rOBRlNOXOIf & H0DOKIJT8 .El A W 03 O XnT 23 sui'ER-rnosrnATE of lime, THK GRBAT "ortlsimberlind Conni,T F K II T I L I Z E It . Tb. best manor, for r-11 kinds of grain roiunifiic inrod. More active, moro durable tbau ny other. It docs not exhaust the soil, bni on tho contrary is a permanent improver. U V Ell 500 FARMERS in tho County applied It to their faring Crops, tho results weroihntit exceeded their most sanguine expecta tion'. It was tested with tbo best Phosphates in tho oountry but esroo outjviotorious. Farmers, use it for your whent and rye Put tip in V.airs of its. etwh an I "old at .'7 per 2000 pound", at the M.ium'iet ry. tUii ."Siii-V S-ree I, toua.M-, !., t.T m rmv "f rcr-nts in ri:nvilio. illiainswrt. Muncv M;ic, Milti i. Dcv.-nrt. lolM prove, fShonisburg. .Sclinr'-Orovr. Trevorl-m. or nny of the principal town" in tbo adjoining counties. Vi'tero iro have no agents appointed, fanners csn send their ornars by inml ami I el) on their rceuiung imntediato attention. Wo have (ho ndvani.H;(i of Railroad and Canal transportation in .-.II uiriviiur.", and purchasers need nprrehor. 1 uo delay in Alliu,; r i,r. " J. I-:. TOrtRfNOTON, ja. UODOKINS. Serbury. Atig17, lSr'7. " TOOUIl CUSTOMERS. We fs'no pleasure in anfMineing to Dealer tn Fertilisers, nnd the Agricultural publio, that we tare within the past year increased our fseililiei for the manufacture cl our Ra'.v Bono Phosphate, to an ex'(?nt unequalled by any other House in the United Ptatesnr Europe. Thee facilities not only include the cn'nrp'inent of m-.r old eslabli- lied works in Philadelphia, krior.n n the Kls'lttia Ht-e Sliver JR'r-' t'tit'tliicnl t or).-, but al.-o the puvchs.eofoxtcm.ivc vv-l xvell to.'in.l works at Chicago. III., with nil tho necct&try mael'incry, enrs. ie . to Conduct tho LnFine??. This emijli?h ment alnno lias pre luced. anminlly, over ti'ni tons of dried liones end .Mo;it, a'id is ciipoino of Vcing largely increased. We dciic, by tlie clr-pryt super Tisiioi to oonduet the-o two concern" so thut our cus tomer" will derive a practicnl benefit from Ihiir con solidation, in ottahiiii!5 n MANl'RK which slnill niainttun a standard bod uniibrui quality, and at the lowitt pkisibie rice. It A I'll II i SON'S. rRUVIAK GTJAN0 SUBSTITUTE '. PIT E H P II O S P II A T E 01-' L 1 M E. iBATjGH &s SON8 Solo Manufncturers & Proprictvi '.. I'liLAWARE KIVKK CHEMICAL WORKS, rniI,AUELPIIIA, U. S. A. Vy Farmers are reouiumemlrd to ;niri lime of the denier located in iheir utoghlHtrluiocl. In sections where no dea. Ir li yctestab!iilied,the riuuphate mnv be pioeurril ilirect iy from the unlereigiieil. A Pncrd CocuUr vlii be sent to all who apply. HAUOH & SONS, So. 20 St. Delaware A ten PU1LADF.LPHIA. UAL'GU BROTHERS & CO, General Wholesale Agrnli, No. 1S1 Pearl St., corner ot Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, sr'AyiViKic Agent fr jf nyln.ndiS: VirijiiiUt. ho. loi fcuiiili's Wharf, T.ALT1MORE, MI. 'Wo are prepared to Supply our Patent .oc li'j.iai Mill t all Manufaitiircis fur griuuiu Pone, tluuno and all oiher liaid substances. iold ly SMITH i GENTHER, 6'uubury. Au :i. l.-o7. lv BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTlltED TO OltlJl'.U. JOTIIST WILVER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friend, uu d tin tomers, that he has ju.-t opened a shop for tho aiauufaoture of BOOTS 1 SHOES, on Spruce street, between Hecon J el net nnd Ctntre Athy, baitl'iry. where a'l kinds of work in hit Hue will be ma io up In t'io latest style aud iu the beat workmanlike man ner. Havinst frst olass stock on hand iio Satter; blnnelf that be will be ablo to suit the tastes (.film mu-t fas tidious. Th. publio are invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Funbury, June Id, lSrt7. Furuierii xutl lluililert! (EABOltk A ItpomicR aro Low prepared to de liver, at the iotiost uisikct price, the vory beat quality of :s'Bt7C'.K:jBi:a for LAND and til'ILblNtj purpo'es. Their liuieis burned of thucolebratod ' T U C li Y il O E L'l MUST O N K Their lime kilns are located at the Philadelphia aud Eria Railroad, nur th sleeiu caw mill, iu the Do ro'.itrh ol Sunbury. Planters, Masons, Bricklayers and Farmer" are in vited to cull aud give us a trial. StASHOLJ'Z t IIROTHEU. An. .1, lNiT. Notice to tlerchauts and Shippers. TIIHE undersigned, proprietors of Wciser A Prick's L Line, give notice to merchants and shippers that tueir Depot is 'till at bit Market street, i'l.ila dclphia. and all Hoods directed to Sunbury aud Iau villa will be promptly delivered. fjjr Care leave nl 1 Market street. Philadelphia, Iri-weeklv Tuesdava, 'ihurduys and Saturdays. W. C. ti'i"DltlOH. J. K. RICHAUHSOV. tttas-J' rurN : iT JOHN FAHEIR A S Old Etahli-licd F U R Manut'uctorv, Ko 71-i AUt'H Street. above 7th, PHIL'A. Hare now iu of mvown Importation and Manufacture onu of the -;C largest and beauti ful selections ot FANCY FIRS, for Ladies and "nil- dron's Wear iu the Citv AUo, a lino assortment of Gent's Fur lilotus and Collars. 1 nin enabled to di!osis of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefor, solicit a call from u.y fi iends of NVrlhumlerlai.d cou.ity aiid vi. rii'ity. iicLicinbcr tbo N'huh'. Number Slid Streut ! JOHN' FAKEIKA. i Xo. 7IS AUCfl St., b. 7th. -..nth side, Philad'a, IV'i havo n. i partner, n. i ooi u-TUun witU tu y '.her !"!: in I'liiladelpuia. ! jBept. 2H. J -C7. sirw ' BARSAPARILLA. UIKEKAL WATER, j PORTER AND ALU. riIIE .ubsoribers haviuR locuted hottliiiK estub- i X. li.huiont in Cake s Addition, in the B-.roush of ! ,.,,,uj u.iiirui ino citizens ol In is and ...joining columcs tuat thoy are prepared to furn jn Laiolloids, IteslHiuent keepers aud private fund, lies nb the Pert biand.of Sar-aparllla, Mineral Wa Uir, Ale and Porter, bottled in the beat manner. Their ouuks are procured from tb. bostestubli-hujonls in tbo oouiiuj , hicb enables tberu to furuuh a better Uviri .""k"? U Uti '"'. "1-ich will b. de livered ut ihc lowest ratea. thrl!;1' 'Suot,or rilJ lc'nit wU1 8nJ " lM'ert o patroune bom. industry, and avitt mm.uZ "" f r""1 l"Pru., and at the seme iiuie auie labor and Bioney. vXmS&ST' s.VkU.4 whsehwill t u iVi - . PMBT ROTE Aou 17, 1,6, -fm bunbary fa May 2b, 'tl l.tKlIvK i f TMXyS Pensions Increased. The lata Act of Concyes. glT additional pay to th. following Pensions, tIi : 1st. To those who have lost the tight of both eyea, or both htui-ls, or total ly disabled so as to reqnir. con. stntit attendance, the sum of $25 00 per month. 2d To those who have lost both fuel, or are totally disabled in the sumo so as to require oonstant attend ance, the sum of $20 00. 8d. To tbosnwhohav. lost one hand or one Toot, or are so disabled as to render them nnable to per form manual labor fli 00 per month, and other eases In proportion. Thn suhooriber is duly prepared for the immodiaie procurement of Ibeso claims. B. liOYKR, Att'y at Law. PunbtirT. June 1(1. I860. T. S. SHANNON, Practical Vatchmaker sn From HIII.ACEI.riMA. In giirps,.n's Huilding, Market Square. tldd nmi .Silver Amrrican and lwis Wutchcs. blocks, .lowolry and Silver ware, con tmnily on hand, tuiir Je-relry aud Maionic Marks made to ouicr t.,UI and Silver Vlatip; done in Hie tost manner and warranted to (tin entire satisfaotioti. Fine Watches, Clocks, ilujie Boxes and Jewelry Repaired and warranted. Ail ortlers iironiptly titled. Snnbury. Juno I, If 07 COMPARE, THEN JUDGE. llrcat Reductiun in VII0LE?AI.E Jt RETAIL PRICES of very superior Silver ami Silver-Plated Wares, Of our Own Manufacture. Pooh os Tea Pelt!". Trus. Ice US. Ice 1 j. nt-yfi)ty Pitchers, Waiters, tiooolets. Cake Iiukets, Castors ter Coolers. Vegetable Dish- ASiii es. Turoons. Suar and Card .itf ItasUeta. Syrup and Drink rfj in j; Cups. Knives, and Forks, and Spoons, of ariouskiuds A ic, Ac, Warranted Triple Plate, on best of metals, and citm! to any in tho market, of the latest styles, and co joods arb misrepresented, at JOHN P.OWMAX S Now and Eeautilul Storo. No. 70 1 Arch Street, Philadelphia. fS'Pleato call and ex.aa-.ine our floods before purchasing. N. U All kinds of l'lalirg at reasonable prices. Aapust 21, 1-67. lycq riKi. A.s n iTKi: t-iior Til UIMRS A C., are the A;;cnts in the Vunl".'3 J , of iWliuinbenand, Snvdor and Mor.tocr. M WARREN'S Improved lire and Water.proof Hoof. This in t'.ie ciivapert and best Roof that can boput on a buildini:. lias been uod in the city ol Philadelphia, since ISM, where it has sup'-rn-ded almost every other kind of Kind'. It is recommend ed liy the buildeis. and is cud on nil of fie finest builjing-i in that city. Particxcnteuiplatit g build ing, will do well to Vxiiuino into the merits of tliis aud all other kinds t Itvc'V, ni.d give tho bist the preference. The Fountain Holel. of .' oi liury. will, in a few d.ivs. be coveted with this Roof, ami parties doMring to do so, tuny cail there anil it. Koriurti.iT it turmati.m ll.ix 1 1. Huulmry Post I'Sj.e. er c.iil r.t the Uriel. Yard of 1'. HIMES A CO. Sui.bury, IS. 1?'7. - ;:n '.HL.H 3SiT sra JB-S ISLiZ 9 heel Iron and Stove G.ZETTLExMOYEIl&BilO., (Succcsfur to P.F.N J. ZETTLEMOYE11.) Market Street, near Kngol't Store, SUXEUKY. PA. HAVINU taken charge of the old stand so long patronitod by tlio people of Sunbury and vi cinity, bctf leavo tounnounco to the old friends and the public generally, tlit they will supply them wih the luo.-t improved varieties of STOVSS, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the bet Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, siiuplicity of nrraiirt-Mieiit. c'.inbiuingt'tieapnessiuid durability and each stove wart anted to pAlurm what thay are represented. 'ciil Oil, i'oalOil i.!iim-t. S.:tisl'ritr, Shades. Chimneys, and nil articles usually kept in on otaMij-'l'inent of thi.-s kind., BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of nil sir.e. FRl'lT JARS aud CAXS of the latest improved styles. He is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Rooting. Kaii(.-e and Furnaco Work. Ucpairing. clieaplv and neatlv execute!. UEO. ZETTLEMOYEH A BHO. June 9. If.ti7. y Blacksmitbing. JOHN IBVIN, SUMJl'KV, PENNSYLVANIA. RESPEC'I FI LLY informs the :ti7cns or Sun bury lUid vicinity, that he ha erected a Ulack fiuiilh Shop t ear the Siiaiuokin V alloy Railroad I.'opot, where ho is prepared to do Ill&ek-mi'hing iu all us brauchbi. at the tliorte.-t r.otice. Havinir Tiad inauy 3'eara1 experience in tbo business, he Hatters hini.jlf tliat he can render atisfacti.a to ail who may give him a call. Suubury, Auut 17. 1SB7. NEW GROCERY! Maikvt .-.ieet, three djois ca.t of the Railroad north m le, fcl'SltruY, PA. WHDI.E.SAL3 A RETAIL . j B.ctr:a3:MS.'ar ! ANli j Provision Store i FOR CHEAP GOODS ! I Tli.'ir Hock is complete, conristing in pattof i SVOAHS, COFFEES. TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, j Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, I Ohi.. Lauip., Ac, Ac. ! Couutry Produce taken iu exchange for Goods. ! ('f' Call and txaiuineour Slock, and satirfy your ' .llvnu. j Sunbury, Juno 29, liv7 ' il. OOI Mailt 1. tiiV. ! NEW SPRING STYLES, Oi'K Own Make." ' Alter more than Five Years experience aud ei- peruoiuting in the muuutuciure ot tiriclly i i,-"t Quality lioop Skuu, we oiler our juttly celebrated g"oJj to merchants and the public iu lull coutidence of theirsuperiority over all others iu tho American maiket, and they are to acknowledged by all wliu wear or deal iu them, us tbey give more saii-iaotiun than any other Siiirt, aud reeouiiueud themselves in every re.-peet. Dealers in Hoop Skirtt, should n.ako a note of thi.. fact. Every lady who hits not given theui u trial should do so without furl her delay. Our a'-orluicM ombiaees every style, length and size for Ladies, MUses und Chiidruu. Also, Skirls made to order, altered and repaired. A.-kli'r "Hopkin s Own .Make,'1 nnd be not de ceived. Suettiat thelotter -11 ' is sours on the Tapes between Each Hoop, and that thrv are stump e I V. 'i'. HOPiiiN a Muuiitacture. n'.'s Arch St., Philadelphia," upon each tahe. N'o others are geuitine. Also, constantly oil band a full line of 'good New York and Eio-uru uiaie ski.'ts, at very low prices. Wholesale and ltitnil. At the Philadelphia Hoop kirt Manufactory and Emp iriutn, No. b;'3 Arch .'.reel. Philadelphia VIM. 1 HOPKINS. March 2'1, lt)07 lOmw IK PORTA K T TO HCL'SEKI tPIli's C. FHEDlt. FUELLING'S ' r.i.iill Mar Isye Colors., THE lie:-i iuiprovcuiout in Family now for sale by Druggist everywhere. Those Colors are all piepared iu l.i.juid Form, with very simple direc tion for use and are mad. from th. same material used by dying new silk aud v.ooleu goods. There is orly 18 different principle colors made, all diller ent shades of a volor cau be made by using more or ltM of th. Dye matter. Prioe 2b oruts per Dottle. liewar. of Counterfeits, ack for tha Star Dyea, and take bo other. For aal. by II Y FRILIMi, Sunbury, Pa. Jouatrok, Hoi.lowat A Cwwtisx, Solo Agents. August 10, 1407. 3m Philadelphia. UPKAKFAPT SHAWL btojn rt for aala at Ik Fsnev AM. A PAINTER . ' . CBITTKNDEK'S Commercial College. 837 Chestnut Btreat, (Comer of BsTenthJ FHILA JOELrillA. Ketabllsbed 184. loOTTporaUd I86 Young "l"n rnctlfully Kdaeattetl fr IIiisiInchsi. The facilities of this Institution hire been largely increased, and it now baa advantages for imparting .usinoss knowledgo which are unequalled. The practical value of Its well-tried oourseofin truetion is at tested by hundreds in all department cf business. Many a young man owes bis mooes in life ta tho auulifloutiuns Mined her.. The instruction throughout is, praetiosd, and just what is daily used in our best bnsincs houses. The instruction includes Book-Keeping in all its Branches, Penmanship, (Plain aud Ornamental,) Commercial) Cal culations, Uusiness Papers and Cor respondence. Commercial Law, Detecting .Counterfeits, F-tc. Students instructed separately and received at anytime. Dipl. mnaawardod on graduation. Btran- S-rs nsistcd iu procuring suitable, boarding placet, oard may be obtained ir nbouto per week. Cata logues mailed free. CRITTENDEN 8 BOOK-KEEl'ISO, Connling Iloti'p. prico $2 i0. High School, price $1 HI. Common School Edition S73 cts. Tudgo hharswood's Lectures belore tbo Students on Couiirereial Law, nrice 1 Oil. Till: CRITTI'.SDKX COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AMI JllrUNESS MANCAL. Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as actually used by business men. Forms of liusincss Paper's accompanied by explanations of their nnture and use, useful Commercial Tables, and much valuable imforuiation on business subject. PricoSl 2i. Tho i sale of Ibis Hook has been rapid that it is already in i its second edition. I Any of tlio almvo books sent postage paid on re ! ceipt of the price. ! 8. II. CRITTENDEN CO. June S. 1So7. 6m IMUMMiCK! MUCK! To the 4'i t Izcnsi of innltiiry and tii'inlty. f pHK nndcrsigned have bought the Hrick-Yard X and improvements, formerly leased and worked by A. 11. Stevens, nnd have made additional im provements, nnd are now prepared .a make contracts to manufacture and deliver BRICK in large quan tities, for building nnd other purposes. By the manufacture oj" a good nrtiole, and prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a ttiare of pal lia pationagn. Orders left at the Biick-Yatd, or Box 14, huubury Post OITicc, will be promptly a'.tcudcd to. T. HIMES A CO. 8utibury. May 1, lai7. Sin 1d6uty1i6use J. S. IIAI.I., Proprietor, Comer Sunlury nnd Iicl- Strict?, SlI AMOK.IS, PENN'A. rpiIIS HOl'fE in now oyen for the reception of L guests, nnd bciu new. spacious and attractive, has all the facilities and advantages of a FIRST CLASS llO'l'l I,. Tho lepiii1' apartments are airy nnd comfortable, an 1 the furniture ntw. The Bar and Table will bo supplied with the best in the market. The patronage of the public is solicited April i:t. 1S07. UMBER ! LIMBEIi ! 'l'iic l'vttcr 4'wiiiily ttntl Nitsibury l.uiuhor t'oiupistiy, Ko-.v fully .stablbbrJ at the fcTNBl'UY ! STEAM SAW-MILLS, ' are prepared to saw to older WHITE. PISE, HEMLOCK AND OAK. cf any site and all lengths Afull assortment of D.1-V5rr LUMBER always kept on band. Panncl, Flooring. Siding and finishing boards of oil kinds. MOULDING, SASH, DOORS, and SHLTTEKS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, White Pine, and Hemlock. llamt-i-iii(; I.utli and l'nlitifc. Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be done to order at abort notice. Ihis Company design furnishing everything iu their line at such rates that Lumber Yard.., HuiMcr and all parlies usiug Lumber, will tind it to their interest to buy at thU establishment. ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by addressing, WM. REAUEN, Sop't. Sunbury. Juno IS. ItioS. $ & & S 8 m BENT. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, w ill furn ish from tho most responsible Nurseries in this and other Stated, lint class TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Harden Seeds of all kinds. Orders ate respectfully solicited. Addrees BEXJ. BOHNER, Painos, North'd. Co. Cr' N R. Insurances takeu in several of tne must refpoi.-ible Fire Insurance and Homo Detective Companies in the Stato, Juno 8, ltitir. y 1T3V SHOE STCP.E. Market Street, adjoining Onarhart t Confectionery Store, M N'ilLHY, Pa. rpHF undersigned respectfully informs the citizens S ot Sunbury and vicinity, that be has opened a N EW SHOE STORE, for the sale as well a.- lor the manufacture ol tho finest aui best quality of Ladies' Shoes, viz : lo t K id , 31 orrorro, liill'tk i si u nl l.iiHtiiia aitcr, Ar, Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely new and well selected. He also manufactures fine Frcuoh and other Calf skin Boots uud Shoes for ticntlcmcn. Orders for ladies and gentlemen's cujtoin work will be promptly attended to and got up in the best style by tiki It u I mechanics Shoe hidings Ac, coudantly kept on hand and for sale to the trade. J. II. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April Id. 1S67. J. iv. Kii i:ii;io, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, j t SSj , .J?i Market Sriuaro, naar the Court EkJEESKSraS: House, SI'N'lil'R V. N'orlhlllrlrlar,.! f'A.,r,lr 1. HE has jual opened an assortment of lloid fCC and Plain Patout Watches. CLOCKS .... .n,nuau9. uunaa unu ifweiuugs, rine bold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Miuia. ture Cases. Mudallinn. P,,rLf.i. Pul,ii. Tlninl.les, Spectacles, Silver Table, Deascrt, Tea Salt and Mustard Spoons, Suear Snoous. Cuns. Naijkiu Rings, Fruit und Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Costere, Pitchers. Butter Di.-hes, J'ruit Di.-hes, Cak. Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, 4c. Ae. lie invites the citizen! of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, wheio l.e will be happy to W ait upon them. IV i'exticuhr attention paid to REPAIRING Aim, liioT J. H. Conley Co., .lltti-kct Nir.(, i:at ot I lie Itallroud tsUNBURY, FSNJSI'A. DEALERS IN roiti.i. & ami:iiica:. Hardware & Cutlery. f PUE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, X and Buyers generally is invited to the foot that we aio now uttering a better sck-otod assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was oflercd in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock compriset all articles in this line of business, emhracif g a general auurlment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKERS, JOINERS', AC, AC, together with a large ttock of Iron, Steel, Naila. Spikes lltope, Chaint, Urindstoues, Mill and X Cut Saws. Ao., Ao. funbury , March , I86T. BAKERY. BAKERY. 4'. Mt ftUltOYi:, AkcbiI, Manufacturer of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, AC, Front St., 3 door oast of tb. P. A K. R R. Depot, nOIIIIII NUllHUn, PA. Cuttonan will be served daily. Orders solicited Northumberland June 22 1WT NEW G U O C E R Y, THE anbaoribtira bogt Issvs to anfiownsx M the oillaen. of Bvnbur and It vieinlty, tha they bate opened. n . ' " new aaocEiUiy Tieo dooi t c4t qf J. JT.. Bngl'$ Sion, in Marled 8guai where they are prepared to fnrntsh every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on hand the choicest varletlea of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffeo, Teas, Pugnr, Morasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all disoription, .Soaps of every variety Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobaoco, cgnra. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Batter, and Kggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Coned Poaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper .Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, 4c, of best quality, and in fact erery itvle of articles kept in a well stocked Uroccry. Also Cider Vinegar. All ktuds ot country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the puLlio li re spectfully solicited. GEORCE E. HEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. II, 180S. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doors west of the Office, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs the clliiens of Nun bury nnd vicinity, that he will bake to order all kindt'of 4'iikcsi for llulln. I'arlfct., Ac. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD. Twisl Rolls, Rusks, Toa Buns, Ac., and also kept on hand manafaelurcd out of the bet materials. Ail orders will meet with prompt attention. Huving had large experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury. Dec. 9. 136V itl. V. OlMltll.tlCT'M Confectionery, Toy and ; FHTJIT STORE Mnrkct Street, Sui.b.irj, j CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, I TOYS OF EVEHY DLrjCItlPTION FRUIT, Ac. &c.. ( CONSTANTLY' on hand and for sale at tne above j establishment at wholesale aud retail, at reason able prices. He it manufacturing all kinds of Confeiiionnries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low vales. Tobacco. Bcgars, Stationery. Nuts of all kind", and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are ofeieo wholesale and retail. jf Remember the tms and placo A M. C. UEARII ART. Market street, S doors west of E. Y. BriM A Si.r.'i store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1803. tf S T O R E . W. A. JiKNNKT, Market Nquaro, SI .MCI (iY, I'a II AVINli recently purchased the Drug Store lonneriv eonductcit ny tt. a l i.licr, I ber leave to iniorin tho citizi'ns of Sunbury nnd vi cinity, that I have entirely rrpluui.'hei tnv stock i of SB Id KJT P ANC1T ARTICLES ! such as Cornh.. Itrn-hi... Pnrknt.rt.,.,!.. Sn,, T, fuinory, Hair-Oil. Knives. Scissors. Coal-Oil Laiuns. Tobacco and Cigars, fi'nintsi. OilM, liif, Calasisi, I'utl.v, VaruI..i'-. I'lttcnt .llrilic-iiss'M, At-. All my Tinctures. Syrups. Ointments. Oralet, iiml other prupurations aio wunufactured by niyscH'. and from the best material I can procure li'i Mi'ukct. Having had quite a number of years' experience In tbo Drug and PieerijUion Ittmnett, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the aavaniage ol me college ot rnarraacv, 1 tccl coin- patent to COMPOUND ALL, PKESC1I ll'TIONS ! that the Physicians nnd public may favor uio viitb. I All my preparations as I bave above asserted, are n.ade Iroin the best niatvrial, and ut on honor I ' assort, tbey are of olRciual strenj'h. j For medicinal purposes, 1 keep on band the very ! best. j WIXES, BRANDIES AND I.IQUOI.S, i that I enn procure. liel'ore purchasing elscvrhcro, call and convince , jour own mind. W. A. BENNETT. ! h'anbury, Nov 1, 186,'. SUMJUUV FOU.NDRV. j jb;. IMIlllll A II v SOA, J APE now enrrytng on buines at thij old estab- I lih merit with renewed vigor. i Castings of sjvorj Uo.soription, promptly furnished t.w nutjr. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highoit reputation. 'articular mteniion i ... ; . 1 m Mil t. PASTIW.5 rarmcrs snoulit not target that tbo PLOWA n.ado at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equnlli t. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small eastings, including CVking utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterns. The buincst will be conducted on an eiilarijd seals. Old customers will beaccomruodnted usual, ; and now ones are respectfully solicited. i tiunbury. May 12, lstid i FL0Uir& FEED STORE: IT". T- I r E I Jit-T , 1 1 f1HK subscriber rcfpecifully informs the publia I A. that be keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOl'SE, near tha Shamokin Valley Railroad ; Depot, in SLNHI RY, Flour by the barrel aud sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is ull mannfneturod at his own Mill". I aud will be sold at the lowest esch prices. : J M. CADWALLADER. I SunburypriMBej' J uxl unit for .TIoili-i- ! ! MOTHERS, are you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Are your slutnbors and hearts broken by their crios ' Do you awake in the morning unrefroihed and apprehensive ? If so. pro cure at one. a bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant Remedy and you will hnvo no moro weary hours of watching and anxiety. im:. i.r.o.s' l-w'A.vr iei:.m:uv hat stoo 1 tb. test of yoars. Thousands of nurses and mothers bear witness that it never failt to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet lure, and speedy cure tor Colic, Cramps and Windy Puins, and it in valuable for all complaints incident to Teething. bold by Druggidts throughout the L'nitod Slates. Address all orders to ZIEtiLER i EMITII, Sole Pproprietors. IS7 Mortis Tliird Nf reel, fltil'u. November 24, Slid ly THE following persons are entitled to receive an increase of Bounty under tb. Act of Congress passed, July ison, to equaiu. tiounttes. 1st All soldiers who enlislod alter the 19th day of April, loot, iur o years, nun aerveu iticir time ol eulistmeut nnd have been honorably discharged, and bave received or are entitled io receive a Bounty of $100. are entitled an additional Bounty of 9160. 2d All such soldiers who eiilistod for 3 yean, and have been honorably discharged ou account uf wounds received in I he line of duty, are entitled lo an additional Bounty of 9IUO. !ti The Widow, Minor Children, or Tarentt of tuch soldiers who died in the service of wounds ordiseaj., are entitled to an additional Bounty of fclOO. By application to S. P. W0LYERT0N, Esq., of tHaBiBV, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Aguut, all such claims can be speedily collected. Sunbury, August 4, I rkill . tf QQA A A AGENTS WAXTED-$100,00-Mal. Vit.vU and Female, to introduce our NEW PATENT, STAR blll'TTLE SEtt'INU MACHINE. It it adapted fur family us. and Tailoring. It makea a stitch alike on bulb tides. Price only TWENTY DOLLARS. Extraordinary inducements to Agents. For full particulars, add re DI MOXT WILSON, 630 AKCU SUeet, Philadelphia. July 13, 1867,-3m REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Distinger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to th. eititens of Sunbury, and surrounding oountry, that having formed a eo-paxtnenhin, tbey art now prepared lo furnish ornamented, aau plaia Urttwettloaiea, Tmisj V Moanm-Ktt of th. beat Italian and American marbl., tit prist, that cannot fail to (iv. .ntir. aatitfaetion, and re spectfully tolioit th. publio patronag. DISSINOEIt TAYLOR. 6unbury. March II, 18A6. ly UNI Myrtl. rotnitusi, t ttaoStwj-.r TUB QXUDAT zniGAMBrmns The aewpiaiinl part ef IMi rerearVuMa trreparanom " Were Ant dleeavarid, enmpousaM aoa iuutbatnt, tome twenty yeara M, by Dr. Chsofius, tha ele brated Cyptlaa Physieian. ThouMuids at bis luffcr tng eounw yoM. were nstored ta health, as well as (reea Bumbera o the InheMtants f NuWa and ikkyiilnla. and of tbeeenntrie bordering upon the Southern eoasl - oi uie sieaiierranean vea Indeed, the fame ef th. ZlNCtAlU BlTTEUa Mon spread ever Europe, and was adopted by the principal Physicians tn charge of the hospitals of the old woild, in which it is still used with preeml nent Sucre as. The Vloeroy ot Kfypt plaeed the Bam. of Da. Casorsos open the " Boll of Nobles," and pre sented to him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " Da Cuaorsot, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters it now offered to the public of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upon a fair trial, to act as a speciflo for the cure of Cholera. Dysentery, Dlturrhosa, Cholerm Morbus, Favor anil Astir, Yellow Fever, Khrumatlsm, Typhoid Fever, Uytprpata, Colic. Ilronclillle, Consumption. Flatu lency, Ultras, ot the Kldnrys. rVcrvoua Debility, and Female. Complaint. Rfraarkbl cures of the above dii-rai-cs have he n effected by Itl use, an!imrirnucertiflcftte, many from re ff al r nhyiicUns, fully uttcst; And it li dmttned to 0upfreed any preparation extant. Ai an agreeable Tonic, and an IN VIGOR ATI W BEVERAGE, IT IT AH NO KQl'AL. Trs Titi ZI5QAHI IUTTEUH IIA3 80UL A9 WELL A 8 BODY, AND AS A PREVENTIVE OP DISEASE, HAS NO SUPERIOR. A PEW WOni9 TO LADIES. The use of tha ZiNdARI BITTERS will qive to you that inft, irml transparent cnmplt!xhin wliich the God of nature (rlc ifCninir woman to be the loveliest of hie wnrki) fully intemled that you should have for ft ta nature's ovo powder and palm combined. By purifying the blood, itimulating the pigmentiiry cells of the dermis, and impiutins; health and lift: throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clarne?s and beiuity to the complexion so much to be drsi red re moving all rouicl.nffis, blotches, freckles, pimnlcs.nnd that yellow, sickly look so common fn our day; and what Is even IvUt thnn thi-. it cures every species of female irregularities and lTmcipiU lepot, Ifairif-hitrg, Pa. KAHTER & IIAUSE, Sole PiiorniETons. For tale by W. ABKNNETT, Druggist, Sunbury Pennsylvania. August 3, lo87. $100 REWARD i Koi a medicine thut will cuie Ct t'Oll. INKI.L'liN.A, TICKLINU in the TllilDAT, W1IOOIMNC. C'Ol till, ol relieve coNst'MPnvK ottf:n, ns ijuick as CUE'S C t U li II A I, S A M : OVKtt UN K MILLION I1HTTI.KH I have been s.l.l mid not a .ingle iiiatniice nl its li,our i. I I known. We Imv-, in our poa.cii.i.iii, any iiiuu1ity ul' e'er- lincslcs. e-nnc of llietn front I K.MI N KNT I'll VSICI ANS ! who hsve it in their piaeiire.aiui fivrn it the pre- eitiiiieiice overeveiy other c .niouiiil. IT DDKS NOT 1)11 Y I I' A COUCH, but i.oo:-i:ns it, ; aas to ruahleliie pniieut l ejiic:oraie trcrly Tv or inree Ji-nra. VlI.I. 1nVARIAI.LV Cl'RB TlCKLtJUf IS TIlK THMlUT ' A hulf hi it tie lis ot'tii eoinplrtflv cured the in- ut t i ! horn Couch, and yrt. lli-uipli it la si sine ti'iii spretly in ifv I opera, urn, it is perfectly hunnleia. hcu! puri-iv v sfitltie j It ta very ugrcealilr tn the Untie and nutv be uJiiiiiiisteicd tuclntdreii itl'nny a pp. In cases uf CROl'P we will guaraiiUH a ctire, ii' Ut.ftj in se.-is.iii. NO FAMILY PHUt'l.D HK WITIIOl T IT! It is within the reach oi all. it being the Hicnpt-it nnd hi inetlinue extant. C. 0. CLARK A CO . Proprietors, NKW HAVKN, CONX Februnry S3, liG7. !y C O E ' S DYSPEPSIA CURE! rt'llis CltKAT RF..MF.DY I'OK ALL DlSEAMKSof the ST O M A C H 8 is lli- cliseovery ol' the inventor ol foe's Cotieti II .1..1HII, win le exjii-!iiiienlni Tor liiioien h.-alih. lliitr.-. C'rauii. iu the Stoinarh for him whuh haJ helore )l.-iaeil n) notion: b'K ehloroforiti. The alinota daily le.tiinonv from vai ion. pari, of the country encourage u. lo helieee there i. iioh.rue caused by a disordered .tomach it will not speeinly cure, rhyaicinns endorse nnd Uae it ! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy. And from all directions we receive tiding, of cures per- ' '. DYSPEPSIA! 1 ! JIFAttTUUlN j ' It i. .sie to cjre. One do.e will cure. ILl1 11 ' DACl" has eur.-il in eumlred. uf ... IIMADACIIK AND MZ'l.M'.SS ' -a,,TvoKru.,;r " 1 1 Con ee.i . IUH'V. risi-: or the i ikid: It .topi imiuc'ltair!'. DISTHKSS MATING : One do.e will remove. CHOLF.HA MORBl'S! Kapidlj- yield, to a lew d .se. UADUiti:.Tii: Will hs chained wi.U h.i!l' a bottle. IT 18 PEKPECTLY HARMLESS lit I'M'RKCKDIM'KDfl'CCKSS is owing to the fact that " It Cures by Xtiliirr TO IIK ASSI'.IIT HIIR SWAY IN TIIK KYSTKM Neatly every dealer in the I'uued St.itej it 111 ONK DOLLAR I'Lll HOlTl.i:. C. 0. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. NKW I1A KX, CONN, February 2:1, 1S6T. ly. TnE UREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, IIST SUNBURY, it on 3d street, opposite the MAbONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S KEW PH0T0GKAPH OAILERY. Hut Lately l', villi uil I lie Modern IiUrov-mciil ol' lliu Art ! r pllf subscriber, having built the room exprcwly X for the purpo. of Photographing, and having dovoted many years to the business, is confident of bis ability to assure hit patront that the work pro duced shall be teeond to none in oountry or city. No work allowed to leave tb. galluyy unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in tbo county, be la prepared to make 1' in all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day for linall children. He ie also prepared to take new tiie, or cabinet card Photographs. All kindt of picture, copied and magnified to any required size and colored beautitully in Oil or Water colon or Iudia ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such at Landscape viewt of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ae., a large lot of Photograph framet constantly on hand. The publio ar. respectfully invited to cail and se. our specimens and our complete arrangements for mining rooiogrupns, special terms to iamiliet and olubt. DERfiSTRESSER. 6uubury, July 15, RECORD TOTJR DEED3- PERSONS having nnreoorded Deed. ar. remind d that they mutt b. recorded, according to tb. Act of Assembly which require, that "All deeds and conveyances for real estate In thlt Commonwealth, shall be recorded in th. office for Recording Deeds in lb. Connty where tb. lands li. wiian .tz moulht after tb. execution of such deeds " oonveyano.; and T.ry tuch deed and convey ane. not recorded at aforesaid, shall be iudir.t FRAUDULENT AND VOID again.! any tuljiquant puiekaawr (or a valuable oonsidaratloo nnleai 1 tueh deed, be rtsiorded befor. th. rooording of tb. deed or oonveyano. uuder which tueh subsequent purohat eor mortgage aball claim." r I IT Tboaa having old Deedt will prolt ky paving triot attention to th. abov. ' r m Jaarck S3, I8o7. f P yo -want J OIMUt Tin-War, ro to SMITH u NEW GROCERY STORE, Hatket Street, Stx door Saat of Third street, north - etd.,8TJIBTT, PA., rB?m0TT'JLLT hi forms tbelr frWIi asd tho XV pablre, that tbey Have opened NEW QROOERY AND PROVISION STORE. and will be happy to have thorn .all and examine their ttock, wbion has jntt been opened, .uibrae ing everything In the Urooery lino, tuch at Coffee, Tea, Bugar.Ryrupi, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits. Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Uain, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, eto., together with Soai, Caudles, Soda. Ac, nnd In fact everything In the Urooeryand Provision. Line. FLOT'R AND FEED, Queenswnr., Willow-ware, Glassware. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac Call and to. before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 Fl'KMAN A CO Funbury, April S7, 1ST.7. er. 3 SgJsxyr pa THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, C99 IJnoAOwjtv, New York. For FHitiilim and .liistutUrt iircrs., These World-Renowned Scwiui; Machiiie", were awnnled the liiiihcpt prcuiium at tlio World s I'nir in London, mid six first premiums ut the New York ' &tate Fair of ISI18. and are celebrated fr lining the ' best work, u.'inir a much siunllrr noodle for the linine 1 thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the mot approved machinery, we am now ' able to supply the very best machines in the world. . These machines are mndu at our new and sp.icions ; Factory al ltri.1 .-ort. Colin , under tho imin.'dlslv supervision of the 1'renideiil of the Coinp-iiv. I l l i. : Hon b, Jr., the origiiml inventor of lb Savitug Ma- 1 ebino. 'Ihey aro adnpted to nil kinds of Family ing, nodtou.-e ol Beiinistresses, Iiress Mnkers." Tayb.rt, Mnnulxvtiirersof hhirte. Collurs, Skirls, Cloaks. Jinn tillas, Clolbinit. Huts, Cups, C orsu s. Hoots. Shoes, ' Harness. Saddles. Linen Ui ods, Uuibrnllus. Parusol. ete. Tboy work CfiinHy well upon silk, linen, wool- I eu un I cotton goods witli silk, cotton or linen tlirrad. They will scum, iiuilt, gnlher. hem. foil, curd, braid. I bind, and perform every species of scwinc. uinkinj; n bcnuliiul nnd perfect stitch, alike on belli sides of the nrliclessewcd. I The Stitch invented by tr. HOWE, and made on ! this Machine, is tbo most popular mid uil Sewing f M are subject to the principle invented by I him. 1 SEND 1'tiR f'IKCt'LAR. The Howe Machine Company. j Mi) Ilnwdwav, t'or. Fourth St , N. V. , AjtHMW. 1 JIAVH A M.Bi:it. Mia. A. TWEED, In Mis Anna Painter's Fancy tioods Store building. ! .uuraei cjuare, .1 .io0rs west nl tue rust tilncc, Sl.MH.UY, PA. I LsPhCTFL LLY informs Ler friund. ami il.e I public ilint sin bus ii;niii openod a shop, mi Murket street, Sunbury, wlicresbo is prepared to I ninko to order l.;niies Dressos. iu an entire now slylu, Ladies' Cloaks. Ac. Also llentUmcn's abirts. Orders respectfully solicited, j "'"'ry. Jan. I'J, IStiT. ly ! Great 'Attraction, NKW TIN-WAKE. i u. . ... .. ..i i nueei iron uud atnri Store 1' SLCITZ & GZ 17 THE Pa, Where tbey keep constantly on hand nnd manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SUEET IRON-WAUK of all descriptions. They ivould e.i.ceiallv call tin, atl.nti.. ..i' I t'lia-ira lo their largo and well selected stock oi COCK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangement to hav. all their bc!-t stoves mado to order, and thuse nh.i would have a good slovo would do well to go aud examine their largo aud well selected stock. First. They doty competition on the following tried lirauds of Cook .Stoves, vit : i'oiHl.iiiitiMMt (aii lliirncr, Cwok. (oternoi- E'enii Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and tho well known Antidust Cook Stove called SPEAK S ANTIDl'sT. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety cm bracing uil the best manufactures aud most fashion able ik-igns, uu.urpa.sed for beauty of linMi umpli city ot arrangement combining cheapness, durability 1 anu .tu iuve warranted lo peilurui wbul they are represented. I Also. The celebrated Baltimore Fire Pla.?e Stove, ; fir boating lirst. second aud third ttoriesby Registers i Also, VULCAN HEATER. I Also, tlio celebrated MOKVIXt; ULORY". jt'onlOil, foul 4i Lanipa, Kliudes, 4'liiiuiiiei., uud ull ai-iSels-M ! uunlly knit in an eytah!i.hinnt r 11.,.. 1:. t ; Tbey arc also prepared tufurnishSliitu and do slutine ' Itl ll.n linjl wnL Ill S iu the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Range and FuruaceWork.Uas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Al-..: "IIhiikIi' tSnw Itom; Mupt'i-.I'lio. fsaiitt' llcuiembcr the placo. .Vami lo and Sale. t:,,n, nearly opposite Couly's Hardware Store. Market i street, between Tliild and Fourth streets, lluildii.g daik painltd. August 25. IfM'.C. J IRON'. A largo assortment of the best iniiuufur. lured Uars. Hoop. Rand, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods. Cast Steel, Lli-tar Steel. Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, UelloMS. Yices, llammirs, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at w CON LEY A COS. I'lii litis, Oilw, Ae. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil. f'oa Oil, Fi.-b Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Yuruishes, Glass, always on hand, nt low fffesat CONLEY A CO S JJOR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees. Ritls. Ruck let. Oig Trees, Pod Treit. Danes, all kinds aud every thing pertaining lo tin busini s. for sale by J- H. CONLEY A CO. SILVERS WASH : POWDER SAVES Time. Labor. .Money. Maket WASHING A PASTIME ANDMO.VnAY a iix, . .Sold Everywhere. TRY IT. Addiesj all orders to Hie Manufacturers ZIEGLFR A SMITH, Cheraiata and Wholeaalo Druggist, la .-ortU lltird !ireel,'a. N'ovember 24, lSrW ly P HO TOO RAP H A LB U MS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Monthly Time Bookt Drawing Books and Slates. Books Hymn Bookt Blink Bookt, Memorandum Uooki, Dianet, Pockei Books, Ink Stands. Pn.. l.nlls. a fin. amorlaieut of Paper. Ink Ae For sal, by ANNA PAINTER. . SUNBURY BUILDING L0T8 I k JV.W' 9AtE'8 A,Ji,if"' to ! Borough of "., di on reasooabi. terms. Apply to Dr. K. H AWL and, SOL. BR0SI0U3, Sunbury, P.. Or P. W. SHEAFER, Pottvill, P.. ' Not. U, IH60 &N9 in. our ttock Ar specially Inviud to call and exa of BUILDER D HARDWARE, oomprtsing Nailt and Spike, of .11 varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinge., Locks and Latehe., Bulla. Plas tering, llriek Trowels, Flatterer's Sieves, A.., it., for tale by J H CONLEY A CO. Coachmakers, TK nr. telling Kima, Bpokat, Hubs, Springs, V V Oaarua, Bolla, CUpa, AxlM, A.., very low Large block nt CONLET CO. ikayy, Merck J, 1U7 rkUi1pa.ta, Erie nollrooOL "wiKtltR TIMK yBLi7" Tbronnk and dlr.el oU Wvtn t-m, BaltiuioT.. Harrt.hwT. wiiil7Z!!i w'elpbla. Oil H.gic of PeaD.yi;at, WiarwAnn. Mail Train leave. Philadelphia, 11 ISpa IMin . R j p in 12 Mnoon .".i p m 9 4b a n, H OH j m 4 li pm 7.1 j p ui 10 40 am 1.3.1 am 8.55 a m 4.25 p m b til a tn 1 00 pm 7.10 a m !0 25 a m runnury, . Erie F.sprets leaves Philadelphia. nunonry " " arratErl. Elmira Mail leavet Philadelphia. " " " Bunbnry " " arrlv. at Lock Utven, EA.TWaltn. Mail Train leavet trie " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Eri. ' ttunhury ..." . V, ,r' Philadelphia, Llmira Mail leaves Lock Haven " " " funbury. " " arr. at Philadelphia. 8.10 p m man anu r.anress ennmL will. u . : i.r-i, i . . . ren A Franklin Kailway. Pa-sengers lonvini 'bi! U1?," 12 00 M. arrive at Irvinetou at 8.1u a m and Oil City at 9.60 a ni. -.oam. cuy Vt'ifii T;iin"ielpl,i l 8 00 v-M-' nrriv All trains on Warren A Franklin Rnilwnv ninko elOsaconneolinnsatOil City with trains for THKn0Uerk,,ni CUUtrC' BAGl,AUE CHECKEIf ALFRED L. TYI.KR. Ocncral .Superintendent .Northern Central nilMUJ7 WINTER TIME SCIIFDULE. Through and Direct Route to and from Washington Bultimore, trie. Elmira, Butlalo, tlochcstirr and Niiignra Falls. FOUR TRAIN.' DAILY from and three to Wn-b-1uiton and Baltimore, and rilHEE TRAINS DAI LY to tne North and fotn and t o.t ltn...i, i. ! hauna. and Hurthern and Western Pennsylvania nnd , New York. 0N, Kn "flt'r M0KDAV. 0CT0IIER 1 l:h, 1SR7 X X li. w irnin. oi 100 NurMiern t'.tnr..l Hull n ay mil run as follows : NORTHWARD, loaves Italtimorc " llHrrislnir'. " William-nort. t 8 23 a m 1.20 p m 6.. IS p ui 11 t'.'i p tu 12.10 u.m t .20 a m 12 2n a 111 3 40 p m 12 10 p m 4.2i p Ul tt.2J p in tf 0 a m 7 00 p m t.15 a in H 10 a 111 H 4 j a ni 6.20 a 111 8 Oi a in n 1:1 b.40 u tn 1 40 v , 6 10 p ni 4 00 p n. 7-bb p t. 1 1 4 j p 111 4 -'lo a . 8 li a u. 1 00 p m 15 a in II. SO p m 510 p 1:1 Mail Train arr at Elmira. leinc Dallimore Pnltaln Ft press " iiarrisburg, ' Klmira, arr. Canandnigua, leaves Ualtimore, FjsI Linn, ' HarrisOurjr, arr. Williniusport, " Erie Nielli Aecom. leave. Baltimore, " llarnsburit. " Williaiuspurt, arr at Ei ie. York and Harris. 1 loaves YVrk. burg Aecom. j arr. Iliirrishurir; S O l f II IV A K u . Mail Train, leaves Elmira " WillHuiprt, 14 Harriihurg, arr. at Baltimore, leaves Canandaigua, " Eliuiia, " Williamsport, " Iluriiabur?, arr. at lliiltimore, leaves Williamsport, ' Harrisburg, an at Baliiinurc. Burial!! K.pre Fust Line Y ork and Harris. I leaves Harribure;. Iniri? Aecom. Mail Train north and south.' F.i.t t ; ..i. ' . . a rr. 1 ol K. I York und ilarrhburg Accominodntion north' and . south run daily except Sunday. Buffalo Express north and Fast Line w uth ,, daily ; and Buffalo Express south run. daily cx-eH I Aluiidny. Night Accommodation north arrives daily For furilieriulormation apply a the PcunsyUaiiia Railroad lie at tlio Ticket 02ic. not. I. N. DrBALRY tJ.-i.. .urt KeiMliii; ttuilroiisi. f V .M M i: It A R R A XUill F. N I April 8th, 1807, ' t REAT TRL'XK l.t V K r.,.. .1.. v-...L y xth:wft,,fo, Ph.iadei, .H. New vo.k ite,::; iug, Pottsville, lamaqtta. Asliltind. Lubiin-n. llen town, fciiston, Lphraia, Litii; Lancaster. Coluu.Lia AC, AC, f Trains leave Hnrrishurjr for New-York n f ,; lows : At ,1.00, 8.10 aud SKIi A. M. and 2 1,1 and o P. At, eonnccting with similar Train. ,.n p, , sylvama Railroad, and arrii in .11 New Y.ok o and 10.10 A. ,.M. uud 4 40, 6 2.1 nnd 11) 25 I' M Merrunff Cars account n.vinj- ti... ! no .1 -.1 ... . .. j P. Al. Trains, without change. Ki-ayo narrisDiirg lor Keudinj. P .itsville T-tiif, ""I'mT'Ty'1.'' .'no tirovc. Allento,. tiud Philadelphia at b.lll A..M, ttnd i !u and 4 I 1. .M , stopping at Lebanon aud principal 1 t aliont ; th. 1.10 p making con.uvtiom (, 1 hilad cl pli ta and Colun-Ma c-jl.y F,,r poiuvil). Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Vhu vll;i!l Siiwnehunna Railroad, leave llai ri.hi.r- at';! 20 p u Kcturiiing Leave York 1.! ... , , , .. , Noon and 0 00 and 8 00 p ..; Phliadcii hia at i 1 a .111. and 3.30 p.,. Way IWnger 'lfaiii lea": 1 liiladolphiu at . .JO a. ni.. returning from Rendu' at 0..-.U p. m. slopping at all Stations ; Puiivil. t.4j a in. and 2 4i p. m ; Ashland ti on and 1 1 ;;o in. anil I . r in : Tarn no 11 n .,t n j'. .. ... ... . . ; ami H 5j p. ui. i Leave Potujvillc for Harriihurg via Scliuylkill 111 I uxjuebnnna Railroad at 7 00 a. m. ' .!.l'",di" Accommodation Troin leave- Rcadirg ; A- returning from Pliilndt Iphia a: j t ! Columbia .Railroad i Trains leavo Sending at 7i i A M aud o.lj p. M. forEpLruta. luu I.,.c. : ler. Columbia, Ac. I On Sunday.: Leave New York at M 00 p m . fl.i! delplna h.UO A. M., and 3.15 P ,M. , ,i no , l'.ruuiiing only to Healing, lVttfville Htm B u, ; llarrtsburg il.ts.", n m. and Rending at 1.2-1 nn.l 7 ! a. in. tor Harrison, and ll.a 11 ... ,.. v.. v. . , aai 4-' P w- l'hiladclpliia . I All,,,.,atl.. M . .. Commutation, ilili hool nnd 1 and fiuin 1 cursiou Tickets, al reduced rafi points. iiaggage obeck.d through lowed each Passenger. : t0 I'oun-i Rrgg'-ge 1. il. A. NK'ol.L.-. ., ,. . iteneml Mieniileii.i. 1,1 nea itng, i- , April 8. IMH7. 1 atluHuutiu At Itlos,!..!,,,, ,,. '., roust. ON and after Jaa will run as follows : 1st, 107, P.i.'er. ( r Tr.V. SOUTHWARD A. 51 A M p. W 5 50 10 00 7 I.i 55 1) 20 H 20 V 20 9 54 10 35 NORTH WARD. 7.00 7.40 B IS A M T. M. 10.50 8 30 2 50 Leave Seranton, j " Kingston, j " Rupert, : " Danville, I Arr. North'd., ! Leave North'd., " Danville, I " Rupert, I " Kingston. IV V I I 0 '.ii 4 I.' h ..11 in I' on I'. 9 0: Arr. at Serant' n. . . - .w 1 z oil a 4 4 00 l(i lb . .imu. ningston at 8.. A. M K ton connect with Train arriving at New Yoikata taking Train South from ,s..,,r.ioi. ,Vpu Northumberland, reach Hnrri..,u in P IV " """"T. 5 ,;io P. M., W ashington i 00 P. Al. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7 UO p 1 t-. . 11. A. ioNDA.up 1 Kmgelon, Jun 19. !So7. ' IJIRD cage! 11 different kinds. If v.,u ... iiiu cueap mm C ages, g 1,, CONLEY A CO s .terleultural liiisleiiieut.-s. HOE'S Grain Hakes, Steel and Iron Gurden liak. ..-"""S1""1 1 Handle Spade,, Miovcis. Mmm and Hay Forks, (Ira, and Grain Scvthes, lira Cradle., Cradle Fingers, lraoe. Breast ."'Tongue at Log Chains, Grind-sloues, Fanning Mill Seives all s scs and kiuds, a large assortment of Red Wag Hauiet, for Plowing. Farm Hells, Cultivator Teei for sale by J. ,,. CONLEY A CO II So hiort fluid Head ! So"tnor Grui Id i ic. i.i:o. n ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWEJ it pronounced by all who have used it th. very b. preparation lor th. Hair. It it a poeitiv. cure 1 baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stop, tf Hair front falling out, and speedily restore Grt Looks to thoir original hue and luxuriant'. It operate, on th. Mur.tiont aud tills the glau with new lit. and coloring matter. Thin, de fadI or gray hair will always be brought back by applications, to its yeulitul abundance, vitali nnd oolor. Il .makes ith. hair toft, gloasy, fragrant, pleats to tb. touch and eair to arrant Tin ! . intractable lock, beoom. moist, pliant iij disno.. to remain in any desired position. At n Hair lire, tog it ha. no euual, Th. aea .r. .normJu, .? Uannirereal favorite with old and i. . seiee. " ' Sold by DrureLds throu chnnt it,. . Addrw aU orcTem u,lBa ZIEGLEB A SMITH. 1 .rh Third PfcIP1' Jr' No.n.Ur 54, lMt -ly. " CALL nnd see tbaM bautifn Bird C .7" n.w llardw.r.,tor.ef ra ia hm Shop - 0 CON LEY 4 C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers