Gl)e Simbutfi American. '- 1 ' ..-'" K. B. fiNQLE, i Publisher. SATURDAY,' JULY ,J1, 1808. Hocal gjffairg. Tbi weather has been exceedingly warm during (he put week, the thermometer hating been as high ii 99, and, aa tomeeontecd, 100. Tub strawberry teaaon U over, and Is now sue seeded by the raspberry orop, which commenced ripening about two weeks since. Cherries from the oountry bare been plenty, telling from 0 ta 10 cents per quart. Hotel ron Salb. The 8usquehnnna llouse, sit uated on tho corner of Fourth and Penn streets, in this plaoo, it offered for tnle. This Is a good ttand fur any one wishing to engage in tho business. See advertisement. Conrao'i IIotil The foundation walls of thii new hotel, whioh is being oreoted by Ueorgo Oun rad, Esq., in Purdytown, aro now finished. We un dorstond the work will be pushed ahead rapidly, and that the building will be completed at an early day. J. H. Enobl has just rooeived and offers for stile a lot of handsome new goods, such as Calicoes, Do- laines, Lawns and Fancy Dress Goods, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Ao. Ladies' IIoop Skirts, tome extra large siios, very cheap. Also a lot of Uralu Bags, vory low. llEi.tnious Noticb. The night Rev. Bishop Ste yens, of this Diocese, is expected to officiate and ad tninistor the rite of confirmation at St. Mark' Churoh, Northumberland, on Sunday next, 12th inst., the service commonoing at 10) A M., and in this place, at St. Matthew's Church, in Un evening fit 71 P. M. Tub entortainments given by the Sunbury Lite rary Sooioty, in the Aiosonio Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week, for the benofit of the Sunbury Orchestra, wore vory successful.--The receipts amounted to SOS, which, after deduct ing expenses, will be used in purchasing new in struments for the Orchostra. Tub orops throughout the States are very promi sing. In this section the wheat, nnd grain crops generally, aro good, excepting the fields of whito wheat, which, in many instances, will proro a par tinl failure, on account of the weevil. Wheat is gradually going down, and will, no doubt, before harvest, soli at $2 per bushel . Admitted. A. A. Shisslor, Esq., who lately graduated at Columbia Law Collogo, Washington, I). C , was, on Monday last, on motion of J. 13. Puck er, Esq., admitted to practice in the several courts of this county. We congratulate our young friend upon his success, thus fur, iu his profession. Wo would be pleased to see him locato in Sunbury. Coi.likiiy a no Coal Lands for Lkasb. John W. Hall, Eq., of Harrisburg, invitos proposals, in our advertising columns, for the grant of a toaso, for a term of yoars, of the colliery now in operation in Zerbe's Gap, near Trevorton. Also for leases of five new ccilliurius, to be opened upon the same body of lauds, embracing both tho red and white ash coal of that rogion. Sale or A IUilroad. The Trevorton Railroad, formerly owned by Messrs. Hall, Thomas A Co., has recently been purchased by tho Reading Railroad Company. We loam that tho now owners intend building a branch to the Trevorton road that will connect with the Middlocrock Railroad, thus largely increasing the business and developing quite an ex tent of comparatively new territory. A Cballbnoe. Gale Huupt, of Youiigman's Foundry, in this place, challenges tho foundries throughout the Stato to beat his plows on four dif ferent points. Ono of his excellent plows can be seen in front of Adam llenn's (East Ward) Saloon. In this pattern ho has attaiuod tho long desired ob ject of balancing a plow so oomplately, that when lying on ill tide it will rise when tho horses are btnited. Odio Bass in thb Susqukuanna. Tho Harris burg Teh gin pit buys that a Mr. Zimmerman and a fcw gontlumen associated with him have undertaken to stock the Susquehanna with the black bass of Ohio. Mr. Zimmerman recently placed ten of theso fish in tho river opposite tho water house at Harris burg, and intends, in a few days, to put in about ono hundred moro. Tho fish grow very largo, and nro said to be Tory prolific. Vamkibk'b. Wo take great pleasure In joining our testimony with all who have sojourned at Van kirk's Hotel, iu Northumberland, Unit it is ono of tho most eomfortublo houses the stronger oan find. Ho it now greatly enlarging and improving the bouse, making it ono of tho largest iu this portion of tho Stato. It is situated on Queon street, near tho ucw Railroad Dopot. When you stop at Nor thumberland, go to Vankirk's, if you wish to find tho best. Danville American. Tub PnorosEO Saw Railroad. The engineers, under tho supervision of F. C. Arms, Esq., have made an experimental survey of the line between Penningtonrillo via Quarryville and the Valloy of Peiiuoa Crook, to the Susquehanna river, thence by Columbia and Port Deposit R. R. to Columbia, which proves to be a very good liue, of easy grades, not exceeding twonty feet per mile, and but nine miles further between Columbia and Philadelphia than by way of Lancaster. Harriet! g Telegraph Shout-Hand Wuitiku. To Save Time it to Lengthen Life. Mr. F. U. Hemperley, late repor tor in the Pennsylvania Legislature, respectfully announces that he it willing to receive a limited number of applications fur instruction in the latest and most approved system of short-band writing. Its simplicity enables all to master it at once, and its practice for a few weeks confers tho ability to write from four to six times faster than with long hand. A sufficient number of lessons to enable the learner to comprehend and apply all the principles, given on the following terms Jn elasses of five or upwards, (5 each ; individual instruction at the res idence of the pupil, or instruction by oorrocpondoroe. (10 per course. Apply to or address F H. Horn pcrley, Sunbury, P. . '. i . ' . .u A UoOD ConccTOR. We copy thai following complimentary notice of a well and favorably known conductor on the Northers Central Railroad from the Harrisburg Telegraph, of Friday last, and cheer fully endorse all that is laid of -the gallant Captain He is ono of tho most obliging conductors on the road, and hit many friends in this place aud else where will be pleated to lean the high estimation in which ho is held bv our Uarritbure aotemnorarv : "Cant. Anott Newberry, one of the eonduoturf of tho Buffalo express train, Northern Central Rail way, bad ohnrge of the "tpeoial train," containing the prouiineut Maryland politicians, en reute to the New York Convention. Captain M., under whose charge the train was from Baltimore, is one of the iivwl rentleutanlv and clever conductors in tot) eia ploy of the above company.' - Aside from hnVeotal qualities be it careful, experienced,' and deservedly popular." ,' , Tonsjiiial. Mr. M. Hemperley, proprietor of ibe shaving and bulr-dressing establishment 1n Market Square, sign of the big pole, desires to inform bit friends and the publio generally that he bas, daring the past week, secured the services of one of the best barbers in the country, and it now prepared to guarantee tatiafaotion to all hit patrons. , Geatlemea with heavy beards and tender beet art particularly requested to oall and test the' merit tfa sharp Hasor, guided by long experience ana steady narre. Special attention paid to the tutting of children 'I and mistei' hair, liuir and whiskers dyed pet ma-3 nectly, either black -or brown, at moderate prices. A lurge a-nortnient of collars and other furnishing pood kept eomtautly on hand. Shaving caps tup plied on the order of customer!. , The proprietor is-, tends to da nothing but flrst-olan work, and be pro mises, as business increufcs, to secure inoreaseol ac c inffi''i'jnf nnd faeili'iet to properly perform it. ' Tsi Ono Fellows' Celebration and Fahabi on tbi Fourth or Jolt. Saturday last, the Fourth of J nly, waa t gala day la Sunbury. Th Odd Fel lows' celebration was the largest of the kind ever witnessed la thii part of the State. There were at least five thousand strangers la the town. All of the trains whioh arrived on the 3d, up ta the arrival of the special train at 11 o'olock, A. M., on the Fourth were filled with passengers, while canal boats, foot boat, flats, Ac, were kept busy in ferrying visitors residing In Snyder and adjoining eountles, across the river. . The Lodges commenoed arriving at 0 A. M., and from that hour until 11 o'olock the Roeeption Committees were actively engaged In the perform' anee of their duties. ; The committees having the matter in charge may well feel proud of thotr tuocest. Notwithstanding the great crowd and the ex treme heat, all teemed to enjoy themselves. At 11.30, A.M., the procession was formed on Fourth street, in the following order : Chief Marshal, Aids, Selinsgrovo Band, Wagon containing tlx young ladies, representing Friendship, Love, Truth, Faith, Hope and Charity, , I'irsu Division Dr. J. S. Angle, of No. C20, Com' manding. Fort Augusta Lodge No. C20, P. C. P., P. M. Shin del, Marshal 60 members. Beavertowa Lodge No. 023, John Montgomery, Mar ' shal 30 members. C. O. Bachinan Lodge No. 610, C. O. Bachman, Marshal 50 members. Casoo Lodge No. CIS, B. F. Parks, Marshal 25 members. Augusta Lodge No. 614, J. B. Snyder, Marshal . j, ; 50 tnctnbort. Freeburg Lodge No. 611, J. II. Adams, Marshal 35 members. Stone Valley Lodge No. 664, Dr. J. J. lloed, Mar shal 40 members. Sbaiuokin Valley Lodge No. 627, W. II. Carlislo, Marshal 50 members. SccoitJ.DivisionK. N. Brioe, of Lodge No. 203, Commanding. Northumberland Band. Sunbury Lodge No. 203, P U., Solomon Stroh, Mar' shal 100 members. Selinsgrove Lodge No. 197, P. U., W. II. G ember- ling, Marshal 55 mombcrs. Northumberland Lodge No. 190, E. U. Raber, Mar shal 100 members. Brady Ludgo No. 110, Brosius, Marshal 30 members. Lycoming Lodgo No. 112, P. if., Wm. Jonos, Mar shal 85 members. Lewisburg Lodge No. 96, P. C. P., J, Sterner, Mar shal 60 members. Mutual Lodgo No. 84, P. G ., Capt. Huff, Marshal 65 members. Concordia Lodge No. 60, A. D. Uarman, Marshal . 60 members. Third Division Em'l Wilvert, of Camp No. 110, Commanding. Milton Drum Corps. Fort Augusta Camp No. 140, P. C. P., Charlos J. Bruner, Marshal 125 members. . Wm. Curtis Camp No. 164, U. E. Richter, Marshal v 75 members. Pilgrim Camp No. 160, J. B. Strine, Marshal 60 members. Eureka Camp No. 137, A. J. Shammo, Marshal 60 niembors. Carriages containing Grand Lodge Officers. . The procession moved over tho following routo : Countermarched on Market street to Fourth ; up Fourth to Arch ; down Arch to Front ; down Front to Walnut ; up Walnut to Fourth ; up Fourth to Chestnut ; down Chestnut to Seoond ; up Seoond to Market ; up Murkot to Third, and there dismissed for dinner. to the extrcmo heat the route was short ened frc'u tho original programme. At 3 o'clock the order assembled in the Cuurt House, where a very ablo address was delivered by Post Grand Master MoCauley, of Chambersburg. The exoroises of tho day having been completed, the various Lodges left fur their homes on tho after noon and evening truir.s. Tho Committeo of Arrangements and Chief Mar shal and Staff publish tho following cards of thanks to our citizens, fur the assistance rondcrcd them in making tho oclebration a success : Bi NBtnv, July 9th, 1868. Tho Committee of Arrangements on Odd Follows' Parado desire to thus publicly thank tho citisens who assisted them to mako the day pleasant and agreeable to our visiting brothers, and the tallica of Walnut street, may God blew them, for the cup of oold water for tho thirsty. To onr Masonic friends, for the use of their benohes, we rotarn our thanks. To the Commissioners, for the use of tho Court House, we fuel ourselves under great obligations. S. B. Boyer, Secretary, StTNBURV, Julyflth, ISOSt. Tho Chief Marshal and Staff desire to thank Bro. C. A. Reimensnyder for bis hospitalities on the Fourth. Brothor, you have well studied the lessons of "Odd Fellowship." To Miss Jennie R., of Fourth street, wo return our heartfelt thanks for tho presentation of a beautiful cake. While discussing its delicious proportions, innumerable blessings were asked for the fair donor. May Jleavcu s best and richest blessings be nor por tion. Towkse.nd limes, Chief Marshal, Dr. J. H. Anoi.k, Aid, A. N. BnicB, " Em'l Wilvbrt, " , K. M. Bfobkk, Special Aid, J. E. Torrinoton, '" John Clark, " J. K. Davis, Jr. " Tub Milton Cah Works. The Mtltonian, of last week, gives an extended notice of the Car Works at that place, and the improvements that hare recently been made In and about tho establish ment. It says ; "The grounds of the Company comprise all the territory lying between the canal and railroad, and extending from the Milton Ceme tery on the north to Upper Market street on the eouth 1 ,380 feet in length and of an average width of 150 feel covering an area of five acres. Besides the buildings on this territory, which are enumera ted below, thore are 3,369 feet of railroad tracks, or nearly two-thirds of a mile, belonging to the Com pany. Tbo buildings necessary for the vast business carried on, consist of an office 33 X 17 feet, one story ; tbe saw mill, 72 x 25 feet, with an engine and boiler room 16x75 feet; the planing mill, 60x30 feet, with engine aud boiler room 30x15 feet; the fra niing shop 130 x 40 feet, two stories high ; the ma chine shop, 1 20 x 22 foot, with an engino room 18 x 20 feet ; tbe foundry, 70x40 feet; tbe smith shop, bx22 feet; tbe erecting shop, 82x45 feet, two stories ; the repair shop, 96 x 45 feet, two stories ; a etone building at north end of ground, 62x40 feet, designed as a shop in which to manufacture tanks and boilers. These buildings oover an area of 30.000 square feet, and the work carried ou in them give employment at 'present to 125 men, and it it expec ted that the number employed during the summer will average 150. Tbe works are now crowded to their utmost capacity with work, chiefly for the Em pire freight line, of which Mr. Lamison is the busi ness manager for this division, and hat bit office at tbe office of the Car Company. And to groat it the demand on tbe Company thut we are tuformed tbe building of another repair shop during the present season, is oonteinplated. We notice that a new ear and tank for conveying crude petroleum it being built at the Worke. The tauk is shaped like a boi ler, knd built of the same material and in nearly the same manner, and the oar is built to acoommodate the tank, with a railed foot passage around it. For Strength and safety w deem tbia new style of tank ear the best w have yet sees Aside from the ear works proper, Messrs. Murray, Dougal A Ce. have engaged in an .enterprise which, is designed mure directly ta benefit their employees than to bring profit to themselves. It It the erecting of a number of tenement house on a cheap scalo, with at little work put n them as will render theu ooaifortable, that the laboring man whe purchases may improve them to tuit hit own taste and by hit own labor, thereby saving the money whieb would be paid ta other for the work- Wo think to plan good one, and trust Measrt. M.,D. A C. will continue the good work which they bave ao successfully tnauga ratod. The gentlemen composing the Oar Company are deserving the thanks of this oom inanity for tbe fiubli improvement! they have made, and the lifa bey have infused into business. The membert of tba firm an S. W. Murray, Esq , Capt. Wm. P. Dougal, Col, Joha MeCleery, and Gen. C. il. Ma- Cotmick.''. .-! Naw Carriaob ao Bousr MabofactobyaA We refer our read ert to the advertisement of Mr. H. C. Rousb, " has recently opened buggy and carriage manufactory, in the building occupied by Stroh 'l blacksmith chop, on Chestnut street. Mr. Roush ha the reputation of being good workman, and tho of our ciliient who want anything ion in hit linof business will front by patroniiing him. Suicide op a SaAaotm Minna. Tba Look Ha ven Republican iayt:-An unknown' individual drowned himself in the river, at the mouth of Dru ry't Run, jast above Ronnvo,' one day Usl week. His nam oonld not bo ascertained, though from his conversation the dny before the commission of the melancholy act, h was bslioved to be k turner from Shamokin, where he had been residing till recently with a sister, who he alleged had married and left him withoat ceremony, and whom he was thon la search of. He became noisy and waa taken to the watoh house, wher ho spent the night, and on being released la the morning, procecdod to the river and deliberately plunged Into tbe water and drowned. A post mortem examination developed no clue to bit nam or friends, and he was bnried in the vicin ity. Between one and two dollars wore found upon hit porson. i t i - ' ' Bold Attempt at Horsb Stealing. One day last week, two men with a horse and buggy drove up to Mr. D. L. Irland't farm, about three mile from thii borough, at about 6 o'clock" In the after noon, and put their rig in a shed at the barn. Mn. Irland law tfaem and (opposed they were hitching their horse until they could see Mr. Irland, who wot in a hay Held with bis hands. Shortly afterwards, however, Mrs. Irland noticed the men driving down the road with a horse tied behind their buggy. She did not think anything strange of it, and whon a moment after the horse bruko loose sho told one of tbe domestics to go and head off tbe refractory ani mal that the men might catch It. It was then as certained that the horse was a colt about four yoars old, belonging to Mr. Irland. The boldness of the attempt camo very near rendoring it a success. MiltoniaH. - mom Atocsr CotnT The following it the trial list for the August term of Court. The first twolve cases will be tried on Wednesday of tho first week, and the balance during the second weok ; Peter Hanselman vs Robert 11 MaCay. Mary Longeneckcr, Ex., vs David and Su?an Long- cnecKer. Z Hogendosblcr vs W L Antrim ct al. j. John Wcisel vs Harriot Marr et al. Honry Ruup vs J G W Jluruing. Isaao Iline vs Juhn Coldrun. Marion Trego vs E S Trego. John Itiegel et al vs Wm M Weaver. Sheriff. Jonathan Hoover and John Yarn el I vs The Sus quehanna Coal and Coal Mountain Co. Jonathan Hoover vs The Susquehanna Coal and Coal Mountain Co. Jonathan iloovor and Wm Starr vs The Susouo- nanna i;oai ana voai mountain to. J 11 forotman vs Joseph Long. second week. John Louck vs William U Douty. Joseph Garncy vs David Lomison. Peter Iininel vs Herman Beryttrcssor. Benjamin Hopler vs Lydia Wetzel. Thomas ltussel vt Peter Lilly. Shell A Berger vs Wm H Kemmcrcr. John Warner vs Peter Wagner. Reuben Kline vs Mt Cnrmoi Township. Dr Wm Frits vs Peter Smith et al. Brooks A Newberry vs The Laokawanna R R Co. D W Smith vs The Milton National Bank. John S Meixel vs The Atlantia and Great Western Itailroad Co. Juhn Ream vs Daniel Dressier. Sol Miller vs Juhn Poy and M Brymiro. Robert W Kerns vs The Northern Central R R Co ihe County of Northumberland vs The Borouirh ui k?uuuurj. e u i reter roll vslhe Borough of Sunbury. C W Snydor vs Lewis Bush. Jonathan Tharp vs Petor Martin. Jacob Machamer vs Sarah Machnmer. Wm Byors vs Samuel Mo.Mahon. Albert Cadwallader vs Honry Vanetlon. I II Torrenco, Adm'r, vs Ira Forrostor. Philip Marts vs Robert Brooks. George W Brewer vs Philip Orison. Josoph Johnson vs George A Wykoff. George Hill vs Adam Fox P L jlockenbcrg vs Wm B Kummerer. Nagle, Brown A Eshbach vs James Uogoland 8 L Borgstresser vs Jesso M Simpson. Samuel Miller vs Goerge MoKoe. Jacob Weik vs Peter Arnwine. David Uartt vs James Mulone and Son. Editor'a Table. Tub North British Review, for Juno, has re cently been bnued by tho Leonard Scott Publishing Company, and completes their series of publications for tho quarter just closed. This Review it a great favorite with many readers; tho editor has of lnte veara shown cood judgment in the flcloction of sub jects, and it has ceased to be tho organ of mere local iiliuruais. VI iub eigm Krtiuiea iu 1110 ) weui u um ber, those on the History of Writing, on Sleep, ami on Louis IX. of France, (Saint Louis), will bo ac ceptable to all classes of readers. The first named article gives an aooount of fao-siuiilei of national manuscripts lately published by authority in Eng land, and is full of antiquarian information of tbo most readable kind, and too paper on Louis IX. is one of marked biographical and historical intorost. Other articles are Mistral's Mireio, (a review, with many extracts, of a very pleasing Provencal poem,) The Greek Idyllio Poets, Memoirs of Boron Buusen, Sobools and L'nivorsilics, Churcbos and Creeds. Ho must be hard to please who finds this number dull reading. We have just received Blackwood's Magniino, fur Juno, and as many of our readers are no doubt subscribers to this periodical, they need faw sugges tions from us. The first impulse when it ooiuos to hund, however busy one may be, is to glance over its pages, and nolo certain artiolos to bo read at tho earliest opportunity. It is not unlikely that we shall read Uie whole of the.prosent number, and we give, for the benefit of all, the list of contents, as follows : Grace Owen's Engagement, Parti. Tho Latest Lawgivor (rofcrring to Mr. Kuskiu, and his recent suggestions for the reconstruction of society .) Unlucky Tom Griffin (Conclusion.) The American Constitution and tbe Impeachment of the Presi dent, (condemning the Impeachment, as might lie autioipatod.) Letters from a Staff Officer with the Abyssitiian Expedition. Cornelius O'Dowd. Droatiis in th Involido. Goorga Eliot's Spanish Gypsy, (with copious extracts, and euloulated to make every reader desirous to see tho work itself.) Altogether a very varied and interesting numbor. BUSINESS NOTICES. The Hot Weatuer. Tho warmest days of the season aro now upon us, and every one seems to bo making an effort to '-keep cool." With one of Faust's fashionable and easy-fitting straw huts ono can certainly be made comfortable, and at it costs but a trifle to procure one of them,' we would re commend our gentlemen to wear tbem. They are about as much of a luxury, theso hot days, as ice culd ' lager" or "mint juleps " Tub Merchaut Tailoring establishment of J. F. Sbaeffer, in Market Squaro, has done its share, this season, in turning out those elegantly filling suits that can be seen at any time on onr street. Tho style and make-up of clothing at this establishment will compare with Philadelphia or New York gar ments. Bhaeffer'i price are very low. Call and tee his new goods. - I M1J ! I - Miller, tbe enterprizing, go-ahoad Boot and Shoe dealer, in Market Square, is not to bo outdone in hi line of business. He manage well to koep his stock up and hit prices down. Reader, consult your interests, and give tbe Excelsior Boot and Shoo Store a oall. . . "Will wonders never cease?" it th general exclamation of th bundreda who crowd to Beck't Merchant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, to examine hit extensive assortment of fashionable Cloths, Cassimeres, Yet tiugs, Ao. They are good in quality and cheap in price. Go and see tbem. Coa'a Couuu Balsau. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Oonsumption. Both tUos ordinary 4os., also mam moth family bottles for sal by all druggists and dealer in medioiuet. - No family should be over night without it in the bouse. ", I-' : Con's PvsrErti Curb Will Immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatuluney, Sour Stomach, Cun stipation, and all disease of tbe Stomach and Bow els. . Physicians, olergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praias of It great virtue. Sold by Druggist every where. Price 11.00. ' 1 SBATHS. ' In Northumberland, oa tb 6th inst., JENNIE CAMP TRACY, youngest child of Joseph O. Iraoy, BgedTweek.., (; t. , ' Near Warhinglooville, Montour county, OB'tb 29tb ult., WILLIAM SEIDEL, aged 61 years and WUayt. ;. '. (i At th tarn place, May 28th, SABILLA, infant child of Gorg and Elisabeth Oresb, aged 5 month. . On May lit, HARRY WILLIS, ago of . G and Louisa A. Blee, aged 16 months. , . In Northumberland, on th 5th in., SL'SASNA. daughter of Henry D. and Anna Geiger, aged I year, 1 month and 13 days, Correoted Weekly for fro "American." W'hcat Flour, extra family, perbarrol, do Hn Hit Hn nor owl. $14 00 7 00 10 00 6 00 2 40 1 50 1 25 80 1 76 25 nye r .our, do Wheat, prime rd, new, Rye, Corn, Oat, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unpnred per Libl . per cwt. per bushol , do do do do pcrjonnd 20 15 I 00 25 25 25 25 25 20 14 13 13 60 vriea, do Dried Chorrics. funstoneil.l n h,i jutter, por pound, gK" per dozen, thoeso, ,or pound, Lard, do Hams, - ,tl0 Shoulders, ' do Beef, hind quarter, do " front " -' do Mutton, do Chiokens, per pair NliuiitoMit 'oitl Tr-rutf. Buasorin, July 7, 1863. Ton. Cwt. Sent for week ending July 3. 12.2.10 II Per last Report, 222,151 00 2.14,381 11 235,550 12 l.lTd (II To fame time lost year, Docroasr), Special Notirca. B'iiIlo lo 3liiri;if!'. Young Men'sliuida to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane views of benevolent Pbysieians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Karly Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. June 13, IBM. ly. A NEW RKMI3DY IN COXSUXIPTION. A Physicinn who had Consumption for sovernl yoars, with froquent bleeding of the luns. cured hiuifclf with R medloino unknown to tho profession, when his cue appeared nopeicss. lie is llic only pnysician who has urod it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and ho can ascribe tho do gree of health he now enjoys to Bolhlng but tbo usoofhis mldicinof and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of nil hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc ed hiin to hatnrd the experiment. To thonosuQ'er ing with any disenso of tho Lungs ho prollera a treat ment bo confidently bcliovej will crniicato tho disease. Price $1.50 por bottle or f 3 a Imir dozen, sunt by express. Send for a circular or call on IR. K. BoVi.ston Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. May SO, NE PRICK CLOTHING. .Tfiwro OLD V. STAB LI SHED . oi: iici4 i: CLOTHING HOUSE, OOt Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has dnno busi ness on tho One Prico Sys:cm, nnd wo bclievo wo are tbe only Clothing House in th city that strictly adheres to this principle We have earuod a repu tation which we are proud of, for good tusto in select good stylos and substantial materials, and not lcs3 important, for having all our goods i:tra tva:i.i, We employ the bot talent, for Cutter?, nnd cur (foods nro of both kinds fnshlunnhto and plain so that all tastes can be suited. Tho prices nro tho very lowest, as any one by a niornriit's thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deduct ions are ever nindo, we must put our prices down to tho advantages wo promise The pcoplo may depend, this is the trno plan upon which to do business, nnd many a dullar can bo saved to Clothing buyers by keeping iu mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTH fXO HOUSE, 604 Market .Street, Philadelphia, Not on tho Corner, but ono door abovo Sixth II. ii. MAI11, !Salcni:iii. April 4, 18fi3. ly Deafness, Ulindnkss and Catarrh treated with tho utmost succoss by J. Isaacs, M. !)., Ocul ist uud Aurist, (formerly of Lcydcn, Holland ) X ). 05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from thu most reliable sources in city nnd country can bo seen at bis office. Tho Medical faoutty aro invited to acoompany their patients, as ho has no secrets in bis practice ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted w ith out pain. No oliargo fur examination, nny.flu-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wu. Farsox. Nelson Fi-uii- ROOMS. FURNITURE VtTlvC FAE.S01T & SClTj lute of tho firm of Farson A.Davis, hove opened ware- rooms at No. 228 South 2d street, bolow Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Whcro they koep a full assortment of l'ARLOK, CHAMBER. SITTING ROOM and DIXLXa ROOM FURNITURE. Their old customers, and all norsons wishinir to l urchaso, are invited to call and examino their stuck before purchasing olscwhora Particular attention puid to packing. inyG ly. QUEENS-WAKE, STONE CHINA V ARE, &c "W. ZMZ CAIRNS, Markot Street, 6 doors west of Fourth St., south sido, SUNBURY, PENN A., RESPECTFULLY informs the citisons ofSunbury and Merchants and doalers in ihia imH .l,in. ing counties, that he has just opeuod a lareo aawrt mont of CUEENSWARE AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from tbebost manufactories in tho country, whioh will be sold at WHOLESALE and HKTAllj. Dealors arc invited to examino lis atvk l,r,., Surcbasiug in the city, as they can save money by oing so. - Sunbury, May 19, 1868. 6m rPHISistogiv notice, that on tho Uth day of X June, A. D. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy W as issued against tho estato of Asa U Bcrcstresacr. of Shamokin, in the county of Northumberland aud State of Pennsylvania, who bas buon adjudged a Bankrupt on bisown potition ; that th payment of any debts and dolivory of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and tho truus for of any property by him aro forbidden by Law; that a meeting of the creditors of tho said Bankrupt cy, to be huldou nt Snnbiiry , iu tho county of North, umberland, and .Stato of Pennsylvania before J. M. Wiestling, Register, on the 10th day of July, A. D. 1863, at 11 o'clock A. M. T. D. GUEENAWALT, Deputy United States Marshal, (as Messenger,) June 2u, lwW. 4t Western District of 1'onn n IIOU1M A.l SIIOUM. C. SYLVIS, WITH IT. G. THACIIER, Mauufooturor of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Ituota, SsioeN aiisl diaitei-H, Pleasants' Building, Market Square, SC'NBIRY, PA. Ladies' Boot, Shoes and Gaiters of all descriftion' made to order on the shortest notice nnd moat rea sonable terms. Having the best workmen employed, we can aasure the public that, if thry will give us a call, they will be satisfied of tbe above facts. RE PAIRING neatly doue with dispatch. If your corns do hurt your feet, Just eall aud leave your measure, - And we will make your Shoes or Boots, That you will call a treasure. March 28, '9.3 ly. FANCY MY GOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, 1 ' ' , Suitable for the ' SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. MIB8 KATE BLACK, . Murkot quaro. two doors East of the old Bank ' , building, fcUNBUUV, Fena'a., HAS just opened a fresh assortment of tb most fashionable Fanoy Drost Goods bum the largest establishment in Philadelphia. PeLAINXH, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC.S. - lunnnnGuooi)!, Cloths, Eaoque Fiannelt, Flannels, Sheetings, Mye lins, Ladies and Children' HATS, Feather. Ribboua, reu TrluimlBKt, EiubroIdcrloH, Lace Veil, Oonets, Handkerchiefs, 6 lovce, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptio Skirts, Real -Black Lac Shawls, and Ladies .a i i- Goods of avory desuription. . v Bun Umbrella and Faroaola. Gents' Collars, Neck-tics, Half-hot, Handker chief and Ulove. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. KATE BLACK Sunbury, May 30. 1SS W. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Mni-kct Mqmirr, M KV, I'a. lint just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con stantly on band. My stock will always ho found oomptotc in evtry article ef merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. FANCY ARTICLES ! My stock it unnsuatly largo and embraces every thing that oan be found on a first dsns Toilet Tabic, including American andgenuino French and Eng- PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, ' Oiitta Tcrcha, Wood nnd Horn Combs, Tollot ' rtonps, Hair' Tooth, Nail, Cloth aud Paint Brushes, Ac. liilnt nicsliriiiv. Embracing all the inost popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Ptttu Havana SEUARS nnd CHEWING TOBACCO of tho best Brands. a .inn, trim, t.iuo, tl:t, fully, Yii-iiisli-, V-. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointment::, Ccralr-, imrl other preparations Rto manufactured hy myself, nnd from th best matorinl -I can procure in Market, ilaviug had quite a number of years' experience in tho Drug and Prerr!jtion Business, both In Philadelphia nnd tho emintrv, and abo the odvmitago of the Coltogo of Pluu in.-u'v, I feel com potent tu COMPOUND ALL PRKSCRIi'TIONS t""t.hlllysiciansnnd publio may favor mo with. All my preparations a I have above asserted, aro tnailo from tho bcrt material, and upon honor I assert, tbov aro of official strenglh. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the very best J WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUOR, that I can procuro. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A BENNETT. hitr.bnry, M ly Id, 18M. LlWllLilG ! S. ItVi:iEKY. niHE populnr Photogrupcr, has mtctl up, in tho I m I' iitTUrt K.,;i,i;.,r. ii,.nA .i . .. railroad, Market Square, ono of the very best 6kv Lights to be found ii the Stato, and is now prepared lo tnko pictures of nny kind, in all kinds of weather, early and lato. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along tho babies wo ure now roady for them. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! both great nnd small, sec bis new rooms, and ex amino speciuiens. Fit AMES and FRAMING material constantly on hand and mndo to ordor. Bring along your pictures nnd havo thorn framed cheaper than anywhere else Como nnd eco for yourselves, Anything in tho picture lino constantly on hand orordcrod. Copying done in all its branches and colored aa dosired. Both out and indoor views taken at abort notico and on roaaonablo terms. Satisfaction guarrnntonl. aa our motto is to ploaso. All negatives carefully prosorved. Romembor tho placo ask for S. BY Ell LY, Market Square. May 2.1, '63.-ly. All hinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Puns, luk, Paper, Ac". Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All tho now books received as soon lis published, ULd for talent M Q w U? w u it N W a M 03 a o G 01 o w a i w w a G W tt OJ G a G ts k; Publishers' prices. I BIBLES, Prayer Book? and Hymn! dooks, in every riyio oi umuing. Catholic Prayer Buuks. FAMILY BIBLES in various stylos DICTIONARIES uf all sites. Juveniles and Toy Books, a largo; assortment ItlnuU Kook d Blank' Forms of all kinds. j Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and! Noto Paper. ! COPYINO BOOKS, Inkstands I Pen Racks, Filtw, Pnnor, Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally. rHOTOOKAPH nnd dear. ALBUMS chonp1 Oold Pens and Holders. Puckot Books aud Bill Wulluts. Picture Frames. Stcreoscoiics. aud Mows. American Frcucb.A:c. I llrawlnz Paper, nil sizes, Bristol' Board, Ac. j Diaries. Memorandum Books. Ac ! Backgammon Boards. Onincrf, Chess men, Ac. " ! Tuy8 a Pirgc and couipleta assortment Busc-llalls and Uuts. Fishing Rods and Tackle. j Perfumes, Brohcmian and Parisian Marbles. Ao. j Hold Tens ro-pointcd. . Lamps, Shades, Ulobet, Chimneys.) Ac. Wall Paper and Border, nil kinds J Window Curtains, Pancr (J tit and Oiled. ' Music and Musical Instruments, j I jrAll kinds of Books nnd Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All the Daily aud Weekly Papers and Magazines. Agent for tho 'American Organ." Also for "La Roso's Hnir Restorative," Enamel of America, uud "National Stoani Navigation Company." Sunbury, May ltt. lbbS. M'lilAU TltADi: SFRING TRADE lcC8. M. 1j. LAZARUS, would call the nttcntion of tho public, and her customers generally, to bcr largo and now assort ment of l'uiicy and iometie Dry Ciootls. Which consist of Poplins, Dclains, Chencs, Allapae cat, Cropes, Urcnadines, Iron Bareges, Lawns, tlinghanis, Cidicoes, Chintzes, Ac, White Ciiootl. Cambrics. Stoys, Organdies, Victoria, Tluid .Mu.-lii.s Marsaillos, Piquo, Drillings, Wigans, Muslius, (bleached aud unbleached.) Tablu Linen, Napkins, Towels, Tublo Covers, Bod Spreads, Ao. Gloves, Hosiery, Cursots, Uuop Skirts, Dress Trim mings, (in variety.) Ladies and Ueuts Haudker ohiels, Neck Ties, and uotiuns in variety too numer ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS, bunbury, May 0, lbtiS. J. XV. SEvso. A. N. Hhiit. ATTRACTION" AT IIAUPT'8 NEW IRON FRONT' STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a new and desirable Mock of Ooods m Haupt t Now Building, consisting in part ot a splendid variety of American Vatohew, OOLU WATCflES, BOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER-WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS Glass-Ware, Cutlery, Pictures, ' Looking Glasses, &c, Ac, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to please aud satisfy nil who call. STEVENSON A BRICE. Sunbury, April ISlSflB 3m i.i i'Es r sxi ELn or ' SPUING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, VIiuh yt, I,. CiOMilcr, begs leave to an nounce tu tbo Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that tbe has just opened a largo and varied slock of MILLINERY GOODS, Tho latest Now York nnd Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an riccllcnt assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Ulevat, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions, Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume riot, oapa, Lilly Whito, Enamel of America, Sta tionery, Ac, Aa. Call aud examine for yourselves. No trouble to thow good Suubury, April 11 1863. I'ulMtav Olla, Ac. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubricating Oil for Engines and Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, always on hand, at low prices at CON LEY A CO '8 IF you hav a piotur you want frmd, go to . Hyerly'a and get it done cheaper than any where else in town. He has mouldings of all kinds C' U.tsntly on bind. IF you want a pioturo, of any kind, of yourself or friend, go to Ifycrli' new roemlMarket b 'iiir. nt'ir the railr M SPUING OPENING. tJHKATl'ALL IN I'lUC'LS! Buy tho MOST GOODS, of til 0 33E3rX' QUALITY l or the liKAST MONEY. s.M.i,r, l'Koi.-rrs and quick cash MALES M. V. I'ICII.I.. ! M AM M O T W R T O T? V -- U i j, .ilAllKKT .S'.M AKl:. . .''UNUUUV, TENN'A., Il is ju t received and opened Iho uiosi' si;i.a::ra;ind HNK.SP ASiKTMO l', oi m GOODS IN TOWN. ! Frcm.Ii Merino.., Prints, Mucins, ; ( (iinghanis, Ca.'.iin'rcs, X : Dclamcs aud Armurcj I'oiuesliu Cottou.i, Brown nn I Blenched NOTIONS of all kiutl? Hosiery, lilovC3, Muu'snud Ladies L'ndergatuient WHITE GOODS. 4 A full asiortmcnt of TKIMMIXtlS. Builders will find u:y Slock of llartl waro, lilin(. Oil, CilaN, Ar., 'iiilili-i-. Drus aud Mcdiiincs, Willow aud Ci'lnnvaro Qucenswiirc, Olasswarc, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS, and iu fact everything usually kept in a large Storu, Call and bo convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO LTY ALL YOL'R OOODS it at The IManunuth S t or e. of Tci uii l'akli,-UO laj , ts my Goods ar bought fur Cbh and Sold Cheap for the READY MONEY. J g've the Irudo the ad vantage of all reductions asfaut at they arc made by Manufacturers H Y F1UL1.N' untury.. Apiil lt 18tV BREAD & FANCY OAK MS. RESPECTFULLY rnrorms tbo cHUou.i of Hi. Imry and vicinity, tht he will bako to ord r ull kinds of 4'itlsc i'or lt;ilt. Par tic, to-. Families arc supplied with FRESH BREAD, I v i liolls. Husks, Tea B. ins, Ac , aud hImi kept on h ind mnnafaclurcd out of tho be.t materials. All ordrr left at his Simp in Market Hqiiaro. onn door east of Mies Anna Painters Millinery St'.ro. -r at his Bakery on Hprnco street, bi'twcen Front ni 'l Second street!', will meet with prompt nttunlion PIC NIC PAUTIEd supplied with Cnkct, Il- Cream, Ac, nt tho shortcut H"lice. Orders nro respectfiillv rdicilcd I DAVID r 11 Y Sunbury, May 2, 1Si8. SUNBURY iMARlYl,!; h.'jfyr rilHK undersigned bavins houjrlil il,e I - I entire stock of J'iMror f. layn.r Hwniil l Inform the luiblic that he i.i ready to do all kinds of inarblo work i bas on band and makes lo order at (l.ort nutico, .floniiinentss ni Hciid-Mouci, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also. Comotcrv Posts with (Jalvanized pips auJ all other fencing penorally Uf on CemoUu its 11... A nill p(.nHnn ill Ihfl Bmri'VI!' ' ' at the old stand in Market Square, Sunbury, I'a May is, til. ly it hi. iiatouaa TEOlvCAS Cr. 1TOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET SQUARE, SINKUKY, I'A , 1 I AS just received nlargound woll-solccted Mock Sr'RIKO AND SUMMER GOOUiJ consLling of tho finest (.'LOTUS, CASIMEKES AND VESTIN'Ci! i.r....i,i in s:,tlM,rv no t wbirb bo r.roini'-i:-1..- tell cheaper than tho cheapest. Huving Ihe servi'-rs of skilltul tailor.', ho guaronlcefa good lit in ivci.v instance -infurior to none outside of tho cilid. Everything from my establishment will bo ginr nntccd as r r rcsoulcd. , ' THOMAS O N011 Sunbury, May Otis. lSr.3. If WiimY "fashions in Rliss LOUISA BUiaSIiUll, THE popular Millinery, smith aide of Mmk.t Siuaro, Sunbury, is desirous of calling the att -lit ion of tho publio aud trado lo her uui'pie uud hund.oiuc nsoortuicnt of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCl)t, just opened. On hand nnd made to order, aro llio latest and most superb styles of lli-idul, 51 on m in s mid Ores Bloti ni'l tiiid Slats. Also, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Ai litk r.t Flowers, Lounut Frames, Veils, Collar, Ac. Ooutlemen's (foods, such 03 Hosiery, Handkcr chiefs, Ko. lc-tiuj, JJruclio3and goods fur tho toilet. Also, a lino assortment of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept iu a well furubhed cstablUhucu A call is onlyrciuirc'l to bo convinced. N. I!. Special attcntiun is directed to n fine l' t of Ladies' Dres Cups and Head l)rc..-o.'. LOUtA SHISSLKR- April 18, ISM. SiOO SlSISrAIlD 1 Km a mc l.ciac that wiiUure t-l I'Ull, INFI.tT.NZA, TICKLl.Nlj in the TUttOAT. WIIOiU'lNO tut i.M or relieve CONSf.MI'l'Ivi; ootaiis. a tjui'.-k as c; o e ' h co u c; n n a l s a m ovt:n oni: million 1:011x1:3 have been sold aw. ivi a stnirlc iuuico oi' ita hiil-ii.? k hii'iwn c h::vt m m posctT.i, , :iy tj'n.i'ily nt Ct.! tlllLIltCH, flJtllti of idem fntfii KMINLNT PHYSICIANS wlio huve UBfit it in tlic ir puciiiv, uml givt-a it '.lie jc eimnt'iK-e overcvt'iy tiiht r cumpoutiJ. IT D(LS NUT DRY 11' A COLlJlI, but I.OOHENa IT, s ns to enoMctlic patient ta esnecl'Mte ftccly Two -i jhree doses. Will Isvariaci.t Ctee Ticklinj in tite Thuoat A half hotje !ms otton citi; cured ttio mst Sti.h btni CoiptM, ourl yei rfMiiph it is i nur ntnl uptciy in im oKrHti'in, it is pentvit;. li.unilehs. I.fini; pnitly vtn(:.lI. It m very u,',rcenlile tu the tuste iuij nuy lc u Iiuiui.'tfif l to eiuiilnjii t'l uny ace In cmsos of CKOl'P we wi!! iiirirantt'c a cure, :r f-ikr;i 1:1 Hc;isll, NO FAMILY SIIOL'LD BK WITIIOl T IT: It is within the rettcin'f all, it bcini; the cii'jrij-cijl :md I .iV iuctlii:40 extant. C U. CLARK fli. CO.,, NLV II A YEN, CONN'. April 1?, iM'.i.-ly COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. THIS GREAT II EM CD Y KOft ALL DISEASES i (lie ST O M A C II S is Ihe iliscnvery of the invi-iil'ir of Coe's val'Mbie C"iii;h Hjlsum, white fxi'tTiiiKHlinn for lim own Ih-iilth. 1u-umI Crump iu the St"inm-h for him wlilcti iiud Leiore to nothing but chloroform. The uluiosl thuly ti'Jltmony from vaii.u., purls oi the country rucouia;-?? us lo bc-liri-e liierc is no caui'ot hy a ilinorik-rtj sininacli it will not speedily cure. Physicians endorso nnd TJso it ! Ministers give tostiinony of it olllcncy. And friim nil ilirertions we recjive tuliims (t curts ptr lormed. dyspepsia: It 15 eure to cine. HEAft'f BURN Cat Joac will cure. SICK-HEADACHE' It lius curcii in huti'lrctlfi of IIKADAClli: AND DIZZINESS ' It vtnps in thirty minutes. ACIDITY Of Til F. STOMACH H corrects nt once. K1SE OK THE I'OOD: It stops iiiiiueCialely " DIST11ES3 AF TEH K.VI INU : One Jose will remove. CIlOLl'.ltA MCKUl'S: Hupid!)' to a few Uoles BAD DUE A Til : Will he cliJiijett with half tt buttle IT IK PERFECTLY HABMLESH Its i:M'Ki:Ci:DE.M'EI) Sl'CCESS is owin to the fuel lhat It t'liri's Ity .M!tluu :uUir: T'J Rl-.-ASSERT HEIl SWAY IN THE SYS1I..M Neailv every dealer m the I'nitcU States sell, it hi one dollar 1r.1t norm;. C. G. CLARK & CO , Propiietor. NEW UAVLN, CO.NN. Is, lt'js.-lj. CAIirENTKHS. WILL hi. 'I in our tituMuiiuieut a iu eiier stock ufl'liiucs. S.iws, AugcM. llatcliets, llauiuicrs, Files Cuisols, Ao., Ac.for sale by J 11. CON LE Y & CO !,50.00'ni.loiersiin I'our Vritr, PATRONIZE THE BEST. Having tho largest capital, most cxveiieueed bu -ors, mid extensiv trajo of any coucem iu the Dollar Sale burets, wu ( L A RltAy'i'Ki! SA TUFA VT1 OX iu every iiitune; and also tho best sclcctiou ol tiuud: tivr oii'ercJ at dui.lau i;.icii. No other concern has any show wherever oui Agents aro selling. Our uioCto, "Prouiiit un.l lieliii blo." Malonud fcuiulu ugouls wuiitca iu city and country. '1'lie Ijulio are particularly requested to try our popular club system of aullliijt all kind uf DKY AND FANCY dOOKS, MtE.SS 1'ATIEUNS, C01TON t'LOI'U. CASTOHS. SILVER TLATED UOODS WATCH ES, Ac. ( Established lSiit ) A patent pen fouuluiu and a check describing an article to be told lor a dollnr, ID ctJ. ; 20 fur f'i ; JO lor $1; CUforS-rt; Ulo forjlo, scut by mail, i re rrcscuuto goiter up, (worth it) per cent, more than tncuaseiit by any olhei enenru ) accordiug to sis of club, buud us a trial Olub, or il not do not fuil to send for a circul;ir N . 11. Our salu should not be elafetul with New York dolliir jowelry salejur boguj "lea Culupauie,' fci it is nothini; of the sort. KASTMAN A KEN PALL, to Uaiiovcr ISlriel. Doduu, M.i May 21, 'tl8.-ini. WHLKL can I get thn .r,t l ioitiiT'" V,T v : ltyi rlv,K 'f '" i' " .!,"vuei o r- ! r,. i'l lj"- !' i v i' 'I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers