AHCil STREET FOUNDRY 1 J. VOVXU'nA', roprltor. Arch !"!., iM-ttvorn 3l Misd It, clone to III- l'sibllc Nchool llouwr, SUNBURV PENN'A. THE proprietor of this establishment respooirully Inform the publie that he but eommeneed tne man ufnuture of Cooking and Hosting 3TOYI3I ithlh l' "I" Kt lower price then they can be obtained elsewhere. MILL Gearing, Storm, and the Urgent class of Casting nude promptly to ordiir. Also. Window Weight.", Frames and (Irate for Col lar Windows, c. t'iil Iion 'lilmnv Top. WATER TROUGHS DOOR STEPS. A liberal price paid for old csMings. JfllK CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im proved. Is manufactured nt this ertablishtnont. Also, Stovo ilrntosof all kinds, K utiles, and cvory variety oI'siiihII casting". Sunbury, Oct. 5, 1SG7. JtBOL All kinds of SCHOOL HOOKS. ' Hates, Pons, Ink, Paper, Ac. Miscellaneous Books, a (rood assort ment. All the new books received HimiiM published, ai.d for sulo at Publishers' prices. BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn Books, in every stylo of binding. Catholic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various stylos- DICTIONARIES of nil sizes. Juveniles and Toy Rooks, n lnrgc 3 O m w w a o o w 01 3 o w w K r W W H H CO a W a CO 0 U W hi npsnrtmeiit Illnnk Ilookst d Blauh Forms of all kinds. Fanlscap. Legal Cp, Letter and Note Papers. COPYING BOOKS. Inkstands Pen Rucks, Files, Purer, Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally. PHOTOURAri! AkBl'MS cheap Mi J dear. Gold Ten' anl Holders. Pocket Books and Bill Walk-Is. Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, Amcricnn, Fwnch . Ac. Drawing Paper, mi sues, linsioi Board, Au. Diaries, Memorandum Books. Act Backgntnmon Boards, Games, Chess-j men, Ac. Joys a largo and complete assortment Bsee-Ralls and Bats. Fishing Rods' nnd Tackle. Perfumes, Broucmian anil rart.-mn Marbles, Ac. Gold Pens re-pointed. Lamps, Phides, Globes, Chimneys. Ac. Wall Tiiper and Border, nil kinds. Window Curtains, Pancr Gilt nnd Oiled. Music and Musical Instruments. UTAH kinds of Books and Stationery nut on hand promptly ordered. All ilin nilv noil WeeVlv Tanors and Mnfrnnncs. Affpnt for thn "American Orirau." Als( for Rosa's Hair Restorative." Enamel of Anieriot, and "National Steam Navigation Company.'' Sunbury, May IS. laoT. " aVA.MII.Y NKWIU aiiACiarSui Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON, Walnut Street. SUNBURY. V.K. Havingbcen appointed Agont by the Singer Manu t,.rinnrii Onrminnv. for tha Bale of Sinners New Fninilv Sewine- Machines, informs the public thnt l,nv n.n ,u Vi.il nt liar resilience. rhoon Machines arc siinnle. compact, duruble and beautiful. Capable of performing a range aud a variety of work never before attejiptod upon a sin. cle Machine using either silk, twist, linen or cot ton Thread, and .sewing with equal facili'y the very finest and coarsest material', aud imything between the two cxtrcmos in the uwet bcantilul ana suustuu tial manner. Thee Machines will be sold at reasonable rales Carl aud examine for yourselves. Mrs. SARAH SIMrSON, Agent October 2o, 1867. Millinery Goods, BIisx 3J. I.. fiHoli r. bezs leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that rile has just opened a large aim varied stock oi MILL IKE HY GOODS, of all tho latest Fall and Winter stylos, to which she invites attention of her patrons, and tbu ladies gene rally, connclentot ner abintvto please. A good assortment ot BONNETS A HATS, Jlnts for features bright and jolly, Jlats tor faces melancholy, Hats for figures, broad and burly, Hata for straight hair, and for curly. Intof silk, cloth, felt and beaver, Hats that almost wear forever, Hats that nlwavs look so neat. Are bought at Alias Gossler on fourth street, Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries. Kdirins. Laces. Woolen Caps. llandker chiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume ries. Siim. I.illv While. Enamel of America, ta tionery. Ac., Ac. Call" and examine for yourselves. No trouble fchow goorls tuubury, Nov. 2, 1S07. " 1TEV L.GEB. BEElk 1H SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZBL RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public gonerally, that be has ooiumcnced the manufacture, and U now ready to furnish LAGER liKElt AND ALE, of a superior quality. Having procured the servicos of a first class brewer, be is euublrd to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private fumilies with au ar ticle that is palatubk-, puro and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicitod which will ro ccive prompt atlcutiun. CHAS. mnL. fninlury. Novunlifr 10. 18fi7. fTTkisi i "a mil 'vaT of FANCY DRY GOODS. 3VTIS3 KATE BLACK, Market iSiuara. two doors East of the old Bank buildiui?. SUNUl'UY, Penn'a.. 1 I A? oneucd a tresh sunnlv of the latest slvles of J J Fall nnd Winter (iuods, selected by "herself lioiu the most fuslnoimulu estaUlisbmvnta in 1 bila dclpliia. Cheap DeLaines. Alpaeas, French Merinos, Plain and Plaid Poplins, Mourning Good. Cloths, ti.iciiue Flannels, Ladies aud Children' Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings. Embroideries, Luce Veils and bandkorchiefs, gloves, hosinry, Balmoral fkirts. Breakfast and Blanket Shawls, Wiuter &aoiue tuid Laiics' goods of every description. dents' Collars, Neck-tios, Jlalf-bose, Handker chieb and U loves. Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, eto. (J'llopkius' Eliplie Skirts. KATE BLACK. Eunbury, Nov. 2, 187. i oaiti: vr iti:ii t"iio.i '18G8 JOUl IN IHE PKR'Eb OF Fall & Winter Goods! I. I.iiiis-iisi, having just return f l In. in Pliilaiclpl.i.-t with a suicrior stock of Fall nnd Wiuter tioods lor the trade of JM7 and 'US, vhiuh she is able to sell at very reduced price, would respectfully call the attention of her custo mers aud the publio generally, to the superior quul ity of her goods, and the low prices at which they are Leld. She boa all kiuds of DRESS QOODS, including Poplins, Morinos, De Lains, Calicoes, Jo., all at tbu lowest prices. Extra quality Muslins at er.ra low prices. Dril lings, Canton h lannels. Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Hoods. Gloves of all descriptions. Including a very supo tiur quality of Ladies' Cloth Uloves. JIOSIEKY. Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties, Laces, Kami. I gouds, Zophyrs aud Varus, Towliiig iu groat tariuty. lieuts' aruj Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Muff TuMel.aint Buttons. Pomades, Extracts, and a large Vir lotj of notions and fancy articles. t'all aud ace tbum before going elsewhere. ... ML. LAZAKl'3. Funtmry, Not. 2. 1?,I57. ('hiltlreu'sj 'arrluesi. WE would call the attention of those wanting a Child t Carriage, to our new and large assort tueul cowpriaing new and beautiful stylo. J. U. CONXEV A CO. CI ALL an! see t&e bfauUTul Bird Cages at the J licw Hardware iture of J. n. CONLEY CO. BII0EMAKEUS. THE best qualilios of Sole Leather, French Calf t?' ..r?'0tr"' L'0'l5s. UU, NaiU, Peg, looli of .11 kinds, and ever, thing used hT Ihe traeTe, 1-tr ssl, low b, Sil CON LEV k CO I BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A8 A REFUUE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered the most Certain .Speedy iinonlr Kflectual Hemerty in the Worlit forali Pri vate Diseases, Weakness of the Hack or Limbs, tstrictnree, AfTeetiona of the Kulneys and lllndder. Involuntary Die eharies, I m potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dys prpay, Uoiiuor, fiw Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpi tation of the Henri, Timidity, Tremblings, lUmaesa of Sight or Oiddinen, Disease ol the Head, Throat, Nose or skin, Affections ol the l.iver, Limps, Stomarh or Hnwela Ihese Terrilile Disnirteis arising from the Solitary Habits of Viaith those secret nnd aolitaiy practices mire fatal to their victims than the aong of Syrens to the Matiners ol tilysaea, blighting their rnosl hrillisnl hopes ol aiitklpal s, rcadering mnrri.tue, Ac., impossiltle. Young; Itlm Ksncolallv, who have liecome Ihe victimsof Solitary Vice, thai dreadful and destructive halill which aimnnlly sW'eens to an iiiitiiiirly grnve thousands of oung Men of the most rxallitl lalenti and brill t Intellect, who might tilhirwisn have entlanceil listening Senates wllh the tliun deis of eiooneiice or waked to erstnty the living lyre, may cull with full conlidi'iiee. 31nrrlnp:'. Married Persons or Young Men conlernpl'iting ronrlinge, lieing nware of physical weakness, oigiinic tlchility, de foniiities, Ac., speedilv cured. He who places himself under tlm enre of Dr. J. mny imy religiously ciailide in Ins honor as n gcntkinnii, and u .iilideidly rely upon his skill as a Physician. Orftnnio V"nlnrsii limneclintely Cured, nnd Full Vliror Iti'Storcd. 'I'lns DiKtiessitis Atlcfhon winch rendis Life misern. Mb and nmrriiige iinpossilile is the penalty paid by t he victims oi improper liuiiiijrenees. i oung persons nre tF upt to commit excesses fnan not being aware of the diead fill conseniicMccs that in:iv ensue. Ntw, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny tnut ine power oi piocrention is lost sooner by those falling into improper mhils than by llie pnidcnls? Besides ileing deprived th pleasures ol heallhy otlspring.lhe most serinusned destine live symptoms to both bHly uud mnul atise. The system lieeotiies Deranged, the Physical and Mental ruiieliona V eakencd, losol 1'ioci'ealive powei, INervous irrll'itilll tv. Dvspepsia, Palpilation of the Heart, Indigestion, Co i siitiitional Deliility, n Wttstitig of Hie Flame, Cough, Coiisionptitti, uecny nnd lirath, l3t--, . 7 Sou Hi I'lfiUiicli Slrtrl (.eft hsiitl side going from Ilnltimore street, a few d'Hiis 'roin llieeoiner. l-'nil not tnobserve nnnie nod number. Letteis must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in Ins olliee. A 'uri' Viirrnitlfcl In 'I'vso Iriij ti. 2'o Mciruryor A'tuneou Drugs. Ir. .toliiiwtoii., Member of the Royal College of riurgcons, Ijoudon, Grad ute from one of liie most eminent Colleges in the rimed States, and the greater prut ol whose life hns lieen spent in me Hospitals oi iiiaton, runs, riiilndetpiiia and else where, has etf'eted some oi the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled Willi nugiiig in the head and ears when nslcep. great nervousness, lieing alarm ed at sudden sounds, Ivishiulness, with fienuent blushing, attended sometimes will) derangement of mind, weiecured inunctiiaieiy. Take I'articnlar Notice. Dr. J. addresses all those who have iniurcd themselves uy improper indulgence and aoliiary hutnts, which ruin both IsMly and nuod, uiiUtting tlii-iu tor eilher business, s'liny, society or marriage. To ksk lire some oftlicsmt and melnnrholy i-lleets pin duced hy eurly habits ol youth, viz: Weakness of the Back anil .nubs, r.ims in the Head, uunurss ol r-ght, Ijossoi .lusciilar rowel, ruipilation ol the Heart, uyspepsy, ervtais irritniiiutv, ueiangeuieuloi ine uigesttve Mine. lions, tteuerul Debildv, r'ymplonia ol Uonsiiinplion, A:c. aikntali.v J ne leariui ellectson tne niiuu are inuen to bedre.uled 1sh ot Memory. Confusion of Mens. De pression of Spirits, Kvil-foiebtKlings. Aversion to Society, Sell-Distrust, 1,070 of Solitude. Timidity, Ac. are some id ine evils nroitueeil. Tiloi'sxns of persons of all aces e:in now indere what is the cause of llicir declining heallh, losing tlieir viuor, liecotiiing weuk. pule, ueivous and euneiaied, having a inguinr appearance uuoul the eyes, couch uuu sj-uiptoms ol consumption. Ollllg' .tSCII Who have injured themselves bee certain nraetice indulg' ed in when alone, a habit freoiieiitit' learned from evil companions, or al schijol, Ihe effects of which ate nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders mairiage 'inpossiuie, ana destroys uutii miniiaiiu uotiy, should apply imnieoiaieiy. Wiiut a nitv that a vonng man, the hone of bis country the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros, peers and enioviaentsof life, by the conseouence of devia ting from the path of nature nnd indulging in B certain secret iiai)iiv. sucn persons mcst, oclore couteinpiaiing Jlm-risis'i, reflect that a sound mind and Imdy are the most neeessnry requisitesto promote connuinal happiness. Indeed without tln-sc, the journey thrnuch life becomes a weary micron ngej the prospect hourly darkens to the view: the mind becomes shadowed with desoair and Idled with the melan choly reflection that the tiappioiss of another becomes uug'iieu wun our own OiweiiHV f B;ui-ii(l-ii'. hen the misguideil and iiitjiiudenl vtiry of deasure initio intii ne ins niiiiiueM ,mc stre-.is oi mis ouiiiiui uise.ise. it too often liuopens tliat an ill-time,) sense of slinme. oi dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, cm, alone befriend him, delaying till the cnnsliliiliounl symptoms of this lion Id disease make tlieir appearance, such as ulceruted sore llironl.niseiisen nose, uoctiirnl pains in the ln-nd and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nones on the shin bones and nuns, blotches on the head, facenud exticinitits, piogress iug with fruthtful tapiility, till at l-isl the ualnte of tin month or thelKinesof the nose fall in, and the victim of tlusawfui disease becomes a horrid object of commisem tiou, till death putt u period to Ins dreiidful suffering, by sending hi in t ) Hint Undiscovered Country from whenee no traveller levious." It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to lliii lurrllile disease, owing to ihe iiuHkllltulnrss of igitoinnl pietenders, who, l,y the use of Ih it ' Deadly I'oiriu, Mer cury," ruin the constitution and niuke the residue of life miserable. MSrtiiijXors Trust not y air lives, or health, to the enre i f the mnny ruleuined and Worthless Preleiulers. destitute of knowl edge, nnme or character, who copy Dr Johnston's ndver tiseinents, or alylcthem-klvcs. in the newspapeis, regularly lvlueated Pnysieiuns, incnjinhle of Clliinc, they keep you trilling mil after month taking their filthy and poisoiius compounds, or as long as the sm-illest fee can las obtained, and in drspuir, le.ive ymi with tuined heallb to sigh over your gailnic disappomtii t. Dr. Johnston is the o-ilv Physician advertifiug. Iliscredeidiai or dipl-anas always hang in bis office. Ills remidles or treatment ure iinknowil to all others. preiwreo i mm a 'He spent In Itie great hospitals of hurnpe, the first in this country and a more extensive '-Private Praftice' than any oilier Physicum in the world. ItKlorsu-mrul i" Use IVottM. The many thousands cured at this institution vent nfter year, nnd ihe numerous mniorlniil hargieal (tH-ralions perf-r-ned by Dr. J-ihiiston, wiineysed bv the reporters of the "Sun," ClipiH-i," mid m.oiy oilier pipers, iioliecs of which fiave uppeared esaiii nnd again bef-ire the nlilic, besides Ins stuiidiue as a gentleniim of charaeterand rc-S-Minsitijlily, is a sillTieient rjiarntttee to the ulllieted. IkiNfitxrM Mpcftlily 'ur-il. Persons wiituiff th-nild be particular in directing their etlers to Ins Institution, in the following manner, .Bo 1 1 n yt. .Solinwlon, M. 1. Of Hie R.iliimoie liek II -sjii'.al, Lultiinore, Mil. Nov. 30. P-i7 I y. liltIi'S I'll 111')' I'lirs'! AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Enlablished FIR Manufactory, No 71H AUC11 Street, above 7lh, l'HIL'A. 'if Fiji " now in more t i i fjM'A - 1'!yuVIniporU,Uul,n 'V f H,lr!ilii'l ri Manufacture one of II Have now in Store of and .Vrai r i A ' 1,,ri5st and most beaut " vliVV '. f-l selections of benuti- ?yt FANCY FI RS, Ji7;sfor Ladies' nnd Chil Has 'dreu'i Wear in the Citv ii'Siifi2-S'iii''i" Also, a Hue assortment of Uent's Fur li loves and Collars. 1 am enabled to dispose of my gonds at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Remember the Name, Number and Strcot ! JOUNFAltEIRA, No. 713 ARCH St., ab. 7th, south side, Philad a, ( jif l have no partner, cor connection with any other ttore in Philadelphia. Sept. 2S, I SO 7 . tmw i. IIOOl MUIKTM. Ot. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Ora Oivn Make." Aflerinore Ikan Five Ycor experience and ex perimenting in the manufacture of Strictly First Quality Hoop .Skirts, we oiler our justly celebrated goods to men. hunts and Ihe public in full confidence of their superiority over all others iu the American market, aud Ihey are so acknowledged by ull who wear or deal in them, as they give more satisfaction than any other Skirt, and reuommoud themselves in every respect. Dealers in 11 nop Skirts, should make a note of tbis fact Every lady who has not given tbematrial should dosowiibout further delay. Our ansorlmeut embraces every style, length and site for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also, Skirta made to order, altored and repaired. Ask fur "Hopkin s Own Make," and be not de ceived. S'eetbat the letter "H" is wouen on the Tapes between Each Hoop, and that they are stamp ed " W. T. HOPK1N S Manufacture. 028 Arch St., Philadelphia," upon each tabe. No othera era genuine. Also, constantly on band a full line of (good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. WlwlcMule and lliMiil. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium, Nit. 6Ja Arch street, Philadelphia. M M. X. HOPKINS. March 23, 117. lOmw CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLI NESS." A FACT which U demonstrated at GUNNISON A CO d., l'irtt 1'lttaisi Miui'iatc Ilulr Cutting uml Mliaiuoon.lnj; llaoum Two Crst-olass BARBERS always in attendance. Particular al leu li oo to eutting Ladies and Children'! Lair. Give us a call at the New Rooms over tha Post Office. Suuburj, August S, I Sti7. IX TORRIHRGTON & H0DOKN8 n a "W d o rr b SUrER-PIIOSriIATK OF LIME, JUS ORBAT rrthnniberlnl Coanty FERTILIZER. The best manure for all kinds of grain mnnufaj (nrorl. More active, more durable, than any other. It does not exhaust the soil, bul on the eontrary Is a permanent Improver. OVER 600 FARMER8 in the County applied it to thoir Spring Crops, the results were that it exceeded thoir most sanguine expecta tions. It was tested with the best Phosphates in the country but eamo outjvictorious. Farmers, use it for your wheat and rye. Put np In Bags of 200 His. eah and sold at $07 per 200V pounds, at the Manufactory, i:nt JlnrksH Sired, Sunluir.v, la., or at any of our agents In Danville, Willinuisport, Lcwisburg, Mnncy Mntlon, Milton. Dcwart, I'otfs grove, Bloomsbnrg. 'clius'-Urove. Trevorton. or any ol'llio principal towns in the adjoining counlics. Where we havo no agents aiiiioiiitcd, fanners can send their orders by muil aud rely on their receiving immediate attention. We hare the advnntna-e of Railroad nnd Canal transportation in all directions, and purchasers need apprehend no delay in Oiling orders. J. E. TORR-INCITON, ED. HODUKINS. Sunbury. Aug. 17. 1S07. L'llOlCE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL BENJ. BOHNEK, Dealer In Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn i?h from the most responsible Nurseries in this and a ni. Tiiwi-'a Ar u i. : .i .. n IIL11UI niniup. unv vinw Mjatu nil niuvii-. i irv, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. (Jardcn Seeds of all Kinds. Orders arc respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOIINER, Paxinos, North d. Co. N. B. Insurances taken in several of tne most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Cimnan m in iKn Kt.ifA June , iBT. y FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully Informs tho public that he keeps constantly on band at his new AKfcliUUbK, near uia ShainnKin alley nanrcmu Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. y sr r. i.iu I I r a nr-Tj O , .U . VilV II I U U ! k. Sunbury. April 1. Jot" J. H. Conley Co., 3lnrkrl Mtrrcl, V.nut ol'llio Knilrond SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN . i oui:iu. A AIKHICA.A, Hardware & Cutlery. rpill' attention of Mechanics, Farmers. Builder, I and Buyers eencrally is invited to-the faot that we are now offoring a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below thoso heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in tbis line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKERS, JOINERS, 4C, AC; together with a large stock of Iron. Steel, Nails, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Urindstoncs, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, 18B7. Notice to merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Wciscr A FricVs Line, give notices to merchants and shippers that the Depot is still at 81 1 Markot street, Pbila dolphia, and all Uoodsdirected to Sunbury, Danville and Lcwisburg, and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will be promptly delivored. tj Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri-wcckly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. V. BROWN, Proprietor, Lewi-bur;;, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 187. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. CiliO. ItOllItllAt ll Ac f, ARE now currying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acnuircd the hichest reputation. J'amcuiar attention paid to MILL, ujmi.mis Farmers should not forcet that Lbe PLOW3 made at the Sunbury Foundry have never boon equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at snort notice. Small castini's. including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and must useful patterns. The busincKS will be conducted on an enlarged scale. Old customers will bcaccommodnted as usual, and now ones are respectfully solicited. cuuuury, iii ay 12, ison EALl AND vTnTJCI MILLINERY GOODS -AJLNID 3SrOTI -3STS Misa ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of tho Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RE'PECTFl'LLY informs her friends and the public, that she has just returned from the citv. where she has spent some time in making selections 1 and purcniu.es, and nas just openod a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Vi gans Skirting Lining, limp Skirts, Bugle Trim mings, Cntpv Trimming, Hat Crape, Clouk Baxtons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies nnd Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONARY. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks, Ac. he flatters herself in being able to make a displav that will give enliro satisfaction to visitors, ani goods will be exhibited wilb pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1867. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RESPECTFULLY Informs hi. friends and eus. tomers, that he has just opened a shun for the manufacture of BOOTS I SHOES, on P Spruce ttrect, k ttreen Second ttrect and dntrc Ally, Sunlury. whrre all kinds of work in his line will be made up In the lutost style and in tho best workmaulike man ner. Having first class stock on hand, he flatten himself that he will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. Tho public are invited to call. 0 , , JOHN WILVER. Suubury, Juno 14, 1807. FARMERS &JUJILDKKI LIME AND LIMESTONE. 'I "If-subscribers respectfully infurm the X oi Northumberland county, thai ih eiiuens prepared to furnish LIME of a superior quality iaruier and Builders. Also LIMl'sTilvi.' f.. are now to tne eelebrated Lime-Stona Ouarrioa nf l.m m.i,... rout ,10lLtowlls'li, " ,hort nol' and at reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta Hon along tba line of the different railroad when ordered. There Kilns are located at the Slismokin Vallew Kuilroad, near Sunbury, where orders will be Ord dors are retpectfullr solicited. Address. J. II. LENKER A DRO , Suubury, Pa. August S, 1807. SAESAPAEILLA, MINERAL WATER, POHTEB AND ALE. rnilB subscribers having loealed a bottling eslab X lnhment In Cake's Addition, In tha Borough of Sunbury, respectfully Inform the citisensof this and adjoining eounties that they are prepared to furn ish Landlords, Restaurent Keepers and private fami lies wilh the beat brands efSaraaparllla, Minval Wa ter, Ale and Porter, bottled in the best manner. Their drinks are procured from tha beat establishment in the country, which enables them to furnish batter article than can ha had eUewbaro, which will be de livered at tha lowest rates. The eitlieni of Sunbury aad Tlotnlty Will nnd it to their interest to patronise home industry, and assist in making tbis permanent entnmrii. .n.l .1 ik same time save labor and Money. Ordere are respectfully eulioited.whleh will reoeive prompt attention. Address, PROB.ST k ROTE, August 17, 167 6 Isuubury, f LUMBER! LUMBER! The Potior Osanfjr nnd nnnbnrj Lumber C'ompntiy, Now fully established at the SUNBURY STEAM SAW MILLS, are prepared to saw to order WHITE riNB, IIEMLOCK AND OAK, of any else and all lengths. A full assortment of iDrrsz" LUMBER always kept on band. Fennel, Flooring, Siding and finishing boards of all kinds. MOULDING, SASH, DOOHS, and SHUTTERS. SHINGLES, Bnwed and Shaved, White Pine, and Hemlock. lMnNtFring- l.nlli nnd lnliiic, Planing, Kipping and Turning, will be done to order at short notice, This Company design furnishing everything in their line at such rates that Lumber Yards. Builders and all parties using Lumber, will find it to their interest to buy at this establishment. ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will bo promptly nl tended to by addressing, Vt.M. UfcAULtS, sup t. Kunbury, June 15, IHfiH. 1TE7JT SHOE GTOP.E- Market Strcot, adjoining Ocnrhart'a Confectionery H. L-t - 11,-,, 1- I, oiure, ctAin-xii, i n. riHF undersigned respectfully informs tho citi7.cn J ot Biinuury ann vicinity, linn no nas upenea a NEW fr'HUE STORE, for the sale as well as fur the manufacture of the nnest an J best quality ol Dadies tbocs, vii : UlovoUltl, lorrofc-ft, ( iill-isKiH un1 I.ut in;: 'nitiM. Vc. Children's Shoes of nil kinds. His slock is entirely new and well selected. He also manufactures fine French nnd other Calf skin Boots nnd Shoes for Oentlcmen. Orders fur ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly nttended to and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand nnd for sale to the trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 1867. TUE UREAT CENTRE OK ATTRACTION I 1ST STTISTZBTTIRrT, is on 3d street, opposito the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. II lit I-iitely i:Kiitlllicl, Mills ull tile ftlotlrrn Improri'iiienlx ol' I lie Art ! fTMIE subscriber, having built the room expressly X for the purpose of Photogrnphing. nnd havinjr devoted mnny years to the business, is confident ut his ability to assure his patrons thnt the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave tho irnllery unless en tirely satii-fuctory. Having the best sky light in the county, he is prepared to innke Photographs in ull kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. H c is nlso prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required site nnd colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments. Machinery, County Scuts, Ac, a largo lot of Photograph frames constantly on hnnd The publio are respccfully invited to cnil and see our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to tamiiics and clubs. EER0STRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, POL AN D'S Magic Bilious Powders, rpiim rUKPAUA TlON t the iIihchv jkt try 01 11c ncv. . i mnu inerty lite Paster tif (he HaptiKl t Imrcli in GnlTitown, N. II , him ti iinu ilrurly bflnvetl by tliut di-iiotiinuiti-m UirnuKhout New t-'iimilHiid lie wnni liliirt'il tn leiive the pulpit and mudy medicine to mv h is own lift!, mid his Miipir lNtwdfiiHii out of the mutt w 'iidt'iful diW'ivcriei r mHlcrn Hint:. nf THE GREAT LIVER AND BILIOUS REMEDY! which completely throws in lite simile all oilier diseovene 111 meilieine ; and it altonls him uiaeh grutificali'-n Ilia they receive tlie unnnimotis npprolintion of ull who have tested I hem Tlit Mnjiic Bilious 1'owilers ure a I'osill vet'iire lor l.l'i t'oinpltiiit t ! in its must agrarated form, anil an iinint-dtute c-nreetor ofall m iu'ic.x;i:.iii:i' : Excellent for IlKADACHI'., CONSTIPATION PIMI'I.KS, III.OTCI1KS. A SALLOW SKIN, DROWSIM'.SS. DI.'IM'S. HEAIITDIRN, PALPITATION, Attl a most wouilcrful CURE A TREYENTIVE OF FEVER A AliUE! (Wenilvise all who are troubled with this femful uialn rly to always keep the Powders 011 hand ready for mime dime use ) Here are a few important putticuhrs: 1st. They are tlie Ureal bpecific for all Bilious Affec tions. 4il They are the only known rcmei'y Hint will cure Liver Complaint. 3il. The are the only known remedy that will cure Coitstipntioii. till. The Powders are so tliinin;li in (heir operation that one isjckupe will be ull llial the iniij-uily of th-ise using ttieiu will reiuue to effect a cure. Slit They me mild ami p!cautil yet the uist efTee tual cathartic known. 6th They are the cheapest and lst medicine extant, asthey can be sent by mull to any pait of the globe for the price. AO cents. Circulars, containing certificates, information, Ac, lent to any iwm of the woihl free of charge. SOI.DIIV AM. DUL'tiUlSTS, or bymailou upplica tiou to C. O. CI.MIK A CO, Gr.xsRsl. ost. New Haven, Conn Price, iO Ctnls ycr llu.r. February at, IS67, ly. l.yon's l4--iMli'!ll Iro, THE GREAT FEMALE RKMEDIKS FOR IRIIK, ULLAlilTIKi! I nave tested Ihese Uro,,s 111 my own ,laee, over ten years, and do not hesitate to say, that ii-ithing hns ycl been devrloiwd hy medical research, thai acls so uourrlullt'. positively, and harmlessly, 111 cases oi female lireKiilurily, as does tins medicine. In all recent cases it never lull's, wnne taouBunas wno nave been long sullei eis, ure indebt ed to 11 for the boon ol heallh to day. Although an powerful anil inve, Ihtv ate peifirtly harmless, and may be used ut all tiu.es, except when sje nully lurliiddeii lu Ihedirectioua They hnve been extensively employed by eminent phy sicians iu France cud England, as well us 111 my own prac tice, over ten years, ami I have )'el lu bear nf the firs iiisoince tn luuuie. 1 couiu g'Ve you testimonials nl then rllicacy fiom Indies all over Ihe northern and western ftates, were they not in their naiuie privute. Over UK),. i Hollies have been Hid the past year, and I hope unit trust as many sufferers have been benefitted. I am well awaie lliut a remedy so potent to remove ol) nh sliuelions, nuiy be used for a bad purpose, but trust that wiiere one boiile is thus used, teu may lull into the bands ,r - r tu s'oicieis. fo all who suffer from any irregularily: paiulul. diffi- Cull. flStaiva .,ff..n... .. ..I .- . .. " T ' . eorrliea, or the lrain of diseases that follow, I would sav, try a bottle ol Dr. Lyon's French Periodical Uroiis Ileum a Huid preparaiiou, their aeliou is mole direct and poai live than any pills or powders. Kxplieit directions, (Kiar. eorrliea, or the'lrai 1'hey may lie obtained i ueurly ever y drugcisl in the eouiltrv. or bviuelosuie Ihe nrii'v l.,f I: el.iiiir m. . Newllaven.'Uf., Ceuciul Agents for the lulled Ma lei DR. JOHN I. l.VON. Praetieing Physician, Price, l 60 per Dottle. New Haven, Conn. 1-ebiuary ia, lrt7 ly i iiti: a.i tvA'i'i.u rituur ROOFING ! T MIMES k CO., are the AgenUin the Counties . of Northumberland, Snyder and Moniour, M WARHKX U Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. Tbis Is the cheapest and best Roof that can he put on a building. Has been used in tha city of Philadelphia, since 1851, where it tas superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and is used on all of the finest building in that oity. Parties eonteaiplating build ing, will do well to examine into the merits of this and all other kind of Roofs, aid give the beat the preferenoe. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covered with tbts Roof, and parties desiring to dp so, may eall there and examine it. For further information addresa Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, or eall at the Brick Yard of T. I1IMES k CO. Sunbury, 18,1867. Blacksmithing. JOHN IHVIN, SUNHUHY, PENNSYLVANIA, RESPECTFULLY inform tba cltiiens of 5un bary and vietuity, that he ha erected a Black smith .S'bop near the bhamokin Valley Railroad Depot, where ke is prepared to do Dlackspijthing in all it branohes, at tha shorteat aotioe. Having had many year' experience ic the business, be natters himself that k eaa render satisfaction to ill who may give him a eall. Sunbury, Augout 17, IMf JrrjAGICll THB OREAT ZIIJGAIU BITTERS The empoaent parts of this nnarkabts Pfsparatlea were first dlseoTrd, commanded and distribute, som twenty years H. by IJr. Caiortus, the ejl. brated Bgypiun PhyJleU. Tho.satMlsef his sutHf In emn"meo were rsstore to hd th, as i w.u as g nM Bambers of tlie lnbltnts of Nabia and Abyssinia, aod of the countries bordering upon the Southern coast OI- lira Mraiwrraims mm. Hideerl, tlm fame or the ZINUAUI BITTKHS toon spread ever Europe, and was adopted by the principal Physicians la , M charge of the hospitals ot - . . U I l-W , u still usru wun preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Egypt plaeed the name of . CHBoraus upon the ' ' noil oi rrooiee, ana pre- spnted to him a Hedal bearing the following Inscrln. tloa : " Da CbiopbcI, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters Is now offered to the publie of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specloo for the cure of Cholera, Dysenfery, DfsurrhoMi, Cholera Morbua, Fever sail Ague, Yellow Fever. Rheumatism, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Colin, Ilroetchltla, Consumption, Vlatu leney, Diaeaeea of tha Klilnrre, Nervous Debility, and Female Complaints, Remarkable cures of the above diseases have been elTcted by Its use, aanumerousoerttneatee, many from regular physicians, fully saHestf and it Is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tnes Tin ZINGARI HITTERS HAS SOUI. AS WELL A 8 BODY, AD AS A PREVENTIVE or D1RRASK, IIA3 NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORfifl TO LADIES. Tlie use of the ZIN0ARI BITTERS will give to you that soft, semi transparent completion which the Hod of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desire re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look se common In our duy; and what Is even better than this, it cures every species ot female irregularities and disease, Principal Depot, Harrisbtirg, Ta. RAHTER & HATJSE, Sole PnormETOits. For s:ilo by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, SSunbnry Pennsylvania. August 3, 1867. NEW QUO C E It Y. fpHE subscribers begs leave to announce to the X cittr.ens of sunbury aud its vicinity, that llicy have opened a NEW GROCERY. Tiro door vest of J. 11. Eit'jh't Stun, in Market Square, where they arc prcpnrcd to furnish cvory variety of groceries, and will keep conslautly on hand the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Puffar, Molasses, Cheese, Suit Spices of nil inscription, .Soups of every variety Candles. Smoking nnd Chewing tobacco, .'"'egurs. Hams. Shoulders, llucon, Rutter. anil J.irir". Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Cnncd Peaches and Toma toes, l'ickcls, Ketchup, Pepper .'uiice, Kiiisin, Lemons, Ac wf bestnunlitv. mid in tact evcrv ftylu of articles kept in a well slocked Urocery. Also Unler inegar. All Kinils ot couniry prnuuee laiicn in exchanire. The pntrouugu of thu public is re- spoclfully solicited. If I'.UllU 1'. J',. Lil.Al.ll A.yj. .'uubury, Nov. 11, 18iij. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID FRY TnodiMirs west of the Post Office, Sl'NIil'RV, P. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of .-'un-bury and viciuity, Unit he will buko to order all kinds of 'n1tH lur BtallH, tiirlie, &-. Families iresuiiplicd with FRESH DREAD. Twist Rolls, Ku.-ka, Tea Unus. Ac, and also kept on hum! nmnnfuciurcil out of the best uiiitcriiils. All orders will meet wilh prompt intention. Having had largo experu'ucu 1 hope to give genciiil satisfuctiou to all who mny fuvor me with llicir patronage. DAVID FRY. Punbury, Dec. 9, 1S0&. 31. v. .i:akii AKI-S Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Iui'kot Slr-f, Niiiiljiii-y, l:i. COXri-X'TIOXEUY OI' All KINDS, TOYS OF KYEKY ni'.SCniPTION Knurr, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hnnd and for sale at tne above establishment at wholesale and retail, ut reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds nf Confeetinnnrics fa keep up a full assurliuunt which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, f?cgiirs, Stationery. Nuts ofall kinds, ana n variety of other articles, ull of which are oScied wholesale und retail. li'Kcincuiber the name and place. .JZ) M. C. IIEARIIART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. llright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1S03. tf s T ORE. AY. A. 1 JENNET, .tlui-Uct !nmre, SI lt 1 V, .). H f AYINtl recently purchased the Druz ftore lormerly conducted by R. A Fisher. I beg leave lo infurm the cifitens of Munburv and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock oi a. -vlt g as FANCY ARTICLES! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Book, Soaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, I'niiiiM, Oil, Ulur, 4.'laki, Iiily, Vlll-UisilM-X, lti I cut .tl-liilM-H, An; All my Tinolures, Syrups, Ointments. Cerate, and other preparation aio manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Murket. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the Drug and 1'recrijitlon Jiiminens, both in Philadelphia and tho country, and also tha advautug of the College nf Pharmacy. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the l'hvliuians and rmblio mav favor m iriili All my preparation a I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon houor I assert, they are of officinal strength, best"' n""''0""'' PurPuei I keep on baud the very WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Bofuro purchasing elicwhero, call and eonvino your own mind. u , . W. A. BENNETT, baubury, Nov 18, lldS. limeT nMET" I" u r mart und llullders! SaiSBOLTi A BaoTBta are now prepared to do li ver, at the lowest market prioe, the Tory best quality for LAND and BUILDING purpose burned of the eelebrated Their lime is T U C K V II O E LIMESTONE K,T-M-Ii.m'3filn" "L0"'1 Pnll.delphia and tria Railroad, near tha .... m i . 1, rough ofi'unbury. "" rlutT?' Brleyd Farmer . U,. Tiled to oall and gi v u a trial , Aj!i!?!ll BROTHER. CARPENTERS. of PUu 's.4.'." I" "U1bI"'fc1 wp-tor .took I. il. C0NI.EV k CO i i 1?EW GROCERY STORE, i Market Street, Six doors East of Third sir set, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Inform tlieir frlendf and tha publie, that tbey have opened a 3STEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have thwa eall and examine tneirstocx, wmen nan just neen opened, emorae Ing everything in the Urocery line, such as CufTse, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried fruits, Deans, llominy, uheese, urscaors, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, PoUtoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ac , and In fact everything in the Grocery and Provision Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queens are, Willow-ware, Olassware, Coal Oil Damps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and loe before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 FIRMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1SD7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO'S SEWING MACHINES, 009 liROAnwAT, New Y'onK. For I'amilii'M iiikI .tluniilin'tiirf i-m, Thcso World-Renowned Sowing Machines, wore awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York i'tnto Fair of I860, nnd are celebrated fir doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the tiitne thread than any other uinchino, and by Ihe introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we aro now 5M0 to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines nre made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn , under the immediiilo supervision of the President of the Compnny, Ei.iag ilow K, Jr., the original inventor of the Mewing Ma chine. They nre adapted In all kinds of Family Sowing, nnd to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers uf Shirts. Collars. Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, lints, Cups, Corsets, Boots. Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen tioods. Umbrellas. Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, oolton or linen thread. Thev will seam, quilt, gather, hem, full, cord, braid. Kind, and perform every aperies of sewing, making a beautiful nnd perfect stitcli, nlike on bclb sides of tho articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is tho most popular nnd all Sewing Machine? nre subject to the principle invented by him. PEND It'll CIRCI'LAR. Tho llowe Machine Company. I'.'.i'J Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 1), ltl7. .ut, vi 1.1 .ntiiioit. Mrs, A. TWEED. In Mil's Anna Painter's Fancy Ounds Store building, Market Square, 3 ilonri west of the Post Oflice, SINULRY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs Ler friends and the publio that she has again opened a shop, in Market street. Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, in an entire new stylo. Ladies' Clonks, Ac. Alio Gmitlemcu's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Suubury. Jan. lH.'lHoT. ly Great Attraction, nf the NEW TIN-WARE, filii-i'l Iron ami Mov More ut' SXXTE & GEITTZE?., sxjisrBXJRr, n?.., Where they keep constantly on band and uialiufae ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IKON-WARE ofall descriptions. They would especially cull the attention of pur chasers to their large nnd well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Tho subscribers havo mndo urrniigeuients to hnve all tlieir best stoves made to order, and those who would have a gimd stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected slock. First. They defy competition on Hie following died Brands oi Cook .Move, ii : t'omliiiiutiiin t.iiM ItiiriM-i-, Cook. Iiiuii'riiiir BVjiij Cook, WABASH AND IRON8IDE3, and the well known Antidust Cook Sloo culled SPEAK S ANTIDl'ST. Also. Parlor ami office Stores in greut variety cm- I n . M.Miiuinviuil-11 Ullll IllOfl iaSnillll- I '',e designs, unsurpassed for benulv of finish simnli. city of iirriiiiirciiicntK combining cheapness, durability and each slovc warranted to perforin what Ihey are represented. Also, The cell laatid Ruliiiuorc Fire Place Slovc, for heating Iiml, second and third storic? by Register Also, V LLC AN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MHXtXU (J LORY. auuiwii, . m till I,niiitH, ll:il-i, ( IlllllllifM, IIIMl ull t-(-l-M usuully kept in un ejlitblishmcnt of this kind Ihey nreulsu prepared fo furnish Slate nnd do slatiuir 111 the bost workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Range and turniiceWork.Uas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: Ilmili h BS;tw Iloiic MiipT.lIOH. lliatr." Remember the place. .S'amplo and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly s Hardware Store. Market street, iieineeu juirit lili.f tourlh meet.. Build ling nam painteii. August 2j, ISdd. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS J. W. CAKE'S Addition I.. ll, r Sunbury, for Sale on reasonable terms. ' Apply to Dr. R. II AWL and, SOL. BROSIOUS. Or P. W. SIIEAFER.Potlsville, rafunbury' ''' Nov. 24, 1860 SB KJataTilBBSIK Pvae Are esnccially invited to call and examine our tock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nail and Spike of all variolic. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Pla tenug Trowels, Brick Truwcls, Plasterer' Sieves, Ac, Ae., fur salo by J. II. CONLEY k CO. Coachmakers, WE aro c,linR Kims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, 1 f Canvass, Bolu., Clips, Axle, Ac, very low Large Stock at CONLEY A CO. .unbury, March SO, 18117. T inc. loiiowing owing persons are entitled to receive an luorease of Dountv under the Act of r.,-rr. passed July 1S60, to equaliie Bounties. 1st All soldier who unlisted after tho Iflth day of April, lsfil, lor S years, and served their time of enlistment and have been hoi.i.r.l.lv ,li...l..,,..i have received or are euiitleU to receive a Bouu'tv of" v , w ... .... WVA u uuuiuuai uouniy 01 ajfllso. 2d All such soldier who enlisted for 3 yean and have been honorably discharged on account 0f wounds roceived in the line of duty, are entitled to an additional Bouuty of s) IOO. 3d The W idow, JlinorChildren.orParcuuiof.ueh 1 . d ,n,,1h,,.'" ioe of wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of el OO By application to 8. P. W0LYERT0N. hln of Ml') Ti Perrl,ula' wb0 ' "thori.'edcl.'im Agent, all such claim can be.peedily eulleuted Sujiburjruguj!ii.tf ' Airrii-ullurMl luiplnMenlti, Lo. ; Chain. . GrTndone.VFanTnrMUl ,Tof ! !!,i,ndJind'' ' """f'toent of Red Wagon I1IUIIS. Sir rinalnir l.n. H.ll. -..!.: "T- . . m ' .v.., .nit .uir teem. hJJ,r T J:U- CONLEY k CO. ' I tured" -ort,But of Ul ' manafac liar. Hoop. Rand. Haui.l a Steal, ' D ' Iron, 1.U R04,' tWBiaal. huT Drill Steel, Horse Shew, Horse Nails nl a HOE b Grain Rake, Steel and Iron Garden Rake .t lon!" Bp". bo,.ixnu7; KdJ1.U's?,'r'" " UraU SoyibcaUraiS Cradle. Crad a Finirar. T..- u..... Bellow, lien, iUmmera, P.aipt and rile, at CON LEV k CO'j jtmi nmiwny. Through and Direct Route to and from Wi w..ut 1 Baltimore Erie. Elmira, Buffalo, Rochester ' and Niagara F&ll. ' FOUR, TRAINS DAILY from and three to Wash. t..,iM. ...I aaiu ... .1 riiDsn r-.. ...... . r i w me i-forin ana 10m ana west isranon Susque hanna, and Northern and Western rinw.n;. ..j New Tor. ' ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBER Hth, 1M7 tba Train of tha Northern Central Railway will run a follow : ' NORTHWARD. Mail Train leave Baltimore 8.20 am " . Uwrisburg, 1.2upm " Williamsport, StSpn? arr at Elmira, llOSpm Snnalo Express leaves Baltimore 12.10 pm ' Harrjsburg, 4 20 am " Elmira. 12 20 a m arr. Canandaigua, it. 40 p m Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, 12.10 pin " Harrisburg, 4.20 p m arr. Williamsporl, 8.2S p m " Erio 9 45 a m Night Aecom. leave Baltimore, 7.00 p in " llarrisburg, 3.1iam " Wilhamsport, 8.10am arr at Erie, 8 45 a m York and Harris, j leaves Y'ork, fl 20 a m burg Accom. j arr. llarrisburg; 8.05 a in SOUTHWARD. .Mail Train, leaves Elmira 4.65 am " Wilhaiusport, 8.40 a m " llarrisburg, 1.40 p m arr. al Hnllirnore. 6 lit n m Buffalo Express leaves Canandaigua, 4 00 pm " blmira, 7.55 p in Williamsporl, 11.45 pm " llarrisburg, 4. 85 a m arr. at Baltimore, 8 15 a in FnstLino leaves Williarnsport, 3 50 p ru " Harrisburg, 8.15nm arr at Baltimore, 1130 pm Y'ork and Harris- j leaves llarrisburg, 5.15 p ni , burg Aceotn. nrr. York, 6.50 a nr Mnil Train north and south. Fast Line north, and York nnd llarrisburg Aocommudation north ano" south run daily except Sunday. BuHulo Express norlb nnd Fast Line south, run daily ; and HulTalo Express south runs daily except: Monday. Night Accommodation north nrrives daily.' except Saturday. For fonher information apply at the Ticket Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. I. N. DuBARRY Oon. Supt. llillnlelpliia A: lOi lc Kuilroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. ' Through and dircot routo between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williamsport, nnd the Great Oil Region uf Pennsylvania. ELEUANT SLEEPING CARS on aU Night Trains. On and after Monday, Nov. 25th. 1807. the Train on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Rond will run as follow : AVESTWillD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Erio. Erio Express leaves Philadelphia. " " " Sunbury " " arr at Erie Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " " arrive at Lock Haven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erio " " " Sunbury, " " nrr. at Philadelphia, Eric Express loaves Erio ' " ' Sunbury ' " arr. at Philadolnhia. It. 15pm 5.50 a m 0 .00 p in 12 00 noon 6.35 p m 0.49 a m 8 00 a m 4.15pm 7.45 p m 10.23am 1 .56 a in 8.55 a m 4.25 p m 6.40 u m I .00 p m 7.10 a iu 30.25 a iu Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven. " " " Sunbury. " " nrr. nt Philadelnliin. 0.10 p tu Mail and Express connect wilh nil t riiitii fin rcn A Frusiklin Railway. Passenger leaving Phil adelphia nt 12.00 M. arrive at Irvinelon at 6.10 a m, and Oil City nt a. 50 n in. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive nt Oil City at 4. lib p ni. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway mako close connections nt Oil Cily with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, Uenernl Superintendent. Li"'l 11 is a A: ttloiiisbiiri; ECufl roil l. ON nnd after Jan. 1st, 1307, rncnger Train will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. I A. M. A M. P. M. 7.10 8.20 P. M. 4 40 11.00 8 17 8.50 10.15 ! I.raic Scranton, Kingston, Rupert, Danville, 5.60 (I 65 H 20 10 00 11.20 0.51 10 !I5 Arr. Zvtili d., NORTHWARD. 7.00 7.40 8.15 A.M. 10.50 h .10 Leave North'd., " 1'nii villi), " Rupert, " King-ituu, 6 20 f. on ft. .15 .II5 P. Arr. ut heriintoti, 00 -1.00 10.15 Jruins leaving hinirstoti nt 8. .'ill A. Al. lor Scran- ton. connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20. . .-.-v-..r-... .oniujj Alum r-ouiu iroui r?criitaHut j r A.M. via Northumberland, reach Ilnrrlsbiir- 12 'in P. M., Baltimore 6. SO P. M.. Washington It).'. UO P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7. till p. in H. A. PONDA.up'l. hiug'fon. Jan. ID. 13117. iCt-iKlint; IS cllroiKl. W INTER A R R Novombor A N IIKMEXI. 25th, 1367. GREAT TRUNK LINE fiom tho North nn-t Nortli-Wcst for l'liiladelphiu. New York, Read ing, Pottfville, Taiiinqua, Aslilnn.t. Lnhuunii. Allen- t town. Eiiiton, Ephrula. Lilii, Lnncnsler. Columbia. Ac. Ac. Trains leave Hani:il.ur' r.n- Nc.i-Yoik, as fid. lows : At 3.1)0, 5 25 and 8. 10 A. M. nu-1 2.05 und ! .";. P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tho Peiin sylrniiia liuilrond. and urriiingnt New Yorlfnt.'i ID 10. 1 6 und II 6U A. M. nnd 3 411, II Mrs P. M. Sleep, ing Cars aeeompanying Ihe 3.00 A. M. and li..:5 P. M. 1 ruins, without change. Leave llarrisburg for Rending. Putl.villc, Tama qua. Minersvillc, A-hliu,d. Pine Drove, Allcmoivn and Philadelphia nt 8.10 A.M. and 2.U5 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon aud principal wuv tnlions ; Iho 4.10 p m. umking eounccticn.i I r Philadelphia und Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via .S-buvlkill ancf Susiiuehannii Railroad, leave llarrisburg al'3.55 p. m Reiiirniiig- Leave New York nt 0.00 a. m., lion Noon uud 5 00 and 8.00 p. 111.; Philadelphia at 8 15 :? :iUp m- Way Passenger Train leuies' llnla.lelphiaat7.30 a. m., returning from Reading at 0 .10 p. 111. stopping at all Station ; Pofisvillc at 8 45 a. 111. and 2 45 p. m; Ashland tl.oo a.m. mid 1" -IU and 2 GO p.m.; Tuuioiiua at 8.30 a.m. uud 1 on nnd ti 45 p. HI. Leni e Pottsville for Harrisbtirg via Selmvlkill and .-osiiuehauna Railroad at 7 10 a. in. and 12.00 noon Healing Accommodation Train leaves Rending at '"V" M' murniUS from "'ladclnkia at 4 OH Columbia Railroad Trains leave I'.endini at 7 fit A. Ji, and 6.15 P.M. for Ephrata, Litii, Laucas. tor. Columbia, Ae. On Sundays : Leave Now Y'ork at 8 00 p m.. Pbila. delpbiub.OOA.M., and 3.15 P M. tho 8 00. train running only to Reading, Pottsville 8 00 am ' llarrisburg, s 25 a ra. and 4.10 and 0-35 p m. aua Reading at I -00 and 7.15 a. ,, for UarrUlmrg, an 7.06 a. in. and 1.40 p m. for New York, 4 26 p m for Philadelphia.. 1 Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion iioket, at reduced rule to and frcj. all points. a.afVhTXhergU: 100 M O. A. NICOLLS. General Superintendent- MicK! brick! liiuciT lo Ilic I.lK'ii r WiiuhMij und alt'inll)-. rpjIE undersigned have bought the Brick-Yard h. A 1? lSPr"VI"en,f' Joruer'y 'ed and worked DyA.ll. Sievens, and have made additional lm prov cmenui, and are now prepared to make eomracu i,ies"Uf"l"f tUM Dd diV' UU1CK in large qua titles, fur building and other purpose H atteitl uu" f t?a article, and prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a hare .1 publie patronage. Order. U at the Brick Yar .y."?.1,4.' bUUbur' 0ffi. - W be prouiiuly attended to. T. HIMFS A CO. Sunbury, May Iri, 1S67 luinlH, OiU, . niA u1' '!? k ofOiU comprising Linseed Oil. Co mi, t ub Oil and Lubricating Oil lor Engine an Machinery, urnuhe, Glass, alwavs on hand, at loir ifl .,. . CONLEY CO'S Iv t,Vdler'' h4T Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck X lea, Gig Tree, Pad Tree Hane, all kinds and every thing pertaiuing to the business, for sale by J. li. CONLEY I CO. ItEMMBKK THE DKAI). MESSRS. D. C. Diasinger and John A. Taylor, would rospeotfully anxounc to tb eitisen of Sunbury, and surroundiug eouniry, that having formed a oo-rtnariihip, they are Bow preparod ta furnish ornameuteq aaa plain (jrareatosas-si, Toisiba A.'HwssunicDla of the hast Italian and American marble, at prises that cannot fail ta give entire satisfaction, and re poctluJIy solicit the public patronage. DISSiNGEn k TAYLOR 6unbury, March SI, 1866. ly. , BIRD CAGES, II different hinds. If lauasft good sud (heap Bird Cages, goto CONLK 1 A C0 .4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers