1 1. tit An N. 8. ENQLE, J PttbUihM. J ' r- ! - - i .' , '- ' 8 WW II IJBTi' PAi SATURDAY CUNE'.O, 3868.1: Horal -ft (fairs Til next 8UU Fir will be hold t Harrktbur; on Bepteniber 28tb, 29th, 80th, nd October lit. ; Wbitidntidi, a day which Is religiously iWn In om of our ehurchM, occurred, on Sundayjast, 31st tut. ,. . " - Posters, hindbllli, circulars, bill and Utter beads, cards, envelopes, and all kinds of job printing, eie onted at this offioe with neatness and dispatch.- ,, Tng Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company li now organised and ha Issued a number of pollolel of In surance. It li a good Institution and should be en- oouragod. ') -' :; ' - The Qood Templars of Sunbury will give a lite rary entertainment In the Maaonlo Hall, on Wednesj day and Thursday evenings, June . 10th and 11th. Admission 25 cents. . . '' - ' Ta East Eusquehenna Classls of tbe Reformed tSinroh convened at Mlllersbnrg, Dauphin oounty, on Friday evening, !2J nit. A large number of ministers and lay delegates were In attendance, - Cmrrjs. Gardner A Kenyon'i Clroni gave two exhibitions, on the grounds adjoining the oastorn Tine of the Borough, on Tuesday last, It was not very well patrouited. Too performances were tole rably good. TnE ladies of the Episcopal Church have obtained the storeroom of Mr. Ira T. Clement, in Market Square, In which to bold their strawberry festival. Mr. Clement very generously gives them the use of the room without charge. TonnmoTox A HonoKiKS are selling "The New Vorker" Sulf-Raking Reaper and Mower. One of them may bo seen at their Super-Phosphate Mann i&!ory, and farmers who wish "to purchase a first class machine would do .well to examine it.' Irok Ore is Ursa Township. The Danville In !$ligencer says that a farmer in Hush township, Northumberland oounty, 'has lately discovered Iron ore on bis farm. On examination the ore appears to be nearer in quality to the Cornwall ore than any yet found in this region. ' Vssxttled. The weather isuot yet settled. Al ternate rain and sunshine has been the order for two months, but wo still have hopes that we shall have warm woathcr before August. In Jnne wo ofton have tho warmest days of the season. On the 9th of June, 1S4A, the thermometer stood nt 101 degrees in Philadelphia. Rev. L. W. Omsox, formerly rector of St. Mat thew's (Episcopal) Church, in this placo, arrived here on Tuesday last. The reverend gentleman is pastor of the Episcopal Church at Austin,' Mower county, Minnesota, to which Stole he removed about eighteen months sinoe. lie was warmly wcloomod home by his numerous friends. Taxes. Tho taxes of the county have been raised from 6 mills to 8 mills. In this Borough they bavo ulso been raised, for tho purpose of paying oft the debt. Tbero may bo some doubts of the propriety of incroasing the burdens of tho people, when al ready oppressed by high taxes and high prices, un less from urgent necessity. Presentation. -John Haas, Esq., teacher of the liiblo class of tho Lutheran Sunday Sohool, was the recipient of a handsome present from the members uf his class, twenty-four in number, on Wednesday evening of last week. It is a collection of photo graphs, representing the members of the class, sur rounding that of their toaoher, set in a handsome walnut and gilt frame. . Accident. On Saturday last a son of Mr. Wm. Tetter, of this pluce, a lad of about 10 years of age, was badly injured whilo attempting to climb tipon a passing freight car, in Market Square. He fell from the car on the track, and the flange of the wheel oat or tore the flcrh from his left leg In a ter- ' rible manner. lie miraculously escaped with bis life. His wounds were dressed by Drs. Awl and Marklo, under whose care he is improving. Gcoo Tehflabs. At a reoent meeting of the Lodge of Good Templars, of this place, tho follow ing officers were elected : David Attick, W. C. T. ; Adelia Gossler, It. II. S. ; Emma Gossler, L. II. 8. ; f.iizio Diemcr, V. Y. S. ; Mrs. M. Eisoly, W. T ; Kate Martin, V. I. G. ; Jacob B. Miller, W. 0. G. ; Jacob Hillis, W. M. ; Anna Wells, W. A. M. ; A. N. Mrico, r. V. C. T., und representative to Granl f.odgo, and Lodgo Deputy. Tho Grand Lodge of dod Templars will meet in tho city of Williains port, on Wednesday uf next week. Theatrical. The New Jersey Dramatic Tronpo, under the management of A. Glassford, Esq., have been giving a aeries of entertainments at the Masonic Hall, in this place, during the present week. The performances of the troupe have toon of a highly interesting and credltablo oharaeter, and wsro pretty well attended by our citizens. They played The Dumb Belle," "Duel in the Snow," "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "The Soldier's Return," "Oak of CroUsey," Ac. These were all rendered in a highly artistio manner. The drama of "Uncle ?jpin'e Cabin" was, under the oiroumstanees, well produced on Tuosdny night. The oharaeter of Eva, tho angel child, was splendidly performed by little Pusio Glassford, who is only four years of age. Ilcr personation of the character oaused a deep sensation among the audionee, and attached a great deal of moral to the play. On Thursday night, at the re-1 quost of a number of our citizens, a complimentary benefit was given to the fnvorite little actress, on which occasion "Cuele Tom" was repoud. m m i. Pedicatioh or A Onu Fellows' Hall. The dedication of the Hall of Sbamokin Valley Lodge No. 527, 1. O. of 0. F., at Suydertown, this county, took place on Saturday last. The oeremonles were performed by the following officers : District Deputy Grand Master, S. B. Boyer, aoting as M. W. Grand Mastur. P. O., 0. 6. Campbell, of Lodge No. 618, aoting Grand Chaplain. Bro. John S. Angle, of Lodge No. 620, aoting Grand Marshal. P. G ., Solomon Strob, of Lodge No. 03, acting Herald of the North. F. G., Wm.K. Erdman, of Lodge No. 125, aoting Herald f the South. P. G., Towusend flimes, of Lodgo No. 820, aeting Herald of the East. P. G., Jaoob Leisenring, of Lodge No. 198, aoting Herald of the West., , Able addresses were delivered on the oooasion by Pat. Jno. Kay Clement and Diet. Dep. Grand Mas ter 8. Boyer, The neighboring Lodges in atten dance were well represented, and all spoak in the highest terms of the kindness reoeived at the hands rf their brethren of Bhaniokin Valley Lodge and the cuiiens of Snydortown. " The Cold Weatbeb A correspondent of the Germautown Telegraph, writing on the subject of our oold spring, says : "This sold, backward Spring is a constant thorns of conversation.' In looking at a diary of the weather kept In Eaatoo, Fa., in 1813, 1 find that there was frost In May on the Hth, Jitn, loth and (7tb, and in soma pi soul ice as thick as a duller.' On June 6th and 6tb muoh rain and thunder, eleating up oold, and it saytj what was very astonishing, front on 7 lb, 8th, Stb, loth and Hth, killing tender plants, and in soma plaoea ry and rfrn. There was sriotoon the Pooono mountains, covering the ground, and by newspaper aooounts the same in several plaoes in New England. A man was so f.-owi! I Vermont as to loss bis toes. The harvest. Jbacgb two weeks later than usual, was gOM. ' Tbera was also fro.it on the 0tb and 30th of -1' ;.V-'j.tjl!hj( tbs'cia aod.h'it.kwhest. . ..at-' ' -.-' . , . i . venlng last, It being the regular night of meeting., finer unrgess, J. WiBueuer, in ins onair. suem, brs presntMearrt, Bourns, CsdWsIlaief, Cooper, Markle, Beck, Dlefiesjdsrfer, Eyater, Rena and Smith. - , ... Minutes of last stated night of meeting read and approyed.t v Tbe Borough Auditors presented their report bf settlement with' Messrs. Haup and Zetllemoyer,' Overseers of the -Poor lor 1802.; On motion the re-, port Was aooepted..;, .. ' On motion, Rt.iclveH, That the committee on grave, yard be authorised to employ some person or per sons to mow the grass Ia4he grave yard twice during the summef. Said work to be glreu to the lowest resnonsible bidder." On motion, Ktiolrttt, That tbe aoeount of Messrs., naupiana r.euiemoyer, as reported ny ms auanors, be placed In the hands of the attorneys for collection.' On motion Wm. T. Rickey wss exonerated from tbe payment of tajtes for 1867. Solomon Weaver, Street Commissioner, and oth ers,' presented bHl for work done on streets, amount ing to $202.18, Order granted.' " . ' 8. B. Boyer asked for an order of 100, on Borough bounty bond assigned to' him. On motion the same was laid on the table. ' John B. Haas appeared before Council and asked to be exonerated from payment of taxes for 1RS0. Od motion Mr. Haas was exonerated from payment of bounty tax for .186,6.-, . On motion, RcsolvrJi That the Chief BurgeM be Instraoted to employ some person," by eontraot. to slops Third street in such a manner that tbe dltok will run along tbe railroad from Cheanut street to the Shamokln Valley 11. K. crossing, and from Mar ket to Cheanut along the pavement. ' On motion the Chief Burgess Is hereby authorised to appoint a High Constable, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the resignation of Goorge Harrison. On motion the Chief Burgess is hereby authorised to omploy an engineer to make an estimate of the number of yards In river bank, from Shamokln Val ley Railroad to south side of Spruco street, said embankment to bo made as high as the said railroad and ten feet wide on the top, baso eammonoing four feot from slope wall. J. W. Bucher presented a bill of $3, for auditing Borough aooounts. An order was granted. John Q. Markle, John M. Cadwallador and J. W. Bucher presented bills of $4.60 each, for auditing Messrs. Bright, Haupt and Zettlcmoyer's accounts. Orders wore graHted. On motion, Kumh'td, That the ordlnanoe char ging eircuses $50 licenso, for exhibiting within the Borough limits, is hereby repealed. On motion, liesoved, That hcreaftor the license for all circuses, exhibiting in the Borough, shall be $28. v " On motion adjourned. ' Tns Decoratiom or tbe Graves or ocr Dead Soldiers. The graves of tbe soldiers in our ceme tery, who lost tbeir lives during the rebellion, and the monuments eroded thoroin to the memory of others, wore, in conformity with an order from Gen. Logan, Grand Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, decorated with wreaths and flowers, under the supervision of Post No. 105, of tho G. A. li., of this place, on Saturday last. In obedience to tbe order from Gen. Logan the members of Post 105 made tho necessary arrange ments and extended a general invitation to all hon orably discharged soldiers and sailors, tbe various societies and orders, and thecitirensof Suubury and vicinity generally, to assist in carrying out the pro Visions theroin contained. Thoir invitation was oor dially and liberally rosponded to, and by the ap pointed time everything was in readiness. At 5 P. M. tbe prooesston was formed on Third street, with right of column resting in front of Head Quarters of Post No. 105, G. A. R., under supervi sion of W. M. MoClure, Post Commander, aoting as Cblof Marshal, aided by J. E. Torrington, Officer of the Day, as follows : Sub. Com. from Committee of Arrangements, Selinsgrove Band, Chief Marshal and Aid, Post Chaplain Bruncr aud Clergy. Post 105, G. A. K., commanded by Geo. B. Cadwal ladcr, S. V. C, and bearing wreaths, Ac, escort ing 22 little girls dressed in white, and car- ryint: tlaira aud ohoiee flow ore. I. 0. of Red Men, Geo. W. Bmtth, Marshal, (in full Lodge No. 22, A. y'! 'mn'.' 8. Engle, Marshal, Knight Templars, tom'dod by Gen. J. K. Clement, Citizens. The crowd waiting in the cemetery was so groat that much difficulty was exporiencod in getting the procession into position in front of the monument erected in memory of the deceased members of Co. C, 47th P. V., tbe place designated for the exer cises preliminary to tho decoration of the graves, which were as follows : Reading of General Order No. 11, by tbe Post Adjutant, Prayer by Ucv. 8. W. Relgart, Vocal Music "The Oftlcer'a Fuucral," Address by Rev. W. W. Evans, , Vocal Music "E Pluribus Unum," Decoration of Graves, which was accomplished by dividing the members of tho G. A. It. and little girls into detachments, the former escorting the latter, marching on both sides of eaoh grave, facing towards it and depositing at the head thereof a wreath and strewing flowers upon It, the commander of tbe detachment saying, "This we do in memory of , (mentioning the name of the occupant of the grave,) who died in defence of his country." When all the graves and inonu monts had thus been honored, the dotachments re sumed their former positions. The "Star Spangled Banner ' was then sung, after which Commander McCIure, on behalf of the Post, roturned thanks to the clergymen, the various orders and societies par ticipating, and tbe citiiens generally, for tbeir kind assistance and sympathy manifested on the occasion. Tbe exercises were then oloscd with prayer by Rov. Mr. nemperly, and the procession being re formed, was marched to plaoeof starting and dis missed. ' The new fifteen oent notes have just been turned out by the printing division of the Treasury. The notes are of the same width, but somewhat shorter than tbe twenty-fire cent notes. On tbe right side of the face is an excellent vignette of Gen. Grant, sad on the left a viguctte of Gen. Sherman. Be tween tbe vignettes ar the words, 'Fifteen Cents," prominently displayed, and immediately beneath the figures "15." The back is similar, in appear ance to that of tho twenty-fir cant notes, with tho denomination on each end. Masonic At tb laying of lb oorner stone of the new Masonie Temple, in Philadelphia, on the 24th of J une, uniformity in tbe dress of tbe members of the Order will be strictly adhered to. Visiting lodges, from foreign jurisdictions, will be required to oomply with all the orders of the Grand Marshal in regard to olothing, aprons, gloves, Ao. All the offioers eleoted and appointed, who ar entitled to wear jewols, will be allowed to wear them nnder tb regulation. Aftor tho corner stone is laid, a grand banquet will be given at the Aoademy of Music, th tiokets to whioh are to be limited to on thousand. DUBINEB8 NOTICES. Ci7lob Printing;. Having reoeived a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Tosters,' Handbills. Ciroulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ao., oan b printed In tb latest and beet styles, and on short notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to. . ' ' Til beautiful new Summer Hats just reoeived by Fanst. tbe fashionable Hatter, in Market Square, art th admiration of all who have jeen them. Faust has th largest slockjoutaide of tbe cities, and be is celebrated for his low prices. Ha is prepared to furnish, at th lowest rates, anything in his tin of business. CnaiP AMD Goon. The oheapest and most ele gant assortment of Summer Casstmeres ejer brought to Sunbury is now to b seen at J. F. Shaeffer's Tai loring establishment, opposite tb Central Hotel, In Market Square. " Shaeffer it a good tailor and does a large business.. .His prices ar extremely low, and the ttyle and tuaka-np of bis suits ar not to be beaten anywhere.' . ' " '.' ', " t,' ' Cos's Oonen Balsas!. Th great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. - Both sites ordinary 4 or, also mam moth family bottles for sal by all .druggists and dealers in modAoines; No family' should .b ovor elg'M wl'hui itta tbe heart , : ' ' 'If was -Paul,"' remarks ooVsmrwary, "wh said that cleanliness ii next to godliness, W think h tha equal duty oftjvery man Wb approprlJ atsl.atUrsd.- "Neat, but not gaady.'f says Shaks pears,. .Whstwaay ii. that whethot.jron.isek t, rady-mada orouitosn-made,Toa got good clothing nt tha .Contlnentat. Clolhing Bataar. . Every taste. oanbe Suited at Ibis 0Jtablisumeni,anu at prices w disarm competition... ) ," '.- . . ui t m , BrRtito Favorite Miller's boots and shoos, for ladies and gentlemen,-are unrivalled this seasotf, their recognised suporlorlty In' style and manufao ture placing IbdrnTafln ad vance Of all similar efforts. When yod want a rfally stylish and beoothlng'Eoot or shoe, cell at the Excelsior Boot and. Shot Stora.i Market Square, . . . -, .. . T..an Mart a mam asorlbea bis entire suceess In life to a proper' impres'lon, made at the proper time, upon the nroDer oerson. Any one who attire himsolf at J. O. BfekV Tailoring establishment, on Fourth St,,) Knows mis iot Bimsen. .in a sun 01 me preiiy euru-: mer goods at Beck's even a sloven oan make himsolf galuly, and without startling his pookot-bsok.. -Cot's Dyspepsia Core Will immediately te ller and permanently Sure tho most aggravated cue of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els.. Physicians, clergymen and all who use It, join in unbounded praise of Its great virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1.00. MAKKIAOE8. At Watsontown,' on the 2d Inst., by the Kev. Mr. Themas, Mr. Joseph Everett and Miss Racuael Lomsoif , both of the above placo. . DEATHS. At Holmesburg, Philadelphia, on the 28th ult., d augli tor of Mr. K. G. and Mrs. Maite, aged 9 months and 4 days. . - In Northumberland, on the 2d Inst., DANIEL MARSHALL, Ksq.t aged about 63 yoara. NUXHWIIY M A It K KT J. Correctod Weekly for the "Amerloan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de " do porowt. Rye Flour, por bbl. do por cwt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do . Oats, do , I'otutoep, do Dried Peaches, pare! per round do do unpared do . $14 00 7 00 10 00 t 00 ii CO 1 CO 1 15 85 1 74 25 20 15 3 00 25 SO 25 25 25 20 14 13 18 CO Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per btt Butter, tier pound, t??s, Choese, Lard, Hnm. Shoulders, Boef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per dot on, j.or pound, do do do do do do per pair Shamokln t'onlTrndo. Shamokik, June 1. 18C3. 7W. Cwl. Sent for week ending May 9, Per last Report, 13.377 07 155,920 10 189.293 03 I72.4H2 U 3,184 08 To same tiino lajt year, Decrease, Special jlCotitts. A SEW REMEDY IS CONSUMPTION. A Phvsioian who had Consumption for several years, witli frequent bleeding cf the lungs, on red himself with a medioino unknown to tbe profession, when his case appeared bopeluse. Ho is the ouly phvsioian who has used it in his own person, or w ho has any knowledge of its virtues; and he can ascribe the de gree of health be now enjoys to l.ottiing but the use of bis rnidicine ; and nothing but utter despair and vntire extinction of all hope of reoovory, to gether with a want of confidence in ail others, induc ed bim to baiard the experiment. To those sutTcr ing with any disease of tbe Lungs lie proffers a treat ment he confidently believes will eradicate tbe disi-aso. Price Sl ed per bottle or f$ a half dozen, scut by express. ?cnd for a circular or call on Dn. li. IJovlstok Jarkso, No. 2j0 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. May3liL136i ly. Dkaf.vess, liLiNnycss as Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydon, Holland,) No. BO 5 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable sourcus in city and country can be aeon nt his office. 1 he Medical faculty aro invited to accompany their patients, as be has no secrets in hispraotioe. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pain. No ohargn for examination. nov.30-ly. QNE PRICE "cLOTIUNgT-" ' JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED OAi: PKK'K CLOTHING HOUSE, JOl Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Svs.om, and we believe wo are tho only Clothing House in the olty that striotly adheres to this principle. We hnvo earned a repu tation which we aro proud of, fur good taste in select- good styles aud substantial materials, and not less uiM,riuui, lur ua ,ug nil uui ijwni EXTUA WliLI. MAIi:. We employ the boat talent,, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes can be suited. Tbe prices ar th very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet tbe oompetition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever mad, we must put our prices down to th advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, aud many a dollar oan b saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 601 Market Street, Philadolpbia, Not on the Corner,' but one door above Sixth. II. . MAIZE, Nnlesinan. April i, MS. ly - nWTdveWsements. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland oounty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, in the Borough of SUN. BURY, Pa., on SATURDAY, the 8th day of J UNE, 1S68, aoortain Lot of Ground, situate in the Borough of Sunbury, in th county of Northumberland, aud State of Pennsylvania, -numbered and designated In tb general plan or draft of said Borough, as lot number one hundred and twonty-eighttlSs); bound ed on the north by an Alley ; on tbe east by lot number one hundred and twenty-seven 1127) : on the south by Dewberry or Arch street ; and on the west by an Alley, containing In wiatu, or tront, on said Dewberry or Arch street, sixty feet, and in depth two hundred and thirty feet, with appurte nanoes Late tb property of Clarinda Grant, do oeased. . Salo to commence at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, when th terms and conditions will be mad known ny BENJ. nENXBICKS, Executor, Sunbury, May 16, 1863. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! I 8. IIVEIILY, fTUIE popular Photorraper, ha fitted up, in the JLold Post Offio building, three door west of the railroad, Market Square, on of tb vary best Sky. Lights to be found ia tbe State, and is now prepared to take pioture uf any kind, in alL kinds of weather, early ana late, vniiuren taken, almost instantly. Bring along th babies w ar sow ready (or them, COMB ONE I COME ALL I both great and small, see his new rooms, and ex amin eneoimens. t FRAMES and FRAMING material constantly on band and made to order. Bring along your plotures and have them framed cheaper than anywhere els. Com and ae for yourselves, Anything in th Siotur lin constantly on hand or ordered. Copying one in all its branches and colored as desired. . Both out and indoor views taken at short notice and on 'reasonable torms., Satisfaotion fuarrantead. as our motto is to please. All negative carefully preserved. Remember the place ask for 8. BYJ2U- i. JT, Market square. ,. . Msy 33, '68 -ly. JACOB 8HIPMAIT,, . FIHB AND LirB INSURANCE AGENT, 6UNBURY,PE1SN A, ' . aXPRKSENTS : -' Farmer Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York Pa fnmherland .Valley .Mutual Protection - Co. M York Mntual Lffe, Girsrd, Life Tni) a I Hart pro; von iieneiai, acciueui -.. TRADE IM." Cr? s SPIlLNCrTnADETI8C8. would Call, the attention of tha nublie. and her customers generiUy, to hot largo and new assort-. a aucy ntsa Domestic If y Uoodi.t Whieh emiitof Poplins: Delatris.'Chenes. Allanto oas, Urepes, Grenadines, Iron Bareges, Lawns,! . ,lille opds( ,. . Oembrios. Stojs. Orgsndies, Vlotorlarplald Muslins ' Marsallles. Pfijtie, PHIllngs Wlgans, Muslins;- ' i (bleached and Mibleaehed.) Table Linen, "' Napkins, Towels, Table Covers, Bed Spreads, At. Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets! Hoop Skirts, Dress Trim minm. (In varletv.V Ladies and Gouts Handkur. chiefs, Neck Ties, and notions In variety to nnmor-' ous to menunn. , m. u; limsui, Bunbury, May 9, JBi'.S.. TO ' FARMERS The prioe of . . - Ittiitgiris :lioiifr Itono tVrilllEt-r, hu this day (May 4) been advsnoed to $50 per 2000 pounds. The hi ih percentage of Ammonia it contains with its Bon Phosphate, makes it more desirable, as an Actlv and permanent manure, than any other in the market. , Tho price of the other Commoiclal Manures, bear ing our brand remain as before, vis : . Raugb'sKaw Bone Phosphate $56 per 2000 pounds. Baugh'aChioago Blood Manure. $50 " " 1IAUG n " SONS,' Manufacturers, Office, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Phii'a. Mayl, 1808. 3t , "TEOUAS G. 1TOTT, ' MEKC1IANT TAILOR, MARKET SO.UARE, SUNBURT, PA , JJAS Just received alargoand well-scloctcd stock SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of tho finest ' CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES AND N ESTINGS ever brought to Sunbury, and whloh ho promises to sell ohcaiier than tho cheapest. Having tho services of skillful tailors, he guarantees a good fit in every instanoe Inferior to none outside of tbe cities. Everything from my establishment will be guar anteed as represented. - THOMA8 G. NOIT. Sunbury, May 9th, 1808. -tf IF you want a picture, of any kind, of yourself or friend, go to llyrrly's now room, Market Square, near the rnilroad. WHKRE can I got the best picture? Why at Kyct-ly'n, of course Always go to Byerly aud judge for yourself. - REMEMBER Isyrrly'si now Picture Gallery, Jr,c? doors west of the railroad, Market Square. AAA LKS OF CAJIPET RAGS WANTED nt 0 UUU the Store of the Store MOORE A DISSINGER, Market street, Sunbury. May li. Agents Wanted for THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OP TnE WAR, Iti Cautei, Character, Conduct and Remit, BV tic. ALEXAMIXR H. STErilKXS. A Book for all Sections and all Parties. Thiii groat work preccnts the only eomnleto aud impartial analysis of the Cuuses of the War yet pub lished, and gives those interior lights and shadows of tho great confliot only known to those high officers who watched the flood-tido of revolution from its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from bis position as seoood officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been forfeited with apparent ly similar productions, wo proruiso n change of fare, both agreeablo and salutary, and an intellectual treat of tbe (highest order. Tho Great American War boa at last found a historian worthy of its iui portanoe, and at whose bunds it will receivo that moderate, candid and impartial treatment wbicb truth and justioo so urgently demand. The IntPiiEO desire every where manifested to ob tain this work, its mission, inako it tbe beat subscrip tion book ever published. One A punt in Kenton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers in three days. One in Huston, Mass. 103 subscribers in four days. (Joe in Memphis, Tcnn., 109 subscribers in five dnys. fend for Ciroulars arid sco our terms, and a full dewription of the work, with Press notices of ad vance sbeota, Ao. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 2il South Bovcnth St. Philadelphia, Pa. May 9, 1883 tt ' IF you have a picture you want framed, go to Uj erl j ' and gel it done cheaper than any where else in town. Ho has mouldings of all kinds constantly on nana. MAM. IAIi:itS. pATER HANGINGS! A IMMENSE STOCK OV W-A-LX. papers, NLW AND KI.KGANT 6TTI.E9 KOtl PARLOUS, 11 ALLS, ETC., whoi.KBALK AND ItKTA.IL HOWELL A BOURKE'3, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, lMiilutlclphla, March 2i, 'oS.-Mm. IRON. A largo assortment of tbe best msnufac. lured Bare, Hoop. Band, Round and Squars Iron. Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blist Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. toes, Hammers. Sledges, Rasps and Files, at tun Life z stun W. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, illnrket Square, SI'IUI. KV, la. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, ; unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con, Btantly on band. ' My stock will always be found complete tu every article ot merit In JUodicwe. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. FANCY ARTICLES ! Mv stock is ununuallv larzo and embraces every, thing that can be found on a first class Toilet Table inoluuiug Amurioan and genuine r rench and tng lien PERFUMERY Pomades, Hair 011 Ivory, tiutla Tcrcba. Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Ac ! tent Medicine!. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prises. Pure Havana SEGARS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Brands. . I'uiuin, Oils, -luc, UInM, Iiuiy Tnrnlubcs, &,', All my Tinctures. Svruns. Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations aro manufactured by myself, and iiuui ihc urei luuioritu A cm rucur iu .uotkoi. Having bad quite a number uf years experionce in mo Drug and Frccription Butincit, both in Philadelphia and th country, and also th advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to UUJirUljULt ALL I'HU.aUHll'AlUO that th Physicians and publio may favor m with. All my preparations as 1 nave aoove unnni, mrw mauo irom toe dcai mavuriai. iuiu , uwu vuw ajuprt.. tlmvarA nf AfrinijLl aLrenvtll. , For mediuinal purposes, I keep on hand lh vry nest VINES,.BRANDIE3 AND LIVJOKS, tliaf T nitn nrnnur. Bofore purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mina. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, May 19. 1868, Diecntor's Notice. Cstata of Catharine Brooioos, deceased. "VTOTICE is hereby given that loiters teaUmentary i baring been grantod to the undersigned, on the estate of Catharine Brocious, 1st of Lower Mabonoy township, "Northumberland enunty, Pa., deoeased. AU paraosi knowing themselves indebted to said Stat ar rqoelM to snaa uanwiaia payment, ana inos navuig oiaiius u preevni, vuaut uuiy wi tbentioated lorsetuemeni. ..' .. ANDREW DITTY, Exeoutor. Lowr Mahonoy, May , 1868. n't ; - - FLOUR & FEED- STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fTTHB subscriber reepecifully informs the publie I that he keeps constantly en hand at bis new WAREHOUSE, near tb Suamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Fioar by tbe barrel and sacks Of all kinds of Feed by the ton 1 Tbe above is all manufactured at hit on Mills, tad will be sold at tbe lowest easb prices. J M CADWALLATER. ' Sunbury. Apiil 1, SeM .. BREAHr&TAlNTY. CAKES- ( DAVID 'PBY, ' TJ ESrECTTUXtnnforms the cltlrns of ,'n-j Jk; bury and vicinity, that be will bake to order all kinds of," " Cakes for MulU, Vnrtlen, A c Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Bolls, Hunks, Tea Bubs, Ao , and also kept on band manafactured ont of the best materials. All orders left kt his Bhop ii Market Square, one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery od Spruce Street, between Front and Second streets, will meet with prompt attention. PICNIC PARTIK8 sdppllcd wish Cokos, Ice Cream, A., at the shortest notice. Orders ar respectfully solicited ! DAVID 1RY. Punbury, May 2, 18G8. SUNBURY. MARBLE- fpHE undersigned having bought tho entiro stook of Dissingcr A Taylor, would inform the nublie that ne is now ready to do all kinds of marble work baa on hand, j and makes to order at short notice, Itlonnmoniis nnt Hfud-Mtoiir, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW BILLS. i Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and all Other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A.lajlor will continue in the employment, at the old stand in Markot Square, 8unbory, Pa. May 2, '6S.-ly. W. M. DAUGHEHTV. SPRING FASHIONS IN Misa LOU1BA SHI3BLEB, ! THE popular Millinory, south sido of Market I Square, Punbury, in desirous of calling the attention ' of the public and trade to bcr unique and handsome i assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCDS. juil opened. On hand and made to order, are tbr latest and most superb stylet of ! Hrlditl, Motii-tiing and Dress tlnn Aho, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collars, Ac. Gentlemen s Goods, auoh as ilosiery, uandker- chiefs, Neck-ties. Brushes and goods for tho toilot. t Also, a line assortment of Perfumery, and all I goods usually kept in a well furnished establishment. A call is only required to be convinced . N. B. Special attention is dirnoted to a fin lot of Ladies' Dress Cas nd Head Drosses. LOUISA bHISiLLK April 18, 18B8. sunbury"founi)hy; r.O. ItOIlKIIACIl V K, ARE now carrying on business at Ihcir cnlargod nd improved Foundry with ronowed vigor. j Castings ol every description, promptly furnhdird to order. ' Tho Stoves tnnnumcturcd nl this Foundry havo acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS. Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry nave never boen equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tho most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged scale. Old oustomers will be aeoommndatod u usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. j minoury, mnj s, loon.. iiootm ai o.au:xi. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. G. TIIACHF.H, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF ICootH, Klsoeit and sUailersi, Pleasants' Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Ladies' Boots, Shoes and Onitors of all dcJcriiHiou' made to order on the shortest notico and most rcn eonablo terms. Having the beat workmen employed. we oan assure the publio that, if they will give us a call, they will be salisflcd of the above facts. RE- AIRING neatly done with dipatch. If your oorns do hurt your feot, Just call nnd leave your measure, And we will make your Shoes or Boot.', That you will call a treasure. March '.S, '68 ly. BtTNBTTRT STEAM SAW KTT,T W 1 1.1,1 A 11 UEAU A M;inufaoturer and Dealer in all kinds of TniBLR, LUMBER, LATH, FALISU ASHIX- OLES. Also, Flooring, Shelving; Siding, Doors, Saih, . Blinds, ttrackcu, Mouldings. Ac. Corner Race Street and River Road, SUNBUR Y, Pa. '. April 4, 1603. XV. Stevexsox. A. X. Kricr. ATTRACTION AT II A U P T ' S NEW IRON FRONT!; I STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a now and desirablo stock of Ooodsin Haunt's New lluildiue, cousistine in part of a splendid variety of Americas 1VhcIm, GOLD WATCHES. nOOKS, - CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, - SILVER-WAKE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Warc, Cutlery, Pictures, Louking-Glasscsi, &c, Ac, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to please and satisfy all who call. pir- r..ei-'. s uniLt,. Sunbury, April 18, lSOS 3iu LATDHT tiTYI.F.i tV SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, IHissj III. Vi. OosiNlor. bees leave to au- nouncetothe Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that sue has just opened a targe ana vanoa stock ui MILLINERY GOODS. The latest New York and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' BATS AND BONNETS. Also, an exoellent assortment of Paabionnble Em broideries, Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Soarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds uf rancy Notions, Htampea flualms, torsots, rerlume ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, .Sta tionery, Ao., Ao. call ana examine lot yourselves. :o trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 11 1869. FARM FOR RENT! " A FARM, containing about 70 acres cleared land, with dwelling, Ao., situate in Shamokin towu ship, Northumberland county, is offered for rent on reasonable terms.- for further particulars, apply at tbe Merchant Tailor Shop, of J. O. Beok, on Vourtb street, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, April 11, 1863. - MU.iUl'ltV Oil. JIII.1.. TIIE subscribers having just ereoted and put in operation a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market price for FLAX SEED. They have attached to thoir establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting grain chopped for feeding, oan be accommodated at tbe shortest notice. A machine for chopping corn with the oob is attached to the mill. MORGAN A MASSrR. January 25, 1668. ly REEVES' AMBROSIA ron tiik hair, . IMPROVED It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It causes the Hair to Curl beautifully. . It keeps tbe Soalp Clean and Healthy. It invigorates the Roots of the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriautly ! i immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps tbe Hair from Changing Color from Age. It restores Grey Hair to its Origlnsl Color. It brings out Hair,oa beads that have been bald lur years. It is composed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble substances. It has received over six thousand voluntary testi monials of its axsallenoe, many of whioh are from l physicians in high standing. It Is sold in half-pound bottles (the name blown in tbe glass), ty Druggists and Dealess In Fancy Good everywhere, at One Dollar per Bottle. Wholesale by Passes Barnes A Co s F C Weils A Co ; Sohieffe lio 4 Co., New York Mar 31, I5 -5m SPRING OPENIKOr GREAT I" ALT. IN RICKS'! Buy the MOST, GCODS, of the l or the LEAST MONEY. small rnorrr.j xnd balks : I'iUCK CASH . V. rjtl LOr- al the ftsr A fjT ejr AmTf CrTirkTJTI M. XX Ail AU. U X XX O 1 U A ii .market svCare. L'N'Tlt'nY, I'LNVA. Has just received and opened thn m:HT Pi:i,i:cTj:fiBud FIM'.ST ASPOUTMLN V. DRV GOODS IN TOWN. Frrhcli Mcrin" Priii's, Mu- t'iuphain?, Pelaints and Armaria. Domestic futures. Bro u ou t Ilieaehed ! i NOTIONS of all kind ' osiery, loves, Men sand Ladiei lVlcignimnt VTUV2T, aQGDS. A full assortment uf TRIMMINGS. Builders will find my Stock of IEat-I vvarr, j I'uliitsi, !, sLiiasiw, Ac, Complete, j Progs and Medicines. t i!3or and t'ed'trware. Queemware. Olatsware. Crockery, Salt ROOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and in fact everything usually kept in a large Store Call end be convinced that tbe CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GO0PS is at The Mammoth Stor c. of I, "ST. FRIL1NO, Ternsst Caxah.SO day, as my Goods are bought for Cub and 6old Cheap fur the READY MONEY. I give tbe trade the ad vantage of all rtduotiout as fast as they are made by Manufacturers II Y I RlLIhO Lunriury, April It), l0s SXOO S1ISWAXID Km medicine that will cm ciTtms, - . . INFU KN24, TICKLING inth THROAT, WHOOPING COt OH, or rtHrvit rONSI MPTIVE OOl'GMH, as qiiiik s COL'S' COUGH, D ALB A M '. OVi;n ONB MILLION ItOTTt.KS ' haveWfii rn1 and not a single iiutmice if its failure is liil'iwn We ve, ill our powsitr.tp, any qusi,lil olHVf tificntcs, snne of thm from KMINKMT PHVflCIANS V.hn hnvm iiBnt it In thfir riaciice, nr.it given It th? rrc nntnrnrp nvrevrty i-'Iit ci'mH'inH. it ijoks not um t'r a cpvi.h, but I.OOHV.NS I T, ' t enable the pniiem to , nuctur its freely. Tit T jliiro doava. Wn.r. iMvaataai.r Ccas Ticsukb IK tus Tkv ! A luilf l,lehs ofir-n com'W-lT rnrM the m" ttii" born Cough, and yn, ih,nitli 11 l , 0d jp.wly in i, operation, It is perfcrlly karmiras. bmnt ponlv TetaHn 11 is very arrble to the Una and may tw ailiniiiisuit; tocliildreii of any afte. til cases of CHOI' r l will luaranue a cure, if Ukr in aoaaon, NO FAMILY MIOl'I.l) HU V1 THOt T i f It is within tli ren-h of all, It being ih chrnpcit and Wat miilirine extant. C. O. CLARK ft CO., Proprietnrs. KW HAVEN, CONN April I, l-.ly C O E ' S DYSPEPSIA CURE; Till? GREAT Rr.Mr.PV I OR ALL Iil.-tEASESol the EST O M A O II 0 tu tlte dieccvery of the tnvciitof f foe's valui'uja Cuufb llalesm, while expcrimcniiim f hiatuvn lir.ilih, ItrorM t ramp io tiie Pfiinsrh f ir inin vhich hail holme ytelfled to iiMhinir hut phlor,fum. The almon rlnify tiMinmny from vt'i'is pnrot the cuiuitrv eii'-',u'aac us t' Wvrv there is no Uueaae caused ly oi!iiirdcrcd ftonnrh ii xr. nit apeetli.)' rure. l'liysicinna cndoro und Hks it! Mininters Rive testimony of its ellloacy . And from all ilirctions we receive tidings of curoa par. lorni'jd. PYrr.psiA: 1. la F:rc cure IIEAUTfttT.N : f;ie die will cure. sick -iir.tn.ciir.' It has curt! in hundr"!a f fss IIKAUACHR AMI UI'.ZIM:SS ! It atnpn in thirty miliulpa VCIDITY Ol- Till'. STOM ACH : It corrects ut our nisi; or run i rioD' If fcV'l' lllimeci;,!, !y. niTitr.HS aptkr latino: One d,iae rt l'l remove ciK'i.r.iu Moiinrs' lid;,iil!j u-',lh l' a lew d ''a had unr.ATii . Wil' t, c'nr.fj"1 wi'h lialf a l..'tl IT 18 PEBPECThY JI A KM I, l'S H. ! t'NPRROEOfSTBU St'CCKSS is ovi.g to t! s j I'ucl i hut It t'nrcs Ity AfiftlrtS' rttsrc , to itr.-.!ir.RT ni'.n sway in rnt: systkm : ' NVar'y evry denhT in the t'r.irfd Stntea sella II at ont. ifi;..K ri.it utiTi'i.K. C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietors, sr.w ii wi n. (.:;.. April Is ifix iv t. it. Minit;;. p. c. ni-f:;r.v.n. ! I'li-m ! cw Morel I.oorn'. ' and nn i ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS'. OKI: AT Rlil'CCTION IN PIIICKS jiooni; a i i s m i i: k , Have just opened rarrfully selected stook i f NKW OOO BS. in Ilaiipt'N Xrx Iron I'roiit, M.MlKT.T STIlEKT, rH'NBUHY, PRNN'A , t'uUiiititi Of IiHY rtOOIi3, NOTIONS. UKOCERIES, QI'KKNS- WARE. OLA.SWARE. aud a full lino of i gentlemen's furnishing goods A SI) (.adit-' IrcsH (xooclx, ; Calii-ops, Mnslins. l'lanncls, Tnblo Linens To"olin;, ; I'heoks. Ticking. CoiinterpHr.ej'. Casi-imeres, - Veaiings, Yarns. Skirts, Neck Ties, t'ultj. Collars llandkcrehicfy, IIiwo. Oil Cloth. CK-pots. Wood ond Willow-W are. ' We iuvite ppceiul iiltontion to tho qunliivof o'ir I Stock of : ;itit I'.KIE'.S ANS SS'K'I'.S, TvlO nnd JAVA COl'FEE, TEAS, SIIfiAIiJ, MOLASSES. SYRUPS. SOAP, SALT, FISH, VlNKti Alt, Ac, AO. CampbeU's Celebrated FLOUR, nlwuys on baud We foel confident thut cu?h buyers will find it to ! their ndvantago to give us a call, and I'ustoroor. I generally aro invited to call and examine our goods : and get posted on our price". By rlrici attention to tho wnnts of our customers ' and fair dealing webopa to merit a full fharo of the public patronage, j COUNTRY PRODl'ClTof all kinds taken in ex change for goods, fr which tho highest price trill ! be paid MOORK A HI3SINGER. Sunbury, April 11, 'IW. TalMnVIsREED. Cull aud see the well selected rUx-k of CLOTHS. CASSIMKRKS, VESTINfti, ic- OVLHOO ATINii?. .'ut rei'eie. at MERCHANT TAll.uKIXU IISTABLISH .VL'XT, Fourth rtuet. below T-jtl.-r . .S:ru. SUN BURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved tvin is uiaie up to irir a reasonable rates. He has also a fine assortment uf Cassimore Skirls, frawcrs, Undershirt. Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen Hoe, Suspenders, Hand kerchief1 G loses, and a general variety of GENTLEMAN'S FURNISHING HOODS. Hive bim a call, which you will Cud te be la yuur advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 1U. 1367. KWXT Ffi V "TTuoirs AND Fresh Groceries! On Third (., one door below the Lutheran Church, SUNBURY, PRNN'A. IIENBY PETERS, lias just opened a large assortment of DRY GOOD, such as Calicoes. Delsines, Muslins, Ac , 4c QKOCERIE S and PROVISIONS of all kinds, such as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Syrups, Nackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes. Raisins, Cheese, aud Crackers, aud ui fact everything usually Kepi in m urocery line. Usnis, Fish. Coal Oil, Crockery -ware, Queensware tilass-ware, Willow-ware, Ac. Tbe best FLOUR and MEAL in thn. Market . Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NO l lUMi Also : Ail kiuds of Canned Fruit, at tbe lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange fur Goods. ly-Call and examine my Stuck, and satisfy your elves. HENRY PETERS Sunbury, April 1'j,166T. COUNTRY DEALERS supplied with all kiodsT' Stone Ware at lets than Factory pi iocs at Uar rirbnrg, saving package, breakage and freight, at tho Mammoth Store ot 1( Y. FlULt.vu 4 LS.ROK supply of Wall J Horsier, ju-'t received so IniT and ebf s nd for tale at the MaaiiBolh 5(r pf H Y FR1L1M April 4 lKt-j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers