yjtess sm ii ' TBB GREAT AMSR1CA2T C02fBLiT10.V glutton Hole Owerevenxnlnsj- ltl Wondsrful Popularity Conclusive Proa of its Ureal Merit. The Inorease in the demand for thil valuable ma chine has bsn TEN FOLD during the last tot en month! of its flrat year before the public Thil ((rand and lurpriting saocess ii unprecedent ed Id the history of sewing-machines, and we teel full warranted in claiming that IT II AS NO KyO AL, Being Absolutely the Beat IN THE WORLD, An J LitrintltnUy the Chta tat. It it really two maobinet combined iu one, (by a aimple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both tho buttleor Look-stitch, and the Over aeaininrr and Button-hole stitch, with eanal facility and perfection, It exeeutei in the very boat manner Tory variety 01 sewing, auoo as, Mommtng. telling, Cording, luokiug, Stiushlng, Braiding and Quilting, Mathering and sewing on, (done at the tame lime.) and in addition, Overseams, Embroiders on the edge and makte beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabric!. Every Maohlue is warranted ly the Company, or Its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on thit Machine, can tie had ou applica tion at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMLNQ AND tWJXa MACHINE CO., h Vf Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Strata. Philadelphia, Pa. , Instructions given on the Mnoliine at the roouia of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. , AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. I W. B. Mkndknhai.l. 1 reasuitr. Apn'125, IS08. lycjan. 25, T. S. SUA a ON, Watchmaker & Jewel r, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBUKY, PA., Will remove his Jewelry Store to Miller's Stine Building, corner of 3d and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY 1st, 1808, where he will be liappy to receive hit old customers and the public in gouorul. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same, and ha is de termined to sell as low as the lowest, and for quality, not to be surpassed by any goods in the market. A large assortment of IVatc-hc?, Clock, Jewelry nnd Silver Ware, constantly on hand, consisting of all kinds of Ameri can Watches, such a the Howard, Appleton, Tracy A Company, Trornont, Waltham, P. S. Bartlet, Win, Kl lery, Home and a line assortment of Swiss Watob.es All kinds of 8 Dny nnd 30 Hour Clocks I Silver toa setts, card and cake baskets, breakfast and dinner castors. Celery stunds, syrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular attention paid to the repair ing of Watukus, Clooks, Jewelry and Mutio Boxes. All work warranted. Feb.8,J86b TORBISGTON & HODGKINS- H A. W BONE SUPER-PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND UARDEN CROPS. Having within the past year greatly increased and improved our facilities tor grinding Bones and man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to the farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article of Supcr-PhoHpIiato. Our manufacture baa been thoroughly tested the past season by practical men of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every cose tho result has been entirely satisfactory. Our process of pulverising, whereby it is prepar ed for and GUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUQII AN V DRILL, I obviates an objection which attaches to many fcr- j tilizers, and secures to the farmer a saving of much 1 valuable time. 1 BOLD AT HIK MANUFACTORY, EAST M A II K K T STREET, ', iilllIiUT, SA., and by our Agents throughout the oountry, iu Bugs i of I'OQ lbs. each, at $53 per Ton of 000 IU. 1 a Lao SHIPPED PKOVriLV to all points aotuasubltt by rail or cuual, on lc:pl I of ordur. TOSRISGTO-N 4 HODUKINS. Also Agent for SoyBiuur, Morgan 4 Alli-n's Self , P.ekins Rcapor and' Mower (The Now Yorker) and ; Pratt A Smed'ley'a lidy cud Uruin Rako. rcnd for Circular. February li, tiS ly SVUBURYBUILDINO LOTS " IN J. W CAKE'S Addition to the Butougu of Sujlburv, l ,i Sale on luasonablo terms Apply to lr. R. 11. AWL and, SOL. BROSIOUS. Sunbury, l'a Or P. W KHEAFER, I utUviilo. Pa Nov. 2i, ldtin i-uioTs i;A? i Soxici fpilE undorsigutd having succeeded to the buei- , A, now of T. IUMES A CO.. takes this method of informing Eiiok-Layurg. Builders, and all others iu- i forested, m and about buubury. tknt he i? proprircd I to till ull urdoru, tur building taul paving Brick, of a ' superior quulity, aud at us low into u.' can bu had ' clsowhcve. I ain alw tho Agout iu tue Couuiivs of Nortluim- . bii land , Union, bnvder Biid Jlontour. for WAK RCN'S I.ViPHOVtU I lREaul WATER 1'ROuF ROOF. ThU it tho cheapest nnd best Roof (hot ran be used ou building--. We colored acvcrul build ings with it, during the last season with i-nlire nti. i laotiou. Orders left at the Brick Vurd, iu Cuke'a Addition to buubury, or at the Ofroo of Mr. Wo lteagan'r rd. or at Sunbury "lit 1 ttentiMii. j baw Mill and Lumbor In GQk'b. vviii r.ii.'i prompt a TOW'Ni'EKD ItlVIS Punbury, March H, Ibu Will reiuovt hivOffieeto J. M. Hiwrigton'i Buiidiuir. ud story, Market Square, BTJITJBTJl.l-Sr, PA, , 117UKRK be will be prepared to do all kiuds of ' YV work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep! coutanlly on band a large assortment of Teeth, and ( otnor ucnioi material, liom which be will be able to elect, and meet the wunta of bis customers. All work warranted to give aatiaiaoliuii, or else the money refunded. The viry Ixtot Mouth Wadb. and Tooth-Powdors kept ou hand. li is rofcrenoes ar tho numerous patrons for wboni he has worked for the last twelve ye:iis cunbury, March 111, lb6d. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PAOIFIO GUANO. ' rPllE attention of Farmers and other consumers of L I'ertilisers ie invitod to thit Uunuo. a- worthy of their special notice. Its use for several years in Murvlaud. Virginia and other Southorn States, for all orops, ha given it atandnrd character lor ex nellcuce unequalled by any other. It po.-wssis all the (jiuokue,3 of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not found in that article. S'-O lbs. of this tiuano are found uio.-s than equal to 300 lbs. of the best Superphosphate. It ripei., the heat orop from live to aovou days earlier than tho phoaphat.w. which last alouetivo.it moaloulable advantages. Liberal -iirovum wo uceiua I'or sale by JOHN 8 REESK A CO , Ucueral agents fnr Paoiflo tiuano Co , Sd bomb Delaware Ave., I'liilad a And 71 South Street Baltimore Maroh IH, lio8 dm SIIOEMAKL'U lilt best qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf kirui, Mnrroceos, Linings, Lasts, Nails. Pegs, Toolt of all kinds, aul ererv thingufr.l by the trade, ltaeJowby J. II. CUSLJ'.V A CO CAUrENTEUS. WILL find in eur establu-liueut s superior stock, efPlanes. bawt, Augers, lUtchcus, Hammers, Files tsnWs, As , Aj .tor taicby , 11 C0M.ET A CO Coachmakers ' 7I- ate selling Liui,, Sr-okea, Uut. epringt. V. tVlv,', I'lijs, Aal.t, As , vers o Largite,ik at i jbur' Mttch ."f r-t-i I Hit ?iS7 LATEST ARSlVALlt FALL & WINTER Joseph Eyster, Comer of Market and Fourth Street, 8UNBUKY, TENN'A. Invitee lb publio to eall and extmln his elegant ajsortmeutof FALL AND WINTER QOOD8. which he will tell at greatly reduced price. Uif stock aonsist in part of CASSIMEBHQ. CLOTHS, ScC; Pilkt. Delaines, Lawm, Oinghamt, Caliooes, Musluia Sheeting. Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton anJ Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, aiovca, Uoop bklrta. Alo llandkerchlufa, Brushes, Combs. Uat andnpt, Moots mi'l Shoea, Hit assortment of goods will not, he it tore fail to ploa.o the fancy and suit the wants of any dcsiroul of Durchaiinff. His ftock of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceriet it large in qnnntity and choioe In duality, comprising generally everything needed in (lie household either for use or ornament. lie is always ready and glad to, see bis frlendt and takos pleasure iu showing them his goods even though -no talcs are made, lio only askt a call, and is sure that the stork will compare favorably in price and quality with the che.pe 5nnbury, Nov 1, lUfiT. 730 Chestnut Street, I'DIIndcIpliIu, Are the beat iu U'ic, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS : TnVy are uioro aimple and durable, easier kept iu ordrr, make a stronger and more clastio stitch, a firmer and moro beautiful eenin than any other Tbcy sow all fabrics from two common spools, ro quiio no ro-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the team by their own oporation, and though every fifth stitch 'u cut the seam will not rip. The Very Highest Prize, tl:r Crona of tho Legion of llunor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho (jJKOTI'IE Ac HA 5i I'll at the Eipositiou Univcrscllco, Paris, 1807 ; thus attesting their great superiority ovor all other sow ing machines. GROVER A BAKER'S NEW PTVLE3 S 11 C X X I. V, M ACH I! CS . For Manufacturing, C'ombinu the inotit modern and essential improve tnents. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots aud Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the u;o of tho most effective LOCK STITCH MACII1NES, To these new stylci. hich poster unmictukablc ad vantRgos over all othnrs. FOR ALE BY CAHOLIIvii! rALItrs, MafletSireet. r-UNBUlt Y, PE.N'N'A , Nv. Si. 18tt7. C Ii E A 'J' 1' K 1 Z E Exposition Unhcrsclle, ltri, 1107. THE HOWE SEWING MACHIKE CO l'LIAS HOWE, Jrt. Annrslcd over Eighty-two Couij ctilurs, Xlie Hlu'liewt !r i:ii:i.ii. The Ouly Ciots oi' tho Lc&ion of Houor and GOLD MEDAL given to Amkbican eui.-o Mai'Uinkr. per Iirtii rial Decree, publi.-hcd in the "Moni'eur Univor-nl' io;!J J,".rl "J ,htt V I'trrirc), Tuesday, ! Sd J illy, isoi , in those words : I Elias Huh c, Jk. MaLtdaoturcr .if Knwlurr Ma. ' J a j j cl.ii. Kxliiiii ! "TLif double first Louor ie iinotlior tor. j proof of Ibo , ! preat sut.crioiit v of tho 11 OWE SL ! CD IN E-overall others.'' j SIHLEV A STOOPS. I N'o 1'3 -South Eiht Street. 1'hilndcliil.ia, AclU h.r PLUiuvlvaniii, Now Jersov. Delaware and Western Vir'iuia. February '.'3, lHiiS. Jin GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. .l.IY , .'., Iu Weimer 's Building, Water Street, near King at , NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and the public generally tout they have a large assortment of Uroceries Provisions, sc., all fresh and of the best quality, con sisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Driod and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Cruckers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. Tbcy wo uld also call attention to Ioa largo aud Leap lot of Uotd FAMILY FLOUU7ru Tea, llainj, Shoulders, tit., which uro constantly kept on bund. Also, all kinds of Vegetables. Ac, Ac Uive them a cull and ceo for ynuraull'. Northumberland, Sept. SW, 1367. STONE WAXl S3. THE best nud cheapen assortment of Stone Wars In tbe State, just received and lor sale cheap at the Mammoth Cah Store of U V. TRILINO. ISAAC K. STAUITER, tVutcl.mnltcruud Jew, rlcr, ISTO. 11B NOKTH Ud bT., COn. OS" QUARHV, PillLADELI'lUA. An aortnieiit 1 Walibrs, Jewelry, Silver and Pkteo Wara rousutntiy ou band, I4rlleliamjig of Walehesand Jewelry promptly at teinled U Nov 30, 1SS7-I y. JACOB SHIPMA5, I IRE AND IiIB'sC INBUHAtTCK AQBWT bUNBUKV. I'EN'A. aerutstKTS Parmera Mutual Fire Insurance Co , York Pa , Cumberland Valley Mutual Proteeliot) Co., raw Vtk Mutusl L. Is. Guard Life rt l lui'a i Hart rrd Crnn OsnKtl Aceidsau T 11 E BAUGH'S tdfVI announce to farmers aa4 dealer la filiaera, that the following priaea hate Wea adopted or the preaant spring too BAUOH'S HAW BOH PHOBPHATB. Trioa, f per J.0O0 loi. . BAUdH tf CHICAGO BONE f ERIIL1ZER rlo,0 per 1,000 lb. BAUaU'd CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE. a4 Frioe tit) per 2000 poondt, Ihlt well known popular trade-mark will be found npon every package of the above manures MARKOV The high estimation In whioh BattoB't Bone Ma nures have been held, during fourteen yean past, we shall fully sustain in the future. Having now the entire control of tbe great resouroe of the oity of Chioago, for furnishing Ammonia and Phosphate yielding matorlal, via Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, Ac, wo have, In connection with oar works in Phil adelphia, the largest facilities for furnishing these manure, at the above low prices. BAUOII A SONS, Philadelphia. N0RT-WE6TERN FERTILIZING CO., Chicago JOHN H ALSTON A CO., Gen'l Ag'ts, Nsw York. tiEORUE EIREE A CO., Boston. GEO HUE DUUDALE, Wholesale Ag't, Baltimore. For all Information respecting tbe above Manures, address either of the above bouses. "JOURNAL OP THE FARM," A New Monthly Agricultural Paper, published by BAUG.H A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its design Is to presents full range of Agrioultnra and Horticultural intelligence; artioles upon the Practical and Scientific relationsof thesubjoot; and its general aim is to inculcate popular system of high manuring. The claims of BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, are urged in an honest and open way, but not urged to theuxolusion of any other valuable manorial aid to tbo farmer which the markets or borne resources afford . All farmers will find It. we think, fully worth all it costs, in tbe practical suggestions it presents, and the general reader will meet a share of solid enter tainmcnt. Price, 60 cents per year. Address, BAl.aU A SONS, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH & GENTUER, Sunbury. Jau. 25, 1868. ang'67-ly THE! OBEAT MGABI BITTERS The eompincnt parts of this remarkable preparation were first discovered, compounded and distributed, some twenty years ago. by Dr. Cuiortvs, the cele brated Egyptian Physician. Thousands of hU suffer ing countrymen were restored to health, as well as great numbers of the inhabitants of Nubia and Abytelntf, and of thecountries bordering upon the Southern coast jor in aiediterranean tjea. Indeed, the fame of the Z1NUAHI IJITTKHJf soon spread over Europe, and was adopted by the principal Physicians In 41 l charge or the hospitals of if the old world, in which t aw is ttlH used with preemi nent success. The Viocroy of Kgypt placed the name of na. CuKoPSOt upon the " Kolt of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following inscrip tion t " Da. CaBorana, the Publio Benefactor." This Bitters is now offered to the public of America with the full assurance that It will be found, opjn a fair trial, to act at a specific for the cur of Cliolertu Dysentery, Dlnrrhrra, Cholera morbus. Fever and Aarne, Yellow Fewer, lilii-umnttara. Typhoid Fewer, Dyspepsia, Colic, llronchltia. Consumption, Flatu lenoy. Diseases or the Kidneys, Kervous) UeMUty, eotl Female CoraphunUi, Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been efTected by its use, as numerouseertiflcatea, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAOB, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Thus vita XLVO AIII niTTEIW has soul as well as body, AMD AS A PREVENTIVE or DISEASE, HAS NO SUPERIOR. b A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use of the Z1NUAHI BITTKK3 will give to yon that toft, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de elguinx woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for It Is nature's owo powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating tho pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that tmootb clearness and beauty to the complexion to much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and wbat is even better than this, It cures (very spec! of female irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Harrisburg, Ta. KAHTEE, & HATJSE, Sols Pbofbietobsv Fur sale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury cmuylvuuiu. August a, 18S7- onx HiiS, js. C. H IrObVSBTOff. COAL! COAL! COAL! TnilE suUeribers respectfully inform tbeoitiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they bave opened CO AXi VAR.D where they aro properod to supply all kindt of Sha- mokin Coal, at cbeaji rates. Familios and others promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully tolicited. HAAS A WOLVERTON, Suubury, Jan. 18, 1363. va'ic;iii; 1011 evekyuouv, A Suporb Stock of fine Gold and Eilvar Watches all Warranted to Run, and thoroughly Regulated, at tho low price of $10 each, and satisfaction Guaranteed 100 Sold (sold Hunting Watches, f 250 to $1000 100 Magic Cased (Jold Watches 250 to 500 100 Ladies' Watches, enameled, 100 to Hud 2U0 (iold H'ing Chronometer Watches 250 to 300 2U0 Uold Hunting English Levers 200 to 250 300 Uold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 200 50O Uold Hunting American Watohea 100 to 250 5u0 Silver Hunting Levers 60 to 160 6U0 Siiser Hunting Duplexes 76 to 250 600 Oold Ladies' Watches 60 to 250 1000 Oold Hunting Lepines 60 to 76 1000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 60 to 100 SfooO Huutiug Silver Watches 26 to 60 60U0 Assorted. Watches, all kinds 10 to 76 The aljovp stock will be disposed ef on the popu lar one price plan, giving every patron a fine Uold or Solid Silver. Watch for $10 without regard to value ! Wriuht, Bko. t Co., 181 Broadway, New York, with to immediately dispose of tbe above magniS cent sluek. Certificates, naming the articles, are placed in aealed envelopes, and well mi tad. Hold ers are an tilled to the artioles named in their certi ficate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth $1,000 or one worth leas. The return of any of our certificates) cutilles you te the artioles named Ihoreon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no artiole value at less than $10 is named on any certificate, it will at enee be seen that this is no lottery, but a straight forward legiti mate transaction, which may be participated In eves by the most fastidious. A tingle oertifioate will be sent by mail, post paid upon receipt of 25 eents, Ave for $1, eleven for $3, thirty-three and elegant premium for $i, sixty-six aud more valuable premium for $10; one hundred and moaltuperk watches for $16. The (gents or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately eouduoted pit siesta, authorised by tbe Uoreroment, and open to the most eareful soru tiny. Watches sent by Express, with bill for eol lec tion on delivery estbatnediasatnUsMioa MS) possibly occur Try ut. Address WRIJHI, LkOIHER A CO., Importers, . 101 Broadway, Ntw York March 2l, 1888 3m BIRD CAQFM1 different kinds If ) on Want g'l sad cbsar Bird tsges st COMIV 4 CO S BOOTS AND SHOES, MANCf AOTURJBD TO ORDER. JOHN WILVBB, RkflPiiCTFULLY faforms kis friend and taS temers, that be has last opened shoB foe tin mannfacturs r BOOTS A SHOES, en ' Bpnxc rtrtct, Ictnttn Second tirut and Ctntrt Alley, Banbury. wher all kinds or work la kit Una wilt be made ap In the latest style and in th best workmanlike man ner. Saving first etass ttoek en hand , fee flatter himself that he will be able to salt the tastes of the most fas tidious. The publio are brvited to eall. JOHN WILVER. Bnnbnry, Jane lf, 1987. TUB fJREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, le on Sd street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BEBGSTREESSER'S . NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Hat Lately EntftblUhcd, with all tbe Modern ImproTemcnts r the Art I THE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the carrots of Photographing, and having dovoted many years to the businoss, is confident of bis ability to assure nis patrons mat tna wora pro duced shall Be seoonu to none in oountry or city. no wora allowed 10 leave me gallery nntcst en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the -county, hois prepared to make Photographs in all Kinds ot weatner, nut wottia proror noioar aay tor small children. He is also prepared to take new lite, or oabinot card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required size and oolored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County 8eats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Tbe publie are respectfully invited to oall and see our specimens and our oomplote arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and ol be. . BEROSIREESER. Punbury, July 15, III. J. OUAJlIIAItT'8 Confectionry Toys and PRUIT STORE fflarket Street, (Suubury, lu CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason ablopriooj). He is manufacturing all kinds of ConfoeUonariet te keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobaoco, Scgors, Statlonoesv Nuts ef all kinds, and a variety of other articlos, all of whioh are offered wholesale and retail. OjRemcmbor the name and placo..T M. O. OEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west ef E. Y. TSright & Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf W later and I'iro root" SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respeotfully Informs builders in this and adjoining oountios that ho is prepared to (tut on Slato Hoofs in a superior manner. He furn shes the celebrated Lehigh oounty Slate, which is the best in tbe market, lie warrants his work to be durable and fire and water proof. He invites tbe in spection of the publio to the work he hasdone in Sun bnry on Haupt's, Ureenongh's and Haas' buildings, andonotbors at various places. His prices areas low as those of any other slater. Address, D. 8. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., or eall at his residenoe in Upper Augusta twp. January 11, 1863. ly si'I'-EU'S PORT GItAI'E WISE, ly liundredsof CongreKutlons tor Church or Communion Purpoaci, ALSO, EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. VIXEVARDS, NEW JERSEY- rsPKiiii's poicr tilt aim: vii:, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wine it mada from the juice 01 the upono u rape, ruisea in mis country Its invaluable 'l'oulc Ac strenartucnlnjr Propertlcit Are unsurpassed by any other native wiue. Being tbe pure Juioe of the grape, produced under Air. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and srenuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and tbe weak est, invaiia may use it to aa vantage. 11 is parucu ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that allliot the weaker sex. It ia, In every respect, A WINK TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Female use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Weaklv persons find a benefit bv its use. SPEER'S WINES in hospitals are preferred to omer wines. f5"Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. A. SPEER'S VINEYARD, New Jersey. Offioe, 23 BROADWAY, New York. . Tbe trade supplied by Johntnn, Holloway ft Cow den, and French, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. For tale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. 20 ly. J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, Emit 01'thc Knllroad, STJUBTTIVy, 3PETrTA.. DEALERS IN I'OBEIU.-H Sc. AMERICAN, Hardware & Cutlery. riAHE attention of Mechanios, Farmers, Builder, A, and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now ottering a better selected assortment ef UAivuv, ArtiS, UUiLEKY. AO., than evor was offered in this marked at prices muck below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock oomprises all articles in this line of businoss, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAK.EKS, JOINERS, AO., AO., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Kails, Spikes." Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saw., do., ia. Sunbury, Maroh 80, 188T, Notice to Merchants and Shipper. mUK undersigned, proprietor of Weiser 4 Prick's X Line, give notices to merchants and shippers that tbe Depot is still at 811 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Goodsdireoted to Sunbury, Danville and Lewiaburg, and aU intermediate stations along tbe railroad, will be promptly delivered. IV Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewitburg, J. H. BROWN, Ageut, tSaulury, Pa. DoceniborT, 186T. Agricultural Implements). HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Selves of all xites and kinds, a large asaortmcnt of Red Wagon Ham at, tur Flowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth. for sale by J. h- CONLKY 4 CO. Mount Carmel Hotel UT, OABUEL, Northumberland Co., Pa T1108. BURKET, PnopaiETOa. This large comic odious Hotel is IouImI ua, u depots of the Shamokln Valley and the Quakake A Now York Railroads Trsiasarrivearddspartdaily This house is located In the centre of the Coal k. gioa and alords the beat aeconimedttioni te travel I Ml rcjflisfltot vintomcu jay Great Attraction, r - V ItttbS) . - NEW TIN-WARE, sht Irosa aad 0tT Btor or , SMITH & GEITTEEP, Where ttey keep eonrtanfly; on band and men&fai tnre to order at snort notioe. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARS' of all descriptions. They would especially sail the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscriber! have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and those who would have rood stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. .J V,,'.J?f? petltloii on, the following: m w, ubyvw, via 1 Combination Uat Ilnrnr, Cook. OoTcnior Penn C00U. WABASH AND IHONSIDKS, and th well known Antldust Cook Stove called BPEAK'8 ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and offioe Stoves In great Tariety em- L, IB r uittouiuoturee ana most fashion able deaiirns, unsurnassed for bonni, nf Sni.v. .i.-.n city of arrangements aombinlnir nhomnm ini..kiii and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. ' Also, ibe celebrated Baltimore Fire Flaee Stove, for beating first, second and third stories by Registers. AISO, VU-LUAn HEATER. Also, the eelebratod MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil. Coal Oil Lamptj, Shade, Cuimniett, nnd all articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing. Saontlnff. Ranee and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and oheaply executed. Also r "Haash's) Raw Ilone SuperPhos phate." Romcmber tbe place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conlv's Hardware Store. Market streot, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August K, lbtse. , a AS. Ui. CALUWIXL fc CO.. JEWELERS, , 009 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, ATanufacturert and Importer Oi evory description of First C lass Goods belonging to tbe Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Hare removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Ejtsnding from Chestnut Street to Sansom Street, affording ample room and convenient aooossories, giving opportunity for a proper display of goods, and better meant for their examination. With extensive and favorable arrangements in this Country and in Europe, we are in a position te offer at moderate FIXED prices. Watches, Diamonds, Bronee & Marble Goods SUver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelains, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the oity are cordially Invited to xamine our New Store. March 7, 18B8. ly. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Blatos. Books. Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Bookl, Diaries, Pocket Bookt, Ink Stands, Pont, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink. Ac. . For "i by ANNA TAINTER. CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL BBNJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental TV, .-m r, isb from the most responsible Nursories in this and other btates, first class TREES of all kinds. Also, bhrubbery, Vines and Plants. Gardon Seeds of all kinds. Ordert are respectfully solicited. AddrobS BENJ. BOHNER, Paxirios, North'd. Co. ty N. B. Insurances taken in several of tna most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in tbe State. Juno 8, 1867. y At rot Ai-cli Kti-eet, NEW PRICES I NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silver-riatcd Wares, JA. inoludiug every style and b3I?.WI desoriplion, niado exnrosslv for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Yi holesalo and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. rSRe-plating at short notioe. December21, :BG7 .aug27 PURE LAGERBEER! POKTEK At AA.lv, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. -JOSEPH BACKER. RESPECTFVLLY informs tbe public goncrally that he is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, PORTER AND ALE, n large or small quantities. Hit faoilities for tnak ng Beer cannot bo excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by physicians as a healthy drink for Invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied St short notioe. Punbury, Sept 21, 1S67. ARCH STREET FOUNDRY! J. YOU.HOMAS, Proprietor. aVrcta St., between Sd and 4tlt, deo ao ine i-uuitc rscuoot lluuse, SUNBURY, PENN'A. TUX proprietor of this establishment respectfully informs the publio that be has sommenoed the man ufacture of Cooking and Heating 3T07E3! which be will sell at lower prices then they can be obtained elsewhere. MILL Gearing, Stoves, and the largest class of wHiuijj, inaae promptly to oraor. Also. Window Weights, Frsmes aud Orates for Cel lar Windows, Ao. t'nat Iron t'liimnrr Tops, WATER TROUGHS A DOOR STEPS A liberal prloe paid for old eastings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, lm proved, is manufactured at tbia establishment. Also, btove Grates of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety of small eastings. JJunbury, Oct. i, 1867. Are especially invited to oall and examine our ttook of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, wmprislng Nails and Spikes of all vari.ti tL... Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latohea. Bolts. Plaa. taring Irowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, As., An., (br sale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. 1ST TTSjBkT-Ttr'--SSLr THE following parsons are entitled to receive aa Inoreass of Bount nnJ.. tk. a., .a r passed July 1K66, to equalise Bounties. . ,, ''r'?'rf WM wistea after the l.tb day of April, 1861. tor I nua and anr.ul th.l. -r enlistment and bave been honorably discharged, and bave received or are entitled tn ruin 11,.,.... . 100, are entitled an additional Bounty ef 11 60 wbb enlistee, lor years, and ' ive been honorable diaaharvad ..- wounds reeeived-tn the line f . ' an addiUonal Boaaty of 10. td The Widow. Minor ChiMi-m i,s.i v soldiers who died ia tbe service of wounds or disease, are eutitled to aa additional Beast y of g 1 u. Bysppluauoato is. . WOlsViaTOH, Esq , Soaspav, PenntvlvaaU, wbe ia im sate ud Claim Agent, all such claims oaa be speedily ceUeoted eunptry August t, lbe 1( sjuM. ,.. . MOW KiHtT. - . Mr. : WiT. t. BOPKIN'S "OWN 1IAXV . 4. 0 ' "KRT8TOHB BTtlRTS." e are tbe best and Cheapest Low Prioed Boo Bklrts la the market. Trail Skirts, 26 springs, $1.09 1 M springs, $1.20 I and 40 springs, $1.46, Plain Skirts tapes, 20 springs, 80 eents; 26 springs, 96 eents ; 80 springs, $1.16 ; and ii springs, $1.2& Warrant ed in every retpeet. "Our OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," Blew en Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2. 60. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 60 springs, from (6 Cents to $2.00. These Skirts are bettor than those sold by other establishments as first olasa goods, and at tsnob lower prices. "OnrOWlTMake"of CHAMPIOS SKIRTS," are In everyway superior to all other Hoop Skirts before tbe pnblio, and only bave to be examined or worn to eonvinoe every one of the fact. Manufas. tnred of the beat linen-finished English Steel Springs very superior tapes, and the style of the anetalio fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and are lighter, more Sjlastlo, will wear longer, give more satisfaction, and are really obeaper than all others. Every lady should try them. Tbey are being sold extensively by Merohants throughout this and the adjoining state at very moderate prioes. If yon want tbe best, ask for "Hopkln's Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whom yoadeal to order them for you, or oome or sond direot to as. Merohants will find onr dif ferent grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially Invito them to eall and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, nd of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of tbe Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed. MAN UF ACTOR Y and SALESROOM, 628 Aroh St. Between tth and 7tbHta., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. February 29 , 1868. lOmoe. jBA.3LiTIZvJK,E LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. TUE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered the most Certaln,Ppeetly end only Effectual Hemedy in the World for all Pri vate Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, blrictnrn, Affections ef the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Dis charges, I m potency, Oeneral Debility, Nervousness, Dys penav. Lanauor. Low t?Dirits. Confusion of Ideas. Palni. tatien of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or akin, AfTectiona ot the Liver, Lunra, bHomach or Bowels these Terrible Disordeisarlsing fiom the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and sohtaiy practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Matinert of u lyasea, nugntiiigaeir moat brilliant Hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ae., impoaaibie. Young Men Especially, who have becomentia victimsof Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely crave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have eiitiancod listening Senates with tbethun den of eloquence or waked to ecttaly Die living lyre, may eall with full confidence. fflnrrlage. MsrriedTersons or Young Men contemplatinrraanisce, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities, Ac, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may may religiously confide in his honor at a gentleman, ana confidently rely upon hit skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life misera ble and marriage impossible ia tbe penalty paid by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to eommit excesses from not being aware of the dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now, M'ho that under atands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of ptocreaiion it lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudents r Besides deing deprived the pleasures of healthy otf spring, the most seriousand destrec tive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes Oerangeil, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, liss of Proci'eative Power, Nervous Irritabili ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Con stitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, Ko. 7 South Frederick Street Ifl hand side going from Baltimore street, a fewdnois rrom the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letteit must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in bit office. A Curo Warranted In Two Days), So Heronry or Nauteout Drugi. Dr. JTohnitton, Member of ths Royal College of Surgeons, tondon, Grad uate from one of the mn,t eminent Colleges in the I in led States, and the greater part of whose life haa been tpent in ths hospitals of IxmuIoh, Pane, Philadelphia and els, . where, haa effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with nngii g in the head and ears when asleep, grent nervousness, being ataim rd at auddcil aounda, bashfulness, with ffequetlt blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, weie cured immediately. Tuko Particular ftotice. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themteires by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which rum both body and mind, unfitting then for either butineta, atudy, society or marriage. 'I'HXsxare tome of the tad and melancholy effects pro duced by eaily hahjtsoi youth, vis: Weakness of the Buck and Limbs, Paint 111 the Head, Dimness of Bight, Lost of Muscular Powei, Palpitation 01' llio Heart, Dyapept), Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, Oeneral Debility, Vymptnma of Consumption, 4.c. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind are much to bedrouded Iss 01 Memory, Confusion of idena, Le nreesion of ttirita. Evil-Fofeboiliniri. Avi,tHi,inL)M,vi.iv Self-Distrust, l-nve of Solitude, Timidity, 1c. are tome of the evils produced. Thousands of persons nf all ages can now judge what is the causa of then declining health, lotina their vmor. beuoming weak, pale, neivousaud eiiaeiated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms vi consumption. Vouiisr Itleit Who have miured themselves bva certain nractiee lndul. ed in when alone, a habit frequently leniued from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which aie nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured lenders mairuige imiMMBiDie, ana destroys oota iniuaana Douy, snouid apply immediately. Waal a pity that a vonng man, the hope of bis country, the darling ol his parents, should be snatched from ail pros pects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from tbe path of nature and indulging in a cerluia accrei won. sucn persons host, oaioie cuulemplatuig Slurrinire. roflect that a sound mind ami body are the most necessary requiaileeto promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age! the prospect hourly darkens torlieview; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and rilled with tha meU.ii choly reflection that the happiness of suothor becomes viikhcu wun our own IHaieawe of Imnrndsnen. When the misguided aud imprudent votary of pleasure win,. i,a, u uas iiuuiuvu trie Bccua oi mis puiuiui uiseaae, it too often happens that an ill-timed sansa of shame, or urean 01 discovery, deters him from applying to those who, flom education and resDecntbilite. ran !i. lM-rr,,ri him delaying till ths coostitutioual tmptma of this honid disease maks their appearance, aueh aa ulcerated tore inroai.aiteaseu nose, uocturai pains in the rued and limbs, dimness of aight, deafneaa, nodes on the shin bones ami anna, blotches ou the head, face and eatleuuiiis, piog reta ins with frightful taniditv. till at last tha naluta nf ll.a mouth or the bones of the note fall in, and the victim of tniaawrui niaeate becomes a bomd object of commisera tion, till death puts a period to hit dreadful suffering, by sending biin to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller leturna.' It ia a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims lo this terrible disease, owing tn tha untkillfnhiess of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that ' Deadly Poison, Mel cury," ruin ths constitution and make ths residue of Ufa miserable. Kts-nnsrei-ia ' Trust not y. jr lives, or health, to ths ears cf the many Unlearned and Worthiest Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or chancier, who copy Dr Johnatuu's advar. tisernents, or sty Is themselves, in the newspapeia, regularly Educated Payticians, incapable of Curing, they keep yon trifling month after mouth taking their filthy and poiaonus compounds, or aa long aa the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you wuh mined health totighover your failing disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang iu hta office. His remidies or treatment are unknowa to all others, prspared from a lifeapwilin the great hospitals of Europe, the first in tbit country and a more rxteiiaiva "Privets Practice" than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement ot tlte Presis. Ths many thousands cured at thia Institution year after year, and ths numerous important Surgical Oiierations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the publie, betides his standing aa gentleman of character aud re sponsibility, ui ( sufficient guaiantee to the afflicted. Klein Ilaeaaesi Speedily Cnred. Persons writing should be particular ia directing their etiera tu bis Institution, iu the following manner, John 91. Johnaton, Iff, D. Of the Bahlmoia Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Mi. Nov.au,ino7 I y. ' ' Lime I Lime I Lime I rTlHE new Lime Kilns of H. B. Master, at Belins JL Grove Button, are now completed and ia suo eetsful operation, producing lime of tbe very best quality. These kilns are built with all tbe modern conveniences and improvements, and have a oapaei ty P'ooaeiog 400 bushels per dsy. Excellent roads have been made to tbe kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds aaa be loaded ia a few minutes from the scbutes, without handling. Having opened a Urge body of the best limestone, at the mouth ef the kilns, tbey are enabled to sell lime at the lew rate at 11 cents per bushel. Tbe kilns are la charge of competent per. sons, who will alwsvs be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to H- B. Maaaee, steabery, or to Chat. Dunkleberger, erOhas-w-Conrad, at tie kllu. Deoember 14, IM67. 8XIXER3 FOLWELL, WHOLESALU AND FRUITERERS, Ne 11 North Third Street, Philadelphia yOrders ptoaptly attended to yhQAtplsJLit, t Rris nails b4. "bummer Tiata tablh ."' ' Througb and llreet route between PbllsdelnMa Baltimore. Harrisburg, William. Jo 1" Sffi west and tin 1 Ureas Ou fcs eFeunsylyUu. ELEQANT 6UEPIN8 CARS on aU Night Trains. "naeartr jjoaesy. May llth. 1KI9, the Trnlna on ,. PhUad.lphi.A7Erl.yR.U C7, VasrwafiUi Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 11. li pm. 06 a m M 13.00 noon 6.40 p m 10.05 a m 8 .00 a m 4 16pm f.ilpm - Bonoury. II M M. ,i. Erie Gxprsci leaves Phlladalpbia. " " - Buubury " - art at Erie Elmlra MaQ leaves Phlladslphls, rmnnury 11 arrive at Lock Haven, Mall Train leaves Erie 11. 00 a in " Sunbury, 1J0O m H II m a t t,WI-.l-l..l.t- M . n - Erie Express leaves Erie T.tOpm -euntmry f.&Sam w " V J PbUadelphla, t OOpm Salt mm.A . . . ! . V. r. , , an9, uuuieut -na t 1 1 vrnea ana Allegheny River Railroad. BAQUAQE CHECKED THROUOH. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oeneral Superintendent. Mortbern Central Railway. BUMMER TIME 80HEDULE. OWand after May 11th, 1888, trains will lc SUNBURY, as follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD. 6.00 A. M., Dsily for Williamspoy. Daily (except Ljuuuaj.,; iu, AiiuirA, vauanuaigua, Rochester, BuSaloe, Niagara Palls, DuRjivmiuu uriuv inn tue vnnnaar- 1.18 P. M., Daily (exoept Sundays,) for Elmira, and i ung Mil., 11 u 111 niuirn. 6 40 P. M., Daily (exoopt Sundays,) for William!, port. LEAVE 80UTHWARD. 1J.0J A. M., Dally (exoept Monday.) for Baltimore, . .. Washington and Philadelphia. 10. 0J A. M , Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.00 P. M., Dally (exoopt Sundays,) for Uurrisburg J. N. DrBxanr, Ed. 8. Totjxa, Gcn'l. Sup't., Gen 1 Passen'r Ag't , Harrisburg, Ta. Baltimore, Md. Lackawanna c lHooinaburff Itall road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1861, rnssengor lihu will run as follows : SOUTHWARD A.M. A.M. 5 40 10 00 Afro 1120 P. M T 10 8 20 P. M. 4 40 6 4,,' 8 17 8 60 10 11 Leave Scranton, " Kingston, " Ruport, " Danville. 20 8 64 10 as A rr. North'd., NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 11 Danville, " Rupert, " Kineston. 7 00 7.40 8. IS A. M. 10.50 8.S0 12.00 9 55 6 30 6 00 6 34 9.0f M. Arr. at Scranton, 4 00 10 .15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M fur Nnl-nn. ton.oonneot with Train arriving at New York at 5 20 Passengers taking Train South from Rorsnton at 5 60 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburtr 12.30 P. M., Baltimore 6.30 P. M., Washington 10. OOP. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p in U A. i'ONDA.up't. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1807. j tending; Itnilrond. WINTER ARRANGEMENT November 85th, 1867. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North anj North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsrlllo, Tamsqna, Ashland, Lebanon, Alien town, Erurton, Ephrato, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, its. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : AtS.00, 6 25 and 8.10 A. M. and 2.05 and 8.3:, P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 5 10 10.15'oud 11 50 A. M. end 8.40, 9 SO P.M. Sleep ing Cart aooompanying the 3 00 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. Traina, without ohange. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottavlllo, Tama qua, Minorsville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2 05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way ttntiont ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via .Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave JtarrUburg at 3.65 p m Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. ru., Noon and 5.00 and 8.110 p. tn.; Philadelphia at 8 15 a. m. endS 30 p.m. Way Passenger Train leavo Philadelphia at 7.30 a. rn., returning from Reading at 6.30 p. ra. stopping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 8 46 a. m. and 2 45 p. in; Ashland 6 00 a.m. and l j . 19 and S 00 p.m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a.m. aud 1 Oil and 8 45 p. m. Leave Pottsville for nnrrisbnrg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 10 a. ni. and 12.00 noo. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at 7 .10 A.. 5l. rctoruing from Philadoluliia at 4. 00 r. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo "ending at 7 04 A. M., and 0. lit P. M. forEphruta, Litis, Lancas ter, Columbia, do. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00pm.. Phila delphia 8 00 A. M., and 3.15 P M, the b 60 a in. train running only to Reading, Pottsville 6 00 am , Harrisburg, 6 25 am, and 4. 10 and 9-35 p m. aud Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. m, for Harrisburg, and 7.06 a. m. aud 11.40 p m. for New York, 4.25 n m far Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School ana El ourslon Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. Buggap;o checked through : 100 Pounds Baggage allowed each I'asecngor. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf, 8TJITBTJRY. Penn'a. CF'Orderstoliaited and filled with promptness atid dmpatoh. Sunbury, May 12. I860 y UNION HOTEL- :il. IN. ITEL, Proprietor. In Cake's AdditUn to SUNBURY, near the Penn's. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDEfs.?, kept who will find ample accommodations tlood cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet cum forts of home with fare equal to the bust hotels. His Liquors are of the cboiaost kinds. Sunbury, June 8, 1867. NEW GROCERTSTORE, W. S. FTJIelsIAlT & CO-, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north a side, SUNBURY, PA., T ISPECTFUXLY Inform their friondi and ths IX publio, that they bave opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to bare thsui oall and examine their stock, whioh has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the 0 roe try line, such as Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Cacied and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cbeeav, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc, together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ac, and in fact everything ia the tiroceryand Provision Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, WUlow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. . W. b FURMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 187. COAL I COAL!! COAL!!! ORANT As BROTHER, thJiers fc Wlioleaale At Uetull Dealera im WHITE fc BED ASH COAL In every variety CU Coaf0'' WMtvu'' of U Celebrated Henry Lowaa Waanr, Btrvscar, Fa. Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1868. BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN- North' MiU street, DANVILLE, FA., 18 prepared to Bind Books, Fspers, Msgstints Music, As . ia any style that may be desired, at obeapei rates than oaa be dons in the cities. Ail Orders left at this Coe, wUl reoeive pro-pt attention. ot L lainta. Olla. Ar, A full stock af Oils eomnrialog Linseed Oa.Cosl Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil fur ",",n" FiK Baddlers, we have Saddle Trees, nitu. auoa lea, Uic Trees, Pad Trees, Uanes, ail kinds and ver7 thing pertaining to the frttinikixl Cnlldrsaa'a larrlaen. f f VBU VtaWTasae "7 7 Z .Tl 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers