N. 8. SVQI.B, Publishers. NIIMimV, PA. SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1808. Hocal ffa(rs. It is stated that six hundred person have Joined the tlKToront eharohM la Danville during the put wmter. 1 a m i .i J. P. Hoana, Esq., an old tod respected citlten of Watsontown, and Pout Matter at that plate, died very suddenly on the 234 tilt. " tucoltroRATKii A charter of Incorporation was granted at the late session or Court, in thit plaee, to the Welsh Calvanistia Church, of Sbamokin. Niw Law Fin. Messrs. 8. B. Boyer and Wm. J Wolvertan have entered into partnership in the practice of the law. Their card appear in another column. Rev. Mr. Evaks, appointed by the Conference in thestotioned minister for the Mothodiat Churoh, in tl j, place, f-r the ensuing year, preached in the church on Sunday lost. Cot. Jour McClkbrt, of Milton, hu been elec ted a delegate from the Soldiers' and Sailors' Con vention of thii Btate to the Chicago National Con viction, to be held on the 19th of May. Ci.bmknt's Nrw Baw Mill. We observe that Mr. Ira T. Clement has completed his new Steam Saw Mill, on Front street, In the upper part of the borough, which If now in aotire operation. Tits Bonoucn Assessment Mr. E. M. Duolior, '.ho Borough Assessor, completed the triennial as sessment on Tuesday lnet. This is a matter in whioh nil of our citizens are mora or leal interested. OrxMsos, the barber, has removed his shop to I).?, art's frame building, nn the north side of Mar ket Square. The location is a good one, and as he i; a first-clars barber ho should be well patronised. i Immense stock of Widl Papers, Paper Hang ings, Ac., is advertised in this issue by Howell A Ilourke, Fourth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. This is an old and reliable house, (live them a oall. J. II. Enoel has just received a new atock of Ppring Goods, at very low prioee. Good Calioo and Muslin at 121 cents. A good assortment of Carpets, Mid very cheap. Boots and Shoos at reduced pri ces, and a lurge assortment of Wall Paper at lower prices. We learn from tho Laporte (Sullivan Co.) JVr.M t'.iat Mr. Samuel V. Sickles, formerly of Sunbury, !. purchnscj the Laporte Uotel, in that place. Mr. Sickles is an accommodating landlord and 'knows how to keep a hotel." May he reap a rich harvest. The Grand Armv. Post No. 105, Grand Army if the Bcpublic, which was lately organized in this plucn, has reoured the room above the Post Offioe in which to hold its mooting. A meeting will be .lold this (Friday) evening. All the members are educated to bo present. Wb lenrn that Dr. Lumley is about leaving Nor tmmherland, and irlcnds locating at Williamsport, vhere he will continue the practice of medicine The Doctor is an excellent pbysioian, a gentleman f rare abilities, and it is much regretted by the itizens of that borough that he intends parting with hem. F.U.E or Real Estate. On Monday last the Bo iiugh School Directors sold a lot, on the south-east oraer of Second and Aroh streets, to John Farns vorth, Etq., for $1,405. We understand that Mr. "arnsworth purchased it for the congregation of the 1. K. Church, who intend erecting ft handsome new uurch upon it. Immersion. On Sunday morning last a lady was Tiiierse.d in the river, opposite tho old ferry house, j this pluce. The ceremony was witnessed by at east five hundred people, whoso presence was owing I lore, perhaps, to Ihe fine spring morning and the :irity of an occurrence of tho kind in this vicinity liaii unything else. Dn. John W. Fit a lb, one of our oldest citizens, .'cently left this place for Lock Havon, where he itends residing with bis ion, S. R. I'eale, Esq. to has been in declining health for some time past, he Doctor's family have moved to Williamsport, itli the intention of making that place their future omo. His personal proporty was sold at publio ilo on Tuesday last. (Ioiku to Leave. Kev. Wm. C. Cremer, pastor T tbo German Reformed Church, in this place, haa ccived and accopted ft call from the Reformed ingregation at Westminster, Maryland. We learn ml he will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday, 2th inst. The roverend gentleman bos been the ."tor of the Reformed Church for ft number of tv.rs, and his separation will be regretted not only f his congregation, but by our citizens generally, ho highly esteem him. A Splendid Stock. Mr. John E. Smiok, one ' our beat and most enterpriztug Merchant Tailors, is lately reoeived a large and handsome stock of .-w spring goods, whioh cannot fall to please all ho wish to have a new suit made to order. Mr. nick, during the past winter, baa been unfortu ite, being one of the victims of the nainerous rob trios that huve been committed in this place, by litch ho lost nearly all his goods. He ia ft good iUr nnd is deserving of extensive patronage. (U-B RoRoron. At ft special meeting of Ihe Bo- tub. Council, held on the 2d ult., a resolution was loptod authorizing the Street Commissioners to put a slono culvert at the orouing of Fourth and Penn reels, the Commissioners to act under the direotion ' the ooniluitto en streets, lanes and alleys. The committee on river bank were instructed to tweed immediately to make all the necessary re tirs along the river bank, south of the Shamokin alley Railroad, which was badly damaged by the te freshet. Movma Dat. Wednesday laet being the first of pril, ft large number of our citizens, as usual, ,angod their residences. We noticed, during the ly, quit number of our formers passing through wii with their wagons loaded with furniture, Ac, . their way to their aaw faemei. There ia great round for bouses in Sunbury, and we hear of ser ai instunoa where fauailiue have not yet been able obtain "noise room.". We venture to say that least one hundred hottsne could be readily ranted more of our oapltalisti would have the enterprise d public spirit to build them. TnrJtLi'MuER Busi-tai W ore pleased to see at Wm. Reagan, who Is now the proprietor of the rain Saw Mill, in this plaee, formerly owned by a T. Clement, U remodeling and renewing the achlnery of his mill and otherwise improving the me. Tbcje improvements will be completed in ft m days, when Mr. Reagan will be able to supply I kinds of lumber, ia the rough er manufactured order, as will be seen by bit advertisement in ether column. Mr. Heagua being a progressive d practical man, will be able to furnish bailding tterial with diepateb aud ftt reasonable price, so at buiiden oan be supplied without going abroad AcuiBNte.-r4u Friday afternoon last Mr. 4 j-d Ilodk-kliu, en of th proprietor of Torriag l ft Hodgkirrs' Sur-rhuThteManBfatory, met lb sud accident by which be lost three pogeri his left hand. His hand was aooidontaily caught '.ween two cog wheels, which oruslwd the fingers h.HlT that to v bad to b ftmpfttfttcd. tie if r II recover io. ' t ; . : 'i ' J ? On the same day Mr. Andrew DWreaderfef . enj yd in the aarpeutcring department of. the shoas the Tbila. t Erie Railroad, had an of his fingers rarely injured by Uing caught in the mftcbiaerj was not, howcver,'of S strlonr ntur as to r Ire amro'fttion 1 ' - ' - ' ,' . Till Bmtitsa AisoCiATtow. Ai the regular monthly meeting of the trnbnry Mutual Baildlng and Loan Association, held on. Friday night last, nine shares were lold at the following prjoes: 1st, 93; 2d,97; 3d,9?; 4th, (9T; 8th, tW; 0th, $81 ; ?th, $91 Sth, $88 ; 9th, $88. The cash value of the share la now $8.73, .that is, the amount paid In on each share t the rate of one dollar per month and the interest Arising from money loaned. The bidding for the money, every month, is quite Spirited. The Association Is In ft most flourishing Condition, considering the short time it baa been in existence, which is to be attributed, in a great mea sure, to the exoellent manner In whioh its) affairs have been managed by the officers. ' Onr oltlteaa should take more interest in the Association by at tending Its meetings and acquainting themselves with Its workings, and they should also give overy (noouragoment to the institution, which cannot fail to benefit our Borough. Tbb Cobmt Auditors' Beport. The county tatoment for 1897 is published in the Democrat, of lost week. The debt is very little greater than It was the previous yenr, although upwards of $20, 000 were expended during 1307 in building bridges that had been injured or destroyed by freshet. The amount of indebtedness, after doduoting out standing taxes, ia $15,885 06. The following is an abstract of the slatomont : DR. To amount of outstanding County Or ders fur 1867 and previous years, $.14,710 92 To amount of outstanding Bounty Or ders issued in 1862, 723 00 f 35,47 92 $18,908 CS 459 98 173 22 CR. By amount of outstanding County Tux for 18R7 and provious years, By amount of outstanding Bounty Tax for 112, By amount of outstanding Militia Tax for 1864 and previous years. By amount due from F. Buober, former Treasurer, as por Auditors' Keport of 1862. Balance, 50 00 15.885 06 $35,475 92 The Late Arrests. Our Borough Council, at a special meeting held on Wednesday night of lait week, voted Wm. C. Smith and James Melloy, the two dctsctives who caused the arrest of several bur glars in this place last week, one hundred dollars, as a part compensation for their service. In case the parties arc convicted the detectives will be fur ther remunerated by the Borough. It is but just that they should bo well paid for ferreting out and arresting the organized band of burglars and thieves who hare hitherto infested our Borough. Our oiti sens certainly cannot object to paying so small a rum for the great amount of good that will result from the arrest and oonviotion of the rascals. A New Fire Cohpaxv. A new fire company has recently been organized in Sunbury, which ia composod of young men from 16 to 20 years of ago. They have taken charge of tho old Good Intent en gine, and are now having it repaired. The follow ing are the oflioors : President, Lewis Dowart; Sec rotary, W. 8. Furman ; Treasuror, F. K. Hill; Directors. James A. Board, L.D.Young, N. Fur man and 1. Bruner. We understand that abuilding will soon bo erected by the company in which to keep their engine. These young men are entitled to a great deal of credit for their efforts to revive tho fire department of this placo. Accidents on tub Pjiila. A Erie Railroad. From the report of the Auditor General, on Rail roads in Pennsylvania, weoopy the following table, which gives the number of persons killed and in jured no the Pbila. A Erie Railroad during the year 1867 : Killed. Injured. Passengers, Employees, Others, 0 9 5 It 13 Another Railroad Accident at Milton. Mr. William Reed, nn cmployeeof the Thila. A Erie R. R. Co., was instantly killed at the lower depot, In Milton, on Saturday, 21st ult While watching a passing train on the P. A E. road be stepped on the Catawiasa track, and an engine backing np on the latter track struck him, knocking him down, running over him and killing him almost instantly. Mr. Reed was an industrious man and good citizen, and leaves ft wife and several small children to mourn his loaf. TrtE mountain on the north side of this borough was set on fire by some boys on Tuesday afternoon, near the Ceutral Sohool House, and the wind being fresh at the time, the flames spread with great ra pidity, threatening serious damage, and enveloping tho town in smoke. By considerable exertion on the part of ft number of persons engaged in combat ting tho destructive element, it was prevented from reaching the town or doing any serious damage, and by evening its further spread was arrested. Sj a -molin Herald. A Fatal Sror. Tho junction of the P. A E. and Catawissa Railroads, at this place, appears to be a very unfortunate spot fur railroad men. The numbers that are killed and wounded there every year make a frightful catalogue of accidents for one looality. We presume, however, that our oft re peated caution to "be careful" will be of no avail. It would seem that we should learn wisdom from the sad experience of others. Miltvnian. Important to Bankrupts. After the first of June next every applicant for the benefit of tbo Bankrupt aot must show that he has property suffi cient to pay fifty cents on the dollar, or that he has obtained a release from enough of his creditors to pay fifty cents on the dollar to the remainder. All who expect to apply for certificates of bankruptcy, ithoot property sufficient to comply with the above condition, should hurry np or they will be counted out. The West Branch Canal was injured to a much greater extent, by tbe late freshet, than was at first supposed. There are three or tour breaches bolow tbe Muncy dam which will require several week yet to repair. There are also several breaches be tween that place and Williamsport. It is not pro bable that the canal will be ready fur the passage of boats much before the latter part of April. Accident at a Coal Breaker. On Saturday last, while Jacob Rumbergcr was running some loaded drift cars to the Bear Valley breaker, near Shamokin, he was thrown upon the track ia front of the cars by hie foot catching in one of the wheels. Several of the ears passed over him, but be escaped with a broken hip and collar bona, and a oruahod hand. Bbventekn-Year Locciti. This is the year for the re-appearance of the scienteen-ycar locuats, These insect made their first chronicled appearance in this country in 1799, and returned every seven' teen years after tfeat tlm. - They last appeared in 1851, of which many at our readers doubtless have distinct reaoileotion. ;A ': ' Tbe Northern Central Railroad Company, through its Superintendent, Mr. I. N. Da Barry, has issued as order prohibiting the sale of sewapaper, can dies, Ac, on th oars, and tbe conductor are not to be allowed to permit newsboys to rid en the can, exoept as passengers provided with regular ticket. Come One! Come All! and see th great stook of Wall Papbb and Bordbri, alto Window Shades, jus received, at greaUy reduced rates, LIO HTNER'8 BOOK hVTOKE, i'leaeauts' building, Market Pnii are. Bunburr. Pa. 4t Tna Lira or a. Ulvsiei Sidnbt Oban By John 8. 0. Abbott. 1 ne., 800 pp. . - This will b oae of the meet readable little work of tbe dy. - Than Mb Abbott no historian la better prepared to do justice to his Illustrious fubjeot. Having speat year ia studying the grant military ODoralionaof Europe during tbe wan of Napoleoa he is Drobabl as thoroughly acquainted with mili tary affair a any writar new liviag. . Tbo who only giv Gen. Grant credit for dogged nerieveranos will her find In obeap form dec or th ablest oriti yet written. ; flaudaotaaly bound, at $1 H Fold Bly by ageata. SrfiKii Adrunci j OR, Tryuco Tut WoRto This is the name f new 'Novelet by Amanda M. Douglas, the talented Mther afW'Ia Trait,"' "Ste phen Dane," Ac It is the story of ft young orphan girl's experience). It is now being published in Tni SiTtanav Xtbxino- Post, and will run throBgh from fifteen to twenty papers. One dollar sent to the publisher, II. Peterran Co., Philadel phia, will aeoure Tax Post fur six months, including this and otbot deeply interesting stories.. Single numbers 5 coats. r . ...... -. Mr Of On Dr.-TIl Work, .foot pnblMmd by Stagier, McCurdy A Co , 614 Arch St.,- Philadel phia, tells the stories of over fifty of the foremost men of our day and nation, comprising entertaining narrative. Instructive biography and history, high moral teaching and healthy mental stimulus. There is no department of literature more attrac tive than well-written biography j the lives of men who, battling with adverse circumstances, have won for tbemsolve place and pewor. Especially is this so, when tbo Story Is of men who are now on the It a a of aetton, and claim oar reverence, admiration or votos. Suoh ft work, which should give in con venient and portable compass, sketches of the lead ing men of the nation, ha boen long desired. The life of one here and there whom circumstance has made more prominent than his fellows, has been made public, but ne comprehensive account of all our prominent men haa heretofore been atternptod. The publishers aecured, tor tho preparation of this book, one of the most experienced biographers in the country, and one whose habits of thought and years of practice guarantee his thorough Impartiality. It has been prepared with great care, and gives evidence throughout that the laborious years spent by its author in collecting and arranging Its mate rial were not spont in vain. BUSINESS NOTICES. IJob Priiilimr. Havinc received ft large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heids, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac., oan be printed in the latest and best stylos, and on short notloe. Orders by mall promptly attended to. A 6urs Thiko. People may talk as they pleaso, think as they please, and entertain oontrary opin ions on any subject ; but there is one on whioh all agree, and that is, that Byerly, the Photographer, produoes the best pictures outside of the cities. Call at bisUallery, in Simpson's building, Market street. . "Beactv unadorned, is adorned the most," is a true saying, as far as ladies are concerned, but not so bf the sterner sex, for their appearance can cer tainly bo improved by the wearing of a hat or cap, to be purchased at tho foshionablo emporium of S. Faust, in Market-Square, Sunbury. New Sprino Goods. Mr. Jaoob O. Beck, Mer chant Tailor, on Fourth street, has just received a fine assortment of Spring Goods, consisting of men's and boys' wear, which be oners at reduced prices, and Invites the publio to call and examine his large stock. Mr. Bock is a good cutter and fitter, and persons in need of anything in his line would do well to give him a call. ' In Time. All tho Spring styles of gent's and boys' olothing will be found at tho Continental Clo thing Bazaar, in Market Square, in time for tho season. Every variety of pattern and every new style furnished at short notice, nnd warranted to ploaso, both in mode and price. Call and see En courage home Industry and skill, Which is the sure road to general prosperity. il BBS I" -' Eloitt, muddy walking is now tho order of the day, and it Is very essential to health to keep the feet dry and warm. There are morn deaths caused by cold, damp feet, than perhaps most people are aware nf. Guard against all risks of the kind by always wearing good boots or shoes from Wm. II. Miller's Excelsior Store, in Market Square, where a large assortment is kept on hand. Pprino at . Last ! The fields have disrobed thuiuselves of their snow covering, the rivers of their sheets of ice, the streeta of their slush blank ets, and everything in nature is in a bustle to get ready for the spring fashions. Shall we be behind old Nature in doffing our winter garb, and be in a state of looking out for our spring habiliments ? Not if we know ourselves. A visit to ShaefTcr'a Mer chant Tailoring Establishment, in Market Square, will greatly facilitate our purposes, and help our judgment in this matter. We invite all interested to call on Sbacffcr and see his now spring good;. Wanted. Active young men to act a agents in this county, for the sale of the Rustic Window Shade, an article used in every family, hotel, school house and church, and yielding a handsome profit to any one engaged in selling them. Apply to, or address the manufacturers, LOUDF.RBACK, JEFFERifON 4 CO., 22nd and Wood Street, Philadelphia. NU.Mtl ltV .ii.iKKiyrw. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do per cwt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, new. per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried Amies, do J13 00 6 60 10 00 6 00 2 50 1 40 1 15 70 1 50 40 25 15 i 00 40 25 25 18 20 id 14 11 18 60 Dried Cherries, (unstoned.l per bu. Butter, per pound , per doien, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Buef, hind quarter, from " Mutton, Chickens, MiaiMOliin OonlTradc. Sbamokim, March 30, 1868. Tons. Cwt. Bent for week ending Maroh 28, 6,H4 16 Pur last Report, 71,958 14 78.82S 10 88,044 19 9.221 09 To same time lest year, Decrease. Special 2tfot'uf3. o NK TRICE CLOTniSO. OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Market Ntrcct, On door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many year this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sysm, and we believe we are the only Clothing House ia the city that strictly adhere to thii principle. We have earned a repu tatiua which we are proud of, fur good taste iu aelect- pootl stylos and substantial material, and not less important, for having all our good. , EXTRA Wi:i.l4 MADE. We employ tbe beat talent, f Cutter, and our Goods ar of both kind Faabionabl and plain so that all tastes can be suited. Tbe price are the very lowest, aa any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, tor as no deductions are ever mad. we must pitt our price down to th advantage we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing boy en by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICK CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, - Nat ea tb Corner, bat eao dua above Sixth. - . K. (hi. NAIXli, MalX)iBUu. April 4, 1888. 1 .. AGENTS WANTED - i rtm Or 4ha 1.1 it and Ded of Unrals. utamen. Orators and falilical Loader now oHth ftageof Aalioa, iaeladtng Uranl, bhsraaaa, Uoltox, Huanaer, Stanton, Sharidaa, Yate, CariHi, Trumbull, feutoe, Buckingham, vytlsna. Ureely, Wada, aleward, Bout welt, Dix, Hamlin, Vaaaendeu, Howard, and others, Ra over Forty Ufa-like Portraits of Living Mob. Sold Ofcly by Agent. Groat induaemanta. Send for circulars. - ...-; ( I EIGLEB, MflCrRDT 4 CO., 611 Arch St., - Phllalelphia, 'a April 4, lR(R -4t ' To CoMaanapttresi. The Bit. EDWARD A. WILSON will ind (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with thdlroetifit inakirtg and using tbesimplo reme dy by which he was nied of a tunc efieotion and that dread disaaie Consumption. Uis only object is to benefit the aftliotod, and he hopes every sud'erer will try this prescription. It will costthem nothing, any may prove a blessing. I'lease address RIIV. FDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg. Kings Co., N. ray lR-'7 ly G Kit II AN KRAS1VB SOAP r manufactured from PURE MATERtALR. and may be considered Ihe .STANDARD OF KXfcELLKNCF,. For salo by a'l rtrocorl. i . , May If, 1HT lye DrArxrss, Blindness and CATAnnti treated With th ntmost success by J. Ikaatn, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydon, Holland,) No, t)5 Aroh Street, 1'lnladelpuln Testimonials from the most reliable sources in eity and country can be seen at bis office. The Medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL KVES inserted with outjmiu. No charge for cxauiiuation. nov.ilO-l v. AVER'S CHER ft Y FKOTOHA.L IS n soothing expecto rant, prepared to meet : t 1 . 7, wmi, " ." f".r ": Vt hT7, ,r r9 "" ut 1110 "ironl Bnu kKAk S'iSVS lunns. A trial ol many vii"vi '".rro. " , ... h:.l.i yearn nns esuiuiiuvu iuu fact thai it Is more effica cious In pulmonary affec tions than any otnor rem edy. Ilsefifioaoy has now become hi ire ner ally known that it is justly regarded in many countries as a medicine of indispensable necessity, Ia Uront Britaiu, France and Germany, wlioro mediunl sci ence has reached its highest perfection, it is pre scribed in domestic practice, and constantly used in the armies, in hospitals and other public institu tions, where it is regarded by tho attending physi cians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy that can be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can he found where well known cacs of diseased lungs, which had bullied the effort." of the most skillful and experienced doctors, hnve been permanently cured by it. Those results arc tho mnxt convincing proofs of tho superior curative properties of this prepara tion; and to them the authors point with peculiar satisfaction. Whilo it is most powerful against con tinued diseases, it is oxtreinuly eeullo as a medicine in infancy and youth, being ijiiiie harmless to oven the youngest, when administered judiciously. This health-restorer accomplishes even mora by prevention than cure. If taken in reason it heals all irritations of the throat and lungs, whether ari sing from Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus prevents that long train of painful and iucurable diseases which would arise from the neglect of thetu. Ilenco no family should be without it. Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness. Whoopinjf Cough. Pleurisy, In cipient Consumption, and other aO'eations of the broatbing organs, give way before this pre-eminent combinations nf medics! virtues. Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER CO , Lowell, Mass., and sold by all 1'ruggiMs and dealers iu med icine everywhere. Feb. 15.-8t. Urrora of Voulli. A gentleman who sufiurod for years from Nervous Debility, Prematuro Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, tbo recipe and directions for making tho simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to proht by tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN II. OUDLN, my lS'-C7.ly 42 Cedar Street, N. Y. NEW ADVEltTJSEMEiNTS. I-'x editors, .tI'C. F-stato of JAMES CAMl'HKLL, icccascd. "Vf OTICE is hereby given that lutters testaraenta i rv bavins: been grouted to tbe undersigned, on the estate of Jan.es Campbell, late of Lppcr Augus ta township. Northumberland county, l'a., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to uiako immediate payment, and those Laving claims to present them dulv authentieated for settle ment. ROHLRl CAMl'HKLL, Ex'r. I'pper Augusla iwp., March 1. 18tW Bt T 0 1 R HI N G TO N &" H 0 D G K 1 S3 R A. W BONE SLTER-rilOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. FOR Having within tie past year greatly incroaned and improved our facilities fur grinding Boncsand man- j ufacturitig, we are preparud to furnish to the furm- ( crs of Pennsylvania a auperiur article of j Nutcrlhoihiitc. Our manufttotnro haa been thoroughly tested tho pant season by practical men of our immediate neighborhood and olsewhere, and iu every cueu the result ha been entirely sutUfueloiy. Our process of pulverizing, whereby it is prepar ed for and GUARRANTEED TO PASS TIIROUGII ANY DRILL, obviates an objection which attaches to many fer tilizers, and secures to the farmer a saving of much valuable time. SOLD AT THE M ANITA (TORY, EAST MARKET STREET, Ki:Ul KY, lA., and by our Agents throughout tho country, in Bags of 200 lbs. each, at $M per Ton or 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIFTED PROMPTLY to all poiuta uccetsable by rail or canal, on receipt of order. TORRINGTON A HODGKINS. Also Agents for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self Raking Reaper and Mower (The New Yorker) and Pratt A Pmedley's Hay and Grain Rake. riend for Circular. February 15, J68.-ly Lime! Lime! Lime! mllRnow Lime Kilm of II. B. Masscr, at Sellns- L Grove Station, are now completed and in suc cessful operation, producing lime of the very best quality. These kilm are built with all tho modern convenience and improvements, and have a capaci ty of producing 400 bushels per day. Excellent roads have been mode to the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where waeon or sleds eau be loaded in a few minutes from the schutes. without handling. Having opened a largo body of tbe best limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they are enabled to soil lime at tho low rate of 1 1 cents per bushel. The kilns aro in charge of competent por sons, who will always be prepared to supply ous '.omore. Apply to II. B. Master, Sunbury, or to Chae . Dunkleberger, or Chas J. Conrad, at tbe kilns December 14, 1807. THE OR E A.T P R I Z E I Exposition UuiceriKUe, rarti, 18C7. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO . . ELIAS HOW3,Jb. . . Awarded over Kighty-two Competitors, The IliglieitC lrnainni. The Only Cros of th Legion of Honor and OOLD MEDAL given to AaiHioAH Skim Mauuixk, per Imp, rial Decree, publubed iu Uie "Moui'.eur ' nivorwir (Orltcial Journal of the fremiti Euipu)( 'f ueeday Jd July, 1867, in these words ; , , i IFobrioonto do Idachinai sell dreexposaut. Manufaoturer of Sewing Ms chine. Exhibitor. "ThU double IrsthODor is- anotbor proof of the great superivrity of the HOW. feiwlNtf MA CULNE overaUoihere." SIBLEY A STOOPS, No. S3 South Eitht Street, Philadelphia, ' Agent for Pcnnrylvaaia, New Jeraty, Delaware and v eatera v irguua - . . February 12, IvM.m t LEWIS & CO.'S ILLUSTRATED " MO.TIIbTY I'Aflll.V J4( It.VlI., FOR THR MILLION! Thousands of families in the city and country, bay long felt the want of an Illustrated Journal at a reasonable price, and equal to any on this oonlinent. To this end, wo have engaged god artists. Tho literary department will be one of the features of the paper, and we shall publish from time to time, ori ginal Talc, Sketches, Ac, by Unloading writers of the country. MIS 13 NO LOTTERY. But wo offer as an Inducement to- those who sub scribe, and win noip to pusn tor warn 10 asucoessiui issue, a cheap and Vnluahle Illustrated Family ; Journal, and give a large tinmher of premium, j Subscribers will not have to wait to know If they , hnve a premium. There will be 2,314 premiums distributed to tho subscribers. The paper will bo well worth the dollar, for the y?nr. A book has been i prepared for subscribers with number" from I lo 10n .- UOO, and the premiums, nre equally distributed ' through the one hundred thousand numbers. i , if thore should be one thousand nemos reoeived nn the same day nnd date, tho letters will bo opened I regularly as they eomo to hand, and marked on the ! book iu regular rotation as opened, so fliat there will UB fair distribution of the premiums. We shall publish tho namos of the persons that are entitled to 1 the premiums, in the Nkw Yonic Monthly iLLt s- '. Tiiatsiii, and in the oity and country papers. The following Premiums will be diitrimited : ' 19 Cash Premiums of ?jf'0 each, t.'i.OOO 4 " " 200 ' 1,001) I 10 " " 100. I.Oiid 20 M 1,000 0 " " Hi ' 1.000 : SO " " 10 ' 800 ' !0 Gold Watches, ( Am'n Wutch Co I $.'.0 each, 2 ft00 oo ncox moos i-owine machine, on 3.000 S.ODO 2 000 CO Howe's Sowing Machines, Ol) 2300 1'rciuiums ol tl eaali, TfcRMS TO EURSCRIUERS 1 copy, one year, with one subscription, 5 copies, " live 20 " " " twenty " $1 00 ' 6 00 20 00 Persons getting up clubs will be entitled to pre uilure, as above. Address LKWI3 A Co., 41 Mercer ft., N. Y.,Box 3591. Write tho address plain, giving township, county and .State. Money by draft. Post off.oe order, regis tered letter, or express, may be sent at onr risk. Send 10 eta. fur specimen copy containing all necessaiv information. REFERENCES. Levi Htookwcll, Treasurer of tho ITowo Sewing Machine Co., CB Broadway. Now York. Edward I'. Hatch, decretory of the Wilcox A Oibhs' iiewin ' Machlno Co., 60S Broadway, N. Y. Feb. 15. 158. BAUGH'S on n t.tn i.x i , .ti a i;r i:n i 13-Wo announce lo farmers and dealers in Fer tilizers, thut the following prices huve been adopted or tho proscnt spring season : BAi:oir.! raw bone rnosrnATK. Price, f 58 per 2,000 lbs. RAICH'S CIUCACO BONE FERTILIZER Price, f 40 per 2,000 lbs. BALOH S CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE. This well known popular trade-mark will bo found upon every package of the abovo manures. The high estimation in which Badgb'i Bono Ma nures have been held, daring fourteen years past, wo shall fully sustain in the future. Having now tho entire oontrol of the great resources of the city of Chieugo, for furnishing Ammonia and Phosphate yielding material, viz : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, Ac, we have, iu connection with our works In Phil adelphia, tbe largest facilities for furnishing theso manure, at the above low prices. BAUOH A SONS, Philadelphia. NORT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Chicago JOHN RALSTON A CO., Gen l Ag U, New York. GEORGE KIRKE A CO., Boston. GEOUGK DUODALE, Wholiaalo Ag t, Baltimore For all information respecting the above Manures, uddrc?s cither of the above 1ioum'i. "JOURNAL OF THE FARM," A New M mthly Agricultural Paper, published by BAUGH A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. ' j Its design is lo present a full rangeof Agriculture I nnd .Horticultural intolligenoe ; articles upon tho i Practieul and Scientific relations of tho subject ; and : its general aim is to inculcate a popular system of high manuring. The cluimsof BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, ', are urged in an honest and opon way, but not urged ! to the exclusion ol any other valuable nianurial aid tu the farmer which the markets or borne resources 1 afford. J All Jnrmers will find it. we think, fully worth all 1 it cos(, in tho practical suggestions it presents, an I i the gcnoral reader will meet a share of solid enter j tainmcnt. I Price, 50 cents per venr. Addres". ' BAUGH A SONS. Philadelphia .oM by BMITII AGENTHER, Sunbury. Jan. 25, lt-OS. aug 67-1 y 720 rii-Nlnut Slrt cl, I'lillaiU lphiu. Are the best in Use. TOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They are more siinplo and durable, cosier kept in ordor, make a strongor and more elostio stitch, a firmer and more beautiful seam than any other , Thev sew all fabrics from two oommon spools, re quire no re-winding of throad, fiaten both ends ef the seam by thoir own operation, and though every fifth stitch is eut the seam will not rip. 'Use Very IHlieM l'rize, llic I'rosa of tb Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tbe (IIOVKU A BAWKK at tbe Exposition I'oiversellee, Pari, lftnT ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machinos. GROVER ft RAKER'S NEW ITVLK S II II XT 1. 1: "II A C II I " I'. For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and estential improve ment!. Tbe attention is requested of Tailor, Manufac turers of Soot and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and alL other requiring the us of the most effective LOOK BTITCH MACHINES, To these new stylos, which poetess unmistakable ad vantages over all other, roil 8ALK BY Mia OAEOI-INIS DAXIUS. Market Street, SUNBURY, PKNN'A., Nov. H, 1867. ly SHOEMAKERS. THE best oualities of Solo Loather, French Calf skins, Morruoeoa, Lining, LaU, Noilo Pegs, Tuols of all kiad. and every thingared by trrt trade, foraaUlew by J. M CONLKV 4 C) i pifpM et nn1 tiiia Colnmn or ycai will I'rrtnlaiy find out where j-oa run Buy the MOST GOODS,, ef the BEST QTJALtlTY Fur the LEAST MONEY. SMALL IMWFITS AND SALKS I QUJCR CASH ia. v. K itu.iu, at tbe MAMMOTH STORE, market sqcark. SUNHl-RY, I'ENK'A. Has just received and opened the hi;kt sr.i.i:cii:i) and FINEST ASSORTMENT, of ! DRY GOODS JN TOWN i French Morinc; Prints, Muslins, Glngbsojs, .to NOTIONS of a'l klud. Hosiery, Glovce.'Meu's and Ladies Undergarment WHITE GOODS. A ful! assortment of 1RIMMINWS. Builders will find my Stock of Hardware, Ialntw, Oils, .IaKM, Ac, Complete. Drugs and Medicines, Willow uud Cedarware, tuocnaivurc, Gloiuware, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and in fact everything usually kept in a lurge Store Call and be convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS is at The 3IannnotIi Stove. of K.ST. X'lilT-.XItt'Gr, Xt-ruiD I'aiU,- SOdayu, as my Goods are bought for Cash and Sold Cheap or the READY MONEY. i ! j II Y f KIL1NG. Sunbury, CM. 1, ire Tnr ork u , AMERICAN COMMSAIIOX Ilutton Hale Ore rmiulsar OEVIITG- licACJHIlTE. Is warranted to execute In the bot manner every variety of Sewing, riemminr. Foiling. Cording, Tuokinir, Braiding, Gathering, Quilling. Overssajn ing, Embroidering on the edge, aud fta addition makes beautiful Button ami KychdHolcl In all fa brics. IT 11A.S NO EQUAL. Being absolutely Ihe Best FAMILY .M VI lll.-VK IN TUB WORLD, And Intrinsically the cheapest, for it Is two Ma chines oouibined In one by a simrle and beautlfu niecbatiical arrangement. Circulars with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had un application at the sales.rooinsof the Company, f W. Cor. Woventh and Cuestnul .Sts.. riiiladel'a. Instructions given on tbo Machine gr.ituiMiely to all purchaser. , AUKNTS WANTED TO M-.LL 111IS MACT1IN!;. Iire lot-H t J. I.. 1T.MMOIM:, rrcRulont. WILLIAM T.JKN ICS, Preftiriunt Burk Mountain (,'usl C'lrupany. m:N.i AM IN HU Ll.Ot UC, Wool Mtrchnnt; Xo. 40 Pnntli Front fit. ir. n. w:i:n, oracorpo w. nrcd & en., Wliolcsalc Clothing, No. 4i!I MnrVct K!r.t. A. IIAUT, JOHN T. TAITT. Gl.O. .1. niCTIAUnsON. PLilneleliiiim. W. C. MKXDKKIIALL. Of Cotittsvi'.le. Chester Couutv. Pa. I F. PAXSON, of V. Pnxson A Co., Notions, No. 501 Market Street. I January 25, 1HS ly GROCEIUEST 7 j Provision, and Flour i & Feed Store. i. a. i;.sv Co.. Io Weimer's Buildintr. WaterRtreet, near King St., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and tho public generally that they have a largo assortment of Groceries Provisions. Ac, all fresh nnd of fie bot quality, con sisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and f-pimw. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, l!i?in, Cheese, and Crackers, and In fact everything usually kept in tho Uroccry line. Tboy 'would also call attention to their large aud cheap lot of Wood FAMILY FLOUR, Oreen Tea, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept ou hand. Also, all kinds of Yegutuhlns, Ac, Ac. Uivo them a call nnd see for voursolf. Northumberland, Sept. 2S, 1807 SELLERS & FOLWELL, WHOLESALE AND FRUITERERS, No. 161 North Third 6'troet, Philadelphia. fy'Orders promptly attended to. THE ril,l KSTAlll.IhlinU riKM, J. J. UICHARDSON & CO., 128 Market Stheet, PniLAn'A., Is the largest Manufacturlnp! Confectioners and Wholesale Dealers in Fruits. Nuts, Ac. in the United Stales. March 7, 1607. ly Nrm;itY tti. rtm.i.. THE subscribers having just crcoted nnd put iu operation a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer tho highest market price for FLAX SEED They have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and othero wanting gram chopped for feeding, can be accommodated at the shortest notice A maehinc for chopping corn with the cob is attached to tho mill. MORGAN & MASSEK. January 25. I8C8 ly KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and see the well selected Stock of CLOTH? CAfsSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTINOS, Ac Just received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Slreet, below Eyster's Store, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved ttylcs U made up to order a reasonable rates. . He ha also a fine assortment of Cosrimero Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses. Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, lland- kerchiefs, Gpves, and a general variety of I GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a call, which you will Cud t be to your advnntoge. SunhuryiOct. 19, 1?C7 jons nAAs, jn. . c. k wolvehtuk COAL! COAL! COAL! THE subscribers respectfully inform tbocitiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have epenod a COAL YARD at J. Haa A Co's Lower Wharf. Sunlmry, Pa. i where they are prepared to supply all kinds of I Sha ra thev aro nrenarcd to sunnlv all kinds ot .-na- mokin Coal, at cheap rate, ramiiies ami others promptly eupplieu. solicited. Country custom rospecttully 1TAA3 A WOLVERTON. Sunbury, Jan. 15, ISC' DiftinB & 111 3 HI II -B H 3. s T 0 R E avTa. bknnet. VIui'Kr-t Kiiinnrc, Nf '."wlll'KV, I'll. HAVING Tecently purchased the Drug Store formerly conducted by R. A Fisher, I beg leave to inform tho citizens of Sunbury and vi oinity. that I have entirely replenished my stock of DJB ETZ -WLJ bTTS- ffi PANCV ARTXCLCS ! I such as Cnmhs, Bnishee, Pocket-Hooks, pioapa, Per i fuuiery, Hair-Oil, Kuives, Scissor, Coal-Oil Lami, i Tubacuu aud Cigars, 1-uiiilw, Um, UIiic, lax, fatly, Vnrnlla, falcmt "IIfIitii', &. All my Tinctures, .Syru. Ointment. Cerates, and other preparations aie manufactured by myself, and from the beet material I oan procure in Market. Having had quite a number of yoars' exporieuce in the . - Dsug anil rreeriplion io, both in Philadelphia and tho oouniry, and al.o the advantage of tho College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tbe Physicians and public may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assort, they are uf omcinal strength. lor medicinal purposes, I keep on hand th very tiesi WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS. that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT ."anbury, Nov 18, lbo5. BOUNTY FOR SOLDIERS. InAVE made arrangement in Washington City, for the prompt collection of Bounty undor the lute Act of Congress. I have also received the pro- Jier blanks to prepare thu claim. Soldier entitled o this Buunty should apply immediately, as it is es timated that it will require three yean to adjust all the claims. All soldiers who snlisted for three yean and who have not received more than $100 bounty are entitled to the benefits of this Aot, aa well a soldier whu have enlisted for three year and discharged aftr a service of two year, by reason of wounds received, disease contracted inliue of duty, or re-enlistment. LLOYD I. UolIRBACH. Sunbury, August 18, lbdfl. .- CALL and see tnuee beautiful Bird Cage at tho new Hardware store of . J. II CQNLEY ft CO t TIRI CAGES, 11 different kinds. If yu ,! I I J good and cheap Bird Cagee. f to 1 CON LEY A C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers