T. S. SHANNON, PractllS.ll Watchmaker AMP From nriLAM-xriin. In Simpsons Building, Market rTqunrn, nTTlTETTB.T. FEIflVA. I MSB Cold find Mltir Amcrietn end . ' Wntihcs, Clocks, Jewelry nud Sliver ware. Con- , .-Wntly on l.nn.l. M.iir Jewelry r.r.d M.i cm"! Mer...' rand" to order. . (L lit and Silver Plating denr- ln "'c n'tl manner t.nd warranted to rive t in ire 3iili''ft'tir-n. Fine Watches. Clocks, Mu:i L'"x ' and Jewel, y repaired ni;d iu.rr. ntI i! cud'.!.- iumitly Idled. Suiibur.y, ,1 iino 1, TKdi'. CfiI.TrAJlE,"TEOf JUDGE. Ureal Reduction in lirl ,l;SAM: aVlIAIL I'lKEi. fl' very fur erior yiov r.ml Silur-Pli.tod Wnvcs, 'l r.-ur Own Mnm.lntur Pitch ns Ten Sot 18, I'mit. Ice I t,"' 'S Pilohcrs, V.'.iilorn, (Sobhb ts ff-A y T1 I Cuke J!a.tj, Cn'lort. iiut- J-r nnd Spoons, of various kinds Ac , Ac, Warranted Triple Plntc, on bent of metals, and equal to nny in I be market, of the latc.it styles, .nd no goods lire misrepresented, nt JrtllN BOWMAN'S New iiml Donutiful Store. No. tin Aick Street, Philadelphia. sPP I cace cull nnd examine our (..oids bofnro I nr. linrini?. N. D Ml kin's of Plating nt reasonable prices. Augurt 21, I o7. lycj c;?. iioor wiiKTN. oaw. NEW brniKU BTYLE3, "Orrt Ow.v Mako." After more than Fivo Years experience tied ex-, i erinuntiiig in the niomifueturo of Strictly First 'fiiality Hoop Skirts, v.c oiler our justly oclcbrnted i'f I'd.- to merchants rnd the pnl lie in full conridenco I their LUj-cruirily over ull other:: in tlie Amcriciin iuiiik.t, nnd they" ro to ncknoKlcdgcil by nil wlio near or drill in tlitui, a:; tiicy give u.orc Httisinotiuu llinn liny othet .kirt, and recommend thcmsclvc? in vcry re. feet, liculors in Hoop .S'kirtsr, fliould mako a note of this i'net. Every huly who has cot given (Ucma trial should do so without further delay. Our n: -vrtmcnt cnil-rncea every style, lcn;;th nnd iiic for Iiadicc, Micnes nr.d Children. Alto, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ark for "Ilopkin's Own iloko,'' nnd In not de ceived. iSoothat ttio letter "11 ' is woueli on tho 'Japes ichveon linch Hoop, nnd that they nro stamp r.t "v. x. lUil'KlJs i ilimufnetuio. (li'j Arch Bt., l'hiladclibia," iun each tabc. Uo others nro gcnuini. Also, constantly on hand n full lino of Igood Now j crk and liasti ru made .Skirt;', nt very low iricc. Wholesale and UUnil, At tho l'liiladclphift Hoop Bkirt iliinufac'.ory and Jjmr oriuui, o. Arch etrcct, i'liilndelpliiu. 1 V.M. T. HOPKINS Nrch S3, 13C7 lOxw iVllT. I NG TON & HO 1) G X I ii li ' RAW X'- O I J E ciTEitrnosriiATi: vv lime, Tilt V Ki-'Al oi tln:inlit'i'Ia::-.l Coutily F lu II T I L I 2 E 11 'Ihc best tnr.nurc fur nil kind.' of grain iiiar.ufio lurcd More active, more durable, than any other. It I jiifcot exhu.Lt tho coil, bul on tho contrary i? a tcruii'.neiit improver. OYlHt iOO FAUMKltS in tho ;ouiily applied it to their f:pring Cropc, the re ults neroll.atit exceeded their uiott ranguinc expecta tions. It wan tcrtcd with the bcut l'hophiitcs in tho country but came outjvictoiiou;. Farmers, uio it your wheat and rye Put up in Bags of 20b lbs. cauh and sold nt 67 per 20U0 pound;, at tho Mauufuctory, i:at .vlarkel hired, Kuultury, t'a., or i t any of our ngrnta in Danville, Williamsport, I.cwi. buig, Muncy Station, Milton. Vewart, l'otta 'rovo, Lb'om.-ljurg, fi'tlins'-Mrovo, Trevorton, or any el tlie jiriucipal towns in tho adjoining counties. Whero wo havo uo ngents npiointed, farmers can :er. I their orders by mail and rely ou their rccoiviug iuiincdiato attention. Wo have tho advantage of Kitilroad aud Canal i importation in nil directions, nnd purchasers need . ; I rehend lie delay in Idling order' J. U. TOltltlNdTOU, i:u. UODUKINS. Luiibury, Aug. 17. 1SG7. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We tuhc I leisure in announcing to Ienlerd in I crtiliu m, mid the Agricultural public, that wo ha c within the pa. t year increased our facilities: for the manufacture of our Haw liunc l'hophate, to an extent uncriuallud by any othor House in tho United States or Europe Thoso i'uoilitics not only include the enlargement of our old culuoli. lied works in Philadelphia, known as the 1-Ittvsii'c Biivor A,';rit!iilliiral 'liriit'sil Vwrt-4, but i:l x. I he purchase of extensive and well stocked works nt Cliiuugo, 111., with nil tho ncccrjmy macliincry, ears, Ac, to conduct tho bueincs. This ttubli:-h-uicntnlono has produced, ni.nu'illy, over 6u0u tons ol dried lionos and Meat, and is cupublo of being largely increased. Wo desire, by tho closest ruper vi, ion, to conduct the.,0 two concerns ."o that our cus tomcis will derive a practical benefit from their Con solidation, in obtaining a MAN CUE which shiill maintain a standard aud uniform quality, and at the Iowa t pojiible pi ice. L'ALOH A SONS. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE'. UAUGII'S ; Li" i: It r II O S 1 HATE OF LIME, Sole Mnnufiicturors A Proprietors, i'ELAWARE ItlV'EU CHEMICAL WOUKS, J 111LAOELPHIA, U. S. A. tI aioii-rL- :.rc r,,Minn:cinled to oillt'lisc of li.a dc'i'cl I--, iUl oi tlo-ii iii-i-:!tl.iollioiKt. ill fcecllons U'lieie llo tieu- lei is yel tclot.lislii it, llic l'tiopliale in iv lie oriKureu (tirci't- y fioiu ilic uiutcK:i:'ticl. A Piiced Citeuliir v, ill he ieiit I -i 'I wll i ajiply, DA UGH f; SONS, Dthurare Aanuc, Oijlx I'lilLAUELPIHA JJAUGII liilOTIIEUS ii CO, (lateral Wiulentlc A'jent, No. l'A Pearl St., comer ol Cedar. NEW YOltli. GEOUCE DL'CDALE, Ii it-icsi7; Agent for Maryland & 'l)jini it No. 105 eiultlfs Wharf, UALTI.MOltE. MU. V.j' Wo nro prcj.arod to Supply our Pntint 'oc Im.i I Mill tool! Manufacturers for grinding HjuW liuimo Mid ull uthcr huid cak-tunuu. I Hoi by HMITII A f i ENTIIER, .Sunbury. "'" BOOTS' AND ' SIloTlS. MAN UFACT t UEU TO OltDEll. JOIIIT WILVER. I J Eril'ECTi ULLY informs his friends and cus ah louitrs, tiuit ho has ju.d opened a thon iw tho manufacture of JJOOTd A bHuES, ou lruce Ured, lateen Second street and Cadre Ally, Eunbury. r.it,r0itt" inJa. of work '" hil lin1 wl uo ado up in tho lute.it atyio md lu tho best workinanliko luuu- ii '! 'u '"" nr .' C"'f !,uck '. "0 latter, hiuinelf hat ho will bo i.lo to tuit Ui. ta les of tho muA 'i ti.uf fnc public uie iuMied to call ... . P'il-i VTLVEP - I"' ItT ,1'r.i- It,, 1.V.T '. aw (Vt.r Coolers. ccctnlilo Hisl I!; ." .' , tj, Tureens. Sfujir end Crrl .i .fr l!a: -krts, Syrup'aod Drink- fe. -i mi: Ours, Kim c. una form, CKJTTENDEK'a Commercial College, o7 Chestnut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) FillLA delpiiia. Established Hit. Incorporated lSj5 YousvA' 1m I'raetieally i:lu'itt'l lor 1$ u in en. The l.icililien of this Isiltiition hnre hern largely in reared, and it host bas pdvantnees for inipnrting bwnui kunwledga whi' h nrc uccciunilcd. 'J lie pnicticiil vulue of iM neil-tiied rniirso of in tr ictiou is ptlestcd by hundreds in all itepiirtnK n(3 1 1 huiinew Miiry ft youn(t tnnn owes Mb suoccsi: In lifo ti thi qtinlilicntlonr- gained hero. The insinuation througnout is thorough, practical, nr I just what is daily used in our bet bu. iz?C house; 'i'hv instruction inchiilcs I! nik-Keeping in all itn rtr.iliehrr,, I'i riuaii:Jliip, (I'iainniid Oiniiinentiil.) Coinmcioinl) Onl rutnf ionn, Iiu: inca Papers and Cor rc 'ondfrieO. Coiomcrcinl Law, Heteeting kt!ounttrfciU, i-'le. .Itailrln ,,..- tiftfti 0fr.i,nti.t nrtil rf.irrtt III i.ny tinio lMilomRdawarded"ngraiionlioii ltri'n" I t!W. ne"itcd in procuring suitalilo boanl'mg places' I l;orrd miry he obtained lor uboutM per week. Cntu- loguci inaildl free. ! CiUlTKiNOKN K IWOK-KliEl'lXU. i Counting House, price 2 50. High Eohool. price 1 SO. Common .'school Lditmn ai ) eta. Juiigo Wharcwood'a liccturo!" be tore tho Students on Commercial liPW,prico l fiO. THIS CKIIXKNIMCN CUMMKIlf "IAIj A1UTH Mli'llC AND Ul'INKSiS MANl'AL, Containing new and rapid uie'hod? of calculation m actually utcd by bu.-'incra men. Forma of iiaur.CiL: Paper s i.ccompauied by csjilnnntlons of their nature and u:e, u eful Coiiiiiieruiul X.iblc, i.uil much valunMo iinfonuationon biuincEE ruljccl?. Priccl 2j. Tho i-nloef tbi.i Brolt has been rapid that it it already in It.', i-econd edition. Any of the nbovo looks rent jioslnjrc paid ou re ceipt of the price. S. JI. CUIlTENIiLN VC0. June P. 1PC7. Cm 1IEHDLG IK J USE, i:. A. l'SO, Kup'f. VILLIAM'3POIiT, PA. K.iyp, l.Si.7 Cm Pensions Increased. The late Act of Congress give.A additional pay to the t'c lloniug Pensions, viz : 1st. To those who havo lost the fight of both eyes, or both hands, or totally dii ablcd so nA to require con stant attendance, the ruroof H'i (JU per month. 2d To thoso who have lost both foot, or nro totally dif aided in tho tmno so us to require constant attend ance, tho sum of $20 till. BU. To thosowhohnvo lost one hand or one foot, or nrc ;o disabled nj to render them un.iulo toper firm n.anunl l.ibor S'li i0 per month, and other cases in proportion. The subscriber is duly prepared lor tho immediate procurement ol thue claims. B. U. LOYElt. Atfy lit Law. Sunbury. Juno 1(1, lir' ifi. T. JUMFS CO.. nrc the Agents in tiic Cuunlier d' Northuinbcrbiud. iSnvJer and Montour. .M WAltklO.N'H lui'i.-ovcd I'i.-c and Water-Proot Hoof. This it the cheapest nnd bcrt Hoof tii;:t eon I be put onn building. JIns been urcd in the city ol I Philadelphia, since IH&I, whero it l.as . upcr.'cded almost every oiacr Uiml ot Hoot. It is recommend ed by the builders, nnil ia utcd on all of the finest luildimrs in that city. Parties contcinpliitin builil ing, v.-ill do well to cxiimino into tho iucrit. i f tliio and ull other kind; of Kcoli:, m.d feivc the best tho preference. Tho Fountain lintel, of t'linbury, will, in u few days, be covered with this Hoof, and parties dciirin to ilj to, Mt y c:.ll there i n 1 exrn.'.ii.e it. For 1 Hither information addrerr l!ox lt,unbury l'u.'t Ollicc, or call ui the LuT'.i "i urd ol T. HlMEa .V CO. Sunlury, li, 1807. 2m heet Iron and Stove fi. ZETTLEM0YER&BR0.. (Successor to liENJ. ZETTLEMOYEK.) Mur!;ct Street, near Engcl's Storo, SL'NBUIU', PA HAVING taken ohargo of tho old stand bo long patronized by tho iioonlo of Sunbury and vi cinity, bog lcavo to announco to tho old lncnds nnd tno public generally, tuai moy win tuppiy mem with tno must improved varieties oi STOVES, COOK, OFFICE nnd PAKLOH STOVEri of the best lirands which nro unsurpassed tor bcnaiy ot Mu.'li. simnlicil v of urranKcmeut,' eoinbiuing clicnpuci ar.d durability aniicacii stove wurrantcu lu periorui v. i.ai thoy arc represented. Coal OH, Coal OH E:iki;?k, l.imlt-i'iis bhado, Chimney?, r.nd all articles usuully kept in tin C13IUOII: IIIIICIII oi inih i.uiii. COPPEH, UltASSnnd 1P.0N KETTLES, of all sizes. FKtlT JARS and CANS of tho latest improved styles. llo is also prepared touoatl Kindo ol. -pouting and Mooting, llango and f urnaeo uorK. Itcpuiriug, ehOHply ami nenttv exceui'd. OEO. ZETTLEMOYEK A 15KO. Juno 8, lSfl7 y Blacksmithing. john invirr, SUNHURY, PENNSYLVANIA , ESPECTFl'LLY informs the citizens of uu V bury nnd vicinity, that ho has erected a llluck- auiith i'hop near tho Shamokin Valley liiiilioud Depot, where ho is prepared to do Lluckmithing in all its brnnchci, nt tho shortest notice Having had many years exporiouco n: tno business, no nutters himself that ho can render satisfaction to ull who mny give hiui u call. i l im in ft ouuuury, jiugusi i , ino. t ALL and sco those- beautiful Eii'd Cages at tho V new naruw uro suiro in J. 11. CON LEY A CO. CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL Jr3 UU3SXJ. 310II1-TX2II, Pealer in Fruit and Oronmcntal Trees, will furn ith iroiu tho nicc;t rcsprnsible Nur.-i rics in this mid other (Slates, find class TUEESofnll kinds. Also, Siirubbcry, Viuesnnd PluuU. Uurdcn Sccdt'of ull hinds. Orders arc respectfully solicited. Address EEXJ. E'HIXER, Pcxinoc, North'd. Co. C?J K. L Ir.-uranccs tuken in teven l of tne most rcspomif lo Fire li-uranccand Jlursc Letectio Companies in the btatj, Juno K, lbC.7. y MEW QROCERY! Market Street, thrco doori eatt of tho ItuilrunJ north t-ido, SUNE1UY, PA WHOLESALE & RETAIL AN l) Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS! Their Stock is complete, comisling in part of Sl'UAUS, COFFEES, TliAS, M'lCES, COAL OIL Tobucco, Cignra, Flour, Feed, Fkh, Salt, Hcu.r, iShouldcrs, Cheese, Fruit, tHnsj, Lumps, to, Ac. Country Produce lakon in exchango for Uoodt'. 7JCull mid c.tauiiuoouriStotk, uuj cati;fy your solves. Sunbury, Juuo 2'J, 1867. E.E G ORD Y OUT. LEEES- PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds tu-o remind ed that they must bo recorded, according to tlio Act of Ai-eiubly which rujuircs that "All deeds and Coincynnccj for real cjtutu lu thu Commonwealth, shall bo recorded in thu ollico for liccoi Jin r Deeds iu tho County whero the lauds lie viiltiu ti t vimiihi after thocxceutionuftuch deeds nnd conveyance; nnd every such deed and convey ance not recorded as nforesuid, thai) bo judged FUAUOLLEN I AND VOID against any subauiueiit purchtuicr for a valuablo consideration unless moh deeds bo recorded before tho recording of thu deed or convcyiuice undor which uek jubsorjuoiit purchas er or mortgage shull iluim." l''Jtho.;e having old Deed: Hill tel.; by piiylrg .da tlbution tu U,u hl.-.vc Muli II 2.) lMi7 if BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! To tho OH.cii ol" KunlMirj' mid vicinity. fplIB undersigned haro bought tho lirlck-Vnrl 1 and improvementj", formerly leased and worked by A. B. titcTens, and havo mado additional im provements, nmi are now prepared to mako oontraotn to lunnulaoturo and deliver liltlCK in largo quan tities, for bnllilinir and other ournosft). I!y tho manufacture of a good artiolo, and. rronipt public patroungo. Orders left at tho Prick-Yard, or liox 14, t unbury Post Office, will bo promptly nttrntlnn lii husinciss. wo noMO to roceivo rnnra oi attended to. T. IIIME8 A CO. Jsunbury, May 1H, 1H07 3m LUMBER! LUMBER ! Tlc Poller t.'onnly and Hnatltnry l.innlier 'oiiiiiny. Now fully established at tho UVNIiUllY BTEAM SAW-MILLS, nrc prepared to saw to order WHITE PINK, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any izo nnd all longths. Afull assortment of ID IVY LUMBER, iilnnvs kerit on hand. PnnncI, Flooring, Siding nnd l.ni. hing boards of all kinds. MOULDING. SASH, DOOKS, nnd SIIUTTEUS, SHINGLES, Sawed nnd Bhnvod, Whito Pino, and Hemlock i'latrriiiK nllt and fnlln, PliinlPif. ltirnlnc and Turninff. will bo dono to order i.t idiort notieo. This Compony design furnishing everything 111 tnetr lino at sucn rnics mni i.uraoer Yards, Builders and all parties using Lumber, will hod it to their interest to buy nt this establishment O K D E K 3 arc respectfully solicited and will bo promptly at tended to by addressing, II 1U. lIViVU.Al, Clip I. f-'unbury, Juno 15, 1S0S. ITEV" SHOE STCP.E. Market Street, ndjoining Oenrhnrt's Confectionery Store, BliNIlLRY, Pa. VIP undersigned rospoctfully informs tho citiienf ot fc'unbury nnd vicinity, that ho has opened a NEW .SHOE STOKE, for tho salo as well as for the manufacture of tho finest and best rjuulityol panics llOCS, V 12 lalovc-Jtll, Jlorrocro, nir-llii nml Iasliue 'nIlcrM, Alc. Children's Shoos of all kinds. His stock is entirely new and well solcctcd. Ho also manufactures lino trench ana otner lull' i It in Ilonts and t-hocs for tlontlcincn Orders for ladies and contlemen s custom work v.ill bo promptly attended to and gut up in the be v l ,v .-in tui niecunnics i.iioo nniiings ae., consinnuy Kepi on nana nnu r i ale to tho trade J. II. JEFFK1ES f-unbury, April 20,1807. 5 J. w. K'i'i:vi:."N.i, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER h- i.'J ainrkp.l r,riiinrr near I ig Court Houso, lU'MH'RY, Northumborland Countv, Pn. T Jt haajust ojuncd an assortment of Hold ey ;Y I i lino i ituu i aicui ft nicnc?, VLteitive r Railroads, Ranks and Dwellinirs, l ine tiold liii s. Finger Rings, Bracelets. Minia- tore e;ni-es, Jledallions, Eockots, 1'oneils, Thimbles, (Spoctaclcs, Silvor Table, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard Spoons, Sugnr Spoons, Cups, Napkin Hing, Fruit und Ruttor Knives, Shields, Combs', Diamond Pointed Pens, Castors, Pitchers, Eutter Iikhcs, Fruit Dhhcs, Cako Raekots, Syrup Pitchers, He invites the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to cull at tho nbovo place, whero ho will bo happy to wmi upon ineiii. r.i?-i'articulnr attention paid toREPAIKINU. April U. 1S07. J. H. Conley Co., .tsai'Kvl Street, KsiNtoi'llic IC:iilro:il f3Trisri3TJit-5r, punwa. DEALERS IN roici:i.-j a. aii:ick'a, Hardware & Cutlery. rpi IE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Duilder, JL und Duyors gonorally is invited to tho fact that wo nro now offering a bettor selected iicsorUiicnt of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC. than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles iu this lino of business, embracing a gcnoral assortment of tools und mute rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CAKR1 AO)'. AND WAdON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together w ith a lurp;o stock of Iron, Stoel, Nail.'. t-'pikes. itopc, Chains, (Jiind-tolies, Mill and X Cut J Suws, .':o., Ac. i Suidiury, March 30, l!ifi7. Fashionable Dress TRIMMING SI AND Millinery Goods, J ut,t opening nt tho Millinery JStoro of Mm M. L. QUSSLB. Fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, West tide, J5U.Utur, I'A. Such as Dress-Trimmings, Head Dresses, Woven, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, which havo been carefully selected. Miss M. L. Ousslcr has just ououod a larirc assort ment of Millinery Uoods. Ladies should nut fail to go and fee tho latest styles as it will pay to nut deluy iu vi. mug her store. CMI and examine lor yourselves. No troublo to lIiow goods Sunbury, April 20, liib7. BAKERY. BAKERY. V. iUlSUKOVi:, Apeul, Manufacturer of CANDIES, DREAD, CAKES, PIES, AO., Front St., ii doors cast of tho P. & E. 11. K. Depot nOKllll .MIti:Kl,Al, 1A. Customers will be served duily. Orders solicited Northumberland. Juno 22, 1S07. DOUTY HOUSE. B. IIAI.I, Proprietor, Cvrner Hunhury and Jiock Streets, PIIAMOKIN, I'ENN'A. rpilIS HOUSE is now open for the reception of X. guojtt!, aud being new, spacious and attractive, has all tlio facilities and advuntuges of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Tho sleeping apartments aro airy and comfortable, and tho furniture entiioly new. The Uar nnd Table will bo supplied with the best in tlio niurkct. The patronage of the public U rolicitcd. April l.'l, lbi7. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MIES KATE 13X.A.CIC, Market street, four doors west of Wm. II. Miller's Root and Shoo storo, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends in Suubury and vicinity, Unit the has just opened her srjuxa 6' auMMKit dress uoods, of every description. i'Ufrliiounble lrcMM Tt liiu.iiKi, Head Dresiscs, (iioves, Hosiery, Embroidorios, Laoe Collars, Lle.ieho J and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Alapasas, Poplins, Crape and Luce Veils! Bidici Jlutx. Clilltlrcu'M Hutu ana (LUM, of every variety. Mmo. Dcmorest's Hair Curlers, Hair Colls and Curls, U loves, Stockings, Collars, CorseU, Ao. Uenta' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspondors. Bradley ' new Patont Duplex Elliptic (or doublo Spring SKIRTS ) HOPKINS Elliptio SkirU. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combe, Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS. K.ATK SLACK. SuLbury, AprU XI, im. . Coachmakers, WE aro selling Rims, Bpokes, HuU, Springs, Canvass, Dolts, Clips, Axles, Ac-, very low Laro Stock at CONLEY CO. "unbury, March SO, 18T. IV" '"nt Tin-Ware, go' w SMITH A ''LMJLR 3 New Shop dr A ran a beat MI BITTERS The eomnonenl parts of tbll rmnrVMe prrparatlnti wcroflrat diiforored, eompoamleo and dliitrlbiitcd, aorno twentyyearsaico.by Ur. CHtoraos, the eclo- nrntcu Epyplian rnysician. inuawiiiiBui ms un-.i-Ing countrymen were restored to health, at well as (treat numncrf Ol mo innaimnn m 4-.m Unv njiUi.. mai ol theeountricibordorina upon the Southern coast , .of llio Mediterranean S'a. Intlccd, tho nmi? of tho ZINUARI UITTKHS soon spread ever Europe, and was adopted by tho nrlneltial 1'hvitclanS In ohargo of the hoipitalt of tliu old world, in wmcn i Ull wl witn preemi nent success. The Viceroy ot fccypt pinccu ui name of SR. Ciiiorma upon tho " Roll ol Nobles," and pro cntcd to him a Medal Ixwlnn the lollowlna; Inscrip tion 1 "Da. Cnaorsua.thc Poblio DcnclBOlor." ThU Bitters ii now offered to tho public ot America with the lull assuranoa that it will bo found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specifio for tho euro of Cholera, Djraentery, Dlnrrhecn, Cholera Morbus, Fever nnd Ague, Yellow lever, llhruinnllsm. Typhoid Fever, I iprp.!., Colic, Bronchitis, C'oiianmptlon, KUu lency, Dlaenaee f the Klrtnrva, Nervoua Debility, and Female Comillnta. Remarkable cures of tho above diicaaca have been effected by Its use, asmimcrouscortlflcatos, many from revular physicians, fully attest; and it Is deitlneil to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, andinviGoBATjjfo B--AGE it nAg NO EQUAL. Tnei tnt ziitoaui b1tter3 h as siiui. a3 well as b0dt, AND AS A PREVENTIVE or DISEASE, nA3 NO SUPERIOR. Is- A FEW WORPS TO LADIES. The use of tho Z1NT.AKI IIITTKltst will ive to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest ol his works) fully intended that you should have for it Is nature's own ' powder end paint combined. By purifyinn the blood, stimulating tho pigmentary celts of the dermis, and Imparting health and 11(0 throughout the entlro system, it especially rdvca that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common In our day; end what it even better than this, it cures every species of female irregularities und disease. Principal Depot, Hnrrisburg, Ta. RAHTEIt & HAUSE, SoLB Pitorr.iKTona. For sale by W. A.;BEXNETT, Druggist, Sunbury Pennsylvania. August 3, lr,7. S100 REWARD Pol a medic ine that will cure I t l'UIIK, INI-1. 1 i:n,a, TICKLING in the THROAT, ' WilOUI'INO COL till, I I relieve coNsiwii'Tivi: onions, ns quick ns COB'S C O U O H Ii A I. H A M ! OVER ONE MILLION llOTTI.F.si liavelicell sold ami not u nii-;le. iiistolicc of ilii tillurc i.i known. Wo luivc, in our potBcssion,uiiyiiiiiiilit ol t'ei. tlliCMtes, t'ome of liicai fioiii EMINENT I'llVlMCIANS wiio li:ivc usi il it in tlieir puclicc, and given it the -ie-eiiilneitre ove-rcvciy otlu-r coiiitMiuiul. IT DOES NOT DUV LP A ColCII, biH I.OOSKNS IT, so as to enable the patient to expectorate freely, Two or lliree doges. Will lNVArum-v Crnu Tichi.iNa in tiic Tiihoat ! A half liotdc li-ts oflcn eonipli ti'lv caicil the iiioi Sliib boru Coui;li, ami yd, lliooi'li it h so sure and sji ly in He operation, u is perfectly liiirnit.'HV, being pure'ly vc;!ctiillt. it is very ii;.iei-;ililo to lite bote, and may be uituiiaibleieil to children ol nay n;!c. Ill cnacs of CKOl'l" we will guarantee a cure, If lakcM in ucasou. NO FAMILY SIIOIT.U UK WITHOI T IT! it is within the reach ot all, it beiat; the cheapest and lo medicine extant. C. C, CLARK fc CO , Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February Jl,1'07.-ly O O 3 ' 3 DYSPEPSIA CURE'. rrilllS uiiEAT REMEDY l'olt ALL DISEASES ..f X the BT O M A C II a is the ditcovcry ol llic inventor ol' tone's v.-ilntl'le (-mcli It.itsiiui, while e.i'riinciiliiiu lor liiaown liraltii. Itcnriit Oiniii iu tlio Sloncn-li for linn whn-li bail bcloic yielded lo niilliiiiT but rliloroforin. The ulinout daily ti-.iiioiiy from va I ions parlts of llic country cnpoinai! us to ln-lievc there in tin di: care caused by a diikirdered atomacli it w ill not np.t-ilily cure, l'hynicinna endoroo nml Uao it! MiniKtcra givo testimony of itu cfllcncy. Am) Iroui all directions wc receive tidini'.u oi curi-i, i r folllled. DYSPEPSIA! It is sine to cure. IIKAKTBL KN ! One d''Sc will cure. SICK HEADACHE! It ll:lt! cured iu lllllldlcilb ol CaiieH HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS ! It utops in thirty minute. U.'IIIITV OF Til!-: STOMACH ! II corrects at once. RISE OF Till: FOOD! It nt'ips Inwicdi.iicly. DISTRESS AFTER KA TIN'ti ! One dse will leuiovu. CHOLERA MoiiDUS! Itiipidly yiuMs to a lew duces. HAD IUtEA'1'11 ! Will lie chaiie'e.1 with half n Imtlle. IT I li PEIU'ECTIiV HAltMLKUri lis UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing In llic fuel ill II It 4'sii-oh Uy Asiillii' .Antm-o TO RE ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE KVtTKM Ncaily ectry dealer in the United Slate, eellj Jt ul ONE DOLLAR PER DOTTLE. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February 21, 1SC7. ly. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23. 25 & 27 Drondwny, N. Y. Opposite Cowling (Irccn, ON THE EUROPEAN 'LAX. milE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known X to tho traveling publio. Tho location is espe cially suitable to merchants and busiuess men ; it is in close proximity to tho business part of tho city is on tho highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all tho principal Railroad und Steamboat depots. The STEVENS HOUSE has liberal aocomniodu tion for over SOU guest it U well furnished, and possesses ovcry modem improvement for tho oom lori and cntoiuiiumcnt of its inuiutes. The rooms arc spacious and woll vontilutcd provided with gas and water tho attendiiueo is prompt and respectful aud the tublo is generously provided w ith every delicacy of tho roason at inodorato rates. CEO. K. CHASE A CO., Pron'trs. May 25, 1807. Oin THE OREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST STTlSTIBTTIRrsr, is on 3d street, oppojito tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, It ut lately KHtabllNlscd, with nil tho .tloUeru Iiuiiroveuientr. of the Art I riMIK subscriber, having built the room expressly X for tho purpose of Photorrruiihinrr. nnd havim. devoted many years to tho business, is eonfidout of nisuouity coassuro nis patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in oountry or city. No work allowed to leave tho gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the bust sky light in the oounty, bo is prepared to make Photographs in ail kinds of weather, but would prefer eloar day fur small children. He is also prepared to take now sixo, or eablnct card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required si to and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay stocitil attention w an aiiiua ui out uoor worx, sucn at ianascapo views of Monuments, Machinery, County Heats, Ao., a large lot of Photograph frumes constantly on hand. The publio are resiioctiully invited to cull and sco our specimens and our eouiplele arrangements for niuking Photographs, spociU terms to families aud eiuos. , , . ' B DEUUIKESSEK buubury. July 1', li7 NEW GROCERY STORE, VT. O. FTJE1A1T & CO s Market Street, Six .doors East of Third street, north sido, SUNBURY, TA., RESPECTFULLY inform Ihclr friends and the public, that they havo oponcd a NEW OROOERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will bo happy to havo thara call and ciainino their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery lino, such as Coll'oo, Toa, Sugar, Syrups, Spiecs, Cnnnr.d and Dried rruits, ueans. itominy, unocse, v;racKer, iiacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, oto., togothor with Soaps, Candles. Soda, &o.. and in fact everything in the Urucoryand Prove ion. kino. FLOVR AND FEED, (Juecnswnro, Wlllow-wnrc, Olnsswnro, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Cull nnd sou betoro purchasing olscwhcro. W. B. FIRMAN &C0 Sunbury, April 27, 1807. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 SPRING AND SUMMER Ti XJ U Q 9Mb 9 Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market nnd Fourth .Slrcct, 8UNHUHY, r K N N ' A . Invites tho public to call nnd cxaniino his elegant assortment of SUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell nt greatly reduced prices. His stock consists in part of CASSIMERES. CLOTHS. &C . Silks. Helnines, Lawns, Uingh.itns. Calicoes. Muslins, Sheeting. Tickings, J cans, and a full aicortiuclit ol Cotton und Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, (Moves, Uoop Skirts. Alio Handkerchiefs, Drushcs, Combs. Half and Cnpx, Itoof nnd Miorx, His assortment cf goods will not, ho is suro fail to please tho luncy and suit tho wants of any desirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND (iUEEN'SWARE, nnd Oroccrics is largo in quantity nnd choice in qunlity, comprising generally everything needed in tlie household either for u.-o or ornament. Ho is always ready nnd glad to sco his friends nnd takes pleasure ill showing thein his goods even though no salos arc made. Ho only asks n call, and is suro that the stock will compare favorably in price and miulitv with the cheapest. JOSEPH EYSTER. .Sunbury, April 13, Difi7. ;THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, G'.HI Rroahw av, Nrw Yoiik. These World-Renowned Sowin Machines, were awarded thn highest prcmiuiii at tlie World s Fair ill l.omioii. nnd tix first premiums at tho Now lorlt Mate Fairof ItMiti, nr.d are celebrated fur doing the best Work, using a much ininllcr needlo fi r the .-amo thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of tho most approved machinery, wo uro now ublo to supply tho very best machines in tho World. Thccc machines nro mado at our new and spacious Factory at Dridrainrt. Conn., under tho immediate supervision of the President of the Company. Ei.i as Jluwi:, Jr., llic oli'inml inventor ot the .Sewnii Ma chine. 'ihey arc adapted lo all kinds of Family Sewing, nnd tu use of Seamstresses. Dress Makers, Taylors, Mnniir-icturcrsol' Shirts. Collars. Skirls, Cloaks,"Man tillns, Clothing, Ruts, Caps. Corsets, Roots. Shoes, iiarne.-ss. Saddles, Linen (loads, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. 'i hey work equally w ell upou silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread, 'ihey will seam, quilt. gothir, hem. tell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every speties of sew ing. making a beautiful and perfect fctitch, alike ou bull sides of the articles sewed. Tlie-Stitch invented by Mr. IHUVK, and male on this Machine, is the most popular and nil Sewing Machines arc subject to tho principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Tho IIowo Macliino Cor.iiiany. li'.i'J Rroadwuy, Cur. FouU St., N. Y. April ri, lwi7. .tlA.VI'I'A 1IAIii:0C. Mrs. A. TWEED, in Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Hoods Store building, Market Square, fl doors west ol thu Post Otlice, SUNUUK Y, PA. f ESPECTFULLY informs I or friends and the V public that sho has again opened n shop, in Market fctroct, Suubury, where tho is prepared tu mako to order Ladies1 Dresses, In an entire new stylo, Ladies Cloaks, Ac. Also (lentlemeu's thii ts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. l'J, IS07. ly ia:ii.SLacjiw"e LRON. A large assortment of the bet manufac tured Lars, Hoop, ltand. Round ami Suunro Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, lilisler Steel, Drill Stoel, Horuo Shoes, llorso Nails, Anvils, Dellows, Vices, Hummers, Sledges, Hiusp und Files, ut CONLEY A CO S. BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS ! i. .'. -ru iii:ic, st'ccKsson to W . W . A P S L E Y . iN addition to our large stock, already on band, we aro now receiving a full supply ot Spring and Summer goods for Ladies, (icuilcincn, Missus and Children's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A largo lot of R. R. Rags, (Jonts' lino leather Satchels. We wish it distinctly understood that wo intend selling our goods nt small profits, exclusively for the ca.-.h. Don't forget thu pl.ico. Pleasant s Duildiug, Mur kct Sqiiaro, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Pouts und Sh.es neatly repaired ut short notioo. If any bought of us should rip they thull bo fixed fur nothing. II. U. THACHER. Suubury, April o. 1807. tf. luiiit, OiU, Ac. A foil stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. nud Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Varnhdios, Oluss, always on hand, at low W'eesat CONLEV&CO'S 1JIOH Saddlers, wo havo Saddle Tread, Dills, Duck : les, dig Trees, Pad Trees, llanos, all kinds and every thing pertaining to the business, for sale by J. 11. CONLEY A CO. SILVER'S WASII POWDER SAVES Time, Lalior. Muncv. Makes WASHING A PASTIME ANDMONDAV A FESTIVAL. "old Every whero. TRY IT. Address all orden; lo the Manufacturers ZIEliLEll A SMITH, Chomiuta nnd Wholonalo DrurrpiHtH, la? Aorlla lltirtl street, 1-liil'u. November U, 18i'. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS UOOKfJ AU9 BTAT'IONEltV, Monthly Time Rooks, Drawing Uooks and Slates. Rooks, Hymn Donks, Dlank Books, Memorandum Dooks, Diaries, Pocket Hooks, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink. Ae. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Dorough of Sunbury, for Salo ou reasonable terms. Apply to Dr. li. 11. AWL and, Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAFEtt.l'ijtUvUlo, V HUT. it, lODO -UJ -amcffc;, Aro espeeinlly invited to oall and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, oomprudng Nails and Spikes of all Varieties. Butts, Screws Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Dolts, Plas tering Tiowula, Drick Tiowels, i'ltotoiut's UevcJ, AC i tf , fvt tale by ' II C'.'NLE Y ft CO I 'or B-'stniilioM itntl Itiiiiiiiietiirer:", Great Attraction, at tho NEW TIN -WARE, fHlieot Iron nal Htovn Store ol' 51ITE & GIL IT TEE P., Where tbey koep constantly on hand nnd mnnnfue turo to order nt short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE of all descriptions. The? would especially call tho attention of pur chasers to their largo aud well soloetod slock of , COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers hnvo mado arrangements to havo all their bout stoves made to order, and thoso who would havo n good stovo would do well to go aud exauiino thoir large and well selected stocK. First. They defy competition on tho following tried ilrouds ol CooK iStovos, vis : (.kmihiiintion (ns Iliiruer, Cook. Uovvriior I'omii Cook. WADABH AND IIIONSIDE3, nnd tho well known Antidust Cook Stovo enltcd SPEAR'S ANT1DUST. Also. Parlor nnd otneo Stoves In grout variety em bracing ull tho best manufactures und most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty ol finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability ana cacti stovo warranted to pcrlortu what tliay aro represented. Also, Tho celebrated Daltimore Fire Fluoc Stovo, for hoating first, second and third ftmicc by Register! Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tho eolobrated MORXINU tlLOUY. Coal Oil. Conl Oil liiuups, NImmIvm, 4'liiiiinieN, antl all iirlleleit usually kept in nn establishment or this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slato and do slating in tlio host workmanlike manner. AltiO. to do Tiu ltiioliiic. K.,..ittior lt,in,.n nn.l Furnaco Work, (las Fitting, Ac Repairing neatly and chcnply executed. Also: 'ItstMglVM lCmv llonc Miipei lliiil." lllO! Rcineniber tho pluro. Niunplu and Sales Room nenrly opposite Conly's Hnrdwaro Store, Market street, between Third aud Fourth streets. Ruilding dark painted. August 2j, Iriiltt. A'o wore Jhihl A' mure Urmj l.m'hs 1 l ie. 1. 1: o . s ' ELECTRIC HAIR REN EWER, is pronounced by ull who havo used it tho very best preparation for tho Hair. It is a positive euro f ir liablnoss, eradicates Patidrull and Humors, stops tlio Hair from falling out, and speedily restore.-! Cray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance It operates on tho decrelions and I. II. tho gl mils with new I i lo and coloring matter. Thin, de-nl, faded or gray hair will alwiivs bu brought back by a few npplicaihns, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes tho hnir soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch nnd easy to nirange. Dry, wiry mi l intractable locks become moist, pliant nnd di posed to remain in any desired porilioii. As a Hair Dress ing it has no eiiinl. The sales uro enormous nnd it is n uniier.-al lavoritcnilh old aud young nt both rexes. Sold by Druggists throughout tho United Stater. Address all orders to .11a; LEU A SMITH. Solo Proprietors, IS? rlli l'hii tl St., Iliilu. November 21, l.-fWi. ly. A SIMV Alt RIVAL i' SPRING AND SU3IMEU r: ex x job 3f 9 ATTIIES'lOREOF J. H- 2NGEL, Corner of Fourth nud Market Streets, SLNIiLRY. JUST received from Now York and Philadelphia ! large supply of SPRIXti AND SI AIMER HOODS, which he will cll at niiiill protits, for ea.h or country produce His Dry Uoods department is full of every ile rip tioli. A s plendid lino ol LADIES' DRESS UOODS. and Whito Uoo Is at all prices. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankoo Notions in fJrctit Variety Also, Ladies' French Cor.-ets nnd Hi op Skirls. U AEPETS, Wovo FloorCloths, Stair Cm pets Fluor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades. Plum lireeu und Druwn Oil Cloth und Fixtures for Windows. Qitocina j; 3 , Nuirar. Cofce. Molasses, Kicc. Cinekei: , S.i.-c.'. Salt Fi.-l:, Cheese, Ac. Oiiccii-warc.lihissnvnio. splendid Sett.-ol Tcitwarc, at low prices. HOOTS & SHOES INUllEAT VA1UETY. Hats and Cnps, Oil, Paint, Ula s, Putty, School Dooks. Paper, Slates. Ac. ,1 R 1) W A I! E . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws. A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Dor der. nt ull prices. All persons dc.-iring tu get good goods will plcnjio give him a call. u , . J. H. ENi.EL. Sunbury, April 20, lsr,7. B':ii!i:i- t::iilrosil. S U M JI E R A R It A X G E M E N T . April 8tli, 13U7. CI REAT TRUNK LINK from the North ami A North-West for Philadelphia, New Vork, Read ing, P,itt.-iille, Tuiiiuquu, Ashland, Lehanun, Allon toivn, Luston, Ephiulu, Liliz, Lancuster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains lcavo Harri.hurg f, r Neiv-Ymk, n f.,1. lows; At3.U0, S.10 und U..ii A. Al. and 2.10 and D.uo P. M, connecting with similar Trains on thu I'enn syliiuna Railroad, and arriingat New York at i Oil and 111.10 A. JI. and 4. Ill, i.2il und III. i'i P. JI. Sleeping Curs accompaiiviug tho 3.UU A. JI. und lUni P. JI. Irains, without change. Leave Hnrrisburg fur Reading, Pott, villo, Tumu qua, Alinersnllu, Ashland. Pino Unno, Alleiilowu uml Philadelphia utB.lU A. JI. and X!il and d.lu 1 . JI., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way i'-l0",8 ; P m. making connections fr 1 hiladelphiu and Columbia oiilv. For Puttsviile Schuylkill Haven nud Auburn. "via iSchuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, lcavo Hnrrisburg ul'.l.lW p. in. Returning : Leave Now York ut U.ial a. m., 12 nil Noon uudi.UO uudS.Dilp. lu.; l'hila.kli.bia at S li ? .V,,,Bfll,?'30',-m- Way Passenger Train leaves Ibiliidelphiaiil7.SU a. ui., returning from Rc idin ' at 0.01) p. m. stopping ut all Maiioi.s ; Potlsvillc at H.45 a. ui. und 2-4i p. ui.; Ashland (I tiu und 1 1 -IU a in. aud i. OS p.m.; Tumuqun ut w.-lia.m. und l.uu aim o oj p. ui. Leave 1'otbivillc for Harrisbtir'; via Schuylkill nnd usquehauna Hall rood ut 7 (IU a. ui. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading nt P MA' rcturuiui f'om Philudelphiu ut i.OU Columbia Railroad Trains lcavo P.eadiu" at 7 till A. JI nud 0.1 j P.M. furEphrutu, Litiz," Lancas ter, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: Leavo New York at 8 (10 pin., Phila delphia S.tlU A. JI., and a.li P JI, tlio S.Kila.m (ram running only lo Reading. Potttvillo KuO a in., Harnsburg, .3i a ui, and Reading at 1.2uuiid 7.'JU a. m, for Hnrrisburg, und 1 1 22 a. m. for New York, and 4.2S p m. for Philadelphia,.. Commutation, .Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to Ltid from ull points. Daggage checked through : 8U Pounds Bi'.gia"C al lowed each. Passenger. U. A. NICOLLS, ,. ... ilencnil Superiutundi'iit' Konding, ra-LApril S, 1SII7. UckiiH unuii A; Itloontsibur Ila7l 10:1 l. wiUnnaifo,,.I,o,;v8,!nn- Trail. SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. M. Lcavo Scrnnton, &.60 10.00 Kingston, 6.S5 11.20 " Rupert, u jo 1'. M. 7.IU "S.20 P. M. 4.-10 C UU 8.17 H 40 10 IS ' lianvillo, 1 UM - Arr. North 'd., la Si r .. 'R'l'HWARD. Leave Korth'd., T 00 Danville, T.40 " lluicrt, , 8 15 x. M. " Kingston, 10 40 8.80 Arr. at Soranton, 12 00 9 ii 8 20 0 no 6 SS 90S P. M. 140 4 (10 111 1J J.ralns leavtnx Kinrrston l II ui 1 u r - n ton.onncct with 1 ruin arriving at Now York at 5 20. 5 StiT M"vi"lkvnf,.'rraLn ?u,h Tom Canton at 12 . v auinborlund, reach Harrisburg in 1" tt H"11,at"uor8 ' Washington lu.. UO P. M. ,i Rupert reach Philadelphia at 1 00 p. m. ,,, , 11. A. i'ONDA.un't. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1S07. 1 1 '' Children 4'arrlascx. WE,.r??!d1LU'e'ttonUo,,of tu, wanting Ctuld s tarriugo,toournowand large assort nieut eomprising new and beautiful style. . J. 11. CONLEY A CO. SHOEMAKERS. THE Lest qualities of 80I0 Leather, French Calf 5? T' '.Trf' LiaiZit LhsU, NaiL. l-c,.-luols of ail kmds, uu l every thing used by tho trudo 'otJuIelwl.y J.ll WiUUtV N E'W G R 0 C E 11 Y rpiIK subscribers bog, lovo to announce lo thrf NEW GROCERY, Tirodoort vat qf J. It. Kngk i Hlore, in - Mnrlxt Sqvnrc, whero Ihey aro prepared to furnish every vnrlety of grncerici, nnd Will keep constantly on hand ths choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fi-'h, Codec, Tons, Sugar, Mol.icscs, Cheaw, Pult Spices of all discriptiuii, .Soaps of uvory vuticty Candles, Smoking nnd Chuwing tobacco, iSegan. Hntns, Mhotildcrs, llncon. Butter, and E;'l' Also Dried frultsiif nil kinds, Crnel Pcnc'ic" nnd Tomn toes, 1'ickels, Ketchup, Pepp r iVnuco, Hnisiin, Lemons, Ac , of bestiU.'ility, m: d in tact every tlyki of articles kopt inn well stocked (Irocory. Aho Cider Viuugar. All kinds ot country produce taken In exchange . Tho patronage of the publio is re sTcctrully solicited. OEOROE E. DEARD A CO. JS'unbury, Nov. II, ISM. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doors west of the rot I (Tree, SVXEl'HY, IV 1" ESPECTFULLY informs tlio citijous ef .un J V bury nnd vicinity, that ho will l ako to order all kindu of C:iles lir K?:ilN, ftrite, Ac, l'itiiiilii'9 'ivcnipplicd with FRESH DREAD, Twi-t Rolls, Rusks, Ton Runs, Ao., and also kept on huiii'. maiiafaotured nut ot tlio best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had Inrgo exper'enco I hope to glo general satisfaction to nil who may furor rue tlieir patronage. DAVID I KY. Suubury, Doc. 'J, 1801. 31. '. iii:AIIIAIt'l"N Confectionery, Toy ant?- I rPlTJXT STORE Ilarlii l Stri ct, Simlmi-j-, E'a. C(OU''KcTio:u;uY of am kinds,- TOYS OK KYKUY DtSOlill'TlON fi;ui r. ic, s.c, -'INSTANTLY on band and f. r i:ile nt the t)l.,vo V e.-lahli. hinent atwhvleiide and retail, at reason ni'le prices. Hi1 is iiianiifucturiu all l.ind. of CViifcetionirics In keep up full assortment v. h'.ch i-rc r -ld at lew rates. l'.baccn. Scgars, Stationery. Nut.' f nil hi.i l.-, ar.. a variety of other article:", idiot v.iii.ih lut ol'oii-,1 wholesale :iml retail. t lienieinber lliu niir.io and laco. . Jti M. ' UKAliM M..T. Market street, .'1 door? wr '. ot E. . Lri;;':'. V i'ot.'a store. Sunbury. Sept. l .h It..'..!. if B 'It '-t H n -u :n a S T O R AV. A. UKKiiKF, tirUel Sii:tr, KUSJ.a:U V, I II AVIN'i rccenlly l'urcli., .. iiirnii-rly conducted by li. J'i-h. r n ' ill' v leave tu inlorni the citizens of in 1 v cmny that 1 havo entirely iv; lui.i: bed L y I' .el. of nc EC HT c A Nil r.ANC3T ARTICIiTIS I tnli as ('.mh.-. liru.-lies, pi Cl.l t I .if, l'e: Ml l.tiu:,.', linncry, Ilnir-'il. Knives, .S-i --. 01 . . C I Tohtt'.'cn iin-l i tnir", l'aiiil-.. Oil. JliM., ;;vs, ViiriiisheN, Ialeui "Secrcli:: All 1. iv Tincluris, .Vyrups, Ointim i:'--. ( other preparations am iiiannf'.icuui.d I ; 1 from ihu be-t material I cm precurc 11. ."' Having had iui!u a number of yc;.:s' e. . Ac, t i'ati i. nr. v -If. '..:i;et. i .i o.ii IL.l lie Drug and Preer-ti-'u ;.'...',.,, both ill Philndclphia and the country, an i nl advanlae of the Coltc:rc oi i'L.n ... . 1 f. . 1 tho potent to COMPOUND ALL l i; ' '1" I i'Tf .'.N'.'i tiiat llic Physicians and public it iy r.iyor iu with. All my preparations r- I have i.h nc ....;j.icd,;ii j made from the best mat-.-.-i.i!, i.nd u'oti honr I assert, they are iifutlieln.il .-tre: :h. For medicinal purpo.-i s, I keep on b ind theve bei-t wiMOi?, i!ijANi,i::.-j a:;d Li(uoii: tiiat I eatr jiro,-uro. Lcl'oru piirclni.-ing vlsewhore. call ui:-l c-vin-o your on n u.iud. .. , V. A. LENNElf. Sunbury. Nov IS, si;.',. SliMIIJRY FOUNifUV. tii:. UOIIttl! M 11 MI.X, A I'.'-', now carrying on Lii.lnc V. li.-hmcnt wiili renewed i; Cnstln-s , f every de-eriidi -h. to order. '1 he Stoves liianul'acli'.ri. J et ac4iiir..l the hlgluvi ri iii nion. i'ariiculnr attcmion paid ; A. ::1 Ibis ild 1.. protnptly !'ui;,;.:, Uii Tea:. dry h:; tr.i, C.'.STl.NiiS m anners siiouiu not toilet tn.a me i'L'-iVi nt tho Sunbury Foundry l-m-j uvu heen , Agricultural implt'iiicnt-' !,,. . 1. , Small castings, incliidin;- ('.'. . : .1 1. in-". ,lial.. d ; 'i'.i - i' ; I i t je ; :.T.:. 0:1 an ct.hiri l i.o-h:Ud .-.o mui.!, led. nisi improved und tno.-; u :.it The business will bo eonju.uj -cnlc. Old customers will bia.c. :, and new ones aro respectfully t..!u .uiim,, iililjr I ion. FLOUR & FEED 4 i' 11 iku.ksai.k ...j i::;tai; nillE sub.-eriber rcspceifol y in!,-; L that he keens con.-tiir,;!v , .n I n tho put lie .! I.L Lew n AHEHOUSK. near Ui Slia-n-Ain V.JIe V?l" '? HUNHURY, Flour by the barrel" ailrc-i 1 d facl.j 01 mi hiuusui reel tiy the Ion Tho above is all manufacture 1 at his o.vi Mills, o- 1, in uw sum 111 me imvu.i; c;'. Ii i-i -os .. , J M. CADWALLADl'i; Sunbury, April 1, ISt" 4aOOl lll'US lor MOTHERS, nro you upprc your little ones? Aro .'ioi.'ii'lS : Jse. I with iiiixii.y for your fluichcrs a:: 1 1 'o votl 1 -vnt.-o in II. i. hearts broken by their erico uioruiiig aiireire.-ueu nud nppn iicnsivo . If so prc. cure at olico e buttle of Dr. Loons' inl'nnl Remedy and you will have no more weary Louisof w t hii -nnd unxiety. " " iit. i.i:o.m i.iM.'r i::.T'5;;fv has stool tho test of years. Thbuarids ofuurstc .id mother boar wiLiess that it never tails to erivo rdi, 1 it used 111 season. It is a mild, yet . uro aud spew! v euro ior tohc Cramps and , mdy Pai,, hS.ju J valuablo for ull coiuplnn t. Iiicidem t i'lV, p,,- Sold by Druggists throughout tiio United St.fs Addrciis ull orders to ZIEULU; A SMITH, Solo 1'; r i.iii t ,r' lr Mortis '1'liir.i (Street , VlilVu November 2l,:'ps6d ly rpilf. rollowing person? ero rnl!!Icd to lccciie increase ot Rounty under tho Act of (Vn-i. paiCdJuiy i'.ll, to o-lualho Eountics. U"U:J April, lefil, lor .1 yeau, and rerved their time ul eiili.tmrnt and havo been honorably Jiseha-'cU H-.l' have received oriire eniiib i rci lvo u I'll-' ' 1U0, aro entitled an a.lditional liounty oi 'm io,)' 2d All such soldiers who cnlhr.cl for X yen , nn'l havo boon houorublv il-, :,,., .1 ... . . ,,.,n.li.i,..j;..C.e. ; '""' "ceouni, ft . ih ,uv iiiiv 1,1 u.l! V an additional Rounty of tSI ,.!. , iiro cntitUvl t-' Sa Tho Widow , MinorChil hcn.orr.irer-irf u ' soldiers who diod in the service of Wl,L. h r di cr e uro entitled to an additional !Vu.,:y,'' vi., ..,..,,.... .,. ,u c. r. ViULVEliToN 1. Pukuuhv, Pennsylvania, lJ0 s ,;, ,"r,:t. V Ag ut all such claims can be jpecj.ly collected buubury, August!, Istni.-t, ,ef 820.00 WANTPiivi.in ...I" 1. nJ 'cm,ao. to intru ho-o ,!,ir M'vv PA! EN T, S I'A R SH UTTLE S V i N i Ji AOil l N ' 'if.."!"!.'1. "y ""d TaUor!, mM " -"-" .mil ou uoiu SIJco. Pfico o ilv "TiVI'VI V & "ltaT iud'acenre-.,1:: to ents i'urlull purtioulan, addreos ., ,Hl,.M0-NT & V.TLSON, Jul, , 18,)7.SmKUi ''''l'-- REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. 0. Dlssinger and Jolr.i A. Tnvl 1 would rospoctfully anaouncc to the clti.Lisot buubury, and surrounding country, tbi t h-vi lurmod a co irtncrahiii, they uro now prep.ued to furnUi oruumcntcd ana plain CSruv es.toucis, 1'oiuI.m tV ),miii.un:M of tho best Italian aud American m.irlK, at pii.'ei that cannot fail to give entire sati f '.ctu u, and rc poctfully tolicil tho public lron.-t DlSSiXiiEii A T V Lvi: buubury, March 31, Ihiid - l.y. 1'INE Hyrtb; peuiiltuju ut lULiu.y . !eie . ' ..A I .vi: .-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers