Eijc SunbutB American. N. B. SlNOiiB, I Publishers. SIjUIIHV, pa. SATURDAY, FEBRUAHY 1, 1808. Horal Affairs. cJkow.;-While we art hiring abundant mow In thil lection, there li but little tooth of York, and at llalllinore mother earth la bare. While mowing lifre it wai raining further South. 3'm Skxatomal Coxriatxca, to teieot a dele gate to represent thil Senatorial District la the next Republican State Convention, will meet at the Mon tour House, In Danville, on Friday, 7thof February, fur that purpose. Tni new Flaxseed Oil and Chopping Mill of Mor gan A Maaaer, in 8unbury, Is now prepared for the manufacture of oil and the obopping of all kinds of grain uaed for feed. Partial having flax-ieed to ell oan dispose of It to advantage at this establish ment. Orami Ball. We have been requested to an flounce that the flrst grand ball of the season will be given by the Sunbury Cotillion Hand, at the Ma eonio Hall, in this place, on Friday evening, Feb. Slat. We have no doubt the occasion will be a plea sant one. Tat Co-Opkrativc Association. The Co-operative Association, of hh place, held a meeting in its ball on Tuesday evoning of last week. A divi dend of four perocnt.. on a working capital of about $700, was declared for tho three months ending -January 1st, 1918. Judqi Jordan. The statement in the Milto iiian, that Judge Jordan contemplated removing from this plaoe to Milton, is incorrect. The Judge bas no such intentions. Jle is repairing the house lie owns, in that place, but not for the purposo of occupying it himself. Ci.1'Nria An Tidrwat'cr Railroad. This rcaa is lo be put turougli without delay. A corps if engineers, under Col. F. 0. Anus, of this place, chief engineer, are already on the route This en- I terprise is in tho bands of responsible and competent men, and will progress rapidly. .... - . - Ton IHn.uiio AssotiATios. At the Inst regular monthly meeting of tho Suflbury Loan and Building Associatien, held on Friday night last, nine shares were bid off by the members, at the following pri ce! : 1st, $82; I'd, ItS; 3d, J3B; 4th, fill ; Mb, SM; Ctb, lit; 7th, ?9.1 ; 8th, $9.1; 8th, $'J2. as Luik. We ore glad toseo that our farmers are alive to the importance of the use of lime, and that an unusual quantity w ill be hauled upon their fluids 11. is winter and spring. Not withstanding the nume rous liuie kilns established the past year, in this place aud vicinity, they are often unable to supply tho demnnd. . , . . CJoisa into New QcARTtns T. S. .Shannon, the mterpriiing Jeweller of this place, will, in a few dey.i, remove his store into tho handsome room now rccupied by MiUn's Boot and Shoe establishment. Wo learn that a Jeweller from Willinmsport intend,, taking puMcwiou of the loom iow occupied by Minnnon. Tun I'oOH-Hoi kk Bill, passed by the House of representatives at llurrUliurg. which we referred to in our lust issuo, is only au act to establish a poor bouso in certain parts of Northumberland county, via: tho townships of Chillisquaquo, Turbut and Delaware, and the boroughs f Vilton, MoEwcns villc, Watsontown and Yurbwtvilto. The Sentinel, the new rival Democratic paper ; started three months since, in this plaoe, by Messrs. j Av ii, i i- . . n- it r, : loung A Auton, has been discontinued, T. II. Pur- : dy, Esq., of the Democrat, having purchased the establishment from Mr. Young. Mr. Young ex presses himself cutirely satisfied with tho experiment of starting a newspaper. There is nothing like gaining wisdom by experience, although it tl often rtiVhur expensive Fiust Natio.iai. Daxk kit Si .Nm nv. At a meet ing of the stockholders of tbo First National Bank of Sunbury, held on Tuesday last, the following persons wero chosen Directors for the ensuing year : -lohn B. Packor, James K. Davis, Jesse C. llorton, Wm. II. Waples, Simon Camoron, W. I. tlreonough, Johu Haas, Wm. M. Rockefeller, Ueo. F. Miller, Wm. Cameron, A. B. Warford, Alex. Jordan and Ucorgo Siuullr. t Accident ox the Siiauokin Valley Kaii.iioad. An engine and seven freight cars were thrown from tho track of the Sliauiokin Division of the Nor thern Central Railroad, near Kicfor's Station, by the breaking of a rail, on Friday morning of last week. No one was injurod. The cars were wrecked, but the engine sustained no serious duuiago, and was soon put upon the track, which was cleared in time to allow the passenger train to make tho after noon trip. Prize Stock ab Farm Nm.euknt6 for Sale. Simon Cameron, Esq., of Lewis township, near McEwonsvillo, this county, will offer at pebtic sale, em Wednesday and Thursday, tho 4th and 6th days of Maroh, the stock and fnvplomcuts of his farm. The stock is considered the finest in this section, and is well worthy the attention of stock-raisors, agri culturists, aud others. For particulars, nee adver tAomeut in another column and posters printed at ;hla office The Askcal Taxes'. The I'liitcd States Assis tant Assessors have received positive orders to com mence at once the assessment of taxes, which in clude incomes and licenses. By the amendatory aot of March 2, J 867, all returns of iueourcs and special tuxes aro required to be niado by the first day of March, under penalty of fifty per ocnt. additional. The Assessors are instructed te enforce tho provisions of the law in every ease of delinquency, and it will bo well for all interested to give attention to making their roturm within the time prescribed by law. KiiocEt.ia Occi'rre.icr An Oi.n Lady Falls Down Stairs Ann Vreaki her Neck. The She tuokin Herald, of Thursday last, seyi : Ou Wedcei Uuy morning of last week, as Patrick Burk, residing at the Excelsior Colliery, descended the stairs, he found the lifeloss body of hii aged mother lying at (he bottom, with a deep goeb iu her forehead, ana her neck broken. It is supposed the old lady bad attempted to go down to the kitchen at an early hour, as was her custom, and in tome way fell bead on g to the bottom of the itatn, although no eire in be bouse heard the noise. She was one of the old- rst ladios in this section, boiug in her ninety-second car, but had full use of bet limbs, and was consid rcd active fur one of her age. - Co.tr Mistosi or JIiert Aim Ratiivo. In a let- er to their parents, published in the bhamokin Her- Id, thil week, Uiney and Rathvon, who wore eon I icted and sentenced to the Penitentiary, at the last siun of Court, confosa their guilt of the robbery of (r. Hoffman and Mr. Uales, in thamoKin townsnip. Ley itato that "liquor, noveli and bad company ,e throe worst things any young gentleman or laay n indulge in," brought them to misery. They nalude by laying : "Vothiog is gained by robbing, and we hope it av be Hopped throughout the land. If thev are t brought to justice iu this world, they will be in world to come, do iujr iu. , eaking lo the men, oui wuineu, ""- - nost a many lemuva u.i - ess of stealing. , Again we any, wus i oxicating drink, ai liquor II we nart oi iu .m IT vtars and 4 moutns. . t Before bringing th'i to a oloae, we wist) ..i. il. nf our narantf ana au wnw, ive should not meet uieeu id iu- wu.., j . beuer world to -ne. W. hope the people of Imokin will not (bsspiseswr aged ulj for the ds we have done, nut eip uwu - 7 . l. nitfmn thawalliol husand tnanas ! -r" li Eutern Penitectiary in theUr behalf. Xoun wiia rpi ViAki Ur, LowAaa Ratevcx To John Hin'y, uMichal Bathvon. Prtdlatv;aj r the Northamber laad Cos .Teachers' IneUttttr. . BomtiRr, Jan. 20th, 1868 The Northumberland County Teachers' Institute met In the Court House, In the Borough of Sunbury at 11 o'clock, A. M., according to appointment. The County Superintendent, O . W. Haum, Esq., In the ehair. The following temporary officers were appointed by the Chair : Vice Presidents Messrs. C. M. Lesher and O. N. Wagner j Secretary W. J. Wolverton, Esq.; As il sunt Secretaries Messrs. U. O. Miller and A. U QaMaoher j Itcporters Messrs. J. C. Wolker and C. P. Seasholti. A committee on permanent organisation was ap pointed, consisting of C. M. Lesher, Land is Foy and J.M. Uoasler. The following teacher, from the everal Boroughs and Townships, were present i Upper Augusta, J. M. Campbell, It. A. (lass; Lower Augusta, J. A. Hile, Silas Maliok, S. P. Sav Idge, L. B. Shlptnan; ChilHsquaque, C. M. Lesher, D. C. Weik, W. M. Boal, W. II. Koch ; Coal, Lnn dil Foy, P. C. Oberdorf, C D. Yenger, Reuben Hoi- lenbach, Alex. Moore, J. Mc Williams ; Delaware W. M. Work, R. B. Holmes, W. A. Kills, John Rodgora, II. K. Culp, J. W. Weeks, Miss Listie Dunn, Frank MoWilliann Lewis, J. P. Ilobonolt, S. 8. Smith ; McKwcnsville, K. L. Matchen, J. II Kelson; Milton, O.X.Wagner; Northumberland, U. U. Miller, J. M. dossier, Misa Jane Uosslor, Miss Emma Drown, Miss Susan Leisonring; Rush, Jas. Reed, W. II. Miller, J. Eckman, T. J. Johnson Jasper llaughawout, W. P. Miller; Shamokin Bor ough, John It. Savidge, It. W. Temple, J. Y. Bloom, T. S Aucker, A. Taylor, W. II. Uilgcr, S. S. RccJ- er, Miss C. K. John, Miss C. llantly ; bhamokln Township, O. A. Smith, J. T. Hopner, J. M. John, J. B.Miller, J. W. Eckman, J. A.Uass, U. John, G. D.John; Sunbury, J. C. Welkcr, CP. Sea sholti, 8. Y. lluupt, M iss E. Haitian, Miai Litiie Diemcr, Miss Emma Miller, Miss Mnry Brico, Miss Amelia Fischer; Turbut, J. A. Marsh, Win. Wilson, 8. M. Boyer, Miss F. Teed, D. D. Hottonstoin, S. S. Koch ; Lower Mahanny, J. K. Francis. Arrnt.vuos session. Minutes of the morning session were read and adopted. The committee on permanent organisa tion reported. On motion, Resolved, That a oom mittee of two be appointed to present to oach teach er the names of the candidates and receive a ballot thereon. The Chair nppointcd Landis Foy and J. W. Weeks as said coutinittoe. Tho committee re ported the following successful candidates: President li. W. Hnupt, Esq. Vice Presidents C. M. Lesher, J. B. Savidge. Secretary W. J. Wolvorton, Esq. Assistunt Secretaries U. O. Miller, E L. Matchin. Reporters J. C. Wolker, 0. P. Seasholti. Treusuror Henry Kulp. The President appointed the following persons as a business committee : Messrs. O. N. Wagner, Jesse Weeks, 11. tl. Miller. Prof. Elius Sckneidor, A. J. Unllacher and Landis Fny were appointed a" a committee on resolutions. Tho President gave tho Institute into the hands of Prof. Milos, of Willhiinsport, Pa., who gave a series of specimen rouilings which woro received i with much satisfaction. j n motion, a committee of tin-en, consisting of I CM. Lesher, O.N.Wagner and Wm. II. Uilgcr, were appointed as critics. j On motion, the Institute adjourned until 7 o'clock this evening. EVESIXa SESSION, Institute met according to adjournment, flood tuusio by tho Sunbury String Bund. A lecture on 'Practical Education" was read by l'rof. Miles, aftor which Prof. Sanders, of New York cily, gave a few specimen readings, with additional ubsurva tions. Institute adjourned to meet to-morrow at t)j o'clock, A. M. TUEStlAY MOUSING BKSSION. Institute met according to adjournment, Presi dent in tho chair. Heading of Scriptures and pray er by l'rof. Sanders. Minutos of two previous ses sions read and approved. Roll was culled. l'rof. Sanders then conducted the exercises uf the Institute during the morning torsion. On motion, adjourned to uicot at II P. M. Avrrnmn amain t Instituto met ul li P M , O. W. Uaupt, E.-q , President, in tho cliuir. The minutes of the inorn I ing session were road ami adopted. Roll of touch ! ers' names called by townships and absentees noted. I l'rof. Sunders theu look charge of the Instituto during part ol tho afternoon session, instructing the teachers in vocal excrcisea volume ot sound, uud elements of education. Mr. J K. Francis, of Lower Mabuuoy township, thit'eounty, theu read a louture on Music, pointing out its ollice, sublimity, moral tendency and effect upon society. Following this, l'rof. Sunders theu led tho exercises in Orthography. On motion, it was agreed to meet each morning at U A. M. A motion wus made to dispenso with cri tics, but after considcraklo discussion, pro and con. was lost. On motion, Instituto adjourned to meet ut 7 this evening. FVtNlNfl KSSI0. The Instituto was called to ordor by tho Chair man. Mhio by the Sunbury String Band. Ntxl in order was the di.-cusidon of tho question "Are our cuursos of study and methods ut teaching suffi ciently practical !" The question was osmiicd by Prof. S. S. Jack, of Westmoreland county," Pa., fol lowed by J. W. Weeks, of Deluwiiro township, this county, Prof. K. Schneider, of Sunbury Classical Institute, and Calvin L. King, of Lebanon, Pa. The iliscus.oion wus quite spirited and interesting. The time altated for discussion having expired, Prof. I Sandors theu told how ha came to make bis first spoiling book, after which a recess of five minutes was given, during which time the band furnished exoellenl musio. Prof. Sanders again came forward and delivered a lecture on the subjeot of ''Individu ality," which was not only interesting, but very in structive. Music by tho band. Prof. Sanders again road sevoral poems, which wero very amusing und interesting. Institute adjourned to moot ut U o' clock to-morrow. W EUNESDAT MnltMNO SESSION. Instituto was cnllod to order by the President, at 9 o'clock, A. M. l'rof. Allen, of Munsfiold, Pa., read a chapter in the Bible and offered a p.aycr, after which Prof. Jack drilled oho institute very interes tingly for one-balf hour in tho rudiments of Arith metic, illustrating tho method of teuehiug Addition, Ac. Prut. Allen then took charge of the institute for one-halt hour, who drilled the teoohera upon the same subject. Mr. li. U. Miller, teacher, ot Nor thumberland, read an csny on ''Tho Mind." A motion huh made, tbul every teacher answer to his or her nuuie by senliuieiii, wbiob, upon being Fut, wi '. M. was lust. On motion, adjournoU to meet at 1 i AFTKIIXUOX SKS-IOM. Institute met, and was called to order by tho Pre sident, 'ike minutes of the luriner sebsiou were read and approved. The roll was called and absen tees marked. Ou motion of Mr. Wagner, of Milton, a committee of three ladies and three gentlemen was uppointed, ou '-iniro.Juci.ion," consisting of Messrs. J. B. Savidge, L. B. Shipinan, J. W. Rock efeller, Miss McMurlrio, Miss Busliuu and Miss Teed. Pruf. Jack then delivered a locture on "School Discipline." Alter the expiration of his hour. Mr. Wagner drilled tho Instituto on the subject of Gram mar. Recess of five minutos. Prof. Sanders then drillod the Institute ou Elocution, followed by Prof. Allen iua-ucat little address. Adjourned tool P.M. KVXMNU SEtiSlutl Evening 6essioo opened at 61 o'clock. President in the Chair. The string band of Sunbury fuvored the Institute with a number of beautiful airs, after which the question, "Ought the ricxes to be educa ted together, was very ably and eloquently discuss, ed by J. J. Reimcnsoydur, of Suubury, J. W. Weeks, of Delaware tp , Prof. Allen and Hon. C R. Coburn. Prof. Klius, Schneider, of Suubury, fol lowed, with a lecture on "Intclleolual Training and Mural Culture sound, instructive and intoraatinn Musio again leut her enlivening strains, making every heart light and merry. A very meritorious aud hizblr interesiiun lecture on "Influence ot bo ciety Um formation ut unarueier," was men reau by Rev. Mr. Reigurt, of Suubury. This, as the former lecture, gave evtdcuce uf ability aud mental maturity on the part of the writer. The President announced the programme for Thursday, after which all took homeward steps, with joy and satis faction in their hearts aud musio in their ears. THURSDAY HORM.NS SK8S1UX. Institute met and was called to order by the Pre aidant at A. M. Uon. C. R. Coburn read a chap ter in the iuole and ottered a prayer, when the nun utes of the two last sessions were read and approved Roll eailod, followed by an exercise in Geography bv Prof. Allen, of one-halt bour, wnca Uon. c. it Coburn drilled the teachers on Grammar. Prof. Jaok then took charge of and rery ably drilled the Institute on Orthography. Next on the programme !.. U.nJ.M' jtnlimialion nf vjirAi.,a on Kin. Mtiiinn antnbinina? Phonetics. On motion, the followiug persons were appointed a oominittee to nominate candidates lor uie eoin. tnittee an Permanent Certificates: Messrs. J. Weeks. J. M. Uoasler and J. C. Wolker. Adjourned to meet etlJF-N. AVTEEEOOB 1ESSIUI. Institute met and was called to order by the Pre at ,1 unt at i a'alnak. P. M. Roll ealled. All pre- unL l'rozramme announced for tbis session . first in order su "Primar Teaching." by Prof. Jack Prof. Allen thee introduced the subject, "History,' on which be gave a vary good lecture. The quo tiona which were propounded by the different mem ben of the Institute, written on ill pi of paper, for """i were now roaa, ana iouna Doin very emu eing and profitable. A motion to enter Into an elec lion or candidate! or committees, lor permanent certifloates, whioh was agreed to. Mesen. Barn hart and Snyder were appointed teller!. During the time of tellers oountlng votes, Uon. C. R. Coburn gave a snort lecture, lollowed by a similar one by Prof. Sanders, when the tellers reported the follow ing raeeesaful eandinatea : C M. Lesher, of Chillis qitaque; J. B. Savidge, of Shamokin ; t. M. Wag ner, of Milton; U.U.Miller, or Northumberland; and Miss Ella Baitian, of Sunbury. Adjourned to meet at 1 o'clock this evening. RVINIKO SESSION. Institute met and was called to order by the Pre sident at 7 o'clock. Prof. Sanders flrst entertained the audience in reading the "Supervisor," "Flog- f;ing the Editor," "Truth in Parenthesis." Excel enl musio by the band. Next In order was a very entertaining address on the "History of our Com mon School System," by Hon. C R. Coburn Mu sio by the band. Prof. Allen then took the floor for one hour and delivered one of the most Interesting and profitable addresses that it has been the plea sure of the Institute to listen to during the whole session, entitled "A Tslk to Toaebers and Parents of Children." Musio by the band. Prof. Jaok then gave a speoimon of reading the "Old Arm chair," and "1'he Old Oaken Bucket." Uood mu sio by the band. Prof. Sanders wss now loudly called by the audience, and greatly applauded, who, after a few comical remarks, read ''The Old Homestead," "Where there is a will there isa way," "Uood-bye to my Right Arm," with several other very entertaining specimens. Musio by the band. Prof. Sanders was eailod lor by the audience to again road bis "Uhust Storv." and then read. "Is it Anybody's Business" great applause when hewas ealled on to give the "Reed-bird" story. Musio by the band. Adjourned to meet at 0 o'clock to-morrow morning. After the adjournment a good number of tho audionoe remained and held a verv pleasant so ciable for about an hour. rniOAV MORN1NQ. Institute met and was called to order by Vice President, C M. Lester, at V o'clock, A. M. Hon. C R. Coburn opened the session by reading the Scriptures, and offered a prayer. Minutes of the two previous meetiogs read and approved. Rull lied. Hon C R. Coburn then niado a fow very interesting remarks, when l'rof. Allen followed with a practical lecture on "School Oovcrniueut." Mr. Fuy gave a short leetureon Penmanship. A motion wus made and earried that ull tho names of the Buurds of Directors in tho county who refused to cnusent to give the time to their teachers to attend the Institute be published. The following aro tbo Districts which did not allow time to their teachers to attend the Institute : Lower Muhanoy township, Mt. Caruiol borough, Point township, 'i'urbutville borough, Kerbo township, and I pper Mahanoy town snip, liecess ot ten minutes, alter wiucn luisueiu noous business for ono hour. Prof. .Sanders was then called fur by the audience, who gave a short lecture on Orthography. Tho committee on Resolutions reported as fol lows : Resolved 1st. That nnr thanks ate due tn our worthy Superintendent, G. W Hitupt, Ksq , for eolicellllatllig au successfully the I'nlee of Teachers lit the Institute; the moat successlul ever held tn this County, and for having secured the services uf eminent edocutors lo aid iu con ducting its proceedings. vu. intiiour taaiiKS are ciuuiauy icnuereu iu me in icera n' llus Association. Cnunlv r-upeiiiitendent Haunt, I'resideul, and J. il. Savidge ami C. M. I.ehrr, Vice Presidents, for the ellieieul and ngreeuhle manner with which Ihey piesiurdover our sessiom, to VV J. Wttleerton, Ksq., Secretary. C. I'. tSetishnhz, F.pq., end J. C. Welker. Kmj , llen-irtcrs, and Ks. Kulp, Treasurer, for the fimlitul dnictiiirge of their lulxirioiiH duties. 3.1. Th it we return our tlmiiks to Hon. C. It. Cnhurn, Pi.i'cssors W. Miles, 8. 8. Jack, F. A. Allen, K. W. Sunders, and Itev. S V. Keicarl, I'or Ihcahleund iustrue- live lectures with which they entertained us, during the evening sessluns, uud tor valuable instructions Ihey im parled to us in clan dulls during the day. Illi. That the seven I Sehmil It.iAMla of Hi reel "is should enjoin It upuu llm terichers of then townships to attend uud tHke purl iu the Cuui.ty Institute, and thai we express our griittlilile lolh'ise wiirthy Hndliherul Si'hool Directors wh i cfieerfullv ullnwed their teiictiurs lo attend this In stitute willmiit making any deiluetlHiis forlheluue they lost Hits week, during wlnek then schools lee been I Close-I. Sih. That the m ist cordial lhanks of Hie Ass ichilinn are tendered lo the Strloir Itaud for the eulerluinment aff udeil liy their excellent music ; In the ComniisM iueis uf NorthuinlKilniid I iniiilv lor the n-e ..f ll.e Cuuit Itooin during our session ; anil to 8. Mautz, Ksq., Ihs Janiloi of tins building, (or the nultilul performance .'f the duiieaofi lusiirtiee. I'o the eiiinenaoi fuuhury. tho Aocuition I desires to express its grateful acknowledgment for the '''T'M;'.r,!"lll'''Jrl'l,'1',uw' . ... .. . r-i. 6th. Ihatweare ler stent obligations to the F.ihtors r ih. ' , ... ii.M1,.ii ..ii..,. ,, ,,,i 'Semi. liel," for the publishing with eatc and accuracy, lliepio eeedings of our Institute. 7ih. That we rejoice in the harmonious and sueeessful priH'eeilinga of the present sessions iif'our Institute, aud thil wehuve les ilved, sliinalaled hy the vahuiMc infonna ti'Ml we have received, to return tuour leirpeelive fcehools, wi'.h the fulldeleriuiuritioii pMlonur iitiiioaI iu leaching! and training those entrusted to our care i Kl.USttCIIN'KIDKK.) I 1. K. FOV, 5 Committee. A J. GAI.LAGIIF.R.) ! On m ition il wus lies ilvod, That the Instilete tender a vote ol limuks M Pnf. Mh-is Schneider, nf huuhury. fov i Ins ah'end'.liessand unsurpassed interest uiriuifeiited Vuring ! the entire meeting of the Institute, whu h, owing to Irs J being chairman ol'lke eJininiitee on Kcsolutions, we.-c not therein embodied. I tin m itiiai it was Itenlved, Tli.it rr deeply regret the fiiet of there lieine a number of townships within "ur 1 eounie. in which there are no Couunoii Schii, and ' Hint we wilt nse our liest efloiu to induce the citizens, living in those lislrii lB, to avail Ihemaelves of the great benelils to lie de'ived fnim the Coounjil SehoW System. On motion, adjourned. BUSINESS NOTICES. LjVMols Ii-ln I injr. Having received a argo supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new tyles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ao., can be printed in the latest and best styles, and ou short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended tu. Tub Ri i.es op Court. We havo a imnll num ber of copies of the now Rules ur Court, regulating the practice of the courts in Ibis (eighth) Judicial District, composed of Northumberland, Montour and Lycoming counties, and also the Rules of Equity Practice adopted by the Supreme Court of Ponusyl- onia, which wo will sell at $2 por copy. If any of the legal profession have not yet obtained them they can bo supplied, on application at the Ameri cas oflico, or addressing us by letter. Blank Leases. We have on hsnd a largo num ber of blank leases, neatly printed, which we sell at ten cents per copy. As the season for leasing proporty is at hand, und as a large number of them will be required, we are able to supply tho demand. We have them printed with and without the ex emption clause. IiKAl Tit L i.. The beautiful specimens of tho Pho tographic art, on exhibition at Byerly's 'Jullery, iu Simpson's building, Market Square, tell the public, in unmistakable language, that Bycrly is a first class artist. Cull up and gut a life-like picture. The Uexerai. Veriiict. The general verdict approves the suiti for gents, the suits for boys, the suits of all grades, made at the Continental Clothing Baxaar, on Market Square. We would advise ail who iutend replenishing their wardrobes, during the present year, to call at the Cuntincntal aud examine the elegant stock of goods always on exhibition "Mr dear Murphy," said an Irishman to his friend, "why did you betray the lecret that wai told you V "Is it betruytu' that you call it ? Sure, when I found I wasn't able to keep it myself, didn't I do well to toll it to somebody that could ?" Some things should not be kept secret, for instance the fact that S. Faust, the fashionable Hatter, is manu facturing and selling goods very fast aud very cheap, ut his store, on Market Square. -Vea The Prick or Liberty. Patrick Henry truth fully obscrvod that "Etornal Vigilanoe Is the price of Liberty." lie might as truthfully have said that to become wealthy is to practice economy by purchasing your Boots aud Shoos at Wm. II. Mil ler's Excelsior Store, Market Square, Sunbury. Money will be saved by buying uf bim, as be bos the oheapest and best in market. Call and see him. ArraiRS at Wasuihotos still teem to be In a muddle, and, the hoads of statesmen are somewhat perplexed. Whon matters are made straight, we may expect things to go on swimmingly, (though rather a oool comparison this kind of weather,) and have no more bitches, just like man buying a suit of winter clothing ai J. F. Bhaefer's Merchant Tai loring establishment, on Market Square. Ue looks at the goods, asks the price, ptys the money, and takes them away, well satisfied that be "migb,t go farther and fare worse." Down thet (Jo. Prioos are down 40 per cent t J. O. Beck's M or oh an I Tailoring and Clothing establishment, on Fourth street. He has just opened a splendid assortment of goods, wbioh be will make np to order, in the best manner, and at the lowest prices. MABBIAOB8. t. K..r.)., J.o lth. 188. bv Rev. B. W Reifrart, Mr. William P. Si ebce, of Fisher's Ferry, to Wirt J ILLIB Pf PEE, Ol tue same piaue. DEATHS. !- In this place, on the 15th Inst., Mrs. CATHARINE, ife oft. Caaott, aged about 21 years. Corrected Weekly for the "Amertoan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do per ewt. Rye Flour, perbbl. do per ewt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, Itys, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoos, do Drlod Peaohes, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried Apples, do fit 00 6 00 10 00 00 1 30 1 30 1 10 64 1 60 40 2A 15 DO 40 40 I'rieu uticrries, (nnatoned.) per bu. Butter, irer pound , fRS, Cheese, Lard, Uains. Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens. por doseti, per pound, do do do do do do per pair 25 18 28 20 14 I. 'I 18 no KliuiiioKIn 4'onl 1'riMtf. Shamokin, January 29, 18H8, 7Wt. Ctrl. Bont for week ending Jan. 25. 4.044 08 Per last Report, 1.1,031 07 To same time lost year, Increase.. Special IVotitte. 'PlIEVKSriOK IS BETTER THAS CURE" IS SU old adage, and must have been writton before Coe's Dyspepsia Curo was discovered, for ono botllo has, In many Instances, cured Dyspepsia in its worst form, whereas it would take ono a life-time to loarn to so live as to prevent this troublesome disease. Crr-orst ol Vomli. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Prcmnluro Dccny, and all the efforts of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free tn all who nerd it. Dm reeinn ZMui....'JL, ..'pl" r"""7. i'y -- ". umiciuiB winning 10 pruut ny the advortiser'i experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOUN B. 00 DEN", my to -of.iy 42 Cedar Street, N. Y. 'I'o (.'oiiKiimittivPH. The Rev. KDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, tho prescription w ith tho directions for making and using the simple reme dy by which ho was cured nf a lung affection nnd that dread disease Consumption. Il ia only object is to bonelit the uttlictcd, und he hopes every sufferer will try this proscription, as it will cost them nothing, any may prove a hlcesinx. pierce address REV. KDWARD A. WILSON', my lrt '47.ty Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. The following Remedies are all old and well es tablished, and thousands have been benefited by their uso. They aro for sale by drugg'fts gcuurully : The Peruvian Syrup, a protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, sup plies the blood with its Life Klument, Ino, giving strength, vigor, un 1 new life to the wholo system.- -For Dyspepsia, Debility, Fcmtilo Weaknoss, Ac , it is a specific. A .".2 pago pamphlet, containing a valuable treatise on "Iron as n Medicine." with cor- tificatcs and recommendation. Ao , will be sent free. J. P. DINSMDRK. Proprietor, No. oi) Dey St., Now York. laiur a iinixam oi vvua ncrry has been used for nearly linlf a century for Corcns Col.na, CoNSiJMI'TioN, and every itflcclion of the Throat, Limns nnd Chest. It cures a cough by loofening and cleansing tbo Iiiiirs nnd ullayinjr irri- tntion, thus removing Hie cause instoa.l of drying up . ' . . , , . , 6 1 " .-". Sl.TH W. FOW LK .t SON. 1'ioi.rii'tors, No. 18 Treuiolit St., Boston. Dr. II. Anders' Icdiro Water, a pure solution of lodino dissolved in water without a solvent, coiitaiuitig li groins of Iodine to each fluid ounce ol wntor. Iodine is admitted, by nil medioal men, tu bo the best known remedy for SonoKCLA, li.i'Kits, Caxckhs, Sri'ttiLis. Saut HnKt X. Ac. and iboiiKaiids can testify to tho won derful virtues of this preparation in such cases. Circulars free. J. P. DIXSMORK. Proprietor, No. :W Dey St., New York. Ornce'a Celebrated Salve works like maic on Old Sores. Burns, Scolds, Cuts. Wounds, Bruitos. Sprains, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Ac, do. It is prompt in action, soothes the iuiin, lakes out soroness, nnd reduces the most angry coking swollings and inflammations, thus affording relief and a complete euro. Only 2S cents a hnx ; sent by mail for .15 cents. SETil W. KOWI.K A SON, Proprietors, Jan.ll-lt No. IS Tremont St., Boston. '4lI.aA'l'i: CO.'M GERMAN EUASIYE SOAP Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may bo considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all U roccra. May 18, 1S07. ly. 0 NE TRICE CLOTUINU. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED o.i: pum k CLOTHING HOUSE, ti 1 M It I'hrl St V eel, Oue door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this K.-tublishuient has done busi ness on the One Price Sys.em, and we believe we are the only Clothing Huuse iu the city that strictly adheres to this principle. Wo have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select good styles and substantial matcriuls, and nut less important, for having all our goods, s:xtka vi:i.i. Jiwm:. We employ the beet talent, for Cutters, and our Goods aro of both kinds Fashionable aud plain so that all tastes cun be suited. The prices are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we could nut meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deduct ions are cvor niado, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, mi l many a dollar can bo saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in miud JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTUINU HOl'SE, 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but oue dour above Sixth. Maroh 21, 18fi7. ly Aycr'st i'liorry Perioral, loK THE RAI'IU CIHK OP L'ottgit, CM, Iiijlucuta, JIoartniUM, Croup, Jroncltitin. Inripkitt Vonmmpliou, and jur the JtiliiJ of Ci'iitumptiee 1'ntkiti in Ad miitid iSfiris the D'ucatc. , ny wide is me uuj oi it 11 , . KJ USOIUluera aim eu nu" hlif ' loeroui are its cures, lha- W 'n n'mo,t every section ol Nir'lJ: country are persons pub- Holy Unuwn, wnu nave been restored by it from ulurming and even despe rate diseuaos of the lungs. When once tried, its su periority ovor every other expectorant is too appa rent to esoape observation, aud whure its virtues aro l. ...... iuki; nn lonirer hosilate what autidote to employ fur the distressing and dangerous alToo tiousof the pulmonary organs inoideul to our cli- mate. While n.aiiy interior remouius run uwu the oommunity have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends Dy every iriai, pumo ..v.. on the aulieted they can never forgot, aud produced oures too numerous and too remarkable to be for- KWonean assure the publio that its quality Is care fully kept up te the beat it ever bas been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all that it has ever dune. . Oreat numbers of Clergymen, rhystciuni, States men, and other eminent personages, have lent thaw names to eertify to the unparalleled usefulness or our remedies, but space bere will not poriuit tho in sertion of tbem. Our Agents furnish, gratis, our Ahericam Ai.hamao, la which they are given, with also full descriptions of the eomplaiuU our roinedios "Those who require an alterative medicine to pu rify the blood will find Ateb corn-. r.xx. sss parilla the one to use Try it once, and you will oonoede its value. Prepared by DR. J C. AYER A CO, Lowell, ass., and sold by all Druggiili aud dealer! in wed- Mast icios everywhere ' VJ as a v I7,fi75 15 Ifl.OM 01 K78 14 mm A DDR KM TO THK NKRVOC8 AND I) Kill LIT A ted, whose sufleringi have been protracted troin hid den causes, aud whose eases require prompt iteatnient tu render existence desinihia. If you are suffering or have sulTered fium involuntary dischargee, what efleet does it produce upon your geneial aoaliuf Do joy leel weak, debilitated, easily tired ! Doee a little extra exertion pro duce palpitation of the heart t Does your liver, or uruuuy organs, r your kidneys, Ireqiienlly get out of order f Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, ui flocky, or ts It ropy on settling T Or does a thick scum rise tn the top ' Or is a sediment at the bottom after il has Mood awhile? Do you have spells nf short breathing ur dyspepsia f Are youl bowels ciaiatiHired ? Do you iiavo spells of fainting or toshes of blood to the head? iayour memory finpuiiedt Is your mind constantly dwelllug upon this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tireriof company, ul life? Do you wish to lie left alone, tii get awny fr-mi everybody ? Does oy little llnog make you start or Jump? Is your sleep broken oi restless? Is the lustre of your eyes as hitlhanl ? The bloom oh yimr cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy your self in iciety ae well f Do you pursue your business with the anme energy ? Do you feel as much confluence in yiuir self? Are your spirits dull and Bagging, given to fits uf melancholy J If so, Jn not lay il lo your liver it dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Vour back weak, your knees rvenk,atid have hut Utile appetite, and you attribute din to dyspepsia or hver-eonipluint ? Now, reader, self abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weak ness of the generative organs The organs of generation, when in perfect henna, make the man. Did you ever think that those bokl, defiant, eaeigctic, perseveiing, suc cessful business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health f You never heat such men complain of being mrlunchirlv, of iicivoumiins, nf palpita tion Of Ihe henrl Th... are. ...u... uf,,,l ....... .......... eed in business they don't Income sad and discouraged j Ihey are always polite aud plensnnt in tho comiwuy of Is uies, and look you and thtm light in the face none of your flowucast luoks or any other ineniniess almiit them. I do ..... ..un inoie wiin Keep the nignns inflamed by running In exeem. T ,. will i.. . 1.:. " , ... , - - " --..., ., ,nr,i vuiiaiiiuuuiis hut also th.HW ihey do t.us neu with in lor. ...How manv men from lMulltf.f..,rwl .li-...,.. ..... .1. el!ects nf sulf-nhuse and excesses, have brought alxiut that stale of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system ao much as tn induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, parnlysii, spinal iiffcctioiis.sui.-ide, and almost every oilier form of disease which humanity is heir to, aud the real cause of the trout. le scarcely sver sus pected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these orgnns require the nse nf a diuretic Itr.l.HHOI.D'rl KM: fii KX 'I'll ACT HCCI10 is Hie great Diuretic, anj is a certain euie for diseases of tho Hladder, Kidneys, (travel, Dropsy, (Irgnirtc Weakness. I'einile Complaints, Cieneml Debility, and all diseases of Ihe t'n nnry Orgnus, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause orieinntinc and no mailer uf Imw lottir standing. It no treatment is sltnmtltetf to. Consumption nr Insanity may ensue. Our flesh andblNid ure supported from these sources, uinl the heall'i und happiness, ond Ifint of Posterity, depends upon prompt use nf a reliable remedy. IJHiuhold's Kxtruct Iluchtl, established upward nf IS years, prepared by li. T. IIKI.M tltll.l), Druggist, o:l nroauwny, rew lnrK.liuu lot South lllth Street, Philadelphia. Ta FaicE SJI.M per bottle, or 0 bottles for delivered to any address. Hold by all Druggists everywhere March a, Ieti7 ly Deaf.ie.ss, Bmnpness and Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. I)., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Lcydcn, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliablo sources in city and country can be iccu at his office. The Medical faculty arc invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in hispracticn. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. nov..10-ly. D ufoi-ma I Ion. Information, guaranteed tn produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a buld head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc.. on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, nnd beuutilul, can bo obtained without chnrgo by addressing THOtf. F. CHAPMAN, Choniirt, Iiirv 18, '(17. H23 liniadway.Ncw York. " t h eii e'ali n av cTo L, And House of Morcy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, on tho crime of Solitude, und the Errors, Abu ses nnd Diseases which destroy the manly powers, uud create impediment" to Marriage, with sure means of relief. Scut in s-aled letter envelopes,, freo of charge. Address DR. J. SKII.L1N HUl'UUTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, I' or June S. 1SI17. I v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F1R.ST I1AETIST CHURCH OF TUEVORT0N. NOTICE is hereby given that on tho 15th day of January A. 1). 1S0S. a petition was presented to tho Court of Common l'luas of Northumberland County, praying the said Court to grant a Charter of Incor poration lo sundry eilizcus of Trevurton, under tbo name, style and title of tho "First Iiablist Church of Trcvorton," with the rights nnd privileges thoroiu stated, and if no sufficient cause is shown to the con trary uf tbo first day of next term tho second Mon day of March next being the ninth (Utb) duy of March, A. D.1HHS, the pr:.ycr of ihe petitioners will be grunted according to tho Act of Asaembly, in such case made and provided. By tbo Court, J.J. REIMENSNYDER, Jan. 2i, IStW. .It Pruth y. VI ati-t uiitl kTirc lrooi' SLATE ROOFS. THE undcrsignod respectfully informs builders iu this nnd adjoining countiej that ho is prepared to put on fe'lnlo Roofs in a superior manner. He furn i.'hcs tho celebrated Lehigh county Slato. which is tho best in the tcarket. lie warrunis bid work to be durable and Cre and water proof. He invites tho in spection of the public to tho work he hasdono in JS'un buryon llitupt'a, Orcenough's and Haas' buildings, nnd on others at various pi noes. His prices ure us luw as thoso of any othor slater. Address, D. S. SMITH. .Sunbury. P. O., or call at bis residence in t'ppor Augusta Iwp. January H, ISGd.ly Lime I Lime! Lime! f pllK new Lime Kilns of H. U. Masser, at Selius L (irove Station, are now completed nnd in suc cessful operation, producing lime of the very best quality. These kilns are built with all the modern conveniences und improvements, and have a onpuei ty of producing 4011 bushels per day. Excellent roads have been made to the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds cun be looded iu a few minutes from tho schutes, without handling. Having opened a large bwly of the best limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they are enabled to sell lime at the low ruto of 11 cents per bushel. The kilns are in charge of competent per sons, who will always be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to H. H. Masser, Sunbury, or to Cbos. Dunkleberger, or Chas. J. Conrad, at the kilns. December 14, ltf7. 30 Choatnut Ntroct, lMsihidtlpliIn Are tho best in Use, I'OR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They are more simple aud durable, easier kept in order, inako a stronger and more elastio stitch, a firmer and more beautiful seam than any other They sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no ro-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the scum by their own operation, aud though every fifth stitch is cut Ihe seam will not rip. The Vrry Hlgticait Ii-ize, Ihe l'ro ef tho Legion of Honor wus coufcrrtd un tho repre sentative of the uhoveuc &. ii.ki:ic at the Esposilion Vniversellce, Paris, 16C7 ; (bus attesting their great superiority over all other sow ing maohines. UROVER A BAKER'S sew srrt.Es M II IJ T T M. IJ MACHISKH For Manufacturing, Combine the most modorn and essential improve ments. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and 6bocs, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages ovor all otbors. I'OR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE I3ALIU8. Market Street. M'NHCRY. PENN'A , Nov 3, )x:.ly lo not 1tnl I lit CotiMiin or .you Mill c-vriainly Uud oat Mlicre you Buy the MOST GOODS, ef the BE9T Q.TJ-tVU.IT'Y. For the LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK CASH SALES! at the MAMMOTH STORE, Market sqcaue, BUSnUKY, PENN'A., Has just received snd opened tho ItHI.Vr HLI.I'd l'l) ,nd l'INL'.vT ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. Fronch Merinos, Prints, Muslii Oinghatnj, Castlmcres, do. NOTIONS of all kinds. Hosiery, Ulovcs, Men'sand Ladies Undergarment WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Builders will find myrStock of Ilardiviirc, I'aiiita, Oils, lii t a, Skc., C'omiIolc. Drugs and Mcdicinos, Willow uud Cedar a are, Queenswarc, UloMware, Crockery, Salt. ROOTS AND SHOES- 1I.VTS AND CAI'S, and in fact everything usually kvd iu a large Slor Cull und be oonvinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BL V ALL VOL' II UOODS is at The Mammoth Store. of II. "Z". FRILINQ, Trrntsi i'uali, SOdnj as my UooJs are bought for Cash and Soid Choap r the READY MONEY. ii v.riatiNn Suuburv. Oct 19. 1S07. NEW GROCERY! On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Cknfrh BUNHUKY, 1 KNN'A. HENKY PETEHS, Has just opened a AND Provision Store and it selling low for CASH. Ills Stock il cooiplote, oonristitig In part of EL'UARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICKS, COAL OIL, Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, '.Lard. Hams. Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Baiwiis, Cbwsc, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. The best FLOUR and MEAL in tho Market. Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS.' Constantly on hand ihcll autl Can which will ho furnished to private families in large or small fuantitius. Also : All kinds of Cauued Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for Gds. tjCull and tiuinine my Stock, ami satisfy your reives. HENRY PETER3. .Sunbury, Dee 14, 1847. HOOT A.M MIOi: MOItl! THE subscriber ofTcrs to sell his Root and iSbne Store, loeated on Market street, Suubury, a few doors east nf Uaupt s new building, including a large stock nf Roots, aud Ladies and Children's .Shoes, liaitms, Ao. Tho room will also be rented to any person purchasing the stork, if desired. Here is presented an opportunity for doing a first-class Hoot and Shoe businoss. The establishment is oflor cd for sale bcciitiso the owner bns gone into other business in the West. J. H JEFFRIES. Sunbury, Jsnuiry 4. IWt. WATCHES FOR THE MILLION f ARRANDALE i CO S UREATVTATCO C1XB EVERYBODY coeds a good watch, and wisheslo act it at the lowest possiblo price ; a horde of ewiiitllora knowing this have contrived various in genious devices to got people's money, and then either fail to send a watcn.ur send one that is worth less as a time-keeper. ARRANDALE A CO., havo now perfected arrangements by which, for the small sum of $10, a good and reliablo watch may bo ckr tainly obtained. Thoy have Tormod a OKEAT WATCH CLliU on the following plan. Certificates containing the numbers of all the watches named in our wbolevalo list (which is sent tu all applicants) aro mixed up, enclesod in envelopes, and sold for 2b cents each. Every certificate, in waiihantrD to bo for a watch, and as will be loen on reference lo theliet, nono are of less vnlne than Ten Dollars, whilst sonic are worlh $.100. Wo undertake to send any watch drawn whatever may be ilpValuofor $10, and in order that every oue may absolutely depend upon getting a first clans tiuic-kecper, we guarantee that every purchaser of Ono Dollar's worth of cer tificates nholl receive at luiirt one for watch No 533 on our wholesalo lUt, sent post freo, which isa fit.t class patent lover, a handsomo and reliable watch, in sterling silver hunting case, and usually sold f'O flu. You will cr.UTAi.NLV gelsucha wuteb ; und, be.-ides. you may get a iiolu cukosouktou worth f-HtO. We soil ihe certificates as follows: Ono for !ii cents ; Three for it) cent? ; Six for 51 ; and Twcn ty for To those scndingifl, we will send a hand some chain gratis. To Ibosu sending $.'!, wo wilt send a ooi.o chain warranted uot tu taminh iu 20 years Parties getting up larger clubs will receive liberal present, particulars of which may be learned un application. As it i& our intention to daurtriet ly honorable business, and t" injure our eustcinei from liability to loss, wo will rend our watches, if desired, wiTRorr uonkv, instructing the Express agent to collect only on delivery. If w c uro desired lo forward wutcbes by mail, tho money uiut bo sent us by Rank Draft or Pot Oftico Order, nnd it will then bo at our risk. Wo will then ri:oisti;r tho packago at our post oflico, and if lost will nuri.ACH iTFHKUor ctiAKOE. If any watch sunt is rot ap proved, it may be returned and the money will be refunded. The rcpututinn of our firm, wbioh feus been established for vo years, and is well known in every part of tho oountry, wo trust will bo deemed a sufficient guarantee that wo will faithfully perform all we contract lo do. Addrecs ARB MDALE' CO.. 162 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Doc. 21, 1807 3tu Pust Ofboo Dov., 6,244. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 250 V.ai ml Streut, Philadelphia. Sl'NIiL'RY AND ERIE BONDS LOST. Application has been made to tho Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company (formerly tho Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company) for tho issue of New Bonds, for tbo following-described liuuds, with the Cuujioiis nnnoxed, lost or destroyed : Nos Bat to M74 inclusive, for $1,000 each, seven Eer oeut. Sunbury and Erie Railroad Cbmpany omls, dated September 10, 16j7. Notice is boroby given that New Bouds will ba issued iu lieu of the above, Maroh 1st, next, unless satinfuetory reasons ere shown to the contrary. (iKO. P. LITTLE, Troasuror. December 23, lr!57 2u Christmas Goods, ARE NOW READY AT T. S. riBIA.O'f JEWELRY STORK, Market Squaro, near the Rail Road, STJ1TBTOY. PEITIFA- Such as Ladies and Uontleuieu's FiueOold and Silver Watches, Chains, Broast-Pins, Ear-rings and Filiger-Rings, Silver Tea-setis, Cake, Card. Su gar Ro-'kets, Dinner and Breakfast Castors, Spoon Holders, liuttor .Coolers, Syrup and Drinking Cups, Knives, Folks and Spoons of variouskinds, and alull assortment of Silver-Plated goods. Also, Dawson, Warren A Hide's Celebrated Tip Top Hold Pens, and a full a&'ortuieut ol day and 30 hour clocks. Particular attention pnKl In the repairing uf fiuo Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work warranted. All orders promptly attend ed to. Please eall and ertimiuc our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Sunbury, December 21, 17 Holiday Presents I J. XV. NTKi KXNO.X, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Square, near the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Fa- HE has iust opened an oAortmoutof tiuld f )'?"( and l'laiu Patent Watches. CLOCKS Lxim. lot Railroads. Baulu nnd Dwellings, Fine ' Uold Umcs, Finger Riugs, Bracelets, Minia ture Cotes, Juedttlltuiis. Lockets, I'encils. Thimblos, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, 'JL-a Salt aud MuBtard Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Bolter Knives, Shields, Cuiubs, Diamond Pointed Pcus, Casters, Pitchers. Duller Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Bai-kels, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ao. He invites the uitisens of S-jnburv osid viaiiiitv tu call at Ihe above pluce, where he will he happy te wan upon mem. I STW1 artioulur stlentian paid to lUJPAIRiNli . December 21, ls7. PURE LAGER BEElil IOIITf:iC AM At.i:, Vrin the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH SACHSPs. RESPECTFULLY Informs the public pinera lly that be is prepared lo furnish LAGEU BEER, I"OUTEU AND ALK, nlsrgo or small quantities. Hiafuoilitius for nak- ng rcor cannui oe excelled, ana Is pronouueed rape riur to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania It bas also been reoomtnended by physicians as a healthy drink fur invalid. Hoteli, Restaurants and private families fuppliud at short notice. Sunbury. Sept 21, 1867 . ii' xtv h.ivi IF you want a sett of Harness for $18 00, go to JACK bTKOH. IF you want a good lilvcr-mounted Hurness. go to . JACK STROH. IF you want Harness, or anything in his line of X business cheaper than thev can ne purchased elsewhere, go and try al JACK. &TR011 a rbop. All goods arewarrauted as represented. IF you want a nice driving Horse and Burn, rn toJACK STROU'h Livery, oppoiite the t'euiral Hotel. iSunbury. IF you want a good Aurlioneer. ilo JACK STROtl who is always on band ta make you a fwd sale or no pay . Sunburv. Nuv. 2, U6,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers