Ctc Suntmtfi American. i , B. WITjVifjRT, I , . li. 8. EN OLE, Publisher. MUKUURV, PA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 86, 187. ftoral .affairs. Aitointxd. Isasa S. Zartmen was appointed Constable by the Speoial Court, on Monday week last, for Jackson township. - . Public Schools. We are requested to itate that the publio scbooli of this place will be opened on Monday, the 4ih of November, and ia Cake's ad dition, on Monday, the lllh. Wc direct attention to the advertisement of Mrs. 8. Simpson, who has been appointed an agent of 8. M. Singer, for the sale of his exeellent Sewing Maohines. These machines can bo seen at her resi dence, on Walnut street. Niw Stkam Saw Mill. Our enterprising friend, Ira T. Clement, Esq., has commenced the founda tion for a new Steam Saw Mill, on Front street, near Race. The mill will be of large capacity, and will, when ooinploted, employ a number of men to run it. Mr. Clement is an experienced lumberman and an enterprising citizen, and re wish him success. Tnn, extonsive mill of the Wateontown Lumber Company is In full operation, and is now turning out 76,000 foot of lumber per day, besides fath, paling, shingles, Ac, in proportion. During the recent stoppage of the mill four new boilers were added to the eight already in, and steam in suffi cient quantity i now furnished. Mysterious. On Sunday last a number of per sons oongregated in Cake's addition, at the trestle work of the P. A K Railroad, to witness the drag ging of the pond underneath for the body of a man named Elliot, who, it was sapposcd, had fallen into it, a night or two previous, and drowned. The body was not found. Mr. Klliot had been paid off by the company a few days previous, and suddenly disappeared the samo evening, since which nothing lias been hoard of him. TnAcnsn, of the First National Boot and Shoo Store, in Pleasants' building, Market square, has the largest and cheapest stock of goods in Sunbury. lie sells at least 10 per cent, cheaper, for cash, than any other store in the county, and, as a consequence, is oxlensivoly patronised. LlTEnAKY Socikty. We aro pleased to loam that several of our young men are making efforts to organlto a litorary socioty. We hope they will succeed, and meet with the proper encouragement from our citizens. A well conducted society will not only be a credit to tho town, but will be a bene fit to thoso connoctcd with it. The New Commissioner. Mr. Jacob llunsccker, tho nowly olocted County Commissioner, was sworn in on Monday, 14th inst., and immediately entered tipon the dischargo of his duties. Mr. llunsccker is a gontleman of excellent character, and will, no doubt, make a good officer. Mr. Murtin, the retiring Commissioner, is well known is this county as one of the most active and intelligent Cominis-ioneis wo have hud for many years. Railroad Improvements. Wo observe that the Northern Central Railroad Company has a strong force at work on an extensive improvement in the lower end of town. Workmen aro engaged in lay ing tracks for the purpose of transhipping coal from tho company's cars into thoso of individual owners and others. These improvements, consisting of ex tensive bins ninl schutcs, when completed will enable tho company to re-ship one thousand tons of coal per day. . New Post Office. A new Post Office has been ustnblished at Wagonscllerv illc, Dauphin county, called l'axaun P. 0.,aud Mr, (i. Uurringcr has been appointed Postmaster. Wc lcaru that Mahantongo station, on tho Northern Central Kailroad, bat been ubandoncd and moved to the above place, which is ubout a milo below Mahautongo bridge This new station is named after our esteemed follow townsmau, Col. Uco. F. Wngcnsoller. Odd Fellows' Parade. An Odd Fellows' pa rade will tuko place at Georgetown, this county, ou Saturday. November Invitations to a number of Lodges and Eucampinouts have been extended and ncccptcd from this and neighboring counties. Eminent speakers will address tho order, and every arrangement will bo made to have the largest turnout of the order that has over occurred in this county. A Merited Appointment. We nro pleased to learn that Mr. E. W. Oyster, of this place, has re ceived an appoinmcnt as clerk in tho War Depart ment, at Washington. Mr. Oyster is a graduate of this office, and wc feel assured that ho will 611 his new position with credit to himself, and the Depart ment will soon find that they could not have made a better selection. We do not desire to boost or take any credit upon ourselves, but wish to show to young men learning trade the importance of gaining u thorough knowl edge of the business thoy desire to follow, and at the came time employ their leisure hours in acquiring an education for other pursuits. We have had a number of boys under ut for instruction, and we feel proud to state that they are all, as far as we know, filling honorable positions, and some have already gained a reputation that many who started in life with much better prospects might envy. Loan and IJi ildinu Association. A meoting was held at the Musonic Hall, in this place, on Mon day evening lust, to take into consideration the pro priety of organizing a '-Loan and Building Associa tion' in this place. Mr. Elius Schneider waeealled to tho chair, and U. W. Uaupt, Esq , appointed Secretary. The object of the Association was stated and the principles of the tame discussed by a num ber of persons present. We understand that many of the towns in Schuylkill county have boon built up by tboso Associations. Tho proposed Association will be made up of 2,000 shares, at S200 each, one dollar per month to be paid on each share until the whole is paid in, requiring, generally, about 8 or 9 years to wind up. About 200 shares were sub scribed at the mooting, and a sufficient amount will, no doubt, be obtained without trouble, to commence operations. A member, of clergymon, belonging to the Episco pal Church, bold a Convocation at St. Matthew's Church, in this place, this week. The session com uienccd on Monday and terminated on Thursday evening last. The following aro the names of tha clergy in attendance : Rev. Messrs. Lightner, of Danville; Wadlcigh and Spaekinan, of Williams port i Cull on, of Bloonuburg ; Shinn. of Lock Ha ven ; Brush, of Muney ; Lafforty, of Bcllcfonto ; and Vandyne, of Sunbury. Services wore held in St. Matthew's Church every morning and evening during the sossion. Tbk Fashions. Our various Millinery Stores have been, this week, replenished with large stocks of goods for Fall and Winter, which embrace every style and figure that the "Goddess of Fashion" could desire. M'e think that Sunbury can boast of better ttores, of this char actor, than any of our neigh boring towns. Mist M. L. Lazarus has just reocived an elegant stock at hor store, on the north tide of Market square, to which she calls tha attention of the public Miss Anna Painter, on the south side of tho square, has also received her new goods, which embrace every variety and style. Mist Louisa Bhiatlcr, on tho south bide of the square, has recentky opened an elegant assortment of Millinery and Fauoy Uoodt . Mies Kate Black, north side of Market square, has re-stockod her store with a ehoice selection of Fall and Winter Goods, whloh she will tell very cheap. Miss M. L. O UBsler, on Fourth street, hat received Lor new goods, with all tha latest styles. Her as sortment is n 't rurpassed by any other establish went. The new advertisements of the abort establish pntl rre"r 'n our n,J,t t DaKVILLI, HAILITOK ARO WlLKIHAMII Railroad The eontraot for grading, mason work and bridging of this road, whioh will eonneet Ban bury with. liaileton and the xtenstv eoal telds of Luzerne eounty, was awarded, on the 10th Inst., to 3. V. Cress well, of Marrlsburg, and W. M. Wiley, of Lancaster, Pa., and wilt be speedily lathed for ward to completion. Tha Montour Amniean., speaking of this new enterprise, - says : "The Danville, llaxleton and Wilkesbarre Railroad eonneeta tho Susquehanna with the Lehigh Valley. At tta Western terminus it eenneoti with tha Philadelphia A Erie, Northern Central and Middle Creek Railroads ; at the Eas tern, with tha Lebigh Valley and Lehigh Naviga tion and Susquehanna Railroad, leading by their connections to New York, via Morris and Essex and New Jersey Central Railroad, thereby forming two independent lines from the Eastern terminus of the Danville, Uazleton and Wilkesbarra Railroad to Now York. This wanted link opens up and fully developes the Buck Mountain eoal fields, situate on tha Northern boundary of the Lehigh ooal basin, developing about 18 miles of the purest anthraclto coal in the eoal region. The charter of the Dan ville, Uazleton and Wilkesbarre Railroad Company authorizes the Company to mino eoal, build branch roads fifteen miles in length, and own lands. Situa ted as it is, between the great railroads loading from Sunbury to Chicago via Erie, and also via Pitts burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad at the Western terminus, and with two competing lines to New York from its Eastern terminus, together with its immense coal deposite along the line of the road, it cannot fail to become ono of vast importance to its founders, as well as the public generally." Tag Death or Mr. Joun W. Curns. The Low isburg Chronicle gives the following particulars of the death of John W. Curns, who was killed at that place on Wednesday of Kit week. Mr. Curns was well known in Sunbury, having been employed as superintendent of stone work in the eunstruotion of tho l'liila. A Erie Machine Shops, at this placo : 'A fatal ucoideut occurred at the first pier of the new bridge at this place, on Wednesday forenoou, which roKulted in the death of Mr. John W. Curns, superintendent of the masonry department of the bridge. The derrick, whioh was used for hoisting the stone from the Hut into the pier, broke, and Mr. Curns being under it at the time, was struck by a descending pieco of timber, orushlng his head in a most terrible manner, and killing him instantly. Mr. Curns was from above Jersey Shore, where he leaves a wife and family to mourn his death. Three of his sons and two brothers were bore at the time of tho accident. His remains have been taken home for interment. His age was about 55 years." Mii.ton Items. We copy the following items from the Miltonian, of the ISth inst. : Levi Ma thios, while out hunting a few days since, shot and wounded a large black bear. These auimnls are said to bo plenty this season. Tho Quarterly Convention of the Good Tem plars of this District will be held at Milton on the 13th of November next. A large attendance is cxpeoted. A litllo son of Mr. Hammond Cadwalladcr was badly scalded on Monday last. The mother of tho boy was on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Murray, when the littlo fellow turned over upon himself a kcttlo of hot water, tho scalding fluid running down his back and burning him quite severely , though not dangerously. The Commissioner of Internal Rcvenuo has de cided that ground-rent deeds should bo stamped the same as other conveyances of realty, sold at the rate of 50 cents for each 500 or fractional part of $500 of the consideration or value. Col. Cuarles Ivleckner, lato of New Berlin, Union county, was elected a member of the House of Representatives from tho Oih district of Phila delphia, at the recent election. During tho rebel lion the Colonel commanded the 17Cd Regimci t of Drafted (nino months) Militia, which was com posed almost entirely of men from Northumberland i and Snyder counties. He is a staunch Republican. Tub good work undertaken by the Washington Library Company, of Philadelphia, for tho endow ment of the Riverside Institute as a National Homo and College for tho orphans of those soldiers who were fed at the noblo National Refreshment Saloon of that city, goes bravely on. That their noble ob ject may bo most surely accomplished, they have issued five scries of fine stccl-plnte engravings, one of which is given with every ehuro of stock sold, at prices much below their retail value. In connection with this upcrb inducement, every shareholder is guaranteed a present in the great distribution of f.iUU.UUO worth. .Many ot tnem arc quite lortunesot themselves. We notice that one is worth as high us $10,0011, another $20,000, another $18,000, ono $10,1100, one Si.UUO, two $2,500 each, and a large number ranging from $1,000 to $ JO each. A. t. Lightner is the autnonzca agent lor sunbury mid vicinity Read the advertisement. For the American. A DEMOCRATIC FIZZLE. North um iiERL.YND, Oct. 2itb,18G7. The Democracy of the borough of Nortbumber land, determined not to be behind their friends of "atlt Hoiks,' attempted to get up a grand celebra tion in honor of of well nobody seemed to know of what on Tuesday evening last, in whioh an illu mination, torchlight proces-ion, and we don't know what all, were to figure in tho movement, but it nroved a miserablo failure. A band of music had been engaged ut a big figure, a cannon was procured to send across the waters peals of thunder, to inform their friends in Sunbury that a grand victory had been achieved. A certain landlord was notified to provide well, that the "wholocrowd" would refresh themselves at his tables. Everything being ready, the thunder of artillery went forth, and at the appointed hour the musie was set in motion, marching through the principal streets, followed by the Squire and Col. W., of the Collector's office, and a few boys with torches. On the route some wag, belonging to the party, who understood it as a joke, desired to know wiliti tue ueieurauou was lor wneiner lor me ne liithicaii majority in that borough or for the He publican gam in the county, which somewhat east a gloom over tue countenances oi some oi mo party, and causod them to disappear in the dark. Vt hen arrived at headquarters, the landlord an nounced that he was fully prepared for 171 persons, the number of Dcmoeratio voters in this borouirh, and he repaired to his dining-room to count the "whole crowd." The whole number counted amouuted to futtr, who were doing ample justice to the good things which bad been prepared during me past wuoa uy our uosn ana noeiess. The guests adjourned, after listening to some em phatic remarks by the landlord towards the instiga' tors ox in joxe, at utt expenso. SPECTATOR. Editor's Table. Godev's Ladv's Bode. The number for N'ovem ber contains the following embellishments : A magnificent steel plate, entitled "The Wolul Heart;' the usual colored fashion-plate ; "Siiorta in Child hood, a picture for the juveniles; and still another of those beautiful tinted ulatet, "Soene in Venice. The wood-cut fashions consist of a dinner-dress, a mormne robe, a walking suit, bonnets, eprons. and children's sacks. In the department devoted to taney work will be tound designs tor ornamenting braid for the trimming of wraps ; erochst pattern ; the buckle pattern ; new style of girdle ; design for a handkerchief eoruer; card alphabet; emery eusniun; travelling snoo-tiag ; watch-pocket in head-work ; glove sachet ; letters for markiuv nil- low-ca&ei; embroidery, etc., etc Drawing lessons win aiso oe iouua m wis numoer; a euouroan nasi dence, with the plans. In fact, this number eon tains everything necessary to make It a first-class ladies magazine, jj. a. uoaey, rubiisner, m. is Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. To Little Corporal, for November, contains its usual variety of original, pure and sparklioc ruattcr. A 11 now subscribers for 1868, sent before the close of November, will receive the November and December numbers of 1867 free. Great induce ments are offered to those who raise club. Terms, oue dollar a year. Sample copies sent, post paid, to -n v. - - i ' i . r . i. ,.r . 1. - , k . I the usual ten cents are enclosed or not. The Little Corporal will make all the children better and happier. Address, Alfred L. Sewell, Publisher, Chicago, 111. Harper's Masazixe. We are already in re ceipt of the November number of this superb monthly magazine. iat following are in contents The Mines of Santa Eulalia. Chihuahua, (ill Ultra ted;) Th Forest Fine, a poem, (illustrated;) Per sonal Recollections of th War, ninth paper, (illus trated :i An Old AddIo-Woman, (illustrated:) A Daughter to Spare; Mary Wollstoneoraft ; The Hungry Heart ; Our Man Barnabas ; Poe at West Point: Calico; Blind People; Th Cave of the Winds; Wrecked at Sea ; More of the Great Show at Paris; Another Weak-Minded Woman ; Advent Print, l'iotures aiid Prices : Editor's Easy Chair klnnthl Keaord cf Current Events : Editor 's Draw er. Published by' Harper A Brothers,- Franklin Square New York BU8INESB NOTICES. CtTJolt Pi-lstilng;. Having rcseivad a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new stylos, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Hoads, Labels, 4c, can ba printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notioa Orders by mail promptly altondcd to. Ta trees are now beginning to ohanga their dross, and wa may show our good sense by following them, and sinoo wa put on our autumnal attire so oheaply by patronising tha Continental Clothing Bazaar, in Market Square, there Is no excuse for any unbecomingly dressed person. All are Invited to call and see the large stock. The man who couldn't "trust his feelings" is supposed to have don business entirely on a cash basis. Speaking of a "cash basis" reminds one of tho large and successful business that Thaeher, of the First National Boot and Shoe Store, in Pleas ants' building, Market square, Is doing "on that lino." The tecret of hit tuocess is that ho gives a better and cheaper article, for cash, than can be had outside of the largo cities. jsp Bi i Tax cold winds aro hinting the approach of win ter. The outer man demands an additional supply of clothing. J. F. Shaeffer, Merchant Tailor, in Market square, has anticipated tho wants of all, and has stocked his establishment with an extensive assortment of Winter goods, which he Invites all to call and examine. Frost. W have lately hod several heavy frosts, indicating the approach of winter. This early cold snap very forcibly reminds ono of the largo slock of goods, suitable fur Fall and Winter woar, on exhibi tion at J.O. Bcck't Merchant Tailoring establish ment, on Fourth street, where neat fitting suits are made up cheaply and in the latest stylo. Every gentleman should wear one of Beck's best cut. No Uumduo! No Boasting! But actual facta prove that there it always on hand at tho Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in the old Dcwart building, Market street, the largost and best selected stock in that line to bo had anywhere in the county. Ho war rants every article sold by him to bo just as repre sented, or tho money will be refunded. A New Yonic paper wants tho ladies to play baso ball, maintaining that it is "worth twice as much as this Insipid, Amanda- Arabella game culled 'Crow K,' which is nothing but a mighty poor kind of billiards on the grass." We would recommend gentlemen to lay aside baso ball for the season and turn their at tention to the beautiful styles of Hats and Caps, at Faust's, In Murkct Square, whero can also bo purchased a superior Umbrella. Bverlv's PnoTonnAPBS are acknowledged to bo the best made In this place or vicinity. Notwith standing this his prices are as low as elsewhere. Bycrly's popular Gallery is in Simpson's building, Market Squaro, Sunbury. Tub season is now at hand when a change of at tire is necessary, and the query will be with many where to get tho best and cheapest. Smick's estab lishment, on Fourth street, ncur Market, is tho placo to find new and attractive goods, douo up in the latest style, and best of finish. Call and exam ine the rtook bo has just received from tho oities. Si;.ll ltV MAItltlCTS. Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do d do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do perewt. Wheat, prime Ted, now, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Outs, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do uupared do Dried Annies. do $12 00 11 00 10 00 & 60 2 30 1 :to 00 no 60 40 25 15 3 00 40 "0 25 20 27 IS 14 13 18 00 Dried Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu. Butter, per pound, Egg", Cheese, Lard, Hums, Shoulders, licol', hind quarter, ' from " Mutton, Chickens, per aozen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair MuiiuoUiii 4 'on I 'I'm tie. SaAMOKiN,Oct. 2:1, 1867. Tuna. Cmt. Sent for week ending Oct. 1'J. 1 2.5.'!7 1 2 Per last report, 372.027 00 384,504 12 455,0.13 00 71.IHW OS To samo time lost year, Decrease. penal Notices. I am si KB that no one will use that popular arti cle known as Coo's Cough Balsam but once beforo they will be convinced that it excels all the reme dies over discovered for Croup, Coughs, Colds, Sorcnoss of tho Throat and Lungs. Keep it in the houso it may save your life. Or. KcltfiK'k'M Jlandrnke IMIIm. A HnbHtiltttc lor 4'a!ottt-l. Those Pills arc composed of various roots, having the power to relax tho secretions of the liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of thoso disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow tho use of the Utter. In all bilious disorders these Pills may be used ith confidence, as thev promote the discharge of vitiated bilo, and remove those obstructions from tho liver and biliary duets, wuion are me cause ol bilious affections in general. SCUENCK'd MANDRAKE PILLS cure sick headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, eostivencss, drowsi ness, and a general feuling of weariness and lassi tude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or ob- tsrueted condition. In short, these Fills mav be used with advantago in all eases when a purgative or alterative medicino ia required. Please ask for "Dr. Schonck's Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on the Government stamp on when in the last stuge of Consumption, and the other in bis present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers, i'nee, 2a cents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North 6th Mroet, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Lieraas uarnesst i-O., 21 Park Row, New York; 8. S. Hanoe, 108 Balti more St.. Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N. E. oor. of Fourth and Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, ill.; tot tins iirotncrs, soutnwesi corner oi 2d anu Vine Sts., St. Louit, Mo. Oct. 2ti, 1800. 4motn w.ea.mo ly. BOILS. Like the volcano, Boils give issue to the foul and fiery contents of the deep interior. To remove the causa ef sueh suffering it is only nocessary to vital ise th blood by supplying it with the Life Element, Irosj. TUE PERUVIAN bxitCi, (a protested solution of the Protoxide of Iron,) will do this effectually, and give strength, vigor aud new life to the whole system. Extract or a Litter thou Riv. Ricoabo S. Edks, or Boltok, Mass. "For years I was a sufferer from Boils, so that ray life became wearisome through their frequent and nersiatent recurrence : finally a earbunole iortned in the small of my back. During its progress large pieces of decomposed desk were every day or two cut away, ana me prostration ana general autur banc of the system were great. Before I had re covered from this attack two smaller oarbunclos broke out higher up, and I was again threatened with a recurrence of the sufferings to which I had so long been subjected. It was at this time that I commenced taking the PERUVIAN SYRTJP. 1 eontiuued taking it until I had used five bottles ; tine then I hav bad nothing of th kind. For years I wu one of th greatest sufferers. Other medicines gave me partial and temporary relief, but ibis remarkable remedy, with a kind and intuitive sens, want directly to the root of the evil, and did its work with a thoroughness worthy of tU estab lished character." A 32 page Pamphlet tent freo The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown in th glass. J. P. DIN8MORE, Proprietor, No. ii Dey St., New York. Sold by all druggists. Oet. llMt HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Slid Improved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all then ....... a I liiila MninM. It til or iv) chance in diet, no in- Muiuttiiiartiu nil no MMUI'tl. It pleasant in taste and odor, unmediaia in its af Un, and fis fioin all laju tinus rrnptflies. rihj ! ly QNE PRICE CLQTHINU, ' JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED Oitli PUlC'l' CLOTHING HOUSE, t Jlarkel Nlreet, On door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many yoars this Establishment has done busi nost on the One Prioo Sysaim, and we believe we aro the only Clothing House in the city that ttriotly adheres to this principle. We have oarned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taalo in select good sty lot and substantial materials, and not let important, for having all our goods H.VTKA YVICIM. mam; We employ the best tulont, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionablo and plain so that all tastes ean be suited. The prioes are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prices down to the advantages wo promise. The people may depend, this Is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar eon be laved to Clothing buyert by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Mrreot, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. Maroh 23, 1807. ly stirrorrs or Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Dobility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipo and directions for making tho simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, n perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, my 18 -67. ly 42 Cedar Street, N. Y. HELMBOLLVS FLUil) EXTHACT""" Is a certain cure for discuses of the BLADDl'.R, KIDNEYS, tiRAVKL, DROPSY , OR OAN1C WKAKNKSS, FKMAI.K COMPLAINTS', GENKHAL DKUIUTY, ami all diseases at the URINARY ORGANS, whethrj existing in MALIC OR FKMAI.K, from whatever cause originating and no mutter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If notreutment is submitted to, Consumption or Insan ity muy ensue. Our Flesh uud Blood are supported from these sources, nuj the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and llialof Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliuhle lemedy. ilKI.MBOCD'S EXTRACT Bl'CHL, Established upwunls nf IS years, pre ared by it. T. iii:i.iiiioi.i, DRUGGIST, 514 Broadway, New York, mid ln4 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March J, lt-67. ly THE HEALING POOL, -And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, on the crime of Solitude, and the Errors. Abu ses and Diseases which destroy the manly liowers, and create impediments to Marriage, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, freo of churgo. Address DH. J. SKILLIN HOl'GUTOX, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa. Juno 8, 1867. ly To 'oiZMiiiit 1 v-s. Tho REv. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, tho prescription with the directions for making and using the simple reme dy by which he was cured ol a lung uiTcction and that dread disenso Consumption. His only object is to benefit tho nltlicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, its it will cost them nothing, any may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, my 18- 67 ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. GKKMAX ERASIVE SOAP is manufactured from PIKE MATERIALS, nnd may bo considered tho STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For talc by all (iroccrs. May 18, 1807- ly- Grace's Celebrated Salvo cures in a very short lime Cut', 111 11.1, iC,lls H'oHi, Jll lli r'pr,itiis, VifO- r.rysijirit, itllt liiiriim ii inui',oriit vul Jl.tllils, Units, 1' ii Limts, l'toits, ChiMaim, It is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and reduces the most angry looking swellings and iu llaiuinations, as if by magic, thus affording relief and a complete cure. SETH W. FOWLE A SON, Huston. Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers, and at all country stores. Oct. lt-4t luloi-imilioii. lufiirmiitinn. guaranteed to produco a luxuriant growth ol" hair uton a bald bead or bourdlcHs lace, also a recipe fur tho removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on thu -kiti, leaving the same soil, clear, mid bcuutilul, cull bo obtaiued without charge by addressing THO.S'. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, muy IS, '07. 823 Broadway, New York. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT 1JI cur Is the Grcut Diuretic. JLhuhvWit Cuitcciitfttttstl Ejrtract StrMjiarillu la the Gmil Blood Purilier. Both uie ))ieMired ucroidms; to rules ol Pharmacy and Cheuilslrv, and uie the luosuictivc that cull be made. March 2, lr-07.- ly NEW ADVEUT1SEMENTS. in:itiri' hales. BY virtue of a certain writ of Levari Facias, to mo directed will be exposed to public sule, at the Court House. inSunburv. Pa., on Muuduv, Novem ber 4lh, 1867, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following de scribed property to wit : All that certain tract or parcel of land with the Rollins Mill building '.hereon erected, situuto iu Coal Township, in the County of Northumberland, and Statu of Pennsylvania, beginning at a peg iu tho centre line of the Branch Railroad to Big Mountain: thence south eighty-two degrees, seventeen nnd one half minutes, west ono hundred aud seventy nine and one-half feet to a post ; thenco by land survey ed in the name of Samuel Clark, north one degree six minutes, east seven hundred feet and one-tenth of a foot to a post; thence north eighty-two degrees seventeen and a half minutes, east seventy-two feet and four-tenths of a foul to a peg in the ccutre line of the Branch Kailroad to Big Mouutuin; thence along the same south seven degrees and forty two minutes and a ball, east six hundred and ninety-ore feet and eight-tenths of a foot to the first mentioned peg in the centre line of the Branoh Railroad to Big Mountain afuresiiid uud iilaco of beirinuinir, contain ing two acres of laud, strict measure, being part of a certain tract or parcel of land eontainiug six and one-half acres of land which William E. Evans aud wife by indenture bearing date the 4th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1858, recorded at Sunbury, Ac. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Frederick Albert Reinstoin, Trustee of Kusun Longneoker, wile of David Longnecker aud Susan Longnecker, hit wife. ALSO : Bv virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias, will be sold on the premises, in Milton, on Friday, Nov. Id. 1867, at 10 o'clock A.M., the following described property, to wit : All that certain real estate situated in th borough of Milton, Northumberland eounty, Pa., bounded and described at follows, vis: The un divided one-balf interest in all that certain lot or parcel of ground situated in the borough of Milton as above, bounded and described as follows, te wit : On the north by lets of Sarah W. Couily. on the east by th rennsyivania cauai, ou mi soum ujr u of Teas heirs, and on the west by an alley, eontaining oue acre, more or leas, on which is erected two dwelling houses, part frame and part brick, a story and a half high, a butcher shop and stable aud other outbuildings. Also a boat yard aud dry dock, e. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Hoy. 1 ' D. BECKLKY, Sheriff. Sheriff s Office, Ruubury, Oot. 10, 1867. Ksjtate of Michael linker, dee'd. XTOTICU it hereby given that letters of adminis L tralion having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Mtohael Leuker, late of Lower Mah onoy township, Northumberland oouuly, Pa., de ..l il MMiai indebted to said estate ar re quested to make immediate payment, and tho having rlaims to present them duly authenticated fur settlement. ANDREW DITTY. ABRAHAM LENKER, Lower MaUonoy, Oot. 6, 18o7. 61 Adiu'rs, BREAKFAST bHAM'LS, for sale at the Fancy Eton cl AMISI AWtf LAdlea Taney I'nrt ! At JOHN FAREIRA'8 Old Established FUR Manut'notory, No 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, PIUL'A, Uuvo now In Store of my own Importation and Manufacture one of tho largest and most beauti ful selootiont of FANOY FURS, for Ladies' and Chil. &'-,?. Iran 'a Waft in Hie Cilv. i- Also, a flue assortment of Gent's Fur Gtovct and Collars. 1 am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea aonablo prioes, aud I would therefore solicit a oall from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Remember the Namo, Number and Streot ! JOHN FAREIKA. No. 7IS ARCH St., ab. 7th, south side, Pliilad a, lyi have no partner, nor counoctien with any othor storo in Philadelphia. Sept. 28, 18(17. 4m w Itcgliitcr'M 'oil-c NOTICE Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other porsoDS interested in the following estates, that tho Administrators, Executors and Guardians of the within named, have filed their aacouuts with the Register of Northumberland oountv, and that Baid accounts will be presented to the Orphans' Court lor confirmation nn,l ullowunce, on Tuesday, November Sth, 1867, at 10 A. M. 1. The account of Jacob Spatz, Guardian of Cath arine and Susannah Bordner. minor children of Jo soph Bordner, dee'd., filed July 'li, lmi7. 2. Thoaocount of Geo. II. lleHman, administrator or Jane II. Hoffman, deo'd, filed, July 1807. 8. Tho account of Henry Raup, Guardian of Hen ry D. Wartmen, filed Auguit 6, 1867. 4. The final account of J. F. Wolfingor, Esq , Guardian of Henrietta R., Celesta IS. aud Georee ft Hull, filed August 14, 1867. 6 The account of S. J. Kay, Administrator of Mary J. Kay, doe'd., filed August 211, 1867. 6. Tho account of James Bachelor, Administrator of Dr. Isaiah Foulk, dee'd., filed Sept. 2i, 1S07. 7. The aocount of Peter Wagner, Administrator of John Smith, dead., filed Oct. I, 1807. 8. Tho account of Aaron Strnuse, Administrator of Nathan Grimm, dco d., filed Oct. 3, 1807. 0. Tho ncoonnt of Daniel P. Caul, Administrator of Dennis C. t'anl, dee'd., filed Oct. 3, 1867. 10.' Tho account of John Tresslcr, Administrator of John A. Kichl. dee'd., filed Oct. 3, 1867. J. A.J CL'MMINGS, Registor. 8unbury, Oct. 12, 1867. .tOTICI?. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties interested, that James II. MeCormick, Assignee of R. & H. MeCormick, surviving partner of the lato firm of Hays A MeCormick, has filed his final account iu the Prothonotury's Office, and that unlet; objection bo made, on or before the first Monday of November next, said account will be confirmed. J. J. REIMENSN YDER, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Offieo, S inbury. Aug. 21, 1867. ARCH STREET FOUNDRY! J. YOi;.(.1UK, Proprietor. Art-It St., between 3d uitd Ills, -loo to the Pttblic Nclsool llossme, SUNBURY PENN'A. THE proprietor of this establishment respectfully informs the public-that he has commenced the man ufacture of Cooking and Heating STOTES! which bo will sell ut lower prices thon they can bo obtained elsewhere. MILL Gearing, Stoves, and the largest class of Castings rondo promptly to order. Also. Window Weights, Frames and Grates for Cel lar Windows, ic. 4'iiMt Iron Chimney 'I'opN. WATER TROUGHS A DOORSTEPS. A libernl price paid for old castings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, iin- proved, is manufactured at this cstablishmont. Also, Stove Grates of all kinds, Kettles, uud every variety of small castings. Sunbury, Oet. 5, 1867. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. il.-lV .V CO., In Wcimcr's Building, Water Street, near King it., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and tho public gencrnlly, that they have a large assortment of Groceries, Provisions. Ac., all frosh and of the bcstquulity, con sisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, und Spices. Dried nnd Canned Fruits. Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, uud Crackers, and in tact everything usually kept iu tho Grocery line. They would also call attention to their Inrgo and cheap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Ton, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on hand. Also, all kinds of Vegetables. Ac, Ac. Give them a cull and sco for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 2S, 1K07. FRESH MEAT. i & iiuvi:ii, RESPECTFULLY inform thecitizens ol .Vunbury and vicinity, that they have taken the Butchering Establishment of Jeremiah Savid.e. on Arch street, ami are prepared tofurui.-h Iieef.l'ork,Ao.,of the very best iu market, at reasonable rates. All orders will receive prompt attention, and all meat delivered where ordered. Give us u call JOIIX REFI'E. WILLIAM BOWER. Sunbury, September IS, 1807. FAliMERS & BUILDERS lime" and limestone. riHK subscribers rospcetfully inform tho citiieu of Northumberland eounty, that they are now Iuepured to furnish LIME of a superior quality to 'aimers aud Builders. Also, L1MK-STU.NK from tno celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Muho noy township, at short notico aud at reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along the lino of tho ditl'ereut railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at tho Sbamokin Valley itnnroan, near bunbury, wuuro orders win do promptly filled. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address, J. B. LE.NKER A BRO., Augusta, 1867. Sunbury, Pa. fTrst national II. a. THACIIEH, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, Sl'KliUKV, P A New Gooils, New Styles, New Trice The largost Stock of Roots and Shoes in this iluikc TRUNKS OF EVERY GRADE & 1R1CE Gents' Traveling Satchel, Hund-Dtigs, Valises, Ac. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Pino Leather Sat chel Caba's, Ac, Ac. COME AND SEE, COME ASD SEE. lMt-UMiiui's) If ulltliuii'. If A li K K T S Q U A It L April 0.1867; Toy uud I'Biiry Uoods! JOHN DOLL, No. &0S Market Street, Philadelphia, Importer of Gorman and Frenoh TOYS AND FANCY ARTI- C'LES. just received a very large assortment of all sinus ol Toys, China-Ware, Canes, Pipes, Harmonicas. Mar bles, Slates, Pencils, Masks, Baskets, aud also, a variety of U AMES, Ac, Ac. I'lTt'ountry Merehants will please examine my Stock. October i, 167 Jul Cleanliness is "next to liobi7i NESS." A FACT which is demonstrated at Ql'NNlSON A CO S., rii-l l'lu NUuT,iuf( lluir Cuttisitf H aid Mbuiupoouiuit' Kooiiin. Two first-class BARBER.S always in attendance. Particular attention to cutting Ladies und Children's hair, tiive as a call at the New Rooms over the Post Office. Suuhury, August 3, lHfiT. tf SUOEMAKElis! THE best qualities of Sole Leather, I'reuvh Calf skins, Morrocroa, Liuings, Lam, Nails, Pegs tools ol all kinds, aud ever Jtmnjt U' ea ny I ne ire'i, U. CON1.SV A CO for sale low by tsEBSS THE Washington Library Co- PHILADELPHIA. Is Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and Or gauiied in aid of tho RIVEHSIDB INSTITUTE1 For Educating Gratuitously Soldiers' and Bailors Orphans. Incorporated by thu State of N. J APRIL 8, 1?67 SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLYS. The Washington Library Company xy virtue of their Charter, and in accordance with its Provisions, will distribute THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL1.AR3 I.N PRESENTS TO I'HKSHAKKIIfil.Pi ns, On WolrusJai, January S'h, 1808, At PHILADELPHIA, PA., Oral the InMiiut, e, RIVER- SIOE, N J. Ono Present worth One Present worth One Present worth One Present worth Two Present worth 6i,3U0 ouch One Present valued ut $40,000 ':0,0!)0 10,000 5.000 5,000 18,000 1 wo Presents, vitlucd tit $15,000 euuh 30,000 Ono Present, vuluud at 10,000 Four Presents, valued at 5,000 each, iiOOUO Two Presents, valuod at ii.OHO tatli, 6,000 Three Presents, valued nt 1,000 each, a,000 Twenty Presents; valued tit 500 ettcli, 10,000 Tea Presents, valued r.t 300 eaeb, y,000 l urec ITcsents, valued at 330 each, 700 Twenty Presents, valued at 225 each, 4,500 Fifty-Five Presents, valued at f?200 each, 11.000 Fifty Presents, valued tit $75 each, 8,750 Ono Hundred aud Ten Presents, valu ed at iff 100 each. 11.000 Twenty Presents, valued nt $75 each, 1500 Ten Presents, valuod ut $50 each, 500 Tho remaining Prcscuts consists of articles of use and value, apper taining to tho diffusion of Lite rature ami the tiuo arts, if82,0()0 $300,000 Each Ccrtifi 'utc of Stock is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel Plate Engraving wonrn woiie at uutaii. tua.i tub cost or rERTlFlCATIi, And also insuro to tho holder a PRESENT IN THE GREAT DISTR IB I'TION PUBSUMPTION ONE DOLLAR. Auy person fending ui O.ie Dollar, or paying the j siuuo to our local Agents, will receive immediately u fin ..l til..- I.'.?. . , .... ukvvi a luiu x'.niuviuKi ai uuoieo irora mo iui- lowing lift, ana Uno tertthcatfl oi Slock, insuring I Ono Present in the Great Distribution. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. 1 My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 ' They're Saved! They re Saved !'' No. ii '-Old Sov enty-six or, the Early Days of tho Rcvolulicn." Any person paying Two Mollni'S will receivo either of the tullowiug tine bteel i'lulct, at choice, nnd Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming tutitb d to Two I'rcieuto. TWO nol.l.AR KNflllAVINOS. No. I ' Washington's CourNliip." No. I Wash ington's Last Interview with Ins Mother." TIIIIKK DOLI.AIt KNUUAV1M.S. Auy person paying tin oo dollars w ill receive tho beautiful Steel Piute of 'uosm inoM Trta An." and three Certiticutes of -Stock, becoming entitled to threo Presents. 101 n I'OI.I.AIl ENGIIAVISr.N. Auy pcrbun paying lour Dollar tlmll receive the largo and beautiful Steel l'lutc of "T1IK VKItlLS OK OL-II rollBI ATUKKS." and Four Cortiiicatti of Stock, entitling them to lour Prcscuts. UVB lo.,.U tMillA VINU3. Any person who puys live Dollars oh ill receive the large uud dplundid Steel Plate of ''HIE MARRIAUE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five Certificates of Slock, entitling thoui to Pit u Presents. The engravings and Certificates will bo delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or scut by muil, post paid, or express, as may ba ordered. 11UWTO (JI1TA1.N 8IIAHES AND ENGHAVIKOS Rend orders to uk by mail, enclosing from 1 to 80, either hy Post Olftee enters or in a registered letter, at our risk. Luiecr amounts eliuuld be Bent by draft or ex- pICHM CHH. lllshules with Kneiuvines 9,50 a:) 50 i5 shares Willi Knuinvings 60 sliures Willi I hig raving 75 allures wllh KntirHvingi tnu shares with Keo, ravings 40,50 ca.sii aiyju Local AOEN IS WANTED tlirviiKhtiut tho lniiiilNa.es. THE mVEnBIDhllKKTITU'i'n, Situato at Riverside, Rurliuglon County New Jcr- soy, is founded for the purposo of grntuiiou-ly edu- j cuting the sous of deceased Soldiers and Seauicu cl j the United Stales. Tho Hoard of Trustees consists of tho following 1 well-known ciiircnsof Pennsylvania aud New Jeisey . I HON. WILLIAM R. MANN, District Attorney. Philadelphia, Pa i HON. LEWIS R. LI1UOM.U.L, ! Ex-Chief Coiner C. S. Miut, and Recorder of I Deeds, Philud a., Pennsylvania. I HON. JAMES M. SCOYEL, New Jersey. I HON. W. W. WAKE, New Jersey ' HENRY (iORMAN. Ese,., ' ! Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa J. E- COE, En , of Joy, Coo A Co., Philadelphia, i TnEASI'RV Dfcl'AltTMK.KT, W A U IMlToN, D. C. j April 18, 1S67. Office of Internal Reveuuo ; Hav- ; iue received satisfactory evidence that tho proceeds ' of the enterprise conduetod by tl'e "N ushiugt-ou I Library Company ' will be duvoted to elmritublo. ! use, permission is boieby granted lo said Company ' ! to conduct such uutorprisu exempt troic all charge, whether from special tax or other duly. E. A ROLLINS. Commissioner ' j ! The Assoeuuini have iipn-intcd as llec'ivers, Mcssis. OEllKOK A. COOhK A CO., whoso wcH known ln guiy and busliieM experience will be siiihcieiil tiuaruu- lee tluitthe money iiitiusied lo tin iu will be proiniuly up- plied to the putMe suiUmI. rniI.AbEi.ruiA. IV, May 40, To the Ollicers and Meinlwia ol the Wasluiigioa Libia ry Co., N. 8. READ, Vcerciary. Ueiuleiueu -. On icceiptof youi fay", i ili 11' '"' notllying ua of our apuiiiililnl Hiee'vers lor your Co,uiaiiy, we tivk the lilwrly lo nuiaiiil a copy '' "' Chaitcr, Willi a plan ol our enu-ipnse, '"''"' ,'''' legal authonty of Ihc 8tte,ant kavii'K nx tiyod Ins ute opinion in leuid I" its U-aiity, 5 '' " with Uicbenevolenl object "I V"" m,' .i . educutioa and iuinleiiaiwe ..f Ike mpl'" "l"U','' ' " uldiers sad sailer, at 'be K.vei.iUe liwtilule, ' av !.K luded to accept Ui tiusl, and U u.o out bust i i l nroiuiae so woiiby uu objw u s,Hs.tiully, youis, Ac, UKO. A- COOKfc, k CO. Addisssalll'Ue's aiwlotdtis Mi . V1..,IB OEO A.CtHlhK A CO., BANKhltS, M 8...1B TUnd Suet'. floUdelrhia, I'M Receivers foi Iks WaliiiiiUu Lil'iaiy Co. I-V-N F LIU11TNER. Bookseller A Stutmncj, fcuubury, Pa , 1. the authoriied Ag. nt of ths t i ni rsny lor In is piare sun 11111117 October 19, H-! VAL.TL'itlt'L'ti PROPERTY FOR SALE. rpilK subscriber offers for sale the valuable proper J ty now ooouplod by hiinsoif, on the corner of Second and Walnut rtrtiut, Sunbury. The lot is on high gronud and hasa front ol B0 foot on Walnut, and 2MU loetoa Second slruel. Thu improvements are a Hew and woll-construnted TWO-STORY BRICK I10U6E, 42 (Vol on Walnut and M on Second streets, with a Irame Kitchen Jfl by 22, uilli au ixoellont Cistern in tho k ilehen, and all.lbe other ncoeosary und usual Outbuildings, including' good SUbling. The promi ses are handsomely looatud with good UaWleu and excellent fruit. Possession to bo giveu on the lirst of April next. I'or terms apply to Wm. M. P.ockufollcr A L. T Rohrback, Estirs., or the subscriber P. W. GRAY Vunbury, Sept. 21, ls07.3m i:tulo of i:iiu ICuwci-, l-e'it'd. NOTICE is hereby given that loltors testamentary having boon granted to the undorsigned.op the estate of Samuel Rower, lute of Jordan townih p, North umberland county, l'euu'u.. deceased. All persous muebted to said estate aru riquoctcd to make im mediate payineut. uud Ihosc hav iug claims to proaelit tucui tor sutllunieut. , , l'.LlAS ROWER, Executor Jordan township, Sept. 21, 1SC7. tit SARSAPARILLA, HINF.1UL WATfcR, PORTER AND ALK fllllE subscribers having located a l-jl'ling o&tab. X. lishmunt in Cnko's Addition, iu li e llorougb of Sunbury, respectfully inform the eituens of this and adjoining counties taut they arc pioparod lo fuin ih Landlords, Ketuiucn! Keipeis and piivato fami lies with the best brands of Sui'Mipaiilla, Mineral Via ter, Ale and Porter, bottled in the best manner Thuir drinks are procured from the best eMail ishmcnts in the country, which enables tlein to tumh a bctli r nrticlu tliii can bu hud elsewhere, which v. ill be do livcrcd at thu Ion oil lutes. Tho citizens ot .SiiLhory and ucii.i'y will find it in their interest to putronUu homo industry, and assist in inuking this a pel lunmnt vnterpriic, uud ut the same limo save labor and money- Orders aro respect fully su!icitod,n hich will rein prompt attention. Address, PROUST A ROTE, August 17, HO". Gin Sunbury, Pa 7imeT u I' 1- us ii r H and II u i 1 tl i r b I Si.Asnoi.rz Uxotiikr uro now picpurtd lo de liver, nt tho lowest xuarket price, the very bcstquulity ol U'n.iju:jii:9 for LAND und ECILDINO purposes. Their lime is burned of the celebrated 'TUCKY1IOE LIMESTONE." Their lime kilns are located ut tho Philadelphia and Eriu Railroad, near the steam saw mill, iu the lie rough of Sunbury. Plasters, Masons, Bricklayers and Farmers are in vited to cull nnd givo us a trial. SEASIIOLTZ A BROTHER Ani. 3, IRti7. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS C. FHKDH. FUELLING'S Iilicil Sim- lyo Colors,, THE lutu.-t improvement in Family Dyes, uie now for siilu by Druggists everywhere Those Colors aro ull prepared in Liquid I'orut.witb veryeiuipledireo tion for uso und nro uiadu from tho same material used by dying now silk and woolen goods. Theio is only IS different principle colors luude, ull differ ent shades of a color can bo made by using more or less of the Dyo mutter. Price 2 cents per Lottie. llcwarc of Cuuulvi foils, ask for the Star Dyes, auj take uo other. Fur sale by II. Y. 1TULINU. Sunbury, Ta. Johnston. Hou.nwAV A Cow Cts, Sole Agent August 10, 1867. ,'lin Philadelphia PURE L ACER BEER! H'OKlDi: AS AI.E, 1'ioin the Cold Spring Brewery, b Lr N 1! U 11 V , P A JOSEPH EACEEB.. 1T ESPECT1TLLY informs the public generally. j that ho it prepared to f urn ith LAGER BEER, POUTER AND ALL, ii large or small quantities. His facilities for uiuk ng Deer cannot be excellod. and is prouounced supe rior to any other offered iu Central Pennsylvania It bus also been recommended by physicians as n healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants uud private families mpplioj at short notice. Sunbury, Sept 21, 1S67. !?BJB ffUXOI C ttk. m All kinds of SCHOOL DUUKS, Slutes, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ac. , MUttlliiiieoL? Rooks, a rood as.-ort- mcnt. All tho now books receive" us toon us published, ul.d lor tule at Publishers' prices. 111LLES, Prayer Hooks and Hymn' Rooks, iu uvciy lylo ol binding ' I Catholic Prayer Rooks. FAMILY DlELESiu various styles IUCTlONARIESofall sics. " j Juveniles uud Toy Rook?, a liu'gc assortment ISIailU ttool&N d iliii.k Forms of ull kinds. j Fouboap. Lceal Cup. Letler sad' 'J, ta oi W o c '-I 3 I Note Papers. I COPYING. ROOKS, Iiikstttmbi Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters unj' Counting House Slutiouory generally. ' PHOTOGRAPH and dcur. A LBV MS cheap s to R H cc 0 Hold Pens and Holders. Pocket books nnd Hill Wallets I'ti.lnrA Vrmiti'd Stereoscopes und Yiows, Atacricun,! French, Ao. Drawing Paper, all sizes, l!ri-tol Board. Ac. i Diaries, Memorandum Hooks. A.o - Rackgnmuiou Uoui-ds.Oniucs, Chess men, Ac. To s a largo and complete assortment liase-Ualls uud li.ils. 1 i.-iinig Kuds and 1'ucklo. Pertunies. LUobeiniuii und lVriiati Marbles. Ac. tjold Pens rc-pciutcd. Lamps, Midcs, tilobes, Chiiunes, CO Wall l'nper and lh.rder. ull l.ind C Window Curtain. Paper Ci lit nil 1 Oiled. Mu.it und Musical JLutlruuicius t.All kinds of Rooks uu i Stationery iwi on l.nu.i promptly ordered. All the Dully aud Weekly Paper and Maa.-ii-es Agent for tho "Amorican Organ. ' Also lor "Lu It. s Hair Restorative," Euimel of America, uuJ Nttiii'nai Steam Navigation Company ' Suubuiy, Muy LS. Ili7. W -4 JfiV Insure your Stock ! IN THE (.real I'iilorts Dt'U'iiiiv llornv In. I i snritlii'e S.'o, ISAIAH 8. OOSaLIin, Apput. ; SUNUUKV, r E N N ' A.. JS lukiug Policies f.ir the above Couipuny in thu and sdj' lining couutios. insuring sloek of all kinds ( ugiiiiiht doulli by accident or otbciwiso, I Those hut iug stock should ul fail luhate it iu urud at onoe Addrtw. 1SAI.UI S. tiOSaLER, Sunbury, Pa j July 27, IMtiT. iax Notice to Merchants and Shippers. T HIE undcrsiened. proprietor of Weiser A Kru-k Line irive nutiue to mercbauu and shipper that I heu Det u slill ai all Mai act atxuet, f tula dclphia, and all Woods directed toSuubury and Dun villa a ill he piouitly steUvored J"y- (tars leav e 81 1 Market si i oct, Pliiladelpliia. tri weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and suiiurdaya. W. C liOODRICIl. May !J,f.7. J . R RICHARDSON tJAlU'KNTEU. WILL Ond m our esuldUhioont a superior stm of I'lsii--. Suws, Augers, HaUbeti, liammers, "rile Chh-tl. Ac , A r , I-1 1 hv J II ro.VLEY A CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers