23ALTIMJ1VB X.OOK HOSI'ITAL USTABLIbUKD AS A RFFtUSFROal QUACK Eur. TUB CXLY PLACE h'JIEltS A CURL CAST H OBTAIXX0- DR. JOH.NtHJN hsndissawrwsdtne i"sl Certain "peeily andu.ily LUacluel Hcmwly World lor all I n Vale Ui.eBS.-a, WeiiSiirea of ine Uses. ' Lindas, Slliclilii , Alfectionaof Ihe Kidneisawl BH'ikl-r, Hii.luMUr ! chaises, liapntency, General Debility, Netriiuiicaa, Uys Mm, Languor, Lovr fViiiia, dnifusi.Hiof lUMIi. I'IH tatem ol Umtu Tonality, Trerublinira, Uiinaesa "i Huhl or Uakllncnj, Piacuse kI the llr :hI, I hr.tt. .V s it AlTacH'tn i th Liver, l ungs, Hornsea or Bowes. laeae lerrlosa Diaoideiaiiriaiiui liein ll'eSolili.r) HnrnL nf Y.aitn--ih se secret aiai solitary .nirtifl'i more fal-il i. lacir vtcri-n than ihe song of Sirens lo lie M itinera ol L'trasea,b!laritiiif, tin-it mosihri'liinin-.r,eeiii anticipations, rendering uviiritigo, Ac , ItnOAfciblc Young Men Esprelalre, who have beoonie Ihe Viclimaof r?o'ifry Vice, that drertiltijl and ilesUuctiv Labil wtoclt annu.iity sweers lo n untimely grave Umusainls of Young Men of thr m 'ft exalted talents and or.iliaiu duielteci, won niie.ru rttherwise have etitianred listening Senates with lire than deis of influence or wuked tu ectlaty the living ry.e, amy cull Willi full eo.inJfnev. Married Persons of Yomig Men eontsniplailn. martmee, beine; aware of physical weakness, oigaiuu debility, ue folinitira. Ao., aiieeilily cured. H wlei places himself under the care nf Dr. J. msy may rcl.giouiOy cniitnla in Ins honor aa a gra'.lrmati, aua enuri'teiiiiy rely upon liisslcill aa a Pliviiciun. Organic WsvittiH") Immediately Cured, and Full Vi"f Restored. Thu Pilieaini Affection which rondi-n nne-il-blrnnil mRrnnee imiu'wllile Hie ptiiBliy pud Ly (he Tirliiiin impriprr liiilulitriHrra Vnunu .n"ii ure Iiki lt I t cotrimit exci-Mfi Irmn liol lcingiiuie itl lite t'lewt fill cmleiilleiirea llmt muy eimie iNmv, 'hn llial Uiitlt-r-alnnd tile aultjeel will iirflend M deny that Hie iu-er of nnterrii'ioil ia lat atwnter liy thrtae fallinK inl't intpf'tper bribita than by the piuilcilta? Kraiilfaden.(t deprived lli plenaurea ttf Itttillliy fl'ntrnti( lite nt at ai-nnuaHi.il deatmc tive avinpt'm to both b"dy and mniil nnae. The ayatetn beeainea Denniaett. llie rbvainil nnd lettttil liii-cliMiia Vejkeneil. Ixtaa "f PrHvealtve Pwri, Nervcma Irrit l.ih ty. Ovapepain, PnlpitHtinn of the Heart, litdnteatinn. Cm riMti"itl Drbrluy, a Wniting i'( the I rn:ne, Cough, Coiiauniptiitii, l)ecity and ltoth, ;ncr, .o. 9 Mum It I'rcdt'i'tt'k Klrcrl tlt timid aide going from Unitim ire a'.rert, n few dooia rrtmi iht'coiuer. I'ml ict toobaerve tiHtne iind ntitnlter. I,eiteta muat lie pnnl und coiituiuo a,ainp. Tiic U'tctor'a Oiplutnaa liang in hia uliice. b A 7uro IV ia rra ii led in Two iay. No Mercury or yauttviu Vrwjs. Or. JHtson, Member of the Royal Cullngeuf KurgaHi, t-ml , Cimd unl from one of Um most emiiieiit Colleuea in ilia I iim d !tatea, and llie grenttr wrt of waot liie Ima henn apvni In the h.tapitala of Liinilon, I'nna. I'lnlmli lploa n:id erae where, hna efTi-eteil inina nf the in l uatO'iKliint eurca that weie ever known j many troubled with inigii. in Hie held and enra when naleep. great nerv Mianeaa, beini,' nlarm etl at ainMen aoimda, baldubieaa. w Ii frequent bluihlng. atten'l-l aometimes Willi Uerangeir.cnt of mind, weiccuied immediately. '1'alte 1'artioulnr .ocioo. Dr. J. atUteaaeanll tlnae whn h ive injured themaelvea by tmpMpsr induigem and solitary h:.lnta. whu b ruin both body an j mind, unfitting tia-ni lor eitlier buamena, atitily, aociety or iiiarrinire TitKac ure aome of the and and nie'nnt holy efleeia pn doevdby euilyliubitaol youth, viz: Weakueaaoi theltaik and l.iintw. Paina in Hie Head, Uitnueaauf Might, Loaa of Muacular Power, Palpitation of the Heart. lsitepay, Nervoua Irritabilitr. Ueiaoeeirieiii of ih,. nipiaLivi I itni. . tioua, lieneral Debility, !yinpt ima of f.'iuuiiiptioii, c. .Mbntallt The fearful erteeta on the mind arc much to bt-ilrcaded Uiaa ol Memory, Confusion of lde..a. I)e-(resm.-ii of Spirit!, Kvil-Foitb atinga. Av. raiou lo cietv, Belf-Diairuat, Love of Solitude, Tiiuiditr, Ac. are some id the evlla priHlueeit. t TitottaANns of pera-tna of alt atjea enn now jude wh:it lathecauae of their liei'hiniig health, l.'tiim llieir v.iror. beeonnug weak, pale, neivouaand enaciateJ, linvintt n anigulat appearunce about the eyea, cnKh imd aymntoina ol conauiiiptitiii. Wh hive inj.ired thernalves hva certain prnetire indulg ed in when alone, n iuhit freaucutlv leanud ir.nn evil compani nia or nt aeh.ail, the eflepta of whieh uie nighlly fe!t. even when iialeep, an1 ir n l cunil rendera uiairiase lmp.iaible. and deslroya both iniadaud body. iLoiild aiu.ly I inoneihalelv. ' I lv .tat a pity that a v-m-g mm. the h pe of liia country , IV d.oli.ig . hitiwreu.a, ah Mild be aoaK he) I'r.nn aii ir.. peela an I enjoymeioa ..f hie. by the eoineuiience of devia ting Imm the path of naiureand indulging in a certain secret habit. Such pera ns m car, beluia cinileinplaiiiig .Msirriiigo, reflect th -.t a aonad mind and body are the moat neceraary reiiiareat i pr mii tecwuiliml h iitpincaa. Indeed with nit th. ae the j .urney llir.qigh life hec niea a weary plliirtm Be. the pioaoeel houtly darkens to the view; Iheinind beeomoa ahadowed wilh despair andfiili'd with the nielan ch ily rerleeiion that the happiness of another becomes blig'ited with our own lIeasc of lnipi ittloiioo. When the misguided and imprudent vota'v of plaisnre fi.i.la thai he h is iiulnlied Hie seeilj ol this aiinfiil dne rse, it t.i often happens that an ill. limed sense of shame, ol dre.i t ol disc .very. defers .nnfroin n;.plvii,g to those who, fioin rd,icat..i and n npn-i:ii.tiy alone l.efii. ml him, detiiving till the e niatiliiti uul nin;,t ma of this hornd diaease in ue ihcir nppearauee. s i. h as ulcermed a t throat, diiensrd iioae, n .i-turnl pains in the hi ud and limbs, dnnoeaaol a glu, deafn, si, ii.idcs ",, the shin Ikmics mid anus, ol -tches on t lie .lend, hu e i.ii I inueiMiii.a, piogrrat jngtvith frmhtf"! ur.iditt. nil at I,: t ihe palate ol ihe mouth or the h aiea of the nose full in, mid the victim of thianwfnl d. sense bee-nnea a horrid objiet of roirnmaern tl HI. nil .Icilh pmsn nernnl t his dreoitfnl au(reri.ia, by ending hon 1 1 -that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller letnins." It is :, inelinih ly fact that th .usniula fall victima to I Ilia toru'ile tli-eaae. owin t uh- uii-.LiMf.ilui aa .f lei.otaut pretenders, who, by tire use of Hi t ' le.i.li Poison. .Met- care, i am tne coitatiluu -it and in ihu residue of life lltiat. ruble. Trlinl not v ttr !ive, ..r -lih. i o Uoleaiiied and W -r'h'ia i'r.'lendi : s tt:i, iiumeor ehiriieier, who copy V tiKrinenta. 'ii aivlelhemaeleea iih.. care rf the ru.uiy . tituteof know! Johustoii'a atlver. 'itipeis, regulaily K t:lf.irei I'.iva.r'iaus, ineuiaihln of Co. ,;. tr.ili.ig nLuinai'ier m mill lacing their I, i C .innoilriils. o, as lone ah iI.h h:ii:.'!. i IV.. they keep y.-u y and poisontis in l.e iililao.pil. u.io . I a:,rur, leave v.ll With mined he.il. h toai rhover y'-'in rfailo.ir ill-.ip .'liotnient !-. .1 ...'..ii ia ihe only Phyi?i in a.lverloing. II ia ci enroll ,i .r .lip' .tnaa aivvaya hinc in hi.f.ee. H.a rentdi-snr trealnieni are iniknown to ..thi-ra. pre.ire I iV.n a hfe i.eul. in tliegreat hospital of Kur pe. tlie firm in this r anorv and a mora extena ve o'nvy.. Practl;-d" thun any otliu Phyaiciau iu llie w.-rld. Iiiiloi-Hompiii of il:t ! !. The manv Ih aiaauda eiircdat thia inati'uli uem after vsm. a. ..I llie r.oiTierona nnnotrni.t Smgi.i.l llperaliona perlormeii i,v r j .hn.ioii. wriiiesi .l bv ihe rep .rlers ol trie '-riii'i." o.'lirin'r -in.i it. oiv olher .i;i.-ra. i-olieea ..f wh'eh have appeared ngaiii and again tiet'orc the public, beaidea h'S s!.'lu-li.i as a geutlem in of char."ler and re alms. hi lily, is a ailhV'eut gu oar.ree to the i.tflictrd. Kin Uu,. N'-tIil.v 4'nra-il. Pera ma writing ahouM be particular in directing their etlurs to his Institution, in the following manner, John 11. JuhrlKlon. It. IV. Of the rt'iHimote Lock Hospital. I.alonl ae, MJ. Nov. 30. 1-971 y. JUlldicl, 1'aiK-j' I ura ! AT JOUX KAttLTRA'S Old KatablUboil i' I R Manufactory, So 713 AKOII "tstreol. nhove 7th, PHI L A. Have now in Store of invoivn iaiiiurtationand j'v'i Manufacture one of tli "I- largial and niojt benuti. I..1 J..i... : . .f- , avmuiiuua ol t.S vivrvvfua fc,' 1 ' -- ' ., UV4 V. 1111- uroi a i our in inw vity. Alao,afitioaabortuicutof Uont'B r'ur Ulovosand Collars. 1 am enabled to dispose of tny gnorlg nt very rea. sonable prioos. uod I would tliereforn solicit a call from n y friccdj uf Noi thuuibcruind county ui.J vi cinity. lUu-cui'jor thu Xjmc, Number n n l Street - JOHN FAhKIHA. .No Ti ARCH St.. ab. 7(h, atmtb aide, Philad a, ( jf 'l have do partner, nor coiiiicutivn with any other store in Pliilarlolphift. j fc'jpt. 26, l'io7. 4tr.w j tin. iiooi Minn k7 bm. ! NEW BPRI.f STV1.ES, etimOwitMitm." j After mora than Five Years cxpurienoe und ex- rHiriuieuiing In Iho tuanufacluie of Mriully First Quality lliaip .Skirts, a oHer our jually oulebruted C.ioiU to uieivbaiiU aud tba .ublio in full cuiin.icuce of thuiraiipcriorily over all others in tlio Aniiirienn miirucl, and Ihey are au tickiiolcdgc.l by ull nha wear or d'-al iu them, as they give tiioie kali, taction than ar.y olln-r Skill, ui:i rccoui iieiiit tlieu, selves iu very respect. L'dulera iu Hoop .'kirtt, sln.ul J uinke a note uf this fact, tvery l.tdy who ha-, not given theiu a trial should do o wiihout lurihur delay. Our avwnrtuient euiliiacca everr stylo, length and rue lor Ladius, Slices and Chiidrub. AImj, ikirls uiadu to order, altered a ill repaiiel. A.k for -lJ.ipkiirs Own Make," and be not da. fcivcd .Scotbat theleticr -H ' it wouon on the lapus botaieeii Ka, h Hoop, and that they are .Uuip. Tmi'i .,f;H' KlN S M-nufuoture. JS Arch St., gonumll ' ' UpUU ,ab"- X" uiku" Also, oni-.tantly on band a full lino uf 'good New iork .udtutein tiia.le bkirtK, at ary lo prices. l hul(m,ile and Jlctuil. At the I'blla.UlpUia Hoop Skirt Maaufactory and Eu.rH,nuai, No. Bit Arch sue. t. Philadelphia Ureh2,,l.IpulW M.i,HukH.S. CLEANUSlisu" W NEXT fo" UODLF KESS." A. i'AcCJjj"Lich U (iomon,rl'to GUNNISON I li-.t la.ai KhuvIiiK Hair 4'uttioS and Kkuut1M,0,UK Hoora.. prJrieuT.1;0 ?AhBEs lv iu atteud.noe. uir'"n,luu,r CUU"J.- Ln-iie. uud Cuildrou's I'otlinT.: " ,u over the ioiiA.ury, Auats, n- . If THB Washington Library! Co rniLADELrniA. ts Cbaiteitvl by the Stale of Peni.aylTonli, Mill Or ganised in sl.l of th BIVKH3IDB INSTITUTE Vuc kduoiting Uratuiloualy Boldiara' und Bailor' Orphans. Iticor)tiratnt li tlif JSmtu ui H. 3. AmiL 8, 1807. SUBSCRIPTION 03E lOILAR. The Washington Library Company r.y virtue of ihcir Chnrler, Mi in aecorJanca itilb its l'roviaiotia, will distribute Til rt KI. lirNDRI'.D TH(ll;!AM OOl.l.AllP IS PHKSK.N 13 TO rilKSll.MU'.lKJl.UIiR!, On Wtdnettlity, January tlh, 1903, At l'HILACK.t.rill A. PA.. Or at the Institute, III VKR 8IDE, N. J. One Prcscrjt worth $lo,ono 20,Do0 10,000 5,min 5,000 One Prt'ecnt worth Vint) I'rtHt lit worth Oni' rti Runt worth Two Present worth $2,000 entli Out! Present vulueil nt Two Presents, vitliiecl r.t l,",000 eia'n 13.000 oO.OOO One Trcsent, vnltietl nt. 10,000 Four Pret-vntft, valued nt 5.000 enrh, 20.000 Two Picsents, yiiIupiI b( ?,.(iim encli, 0.000 Tliroi' PrpRints. vnltietl Rt 1,000 each, 3.000 Twenty Present"-; vuhtril ut 500 enrh, 10.000 Ten Presents, valiiffl nt 800 enc l;, i(,00H Tlirue lVaer.tf, vnhled nt a.")0 ouch, 7"0 Twi'ti" i'ltnents, vntuetl at 22."i ench, 4,500 Fifty FiM- Presents, valued Rt $200 each, Fifty Fresouts, valuitl nt :?7"i nu ll, 10" One' Hiimlred amlTen Pr.t-iit a, vitlu- ToOO t-d ut $100 each. 11.0(0 Twt nty Presents, valacrt at ?75 each, l,")()ti Ton Presents, valued at 50 each, GOO The rcmuininc Presents consists of urticlts of use and value, njpt r tnii ing to the diffusion of Lite rati. re and the fines arts, $82,000 . $mm (inn Each CcrtiScntc of Stock is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving woain mono at retail than tub cost oy CERTIl-ICATE, And iil.-o inviiro to the holder a PRETEST IN THE UEE.Vf DISTRIBUTION. SU3SCUIPTION ONK DQI.L.Vi:. Any porfoo sending us One Dollar, or paylns; the saure to our local Agents, will receive inimadiulcly a . fine Steel Plnte Kngravinj;. at choice Irotu tli" lol- I lowing list, and Unv Ceriiticaie uf block, iutuiiug , Uuu Present in tilu (ireat tiiatril.utaun. 1 ONE DOLLAR ENtillAVISGS. j No. l-'-My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 They're Saved ! They're .Saved ! 1 No. 3 '-Old Seventy-sis j or, the Early lny of ihe Revolulim " I Ai y p-r.-oii paying Two Dollarti will receive cither ! of Ihe following fine Steel Plates, at choice, and Two Ccniticaies ol Stock, thus bccouimg cutillcd to ; Two Preaeula. TWO DOLLAR ENORAVIXns. No. 1 'Wa.sliington'sCourl-.hip." No. 2 "Waah inj-ton j Lart lutcivicn with bi -Mollier." ' TIII1IX HOLLAR KNUR VISU3. ! Any person paying t'nee doliurs will receive the benulitul riltul Piute o! H 1MB ft.DM THK V.AB." and three CcruficuUs of Stock, becoming entitled to three Presents. runt DOLLAR ESnRAVINGK. Any person paying Four Dollars L. 11 receive the large and beautiful Cteel Plate uf 'tub I'F.iuls ti' oi ii roiitFATH.:r.a." and Four Ucrtilicalc9 of block, entitling them to Four Pruscnts. riVt DOLLAR ENGRA VINOS. Any pert hi ho pays Five Dollars uhall rooeivo tbo largo und plendiii ilecl Plato uf THE MARUIAUE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five Certificates of Stock, entitling tbcin to Five Presents The engravings ana Certificates will be delivered to each duliM'i iber at our Local Aei.cics. or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered. II 'IV ru OHTAIN SIIAM.S iM,r KNGHAVlKi fend orders to ns l.y mail, encloaing from 91 to '.. either by foal I'lbve tndeis or in a legibtered letter, at out riak Laiger ainouiits should bu sent by draft or ex press. in shines wilh I'.iigiaviuga shales with Kntilnviugs 5o shares with lo.grnviugs 75 alinies with Kugrtivings 100 si.ur s wiih fcoigruviugs 89.S0 21 on 4 Vi (,l .". .l,0U Loe:il AUENT8 WANTKDlhrunghout the I'niud States THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Situate at Riverside, Burlington County, New Jer iiey, is lotinded for Ihe puriose of gratuitously edu cating thu sons of deceased Sultliurs and Souiccu of Ihe I uited States. The Board nl Trustees consUts of the following well-kuowiicitiirensuf i'ennavlvuniaaud New Jersiy HON. WILLIAM D. MANN, Dirtriot Attoiuey, Philadelphia, Pa. H"A. LClllS it. uieuu.il all, E Clnof Coiner t. K .lint, ud Pccor lor of Ueeile 1M ud a.. I'erniav viiiiim. I H'tX. JAMES M. SCOVLL, New Jersey. HN. W. W. WAKE, New Jersey. I HENRY Oi'HMAN, Esq., ! Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa. j J. E. COE, Esq , uf Joy, Cue A Co., Philudulphia I TllKiSfllV DKP.tr.Til KKT, WlSIIINriTOK, D. C j April IK, 1p67. Otlioe of Internal Ri venue : Hav ing received satisfactory evidence that tho proceeds of the enterprise eonduoted by tie ' Washington Library Company" will be devoted to charitable, use. permission is heieby granted to said Couip uiy tu conduct such enterprise exi nipt from all churire, whether from special tax or other duly. E. A. RULLINS, Couiuiisiioi.tr. The Aaaoeiation have npn iiuted aa Keeeivers. Messrs. bholtlih A. OuUKb CO.. whose well known line gllty and buainess experience will be a auificient guiirail tee tluitihe money intrusted u lliein will be proneHly ap plied to the puija.se slated. l'lliLibtLPHU, Pa., May 3D, iMiT. To the Offierra and Mcnibeia of the Waahnigiou Libia ry Co , N. 8. READ, Secretary. Oentlemcii: On receipt,' yiair fuvor of tbe loth iust , lioliliing us of out appointment aa Hiceivers for your M.niii), we I.K.k the liberty in submit a eopy , your I'hniter, with a plan ol" )i ur enlerpiiae, in ihe Inghiat ligalaullioiily of Uie Kate, and baviue rrcaiv.d his favor- t.l opinion in resaid lo lis legality, and k) uliatthiaing Wllh Ihe benevolent object if yuul AaH.iun., via: the mueauoii and uiaiiileiunee of the niphau Inldrrll four oldiera and saiUira at Ih Hiveraide Inaliiula, we have jonehuied lo accept the tiust, and lo use oat best eoru to promote ao worthy au olijeet. HnueeUully. yours, ,e., ... , . , CEO. A. COOKE h CO. Address all lettere and orders to Obit A CI i IKK ft CO.. RAVKPRS Reoeivers fol th WaalilugUiu Lllaaiy Ut, , tjT N F. LIuUTNEK. Bookwllat A BUlioner Sunbury, Pa., ia th authorised Agaat of tbo Com paoy tor thia place and vicinity October l, 1S6T. TOA&IsUXOM UODOKIN SLTEK PHOSPHATE OF LIME, TUB URE AT Mrthnmb?rlanl County FERTILIZER. Ttte Tnannnj frr all kind- of grain tBaonfae tnrej. More active, more durable, thau any other. It tinea not exhnu't tho anil, but on the contrary ia permanent improver. OVER S00 FARMERS in the t'onnty applieilltto (heir Bprina; Cropa. the result were that it eaeecrled their most anguine oxpeeta lions. It wna tested with the best Phosphates in the country but earae out'viclorious. Farmers, use it for your wbeat and rye. Put up in Hags of 200 lbs. cnah and sold at 57 per 2000 pounds, at the Manufactory, Kusit Rlurkct street, Saitburj, Pa., or at any of our agents in Danville, Willlamsriort, l.ewisborg. Munoy .tuii.m, Milton. Dewart, Potts Rruvc, lUiiorcf-brir;. .s'i.ii''.llrova. Trevorton. or any of the principal town in tho unjoining countiea. Where wo have no ngciita appointed, farmers can lond their orders by mail at.d rely on their receiving inimcdialo attention. We have tho nlvantRgo of Railroad and Canal traurportntion iu ull direction, and purchasers need apprehend r.o delay iu filling orders J. K. TORRIXOTON, EH. HODUKINi). Sntibury. Ang. 17, l(m"TS"ANbtSHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVBR, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and eus i tonit rs, tli.it he has just opened a shop for the jianutiicture of HOOTS .1 SHOEr), on Spruce ttreit, hi tini-n Scoitd tmt and Centre Alley, Huiibury. whrre !1 hinds of work in his line will bo made up in the l.itet style and in the best workmanlike man ner. Having firt clns stock on hand he flattors himself t'mt bo will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidiuus. The public are invited to call. JOHN WILVER. tiunbury. June 1, ISA". TO OUB CUSTOMEilS."-" We take pleasure in announcing to Dealers in Fertiliicva, and the Agricultural public, that we have within the past year increased our facilities for Iho iraiiiif.ii tti'e of our Kaw Bono Phosphate., to an extent unequalled by any other Howe in the United ftntcs or Europe. Theso facilities not only include the enlargement of our old c .iblislicd works in Philadelphia, knorrnna the Dchiw iiiT ICivcr A-i-aViiliiirjtl 4 'Isa-ssa i - I tlniha, but also the purchsseof extenaive and w ell stocked works at Chicago, 111., with ull the necessary machinery, cars. Ac, to conduct tho business. This establish ment alono bus produced, annually, over 6060 tons of dried Rones and Meat, nod is capable of being largely increased. We desire, by the cloacRt super vision, to conduct these two concerns so that our cus tomers will derive a practical benefit from their con solidation, in obtaining a MANURE which shall ronintaiu n standard and uniform quality, and at the lowest possible price. IIAUUII 1E0NP. j PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGK'S i 8 VT K II -P II O S I HATE OF 1. 1 M K. BAUO-li cSc tSONS Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CUEMICAL WORK?, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. l-STFanner. are recommended to putehaae of ,h. dealer cntrd in iheir neichl,orh.kt. Iti recti..,,, where no dea- Iff Is et Lftatj!!ir,i, thf ti'isnhnti1 muy lit prot'ijtttt dn et- ly r. iii Hir- ujnli'imgiicil A I'fict-d Cin ularwiil tie ifi.t iii an uiki apply. U AUG II & SONS, Office So. 20 S. Delaware Attnut, PHIi.AUIXrHIA. BAUfJII UKtrillKHS & CO, Ceiiend WhuUmle Arent, No. 1: 1 Pearl iSt., enrnur ol CcJur. NEW YORK. GEOmii: DL'UOALK. nV.ci'c.oit'f Aeieut fur il:irjind it I No. 103 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, AID. I"s We are prepared to Sunnlvour Patent .See. tioiul Mill tu all Manufacturers fur grinding Bonis, ' tiuano mid all other hard substances. Sold l, SMITH & GENTIIER, Sunbury. Aug. 3, ltSiS7. ly LINJS AJJ LIMESTONE.' rpili; subscribers respectfully inform the cititens X of Northumberland county, that they are now , prepared to furni.-h LIME of a superior quality to ! Fin mers and Builders. Also. LlME-STOXti from I tne celebrated Liuie-Slnne Quarries of Lower Maho- ! nuv lown-b'.p. nt short notice and at reasonable rules. The above will bo delivered In mir Hnilrna.l tin. I tioii along tho hue of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilnsnre located at the Shnmokin Vallcv Ruilioad. near Sunbury, whero orders will be promptly filled. Orders tiro respectfully solicited. A idless. J. B. LENKER A BRO., Augut:t. .ni7. Sunbury, Pa. SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, PORTER AND ALE. rpiIE subscribers having locnted a bottling estab .L lihuienl in Cake's Adililinu, in the Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform tho citiions of this and adjoining counties that they aro prepared to furn ih Landlords, Keslaurenl Keepers aud private fami lies w ith Iho best brands of Sar-aparilla, Mineral Wa ter. Ale aud Porter, bottled in the best manner. Their drinks aro procured from the bet establishments in the country, nhich enables them to furnish a better article than can bo bad elsewhere, which will be de livered at the lowest rates. 'i he citizens of Sunbury and vicinity will find it to their interest to patronize homo industry, and assist in makiue this a permanent enteruriio. xn.l nt ih. I ,i'u" ,hlc1' a"'1 money. I Orders aro respootfully solicited. which will juuujjit nueniiuli. August 17, IS67. 8m PROBST A ROTE, Sunbury, l'a 1 JHi; AU HATIIK IMtOUI' ROOFING ! m HIVES A CO., are the Agents in the Counties 1 . ol Northumberland, Suydcr aud Montour, M WARREN'S Improved File and Water-Froof Roof. Thia is the cheapest and best Roof that can be put on a building. Has been used in lha city ol Philadelphia, since 1851, where it has superseded alinnat every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and is used on all of the finest buildings luthat city. Parties contemplating build ing, aill do well to cxnmiue into tbe merits of this and all other kinds of Roofs, aid giva the best tbe preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Buubury, will, in a few days, be eovered with this Roof, aud parties desiring to do so, may call thore and examine it. For further information addreu Box U, Sunbury Pust Office, or call at tbe Brick Yard of . T. IIIMES A CO. Sunbury, 18, 1867.-3m Blacksmithing. . JOHN IBVIN, fiUNBUKY, PENNSYLVANIA, I RESPECTFULLY informs the cititens of Sun V bury and vicinity, that he has erected a Black smith iShop near the Shamokiu Valley Railroad DoiKit, where he is prepared to do Blacksmithing in all tu branches, at lb shortest uotioe. Having lad many years' experience ic the business, be flatten himself that be can reuder satisfaction to all who way give him a call. friuihury, Augaat 17. 1867. SHOEMAKERS. THE beat qualiilea of Bole Leather, Freoeb Calf klna, Morrooeos, Linings, Laata, Kaila, Pegs Tool of all kinds; and .very thing ual by tbe trade. rrsalelowby J. H. CtlNLEY 4 CO LUMBER ! LUMBER ! TIm lattrr Cn.ty nod ttnbuLry UissutX-lr aomprtssy, Ktrw fully wtMaiht4 at Um BTJN BLTTT BTKAM SAW-MTXtJS, are prepared to fad lo ordee Wiim PIXB, ILUiLOsTR AJIOAK, of any si and all length. Alull sortmenl of DRY 2JTT3VIBEIt always kept on hand. Pansel, Plooriof , Btdlng tni) finishing board of all i4a. ' MOULDING, BA8I1, DO0R3, and BIICTTEIiS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Fhared, White Pint, and Ilomloek. I'laatrrliiK I.nlb and I'nllnK, Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be dona to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at sack rate that Lumber Yards. Builders and all parties using Lnmber, will find it to their intorcst to buy at this establishment. ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by add I to by addressing. TYM. REAOEN, 8up't. Sunbury, June 13, IBM. 1TEV" SZOE OTC?.S. Market rHreet, adjoining Uearhart'a Confectionery Blore, SUNBURY, Ta. rpllF undersigned respectfully in forms the cltiirns X of Sunbury and vicinity, that be has opened a NEW M10E bloKK, fur the sale as well as tor the manufacture of the finest aoi beet quality of Ladies' Shoes, via: UIotoKIiI, .Morrorco, I nIl'Ulii nutl I.av.lin 1. nllrrai, A.r. Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock isentir ily new and well selected. He also uinnufautures fine French and other Culf rkin Hoots and Shoes for Gentlemen. Orders for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly attended lo and got up iu the bvst style bv skilful mechanics fhoe' findings 4c, constantly kept on hand and for sale to the trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. SunburyApril 20. 188". M.-,mjk'"aLXi.''m.jm.iai:9 heet Iron and Stove (i- ZETTLEM0VEU& B'RO., (Sucacuor to BENJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) Murket Street, near Engcl's Store, SUNBURY. PA. HAYINO taken charge of the old stand so lung patronizod by the people of Sunbury and i cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and the punuc geueruiiy. tnat ttiey win supply mem with tho nut improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR 8T0YES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of fiui'h, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove warrautod tu perform wh.it they are represented. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lump. l,aiilrrtia, Shades, Chimneys, and nil articles usually kept in an cstRbli-'hmtntof this kind. COPPER, 1JU ASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sizes. FitUIT JARS and CANS of tho latest improved styles. Ho is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing. Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neailv executed. UE0. ZET1LEM01ER I BRO. June S, 18o7. y THEOREAT CENTRE" OF ATTRACTION, 1ST STJISTBTJI,-, is on ad street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTEEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, nut LdUely i:Mta1lih'4l, tvllh till the .Modern liuprovi'incnls oi llss Art ! rPHE subscriber, having built the room egprc"! X for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the tusiness. is confident ol his ability to assure his patrons that the. work pro duced shall be second to none iu country or city. No work allowed to lcavo tho g illery unleiU en- ' " " 3ri,r,'r','"'!,,h.r.b'i,'! "' f01" '? ue u, Pr"frd to make Photoraphs in sail nui'iaui neaiuar, uui lTouia preiur a clour uuy tor small children. He is also rreparod to take new site, or cabinet ; card Photographs. I All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required size and colored beautiiully in Oil or Witter colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Laudt-ca a views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, 4c, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand I The public ara respectfully invited to cull and eo I our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to lutnilics and 1 clubs. I BEROSTR ESSER. Sunbury, July 15, S100 REWARD For a rr.ed cine that will cure CCI'GHS, INFLUENZA, J TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPIXO COLG1I, oi relieve coxsiMrriVE oocghs, as quii k aa COE'S COUGH BALSAM! OVER ONE MILLION ROT TI.E! have Wen aolj and not a single instance nl its failure is known We have, ill out poaessi .11, uuy qujiility of l ei. liacuirs, some of them from KM I NEXT PHYSICIANS who have usrd it in their pinetiee, and given it the pre eminence over every other compound. IT DOES NOT DRY IP A Col Oll, but I.OOSKNS IT, V as to enable tbe patient to exnectoiate freeli- Turn or three doses. , Will Invasubi t Cm Ticslinj in th Tuot ! A half lait.lebas often completely cured the moatSluh. bom Cnugh, aud yet. though it Is so sure und speedy in us operation, it is perfectly hurnlleas, bring purely vegetable It is very agreeable to the taste, and may be adinimsleird tochildreu ol any age. In eases of CROl'P we will guarantee a cure, if uikea in sea sun, NO FAMILY SHOI'l.D BP. WITIIOI T IT! It is within the reach oi all, it being ihe chcapeet and be niedit-ine extant. C C. CLARK A CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February 3,1B7.-Ir O O 13 S DYSPEPSIA CURE'. r-pillS GREAT RE.MF.DV FOR ALL DISEASES of JL the ST O M A O H B is the discovery of the inventor of Cue's valuable Cough U.ilsuin, while experinienting for his own health, ileur.d Cramii iu Ihe Sioinai h for linn which had before yielded 10 nothing bul chloroform. The almost daily testimony from vanoua parla of the country eucouiagc ua to believe there ia no disease caused by disordered stomach it will ilh speedily cure. Phyaiciana endorae and Use itl Miniatere give testimony of lta efficacy. And from all directions we receive tidinu of cures per formed. r DYSPEPSIA! It is sure to cure. HEARTBURN .' One dose will cure. SICK HEADACHR! It has cured in hundreds of coats. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS ! It stops in thirty minutes. ICIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It corrects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It slops immediately, DISTRESS AFTER EATING : On doae will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few Unas. BAD BREATH! Will be changed with half a bottle. IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS f Jl'NPRECEUf NTEU SUCCESS is owing to the It Cures by Asisiiisilsie ,alure TO RE ASSERT HER SWAY IN THIS SYSTEM Neanly svary stealer in the Coiled Bute sails it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. 0. CLARK & CO , Proprietor., KKW HAVEN, CONK. February , I8A7 ly. . Clalldrvu'it Ciarrlasxesla WB would eaU the attanUon of thosa wanting a Child 'a Caniiage, te eur new aad large assort Dat oomprutiDg new aad beautiful TI. i. M COMaY A CO - THK OKBAT ZniGAIUBTrTERS rkaMa Cwaiaaart 4 and iuiilbuuda tmara aHaeaverarl. eonauoumka aaaaa taranty years aco, sty Dr. tlaaerava, Ih axle Ismsa4 EavoAUa Pbyaiuaa- Itomauudj sat hie offer- Isuj esaaiitry saea ware rea tore te litaleh, as wall as great usabera of the Inhabitants of Nabla and Abysilnte, and of thaaaaanlrlea ooiderlng upon the Sou them eout -.of the aiediurraneaa Bea. Imlerd, the fume ef the ZANUA1U U1TTKKJI soon spread evr Kurope, and was adopted by the principal Physicians la .'harm ef tbe heapltals ef the old world. In Which it is Still used with nraml. neat success. Th Viceroy of 1 gypt plaeed the nsma of aa. Ciitosaua upon U,e Roll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " Da I'HSorsus, the Public Uenifucloi." This Bitters Is now offered to tbe public of America with the full assurance that It will be found, tipn a (at trial, W act aa etpeclQo for tho cure of Cholera. Dyserrtrry, Dlarrhern, Cholent Iorbus, soever sad Anne, Yellow Fever, Rlienmrtttsm, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia. Colic, llronchltla nnanmptloii, FlVitua leney, Dlaesuiea of the Klilncya, Ntrveoa Deblutya and Female Cumplntatta. HemArkahlt cum nf the ahnvc dintrg hare hfr) tff 'CtcJ by ttn uc, a numerous cortiflcatcs, many from rvfftiUr phynlcUnt, fully attput; and It la 4ePtlnd t inpTiriie any preparation extant. At an afrttabla TjaIc. and n . INVIGORATING DETERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Titna A3 TVELI. A3 BODY A f D Aa A TREVENTIVE OP HAS NO SUPERIOR. A TF.W WORTiS TO LADIES TI.e ko of tlic Z1NUAK1 niTTK.US will give to you that K-fl, tcml transpiircntcnmpk'xinn which the (Jod of nature (de alKniiiK worn fin to bo the loveliest of hi work) fully intended that you should have for it Is nature's own powdrrand piint combinrd. Ily purifying the blood, stimulating the pimcntAry cells or the durniis. and ImpHrlinK hfttUli and lif; throuRhout the entire system, it especially ffivt4 thut smooth clfornrnd and beauty to the complexion fo much to be dcslnd re moving all rotifrhne), blotche. freckles, pimples, and that yellow, 1rk1y nok to common in our dny; and what In evt?n iMtipr thnn this, it curns every fptciei of IVmalc irregularities and ilit-aea rnuciDni I'epnt, IlRrr:Khurg, P.i. HAHTER & HATJSE, Sor.r PitorniEroits. Fur sulo by W. A. BENNKT T, Drugi't, bunbnry Penufylvunia. August 3, 1 3C7. NEW GROCER Y. flTIIK subaeribera bega leave to announce to the L eitir.nns of Sunbury and iu vicinity, that they have opened a NEW GFaCCSny. Tiro tltjon irc.it of 11. En'jlrU Ht--rt, in Mtirlet .'.!. rv , el. era they aro prepared to fiin:!i.h every variety of oroceriis. aud will konp coi.t:.ii.l. v 011 hand ll.o I'hoierat varieties of F L 0 U R & F K E D, Fish, Coffee, Tcaa, Suar. iMoPis-ies. Cheese. Salt Ppices of all disuiiption. Monps of evory variety Candles. .Smoking and Chewing tobaceo, .Velars. Hams. liouldiT. Baeon. Bulter. and Ki. Alsu Dried fruiutof all kitidB, Caned Peuehes and Tniua. toes. Piehels, Ketchup, Popper .'auce. Haisins. Leiooiis, Ac., of best quality, and in fact every itylo of articles kept in a well stocked tirocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of tho public is re. spvcti'ully solicited. GEOiliiK E. ti:AHI 1 (.'0. .Sunbury, Nov. 11, IStij. hheaT) & fancy Cakes. DAVID FRY Ta o doors west of tho Post Office, SVNDUUY. Pa. RFSPLCTFULLY informs the citiions of Sun bury and vicinity, that be will baka to urder all kinds of 4'itlicai lor Unlla, I'nrllew, Ac. Families 'ire supplied with FKKSI1 BKKAD, Twist 1 Kolls. luks. Tea Buns. Ao.. und alao kept ou hand manufactured out of tbo bent, uialerials. All orders will meet with prompt aitii.lion. iiaring had Inre experience I hope to give irenerul eutisiaetion to all who uiav favor ire airb their palronae. tAVItl I It Y. Sunbury, lieu. S, lBl'.i. . .11. -. ;i:.iki9 iut'.h Confectionery, Toy and FHUIT STOR K MiirSst't Sirs-s-t, siuiibur)', I'n. CONFECTIONERY OK AIT 'INrtS, TOYS OP EVERY DI.&CRII'TION FRUIT, Ac. Ac, C10N.STAXTI.Y on hand mid for sale at the ahnve wlublUbinent atwbolesalu and retail, at reason able prices. U it manufacturing all kinds of Coitf, ciinnai ict to koop up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobii.'Co. Str-ars, Stationery. Nuts "fall kind-, ar.a a variety of other articles, all of whn.h ara ororLit wholesale and retuil. k Unuieiubcr the name and place, f M. C. 'tF.AlillAI; T, Market street, J doors west el'E. Y. Bright A fcr. s store. 8iiiibury.S.-.pt. 1. IHC.'l. tf S T O R"E . 1Y. A. HKlNNK T, Uurlsft Su:irc, IH It V, Ia. HAVINtJ recently purchased tho Iiruir .S'lore forniorly conducted by It. A Kiaher, I beg leave to inform tbe citizens of Sunbury and vi einity, that I have entirely replenished my stock of IS K 'SL7 aa73 &tg AND P ANC3T ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket. Books, Soaps, Per funiery, Iiuir-(lil, Knives, iScissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, ainl, OHh, 4.1iu, Calastat, 11111), Varnlwlifsi, Pa I tut .tlediciiiCK, Xc. All uiy Tinclurei, Syrups, OintmenU. Cerates, and other preparations aie manufactured by myself, and flora the beat uiateriul I can procure 111 Market. Having had o,uile a number of yours' experience in Drug and JWcrijitiun I)uinea, both in Philadelphia and the eountry, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmuoy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL FKtSCUlPl'IOXS that the Physicians and publiu may favor tuu wilh. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made irom the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on baud tbo verj best WINE3. BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own uiiud. u u V. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Noy 18, ISUJ. LIME! LIME ! Farmers uad lluildcrs! Fkashoi.ti A Broth aa ara now prepared to do Bvei , at the lowest market price, the very best quality ar -am TV a, for LAND and BUILDINU purposes. Thoir limeU burned of tbo celebrated TUCKYHOK LIMESTONE." Their lime kilns are located at the Philadelphia and Lna Railroad, near the team aaw mill, io tbe Bo rough of iSunbury. Plaster, Masons, Bricklayer aud Farmer are in vited toeall and give us a trial. a . BKABUOLTZ A BROTHER. Aar , 1M7. PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS BOOKS ABO BTA.TIOS XHY, Monthly Time Books, Drawing Books mud Slate. Bock,Hymn Book. Blank Book., Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pookel Books. Ink Bunds, Peua Pent Us, a as aaJKirtaient of Paper, fnk. Forasl.by Ay,yA PAINTKR. J 1 ft ayiT ft KTi sTTTrsWWn 1 fs NEW GROCERY STORE, Market Brrat, St 6W Baal Of Third ttrwt, Bonh ' atdCrTUNBURY, FA., ' RF4PR0TPVLLV Inform their fHendt and tbe publia, that they bare opened a NEW OROOERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have thain aa!t and examine their stock, wbicb kea just been opened, embrac ing everything io tbe Uroeery Hne, sach aa Coffee, Tea, Sugar,9yrnpa, Sploea, Osnned and Dried fruits, nouns, iiominy, t heen, t'raekera, . lUcon, Ham, Fieh, Salt, Potatoes, su., tngntunr witn twaps, Candkt, Soda, Aa., and In fact everything in the tirooe.-yand Provision. Line. FLOrn AND FEED, Quecnsware, Willow. ware, Ulassware, t-oni oil i.nvnpa, coal un Aa. Call and lee before purchasing elsewhere. W. S FIRMAN A CO Euubufy, April 27, 1SC.7. MS THE HOWE MACHINE COS SEWING MACHINES, 699 BaoantvAT, Nw Yoaa. for FaistilteM and .llstnuiactttrr m. aassaasBaattsMaeaaaasanransa'i as. "-kaXajam irr.ari aaaa Theao M'oild-llenowiiel Sowing Mncbinen, oere awarded the highest premium at the World's lair in London, and six first preiiiittin.a at tlio New; ork S'tato Fairof ISliO, and are ceiel.raud f.r d ,iii:; he best work, tiling a much suiulli r ni e.lle for ihe samp thread than any other nru'liint. utid bv the ii.'.i'..lu '. thin of the mint approved njac'itneiy, si nro now able to supply the very best machine in ilm norlj. Theso machines are mado ntoiirncw und ap.icitni.4 Faotory at Bridgejiort, t'onn , under tin immediate supervision of tho President of tbe Coin pin. Ki n How e, Jr., the original inventor of thu Sewing Ma. chine. They are adapted to nil kin-Is of Family rienii.g. and to 11:0 ot c,cuuu'trcse. Ir w .Makers. Taylor. Manufacturers of Shirt. Collar. .Skirts. L'loiiks. Mnr.. tillas, Clothing, Hut, Caps, Corses, llnola. Shot . Harness. Saddles. Linen Ueods. 1,'tubiolliis, Parafols. etc. 'I hoy nnrk e(ually well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods witfi filk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell. cord, braid, bind, aud perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfool s'itch, alike ou bcth aid' s of the 111 tides sewfd. Tba Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and mado on this Machine, is tho most popular and all Sc.vin Machines are subject to the priuciplo iurvuttd by him. FE.NB FOB CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. W9 UnmJwHV, Cor. Fourth at., N. Y. April 6, liW. ' .iia i i a .ntiiiiis. Mm. A. TWEED, In Mi.s Anna Painter s Fancy Ooo l Store l.oil iino, M.irket tviuarc. .'I doors west oi tho Post '.diice, SI NKl.llY, PA. RL"S"r.t"IFUM.Y inforuia Ler fi lends and ihe public that she has auin cpetied a shop, in Market street. Sunbury, nhcru siie is prepnied to make to order Ladies' Iire'aea, in an unlire ties style. Ladies' Clonk. Ac. Also Ctentlomcn's shirts. Orders rcdpeotfnlly solicitcr.. cunbury, Jan. U, Ji.7. ly Great AUraction, at tse N E W T I - W A 1! E , Nla..'t't Irnii and Sinn' Store o" SIvCITE GS1TTHS?.. Where ih"j keep oons'anlly tu band an 1 mai.iifie lure to order atehort i.oiice. TIN AND SHEET lBON-WAUK of all deajriptions They would esi ocir.l'y call the iitlention ol pui chiisers to thoir large and weil tulcetud slock ol COOK AND l'ARLOR feTUVS. The fubucribers Inn u mu le mnnjeinents to have all their bent stoves n.iulo to or lei, ni.d thoao ntio would have a good stole wuU du ,i,:i t g., ,.j fxniniiie their large and o . ll arlvcivd ;o;k. First. They dily eninpelitiou on the following H ied Lruiids of took .V'.oie, lii: i.'uiuliinalitsu (ana Si iii-ii f, 'x,l(. too 'i'l'insr u 4 m U. WABASH AN I) IKOKSir-ES. and the well known A.-it; Ji:t G..k r-'tovc ca',!.-i riPBAlt'S ANTU'LT. Aim. Parlor or.d rSice ?t4,via iu great vfiri. tv etii bracing all ihu best tnauiif ietuies u;iU rr.ol liishiou. able designs, unturpased f..r beauty vfliuish iiiupii cily of urrunitemeiita eoiuliiniug cheiipuis. durabilitr and each stove warranted to pcrlorm wlat thev aie represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, fi r healing tii.l.rccoud and Ihild fclories by BegUters Alsu, VULCAN llFATEB. Also, the cekbiatid MOKNINij ULOIIY. Coal Oil, .'inl Oil Lamp,, ;-.!t!l. s, ttiiitciicK, iiikI ail arilt-lt'w itsuully kept iu cu esta'.lifhiiieiit or this kind. T!.iy nrea!.-o prepiiu .1 to i'urnih Slaieau 1 do slaiiug iu the be't workiiiaiiiikc manner. Also, to do Tiu Bootiiijj, Sjwuling. Rango und Furnace Work, (las Fitting, Ao. lii pairing neatly and ehvaply executed, Aho : 'IlaiiKli sj H101 ltn' h:ilt." Niiim-i-.EMmin- Berneoiber tbe place, .'ample ai l Sale Itooiu nearly opposite Conly's Hardware fjioro. Market ativet, belwi'eii Third and Fourth streits lluilding etui k painted. . Augu.t 2o. ISiW. tUN BURY u iLLli.'G LOTS IN J- W. CAKE'S Addition to the B;nugh of Sunbury, for JSule on reai.onal.le ti rin--. Apply to Iir. It. II. AWL and, eiOL. BIlOSlul'S. Or P. W. SHEAFFK.rotuville. l,1u'lUlrJ' Nov. I'i. Ie03 BKW.JB BI.:Qt f m Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HAKKWAKE, comprising Nails and .spikes of nil varieties. Butts. Screws "" 'nig'!'. uocKsunj eateries. Uolis. I'las- tenuis irowots. iiuck i rowels, Plasterer's Sieve., lo., Ac., for sale by J. II. 00NI.LV t 00. Coachmakers, AlTEire selling R:m,, Sp,,kcs, Bubs. Springs. If Canvas, Bolu, Clipj, Axles, Ac, very low Large Stock at ... t . CON LEY A CO. .Sut.bury, March 30. Ie.67. hbcb 5sLjra,,'n'k'-, " riHE following pcrsous are rntitled to receive an A tuorease of Buuuty under tho Act of Congress paased July I860, to txiualite Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after tho 10th day of April, lbtll.ior 3 years, and served their time ot enlistment and have been bonorablv discharged, and have received or are entitled o receive a Bounty ot $100. are entitled an additional Bounty of glOO. 2d All such soldier who enlisted for S yeai 1, and bava been honorably discharged on account of wounds received in tbe line of duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of rjluO. 3d Th Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of auob soldiers who died iu the seriioe of wouuds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of KlOO. Uy application to 8. P. WOLVEIITON, Esq.. of roMauar, renusylvania, who is an autborixed Claim Agent, an sucn claims cau be speedily sollocied. Sunbury. August 4, 1 Sod if Aftrlt-ullural Imiileiuruls. HOE'S drain Rakos, Steel and Iron Garden Rake, Long and D Handle rtpadea, 6'bovela, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Uraiu Scythes, Urain Cradles, Cradle Finger. Trace, Breast, Tongue and log mains, Unud-stoues, tanning Mill Seivesof 11 Ksesaao, Unas, a large asfaHrtinent of Red Wagon Haoies, for Flowing, Farm Bslls, Cultivator ToeLb. fur sale by J, n. UOSLHY A CO. I BON A large aasoxtmeal of Ua best ltaufa lured Ban, Hoop. Band, Round and Bauara Iron. Nail Rods. flat sital. ill..... Stead, Drill Steel, Bora Shoe, koraa XmiU Anvil. Bullosa. Vleaaa. ' fladgea,. Hasps aad File., al n .3 63 NiVn e-.-J7 ti t.Lrr t co s Jus lMillnalrlphlu ts. Tbmojbi aM dlraol rou ',W 7 fladolphia. ssaliltuafw, Uarrssoarg, WtlnaV. Sbd Lst tba Ureal OU Ueaseaof PraaavlTanta. li 1 ELEOANT PtltKPIWa OARa o all Nlht Traloj. onthal'hiladolphUa. trie Rail Koad will mate follows t WivrArts). Mall Train lenvet Philadelphia, ' Bunbury, " " arr. at Brie. Brie Express leave PbllwlelplWa. Hunbtiry " ' arr at Frio Llmirajklail leave Pbila.lelpliia, ' Sunbury " " arriva at Lock lUveo, KASTwano. Mail Train leaves Erie ' HunbtirT, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Kxprcss leavof Brio " " 'S'utibury " " arr. at Philadelphia, Klmira Mail leaves Lock Haven. " " " Sunburv, " " arr. at Phillideliihin ins p ro, 6.64 am, 9.00 pm 12.00 noon S. .16 p in 9 4& a at 8.00 a oj 4.16pm 7.46 p ui 10.25 ft m 1.66 a m 8.64 a tu 4.2j p u 6.40 a tu 1.00 pin 7.10 a m 10.25 am 6.10 p m Mail and Kjiirna connect with all tralna on War ren A Kranklin Railway. Passengers loaviug Phil adelphiaat 12.0V M. arrive at Irvinctun atti.iOam, and Oil City at u 5u n m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.1. ri P. M., arrivo ftl 0(1 City nt i 35 p in. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway mike, close connections at Oil City wilh train for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAlltlAUE CHECKED THKOL'iill. ALFKKH I,. TYLER. tienerul Superiutendcnl. .i ih-fn 4 itlrul itnilvstiy. WINTER TIME SCHEDULE. Through and Direct Route to and from Wahiiigt. o, B-.llitnora, Erie. Lluiira, Buffalo, llochestcr, and in rum I.ll I I'l'I R TRAINS DAILY from and Ihree to Wash ; iirtoii and linltitiiore. and I'liltllK TRAINS DAI i Li 1 1 too .North und fi ni aim V1 Itranrh !?iliuio j hanna, and I.'or'.hern ai. l Western Pennsylvania ai,J York ON' an I tiftor MONDAY. OCTOP.F.R 14'.h, Iw'.T. ;ha Trains of tl.o Nmiheru Cetitrul Kailwav will ni.i uf i'ollowi : NOi.TliW AKD. eavi'? paltiinoru " iiiori-'liurr, " WilliainEport, arr at El mi. a. i Mail Train i S S3 a is. 1 :'n p tir ti 66 p ua 1 1 O i p lu U.IO p m 4 ii) n ui II .0 II m ;i i p in n i" p in I '!! p :n H ll'i p ui. '.' l.'i a ui V H0 p ia '1 1. 1 a m S.lOa ii. H ib a in H.20 a iu I ui a in ' Unff il.i Express 1 i lcava ll.iltinioro " li-irrii.l.ur. " l.lti.ira. err. C iii'inilniun, l.av.:, Iti In 1.101 ... " ll:irristu;r, arr. Williuuifu .rt, Erie le.ivs Baltimore. I Tan! Mr-, Night i " 11 tirniljiirg. " Willi'iiunpurt., 11 rr at trie. York and li.irri.-ai j haves York burg Accuin. arr. lliirrisbiirr; s 0 u t a w a 11 ir . Mail Train, leaves Elmira 1 'i a in K 10 11 in I. In p in 0 10 p 1,1 4 no p m V 66 p t., 1 1 . t.S p a. 4 :.i a 1.1 " I 1 a :,i .1 .'mi p m H . 1 ,1 a u, 1 1 .3D p 1., 6 IS p i " Williiiifji.port, " Huiirbur, arr. nt llultimore. icavpf t'ai.aniiaiun, Buffalo I.'xpnss hluiirn, illtainsp..rt, ' iliirii.iiiiii-x, .rr. it loil i 1 on . ie,.Vi-a Vl nil iiirr.i -ii-t, H..r,lOi;il5,' i.rr ut Ilitli.itti,.rc.' Ilnrrij- i l.-iui.'s H.irrikuig. 'com. i arr. Y' 1 Fast Lil.e York nr. loir- A- ti Ml ti III Maii 'lraiu ponli an..; smith. l'a.t Line norih. mi l Vnik and Harrisbing Accounnodiiiion north ant M.'ti:h 1 mi daily i xci-fl iuirdav. Jtinrnli. x -r-!- iior.h ni.d I'nt Lir.c south, rnn daily i aii.l Bufl.ilo Lxprcss i ui!i run. daily except .Moinl.iy. iUt A.'iH Uituolaiioli ni-tili ntrivca daily ox.o'pt Salui.iay. For fiiriln-t ' iuforuiktj.is applv at the Ticket Cio in lha l'ct,nv'.vaiiia B.iiiroi,.) liefot. f. .V Di li AKilY Hen. dipt.. I.i ltM: i-iijui A eiii.i K:s.l,ai ( Hull -o.tl. ii.V ai d after .l.-.ti. 1st. K-sr, Pa. ,t.,;or Tri.il a ill run 11a i'oilne. jo'l'THWARTi. A. M. A M. P M p X. l.nue Sennit, n, 6 60 lt l.u 7 u 4 ., hiBrtol.. (I i.i li.J.i l L'1.1 li t'o ' Rupert, '.I L'O II " i'ni l ill-. tt.M H 'm Arr. Norih'J . I I V, v 1 j N '. THW A KB. Leave Norih''!., 7.00 5 W " D uii ii Ic. 7. Ill i) ri " Rupert. m 16 A. M. P. M. n .V. " liitn-ton. 10.60 .1 :;u 2 :,u 9 Oi Arr. nt S.:.'tn;,-n, li.ni) i.;.i 4 no lo.lj Traii.s 1 Inn. ol.lo'r' I'lUISi I'ljl 6 .'ui a j; .'L'hion r.t h.oO A. .M . lor r-craii- with Tiaiu urrivingat Noil Yoikai.'i I". tn'i'ng Trntii S..uih ftt in S.:ri iiti.n at i'i Noi-liiiimlii'i-Hii.. r.' lh Hnrri-I.ur r I .'ill p tin P ?! M . !! liliii.i ie S..IH P. ,M.. Khiimtoii 10.. via Pupi'tl ra-h Philadeiphia ai7.00 p. ni. JI. A. Fo.DA.Ui I. Kin.m. .Tan 19. 1 -r'.7. BciKliiii; ICailroaal. W I X T t It A K B A N w L M E N T . Ki.-vc-tnber Tfth, lSc!7.. I 1 HEAT Tltl'NK LINE from t, .OI,h nna V I N.,rlh-Wct lol I'hipnli lphia. .New Yolk. Rend ing. lVtl-.illi., Taliimiu.i. Aihlainl. L'.-Laiioii, Allen town. Ejhi-jii. Ejii r.ua. l.ilii. L'ir.ca.-r..r. ColiiUibih, AC .1 C . T.-ains leave !lai 1 fcliurg for Ncw Yurk. as f... lows : Al :'.J'I. 6 Jj and S.IO A. M. and 2.ui and 9.:ii F. ?. c.i'in . -lir.g 11 iih 1 imilat '1 ruina on Ihe Pom: sylviiuia llailio id. in.d :,i ri in;r at Now York ul j ifl 10.16 and 1 1 io A . M. 1111. 1 .'i i0, 0 "11 P. .M. Mi. ),, ing (,'nrs ai i oiiinain mg the J 00 A. M and il. '.6 P. M. 'Irriillr. Ivithout cn'i.iij;,.. Leave liairtsuurg I,.;- Bending, Pnttfville. Tamn qua. Miner-i t'.le. A drland. I'liio tttoi e, AlKntuWii and Philadelphia ni MO A. M. and 2.1!6 aid 4.1u P. M.. stopping at I.etiMioii and piincipnl way J'.atiot.s ; ihe J ill p in uinl.nig coiuiictioiia for l'hi!:i'l"i hia and Co!uiul,ia only. For Puttaviilc, Schulkill Haven ami Auburn, vi i .sVhuylkill and iiusiiui'haiina Kuilroa l leave Jlarricbiiig at j' Jj p. m. Returning Leave New York at y.nn a. ui.. l-.Ofi Noon und 6 1)0 and a. 011 p. in.; l'liii.n'.elpiiia nt s .i a. in. ui:d .'i.."0 p. 111. Way Passenger Trim, leaves Philndi'lphia al 7..I0 a. m ." returning from liemtii.g al ti .(0 p. m. stopping at all Stulions ; Puitsi ille nt "1.46 a 111. and 2 to p. m; Ai-iilaml o.OO a.m.un I 12.. 10 an I 2 00 p.m.; 'lau-.ufiua al S.30 a ia. und 1 t'O iiurl 8 4j p. hi. I I.e.u e l'olt. ille for Han il urg via Schuylkill and j u-i(ui tiaiina Uailro-id nl 7 !o a. ui. and iL'.no uo.u.. j Bemiii.g AcoiMi.o'latioti I'l.-iin ii;aves Pieiidii.g at j 7W A. -M. returning from I'lulndiiphia at 4 00 I Columbia Railroad Trains leave heading at 7 Ot A M.. and til o P. M. fur Ephrma. Lilii. I.accaa I ler. L'oluiul'ia, Ac. j t'ti Sui.davs : Leave New York .-.t S (In p ci.. l'hiiii ; deiphia h.Ou A. M., and S.li P M. the S HI a. ui. ! train running only to lieu ling. Puttvilli' Mm u ui , j Harrisbuig. 6 26 a 111. ai d 4.10 and H-'b p m. and Reading al 1 HO und 7 16 a m. for liarrisljiirg. and 7.00 a. ui. and 11.40 p m. for New York, 4 2j p in. ' for Philadelphia . I Coiuniutiili"ii, Mileage, Season, School nt,d Ex I cursioii Tickets, ut reduced lates to und flout all points. Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Brgguge allowed ci,cb 1'asiliat.r. G. A. NICOLI.R, Oem-ral Super intend enl- ill 5 i c K ! jj lii UfTf inn ck ! To Hie t ills.a.-ii ui' finnbiiry und Iriully. flIHE iinderrigi.id hure bought lie Brick-Yarl X and iuiproveiuents, formerly leased and worked by A. B. Stevens, und have made additional im provement, and art- now pr.'pare-l to make contracts to manufacture and deliver BRICK iu largo quan tities, tor building and other purposes. By the manulacture of a good article, and prompt tttteutiou to business, we hope to recei ve a ih'rn i f pal liu patrraage. drier lift ut the Brick-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbuiy IV.t Otncc, will be promptly attended to. T. II I MLS A CO. Suubury, May li, 17. 3m I'llilllK, Oilis, Al'. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Cos, Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, tiluas. always on hand, al low i..'i. 1 i-r ...irij prices ai io'.t.bi a vv 0 11(111 Saddlers, no have Paddle Trotie, Bills. Buck 4 les. (jig Irees, Pad Trees, Hunts, all kinds aud ' every thing pertaining lo the buiinca. for sale by J. II. CON LEY A Co. IlEMEMBEH THE DEAD. MESSRS. II. C. Di-siiignr and John A. Taylor, would rcspee4lully auaounce to the citijoua of Suubury, and surrounding country, that having formed a oo-partuur.ihip. they ai now prepared to furuiah ornameutea sua pluiu (jraarslanrs, Toiubn A ?Iouuiiia?Ml of the best Italian aud American marble, at price that oaanul fail to cive entire satiai action, aud '- poaU'ully lulioit the puhlie patronage. iiiaol.btHAlAii.un. Bunbury, March 31, laoo ly. IJIRB CAGES, II direrent kinds. It aa wast MJ good aad cbeap Bird Cagea, fa to 10.VI.LY 10 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers