TERMS Or TIIM "AMERICAN." TER.M3 TWO DOLLARS pT annum. 3 M If Ho paid within tha year. So paper dleeontlsaed Witll all arrearages Ma paid. These Una will be itrictly hrl lo bttwNf. tr subscriber! negleet r refuse to take their fiappr from tha office to which they ar directed, they ara responlibU until they bay settled tha bills Bit ordered them discontinued . Posttnaatcra will plea act HI Our Agents, and frink letter Containing tubecrlpllon money. They are permitted to do this under tha PoatlXfie Law. or ADYERTIIN. Tha followiiir are the rate for ad verrJiIng lo t Ambmca. lhoee hating adverliiliuj, to do w nod it convenient fur relereuea ; U. 1 Square, i oolunyi, i t. 1 i t, I in.. ftn. Km 1 lI.OOlI.WlJ.tO,M.U,o,Wl 1,00 7,001 II, JL 1 e.iK) 8.001 1&.0M r. 10.00, I4.00:20.H 36, J llB,QCj26,0lj,UOj 60. Ten Una, of thi, ajl type (minion) rosko e wjuVe. Auditors', Adminiftratore' and Efnoutors' Not!. $3.00. Obituarie f exoept the araal announoemt which it free,) to be paid for at advertising rate Local Notioes, ttceieur Keaulutlon, Ac, 10 001 per line. Advertisement for Roligloti, Charitable and d eationnl object, one-half the above rate. Transient advertisement will he published tin ordered to be disoontinued. and charged ecoordir.g PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY IL B. MASSER & CO., SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN'A. JOB rRIHTINO. tVa hare connected with our establishment a well teleoted JOB OFFICE, which will enable u to axeoute, la tha neatest style, every variety of Printing NEW SERIES, VOL. 4, NO. 11. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1867. OLD SERIES, VOL. 28, NO. 11. StfflB -1. JL JLTJL JLJ JUL! JL y JL JL -vj BUSINESS CARDS. B.- Wo SOTSLSSR, , ATTORNEY -A.T LAW Korth Bide of Tublic Square, one door east of the Old Bank Building. 6 UK BURY, PENN'A. Collections and all Professional oueines promptly attended to in tho Court of Northumberland and adjoining Counties. r-unbury.Sept. 15, ISM, . t. IICRIR. Attorney and Counsit-llorn nt l.nw, Cbeenut 8treet, west of the N. C. and P. A E. Hall road Depot, in the building lately occupied by F. l.aiarue, Esq., BUNBURT I13NrTA CollectloM and nil Profesdonal busine promptly attended to in Northumberland and adjoining Court 'ties. P.' . O. "W . Id -A.XJ IF T Attorney nud rotin-ilor nt Law, Office on south iJe of Market street, live doors Eael of the N. C. Railroad, d-r-r Tor -ra ttpj "V A. - Will attond promptly to all professional boilne entrusted to liis cure', tho collic'ic.n of claim in Northumberland and the adjoining countii. Bjenbury, April 13, HOI. j Attorney ul i.n, ri m.i t a. i Collections n't.Hido.l to in the comities of Nor- thumberlajid, Li.ion. r-nyuer, MvUtvur. C'.'luuibls and Lycoming. lt.FCKk.iccft. ITou. .T.jlin M. Iloed, Philailelphla. A. U. C.iticll A Co.. Jlou. Win. A. Portor. ' Morton McMicha-il, K"(.. " E. KcWbaui A Co.. iV.i Pwl F.wt John V. Ashmead. Attorney at Law, Matthona Cox. Attorney! at Law, Kunbury. Maioh iW, 12. Ni e erlt. JACOB SHIPMAN. FIKD AND LIFE INSURANCE ACIENT, 6UNBURV, 1'ENN'A. RttrnEsBST Tanners Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Vork Pi., yumberland Valloy Mutual Prot.ntion Co.. ,ew Vork Mutual Life, tiirard Life of l'liil'i.. A IUrt ord Conn. Ueneral Accideut. Sunbury, April 7, ly. W. J. WOLVERTON. ATTOKiKY AT . Y , Market Street, i door weet of l'r. Eyner'e Ht are. SUNBURY, PENN'A. All proffMuonul bnsiuess in this nnd adjoining ciiU tics promptly attnnded to, riunlury, Soveuibt-r 17, IStlfi.-- ly j. r.'hxlbush SURVEYOR AND C0HVEYANCR ash justice of me 'Ea ::. JtT'ihonoy. XrrU'ivmlrrhr.d Covnlw lr.nt Ofilce 'in Jaekfon townahip. Engagement can be mitt by lHt-r. directed to the utwveadJrwf. All business: eulrusti.J U ! 'J eare. will be prumptly atteit'led M. April 12. I.HS7.- ly Vu. M. V arKKntt.taa. l.L-.-M T Uvukd'.u. ROCKEFELLER & R0HEBACH. Hi:xvik isv, !;.!. OFFICE tlie sf.tne that ha been her.itoi'.re neeu pied by Wm. M. ll":kel'ellor, V.. nearly op posite tha resi'ieuce of Juilie Jordan, hui.hury, July I. IMiii. ly .isonuK lltLt.. Kihox P. Woi. to. II 1 1. Li St WOIiVER 1 ON. 4ltornrysi nl foiiTsnelorsi t 1 .mm . o'uNBURY, PA.. w 17 ILL attend to the eulleetion of all kinil' of clu 'ii, inclutling UacK ray, county ain i en- inns, apt. I AH. KDW1N A- LVANS, ATTORNEY AT I, VW Murkft Fqmiv, nar lie Court llLt, M.'MLTi . "orthuu.brr!and County, Fa. Collootions promptly attended to in this and adjiin ing Cou:,tit4. April 13, 1M7. JEREMIAH SNYDER, Attorney k Counsellor at Kl'UritY, I4. tp"llirift Attorney fir .or-lliniu- Ict-land Connty. I Suubury, March 31, 186(1 !y 3 ) Jrf F OR SOLDIERS. j I HAVE mad arrsngements in Washington City, for thn prouipt collection of Bounty under the late Aot of Congress. I have alo received the pro. Tier blank to prepare the claims. Soldier eutitled to this Bounty sii-uld apply immediately, as it is es. tiiuatfl that "it will require three years lo adjujt all the elaiu.s. All soldiers who enlisted for three year and who have not received irore than $100 bounty are entitled to the benoOts of this Act, as well a soldier who have enlisted for threo year and dischargd after a service of two vears, by roon of wounds received, diaoateconlructed iu line of duty, or re-enlistment. 1.1.0VI T. R0UKBAC1I. Sunbury. Anol IS. jTa. g o jb o b e c e: MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in CLOTLI2, CAfSlMEKES, VHSTINfi. it. I'avtn tr-et. aioutb or YVrnre-r'si Hotel. SUN B U R V r A. Narch 31 1SG8 l. IKASUOLTI,. C. U WOLVtatO. C. T. IKAIHULTt COAL! COAL! COAL! TIIK subscribers respectfully inform the citizen of Sunbury and vioiuity, that they have opened a CO At YARD at J. Haa A Co' Lower Wharf, Nuubury, 111. where they are preparod to supply all kinds of She mokin Coal, at obeap rate. Familie and other nromntly aupnlied. Country euiiom respeotfully iolioited. tEASUOLTZ A CO. bunbury, Jan. 12, 1667. JN0. KAY CLEMENT, Buiinenin Ihil and adjoining couutie carefully and promptly atttended to. OSica in Market Street, Third doer wetof Fmllb A Gonther' Btov and Tinware Etore, SI .YHI KV .'A. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Ehlnnsr A. VllolMftl At Itetull l-nlerai in WIIITK Ur.li AHtl r-u. In r Tarietv. Role Agent, weatward, of the CelobraUl Henry ' Lower WAar, SostaoaT, P. Sunbury, Jaa. 13, 1868- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE CO A L, Upper Wharf. BUMDl'KX, remu . ty Order olioi!d and "ed wltb promptoee imf 'h My IS. l&M.-T and T. II. Pcitor, J. D. Jamki. PTJRDT & JAMES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUNBURY, TA. Office In the second story of Dewart't betiding, ad joining the Vtmocrat office, on the north aide of Market Bquare. Will attend nromntly to tha eolleetton of elalmi and other professional business intrusted labia eare, j m normuuioeriBDU ana anjoiuiD wbow". -rember 9, lt7. C. A. REIMEflSftYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SUNBURY. TA. All business entrusted to hi care attended to promptly and with diligenee. aept.14. S. 8. Wrntlt, Joan UoNKta 6(5 r. ARC II STREET, between Third and Fourth aueet tmi.ilM:i.illlA. WEUEK Kt'NKLE. Proprietor. June 29, lf07. ly . ' " ADDISON MARE. A TTOKNEY AT L A W, BHAMOKIW, Northumberland County. Ta. VLL businrw attunJoJ to with promptueei and dilijtnticc. ."j'harookiu, An;. 10, leC? ly Dr. CHAS. ARTHUR. H)omiTopat1)ic 13l)ijjstrian. Or.kJuiit.'. 'it the Homaopntble Medicnl College of I'enusylTania. Orrire. ilsrket Saoare opposite tlu Court House- ; SCMll. K , I A. i OSlee Hours T to 9 -morning : 1 U 3 afternoon ; May IS. J to 9 eveniug. i DR. J 8. ANGLE. i n a tit I -r ...r. nrfil. nd'er hi rrofeesinnal ser . ..... r - - . . . I ::..t. vice to the eititi'ns or ououry ana vwiuiiy atteud all calls promptly OFFICE over Thaoher's Store, In Pleasant' build ing, Market Squn'o. Orrrta Ilovna I from 8 to 10 A M. I 2te S V. 3i. -Funbury. April 27, 117. A MBR 6 TY PE AND "pKOTOGRAPH I GALLERY Cnru.r Market Fawn Htreet, SCXHLKY, Fa. ! . BYF.15LY. I'ttcrKiKTort. Fhutograph, Amfcrotvpee and Metnlnotype Uken In ' the h-.it stvle of the art apl. 7. ly : " unIon Tio'iKL- CHAN. I'l'ZKI., I'roprlelor. ! In Cake' AHitt. n to SLNHI.RY, near the Penn'a. I Kailroid Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRAN3IENT B0AIUi:il?, , kept who will find amnio acccuitnodations. Uood ! e-i'.ks and waiters, hoarders can enjuv the quiet euro. f.rts of home wi'h fnre equal tu the beet hotels. ' His Liquors are of the cboieest hitds. 1 Funbury, Juno 5, 107. Mount Carmel Hotel MT. CARMBL, .Northumberland t-'o., Ta., THtH. BURKET, PRoritncTon. TMs srg.i eotr.it odious Hotel is located nesr the dt-pote ol'llio Sbamckin Valley aod the Uuakake A New York KailroaJs Trains arrive Dd departdaily. Tbis house Is loealed ia the centre of the Coal Re gion and etT'irds tl'ebwtaoconimodalicns lo travelers and pf rinnnent e-jstomers. jy CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELnfl A. i fpiIIS well knowu Hotel, situate near the corner ) 1 of Ninth A Cbesnut Ethels, Philadelphia, is, on ' account of its superior loettrn aiil excellent aeenm- ... j ..: .... - ..e . 1. I.--, u...l Jui.ak!. Lh.n. I.IUUHII'JIIB. UI l' IN" ...,.r . ! r ing plncL in tbo city. j ll. W. KAVAOA, Proprietor. Fbrarv 19. Ir.fi7. m !""""MBiNUEKY. JOHN HERMAN. North Mill street. DANVILLE, ri le1 prepared to Bind Rooks, Papers, Magasines 1 Music. Ae.. to any style that may he desired, at cbtapi rate, then can be Joi'e in tho eitirs. IV Orders left at tbis (), will receive prompt j et'.eution. oct. It), '61 loyn issisl I'unryUouds! i J o n N I) O L L . ' No. 502 Market Street. Philadelphia. Iinportrr of ICirn.nn and Frer.eh TOVS AND FANCY ARTI CLES, jupt received a very largo useortmenlnf all j kinds uf ; T"y, China-Wara, Canr. Pip. Harmonifas, Mar. I ) b'.es, Mates, Pencils, Maeks. Baskets, i ', nut alio, a variety ofUAMES. Ac, As. I US' Country Merchants will please examine my t I r?tK-k. 1 I October 5, lWr..lm Pensions Increased. ! The Ute Act of Congress give additional pay to j the following l'eniii, vis : St. To tti.'sv vrho have nt the sight of both eyrf, ' or iiotb batids. ur totally disahbvj so a to require oou- i stent attendanse, the sum of Hi 00 per month. ; 21 lo ih-e wliu bare loet botb reel, cr are totally disabled iu tile same so as to require cont'.ant attend ance, the sum of ti 00. SJ. To those who have lost one hard or one foot, or are so disabled as to reioior meta unsoio toper- form manual labor 1j P per month, and utner I oases In proportion. The submriber is duly prepare! fr the Immediate procur. nier.t uflhe'e eUinip. H. B. BOYF.R. Att y at Law. riunbnry. Jure IS. IrUrt. GROCERIES. Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A, I:YIY A CO., In Weiroer'i Buiblirg, Water Street, tear Klrgs'.., NHRTH UMBER LAND, PA., INFORM llieir rriends and the publio generally that they have a large assortment of Grooerie Provisions. Ac, all fresh aod of the best quality, eon listing of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, and Spicei. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes. Rainne, Cheeae, and Cracker, and tn fact everytning usually kept in the Grocery hue. They would also eall attention to their large and cheap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Tea, Hums, onouiaers, ao., wnicn are oonsianuy aep, en band. Also, all kind! of Vegetables. 4c, Ao Give them a eall and lee tor youraou. Northumberland, bept 21, 1867. CAUPENTEUtii WILL find in our establishment a so perl or stock of Planes. Haws, Auger, Hatchet, Hammer, File, Chisel, ., 3 ,lor atoy i. ii. tu.Lr.1 a t NEW GOODS, Miaa LOUISA BHISSLEB, South lid or Market Eqnara, SUNBURY, Pa., HAS just returned from th eity with a large, handsome and oheapeat assortment of Parisian stria of Ladies' andMiasea' Hat and Bonnet in buubuiy, ef the following pattern, Prinoeas, Alaska, All Right FloreUa, Sensation, Turban, ate. Also, Saoquee, Breakfast Shawl, Zephyr-knit baoquee, feather, trelveUilka, lace, ornament, Trimming, Fur Fur Trimmings, Veil, both Lace and Grena dine, Embroidery, Clnna Laoe aod Llnoeo Collar and Cufls. Gentlemen' Goodi, mch a Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Neck-tie. Brusbcaaod good for th toUet. Also, a line assortment of Perfumery, and all good usually kept in a well furnished establishment. Thankful for past favor she hope by a further deaire to plea tb publio, tha continue of their patronage- ' ICISA 8UI8PLE Kov. , TM7 ', PURE LAGER BEER! PflltlEK A8 ALE, From th Cold Spring Brewery, SU5BCHY, PA. JOS3FZ Si.CHE?s RESPECTFI'LLY Inform the publio generally, that he i prepared to furnish LAGEIi JJKKR, POUTEll AND A Lb. a large or small quantities. His facilltle for roili ng Beer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania It has also been reonuituended by piiyiltfiiios as a healthy drink fur Invalids. Hotels. Restaurants and private families supplied at short notice. Kunbury. Sept 21, ISf.T. All kiuds of SCHOOL RUUKS, Slates. Pen, Ink. Paper, Ao. Miscellaneous Book, a good assort ment. Ail the new books received assoon a published, at.d for sale at Publishers prices. BIELES, Prayer Book! and nyuiu books, in every style oi oiiiumg. Catholic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles DICTIONARIES of nil sixes. O m w pi ri a o o 0) 4 O H e K ta W a H 09 e a w GO a 5? tJ q ft Juvenile and Toy Book, a large assortment lllnnk llooliM Form of all kinds Foolscnp, Legal Cap, Note Paper. COPYING BOOKS, d Blank Letter nud Inkstands Pen Racks. Files, Paper , Cutters and Counting House Stationery geuorally PHOTOGRAPH ALBCMi cheep and dear. Oold Pen and Holders. I Pocket Book and Bill Wallet. Picture Frames. rltercoscope and Views, American, French. &c. Drawing Paper, ell sites, Bristol Board, Ao. Diaries, Memorandum l!o.,k. Au Backirammon Boards, Uatna. Chese- men. Ac. ! Toy a large and compli to assortment Base-Iinli! und Laie. FUbing Roiii and Tackle. ; Perfumes, Erohomun and Pnrisiiin Marbles. ke. , , Oold Tens re. ointu t j Lamps. Midj, tik.bts, Cbimtiej.', Ac i Wall Paper and Bonier, all kiwi.' Window Curtains, Paper titlt hi. 1 vnru. i Munis and Musical Inrtruments. I EgPAll kinds of Bo jkinn l Stationery not on bund promptly ordered. All the Daily an 1 Weekly Papers end Midlines Ageutforthe "Ameii.'an Oran." A so lur -La Rose's Hair Restorative.'" liii'.uiei of Aiuertua, uud "National bteauj Nnviniiou Cuinpaby.' t?unhury. May Id, lat7. VAU.AlIH.i;- PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber oilers for sale the valuable proper ty now neruplod by himselt'. mi ti:a corner of Second and Walnut street, r-unhury. The lot is on high gmund and haa front of 90 feet on Walnut, and 230 feet on Second street. Tho iuiproveincui are a new'and well-unnstructed TWO-STORY Br.tCK H0UEE, 4! foot on Walnut and SI on Second streets, with a j frie Kitchen 18 bv 22. ' .... . , i. ... i .1 iih an excellent Cistern in the kitoben. ntid all tbeother nt-cefrv nnd iku.iI , Outbuildings, inoiudinit guod Stubiing The prenii . !es are han'lsomelv l"C"tcd with a icood Uarden and excellent fruit. Poaeiiinn to be giveo on the first . of April next. For term" apply to Wm. M. Roskefeilcr A L. T. ' Rohrback, Ljqrs , or the subscriber. I P. W. Git AY. I Sunbury. fuy. 21. IS,". 3m SI'LlCtt'S IMKI' tiltA:!; H IE, ! 1'sts'sl ly liinxlt '3!t'i'o:ii:i-atilln ! tor Cliurcli or Coinmunioii PlIipONt'H. ! ALSO, I EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY ! PERSONS. VINEYARDS, NEll' JERSEY. svr.i.irs ponx ;s:aii-: hi.e,i FOUR YEARS OLD. Tiiis justly celebrated native Winu is made from tha juice of t he Oporto Grupv, raised in thu couuiry. It invaluablo Touic A Ntrcntitriiiiiit- Iropertl'' Are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Bein the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer' own personal supeiiision, it purity and genuineness are guaranteed. Tha youngest child may partakent its generous qualities, ami tne weak est invalid may c.e it to advantage. It is partieu It beneficial to the aced and debilitnteJ, and suited to the various ailmci.u that afflict the weuker lex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO HE RELIED OX Invuliiti use SPEER'S POKT GRAPE WT..E. Female use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Weakly persons find a benefit by in use. 6PEER S WINES in bwpiuils are preferred to other wines. I'y-Sold by all Druirgisti and Grooen. A. SPEER'S VINEYARD, New Jersey. Cffioe, 213 BROADWAY, New V-.k For aaU by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. at. IM.-ly. AKCII STKEET F01 NDHY! J. II.CJI.l, l'1-..pi-I. ioi-. .rr1iNI.,brtwrrn 3d nnil 4ili, -lovr tO III 1 IUllllC Kollool lloilkf, SUNBURV. P-NN'A. THE proprietor of this establishment re,puotfulI.v inform the publio that he hs eouimeuced Ihe u.un Bfaelure of Cooking and Healing whioh he will sell at lowtr price then they oan be 1 .",0hiue uu)g eilue silk, twi.t, liuoo or cot obtaiued elsewhere. i0 x,,,.,,, DU awib w lb equul lacili y the very MILL Gearing, 6lnves, and the largest elaaiof nut and oourse.t muteri , aud uuythiug betwtau Castinn made promptly to order. i ih, two eiiremesiu tbeuioet bouulil'ul ana lubatin- Alio. Window Weight, Frame and Orate for Cel lar Window, Ae. "nt Iron Chimney Tops. - WATER TROUGHS A DOOR STEPS. A liberal price paid for old eastings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im- S roved, i manufaotarod at tbiseetalilirhninnt. Also, lov Grate of all kind, Kettle, and every variety of small eatting. aunrmry. Oot &, 1M7. ii:yv kali. Millinery Goods, Mist l. Iu 4JoNicr, bog leave to an nounce to the Ladieaof Sunbury and vicinity, that be hnsjust opened a largo and varied Block of M ILLLNUKy OOOUS, of ill the latest F.ill and Winter styles, to which she invituutteniiou of her patrons, end the ladies gone rally, oonliili'Ot of her abiliiy to please. A good assort luentot BONNETS A HATS, Han lor lea'ures bright, and jolly, Hat! lor fiieea melancholy, Hats for figures, broad and burly, lints lor r (might hair, iud for ourly. II its of .ilk, cloth, felt and beave-, Hats i hiit iilinost wer forever, Httts that always look so ueut, Are bought at Mis Uoaslvr'a on Fourth street. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broiilurle, Kdgings. Lace. Wooleu Caps. Handker chiefs. Scarf-, j loves. Hosieries, nud all kind of Fiinoy Nutioti. Stamped Muslins, Comets. Perfume ries. Snips, Lilly Win to, Knatnel of Amerioa, Sta tionery. Ac. Ao. C.ill and examine for yourselrea. No trouble to show good Sunbury, Nov. J, 1807. FALL AND WINTER MILMNKHY GOODS Jy. ID TsTOTI 3ST S Miss ANNA PAINTER, . Market Square, two doon welt of tho Post Offioe S U N BURY, PEN N' A. RESPECTFULLY Inform! her friendiand tha public, that ihe has just re urnod from the city, whore sbn bin pcn none time in making seleotinns and purchases, nnd haa just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY WOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress.Linings, Crinoline and Wi guns Skirting Lining, Iloip .Skirts, Buitle Trim mings. Cr ipe Trimmings, Hut Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corset. Zephyr. A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen' Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A ST ATIONERY. DOLLS or all sizes. Alphabet Blocks. Ac. .She flutters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitor!, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Suubury. Nov. 2, 1H07. IT Z'7f LAG!?, B2EB, BB9KH:W b-CB&'W9 IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZSL. ESPI.C'lHiLLY inform his friends and tho public giu.1 rally. II. lit be hus cntuiiieticed lb oidiiufictuvo, nti l is now rea ly lo furnish LAG!-.! iit.l It AND ALE. f a superior qtinlity. Having pro;ured the srrvices 'fu Qitcl.iss briMtr. bu bi, allied tosu; ply Land l i da. Kestaurunia mid private f.nuilics with an ar i - I o tbnt is (j.il ilnl.ie, pure mid healthy. )rd-rs me i' i i oi jlly diiciled which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS 1TZEL. Sui'hury, Nf-eeiub"r 10. lfitl. liii.Mi aBRIVaL OF " FAM Y DliV (iOOI)S. MISS BLACK, Market Squ.ire. two loors E ist of the old Bunk building. SUNBURY, Penn'a.. HAS opened a tre?h supply of tho latest style! of Full and Winter Goods, selected by herself tioiii the most fashionable eetablUbmenls in i'lnla ilelphiu. Cheap DaLaines. Alpacas. French Merinos, Plain iir-d PUid P iptins, Moiirni'iif Goo is, Cloths. Saeque i'lannels, Ladins nnd Chlldrens' llnla, Fonthers, Hihliou. 1'rtna Triuiiuings, Etnliroideries, Lace Veils uud & ludkorchief, itluves, hi.siry, Malmoral tkirts.Breakf ist and ill iuket Suanls. Vinter Sacquv nnd Ladies' uo Is of every description. H uns' I'oilar,, Xeck-tios, llulf ho-e, Handker chiefs and Gloves. pertiiiiit i.t. loilelSoat. Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. MHopkiii' Eliptic Skir.s. KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Nov 2, 13B7. KEEi WELL-DRESSED. Cull and see the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTINOS, Ac Just received it MEHCIIANT TAILORING ESTABLISH- MENT. Fourth Street, helow Eyiter' Store, SUNBURY V, INTER CLOTHING ! tliem.'sl iipprovid stjloi is made up to order a re-i-uu-niile r.r.us. He Iihs hImi a tine assortment of Cassimere Shirts. Drawors, I'ndireliirts, Utcrhaula, Blouses, Neok-'ii-. Cotton and tt inden Hose. Suspenders, liand k Tcbief-. Gloves, ut. J a g.-nerul variety nf GENTLEMEN'S FUKS I.SIIINO GOODS, Giro him a e.ill, which yju will bud to be to your l.l v tiit.iy. Suui.ur., Oct. 19. 1807. lOi'?UKEAr i:B 'TB3i1 O'Q 1 OU i IN THE PRICES OF loUO Fall & Winter Goodsl .IIImw 71. I., l.ilgiirnw, having jugt return ed from PhilailelnliiA with a guncrior Btolc of Full u,l Winter Gooita for the trade of ls7 and '08, " " ' , ,L' ,. .7, 1 J l 1 . I rep ineis nnd the public generally, to tbo superior quel it jr ol hor goods, end ihe low price at which they arehelu. she lis all kind! of DRESS GOODS, including Poplins, Merinos, D Lai us, Calicoes, Ac, all at tbo lowest prices. Fxira quality Molini at ex'.ra low price. Dril ling, Canton Flannel. Balmoral skirti, Sbawli. Hoods. Glove, nf all description!. Including a very supe rior quality of La' lie.' Cloth Glove. IIOSIEHY. Ribbon and Trimming of all varieties. Laces, elauiped goods, Zephyrs und Yurni,Towling in great variety. G-n'a' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Scarf. Muff Tusselsand .tutton Pomale. KvtraoU, and a large variety of nolioniand f.ney artiole. Call uud ie ibem bi f.'re going elsewhere. M. L. LAlARuS. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1367. MspM'c titchi'iij. ORPEPS or work left at the s'nre of M. B. Piitley, in NurihuuiberUul, will be promptly alien Jed 'o. , . All work warrantPO. ov. -11 I-AUIEY i.U IAJ .11 Wiil KS iiia.SAHAH SI MPSOiiT. Walnut S.rea, Sl'NHURY. PA. Having been appointed Agoul b) the .'iner Munu . i.. i-n.nioiiiv. tor tne ealo of Sinner' Now I Family ieiiig Mioniue, luforui ih puulu tbul I itiev ouii ne uaj ai nene. I 'lue.u Maebiueearos mu', oompnot, durable and I beauutul. Capable "I pr:irming range and a ....... v ,,r wruri d' wurk never oeioro aii.e npiea upou a iu lul nuitf. luuM jauebine will be sol I at reasonable rate. Cull and examine for yourselre. Mr. SARAH SIMPSON, Agent. Ootober 26, 167. Children's Civrlngrt-. WE would oall the attention of those wanting a Child s Carriage, to our nw and large aaaorlr uent enmpriaing new and beautiful style. i. H OONlEY CO. MISCELLANEOUS. A Sketch of the Alnhninn Convent tlon. A correspondent of tho Boston AcktHitm; writing from Montgomery, AU., give tlie follow ing favorable sketch of tho convention ut thnt pluco: "I ennfeas I hod not former! ft very favom lile opinion of the convention Judging from the nuiniroua report Hllout in all part of the country. Judge then of my agreeable aiirprise w hen, on lining brought fare to face witu it member in aession, I beheld a res (.'eutublu iukI tligniflerl body of men, mainly w liitea, w hose orderly deportment und res pectful demeanor at once arrested my atten tion und banished all diapositinn for ridicule ttr contempt. I aoon secured myself n seat, und retnaiucd watching the proceedings for oino) time. The debates were very interest ing, nnd displujetl much vigor of thought hikI terseness of expression. Uy a wise rule Hilopte I early in the seuson, tacit speaker whs limite'l to ten minutest, which secured condensation in argument, while it added variety to the entertainment for an outsider like myself. The discussions wero chiefly curried' on by the whiles, whose intelligence und rrntlier discernment gave them a deci ded advnntflge. "Occasionally, however, ft colored tnem jier etsayed to ix press himself, w hich he did in his own original stylo; 1 do not mean common plnulation talk, hut in tolerably gootl gratnniHticnl language, remarkable chiefly fur the absence of nny regular me thod in its composition. The illustrations used in thu course of argument were often homely and occasioned merriment, but st-emed quite npropos to the points at issue. I might remark in passing that some ol these colored delegates have had no mean education, and possess, in addition the ad vantages nf a varied experience. All the members seemed impressed with tho impor tance of the wnrk ia which they were en gttged, and anxious to see it well done. There were men there whose gray hairs and self collected mien betokened a ripe expert nee and careful judgement. Otners there Acre in thu prime of life whose serious as pect, and yet noro restless manner, told of greater intellect mil vigor and more eager interest. The few young men of the assem bly kept themselves modestly in the back ground, and seldom spoke. "Tuke it all in all, us 1 have heard it fre quently remarked since my unival, a more sober ami orderly legislative body were never before assembled at the state capital. Drinking is very rare emoiig its members, anil those who remember the disgruceful scenes formerly so much in vogue, canuot nut draw a favorable comparison of tho pre sent state of affairs with them. As to the composition of the convention in other res peitls, I lind very erroneous ideas prevail abroad. "Instead of a confused mass of northern adventurers and negroes, of which many suppose it to bu made up, I letirn. upon care lul inquiry, that fully three fourths of the whites, to say nothing of the others, are old residents of good standing in their several communities. Many of them are lawyers ot known talent, and lew have worn the judi cial ermine. That they did not command a larger support from the whites is due in a greut measure to the tenor of public opinion, which kept numbers away from the polls. The combined efforts of the old secession element nnd the renegade Republicans who have scattered themselves everywhere in the South lor the purpose of stirring up strife, have succeeded lor the time being in de ptiving the people nf their senses on the question of reconstruction. But that truth will in the end p.evail I have no doutit. All that remains is fur Congress at act firmly and with moderation, and we shall soon see the States creeping back one by one into their former loyal status." Proposed ' tie of Cuba nntl Porto Etico. The New York Herald hat the following lespuicli from Uuvann : " VVe have further and authentic news from Madrid in relation to thu sale of the Spanish West Indian possess. on. It conveys the important information that the Spanish government has mudu a (urinal offer to the American Minister at Madrid, the Hon. John H. Hale, to sell the islands of Cuba and forto Kico to the United States for one hundred and fifty millions of dollars in gold The term ot sale are as f.illows: Fifty mil lion dollars in gold are to bu paid down iu i'hsIi on the signing of thu treaty nnd the formal delivery of thu island to the authori ties of the United States. A second fifty million dollar in gold to be paid one year thereulter. The third instalment nf fifty millions in gold to be paid at the end of six jeurs. The public heart is beating with anxiety at the announcement, and great ex citement prevails, as the extinguishment of slavery here will be one of the consequences ot ilns sale. It was hoped by some that Spain would abolish the institution in time to save her national pride. The acquistions made by the foiled States from Russia and Denmark, that of Louisiana from France, and of Florida from Spain herself, are now referred to as precedents that leave the national honor of Spain in this bargain un assailable. The sharp scent nf Yankee speculation is instanced by tho fact thut an American company lias already, on the strength of the above reports, purchased Gtiujaba island, near Uuevitas. They in tend to colonize it, and are about to put 80.0(10 acres of it under cultivation. Thus thu last hopes of the slave traders are gone." A ferocious fight between a bull and a bear to:k place at the fair grounds in St. .fiKephs, Missouri. Beats were provided to tome three tuoueaud people, but, much for ne t-reilit of thu population of St. Joe, only some five hundred people were present. Thu bear a 1.001) pouinler was hartiy ocaten bv Ihe bull, which was a Mexican oue, used to lights. . The cleanest village in the world is Brock, in Holland, w here no horse or carriage has ever been permitted to enter, and where everything is kept with the most scrupulous neatness. Before entering many of the iiiuaes vou are required to remove your i . .. .. v .. . i- s'iih-s. it l said mat even tne r-tnperor in Russia was compelled tu comply with this custom. A widow, in New Haven, ha been sued for $20,000 for breach of promise. We can not see why men should not have shinplas ters put ou their wounded hearts sometimes, as well as women. Smokers, take warning. Gen. Custar neither drinks, chews nor swears, yet he has been suspended. Perhaps he smokes. They bunt buffalo by railroad in Kansas. Vhat won't the Tv'tic Railroad dof TheJoNli Hilling l'aiicrst. BU ADVJSR. Mi yurig friend, yu are about tew begin life, and nltho it may seem clrcdful impossi ble tew yu, nevertheless yu will be liable to inane sum mistakes while yu are scoring, or during the fust mile or two. Let me mix up a lUtlu advise for yu tew take till you git tew trotting stiddy. Yu will obt.erve that the advise it designed for young gentlemen who show sum signs of speed, and also that i reason right from tho shoulder. 1st. Treat the old man and the old wo man as yure equals; smile when they ex hort, and laff when they entreat, for no yung man kan hope for suckcess in the or tiumentot walks uv life w ho dont wear the belt at homo. 2. If yu kant raze a mustach, commit sui cide at once and begin agin j for it is better tew die than to suller disgrace. 8. Cultivate impudense impndense ia a good substitute for bravery only be a little kcertul tew pick yure customers when vu try it. 4. Keep a trotter and a fitcing rooster. Tbezc animals will let yu iuto the konBdense uv men w ho w ill watch over yure morals and no 88 pure genius. 5. Avoid the old fogys; they are a miser able set uv cowardly croakers, who, like a third rate dorg, have lurnt what little they kno about virtew bi simply being overmatch ed in a fair fight. 6. Suspekt buI femail virtew. This will give you an easy flow of ambiguous lan guage while in sosiety uv the ludys and enabel yu tew awaken confusion which yu kan kail sumthing else. 7. If yu git desperit, and must marry, marry for ducuts marrying for blud or for luv iz too sloppy for a man ov spirits. Luv iz a pashun, and iz desighned for 2 story houses on oue ov tho back streets, not for a brown stun front. 8. Bi aul means learn tu aware, nud smoke freely, and don't ever mistake rain water for milk punch, onless yu want a soft thing. 9. Call religion a stock jobber's pigeon to ketch Ilntts with ; say that virtew iz only the galvanized impotence ov cowards; that wisrJtiin iz but an egg that iz addled ; lad' at aul things that tire solemn, and sware that Buck us and Venus are the only two gods fit tow be worshipped. Young man, cultivate fill) the above graces, and add tew them what the ardor nf yure genious may inspire, nnd if tho hoss jockeys and pimps generally don't say yu are a cuss uv the brightest hew, and if the devil don't make yu sum flattering proposals, the days of chivalry are positively over, and pudditig and milk has got more glory in it than a brandy smash, a rum sour, or even a tbomas and jerry. Yung man (a fu words w ith yu in private,) let these cheerful remarks settle down into yu when yu git to rellektiug at 12 o'clock sum ruiny night. Dont make a phnol of yourself by trieing to jump 60 feet at one jump and laud among the Beruoys at. onst, but examine yure bild clussly and see if yu aiut better koustt ukted for sumthing honest. But if yu rind yu must go to dispair, then put on aul the steam yu kan carry, and either bust or git thare az soon az possibel. P. S. -When yu git thare, nud hev had enuffov it, just drop me a line and I will see what kan be did for yu. But don't for git one thing thut the road buck is 8 times az fur, and all the way up hill besides. lVhlnins; Woman. If there be anything in the wide world that w ill wear on the patienco of a man, and render him indifferent to his domestic fire side aud the society of his wife he hus pro mised to cherish, it is a whining wemnu. To bear day after day iu the morning when he sits down at thu breakfast table, and in the evening when returned from his wearisome days' labor, piteous complaints like these, uttered ia dolorous accents : "Oh, I have such a headache !'' or "my back aches so I can scarcely stuud," would require a virtue superior to that found in any being "made a little lower than the angels" to wilhstund them without flinch ing from the course of strict rectitude. The institution of marriage hus in view thu improvement f the eurthly condition nt those who respect it. No person, man or woman, contemplates murriage without ex pecting to better himsell or uersell. A mac who in a freak of fancy for a pair ol melting black eyes or pretty face, allies himself for Uto wmi a sickly wile, is certainly much to blame if he exhibit a coolness of manner toward her. He should have been more discreet in his choice. Rosy cheeks and dancing health are very attractive to the unmarried, and titer marriage constitute one of the strongest links that bind a hus band's love. Wheu a year or two of that close intimacy only found in wedded life, has dispelled' all the romance that either party entertained on thu threshold, and one realizes thut thu other is an invalid, bow much of bitterness is added to his or her cup of married existence, be other things ever so abuudunt and luxurious their palatial abode. It may be laid down as a maxim, that in no eurthly condition is health so uecessary a in the married relation. Young man, if you would bo happy in your home; if you would avoid a disposition to "whine,'' ami thus render jou permanently uncom fortable, tee to it that your wife is a healthy busoin latnie to whom headache and back aches are marvel of other folk's preten sions. Miss Muloch, in speaking of the inflm nre of woman in society, use the follow ing lan guage : "Oh I if 'gloomy' women did but know what comfort there is in a cheerful spirit- How the heart leaps to meet a sunshiny face, a merry tonge, an even temper, aud a "heart which, either naturally, or, what is better, conscientious principle, has learned to take all things on the bright side, believing that thu Giver of life being all perfect love, the tits t oueriDg we can nuke to turn is tn eniov to the full what he sends of good, and what he allows of evil like a child who, when once it believes in its father, believe in all his doing with it, whether it understands them or not." That huabaud who baa a prrpetnal sun shine in bis home io the shape nt a cheerful wife, should be one of th happiest of men, and if he is not, Providence hss been too kind to him. An exchange asks, "Why are women like churches I" Firstly, because there is no liv ing without one ; secondly, because there ia many a spire to them ; thirdly, because they re objecta of adoration, viei lastly, but by no means least, bectuse brv beVe IfW o'appsT in their upnri htt. H ANDKRHCHrKir Pr.inTiTtnva Pea day we see young lading flirting their est Tien us young men wito are on tno stree Ve also have been satisfied that these "flii ICS." meant annrotliino anrl In an irluuii we find the following solution to th. my tery, aud publish it, that those living ignorance may be thoroughly booked t tu auis m reau tne sign inus gtvtsn : "Drftwinc across thelina H;,,. nfm ting Acquaiutcd ; drawing across the eyes I am sorry ; dropping we will be friend twirling in both 1 ands indifference dra' ing across the cheek I love you ; drawit throtiirh the ham) T liafa n . Istitr, rest on the right chock yes; lofting it re n me tni cneen no ; twirling in left hat -I wish to get rid of you ; twirling in rig land I lore another - fuliiinor H r rial, speak with you ; over the shoulder folio me ; opposite, corners in notii iianrls wr forme: drawimr ncrnee thn fnvnriiMil v are watched ; placing on right ear y have changed ; placing on left ear I have messnge for you ; lettinn it remain on tl eyes you are cruel ; winding round tl forefinger I am engaged 5 winding nrotir vuu mini oncer l Bin marrieri A man in Hrhne.rtnil h.im Mnt.tt.l,. hi --.- j . 111, .U S Wife "for lenvinrr ri ho.l ann hnnr,1 that ladv renlie in a enirlt anrl .itt. ments which ought to make him ashamt ' niuiseii. cne says mat iinca Octobt 18G5. When She Was. marrioil tn tiien h. K never worked a whole month, brinrino- for support of the family some months eig dollars, but never more than twenty dollai ins usuai practice Datt been to sit belli r her father's stovo reading novels, until ! was turnea out ot the house. In tho men time she worked in a milliner's store tn cn ble her to produce clothing. She savs tl bed of which he annate ia hor". t,;"t t- board was the charity of the neighbors. 1 whs ncpcntieni on nis latner for the cloth he wore, and has never clothed his chil Evidently the wife has the hotr nf h thriftless husband in this newspaper co troversv. Il0W TO DtSl'OSK OF I'OTATOM SnotTI! Hot. A correspondent of an Irish rev paper claims to have heard of a nlan fn at the decay of diseased potatoes. n wrii of it as follows : "I have just beard nf a pi for preserving partial diseased pntatr from further decay, for pig feeding. As V: is a year in which the disease is prevalc very likely such a plan will be univcrsa adopted. When the diseased notatoea i sorted, they should be taken and both alter which they are to be allowed to c by their own heat, and then put into barrt and pressed down in a pulp, covered w moistened yellow elay. Then cover 1 barrel, and allow it to stand bv until rent ed for use. A friend of mine bv so iloi kept them for nine months, in fact until he had were used out, thev bcinrf in as ro a state at tho end of that period as wl Abraham Palmer, a ml,.,! mn !;: in .leukintown. Mil., had a difficulty w ins son ueorge, a lad ot about eighteen ve of age, a few days ago. por punish'm the father tied his son's hands behind back, compelling him tn remain in that c dition for a number of hour. On the ni following;, when tlie fathi-r era. .loe, boy made a sudden assault upon him wit razor, in the presence of hie mother t other members of the family, which rrstil in the sob cutting hi father's throat i -... e..i . , ... jean. ii mnnner. jn me struggle the rs was broken. At last accounts the vie was still alive with little hopes of rccovt The sou was arrested and taken to Mi goinery jail. Amono the nrptfv thlnrv. .f 1, i r.n . r i ...... , , tug J . . i J tton, a correspondent says there is a wl silk dress, with peacocks' feathers embr' ered upon it so admirably, that at first si almost every one is deceived by the res i.t ... . i. , ... uiniici-; mere; ia an nppia green siik dr embroidered with ailk and pearls so a produce the effect nf velvet and laee ; s. anlentliil auimir A dUtrn t.r. ettb- . . specimens of embroidery in colored s "u eon uriirr millennia, aoyie Ot It i dently after Japanese models. The Boston Post says a woman was 1 ished from town by the authorities nf J Haven, because she allowed a man, not husband, to kis her. But that was4n 1( Now-a tlays thing work differently. Oencral Grant has just issued a sjvj order mustering out noe hundred and t ty four officers of the Veteran Rest Corps. Tha Indian Pear romniiuainfii.e session in Washington. Artrvanta in flan FrAnr!rr i..t ik;.ip lars a mouth in gold. ni:ciii:K. Ar, From th Gertnaotown Talejrrap! Bort-an Coaai Baian. Two euna ef oorn nr one eup of wheat flour, halfaeop ef nolaisei half a eup of brown sugar, one piotefaour t on and a half teaspoons of aorta, on teuapoo salt; mix wall. Put it in a well-greaMi tin cover tight and set it hi kettle of boiling wa cover and boil two hour. Arri.t fsajoaT Cixa To one quart ofsSrte.l two teaspoons eream tarter, and one ef sola, b teaspoon of salt, quarter of a pound of batter, a milk or cream enough to mix it. Have the r. rather stiff, roll and bake in one sheet. As to. baked, split open tbe whole eake, spread one quickly with butter, eover with well-sweetene, pie saue. poor ever some thick sweet cream. on nutmeg ; plaee the outer bait on this, (ornU down.) spread with butter, cover with apples cream and nutmeg ,sere immediately. Oisoan Psirs. One up ef butter, on ei sugar, one of motlaseoa, ene teaspoon of soda diss, in half a cup ef boiling water, a heaping tables of ginger, the am of cinnamon, a pinch of roll thin, bake in a qniek even. A Irisb Si sw Take two ponndi of email ton-chops, with or without fat, aeoording to taste; take also fuur sound! of good potatoes, w ing alter they are pared, alio them thick and t portion of them in a layer in a Hew pan ; eeaeo mutton well with pepper and plaee some of it o potatoes ; oovr it with anothar layer and proee like manner with all, resorting plenty of the ve ble for the top ; pour ia three quarter of a pi water and add when th slew begin to boil an c of salt. Let it simmer gently two hours and it very hot. When the addition of aa onion isl luioce n auu aiew ii over tu potato. rorito Ristotas Mash and season th pot w th salt and whit pepper r eayenne, and with plenty ofminoed parsley and a tuiallqni of green onions, add ufhoient yolk of eggs to the mixture together ; roll into (mall balls an them io plenty of lard or butter over a mod 6re. or they will be too much browned Ufore ar don through. EsaLisa Potato IUli Boil nm tmi very dry, mash them a imothly a poeeilile, a well with salt aud pepper, warm them with i aa ounce of butter to the pound and a few et-v of good eream . Let tbem cool a little, roll Ihe to balls, sprinkle ever tbem anme rriisiiej yrm or macaroni and fry them a light htown Tb foregoing we tv frequerfl in nr f.i and wiU mueb, MkssJ if tiie r-;e n- (ii..wd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers