lL'lt VERT tATEST AEfilVALII FALL &TWINTER Joseph Eysler, Conir of Market mid fourth Street, 8 UN BURY, PENN'A, Invites tlie public to dill and examine bii elegant assortment of . KALI AND WINTER GOODS", which he will fell at frrc&ily reduced price. Hie stock consist in part ot CASSIMERE3. CLOTHS, fkC , Pilks. Delaines, Lawns. Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins Miceting, Tickings, Jews, nnd a full assortment of Cotton ami Woolen goods generally. ll.iticry, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Abo Handkerchiefs, prut-nos, minus. Mntsj nnd Cann, ISoota nnd Sheen, Mis assortment of (roods will not, lie is sure fail to picnetlie fancy and suit the wunUof any desirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE NP QUiENSW ARE, and (Groceries is largo in quantity and choice in fmnty, comprising generally everything needed in the liuichoM cither for use or orn'iment. He is always ready and glad to see his friends mi l tsikcs pleasure in showing them his (roods even thmiL'h no sales are made. He only sk a call, and is rnrc that the stock will compare favorably in price and ali.y with the cheapo Sunbury, "ovl, 1SH7. LEWIS & GO 'S .vio.vrm.Y it'M.Mii.v jr:n'.r, TOR TUK MILLION ! Thousands of f.imiiios in the city and country, have dii.ug felt the want of an illustrated Journal at a rcnsouable prii e. au 1 oqual to any on this continent. To this end, we hnvo engaged pood artists. The literary department will be one of Ihe features of the j n r. m.d we shall publi.-h from time to time, ori ginal Tales, Sketches, Ac, by the leading writers of the country. . THIS 13 NO LOTTERY. Jlnt we cO'er as nn inducement to those who rob u..,il. nnfl will hc!n to rush forward to a suceesfiil issue, a cheap and valuablo Illustrated Family .io'ivnnl, and ive a largt numbrr ot irrmtitmt. Subscribers will not have to wait to know if they have a premium. There will bo 2.515 premiums distributed to the subscribers. The paper will bo veil n orlh the dollar, for the year. A book bus been prepared for subscribers with nuuib'Ts from 1 to lull. into, and the premiums aro equally distributed through the one hundred thousand numbers. If there should be one thousand names received on the saino day and date, the letters wil' be opened rcul'Tlv as they onine to hand, and n .r ked on the hook in regular rotation as opened, so that Ihero will be a fair distribution of the premiums. We shall piibli.-'h Ihe mimes of the persons that aro emitted to til" pri-'iivni:'. in the New York AIosrni.Y iLHe Tr.Ar;:o. and in ll.e cit v and connlrv paj.ers. The following lreininii.s will be di; tributed IA r'....l. T... C."Ht ....u oca . i 5 Id en 2oi .. J, COO (',i " LOiiii ! i. 1(100 ' ,. i (, . III) " 111 " Slid .'iiXiold Wiitelfi'i. (Am'n Watch Co.) $.".0 each, 2 Mill SO Wilcox A Oibbs' Sewins Machines. t0 " .".Olio .')0 Howe's Sewing Machines, 60 " 3 000 2"0U Premiums ol $1 each, 2,000 IE RMS TO fsCBSCTlIBtl3. 1 enjiy, one year, with one subscription 0 copies, " ' live u ao " " " twentv " $i on b on ! 20 (10 i Persons g' ttiug up clubs will be entitled to pre miums, as above. Address LEWIS & Co., 41 Mercer St., N. Y.,Bex 33fl. Write tl.o address plain, Riving lwnship, eeunty nnd i-'late. Money by draft. Pul ii(li;e order, regis tered letter, or express, may be tent at our rii-k . SendlOots. lur specimen copy containing all r.ecessaxy information. i'.i:Fi:i'EN'ci:a. Levi StoctweU, Treasurer ot Ihe li me bewing Mnehiuo Co., 6(IU Broadway. New York. Edward T. Hatch. .Veeretory of the Wilcox A Oihhs' ewiug Machine Co., 60S Broadway, N . Y. Feb. 16, Ihtttt. WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, 5!arkct Square, near the fonrt Ilutiso, Sr.N'TtlT.r, X: rlhnm.berlno; (V.v.tv. Pa. X" K 1 i,- iu.-l oj ccd an morti..i'iit i f ...'d J and Plain Patent WiHohos, CLO('J ' lor liailroud.-, Hanks u.-.d Dwellings. Fine ';t Hold Kingc, I' injrer Kings, Braecluts. Minia- f t-io Cuee. Mi.' lallioiis. Loekots. Pencils, . -Thimbles, Sjieetncles, Silver 'J'able. Dessert. Tea nli nut .Mustard Spoons. Sugar Sim. Cuos. Napkin lio:'J, Fruit nnd Butter Knives, Shields, C'lieb-, Jia:noiid Pointed Pens, Cakioiit. I'ilchet'. Butter h,:iA'. Fruit Tiiahes, Cake Pa.kcts, Syi np I'iuhe.s, Ac . St. Uo invites the cili.eLS of Suubury and vicinity t.i e::'l at ihe above place, where he will bo hiippy to writ up. n them. f trr l iiitieularalter.ti in paid to REPAILIN'G. lieeeiuber 21, li'.7. MEW GROCERY! . Third St., one door botow tho Lutheran Church. s r K i; u U Y , r K N N ' A. Ti3:isrji'sr petebs, Has just opened a AND $2, revision Sto iui I is piling low fur CASH. Win FtTicM U comjilete, cori:,tiM in prt of tV-JAUS, COFKFKS, TEAS, APICES, COAL OIL, M"!a.-:-Lft afyrnp."?, Mafkercl, l.anl, IJun-t, 'u!b !'! it .1 ;tr'i t'aiuit t i i iiitp. Prunes, Jlnibiii?. Cht-fre. i.ij'l Ir'H-k'TS, uinl in fact overything u.-um11v kej't in tho ir'Cery line, i i.o host FLOCU uii.1 MF ATj in tho M aKl 1 : i. L'i'irs. fin i n vjirii y of Si i'l 1 Nri, I'ji.at.mily ,n JiHud Shol! :in i C:.n f i rr fc-o x S3 x M i'. !i will bj f'lrnislH1 1 to privfl ('anjilieo in lurgo or snia'1 quant itic.. Al o : All kiuili of Cttjuuod Ju:t, nt lie Iowc?t C .unirv Produce taken iu excLango for Goods. I - V'. and examine my A'lock, and tutiafy your I1ENRV PETER. liurv, Dec 14, 1S67. Vt Jl T ORE. A. l.KNNKT T'-irJi, l Scnnre, .11? I5V, S'.t. f I-'.Vi;.'.; recently purehas-idlh Jt- 2 I 'nn i!;, .:, inducted by R. A b Drug ,vtore Firiior, I hec w Uiliulu me onizrns HI Mmli-j; y nn, vi '. that 1 hnvo fcutirt'ly replunislitd my stuck w "x.t ri: rxi pUVtCZT ART:CL333! '.: kc Louibs. lirivkn, i'ockot-Books, gmiji, Pet ' -iy. Hair-Oil, Knives, .Soiwors, Coal-Oil I.au'ps : t'.aru, n'iiiulsj. Oil, ;tu.. tlln, IuliJ, V ::i-.:i,i I'Htt-nt 11 .-: i i t -, &v. '' i ,v lin. n.ies. .Syrups Oiotmeiits. Cerates, ad ncr .r. parati. r.s ai,. muunwetured by n ys. 1:', and I. in. tLo bet luuterikl 1 eau procure iu Maikot. i. taii; had. iiu'c a number uf year' exfehene in l"ir) and PiwipHun J5i((";,t, 1 iu Phiiu lolphia u.l the country, and also the , J', , .'.'mu W '' I'banuaey. 1 feel oom-MH,Jl-N1 ALL PMKSI'RIPT10.N.S it.i.! I.ePbysie,,,,. ,!,, ublio fafar ma wUh A.I my prepurauom I bavt, above awerted.are ma le roui t!.u l.-et material, and upon honor I iwci t. tiiey are of uffleiual .trench uti" a", i,n""lX Puriaises, I k.p oa hand the very WINES, I'.KANDIB AND I.IQVORS, a it I can procure. .Lowhere, SaR ana.ouvu.ee W. A. DENNETT. :-''ii.v'Ury, JCov Is, j IliE Lest qualitUk u( (joi, Leatuar, rreneb Calf ,.'. "."'f0"1. Lioiui., Uu. r,,iu, Ve&, .-tt el aii kind r,! evrv laiugused ky the trade , ..-lnlw i v -oLf.Y A ('0 NEW GROCERY STORE, W. 3. PTOMA1T &. CO., Markat Street, Six do on Erurt of Third ttreet, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Inform their friend, and the public that Ibey have opened a 1STE-W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will ho happy to hnT thsiu call and examine tlioir stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups. Kpices. Canned and Dried Fruit. Roans. Hominy, Cheese, Crauker, Bacon, Ham, Fish. Salt, Potatoes, to., toother with Soaps, Cnudles, Soda Ac., ,,,:,-. and in fact everything in the Urooerynnd Provision. Line. willow-ware, FLOUR AND VHni, QucciKWure n i U bus are. Coal mi J.amps, . Call and" see before purchasing ''ft S 4 C0 Sunbury, April 27, 1867. fresh arrival op FANCY DKY GOODS. MIG9 KATE .-,... K,.nrn. two doors 1 BLACK, Fast of the old Bank .uur..r. ...vul'liv II.'. iiuniung. " " HAS opened fresh supply of the latest styles of Full and Whiter Goods, selected by herself fiom the most fashionable establishments in Phila dCC1l'LeHp 5 Laities. Alpacas. French Merinos, Plaiu and Plaid Poplins. Mourning Goods. Cloths. Sncquo Flannels. Ladies and Childreiis' Hals, Feathers, lUbbrii". Drew Trimming. Embroideries, Laca eil nnd handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, R'lltnoriil skirts. lirciikfust and Blanket Shawls, Winter iSacq'ics ami Ladies' pools of every description. dents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Ilnndkcr chiefs and Gloves. IVrlumcry. Toilet Soaps. Hair Brushes, Combs, cto. Hopkins' I'.liptic Skirls. KATE BLACK. Suubury, Not. 2, 1807. THE HOWE MACHINE C0"S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BnoAbWAY, New Iork. E'or l'(iuili'si iii: Jlnnntiu'lnrerfi, i IK HO 11 Ol .l-JU:110V'.ie'l PUWIO .nia-iuii,-. ,,nu awarded ibe hiphest rcmium at the W oi l I s Fair in London, nod fix first premiums at Ihe N'eiv ork .Ntate f airol lht.ua ru eoionrate i ior uoui); iu brute. 1 for d best work, usini; a much smaller needle Ibr the same thread than any oilur inachino. and by Inn ii.Iit.1uc ti m of the luo-l approvad uiachmery. wo ai now able to lomnlv the verv bo.i! laiudiiues in liie ivoild. The.e niaebincs ore made at our new mil spneioits j ract.irv at Bridirei'ort. Conn., i-ii't- r the immediaie supervision oftiie President oft lie Company. F.i.i s Jiowt, Jr., the original inventor of the iSuwing .Mil. chino. They aro adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, nnd louse of Seamstrcsr.es. Dress Makers. Taylors. Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skirls, Cloaks. .Man tillns, Clothing, Hats. Caps, Corsets. Boots. Shoes. Harness. Saddles. Linen Quods. L'mhrellas. Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, liiion. wool en alio eolion t,oodswith silk. Colloti r Id . .11 1. Tl'.ey will seam, quilt, gather, h-i-i. foil, cord.sbruid. bind, end pi !(' to ev ji opeeies of sen ing. making a t - .'j'i ...I puftet stibib, alike on brth sidt.s of the :iriicltsewed. Thii St i tell invented by Mr. HOWE, nnd mndo on this Machine is the most popular and all teing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. PEN I FOR CIRCl'LAR. The Howe Mtxchine Cinmpiny fi't'.i Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April6,lo0i. T-HS CHEAT The component prta vt t!U rpmitlable prtrartiuon Vere in ft Uiicuvertil, e"nii-oiiiJi.il bnj diatiibuUd, fcjir.f uvuty ytiti iijio, ty i'r. CiiLo'i?iir!, the c.l brntcJ r'yp'iiuii Thystcun. Thou nan 'Is of his suiler inpic junlr mvn were rflstortrt tu tiL-atlh. as welJ aspn at numii rs of t!iL-ih.mbii iiitj of Nul'iu ttuil Aby&siuii, ftad of thccouiitii'"3 'u ndcinK upyii the Southt-'iiico.ttt I Lite -MtUjUTrunLuo t I;;tItLiI, the tame nf tha Z1NC.A1CI UlTTKUS O n SI I'eud OV(T KU!'-)ii?, .aid witu u'J:it.-il ty tbe piincii'lll I'lij.-lei.u.s in ebarge of the hospitiils ef ihil uld world, In which U i.l tlill used with tu'eeoii- y tfyh li ire1- M tJ tiunt succ.us. Thu icta-oy of t-'.tf.vpt placed the mure Of tiR. ClirnPEUa UDO!l J8 upon tlie " liotl of Monies, ' and jire- ptiteu t him a ucariiiK l" iitiiovinn ihstnp- lifi(: " L'MEOl'bt'tho I ub lie fnctor.'' Tlilt liitt'T: Sj now otferi-d ij Hie tjul We of Aiutnca ith tli? fall assurance Ihut tt Hi be found, upou a (air tiiul, iu act a. a spocilio fur tliu cure of Cholera. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, C holer rioriju-;, I'Vver n l Ai;uec Velloiv I-vcr, ltltfuii.atidia. Typiluict 1 tvtr, Ifyupv piH. C'oltCt UraiiililtU, uiiauiiiitiout i-latu-Ivu I(Uiata of Ho iCIUu-y, Nervoui It Ullily ftntl Female ('umi.-lmuf R'-ni iikiiSlo cur- of fitiovy di f-.iir'ts have been cR' vt' fl in u ti n'tmeroucertificnU'jt, mnny fiom it'j J:t ,'iyicriTis, tulty itt:-:t; and It is kstint'il to -mp 'i'iK any prci .ira.i m extant. As an agreeable Tui.ic, aiul nn ixviGonATr.vo beverage, IT IMS NO :ytAL. TnuB Tn ZI5UARI III jTTEUS II A IfiuUL AS fVEI. L AS BODY, AID A A PRSVEN'TITE or I1A3 XO SLi'LRIUR. A rr.VT WOP.Dd TO LADIES. The use of the ZI.V;AH lilTTi.US will give to you that toft, temt tran:.;. irent complexion wttieli the Ood of nature (rte iijiiiiitr wcmnn to be the loveliest of Ids' vrnrka) fully iitu-micd thut you should have for it Is nature's own powd.T and (j.iint c .mbintd. By purifying thw blood, sumuiituig 4 it pitxtnt-ntary cclU of the dermis, and fmpaitinn ht alih ami life throughout the entire ystrm, it cpi'Cially iivvt Ihut r mouth clearnoss and Ltiiuty tr. the efmileiiin so much to be ri si ml re moving all rou.r.-ss, blotches, freckles, pimrln.and tunt yotlow, t 'citl I. ok 8,1 common in our dny; and what is even th.m t:ii-i, H curu eveiy fipccksuf ft in ale irrttuliiritits and Uisetutt. l'rjuctj'.il ! pot, HhrrMuiriT, Pu. RAHTER & HATJSE, Sole rnopuiETor., For sal 'i by W 'chin' lv.miH. AuguU 3, l.-C A. DENNETT, Druggist, Sunbnry N E Y G 11 0 C E U Y. T MHK s-lie'i iliftrs begs leave to aiiununoo to the citiens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that tbcv hut e opcn.il a NSW Gra.JjCDR'y, 7'ifj u, west of J. 11. Eifjici r)a,, where thoy aro prepared to furnibh every variety of groceries, and will keep ooustautly on bund the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fiii, Coffee, Teas. Sugar, Molasses, Cheeeo. Suit Spices of all discription, Soups of every variety (.audio. .Smoking and Chewing tobaoco, cicnrs. Hams. Mioulders, Bacon, llutter. und Eggs. Also Diied finite of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes, ivfce.ls, Ketchup. Pepper auce, Raisins, Lemons. .V'C, of best quality, and in fact every style of aiti"lcs kept in a well stocked Grocery. AUo Cider inear All kinds ot oouutry produoo taken iu exchange. The patronage of tbe public is re spectfully bolicitod. OEORtjE E HEARD A CO. Sunbury, Kov. 11, lo utt cur n h taju:HKi Are epeeiallv invited to call and examine our stock of JJl I LDER'b II A RDWAUE, eomi.rising Noils and Spikes of all varietiu. Butts, bcrews, blrap and T fliog.;s, Locks and Laluhy. Bolls. Plm tering Trowels, biick Trowels, s'iasuror bivvee, c . Ae , for fate hv .1 II CONIPY ' Ari'EirH ronT ompb whb. Tor Clinrrh op l'ommnnl arpoies). AI 0. FOR LA1IKS PERSONS. WEAKLY EXCELLENT VI.XErjfiPS, NEW JERSEY. sri'r.u's l'oit r urapi' unu, FOUR YEARS OLD. This iutlv celebrated native Wineis mado from the iuiee of tho Oporto Urapo, rnisod in this country. I Its invaluable Tunic tV MrcirKllirninpr lroprrlict Are unsurpassed by any other native wino. Bcins the po.ro juice of the (rrapc, produced under Mr. Spoors own personal supervision, its parity nnd genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its enerousqunlitiea,arid the weak est invalid may use it to advantage. It is pnrtieu lybcneEnial lothe aged r.nd debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that aflliot tho weakor sex. It is. in every respect. A WINK TO UK RKLIF.D ON. Invalids use Sl'KKlt S PORT HRAPE WIN"E. Female ,i?o SPF-F.R'S PORT GRAPE WIKE. Weakly per. ins find a benefit by its use. SPi.EK S WINES in hospitals are preferred to other wines. I iTHold by all DniRRisIs and Grocers. A. HPr.F.R'S VINEYARD, New Jersey. Office, 2lt BROADWAY. New York. Tho trade supplied by Johnson, Holloway A Cow den, and French, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. For sMe be W. A. RENN'ETT, Suubury, T. uct 2d.-ly. All Sl.,te: kinds (f SCHOOL BOOKS, .P. Ink. Paper, Ac Miscellaneous Looks, a good essort-; incut. All the new books received' i assoon as published, aud for sale atj I Publisliers' prices. BlI'LES, Prayer Books and Hymui Books, in t ery style ol binding. I ' C ith 'lie Prayor Books. I ' FAMILY BIBLES in variousstylesj DICTIONARIES ol all sizes. j I Juveniles and Toy Books, a large i (.'SvilJUieUt ! a M Hi M W Ui a o o pi CO O t3 W a W K H 01 (0 a K Cl !2! a j,:!i!ti:. CroSisi d IllauK( F. onus nt all Mm is. I I'.n i.-eaii. Legal Cap, Letter and, Note Papers. , COPYING LOOKS, Inkstands. Pen Rncl.. Files. Paper. Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally. PHOTOGUAPII nnd dear. ALBUMS ohenf Gold Pous aid Holders. Pocket Hooks and Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American, French. Ac. Drawine Purer, all sizes, Bristol Board. Ac. Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ac Bai'kgainmou Boards, Games, Chess men. Ac. Toys a largo and complete assortment1 Base-iiiiils and Lata. Fibbing hods! and Tackle. Pertuuies, Brohemian and Parisian Marbles. Ac. Hold Pens re.pointcd. Lamps, eludes, Globes, Chimnoys, Ac Wall Paper en .1 Border, ull kinds. V, mdow Cu: tuins, i'avier Gi.t and Oiled. Music and Mutical Instruments. tJT All kinds of Books and Stationery not on band piomptlv ord' led. All lue Daily and Weekly Pa) er fund Magazines. Agent lor the Am'-ib-iiu Oian." Aejler-Lii lloso s Hair Ro.-'.oi-alive.'' Lnainel ol America, and 'National Steam NaMgaiion Coimj iny. ' Suubury, May lb. lc-07. iHCli STKLKT rOUNDUY ! ! .. VO!'.l.ll l. S'roprietor. to th IuSlr- i4'liool B2oi.', atjsffmmir, pwnn'a. Tilli propiieli.r of this vtublisbment rejjiectlully iuf .n.i the vuImij t'..nl h'- has eommeitced the man- ufacturo of Cookin;r and Heating nhieh ho will f . M at lower prices then they can bo iibtained eltci.hir ). MILE ficaring, Ptevej, and the lurest, class of Casting.' made promptly to order. Also. Window Weight, Frames and Grates fur Cel lar Windows, Ac. CiNi Iron 'hlsnnt- rI'otM. WATER TRol'ti IIS A DOORSTEPS A liberal pri paid for old eastings. TI1K CELEIiRATED ElVERPOOD PLOW. Im proved, is manufH. -.lured at thisestablihiDont. Also, Stove linites cf nil kinds, Kettles, and every variety of siuull ca.-tii gs. tfuubnry, Oct. 6, li7. 'A.vCSI.Y Mrs. Walnut Street, SUNBURY, PA. Having been appointed Agent by the .Singer Manu facturing Company, for tho snlo ef Singer's New Family Sewirg . M idlines, informs the public that Iht v can be hud at her residence. Those M.i d.iner are "iu ple. compact, durable and heautitul. Callable of performing a ranj(e and a variciy of woik never before atte.npted upou a sin gle Yi .tchine lining either Mlk. twit, lineu or cot ton Thread, and sewing with equal faeili.y tho very Unest and coariu-sl nmteriuls, aud anything betweeu the two extreme iu the most beautiful and substan tial manner. There Machines will be sold at reasonablo rates. Cull and examine fur yourselves. Mrs. SARAI1 SIMPSON, Agent. Oodubcr 21, 1SU7. SEEIXG 18 BELIEVING At ?! Arils Wni't, NEW rillCKsj! NEW GOODS Rich ilr: aiul Silver-I'latetl Wares, Including every stylo and description, made expressly lies .. sJ"l-r Ibe Vt inter trade, wlitoD neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at X'- .'rt JOHN BOWMAN'S Wbolesalo an 1 Retail Manufaeturlni; Establishment, Tot ARCH STKEET, PHILADELPHIA. I j Re pin ing at short notice. Deeeml.ej Si. 1S87 ,aug27 PH0T0OE APH ALBUMS BOOKS AST!) JsTATIONEar. Monthly Time Hooks Drawing Books and Slates, floi ks. ilvntn Bouks B- ink Dmiks, Memorandum Eoikj, Diaries, Poeke. Books. Ink Stands. Pens, Pecdis. u tine u-SKortnient of Paper. Ink. Ae. For sale by AN N A PAINTER. PURE LACIER BEER! lOI l l'lt AI ALU, From the Cold Spring Brewery, Sl'SBUKT, PA. JOSEPH EACHEH. I)ESPE0TFUL1.Y informs lb publio generally ) that be is prepared to iuruudt LAGKH BEER, POHI'EH AND ALL, a large or small quantities. His facilities for nak ng Beer cannot be esoelled, and is proaounesl supe rior to any other ottered in Central Pennsylvania. It ha also been reoouiineudeti by phyouuw as a healthy drink fur invalids. Hotels. RetUuranU and private families supplied at short uutice. Suubury, Sept 21. IH7 "1TSI"W ; OH02C STORE. Hark Utr ti ai.iui"in? U oar hart CoafeaUoBwy Htore, el BUKI, P. nMff nliwttfrn(J epet.Mly Inform the rRliietil 1 of Bnnhurv and Tlenitys that he has opened a NEW SHOE fcTOHK, for the sale as well as for the inanufaoti e ot bbe Bnett and best quality of Ladies' Shoos, Tia : , UIotoHMj Morrocco, UrUIn him! l.iiHiiiig: niter, Ac. . Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock it entirely nnit n(i well sedented. He also manufacture One Frcnoh aal otAef vatt skin Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for Indies and genilemen's oostotn work will he promptly an ended to and got up in tbe best style oy sKiitui niocnnuics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hard and forsalo to the tradu. j. n. JEFFRIES: Sunbnry, April 20, 1807. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST SXJISTBXJI-Y is on 3d stroet, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PH0T0GKAPH GALLERY, Itut I.iitcly i:Mta!Iis.li-l, Mills till the ludern linproTi'iurnlt of tlie Art I TITHE subscriber, having built the room expressly X tor the purpose ot r'liotoeraphing, and hti ..n demoted many years io the business, is e uitidont of bis ability to assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall he second to nemo in country or oity. No work allowed to leave tho gallery nnloss en' tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, ne is preparca to mnice I'notograpus in all Binds ol weather, out would preler a clear day tor small children. He is also prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs, Ail kinds of pictures copied and mncnified to any required size mil colured beautifully in Oil or u ater colors or India ink. v e pay special altentiuD to all kinds of out iloor work, sueh as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a lurgo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand Tho nublio arc rosm et'iillv invited to call and sec our specimens and our complete arrangements for j maaing rnotogrnptis, special terms to families and clubs. BEKGSTRESSER. Funbury, July 13, BREAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID FRV Two doors west of the Pot Office, SUNHLRY, Pa. I ESPECTFCLLY informs the citizens of iun V bury and vicinity, that he will bnko to order all kinds of Cakes rr ISisUsi. Inrtl'i. &. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls. Rii'ks. Tea Buns. Ao., and 'rtso kept on hand inanafae' udout of the best materials. All e i as will meet with prooipt attention. Having had lnrfe exper.oncH I hope to (tive general sal islaction to all who may favor m with their natronaire. DAVID FRY. Sunliury. Dec. ;l. 1SiP. i-'AI.!. AM) WIMKli milllm:hy (()o)s Miss an;; a PAir-rEE, Market Pqunrc. two doors west of tho Post USco S l: N? II U U Y . P K N N ' A. T") E.TECTFl'LLY inform., her friends and tho public, that she has just return', 1 from the cit. where she ha:: spent sonic liuie in making selections nnd purchases, nnd h is jus, opened a largo stock ot MILLINERY GOODS ASP NOIT'NS. Ribbons. Luces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline nnd Wi gans Skirting lining. I(o?p Skirts. Bugle Trim mings, Cr.iv Ti" ".:i ings li.i Cr..po. Cloi k But'ons, Ooi-, s. ..,,) r,. A lurgo uisortmcnt of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A .ST TroNP.R Y. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks. Ac .She Hat ters herself in being able to make a diiplay that will irivo entire sstistnetion to visitors, and goods will be exhibiied wiih plea-sure. Suubury, Nuv. 2. lo7 BOOTS AND SHO MAM FACT1 K!M 1 'ipDER. JOTITST WILVKB, EXPECT! L'LI.Y iuf .run his friends and eu- tiiuiers, that hi li. s iu.o npi-ned a shop fur the ainuui'icture of liOO'lji A SHOErf. ou fj-rwi: (iu.t, I'tt.r-cit .itcv.-tj itf&,t and Cu, ,'.' Alln: gjubury. whrre all kinds of ..rk in l, i lire will be made up in the latct stylo and in the host wjrktuanlika man tier. lls ing first cl'tf" t.ick on hrtnd he flutters l,!!i!.-"lt j that he will be aMo to suit Ihe tie-tes uf the uio.-: fis ; tidier-. The vulilie are invit-'.l t-i i'm'I. .KUI.N WlLVi.R. ' f-'ulil.ury .Ti:i.c 1.1. 1'"'7. ,1. Jii:.tbSLI.lt'l,H Coiifecticiieiy Toy and FRUIT tSTOHU .tlnrkrl Slrel, Nitnbiiry, Ia. CONFECTION EH Y OK All KINDS, TOYS OF EVEIiY DLbCIUPTION l ia i T, Ac. At, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at tt.e above J t-t ti lishntcnt atwholcsiiie and retail, at reason. aid'1 i i. es. 11 ?S manufitcturing ail kinds of Cori.Vr-tioiiaries to keep up a full assortment which ore sold at low rates. Ii.hi'.'co. Sfgars. Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, ar.- avaihivof other articles, allot' wbuU are oit.it 1 whoKnule and retnil. Jj Remember the name and place M. C. liEARHAKT, Market stroet, 3 doors went ut'E. Y. DiigbtA Son's store. Suubury, Sept. 19. 115.1 tf nt's iiimI t i re t'rool' SLATE ROOFS. TliK nndcrsiLTicd respectfully informs builder in thin aud a'ijo'riinp tountitvi that he ie prfpnred ti ut ou .Male Koofrt iu a ta t ii.r manner. He furrt-i-ijtf- tin- ci-Icltnitcd t'uunty tflafo, whijh is the bi-t in the n tnlu't. He warrant'1 his work to be durnlito anri fire Hnd water proof Ho invite" tiii iii pfL'tiou of ihe uhlic tu tha work he hfts-ln? in .-iiu-btiryon Jlaupt'a, Ureenougb'a and liana' bui! tin", and on others at various place. Hi prices areas luw as those of any uthur slatur. Address, D. S. SMITH, S'unbury. P. 0., orchil at hi reyidonce in l'ppcr Augustu twp. Jamiu'-y U, Jbod. ly " UNION HOT KlT t'SUsi. I IV!. lririrtor. In Cuke's Aldiiiin to SUNBURY, near tho Peuu'o. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT HOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Uood cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet com torts of home with fare equal to tho beat hotels. His Liquors are of the choicest kinds. Suubury, June S, 18i!7. THE GREAT .1 VnltTCAX COM BIN ATI OX tSiitto.'i Hole O v r,,'uinlii' AND S 32 Y X IT O- Is nrranled to execute iu the best manner every variety uf Sewing, Hemming. Felling, Cording, Tucking. Braiding. Gathering. Uuiltim;. Oveiseain iug. Embroidering on the edge, and in addition niakui beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fa bncs. IT HAS NO EOUAL. Reing absolutely Ihe Bout r.imi.Y .nn -11113 IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically thu cheapest, for it is two Ma chiues eouihinud in ouc by a simple aud bcautilu mechanical arrangement. Circulars w ith full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had ou applicati at tbe sales-rooms of tho Compiny, it. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sis., Philadel'a. Instruction.- given on tue Machine grutuitoudy to all puiobasers. AUENIS WANTED TO SELL THIS MACHINE. Ikis'rvlorst i J. L. FEN I MORE, PieaidtDt. WILLIAM V. JENKS, I'resiileni hui k Mountain. (Jottl Cuiupuny. UEN.IAMIN BL'LLOCK, Wool Merc hant, No. 40 South Trort St. H. II. HEED, of George W. Hi ed fc Co., WlioU'salu Clntliin.No. i Market Street. A. UAKT, JOHN T. TA ITT, GEO. J. UICIIAHDSON, I'Lilaiklphia, W. n. MEN DEN H ALL, Ol t.'oHtosvillo, Chester Couuty, Pa. F. PAXSOX, ot' F. I'uxBim Ai Co., Noti'jus, Ko. SOI Market SCw t. January 'ii, l68 ly Great Attraction, ,. stAtha , NEW TIN-WAUE, Shftet Iron sad Mr) Atr of SMITH &, Where they keep constantly on hand and man a fa' ture to order at short notice. UN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call the attention ef pur- cu oners io ueir largo ana well selected stock ol COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers havi made arrangements to have all their best stovos made to order, and those who wouiu nave a good stove would do well to go and examine ineir large ana weu seieoted stooK. First. They dofy eompoUtion on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vis : Jointtnntlon jm llnrner.t'oek. U over nor ltnn-(.'ook, WABA8H AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called BPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves fn great variety em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion, able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish siinpli eity of arrangements oombining cheapness, durability ana each stove warrantod to perform what they are represented. Also, Theoelohrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the oolcbrated MORNING GLORY. Tom I Oil, Conl Oil Iiiimpa, NlindoH, 4'Iiiiiinioia, nnd nil article- vsnally kept In an establishment of this kind. They are also proparcd to furnish Slate and do slating in the liest workmanlike niannor. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range nnd Furnaeo Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and oheaply executed. Also : "Baits'h'ft IStitv Hone Supcr-Flios' plintc." Remember the place. iSamrilc and Sales Room nearly o posito Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth etroeut. Building daik painted. v.igust as, iHus. 1TEV- LAGS?. BEEP. IN SUN BURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL I ESPF.CTFULI.Y Informs his friends and tho i public generally, that bo has commenced the manufacture, and is now ready to furnish LAG EH BEER AND ALE, of a superior quality. Having procured tho services ol a urst class nrower. ne is enabled to supply Land lords, Restaurants and private families with an ar tide thai is palatable, pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS. ITZEL. Cunbnry, November 18, ls'i. F ARJ I & JiMLp E K S . LIIIE AND LIMESTONE. frWIK subscribers rei-peotfully inform the citizens X ol ortnumberlnnij county, that they aro now preparod to furnish LIME of a superior qunlity to Farmers and Builders. Also, l.lMK-STON'ii from i tue celebrated Litne-Ston Quarries of Lower Maho- noy town-hifi. nt ehort notice and at reasonable rates. ldie above will ho delivered to any Kailrosd sta tion nl ipg the lino of tho different railroads when ordered. 'i hero Kilns ore located at tho Shamokin Valley Railroad, near ciuubury, where orders will be promptly filled. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address. J. li. LENKER A BR0 , August 3, IbG". Bunbury, Pa. IRON. A largo assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop, Rand, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steol, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, fledges, Rusni and Files, at C0NLEY 4 CO'S IIIUICE FltlTIT & O UN A MENTAL e ?fi tf s 4i 4a l 33E:iNrj'. BOHNEB, Dealer in 1'iu'a and Oinainental Trees, will furr.-i.-h fiom iln. inovi r.'-'poi'.ihli' Nurseries in this and other States, first elass TK EES of all kinds. Also, Slirubl.cry, Vines and Plants. Oardcn Seeds of all Muds. Orders arc respectfully soliciled. Address BKXJ. IJOHSER. Puxiuos, Nurth'd. Co. l"y N. C. Insurancoe taken in several of tne nioi.t responsible Fire Insurance and Hurso Detective Companies in the Stnto. June 8, lt-,67. y & FEED STORE WHOLESALE- AXD It El1 AIL, rpHE subscriber rcspecifully informs the public J that he keeps constantly on huud at bit new WAREHOUSE, near t'.m Shamokin Valley Railroad Depit, in SEX BURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton 'ihe above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. T M. CAD WALL ADER. r-uiitiiry, April 1, lorl' j. H. Conley Co., 3 llarlii t Ktrcct, IK:is. 1 1 lie ICnllroad buneuhy, rEisrisr'-A.. 'DEALERS I.N' i ve: j.kw it, .4 5ii:Kit'.v., Hardvaro & Cutlery. T "HIE attention of Mechanics, Farmers. Builder, and Buyers generally is invited to tlie fuel that we ate now offering a bettor selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC than ever was oflercd in this marked at prices much below those heretofore dcinnn.ied by dealers. Our stock comprises ull articles in this lino of business, embracing agenorul assortment of tools and mate rials used bv CAKPENIERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a lurgo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails. Spikes. Ropo, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut bav.s, .10., Ac. Kuubury, March 'M, 1S67. SUNRURY FOUXDRV. iilA. ICOlIliSiACIl & NU., ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, i romntlv furnished to order. Tho Stove manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tbe most improved aud most useful patterns. The busiuess will be conducted, on an enlarged -Chle. Old customers will be accommodated as usual, and new oues are reepeotfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, ltibti Kotice to Merchants and Shippers. fpHE undersigned, proprietor of Wciser A Prick's 1 Line, give notices to merchants and shippers that the Depot is still at 811 Market street, Phila. del phi. i. and all Goods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations along tbe railroad, will bo promptly delivered. sf Cars leave 811 Market street. Philadelphia tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Suubury, Pa. December 7, IS7. Children n 'arrla(i'ri. ould call the attention of those wantini a Child s Carriage, to our new and lame assort ment comprising new and beautiful style. J. H. CONLEY ft CO. Agrlrultiiral lnt piemen t , HOE'S Grain Rakos, Steel and Ifoa Garden Rakes, Long and D Uaudl Spades, .Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythe, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace. Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stone, Fanning Mill beive of an at ses ana Kinds, a large assortment or Keu w agon Humes, fur Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. MountCarmel Hotel MT. CAHMBL, Northumberland Co., Fa., Tlioa BUUKET, PiioriuETOH. This larg aoaiuoodiiMui Hotel is loaated Bear th depl of tu bSnonvkia Valley acid th Uuakak New York Railroad. Traiua arriv and depart daily. Thi bous U looated In tb ccutre of the Coal K giun and affords th bost aoeomasodatioos to travelers and permanent customers jay 5. B-A.X.TI3M:Onl LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A9 A REFUGE FROM QUACK BET. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURB CAN SB OBTAINED. DR. JOHN PON hes discovered the mnet Certain Jtpeedy and only EtTectnal Kemly in the World for all Pit vale Dinases, Weakness of lh. Rack or Limbs, Ulnelarea, Affection, of the Kidney, and Bladder, Involuntary Dis charges, Impoteory, General Debility, Neryoeaneti, Dys neiMv. linvuor. Low Bnirita. Confneinuof Ideas. Paloi- tatina of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblirws, Dimaes of fijht or Giddlnrai, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nae or skin, Affections nt the Liver, Lflnirs, Htomaeh or Bowels l hue TemMe Bisnrdais arising fiom Die Solitary Habit of Yooth those secret and nhmiy practice, more fatal to their victims than the enng "f Syrens to the Matiners of tJlyssea, hlightiug tlielt most brilliant hopes ot anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac , impossible. Yonng ill en Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary V ice, that dreailful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of tne moat f.xnltfri Lieut, and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entianeed h.tening Senates with the then-. i deis or eloquence or waked to ecstaty tne living lyre, nwj call with full confidence. 31arrlns;c. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, oe foiniities. Ac speedily cured. He who place, himself under the care of Dr. i. may may religiously confide in his honor ss a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Bertored. This DistieMing Affection which renders Life misers hie ant marriage impossible i. the penally paid by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit exceese. from not being aware of the dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of piocreaiion i. loat atsuier hy thorn falling into improper habit, than by the prudent.? Ue.ide. deing deprived the pleasures of healthy oAspriii',tlie most seriuu.snd destrno tive symptom, to both body and mind arise. The system becomes lleranged, the P'hysicnl and Mental Functions Weakened, loss of Procreati've Power, Nervous Irrit ilnli tv, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Con stitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frume, Cough, Consumption, Decny aud Ptnth, Office, 7So. 7 Soitlli I'roslerlclt Street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doois rrom the comer. Fail not to observe name and number. Letteis must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas liaog in hi. office. A Cure Vt'urrnmted In Tvr layi. Xo Mercury or Kautcous Drug), Dr. .3oli.is.ton, Member of the Rojnl Colleire of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of iho most eminent Colleee. in the t'nited State., and the greater part of who.e life he hern spent iu tlie hospitals ot London, Ptitis, Philadelphia and else-wlo-ie, hn. effected some of the most astonishing cures that weieever known ; many troubled with tinging fnthe head aud ear. wben asleep, great nervousness, being alarm ed nt sudden Bounds bushl illness, with fiequcllt blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of rmnd, were cured iinuieu tately. l'aJc I'stritriilnr ."oliee. Dr. J. addre.se. all tho.e who have injured ttiein.olveB by nnproper indu'gen e end solittiry habit., which ruin both body and mind, unfitting tlicm lor either business, study, society or marriage. TiifinBitre some ol lliesm! and melancholy effects pro duced by eaily lint, it sol youth viz: Weaknes.of the Buck and l.nnbs. Pain, in Hie Head, Dunnes, of S.ght, Leas of .Mu.ciil.ir P .wei, PidpitMtt hi of lue Henri, Dspe-.yf Nervon. Irritiibibty, lleia.igeinent ot the Digestive Func tion., I.tenernl Debility, ymptoni. ol Uomuuipllon, arc. Mbntam.v Trie fearf ul eliecls on tlie mind are much to bedrertded Iiss oi Memory. Confusion of lde.ie, De pression of Spirit-i. Kvil-f'oieliiiclings, Aversion to eVieietyj Sell-LiMtrust. Love ot Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are some ol llic evils produced. 'i'uot'.AND. of pers mis of all sees enninow Judge what is the cause ol then tfeclinin ricallll, losing ineir vigor, bei'oninig weak, pule, ecrvi u. and euncialed, having a siinriiliir nppeaiance ub.iul tlie eyes, c unhand symptoms of consumption. Vosinjrj ITlen Who bnve injured themselves by s certHin prnctice huluttf ed in when alone, a habit frequently lermicd from evil companions, nr at school, the effect, of which aie nightly felt, even when nsleep. and if not cured renders iimirnnre impossible, uud destroy, both miudaud body, should apply iinniedialely. tv.mt a pi'y that a vnung man, the hope of his country, the darling of hi. Niren!i, should be snalched from all pros pect, and eii;io menu of liie, by Ihe consequence of devia ting from the pulhof nature and iiuliilnnig in a certaia sectut biibit. ISuch persons must, before contemplating .Tlarrliifie, refiecl that n sound nniul and body are the nost necessary icqiiisitesto prom itecoumibia; happiness. Indeed without these, the journey thioiigh life becoin'. a Weary pilrtm age; tbe plospect houtl rifirUens to the view: the inuid bee. 'll.es hil l. I., Wed Willi des;iHir mid filled Willi ihe metull eh ily retie.-iion t lint the licippmeb. "f unother becomes bug'iied with out ow-u ii-eii.e of Sitiprndenee. When Ihe misguided snd iinirudent votary of pleasure finds lent he bus imbibed Ihe seeds ol this pshlful disense, it loo often huppeits that so iM-timed .eiise of .hume, ur uresd of disc -very, deters huu from a ph lug to those who, fiom ediniiiniiii mid re -.pretiitidliy, can alone befriend him, delaying lid th eonstlluti.'ual "uvmptonis of thi. hortkt ibscise nvike their appenrnuee, .ui'h a. ulcerated Bote throut, dtseiited nose, tv ctiiral pains iu the head rout limbs. din.uei.sof ..elil, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and nniis hluteh'-s on the hend. Itii-eilild exlieiniti, ., piigresfr llnt eilll Irmlidul llipl. hty. till nt fist the pillite of the in lUth or tiu b nes l' I'le pone full iu. and the vielim of tlnsiiwl'iil di-i-nse become, u honiil object of eouiiniacin ti ii. till ,1c. itb p.usa pcriiHl to his ilrendftil .uirering, by sending nini t "Hint i-iidiscovetctf Country from whence n i iravci.er letiilns " It t . n ni-liiiieti ilv fuel tluit th' csnids full viclinl. to this leinl ;-. Oliienrc. owunr to the itnS.t'l'lbn'Hl of icnoinnt pi efi'i.dt is, wiio, by the e.e of tle.l ' Deadly I'oison, Mcr. einy,,: nun the constitution and make the residue of life n.i.eialjle. f Irnntvc ria Trust ni t y er lives, or heuiih, tbe enre cf the many L'ldeaint d uud Wimbles Pretenders, destitute of know!- edce, ii.ini: or , h r:i"ler, who copv Dr Johnston', odver tisemeiits, or style iheui.e!ves in ihe new.iapet., regular ly lliblented Pnisieian., ineupalile of Cnflng, Ibey keep you trirling ni iiith after monlli tnking their iitbv and poisoini. compounds, oi ns long a.lhe s'imllest fee can be oblained. and in despair, leave you with lumcd health to sigh over y ur end o iff disappointment lr. .lob'Llon l. Ihe rnily Pbysicisn .dverltsing. II i. credential or diploma. aUvu). hn'.g in In. office. His reimdii's or Irent nent are unknown to all others, prei nre-.l iriiin u lifespent in tbegrefil liospiral.nl Furope, the fiist in ilo. eomorv and e more extensive "Private Prut'tiee" i imii ney oiher Pliy.ieiau iu the World. I;si(t-vi.;.erit of tlis" I'rrss, The rrmiiv th nissnds enredit thi. insti'ittion veni nfler year, and ibe numeniuf nni'oit-nit Smgieul Operntinus perl, ruled bv in. J ln,n,.n. witnessed bv the reporter, of the "Sun." i'!';i.er.o n.nl ineny oilier piiper.. notice, of wh cli h.ive si neiired ai;inn nnd iiuhiii before the puhiic, b'-a di- Io. suinJini; h a gent lenein of cbnnieter and re spo. s.l ill; . is ;i suffieient gitniiiutee lo the afflicted. -lilti tMseit'4 e-ipeetllty 'str;tl. f'ers-ins writing sbou'd t.e pnrticuliir In directing their ettcr. to In. iaaiitiiiioti, in tbe following manner, tolaii .vj. .lolinistou. Iff. I. to' the tljiuinoi. lick Hospitul, ballimure, Md. N -v. rill. 1-67-1 y. lO'J i IN THE PRIUEb OF loUO Fail & Winter Goods! .TJisM J. I.. I. iixnriln, having Just return ed from Philadelpbia with a superior stock of Fall and Winter Goods for tho trade of IC7 and 'tH, whii h she is aide to sell at vory reduoed prices, would respectfully call the attention of her custo mers mid tho public generally, to the superior quul ity i f her g lods, and the low prices at which they are held. She has all kinds of DRESS GOODS, Including Poplins, Merinos, De Lain, CaUcqps, Ae , all at the lowest prices. Extra quulily Muslins at extra low prices. Dril lings. Canton Flannels. Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. Gloves of all descriptions, including a Yery supe rior quality of Ladies' Cloth Glove IIOS1EUY. Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties, Laces, stamped goods, Zephyrs aud Yarns, Towling in great variety. Gent,' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Soarfk, Muff Tassels and Ltultons. Pomades. Extracts, and a large variety of uolioi.sund fancy articles. Call and sco them before going elsewhere. M. L. LAZARU3. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1867. JACOB SHIPMAN, FTHE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, SUNBUHV, PENN'A. ttirRBSE-ITS Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York Pa , Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co., New York Mutual Life, Girard Life of Pbil'k. 4 Hart ford Conn. General Aoeideuta. BUKBURY BUILDING L0T8 IN J. W Sunbury, for rule ou reakonable terms. Apply to Dr R. II AWL and, bOL. BKOMUI S. Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. BHEAl'ER,rotUvUl, P. Nov. 21, 1S09 NEW GOODS, Mis LOUISA BHI38LEB. (south side of Market Square, SUNBURY, Ta , HAS just "returned from the oity with a large, hand siu e and obeapeat aMorunent of Parisian styles of Ladies' and Mi' Hal and Bonnet io Suubury, of th, following patterns, Prineees, Alaska, All Right, Floretta, Sensation. Turban, etc. Also, tiaeque. Breakfast Shawl,, Bepbyr-knit Sacques, feali.r., TlTU,silk. laoes, mum" Trimming,, Furs, Fur Trimmings, Veils, both La and Grata aiae, Embroidery, tluna Laoa and Lumen Coil are Ueatlmw' Good., .aoh SJ Horiery, Handker chiefs, Nck-Us, Bnuhesaad f Also, a tin aswrtmant of PwtVasasT, mi all goods asutlly kept in a well furnished esublishmeat. ' 'i'baaikful tor past favors .he hope by a farther daair to plea tb publio, tb couuuaauos ef their patronago. Nov J 1HH7 LOUISA SII1SSLER. Itortnern Central naHway. WINTER IIMB BOHEDULE. 0 it" and after November 4tb, 187, train will leave BUNBURY, a follow : ' LEAVE NORTHWARD, 1.(0 A. M., Dally for Wllllam.port. Dally (except Bundays,) for Elmira, Cauandalgna, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge and the Canada,. ' 4.16 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buffalo via Erio Railway from hdiuira 8.15 P.M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Williams pert. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.00 A. M., Daily fexoept Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia 5 45 A. M., Daily fur Baltimore and Washinirton 10 35 A. M , Daily (except Sundays.) for dainiuor, Wasuingtou and Phiiadelphii J. N. DdBarrt, Ed. 8. Yoi-na, Gon'l. Sup't., Geo 1 Passen'r Ag't , JIarrisburg, Fa Baltimore, Md .PliUadelplila A i;rl Ituilroud. VINTEREME ABT.E. Through and diroot route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, William.porl, and the Great 011 Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains On aud after Monday, Nov. 25th. 18(17, the Train, on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ruo as fbllows : Westward. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. " " " Sunbury " " arr at Erie 11.15 pm 6 .50 a ic OU p m 1..00 noon B.do p iu St 45 a m 8.U0 a in . I s p m 7.45 p m 10 'Hum l .d&a ni B 55 a tu 4 .25 p m t 4o n. I UU (i in 7.10 a n Itl..i a iu b in ii iu Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury M " arrive at Lock Haven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erio Express leaves Erie " " " Sunhury " arr. at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leave Lock Haven, " " " Sunburv. " arr. at Philadelphia Mall aud Express connect wUh' all trains mi War- rcD A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil adelphia at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvinoton at tt.40a in. and Oil City at 8.50 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 35 p ni. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections atOil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHEt ivtij THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. Lnckawnuaa &. Itloointbiiru Hail rontl. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1807, Passenger Train will run as fullews : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P M. 7. It) ts.20 !. M 1.41) 6 UU HI 7 8 60 IU 1j 6 20 t) of tt :;5 V Mb Leave Scranton, 5 50 10 no " Kingston, 6.65 11.20 " Rupert, 9 0 " Danville, 9.64 Arr. North d., 10 .'i5 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 " Danville, 7.4H " Rupert, H15 A.M. " Kingston, 10 50 8 1)0 P. M. Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 9.i5 4. ml lil.lfi lrains leaving Kingston at o.u A. M. tor ct:i:; ton, oonnect with Train arriving at New Yoik ut 5.20 Pawenaers taking Train South from .Sircnion ut 5 50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach ll.,rrhl.urg 12.M P. M., Baltimore 5.30 P. JI., Washinnton in. 00 P. 1 viaPiupert reach Philadelphia at 7 uii p. ui H. A. F0ND'A.u;i t. Kiugton, Jan. 19. 1S07. Heading; Itailroutl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 85th 1S07. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ard North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Re,ij. ing, Pottsville, Tamaqna. Ashland, Lebanon. Allon town, Eaeton, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Coluiubi i, Ac, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as lid lows ' At3.t'0, 5.2i andS.IOA. M. m.d 2.0j and '.' P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the !'r nn sylvania Railroud,and arriving at New Y'o -k in a.iO 10.15 and 11 60 A. M. and 3.40, 9 30 P. M. Hoot ing Cms accompanying tho 3.1)0 A. M. aud Is -16 P. M. Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsvill". Tama qua. Minersville, Ai-hland. Pine throve. Aileno wn and Philadelphia at b.10 A. M. and 2 US and 4 10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon aud prin di ul wuy stations ; tho 4.10 n m. making conuei 'uni or Philadelphia and Columbia only. For I'o'.irville, Schuylkill Haven and Aubnrn. vin 'cl.'i '. ' '- i'l unci 6uquehanna Railroad, leave l!arr!'-urir ur ;..oj p. ui. Returning- Leave New York nt k.UO a. ui., 12 v-'i Noon and o 00 and b.nO p. ci.; 1 b'.i.idviphi.i m a. tn. and 3.30 p. m. Way Pa.seiiigcr Trmii i'-... i Philadelphia at7-W a- nr., ruimi'.ing tr. in Resdii at 8. I'd p. m. stopping ut all si.ui .i,s : 1 o;is.'il!e H 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m; Ashland rt.oO a.m.Mn i 1 j. 19 nnd 2.00 p.m.; Tamnqua at 8 30 a.m. ei.d 100 anil o 4 i p. ai. Leave Pottsvi ttsville for Hm iiel.uig t in ohiivlltiri and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 in s. u. ,u d l.e ) no..n Ruadinz Accommodation Train lecv. i Ue.i.'.iv r.t 7. SO A. Si. returning from Phiin t-iiioi i ' , r. m. Columbia Railroad Trains loavi r.esdiug at 7 ' i A. M . aud 6 1 P. M. for Epi.i"a, 1 iiii. Laucae. tor. Columbia, t c. On Sunday: Leave New Y.-ik t S 0; J m.. l'hll.i dclrihia 8.0U A. M.. aud .TIU P M. the s no a tu. tram running only toltet lin. I'oUMilie t'n . n.., Harrisburg, 5 25 am. and 4.10 ni I ti.fcj ; ... ai. 1 Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. m. tr ilarri-l...ig. and 7 06 a. in. find 11.40 p m. for New York, t ii p m. for Philadelphia . , Commutation, Mileage. Season. .School nt.d Kv cursiou Tickets, at reduced rates to aud fiom ul! points. Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Ui ggajo nllcwod each 1'aatn.ner. G. A NK'ol.l.S, Oeneral Sur?rir.t ndent WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DiiALl it. In every Variety of ANTHRACITE C 0 A lt Upper Wharf, BUHBUEY, Penr.'r.. I e Ordcrs solicited and filled with promt tnesa ami despatch. sunbury, May 12, 1866. y COALlALiT'COAl' ORA-NT &z BROTHl.r', Kklppcris A: WliolcMiUe Ac Ui lull tsealera 1st wiutl: A; ki:i SV AI . In evory varioty. Sole Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lower Wharf, Slnbcrt, Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1800. BOOK BLNDEHV " JOHN IIBRIVIAN' North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA , IS prepared to Bind Books, Papers. Magazine Musio, Ac, in any style that muy be desired, at ubeaper rates than oan be done in the cities. All Orders left at thi Offioe, will receive prompt attention. oct.l,'C7 1'alntH, Oil, Ae. A full stock of Oils comprising Liuooed Oil. ComI Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines ai l Machinery, Yaruishes, Glass, always on hand, at low prices at CONLEY A CO'S 1.10R Saddlers, wo have Saddle Tree-, Bit is. Ruck les, Gig Treos, Pad Trees, Hnnes, all kinds and evory thing pertaining to the business, I r sale by J U. CONLEY A C S3E SJCW'WUUW rDSL',Skrs T AflE follniiinir riersons are eutitled to receive an ... incroaso of Bounty under the Aet of Congress passed July lisoo, to equalise couunes. 1st All soldiers who eulistud after tlie ivthdayof April, ISttl, tor 3 years, and served their time uf enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to receivo a lf. iint.vet tl00, are entitled an additional Bounty of stHMr. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 yean, and have been honorably discharged ou account ot wounds reoelved In the line of duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of SJIOO. d Tb Widow, Minor Children, or Parentsof such oldiar wba died in the service of wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty ui t I OO. By application to 8. P. WOLVERTOX, 1 "j . of 8i lrv, Pennsylvania, who is an auihorisod Claim Agent, all sweb elaime ean be speedily collected. Sunbury. August 4, 1806. tt Coachmakers TB m Mlling Kims, Spoke. Hubs, Springs, 1 V Canvas, Bolt, Clip, Axles, Ac, very low-- trge Btocs at urbury, Marck SO, I87. CONLEY A CO. CARPENTERS. WILLtnd in our tablikmnt a superior slnek, of Plane. iSaws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammers, Files Chisels, Ac, Ac ,for sale by J. JI. CONLEY JC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers