peai "wv t ,i 'w ARCH STilEKTFOj?iI)Klf! .J. YOlJ.lfrtMA. i'l-oiM-leiin-. rVrvli t.fbfi wt-cst SU.oml It Is, : to I lie VuMtn Kcliool tloiisiv, jSUNBUIllT' PNM. TIIK proprietor of this establishment respectfully Informs the publio that he has commenced ibo luau tMlur of Coaking and Healing 3T07S31 wbth hi will Mil it low pri then th ou b buimd lMwbn. . . MILL Gearing, Mot, n4 ta twrg lse cf Outing made promptly lo order. Also. Window Weight, Frame and Orate for Col lar Windows, . Vwt Iron Chimney Top. WATER TROUGHS DOOR BTKPB. A liberal prle paid for old casting. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, tm. proved, Is manufacture I at this establisbmont. Aim, Stove Orate uf all kinds, Kettles, and vory variety ofstnall castings. SunrmryOotS, 1367. , BSXSXJaJSwW9ia All hind of SCHOOL BOOKS. Matos. Pens, Ink, Paper, o. Miscellaneous Book". pood assort ment. All tho now books reoeived t M o 3 M a CO W O o rt n H o w a K W H H w & H M a H cl as soon a published, aid tor al at Publishers' prices. BIBLES, Prayer Books and ITjmu Books, in eery stylo of binding. Cat bur 0 Prnycr Hooks. FAMILY BIBLES in varioui it les DICTlONARlKSofall sites. Juveniles an I Toy Books, a large assortment IllnnU Itookn d Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap. Legal Cap, Letter and Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS, Inkstands. Pen Racks. Files, Paper, Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS axi dear. cheap Oold Tens and Holders. Pocket Books and Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes an I Views, American French. &a. braving Paper, all sizes, Bristol Board, lo. Diaries, Memorandum Books. An Backgammon Boards, Games, Chcas-j men, Ac. Toys a laree and complete assortment. Bn'o-Ralls and Uats. Fishing Rodj a id Tackle Perfumes, Brohemian and Parisian Marbles, c. Qol.l Pens ro-pointed. Lamps, Shsdcs, Globes, Chimneys, Ac Wall Paper and Border, all kinds. 'Window Curtains, Ptner (Jilt and Oiled. Musia and Musical Instruments. CPAU kinds of Books on 1 Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All the Dailv and Wceklv Pnnora and Mairstines. Agent fnrthe "American Organ." Aiso for "La Rose's liair Rostorative," Enamel of America, and "National Steam Navigation Company Suubury, May 13. 1807. Hn. S A HA II SIMPSO.V. Walnut Street, SUNBURY, PA. ITavinffbeen nnriointed A lent bvtboSinzer Menu faeturinc Cnmininv. for tbo sale of Sineor New Family bowing Machines, informs the publio that they can be had at her residence. These Machines aro simple, compact, durable and beautiful. Capable of performing a range and a variety of work never before attempted upon a sin glo Machine using either silk, twist, linen or cot ton Thread, and sewing with equal faoili y tho very finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the two extremes in the most beautiful and substan tial manner. These Machines will be sold at reasonable rates. Call and examine for yourselves. Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON, Agent. October 2(1, 1807. XVW IAS. I- Millinery Goods, Kims 31. CJonsU-r, begs leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that shs has just openod a large and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, of all tho latest Fall and Winter styles, to which she invites attention of her pairons, end the ladies gene rallv, confident of bur ability to please. A good assortment ot BONNETS i IUT3, Hats for features bright and jolly, Hats for faoes melancholy. Hats for figures, broad and burly, Huts lor Hraight hair, and for ourly. Hats of silk, cloth, felt and beaver, Hats that almost wear forever, Hats that always look so neat, Are bought at Miss Uoeslcr's on Fourth street. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries. Edgings. Laces. Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scurfs, tflives. Hosieries, and all kinds o( Fancv Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume, ries, Soaps, Lilly Wtite, Enamel of America, Sta tionery. Ac, 4c Call and examine for voursclve. No trouble to show goods Suntury, N'ov, 1867. lOO I IN Tllii PRICES OF loUO Fall & Winter Goods! I. ! IazariiM. having jut return- eJl'iom PhilaUli'Uia with a superior stack of Full ftnd luter Goods f ir tho trade of 107 and Vi, whivb lie ii able to ll at very reduced priuea would reupoetfully cull the attcntiou of hor cuato m T nd tbe publio tevnornlly, to tba superior qiml ity of her goods, and tbe low prices at which they ax UcKi, bue duj ull Kinds ot DRES8 GOODS, including Poplins, Moriuos, De Laius, CtiUcoes, e. all at tbo lowest prices. Fxtra quality Mubiins at extra low pi lots. D. il lings, Canton Flannels. Ii aim oral bkirts. Shawls, Hoods. Gloves of all description. Including a very nipo rior quality of Ladies' Cloth liUvtu. HUhlKUV. Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties, Lac op stamp J goodi, Xcpbyrs aud 1 arns, lunung in greu variety. Gents' and Ladies' Hiicdkcrclauff). lourfa. Muff XassoUand ii uttuus. Toinadcs, FjaruoU, and a large rijty ot nouuLnana Uncy articles. Cull uni sou t bem before guing elaewhero. M. L. LAZARUS SuLbury, Nov. 2, 1517. THE VERY LATEST AREIVAL ! 1 FALL & WINTER Joseph Eyster, Corner uf .Market and Fourth .Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites th public to call and examine his elegant assort uieulci FALL AXD WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at greatly reduced' prices. HU .tuck ooniei in part of CASSIMERI3S. CLOTHS. &C., S IUs. Delaines, Lawu, Unigbams, Calicoes, Muslins, 'l.ot liug. Tiekins, Jeans, and a full aeeoruuentol Cotton aud oleu gtHMls geueraliy. Hod.ry, Qlove., UUoP Skiru. Alu HaniUcrehiefe, lirushi!., Combs. una t'ssno. Hoots ii sitl Nlioex, Uis o.soilme:it of goods will not. be is sure fail to pleiaB tli fancy and suit the wauls of any desirous of purch.uing. Ilia stuck of UAHLWAIIE ANU C;l EEXSWARE, aud Orocenc u large in quantity and ohoic in qiiH ity. seueriUlv evervtbinir e.(l.,H i the buusabuld either lor use or ornament. ine bousobul.t eiiiu-r ur use or oriu H is always rea.iy nJ s4 t anitaltBS pleasure lu showing the though no sulu. his mida. lio on I to sue bit friends hem bis goods eveo is sur. that lii- ZT'-nrl ""'J. "'H":1 price and qualry iiU theoheapest. ' e , JOsEPII EYSTER Sunbury, NoV. A, 1,67. CLEANLINESS H NEXT TO GODLI NL'SS." rif Cluoi kit v Isi K llulr 'u(tlutf tU hhaiiipooniny; lluoiiiti. f"u m a wave In rwucuir atlenuon to cul.iue Ladies and Children s th Slew ilovois over th vmo. wbui y, Aagn J, 16c7 1 ; 15 A'LTIM w 1 J3 1 t O'U K ii O Si I T A L 1 KSjt.LLlrfllia AS A ithilui.itO.l WtACK LUV. run oxi.y pj.Acu tyjinuu a cuius CAM Jili uJTAfMiD. DU JOMlVi t ti.: duct Vfn-iitl-f m-iMt.erniii,hpfrdy l.lTlt (lHt ltttllf.1) III tlHf Tlt " mi V.ilr Ul-.-ls' K, rrtiift)i . I U.r I'm mil .itllt' I ltllfS A fT u-mn j . .( tiu- h,.i.iri uu-l Iiiv 'iunuir lie Crtinyiii. lui.MrtiMK-'.v, ii .ml IJtliiliiy, .tr.'uf..t.J, Lii PtliV I llHgU- l, U'WMIIH, C'iliillll'l Men. I'lill- tntHHi of ine HrHfl, Tmmluy, i rriiiblitiaa, Uiiiwrw tf Hight r Ud.linef, DwrnM m the Head, TUnns ' skin, AnVctneia n the l.iver, lun((, i..mnih t wf'i thre Terrihle Diftmlrianrtiittii IH'tn iheilitury Hnbits uf Vattv th "te secret ami ditity mvtieesi nre mid t tttHr vietim ihun lb mmg if t)fefia to tin .Matnteraof Ulyiwes, b ihiiiig their must btllliuni ivtpetui aiilitipaliuiis, rendenug uwrriuge, :9 Jiiipossible. Young Men Bsntetalty, whn have beenmr the virtimsof Solitary Vica. tHiit dreaiifiil mid destruPtive habit which aimunlly sweeps tti an untimely trnve thnusnitds of Young Mm of the m'ft r.iHUttt Ih leu is atiii brilbiint hitelltxt, who miiht olht-rwice hnvo eiitianced listeiiinfr 9enflteR with the thun ileti of elo(uence or wakod to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with f Jll cou&drnce. Mj tried Persons or Yon i it Men contemplntinf marrmge, being: ovvHre of phytiral weak new, orgunic debility, de ft u mi ties, sc., speedily cured. He wbii pIhcus himftelf under the care of Dr. J. may may religiously coiibde tu 4iis honor os a gentleman, and Confidently rely up mi his skill as a Phician. OrgfitiiSc WoaUiiosj Immi-dintMy Cured, nnd Full Vig-r Restored. Th'S litiL'Wina Affection wlm-h renders Life miffera- blr and iTmrnnfte imosiH!le is tiie penally paid by t he victim vf improper lutliiteoceB. Young persons are too apt 1 1 ciinniit excesffes from not benign wine of the dread ful tfonapquenccs tlmt may ensue. Now, who that under stuiula the suhject will pretend to deny tlmt the power of piorrca ioti is lout sooner ny inote lamng nno improper li'ibits than by the prudents ? Besides dciwf deprived th plcjiiiir?8 f( healthy ttl9prtng,thc im-iit scnourand destine ive svuiPl-'nis to itin i nv iinu mum unse. i ne system bertunea Derange), the P hymen! and Mental Pur ctions Weakened. Ij)tsn'rCi'eative fower, Nervous irru-iMii ty. LU spcpnin, Palpitation of the llvart, lndit(estiuii, Cin Btituti'iniil Debility, a Wnsting of the Frunie, Cough, Comumption, Deoiy and Dtnth, (scft hnnd side going from Baltimore street, a few d-mis 'Kfin the corner. Kail not to observe name und number. Letters must be mud mid coiituiiiastamit. TheD'-ctor'a Diploinns in his office. A t'uro Hurrunted lu Tivo Iny dSV Mercury or Xausetwa Drugs. tr. lolmIou, Member of the UojhI College of burgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the inort emineul Cotlctfes in the t; it lied Htuti-s, and the greater part of whitse tile has been spent m the h'Spitn'soi' Lomkm, Farn, Philadelphia and else where, has em'Cteil stmiA nt the tnmi nstonUhiii cures that were ever known ; many troubled with unirii a in the hend and e.irs when uslecp, great iiervMUfuef. heiuK alarm ed at sud Jen S'tuiirtsj hiiiliiuliies, with fieqneut bluetiing, attended n metnncs vv ilhdcriitmeut of mind, wet e cured iiiiiuediut'l'. 'A'ali. Darlkctitai .odico Pr. J. nddreMiesall th ao who h-ive injured themselvea by improper imta jjni e und S"liiury hid, its. which rum bub tvrdy and mud, unfitting them lor either business, study, society or marriiiKe. litEsEure s -me of the sail und melancholy effepft pro duced by eurly hututs l y"Uth. viz : Weakness ot the Hack mid Li 1 1 dm. Pains in t lie Hend, DnmieM ot I g'tt, Lt'ssof Mnscuhr P.'Wei, Piitpttatioii vf the "llenrt, Dyspcpsyf Nervous lrntahihtv, DeiHiieemerlof the Dil utive Func tions, General Delnlity, Sytnptoms l'. hsuini-lnta, e. Mpntalt.y The tearful clfi't-t" on the nntul are much to bt dreuled L ss ot Memory. Confusion of IdetS, De pression of Spirits, Lvil-Fitrfbnlnt;8, A v rsi'in to8-cietyt ES(.'lf-liistruKt. L-'ve of Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are some uf the evils pr.Kluced. Thocsanos of persons of olla;es can now judge what is the cause of then declining health, Utsins their vigor, becoming weak, pule, nrivousaud eiiacia'ed, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cmigh and symptoms of consumption, Young; 5Icn Who have injured tliemseives hy a certain practice Indulg ed in when alne, a habit freoucnttv leaincd from evil mipuni-'iiM, or nt school, the effect oc which ate mchtly felt, even when asleep, and ii ii t t-urid renders m ortage mpossioie. and destroys ooth lninutHiu body, ihouiu apply intned nttely. ,mt n ptiy that a vnunff man, th" hope of his country. the darling of hn pirents, h"uld be sntilclied from all pros pects nnd eiijoyiiieittt of life, by the comteqtience of devia- ii'g from the put a of nature mid iii'uluiiig m n certain secret hubit. Such persms Mt'sr, lie lore coutemplaling reflect that a sound mind nud thuly are the most necessary requisites to protri teconuutial h ipinca. Indeed without these the j mrney through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the ptospct-t hourly darkens to tho view ; the mind liecomeM itmil-iwed wtlh despMir and tilled with lh? nielnu choiy reflection thut the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own fMsHMittc ot liuprutloiioe. When the mi'euiried and imnrudent votarv of pleasure finds thai he hns nnbihed the seedn of this painful disease. toooMru happens that an llt-iiincd sens; of shame, or tlrund of disc 'Very. deters himfrom applviug to thosu who. ttoin education und risiectabilitv, can ulone tieliteiid mm, delaviug till the coulitulioiul ttmptoins of this horrid diiense muke their appearance. su h us ulcernteil aoe throat, diseased nose, uoctuinl pains tu the ht-ad and limbs, dimuevs of s;glit, deHfiicss, nodes nn ihevhin b ines una I turns, blotches on the head, face and extieumii s, pi ogress- i mg witu at l.itt tlie patite ol the mouth r thi; bouts of the nose fall in, ami the victim of Ihisnwf'il riitcnve hecoiucs ti lion id object of cou.iuiicrn ti"ii, tdl dith put a period to Ins dreadful sutTering, by seiiuing inin t "thHt t uujscovcreu Country irom whence no traveller letuius " It is n melancholy fuct that ihousandi full victims to this teinhle ilisense. owing to the unt-k idfnliicss of ignoiant pirienneri, wno, ny tne useoi in-ti )e:niiy inms-iu, Mcr- cuty," rum the coi.sutuuou aau make the residue ot life miicruble. Trust not your livt. or he.iilih. to the care i.f the iranv UiiJeatntd und Wortliless Pretender-, destitute of ktiowt edce, name or chiracier, who copy Dr Jithustou's ndver tiit ineiitw, or 'yieiliHimelvcs in the nevvKpii-i'is, regularly r.iiut'Hteri fiivsicuius, incanalde ot Cunnif. they keen you trifling month after in Kith taking their filth v nud poison as compounds, or as lona as the sniallee fee can lie ohiuined. and in d-spiir, le-ive you with luined health to sigh over youi gading divapi-Niintment u Johnston ia the only I'hyticiiiii adveriitony. H i crertentiai or diplomas always hang in hisoiTice. lis rcmidies or are unknowit to nil others, prep:ni from n htepeit in thegreut honpitali nl Kuiopc, the first in this pountryaud a more extensive "Privute rraciice ' man any otner rnysi'nn i tt ine wfui. Iii4loiKoiiieiil ol I lie t'reaiat The many thousands cured nt this institution vear after year, und the numerous important Sarical Opirtititais performed by Or. Johnston, wit need bv the reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other pipers, notices of wli'eh hiive appeared aguin and again la-fore the puh!ic, besides his stundii-a as a gent leinau of chor-i'-tcr and re sponsibility, is suitScieut guaiaiilve to the uthicttd. ? Kin lIao)s SpcUty 'mvl. Persons wiihne should he particular in directing their eltcrs to his Ius'iiutiou, in tbe following manner, John .11. lotiiiNt'oii, 31. It. Of the Bwltimoie lock llosp.tttl, Laltnn ue, Md. Nov. 30, 1-67 t y. M-i i;ic n i&it r uri i;t lel hy Itisuds-etlsoi'sl'oiiKrealloiiat lot- C It u 14-1 1 or i'oiiiiikui'lon ltllOk(l'r4 ALSO, EXCKLLEXT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS. VLXEVAUDU, .Cir JiA'Mil". tn:t:ivs l'tut r ivi.m:, POIR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native U ine is made from ths juice of the Oporto Grape, raised iull.i country. Its invaluable 1'ostlc A. rIrs-ns'tlipntutf I'roiierlie Are uiuurpa-sej by any other nativawina. Uting the pure juice of the grape, produood under Mr. Spoor's owu personal supervision, its purity and guuniije.ue3s are guarantood. Tbe younet child uiay partake of it generousquulities, and tbe weak est invalid uiay use it lo advantage. It is purlieu. ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailoienu tLat afflict the weaker sex. U is, In every re-peot, A tVl.NE 10 BE IIKLIEI) (N'. luvalids use SPKLR'S POKT UKAPE WINE. I'euial. use KPKLK'8 PORT UUAPii VVIXE. Weakly perxons hud a leuetit by its us. SPEER o WIN'E.Siu hospitals are preferred to other uiues tj(r"rold by all Druggists and tiroeers. A SPLfclt'ri Vl.VEVAUD, .w Jersey. Offise, 213 BROADWAY, New York. For sal bv IV. A. DENSE IT, Sunbury, P. Out. 2d. 1. SHOEMAKERS. TUE best qualities uf Sol Leather, Frenob Calf skins, Mormocos, Liuings, Luis, Kails, Pegs luols of all kiuds, aud ovary thing ued by th trad. (6ritow J. jj, cvklXy I B3NUM IVNGli'Mrtvl T.OjaRlMRGTOH & HOTGKffS A w BOND 23, SUPEB-niOSPIIATE OF LIME, . TBB GREAT orlhnroberland County FBRTILIZER. Th best tnanur for t1 kind of grain m an of Ay tor ed. More active, more durable, lh an n y othar. It Ann not Mihanst tha anil, bni on the contrary permanent Improver. OVER 600 FARMERS io the County applied it to the.r Bprlog Cropf, the retulti were that it exceeded thetr most sanguine expect tif.nn Tt was tested with the beet P horn. hates in the country but came out'viotoriona. Farm era, use tt for your wheat and rye. Put up Id Brigs of 200 lbf. eaah and told at $67 per zvvu ponnus. h pm jasosisowrj) i:at Market Street, Bnnbury, PaM or at any of our agenti in Danville, WilHansrport, Lewisburff, Munoy Station, Milton, Dew art. Potts- grove, Bloomaburg. 6'el ins'-Grove, Trovorton. or any of tbe principal towns in the adjoining counties. Where we have no aeenta appointed, farmers ean tend their orders by mail and rely on their receiving immediate attention. We have the advantage of Railroad and Cannl transportation in all direction and purchasers need apprehend no delay in filling orders. J. E. T0RRTXOT02?, ED. UODUKINS. Sunbury. Aug. 17, 1807. CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL BENJ. BOHNEB, Dealer In Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first olass TRKES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, vines and Plant. Warden Eecdiof all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOIINER, Paxinos, North'd. Co. 5 N. B. Insurances taken In several of tna most responsible Fire Insurance and Ilorse Detcotivo Companies in tbe btat. June 8, 1807. y FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully Informs tho publie that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, nearth. Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks ot an Kinds ol feed by the ten The above is all mannfaotured at hi own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest csnh prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sonbory, April 1, Ht J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, East ol'tlic ICallroud STJ NBTJB7, PENN'A. DEALERS IN rOItKIdl.'V &. AMi:itlCA3l, Hardware & Cutlery. f HUE attention of Mechanics. Farmers, liuilder, I and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. 4C, than ever was offered iu this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mat' rials useu oy CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CA1UUAUE AND WAUON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, tcscther with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes.lRope, Chains, Urindstoues, Mill and X Cut suws. dc, 0. Sunbury, March 30, 1S67. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Weiscr A prick's Line, give notices to merchants aud shippers that the Depot is still at 811 Markot street, Pbila dclphia, and all Uoodsdirected to Suubury, Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations alorg tho railroad, will be promptly delivered. 1.1T Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri-wcckly Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor. Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 1867. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. tJI'O. EtOllIllt.lCll A KO.. VRE now currying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the kiuhut reputation. l . : i . 1 tirt r r ki r a 1 ire at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small costings, including Cooking utensil.'', uf the most improved and most usoi'ul patterns. The business will be conducted on aa ctilargud cale. Old customers will he accommodated tn usual, told new ones are rctpootfully solicited. Sunbury, Muy 12, I860 FARMERS "BUILDERS LIME AND LIMESTONE. rpilE subscribers respectfully inform tbo citiseut L ol Northumberland county, that they are now prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality to Farmers and Huilders. Also, LIME-STONK from tno celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Maho noy township, at short notice and ot reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta ti..n aloui the line uf the different railroads when ordered. 1 hero Kilns are located at tho Shamokin Valley Railroad, near Suubury, where orders will bo promptly filled. Orders are retpcitfullv solicited. Address, J.'B. LEXKER A liRO., Auguat 3, ISC Sunbury, Pa. SAESAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTEB AND ALE. rnilE subscribers having located bottling estab. J. Itshment in Cake's Addition, in the Borough of Sunbury, respeotfully iufurm the oitisens of this and adjoining oounties that they are prepared to turn, ish Landlords, Reslaurent Keepers and private fami lies, with tbe beat brands of Sarsuparilla, Mineral Wa ter, Ale and Porter, bottled in the beat manner. Their urines are procurer iroin me bestestublithments in the count! y, which enables them to furnish a better urtiole than can be had elsewhere, which will b de livered at the lowest rates. Iho uitUeus of Sunbury aud viciuily will find it to Iheir interest to patronize home industry, end assist in making this a permanent euterpriie, und at th tame time save labor and money. Orders are respectfully solicitcd.whicb will recelvo prompt attention. Address, PROBST A ROTE. August 17. IW. 6m Sunbury, Pa its vr "lager beer" BKJWMII-!r. IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY Inform, hi friends and th. publio generally, that be bo oommenccd th luauulaoture, and is uow ready to furnish LAGER BEER AND ALE, of a superior quality. H.ving prooured tbe services of nut cloos brewer, he is enabled to supply Land ..rds, Resuurant nd private familie. with an ar tide that is palatable, pur and healthy Orders are respectfully solicited which will r oeive prompt attention. o . . CHAS. ITZEL. Sunbury, November 1 6, 1 867. FRESH ARRIVAL OP FANCV DRY GOODS. MI88 KATE BLACK, Markot Square, two door East of th old Rank building, SU&BURY, Ponn'a., TTA3 opened a tresh supply of th latest style of 11 tall and Winter Goods, selected by herself fiom tbe most fashionable MUblishmeuU in Pbila delphi. ibP.JDL?jne' AIPM". Freneh Merino, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Uoods, Cloths. Sacqu flannels, Ladies and Children.' Haul, Ftathers Ribbons, Ureas Trimmings, Embroideries, Lac. eils.nd handkerehiefs, gluvos, hosiery, Balmoral kirtii.Rreakfait and Blanket Shawls, WinUrtfscquos and Ladle' good of every description. UeuU' Collars, Keck-ties, Uail hus. llsndker ebieft nd (jlores. Periuuiery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brush, Comb, tie. trUopkin.' Eliptio fckirts. a 1 . , KATK BLACK. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! The Potter Coanty find Hainbiirj LanWi1 fjonsptsny. Now rally establish d at lb ECMiCRT STEAM SAW-MILLS,' 1 ' ' " sr. prepared U saw to order WIItTB PINE, DEM LOCK AND OAK, or any sUe and all lengths. Afnll assoTtmeot of TDTtTZ" LUMBER always kept on band. Psnnel, Voorag, SMfDf sod tnlshing board of all kiadf. MOULDING. 8A8I1, DOORS, , aod BnuTTtltS. SHINGLES, Bawod aod Bhated, White Pine, and rjomloek. PlnatcrlDB latli and Palinfr, Plootng, Ripping and Turnlnfr, will be don to order at short nolio.. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at suoh rates lhat Lvmber Tards, Builders and all parties using Lumber, will find It to their interest to buy at this tstabtlsbment. ORDERS are respeetfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by addressing, WM. REAGEN, Bup'l. Bunbury, June U, 1B4H. SHOE STOP.E- Market Street, adjoining (iearhart's Confoolionery Store, SUNBURY, Pa. T1IF undersigned respectfully informs the citiir-ns of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a NISW M1UB, eiUHt, lor me saie as wen as lor tue manufacture of the finest aud best qualitvof Ladies' Oboes, vii : tUIovoIttd, lorrocco, 4 air-ck In aud IiHtins .oit'r, As-. Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock iseniiroly new and well selected. He also manufactures Ho French and other Calf skin Boot and Shoes for Uentlemen. Orders for ladies and gentlemen s custom work will be promptly attended to and got up iu tho best style by skilful mechanics Bnoe tindinge so., constantly Kept on unnd and for sale to the trado. J. H. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20,13(17. THE ORE AT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, IN" STJlSrBTJIRY, iion 3d street, opposite th MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Uut I.nti'ly Etitithlinlivd, Mills all the Modern Improvi'iiii'iiti vl tlie Art ! THE subscriber, having tuilt the room rxpronly for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the businers. is confident of his ability to assuro bis patrons that tbe work pro duccd sbnll be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave tho gulliiy unlet en tirely SKtirfuctory. Haviug tho bent fky lij?ht in tho county, be is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clear dy for smnll children. He is also prepared to tuke now site, or Cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified lo an; required site and colored beautitully in Oil or Water colors or India iuk. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such ns Landscape views of Monnmeuts, Machinery, County Seals, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand The publio are respcot'ully invited lo cull und ea our specimens and our complete arrangements fur making Photographs, special terms to t:unilies and clubs. BEUGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July IS, POLAN D'S Magic Bilious Powders, rpilW PKKlAKATI(J ii the iitcv X crvol thf Uv J. V Hubiid fi- i.ineitytlie iHi r uf U.e Hupttit Chun h n tj"n-iiWM, .. ii , anu a niiu u curly bt-lnvcri by dt'iti-niutxti n iltrnuahnut New Hiingliiiitl He wuni bliged i letive lh jmlptt und ituity mrUiciiie t uve hiiOM'ii life, and hu Mncii PowdtMime one if the moil w ndriful UiCCuvcritfS uf intKlcrn limes. THE CHEAT LIVER AND BILIOUS REMEDY ! which completely throw in the nhuJv al! tv.hrr iit.rvcri4 in medicine ; and it utTnrria him much gnitififiU'iii tha they receive the unnmmitt apirwt:iiiu nt all wliu have tested them The Mitg.e lfiliua I'mvdtT uica Vomitive Ciii-c lor l.hor C'loiMpluiii. ! in itt in it ogravarcd form, und an immediate corrector ufall eimoi s i)i:it is:.-ar..T Excellent for IIKAU.VCII K, CONSTIPATION I' IH.tM't. I1KS. A SALLOW tKIN. OROWHINKSH. DIZZIM:: HKAll THL'HN, PAI.I'I I'A'I'iUN, ! .... . .."tVivV- nr" i ,'vrn im r ClKE I'R.LMIL OF 1 1 ER A AQLL (WeadVise all who eie lioubieil Willi this feaifnl inn a. dy to always krep the Puu'ilt r. tin ready for nnu.c. dlHte use ) Heir are a few iinpia-l.inttrfiitienhirs: let. They are tlie Ureal r-i'ecitio r,r u!l Bilious AiTVc tious. 'AI They are the only lumvii rcinec1)' thut will cure Liver Comi'luint. 3,1. Tiie are the only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th. The Powder are so thorouali in their opernti-iu that one paekiiite will he u!l that the majority ol using them will icqniie to effect a eure. 5lh. They aie iml,l and p caamit yet the in st tlfcc tual eathiirlic known. 6th They are tha cheapest and best nieilieiue extant, a. they ean he .ent by inutl to any t ail i'f the globe for the priee. fM cents. Cireulur., coiiiuiuine eerlifieuies, information, &c., tent to nny iKirt of the w,n!tl free uf eharpe. SlH.blSY ALL UHLUUI r?, or by mail on a;.; 1. ca ll on to C. 0. CLARK A CO, GSKKSAL 40KST. New Haven, Conn. Price, 60 Cintt per Box. February al;. ty. Lyon's I'fi'Iwtlicnl lrroH, TUT. GREAT rK.MAI.i: for ibrk, oi'i..utrni:s! I have teste.l these Unifs in my own ,, over ten yeurs, ami do 11.4 hi sllate to say, that noliiing lias et hern llevel.iped by medic ll releureli, that aels so powerfully, positively, ami luirniletMy, 111 cue. ,i ieni.i!e iiresularity, a. doe. tin. inedieine. Iu ull recent ens.-, it never lint., while thourandft who have been liing suueieis, are indebl cd to ipior the Ikn ii 01 health u day. Although so powrrlul ami v.mive, lliev ie peifectly hum, lets, and may he used at ail, except w hen toe ciuljy lorludileii 111 the directions They have been eiteutively eniplnved by eminent phy. Sleluus III France and liiifjlund, us well u. in my own prac tice, over ten yeui ,.! I Myo yet to heal of the lira instance of Imluie. I could g vaynu testiiiiouiuls of then elheacy tn'ni kidies all over tha uorlhern an I western blale., were lliey not in their uuluie .rivule. Over 100 . (mi bottles hive been ..Id the pu.t yenr. and I hope and trust ns lll.niy sull.reia have (leeu heo.liltid. I 0111 well awnic Unit a remedy i niei to remove ull ,.h. .irucuoi,s,lliny lie UHnl for a Had puip .se, but trust that whereouc h.ntie u u,u uMd, ten may tall into the bund. ui ui-m) Buiieicia. To nil who .offer from any irreeularitv : nainlul. diffi, cuit, excessive, nffeusive or nhtirueted Meiisnuat Lu- corrheu, or Ihetrain 01 diaeusea that follow, I wou;.1 say try a lioltle ol 111 I .vox's Krench Perhsliciil Oiops IJeu s ,..,-.,u,.,i,,i,vll aL-niMi iieiie uireet aim p live thuo any pills or powders. Kxplicil direction., be ill. inv fileminile. ai,eiinuuii,,. hoiiw They may beoblniued of nearly every druccisl in the eountrv, nr by inclown the price tnO. U Cl.AKK A CO . .'New lluveil, Cl., Geuelkl Ayenl. for the I'uited Males ai.d Canada. DTI. JOHX L I.YOM. Praetieinr Physieian, New Haven, Conn, Priee, ! SO per Dottle. Febiuary .'). IF87 ly rniK a.i vii:k l'ltoor ROOFING ! Til HI.ME3 A CO., ai the Agent In the Counties J. . of Mortbunibcrland. Suvder and .Mini,.,,r M WARREN'S Improved Fir and Water-Proof noui. 101s is me cheapest and best Hoof that ean be put on a building, llus been used in tbe oily oi Philadelphia, siuce 151, where it has superseded almost every other kind uf Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and is used on ail of the finest buildings inthst eitv. Parties aontainnlMiinu hili- ing, will do well to eiamine into th merits of this anis an oiuer sipus 01 itools, aid giv th best th prefurenee. Th Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, In a few day, b 00?. red with tliU Roof, end parties deairing to do so, may call there aud eiamine it. For further information address Box' U, Suubury Post Othce, or call ai th Brick Yard of , T. UIME3 A CO. Sunbury, 18, lSfl7 Blacksmithing. JOHN IHVIN, SUNBURY. PENNSYLVANIA, RESPECTFULLY Inform th oitisens of Sun. bury and vicinity, that he has ereeted a Black smith ihop near th Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, wher he is prepared to do blacksmiibing in all it branch, at lb shortest notice. Having bad many yean' experience ir lit business, b natter himself that he ean render satisfactiou to all who may giv bun call. Suntary, August 17, 1367 THO OltBAT? Zfii&ABIB! The eemf nent parts of lids remarkable preparation Were Out diMoveml, euniuutlt:i and duliiUuUd, some twenty ytars ago. b Or. CHiorsvs, the ele bralud KgypUaa Hiytteliui. Tliuutmid ef bis suffer tiii ooantryirwa were n ilorvd lo hvulih, as well as rcat numhurs ot the lolialHUnU ef Nebia and abyaalDla, and ot theeountrtes bonlorlnj upon the Southern coast intbpt, trie fsme ef tt. UnWAHl Stl'l- SkHS) uon Spread ever Europe, and was adopted by th principal Fliyilclana la chaifo of the hoipluis ot the eld world, In which M is still sd with orrtml. swnl faeces. Th Viceroy of Egypt placed the nan f r. Cusorse upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pre sentod to bira a Medal bcarlnn th following inserts, tloo: " Da. Cnorsas,Ui Publio Benefactor." Tbl Bitters Is now offered to the public of America with the full aMuranc that It will bo found, apvo fair trial, I act as a speciSe for th ear of Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholrr Morbu, Fever md Ague, Yellow Fever, nheamntlsm. Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Colic, Uronchltle, Consumption, Flatn lnry. Disease of th Kidney. Ncrvoua Debility, and Female Complaint. Rnnarkahle ceres ef the above diseases have been effected by It. use, as numerouseertincates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It is de.llned to sitprnede any preparation extant. As aa agreeabl Tonle, and an INVIOORATIXO BEVERAGE, IT BAB NO EQUAL. Tbc Tnl ZINOARI BITTERS IU3 80l'I. AS W ELL AS BODY, Ar s A PREVENTIVE or PtSEASE, HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use ef lb 7IMUARI BITTERS will i?ive to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which tlio God of nature (rle slitninit woman to be the loveliest of Ms wnrki) fully Intended that you .liould have for it I. nature', own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating tlie pigmentary cell, of the dermis, and Imparting health and life throughout the entlr system, it especially gives that .mootli clearness and beautf to tbe complexion so much to be de.ircd re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what Is even better than this, it cures every species of female irregularities ami diseasa Priucipal Iopot, Harrishurg, Va. RAHTER & HATJSE, Sols PnoFRiEToiuv For sale by W. A. BENN'E fT, Druggist, Sunbury rcnnsylvatiia. August 3, 1807. N E W G U 0 0 E R Y". rpilli subscribers begs leave to nnnounco to tho J. citir.ons of Sunbury nnd its vicinity, that they bav opened a NEW CMlGCEXVJTj Tuo doors ctnt oj J. II. Efl'jlc's Stoi c, in Market S'ttare, where Ihey ore prcpnrcd to furnith every vari ty of groceries, nnd will kcop constantly on hand the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, KiKh, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all discription, Soaps of every variety Cundlcs, Smoking nnd Chowing tobacco, 6'egars. Hams. .Shoulders. Bacon, Butler, anil Eggs. Also Dried fruits of nil kin. If, Cuned Peaches and Toma toes. Piekels, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons. Ac, of boM quality, nnd in fact every style of articles kept in n well stocked Oroeery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot oountry produce taken in exchange. Tho patronage of the publio is re spectfully solicited. GLOIIUL E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11,1315. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doors west or the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pn. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun bury and vicinity, that ho will bako to order ull kiuds of 4'iikCN for Hull. I'ut'tli'K, At'. Families ire supplied with FRESH DREAD, T-.i.-t It ul Id. Rucks, Tea liuns. Ac, and also kept ou hand nituinfuotured out of tbo Le&t muieriald. All ordors will meet with ptcinpt attention. Having bud laro cxper.oiicu 1 hope to giro general futiotnclion to all who way favor me with their patronage. DAVID FRY. ."anbury, Deo. V, loo. FALL AND WINTER MILLIsNKRY GOODS JTD NOTI 3STS Miss ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. 1 RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the V, public, that she has just returned from the city, 1, ere sbe has spent sometime in malting selections and purchases, and has just opened a lare stock ol - MILLIXERY GOODS AND NOTION'S, Fiibbons, Laces, Dreu-Linings. Crinolino and Wi- gaus Skirting Lining. Hiop skirts, Huirlo Triiu- unii!S, I rnpe Irimiuitigs, llatLrape, Clouk Uuttous, Corsets. Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of ROOKS A .STATIONERY. DOLLS of all tiles. Alphabet Rlocks, la. 'ho flatters herself in being able to make a display lhat will give entire salinlaction to vi.-itors, and goods w ill be exhibited wilh pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1K7. BOOTS AN "BTliOlr MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEH, 1 1PECTFULLY informs bis friends and cus V turners, that ho has just opened a shop for tbe manufacture of ROOTS A SHOES, on Spruce tfi'o.Y, bitireeu 'reonJ ttrett and Ceittre AUry. Sunhiirii. where all kinds of work in his line will be made up iu the latest style and iu the best workmanlike man ner. Having first clu--s stock on band he flutters himself that he will be able to suit the tastes oftb must fas tidious. The public are invited lo cull. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, June la, ltW. M. V. i:ISU AH'I'W Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Inrkt'l Stret, Nunburj , la. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DLSCBIPTION FRUIT, Ac. &c, C CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at Ui bove J establishment ataholosale and retail, at reason able price. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confcriionaries to keep up a full assortment which sr. told at low rates. Tobacco, Segara, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whiah 1 art oflaied wholesale and retail. Remember th name and place. Jf1 M. C. OEARHART, Market street, S door west of E. Y. Bright A Son' store. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1863, tf LIME! LIME 1 ' u r su tru una Huilders! FiieoLTi A Broth ib re bow prepared to d Hvr, at th lowest market prio,lh very bast quality for LAND and BUILDI.NO parpose Their llmi vuiuvu v ioi oeieoraiaa TUCKY HOE LIME8TONE." Tbir Urn kiln are losaUd at th Philadelphia and fc"'Jl,il?'d.' lh Ultm io lb Ro- rough of Sunbury. i. ""nM"?' Brickiyn4 Frm.ri ar. In. vited toeall and gtiw ns a trial. i . .u SEASHOLTZ A BR0TUER. I IB" IIS- 1 I CARPENTERS, WILL lad in eur sUbludimut a superior stnek of Plan, S.W., Au(n, UaUdieU, Uammers, FU, Lbuol, A., A., for sal by S. WVtSJ 4 CO NEW GROCERY STORE, Markot BUcet, Sis; dors fift of Third teet. norih sido, BUN BURY, PA., . RESPECTFULLY Inform their friend and th publio, lhat they have opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will he happy to bav them aalt and eiamln . . . i. L l : , I . 1 IDeir MOOR, WIIIUU UW JUB w,ll wpvueu, ing everything in the Urocery lino, such as Coffee, Tea, Pogtnr.Byrnr, Spice, Dunned and Dried Fruit. Beans, llomtny, uneeeo, vraoter, fiaon, Ham, Fisb, Salt, Potato, t., together with Soaps, Candle, Soda. Ac, and in fact everything In th Orooeryand rrovWjn. Lin. FLOVR AND FEED, Queentwar, Willow. ware, Olartwar, Coal Uil Lamps, Uoal V Ad. Ultil and tee before purchasing elsrwher. W. 8 FUKMAN A CO Bunbnry, April 17, 1847. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, C09 Broadwat, New York. I'or I'aiutllvH mid .lIuntilUcttircrM, Thcso World-Rcnowncl Sewinr Machines, wcro awarded the highest premium nt the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York iState Fairof 1803. and uro celebrated for doing the best work, using a much mini lor needle for thu tame thread than any other machine, nnd by tha introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we nro notv able to supply the very best mucinous id the world. These machines are made at our new an 1 spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the iuimodiato supervision of the President of the Company, hi its Howe, Jr., the original inventor of the i'twing Mu- chine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sowing, and to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirt. Collurs, Skirts, Clonks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corseis, limits, Shoes, Harness, Sad lies, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, otc. They work citial!y well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem. fell, cord, braid, hind, nnd perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike uu bclh sides of the nrticles sowed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and majo on this Mnchinp, is the Uiutt pirpular nnd nil Sewing Machines are subject tu tbe principla invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. n'j'J Droadwny, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April , 1SU7. .vii;.i .nAiii'.ic. Mrs. A. TWEED, In Miss Ann Painter s Fancy Goods Store building, Market Square. .'I doors west oi the Post OlDco, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs fcer friends and tbo public that she hus again opened u shop, in Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, in nn eutiro new stylo. Ladies' Clonks, do. Also Guntlemcu'S shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. 111. 1S67. ly Great Attraction, nt the NEW TIN -WARE, ilitt Iron nil Stovi- Store of Where they keep constantly on Land and r:.n .ul ture to ur.l.;r nt short notice. IIX ANDSin-LTlUON-WAHLof all.U-s.-ii t'.Ot.S Itiry wntl.1 especially c-'.il the nttenli 1 Cl l( of 1'' i-u.uei: to men iare-e in.-, vnil sclrclea ioc COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Hio suherilicrs have made iirrangiii.euts to biivc ull their best Moves made to order, nnd those who would huvo u good stove w. uld do e,l to gn and exauiinu their iargo and well selected slock. First. They defy competition on the foUiming Iried Bruuds of Couk 'too, vii : CuilllilKlltioll a Isui-iK-r, ( una, (otti'uvr B'l-nii CoiiS.. WABASH AND IltORSIPE!?, and' tho well known AntiJust Cook Mote culled SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Pallor nnd oCico Stoves in great vari.'tv cut. bracing ail the bet maiiufaeturus and ino.-t iiuliimi. iiblc designs, unsui pushed for beauly of liuiili riinpli city of MirnngeuicnUcoinliiniiig ebcapiiess. durability and each stove warranted to perform what ilicy are represented. Aiso, Tho celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for hcuting first, second anJ third toricsby Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, Iho culebruted MORNING OLOftY. t'oiilOil, "al Oil l,tiiH, liutlt-H, 4'liiiiiniH, iiittl till iirlit'li'M usually kept in an cstublii-hmeiit of this kind. They nr also prepared to furnish Slutc aud do slating in the best workmanlike Dimmer. Also, . do Tin Hoofing, Spouting. Rang and Tui 'unco H ork. Gas Fitting, Xq. Repairing neatly aud cheaply execute 1. Also: "it;iu;h) ICniv ItOlll Alllrr-l'IlM I I111 le Remember the place. Sample and Sales Boom nearly opprwito Conly's Hardware Store. Muket street, between Third und Fourth streets. Building d:rk painted. August 2i, 183(1. SUNBDRYBUILDINfTLOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Boitugh cf Suubury, for Sale on reasonable torus. Apply to Dr. R. II. AWL nnd, SOL. BHOSKH'S, Sunbury, Pa. Or P. V. SIIEAFER, Pottsviile, P. Nov. 21, ItSGd iciu a erB d: n e 9 Are especially invited to call and examino cur stock of BUILDER S HAKDWAUE, eomprising Nail and Spike of all varieties. Bulls. Screws, Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Latches, Bulls, l'las. lerini? Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Jto., dc, for tale by J. II. CONLEY i CO. Coachmakers, WE re selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Ale, 4o., Tery low Large Stock at e t . COXLEY A CO. Sunbury, March SO, 1K67. bs j r3t'"'mr milE following persons are entitled to receive an J. inercaee ot Bounty under the Aot of Cuuures passed July lsfirt, tu eoualiio Bounties. i A,1Jldier' "ho nli"J fler lb 19th day of April, 1801, lor S years, and ervd their time of ""u," u nav necn Honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to reeeiv a Bounty of 100. r entitled in additional Bounty of 100. 2d All luch soldier who enlisted for S yean, aud hv been honorably discharged on account cf wounds received in th Una of duly, are entitled tu an additional Bounty of OO. 8d Th Widow, Minor Children, or ParnU of such soldiers who died iu th servio of wounds or diteass, ar entitled to a.additiniuJ Bounty of DIOO. By pplio.tion to 8. P. WOLVERTON, J.,of Boii.uav, P.i,nsylvania, wb is an uthori.d Claim Agent, ill such claims ean b speedily oulleele-d. Sunbury. August 4, 1866. tf ArrU-iiltisrHl Iitsplememia, HOE'S Grain Rke, St nd Iron Garden Rakta, .Long and D Hsndl ipades, bovals, Uanur and Hay Fork, Uras and Uraia Seythe, Oram Cradle. Cradle Finger, Tree, Brea.i. Toegu and Log Chains'. Oriudtooet, Fanning Mill Seivoauf II ms and kind. larganrtmwit of Red Wsifon Uamv, for Plowing, ftum BIU, Cultivator Teeth, fcr sal by JjjtJOMLKY A CO. C'ltiltlrea') Cuvi-laem, WE would eall th alteutioa of those wantiug Child s Carriage, to our now and larg awoi t uaut eompruicg new and beautiful style. J. H. CONLEY CO. "ALL and ss uv beautiful Bird Cage at lb w Hsrdarstorof t fif5T i 1 J. H. ros-tliort 4'rtitrnl ttnilnays W INTER-TIMB PrHFtUt K. Thmnfeh an'l bind l'.oule to ni.d from Wathington, Ritllimore, Krip. Lliuira, Buffiilo. Rur:hu,lur, ' -, and Ning'ira falls. prA R TH tl.S PAli.Y from r.nd three lo Wh Inefon and Haltiiuore. end rilHKU TKAINri 1AI. Llf 10 tn North aid fom aiid W est llrajicu Suwiit. hanna, and tlorthernand Western Ponnsylvania.anct' ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBER Uth, 1867, th Train of tha Northern Central Railwirv will run as follows : . YORTTTwA HTV Moil Troln 1 coves Baltimor JMin 1.20 pro DM p rrs 11 05 p to 12.10 p n 4 20 ra U?1 r :i . 40 p ns 12 10 p m 4.20 p tr 8 .2i p m 9 if, a m. 7 .00 p iu- 8 I S a nt 8 10am 8 44 a m t.2n a m 8 ol a m " Itarrisburg, " 'Willlnmsport, art at Klmlta. Tlt.fT.ilo Btpree leaves Bultiinore) ILirrisburir. ' ' Elmim, ftrr. Canandalcrna. Past Line, leaves Baltimore, " llarrlsmirg, arr. Vynilausiiort, " Erie Wight Aooom. leaves Baltimore. " llarrisburg, " Willinmspott, arr at Erie, fork and IIarris I loaves York, burg Aecom. 1 arr. Harrisburg; S 0 U T 11 W A Kb . Mail Train, loaves Elmira 4 55am 11 tVtlhntnsport, 8.40 am " Ilarrisburg, 1 .411 p ui arr. at Bullimore, 6.10 p m leave Canuudaigua, 4 00 pu " Elmira, 7.65 p a - Williauisport, 11.45 pn " Ilarrisburg, 4. 85 a m arr. at Baltimore, a B 15 tin leaves Williumsport, 3.60 pm Buffalo Express Faut Lite " ilarrisburg, 8 15am arr at Baltimore, 11.30 p nr York and Harris. I leave Harrieburg, 6.15 p m burg Accom. arr. York, 6.50 p 01 Muil Train north and south. Fast Lino north, and York and Ilarrisburg Aocommodutiop, north and south run daily ioeptSunday. Buffalo Express north and Fast Line south, run daily ; and Buffalo Express couth runs daily except Monday. N igbt Accommodation north arrives daily except Saturday. For further information apply at Iho Ticket OEc in tuo Pcuusylvauia Railroad Depot. I. N. DuDARKY Oen. fupt. EMiiliKlclitliiu X, V.rlc ICuilroud. "winieiFtime tadle; Through and direct routo between Philadelphia, Rallimore. Ilarrisburg, Williumsport, and tbe Great Oil P.ejjiun of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Train. On and alter Monday, Nov. 25ih. 1S67. the Train on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will run a follows : Westward. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 11.15 p m. " " " Suubury, 6.60 a m " " arr. nt Erie. 11.00 p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 12 00 nooa " " " Suubury 6.35 p m " " arr at Erie S 15 a m Elmira Mail leaves Philudulphiii, H OD a m " " " Sunbury 4.15pni " " arrive at Lock Haven, 7.45 p iu Eastward. Mail Truiu leaves Erie 10 25 a m " " " Sunbury, 155am " " nrr. nt Philadelpbin, 8 5 a m Eric ExpreiH leaves Erio 4.25 p in ' Sunbury b. Ill a 111 ' " arr. at Philadelphia, 1 .00 pin Elmira Mail leaves l.oek Haven. 7.10 a in " ' Sunbury, 10.25 a cv " " nrr. nt Philadelphia. 0.10 pm Mail aud Express connect with all trajus on War ren X Franklin Kailnny. Passengers lcuviu Phil tidelpliia at 12 00 M. arrive ut lrviuetoii 11 1 0.40a m, aii.l Oil City at .iil n m. Leaving I'hilaiU'lpbia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 II j p tn. All u 11 ilia 011 Warren A' Franklin R-iil'.vay mako close connections at Oil City with trains for Frank, lin and Petroleum Centre. DA'jOAUE CHECKED THlKJl'iill. ALFRED L. TYLER, tlcneral ciiperiulciideut. t.ui'kun i) ik 11 a iSluvtitiskisr' ESuSl ronil. "N and after Jan. 1st, 1SC7 I'uficiiger Train will ruu as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A M. i.oO 10 00 P. r. 7 10 ti 20 P. M. 4 It) 6.i 8 17 8 50 10 I i 6 2.1 6 1.0 Leave Serunton, " Kingston, ' Kuiiert, 6.55 11.20 V 20 9.51 lit s- Danville, Ncith'd.. Arr. NORTHWARD. Leave N'orlVd., 7.00 I'atit iiie, 7.10 I'.opert. S.l j A. M. " Kintfsti.a. in..'-!' K.J'U P. M. 2 50 y.n.-i i Arr. nt S.'i.'imon. . I no in. 15 1 Trains It av i:i Kington nt R.IIil A. .'1 . f ,r .T-erM:i : f.rp. cornet with Irani nrnvinat Neu 1 ij k at 5.2I1. I l'n.-.H ivi-rs taking 'I'rain South iri-ni Son iitnn at j 5 .'O A. via N01 thumberlaiiil. reaeh ilarrisburg ; 12 ."it 1'. M., Hultinioro ft.;J.o P. M., Wirshingron 10.. 00 I'. M. viu Rupert leach l'liiladelphia nt 7.00 p. ci. i II. A. FONDA.up't. I Kinrton. Jan. 19, 107. Si-iiIU.fc- ILiUreati, I V I N T E R A R R A N O E M ENT. I Kovember 25th, 1867. I HEAT TRUNK LINE from Iho North am VH North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing. lVHsvilte. T ainuifiia. Ashlainl. f.ebanon, Allen loan. Euetoii, Epbrata, Litijt, Lancaster, Columbia A,v. Ac. Trains leave Harruhurg Cr New-York, a fd-low.- : At 3.011. 25 and !. lo A. M. and 2.0j and 9 ;;5 j P. M, connecting with t-iinihir Tinins on tho Ptnn i svlvnnia llatlroad. and arriving at New York nt ,ri.;0 lu.lo'and 11 50 A. M. nnd :t 40, 9 Ml P. M. Slerrj. i.ig Cars nceoinpaiiying the .1.00 A. M uud 9.25 P. M ! I reins, without change. j Leave llarritburn lor Reading, I'otUvillo, Tama i qua, Miuersville, A-hland, Pine Grove, Allei,ti,nn I hi, I l'l,il,,i,i nt h HI A l nn.l 1 1. , lo P. M., stopping at Lebanon und principal way stations ; the 4.10 p in. milking connections f 'r Philadelphia nnd Columbia only. For l'ottavillo, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn. 'via Schuylkill am? Su'quehuniia Rnilroud, leuve Ilarrisburg al' li oi p. in. Hcturiiing Leao New York nt 9.00a. in., I2.ii( Noon uud 5 00 nnd S.oii p. tu.; Philadelphia at 8.15 an i .i.oo p. m. n ay fassenger Irani leave l l'ili!adi!htuat :.;10 tt. III., relilrmior fr.,m I!-, I,, at b .10 p m. stopping at ull Malion ; Potlsvillo ah H 46 u. in. and 2 46 p. in; A.-lilnnd II 00 a. in. and 12. 19 and 2 00 p.m.; lauiuqua ut S.iO a ui. and l.tltl, nrd 8 15 ). m. Leavo Pottsviile for Ilarrisburg via Sehnvlkill and Susquehanna Railroudat 7 !0 a. m. and 12.00 noon. nitnui L- .iceoiiiuioiiiiiion irnm eaves m n nt 7.30 A. M. returning fiom Philudelphi at 4 Ool P M. Columbia Railroad Trains tpmn ' eading nt 7 f 4 Litis, Luncass j A. M., uudl'vlj P.M. for Epbrata ier. oiiiiiiotu, die. On Suiidnys : Leave New York at S 00 p m , Pl.ila. delphia b.OO A. M., and 3.15 P M. Ihe 8.00 a m train running only tu Healing, Pottsviile SOU s tu Ilarrisburg, 5.25 a in, and 4.10 aud 9-35 p m. uud Reading at 100 and 7.15 a. in, for llurri.-burg, und 7.0,1 a. iu. and 11.40 p iu. for New York, 4.25 p m. for l'hiludolp'iiu . Comminution, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to ;id from all points. Baggage cheeked through : 100 rounds Brjgai ullowed each Passenger. (I. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent BRICK! BKICK! BRICK lo the .itUiisi of eauntiMry uu.l t ii inlly . rpilE undersigned have bought tho Driek-Yard X "d impruveiucnts, formerly leased and Woiked by A. B. Stevens, and have inado additieiinl im provements, and are now prepared to make contracts lo manufacture aud deliver BRICK iu large quan tities, tor building and other purposes. Hy the ui anu fact lire of a good urlicle, and prompt attention to bu.iiuts. we bone to receive a shure of puuliu patronage. Ontur left at tbo Brick-Yard, or Bui 14, Suubury Post Office, will be promptly attended to. ' T. HIMESACO. Sunbury, May 18, 1867 ulsstM. Oil, Ar. A full sliH.'k of Oils eoniprising Linseed Oil, Co Oil, Fish Oil, aud Lubricating Oil for EDginis an Machinery, Varnishes, Uluta, alwsvs on hand, at low prices at CONl.fY A COS 1.10R Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck lea. Gig Trees, Pud Trees, Hanes. all kiuds aui every thing perlaiuinr to ihe business, firtsle by J. II, CONLEY CO. REMEMBEIl THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and Jok" A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to tb oitlsvns of Sunbury, and surrounding country, that having formed a oo partnerahip, they ar BOW pr.pard to furnish ornanitnUsa a plaia Ura elo-. Tb "" of lb best Italia and American ttarbl. at price, that eannoi fail to giv .uiir atuiotion, and r sPtfully solicit lb. ilm TAYLOR. Sunbury, March SI, lPfl.-lyj . 11IKD CAGES, 11 di kind, If you want good aud cbta.o VmM , go to . ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers