TTt-A."pw iv..jr .uw y .-tti-y-. ir zr"ri.y wsjt H. M. MASSBiit, iiditor rroprleloir. """sATUniTw, NOVEMUKR 0, IG07. TIIE-OASBTTE" KT) OUBSELVEb. f tlio editor of the Onntte feels uncom fortahlc under the charge of having voted against Mr, Bisel, be hus no one to blnmc I'tit himself, iiol we tan assure him, from in dubitable tefc'.imony, the lcs lio says on the subject, tl.e butter. An tmphatic denial, In. large cnpitul.-, tuny lock formidable in priut, but will lift pass for evidence, in mi j intelligent eoiunriunii.y, unless supporttd by J fad. H'it t!io l'cii. uniWtmiately, arc ; apiiiat l.iw. If he did not vote fcr.Tr. j I.cltctuiiig, and ih". r intended to do s:i. l.c: Ins been most unfurtuunt..' in t'.;u i:sc if his language, and in tKatiug a'l i -up: ssUi. directly the reverse of what tic intituled. We never indulgn in pi'i'-ona'ititS unless pof.V.ivl tn tin in n ply to personal at t'lths. We were in possession of what wc deemed eonoiusivt testimony i.i regard to ''that report,'' throe, weeks before the elec tion, without making the iigutc-..t refer ence, to the same in oar columns1, until ihe unjustifiable, nt tuck on ourselves brought it out. His statement, to the effect that lie had been anxious, if not itching, for some years p.vst, for un oppottanity to pitch into Mr. Leiitcnriiv; for his persecutions of the OS'ltCy dctsnot tally with his nets, and loses a'.t its force w-hi-u contrasted with the f.ict that wheu puch mi opportunity did occur, he was entirely oblivions of any such anxiety or itching propensity mid thet in his last Uuue, prcccdi'ig tin; v ! -c t i i ; i , while pitching iiilo the uppunenti of Mtt!r:i Bright uiid Fi.-Uc, great vigor, und when Mf. Leifenthi 4 '.v.;:t.; to 1-ivc expect , 'I, , , 1 Cd utter annihilation, he was . .crtmUcd to 1 rcimo nithout a hir i.n hi. hi-ad ln-ir. r i n hi head being hurt, or even his equanimity of temper be- in' rnfTli'rl h" thp iii. -.hi-i cl' Mr ti.- ,'?,, " Baine. I Cut our neighbor, in Lis r.axiety to screen j bimself. outlit not to I e unjust to M Lfi- senring. who we know to our coat, has Veen ! , ., . ., , , . ,. . n n .,1 in iiicuvi ii kiiu u.ui HC-, nut, i in invi not even support tho lUmwut whed first ! established. Admitting that our neighbor had voted for Mr. I.eisrnr'ui'.?. under such circumstance;, we would not h ivy deemed it the most heinous offence of hts life, unless h'.i subsequent denial made it m. Our neighbor is miat'iketi in supposing that we claim any snpei iority. Our modes ty is only equalled by his own. Nothing would induce us even to intimate that the ! Democratic majority in this county was re- ! duced from 1.000 to 4'JO. on our leaving tho j parly, even if we were vain enough to think j bo. We desire no controversy with any of j our cotcmporaries, und trurt our neighbor's in lure, will not provoke tuiv t.n eur part. I JTrdix. The &.;tinl or.ica aa arricio abui'.l Geu. I.i gau aud his sister, p vi ho, it is asserted, called him a liar at a pub- I lie meeting, on denying that he offered mo- 1 ticy to Ler husband to join the rebels. Can. Logan is a of Illinois, nut Ohio, aud at the breaking out of the war represented liii Statu in Congress. He was a Democrat, able and eloquent. I!e resigned his seat iii Congress, joined the LTdon army, and by tils eloquence helped to raise regiment af ttr rtiuieut in his .State, one of which was com mantled by his friend. -'Jcii. (..rant, under whom he ul'terwar'f.i seivd tiths'.ich gnat distinction that no one dared to question his tu'tuts or his bravery. Yet such is the ' malignity and stupidity of C'oppcriieud ! iournalisin that one of the brtvest aud ! i most p.i'.ri tie "leneruls of the army is thus (dandered, because he left his paity to tight the rebels and their sympathisers, while such men as Vaihindigham and Fernando Wom rclf convicted traitor?, are held up as modtl Democrats. Is it surpiising that the masses of toe I it; party are chatted with I ignorance, when such stolid and villainous j trash U daily iuqio-ed upon them hs truths, ' by Inn lower order of their journals, which j 'JiifortiHirtUly, rue LP. o inofl tinmcroua chics ? j I'Jv'Tiie eicciiotis on Tuesday last havcj rtsttlted, as us expected, in favor of tin:! Democrats. Like the flections in Puim-vl- j var.ia. the I ns is not so much thj rc:u'.t of i ,,:'' ,,, ,' ,- ,, n " , , i alt increase on tue vote ot toe DeiivicrMs us : ,. , apaihy on tu part cf tuu Kepuoucans. In ; New York the Democratic majority is about ! to,'.'1!!), or Bometing less than the number of ; v tites polled ui the tity !!..d in .!.. ,iic ,,rN..,c Y.,,1. for the rieii,,- crais, l acrati, wJii.-'.i gives ."it) 000 ma- I jcrity. ,57'i-M.AliuCl.'.-- "iVe l eg. i i led to iiotitc, ! list week, the eidar-eiuci.t if the. V;iV,i;.ie.i , . ... ... ... ., ,,. i Hilda',., ot the Lcivistv;,.: r,nuh. e ; irilkv niir'miiihV.I .I', i-. iil.Mlrritt.r t 1. j-I ' , " ' , TViir'T . . I'" "'Hl.K:',, asemi-onieiMlionruid of this citv, an- itional I'-t-nsea wnl i.ot be disappoint- , oor. and two candidates lor Justices ol ; -J ,;t J:iro Von ,,,,,, , a n,t. taJ, e.S in ti.tirtxptctati.ins cf uitimaie i rofit. : 1 e Ii"oaoly t-.ffte.l. ! that the policy of tl.e llmpuor .Yapohon " V"".'--. ., .''. .. ! WisfoNMN. and that of F.nneis J...di nie the same, . .' 1'ii i'ii.iiiia Esr.ka d.clar.'i'i thur roiiii annual vlividciids 1 in Tueeday hot The banks, have been do- ing a thr.ung busUiess. ;is the dividends run up ft mo 5 to 13 per cent. I'he premium on ooiil ii (.a the do cline. On the l.h it oimted at KtCJ. .;.,T of tho IHiieial lH'i ,1 rn u ." Ilso oic C'.n- f 11 Ci in Sii;;-. In compli-ince i". ilh the law mi ti e r,ul ',eet, II. ui. Prank Jci-daii. rcr.-tii 1 of tnu (Vm' rr'.'ii'ii al'.'.i, ha t th" ict'ir i-i r.f the vote IV .1 n'jpmiin' .hi Ip d uf the tltct'i. ni held in x'-lii; - v ! vi:ii 1 i,r, th,. ,,f Octobpr r, -,.l in th" pre-ei-.t -! of tl;..' liov. re.or and the Jicoplc onl'ucsdav n....-nt,i'; l ist at 111 o'clock, m f fnnre of li'rprfsi'niatii c. It. wls shoe,n f.-oui the returns thus read tbtt George Rli.irsAi.od had 2U,?.'1 vctcs Her.ry W. Williams so.l.H.'l,w,.i)ti'i, nnjoii v, Ui7 Ou 1 111s iifinonrjceiiunf ..f tho tote, Gov ernor Gmiry read his proclamation declaring Oeorfu elecled u Jin!".: of the hupiHinn l.'outt t.f Peunsylvanin ' . i.ciuer ot not dii.I-e liHiswood's che-- T,'M r,xn contest. 1 is m Kul.i. ct fr ftur fonsi.ier;,tir,ii. CVrl-iin il is, l.nwever that P:s rluim to the hi-h ..(lice of a Jud-o of I'.t fupremc Court of tin-.ylvat.ia is baited on frauds comn.ltinl by his political sun ' ; Jf.i.-rlif.uri T-'lfjrs li ,., , lllUri' V.1 1:AS lnSlMlr.! P....1'.... T.- " , " "l "-i"'s, i ., '-rily, ..I the heirs t,. iho Ziaimernitl and "-e 7 Uo IT" i'l" l,,""aB,l- VU " MUU 6 i. si.-i to ne worth 15 001.0X1. b-n mucii w c.f,. Probb,T. fr,r th, American tira i T H V. ISIiEC'TIOrTB i,w Yomt, No. 6. Partial it turns from the Penntorial districts ahovr that Tweed, Morton, Creamer, Krndly and Ocnet, all Democrats, are dieted. Tho returns from the interior ludicato that tliebtute has probably gone Democratic bv n Inrge mujority. 'Nkw York', Nov. 511:43 r. m. The complete city vote gives 6!t,818 Prmnerntic majotity, iv Democratic gaiu of 12,000. The returns the interior, though meagre, show tlio Republican majorities will not be sMlicirut to overcome this tremendous n,i.'.uity in the city. The returns from Kings an a the river colonics show no exception to the general rule of heavy Democratic pains eviry where. The State has evidently gone IVmoitiUig by nt least 20,000 majority. Ii'kw Yoiik" Nov. li 'i a. m. The follow ing is the vote in thin citv : Mc.Kciin (Rep ), il.i.tllO ; :Cflsn (Dom.l, So.boO. Democratic majoriM, fij.1, (''.'. O'.Uvi liure maUe the :;::.joiily C1,U;D. 1 here is nothi:i to add to p.-.unn dis p:,ti iies. Tlio I.c,UUtiiru is probably Pern iHfit.e; td least in the Assembly. All the liopubii; a.i counties show a heavy fallinj oil", ru.I till '.h.i Dcmouuti.' counties ,'iiins. The entire Democratic: tieket iu this tity and Bi'i'u'rilyn is eiecicd. Nuw" Youk, Nov. C-- 3 a. m. from New Jetsi-v we have the sau.e story .is from New Yotic t'tato, that is Luxe L'ti.ioeratie eaius I everywhere. The Iegishtluiu will Le Demo- j iTutic in both branches. j Nf.w Yoiik, Nov. The Jkruhl claims tin; b'.ato by trom 10,000 to '.'0,000 majority. I Mkw Yoiik, Nov. 0.- The Demociatic ma jority in tbi j city is ul.fiUO . . n in Nov 5 Out cf about i ,.,ir...i' ,.,i....,..,.i iv..i,-. I K. I.v:;n worn h: n't v.f.i d lull iv r.,i..i v .c. ...4(' l...r (.. .I-.., i ....w, The necro sutlVa je oiono-ition received hi re '; only about ."even hiicdted votiF. .Mvs. Stan- t.ii, ,.,,1 1'. A -, I !,. v vlifi lint'., In'.M canvassing tue, I.,'...,,,, f f.,,l.. ! frnge, visited tl.e polls of i-acll Wurd and I addressed l,iu voters. This 11 probably too j I t, r-f ,-i r. . h., L , I 1 ,1 I liia i.i,,, ut fi- t III:'. HIUill'.IK. VI llll. HIIHI I'l un- miniu i, 1 mm,,,,. ,...r .,,.;,! .,. ii, tihipIiLmi, I f,,',,,,'', ..vli.i emu.' unn... ,!'' i'ait,a::ni t song - i, and were received ut everv ineeiuet nilh lunrli- ,.!.r f.-.r uiim,..!'. ti.Me anrl t'eniaie 8Ui;'rane. ., Tim ! ,.i,uiii.,, ... .n-lbi. ,v-,l i.,t!.. ! from the con itiUUiou wid prooablv receive , i lit'-fi i-ntn rlin sitinir nt I ltd ullu-r iiin. ' Pd iimendtm-tits. 'T. I-ctif, ov. o ! on returns trom i vanrias 91 a nicn're. out itiilicalti tlmt oot 1 iomle nnd iieg'io Htiffrage Rro clci'catul bv I 3,i.oo to iti.otiu niajoiuy. Leavenworth (.ives 1,300 t 3,000 nviprity against negro buli'rai;e. The entire iV'ino- '.ratio county ticket L elected, and four Democratic Rfpresetitntires to the I. p-ia!u- ture by a large majority. J.AWRKMT., Kiitisas, Nov. 5. The Reptdi- lican ticket is elected in this county by the usual majority. The. negro nnd i'tmaie suf- frago qveslion are defeated by email tunjori- ti es. Topeka city tiuel Shawnee county ;;ire tibmit 800 majoiity again-it negro f Uifiage. S.ilina gives a large majority against siitl'r lge. The returns from Riley county indicate a small lii'ijority in fuvor of negro lUil'ruge. Wyandotto county ul',"'N tl.e whole leir.o cratio ticket und defeats nvgro siuTrngc by I 500 r.vjoi:tv. White Chvdd negro Btiffrage. ives 3 1 innj lai'.lst N'lIW JMRSKY KLKCTION. l a, Nov. C.--The TieiHun , Uairttc iluis sums up the letult iu New j Jersey: The next House of Asetuibly is oierwlieliningly llemocratic. We cannot give the exact siate of the piuties. but there ls enough to. say that the Republicans will t)8 rtprestiueel ..y a very lean minority. Ms Senators were elected in Sussex, Passuie, ; Middlesex. Hunterdon, Uuriington and Cupe ! May counties. Of tht-je, Purlingtoti, Pas- i r,aic and Cape ?Iay were rcprescnled iu the hist Senate, by Pi publicans. Now Passaic ; elects Hopper, lieoi., and Turlington county , has ihcttd Job Gaskill, the Pemoc.a'.ic j candidate. ! -Vic- iiii-JtT ! Iltl.I.OtS'8 MA.IOitlTV ovi;it 20,000 Unstop, Mass., Nov. 0 P. M. Returns from 21'.) town give Iluilock, the Repupli cun candidate for Governor, 82,020, and John g. Adams, Democrat, t32.iiil'j- inxjuri ty 21,070. Of the ritatc Senators elected, as far as heard from, 2S aru men, and 0 for prohibition. Of 193 Repre.etitatives heard from li!5 are for John Ij. Adams, tlnmgli not elected Governor, is (dieted as a Rrprcientative. it.j.;.-w1.j. Chic '.no, Nov. !i - -The thction today passed off very quietly. Only about a two third vote waa poded. Genera! Osborne, he Republican candidate for County Trea surur, hu -lOOit majority in -the eitv.w ith out l-,rtcincl to bear troin. l lis maionly in the couutv will probably t-xeeed 5, liOO. . ,, ... , . , J '. , , . J. f. llson, who ran us an Independant r.i;l,',i,,lle or Judge of the Superior Court, is beaten in this city by ti-! 0 majority. mii'IUoax ! -. ..,v N.,v X T!, ,l...i ...r ..!.....;..., to'.ll placo Here to nay Mituout cxci'.einetit aud with a liiiht vote. The relurns from all tho n aids but one sliow u majority lor ! v Ueaton, Uemociat, lui .May or, ot r,'J0- TI).'', tti'!L"' K'diieed iiboul otll) by Htutiis trom tho Filth Ward. The City , .,., u.,ouiu IH llt Tl,i T..,.,.l.ii.... K.l... . i-- l: . ' si M it vvAi-M.K, Nov. -).-Seventy five towns and ciiiis. including Milwauk'i c, show a net I'e'iioertttio ri.iu of 1T00 over (tie vote ' t.i si'.r; ,,i ... ... i i.i .-. . ...... , ,1, L, fcin.v ,, 1 l l.l .H' ll ll.l Will- jority ..f 10,1'PO. l-'iiin hild. Republican, lor I Governor, is probably rc e'eettd. The !. ; islature iviil be diaddedb. Repnbiicr u. From Mwuiii (.'id uiiitu. Cit.vlu.i.i-'ro.N, Nov. fi The cilirial tvtdv tration returns i' ihrec-fouitl'S "f :.llitic distticts in this Stats sli.v lhai the bhu l;s st. fur have a majority of i;it s;m. ti.,y nice cut of tiaity out lii.-.trici. i have while inn jorities. A l.n ijc atii.i'.int tl ob': 'ut'.oMr-:, cxcieding . . ;.. .n i ... 1.. . : ,1.. . ..... .. ........ ,. ... ..... ...cj....... ..ut ... . l.n. I.. ! 3,i.-i.-rii tretinoin, matured nt the ciiy banks 1 j . 1, ,..ii,.,.i... t ,.ii. ','" ; -i!'"A telegraphic dt sjiatch says tliat t wo ' Indian tribes, tlcgantlv named the r.iackl'cct ' tie po.iey .t Ueneral McDowell in Iiidian .tutl R'g R.-!'.i.s, have' indulged in another uud kln ."'f t!' 'V . . , I,, I,., , erected into n scperate department. Auitiu :,ght on the I lain, find that the latter lost ; ut,k;. Congre.-.s that the tiovcrnor 1.0 I ninety men. Now the Rlackfctt are to be , allowed to raise a regiment of voluutetrs to j waired agaiiut by four tribes actitg in the take tho tieiil cgaiust the Indians, was i lii.rt'ntl uf 1,i Ttl.r Iti lliru T'bii r.l ,nn I unauimouslv udopted. will Geld "it is his nature to." III TOUT AM Ufc(I10N HUIl RtlllltiR. - Iu the Circuit Court of the I mud .States In Rrooklyn, ou .Monday, Judge Ueiiedict grunted an leiucctiou ncainsl I lis. Wail, T.'..4-liroliilc llik IliirLin nn.l N'ruimr i-h. I bl rut i.i ii i ltii.ui I riii, I In. full Pit H..A .il tin ri I ..... . .. r, , ........... c" ............ ...... ...... . . 1 .1 ... .. 1 .. .1 . ., . . I . .. T I, i . . I , . .. ,. I . ,n t I 1 u ovuvnoj. ui luiuuw.H.u ... ii. 1 VVait'a caso is of induct, bttauso it was ,nutl lht t0 UM lU fl"tS,i"f" b,C- I twn the det Ut an the t wr.trjcf tlf 1 hnrd r.,1 brr ra,ts. . IMPOIITANT FROM ITALY, ITALY. Pamis, Nov, 4 Evculng.t-Thd following Intelligeuto has Just been received here f rom Homo ' i ; At 4 o'clock this morning the t'apal troops supported by the 1'rt-ncU forces, attacked Garibaldi at-Monte Kotoudo nnd defeated him. Dome reports any that Onrilmldi is a pris oner, and cithers that he was killed. About half an hoar niter the attack commenced Onribaldl, fiiiding that his retreat was cut otf, fought his way to the town ol Mouto Kotondo, where he wns n-inforccd by some Italian ttoops, but the French coming to the assistance of the rontiHcial soldiers, he was beaten. The following account comes from another source : Onrilmldi was attacked and defeated on f unday. JIo retreated and surrenderee! to tha Italians. P.vttlM, Nov. 4 Midtiiht. Oen. t.n Mar norn, who was sent to Paris by the King of Italy, on i mission, the nature of which has not been developed, hus returned to Flor ence, he having failed in accomplishing the objects for which he was di-patched hither. The ultimatum of the Emperor Napoleon Was presented by the Picuch charge d'affaiis nt Florence, to the Italiau Government, on Sunday, ntul un instantaneous reply de manded. London, Nov. 4 -Noon. The proposition to fettle the Roman quetiin by a popular vote of the Deoulc was not Napoleon's idea, i,ut was spoken of ns a suggestion of Italy, Prussia and France. i Paths, Nov. 4 Noon. The MuinUur says ; M. Moiirtier has sent n note to the Ficuch i chargn li'atfairs ul Fh reiue, in wliieh iic says the Italian advance into the Papal ler- y. a lliu l.illlliil ui.i,1iiii.v iinw niv u n 1 llt"I'.v '3 violation of law mid of the treaty, and that Nnpoleon will not approve.! it hy wold or by silence. - It.. :.... ,!t,..-'o,l ill. la u, u, i,.,tvv-. t0 "sk explamuiur. of the Italian Govern ment. Onlv t.vo Vrcitt'u regiments am in Rome I.MHIN, AOV. i-o 1'. .M.--11JB H'lllll I.UM.'UN, Nov. 4 f. roes will as.-nme the ott.Misive immedtu'ely. . "- "..-., -1 ' ' V., , . ,V , 1 , LIS 1, 1 1. LI H 1 11 1 i 1 1 III Jt 'Ullil1. I, l.ll'. I :i I, i. ' . . otc ot the tonus and provinces 01 ln.'Uie is , tliianimoi'.S for Italy, i I.o:;iiiN, v. 4 - 3 I', .M. It is now re- Polled lllltt til npi ror Nniiolcon requires lvinr N'.elor Liuaiaiel to expel Ualit'a.ui, "Uil ir I lint is none lie l ...i;.-tiU.oli i vi,i leiiie. i, Jcv. -I Noon. Isisinurek tays i "iiLiu'dy to-day that tho Governim-nt of, ricfaia is neutral ut ure:eut ia the 10 '.nan ! estioti. ! Ciiil.Ai 1. i.l 1 A I;. v0v 4 Evenin.. -F..I J.nnes. i , o. ;., and member cf Parliament lor -Matt- ; eiii.ter, ilie.l to-day. j j Livhc tv.oi,. Nov! -J. The nhim nbr.i.t the j FoniaKg :n i hU city does not stibsid". t.i.d ! trocps have ben sent hero and stid ere nr- i 'vivinsr. :jir Alfred I iorsionl, who was so ' active ar.d eilieient in suppressing t'ne out- I ; i-eai; ; (i.e south of In iu comiuand. I ! MAKciiKSTEit, Nov. 4. It is prohe.bln that ' ! n'a the prisoneis condemned to dea'.h b. l.-re ' the aiitciid coministion here- will have their ) sentences commuted, except Allen, Gould ! aud Larkin, who nro kunwn hy the evidence i to be the actual tiiurdc.!j of Policeman ' Err rt. ! Nov. 4. The ,'iWi' end (he ! 1)1 HI. IN hhiihm newspapers declare that the action i i of the sptnal commissine, ia relV.i,ing to I yive neral Warren a tiuvd jury, is a i e.ivii Ulli. When nrniigne.l for trial to-i'ay, ' before t'i; commission, Fniiohv catered u i p!o:i (.f gnldv. Tue ctwo of Xaglc haa been ! p.:;:p(iie on trial. C'oittllo and Il.dpin ate to di.y 'I'rrrlblo SJalta.; r-r 'J't-rnl. ITALY. P.VttlS, Nov. 3. In the fight between the Garibaldiims and the Patial trooos. near Terni, three thousand ..fthefo.mer were ; cither killed, wounded or ci.ptur.-d. (Jari- baldi und his son .Meuotto were taken pi i- j som-re and sent to i-Torenee as prisoners of w,,r. i four thousand (lariiialdians, while on the ! maich to reinforce the insure uls. were stop- 1 i;ei( clistir.netl and turned hack I v the 1 1 ill- ians. Tim greatest iigi:tiun pV.-ails in; Italy. The ultiniutum of tiie EiVperor Na-'; poleon is to be answered bv oi before Tht'.rs .'.ay next. I.o.Niiox. Nov. 0 ilveniug.- It is said that tliu Italians have repassed the frontier. It ij also stilted that the F.mperor Napoleon has received General Marmora, the ltaliun Ambiusadnr. Genoa, Nov. 5. Garibaldi has arrived ut t;iez.ia, on boaid of un Italian man-of-war. He is a prisoner in the hands of the Italian Government. riiiT.-i r nniT.fv IX- r- ' . , ,o:,riov, Nov. fi.oon. tenons bread i iois ocenrreu in i.xetei yesieruay . every meat ".nd bread shop in the tity has been ' -aeked. At the: time of sendinc t lie ilisnritrb ' inc-ndiary lj res are breaking out in every : oart of the tow n. There is milch excitement. 1 and I tie local authorities have petitioned luc goieinment lo quell tiie tlisoroer. ' I.omjon Nov. 5. Parliament has been ,, , , ' ,, , ,, . , ' i ailed to re-assemble on the lhth of the j present month. l.ivr.iti'ooi,, Nov. 5 -Kveuing. Theodore ivnows A Co., cotton mi ichuiiti of this city, oaio Mivptuueu payineui. , h.i.i-i.m.. ; I.ii.npo.n, Nov. 5 livening. Dispatches i from Dublin state that arrests of supposed Fenians still continue to be made. General .Y.iglc is lo be tried at i!igo. AV.-TItlA., .Yov. 5 Evening. The Yieiiua namely, tnat ot peace. l'ltt'SSIA. IliiUMN, .'Nov. ,1 livening. It is thought it'.'re that the recent defeat of Garibaldi cun . ceis the ultimatum of Napoleon. a .lOiW .' OtCM.t. K.v P,..v,.,-.r V.,v . T nln A.,,i,i luces i tate that Major Cieudeunis loice ' . ',, f , ' 1 11 1 1 c 11 Jiitllapni Mountain, anil conipelltM to tall back. M ijor Clcndelinis letilcd to his Camp nfti-r a lliree duvs' seoi.t. lie fouthl tiie .. .. ... I ....V ...I I .. ..... Tl.,.1...... 1.,.:;.... no.-... hcruinb l and, and drove them from a ratiche. Auiong the I'i tides tibaniioiied by the Ir.- v.l'r. ll.i. l.pinbtt mill linm ri. l eln'll int. , .......... , t.B 1 t,, u military purtv intely driven trom s.icra- ull.nto fjiarict. Ho lost four men. ; j ;ie lin. Kins Killed anotiier mail nder iicsr i Wyrkciiburg. Ilefoto the i.djounimetit, tiio Ta gislniuic passeil rosoluiiocs condemning One company of Arizona Yoluutecrs, ista- . nt ('iin.ii 1 iiuii'n In Ibn kiiiiuiii r if iioiieil at l iiinp l.iuto.n iu tut suninur oi tcUU, tllleil ouo nuiuireil .-V(l leu. S 111 mice months. The Fourteenth Regular Infantry, ,. , e , Yu. . i . stau.mea thore r six monlhi past, Uvc : noi KiiiiU an iwuun, arm tuo n itltH liuvc lot their tTopB UUtlCi tliO CVC of the ollictri t . , . auu men. . . - ... . , - rrior 10 tiio w'ur, tlio bank circulation of : Aui-uata Georgia aruotinted to nearlv 410 I ! Z 'hi Sl and KiddU bl'y ! 1 ,u plovil in lemmata r-ul 'n' ft...1 .t-ailaL lKulonii tatout iZ.X i An Altutk on General 4Jratnt. WxaniHOTON, Not. 8. The Sunday edi tion of the Intelligencer, tfhlch ia known here aa tho President's organ, has a leading editorial asatling General Grant, charging him with having cterka removed from the Paymaster-General' Oflieo on account of their Democratic sympathies, and among cases of proscription instanced by said pa per, is that of a clerk who served n tho first Rebel army raised iu 1801. who now claims to bo loyal, though a Democrat. ' A new park was opened with appropriate ceremonies in Cincinnati on the SOlb. It is called Lincoln Park. The upper slopes of the White Mountains are covered w ilh snow, A rejnion of Vermont ollicers will take place at Montpelier on the 130th. General Sheridan, Uurnside, IteinUeluuin and otieu ti (i expected to participate. The distance from Philadelphia to San 1'rai cii-co, by way id' Chicago, is th.o thou sand thiee hundred miles. A huge cave has been discovered iu Dviks county, Penn. Il is tlirc.! 'iiiudred yards deep, and ends in a yawning chium. The chasm has not been explored. Thp new bridge over the Susquehanna at Hurriabtirg, Pa., is linish''d, nnd was opened to tratcl on Mondov ol hist week. Pittshlll". l'tnn., has two hundred nnd ' . ..... .. one nrrns wno mil n dushicrs oi over one hundred thousand dollars last year. The most of them arc manufacturers of iron, i steel, glass, &c. Four hundred bushels of pot. .toes to the acre are said to be nn average crop this sea son iu Oxford countv, Maine A s'.anh null i in Andovcr has ground twenty-live tuousand I bushels of them into btarch already, thi? Unown that we m-c l not refer to it, i:ud we oun n.i V CH r. " '"rc vUC l'"publiiMin friends that notwilli'tandin;; The church in which General vViishingtou ; was lunriied to llaillin (,'usli?, in New Aent ! county, Virginia, is very much dilapidated, nod ils congregation too poor to icpnir it. j Contributions c : therefore solicited to idd i in pioerving this historical iclio. J An English lifeboat association has saved i over sixteen thou.-'.iud lives since It started I n i'. ... , .. n . ... a -t-w ;iais r..o "IfKAI.tMt DMTS W'l- os." f;iv dl who have tniido Use of '. 'V.f(o''.i j;,'i,ifi 7 r.nd by mch usu bee.i cuivd Il'(7 ('fieri: oi coughs, colds, b. unch'.tis, son' throat, ;nlhieri.a or consumption. The prudet.t v. id always keep this standard lemedy by them. A convention if Christiana of all evange lical ileni.iiiinaiii.ns in Penn-y i.'inia. Ilasii rn Ohio We.-tern Viriuia, lnet o:i 1 r,cuaj iu Pitishurg. Wjm:. .V gentleman in New .feisty, 'tamed t;icr, is'.ivatipg the Port tri ape w ith tigiial suecets, Ironi w iiicii an exei'.lant wine is liou'.e. which is better than in. ;;rlc 1 1 Port, and has been adopted for m'.v.i. iiiid luiij.i'scs iii the cl New Yolk, fliiiad.elpliin Mid 'iVf-liiu'.on. N'tmeious '.vurd.'.ini.'S in favor of 'ho Graiit tnnvittieut v.n-'! held in Philadelphia he. t wee!;. At t no of ' htm Jndgts IveiU-y liiadea Sjiet ch fully ttulorsi'ig tin: prop.ncd l-.o-.nin.itliHi, '.n I .t:-.-i'it!.ig tu-'.t (iiai.i, poii ticuily. '.vas full neiau .1 v, i'.'.i Ccn.;ie-.-. It is sai.l that Mr. irewuid's '.i.i-siou to New York i t start a new t.'onvi i: a'ive i(.,,nblirnii tnutv in tlmt Ste.'e. to b.,1.1 lim ' i,..i .,-.,, ,,mVi.i-. Tho mis.;.m l.n.! - on. ' rovul ol the I i e.iiueut. iMI'iiirawr LtTTi'.it The f.,llowiii Later has ui.1' inlo our haaiN, and no l it lor the in- 1 l"i-iiu.tioii ol laoi-e w bo Uutil . tue purity cl Winn : This i? to certify tlmt J!r A'fred s'cer i?. a resi dent ol tills vill.:t'o. nnj. to r.y oeibon d know U-ifcio. oh tlevuie.l n naiiiLer el' yean to tiie in.iiiafacture of jauo i vidunlilo wines, lie bus a laio vine yard ia -. ie .v of my rfa-b'ne nnd hua been ioi come time eap;ae 1 in cultivatini? tho lVrt ttrnpe. 'i'he Porttirueo Wino caui.'ot bo excelled by nnv Auieri- can wine. It is boukd by Mr. ispeer every reason qaaiititiw, tut not di',oU ..f uutil it al "ur'i ''iC "e 01 10" '''"" i. n. sri-Ki.r.'S, Central Nutioiial Hank. New Y Passaii , Oct. i'Oth, lsC-6. Some "I our liruists have thi.-" nine, .lircct the vine ard. rk. fl'JIU During three days !.i.-t week then; shipped frtim ti. Aliiaus S'"e'JI0 pi.tu. butttr, und Sl,0h0 cf cheese. Advices from the plains givn the '.vel'i: ds cf -.ib- stance of the peace treaties reeently r.ililie'.l j l etwi en the nlin .vi and the Ci'.ie t:'.!a s ' j nu.l Indian Loiiiiinsjioiieis. llnse iu. es . are to be lucutt'd on a huge reservation 1 e-; ' twtcn North Fork of the Red River, and ' the Red River proper, tire to reciive ?-,'.j,0u0 j j annuity, to be furnished with ugiiculf iral j seei.s and implements, tiud granted ttrtain i j privii. -es ng irding hunting, etc. hi con- ! sidciation of these grants the Indians aie to j ' remain upon the reservation, nnd cease from i I disturbing white settler:! in any manner. ! The Pacilic railroads are also to be proseeu- l., III I.UIII IIUIIMU , lllll'll V IUIIIIII l.Hlllll' 1 ... .1 .,, t.,n ..tll.n,,, .'.,1,1. ..I' i l', . I . I Skk udvertMeuient of St eer's Wines in nnulher ; c",UBin They are par jaiee vines and the most . nVMt for sickuew-ntipe.-ior for. con.muuion pe.r- j ' I"""- i Am. conii'gii'US pni:.ous doubtie.-s produce their, : pe-uliar inll.ieneo upon tho organism through the 1 ol.,od. ia I'nel, tliey pass into this fluid, jtroiv and uiultipiy llieie, giviu riiic to ehnnes in Us coinpo- j siiioa. Tho coiituioiis poisiuis ein'i'iilly censi.-t of ' living inutler. nisi tbi-, by its rowih nal ir.creii.-o produce, by tiio jjreat change in circulating ' ttuid, llioftc ttrri'de attcelioi.s. Tiie-'e conlit;inui poit-ons will fall barii.Ie-s aln-re j ' theri is no i'lipaii-eicnt cf heuith in any part f f tiie pinti-tn. but wiiere the tnueou turtaecs are relaxed, tiio capillaries iH.-oaelod oil aeei unt of u iiij;isb I condition of eirculetioii. the blood thin und poor, I and aeni-ml las-itude, Ihey t,ill be taken up, and produce their P iiiiinnito nieeis .-ii.kne.-sund deiiili. All cl'rnrt-r fioiu tbeo p.-isons can .Lsily ho j avoided by itsin i-lea. lily tin- Zii. ;ari l!ii tors'. It proveiii' by pioJucini; just -co ii 11 co.i iu.on c.f t!: sysltnt as is required lo resitl the n..a. iic-iUes I directly neulriiliiitij; la-'.ey of thi'in :u .he bicod. ; Axi'iks't Kiss Arts. To the !',luir of tiie Xivj Yorl ll'-ii!,l : it? pe?ti!: tl.e relict of por- ' eeluiii were i'imd in tho into eAbuuiutions at ilcr eolancuin, whMi liuve been forwnr.led to the i-'oci'.'ly of r.tfutiilics ia 1, on ion, whereof your coito-omhI- ft says tho Lotilo resutubliru; bruke's i'l.inlution bitters was undoubtedly placed axiioit the ruins by tho uint ol i T. Drake, wc defira to state bo is In- conecr. 01 every re, peel. It a bottle wns i',.iind 1 there;; oi.r h-t.-.-rm, iho l.ii'-.' of the An I cient ilomitiis was Utiiereiit Irmu the accented lite- ratuie of ibst day. Our A'.-eiit bus mher bnsir.Ks .1- .,. ,!,i. , 1-,.,.. ,..l I .'.., I i.. l,.,l,..,.i. ' uoikh Aii eiicuns carry I'liuiouioii lutiers to iioine; na! trvnn; to linposo upon ntvi'itv ot An- ! : tinaarhins in tins way seems qaitu uselesf, and wo ju" I10t apprwi,llH ti,., ji;e. 'jii, uniieccss;;ry tor : us to sjn'nd muuey in Fiitopewbiic uo hiu unable ' suf-l'ly th .U-mand l'-.r ilief.i cciel.raii-d iiittcrs in lie-. ii. DItaKi: A CO Jl.ii.soi it Watkr.. A deli jhu'il loitct article aperior to C'aluue uud at bull tue price. j etsscmjner,nrraniri-ms jf saw .'na-yawMKMBsaqs ; rpy 1 lilMMHUc' I'll p-;'..i , lIj W AU J'dl 1 1 lo LiU Iiil 1 O. ' -. In the nulUr of the Petition of caucus of the Com niiuiwciiia of Peiiiisvivui.iu, reH.diiiij in lue lior-uih of Siiiilini V. iii file .1 v ul" ',,iii.!ier!:in.l. Inn I'li ii'.r r( liic Hporuium, tu lie cHllid and knmva a -Tiie sonbory aiuiuai savina huaaanu un'iinna Ass.H'i'.tiiin, iu pnnci- put buti'iicsa pi be buMiiiiclcu ui Hie Ihiihi.Ii of su ubury, III sent County. Not ck i uBKKi-.v aivs tlmt Miiltenlinu has been nnule In llie C'ourl ol t'liliiioou 1'loiis ol .Noilliulill eiluud C uinty, ; h citiaaie uf tins I'oiiiiii.uiiveiillli, foru liuulcr of lie . r,,ri,mlll,i vwrimi , ,hu 0i.j..-is, ..ruciei., a.,.i enndi. , n,,aiiil wiih tue uainc, -lu awl Pile prcuird. sci ,.,it i "J ".. u.ed m tcnain inwiuiii.ia..i wiiiiiij., ciiieuthe . e i.i.tlll.lll,u ol llic hiiiil.ury .Mueml Hiving I'unil ami ,i(llili,ltl( Awi...miiu ..k.i 1.1 i.o(i..M.iary't i,itit t Muii.ury iii luuuiy, llio tinii any oi tiviinU-r, A. i. V'1U iUlliirlia ilhi l'um"r" v1"-''11 ; Ullu Z!1'1 tsinaiim.iiiitrsM iiil rie Mils I tu II tjs I lis sinl Pn r L1 maidlltiiarI , i . ......... -,,n i.. .,,.,..i ,j .... ..i. . r , i iuo , ui.ivikiniu ol llie ucl in ateiiliny in sucli case liiuac una I I , .,. . .....I ...1. I- .... ' i'ovi.ieo,.ii.'..riii..s ..... .-..i. ... """" w,"",",!' , e "vU !" Couit, iowiu ' I I Tiothonotaty's oit..-e l. niti.TMa rtiW-t ''" T. II. rCBBT, J. t. JiES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BUN BURY, PA. OtBo Markst strcoi, 4 doora ftsol of the rallnal, lately ul m a f oat Ottioo. Wilt attend promptly 10 lha oollnatlon afaknims and other profonioniU bntinrM Inlrnated tohU osrc, In Nortbumbcrliuid and adjoining oountte. Norembn 8, 1667, Iroiictnit tor 1RI. 1LA It RISBU lltjbTlL T TELEO It AP!1 J'.ll lic.port af.Legitlalitc Proceedinga. 2VV graphic Netftfiom all Part f IM World. Morn thnn elivnn Veart have clawed rlnee tlifl nnilprrlttni'd uixlkrlok tlm linxiiriluui t'ifk of rtiit lij ung b dully pnicr hi tlio Onpitnl of th t'tnlo. In ISM'., un tlio Till liny of Outubur, tlio llAll.r '1 ELS on a en w firnt projeiitvil bv Ihc pre 6vnt proprietor, und wo luifjil not ttll uur rvnili-rs tbut frout UoubU cjcinU'.l m tin niiieU of iiiiuiy ul' our IricmU ol our aijilily to nuftairi llio snnii-, with tbn liailtcd nitmus lit ooiitiunii,!, but n HximI ilotni-Tiilinttloii, onerjiy and Industry b'.vo orownvd oar cfliirt with nuce'i -la, and tlio Tf.i.ruKAril to-Jny tmars abundant Ustiuiuu.y tb'it it is a piriumient iwtitution ol tha Cnpiul '.. hen wn femr lnln r thHl ltd sturted with but on ,,Vp'-uiH!;,.uii ami un old wooden iowcr pri, which will! iu!',i.'unt to do till our pri'-s work at Unit tiini, vvlVol i-xei-c im;:ly ratirtud to iniurm our tlmt it reijuiri s ucw oua laro ,'oulilo e v'ie Ji'r 'fay lor pri-w, tv.n liire nau oyliudiT Taylor prciwi'n, n j'iu prt ana il Uiro iron hand prn, to Eupply tho w itiU of tlio public, nnd tlio mine Incruiu j, iu proportion, of other printing niatciialit. Thosi7.o uf tho Jiiilv is to-day twice us larvi-u when wo started lo "no. and wo should not be aurpriDcd if we re ........,.,n.. l i, i. ..r.. .1 i.- ..f.i. t " in j,-,; , i , .i ,-4.ii iiiiii iv it uun. iu. viu'n ui hv priv-ent voiutno. IiU now the largi-nt dully pub iivlitd oiit.-i.lo of the commercial cities in tlio Statu. PiO twlings of Ihc I.;jisliturr, and Congress. It bhntt be our aim during the next winter to fur niVli coinili'to und lull repui ts of tho proceed in of llio N.tiiunal and "r'l.ito be -iaiiiturnn. logiHlioi' with ,,, 1 r r !i;tl.-;ll comnlcxion of tho paper is so we'd tiie ?ii :ht ri-vi-r" J during the putt year we do Lot intend to take any f'ep backward, tstn-h is not the deitiiiy of the IU'iMiliiicioi parly, aud we shall entnr into t!io next l'rcaidontial eouu t wita renowct vi- TI-UMS r,V THE I'.ULY Tlio Daily will bo farni.:!a-il to sub-cribcrs ; st llic f'jlloi'iuj; ralis, viz : 'ie ,ipy duritct liie sis,ivu of the L--ghlaturs 5- CO ! 1 ..-ii i -H d'.i.-ii! the tuiae per. I'd, ia om p.ivk ' 15 CO : line c i;-y d tily prr 7 i. ) Tea c.'pK"'. In on" pack, l-,r tiro .-jhi per'f 1, Oj 00 i till'. V, hKKLY TIM.KUKAl'.I ' Will be printed, im li'.n:ti,i""r'.!, on a la.'e hiieet,at;d t not only sa.tfiin ail the imp'ji lunt :.ta'iiifi pitljli-.iu:.l : in lin- ienly. bat nlyi a iilitional rcj.n.-t.-,f tUa iiii.r- ', 1;( .V". . :m:1 cx.-eniii-1 n.jiicis.d" . -iUi:;il'.crd : vl'tiio State at .,r::e. j Tim 1 1 ; I'l '.'.'i'li'iitial camp-ii ;n n ill b of t'io f;r'':;t"J mij : lint wo I.'.p-j that every i.cpau I iu i.i '.tie i will n j-Mi la eirouiniin,' aca 1 'i-'i: l.l I- u M .wwiil bin. tho truth lo every fireside ' 'un.rv. TJilClS OF Till: '.'PE::t.v -.-.iii be r ''' W!.Ka!.Y. ' , d r'i'iir'y liu'.vin.; ratui. viz : V tnri-dnv ni'-'iun ' ; at t.'.n i 1 '.-.n rt -t y, v"i-:c!y, t.,r t-Uf Vinv. 1'ive coj.ii. s, itci !tiy. for one year in , r 9 r. .'ii. M I -a c.. pi wi-ki v. I- r on j y::. in mi; ', e.-i,, 1 j r-c:i'y e.;'.!'?, v.-.-ckiy, lor e .o yi in miu i ii'y cpi' p, weekly, for '.a.T y-.T. iuino ra'k :-e Vv'" luivo pl.n-.jd tho price rf our p-ip'-r l i elu' -the vry l-'rt, st run s. ai. I w; h'-i-e to re.;eivo ' . I' t'loui our li und promptly Addre- " iicoiiuii I!i::k;.m;k n.v 9. ;sor.-3t '-1 i s 1 K i e 2 o o r-t OQ CM '-' '4 a pv m 3?i a 1 P r-e- O &9 o M C C5 a '3 O O "1 i u A V s J. rfi U-..J o o & cs :i i T)o A'ot Vail to lixamino Tham. alKOV0-:a8 A. BtAJiiC UIOIliiST I'lliiMll M ; Elastic Stitch and Lot 1; Stitch i-u i. wiin latest improvements, FOR FAMILY and MAN I'FAC I'L'KING 1 Pl'RPUSr.S. ; at tiio residence of Miaa CAltOLINE PAl.lU:), Market Street, cT'NIil K V, l'l'.N'.N A , Who has received the Agency fir tho fuio of these excellent Machines'. '. No f'liu'ily hould bo without cr.e of tln-.-e machines j a they will save the price of one in less than a year. 'Ihey ure so riuipln that an intelligent child of tou ' yeais can readily luuru to operate und kcip it in i crier. j railavd cv mi'-.e for yjur'ctves. . Novfcinbor ii. lsi'7. ' 31' 48; WAV!'. j IF you want a sett of Iiartit-'S T r eil. j;o to 1 JACIi ai KOll. I 11' yoa want a jood siivor-uiounted lbirnoss, (o to ' JACK t-1 Ittlll. j IF you want Harness, or anything in his lino oi' i bu-uiesa ebe.iper than they cnu re parch. ised I Ijc'.i here, go and fy at J ACK .sTltoii'.S Shop. Ail oods tire warranted as represented. j J F Vou wuntari-e drivinz lb.rsj and llu.y ci I i,'.ji(-.'ti'iiii-j i :. ?., .. .1. . I .'. -'" - '"J.'I ' veu.u, . unLiury. IF you, want a Rood Auctioneer, w ta JACK STltOH j who is always en hiicl to uiako you a (,i.od sale 1 or 110 pay. ' ! unbury, Nov. 2, I",7. 1 Lli-xliine Stitchinrr. I "'i'TtS r wmk left at the s'oreof !). M. Brait- V ', ia lortnuuibtrlard will be promptly id to. la A.l w rk muri.i.ted. Nj'A i-lf NKW GOODS, i liss LOUISA MLIIi'i:'l,lt. Siiitii lido of Market Square, Sl'Xllt'lt Y, l'a , HAS just returned f.-jin the city handsome and cheepet ii.-.orttnt1 y with a 1 iriro, ment of rai iMoii Mi l l.uuaots iu styles ot 1. a, lies mid .'' Jims i bunbuiy, ol Ihe fulluwing patterns, I'rinje.-s, Aliuku All itiulit. Floreiia, bousaliuii, Turban, e:e. AU' .Suc,ucs, Ilrciikfiist Shawls, .Saeques, feathers, velvets, silks, laoes, Oi'iuiiuents, Ti iniiuuis, Furs, l-'ur Trimunnea, Veils, both I.aoe and Urena diuu, lhubroidery, Cluua Lace and l.iuncu Collars and Culls. lieutleiucn's Hoods, tuch as Ilnsiery, Handker chiefs, Nock -ties. Brushes and goods lor the toilet. Also, a fine assortment of I'crfumery, and all goods uniully kept in a well furnished nubli.nuieul. 1 uar,mul lor past lavora elio hopes by a further iiemn tbo public, tho continuum of their . puironngu LOL'I.S.V SlIl-:LhB. Nov J, 1S67. Philtlrcm'st 'iti-riut- WE would eall the attention of tboto wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new ami lari art I mart eeinptning new sad beautiful strle. ' i ll CO.VLFY i CO. FKE3n ARRIVAL OF I FANCY. 'DRY. GOODS. IVtias KATE BLAOK, Market Aqnare, two doors wt of the old Benk buildins;. BUN BURT, Peon'a., HAS opened fresh supply of the latest style of Fell end Winter Quods, selected by herself from the molt fashionable utebUnhmcoU in fhila dolphie. i Cheap DeLetnee, AtpeoM, Frpnoh Metinos, Main and Plaid Popline, Mourning Uoods, Cloths, Sftoqua Flannels, Lailiee and ClilldrcnV Hats, Foatliors, Hibboos, Dreaa Triuiinluni, Embroideries, Laos Voile nnd handkerchief, gloves, hosiery, Iliilroorul eklru.IlreekfiMt and blanket 8hwle, Wiuter Saeuues and LadnJ kodde of erery deecripMva. Uenu' Collars, Nook-lioe, liulf-hose' dlundker ohlefs and Qloves. IVrliin.ery. Toilet Boat s, flalt Brashes, Combs, ete. Iji' llop'ana' i.opuo caitts. KATli BLAOK. Bonbury, Kot. 2, 13)r. faliTand winter "' MILLTNKRY GOODS mils AIIKA fAISTtli, Market Square, two doors wltt of the Post t'lEco 11LNELRY, PENN A. 1 LSfKOTFLbhY informs hnr friends and the jiVi public, that ?be Inn just reiurued from lliu city, whero she Lin spent some' tirao In making selections oui purohases, m hs jnstopaa a largo sto-tk l MibUNFIty OtiuliS AND NOTWN?, ltibbons. Lcm, iirs..iii!t,8. Crinoline and Vi- Runs Skirting l.ininit. II,. p Mclrts, Ilule Triii. t'rni Tiiioniin.;. IUt Crane, f!oi.k fatlow, Cors-ts, Zephyrs ' A lori?0 HS'ortniiit ,.1' l.ii.l;. ,.n.l i!.-.. .:... Hoiery. A vari'ty i. JiOUKs! A .STATIONMIY. DOLI,S or nil ni.ea, Alphubut Hlocks, Ac1. She flatters hiT-ielf in being able to make- a dnplav j that will )ie entire mlbfaction to i.-itot-. und goods will be exblbile I with pleasure .Sunbury, Nov 2, ISt.T. TiB'.IV IMIiS. Millinery Goods, hll'en -"'3. Ih i.ntr, bes I.- no ji:co to tho budicsol Sjunljnry n,,d vici'ii: ., il. c. nhe himjiut opened a lnr.;" anl vari-.-d .-'.!i A M I I. f. I N II It V o i) o D s . of all tho'.-st PuI 1 nnd ,S i.:'..-r siyit., i-, ii ! ,i i.iviten altouii"!! of l er pa'ri .. ., an l" i!i In r illy, con!: lent of her sl.i li' v Ii i ;.M. . A goou asitrtmeut oi (".'. Vh I V i il '. i t Huts for l-'.ilure. I.ri.;li' v.. I j. ,' . -. Jbits for Tics lueliiii.-li-.iy, Pats f r Darrri, l,t.-. 1 ula !,,:. iiats lor ilruiidit l:uir,riid t'T ,:nriy -it. )f . i.i?. sloth, felt a lid ber.vr, Uuli that nluiotl wear fi.revtr. I!a:s tt.ut alwiiyi Im.k so e.cut, Ate hu.;!.t nt Al is-s i.u.-!rs in I'-iur h ' r,...t. .tiiio, nn xoriiont nss.. rti.'.eat of r,i.i(,n;i'iii' L.: - , brchicsi-'j, l.,lc-i. l,vn, Wo. ten Caps. Hun, liter- ... " '. . ' , .; i: ' .i..,- i a..c. ..o,.:. soonpnu ...uauns, voisu... reru....... i r;ei. 6oh pj, l,uly II mn, I. unmet oi Aiih-iicu. .s;n- Ail , A C.-i.l nail fxuirane lor iiirf'.ii es No li oa1.- iCov. te ij'ClM'I' tkBiU'PC''E'.l IN 1 itU l-KlO-.s uf ; lUvJ I i , 1; s i Winter Goods! i'l. C. R .11. -.11 1 ll. Iihv iii(i jiiil return- j cJ;'.-r.i Kiiitii'lolf'biii w ttu a up:rior sl.ji'lt if rn!i ! mi l Vi inter iio "li e.r the trsde of l"0-7 and t'si, I ii ii stio is iiblo to sell at very reduced prh-c.-. s iii;i i re-t ei'tl'uily odl '.be ulienlii'll ..,1' l.'o- cesn.. j i.icis i.nd tue p'.i lie i;em:r.illy. to tlio suprti-.r ijn.ii j ity 1:-.--'iL. iirei tl.o h;w p.i-rfs at ai.i. u i::ev I uivbi'id. M10 h is all kinds of ; liTIKSS GOODti, iii'-'uding lv.p'iiti. Merinos, it t.n. in. f " n , ii 1, .Vv. :,;l v.t ;ho lcat-St pti ec , i...!iM (ititiiii y .,"oli' " at - .' .'a p. .. ' i;. Ii:i, Clinton h !"i.t .'!c. ii.'iiii.orai :-?j,:i i., Siniwiy, lb ' Uiovesofiiil lioj. rip-i,.!. ii.ciailiiijj a voiy sap-.-- rior eualily id huii -. i.'i' iii tii. ir?. HOSIERY. ! I'.itbons aid Trim m in .iii ri;:-::..i. i. ... siHinre.i i,o'... .i'r.!i,is ana 1 jrns, loii::ia trr-'jt vanoty . Oeius'nul Lulie ' jinn iko.oiii. ;'. Scr.i,, y.i ti r;ut'.-r.s l'oinajn, Kvtriie;.,, an I a liir'i vnrii.ty crnoiiut.s up. I fincv ni Ikies. Call i.r.d co tmai ! ''fioc JmId; eiscirhei.-. I M. I,. t.AAKi S , Siii.bury, N'ov. '. aiacl::no tuteuiiif'. IRS or -v. rk l,i a! il !" ..; t i-iley, ia No. !liiiiaoerlnu'i. win bi-moi. .' I aiiruat'.l lo. ' i'-yJ All work wnrfii.t-ii. .'.'... .' ! iwtiiiv mil' , e.. ?ivsfie::;. j Mra. SAH.VU SIBJI'ilO;.', walnut Htr,-et,?i".Ni;ritY. pa j Iiin i,; been njipjino d As. nt by lliu .'.-'iii. r M u. 1- ! f i-ttu 'i'T I'-i -r-ny, lor llio s.lo .f Sicg'n ' .'.--.v : 1'aii.iiy s-eiin: .M.icliiius, ii.!'. i r,s .he pui. lie ii ey can bo busl et bt r rcsi.icuce. i iiie-e Machirii ei niinpli. canip.tet. dnraido and 1 bcautiiul. Cap:i!j.e ci' ji,i oMtiin; 11 ri.oij and u i vnri. ty of work never hi f. r, :it;e n led up. in a Jii.. , ;-io Nlnuliiu'j usi.iv- eiihet- siilt. Hist, linen or c a- t..,u Tin en I, a riii . ii eu.d i.i-.ii v the vi-.y ! !:i."'-t an.i ooaryist t.'tr cri.d-. and a.iyti.ii.I.' be.n.'en j U11 two extremes a. li e iu .s. h ! li il tniir,';er. 'iiaiii'1 and s.ib-iiiin- j These Machines Till he t..'d at ,.:i.,l,. ' Oil and extiadns l ,r tuiirselve'. M-s sAUAll ,l.ii'.'.iN. , ..t vctotjor -ts, loo;. 1 .si.-tt.'sts-:v.-:s..' MSioi-hx t ur.ti i "a.w'rai ia; r e? - x o m i V FIRST Clns ll"Ol and Phut-iiiukt'r can find eonstant eini'l " uo'iil. bv applvin.' to 1 ' .loll N 1 1. Vlilt 'l'iu:o Mreet, .unbiiry. i'.c Otn'oer H, jo 5'sfsl y Iiu:ilr'dKor('isi'i-f-s;aiii for C'lmi-cii or C'onaio iiiiion ALSO, EXCKf.l.KXT Ki ll LAUIKsJ AN. WiiAhLY Ti-iliSONS. V.XEYARDS, iYZiTf JIUit-EY. ("sitiSi'N ioi:r utt.iii: ls:, I'OL'K YK KS OLr. This ju.sily cel.trated native Wine is mado from tScjuioool tbo eipoito liriipc, rai'ed iu this country Its iaviilualile 'i oaic A WlreiiRthi'iiiiij-. I'roix' Are ur.M:r aase I by any other native wine. Hcinj li.e puro juice of the grape, produced under Mr. era own pconai supervision, its purity and pruuiueni--s are guaiauteed. I he youngest ehibt . iny ra'take of its generous inalilics, nnd the weak- fit t iiiiiy use it lo advantage. It is partieu- ly heneriolnl to ihe BRed and debilitated, and suited to the various auiuouu mat auiiot lae weaker sea. It is, in evory renpeot, A WINE TO BE KK1.1F.D OX. Invulids uso SPF.KR'S POKT OKAI'E W I N E. Female use SPEUIfS POUT OIlArE WINK. Weakly persons tlad a benefit by its use. SPKEU 3 VVINliiiu hospitals are proierred lo other winej. . fj'siold by all DruugUu aul Oroitere. ASl'F.J-.R S VINtYAHI, New Jersey Ofuce, 213 DltOAHWAY, New York For sale by V. A UKNNliTT, Fonburv, Pa. I Oot. 2dly. CAiU'ENTlIli. WILL find in our MlahluhDieut a superior stock of Planes, tsaws, Augers, llatehele, Uaaiaiers, Filat, I 1 iVVfiel I L 1 1 '' 4Sff I'' Vl-' V,NUM i",Ulw""''':-i "--ri "' 'Vf,'',"!'' 1 -"' jV' bi.-eii, e , o ,&r tale by J H. C0" LEY t CO i KEEP WELL-DRESSED. , . Can and tu the well sclented Stoek rf OVtUOOATXHttd, TEKTWOM H Just receiTnl st MERCHANT TAILORING EUTABLIBil MENT, fourth Btreot, below Eyiler's Store, BUNBtJIlV ; WINTER CLOTHING J ef the innet npnroTcd tyU, i, mulo up to reasonnble rules. 1 "J" ilohnsalsontlucnseortnientof Cnssimero KMim i Criiwers, Lrid,rl,iru, Oreibau', IjIousm N ; ties, Cotton ei.d Woolen Hose. Su,i..u' u. - i i i,;:;uT",': - - ..oso, outper-ien 1 , tM11"' I , . .... .j iuii.j;iu.mi UDUIIS (lhn b!m il icl.inl, .:I i . , lll-'VTr L-TI'V O I'I-l,v-.. . . - ' adfantse. - .. ;u nui au' 10 Ue 10 VOU? j fur.lniry, Uct. 13, li?'i7. ' ' - ' fi iln'-!e!.'s.: & f.fin ICuitiotti '. "w f Xl L-r , -- - : - - 1 ' TlToanh in d direct roi:i Icv-n Phi't'.'-M : "'''-'. it'i.-risi.ui K, : illUn,,,..,,, Uyil'. -,V,i,' : ! Oil Kejiouot l'm.,lvii.r,. ! Mii.iiA.1 l ifi.i.i.i-iAi ' A Ka on all Trbits. n ami after Monday Oct 1 lib. lUftT, tho Trmr, flow's P ' Ih'iJ Hill tao,, Vrsi ITAH1I. M ..Il T. .. : .. I r., ... .,.,,1, i,-,iv?!i i iui.itiiTiuia, i ; tainbury, ) ti : In 1 Vj p. -a li.' 0'ji...-,u U.-l j a :n s I".) .. m i. lip :r. i .4 j .) ai r i re Itar l''ulpbi.i " t-onbiiry air ut tiio '.! ..ha .'-bi.l l..-rtvea l', '' ' " ,-ui.l- ii r v " arrive st J nek Hivcti, K'AST'V i I! ii M '' ' i Tune Krie .san'unv, " err. st Pliilado'lphia, '.Al ill. llMVV.J Vilo " Suntiurv " nt I'hiiad'.Miia. i. '.i ..-i M.iil 1, a ts l.ek jl iven Saiii.ury, " " at 1'iiiladrlpliii, ... a in J i 2i 1 3 5n t-i 4.- "i p ;a A .M u a I "0 p m ' I" a li Ii.lT a tn a !0 p m --..i:! ?.i.d l.xpresi councet with all 'ra-ia t.n Vr. r 4 runklin HaUway. l'anons.-r.i I: cir.r Phil. i ii.. i. vo :imve at irvuit..n at in. ! j,l l.'i' v at 9.. Vl a m. i?t Ui, Lv a.n I'hiludeiphiu ut S 00 I' .'i y a i n in. ;tv -.t Oil Ail trains on Warren A i'ruk!':i Railway i-.i.. ; coimeetii.ns ut Oil Citv with tnin f.,r rr''-.v nn end 1 t iplum (.outre. IIAijU A' L C If i k i : Tlll.M'ull AhlT.iin !,. T i'i:i:' Oeueriil ' 'i 'in !..: 1 !-Mti-i-n f.tin-;,! IJj,;? :. .. V.'INTKll Tl.MIi s-ciitl'fl.i; J hr.iiiii -od iiri-:t it..iiia : r.r 1 f.-.. Vj.i .. ,. i'siiiu.ore, l.rie, K!' .ir,i, IPi.v.:.,, ii . . ' . e-; v-.- i fi'l N it.;i'ra I ., FDi'it Tit A IX..' DAILY ;r..m .., I i!,r.. . ',', . iugn.ii and liabiiin.r nt'd liliil-.!-. TiiAIN.-; lev' 1.1 I I 'o ' -,'il-ltl IMi.l tulM Hint l ,."t .,i, I. mien, .111. 1 Xoi 1 oi-. 11 .in 1 Ue-teio I'-m, ; 1.51,'K 1 a Y.'ik. i und a.'i. r M11ND Y. i) .'. .;. I i. ... ..-.r.h.r.. i.i-c'r.-' Uh 'ii i.'ii" Tin A ' . . 1 Li ": - rr.jrl ui I, .., I;..: II ii 1. a v - vi r it i'.liu ::: :.,:, I III. 1 i'.ill il '"rinii f.-ilt-m. II... ri,b r. H illi.iu.ip, "i . ill, iivrl Y'.ril. r. li .ii-, ,',i -,-, : u l-i ? t j n. ''. . i a pt L'j a in ii Ill'ISa I 1 I ' i li '; ii W A I. i' ..I Tr i .r 1 . I i!i. 1 : 1 .il. A,'.' -ii I -i .M. il 'i'n.i'i , '.rtii 1; Y,ok 1.1-d'sbin .-..i! !i 1 -111 di'llv . .-,' !i:l.!..l-1 res.- 1,' t I u.iily ; 'iiiii U.i..iilii Kpi..-.' ilioii'l.. i- 'X A .- .-oin'ie i . x ; t "i" i.i .Vit.fl.f 1 tiiiii.. : 1 ..1 K.i I : , II) ! iu 4 f r , 1 i'l';)!' '"" t.-i s.: ; A lit, i I O I lXYi 1 1 (i .5. Vil'AJ...TA, i'l ie'i b ' Iri is !.. Im-Ivi - ti-.. iii.'-, ler. t . .'i-.i-.c ls Ji- a'tjl.iic ise i.oni aJoi '.. , T!!ii ; n.j-rici r .f this c . . -i.a 'in r, . nil; i iiil'orj-i tiio pul-lt.' ti'iu r. I j ...;e..i.. . ii.-' 1: ' i.l:'.:iure 1 t' Co. ..iii and Jle.i..... e- r-i 0 1 - ' X W ..v . 'Aiii'b i.e ui(l icil ;it iooir pi . j,v . . -o ..;' :;ia '.- i oeiini.e i eii.-whtre. .MILL liivirm. Moves, n, -i li... i ''uv -r ('astir -j imi.lo p.-omptly to oi d r I A'i-. W:.-,..,v Weights, r-itne-- at i .;.. f-r '"' .:ir Wu-ajas, Ac. 4'i:. Iron S ;iir ' "'.":. WA'iiilt TitOl'OilH ,'. 1 ' .-.i.. .s A !.'. ml pri.'a pti I f r . '. 1 - '. ' '1 H!-i CLl.LLli A li i I.lii.iil'. 'I. 1 i. .Vi ii ! roved, is ir.iinul'eeii j-. 1 ri ;i ir .il i.-i, -.: ..'. M"ve Urates of all kin i.-, I'i.-'.i .- '..I . . v vj;:.- oi simill cic.tin-ja. Siii.bury, Oct. 5, 1,-17. oroueiiie:;. Provision, and F?0iir e) Feed Ci 3. A. ,'5 A2V A. '.. In Wciiucr's Uuildinc, Wuicr tlict. ne.:r K;at: ' -NOKTIllAihEltLANiJ, l'A , IM-'OUM their friends aud tiie j ai ii -.' !. ni thai Ihoyhavea lere a s..r:-x nt o 'i.i,-,' n l'rovisior.s. Ac, all f.-,;ii '..i. 1 tl.e ! i , ' ;.. : Bislinj of Tous, Colivee, fata, aud uc. ' lricd and Canned l'rui'c Ciinies, Km- i'. "fr , und Ciackers, an 1 in luct tveiyliiii.,; u.'u-..le kejit ia the lirociy in..... Ihey woulit a!r sail alter..:. to ! l.-.:.'e -. : ei.eap t.,t of uoo.i family fi.i.i.h, ir..-i. ' "urns, Mi.. aider., Ac , whi.-ii are e .r.-M:i.!y kei i I hand Also, all kinds oi ceiabii-.. A.' , A- liivethem u call aa.l sco i,,r o :i : - -.-ii . Northumberland, tt ,,t i. -,' , FRESH MEAT. Itlil'l i: Ac lint) lit:, KLSITCTFI LLY iii..rm liie cilii. n.- -I .''unhary und vicinity, that tiny hove t .keu tho Pan-hiTiii,: F.stubiisbuieiit of Jcreiuiiib Savid.;v. oo Arch strei'l. aud are prepared to. 'eriiish 1,'eel.l i rs.A ' 'l tLen-ry besi in inaiau, at ros..n iblo rales All ' I' r Wi'J receiva prompt aitention j war ordered Oi.c us i ; :d ail meat Outlier ao!l J.lliX KKFCK. WILLIAM UliWl l. Suubury, September I. lso7. FA11MEUS & UUILDERS LIME AND" LlilEoTONiJ rilHK sulswriliers respeetfuliy ii.r..;ni the ciiifin JL ol'Nortbumhorliiii'd eouniy. that 'l"y are tow prepared lo furnish l.l.Ml'i ot a ' u... 'tier .tinluv t Farmers and builders. Al.o, Ll.MI'-sT"Nt. OouJ lue celebrated Uai.:-s,i. uc liuaine ol Lower Alaho nov tnwrnhip. al short notice and at rcas. ui !e rai. Ihe uIkiv will builolivce l many KiU.r.'al sia j tiou along tho l.oa ol the diuoienl rau:oui ordered Thoi-a hit! ns arc tratud at the Fl.auioiiin V ..iloy Railroad, near buimwy, whore orucn. prninplly filled . , i.-J -: ,r.,ll. -.lis ted II Lo iimuiR si ivrruiiini.,, . . . ,-i n a RUil Addret. I ,-r. il. August J, IS"' .sunS iry, P .....h.iw ) I t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers