fTfc unburji American. H. B. HASSGIt, Editor A Proprietor. SATURDAY, JANUA11Y 4,1868. FIRST OF JAN tT ART, 1808. 'All persons who ore ' Indebted ' to tbo American office for subscriptions, adverti sing or job work, are respectfully but earn estly requested to make payment without delay. A considerable amount of money, in small sums, bas accumulated upon our books, and to the receipt of which we must look for tbo means to defray the necessary ex penses of our business, at this time more than ordinarily heavy. We desire, as fur as posiblc, to meet all our obligations in cash, and to do tbiB, must call upon our custo mers for prompt cash payments. Long and unreasonable credits are the millstones which hang around the necks of all printers, and greatly impede tbo realization of the fruits of their industry. 1 hey might easily be relieved from these dead weights, If thoir customers would be less negligent in paying up their dues. As the beginning of a New Year is tbo best time to wipe out old scores, and make a fresh start, we hnpo that all who owe us will settle what they owe, and thus enable us to do likewise. JJf"TnE Express War has come to a close. The four leading companies, name ly, the Adaais Express, tho United States Express, the American Express, and the Merchants Union Express, have not consoli dated, as was reported, but they have had a meeting at which thry have agreed on a tariff of rates to govern each company. From the Harrhiburg Stato Guar J.) Tlie Democracy 4J-I tine Heady t'ov Work Mr. Wallace Want the l'guret. The following circular, is like Grant's celebrated letter to Johnson, marked "pri cute. It was handed to us by a Democartic friend, who believes we have the largest circulation of any daily newspaper published in this part of Pennsylvania, and is there fore anxious to have it published in the State Guard, that the people may sec how active Mr. Wallace is in behalf of his party. William's solicitude is certainly commendable. His liberality, too, is not to be sneezed at. Just think of Mr. Wallace offering to pay not only for the taking of a census of Democrats, but to defray the ex penses of naturalizing every foreigner in Pennsylvania who is ready for enfranchise ment. Tho whole offer shows enterprise. But, badinage aside, wo cannot refrain from reminding the Democracy of Pennsylvania that not even a secret circular will enable them to get control of the polls at the next Presidential election. It only proves, when Mr. Wallace goes to work this early, that be has a desparnte game in band, and that, to carry out his political schemes, every ap pliance usual in corrupt political dealing is to be resorted to : We leave our readers to peruse Mr. Wal lace's circulur at leisure : Circular 1, ISC8. private, Democratic Stats Committee Rooms, .Clearfield, Pa., Dec, 10,1807. Dear Sir : The Spring Elections are ap proaching, and it is of vital importance to us, in the great contest now pending, that we should secure in every locality, our jub Bbare of the Election OrHccre ; Judges, luspectors, Assessors and Constables. I write, to call your especial attention to this subject. I need not attempt to demonstrate its importance, all appreciate it. Let me beg that you and your Committee will give this subject prompt and earnest attention. Regard it as a business matter, and act ac cordingly. Arouse oukfries is evkuy district; show them how powerful this weapon is, when effectually used. Use tiie necessary means to curry ecery sure and doubtful district for us. Where we are in a minority, place a man of high character, well-formed and courageous, on the Board, as our Inspector : in such districts, bee that our very best men are selected. It is a great error to fill such places with weak men. Lists of doubtful men, and those who voted with us in 1867, for the first time, with their townships and post offices, can be made very useful. Furnish me all of these that you can obtain. There are a great many aliuns, ready fnr naturalization, throughout the State; all must be naturalized. Your labors and mine will be lessened, if you will obtain their names and residences ut an early day, and give me the total number in your county, with the probable cost of naturalizing them. In arranging for your Spring Elections, you can obtain this information with com parative ease. . If you have not already furnished me with the names and post office address of two ac tivo Democrats in each election district in your county, I will be obliged if you will do no. Very respectfully, yours, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Chairman. llloody stent. Recently in Congress, Gen. Hutler was called upon by Mr. Urooks, Copperhead member from Now York, to explain the items of the Deficiency bill, then before the House. He did so and among them waa tho following ghastly accouut: Citt or New Ctleans, To Taos. E. Adams, Chief of Folic , Dr. July 31, 1866. " Caah paid for hauling forty-si loads of dead - wuuuu juocaauto in utate to the Btatioa House, at f 3 per load Cash paid for carrying dead from Station Jioue to Workhouie yard, eight loadi at 3, 1138 21 voou iui uauimg utieen ioaan ol irouod. cd from Station House to Freedmau Hos pital, ut$l, (q 1'aah paid for carriage hire for self and aide during riot, 7j Total, 37 I certify that the above we made t.eeeseary by the unfortunate diOioutty oftbeiuth of July at the Muchauics' Institute. Tuos. E. Adams, Chief of Police. Of this account tho Albany Journal says: The premeditated murder of leading Un ion men of Louisiana, it will be noted, is spoken of as "the unfortunate difficulty." The account not only confirms the reported extent of the massacre, but the brutal un concern of the sepulture. Forty-bix loads of dead men heaped in a common wagon ud drawn off by a policeman astride of tho bodies, the Chief of Police accompanying in a carriage, at an expense of f 75 per day I- Buch is the simple record of Southern civil ization A. D. 1800 1 Sacramento Valley, California, bas suffer ed from an inundation. The levees of Sdcraoiouto city withstood tha flood admirably. A large meeting was held in William sport, Pa., on Friday, to remonstrate against the courso of foreign nations in regard to naturalized citizens. Fur acvcDty four miles along tbe line of the Or aud Trunk Kuilway tbcrois no water iu tho tanks for locomotive. I snd sold at Cvc to twenty cent au acre t a sheriff's tulc in Alabama recently. Important Military Order) of tbo '-President. WAsniKOTON, Dec. 28, 1887. Tho fol lowing order was issued this afternoon t c1rnebal orders ko. 106. Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Doc. 28, 1807. By direction of the President of the United States the following order are made : Firnt Brevet Major General E. O. C. Ord will turn over the command of the Fourth Military District to Brevet Major General C. Gillcm aud proceed to San Francisco, California, to take command of the Depart ment of California. . , , . Second-On being relieved by Brevet Ma jor General Ord, Brevet Major General Ir win McDowell will proceed o Vicksburg, Miss., and relieve General Gillem in com mand of the Fourth Military District. Third Brevet Major General John Pope Is hereby relieved of tho command of tho Third Military District, and will report without delay at tho headquarter of tho army for further orders, turning over bis command to the next senior officer until the arrival of his successor. Fourth Major General George G. Meade is assigned to the command of the Third Military District, and will assume it with out delay. The Department of the East will be commanded by the senior officer now on duty in it until a commander is named by the President. rijti 1 he officers assitrneu in the fore going orders, the command of military dis tricts will exercise therein any and all pow ers pertaining to military department com manders. Suelh Brev. Maj. Gen. Wager Swayno, Col. of the Forty-fifth United States infan try, is hereby relieved from duty in the Bu reau of Refugees, Freedmcn and Abandon ed Lands, and will proceed to Nashville, Tenu., and asume the command of his regi ment. General Grant. By command of E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adj. Gen. General Ord was relieved from tho com mand of the Fourth Military Districts, not lor any acts ot maladministration, but in compliance with tho request preferred by him some weeks ago. General Gillem is to have command of the district, as tho next senior omcer in rank, only until tho arrival of Gen. McDowell. The command of the Third Military District falls upon General C. C. Sibley as the next officer in rank to General Pope, General Swayno having been 1 1 . : . . , , o: uiuciuu lu juiu uia regiment, uuncrut oi bley will retain command until relieved by General Meade. It is thought that no per manent commander will bs assigned to the department of the East during the absence of ueuerai .Meade, but itiat tbe senior omcer will be left in command uutil General Meade can return to it. M'hc West Indict. Havana, Dec. 19. An arrival at Mauza nilta, on Tuesday, brings advivos from Ja maica to December 7th. These advices con firm the previous accounts of the assacsina- tion of Montcz, and give further particulars oi anairs. Alter starving mm lor lour days an ineffectual attempt was made to complete lue work by poisoning liim. balnave then ordered Dolorme to smother bim, but this attempt also failed, and he was finally stab- pea, aua n:s skuu cut to pieces wituacbisel. His body was delivered to his friends bootless and batlcss on boards and conveyed to me cemetery, bis iricnds msisting on burying it without niacins it in a coffin. Intoxicating liquors were freely distributed to tho people to induce them to cheer for president balnavc. The revolt in Caicos is dead, and Salnave is actively engaged in suppressing the revolt at uape uayiicn. The brother of Montcz was captured, and chained to the bloody bed of his murdered brother Loon. Montcz's parents have been crazed by his assassination, and have fled to Dominica. I be report that the Dominican army is marcmng towards the Ilaytien Iron tier is confirmed. Baez, the insurrectionary leader in Dominica, has, it is stated, been snot oy order oi Ualiral. New York, Dec. 20. Our special tele grams via the Cuba cable contain intelligence . . uu. ti.i, tntiwua 11 vow luuia laittuus, Cabral was marchinc on Uavti. and Gen Baez is reported to have been shot by Cabral, Dut wnicu one ot tuc JJacz brothers is un known. The murder of Montcz is further confirm ed, the details being given. His brother was captured, and chained down to the bed where he was slain Our dates from Mexico are to tbe 17th iust , by way of Sisal and tho Cuba Cable. Tho British subjects were to be left under tho protection of the Mexican government, after the departure of tho minister. It was expected that all the European legations would withdraw. Several valuablo gold mines have been discovered. An attempt was made at Jalapa to create a revolution in favor of Diaz for President, but it failed. Important Principle Decided. Tho breaking down of platform of tbo Pennsylvania railroad company, at Johns town, on the occasion of tho visit of Presi dent Johnson, in September, 1800, by which several pcrsous wero killed, and a large number crippled for life, is fresh in the memory of our readers. A large number of suits have been instituted against the com pany ior carnages, and one ot tbese Uillis vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was rccentlv disnoscd of Lpfnrn Taylor, at Ebcnsburg. This was a test case. uuu iuc jsbuu lurncu upon a single question, namely whether the railroad company was bound to construct their platform that it would support auy weight w hich might be put upon it, or w hether they were only rc- QUircd tO make it auftlcientlv atronrr nrl safe to trausact their ordinary business. The evidence was very voluminous, and the ar guments oi counsel most elaborate, ilia Honor, Judge Taylor, in an equally elaborate opinion, decided the legal point against the plaintiff, and instructed the jury to find for ui-icuuuni wiinout leaving tbe box. Tlie counsel for tbo plaintiff will appeal to the "-i"-"'" num mo uccisien oi tue court bo low. Until a fWiaini, in n.nl,.,l .C higher court, it is understood that no other Bto mg out oi tbe fall of tho platform will be tried by them in Cambria county. ' Ilurrisburg Tdyraph. When Will It Ekd. Judgo Richard Bustecd, of the United States cSurt of Ala bama. was shot in Mobile, on Saturday by District Attorney L. V. B. Martin, receiving two severe wound, neither of which is yet known to be mortal. Martin was under indictment in Bustecd' court for alleeed revenue frauds and extortion, aud the dif ficulty grew out of this fact. Busteed f o -werly resided in New York city. Martin was arrested. ' The Rev. Henbt Habbauqh, D D Theological Professor iu the Seminary of tha Reformed Church, Mercersburg, departed this life on Saturday last, at 4 o'clock, after a lingering illness. The deceased was in the prime of life, and occupied an eminent posi tion not only in Li own church but in the religious world, having taken an active part in the interests of his own denomination especially in tbe liturgical movement now agitating that church. He will also bo re membered a tbe author of many religious work read and studiod by Christians of all denomination. Universal regret will be caused by this announcement, but the mem ory of the just is bjesscd. m . . Five ton of poultry were brought to the Boetou market iu cue dsy last week. FROM I2IJKOPK. ENGLAND. London, Dec. JS-Noon.-Tb. Fenian, seem to be unusually ac tlva .11 ow M be by tho Urotneruouu, r.nnlto serious nature bavo boe'nSved "to'-dYy from Cork giving the detail of another Fenian coup de main. t .., nirrht nbout mtdnisbt. a large body of men, with blackened faces, stormed the Martello tower, near Cork. The guard of the tower was ovorcome and scattered, and the victor hastily collected toun'lier a considerable quantity of arm and ammunition and escaped with it with out molestation. The late operations of tbe Fenians have had tbe effect of rekindling the public ex citement, which had nearly died out. Many improbable rumors are anoat, in cluding ono that a Fenian cruiser had been teen off tbe Irish ooast and was chased away by the British war vessels. A man was arrested in this city last even ing on the charge of having fired tho fuse which caused tbo recent terrible explosion at Clerkenwell. From information in the hands of tbo authorities it is believed that tbe true culprit bas at last been captured London, Doc. 28 Evening. A large powder mill at Fnver9ham, about fifty miles notn tbis city, was blown up and utterly destroyed this afternoon. Ten persons were killed outright and a large number injured. The cause of the explosion is unknown. IRELAND. London, Dec. 28 Evening. Anothe Fc nian outrage was perpetrated to-day at Dub lin. An effort was made to fire the General Postoffice by means of Greek fire. The attempt was happily frustrated. Be yond the destruction of a few letters no great damage was done. FRANCE. Paris, Dec. 27 Evening. Iu the Corps Lcgislatif to-day the bill for tho reorganiza tion of the army was passed after several amendments. M. Roubor proposed nine years' service in stead of eight, which, after a sharp contest, was carried. There were eighty-one oppos ing votes. In his speech on the proposed amendment, M. Kouher called atteution to the armaments of the neighboring Powers, and supported his plan as the only one now practicable. The bill is certain to become a law. AUSTRIA. Madrid, Dec. 28. The war steamer No vara, in command of Admiral Tegethoff, of tho Austrian navy, having on board the re mains of the late Archduke.Maximilian, ar rived at Cadiz yesterday afternoon. imr.YiTii:. The business men of Scrantnn, Luzerne county, propose forming a Board of Trade. The court house at Bloomsburg, Pa., is to be enlarged by an addition to the rear of it. Dcers and bears are unusually plentiful in the neighborhood of Huntingdon this year. Of the latter many complaints are made. The Popo is said to be failing rapidly under the reaction from his late intense ex citement. Three thousand Romans are in prison for having given aid, comfort or sympathy to Garibaldi. Rev. Dr. Do Witt, of narrisburg, died in that city on the 23d ult., in the 76th year of bis age. There are ono hundred aud forty-three newspapers in Iowa, one hundred aud eleven of which aro Republican. Wagon bodies are made of a hardened rubber composition in Connecticut. A new definition of "foot notos'' danc ing tunes. A revolutionary character the man in the moon. The happy planter A man burying his mother-in-law. Tho citizens of Washington, D. C are contributing liberally for tbe relief of their poor. General Grant has ordered fifty cords of refuse lumber to be distributed for fuel to tho poor of Washington. The South Carolina Convention will as semble at Charleston on the 11th of Janua ry, by order of Gen. Canby. ban f rancisco is sutlering lroin a severe storm. Stage and railroad communication has been temporarily suspended. It is proposed that the Legislature of our htate pass a law dispensing with the present fee systems, and give fixed salaries to all county omcers. Wc understand there are six children lying dead in homes on tbe Flats, all victims of membraneous croup and diphtheria. Scran ton Itepublican. The black tongue disease i prevailing among the horses at tho Trappe, in Mont gomery county, Pa., and also near Reading. Tbe disease, if not attended to immediately, in a short time proves fatal. The Rev. John II. Gricr has married no less than five hundred and thirty-nine couples since he becamo a resident of Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pa. In addition to the wail from Berks county, wo bavo one from Centre relative to the scarcity of water. People outside of Belle fonto are carrying it three or four miles. Others resort to melting the snow. The cane crop of eastern Florida is said to be excellent, and tbo syrup sells at from fifty to seventy cents a gallon. Two coaches on the English plan are to bo placed on the Hartford and New Haven Railway next month. They will contain six, eight, and tec pascngers, and be furn ished like a parlor. A lady killed a large grey eagle with a stick, near Amherst, Wis., the other day. Tbe bird was in tho act of attackiug a flock of geese. Wolves bavo appeared in large numbers near Leavenworth, Kansas, and tho inhabi tants arc frightened. Tbo general government continues the work of reducing the force of mechanic employed at the various navy yards. Ten thousand bushels of apples have been raised in Calumet county, Wis., tbis season. Hon. Samuel Oak, an old and well-known citizen of Montour county, and at one time a member or tbe legislature, died at bis residence in that county, of pneumonia, on Friday last. Tbo report is, that in the great wheat growing counties of Central Illinois, a large breadth of land, more than that of last year, has been sown. The old Greek silver and lead mines of which the historian Xenophon once had the management, and regarding which he has left a memoij or Slate paper, have lately been brought again to notice, from the fact that a French company at Port Mandri are diligently (melting down tho old scoria', slag and refuse from them, and extracting a much at thirty ton of metal a day. The work is said to pay well, and the load goes to England in bewcaatle ship which bring out coal for tbe furnace. The value of the daily produce of the work average 15,000 franc, and it i calculated that there is a sufficient quantity of scoriic between Port Colonna and Port Mandri to supply the work for fifteen yetr to come. The yield i between seven and twelve per cent, of good metal. Dickens 1 overrated, ticket to hi first reading sold a high a thirty dollar, ticket to hi fast one were freely offered at seventy live cent. Bricham Young ha assumed tha role of Joseph. Ho has counselled his people to lay by seven years' supplies of wheat, a he pro phesies a great famine. A negro preacher was lately permuted to speak to the convicts in the Illinois btate Prison at Jollct. luo democrats ia uib audience wero highly indignant, tome of them crying, "Put the nigger out 1" The people of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have roted $10,000 for the purchase of a steam tire engine. Mr. M. D. Jones, an ex-postmaster in La fayette county. Iowa, has just been sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for having tam pered with money letter. Burlington, Iowa, claim a population of ultccn thousand.. A well known comedy that could never bo represented on tho stage or anywhere else : "Tbe silent women. Mr. Otto Ledorle, of Memphis, was struck lii the eye by a rocket stick July 4th, 1800. The firework were paid for by the- city. Mr. Lcderle now sues tho city for payment for hiB damaged vision. Mr. Jcdcdiah Smith, of Bkaueatelcs, is, or was. the fortunate owner of two spring pigs, eight months and sixteen days old, one of which weighed three hundred and lorty-iour pounds, and the other three hundred und fifty pounds. Esty & Co., of Brattleboro', Vermont, make on an average two hundred cottage organs every month. The people of Omaha have used wood in former years for fuel, this year they prefer coal. A minister at Crestline lately telegraphed to the chief ol the Cleveland police that some thief bad stolen all his manuscript sermons, Bayard Tatlor. The many friends of this gentleman will regret to learn that lie is very ill with malarious fever, which he hud contracted when traveliug near Naples. At last accounts his condition was deemed quite critical. An officiar report says there were 80,151 marrinces in Ireland last year, aud 11,077 of the men and 15,003 of the women made their marks on the register instead of sign ing their names. It is said that Commodore Vanderbilt is now importing, at a cost of $ 100 in gold per ton, steel rails for the Hudson River road, and expects to have the entire tiuck laid within a year's time. One of the most prominent companies in Berkshire county, Mass., employing some two hundred operatives, propose to shut their mills and support their operatives un til times are better. There is a scheme on foot in Denver to connect that city with Santa Fo, and even tually with the city of Mexico, by telegraph. The Mobile Register of Tuesday publishes a list of over forty rcmovuls aud appoint ments in seven counties of Alabama by Gen eral Pope. An organization of southern ladies in re duced circumstances has been formed at Houston, Texas, to do sewing, and has un dertaken several large contracts. The whole number of mines iu France is now 1,184, of which 598 are coal mines, 249 iron mines, and 337 mines and iron works last year reached tbo valuo of 473,000,000 francs. Diamonds have been found in the Cape Colony, in the neighborhood of the Orange river, by some Amsterdam prospectors ; one of-the gems is valued at $3,000. Aluonds are usually brought from the south of Europe, but arc cultivated iu a few of the Southern States. The .almonds cost from twelve to twenty cents a pound. Tbe new Lehigh aud Susquehanna Rail road is approaching completion. A week ago a locomotive passed over the road from Mauch Chunk to near Frcemausburg. Re gular passenger and freight trains will soou commence running over the road. Tbe commissioners of Northampton coun ty are out on a tour of this Statu for the purpose of inspecting prisons. Mr. John Shirk, a veteran of 1812, died recently in French Creek township, Mercer county. He was one of the heroes of Perry's Victory on Lake Eric in 1813, and received a silver medal for bis services on that occa sion. While a number of young men and boys were serenading a newly married couple, in Summit township, Butler county, Pa., a bro ther of the bride looked out of the door to seo who the parties were, when one of the young men shot at bim in sport. Tho wad ding, unfortunately, passed through his body, killing him almost instantly. The young man immediately delivered himself to the authorities, and disclaimed all intention of harm. Tbe expenses incurred by the recent Con gressional Investigation Committee amount to $40,500. On Friday of last week, Mordocai M'Kin ney, Esq., au old, much esteemed citizen of Harrisburg, slipped down while on Walnut street, when a street car ran over him, break ing one leg aud bruising the other. One leg was amputated, but ho never came out fully from tbe influence of chloroform, and died early last week. Mr. M'Kinncy was better known as a book compiler than as a lawyer, and but few citizens of Harrisburg were more respected than he. It is satisfactory to learn that the Post Office Department has agreed to allow stamps and stamped envelopes to be sold by druggists, stationers, ic, at a small profit. This will be a great accommoda tion. President Johnson lias telegraphed to General Roussea to como to Washington, for the purpose of superseding Pope, it is supposed. Rousseau would make a splen did substitute, truly, for the able, far teeing and gallant Pope. But he will suit Mr. John ton to a T, and will propably be dubbed by him, in another message to Congress, as the third Washington 1 Gen. Meade, w ho had been sent for and consulted, begged to be excused and allowed to be let alone in his present command. Meade is as firm a loya list and as good a Union man as the Union contains. Barn Destroyed. Ono of the largest barns in the county, located in Harrisburg, was destroyed by fire last Saturday evening the act of an incendiary. Among the contents destroyed were one thousand bush el of grain, one blooded horse, eight hogs, four calves, eight cows. The property be longed to Jacob Eby. Tbe incendiary was een escaping. Destitution in the South. From re liable information received at Washington from various sources in the South, the de stitution prevailing in numerous placet is extreme aud alarming. Several methods have been proposed for relieving tbe throe million black and white in waut, but it is believed that tbe brunt of tbe thing will fall upon Congress, which will have to guar antee means or go security for the money necessary to meet tbe emergency, uutil tbe States are able to pay. Modest. Tho owner of Libby Prison, at Richmond, whore Union prisoner were o badly treated, have had the assurance to present a bill to our government for tbe use of that building the time it was occu pied as a military hospital after tho closo of tbe war. It has been suggested that they add to their clainr.t rent for tbe time it was occupied by our Union boyt a pii- Col. Parker, an Indian, of General Grant' staff, wat married privately on Monday night of last week, in Washington, and thus disappointed a great many ' persons who .1. i . , . T t m I . : a. gatuereu t mo ciiurca juusuay uiuiuiug iu witness tne ceremony. ine uoionei myste riously disappeared on the first dity appoint ed for his marriage, and it was found, to it is stated, that be had been drugged by an Indian chief of Cul. Parker's tribe to pre vent him marrying a white woman. We teo it ttatcd that Jay Cooke, Iq , of Philadelphia, hat built a church at Glrutds villo, Schuylkill county, for the use of the Methodist society of that place. He ulo supports the pastor. Pennsylvania takes tho lead among the States, in tho annual amount of iron iniued; Michigan ranks next; New Jersey, New York, Missouri, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, nnd Ohio, fol low in this order. New Ilainpnliire aud New Jersey produce mainly tlie magnetic ores; New York the magnetic and hema tites; Connecticut, hcrmatitcs ; Pennsylva nia and Ohio furnish tho argillaceous ores of tho coal measures, and Missouri and Mi chigan mine the compact red und bluck oxides. Tho Treasury Department last week print ed $309,000 in fractional currency, und re deemed and destroyed within tbe suine pe riod $253, GOO of similar money. Those who suffer from cough, bronchi tis, croup, influenza, or whooping-cough, will fiud sure relief in Dr. W 1st ar's Balsam of Wild Ciierrt, which bas now been in use for nearly half a ccutury, and still main tains its long established reputation an the great remedy for all diseases of the throat, lungs, nnd chest. The Largctt FucilitUt and the longest ex perience in manufacturing, enable the house of FAIRBANKS & CO., to produce the best scales at the cheapest price. Every modifi cation of weighing apparatus is made, all of the highest excellence, as was shown by their receiving the first premiums at the Paris Exposition. See advertisement of Spccr'a Wines in nnulher column. They are pure juice wine and the most roliiible for fivknom superior for communion pur poses. Tub Finest GnAra it America. Mr. Alfred the maker of the oelcbrated Port Uiupe Ppoer Wine, snvs, it is about the sizo of the Isabella, aud that it is the finest on this continent. He ha re fused thousands of applications for the plant, us he requires all available cuttings for the eitrmion of bis vineyards. He bas orders for his wino from Eu rope. Our druggists hare procurod some fuur years old. A snoRT time ago two eminent medical wen were speaking of the great superiority of propbylnutio , measures and remedies over curaUve; nnd one ex- j pressed the belief that all diseases could bo prevent- cd by tbe careful use of prophylactic measures. A j contraband, who was standing near by, listened at- j tentivcly, but prophylactic mis a stunner to him. : Soon he met a colored brother, of whom lie in- quired : "John, what nm prophylactics?" and then : related tho conversation bo had overheard, "lint, i I guess, nin only a big notno de doctor bab for do . Z.iugari liittcrs, for dut am de only thing dnt will . keep de people from gcttin' sick." j "HOW CAM TBS BLOOM SO FKESII ASII FAIR ROCS j the old Scotch Bong. How? Why, those who show i tbe bloom of health on their chocks take Plnntutinn Hitters, which has tho power of fortifying the system against disease, and of regulatiug the digestive ap- ) paratus. Are you dysptio. weak, void of energy,? Have you little or no appetite, heailache, contiimea lassitude and depression of spirits '. Take S. T 18(10 X., and bloom nnd beauty will roturu. Bitten have become a household friend. The Maosoma Water. A delightful toilet article superior to Cologne aud at hulf tbe eost. Diamonds in Brazil. We have boon gratified by a visit from II. M. Lane. lvq , the agent for Ayer's Pills. Sarstiparilla and Cherry Pectoral, in rioulh America, who has just visited the mines with bis medicines, and described to us the prooose of In king gems from tbe earth. A driver places his gang of slaves in a mud bole, where tbo genu, are found, nnd pnns out the curtb in the wutcr, liko gold wash ers. The iicic tb aro naked, to prevent their secre ting tho diamonds in their clothes. They are re quired to work facing their overseer, nnd forbidden to raise a band to the face, list tbey should swallow the jewels when found. Yet they do carry them array, by becoming so expert that they can snnp them witbtbeir fingers from tbo pan to their uiotilh, without detoction. Ayer's medicines are tbo toll man for their diseases, and it was not diflicult to exchange, with tbe negroes, Ayer's Pills in about even weight, fnr tha rough stones in whioh the brilliants are holden. llo.Uun Leader. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .f Vorlt nnd Middle 'ul l'lcld Ituil Kami A; Coul Vo. Office, 204 Sotro Foi iiTit Strket. Philadelphia, Deo. 27th. 18G7. j The annual meeting of tbe Stockholders of -The New York and Middle Coal Field Rail Road and Coal Company," will be held at tbe office ot the Company No. 228 Walnut streot, on Tuosduy, Jan uary 15th, I88, at 10 o'clock A. M , wben an elec tion will be held for seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. C. It. LINDSAY. Sec y. January 4, 1868 2t hoot in miioi: fvroici: THE subscriber offers to sell bis Boot and .'"'boo Store, located on Market street, Sunbury, a few doors .east of Haupt a new building, including a large stock of Boots, and Ladies uud Children's .Shoes, Uaitcrs, lo. The room will also be rented to any person purchasing the stock, if desired. Here is proseuted an opportunity for doing a first-class Boot aud Shoe butiuess. The establishment is offer ed for sale because tbo owner bat gone into other business in tbe West. J. 11 JEFFUIKS. Sunbury, January 4, 1808. Wst. M. RocKEFKLLia. Lloyd T. Kohiibach. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. Mayans m im Mi .-utitv, ii::vv. OFFICE in Haunt's new Building, second floor. Kntrance on Market Square, Sunbury, January 4, 1H6b. C3-. "W. HAUPT. Atfornej- and Counnellor at ljitr, OFFICE in Uaupt't new Building, on second floor Kotrunce on Market .Square, STJ-N-BTJU-X", FA.. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to hit eare, tbe collection of claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, January 4, lrJ68. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND KKIE RAILKOAD COMPANY, No. 230 Wal nut Street, Philadelphia. SUNBURY AND ERIE BONDS LOST. Application has been made to tha Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company (formerly tbe Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company) for tbe issue of New Bonds, for the lollowing-deeoribed Bonds, with the Coupons annexed, lost or destroyed : Noa 851 to H74 Inclusive, for '(1,000 each, levon Ear cent. Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company onds, dated September 10, 1867. Notioe it hereby given that New Bunds will be Issued iu lieu of the above, March 1st, next, unluft satisfactory reasons are tbown to tbe contrary. UEO. P. LITTLE, Treasurer. December 28, 1857 2iu SEEING IS BELIEVING At 701 Art H Nlrvet. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS! Rich Silver and Silver-riated Wares, Including every ttyle and description, made expressly fur tbe Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, rp-Re-plating at abort notice. December 21, la67 .aug27. lEirornaatloBi. Information, guaranteed to produoe a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face also a recipe for tbe removal of Pimples, Blotobee' Erupluuj, etc., on the skin, leaving the urn toft' clear, and beautiful, can bo obtained without bare by addressing TWOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, may 18, 67. $23 Bjoadway, New York UrrmnatovrH 'lrl-rnpta. I I A FAMILY AMD AN AGRICULTURAL JOCO ; I ' ' HAL. ,, 1 . Devoted to Choice Literature, Inoludlng Poetry, Novelette. Tale, and Moral and Kntertainin Reading, generally. In (he Literary Department we shall present the choicest varieties within the reaoh of our actandad tnnana Tha NnvaUtiw Tales, Poetry, eto , shall be supplied from the beet end highest sources, and be equal to anything to be iwunu in hut journal or raafrasine. AU RIC U L TU HE AND HORTICULTURE, em tracing Farming, Gardening, Fruit-Raising, eto. uur laoors in mis aepartroeni ior over thirty years have met tho eordial annrobation of tha nuhlla Our parpoea baa been to furnish useful and reliable intorniation upon these vory important branches of inJuitry and to protect them so far as within oar powor against the false doctrines and selfish pur poses of tbe many empirics and sensation adven turers by whioh the farmer ii Incessantly assailed. This portion of the Gtrmantovn Telegraph it alone worth the price of subscription. NEWS DEPARTMENT. Tbe same industry, care, and discrimination in gathering and preparing the stirring events of the day, expressly for tbis pa per, whioh hitherto has boon one of its marked fea tures und given such universal satisfuction, will ho oontinued with redoubled efforts to moot the increa sing demands of the pablie. XanMs Two dollars and fifty cents per annum. No orders received without the cash, and all sulncrip lions slopped at tbe end of tho tirao paid for. speci men numbers sent. Address PHILIP II. FREAS, Editor and Proprietor. Ileruiantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 'The 1'irwt Nntlonnl llaiilt oi' Sim lsary." NOTICE is hereby given, that the regular Annual election of Directors of "The First National Manic of Sunbury, Penn'a.," will be held on Tucs day the Wih day of January, A. D. 1868, at the IJankina- House, in the Dorouzh of hunburv. Pa between the hoursof 10 o'clock, A.M., and 3 o'clock P. M., of said day, in aocordauce with tbe provi sions of the Act of Congress. 8. J. PACKER, Catbicr. Honbury, Pa., Hoc. 28, 1867. Christmas Goods, ARK NOW READY AT i'. s. iaA::40.v JEWELKY STORE. Market Square, near the Rail Roud, STJ1TETJRT. PEITIT'A Such as Ladies and Oentlemen't Fine Hold and Silver Watches, Chains, Brciist-Pins, Ear-rings and Finger-Kiuge, Silver Tca-aolts. Cake, Card. Su gar HH-ketK, Dinner and Breukfunt Cantors, Spoon Holders. Butler. Coolers, Syrup and Drinking Cups, Knives, Foi k. and Spoons of various kinds, and a full assortment of Silvur-Plated goods. Also, Dnwwin, Warren A Hide's Celebrated Tip Top fluid Pens, and a full aseurtmcnt of 8 day nnd 'M hour clocks. Particular attention paid to tbe repairing of fine Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work warranted. All orders promptly attend ed to. l'len.io cull and examine our stuck before pur chasing olyi'ivtiero. Sunbury. December 21, 1807 !otlt'' in Itankt-iipit-y. THIS is to giro notice, that on the li'tlh day of December. A. D, IS'I7, a warrant in Bankruptcy wns Uiucd nguinst the entitle uf l-'redoriek Dibner, of Vhaniokin, in tho cuunty of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Baukruntou hi: own netilion : that the nnvuicnt of any debts and delivery of any property bolongiug to ! such Bnukrupt, to hiiu or for bis use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by Law ; that meeting of the creditors of tho said Bankrupt, to provo their debts, and to choose one or more Assig nees of his ctate. will bo held at n Court of Bank ruptcy, to be boldon at the office of the Register nt i Sunbury, County of Northumberland, nnd Stato of ' Pminsylvutiiu, before J. M. Wiwtling, Register, on the 1 2tb day of February. A D. ISM. at II o'clock A. M. T. D. tlREENA WALT, I Deputy Vnitcd Slates Marshal, (as Messenger, ) j Western District of Pennsylvania. I December 21, lsl". It .01'l-i: I. ItA.MilCI a'K'V. THIS is to give nntico. thut on the ith day of December. A. D. 1S67. a Warrant in Bankruptcy I was issued aguinst theEstntoof James Van Dyke., of Northumberland, in the County of Northutiiber- I land, aud Slnte of Pennsylvania, who has been nil ! judged a Bankrupt, on his own petition ; that thu ' pnviuctit of'atiy debts utid delivery of any property j belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and 1 thu trun.-fcr of any property by bim aro forbidden by Law; thut n meeting of Ihe Creditors of tho said j Bankrupt, to provo their Debts, nnd to chonu one or more Aiigiieus of his Estate, will be bold ot a Court I of Bankruptcy, to be bolden nt Sunbury, County of - .orthuiniierlaint, Male ot f cnn.iylvnnm berore J. A. D. ISfiM, at V o clock A. M. T. DtlKEENAWALT. Deputy 1'uilod States Marshal, (as Messenger.) W patera District ol 1'ounsylvaiiiii. December 21. I ti". .oli'c in ItanKriipf -y. THIS is to give notice, that on tho Mh dnv of De- cctuber, A. D. 18(17. u Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Charles W. Snyder, of the Borough of Shamokin, in tho county of Northumber land, nnd .State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad judged a bankrupt on his own petition : that tbo payment of any debts nnd delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to bim or for his use, and tho transfer of any property by him aro forbid den by Law ; that a meeting of Ihe creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove thoir Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be boldon at Sunbury, Coun ty of Northumberland, State of Pennsylvania, before ,1. M. Wieslling, Register, on the 12th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1608, at 10 o'clock A. M. T. D. UKEENAWALT, Deputy Vnited States Marshal, (as Messenger,) Western District of Pennsylvania. December 21, ISO". 4t WATCHES FOB THE MILLION ! AKRANDALE 4 CO S (JREAT WATCH CLUB. EVEHYBODV needs a good watch, nnd wishosloj get it at the lowest lnjssible price ; a horde of swindlers kunwing this nave contrived various in- 1 grnious devices to get people's money, und thou euuer iuii id wnu a waicu. or seno. onemai lswortu less as a time-keeper. ARRANDALE k CO., have uow perfeelod arrangements by which, for the small sum of $10, a good and reliable watch may be exit taisi.t obtained. Thev have formed a (1KEAT WATCU CLUB on tbe following pluu. Certificates containing the numbers of all the watches named in our wholesale list (which u scut to all applicants) are mixed up, oncloaud in envelopes, and sold for 21 cents each. Every certificate is wahranteu to be for a watch, and as will be seen on reforeuce to the list, none are of less value than Ten Dollars, whilst some are worth $300. We undcrtako to send any watch drawn whatever may be its value for $10. and in order that every one may absolutely depend upon getting a Urst class time-keeper, we guarantee that every purchaser of One Dollar's worth of cer tificates shall receive at least one for watch No. b33 on our wholesale liit, sent post free, which is a first class patent lever, a handsoino and reliable watch, in sterling silver bunting cane, and usually sold for $10. You will cebtainly got such a watch; and, besides, you may get a gold tHnonuMproR worth $500. We sell the certificates as followu : One for 25 cents ; Three for 50 cents ; Six for $1 ; and Twen ty for $3. To those sending SI, we will send a hand some chain gratis. To those sending $3, we will send a gold chain warranted not to tarnish in 20 years Parties getting up larger olubs will receive liberal present, particulars of which may be learned on application. As it is our intention to de a strict ly honorable business, and to insure our customers from liability to loot, we will send our watches, if desired, wiiuout homey, instructing the Express gent to collect ouly on delivery. If we are desired to forward watches by mail, the money must be sent us by Bank Draft or Post Office Order, and it will then be at our risk. We will then BxaiiriR the package at our post office, and if lost will replace irrntaor charge. If any watch sent ia not ap proved, It way be returned and the money will be refunded. The reputation of our firm, wbiob has been established for five years, and is well knowuiu every part of the country, we trust will be deemed a suffloicut guarantee that we will faithfully ?erfurui all we contract to do. Addross ARRANDALE'A CO , 142 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Dee. 21, I87. 3ta Post Offioe Box, 5,285 Holiday Presents ! rjv a. w. i i:vi:.so, Jfph WATCHMAKER i JEWELER, L Market Squar, near tbe Court SUKBU11Y, Northumberland County, Tt. Ha nas jurt opened an assortment of dotd and Plain Patent Watches. CLOCKS ,JRS'.1,0d' hukt Ml Iellings, Fin Gold Rings, l inger Rings, Bracelet" Minia tore Cues. Medallions. I.n..k.i. r.n.o. Thimble., Spectacles, Silver Table, Deswt, Tea bait -u miawi opooua, cugar ttpooos. Cupa, Napkin King, Iruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Colnbs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Outers, FiUihwv, Butter Dishes, JTrult DUhes, Cake Barksu, Syrup Pitchers, se. , e. 11 invite the eitltuu of Bunbury and vicinity to eali at lb abova place, where h will b happy to wait upon them. r-Vartiiolar attention raid to REPAIRING I'ereniber 21 , loft 7 sit BY Tictae of i sued out ot L tnrland county, aliu lie sal at the Co. I of NirUium. iposnl to nth snis. Bmn ih. ptemisas hereineftat tmn. Way. ih jih 'fir. A at . .... TV"1 orib1 lop"yi o wit : Vy " ' ' " P'e or paieel or lend sltuM 4H Ketoe and LiUle Mabanoy townships, Northumberland eountr Pa , bounded follows, to wit: Hegimiing at a failm pine, the northeast corner of taod tutveyed to Philir, Dur.kelb.rjer, thence north 1 freo SD minutes east, Mn perches to nones j thence north de.reee rait, 47 u pert-he. to a small chestnut i theiie. n..nh n i ' pint anil .tones; them e noi Ih BS degrees west, IS 4 perches V to a white pine thence north OS driirw. au minute wen . to 7 perches to an ash i thenoe mirth 43 ducrees ve, mi perches to a while oak j thence noith S3 deiireis wet SI 4, perches to a hemlock; thence north l degree, west' 4.C perches to a white pine snpling j thence north 11 de grees and 7 nmutea west, 15 perches to .tones : thence sooth 71 degrees and 4S minutes west, IMS perches to a sweet birch ) thence north 77 degree. 7 minutes west, 96 S perches to sioiimj thence north udegieesls minum west III perches to a white oak; thence by laud surveyed to' John Kankin, south 80 derree. 30 minute, west, 01 0 ner C,,tV!Ln""e"i M,""ce bv surveyed to Jacob Wanner south 33 degrees 37 minutes west, le7 4 perches to ache! nut iwk, thence north HI) eniecs 7 minutes west, S3 8 perches to a post and stones ; thence north 4 deiirces cast M perches to a fallen black onk, now post and stones thence north 88 degrees Si minutes west, lin snerchei to stone, j thence south liv.legree. east, IWI.3 perches to achemut; thence north SD ilegiees w.nl, 77 0 perches to stones; thence south 3i degiee. IW niiuules ent 1US.9 perches to a post j iliem c south i! degrees 111 iniuutrs west, 175 perches Ui a post j thence by hind sutveyi .l i,. William Hamilton and Philip Dunkelberger, south 87 de grees 50 minutes east; 015.0 prrehea to a fallen pine, the place ol bcRinning, containing J.tKll acres and til priehes moie or lets. hereon is erected a knee Uonl Urcakei 1 and Slrtim Knguie. Also All that certain other niteenr parcel of Imitl utu ale in Kerbs township aforesaid, called the Kliulm (jeiirer tiaet, adjoining lauds aurveyeil to John .Nicholas U.ulv, John Cowdeu end William Oruy, containing lio neie' m:ire or less. ' Alto All that cerium other tract or piece of laud situnto. in the township nl'oresnid, surveyed in pursuance of a ' wurraut ginntei! to Willi.m Cook, adjoining lunil surveyed to Williain Orny, John Cowilen, Gottlieb Lcfiier, l'iuli Dunkelbeiger and Jeremiah Jackson, ciuituiiiiiii; 1171 acres. 4 Also All that certain body and parcel of land, situate in Zerlie township aforesaid, bounded und dcucrilied a. lollows, to wit : beginning at .tones, the mirlheiist corner of land surveyed to Wm Cook ; thence uorlh 1 decree 54 minutes east, IflO.O perches to stones ; thence norlh 05 degrees east, 4?.S perches to a small chestnut; thence ninth 33 S perches to a post and stone.; thence noith P 5 degrees west, lfl.4 perches to a while pine ; thence norm ro urgrees jo minutes west, IU 7 perches to nn usli ; theuee norlh 43 degrees west, 10 peiches to a while oak ; thence north 44 degrees west, 61.4 perches to a heuiloelt , thence noith 17 decrees west, SI 0 perches to h while pine sapling ; thence north 1 1 degrees 7 minutes west, IS a p, r dies to stones ; thence north 70 degrees 3? minutes enm lti S perches to stones; tlience norlh HI degrees 4.5 inn tile, enst, !i;4 t perehe. to a post ; thence smith 14 degrd 15 iniuute. eii.t,4V.7 0 perches toil dead ninple ; theuee south Jl degrees east 103.7 perches to a post; theuee south 14 de grees west 43.8 perches to a post and stones ; thence norl.-, 14 deirrees 13 minutes west, 14 1 perches to a deiul nmple theuee ninth 80 degrees west, lfi perches to a put ; theuee south 12 dt-grees 15 minutes east, lrt.VI) perches to stones ; thence south eH degrees 15 minutes east, 114 7 perches to a post; thence south I degree 54 minutes wool, 131 5 pereh loa post ; theuee south ldegree 54minutes west, 120.2 per ches to a post ; theuee by Inud of tjeo K.-irstetler, iiurlii s.'. degrees 54 minutes west, 109 perohestoa pine; Ihenei aouih tci degrees west, 1 17.2 perches to a fallen white-oak; theuee north I degree 54 minutes ent, 447 5 perches to n post theuee north 88 degrees 15 minutes we t, 314 0 parches t the place of beginning, continuing lino acres anil 8i per ches, more or less. Also All that certain Riiilrond of the Trevorton Coal Oouipnny, extending from the town of Trevorton to Port Tievorton, in the county of Snyder, including the riflit of wne, brnuches, basins, depots, .ttoiuns and all improve ments Oi'every kind and description connected with Hits said liailrond, including the Toll Bridge, with the appur teiittnces. And also nil singutar die corporate richts, i.n. vilrc.es nnd franchises of the suid tlie Trevorton Uonl Com pany. Als'i All that piece or pnreelof lund situate in ths town ship aforesaid, hounded by Twelfth street in the town . i Trevorton, the Trevorton llnilrond, other l.lnd of unhide feuduiits, ami land surveyed to Peter Petty, inntiiinii.g 15 ucres, more or less. Also All that piece or parcel of I.imcI siiuuie iu the township aforesaid, Ixmnded by Coal utieet in the town of Trevorlon on ihe north, other hinds of defendants and l.iud surveyed in the name of Peler Petty, continuing, 7 ut n.'n llli'll, lir ll'HS Seir.eil. taken in execution ami to be told ns the propeity of the Trevorton Coul Couipmiy. v. ue.crii.KVMierill. s tiifiee, Sunbury, Dee. 11, IS07. PUJLIC SAIjE " of A Valuable Hotel, ix Tin: nonouui of sunbury, penn-a. WILL bo offered at public sale, on tbo prcmi un Monday the tith day uf January, lofls, t billowing property to wit : A certain lot of ground situate on Third street, near the Railroad lleHls, in the borough of Snnbtii v. Pa . containing 60 feet front on Chesnut street, niij 2 :o feet on Third streot, along the Knilrnnd. whereon , elected a largo two-story BRICK TAYKUX STAND and outbuildings. Tho buildings nro niorlv ncw, anil tno n.oise lias an excellent run of cw.ti.iu ' 1 un is considered tho most desirable iiot'-l vroner- ties in ui is section oi country. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., when tlie conditions of salo will bo itiuile known bv JULU .N ARBITER. Miubury, Dec. 7, 1SI17. I'eiKlier,' Cuunty liitiiiii. Thu annual meeting of the Cuunty Insti tute will conveno at the Court llnu.-.e, in i ,. lloroufjh ot'Suulmry, on MONDAY, Jatitiurv 20th, 1SG3, aiul continue iu session duriii" the week. "According to the Act of Assembly up. lrovutl April 9th, 1807, under which the Institute is held, the roll of members hum he called at least twice nicli clav ; n ciia mittee of five teachers on Permanent Cert in cut ea must be chosen by ballot ; teacher , nthhd the Imtitute and lie paid hi the District the mine a i they were in tchull, and tin-, who (dm i,t thaimlcesjrom the Institute f their oirn accvH.it without a ,joo l raw,,. , ,,,,, their iriii.t of pr,-,. clonal tj.irit und teal in diciUdby certtjicatc oj a lower grade tit lh t,et era in ination. See I'enu'a. School Jour nal, May 1807, paye 272. Tlw. T..,.l. ...... , ....v uun KtOLIHI.! UY law, and the attendance t,r non titttnd itucc ot every teacher in the county will Le noted down by the Secretary in a book kept lor that purpose. It ia earnestly hoped ami expected that every School Uoard iu ti c county will allow their tt'uchcra the time to attend the Institute and pay them the same it il they were in school." If uny ScUlll Hoards wilt not pay their teachers lor tin lime spent at the Institute, they ou.-ht at tin very least permit them to close school au attend, each teacher making up the Unit tehool Officer, Doctors, Lawyers, Mi,,;, tert., Editors, aud everybody interested it. tin cause of education and the advancement invited to attend and participate iu the t. t?rci&c&t luimiD nmuie is now liEoviui.! nt'A Pn fcJc.cha,n. Stole Supcrintci nt, lion. C. K. Coburn, Deputy bim.- t Tintendent -rrol j P. Aifen,WKli, de pen berland county ; Henry Houck Esn s intendeut of Lebantn coun.y7 und o lirnminntnf V. . 1)1 education throughx tlie htsln urn 0vtUAi...i . e ct i t nt. V 7 ru to te present us stitutc Lecturers. o. W. HA ITT Sa.nrd,.,. f?n?'.y eui'wintcndtul rUMUC SALE vi aiaiuublo DWELLING HOUSE A X D K r u t i r u i v fTUlE subscriber will offer nt siness stand Ihe lot has a front of Ut feet on ii 7 w voices ueep. oaie 10 commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., nlu r tortus will be made known by r WM. EXUELMA Sunbury, Dec. 11, 18ti;. if voi .n r. 11' you want a sett of Harness for SIS 00. go JACKbTKOU Ji Ju ut a good lilrer-mounted Harness, J . JACK sTKUll you want Harness, or anything in his I . busineas ehoaper than tbey can be pure elsewhere, go and try at JACK cVTROlI'S t AH goods are warranted a represented, i you want a nic driving Hon and Page toJACKSTUOH'S Livery, oppoaite tbe Ci Hotel, tfunbury. Iff J'o want a good Auctioneer, go to JACK SI who is always on hand to make you a go"' i Nov 2. 18T. 1ALL and see tiiot, beautiful Slrd 's:ts i Z J t ' r v ?unl)U17 Classical lustiti e, !. 8. Jack tiq.,formerly County Super-' endent ot Westmoreland count; v Deans tin., IViocipl of the School for Si tilers' Orphan'; J. J. Ueimcnsnyder, Ks formerly CountYSunrrin'.n.i Vv '., 4i ! Y"""u""e, in Sunbury, on Monday the Hoyu.0.fJnURry'h,8'18l,h',t T JIoum on Raspberry street, below the I.ulh. h.T,.?.JW.,).J by himself. Attached I - - IlCitl 1 A I K A T ao.! t. naw Hardwire flora ot J H ONLCV A '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers