TEH VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! I FALL iSTw INTER Joseph Eysler, Corner of Market and Fourth Street. susnunv, peun'a. Invites tho public to eall and ixamine his elegant assortment of FALL AND WINIKR UOODj, which he will mil at greatly reduced prices. His tock oonsists in pnrt of OA3SIMERES. cloths &c-, Silks. Delaine. Lawn. 0 lurrhams. Calieor, Musi ins, .Vhceting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton nod W onion goods generally. Hosiery, 'lloves, llnop Skills'. Alio Handkerchief-. Untunes, Combs. Hatn nitd Cupa, llootN nnl Shorn, Ilia Assortment ot good will nut, he is sure (ml t please the fancy end suit the wants of any dosirou of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENS WARE, . . and Groceries la largo in quantity and onoiee iu quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household eithor for use or ornament. Ho Is always ready and gla.l to sco his friends and takes pleasure, i.i T showing them his gom Is eve n though no sales are made. Ho only asks a c,.l I, and ia suro that tbo stock will compare favorably iu price and quality with the .hwgg.. EygIR fttnburv, Nov. 1, lW- WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Fauure. near the Cuurt SUNEVRY, Northumberland County. Pa HE has just opened an asnrtment of (iold f)1(( and Plain Patent Watchos. CLOCKS ?uJ . lbr Bnilroads. Bnnks and Dwellinr-s, l'ine r"id Uold Kings, Finger Rings, Bracelets. Minia- fr turo Cases, Medallion, Lockets, Pencils. .K Thimbles, spectacle, t-.ilver Inble. lleMcrt, lea hull i.nd Mustard spoons. Sugar Spoons. Cups. Napkin Kings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pen, Casters. Pitcher". Butter Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cnko Baskets, Pyrnji Pitchers, Ac Ac. He invitee the citizen.- of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where he will be happy to wait upon them. fc-Particular attention paid to REPAIRING iieocmber zj, i07 NEW ERY! t'n Third St., oiio door bolotv tbo Lutheran Church, BUNHURY, PENN'A. IIEISTR.-- PBTEBB, Has just opened a S3 33lK.3Jti:jn."W . AND Provision Store und is selling low for CASH. His Slock is complete, consisting iu part of SUGARS, COFFF.ES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL. Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard. Hnms, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Knbiins, Chec.-o, and Crackers, aud in fact everything u.-uully kept in the Grocery line. Tho best FLOUR and MEAL in the Mario1 Tobacco, Cigars, aud a variety of NOTIONS. Constantly on hand &hcil and Can vthich will bo furnished to privato families in large or Email quantities. Also : All kinds of Cuuned Fruit, at the lowe d prices. Country Produce taken ia exchange fyi-Goods. tj? Call uud exuuiiue my Stock, and satisfy your civos. HENRY rETEUS. Sunbury, Doc. 14, 1HA7. CLEANLINESS 13 Nt:XT TO ydDLI NESS." A FACT wLicii is demonstratud niOlNMSUN t. & CO'., fi'Irw Mini liifv Eiair iiitin ucl liiitiponiiiK iiovr;iM. Two tt-elnss BARBERS always In attendance. Panic lar ntiention to cutting Ladies and Children's hair. Vive us a call ut the New Rooms over the Post Oflicc. Suuburv, August .1, lsoi. tf PURE LAGER DEER! BOf ('': It AMI am:, From l!ic Cold Spring Brewery, K U N B.U tt Y , P A. JOSEPH SACHET. RESl'l'.ClFl LLY informs tho public generally that ho is Jircpaicd to furliUu LAGEU liEE'll, rciJtTK.'i AND ALL, n large or smell iiiantiiivs. Hi.' Sncilitics fur muli ug ileer cannot Lu cxcidlcd. and i.- pronounced sunt, rior toauy other ottered in Central PiLmylvania, It has also bceu rccoiuuKiidtd by i Usiciaus tu a healthy driuk for invalids. Hotels. Riiiaurunts and jriva'e families supplied at short notice. Suiihurv. Sopt 21, 1817. ISAAC X. STAUFFIR, Wulchinaker nnd Jcu. NO'. 148 KOKTU! d ST., COH. OF QUAEEY, PIllLADELPIUA. An aaaortneiit of WaHiea, Jewelry, Silver und i'ljttd Wure co,itantly on lnd, lllepairing of Watchea ai.d itu-rlrr on iontly ki ten.trd to. Nov. 3". 1071 y. ilrs. BAHAU BIMPSOIf, Wj!iiul titriet, SLNlil'RY, PA. Having been uppoiultd Agent by the Singer Mann faotunug Coiopai.y, fur tho snlo of Singer's Now Family bowing Muehincs, informs tho rutdio that they can be bad at birrediilcnco These Machine aroriiuplo, compact, durable and boautiiul. Lnp.ibla of performiog a rani;e nnd a variety uf woik never before atte.npted upon u '.u gle Machino ujing either silk, tw int, lii.ou or cot ton Thread, and sowing wiih (ual focili-y the very finest aud ooainent niuturial, aud anything between the two extremes in the must beautiful aud subiiau tial manner. Theae Machines will bo told at reasonable rates. Call and examine for Yourselves. . L , , AltAU SIMPSON, A3ent. October 36, lc67. SEE IHGIS BELIEVINQ At ?Ot Arc-It titrvvt. NEW PlilC'Eb! NEW GOODS liich Silver und Silver-l'latcd Wares, Including everv stvle and 1 description, made expresdy tJL rs f.r tho H'inUr trado, whicLV f y for neutuesa and durahilitv cannot be turpuscd at JOHN BOWMAN'S Mbl 'J';"'?.1"1,1 lle,"i, Maiiufai luring Eftablubiucnt. 701 ARCH STREK'f. PJMLAIiKLl'illA I if-He i plating at short notice. . J''-"1"! 2II87 .ug27 P H 0 T 0 0 PAP II A L BUMS BOOKS Aft.') KTATinwrnv f f'E'B Urain JjuW. Ftocl and Iron OMden'lUkwi,' Cr.ii 'p raw and tirain hcythcV Urain Crd) m Cradle I irMl.0 BroaM, J'omrue auJ u Mount Cariuel Hotel -umtt WorthunaberlHnd Co., V TJIOB. UL KlitT, IWkihoji. " 'l hi Ur m It,, k,UUjly r'mf, 'l nooks and Slater riu audailur 11 X.i . U ''"'U,' '' tba w ' . I .7. . . ,h Uimdl. Uf to liavrlera NEW GROCERY STORE, Vf. 3. FTJP..16A1T &, co , Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north aide, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and th public, tbut they have opened a NEW GROCEBY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to hare them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing every thing in the Grocery line, such as Coffeo, Tea, Susar.Fyrups. Spires, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, CracHera, Bacon, Ham. Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., logothor with boaps, Candles, Soda. Ac, and in fact everything In the Urooeryand Provision. LF1 ol'Jl AND FEED, Queenswarc, Willow-ware, Glassware. Coal Oil Lumps. Coal till Ac. Call and see before purging Hsewh. & Sunbury, April 27, 1867. "fresh arrival or FANCY DRY GOODS. IvflLISS KATE BLACK, Market Square, two doors East of the old Bank building. SIMSURY, Ponn'a., HA opened a fresh supply of the latest ftyle of Fall and Winlor Ooods, selected by herself f,,,m the most l'u.diioii.iUo estiiblli'buiciits in Phila Cheep Te Lnines. Alpacas, French Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Hoods, Cloths, Snequo Flannels, Ladle and Childrcus' lints, i' earners, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Laee Veils nnd handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral skirts, Breakfast nnd Blanket Sbuwl., inter fc'ncques and Ladies' goods of every description. dents' Collars, Neck-tics, Hulf-koae, Hundkcr chiefs nnd Gloves. Perlumcry, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. t jf Uopkins' Kliptic fckirts. Sunbury, Nov. 2,1RG7. THE KO-WE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 EnoADwiY, Nrw Y'oiik. l-'or rainllles nnd iiunuliiclurors, These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded tho highest premium nt the World s Fair in J-ondon, anil six unst premiums ni i no u ims State Fair of lStlfl, and aro celebrated for doing tho best work, using a much smaller needle for the inme thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the moit approved muchincry, wo aro now able to s upply tho very best machines in tho world. Thcso machines arc niHdo at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate; supervision of the President of the Company, Elias How K, Jr., the original inventor of tho Sewing Ma chine. They aro adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, nnd to" use of Sonmftrcs.-'cs. Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collurs, Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing. Hats, Caps, Corsots, Boots. Shoos, Harness. Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linon. wool en nnd cotton goods witb silk, cotton or linen thread. They will sonin. quilt, gather, hem. fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every sp eics of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the articles seneJ. The t-titch invented by Mr. HOWE, und uiado on this Machino, is the most populnr nnd all Sewing Muekinei nro subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. tii'9 Broudwav, Cor. Fourth St., N V. April (i,187. tiie cheat TUe component pitta of thii rcmarkaUe preparation Were first Uncovered, compounded and distribute), lome twenty ycart ao, by Jr. CucofHUD, the ccle bra it. d EgypLiau i'hbici.tn. Thousand! of his suOcr ingcountryrotiu werercetorcd to health, us wcU&sgrent Cumbtrs of the inhabitants of Nubiu and AbyediuiA, and of thucounUus Lord'-1 inn upon the tioulLein coast cr the lUuitcrraDcau bea. llinh'cd, the fame of tho boon fcpruol over tut ope, aod was adopted by the principal rhyhictat, in charge of the hospitals of tho old world, in which it ii still used with itretmi- lient iucct'M. Ttio Viceroy ofK-ypt pluctd the name of pr. L'morsL'S upon the 4' Hull of Noble," and pre icntcd to him a llttial bearing the following inscrip tion; 'AlA C'nxoi'jL Hit' 1'ublic Bcncfuctor." Ihii Hitters is now offi-rud to the public of America with tho full ass u ran co that it will bu found, upon a fair tiial, tu act a ft spcc.lio for the cure of f holt ra, Dysrnffrv, Dlarrhtriit Cholera. MtirhtiM. t'evrr aiitf Aciir. Yrllow Ftvtr, KhruuuitUm. 'r(ilkolu Ftvcr, Uyaiicpata, ollt-, nronchllU, C onHiimptiou, V'lutu lem y, D.t-aut-a of the Ivtditrya. Nervous lclllity anil Fen.ol Coiniilaiuta. Rctnark&itle cures of the above disease! have been effectcil by its use, as numerouscertincates, many from regular physicians, fully aiu-at; and it is destined to uvrs(dc any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, It 1MB NO EQUAL. Tups tub ZING A HI UIl'TEHS HAS Soi l, AS W LLI. AS UODY, AND AS A TRiiVENTlVE or PISEASP. HAS NO Bll'EHIon A JEW WfiPTlF! tn I.ADin?. The use of Ilia Z1N;a1II 1iITTI:HS v ill Kive to you Unit soft, icmi-trunspiii-cnt com,lrxion wtiicli tlie (Jod of nature (de iKniiiu woman to be the loveliest of Lis works) fully intended Hint you should have for it is nature's own powder aud paint combined. Hy purifying: the blood, slimulittins; tbo piKmcntiiry oells of the dermis, and Imparling health and lir' tlirnuithout the entire syntem, it espifciaily gives that tmootli clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, siekly look so common in our day; and what Is even li-nor than this, it curus every species ol female irrfgulartiies and disease. l'l'mctyul liepot, Horrcoburg, Fa. RAHTER & HAUSE, Solu riiorniLTOKS. Tor sale hy V. A. BENNETT, Drug Pennsylvii.ia. Augutt ;i, lsf'7. iitt, Bunhnry NEW G R 0 G E R Y. a VIE suhscrihers begs leave to announce to the . citiions of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they have opened a NEW GnGCEIUTj Two doov ittst oj J. 11, Enylt Store, in Muriel Square, where they are prepared to furnUh cvary variety of groceries, and will keep constantly ou hand the choiceet varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Eii-h, Coffoo, Teas, Silkier, Mola.ijos, Cbcoso, t-alt Spices of ull dijoriptiuii, .Soaps of every variety Caudles. Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Sogars. llaius, S'houldors, Bacon, liultur, and Egj;' Also Dried fruiUof all kinds, Cnued Pewbes and Toma toes, i'ickol, Ketchup, Pcjipor iS'auee, Raisins, Loujona, Ac , of beet quality, and in fact overy stylo of arliolos kept lu a well stocked Urutiery. Alw Cidor iuegar. All kinds ot country produce takon in exi'hango. Tho patronage of the publio Is re spectfully solicited. GEOUOEE. BEARD A CO. unbury, Nov. 11, 1865. UH XsU JHLCSX.MsTsa Aro e. pecially invited to eall and examine our stock of briLDEU'ti JIAKDWAKE, con.prUiuig Nails and Spikes sf all varieties. Butljt, Screws, r-up aud T iliugoa, Locks and Laiehes, Bolts, Plaa tonug 'trowols, UrUk irowob, Plwtcrer's eiieVes, Ac , As , ..t .aU by ' ' U MKY 4 CO ill s iiPFiF.n'N pom oitAru wii. J.edby hadredorConrrct lor lun-rh or Cemmnnlon Parjione. EXCELLENT FOR LAJJ.M AND WEAKLY 'PERSONS. . In V7f kivn,UM PHtiv . ",; 1 VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. FOUR YEARS OLD. Thia justly oelcbrated native Wlno It rnado from thojulco ot tne uponourapo, raisea idiudwuuu;. Ita invaluablo Tonic Ac Strengthening Properties Are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being the pure juice of tho Erapo, produced under Mr. Sneer's own personal supervision, ita purity and n..innnon annrnvttnml Tha VOUOffCSt Child mny partake of ita generous qualities, and the weak en invalid may use it to buvkuioku. y - i ly beneficial to tho aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sox. It is, in every refpect, A WINK TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use PPEER'S POUT UKAPE WINE. Female two SPEEH'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Weakly persons find a benefit by its use. SPEEll S WINES in hospitals are preferred to other wines. resold by all Druaxists and urocers. AT SPEER'S VINEYARD, New Jersey. Offico, 213 BROADWAY, New York. Tho trado BUppliedhy Johnson, Ilolloway A Cow den, and French, Richards & Co., in Philadelphia. For sale ly W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. 21 ly. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKF, Slntos. Pens, Ink, Paper, Ae. Miscellaneous Books, a good assortj mcnt. All tho new books rccoivon ns soon as published, and for solo at Published prices. BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn Books, in every stylo of binding. tr M Q a 3 w w CO W o o w ui H O w M (a W 3 co a u a n u a ta Catholic Prnycr Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles. DICTIONARIES of all sizes. Juveniles and Toy Books, a large assortment. lElnnlr RookN d Blank Forms of all kinds. FooU-cap, Legal Cap, Loiter und Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS, Inkstands Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally. PHOTOORAPH ALBUMS cheap and dear. Gold Pens nnd Holders. Pocket Books and Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American, French, Ac. Drawing Pnpcr, ull ' taxes, Bristol Board, Ac. liiaries, Memorandum Books, Ao. Backgammon Boards, Games, Chess men, Ac. Tovs a larcc and complete assortment lingo-Balls nnd Bats. Fishing Rods and Tackle. I Perfumes, Brohcmian and Parisian! Marbles, Ac. I Gold Pens re. pointed. I Lamps, bhsdes, Globes, Chimneys, Ac. I Wall Paper nnd Border, all kinds. Window Curtains, Pauer Gilt and' Oiled. j .Mu.-ic and Musical Instruments. f' All kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. . All tho Daily aud Weekly Papers and Magazines. Agent for tho lAmcrican Orgun." A,k tor ''La Rose a Hair Kestorntivo," Enamel of America, and 'National Stcaui Nuviatiou Company. 11 Suubury, May lb. Ibu7. 1UCII STREET FOUNDRY! J. YOi;."SlAK, Proprietor. Arcls til., between 31 usid llh, -lose to Psiblic School Blonde, SUNBUR3T PENN'A. THE proprietor of this oelablUhmcut rcspcctlully informs the nulilio that be has commenced tbo man ufacture of Cooking and Heating STOT3S! which ho will soil at lower prices then they can bo obtained clncrvhoro. MILL Gearing, Stoves, nnd tho lurgcrt class of Castings mado promptly to order. Also, Window Weights, Frames and Grates for Col lur Windows, Ao. 4'isnt Iron t'himucy '1'oiim. WATER TROUGHS A DOORSTEPS A liberal price paid for old eastings. THE.CELEBUATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, iin proved, is manufactured at thisesUblUhnjont. Also, Stove Grates of all kinds, Kettles, and every varioty of small castings. 8unbury, Pot. 5, 1867. A .HlJVr AHItlVAL OA' FALL A1TD WI1TTEE AT THE STORE OF JH EN GEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which be will sell at small profits, for cosh or country produoo. His Dry Goods department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid lino of LADIES' DUEs.i GOODS and White Goods at all prices. ' Fancy Sackine for Ladies, and Jhotlucd Wool Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirts. C .A. R P B T S, Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth. Tahlo (lit Clnth Widuw Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth ana textures lor n muows. Sugar, CoCuc, Molasses, Rico, Crackers, Spices, Suit Fish, Cheese, Ao. Queensware, Glassware, splendid Setts of Teawarc, at low prices. 1JUUTB & HUO3 IN OHEAT VARIETY, "t and Cans, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, School 'UA uiutn, ao, HARD WARE Bhnvels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws- nrKo assortmeni oi XI ALU PAPER and Ilor der, at all prices. All .erou desiring to get good goods will ploase J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1887. NEW GOODS, Misa LOUISA BHI3BLER, South side of Market Square, SUNBURY, Ta., HAS just -returned from the eily with a large, kuudsouie and cbunpest assortment of Parisian styles of Ladios' and Misses' Huts and Bonnets in Suuburv, of the following pattorns, Princess, Alaska All Right, Floretta, Sensation, Turban, eto. Also! Sacejucs, Broakfutt Shawls, Zephyr-knit Saoquos, feathers, velvets, silks, laoes, ornaments, Trimmings, Furs, Fur Trimmings, Veils, both Lane and Grena dine, Embroidery, Cluna Lace and Linnea Collars and Cuffs. Gentlemen's Ooods, such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Nock-ties, Brushes and goods for tbe toilet. Also, a fine assoruuwt of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept la a well furnished establishment. xuanaiui lor past favors she Hopes by a further desire to please the public, the ooutinuanee of their patronage. v ..... LOUISA 6U1SSLER. Nov. I, 1867. . SHOEMAKERS? THE beat qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf skins, Morroocof, Liuiags, Lasts, Nails, Pegs, Toole of all kinds, and every Ibiugiued by Ihe trado forsalelowby J. U CM.Y 4 Co LUMBER ! LUMBER ! The Iottr County nad Saabary Lnmbnr Company, New fully itBbllaaad at th BUNCCRY 8TEAM'8AW-MILLS, arc prepared U taw to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK ABO DAK, of any liie and all lengths. Afull iwortmMt of al ways k cpt on band . Pannol, FloorlnCi Biding and nnisning Doaras oi ail aioa. DOOR3. nd 8IIUTTEI13. SHINGLES, Sawod and Shaved, Whit Pino, and Hemlock. Plnstcrlnsr Ijilh and Pnlln, Pianino Itlnnlnv and Tnrnlnc. wlllb dona to order at abort notice. Thia Company design furnishing cvorything in their lino at such rate that Lambar Yarda, Builders ana all parties) wring Lumber, will find it to their Intcresi to ouy at ims nwoiuumeuv. ORDERS are re'pcctfhlly goltoitod and will be promptly at tended to by addressing, WM. REAQEN, Bup't. Sunlmry, June IS, 1868. SH03E 3TOE.E. Market Street, adjoining flearhart'i Confectionery Btoro, SUNBURY, Pa. rrVUF undorsigned respectfully Informs the eltitens I of Snnburv and vioinitv. that be has oconcd a NEW &IIOE STORE, for the sale as well as for tbo manufacture of tne nnest and Best quality ot L,auics bboos, vn : dilovoKlsl, Morrocco, Cair-xhln nnd lasting nlter, Ac. Children Shoes of all kinds. Ilia stock Isontiroly new and wen selected. Ho also manufactures fine French nnd other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Oentlemon. Orders for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly attended to and got np in the beet style by skilful mecuanica Shoe findings Ao., constantly kept on hand and for sale to tne trade J. H. JEFFRIES Sunbury, April 20, 1867. Til IS GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION I 1ST STJIXTBTTIRrsr is on 'id street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BEKGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLEEY, It tit Lately Itabllnlied, -vitli nil tbe Modern Improvements) of the Art t fTWIE sub"ribcr, having built tbe room expressly I for tho purpose of Photographing, and having devotod many years to tho business, is confident of his ability to assuro his patrons that the work pro duccd shall bo second to none in country or eity. No work allowed to leavo tho gallery unless en tirelv satisfactory. Hnvini tho best sky lieht in tin county, ho is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. He is also prepared to tako new size, or cabinet card raotographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required sizo and colored beautilully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views ot Monuments, Machinery, County beats, Ac. a large lot of Photoirraph frntnos constantly on hand Tbe publio arc respectfully invited to call and see our spocimens and our complote arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to lumilies and ciuus. BERQSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, BREAD & FANCY CAKES ZD-AVIID FISTS' Two doors west of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa T ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun X bury nd vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds ot Cakes Tor llalln, lartlc, Stc. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on hand manafactured out ot tne Dost mntorials. All orders will moot with prompt attention. Havimr had lane experience 1 hope to civ general satisfaction to all who may favor mo with their patronage. UJUUiiu. Sunbury, Dec. 9, 1805. FALL AND WINTEll MILLINERY-GOODS Miss ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of tho Post Offico GUN BURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and tho public, that she has jnst returned from the city, where sl'o has spent sometime in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a large stock oi MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Lace?, Press-Lining', Crinoline and Wi gans Skirting Lining, Hoop Skirts, Bugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, UatCrapo, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A varioty of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks, Ac. Sho flatters herself lncing able to make a display that will give entire "iti.ifnction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1867. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY Informs bis frionds and cus tomers, that be has just opened a shop for tho manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, on Sjirtiee tlrect, leUcecn Seeond it reel and Centre Alley, Sunlury. whrre all kinds of work in his line will be nude up in the latest style and in tbe best workmanliko man ner. Having first class stock on hand, he flatten himself that be will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. The public are invited to eall. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, June la, 1867. 31. C. i:.llt.IIAKT'S Confectionery Toy and FRUIT STOHE Rlarket Street, Kunburj-, la. CONFECTIONERY OK AIL KINDS, TOYS OP EVE11Y DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, "CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at tne above J eetablishmont at wholesale and rotail, at reason. uLle prices. lis is manufacturing all kinds of Confetti ionaries to Keep up a lull assortment vaicn aro tola at low rates. Tobacco, Began, Stationery, Nuts ef all kinds, and a varioty of other articles, ail of whijh are ofiered wholesale and retail. (Remembor th nam and plaoo. jT JU. U. UKAKilAKT, Market itrcot, 3 doors west of E. Y. store. Bunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf Bright A Son's M uter and Fire l'rool SLATE HOOFS. THE undersigned respectfully Inform! builders in this and adjoining counties that he ia propared to put on Slate Roofs in a superior manner. He furn felios tbe eelebrated Lebign county Slate, which is Ihe best in the irarket. lie warrant his work to b durable and fire and water proof. He invites the in. spectionof the public to the work he hasdone iu Sun. bnryon Haupt s, Ureenough'i and Haas' buildings, and on other at various plaoa. Hi price are as low as thou of any other tUler. Address, D. 8. SMITH, Sunbury, p. 0., or call at his residence In Upper Augusta two January 11,1868. 1 JACOB 6HIPMAN, riKB AND LIFEl INSTJBANCE AGENT SUNBURY, PENN'A. BiraititiiTi F armors Mutual Fir Insurance Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutual Proteotiea Co., New York Mutual Life. Oirard Life of Phil V A H.rt. ford Conn. General Aocideuts. UNION HOTEL- C1IA8. ITW.l,, Proprietor. Ia Cakt'i Additii W SUNBURY, near th Pen 'a. Railroad Cosapaoy'f Shop. PERMANENT AND T&AsiBIKNT ROARrtFBa kvpt who will aud aunta aaasnBuwIaiina a.A cooks aad wailera, boar Jar Ma enjoy Utesjaiet cool. iu, v. uuuiv w iMi i um tAj uai to me oast bolol. iiui uquors ar oi u choicest kiud. t-uuburv Juue lt7 .Great Attraction, at the ' NEW TIN-WARE, hoot Iron (ana Rtor fltoro r SMITH &, OEITTEEH, Where thev keen eonstantl nn hansl a4 tmh. tnre to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all deeorintloru. They would especially eall tha attention of pur- ",1D ' wvu largv ana wen seieeiea siook oi COOK AND PARLOR SI0TE3. Tbe subscribers have snade arranrementa to have all thoir best ttovea mad to order, and those wbo wouia nave a gooa stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following triou oraaus oi vms owves, via . Combination Ca Ilarner, Cook. CJoTernor Penn Cook. WABASH AND IHONSIDES. and tbo well known Antiduit Cook Etove called BPEAK'B Afl'llDUbT. Also. Parlor and ofEoe Stovos In ttreat varlotv em bracing all the best manufacture and moat fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simnli eity of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and eaen stove warranted to perlorm what they are representee:. Also, lnoosioDraieoj Baltimore tiro nace btore for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the oelebratod MORNING OLORY. Coal Oil. Coal Oil Lamps, Kbnle, Clilmnless and nil article usually kept in an establishment of thia kind. 1 boy are also prepared to lurnisn blato and do slating in the host workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Bponting, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. "Raiigli's Raw Hone Super-Iho plintc." Remember the place. Sample and Bales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Btore, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 2i, 1B00. SARSAPARILLA, MINEBAL WATER, PORTER. AND ALE. fTUIE subscribers having located a bottline cstab- X lishmont in Cake' Addition, ia th Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform tbo oititens of this and adjoining counties that they are prepared to furn ish Landlords, Restaurent Keepers and private fami lies with tbo best brands of Sarsaparilla, Mineral Wa ter, Ale and Porter, bottled in the best manner. Their drinks are procured from the best establishment in tho country, which enable them to furnish a hotter article than oan be had elsowhcre, which will bo de livered at the Inwost rates. Tho oititens of Sunbury and vicinity will find it to their intorest to patronize home industry, and assist in making this a permanent cntcrprizo, and at the same tiuio save labor and money. Orders are ruspcotfully solicited, whioh will receive prompt attention. Addrcs, PROBST A ROTE, August 17, 1SC7. Cm Sunbury, Pa "If EW LAGEE BESET IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tbo public gonerally, that be has commenced tho manutacture, ana is now ready to lurnisn, LAGER BEER AND ALE, of a superior quality. Having procurod tbe services ot a nrst class brewer, no is enabled to supply Land' lords, Restaurants and private families with an ar tide that is palatable, pure and healthy. Orders are rospeotfully solicited which will ro ccive prompt attention. CHAS. ITZEL. Sunbury, November 16, 1867. FARMERS & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE flAlIE subscriber respectfully inform the eitiions js oi AortnumDeriana oounty, Unit tney are now prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality to 1' armors and Builders. Also, LIME-STONE from tne celebrated Lime-Stone Quarrioa of Lower Muho uoy township, at short notico and at reasonable rates. Iko above will be delivered to any Railroad ata lion along the lino of the different railroads when ordered . There Kilns are located at the Ehamokin Valley Kailroad, near Sunbury, where orders will be promptly filled. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address, J. B. LEXKER BR0, August 3, 1807. Sunbury, Pa. IROX.-A largo assortment of the best manufuc tUrcd Bars, Hoop. Band, Ronnd and Sounre Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Meet, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, vuviu, jienows, i ices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and File, at C0SLEY A CO S CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL m a a a 8 -fcS-tilM J BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn. isb from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other Ktntos, first class TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plant. Oarden Seeds of all Kinu. Orders aro rospeotfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHNER, Paxinos, North'd. Co. tff' 2?- R- Insurances taken in several of tne mot responsible Fire Ineuranco and Uorso Dctectivo ; . i. VUUIJJUU1U. IU IUU CISIU, June 8, 1867. y FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpHE subscriber respectfully inform th public uai us aeepe constantly on nana at bis new WAREHOUSE, near tha Shamnkin ValUv t;i..1 Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks oi an ainus oi l eea oy tne ten The above is all manufactured at his own Milis, anu win De sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADVYALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 18 J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, East ol ihe Ituilroatl 8UNEURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN coki:i. a, ami: nicAA, Hardware & Cutlery. mHE attoation of Moohanlcs, Farmers, Builder, j. sua uuyers cencrallv is invited to tha w,t iht wo uro now ofl'ering a better (elected assortment of uauunAitr., UCILEKY. AC, Oion ever was offered in this marked at prioes much below those heretofore demanded by dealers Our stock comprises all article in this line of business embracing a general assortment of tool and mate- mis uncu l' J CAR"iNl'EB8, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAUE AKD WAUONMAKERS, JOINERS. oT. AC ' together with a larsa stank nf Tm. ki.i w.:,. Spikes.jRope, Chains, Urindstone, Mill and' X Cut Sunbury, II arch 30, 186T. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. KO. UOIIUIIACII &. UOX. ARE now carrying on amine at thia old estab lishment with renewed vigor, to order VW' 'orlrlioui Promptly furnlahed The Stove manufactured at this Foundry hav acqtured th big beet reputaUon. - Particular ailnnt.inn nnM t uttV niwivna farmers should not forget that the PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. "griouiuirai impiemenu repaired at abort notio. Small easUngs, iuoluding Cooking utensils, of th i ,r """"" tueiui pattern. ihe busiuea will ba aonduaud on ant.r.l scale. Old siutomers will bessuwmmadated as usual. . nil ma An... .ah it... . ' J , . . pwiiuiiy suuousa. jjinburj, May 11, 1860 . ITotice to Uercbaats and Shipper. 1UB und.rsiirned. nronriator of WaLwAFrio l l ' ooUee to aerohanta and (hlpper Umt th Depot ia still at all Market street, Phila delphta, and all UooddirUd to Suubary , Dauvtll. " "", sum au tu tons ad late staUuo aieng U!rtUrad wU1 b Promptly delivered. UT Car Imv all Market street, Philadelphia tri-weekly T.d.TS, Tkaraday ami Baturdaya. 4. W. BHOWN, PropxtoCur, LswistHirg, at. cttuwst, Ageas, sHiuaary, ra Domif t, laT. C'hllds-esa si CVsarrtsmsress. WE wonld eall th aUantlosi of tho nanUng a Child ' Curiae, to aur new aad large urt- uieiit cvmpruiag new end beautiful style .... t "I L-V m. I'll LOOK HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED A3 A REFCQEfROM QUACK ERT. TUB ONLY PL ACS WHERE A CURE CAN SB OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered the most Certain.Speedy and only KfTectual Hem1y in the WorM for all Pit air M T.r u m LhK Htrieloree, ii. Z . 'ji'rT. maa nnnaw, invoianuri lit 'I'"'r'ble DieotdeiaarMinsj f,ora tb Solitary lUbils of Youth thoee secret and anlit.i r.i . "" i oi cyrene to the MiUim or UlyaM, blighting thui moat brilliant aopea ot antwipaiRms. rotirtMririBT nierriusv Am lsnii.,t.u Yonntr Men Especially, who have bennme the victims of Solitary Vice, inai areaotni ana destructive bnliit which annually sweepi to an nntimely grave thoennda of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lietenins- Smrih with th. ,,.,. deis of eloquence nt waked to ecsuty the living lyre, may WUI WIU1IUU IKMUHIUKf. Mnrrluirc. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marruure, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities, ate., speedily cured. tie who places himself under the care of Dr. 1. mny may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and wHugniuj ikijt uuii ni. ..in a. a rnv.ieiiu). Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and Full Vnmr Rettwari. ThlB DiBtieuin. AH'iPtlnil uhmk rMHa.a 1 .if minarn. bleand marriage impossible ia the penalty paid by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too iw winmifc Hccnn irom not oeing aware ot the drend. ful ctmsequenoes that may ensue. Now, who that ander smnus tne subject will pretend to deny that the power of Kiuvion.iuu i. Mnmer oy innse lulling into improper nbits thnn by the prudents ? Besides demg deprived the pleasures of healtliv on"spriiig,tlie most senousand destine Uve symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions vveiKcneo, lmoi i-rocreative i'ower, Nervous Irritnhili. ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Iniliitestion. Con. stitutmint Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough. wii.uihhwii, uccay aim L bam, Olltcc, ro. 7 Sooth Frederick Street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors roin mccoiner, ran not to observe name and number, letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor' uipKimss nang in his ottice. A Cnro tVnrrnnled In Two tiny jo Mercury or Aauscous Dry. Dr. .lolinxton. Member of the Roval Collcec of !ureanna. Inuloti. RmH. uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the l;mtcd States, aud the greater paft ol whose lite has tieen spent in the hospitals of Ixindnn, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures tliat weie ever known ; many troubled with iinging in the bead nnd ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alaim- ed at sudden snuuds. bashfiiluees. with frrnaent blushmr. attended sometimes with derangement of luiad, wcie cured limn caiaieiy. Tnkc 1'ariicular Notice. Dr. J. addresses all tlmse who have injured tliemselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin Dotn bouy ana muni, uuiitting Uiciu lor eitiier business, study, suciety or nuirringo. 'I'liKsaare Sime of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habitant youth, via: Weakneasof tbe Buck and Limbs, l'ains in the Head, Dimness of Bight, Loss of muscular rowei, t'aipituiion ui tne Heart, uyspepsy, Nervous Irritnbilitv, Oernii cement of the Dieestive Func tions, Oeneral Debility, tymnbms of Consumption, Ac. Mbmtsllt. Tlie tearful ell'eclsuii the intnd aremuch to be dreaded Ijoss oi Memory, Confusion of Ideus, De pression of Spirits, Kvil-Poielioilings, Aversion to Society, scii-uisuusi, Liove ol aoiituue, I imidity, &c. ure some ol tne evils produced. TnoesAMO of persons of all ales can now jui?go what ia the cause of their declining healih, losing Ihvir vigor, becoming weak, pale, uervuus aud enociateJ, having a sirM-ular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. lonns Jaen Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed in when alone, a habit frequently leainrd from evil companions, or at school, the elfectsof which ate uightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders inairiagc impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply iiiittifdialely. n oat a pity that a young man, the hope ol his country, Ihe darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros pects and enjoyments nf life, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nutureand indulging in a certaia secret habit. Such persons must, before contemplating Itlorrlas'c, reflect that a sound mind and liody arc the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial huppiittss. Indeed without these, the journey through life become, a weary pilgrim age; the prospect houiiy darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly rcllcction that the happiness of another becomes blig'ited with our own IHseaHe or IiuiruIeuec. When the misguided nnd imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he hns imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it loo often happens that an ill-timed aouse of shame, or dread of discovery, deters linn from applying to those who, fiotn education und respectability, can alone hefilrud him, delaying till the ennstitulioual symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctuial pains in tha hi-ad and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, noje. on the shin bones and nuns, blotches on the heud, face aud rxueinitiie, progress ing with frightful tamditv. till at lun the naiate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, aud the victim of thisawjfiil disease becomes a borrid object of commisera tion, tili death nuts a period to his dreudful suffering, bv sending him to '-Hint Undiscovered Country from whenee no traveller returns." It is a mrtuiKlioly fact that thousands full victims to this terrible disease, owing to the utiGkilUulncss of ignorant piHcnders, who, by the use nf that ' Deadly Poison, Mer cury," ruin Ihe constitution aud nuke the residue of life miserable. KtranffcrN Trust not your lives, or health, to the ear. cf the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute uf knowl edge, name or character, who cOiy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or stylethemsclves in the nen-spapeis, regularly Educated PnysiriaiM, incapihle of Curing, they keep you trifling mouth after month taking their filthy and poisouus compounds, or as long as the smallest fee am be obtained, and in despair, leave you with luiucd health loaigbover yoni galling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hansr in his office. His rcniidiea or treatment are unkuowa to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Kurope, the first iu this country and a more extensive "Private Practice" than any other Physician in the world. uioreiuent of the lreM. The many thousands cured at this institution yeai after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnsp.ii, witnessrd bv the reporters of the "gaii," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared agaiu and again before the public, beside, liissiaiidingasa gentleman of character and re pou.ibility, is a saincient guarantee to the afflicted. hkin IMstcaNe Mpocdlly Cured. Persons writing should he particular in directing their ctlcrs to his Institution, ia the following manner, John !fl. JolinHton, SI. I. Of the Balliraoie Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 30, 107 1 y. lOOl IN THE PRICES OF loOO Fall & Winter Goods! 71 Ink HI. I.. I.uzuruj, having just return ed from Philadelphia with a suporior stock of Fall and Winter Goods for the trade of 1807 and '68, which she I able to sell at very reduced prices, would respectfully eall the attention of her custo mer and the publio generally, to tbe superior qual ity of her goods, and lb low price at which they arc held. She has all kinds of DHESS OOODS, including Poplins, Merinos, Do Lains, Calicoes, 4c, all at the lowest prices. Extra quality Muslins at extra low prices. Dril lings, Canton Flannels. Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. Gloves of all descriptions, including a very supe riin,iui;,. ..ft ntiaa' IMnll. 111..VA. . . V . UK.l.J v. W V.V.M WIUIVI. nOSIERY. Ribbon and Trimmings of all varieties. Laces. (tamped goods, Zephyrs and Varus, Towling in great variety. Uent' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Muff tassels and tiuuuna. i'omaaes, tilraols, and a large variety oi notions ana maey aruoiea. Call and see them before going elsewhere. M. L. LAZARUS Sunbury, Nov. J, 1867. HfEW FAI.I. Millinery Goods, jrlssisi 31. I OostaiTer, beg leave to an nounce to the Ladies 01 Sunbury and vicinity, tnat sue has just opened a large ana variea stool 01 MILLINERY GOODS. ef all th latest Fall and Winter style, to which sb invite attention of bar patrons, and tba ladies gene rally, confident or ner ability to please. A good assortment ef BONNETS HATS, Hat for foatures bright and Jolly, Hat for faces melancholy. Hats for figure, broad and burly, Hats for straight hair, and for eurly . Hat of silk, cloth, fait aad beaver, Hut that almost war turever, UaU that always look so neat, Ar bought at Miss aussler on fourth street. Also, an excellent assoruneatof Fashionable Em broiderle. Edging. Lace. Wool Caps, Handk. ohUfa, Soar, ttlive. Hosier e. and all kind of v J vi .1 u,.7a Muslins. Corset. Perfume. rie, Soap, Lilly Whit, Enamel of America, Ala ticZ?Ji'l Jar yourselves. N UottUt to show goods . Sunbury, Nov. 1, so'- bdtibuey BTriLrnro LOTS IN J W CAKE'S Additioa 14 u corouga Sunbury. fcr8al. o rbl. Urm. FW SOL. BROSIOLS, Sunbury, Pa Or P. W. FHEAFCR. rott.vill ra i "pmney, uenerol Uebllitv, Nervonsnen, Dyf r.TT' wBplriia, OonluMonoi lOeaa, Palpi. .t? n5i ""V. T,m""V7' Tremblinga, Uim.e- of B.Kt oi Oidrlinew, bmm of the Head, rhnmt. N.e or NOV 1. I Port northern Ventral Itallway. WINTER TIME SCHEDULE. 0 N and after November 24th, 1867, trains will leav SUfctlUKX, as follow : LEAVE NORTHWARD, 40 A. M., Daily for Williamsport. Daily (except Sundays,) for Jalmlra, Uaoanttaigu Rochester, Bunaloe, Niagara Kalis, Suspension Bridge and tbe Canadas. 14 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Etmira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from hlmira. 35 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for William.1. port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 00 A.M., Dally (except Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington aad Philadelphia. 4i A. M .Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 10. Si A. M., Daily (exoept Sundays,) for Baltimore, nasaington ana rnuaaeipuia. N.Di Dabv, En. 8. Yooho, Oen'l. Hup't., Uen'l Passen'r Ag't , Harrisbnrg, Pa. Baltimore, Md . lUladelphla At Krle Itailroatl. wintbITtime table Through and direct ronte between Philadelphia. Bait more, uarrlsburg, Williamsport, and tbe tireat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on aU Night Trains. On and after Monday. Nov V.ih isht it,. Tv;.,. on tha Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will rut J ioiiows : Wsstward. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 11.15 p in 6.50 a m 9.00 p in 12.00 noon. O.H5 p m 9.45 a m 8.00 a m 4.15pm 7.45 p tu 10.25 am 1.55 am 8.55 a lb 4.25 p u. 5.40 a u. I 00 pre 7. ID a it. 10.25 a ir eunoury, arr. at F.rla. Erie Express leave Philadelphia. Dunoury arr at Eria Eiinira Mail loaves Philadelphia, " " Rnl,.,r " arrive at Lock Haven, . Kiifvi.n Mail Train leave Erie " " " Sunbury, " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie " " Sunbury " ' arr. at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leave Lock Haven, " " " Suubury, " 11 arr. at l'iol,li,,hin Mo Ft ..1 V J. .... ... . 8.10 p in . tr F ' wllu an trains on ""r- ren Franklin Hailway. Passengers leaving Prftl adelphia at 12.00 M. arrive atlrvineton at 6.40 a m and Oil City at 9.60 a m. Loaving Philadelphia at 1U5 P. M., arrivo a! Oil City at 4 35 p m. All trains on Warren A rrnnklin Railway n., ' o close connections at Oil City with trnins for Frank. !"n nd Petroleum Centre. BAUUAOE CHLCKtD XHR0VGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent (oUi uiiivnnua fc Uioomi,biiri; Itaiii road. ON and after Jan. lit, 1S07, Passenger Trai--will run as follows : 6 SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. Leave Bcranton, 5.50 10 00 7 10 " Kingston, 6.55 11.20 8 20 " Rupert, 9 20 " Danville, 9.51 Arr. North'd., 10 35 vnwTiiu's dt. P. AI. 4 40 6 00 8.17 KM 10V.1 Leave North'd., 7. 00 " Danville, 7.40 c 00 (J 3j O.UO " Itupert, b 15 A. M. " Kingston, 10.50 8. SO iVrr. at Scranton. 12. uo 0 si P. M. 2 50 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A 4.00 10.15 M. for So nor, m . . ... .. . V . . "oib v . ,iupcri roucn riiiiaiivlpliia at 7.00 p u. ... , U A. FOXDA.up't Kinjrston, Jan. 19. 1SC7. ' ICt-udlu Ituili'ouil. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 25th, 1S67. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North 111 North-Wc.it for Philadelphia, New Yurk, Hem iug, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua. Ashlund, Lebanon, Alli i ton, Eoston, Epbratu, Litis, Lancaster, ColumL. Ac, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburjr for New-York, as ': lows : At 3.00, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. und 2.05 und .. P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the l'un sj Iviinia Railroad, and nrrii in nt New York nt j 10.1. Valid 11.60 A. M. nnd 3.40, 9 30 P. M. Sloe ing Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9.35 P. 1 Trains, without cbiui"f. Leave llarrisburg tor Reading, Pollut-illc, Tun: qua, Mincrsvillc, A"hlnud. Pine Grove, AlUuiuv and Philadelphia at t. 10 A. il. aud 2 .0j and 4. P. M., stoppini; at Lcbaimn atd priticipul w stations; tho 4.10 p m. muking cuii.in tion t Philadelphia and Columbia only. For p.ittsi '. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via uhuylki;i :i Su.-uchanna hailroud. leave HarrUlurg at 3.55 p. . Returning- Leave New York ut 9 .00 a. iu., IL' Noon und 5 Ol) and 8. Oil p. m.; Philadelphia nt t a. m. nnd 3.30 p. m. Way Passenger Train lea' Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m , returning from Mcmi. at 8.30 p. m. stopping at all Station." ; Pottsville 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. ui; Ashland 0 00 a.m. and 1 19 and 2 00 p m.; 'lainuiua at 8.30 a m. and 1 and 8 45 p. m. Leave Potisvillo for llarrisburg via Schuylkill Susquehanna Railroad at 7 10 a. in. and 12.00 no. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Kcuilin 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 A. M , and 0. 15 P.M. forEphrata, Litiz, Lunt tur. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New York at S 00 p in , Fh delphia 8.00 A. M , ami 3.15 P M, tho 8.00 11 tram running only to Reading. Pottsville 8 00 a HurrUburg, 5.25 am, and 4.10 and 9-35 pio. 1 Rending at 1.00 and 7.15 a. m, for llarrisburg. 1 7.06 a. ni. and 11.40 p ut. for New York, 4.25 p for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage. Sca.mn, School nnd . cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from points. Baggage checked through : 109 Touudii Brpp allowed each Passenger. G. A. KICOLL.S, General r-uperintonjm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL Upper Wharf, SUNBUBY, Penn'a. tyOrders solicited and filled witb promptne diwpstoh. Sunbury, May H, 1806 y COALTML'iTCOAL! GRANT As BROTHER, Shipier V M IioU-huIo Ai ltd Ieulrs) in W lIlTi: sb ASiIt t'OAl. in every variety. Sole Agents, westward, of tbe Celebrated Hi Clay Coal. Lower Whahp, Susbiby, Pa. BunburyJaa. IS, I886. BOOK BIN I) ER Y. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magaz Musio, Ac, in any style that may be dosire cheaper rate than oan be done in the cities. All Ordors left at this Omoe, will receive pri attention. oot. 19,' alntrs, U1U, Ac. A full stock of Oil comprising Linseed Oil, Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil lor Engines Machinery, YarnUue, Gloss, always on b-a.il, a prloalat CON LI. Y A CC T7K)R Saddlers, w have Saddle Trees, liitts. 1 X lea, Oig Trees, Pad lrees. Hanes, all Ktuds everv thins: pertaining to the business, for sale ' " J. H. CONLEY AC rilHE following persons are entitled to reoeiv I increase of Bountv under the Act of Con passed July 1869, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldier who enlisted aftor the 19th d April, 1881, tor I yaara, and lerved their tit nLstmant and hav been honorably discharged have received or are entitled to reooiv e a Boun flOO, ar entitled aa additional Bounty of 1 2d All snob, soldier wbo enlisted fur 3 years hav beea honorably discharged on aoooui wounds rooeived in the Hue of duty, are enUtl an additional Bounty of 8IOO. Sd The Widow. Minor Children, or Parents of soldiers who died In the servile of wounds or dit entitled t aa additional Bounty of 1 VO. Bv anuioatioa to B. P. WOLY EETOX, K Buastiar, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised C Agent, all sunk slalm oan ft speedily collected boneury. agnss, looe, u Coachmakers are ellin Rims, Spokes, Hubs, 6pi Caavaea, Bui la, Clip, Axle, Ac , vary 1 Largs t btoca at CONLEY A ( gunbnry, Maro 90, Ibor. CARrENTEKS. WILL find in our etlsMuhmeat a tuneriur of Plane, Saws, Augers, HatoheU, Hammers, Cbisoli Ac , Ac .for. sal by I H CnjTLEY A i ton, connect with Train arriving nt Xen- York at 5 - InT?."" tnkJn,Train Sou,n Scrsnton"i, I? TOP V'f J.orth'nl'crland. reach HariULur 12 .10 P. M.. lla tiniorn 4 .In l 1 i-.i.: . . iua iu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers