r ' E. WIT.VFRT, ) 1 3 N. 8. ENOLE, ( Publlahera. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1868. ftocal affairs. IIociB akd It fob 8am. Dr. W. A. SuneU eflVt a valuable bout and lot for aale, altuated Lb Northumberland. Bee advertisement. Lost. On Wednesday afternoon laat, oa the road leading from Sunbnry to Cadwallader't tnlU, a for collar. Tha finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the residence of Mra. W. L. Dewart. Tbi li-t of applioanta for tavern and restaurant Ilceniee, to be presented at the March session of Court, appear in our advertising columns. There are 88 applicant for tavern and 27 for restaurant lleonse. Cnt.ft Th lhnrmnml far vrsl morninira A u. ring the past week haa been ranging from i to 13 ! degrees below icro. The heavy snow on the ground, howover, will protoot vegetation from the revere frosts. Mori FunitAcxa. Three new furnucei are to be built in Danville, during next summer. One will be erected by the Pennsylvania Iron Company, one by the National Iron Company, aud ono by Grove Brothers. J. M. Wiestliko. Ksq., of HarrisUurg, tbo Reg ister of this (14th) District under the Dnnkrupl law, held a court in this place on Wednesday lost, and acted upon eight or ten coses from this and adjoin ing counties. Accident li a Coal Mink. On Thursday of lost week Itichitrd Davis bad bis right arm fractured and bis head and body badly cut and bruised by tho unexpected discharge of a blast in the mines at the Dig Mouufuin Colliery, near Shnmokin. Bars Biiined. On Saturday lust the b.irn of Mr. Isaao Cooper, cm Huycrs' island, about tiro miles below Ibid place, was consumed by fire, toge ther w ith n lot of grain, farming utensils, Ae. The loss is about $S0U, with no insurance. IIotrl for Bale. We call attcution to the ad vertisement of W. II. Rbcafer, who offers the valua ble hotel stand in Northumberland, known as the Burr House, for salo. It offers a desirablo invest ment to any one wishing to go into the hotel businev in that place. Dedication. Tho dedication of the I. 0. of 0. F. Hall, of Augustn Lodge, near Fov's Hotel, in Lower Augusta township, will tako place on Saturday, S2 1 inst. A dinner will be given on tho occasion, lhe SolinFgrove Bund will bo in attendance, arriving nt Sunbury in the morning, and will proceed to the place w ith the members oT tbo order from this place and ticinilr. , " " j Watches, Juniii.itv and blunt W arc - Wo J call attention to tbo advertisement of Mr. A. M. ! Meixcll, who will open, on the find of March next. a Watch and Jewelry Store, in the room lately oc. copied by Thaddeus Shannon, in Simpson's building, Market Square. Mr. Moixell has bud a great dial cf experience In the business, and is well rwc:n lacndvd. - - . Ilc.wr Ijakagc. Mis Jane T.. Caldweil, of Williamsport, who wat severely and permanently injured on tho Cutanea ltailroad, in November. ; l$6b, by the cars being thrown from tbo track by a broken mil, between Milton ami Danville, br. been awarded 811,000 damages by a Philadelphia jury. It is said tho case will bo taken to n higher tribunal for final decision. FiiiE in .luliDAN Township. Ou Monday morn ing last, about 10 o'clock, tho tavern stand of Wm. W. Shnrtel, on the old Tulpehookcn road, in Jordan township, tbU county, was discovered to bo on (ire. Tho alarm nus given, but before the neighbors reached the place the whole building wa in flames. But little of the furniture was saved. All the liquors, beddiug, ic, were consumed The loss Is about ? 5 ,tj On , ou which there is an insurance of $1,500. A Pi:rPKr TP KrT The llorriborg Ttlegiaph. tf Wcdne..iy last, s.-ys : Al'tit six o'clock yistw day morning, us the Erie Mn'l Train roulh waa ap proaching Nurthumborlaud, aud when within three miles from that station, a convict in charges of the r-herifTof Tioga couuty leaped from the train while going at tho rate of twenty milcB an hour. The fel low had hU Icgx chained together and mint hare pustuined con jidcrablo injuries. The Sheriffs Depu ty proccedod ou his way to Philadelphia with the remaining five convicts, all rcutenocd fur long tcrni", for arson, ot'tho but (otsion r.f the Tioga county iu sions, while tho Slurifl' and a posio of men left Nor- thumberland immeiliatoly after the train (topped, to hunt the escaped desperado. The Sheriff and his ' ...... . . ,. , ..u Vuw .orougu rrUurg up ,o . , No doubt the convict was either ' killed or badly injured. j I Tim Middi.ecri.kic Railroad. An election fur President and Directors of the Middlccreck Unil road was held on the 23th ult., which resulted aa follows : President, Joseph Alexander; Directors, E. L. Benedict, Henry C. Eyer, Aaron K. Olft, 3obu Hayes, jr., Amos W. Mitchell, Abram K. Middlcs wurth, John A. McKee, J. I, iteynolde, Thos. B. lieese. Mrses Sneeht. C.eor-e Schnure nnrl Willi. ,n Willis. The Lrwislowii Gazette, of Wednesday last, in 1 speaking of the read, says : "In addition to tho ; facta stated last week, we learn that the bridgo at ' Northumberland has been examined, was found . t-trong enough to bear a railroad train with a dummy engine, and arrangements consummated for its use, so that a connection will at once be made with the I.ackawanr.a A Iiloomsburg road." The idea of using the present aroa-1 nnd towing bridge at Northumberland s a ruilroad bridgo, is a freak of fanoy that no competent engineer would seriously entertain. If it were even strong enough it could never be used for the purposes for which it was designed, in connection with the ruilroad. ': Trial List. Tho following is the trial list fur the Maroh term of Court. The first twelve caaos are for triul on Wednesday of the first week and the remaining tbirty-lhreo for the second week : Adam K. l'abnestock vs. Hoi. B. Buyer, et al. Poter lianelinan vs. Robert B. McCoy. John Waliie vs. Executors of John Walite, dee d. Z. Hogendoebler vs. W. L. Antrim, et al. John Weiaer vs. Harriet Marr, et al. Peter Uanser vs. George Delp. Henry Raup vs. J. O. W. Herring. William Young vs. The Pcnna. it. R. Co. Christian Ureiner, endorsee, vs. Daniel Dressier. Young and Brother vs. P. Hunselman k Co. tiame vs sniuo. James II. Young vs. Wm. II. Moore. Marion riper vs. Ji. p. irego. , John Riegel ot al vs. Wm. M. Weaver, Sheriff. I Jonathan Hoover apd John Yarnell vs. The bus- quebanna Coal aud Coal Mountain Co. Jonathan Hoover vs. same. Jonathan Hoover and Wm. Ftarr vs. same. J. H. Foresman vs. Joseph Long. John I.ouck vs. William II. Douty. Joseph (larney vs. David Lomisou. Mary Billiuan vs. 8. L. Bergstreaser. Peter luiiuol vs. Herman Bergeslock. Juhn A. Kprenger vs. Fred Dipner Mary Billuian vs. K. L. Bcrjptresier. John Albright, Adm'r, vs. E. D. Knyder. Thomas P.umcI vs. Peier Lilly. Khell and Burger vs. Wm. B. Kemmerer. John Wagner vs. Peter NVafncr, et al. Heorge W. Arbogaat va. B. M. Bubb. Mary E. UaUey va. Catharine Bower. lleathecote A Co. va. J(eph Bacber. Brooks Newberry vs. The Lackawanna II. P- Co. Jllrain Reynolds vs. John W. MoCormick. John Heckol va Dr. U. W. Adams. D W fcuiiLh va. The Milton National Bank. John S. Meixel va. The Atlantie and Oreat Wet tern Railroad Co. John Kietn vs. Daniel Dreaaler. M Miller va. John Foy and M. Brymire. aCobert W. Kerns et al ve. The Northern Central Railway Company. Wm. B Williams va. Thomas Baumgardner. John Kinney va. Adam Wagner. The County of Northumberland vs. the Borougn of bunbury. Augustus ftpringman re Wm. Otto, et al ' C. W. boydar v sf Jacob Macbamtr" iikaii!i Tb OxTOEtUTlKQ WATER ELETAton. Al tloua aa are the mean of elevating water by mean of pump and book eta, there are none that are aot more or leap objectionable. Perhapa one of the beat metbod or nMng water la the old faahiooU ehaln pomp, m It b oalled, If It waa more dontble and obetantial, and not ao easily pot oat of repair. Tha Oxygenated Water Elevator hrt all the merit of the haia Bump, with additional advantage, while it la rrea from 111 faalU. It baa no tubing to wear cot or to become obttraoted, while It derate water mora teadlly aad with leaa labor. It eaa be pot Into Wall or removed therefrom by one peraon, In few mlnntea, with little or no help. It la, In faot, an endlett chain with a ierice of email Iron bockota, that constantly take up and dlaoharge water. Ita simplicity, cheapness and durability, to Bay nothing of Ita value la purifying the water by constantly introducing fresh air into the body of water In the well, makoa It, In our estimation, one of the most doiirablo meant of railing water we have ever seca. By tola meana even foul wells may be purified. One of theae elevator oaa be sees In operation at the residence of the editor. Mr. 0. K. Moore, the pro prietor, laat the Central Hotel, In tfala place, and """'" but a day or two, Coxvmtios or Soiprtna axd Boathck. We notice in one of the Ilarrisburg papers a call for a convention of shippers and boatmen, to be held at the Washington House, InSunbury.on Thursday, the 20th inst., to consult together eonoerning their In terests Among the namea attachod to the call we observe thoto of John Haaa A Co., Grant & Jlrotber and Charlea Rlnehart, of this place. They publish tho following, in relation to the rates of toll on the main lineof the Pennsylvania canal, which we rro inme will be acted on at the convention : Whereas a provision in the act of Bale of tho main line or the Pennsylvania canal declares "that tho rate of toll on freight or tonnago passing over the said canal, from the Junction to Columbia, coming from North and West Branch and Susquehanna omuls, shnli not at any time be greater than the toll now charged on theaaid canals, as per toll sheet heretofore pnblbhed by the Canal Commissioners for the year 1S57 ;" and whereas this provision has been habitu ally violated ; and whereas our individual protests and remonstrances have been without effect, it is lime that we take some united aotion in the matter. Our interests are disregarded ; the law is trampled duun. Come and consult together that we may Compel both to be respected. Tun Poon-llci'SE Kill Vetoed. It will bo scon by the following cxtiacta from Gov. Uonry's veto iner-nuge of tho Northumberland County Poor-House Hill, that ho refused to approve the bill on acoountof its "crude aud ungrainmatical construction." The Governor is unquestionably right when he says that no hill should become a law which is crudely or ambiguously drawn up, whether by design or by ignorance. Such laws frequently cause expense and litigation to parties, as well as to the county. The objeots of the prccnt bill are proper, and many of ita provisions are well calculated to attain the desired ends, but, as a whole, it is so crudely dra, and in every way in such bad shape, that 1 find it impossible to eive hit annroval. To cmtme- I raio nil its imperfections would require too much I time and space ; but it is due to all concerned thut fume of them -Lou! J be pointed out. The lirstsection authoriioatbo corporation to tnnko all needful by-laws and regulations, and the tenth section is nothing but a useless repetition of tho same 1 riuiuorr.y. i ' The CrsiL Rftrt cf tllfi SPI-nml M-i-tlnn nc I "'that th. soid commissioner above named, or their I 1 successors iu oflice, duly oleoted or appointed, and qualified in accordance with the provisions herein' ! al ter contained, or a majority of them, as soon after ; the panage of this aot as practicable, to determined j upon, purchase such real estate witbin tho bounds of I said lutfnship," &o. i This cttiact. from a most important rart of the h'.ll, is manifestly very bad grammar, and very doubtful sense, i he sixth lection, which prescribes the method of taxation, has iu it nu lets than nine unfilled blanks. Apparently there were intended to be filled, nnd yet nobody but the Legislature has the right to do it. li such was not the intention the section should havo been drawn without them. In the seventh section tho phrase "to bo removed" i carofully repeated without any intermediate irords. In the fourteenth and twenty-third section.' the towothijjaaud boroughs included in the bill are called "the corporation." But why enumerate further ? The whole bill is full of griimmatioal errors, useless repetitions nnd palpa ble incongruities ; and neither the Kxccutivo nor the Secretary nf the Communwealth has any uuthority to correct them. To put such an enactment on tho statute books, in this age of free schools, would be a ri'Ikmnr-tl t. ,l,a ,B,tl u.hl..li T am ,,uiltln.. In annn. ., ... . .,.,,.., 6 ! 1 1--si . Still Aunt.. We are pleased to notice that our barber, over the Poet Oflice, (Mr. Uunniron,) is ma king preparations to employ two nioto men in his establishment, llu has given our pluoo what il has to Jong needed a first'Olosa barber shop. His work is ht.r.1 to best, slid we advice all to pulroniie him. HU8INES8 NOTICES. l2vlob I's-intlng. Having received a large supply of NKW JOB TYPE, of various now stylos. Posters, Handbills, Circular.', Cards, Letter i Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, 4c, can bo printed in the latest and best stvlei, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. , ', .,' ',' ' . , Blank Leasi s. e have on hand a large num (f bUnh . at ten cents per copy. As the season for leasing property is at hand, and as a largo number of them will be required, we are able to supply the demand. Wa hare them priuted with and without the ex emption clause. ! "Ji'sr the Fit," said a gentleman who had just visited the Continental Clothing Baranr and made a purchase. ' It Is a good place to buy you always E e.o.U.K a b" " I Slay maker sells at very reasonable prices, and is al ways ready to wait upon customers. I liko to buy of him, and can recommend others to do so. 1 he 1'outiucutul i just the place to suit every one. No Moiir Tiicsr! We have positively deter mined to retail no more Coal, unless foaea.'A on dr. ! lil-try. I! RASI & BlIO., Valentine D(et, , 11 IlAAl A WOLVEIITON. ! Gismial GnAT'a nomination for the Presidency ! menu la be as "phixed" a "phuot," judging from j the tone of the prefs, North and South, as that the ' clothing wld ut J. t. bhaeBer tailoring tstannsu- meut, on Market Square, Is a universal favorite with the public The comparison haa this difference, however that while Grant' praise is in the mouth of but one party, the praise of Sbaeffer'i clothing is on the tongue of all parties. Tan Unit at Baca'a. The public are taking ad vantage of Beck's low prioes, and are carrying hit goods off, (after being made up into suit of all styles,) at a rapid rato. He hat just replenished bis establishment with another supply of Cloths, Cos aimcrea, Ac, which be propose to oonvert into suits at reduced prices. If you dosire to purchase a good artiole, and at a reasonable figure, call at Beck 'a j Tailoring Establishment, on Fourth street. II H I V Taki Vr.stv PAimci-LAB Nonet, that, .to enjoy wiuter properly, you must be well guarded against the elements. When you go skating or sleighing wrap up warcily, while enjoying the exercUe, aid make youraelf comfortable. A pair of boots or shoes from Miller't Excelsior Store, Market Square, on tuch occasions, is a great luxury and a safeguard against cold feet. UtACTiri L. Tbe beautiful specimens of the Pbo. i.,.r,u art. on exhibition at Dyerlv't lallerv, in Simpaoa't building. Market. t.U the pubUe, In uumitlakaUa tanguag, that Byerly it a first clatt artist. Cll np and get a lift-like piotur ..... ..... k-.. ..i,l . IrUhm.n in bla "aii uou klncM r....k.,u iriMt. tha foahionabla Hatter, it menu fa luring and telling goodt very (att and tary eseap, at bit ttora, oa Market Bcjuara JliBBI AOBB. Ou tha 9th Inat., at tb brid't home, by Rot. W. A Haa. Mr. Patip Smitb, of Upper Augusta towa thin to Mias Rcca Falet J rfcamckra tl.p NortbuKlerltLd county friend, ""by did yon betray tbjteoret that was ,jn a recipe for the removal of Pimple, Blotches, .n . It betravin' tUt too eall It T 6ure, ' Eruption, eto .on tha tkin, leaving tbe tame toft, told yoa T , It H " " ' " ' . .ear. and beautiful, oan b obtained without charge when I foand I waaa't abla to keep U mytelf, dido t . b .drMsi I do well to tell It to tomobody that oould ?" Soma THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, hniilJ not ba Kent aeoret, mr insianea iu . . NliXllTRY ItlAllKirTH. Correotecl Weokly for tha "American.' Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do dm Aa Mr nf 1 00 00 10 00 0 00 a o tl r... nv rtour, perbbl. ao per ewt. per bushel , da do do da par jioand Wheat, prime red, ew, Re, Cera, new, Oata, Potatoes, Dried Poaohea, pared do do unpared i 1 10 04 1 M a u u a oo 40 40 ! 18 28 0 14 13 18 sriea fippiea, do Dried Caerrlea. runatnna.t . ter, per pound, Ki per doten, Catena), pr pound, Lard, do llama. a0 Sbonldera, &0 Boof, hind qnarter, do " front " do Mutton, do Chickens, j,,, pr Hhnniokla CoalTrndc, Shamokin, Fobrnary 11, 1HS3. , Ton: C'wi. Sent for woek ending Feb. 8, 6.189 02 Per last Keport, J.1.3H9 00 28,675 01 20,400 015 bii Od To lame time laat year, Docreaae. Special Nolicfo. InNSELr Popclar. Tho proprietors of Coo's Cough Balsam have succeeded In creating a de mand in nearly every village of the fnitod Stales. Reason why ? First, It is effectual ; second, it is che-ipj third, it is pleasant to take; fourth, they Know now to let tne aUlictod know it. Urrora of 1'outli. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffuring humanity, aend free to all who need It, tho recipe and direolions for making the simple romedv by wnicn uo was cureu. fullcrcrs wishing to profit bv the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OUDKN. myio-n;.ly 4i Cedar Street, X. T. To Coitftsiinpilvcsi. Tho Bxv. EDWA11D A. WILSON will .-ml rfr.n of charge) to all who desire It, the prescription with tho directions fur making and using thosimple reme dy by which ho waa cured of a lunu affection nnd that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to beuefit tho afflicted, and be hopes every suirerrr will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, any may provo a blessing. Plas address REV. KllWARD A. WILSON, my l-'671y Williainrburg, Kings Co., N. Y. GERMAN EKASIVfi SOAP Is manufactured from PI' RE MATt-nrira ,.. i ..... niuy ,iV ( conridwedtheOTA.VDAKDOF EXChLLE.VCK. 1'or tnU by I all Orocers. May 18, IS7.-ly. Aycr's :iiei-ry IV-iiraI, poh uiit it Ai-in ciniE or CuiKjhn. f'.t!ln, Itijfuenz.i, lluiirnenfun, Cioup, ISrohthitU, Incipient Cuhsnmptinn, and Jor the J'l.lirf ot' Cohtiimptire 1'utienU iu Ad titntt.il Htiiiji: of the Itisotsc. DO wi.le is the field of it K3 u usefulness and so nus orous r.re its cures, tha- inost tvery scctiou ot try are persons pub licly known, who huvo been restored by it from alarming nnd oven despe rato diseases of tho lungs. When onco tried, its su periority ovor every other expectorant is too anna- rent to escape observation, and where ita virtues aro kuowu, tho public no longer hesitate what nulidulo to employ tor tho distressing and dangerous aflco i -..tftsV i it' tioiisof the pulmonary organs Incident to our clt- hrond nX wreuchon, augurs, obisels, planes, hilling mate. While u.any inferior remedies thrust upon j huM- nx08 anJ Sr,nd 8tono tbo community havo failed and been discarded, thU ! SUNDRIES, bfts gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits t . , . . ... " 1 . . ... on theahlictedlhey can never forget, nnd produced I .0n' ove. 2 iron kettles, 1 braw kettle spm curcs too numerous and too remarkable to be for- l?",?" !s nj-briikef wusur. stuffor, lard and t(en butter firkins, bencher, flour chests, butter churns, Wo can assure the public that its quality U enro- l"d nt and water can, and other articles fullv kept up the best it uver huUn, and that ""rous to mention. ..,. . it rmiiA in a. r..r ih.;. r-iis.f .ail i to coinmenco at 9 o clock A. M., of each of hat ever done. I Hi cut numbers of Clergymen, rbyi-icians, St.ilt-j- j uun, aiid other eminent personages, have lent their ! liMiuv to evrlify to the unparalleled usofulnefv of ! our remedies, but space here will not permit the iu- j sertiou of lb em. Our Agenls furuitb, gratis, our ' AMKiiu.AN Almanac, in which they arc given, with nl no full description of the complaints our icmcdios cure. t Thnto who require an alterative medicine to pit ! rify the bUjod will find Aykh'm Comp. Eat. Sauna i auilla the one to use. Try it ouou, and you will concede its mliie. Prepared by UU. J. C. AVE It k CO, Lowell, Muss., and sold by all Druggists aud dealers in med icine everywhere. lec. 21 tit VDDItKS TO THE MKKVOl'S AND DKUIUT.t itd, win 'Be hulcruu;ii have teen rttitaaled ti"in hid den euten, aud wli e euitra inuifc piuinpt lieqiment l reixtrf rxiklctu'c dcttrulle. If you ute tulTeriitg tr liuve feulftrred f;oin involuntary diti-liar., u tiul edict iltica u produce UMii your getitiul tieHlili? Do you I'rel wruk, drbilituieil, easily tned Dors a Mile uirn exertion pro iiuce paljiitaiioii of the heart? Does ytur liver, tir urinary orgiiii, ur your kidneys, irrqucutly get nut oftrdr ? Is your urine metiuie thick, wtrky, 01 Aitcky, or it il ropy on settling f Ur U.res a thick seuin rue n the tip? Or i u smiimeiit at me Doitoin aiier u ms sokki awmie ; im you lutvt tpeUs uf nhort hteathlnr or dysju-psia ! Are yout dou't lt cuiiitipaud f Do you Imvc spcllii uf fmiitiii(t or lushest of bl khJ to the head Is your memory impaiicd? Is your mind coimtuiitly dwelling upon tins suljr:et f Do you feel dull, ImleM. moping, tired of company, ol lite ? Do you wish to be left alone, to yet awuy fr nii ever) body ? Does any hide thing make you stall or jump? 1 your sleep In ok en ot lenient? li the luitre of your eyes h brilimiil ? The blooin on your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy your self in tKJiety a well ? Do you pursue your business with 1 the same energy ? Do you feel as much coii&.teiu'e m your- j rlf ? Are vour spirits dull und ftagKiiig, given to fun of i 1 ineliinfholy ? If so, Ji nol lay il to your livsror dyspepsia. ! Have yuu restless nights f Vour back weal:, your knees I .veitk, and liuve but little appetite, and you ulliiDutc this to dyspepsia or hver-coiiipluml ? . Nw, reader, self ahuce. venereal diseases hadty cured, i and sexual excesses, Hre all capable of producing a weuk j ne ut the penerntive orguns The organs of generntioii. when in perfect health, muke the iiiun. Did you ever think that those bold, dsftaut, energetic, persevering, sue eeasful bukiness-nien uie alwriys th- se whose generative organs are in peifect health ? You never hear such men complain of being nirluueh 'ly, of lu-rvouintis, ut palpita tion uf the heart They are never afraid they cumi"t sut-ct-ed iu business ; they don't become kid and discouraged ; they are always polite nnd pleasant ill the company ol la dies, and look you and tnern light in the face none of your downcast looks or any oilier meanness about them. I do not mean those whu keep the organs in flamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions but also those they do business with oi for. How many men from badly-cured diseases, from the eflcels of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that bus reduced the general system to much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, auioide, and at must every other form of disease which humanity is ! peeled,1 and have doctored for all hut lhe right one. 1 Diseases of these organs require the use of a riiuretio HKLMUOLD'g FIX1D EXTHACT Bt'CHU is the great f Diuretic, and is a certain eure for diseases of the B adder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Grgume Weakneks, Female j Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Ln- nary Digitus, whether existing in Male or Female, from ' whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. j If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity aourcrs, lid the health and huppiniwa. ami IhMt of Poslvrity, dspeiids upon prompt use of a relmt.le feniedy. tlelmliiild'a Eairact Uurhu. estahlished upward nf 16 yraia, preparril by H. T. IIK.I.MIIOI.D, Uiuggi.l, AH Broadway, New York, and 104 South loili Btiert, PhiUulelphia, Ta Paict (l.tlo per little, or 6 tntlrsfor M.W, delivered to any addiesa. Bold by all Druggists everywhere. March. 1867 ly DiArxaat, Blidess ao Catarbh treated with tbe utmost suooeat by J. ItAAd, 11. D., Ooul 1st and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) Ko. 604 Areh Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from tbe most reliable touree In eity and eountry ean be , teen at bit offioe Ibe aleutoal (acuity are tnvitea ; . ffi 'eY..' wU out pain, o ohs-rge for examination, nov SO-ly. 1 ail or mat lots. ' a tor , IBMasi-w pruuu.. growth ol uair upon a nam aeaa or oearaiese taee, TBI HBALINO POOL. And Houaa of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, oa the orime of Solitude, and tha Error, Abu let and Disease whioh destroy the manly power, and treat Impediment to Marring , with suit mean of relief. Bent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Addrea PR J. EKILLIN UOUGUTOV, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa June . bt - Ij QNB PRICE CLOTHINO. JONES' OLD K8TABLI811KD Oilli I'RICK CLOTHING HOUSE, ova Market M greet, Dae deor above Sixth, Psfladelphla. For many fmn thia Urtabltshment baa done busi ness oa the One Priea Hyaam, and we believe we are the only Clothing House In the city that strictly adheres to thia prlnoiple. We have earned a repu tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and Dot lea important, for having all our goods, EXT It A WEIX MytIK. We employ the beat talent, for Cutters, and our Ooods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes oan be suited. The priees are the very lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must aeo. or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deduotions are ever made, we must put our prioee down to the advantages we promise. The people may dopend, this is the true plan upon Whioh to do business, and tuanva dollar esn be saved to Clothing buyer by keeping in mind JONE8' ONK PHICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market 5trreet, Philadelphia. Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth,. Maroh 23, 1867. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold at public snlo, at the residence of the subscriber, In Lewis township, near Mo Ewcnuvillo, Northumberland county, Pa., on Wcslsieaduy nnd Thiirdn.v, the Itli nntl Stls lsiyi r nnrrh, ls4S( the following property, via: PRIZE STOCK HOkSES AND MULES. A spun of brown match Mulos, 10 hands high, well broke. A pair of match sorrel IIorsM, 16 hands high. This span drew the first premium at the Pcnnsylva. nia State Fair, held at illianuport, as the best pair ot Horses on exhibition for all kinds of tue. CATTLE. 1 thoroagh-bred Durham Bull, 2 yrs.oldoo July 19, 1807. 1 thorough. bred Durham Heifer, 1 year old. 2 yearling Hoifers, Durham and Alderny oross. II yearling Durham Steers, 0 milk Cows, Durham and Alderny crow. 2 thornugh-bred Durham milk Cows, and 11 Head of Beef Cattle. SHEEP. 1 Lincolnshire Buck, 12 Kwes, Southdown and CotswuliJ erniu with tt Inuih In thnrntitrh ht tui I.in I iv-ilnKhirit lt,,-k ml 7 t-Mt-linir VMlkar, iiocs. 5 Brooding Sows, thorough bred, Chester oo. whites. fi Miontj, thorough-bred, Cbestereounty white. WHEELED IMPLEMENTS. Three L'ood two-horse Waeons. two of them with nine htiXtvt. 1 Stnrinff Wmrnn 1 farriMvn 1 ltnkf.t.n I, . n... r. . ncupvr, 4 jihjt iu&e, sou 4 iuyers x ision uraio unil. SrLEDS AND SLEIGHS. v., i,,.l ai..i. n i ot.i. i, , vut- jinn 4 AJUU-kJI l'U3, its lUlkJ t.VlUUJ, I lUg ! McJ and 2 tSUcibi.. HARNESS. I Sell huavy Lrencli-bantl Uar ncafl, 2 setU Yankee lliirmiss, 2 uctla IMow gears, 1 doublo aatt ilugty iliirneM, 2 iloublenptU Fly Netts, 1 single Flv iNo'tt, l Sad'Uc?, llatterx, Lines, collars, bridles aud check reins. BAUN IMPLEMENTS. Ou tumbling rod Threshing Machine and power, 1 corn sbcllur, 1 wind unll, 1 cutting-box, 4U cattle chuiu", raki-s and Icrks. FARM IMPLEMENTS. One band press cider mill, 7 plows. 2 harrows, 4 cultivators, 1 corn plow, double-trees, spreads, log chiiins, tuwj-chaiiis). b arrow-chains and 1 fifth chum, 1 puttito I rk, 3 pairbrctist chains, 3 pair wagon lad riurs, 1 roller, phiwburt, rain cradles, mowing fcyihej, sicklus aud V corn outters. TOOLS. One crofU'Cul saw, 2 post augurs nnd post-horso, 1 stiuviiiL- bcrcc. I slediie. crubbine boen, shovolft. cpude?, crnwburs. nost'diiieors and 1 cant hook, 2 ays when terms will bo made known hr SIMON CAMERON. Lewis townihip, Jan. 25. 1S63 ts. ?30 a'lK'Mtniif Slrrct, Pliilailrlplilu Are the belt In Use, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS: Tbcy are more simple and durable, easier kept in order, multo a stronger and more elastio ditch, a firmer and more beautiful scum than any other They sew all fabrics from two common 'pools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the Jcaui by their own operution, and though every fifth stitch is cut the scam will not rip. 'I'hc Yvry Ilislii-Ki Irlc, Use Croats of the Legion of Honor was conferred on tbe repre sentative of the , .sitovi:it At iiur.r at tbe Exposition I'nivcrsolUo, I'aris, 1667 ; thut attesting their great superiority over all other sow ing machines. (JROVEK A BAKER'S NEW srvLts i II I I' 'I' , i: M A c: II I K H 1'or Manufacturing, Combino the nuvl modern and essential Improve. inentt. Tho attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of boots ana CDoet, carriage inmmiug, Clothing and all other requiring lb use of the mot effective . LUCK BillCU MAt-iu.Min, To theae new stylos, which posses unmistakable ad vantages over all other. FOR SALE BY Miaa CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUKBURY, I'KNN'A., Ku,v. 23. 18fiT. ly ll.t OUl'Olt VI IO.V" FIRST BABTIST CHURCH OF TREVORTOX. NOTICE it hereby given that on tho loth day of January A. D. 1868, a petition wa presented to the Court of Common Pleat of Northumberland County, praying thetaid Court to grant a Charter of Incor poration to aundry eilitena of Trevorton, under tbe name, style and title of the '-First Bahtist Church of Trevorton, witn me rignut ana privilege memo stated, and if no tuffioienl eaute it tbown to tbe con trary of tbe irtt day of next term the tcoood Mon day of Mroh next being tbe ninth (tub) day of March, A. D 1868, the prayer of tbe petitioners will be granted according to the Aot of Assembly, in auch ease made and provided. ny me uouri, J. j. ntlJir..o. vun, Jan. ii, 1B68.-.V Proth y. HI'KUt'KV Oils !UIIA THE auDteriber having Just erected and pot In operation a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer tha highett market prlo for FLAX SEED. The? bar attaebed to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and other wanting gram ohoppod for feeding, ean bo accommodated at tbe shortest notice. A machine for thoppitg aoro with tha eob it attached to tb mill. MOR'IAN .MASFFR Jtuuary Zi, W - 1 t r sit umwniesai CO.'n.llatt lAL. MAI KKSI lyW annoonse lo farmer and dualm In I'er UliaorB, UiM tbe foilowlng prlaea bar beea adopted for Ue proscnt spring toason BAUin'SIlAWBONE I'HOSPIIATE. Priee, t6 per 2,000 lb. IIAVQH'S CIIICAC0 HONE ftRTILlZER Priee, $48 per 1,000 lb. IIATJOH'S CHICAUO BLOOD MANURE. This welt known popular trade-mark will be fuond upon eyerj paokageol the above manure. Tho high estimation in which Cauoh'b Bone Ma uurea have boon hold, during; fourteen yeart past, we shall fully sustain in tho future Having now the entire eontrol of the great resources of the oily of Chicago, for furnlibiug Ammonia and 1'hcnphalo yiokling material, viz Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, Ac, we havo, in oonucoLion with our works in Phil adelphia, the largoet fuoilitios for furni.liing these manuro, at tho above low prices. BAUOU A SONS, Bhiladclpbia. X0KT-W1CSTEKN FEItTIMZIXU CO., Chicago. J0IINKALST0X4C0.,G,n Ag'ts, New York. GEOnuEKIRKKACO., Boston. GKORUK Dl'UDAI.E, Wholesale Ag t, Baltimore. Fir all inf.jrmatlnu rexpeoting tho above Manured, addrosi cither of the above house. Sold by SMITH AGENTHEIt, .Sunbory. Jan. 25, 1S8S. aug'67-ly THK OR DAT AXZRIGAN COMM K A TlOX Itutton Hole Orvracamlni; 3E-77I1TG- MACrZIXTE. Is warranted to executo in tbo bei-t niannnr erory variety of Sewing, Jlemwin. Felling, Cording, Tucking. Braiding, Onthering, Quilting, Overacam ing, Kiubroidering on llio clge. and in addition mako beautiful Button and tiyelct Holes in all fa brics. ITIIASKO EQUAL. Doing nlmolutoly the Beat mjiii,y haciii.m: in the w orld, And Intrinsically the chnnpest, fr it is two Ma chinKe onmbined in ono by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement. Circulars with full particulars and sample of work done on this Machine, can be had ou application at the nl es-rooms of the Company, . W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts., Philadsl'a. Instructions given on tho Machine gratuitously to all purchasers. AOENT.S WANTED TO .SELL THIS MACHINE. IHrwIom t J. L. FEN'IMORE, Prositlcut. WILLIAM P. JF.XKS, Prcaiilcot Ruck Mountain CohI Conipaov. BENJAMIN UULLOCK, Woul Merchant, No. 40 South Front St. II. II. KEEP, ofGeorpo W. r cd & Co., Wholesale Clothing, No. 423 Market Street. A. IIAHT. JOHN T. TA ITT, GEO. J. KlCUARDSON. I'liil:i(Je!lihia. W. E. MEN DEN II ALL. Of Coutesville, Chester County, Pa. F. I'AXSON. of F. l nxsoii it Co., Notions, No. 501 Market Street. January 2S, IW63. ly JOIIX HAAS, Jll. c. II WOLVEBTO!, COAL! COAL! COAL! rpiIE subscriber rcpe.itfully inform thooitiiens of J. bunbury anil vic.nuy. thut tiny buve opened a COAI, YARD atJ. IUiui A Co' Lower Wharf, mlmry, where thpy are propircd In supply all kindiof Hba niokiu Coal, at cheap rut.:s. Faiiiilica and olhors promptly suppliud. Country custom respectfully aoHcitcl. HAAS 4 WOLVEIITON, Sunbury, Jaji. 13, 1S0S. KEEP AVE LUHlKSSElT Call aud !co the null eclectod Stock cf CLOTHS, CArtSIMERKS, OVEIlfOATIMiri, Jat recoived at 1TJNG.V, ia MKKCIIANT TAILORING ESTAUI.ISil MKNT, Fourth Street, below titer's Sure, SUNBl'RY WINTER aOTHINCJ of the most approved atylos is made up to order a reasonable rales. He has ulso a Coo assortment of Cassimere Shirts, Druwers, l'udor.hirta. Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen Hoso, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, Ulovet, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give hiin a call, which you will fiud to bo to your advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 19, HOT. A i: Y A tl It 1 V A I, 4 I" FALL i-lTD WU,TTE?. jKnai9 AT THE STORE OF J. II ENGEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Sucuts, SCNBCHY. TL'ST received from Now York and Philadelphia, J a lar(fo supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which be will sell at small profits, fur each or country produce. His Dry Ooods department Is full of every descrip tion. A splendid liue of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and White Goods at all prioes. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Sbcllncd V ool Shawls Yankee Notions in Grout Variety Alo, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirta. O -A. R P E T S, Wove Floor Cloths, Stnir Carpet Floor Oil Clothe, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widuw Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows. j OBOCEKIE 8, j Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, deckers, Spices, Salt i Fish, Cheese, Ao. I Queensware.Glamware. splendid Suttsof Teaware, I at low price. J BOOTS A 8HOE3 IN DUE AT VARIETY. Hat and Cap, Oil, Paint, Glnst, Putty, School TJuokl, Paper, Slates, Ao HARD W A il i: . Ehovols, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinge and Strew. A Large assortment of WALL PAPER aad Bor, der. at all prioes. All persons desiring to g8' god good will pleue lv,",n0,,1, J. U. ENGEL. Sunbury, Nor. 16, 1867. j"p TtooEA pn aTlb" iTm s, BOOKS AK3 bTATIQNSHV. McDtflly Tim Book, Drawing Books and Slate. Bockl, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Eoakt, biariet, Poeket Books, Ink Stands, Pent, Pencils, a fine aatortment of Paper, Ink, Ao. For Bale by ANKIA PA1XTEH. llHMulntlua ot larlsieritlilp. OTll'E la herebv ait en that the partnership be tween Levi Seaaboltt, v. il. noiverton ana Seasholt:. wa dissolved by mutual oontent C. P. So on the 11th day uf January, I1S Tbe booktof the firm are iu tha handt of Mr. Levi Seatholta, where all persons Indebted will please make imme diate payment, and those having olefins will pre aejittheia for tetllement. jyj fEASITOI.TZ, C. It. WOLVERTOS, C. P. SEASUOLU Sonbur; .January 19, ISdS ; 1)11U CAGLei, 11 diBereot kind.. Jt yeuwan P ,ed an! rhe.n u4 r fge. (trade mmjitn in aiot llenA Ihra IMenn er xea will cvr.atatr 4 vrb,- Tcv Buy the MOST GOODS, of the 133331' Q,XJ-A.3L.IT. For tho LEAST MOiNEY. SMALL PItOFITS AND QUICK CAhil BALES I iv. v. ruiLn, at the MAMMOTH STORE, Market s?CAnK, suNncnA-, penx-a., Hat just roneived and opened the ki:st sj;i.i:cti:i snd FIKE.ST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Prints, Maul Ids, Gingliaai.-, Cashmeres, Ac. KOTIO.Vj of all kinds Hosiery, Q lovesMen's and Ladies Undrgarmeut WHITE GOODS. A fuil a.3diin,.ut of TRIMMINGS. Builders will find my Stock of Ilnrdwiirr, I'aiRtx, OsIm, Ulnar., Ar 4'ontplrlo. W Drugs and Medicine, Willow aud Cedarware, Queentware, Uiasssra.-e, Cruekerj , Sail. BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CATS, and in fuel everything usually kepi in a lare Store Call aud be convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR GOODS U at The Mammoth Store. Jtl.TT. rRILINO, Ternt aato -SOduy a, as my Goodt are buuglt fur Oath, and Cold Chfap or tb READY MONEY tl V JJWIIX., I BunhuiT.Oct l, f7 NEW GROCERY! On Third (., one door kolijw.tbe I.ethtran Ohureh SUN 110 UY, PENK'A. HENRY I'ETEKS, Ita jnt epeneil a Provision Store siinT??. 'c',mB,'t. oomlstln, 4n rm of M ' TEAS, SPtCES, COAL OIL Molaare, Byr0r. M.eker.,., ,.. Dried and Canned Fruits. Tmnaa it.i.;.. n and Crackers, -d utoaX kept in thedroccry line 7 Tbe best KLOUU ond MEAL in the Matket Tubaceo. Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS Cuii-iitutly on bm.fi, ishull and Can crvwrtrBcncsai,, which will ba furnished to private families in larga or small quantities. Also : All kinds of Canned fruit, at tbo luwtat prior. Country Troduoe taken in exchange for Goods. Call and examine my Stock, eud satisfy j-jr Delves. iiiixnr rnTER3 Sunbury, lefl li, 1SSJ. J HOOT A.AO hllOl! hi roil F, wr'tsrua. sJt3Tk.ar-Hi3rs THE subscriber iiffcrs lo sell hi Boot and &'h Store, located on S arkvt street, 8unbury, a frnv doors ctiit nf Htiupt's upt building, fncludina ' a large stock ol Hoots, and Ladies nnd Children a Mhuea, Oailnrs, lo. Tbe room will also be rented to any person purobasing tbo stock, Ifdcslred. Jluro is presented an opportunity fir doing a Erst-clar limit and till oo business. Tho esaMishmcnt is oflei ed for sale because tbo owner has gone into other bmineFS in tbe W est. .. 11 JEKFltfES Bunbury, January 4, 18GR. WATCHES FOR THE KILII0S ARRANDALE A CO'.S GKHAT WATCH CI.CB t.lVERTHOUYreedsa good wa!';h. and wishes I I JJget it at the lowest, rmble 1'tioc : a horde i'f swindlers knowiuK thia have contrived various in gcnious devices to got peoples rqonev, and tuen either fail to send a watch, or send one that (. worth less as a tiine-kociivr. ARHANOALE fi CO., havo now perfected arrangements by which, fur the small sum of till, a rood and relinblo watch may be rren.' j TAINLV obtained. They have formed a GREAT WATCH CLClt on tbe fallowing plan. Certificate containing tbe numbers nf all the watches named in our wbolesile list (which is sent to all applicant).) aro niixt-d up, enelesed in envelopes, and Sold for. 25 cents each, tvery certificate is WAnuAMiiD to be for a watch, and as will bo seen on rcfereneo to the list, none aro of I"" value than Ten Dollars, whilst some are worth $300. We undertake to send any watch drawn whatovcr may be its value for 10, and in order that every one may absolutely depend upon getting a first class lime-kooper, we guarantee that every purchaser of One Dollnr'a worth nf cer tificate shall receive at least one for watch Nu. M l on our wholesale Ih't.sent post free, which is a firrt ebiss intent lever, a handsome and reliable wateh, In sterling silver hunting case, and usually sold for Jlu. You will cERTAiMLr irctKuclin wntch ; eijd, besides, you mv get a eoi.n chhovometoh worth SMM. We -oil tiio nertith:nt as follows : One fur 2,'i cutis ; Three for 60 cents ; Six for $1 ; and Twen ty for Tu those gundinggl, vt will send a hand some chain grin is. To those Bonding $3. we will send a goi.u en MS warranted not to tarnish in 2'. years Parties getting up larger clubs will receive liberal present, pnrlioulars of wbioh may be l&arucd on application. As it is our intention to d a strict ly honorable business, and to insuro our eiutomcrx from liability to loss, we will send our watches, if desired, without mosey, instructing the Exprese agent to collect only on delivery. If wo are deircl to forward watches by luail. the money tuutt be sent us by Hank Draft or Pint Office Order, and it will then be at our rick. Wo will then iikolster ibo package at our post office, and if lost will replace ir Frit nor ciiaiioe. If any watch sent ia not un proved, it may bo returned "and the money will bo refunded. The reputation of our firm, which baa beeu established furfivo years, and is well known in every part of the country, we trust will be deemed a sufllcient guarantee thnt we will faithfully perform all we contract to do.. Adli-Ms VtlKANDALK & CO., Ii2 BROADWAY, NEW YORK" I'rc. 21, lSd7 ,1m Post Oflice Box, 0.2al. Lime ! Lime Lime ! riMIEnew Lime Kilns nf II B. Miuser. at Selinv L Grove Station, are now completed and ia sue cussful operation, producing lime of the very bet quality. Vhese kilns are built wilb all the mod or n conveniences and improvements, nnd have a capaci ty cf producing 400 bushels per day. Excellent I roads have been made to tbe kilns, not interfered 1 with by the raiiroud, whero wagon or sleds can be loaded in a few minute Irom the scbutes, without handling. Having opened a largo body of tba best limestone, at the mouth of tbe kilns, they are enabled to sell lime at the low rate ot J I cants per bushel. The kilns are in charge of competent per sons, who will always bo prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to 11. It. Massor, Sunbury, or tc Chas. Dunkleherger, or Chns. J. Conrad, at the kilns December 14, 17. Vi siter und l'iro l'rooi" SLiATE ROOFS. THO undesigned respectfully informs builders n this and adjoining com. lie.) that be is prepared to put uulate Roof:, in a superior manner, llu fu.ru-l.-hes the celebrated Lehigh county Slato, which is the best in the rrarket. He warruntuhis work to be durable and lire and water proof. He invite the in spectipnof Ike public to tbe work be handone in 6'un bury on liaupt's, Grecnough's and 1'iti' buildings, and on others at various places. His prices aro u low as those of any othor slater. Address, D. S. SMITH. Sunbury, P. O , or call at his resilience in Cpper Augusta twp. January 11, loOS. ly OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AN L ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, No X30 Wal. nut Street, Philadelphia. SUNBURY AND ERIE BONDS LOST. Application has been made to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company (formerly the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company) for the issue of New Bonds, for lhe following-described Bonds, wilb the Coupons annexed, lost or destroyed : Nos 851 to 871 inclusive, for SI. 000 each, seven per cent. Sunbury aud Erie Railroad Company Bonds, dated September 10, 1807. X" ,.;., I.. I,nr,,l. vii'M Iknl K'm P..uIj mitt h ! issued in lieu of the above, March 1st, next, u !'-; f satisfactory reasons are shown to the contrary. ucu. r. 1.U l Li., sreasurer Deeeuiber28, 18.S7 2ui ' WATCHMAKER t JEWELER, Market Square, ntar the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland .County, T.v HE has just opened an assortment of Gold f)V(A and Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS ijs imp K itilrnfliitt. IImiium Hno llw(ll inn. I inn O" , " Gold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Mitiia- tJw ture Canes, Meualliuns, Locket. Pencils, Tbimblct, Speelaulea, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea S.i.; and Mustard -potins. Sugar Spoou. t'uiw, Napkii kings, Fruit aud Butler Knives, Shields. Coiohs, biauoni i'oiiitcd Pens, CasU-rs, Pitchers, liutiet Dishes, Fruit DUhet, Cake Baskets, Syrup l'it ibers. Ao.. Ac. He iurites the eilitent of Sunbury and vicinity to eall at tho above place, where be will be bappy t wait upon them. L'i Pariiculara'teuti n paid to REPAIRING December 21, 1M7. PURE LAGER BEER! I'oa i Dit ai.i:, From tba Cold Spring Brewery, U N Bl It Y. i'A. JOSEPH SACHS?.. 1 ESPECTFULI.Y Inform, the publlo geneiali V that he U prepared to lurnuh LAGER BKEH, I'OUTLU AND ALh. 0 large or small quantitie Hi fa.liti.M ita t.ak ng lieer cannot be exoellvd. and ii pronounced supe lior to any other offered ia Central Penn)ltatii Jt bat klw been reooinuiundod by it) sieiau: at k ; heallhv drink fur invalids I I' llotkls, I'.rwtaurcuu aul r.i ate tauiiLet tuppli. at short notice Sunbury, Sept SI, IRON A large orui.'i of lh bK cw.ui. lured - iitvr. Hoon. Band, Round and (--. a r lros, Z'ail Kj.I i.wift. lilittei Bttel. Drill fcttn!, Hice iiiti. il .r.to 1 : Anvil.;, lieilo VI? j, likUirntrr fcledges, ' BwpiauJ TV at . t C-i : Jf vou viirl g w.i, Iu,.tu r- t,, MITVi 'emiliv J. .... 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers