Eljc Sunbiwa ; American. srr -xt. : -ar- r ; .taL.:: Ni B. BNQLB, ( Publishers). , J ni)Niu;hv, ia. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1807. ftocal affairs. Constable- ArroiHTED.Jolili Bom mora, Jr., wu nppolntod deputy constable Tor tho borough of Mil Ion, by tho Court recently In session in thii place. lMsTii.i.r.nr Skiukd. The distillery of Koberl Page, in West Buffalo township, Union county, has been taken possession of by Collector Bhrincr for defrauding the revenue. Musical Tho celobrnlcd Teak Family of Swiss tell IUngcrs will give an entertainment at tho Ma sonic Hull, in Sunbury, on Monday evening, 25th Inst. No doubt they will have a full house. Cold Weather. Tho weather, the past few days of tho week, was unusually cold. On Thursday thcro was an agreeable change. . liut winter is upon us. and it behoves all to prepare for his reign. 9 The New Railroad. Mnj. James Mnlone has commerced work on tho Ilnzlcton road, about six miles above this place, with a large furco. Eightocn horses and carts passed through town on Thursday afternoon Inst, on their way to the works. The Jury in the important ca.se of Fnhncstock vs. I'oyor, referred to in our last issue, came into Court on Saturday morning last, and not being nblo to ngrco after furty-olght hours or confinement, wcro discharged by the Court. The jury stood, ongoing out, eight for Unycrnnd four for Fahnestock. The Miltoniaii says that Messrs. lleber A Iiro., of that place, are rebuilding their tannery, which was burned down some time since, on a larger scale lliun before. New machinery throughout is being manufactured for them, and the work is to be com pleted as soon as possible Their enterprise is com mendable. - . . c .. - . . Insc nance Recovered. Mrs. K.J. Funk, wi dow of the late L. II. Funk, formerly one of tho filters of the Stifoitirtn, received from the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, last week, $'!.0o7, tho amount of a policy secured by the do- ceased two years ago. The money was paid over )y Mr. Jos. F.. Lame, an agent of tho company. I)EEn. Last week Messrs. Uoo. II. Cadwalindcr and John Marklc, of Sunbury, and Robt. Magill, of Danville, tried their luck at hunting deer along Loynlsock creek, in Sullivan ceunty. They wero successful in killing two fine ones, one of which was shot by Murkle and the other by Magill. This species of gamo is said to bo unusually abundaut .jjlii.f season. Who is to Dlamu . We observed, lately, that the l'oot-bridgo across the gutter at linupl's build ing, in Market Square, had been taken up and curc loj.fl' placed on tho crossing. On Saturday night Jnst, while Mr. John E. Smick was crossing over, it tilted and threw him on a stone pile close by, break ing several of his ribs and othcrwiso injuring him. An L'iiuor. Tho Selinsgrovu i t nus says that tho report recently published, to tho effect that the Jiroad Top Railroad Company had subscribed $100, tWO towards iho construction of tho Middlccrcck road, is uutruo. Tho subscriptions will be uiudo by individuals interested in thatrond and in the Dread Top coal mines. Tho arrangement as yet is but n verbal one. but will no doubt be consummated. A ii:EAT Iiii'iiovemext. It is very frequently tho caso that stove cylinders nro burnt out, and tho in ner is compelled to purchase a new stove, or go tu an expense of $i or $rt to bavo a pattern mado suiting the stove, tho cost of a pattern being fre quently more than that of a new ono. J. Young- lnnn. proprietor of tho Arch Street Foundry, in this plneo, has made an improvement In cylinder cast ing, dispensing entirely with tho pattern, und pro ducing a butter cylinder. Any one wanting a cylin der can have ono oust by leaving his old cylinder, no matter how much broken, at his foundry, with cui any uJditiunul cost of pattern. An exact mea surement id the old cylinder is all that is necessary. VVatsoxtoiv.v A correspondent of the Miioiu in, nri'Jng from Watsoiitown, speaks us follows of I he improvements in that flourishing place: "A number of dwellings bavo been finished, among I hem a hnndsouio brick house of Mr. Humbach, .Mr. Meekly s l'niiuo. and two nearly completed, be longing to Messrs. Everett Bro s. Tho lino four--:ory brick hotel of Mr. Forsman's is nearly comple ted, nn 1 v. hen finished will present quite a neat ap- ; arance. lie nas mrcttny rciucu ine enuro onsc merit story, including bar-room, restaurant. Ac, which w ill be open for the accommodation of the public in u very short time. The large room, 22 by 12. occupying the entire front of tho fourth story, is to be set apart us a lodge for the use of tho Ma s' n-. This ancient order has already purchased fur niture to tit up the room, and only waits for a char ier from tho ttrand Lodgo to commence operations." Tin; Susncnv Mi ti al Savixu Find ash I.iii.d i.mi Assoc iation. This Association is now org in ied and ready to go into operation. Tho lolloping i H'icers have been elected, to servo until successors uio duly elected under tho charter, when it shall have been granted by tho next (January) term of Court : President John W. Friling. ieo Prosidcut John II. Murkle Treasurer E. Y. Bright. Secretary Ii. W. liaupt. Directors Townscnd lliuies, L. T. Kohrb.icli. II 11. Masscr, John V. Friling. J. M. Cadwalladcr. II F. Mcngiis, II. Y. Friling, -Jasper Slayuiaker, Jo!,u Haas. Win Hoagan, Joseph liaeher, Robert ..i-..oy, i.. . ..---.oa-i s. 1 r i .: n...L vt;nJ ci.i,..; ib r, Iru T. Clement, Stewart Ecrgstrosscr and Jucob Sh'ipiuaii. 'iho subscription books uro ut tho store of Mr-Jn.-icr Slay maker, corner of Third street and Mar ket Square, nud subscriptions will be received at any time. A meeting of tho Association will be held this Friday) evening at 7 o'clock, in Ira T. Clcmonfs More room. A full attendance is requested. Sensible Cmticisji. An exebongo has the fol lowing sensible remarks upon a prevailing fashion : it is fiuhionable to sneer at the eccentricities of fe male costume at its frequent ehanges, its many offences against good taste and sacrifices of comfort mid health. Rut are men altogether without sin in this matter ? The prevailing style of pantaloons is uffieient answer. Can anything be more ugly, un comfortable, oud absurd f The display of "shrunk shanks ' on the street is a joy to the anatomist, but a woe to the lovor of art. If all bad lower limbs like the Farucse Hercules, thero would be lets im propriety in our wearing tights, but instead of Far knees, tho majority have ncar-knucs that is, too licar to each other. And, as for comfort, encased in these can lie-moulds, one dure not laugh for fear id compound fracture being restricted, in thut ro- rpect, like ladies with enameled faces. Tight bouts are an ancient wrong, but tight pauialoons are a modern grievance, lor which we have to thank the Larrow mind of some tailor, who, doubtless, had a Ug big, that is, for the fraction of a man. Watsoxtowh Eorocob Elsctiok. The first election iu the new torough of WaUootown took place on Saturday last. The following is the result : Rurgess Joseph Uollopeter, D. Couniil Thomas Carl, D ; Frederick Witnian .l : C. o. Raobman, D; C. Hogue, R. ; John Bly, R Justice of the Peace John Orr, D School Dircctors-W'm. Cooner.D.; ThouiaiBarr, D. ; John Y Ellis, I) ; D. K. Witman, P. ; Joseph "t R ; W. H. Kriner, R Judge of the Election D Teas. 11 luipectors of the Election P. Wintertlein, D ; I Messingtr, K. .-' Overseers of ihe poor Peter bchaeffer, ; Uobt Johnson. V. t High Cossio)tj LoeUcr, R , BTii Fkbrt. Kothlng ii to Important to a bu siness place at Its approaches, whether by tarnpike, anal, railroad or ferry. Almost every prosperous towa Id the Union ewes, perhaps,- more te these lot proven, onts, which ffd easy access for business or pleslsare, than o all others combined. Yet we often see them neglected or overlooked when they might bo accomplished with very little effort. Such Is the oase with our business men in this place, in regard to our trade with tho farmer and others In Snyder and Union counties. If we had a steam ferry, with proper facilities and moderate ehargos, It would in crooso our trade, from that quarter, ten fold, and cnablo our citizens to save in marketing alone moro than the Cost of maintaining a well regulated steam ferry. But it happens that such a ferry would en tail no oost, as it would pay handsome dividends on the small capital required. Tho present ferry sys tem la a disgrace to the authorities and business men of tho place. It amounts to an almost prohibitory tariff. A man and wife cannot come over tho'rivcr and return for less than one dollar, even by leaving their horse and carriago on tho other side. Instead of imposing restrictions on trade, wc should encour age and invite it, by holding out inducements. Ono hundred shares of stock, nt $ju per share, would start a steam ferry, and there can scarcely bo n doubt that It would pay dividends of 10 to 20 per cent, on the capital, with anything liko proper caro und management. Siiamokis ArrAiita. We tuko the following from the Shauiokin Herald, of the 14th Inst. : Tho M. E. protracted meeting is still in progress. Over 30 persons have professed religion, mid wo learn that tho Interest is increasing. On Monday morning last Johu Hancock, em ployed in the mines of the Excolsior Coal Company, sustained painful Injuries from tho premature dis charge of a blast. Whilo tamping the ponder it be came ignited and flashed out upon him, badly burn ing his face, breast and arms. Although severe, his injuries are not thought to bo fatal, and hopes are entertained of bis speedy recovery. Ihe bridgo over Shauiokin Creek, at the (lap. was opened for travel on Tuesday. Tt was at that time completed, except painting. It is a substantial bridge, and generally believed to bo high enough to escape damage from freshets. The material for Iho iron bridge at the head of Shauiokin street was re ceived here last week, and is now being put toge ther at tho Messrs. Cruiksbank's shop. The lit rtitil, of Thursday lust, says : Messrs. Sehultt, Boehtcl & Kulp bavo purchased Chus. 1. HcU'cnstciu's saw-mill, near Shauiokin. The N. C. U. 11. Co. is rebuilding four bridges between here and Sunhury, preparatory to the run ning of a through passenger lino from New York. The ono near tho weigh scales is nearly completed, and the other three are under contract to be finished by spring, w hen It is expected the through train will bo put on. A mass meeting of the Sons of Tcmperonco and Temple of Honor, under tho auspices of tho Penn sylvania Stale Tcmpcruncc Union, w ill be held in tho M. E. Church, on Saturday evening, 2 id inst. llcv. 11. 1). Chenowcth, Corresponding Secretary of the Pennsylvania Stato Union, will address the meeting. - - Danville Items. Wc copy the following from tho Danville American, of tho Hlh inst. : Piunco's mansion, nbovo town, was burnt ou last Wednesday night. It was u magnificent and costly building. It is not ascertained how it caught fire. The engines of this placo hastened to tho rescue, but wcro too late to suvo it. Wo learn there is an in surance of sevon thousand dollars on tho house and furniture. Tho largest collection ever taken iu any church, in this place, was in the Methodist Episcopal Church, illev. Dr. Reiloy's charge.) on Sunday last. It niuountcd to forty-five hundred dollars. It was fur tho purpose of liquidating tho remaining debt on the church, and nobly did lliey come up to the work. A little boy, son of Mr. I'eter Eycrly, of this place' was badly hurt on tho Lackawanna ltailroad, on Saturday evening last. Ho was hanging on to the side of a freight car for a ride, when his foot gut fast in Iho machinery and he was dragged a considera ble distance over tho cuds of the tics. His foot is terribly b;rn, and his breast is much bruised nod lacerated. Tholtt. Rev. Bithop Stevens, of Philadelphia, administered the rite of confirmation at Christ (Epis copal) Church, in this pluco. on Sabbath morning last. AlJVAXTAl.ES Of THE (jllOVKKit Baker. The grcut advantages tho (i rover A Baker Sewing Ma chine possessos over all others is best understood by tlio thousands of families who tried other machines before purchasing a (i rover A Baker. These ma chines arc remarkable for their quietness ; the beau ty of the upper stitch for plain sowing, and the un der stitch for orr.amcutnl work ; tho case of work ing them, and tho little timo required in learning their use ; tho elasticity of tho stitch, thereby avoid ing the danger of the stitch breaking w hen used on light fabric, or scwingon tho bias. They will doalj tho different styles of family sewing and in addition will do tho best quality of ornamental work. Adver lisement in another column. Have you secured a Certificate of the Washing ton Library Company of Philadelphia, in ni l of the Iliversido Institute for educating orphans '. Each Certificate costs a dollar, with a beautiful engraving worth more than a dollar at retail, and secures, be sides, a present in the tircut Distribution, by the Company, and an equal chance that your present may be one worth thousands of dollars. 1 ou may j beeour.e rich by doing a bencvoleut act. Read ad I vertiscmcnt. i - - Til Kin: is scarcely a city in the Union that within the last six months has not had at least one fiendish ' outrage committed upon some of its female residents. flic puiii-hmcnt for this crime is terribly insuiiicieut, i nnd has proved to be totally inadequate. The j crime is the worst on the calendar, nnd entails luoro mental agony and moro lasting stigma than any ... ,. I, ..., comftreJ tu i.. lmd hali2- " . : ' ., . . ' ing is too good for the criminals. Every day the number of instances increases, and tho punishment for it should at ouce be uiudo severe enough to check as uiulh as possible the horrible onward tide. The LiniiKii III sinkss. The Williamsport'n- zette says that during the past summer If 1,000,000 feet of lumber have been rafted out of tho boom in thnt city. Last year there were 118,00,000 feet rafted. The boom is now completely cleared of logs, notwithstanding the late time of the season at which work was commenced. Tho above figures show that the total amount in Ihe boom has fullcn forty or fifty luillions below some of the estimates made lust spring. Editor's Table. c.of.v'h Lady's Book. Wo havo received tho December number of this incomparable lady 's mag- axine. ino cmoeiuenuicuiB ,ioi;iiii-- i u iuki.w in this number are : ine uros.cn n inuow a ueau tiful steel pluto. Title-pago a ubleau plate, hand somely engraved on steel. A coloreu lasuion-piaie, witu Its usual corrcei i V ... , i..h Anloreil emoullisumeni. iu eini ewiors. . M'I.a IM.pi.rmuji Partv. showintr the A till lea oiuiui v, - - ' 'f contrast between poverty and afllucuco, besides a !.( f,,r the luvcnilus. coo tuerrj, mi " of patterns, embroidery, braiding, crochet work, Ao. Stories of interest will be found in the Hterary do- riartment. Terms one copy, one ear, 9. , copies, 5.60; tliroe copies, tl 40. Address L. A. Oodcy, Philadelphia. TiiLAi)y'FRiin, run Dkcembbb. This is a. Holiday numbor and a magnificent one. 1 he stoel engraving ealled The Happiest Time, is a bcautitul and charming design. The steel plate. The Immor tal Crown, also epressly engraved for this maga sine, will touch a solemn but joyful chord in every heart. Both of these steel engravings are of the very first auality in every respect. Then we have a bandsoniely colored engraving of a Jewel-Case and Pin-Cushion, and after this the usual refined ,r,d elegant double-page fashion plaU-finely en graved on aleol. Then f"l' number f wood ingravings, with the usual piece of musio. The l.tJrary matter U as choice as usual. Ureal Induce ! ,k. nminiums. Ac , are promued to new subscribers, and our readers should wd lor a sample eepy, eontaining an u -barn pie copies will e sent f fifteen oents. A.. S2 5U a rear: four copies iwith oae engraving) W.OO. One eopy ef Lady 1 Friend and one of Saturday Evening Post (and one SU 00 Address. Deacon Peterson, iilll Walnut Street, Philadelphia. BlAcslwoon'Sj MjMiaune -Tho October number has been re-published by the Leonard Scott Publish ing Conipauy, l tg Fulton street, Now York. The contents are : Linda Tressel, parti J Inroads open English; At. the Alps again i Monetary Reform : A ChWef the Plagae; Drownfows Part X. ; Works and Mnrder ; Postscript ; The American Debt, nnd the Financial Prospcots of the Union. This is a re markably fine number of Blackwood. ., ItARrttn' Maoaiikb. -We are In receipt of tho December number of this ever-welcome monthly. With this number commences the thirty-sixth semi annual volume. The contents are as follows: A Pilgrimage in Sunny Lauds, (illustrated ;) Tho Nur series on Randall's Island, (illustrated ;) Troiivilio: A New French Paradise, (illustrated); A Day's FichtlniT In Oucrotaro. (illustrated:. Mm. Sinn. hope's Lnst Lodger ; Fish-Farming in Western New York My urotiier-.n-i.aw ; . . . Darwin and Domesti- cation ; l esterdny, pocm; Unexpected Blows; ine rog-ueu, a poem , ransian Sketches : Light and Phadow ; Tho Love Romance of Bonj. West; Tho Improsarlo ; A Bowl of Broth ; Sorrow ; Home Ihe rog-llell, a poem farisian Sketches ; Light .couisn morioa ; luocquaru ; Home; Jvilitor'a Easy Chair ; Literary Notices ; Monthly Record of Cur ront Events; Editor's Drawer. Published by liar por A Brothers, Franklin Square, Now York. BUSINESS NOTICES. ' LS.Iols I'rinfing'. Having recoived a large supply of NEW JOB TY'PE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can bo printed in the latest nnd best styles, nnd on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. "0ec pon Am." Now is the time to soouro Winter Clothing, of Iho best quality, at reduced pricos. At tho Continental Clothing Bar.aar, on Market Square, they ere now selling Clothing at prices that w ill astound persons who bought In the early part of the fall. It costs nothing to look at tho goods and pricos at tin Continental. It is a groat pleasure, when buying goods, to bavo a Duo assortment to select from. Thachcr's First National Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, In Pleasants' building, Markot Square, presents this advantage, and, combined with reasonable pricos, makes an in ducement to purchasers unequalled hero or else where. Tho publie aro cordially invited to call and see the large stock received at his establishment, this week. Hurry is a reliable and obliging person tu deal with. I I WiNTnv. The weather has changed with a veil- j goance, during the past ween. 1 no nights aro ex- , cecdingly chilly. We notice that a great many overcoats have been brought into requisition sineo i the advent of tho "cold snip." Wo would recom mend every ouo tu go to J. F. Shaeflcr's Tailoring Establishment, on Market Squnre, and proeuro an ! outfit for the cold season. He has clothing suitable i for Winlor wear of all kinds, j Mili.kh N Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in the old Dcwurt building, Market Square, is tho people's most popular '"shoeing" house in Sunbury, lor purchasing goods cheap. His stock comprises ono of tho largest and best assortments ever brought to this market, (iivo him a call and you will bo sure to save money. A Remf.iiv Against Fits. Some people never get fits, nor can they give it to others judging from the appearance of those upon whom thrtr remedy has been tried. But upon the other hand tho pa trons of Jacob O. Beck's Merchant Tailoring estab lishment, on Fourth street, can have their choice out of a beautiful lot of Cloths nnd Cassimcres, nt reduced prices, nnd hnvc them uiudo up to order at short notice, in the best style, und arc certain to get a good fit. PnoTooiiAHiv. We would call tho attention of our citizens to the beautiful pictures taken by Mr. S. Uycrly, in Simpson's building, Market street. Mr. B. is prepared to furnish Photographs, Ambro- types, Ac, in all styles and sizes. Wc advise all who desiro to have a good picture to pay Mr. Byerly j a visit. If there bo a circumstance iu social life calcula ted tu muko a man ' hido his diminished head," it is the discovery that somo ono has walked off w ith bis hat, and left one several sizes too largo Theio is no need, in Sunbury, of having a lint or Cnp too large or ti small, for Faust, at his fashionable es tablishment, has all sorts and sizes, suitable for every ono, and the apropos kind to hido tho defects of any head. He is also supplied with supeiior Umbrellas. K I "A II I V M IS la tl't'S. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, cxtrn family, per barrel, JI2 00 do do da do " perewt. ti oil ltyo Flour. per bbl. 10 00 do per cwt. d 00 Wheat, prime rod, now. pur bushel, 2 2 Rye, do 1 "0 Corn, new, do 1 on (bits, do 1.0 Potatoes. do 1 2.) Dried Peaches, pared per I ound 10 do do unpared dn 2j Dried Apples, do 1j Dried Cherries, (unstoucd.) per bu. ;i 00 Butter, per pound. 40 Eggs, per dozen, oil Chccso. per pound, 25 Lard, do 20 Itaius, do 2H Shoulders. do 20 Beef, hind quarter. do 14 front do Kl Mutton. do is Cbickcus, per pair i'0 Kliamol.iii Colli '1'riMlr. Su.lxoKi.v, Nov. 13, 1Si'i7. 7 on. Ctrl. Sent for week ending Nov. Ifi. 12.110 OH Per liutrcport, 417.141 12 42..ibd 01 iUJ.ilW 0i To sumo time lost year, Decrease. T.1.H77 fli Special Notices. Like Mack: the certainty and quickness with which Coo's Cough llulsain cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, and lung difficulties tlive it to the children when attacked with Coughs and Colds, and rest as sured you will find relief at once. Physicians say it is the best cough medicine iu tho world. WISTAH'3 BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY, For tho euro of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influcnia. Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Predisposition to Consumption, Ao., Ae. This great remedy is too well known and is per forming too much good to niako it necessary to go into an eluboratc discussion of its merits. Suffice to say that it still maintuius its supremacy in curing diseases of the most obstinate character, and that all who suffer fioui the above complaints, after having tested this remody, seldom huve occasion to resort to other appliances to iusurw a perfect restoration to health. TESTIMONY OF MR. PETER SUAW. Wkst Winfif.lp, N. Y'., Dec. 10, lbGO. Messrs. S. W. Fowlb & Son, BocUm, liiMilemeu : Duriug the wiuter of 1S5S I was very much out of health, aflliclcd with a severe Couch, l'uiu in the tilde anil Liiiis; aud a gene ral depression of health to such an extent as greatly to alarm nivsclf aud friend as to the result. Du ring this time I tried several highly recommended remedius. with Utile or no good result, aud bad con cluded to try the etfeot of a Southern climate uKin uivbemin: uui. oeiore curryiuic iuisrvB.ouiiuu.uuu efioot, I was induced by the urgent solicitation of your agent. Mr. Huntley, to give ir. n isiar s iai sam of Wild Cherry a trial. I did so, and to my great joy found immediate ana permanent reuei oy ha. una of only one bottle, aud I son now Iu as sood health as ever. I believe your BuUam one of the i.t riunulioi. fur Couehs. Colds, and all Lunar dis eases, now in use, and conscientiously recommend it M Yours. truW. PETER SHAW Prepared by 6ET1I W. FOWLK A SON, 18 Tre. inont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists gene rally. Nov. ltf-tt Irrorst Voulb. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effect oi youthful indiscretion, will, for the take of suffering humanity, tend free to all who need it, Ihe recie and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Suflerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect eonnuenee, my 1b'-67 ly JOHN B. OUDLN. 4! Cedar Mr set. M. Y. r Pills. A KB yon sick, feeble 2V and complaining ? Aro you ont of order j our system deranged and your feelings nnoomfnr. table? These symptoms .' ore often the precursors of serious Illness. Home Btof sickness Is creeping upon you, and should bo averted by a timely use lof tho riirht remedy. Tako Aycr's Pills, and drive out tho humors purify the blond, nnd let tho fluids laotoon anobstructcdly, in health. They stimulate the organs of tho bony into vigorous activity, purify tho system from tho obstructions which liuiko disenso. A cold settles somewhere In tho body, nnd dorangos tho natural operations of that part. This, If not relieved, will ui"'" "'" 11,0 ' "ucing general aggravation lnc.n'' .wh,ln 1,1 c"niIil ruaet upon lisoil ana tlio surrounding organs, pro- suftenng and dcrangc- s condition, tako Aver s Pills. nnd soo how directly they restore the natural aollon of the syslem, and Willi it tho buoyant feeling of health. What Is I rue and so apparent in this tri ial and common complaint is also truo in many of the deep seated and dangerous diseases. The samcpur gativo expels them. Caused by similar obstructions nod derangements, lliey aro surely, and many of them rapidly, cured by Ihe same moans. None who I know tho virtue of these Pills will nogloet to em- ploy them when suffering from tho disorders they j euro, such as Headache. Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Bilious Couipluints, Indigestion, Dcrangemeiitof Iho j Liver, Costivcness. Constipntion, Heartburn, Rhcii- matism, Dropsy, Worms, nnd Suppression, when ta i ken in large doses. They nre sugar coated, so thnt tho most sensitive enn take them easily, and they aro surely the bejt purgulivu medicine yet discovered, j -t ycr'N Curo, 'or lir sjtrnhi mi rcrtrrtu Vttre Intermittent Frrer, ur l iil.n nmt I'rrrr, lirwitlent I'rvrr, Chttt Ft'vt r. J) unit, Agile, Veriudtctt lleulnrlie nr Jtttrn Uf fttiiirl,r, tiint Hilton l'rvi rs ; at I tlectt, fur the vuilc riv.t nf rfisi ipa originating I n Iniittrit rtrraii'r ment , runnel hy thn tnaariu 1 of mitixnmtie runiitrn jt. I This remedy has rarely failed b cure the severest casus of Chills and l ever, nnd it has this great ed j vantage over other Aguo medicines, that it subdues tho complaint without injury to tlio patient. It ; contains uo quinine or other deleterious substanco. ' nor does it produce quinism or any injurious effect I whatever. S),,,;,, brothers of tho nrmy and tho : west, try it und von will endorse these assertions. Prepared by Kit. J. C. AVER ti CO.. Lowell, I Mass., nnd sold by all Druggists nnd dealers in med icine everywhere, i ict. an. -mi IIEUIUOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Is a certain cure foi ilnicases of the ni.Annr.it, kidneys, okavel, prtorsv, tut GANIC WEAKNESS. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, UENKRAL DEBILITY, and all diseases ot' the URINARY ORGAN!, wliethci existing in M tl.i: tilt FEMALE, from wliatevei cause oiicinntiai; and an mutter of HOW LONG STANDl.Vi. Dise-ises of llo-se ommis rciinirfl the use of a diuretic. If in IrcuhiK-Hl is sul.imtt U lo. t'oiisiinijition or Insan ity may ensue. Our Flesh und lllooil are biippoiteil from these sources, iin.l tiie IIKAI. I ll AND HAPPINESS, and (lint M Posterity, depends ujm prompt use of a rcliahle remedy. ilCI.MHilCns EXTRACT J'.CCIII', Established upwiiiils of IS yens, pnqwtred by tt. t. iii:!.i!i!tj.;, t DHL GUIS T, ! .1ti ltrondwny. New York, and I let South lutii Mncl, I'lnlaui'lplii.i, Tu. I Mar. li 2, Is6;. ly 1 A I'ositivo Cure for Scrofula, ! IX Al l. ItS J1AXI10M1 I'OltMS. j J. W. lloinor, Esq., of Parkersburg. West Vs., writes to Dr. Anders. July H, ISfiil, as follows : "I had a? U i' i in ti l' I leers when I commenced ! taking your lodino Water, and am now culircly cured of Scrofula.' DK. ADDERS' IODINE WATER is a pure solution of Iodino. without a solvent, the most pon oi fill Vitalizing Agent mid Restorative known, t ireulars tree. J. P. MNS.MOHE, Proprietor, 30 Dcv St.. X. Y. Sold by all Druggisis. JSoy. l-4t TUB IIEALIU (1 POOIi, And IIoiiso of Mercy-. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men. on tho crime of Solitude, und tho Errors, Abu ses and Diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to Marriagu, with sure means of relief. Scut in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DK. J. SIvILLIN llOL'UUTON, Howard Association. Philadelphia, Pa. June S, 1-107. ly licH'oriitutioii. Information, guaranteed lo produce a luxuriant growth ot huir upon tt bald bend or beardless lace, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples. Blotches, Eruptions, etc.. ou the skin. lea ing the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can bo obtained without charge by nddres.-ing T1IO.S. '. CHAPMAN", Chemist, may 1, '157. 2-l Broadway, New York. iif.h.Miioi.U's com;i:.tkat!D extract m i ni ls the Grcit Diuretic. (fiiiM'i CmirriitritU'l Ivrlrurt tvinuijHtfiltU Is the Great ltlo.nl Purifier. R th nre piepur-.! lu-i olihii1! to rid'-s of P!i llinvy and Chemistry, and ate the inoatnclivc tint can he made. March 4, 1-07.- ly (i.(;ni: v :o.'s ftF.UMAN ERASIVE SOAP Is manufactured from PI HE MATERIALS, aid may be Ihn. STANDARD OF yiBggy KXCELLKNCE. For sale by Illl XJiOCCI -. May 1H. mj.iy. 0 NE PRICE CI.OTHINO. JONES' old established 01: puk e CLOTHING HOUSE, 1 M u i hi l l v -1 . Ono duur above Sixth, Philadelphia F..r mnnv vears tills Establishment has done Lusi- ! lies, on Ihe Ono Prico Svs;em. nnd we believe we j ure the onlv Clothing Ilou.-c in the city that strictly , adheres tolhis principle. Wo bavo enmed a repu- tut which 1VH nro r.rt.uil or. I.ir irona lasio 111 rciti- cood stvles and substantial materials, and not less I important. lor navtng nn our kouui. j:vii Hi:i.iiMAio We emi.loy the best talent, for Cutters, and our loods aro of both kinds Fiuhioimblo nud plain so that nil tastes can be suited. The prices uro the verv lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must sco, or otherwise wo could not meet the competition of our neighbor, fur as nu deductions uro ever made, we must put our prices Uown lu tuu ua amazes wu promise. Ihe people may ueponn, ii.is is tue irue piuu ujiuu which tu do busihe.-s. and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTIIIXO HOl'SE. 604 Market JSirrcct, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ouo door above Sixth March l, 1SH7. ly . un. Mlt.lt. ll'S I'.XTUACT Ul l'Ill' ami liniiroved Rose Wash cues secrel and deheute dua.rdcrs iu ull llieir staees.Bt little .uneuse, little 01 no chniise ill ilii t, ro in convenience and 110 enpoMire. II is pleuaini ill oi'ie unu odor, iuinieilmle in its avium, mat Ilea irom 1111 inju- tious propernrs. . . - - 'I'O ,OH(MHMliT'J. tl r ... n.wATtn A WILSON will tend (free of charue) to all who desire it, tbo prescription with the directions for making und using the simple reme dy by which he was cured of a lung allection and . .', j: enn,n.nli.n His nnlv nhloct IS mat ureaa uk"1" ..... rf tobcueUt the aflliclcd, and he hopes every sutterer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, 1.1. ...mi. Please address uu, u.., r''"Bv;-Kr,WARD A. WJLSON. my lR-'71y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sV'AMII-V KEHnU SlAOIlSliS Mrs. BABAH BIMPBON, Walnut Street, SVNBt'RY, PA. Having been appointed Agent by the .Singer Manu facturing Company, for tho sale uf Singor New Family bowing dlaoninos, luioruis uie uuu.tu u they can be bad at her residence. These Machines are simple, compact, durable and beautiful. Capable of perfoiuiiug a range and a variety of work never before attempted upon a sin gle Machine using cither silk, twist, linen or cot ton Thread, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything belweon the two extremes in the most beautiful and substan tial manner. , , . These Machines will bo fold at reasonable rates. Call aud examine for ynirsclves Mrs. hARAU bIMPSON, Agent OoieUr , ipct. ( i .- , i AytJr's FAUJIERS & BUILDERSl LIMB AND . LIMESTONE. nillK siiljsoribers respectfully inform tho oitirons A. of Northumberland count v. that they are now prepared to furnish l.IMK of a superior nnnlity to farmers pnd Builders. Also, LIME-STONri from in coieerarea iiimu-atonc vuarries oi ijowor mono liov town-hip. at short notice and at reasonable rates. The above will bo delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the line of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at the Shauiokin Valley Railroad, noar Sunbury, whara orders will bo proimitly tilled. Orders are respootfully solicited. Addross, J. B. LliNKEll A I1H0., Augusta, IHOT SuuburyJjPa. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. .. . ai;.iV .V '., Ill Weimer's Building, Water Street, noar Kiug tt., NORTIIUMRERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends nnd tlio public generally that they buvo a argu ns:-orliueiit of Groceries 1 revisions Ac., nil fresh and of the best riunlily, con sisting of Teas, Cotlees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and trackers, and in fact evrrythin-s usually kept in the Grocery line. They would also call attention to their largo nnd cheap lot of Good FAMILY FLOl'R, G reun Tea Hams, Shoulders. Ac., which are constantly kept on hand. Also, all kinds of cgelnbles, Ac., Ac. Givo I hem a call and seo for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 2S, Jsi'tiJ. AKCII STIIKET FOUNDHV ! .B. YOI IN op, I lor. .im-1i Kt.,1-tn-'ii :l mid ifh, o lo Iho lu!li- Sihool lionvo, SUNBURN PBNN'A. 'HIE proprietor i t this establishment respectfully informs tho puhlic that he has commenced the man ufacture of Cooking and Denting ST07ES! which ho will sell at lower prices then they can be obtained elsewhere. MILL Gearing. Pi oven, nnd tho largest class of Castings made promptly to order. Also. Window Weights, Frames and Orates for Cel lar Windows, Ac 4'iiKt Iron (' hi unary '1'opN, WATER TROFGHS .1 DOUR STEPS. A liberal price pnid for old castings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im proved, is manufactured nl this cstabli.-hniont. Also, Stove (irate of all kinds, Kettles, and every vuricty ofsmull castings. Sunbury, Oct. J, lstf,;. KEEP WEIJH)RESSEI). Call nnd sec the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OYERCOATINOS, YESTINOS, lust received at Ac. ''-7 'V ..,?''r.-,'r. MLUCIIANF TAILORING K.STAULISil WliNT, Fourth Street, below Eystci's Store. SEXUVUY. WINTER CLOTHING of tliu most approved styles is mnde up to order n reasotiablu rates. lie has also a tine assortment of Cn-sinirrc Shirts, Drawers, I ndersliirts. Overhauls, Blouses. Neck ties. Cotton nnd U oolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, t.lovcs. and a general variety of (lENTLE.MEN S Fl'RNlSUlNii tioODS. Hive him a call, which you will find to Le to your advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1,-07. :t;il- oi' .llirlisirl fl.rnl.rr, "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of nduiinis X trntion buving been granted to the undersigned 011 tho estate of Michael Leuker. lute of Lower Mah ouoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., de censed. All persons indebted to said estate nre re quested to liuiko immediate payment, atid thoc ln:viii claiius to present them duly uulhetitated for settlement. ANDREW DITTY. ARlt All AM LENKEH. Lower Mtihcr.oy. 'tet. o, Im'h 1.. Adu. rs. v ti.i aice.i: I ITvOPERTV FOR SALE. TPIIE subscriber offers for sale tho valuable propcr J. ty now oeeu(iied by bimself. on thu corntr of Second and Walnut street. Sunbury. The lot is on bih ground and has u front of till feet on Walnut, aiid 2.'lu feet on Second street. Tho improvements are tt new nnd well-constructed TWO-STORY BRICK HOIVE, 12 feet on Walnut and ol on Second streets, with a Iniioc Kitchen lti by 22. with 1111 excellent Cistern in the Kitchen, nnd all the other nfe-.-aiy and usual Outbuildings, including' good Stabling. The premi ses aro handsomely loealed with a good Garden ni.d excellent fruit. Possession to bo given on tho lir.-t of April next. For terms apply lo Win. M. Rockefeller .t L. T. Rohrhack, Esqrs., or the subscriber. 1 . ) . 1 a It . L . I Sunbury, iSept. 21. Isi!7 ;im PURE LACER BEER! I POKIEIE AAt ALE, From the Cold Spring Brewery, j i S I' N T, V R Y , P A. i JOSEPH Ei.3EE?i. I ESPECTFl'LLY inl'orms the public generally. J.V 'bat he is prepared to turni.-h LAGER IVEKR, II largo or small quantities. His futilities for mr.k i.g Beer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also beeu recommended by physicians as a healthy drink lor invalids. ft itels. Restaurant and private families su plied at short notice. Sunbury. Sept 21, Ht;7. its All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Slates, Peus, Ink. Paper, Ae. ; Miscellaneous Books, ti good assort-1 ment. All the new books received as soon it published, and for sale ut Publishers prices. j BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn Books, in every rtylo of bindiug. Catholic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES iu vurious.tylcs j DICTlONARIESuf all sirw. Juveniles and Toy Books, u large ussurtmeiit. ItUtiik liooltN d Blank Forms of ull kinds. Foolscup, Lcgid Cap, Letter and Nolo Papers. '. COPYINfi BOOKS, Inkstands ; Pen Racks. Files, Paper, Cutters und Counting House Stationery generally . . s H f o w 9 a w ti a o c w 01 H O w w re a w M OB ID C w M v. G ta td rj to rilOTOORAPH A LEI MS and dear. cheap tlold Pen? and Holders. Pocket Books and Bdl Wallets. ' Picturo Frames. Sterooscopc and Views, American,; French, Ac. Drawing Paper, all sites, Bristol Board, Ao. I Diarios, Memorandum Books. Ac. I Buekgammon Boards, U aiucs, Chess men, Ae. ' q oy. large and complete assortment Base-Balls and Bulb. Fishing Rods end Tackle. Perfumes, Brobemian and Purisiun Marbles, Ac. (sold Pens re-poiuted. 1 Lamps, Shtdos, O lobes, Chimneys, Ao. I Wall Paper and Bordor, all kinds Wiudow Curtains, Paner liilt and Oiled. Music and Musical In trumcnU. 1 J"y All kind" of Books and Stationery ln.t on Land r iomptly ordered1. All the Daily and Weekly Tapers and MajiRiines. Agent for tho 'Amorieau Drgan." Also lor - La l'.nte s llsir Restorative," Enmuel of America, and 'N'a'inral Steewi Kindiratlon Cmapanv. ' Sunbury. May H. 1W Io iiotltoatl lliin Column or yoti Mill ccrlnlnly Hind ont Mliorc you Buy the HOST GC0DS of tlio BEST GiTX-AJLITY. For tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL IMiOFITSj AM) .SALES! tJL'lCK CASH ut tl., MAMMOTH STORE, MARKET .VQl ARE, Has ju.d received and openod the c-:.s'r wa:i.i:'Ti:s ami FINEST ASSORTM EN T. DliV GOODS IN TOWN. French Merin Prints, Mudins, 'inghams, Cassimeie... Ac. NoTIiiNa of all kind.. l-siery Olov.s. .Men'..;!,..! I.adit, l udeij WHITr, GOODS. A full assortment of TKI.MMlNi.ii Builders will iin.l my Stock of llartl art-, l'uilttsi, Oils, 4Kiss, ( uiiipU'le. D.ugs and Medicines Willow and ivini tjuecn ivarc, 1.I.1 l.'loKel . ."-ail BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS ANU l.Al'S. and iu tact everything usually kept iu a laro Stoic ' Call and be convinced that thu ClIEAPEoT PLACE TO Iil V ALL VOI R tiOODS i-at Tlio Muinmotli Slur c. H.Y. FBILINQ, I ! 'I'STMi Cjllstl -aOslai , I ! 1 i . I as uiy (iowls are lught for Cash aud Sold i lie.ij or ,t,c READY MONEY h v rr.iLiM.. 5 unburv. Ct. 1. IWT TIIE Washington Library Co. PHILADELPHIA. Is Chartered by thp State of Pennsylvaui.i, and Or i;anigvd in aid of (ho RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE For Eduouting Gratuitously Soldiors' nnd Builorn Orphnnsi. Incorporated by llio Hlntt- of N. J. APRIL 8, ISflT SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. The Washington Library Company By virtue of their Charter, nnd in accordance with iis l'roisions, will distribute THREE III NDREI) TIIOI'SANI) DOLLARS IN PRESENTS TO TIll'.SIIAIIEHnLDEltS, On Yudiifniliij, JmnKiry ti'ti, 18GS, At l'IIILADi:LI'lllA, PA., Oi at the Institute, RIVER SIDE, N. J. Due I'ltstnt worth 40,000 One I'restiit worth i!0,0!)0 due l'lescnt woith 10,000 One 'resent woith 5.000 Two Present worth 2,600 each 5,000 One Present valued nt 18,000 Two 1'rcsenls, valued ut $13,000 each ;JO,000 Ono Present, valued fit 10,000 Pour Presents, vftlued ut 5,000 each, 20,000 Two Present, vulued nt ,000 cncli, 0,000 Three Present?, valued nt 1,000 each, y,000 Twenty Presents; valued nt 000 each, 10.000 Ten Presents, valued ot 300 each, 0,000 Three Presents, valued at 330 each, 750 Twenty Presents, valued at 223 each, 4,500 Fil'tv-l'ive Presents, valued lit $200 each, 11.000 Fifty Presents, valued at sf5 each. 8,700 One Hundred and Ten Presents, vulu ed ut i100 each. 11,000 Twenty Presents, valued at $75 each, 1,500 Ten Presents, valued at $50 each, 500 The rcniaininr Presents consists of articles of use and value, apper taining lo the diffusion of Lite rature aud the line arts, $32,000 $:!0-O,0tt0 aecotnt-anted with a Eu..li Certificate of Stock ii Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving UOliTU MOI:E AT HKTAIl. TU A N HIK COST OI i:nru-KATK, Aud also insure to the boldor a PRESENT IN THE (iRE T DISTR I ii VI 1' SVBSCiUPTlnX OXK I)t 'LI.A1!. Any iier.-on sending us 11:10 Dollar, or .aviug the same lo our local Agents will receive iinuicdiatelv a tine Steel Plate Engraving, nt clioieo from tho bd lowiug list, an 1 1 ine Certitieate of Stock, insuring Ine Present in the lireat Distribution. ONE DOLLAR E.NURAVINUS. No. 1 My Child ' 31 v Child !"' No. 2 -'-They re Saved ' They ro Saved !" No. 3 ''illd Scventy-si. or. the Early Days of Iho Revolution ' Any person paying Two Dollars will receive tilhi r of tho following fine Steel Plates, at choice, and Two Certitieates oi'Stoek. thus becoming entitled to Two Presents. To HOLLAR KSGBAVINfiS. No. 1 'Wa-binrton'sCourtship." No. 2 Wa.-l illt Laa luteriien with his Mother. ' tmi:i:r hollaii eniiIiavin'ils. Any person 1'nying three dollars will receive the beuutitul Steel 1'iutu (if ii'jmb rnoM Tim m ail ' and Ihree Certificates of .Stock, becoming ciui'.lc l lo three Presents. roiH dollar Evr.r.Avixos. Any person paying Pour Dollars shall receive ti.e largo and beautiful Steel Plate of thk 1 kiiii.s cf ot n FolttiATnKns." and Four Ceru'ucates of Slock, entitling Iheui to l'our Presents. I IVK HOLLAR ESCKAVINGS. Any person who )ays Eivo Dollars sbuli receive the lari;o and splendid Steel Plate of ' liiE MA 111! I A1 E OF POCA1IONTA.V " And Eivo Certificates of Stock, entitling Ihcia tol'ive l'rnsnnts. The cngruviiigs and CertilieateS will bo delivered to each subseribir at our Local Agencies, or eel. t by mail, pot paid, or express, as may be ordered. HOW TO ODT.MN SHAI5E3 AND ENURAV1I 0 S.-iiil or.l-'rs t-i us hy mail, eiieiisiiij; 1'iom 1 to P.Y, r-il tier l.y P"l I'lli'-e orileis or in u 11 Ko.ttrc.1 Irlh-r. i.t oat t.bk. Io;ver sufiuils sh.'iitil tie eiit hy ilrul'i cr tx- iu 3!iute u-ilii Kiiuiavioc .'."1 slr..i.- v'ilh l'.ot:ia oic ,0 slnre Willi Eiiirraviiijis 7,r. fi.iois wild Eueiuviue iiiuK'S Willi t'.ey;n 11- f-f'.'.o .'I t'i,n J, , AljE.N l WANTED liiiouplioul ll.e lall-il s TUE ItlVKKBlDli INSTITUTE. Situate at Riverside, Uurlinglou Couuty, New Jer sey. i founded for tho purposo of irrutuitou.-ly edu eatins iho sons of deceased Soldiers and Scuuieu i t tho I uited Stales. ..., Tho DoSid of Trustees conn.-Ls ol the f..llowii. well-kuon neititciisot ' Pennsylvania aud New Jersey llnN. WILLIAM ii. MANN, District Attorney, Philaslclphia, V HON. LEWIS It. RROOMAI.L, Ex-Cbt-'f Coiner I . S. Mint, and llec.tr Jer el lieeds, i'l.i'.ad 1.., Pennsylvania. HON. JAMES M SI'ijV EL. New Jersey lluN. W. W. WARE. New Jersey. i 11KNR t'.ORMAN. Li., I AL'eut Adams Express, Pbiludelplua, Ps j J . E CUE, Es.j , ot Jov.Coci Co., Pbiladeipbi i Tr.L.i-i nv Dei akimknt, Wakhincton, D. C . April IS. mu7. office of Internal Revenue Ilav inu' received satisfactory evidence thai Iho proeecls of the enterprise conducted by tte Wasliinitiou Library Company'' will bo devuted to charitable, u-e, peruiitcioii is horeby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from all lhai j!". whether fiom special lux or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS. Cuuimisioi.er T ... . I.nve apn-tiulr.1 Receivers. M.-ssi l.l.llltl.i: A. I'tnikK A I'll, wU'e well known tillr filly li.J lMu.luiiieriiltec will Ik; a iiilirirul liiiarai. lee Uial the luouey liiliatuO to litem will I pioilip'.h ap plietl u U.e puipie suted. PlllLAUtLrillA, Pa., MuySfl, l'-fe To lie Oi'.n rii .lu l Meuilieisoi llic WashiiieliNi Libia r Co , N. S. READ.Saietary. Gitileiiieu .Ou reeeiptoi yotit fjeor of the 1. "ilk msi ii-iliiyiiit os 01 oat aiiiioii.tUK-iil ss lti eeivets lor yo"t . 'iaiisiny, we l"xk lliv hlterty l.twil iitil a .-. ) f ' 1 I'llHiler," W illi a plttii oi your ciiter.iuie, I.t ll.e loclieM I Iccalaullioiit) l lite S;le.aiiJ luivitu leeeivnl his litvor al.ie opinion 111 lenar.l 10 il h-kmIM)', "1 yiiip'.lniiiij 1 wilhllielitii.'VoU ul ot.jeel of youi Asttoriiilloit, vljt ll.. J i-.luculs.il Slid lUHitileititiicc ..I lite, mphail rltiLlieii l 010 sol.tiers au.t suiUtrs at lite Riverside liuttlule. Itavr ,rlu'tnt 10 a. re,t tiie trust, au.t to uiw our lrsl illortk t, prmi'tle so worll.v an oloeet. ' RM.etfu'.ly, )ou(S. c . I Ol:o A tUOKE. . 10 I Ad.lress all letters atl.1 eiders .. I.KO A l'lUlKKt CO.. R.WKI.RS. I :tif .mil l ami Siteet. P'liliolcii'ltia I'.t t Kcceietas fitl llie W'us'lioictoii l.ll'iitry Cu (f X.T lJiinTNEl'.. Rimkstller KtatHT.ir. Suubury, Ta . is the authmirrd Ajjent of tbe Com puny f.i'r this plneo and vi.'ini'y ti.". der IV. l-o-T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers