoining eountics that he is prepared to put on iSIato Roofs in a superior mannor. He furn- i.-hcs the celebrated Lchii;li county Slate, which is tho bc?t in the market, lie warrants his work to be durable and fire and water proof. Me invites the in spection of tho public to the work he hasdone in Sun. bnrvon llaupt s, Urccnouzh's and Haas' buildings. and on olhois at various places. His prices aro as low as those ot any other aialor. Aildrose, V. b. bMliii. Sunbury, P. 0. or call at his rofidcneelu Upper Augusta twp. January jj, isoa. ly SI'l'.I'.IC'N PORT jICAI'i: WISE, I'icl !)- liimlrelsorConRroRal ioiiM lor Church ex Communion Purposes. AJ.K0, EXCELLENT fOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. fjii;i:iss pout aii: wwe, FOUR YEARS OLD. This iustlv eelobrated native Winels mado from lue juice ol the Upurto Urspo, ruisou muits country. Its invaluablo Tonic & MtrcnKllienins Proper I lest Aro unsurpassed bv anv other native wiuo. BcinK the nure mice of the crane, produced under Air. Speor's own personal supervision, its purity and gonuinoncss are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake ot its generous qualities, ana tno weak est iuvalid niav use it to advaetaire. It is nartice- ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, end suited to tne various ailments that alllict tue wcaucr tea. It is, in every respect, A UiNE 'AO UE ItLLlbU A). Invalids use SPEER'S PORT ORAPK WINE. Fcmule use SPEER'S PORT URAPE WINE. Weakly persons find a benefit by ils use. SPEER'S WINES in hospitals aro preferred to otnor wines. I rSold by all Drticeisls and Urooers. A. SPEER'S VINEYARD, Mow Jersey. Office 213 liaUAllWAi, New York. The trade suppliod bv Johnson, llolloway ft Cow- den, end French, Richards & Co., in Philadelphia. tor sale by w. A. Buuuury, fa. Oct. 2d. ly. J. H. Conley Co., Jlurket Street, Kant of 'the Huilroad, SUNBURY, PENN'A.. DEALERS IN l'OKEICl.lf Ac AMi:itICA., Hardware & Cutlery. flMIE attention of Mechanics, Fanners, Builder, L and Buyers ccnerally is invitod to the fact that wo are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AO., than ever was offered in this marked at pneea much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles iu this line of business, embracing a general assortiucut ot tools ana mate rials usod by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CA1UUAUK ANB WAGONM AklERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, togethor with a lares stock of Iron, Steel, Nails. Spikes.jRope, Chains, Uriudstones, Mill and X Cut caws, co., see. Sunbury, March 8(1, 1807. Notice to Merchants and 8hii)Ders. rpHE undersigned, proprietor of Weuer t F rick's .1. liine, give notices to incrcnants end shippers that the Dojwt is still at 811 Market street, Pbila dclphia, and all Ooods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lowisburg, and all intermediate station along uiu rtuiroau, win do prompuy aouveroct. Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia. ui-wwKiy lucaunys, snuroaaysana Daturaays, . W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. U. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pe. December T, 1867. A;ricultHruI Isitptenaeaitai, TT OE'S Urain Rakes. Steel and Iron Qardan Kakae. XI Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Maaure ana nay form, uraas end Urate feicytbes, Urain Cradles, Cradle Finirors, Traoe. breast. Tenrua and Log Chains, Urind-stooos, Fauniug MUP Seives of all siios and kiads, e Urce assortment of Rod Wacon iiames, for Plowing, Farm Bells Cultivator ' Teeth, for sale by J. u- CONLEY OO. Monnt Carmel Hotel MT. CARMEL, Northumberland Co., Pa., TII03. BUUKKT, Pbopbietob. This large oommodious Hotel ia looaUid near the depots of the bhamokin alley end the Quakake A new lork Itailroa'U trains arrive anil depart daily uu uouov i ioviei m iue cenue oi ino Kjuma ri gum andalloids the best accnmroMattoni to travel, and permanent customers ay S Ml Ml liBOMUM" SMQVWM V Ureal Attraction, t the NEW TIN -WARE, BhMt IrM aUtavtore sier n Wh6fo they keep fcoiintantly on hand and manufac ture teenier at short' notioe. TIN AtfD 6HEET IRON JW ARE of all deieripUom . They would especially call the attention of cur- luMento Iheir lazg and well soleeted stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Tke subscribers bare made arrabuCtnonts its have all their best atove mad to order, and those who wonld have a nod stove would do well to go and examine their large end well selected stock. First. They defy .competition an the 'MllnwW i .i I) i- r r... L c . ' Combination jia Burner, Cook. Ciovernor l'enn-t'ook. WABASH AND IBONSIDES. end the well known Antldust Cook Stove eelled Also. Parlor end office Btovci in treat variety em. bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion, able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpll oity of arrangements eombininc eheannees. durability and caoh stovo warranted to .perform what they ere 'Also, 'inoooiCDrntca lwtimoTo.FiroTIaco Stove, P..m k.KM Am .1 1. : I : I n ... ' w uvaiiug nDi,nwm "v .11, iu sivrivti VJ 'negtsivrs Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING OLORYJI Conl Oil, Coal Oil I.ntupx, Shades, Ctiisiinlee), and nil nrtieKM usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating In the best werkmarilike manner. Also, to do Tin Koofuiir, Snouting. Ranso and Furnace Work. Gas FittiuE. Ac llcnairine neatly ana cnenpiy ezecuiea. Also: "llnug'li'a Raw Itonc SnpetPho plinto." Romombor the dace, ftimple and Bales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, botweon Third and Fourth streets. Building anra pntnten. August ZO, 1860 JAX. K. CA1.I 11 A. CO., JEWELERS, .Ko. OOS Chestnut Mtrcet rillLAUELPIIIA, Mantifitcturtn and ImjiurUn Of every description of First 'Class Goods, belonging to tho .Business df -Goldsmiths and Silversmiths. ' Have removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE. Extonding from Chestnut Street to Sanson- Street, affording ample room and convenient aooea-ories, giving opportunity for a proper display of goods, and vi-biui luvuai tor iueir examinaiien. With extensive and favorable irrHncemMits in ifai. n . i - . . . voumry una in Europe, wo are in a position te otle at modcrato FIXED prioos. Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Ooods bilver Warn, Jewelry, Foroclaina, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the city are cordinllv invited io Miirch7, 1P68. ly. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AK3 STATt'ONERT. MonAly Thno Books Drawins Rooks and Slates. Rocks, Ilynm Books, Blank Books. Memorandum jsotixi, uMtn-tcs, rocket Books, Ink 6tands, Pens, Pencils, a ine assortment of Paper. h&. Ac. For sale ky ANNA PAINT'ER. CHOICE FRUIT &. ORNAMENTAL m f S880, Doulcr in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will Turn Ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and ether States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also. bhTtfUbory, rees and Plitet. Gar ion Seeds of all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. ' Address BENJ. R (MINER, Paxinos, North'd. Co ViF N. B. Insurances tafeea te several of tno most responsible t ire Insurance ana uorse Dctcctiv Companies in tho State. June 8, 1867. y SEEING IS BELIEVING AI701 Ari'h Ntreet. NEW PRICES I NEW GOOD Rich Silver anil Silvcr-riatetl Wares, Ineledicc evorv style and description, made expressly lor tne vt inter trade, wlitcli . for neatness 'and durability ' eannot be surpassed at JOnH BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Rotnll Manufacturing Eslablishment IV AttCll STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Re-plating at short notice. December 21 ,!S67 .aug27 PURELAGERlBEER! ioicti:ii AI ai.i:, From the Cold Spring Brewery SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH EACHEF.. T ESPECTFl'LLY informs the publio generally XV inai uo is prepares io lumisu LAGER 13EEB, POUTEIt AND AL1S, n largo or small quantities. His facilities for mak ng Boer cannot be excelled, aud is pronounced supe rk to any othor oftered in Central Pennsylvania. xi nasaiao neen reeominenaea tiy pnjsicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and prlrate families supplied at short notice. Sunbury, Sept 11, 1867. THE following persons are entitled to receive an inorease of Bounty nndor the Aet of Oonffresa passed July 1800, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted alter the Itat day or April, 1861. for S years, aud served their time of eulistinout and have beon honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to receive a Bounty of $100, are entitled an additional Bounty ef 1H. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for $ years, and have boon honorably discharged on account of wounds recoivea in tne line ot duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of 100. 3d The Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers who died in the service of wounds or disease, ore entitled to on additional Bounty ot low. By application to S. P. WOLVERTON. Esq.. of Bumbuby, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily collected. Bunoury. August, iboo. u To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE ' PAOIFIO aTJJXJO. TU E attention of Farmers end other oontumers of Fertilisers is invited to this Uuano, as worthy of thoir special notioe. IU use for several years in Maryland, Virgiuia and other Southern States, for all crops, has given It a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses ell the quickness of Peruvian Uuano, with permanent qualities not found in that article. 10 lbs. of this Guano ore found more than equal to 300 lbs. of the best Superphosphate. It ripens tho wheat crop from Ove te seven days earlier than the phosphates, which hot alone give It incalculable advantage' Liberal discount to dealers. Fur sole by JOHNS". REESE CO., General Agents for Pacifio Uuano Co., S8 South Delaware Ave., Philad'a.. And Tl South' Street Baltimore. March 18, 188.-6m - ' ALARQG supply of Wall Paper find Iforaer.jiut received and for sale cheap, Mat) - - Mammoth Btore of April 4, 1868. Jl V. FKIUNU. C'hildresa'si CarriUKcaj. WE would coll the attention of (hose wantinj a Child 's Carriage, to cur new and large assort ment comprising new an4 beautiful style i H Ciai!Y CO. .--Ait 698. T. HOPKIN'B "OWW MAKE" OK iKlCYfi'ttfttfK KKTRTB . ere the best and Cheapest Low Prieed Heop Bklrta In the market. Trail Skirts, 25 springs, $1.00 ; 80 springs, $1.20 Md , (printfs.1.45. Plain Sklrte e iaps,ao springs, 80 eenU; U springs, 6eenti; M springs,, ; n ,prtanJ1 Warrantl ed In every rmpeet. . . t.." r u " "tJStON SKIRTS," Eler en Tape Trails, from 30 to M springs, tl. JO to 1H. a.(W. -Tbeee Bklrta ere belter than thee oM h "Our OWN Make" of 'kilrftMPKm BKIRT8 " are In everyway superior to all other n EtiJ.. before the pnblio, and only have to be examined or worn to eonvinoe every one efthe fact. Manufko tured of the best linen-Bnlshed Bnelhh Steal fe'prlnn ver superior tapes, end the s'.vlo bf them.hJi. fastenings and manner of securing them sarpaat for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this . . . . i i : ... . ouuuwy, nuu iiKniur, uiuio viuaue, will Wear longer, g!vemoresaiistaeuon, ana ereTeally cheaper than all others. Every lady should try them. rhi ere being sold extensively by Merchants throughout tnis and tne adjoining state at very moderate prices. If vou want the beet, ask for "Hopkin's Chamnion Shirt." If yea do not find thorn, .gt tbo .merchant with whom you deal to ordor'thom for voq,cr Ccmo or send direot to us. Morchanta will find our dif ferent erades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invite them to oall and examine our extensive assortment, or send .for Wholosale Price lilSt. To be had at Retail at lIomdfaotorT. and of the Retail Trade generally, and et Wholesalo of the Manufacturer ouly, to whom all orders should be naareMiea. MANUFACTORY end SALESROOM, 828 Arch St, between Oth end 7lhrU., Philadelphia. AVM. T. HOPKINS. F ohruary S9, 1868 lOtnos. ' BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM WACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. TR. ItOHNSON h diieo-rreif the nwwt GertaiiitSpeedy U aiidonlv KKcclual Itemed v in ui world (or an rn v:ite DiiL-nmi, Weaktiost of tlie Hack or I-imh, Strict urea, Atfectiom of the Ktduryt and Bladder, Involuntary Die cliorgei, Impoteiicy, Oeneral Debility, Nervoumeu, Dya netiiv. Lnneuor. Low Sulfite. 'Confutiou of Idea. .'hIiii Uition of the Heart, Timidrty, Tremblinjri, Dim nets of Sight or Oidduieai, Direase oi the Head, I'nromt, note or km, Affeclmnt of the I.iver? Lunpe, btomafh ih Vowels these Terrible Disordeisarming from tlteSotitnry'Hiibtrs of Youth tlnweeccrot mid sotitiuy practices more fniHl ti tlieir victims uinti tne sng 01 syrens to uie niHimersoi i;ivsRCS,uiiciilni(r their most uriihani nones oi unliciuathnu rendering inurriuge, Ac, impossible. Young Meu Esoeciollv. who hnve become the victimsof Solitary Vice. Hint dreadful und dtwtructive habit which annually sweeps to an uiltimiiiy RravtuiouMiiffe at t oung men oi the moat rxaltrd talents and brilliant intellect, who micht otherwise have cntianced listening Senates with thetltun deis oi eloquence or wuked to ecstaty the living I re, may call with full confidence. larrlirftc. MnrrieM Persons. or Younv Men contemplating marnage. beiiig nwure of phynicnl wen III ices, organic debility, do loiimtief, Vc, spet-dily cum). lie who places himeir under tne care Ol 4r. J. mey may rehpioualy confute iu Ins honor as a gentlemioi, and iianueniiy reiy.upon nisiKiu as a rnysiciun. Organic AVoukncf ImmediHtety Cured, and Futl Vigor Restored. 1 Ins lmtieMing Aueciion which renders ine misern- bleuud mairume impossible is the peiiuJty ptiid by t he Vrctims of improper indulgiiices. Young pet-sons nre ton apt to C'imiiirt encesses I rum not being aware of the dread ful consetjuences that may ensue. ow, who that under Blunirt tht? subject v. in pretend to ueny that the power of nrocrearion is lost stuMier bv thope fulling into imnciiuer habits than by the prudents ! Hesitles deing liepriveu the pleasures of healthy Oi.spring,the most seriousund1esttnc tive symptoiKs to both body and mind arise. The system iteeoinea uerangeu, trie rnysitmt anu nieniat ruuetums V ejiteneo, iiot rnc.Tatfve -Tower, iservotra lrrunlnlt ly, D)-spcpsi;i, Palpitation of the Meoft, -Indigestion, Con- stitutionui iK'tomy, a wasting vt ibe rtiDO Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, oniT, o. 7 South lVet1cvicktre( Left hand side going from Uultiinore street, a few floors rroin the coiner. Fail not to observe name and number. iiOlieis must be paid and conlainatlamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hung in his office. A Curo lVarrnutetl iu Two Iaj. Zfo Mercury or Nauseous Drugs, Er. Johnston, Memlcr of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United HUftes, and bhe greater pnrt of' whose lite has leeii spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, hus eflrcted some of the rnotn netonislring oares that we.e ever known ; many troubled with I inging in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarnv ei at sudden somids, bushtitlaotfs, wita fieqitent rvluatiing, attended Hitehmes TWih-eeraiigewieirt of wind, wcie-cured uiuuediutely. Take l'arlU'tilar iKotlcc-. Dr. J. addressrs all those who hnve injured -thutnsclvea by nupr(uur indulgence and solitary hubits, which ruin both body and mind, urrfiuitig them lor either business, study, s)ciety or nuirriage. Thksb are some of the sad and metanchrdy t ffects pro duced by early habits of youth. viz: Weakness of the Back irr.d Lritubs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Wight, Ism of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous lrriti,ity, Demuirnieutof the Digestive Func tions, (Jeneral Dt Kility, SyiH4imis itt ConMinplion, Ac. Mkktallv Tke tearful effects on the mind are much to bedpeaned -Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De wressiun of Spirits, F.vil-FiMrhodikrge, Aversion to Society, Self'Didirust, lxive of Sohtatc, Tittifly, Ac. are some ol the evils jmrdaced, Thousanm of iversons of all ages own mm 'juApe what is the cause of then declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and euaciaied, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptoms of consumption. Young; .lli Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed iu when alotw, a tpytt frecfaeiitly learned from evil companions, or ut school, the eifects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders injurtage impossible, imkI destroys both cairtdaod bud)', abobl apply immediately. Want a pity thats voang man, the hope of his country, the darling of his (turents, should be snatched from all pros pects aim enjoyments o. uie, uy me consequence ot devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a certain aeviet habit. Such persons must, before eoutoinptatiug .rfarrlngiVV reflect that a sound nnnd and body are the most iHccssary requisites to promote connubial buppiwss. lialeed without lhes.', the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the pi on pec t liuuily darkens to the view ; the iniud Ireciunes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection tliat the happiness of another becomes blighted with oar own JH4'a or IiurudiknkP, When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be has imbibed the seeds of Uua painful disease, it too uf leu happens that an ill-tuned sense of shame, or dread of discovery, defers him from applying to those who, from cdacatiuu and respectability, run alone belli end him, delaying UU Uio const ttutioual symptoms of this bonid liisease nuke their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased none, nocture) pains in the head and limbs, dimuess o acejlit, deatikeas, Modes on the shm bones and niiiis, blotches on the hc-ad, face and extieiiiaits, piogress ingwftli frightful Uipidity, lilt at lust the nabite ol the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of thisawfnl disease bectnnes a horndkbje4't of commisera tion, mi death puts a tvermd to his dreadfal suffering, by sending bus to "that Undiscovered Country from wheuco no waveirer reiurni." It is a melancholy fact that thousan.1i fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the uuskillfulness of ignorant pretenders, who. by the use of that "Deadly Poison, Mer cury," mitt the constitution and tuale the residue of life miserable. Stranger Trust not tntwr fives, or health, to the care nf the many Unreal nod and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or style themselves, in the nawspapeis, regularly IKdaouted Pnysiciaus, incapable of Curing, they keep yoa trifling mouth after month taking their filthy and poisouus comniMiua-ls, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave ytna with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. H is credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His rein idles or treatment arc uiiknuwa to all othera, prepared from a life spent iu the great hospitals of F.urope, the first in this country and a mora extensive "Private Practice" than any other Physician iu the world. Incloratc-utent oi the I'reaiau The many thou annus cured at this institution yeui after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv tiie reporters of the "ttun,1 "Clipper," aud many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of cbarHeteraiid re sponsibility, is a sulKcieiit guarantee to the afflicted. lkln IMien- mpcetllly Cured. Persons writing should be purticulur iu directing their eUers to his lnstuuuou, in Uie following inauner, Yohn 51. Johmtton, 9l 1. Of the Baltimoie Lock Uoapital. UaUimore, Ud. Nov. 30, iMi7 1 y. Lime I Lime I Lime I rpilB new Lime Kilns of 11. B. Masser, at Beline X tlruve Station, are now completed aad la sue eeasful operation, prodneing lime of the very best' quality. These kilns are (wilt Hh all the modern oooveaienoes and improvement, and have a eapaoi tj of produouig 400 besbels per day. Kzecileot roads have been made to the kilns, not interfered with by Uie railroad, where VISQB or .lad. mh Ik loaded in a few minutes from the achates, witbont handling, ilavina: ocecad m- Uia IwkIv r tk. best limestone, at Die mouth ef the kilns, thet are an . lil l bVa .all 1 1 . & it i r uw.wu m iua. a. tue low rate m ii cents per uv .uu. m iu auarn or Hmmunt mtr. . .ill -i t - . . r . ' to 8SUE&S & I0LWEIL, , WHOLEiiALK AAU f KUl l tREKH, Ho. 161 Norlh Thlril Sueet, PhUadelphia nrOrders prompily attended to. as. hoop suiixT". one, whe will always be prepared te supply etu Apply to 1L B. Moaser, Hunbury, er W Cbas. Dunkleherger, er Choa. J. Conrad, at the kilns. December 14, 1867; . JPhllads-lphln, St, ErI llnllread. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Through end direct rcute between PblladelpUe, Baltimore, uarriseurg, wuuamspori, w tneMorth west and tie Great Oil Region ef Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEKPI50 BARS on all Night Trains. On t-nd after MondViy, May 11. 1168. the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ran as follows : WllTWUt. Mail Train toaresThtladelphta, 111 pin. 6 OJ s m 8.60 p m 13.00 noon 0.40 p ot lOOJam 8.00 m 4.1ipm T.6 p m ri.ooam 12.00 m 7.10 am 7 40 p m 68 a m (MSB " sunbury, mrr. at Krla. Erie'Bxpress leaves Philadelphia. " ' Hunburv err at 'Krla Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " RnnKnn ' " arrive et Look Havee, ManTrals'leilTes Erie 1 BD' " Bunbury, Brie Express leaves Erie F ' - " "tsuuhury .. .. " "adolphle, mau ana bxpross oonneat with nti TUl?OHRl"r BA CUECKEb Creek nod ALFRED L. TYLER, Oanerel Superintendent. northern Central IUiilWRT. BUMMER TIME BOmSDTJLE OUMlo868'"111 LEAVE N0RTQWARD, .00 A. M., Sally for Wllliamsport. DaUy Bandays,') for Elmira, Cananddipna; 'Rochester, Buffaloe, Niagara i"allf t li P Kt S,?."Pe,n81"' Bfilg und the Uan&das. 4.15 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and a. ao u TBV,t,llo" trio Railway from Elmira. 6.40 P. M., Daily (except BunChys,! fcT VlWt. port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12 03 A. M., Daily (exocpt Monday.) for Baltimore. , . Washington and Philadelphia. 1 S Dally for Baltimore and Wafhineton. 7.00 P. M., Daily (oioopt Sundays,) for Uarruburg U . N. Du Bannv, Ed. 8. Topho, on'l. 6np't., 'ften l Piusen'r Ag't., Itarrinburg, Pa. Baltimore, Mi. Lackawanna Ac UlooniHlMire tail rond. ON acd after Jan. 1st, 1807, Paasocger Train will run s follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M Leave Soranton, 6.60 10.00 7 )0 4 4(1 " Kingston, 55 11.20 8 30 6 00 " Rupert, 9 20 8 17 " Danville, 8.64 8 60 Arr. North'd., 10 36 in i& NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 6 20 " Danville, 7.40 fl no " Roport, 8.15 A. M. P. M. 6.S5 " Kingston, 10.60 8..Y0 2.60 V 06 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 9.S5 4 00 10 15 Trains loaving Kingston at 8.80 A. Bl. for Sernn- ton, connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20 I'assoBgors taking Train South from Scranton at 5.80 A.M. "via Northumberland, reach Harrisburir 12.30 P. M.. Baltimore 6.30 P. M.. Vfuhin.nn m . 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 n in ,.. , T H. A. i''t. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1867. Kumlinf; ICailroad. SUMMER AUIlANGEMENT. MAY 20, 1803. GREAT TRUNK LINK from tho North arut North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Reud ing, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lcbunon. Allen, town, Easton, Epbrata, Litii, Lancaster, Columbia, o , Ao. tCraros leave Ilnrrisburg for New-York, as ful. lows : At 2.50, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. and 12.20 noon, and 2.06 and 9.36 P.- M, connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.U0 lO.flO and 11.50 A. M. and 3.50, 7.40 W. 80 P.M. 8leoning Cars accompanying the 2.60 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without change. Leave Uarrisburg for Reading, Pottsvillo, Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pino Crovo. Allcntown aud Philadelphia at b.10 A. SI. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way '.I?'.' ,tn" 4.10 p in. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia ouly. Pur Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuvlkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at"3.56 p. m Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon and 4.00 and 8.00 p. m. .Sleeping cars ac companying the 9.00 a. m. and 6 00 and 8.00 p. in', trains without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadclphia-at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m. stop, ping at eli Stations j Pottaville at8 46 a. m. and 2.4op m; Ashland 8.00 a.m. and 12.-19 and 2 00 p.m.; Tamaquaat 8.30 a.m. and 1.00 and 8 45 p. iu Leave PettsviHefor Harrisburg via Schuylkill and r oiiroou iu i ;u a. m. and iz.VU noon. . Heading Accommodatiun Train leaves Reading at 7.30A. 31. returning from Philadelphia at 6. 15 Pottotown Accommodation Train : Loaves Potts. lown at 6.45 A. M., returning loaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Keading at 7 00 A. M , and 6 15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaa. tcr. Columbia, Ac. Pcrkiomen Rail Road Trains leavo Porkiomcn JonctKn at 9.00 A. il. and 6.66 P. M. Ruturning : Leave Skippaek at 6.45 A. SI., and 1.14 P. M.,con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road ' On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00 p m., l'hila deljibia 8.00 A. SI., and 3.15 P M. tho 8,00 a ui trnui running only to Reading, PotUvillo 8 00 a m . Harrubuig, 6.S5 am, and 4.10 and 9.35 p m. and Heading ut 1.10 2.65 and 7.14 a. m, for Harrisburg, and 7.1)0 a. in. and 11.40 p m. for Now York, 4.25 p in. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Siiloage, Season, School and El curaion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all Baggago checked through : 100 Pounds Baecnee allowed caoh Passengor. ii. A. NICOLLS, tiencral Superintendent WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL. Upper Wharf, BUNBUBY, Peun'a. Fr"Ordors solicited and Bllo.t arilh . i. (Mpatoh. . unbury, May 12, 1866 y UNION HOTEL- 41IAN. 1TZEL, Proprietor. In Cake's Additim to SUNBURY, near the Perm's. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Uood cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy tho quiot com forts of home with fare equal to the best hoteU. Liiquora are ox roe cuoioesi kinds. Chid bury, June 8, 1867. NEW GROCERY STORE, vr. s. & co , Market Slreet, Six doors East of Third street, north- tide, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends end the publio, that they have opened a 3STEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to havo them call and examine' their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Uroeary line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned aud Dried cruiu, seans. nominy, wnecee, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Pihh, Salt, Potatoes, etc, togethor with Soaps, Candles. Soda. An . and la fact everything in the Orocoryaad Provision Lin FLOUR AfXD FEED, Quocnsware, Willow-ware Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. ' vau ana see nerore purchasing elsewhere , W. S. IXRilAN A CO Bunbury, April 27, 1867. COAL! GOAL! I COAL!!! QRA.NT SB BROTHER, Shipper At Wlaoleeiale At Itclnll eulcrat In WHfTE alt KEl AMIl COAL, in every variety. Bole Ac&tir; westward, of the Celebrated Henr Clay Cool. Lower Wbarf, 6o)ibuht, Va. Sunbury, Jon. J8, intift. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, FA , IS prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Mag atino Music, Ao . in any stvle that may be desired, at elteaper rates thaa eas be done in the cities. All Orders left a this Uffice, will receive prompt attention.,' FR Sadilera, we have Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck lei, Ulg Tree, Pad Tree., llaucs, all kinds and every thin pertaining ts the busiueM. for by
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers