Efje Suntm8' -amerlcan. Jl.WIT.VEnT.) ... t U. B. EJSOLB, J Publisher. SiriMIII ItV, IA. SATURDAY, A PHIL 18, 1868. Hocal Affairs.' J. H. Enoit, b just received a large assortment of Stone Ware, for tale at reduced prices. Dr. J. 6. Axqli bu removed bU oBee to the room one door east of Frlling'i store, Market Square. Dr. Ororoi M. Rum, Burgeon Dentist, ha) moved his office to the second story of Simpson's building, Markot Square. Tns new furnaoe eroded by Messrs. Hancock A Crirelling, at Danville, was put In operation on Saturday, 4th lost. Toe Llnseod Oil Mill of Messrs. Morgan A Mos- ser, in this placo, is now in successful operation, and is produoiug an excellent quality of oil. - The Washington House, In Northumberland, har in g boon purchased by Win. M. Noabit, was taken possession of by that gentloman on tbo 1st int. It was lately kept by A. J. Rhodes. Sevcx-TuiiiTiKS. Persons who have 7-30 Honda, and wish to continue thorn in Government stock, bad better at once have them changed into 6-20's, or they will loso the premium. Immersion. Two persons were imraersod in the river, at this placo, on Sundavln.it. Rev. A. B. Still, of Danvillo, officiated. A lurgo number cf persons woro present to witness the oeremony. SrRiNO Millinery Hoods. Mies Louisa Shlsslcr has just received her spring stock of goods, embra cing all the latest stylos. Tho ladies, of course, will make a noto oMt. Read her advertisement. A Cotillios Paiitt came off at the Central Ho tol on Thursdny night last. It ir! well attended by our young Indies and gentlemen, who. all seemed to enjoy themselves. Kckert, of Northumberland, furnished the music on tho occasion. Vkstrtjien. The following gentlemen were duc ted Vestrymen of St. Matthew's (Episcopal) Church, in this place, on Monday last, for the present year : Wm. I. Oreonough, Win. T. Grant, Ooo. W. Smith, Jno. K. Clement, N. F. Lightner, Ueo. B. Young man and Tlios. J. Humar. Bale vr Personal Property. Peter H. Sny der, administrator of Wra. R. Joucs, dee'd., late of Lowor Augusta township, will sell, on Tuesday, 2tithinst., the personal property of the deceased, consisting of live stock, farm implements, house hold furnituro, Ac. See advertisement in anothor column and bills printed at tL is office. Isii'novEMENT. Mr. Sol. Brosious last week com menced the repairing and enlargement cf tho brick house on Market Btrcet, owned by Mrs. Wolverton and recently occupied by Gen. Clement. The front is to be raised to three stories, and the building im proved in every respect. It is designed for a store room, in connection with a residence. Important to Soldibkn. Tho Legislature of our Stiito recently passed a bill authorizing and direct ing the Recorders of Deeds in tho several counties of this Commonwealth to rocord tho discharges of all honorably discharged officer? and soldiers. This will enuble soldiers to avoid that troublo which so frequently results from the loss of discharge papers, Prstoss. During the latter part of last week immense (locks of wild pigeons made their appear ance in this vicinity. A groat many were eapturod in net by our sportsmen, near this place. On Sat urday they wore offered in our markets at seventy fire cents per dozen. We hear of largo numbers being caught in the neighborhood of Williamsport. It is reported that the Northern Central and 1'hlla. A Erie Railroad companies Intend construct ing a track around the eastern borders of our Bo rough, for tho use of freight'trams. Tho immense freight biinness of these two roads certainly require woro room at th'i plnce. The crossings at Market 1 street are frequently blockaded by the lou-? freisht j trains. Polite Ai-faius. Ou Saturday lust thrco men ! named Leonard Diinniick, Fred. Hammer and Johu Hoey, wero arrested by constable Pursol, charged with breaking iuto Koto's bottling establishment, in Cake's addition, ou tbo night of tho 0th iust. Thoy were taken before Esquiro Sliiudol, who bound tbein over until tho following Monday, when, hav ing proved an alibi, thoy were discharged. TURUIBLE ACCIDLHT AT DAS VILLI ThREK MeM Killed and Eiqut Wounded. Wo learn tbut a terriblo acoident occurred in one of the rolling mills at Danville, on Wednesday morning .last, by tho vxplosion of a boiler. Thrco men wero instantly killed and eight wounded, two of whom it is thought will dio. It created the most intense ex citoiuent in that placo. We will give full particu lars in our next issue. - A Handsome Impuovemknt. Mr. George Bright intends erecting, tho present season, n handsome thrcc-htory brick building on the lot at present oc cupied by his drug store, on the north-east corner of Murkat Square. We loam that tho third story will be designed for a public hall. The new building, when completed, will groatly improve the appear ance of that side of tho Square. It is one of the must valuable corners in Sur.bury. SiiKKiiK Sales or Real Estate. On Monday lodt Sheriff Beokley sold thirteen lots of ground, in Mt. Carmel borough, together with the Mt Carmel Hotel, as the property of Jonathan Hoover, to Ira T. Clement, E.-q., of Sunbury, for f 1,110. On the same day the Sheriff sold a pioce of land, situate in Shauiokin township, containing seven acres, with improvements, to Mr. William Hoover, of this place, for $11)0. It was sold as the property of Isaac FurmRn. Matrimonial. Ou Thursday morning last a wed ding occurred at the residence of our old friend, Maj. James Maloce, which excited considerable in terest in this place. The Major's son, John W. Ma lone, Esq., was united In the bonds of mutrimony to Miss Kate W. Salmon, ofTrevorton, with the impressive marriage ceremonies of the Catholio churoh. A largo number of friends from Baltimore, Lancaster, Sunbury, and other places, were in at tendance, and were most hospitably entertained. We tender the happy eouple eur best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. Si'DDEM Death. We copy tho following, in rela tion to the death of William E. Lightner, son of Rev. E. N. Lightner, of Danville, from the Ameri can., of that place. The deceased was a brother of N. F. Lightner, of this place ; We are grieved to unuouuee the death of William E. Lightner, son of Ilov. E. N. Lightner, of this place, who died of in flammatory rheumatism, at Raoino, Wisconsin, on Sunday, the bib inst., aged about twenty-two yoars. Young Lightner gave remarkable promise of use fulness. His high moral qualities, and mental ec tiuircineuts, justly gave him an honorable position, j a uaeher In the Racine College, and rendered bim a universal favorite in the community. Again Bouued. By an oversight we omitted no ticing, last week, another robbery of Mr. John E. Smiok, of this place, oommitted on Tuesday, Tib lust., by which he lost a suit of clothes. The theft Was committed by an Irishman named Thomas Kelly. The clothes bad been given by Mr. Binick to Mr. Boilers, baggage master on the Northern Cen tral Railroad, with the object of having them taken to Bultimore to be eolored. Mr. S. placed theiu in the depot uulil the traiu was ready to start, and in the meantime Kelty unlawfully took possession of tbem. He was eouiuiittod to Jail for trial at next Court. Mr. Suiivk has been very uufortuuate In tho way of robberies. His shop, on Fourth street, bas buou twice vicitod by burglars and stripped of most rf Itf entente each time BiTTs.4)ne of the aameroas expedients em-, ployed t humbug the public and avoid the high tax on whiskey, is the Introduction of tsrlotm com pounds, ealled bitters, These bitten tee generally made op of bad whiskey, diluted and oom pounded with oerttln eheap drags. -A wonderful list of eaes are easily got bp and published. One of the late dodges by one of these titers, of bitter makers, In Ohio, is a pamphlet purporting to be a history of NorlhunfbeYland oonnty, containing a few sorer of the early history of the oounty, and a few adver tisements, whioh, according to the title, oonstitute a direotory of the prinoipal business houses in the eowty. 411, no doubt, pay tribute to the "Star Bitters." The value of tho directory may be In ferred from the Tact that only one of the twenty lawyers of this place appears In the list. The political eomplexion of this dodge is appa rent. Unr neighbor or the Democrat occupies the whole of the first page. This is, perhaps, natural, as modern Dcmooraoy and bad whiskey are seldom found far apart. This is made more evident by the "scrap of history" on tho last leaf, whore the world is gravely informed that " The Northumberland County Democrat was mobbed and destroyed by Abolitionists in 1803, for exposing thoir disunion sohemes, whioh are now apparent to every patriot In the land." Only to think of it ! The Democrat destroyed, because it was aiding the southern De mocracy, under Jeff Davis, to preserve the Uniou ! 'I. 0. or 0. P. We are indobtcd to S. B. Boyor, Esq., District Deputy Grand Master, for the follow ing list of officers of the different lodges of Odd Fellows In Northumberland county, for the present term : Ulutual Lodge No. 84, of fii Iton. A. Botdorf, N. G. ; G. 8hirer, V. O. ; R. M. Friek, Secretary ; D. B. Hause, Assistant Secretary ; I. B. Davis, Trea surer ; W. K. Wertman, Representative to Grand Lodge. Mount Tabor Lodge No. 125, of Shamolin. James Harris, N. G. ; Geo. O. Marti, V. G. ; J. J. W. Sen ward, Secretary ; Samuel Swcnk, Assistant Seoretary ; John Newman, Treasurer ; W. K. Erd man, Representative to Grand Lodge. Northumberland Lodge No. 196. Wm. H. Mor gan, N. 0. j M. T. Morgan, V. G. ; V. M. Smith, Secretary ; E. L. Reber, Assistant Secretary ; Wm. T. Forsyth, Treasurer ; John A. Taylor, Represen tative to Grand Lodge. Sunbury Iodge No. 203. Andrew Dieffendcrfer, N. Q. ; J. S. Hendricks, V. 0. ; J. W. Bucher, Seo retary; Wm. 8. Rhodes, Assistant Secretary j Sol. Stroh, Treasurer ; E. M. Bucher, Representative to Grand Lodge. Eureia Lodge No. SCO, of Vjipcr Mahanoy. A. J. Kantt, N. O. ; A. K. Uepler, V. G. ; P. Kutz, Secretary ; J. U. Geist, Assistant Secretary ; G. W. Hornberger, Treasurer. Shamotin Vcttey Lodge No. 527, of Sr.ydcr town. Vita. Culp, N. G. ; Carter Mettler, V. G. ; John Klase, Secretary ; David Hull, Assistant Sec retary J Philip Huff, Treasurer; D. C. Campbell, Representative to Grind Lodge. Trevorton Lodge No. 513. H. Y. Crone, N.G. ; M. G. Bryrulre, V. G. ; H. J. Ronn Treasurer ; John Wright, Secretary ; C. II. Kramer, Represen- tative to Grand Lodge. Elysburg Lodge No. 548. Jos. C. Robins, N. Q. ; Henry M. Yocuni, V. G. ; John Huff, Secre tary ; Israel Berninger, Assistant Sucretary ; Sam uel Ent, Treasurer ; Henry Yeagor, Representative to Grand Lodge. Mahanoy Lodge No. 551. N. R. Bohner, N. G. ; Wm. B. Longsdorf, V. G. ; H. Kombol, Secretary ; Daniel Kehres, Assistant Secretary ; Daniel Uct ricb, Representative to Grand Lodge. Stone Valley Lodge No. 584, of Georgetown Tobias Long, N.G. ; D. L. Ditty, V. O. ; David Seilor, Secretary ; Augustus Badman, Assistant Sec retary ; John Bingaman, Treasnrcr ; Emanuel Wil- vert, Representative to Grand Lodge. Augusta Lodge No. 614. Solomon W. Fasold, N. G. ; Martin Hoim, V. G. ; Theodore Chester, Secretary Wm. Zimmerman, Assistant Secretary ; Abraham Sterner, Treasurer ; W. W. Horning, Rep resentative to Grand Lodge. C. O. Bachman Lodge No. 619, of Watson totim.Joha Y. EI1U, N. G ; F. H. Knight, V. G. ; Thomas Carl, Secretary ; C. 0, Bachman, Repre sentative to Grand Lodge. Fort Augusta Lodge No. 810, of Sunbury. John E. Sinick, N.G. ; P. M. Shindel, V. G. ; 0. A. Reimenniydcr, Secretary ; J. E. Heims, Assistant Secretary ; Johu Clark, Treasurer ; 8. B. Beyer, Representative to Grund Lodge. The Late Case or Swindling. Tho Munoy Luminary, in copying our roport of the arrest ol the man Piereon, who, with two confederates, wore charged with attempting to swindle Mr. Valentine Klase, residing near Snydertowc, to the amount of $375, gives the following particulars of the opera tions of two of the rascals in the upper end of this county : Two of the parties referred to abovo also passed through this way, about the 25th of March, and by bold lying and misrepresentation, succeeded in getting from Mr. John Dimm, residing about throe miles from this Borough, in Lowis township, Northumberland county, a note for $250. Ouo of the uiun afterwards came to this plaoe and endea vored to dispose of tho note, but we cannot learn tbat he suBceeded. There is no doubt the whole transaction was a perfeot sw indle, and it is to be hoped the guilty may be brought to justice. By the following, from the Midi iuburg Telegraph, it Cef mt that the party also paid tbat section a visit : Several men are now travelling through the country disposing of rights for Lowe's Washing Ma uhine, and we caution the public to be oareful how they deal with tbem. One of the party was through this oounty last week, and several of our iariucr friends ore now mourning the loss of several hun dred dollars. TohRlNOTOIf A IIODUKINS' Sui'SR-pHOSPBATE. The Danville American, of last week, speaks very highly of the Phosphate manufactured by Messrs. Torringtou i. Uodgkins, of this place. We are glad to see that this superior fertiliter has obtained a good reputation wherever it has been introduced. In this vicinity, where it bus been extensiroly used, we hoar it highly recommended by those who have applied It to their orops, and the demand for it the coming season will be greatly Increased. Ike Ame rican says : This firm has established a high repu tation fur their production wherever it bas beon in txoduced. Their fertilizer is in fact daily growing in favor among our farmers, and bids fair to supply the demand in this region of tho State. They do serve tho tuoeees they meet, having spent much time and mouoy in establishing their trade ; and as tbey are ambitious to furuisb a Crst-cluss article, they will contiouo to prosper. Pennsylvania Reserve Asshiatjo.. ThescO' ond annual meeting of this association will bo held at Pittsburg, on the 3Uth of May, on which occasion full attoodaoce of all the surviving members of the "Old Corps," who oan make it convenient to attend, is earnestly desired. All who intend to par ticipate Will please notify Major John C. Harvey Recording beoretary of the Association, office of Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Company Pittsburg, Pa., before the 16tb of May. The com mittee of arrangements, appointed at the last cele bration, will select the place of meeting in Pitts burg. A bsndsome badge, to be worn by the mem bers, will be presented for adoption. Let every man who can ooma be there, to spend a few bours in so oial intercourse with bis old oomradee in arms. It is expected that a eulogy will be delivered on the late Maj. Gen. George A. M Call The Ldmeeb Trade The Lock Haven Bepub lican says that rafting, thus far this spring, bas been rather dull business. The water bas been so low that no raft have yet issued from the streams above the Sinnemaboning, and splash floods have been ne cessary to drive the logs out of tho smaller streams below. The mar continues low, though sis or eight iiwhes of snow whioh fell on Monday and Tuesday mVim promise of a rise. Quite a number of rafts have arrived at Lock Haven, and some sales bave been made at good prices. Wo bear oonstant oom plaints among the lumbermen of tho schute at Wil liamsport, whioh li considered a serious obstruction to rafting. It to Buisaooe which should be speedi lv skated. Tub tmn.To Advertise. The Advtrtittri' Re tina er presses the following sound and swiblo ad vloe to business men, whioh it would be well fur our Sunbury merchants and Othors to pondof and rrfleot op&i. It says that la Masons like the oresapt.-Wben trade Is dull, it ta not unusual lor timid o near sighted merohanta to out down their advertising ex penses on the ground that their business eannot af ford the outlay but the "penny wise and pound foolish" character of this policy must be apparent to all who will give the subjeot a moment's conside ration. If there be one time above another when the business soon should Use printer's ink liberally It Is during the dull season. And why? Because whon trade hi dull It needs artificial means to stimu late it, and In no way can this be accomplished so cheaply or effectually as by whig the advertising columns of the press. A great many business men take a wrong view of this matter altogether. They advertise most when trade Is liveliest, though it must bo apparent that their interests would be boat subservod by a policy directly the reverse. It Is well enough to advertise at all times, if it be done judictotrsly ; but at no timo will its benefits be found so apparont as during seasons like that through which wo are now pa-wing. The shrewdest and most successful business men among us are those who advertise most when trade Is dullest. We hold, therefore, that instead of curtailing their adverti sing, our merchants Will consult thoir best Interests by using the papers liberally during the dull season. Wo fool satisfied the present depression it but tem porary, and tbat beforo many weeks a tnocb better order of things will prevail ; but in the meantime our merchauts will do well to uso every moans In their power to keep up their basinets, among the foremost and most effective of wbioh is that we have pointed out, namely, judicious advertising. mm 'Counterfeit. Keep a sharp look-out f.r anew counterfeit twenty-fivo oont note, which is well ex ecuted and calculated to doeoive. Tba vignette of Fossondcn, on the counterfeit, Is a wood cut. instead of a steel engraving, ns on tho genuine. The green it a shade lighter on the ocuuterfoit than cn the genuine. BUSINESS NOTICES. A Pertect Impossibility-To be oomfortablo in a badly fitting suit of clothes. It is oontrary to all the rules of human nature. Call at tho Conti nental Clothing Bazaar, Market Squaro, and furnish yourself with what you need, and you will never have to complain. Tbo suits are mlraclet of oom fort and elegance, and the prloes are such as will suit all olasset of oustomors. The stook of under clothing and gentlemen's goods is also woll worth examining. We talk of spending our time as if it were so much interest of a perpetual annuity ; but money expended in the purchase of good Boots or Shoes at Miller's Excelsior Store, in Market Squaro, will bo lntorest saved. We advuto evory one to go to the Exoelslor and invest a small sum in some of Miller's goods. A better investment cannot be made. A Suns Tiuno. Peoplo may talk as they please, think as they please, and entertain contrary opin ions on any subject ; but thcro is ono on which all agreo, and that is, that Byerly, the Photographer, produces the best pictures outside of the cities. Call at his Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street. "Beauty unadorned, is adorned the moat," is a true saying, ns far as ladies are concerned, but not so of the sterner sex, for their appoarunco can cer tainly be improved by tho wearing of a hat or cap, to be purchased at tho fashiouablo emporium of B. Faust, in Market Square, Sunbury. New SrRiNO Goors. Mr. Jacob 0. Beck, Mer chant Tailor, on Fourth street, has just received a fine assortment of Spring Goods, Consisting of men's and boys' wear, which he offers at reduced prices, and Invites the public to oall and examine his large took. Mr. Beck Is a good cutter and fitter, and persons in need of anything in bis Hue would do well to give him a call. Con's Cocgu Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, aud Consumption. Bothsiics ordiuary 4 oz., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers iu mudicines. No family should bo over night without it in tho house. Cot's DvspKPStA Ccrb Will immediately re lievo and permanently cure tho most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Htomaob, Con stipation, and ull disouses of the Stomach and Bow els, rnysioians, oiergymen ana an wno uso ti, join a unbounded traie ol us great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price SI. 00. DIED. At Fisher's Ferrv. cn tho 7th Inst.. Mr. WM. JONES, aged about 70 years. NlAltlltV .11AICUETS, Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do ds do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pured per round do do unpared do Dried Apples, do fit 00 7 00 10 00 6 00 3 CO 1 50 1 30 75 1 50 40 25 15 3 00 40 25 ii 18 JO 18 14 13 18 60 Dried Cnerrtee, (unstoued,) pur bu. Butter, iiur pound, t-ggs, Chouse, Lord, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' front Mutton, Chickens, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Khamokin C'oiil 'I'mcle. Suauokin, April 14, DMd. Tout. Vict. Sent for week ending April 11, 2.601 10 Per lust Report, &7,bl3 07 90,515 3 lUil.BW 04 19,340 01 To same time laet year, Decrease, Special Notitea. Deafness, Blindness and Catarru trc&tod with the utmost succest by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydeu, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from tbo most reliablu sources in city aud country oan be aeon at his otlioo. The Medical faculty are invited to accomi.any their patients, as he has no secrets in bis practice. ARTIFICIAL EYKS inserted with out puiu. No charge fur examination, nov 30-ly. 0 NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED 0I1 11(14-12 CLOTHING HOUSE, COl Hnrkel Nircct, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment bas done busl new on the One Priee S vs. em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in the eity that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select good style and substantial materials, and not lees important, for having ull our goods, EXTRA U DIX MADE. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds-Fashionable and plain u ui an wn can tie suited. The prices are the very lowest, as any one by a momont s thought must IM. ntAlhamu u ..... 1 . . " vu.v, uui lueoi me competition of our neighbors, for tsnododuotl,na.r. i. we must put our prices down to the advantages we Promise. The people may depend, this is the true plea upon .SIZI ni-ti.; r ' . . . uuiiar oan oe vivwuug uuyera oy aeeptug in mind JONES ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on tbo Corner, but ono door above Sixth E. . Jfl.tlZE, Nalvetuun. J April 4, 18C8..-J, To Coutmmpt treat The Iltr. EDWARD A, WIL60IT 01 ewvj fire ofOharge) to all who desire It, the prescription with Ue dirootiontfor making and using thetimple terns' rbT whioh he was cured of a lung affection and tbat dread disease Consumption. Ills only objoot is to.".e"B"'"o,0,iiXHl he hope every sufferer - " riiiMD, wan win oosiinem Doming, any may proves Westing. Homo address so , RBV' ""WARD A. WII.KOK, my l-'8T.ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N.T. COIjU.VI'J-: At CO.'M GERMAN EllASIVE SOAP It manufactured from PCRK MATERIALS, and may be considered theSTANDARD Of EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grocers. JMayJIBBr.-ly rror or Yotstli. A gontloman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Prematura Deoay, and all tho effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe and directions for making tho simple remedy by which he wss cured. Sufierers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, con do to by addressing, rn perfect confidence, JOHN B. OODEN. my I8'-Q7.ly 42Tedr .Street. N Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QUARtVeLY "kEPOKT OF TH1 F1HST NATIONAL BANK OF SUNBUHY. Quarterly Report of the condition of tho "The First National Bank of Sunbury, in the Borough of Sun bury, in the Slate of Pennsylvania," on the morning ol the first Monday of April, A. D., loOi : LIABILITIES. Capital mock paid in, 200.000 00 Surplus Fund, 12,471 21 Dividends Unpaid, 1,145 70 Circulating notes received from tho Comptroller, $10,000 00 Less amount on bund, 5,915 Ol) Leaving amount cMtstandlng, 174,085 00 Individual Deposits, ill 1, 784 61 Construction Account, 10,306 84 Dne to National Bonks, 6,542 80 " " other Banks and Bankers. 75 61 State Bank circulation outstanding, 7,554 (10 Discount, Exchange and Interest, Profit and Loss, 45,003 03 Total, t965,6ad 73 RESOURCES. Loant and Discounts $213,175 51 Banking-house, other Real Estate, furni ture and fixtures, 47.9H8 95 Current expenses aud Tuxes paid, 4 578 7(1 Cnxh Items, 2 POO 61 Due from National Banks, 53,25.3 1 1 " other Banks and Banker. 10,610 87 -17. 5. Bonds doposilcd with U S. Treasurer to secure circulating notes, 200.000 00 Other U. S. securities on hand, 27,300 00 Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgage 16,920 00 Cash on band in oirculating notes of other National Bunks, Ac. 85,657 00 Specie, 554, IS Compound Interest Kotos, 2,750 00 f 505, 6BS 73 STAIE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Northcuberland Co., Sct. I, 8. J. Packer, Cimhior of tbo "First National Bank of Sunbury, Pa.," do solemnly swear that the abovo statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed beforo mo, this 9th day April, A. D., IStW. Philip M. Shindel, Ass t. Assessor. Sunbury, April 11, 18fid: COUNTRY DEALERS suppliod with ail kinds of Stone Woro at less than luctory prices at liar risburg, saving paokagn, breakage and freight, at the Mammoth Store of 11. Y. F1ULINU. AGENTS WANTED ton IflSIT OF OUR 'DAT I Or tho Lives and Deeds of Generals, iStatosmon. Orators ond Political Leaders now on tho f tage of Action, including Grant, Sherman, Colfax, Sumner, Stanton, Sheridan, Vales, Curim, Trumbull, Fonton, Buckingham, Wilson, Greely, Wade, Seward, Bout well, Dix, liiimlin, Fcseenden, Howard, and others, with over Forty Lifo-like Portraits of Living Men. Sold only by Agents. Great iuduoemeuts. Send for circulars. ZKIULER, MoCURDY A CO.. 614 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa. April 4. 1S8 . 4t Railroad !ot !. VJOTICE is beroby given that books for subsorip 1N tionto tbo Now Berlin Railroad, will be opened at tho office of A. . Kapu, in Northumberland, on MouJ iy, the 13th day of April next. To reiuuiu open three duys in sucoee-ioa. lir. C1IAS. HORLAOHEll, WILLIAM B. BAl'M, j s. hackk:;bkhg, t'oiumittoc. March W, US. St. ItBCUT I.OSJ4S. NOTICE is hereby given tbat the following ii?t of drifted Logs, coniaiuing tho following marks upon them, vis . O M, J 4 K N, L. E, (2), y, C, O, CIS, V, D, D D, and many other marks, drifted on the Island in tho West Branch of the Surquobanna river, oppo site the mouth of the Turtle Crock, in Northumber land county, Pa. Tho owners aro requested to oouio forward, prove property, pay eharges and tako them away, otherwise they will bo sold according to law. ALFRED KNEASS. Winfleld, Union co., March 2, 1868. 3t To Farmers!- THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PAOIFIO GUANO. fllilE attention xX Farmers and other consumers of X Fertilisers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their speeial notice. Its use for several years in Maryland. Virginia and other Southern States, for all crops, has given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by auy other. It possesses all the quiokuess of Peruviau Guano, with permanent aualiiies not found in that article. 250 li s. of this uauo aro found more than equal to MOO lbs. of the best Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat crop from five to seven days earlier than tbopbospbates, which fact aiono gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOHNS. REESE A CO., General Agents for l'aeiuu Guano Co., 36 buuth Deluware Ave., l'liilad'a , And 71 South Street Baltimore March 23,1868 6m li. .ti. iti:.., iteiitui, Will remove bis Office to J. M. Simpson's Buildinj;, 2nd story, Market tniuaro, 8XJWBXJIt-5r, FA.. 'I'lyHERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of y work pertaininj? to Dentistry. Will keep constantly ou nana a large assortineut ol J oetb. anu other Dental material, from which he will be able to eeleut, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else tho money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash snd Tooth-Powders kept on haud. His references are the numerous patront for whom be has worked for the last twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, 180S. BEEVES' AMBROSIA roil Tin: u .t uc, IMPROVED! It is an elegant Drossing fur the Hair. It causes the Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the i'oalp Clean and Healtby. It invigorutos the Roots of the Hair. It furoet the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly. It immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age. It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It brings out Uair.on headt that bave been bald for years. It ii oom posed entirely of aiinplo and pure'y vegeta ble subttanoee. It bas received over six thousand voluntary testi monials of its exoellencl, many of which are from physicians In high standing. It Is sold in half-pound bottles (the name blown in the glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere, at Oue Dollar per Bottle. Wholesale by Demaa Barnes A Co.; F. O. Wells A Co.; BsbieflV liu A Co., Mew York. March 21 , 1808. Sm A LARGE supply of M all Paper sand Hordes-, just received and for sale cheap, at toe . Mammoth Store of n Y FRILlN'l April 4, 1W. J. a 8YLY13. wra ji o. uiAcntft, Manufacturer of FUEIfCn AND AMERICAN CALF Root, Kboea and Unlter. Weasut' Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Cndles Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of all descriptions made to order on th thorteet notice and moL,ron sonsble terms. Having the tiest workmen employed, we can assure tho publio that, if thoy will give u a oan. tnev will oe saiisnen oi uro trovo iauw. n- I'AIIUNG neatly done with dispatch. If your corns do hurt your feel, Just oall and leave your measure, And we will mako your Shoes or Butts, Tbat you will coll a treasure. March 2d, '68. ly. Watch em rout i:vi:uvioiy. A Superb Stook of fine Gold and Silver Watches all Warranted to Run, and thoroughly Rogulutcd, at tho low price of $10 each, and tiitisfuction ! Guaranteed j 100 Sold Gold Hunting Watches, f "SO to Jlf'PO ' 100 Mogio Cased Gold Watnbes 20(1 li 600 i 108 Ladies' Wstehet, enameled, loo to Soil i zoo uoid rring Chronometer etches 2-0 to 00 Gold Hunting English Lever 200 to 800 Uold Hunting Duplex Watches 10 to S00 250 201) 2.i0 liO ZOO :'.rjii v loo 50 uou uoia Hunting American Watches 100 1 600 Silver Hunting Lera 50 to 75 to 600 Silver Hunting Dupler.es 600 Gold Ladies' Watcbea 1000 Goldlluuling Lcpioes 1000 Miscellaneous Bilvor Watches 2M)0 limiting .Silver W !,.!,.,. 50 to 60 to 50 to 25 to 61100 Assorted Watches, ill kinds Til to 75' 1 he above stock will bo disposed of on tho pnpu- ' r ono price plan, giving every patron a lino Gold j (.1 lar or Solid Silver Watch for 10 rithout regard to value ! Wwiuht, lino A Co., 161 Broadwav. New VnrV wiso io immediately ai'poso ni the above magnifi cent stock. OerTfflosles, naming the articlra, aro placed in sealed envelopes, and well niiid. lh, ti ers aro entitled to the articles named in their eerti fonto, upen payment of Ten Dollars, whotherit be a watoh worth $1 .000 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitlos you to the articles named thereon, upon payment, Irrespective of iu worth, and as no article value at less than flOis named on any certificate, it will at once bo si.cn that this is no luttcry, but a straight forward legiti mato transaction, which may bo participated in even by the most fastidious. A single oerliSoate will be sent by mail, pa-t paid upon receipt of 2i cents, five for $"' eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5, sixty-six and more valuable premium for $10; ono hundred and mostsuperb wutches for $15. The agents or those wishing cniplovtuont, this is a rareopportunitv. It is a legitimately conducted business, authorized by the Government, and open to tho most careful scru tiny. Watches sent by Express, with bill for oolli-c-tiun ou delivery co tbut no dissatisfaction :an posnLly ocenr. Try us. Address WRDJUT, BROTHER A CO., Importer... 161 Broadway, Si- Voi k March :i, isr,3. ."!m WAlTflmlKKi(." JJAPErt UANGINUS' AS IMMK.NSE STOCK ol' KLW AND LLKOANT BTYM'-.-l l ull I'AUl,OlS, HALLS, KTC, WIKU.E8AI.I". AMJ HK1AIL HOWELL A BOURKK'S, Corner of Fourth and Market StrceH, lblludcliliiu. March 2j 'OS. ."id. r. WM. T HOrKl.N'6 OWN MAKK' OR 'KEYSTONE SKIRTS ure tho bedt snd Chcapcat Low Piiocd Hoop Skirts 1U the market. Trail ftkirts, 2j springs, tl.UU 0 springs, (1.20 ; and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain iSkiris 6 tapes, 20 springs, 60 eeuts ; 2 j springs, 30 springs, $1.16 ; and 36 sptings, (l.2i 0j eeuU' ; Warranl- cd in everv respoot. ! "Our OWN Muke" of -UNION SKIRTS," Kiev, en Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to$2.5t. i Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 60 springs, from 06 Cunt." to ; $2 00. These Skirts are better than thoso sold by ! other establishments as first class goods, and at much j lower prices. i "Our OWN Make" d "CHAMPION SKIRTS." i are in every way superior to all other Hoop skirls , v . r i.i:. I- u.. ... worn to couvinoe every one of the fact. Mnnufac- lurcu oi tne oost iineu-uuisuea r.Dtusu rict-i opnns very superior tapes, and the style of tho im tulio j fastenings and manner of securing them surpu-s lor ; durability and excellence any other bUirt iu this ' Country, and are lightor, moro elastic, will wear ' longer, Kive moresatistacliou, and are really ehejt) cr ; than all others. Lvvry lady thouM tiy llieiu. Tliey ' aro bcine; sedd extensively by flterobaitis tltrou 'b-'i t i this and tbo adjoining state at very moderate privttf. ' If you want the best. k for "lioj-kiu's Ci.aii.)-i ii : .Skirt." If you do not fnd them, get the merchant ! with whom you deal to order thorn for you. or couie ' or send direct to us. Merchants will tind ourtiif- ; ftrent grades ofSkirts exa'Mly what they need, an.l j we especially invito thorn to call aod exumiuo our j extensive assortment, or send for Wbolesalo Price i List 1 To be hid fit Retail at Hanufaelory, and of tho j Rotail Trado generally, aud at Wholesale of tho i Manufacturer only, to whom all orders thould bo i addressed. i MAN I' FACTORY and SALESROOM, 028 Arch M. ; Between 0th and TlhSts . l'hiludel lna. WM. T. HOPKINS February 20, U'Oi. lOmos. i.w io isT-wr So'mcx:. niHli undersieued having succeeded to the Lu. ! X nee of 1'. HlMl'S A CO., takes this nif tlwd ,f informing Brick-Layers, ButMert, and ull others in terested, in aud about Sunbury. that ho i.- prepared , to fill all orders, fur building aud paving Brick, of u superior quality, and at as tow rules as can be had ' elsewhere. I am also tho Agent in the Counties of Ncrthum- j berland. Union, Knvder and Montour, for WAll..j REN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PRlKip ! ROOF. This ia the cheeriest aud best Roof that I can be used on buildings. We covered several build- ' iuga with it, during the last season with eutirc .-iUis- j faction. Orders left at tho Brick Yard, in Cako's Addition ( to Sunbury, or at the Olboe of Mr. Wm. Reagan s Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Pott I UtEoe, will reoeive prompt attention. , TOWNSEND HIMi:.--. ; uiibory, March II, 156a. j Cycs'ii torts' ."Noli-. Kitato of JAMES CAMPBELL, ieccaicd XJOTICL it hereby gfven that letters tcdtunieutn ry having been granted to the undersigned, on the mate of James Campbell, late ol Upper Augus- ; ta township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased, i All persons indebted to said estate, aro requested I to make immediate payment, and those Laving ' claims to present them duly authenticated forsettlt- 1 uient.' ROBDlll CAMPBELL, Ex'r Upper Auguta twp. , March 21 , 1S0S. t millinery" ad straw "goods-: j 218 ARCn STREET, above 2d St.. Philadelphia. ! fllHE subscriber is now prepared to offer to his j 1 customers and tho Trade gcuerally a largo and j well selected stock of Straw and Milliucry Good.-. I PATTERN BONNETS, Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet : I rames, Ao., so. I N. B All orders will reoeive careful and prompt attention. WM. kiu.sl:v, j EI8 Arch Streot, Philadelphia. Maroh II, lo08.-2m X. ti. NIIA.'iAoS, Watchmaker & Jeweler,; MARKET SQUARE, SUNBl'RV.PA,- Will retnovo his Jewelry Store to Miller's Steiio Building, Corner of 3d and Market S((uare, . ON FEBRUARY 1st, lsii.s, where bo will bo happy to reoeive his old customer , and tho publio in general. Thankful fur past fiivois, ho solium a ountiuuanoe of the samu, aud he is de- termlned to sell as low as the lowest, aud foriiualiiy, : not to bu surpassed by any goods iu the market. A . large assorimeut oi I VulibtH, CIockH, Jewell Kilver Mure, constantly on band, consisting of ull kiudsof Ameri can Watches, sueb as the Howard, Appleton. Tracy A Company. Treuiont, Walthaui, P. a. liarUet, Wm. fci lory, Iloiue and a lino aaaoi tuiont ol bwias All kindtpf 8 Day anil 0 Hour Clocks I Bilver tea setts, card and oake baskets, breaking and dinner oastors, Celery stands, syrup and drink ing euiis, and a full assortment of Bpoons, Knives and Forks. Particular attention paid to the repair ing of Watohes, Clocks, Jewelry aud Musio Boaes. All work warranted. Feb. H, ltttW. . , tX.llLUV Oils SIHLJU TUB tuUeribers having jast erected and pat in operation a Mill for tbo manufacture of LINIEED OIL, offer tho highest market price for FLAX SEED. Xbey bave attached to their esUbluhmuut a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting gram chopped for feeding, can be accommodated at the shortest notioe. A machine for chopping corn with the oob is altaohod to Oje mill. MORGAN A MAriSKH , January 2'. W9 - ly T OttltlE OI02I & IIOLGKIiSS tX A w ji O tst J3 SUPER-PIIOSPIIATJl OF fsIMU, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND G ARDEN CROFS. Having within the post year greatly lncreasad.and Improved our facilities tor grinding ilonesand man nfnetiirlng, wo are prepared to famish to tho farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior art! tie of fi niVoi'-tVi'rtapWliO-. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested tho past season br practical men of our immediate j neighborhood aud elst-'Ahcro, fni in every case the I re-mlt hat boon entirely eutisluotory. Our process of pulve'ri7liig, w berth) it is prepar ed lor una GUARANTEED Hi PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates tin 'objection which attaches to many fer tilizer, and i-eouro to tbo farmer a saving of much valuable time, DI.U AT Til!! MASlF.Vl-I Ol'.Y, i: a s t :,i a l: k k t dtk r. k t , M''ttl 51 V, kA., and ty or.r Agents throughout the country, in Bags of 200 lbs. each, at por Ton of 2000 IU. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all puints nceeasabla by rail or canal, ou receipt of Older. TOURINilTON A UODGKINS. AUo Agent for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self Raking Reaper and Aloivr ( 1 ho ."ew )oikur)tiu:t Drull A Siurdli y's liny and Grain ltuke Send for Circular. I'chruary 1.1, 'OS. !y STONE "V7AKE. TIIK best and cher.pest ass-rtmoiit of fctone Ware in the State, just received uiid tor c.ile chcup at tho Mammoth Ca-h .'tore of II. Y. PRILINU Lime ! Lime I Lime I riMIKnew Lime Kilns of II. ll. Muster, at Kelins JL Orovu ritalion, are u'jw ccir.plctcd and in sue-ce-:5('ul operation, producing lime of the very best quality. These kilns ure built with all the modem t:oiiven:encts and iumroveiuents. and have a canaci- j ty of producing 100 bushels per day. Kxcellent j roads bave hoen made to the kilns, not interfered ' with by tho railroad, where waeon or sleds can bo j loaded in a few minules from the achutes, without bundling. iiaviiig opened a lartro borly of the best lirmvtu?!?, at tho mouth of tbo kilns, they an enable I to null lime at tiie low rate of 11 ei-nts per buoliol. Tho kilns are iucliurrcof competent per son?, who will always ho prepared to supply cui tniuurs. Apply to H. R. Massor, Sunbury, cr to Cha;. Dunklebergor. orChus . Conrad, at the kilns December 14, lo07. ( o;nit:t t.i, ki:s : L5-""Wo announce to farmers and dealers in I.--lilizvrs. that the folloning prices have been adopted r tho prtsoct ppiiu;? seu.-ou : 1 H.U'GH ,S RAW BONK PH'l'lIA lr; ! Price, Si per 2,000 lbs. UAVUU'S CHICACO BONK FilRTlLlZKR ( Price. $19 per 2,003 IU ! BACGH'.-s trlllCAGO BLOOD MAN I UK. Thid well known "j ular trudo. mark n ill oe fjund i upon every pueksirool tho above manures n. bigh -:t:niulion in which BAtau'S Bouo Ma- uures have bc-in hold, during fourte-n years piujt, j wo ahull fii'ly5ii;t.iiu in the future Hnvipgnnw lb" ' enf.ro coiitrol of tho grvat rejouree t.I tuO city of I i ,., , f. r furnishing Ammonia and I'ho.'phato i Uiulerial. vi. ; Bi.uei, Dried Flesh, Blood, i J vicldi."-'. Ac , wo h: c, in ceuiici; tiou with our works iu Phil- ; ade!; In i. tho largest facilities lor furnishing tbo j niantiro, at tLo af)uvo io-.r prieij. B.at'Uil A S"NS: Pliila.u-lrhra ' NORT-WLhTERN i KT.TU.IZI V JOHN PAL-TON A i " . (l.n'l ti::-ji;ui. k uikk a ti . Le.s.. V VjIK. GICOJ.OB DVGDAL!-:, Whol- Aj't. B-jltiiuuie I'tr all inli.riiiHt;o;i i etpooting tile abovt: Manur'-.-, '.JdreaH citiier ol (lie altrve huusr.). "JOURNAL OF Till: FARM." A New Monthly Agricultural Paper, published bv BAl'GII SONS, PinLADKLPHIA. lit. divin if to present a full rui.geof A;;iiju!iur i and lloriii-iiltunil intelligence; aiiicles upun tin l'rncticbl at:-! S -ieiitilic ruiationsof Ihioubjcct ; and ' itsgoueral uiui is t.i inculcate a popular system of ; high uipnurimr. The claims of ' BAVtin'S COMMERCIAL MANl Hl-S, aio urged in an iionect and open way, but not urged to the exeia.-iion ol any otiu-r valuable munuiial ard lo the iiiruiev which tilo markets or homo resource aiford. All farmers will fiu-l it. we think, fully worth all it cost, in tbo pruciioHl suggestions it prescatc, and the gcurrul reader will uet u shuro of solid en'.- r t liuuiciit. i'ri;e, ;0 cet,Li per year. Addrer-s, 1JAH,'H A SONS. Philadelphia :J Ly S.MU'H A- liE.VTilER, n. L'o, IstW. ang'C7-ly .Suubury. U 'li-atniit Mlri't-1. 1'hiiaUfljtlii.s, Arc the l:it iu IV-. '.'Oil HIE Fl'LLOWINJ REAi'ONli- ih v aro more rimplo and durable, easier kept in eider, uiakoa stronger aud more elastic stitch, a firmer aud more beautiful sesra thau any otjier They .iew ull fai ries frotu two common spool, ro uiro no re-winding i f thread, futcn b'.th ends of ihe ream by their own ocrati.-b, au-1 though every titih stitch is cut the si. m will n-. t r-n. I lio Vi-ry llihcji I'l-iiC, thi't'riK of the Legiou of Honor was couicrrad on tho repre sentative of the jS01 i:fl A IIAlaL'tC 'J Jr at the Exposition Ui.iversellee, Paris, lod7 ; thus attesting their groat superiority over all other sew.' ing machines. OUOVER A BAKER'." S JfHES stit; i x i, i; ti aciii t: n For Manufacturing, Coinbiuo tbo uioet modern and essential improve invuls. The atteuliun Is rcquwtod of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and r-hoes, Curriago Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring tho use of tho moct effective LOCK 6TITCII MACHINES, To those new styles, which poosees uumietakablft ad vantages ever all others. FOR SALE BY Mian CAUOL1NK DALIDII, MarketStreot, bl NBl'KY. PFNN'.t o. 2:i, 11 - Iv -'.' .-' 1,1 V '."J i. Y t ? GROCERIES. Provision, nd Flour & Feed Store. a. A. nvxziv v vin. In W Winer's Buildlug, Water Street, nefcr Kii.g l . NORTH IJ.MU1.RLAND, PA., I irUltM tlielr friends and the publin per.,I!y mat llii't. in., n a lurne assortment of Groceries ProvKm. J;.,n!l frert. and of tl... ,,,!,. .. sisting of Teas, Cotecs, SuVars. and Fniocs. is.- u. -. .r-.' ' Dried and Canned Fruits, Pruni-s, Rsisiits, Cheese, una Crackers, and in faU everything usually kept in the Uroosry line. They wonH ), e-ill attention ti fhe large (ci cb.-apl .tof Good I'AMlLf r l.OUK, Green Tea, Hams, .shoulders. An., whli-h ere constantly kct on hand. AIo, all kinds of Vegetables, 4o Ac. Give them a rail and sea .fur vmnclf. Northumberland, Sept. 24, IHti7. Cal! ai.J ii-e e Veil telect! Blxk of CLOllIS. CA.-iiMi:Rta, .I'ATI-VIS, VIHlStlS, Ac Just received at V51 MEKCHAN'T T-MLOIMNO ESTABLISH MKNT, J'ouith .vtioU. below F.jstcn Store, SI"BCRV WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved styles If made up to order a reasonable rntos. m Ho has also a fine luorliutiit of Cafsimoro Shirts, TrMnrri. Undershirt. Ovnrliauln. BlOUSOf. Neck I ties. Cotton and Woolen il.vw. Suspenders, llaud- kcrchiefs, Gloves, and a gonerul variety ol I GKNTLLMr.N r! U RNISHING GOODS, Give liiia a call, which you will find to be to your advantaa-o. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 167. "jaS." 'bi. VAilil M At. CO., JEWEL13BS, ."Vo. 109 f.'IicstnTit Street PHILADELPHIA, Mjiii.jactunrt and Importer ' Of every dejriptiou of ' First Class Goods I I Qcltlnmiths anil Silvp.rBrultbe Uaru removeit to U' ir i- V M A li H I. r. s r O H K KxtenJiu;; from Chvotnut Mroet to SiU.-ii.ru Suuvt. uQordi!i uiup'.u room and vouveuieut uoocjHorie.-i, ' B'vin5 opportunity lor a proper di.-play of goods, and I better meaus lor their exauiiuuuou. ; With extensive and favorable arrangements is IbU i Country and in Kar.ipe, we ar- in a tiwitioa 10 oBer I at moderate FINKD prices. j Watches, Dinnionda, Hrou7e & Iilarblo Ooodj Silver Wares, Jowolry, Povcolains, I Plated (in ode. Kui.ittl Doxea, and o cry desonption of FANCS AHTICLKS Strangers vUitiug the city are cordially iimte-i i j cXHDvne cur New rilore. M.ireh 7. ltVS !y :onn iiias, jk. c. h.'woi.vei:ioa COAL ! COAL! COAL! rpHE siib-i, riber.-- ri-sp-.-etfulIy inform the vi'lsepn of X Siitibitry and vicinity, that they have opened COAL YARD utJ. Haul A Oo'sLower Wharf. Munhurv. wtiere tucy are t ---parei i.i mpr.ly ail BiuU- of thi- mokiu i oal, at .j rateii. Country i ati.iiies Dll.-i.i custom respocuali pr.is:.t'v suppl.c-J e .licitt-J HAAo .v WOLVLiUi-N fiunbn-y Ji W IMLKSAI.E 0 0 H 2? ! J rl; 1 0 Tl -S U rS AND FRVITERLRS, No. l'U North Third .Street, Philadelphia 3T Orders promptly attended to. Tin: old i:sTAiti.iiHi:i firm, J. ,1. KieiIAUI30. ifc Cu. 1 Market Srty.r.r, Philau'a , - the Inrgej'. Manufacturing Coufetiii-.-ner.- a; Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts -t iu il'.i United States Maroh 7. 1 3ijT . I V r n v: i I.'XlUi-itivil i: a t v n I 'M. : , THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO" ELIASHOWE.Jk Aardd over Kigliiy-two Cumpetiten. I I. i- I3i;j'IONt I"r-miuiu, The Ot.iy C'rorj of tho Leiri'-u of Huutr ILUi GOLD MEDAL giccu to AacKicAU MiWiNO Machines, per Impe , rial Decree puldu-heil in the " Alouiteur t'lavorial ' ('.HHcial J. urual of the Frunch Empire), Tuesday. 2d July, Hi'T, in these words . 1 Fabri-'ante r!o Machines a cou. . Eiias Hiwt, Jr. I dre expusant. i f Manufacturer of ticwiug Ma- ) chinos, Exhibitor. "This double fimt honor U another proof of the i great superiority of the HOWE fcLWINU MA ' CHINK ovor aH oihera.-' i SLLLLY i KTOOPS. No. 2.1 .South Eight Bireut, Philadelphia. I Agents for Pennsylvania. New Jersey, l'eiauru and H isieru irgiuia February '. 183S. Jul ISAAC E. STAUFFER. M'liti'liiiiuki-r and .. PI .C.J.,V I KORTU id ST., COK. OV QUAKHV. ! PHILADELPHIA. I Ad assortineut of Wul ;hea, Jewelry, S.tvn snd l'.-Ui - I Ware constantly oil hand, tVRppkunig t-f Watches and Jiweirv ptk-nipt!)- a lelined I" Noyao, ls7 ly. B0UHIY FOE OLDIE RS I HAVE made arrangoinenui in Wadungu n Cn . , tor tbo prompt collection ol Bounty under the luto Act of Congress. 1 have aLo ruouived tho pro. per blanks to prepare the alainis. boldiors ontulei to this Bounty should apply immedlutely, as it is e. timatud thut it will retiuiie thrue years u a ijuvrt all Ike claims. All soldiers who onlUted for tbruo years aod wh have not roeeived more than $1U0 bounty sre eulitUj 10 mo urneuis oi mm Aoi, as well as Soldiers whu I have enlisted for three years aiij discharged after a I tervico of two years, by roasbu of wound- rocoivei disooeo ooutraoU-d iu line ot duty, or re.enlwtroeiit I , LLOYD T. R'llRBA'Tl Sunbury. August 18, lotiS. BIRD t. Atil (j, 11 ditt.nnt gwl aul cbuep Ihli Vag- kmd If VI'U !! CO to "'S I LY J ' C 0mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers