BAUGirS XtAW" BONE SUPERPUOSPHATB OF LIMF. CaLQt MARK BATTOH Sc SONS, Bole Manufacturers ft Proprietors, DELAWARE KIVEU CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. 8. A. Tor Wheat, Kje, Barley, Corn, Oat, Po tatoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Tur pips, Hops, Garden Vegetables, and every Crop and Plant. Especially leuoranieitded m the .rowers of BTRAWBBnRIE:, RASI'UKItKlES, BLACKBKR Rl liS, AND ALL SMALL FRUITS. More than 13 years of regular use upon ell description of Crops grown in Hie Mnldle anil Southern St-ites, has given a tiiarh degree or popularity u this MANURE, whii-h ptures its application now, entirely beyond a mere experiment. BAUGHS'S RAW BONE tsupeiPhoafthate of Um, la eminently success aea Snlsrtitnte for Peruvian Ouano mid SiaMe Manure and ia offered to the Arjricnliurist or the Northern anl Kaa-.ern Pfules m fertilizer that will cheaply restore to the Soil, those essentials which have been drained from it by constant crowing and light iiiunu riiisj. 1 T is very prompt In it anion ia lasting in effect to ileirree utiattained by any commercial munute in the market mid is afforded at a much lew cosl thnu bought Stable Ma nure, or Pel uvian Uiwno. 'Hie Labor involved in its ase is fur Ices thiin that of applying stable manure, while there Is v 'isle rrom the introiluctiou or noxious weeds. Cp"Farmere are rrconiiuemled to purchase of the dealer located in their neighborhood. Iniectiona where no dea ler is vet established, the Phosphate mny be procured direct ly from the undersigned. A Priced Cucular will be sent to all who apply. Our NEW PAMPHLET, "How to Maintain the Per tililyof American Farms." 00 pages, giving full infiwma. lion in regard to the use of manure etc , will be furpished gratis on application. BAUGII & SONS, Office No. 20 8. Prlmmre Avenu, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTHERS & CO, General Wioletale Agent, Ho. 181 Pearl St., oornor ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUGDALE, WholctaU Agent for Maryland & Virginia, No. 106 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by SMITn A GENTHER, Sunbury. July 28, 1866. ly O O jB ' s DYSPEPSIA CURE! rHIS GREAT REMED V t ult ALL DISEASES or the TOMA3 ?I , the discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Cough ilsam, while experimenting for his own healih. It cured amp id the Stomach for rum which had before yielded nothing but chloroform. The almost daily teltimony from vnrions parts of the untry encourage us to believe there is no disease caused a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. hysioians endorse- and Use it! ' trusters give testimony of its efficacy. id rrom all directions we receive tidings of cures per med. I'Sl'EPSIA! It is sure to care. JARTBURN ! One dose will cure. ;K HEADACHE! It has cured In hundreds of cases. SADACHE AND DIZ5C1NEP8 ! It stops In thirty minutes. 1DITY OF THF. STOMACH ! It corrects st once. ?E OP THE FOOD! It stops Immediately. iTBF.SS AFTER EATING ! One dose will remove. OLERA MORBUS ! Rapidly yields to few duses. D BREATH ! Will be changed with half bottle. ' IB PERFECTLY HARMLESS s UNPRECEDENTED SUCCL. is owing to the that It Cnrrs 1t Annldilng !Vnlsir RE-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM ! rly every dealer in the United States sells it st ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C 0. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, KEW HAVEN, COSK. ebruary 23, 18C7. ly. S100 REWARD a medicii'.e Hurt will cure IGiiS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, dicve . CONSUMPTIVE OOUGIIS, lick as OE'S COUGH BALSAM! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES been sold and not a single iustance of its fuilure is 'il. wo nave, in oui possession, any quantity ul Ccr lea, aojne of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS have used it in their piaetice, and given it the pre eiice over every other compound. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, to enable the patient to rxietor Jte freely. Two or . dosrs. .ll Ihviimuli Coos Ticxumi m thi Thxoat ! alf bot.le has often completely cured the nrnal Ht.iL Cough, and yet, ihoupli it is ao sure and speedy in its Hon, it is perferlly harm less, being purely vegetable 'ery agreeable lo tho taste, and way be administered Idreu ol any age. ws ui bllOl' P we will guarantee a ears, if taken in season. J FAMILY SHOULD UK WITHOI T IT! vitlnn the reach ot ell, il being the cheapest and best me extant. C. 0. CLARK A CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN. CONN. ruaryM, 1WT. ly AFFLICTED ! UI'l'E It NO MORE! ii by the nee of DR. JOIN VII.I.E'8 ELIXIR you cured permanently, aad at trifling coat, astonishing success which has attended this llrvalu .edieine for Physical end Nervous Weakness, (Jeue iluy and Prostration. Lues of Muscular Eneigy, nicy, or any of the consequences of youthful India reuders il the most valuable preparation ever (lis- ill remove all nervous afteetione, depression, excite ncapreity to study or busiueea, lose of memory, on, thoughts of self-destructiun, fears of insanitv, t will restore the appetite, renew tlie health of those .ve destroyed it by sensual exeeee or evil practices, ig Mm, be ha.uLtiggM no more hy "Ifuatk Doc--nd iguoraiit practitioners, hut send without delay Elixir, and be at mice restored to health and heppi A Perfect Care is Grsroiilecd iu every instance. II, nrfour houles to one address, S3, bottle is sumt'ieut lo edict e cure iu all ordinary 1, PR. JOINVII.I.K'S SPECIFIC PILIJJ, for idy and per inHiient cure of Uonoi rhea, Gleet, lire ischargea. Gravel, Slricluie, and all affections i-f ueye nd ll'.auitcr. Cures effected in from one to T.t .y Me prepared frmo vegetable extracts that aletj ou the syslu. nud nver uauseats the stow mpregnate the bieuth No ekanga ol diet ia necea Ue using laem, wx does laiir solum ia any maimer with business parsuila. Price, ! pec box. of the above ineuunned srticles will be sent lo sss, elely sealed, end poet-inud, by mail or ex I receipt of price. Address elloiders to BEHGKH, IPHUTTb Co., Chemists, No. SS Hirer tkreet, Troy, N . Y. ery Id, IM7 ly ' .DER8 and those contemplating building old do well to call and ice lbs large assori Looks, Latches, bolts, Butts and Screws, -nd T. Hinges, Window Springs, snd every anted tooouiplote home, at uie new Hard re of J. U. CO.NLtV AOO. HEW'XaiVAIV -OF FALL & WINTER GOODS AT THE JIAIIIXOTH STORE ' OF J. W. FR1L.IK Sc SOn, Market Bqusre, I doors east of the New Conrt House, BUNDURY, PA. HAVE reeetved a large quantity of new FALL and WINTER GOODS, whioh they offer to the trade at the lowest possible prices. DRY GOODS. Their stock of Ladies' Dress Goods is largo, and contains a greater variety tha can be found ia any oonntrv cfUblifhuicnt. Call nnd examine. Black and Fancy Silks, Uros de Grain, Oros de Rhino, Taffotai, Ac, of every width and price, Ms rinoeof all shades and colors, nil-wool Plnids, Irish and French Poplins, Black Figured and Striped Alapaocas, Empress Cloths, Bilk and Wool Plaids, Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Moussclaiae De laines, Black and Whito Checks, Ao. THE SHAWL DEPARTMENT Deserves particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Flannels, Munlillas, Hoop Skirts, Ao. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Contains its more than usual supply of Licet, Ho siery, Gloves, Ao. THE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Comprises a new assortment of Gentlemen's Fuf ' nishing Goods, Cloths, Calioos, Ao. CARPET & 'OIL CLOTHS, The large Carpet Department of the establishment Is now filled with a fresh and elegant lot of new styles and patterns. THE PAPER DEPARTMENT Embraces WALL PAPER of all kinds nnd prices. Window Shades, Taper, do do Oil large, new assortment. Drags, Oils, Paints, Coal Oil an I .nmiis. Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fine Bait, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, bpiecs, &o., Groonrles, Tobaoco. Seenrs and Snuff, tocelhel with a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prices that cannot inn to sausiy purchaser. J. W. FIULIXG A SON. Sunbury, October 13, 1KC8. BOOKS, STATIONERY and VARIETIES, Always on hand a large and oomplete stock of ALBUMS, Juvenile, Blank, School, Hymn and Prayer BOOKS. Hote, loiter, and Cap Paper. GOLD TENS AND HOLDERS. Pens, Inks, Pencils, Port-Folios, Pictures, Pioture Framos, Musicnl Instruments, Strings, Musio, Lamps, Shades, Globes, Ao. Boaps, Chains. Sleds, Canes, Games, Crushes, Port' monaies, and Fancy Articles of all kinds. iVull Paper, Itorder and Window Shades. Agent for "La Roso Hair Itostorativo," and "Enamel of Ameriaa." Drafts on Europe and Tickets for Steam Vessels QUICK SALES AND SHALL PROFITS tho motto at LIGHTNEIl'S Book Store nnd News Depot, Feb. 2, 1867. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. TOWN LOTS TN tho Borough of Sunbnry, rlcstraHy situated, In X mgn ana central locations, roit NAI,K, on such easy terms as will enable persons, with a limited amount of available money, to purchase nomes. rersons saving mineral or Timber Ijindl, Forms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, as well us those desiring to purchase or rent, aro invited to consult tho subscriber. His connec tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, ana oisewnere, anora nnusui aavantagei. Conveyancing corrootly and neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law. Third door wost of Smith & Genthcr's Stove Store, Dutioury, ra. Sunbury, Deo. 8, 1866. tf. IF you vnnt Rood Tin-Wnre, go to SMITH A J UfclMi iMl'a Civw blinf ZTJL- PHOT 0 GR A P H ALBUMS BOOKS ABT3 STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books, Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum UodKI, Diaries, i'ocKot oooks, ink etunds, Fens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ac. Forsnloby ANNA PAINTER. E00TS, SHOES AND TRUNKS 1 II. U. TIIACIIKK, StJCCESSOn TO W. W. APSLEY. I N addition to our large stock, already on hand, we I are now receivinc a full supply of tnilaud Win tcr goods fur Ladioa, GcoUciauu, Misses aud Chil dren's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of K. rl. llnt, Uents' tine leather Biitcbcls. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the oaeh. Don't forget the place. Apsley's old stand, in the weii-Known nouse ot Mrs. isouuen, jsaaruct street, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boots and Shoos neatly repaired at short notice. If auy bought of us should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. H. G. THACHER. Sunbury, Dea. 8. 1866. tf. MA.VIL'A MAKi:U. Mrs. A. TWEED. Market street, 3 doors East of the New Bank Build ing, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs ber friends and the publie that she bus again opened a shop, in Murket street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies Dresses, in an entire new style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ao. Also Gentleinon 's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Juu. Ill, 1867. ly EXCELSIOE ! JEXCELSI0E ! J CnASTELLAR'S Ilnlr Kxtrrmlnafor ! I FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. T' the ladies especially, this invaluable dc Dilatory re commends itself as bring an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure iu urn, but sets directly on the roots. It ia warranted In remove auperrfuous hair rrom low roreheads. or rrom any part of the Uxly, completely, totally and radically extir pating the same leaving the skin soft, sinofh and natural. This is the oily article us d '')' the French, and is the only real effectual d-pilatory in existence Price 75 cciits per package, scut pout paid, lo any address, on receipt of au order, by BF.RGER, BHUTT A CO., Ceemists, KP4 River St , Tfoy, N. Y, February 16, IHI7 ly I8r. isor. Philadelphia V Ilrle Railroad. THIS great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to tho eity of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and U operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. Tim of raaeuger Traim at Sutibury. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, tluiira Mail Train, Leave Westward. Erie Moil Train, Erie Exproes Train, Elmira Mail Train, 11.58 p. m. tab a m. 10.24 am. 6.10 am. 6.89 p m. 4 hop. m. rassengor ears run tnrougn on the trie Mail and Express Trains without ehanga both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. IMew Vork Connection. Leave New York at 9 00 a m, arrive at Sri 16.00 a m. Leave New York at 6.00 p. in., arrive at Erie 7 15 p.m. Leave Erie at 5.30 p. m., arrive at New York 4.40 p. m. Leave Erie at 10.23 a. m., arrive at New York 10.10 a. m. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS on all Niht Trains. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. loth aad Market St., Philadelphia. And for Jfreight business ol toe vompany s Agents, 8. B. Kingstou, Jr., Cur. Jwi Lai Market fit., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Brown, Agent K. 0. B. B., Baltimor. H U. HousToa, Uen'l Freight Agt. Phllada. B. W. Uwissss, Gen'l Tiekat Ag't., Philada. . A. L. TYLER, ' Ow l M wager, WUliaawport. January J6, 186T. Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet Iron and Bte Store or SMITE h. G3C1TTSEH, STJlsTBTJJR-X'. I-A-, Where they keep constantly on hand and manafae tore to order atsnori notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all desortpUoni. They would espeolally oall tho attention of pur chasers so toeu large ana wen seievMru iw v. COOS AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have mode arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, ana inoso woo would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well seieotea stocx. First. They defy competition on tho following trlea jsranas 01 vooa o tores, via : Combination idam Ilumer, Cook. UoTernor Penn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stovo called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves In rreat varleti em btacing all tho best manufactures and most fasL ion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangementseombining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they aro repreeeniea. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Flaee Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN IIEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades, Chimnles, and all articles) usually kept in an establishment of this kind They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating n me oesi woramamiKe manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly ana oueapiy exooutea. Also: "Itangh'a Raw Hone Snper-Ihon pbate." Remember tho place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly't Hardware Storo, Market street, netween intra ana courin streets, nuiiaing dark painted. August 24, 1866. ' A NEW ARK IT Ala UP FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT IDE STORE OF J H EN GEL, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. TTJST received from New York and Philadelphia, ej a large lot of JaLL, AMU IW IJSIl UUODS, which no win sou at small proms, lor oasn or ooun trv nroduce. "His line of Goods for Gentlemen's and Bovs' wear is good Fine Black and Blue French Cloth, Fine Denver 1101ns lor uvercoats, toe very nest ot JJlock nnd Fancy Casaimeres, Good Satinett and Kentucky Jean, all at low prices. His line of Ladies' and Misses' Dress Goods can't be beat in this little borough. UKST OP II I, A 4J K 8ILK, Plain and Fiirured Silk and Wool Ponlin. all-wool Poplin, Plain and Fancy French Merino, from one dollar per yard upwards, of all Shades and Colors, all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors, Plain and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Fancy and rigurea fcngnsn Merinos, very Handsome, Delaines, vauooes anu oiusiins.aii prices. Ladies' Cloth for Dresses, Ladies' Cloth for Sacks, Sacking Flannel, all shades, Ladies' Shawls, plain tna uncy. BEST WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed Spreads, Balmoral Skirts. Yanked Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, of all description, Gloves, fbrLadies and Gents, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Britons, Ao., Ladies' French Corsets, Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Gonts' Shirts ana urawers, iiaaieg' v est anu ura wers, iadics. Misses' and Children's Fancy Hoods. Wool Scarfs Ladies' Fancy Scarfs, and a variety of other goods CARPETS, Wove Floor Cloths. 8tnir Camera Floor Oil Cloths, all widths. Carriaee Oil Cloth. Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and fixtures for Windows. aHOCERIES, ugnr. Coffee, Molasses, Rioo, Crackers, Spices, Bolt x isn, uneese, ao. Uueensware,Glanwaro, splendid Setts of Teaware, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VABIETTT, Hats and Caps, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, 6ohool uooxs, rnper, mates, ao. HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will ploosa give uiiu can. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, October 20, 1866. 1IQOXS, IIOi:S Al TRUCKS. H. Q. THACHEB, STCCISSOR TO W. W. AP8LBY, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA., A largo lot of Boots and Shoes just received. A fine lot of TRUNKS on hand. A gene ral assortment of Gent's Travelling Satchels, It R. Bags, Valises, Ao., Ao., Ao., Ao. COME AND BEE! At the well-known house of Mrs. Boulton, Market btreet, between Ihird and fourth ctreeu. Bunbury, Sept. 29, 1866. Lackawanna At Illooimtburff IluII- road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Passenger Trains win run as iouows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave Scrontoh, 6.50 10 00 7.10 4.40 " Kingston, 6.55 11.20 8.20 6 00 Rupert, 20 8 17 ' Dauvillo, 9.51 8.50 Art. North'd., 10 S5 10.15 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 5.20 Danville, 7.40 6.00 Rupert, 8.16 A. M. P. M. 6.35 " Kingston, 10.50 8.30 2 50 9.03 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 9.S5 4.00 10.15 Trains IcavinK Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scran ton, connect with Train arriving at New York at 4.20. Pavenecrs taking Train South from Scrsnton at 5 50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg 12 .10 P. M., Baltimore 5. SO P. M., Washington 10.. uu r. m. via nupert reaon rnuaaeipnia at 7.00 p. m U. A. fUiXKA, eup't. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1867. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store In and buy one of Uaike& Bbotbbi'i New Soale Piano Fortes. Every Instrument is Warranted for five mm w. also keep constantly on hand good stock of the eeieoratea rKliUU JJKl'B MtLUJJhOWB, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than wo are sell ing. We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise, and receive all the latest musio as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi. n tries IVSeoond band instruments taken In exchange for new ones. Pianos OOrreetlv ftnrnail 4nif StnA tnm Cireular. ' . r 6ALEM A BROTHER. Selinsgrovo, Bnyder 00., Pa., July 28, 1866. ly Palatal, Gloss, Putty, Whito Lead, Varnishes, of prioes at the Hardware Store of B . T CONLEY CO. Banbury, June 16, 1866. (Lata Uuohier Hons.) HARRISRURa. PENN A. TVB J8uW!Ik?0W koW ass not only been extend X Jd but has been greatly altored aad newly fit up ky the preoent proprietor, and now one of thi most oomforUble and convenient houls ia Horric burg. Mai iarek 19, 1864 ly BREAKFAST KltlWts . ,. .. I ' - - " ) wmiw mm HI VBOOy BtofOCf ANMA PaTltTKB ' "19 veers established In IV. T. City,' "Duly infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons," "Not dangerous to Ihe Human Family." "Rate come out of their botes to die." "COSTAR'S" RAt7rOACB, Ac, EXTERM'S Is paste-t-nsert for Rata, Miro, Roaches, Black and Red Ante, Ae , Ao. . "COSTAR'S" BED-DUG EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-tinse, Ac. "COSTAR'S ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Red-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animala, Ac. ra 1 1 Smii I I nf all worthless imitations. leyrVe that "CoeTsa'a" name n on eech Box, Bottle, and t task, before you buy. Cr- Address, HENRY R. COSTA R, 481 Broadway, N, Y. tySold in SUNBURY, PA., IT By WM. A. BENNETT. A hd all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. COST -A- IVS CELEBRATED B UKTIIOltN SALVE' For Cots, Burns, Braises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken Breasts, Isore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles; rVrofuloua, Putrid and III conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Affections, Rinyworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Ac ; Chap ped Hands, Lips, Ae. Bites of tfpideis, Insects, Animals, c.,o. W Boxes, 5cts., SO cts , and SI sizes. H,ld bv all Druesists evervwhere. And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 46t Broadway, new rone. And by V. A BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa UNIVERSAL C0IUT SOLTE1TT, For Coins, Bunions, Warts, Ao. XV Boxes, 95 cts , SO cts , and St sizes. And hy HENRY R. COSTAK, Depot 484 Broadway, Piew Yors. And by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to Soften and Beauty the Skill, remove Freckles' rtmples, Hruplions, ftc. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. IT-Bottles, SI. ftM bv all Dmeiists everywhere. And by HENRY R. COdi'AK, Depot 481 Broadway, 4iiew Yorz. And by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. OOSXAK'S PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY ! For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, WhoopiiiK Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Coiiauinu'.ioii. UnMi. ehial Alfecliona, and all Disuses of the Throat end Lungs. Bottles, 95 cts., SO eta , and SI sizes. Sold bvall Druggists everywhere. And by HENRY K. COSTAR, Depot 461 Broadwav. New York. Aad By yv.a. ULiinLi r,, C03TAB.3 CELEBRATED BISHO? PZLfiS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous and Sick Headache. Coetiniuu. Indi.i,. Dyspepsia, BiUiouenees, Cuostipatiun, piarrhea. Colics, Cluila, Fevers, aad general deseugcraetu of the Digeativ, Organs. Boxes, IS els., SO cts., and SI sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And by HtMlVH. COSTAR. Denut 484 Broadmv. New York. " And by W.A BENNETT, Suubury, Pa. f SCToflila, or King's EviL li a constitutional disease, eorrnptloit erf OtsT blood, by which this flsHd become vitiate, weak, and poor. Being In trie cireulation, H Servadei the whole body, nnd may buret out i disease on any part of it. No organ it free) from ita attack, not ta there on which H may Dot destroy. The scrofulous taint ie variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, bore all, by the venereal infection. What ever be ita origin, it Is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children nto the third and fourth generation i " Indeed, it teems to be the rod of Him who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of coirupt or ulcerous matter, whioh, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they hnve fur less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases) conse quently vast numbers pcrinh by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, re still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Host of tho consumption which de cimates the human family lias its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination i and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, nd, indeed, of all the organs, arise, from or re aggravated by the same cause. One qunrtcr of all our people are scrofulous their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it front the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy fond and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remediate that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the Sstem from its destructive consequences, ence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other enac tions which arise from it, such as Enurnva and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Kosr, or EuvsirELAs,, Pustules, Blotches, BLAiNsandBou.s,TuMous,TETTEn nd Salt Kit bum, Scald Head, Rinowoiuc, ItiiEUMATisM, Syphilitic and Mehcuhial Dis eases, Dhopst, Dyspepsia, Dehii.itt, and, indeed, all Complaints ahisino fhom Vitia ted ou Impihk Blood. The popular belief in " impta ity oth blood " U founded in truth, for scrofula is degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S Ague Cure, roa tub srzEor ccse or Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Ilemlttent Fever, thill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical lleadarhe, or Blllona Headache, and Blllona Fevers, Indeed for the whole claas or diseases criminat ing; In biliary derangement, caused by tho Malaria of Hlasmatlo Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Cunn" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever; and Aai'E from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brines it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Feveu and Aoui prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious eitects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it aro left as healthy at if they had never had the disease. i ever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are tteuralpia, Kieumatiim, Gnul, Headache, Blind. nest, 'loothache. Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, I'aU fitalioii, Painful Affection of the Spleen, llyiter ice. Pain in the Botcele, Colic, Parahjiie and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " Cuus " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AXES & CO., Lowell, Kms. FRILINQ A BON, Sunbury, Pa. R. B. McCay, Northumberland, and all Druggists and dealers everywhere. At wholesale by J. M. MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. S5,0001lis). assorted Charcoal Iron at bi cts. lb J. H. CONLEY A CO. atSnnbury, June 16, IMS. NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FURMAN'S OLD STAND. WHOLESALES A RETAIL AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS I Their Stock Is complete, consisting in part of SUOARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, ' Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Gloss, Lamps, Ac, Ao. Country Produce taken in exehange for Qoods. iyCs.ll and examine our Stock, and satisfy your selves. Sunbury, Hay 11, 18M. MUS0E0TS & SHAFEE, Wholesale Dealers in FLOUR & FEED, Manfaoturers of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, &c, Three Doors East of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Front St.. NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN 'A. The Baker Wagon will run daily to Sunbury and Selins'Urove, to serve customers. Orders solicited. Northumberland, Nov. 17, loot. ly FANCY DRY GOODS STOKE MIBS KATE BLAOK, Market street, four doors west of Wm. 11. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury and vioinity, that she has just opened her WINTER GOODS. oi Notions and Fancy Dry Uoods, Her stock eonsitx of All-Wool Delaines, Embroide ries, Laos Collars, Bleaohed and nableaehed Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Uaribaldi Muslins, Bird-Eys Linens, Alapaoas, Poplins, Crape and Lace Veils. Ladles' Winter HATS, Ladies' WooleaCaps, Break- fast Shawls, Sontagt. Children's Woolen Circulars, Children's Woolen Skirts. Urns. De morsel's Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Curls, Gloves, Blockings, Collars, Corsets, Ae. Oents' Collars, Neoklise, half Hose, Handker chief and Sospeaders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex KUiptlo (or doable Spring bJURIS ) . HOPKINS Klliptis Skirts Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Coaibs, Toys, and general variety of NOTIONS. KATE SLACK. gucbary, Nov. 14, IBM. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. IDJrVTTD PRY, Tw doors WM of Use Poet OSos, BUNBURY, Pbm RK8PEC j'tTLl.T InlbrtM tie eltlsent of Sun bery and yieinrty, that he will bake to order all kinds of tV.tken Ibt Italia artlea. ttc. . - Families ve supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Bolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ae., and also kept ea hand tsanofaetured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having bad large experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Deo, t, 1Mb. ft. V. OKAttllART'S ' Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. confectionery7)f all kinds, toys of every description FRUIT, Ac, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hud and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He Is manufacturing all kinds of Confcettonartei to keep up a full assortment whioh are sold at low rotes. Tobacco, Scgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other t tlolM, allot whioh are offered wholesale and retail. Jr"Ucmember the name and plaoe-sri xt r, nriutiiiT'f m. v. uannujinii Market street, t doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's- store. Bunbury, Sept. 10. THE VEKY LATEST ARRIVAL I! Fall and Winter Goods ! JOSEPH EYSTER, (SuceeMettor to John Bo wen.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites tlie publlo to call and examine his elegant assortment of WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at greatly reduced prioes. His stock consists in part of CASSIMERES CLOTHS. 8cC Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Qinghams, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchief, Brushes, Combs. llntM and Cops, Itoot and fShoeis, His assortment of goods will not, he Is are sure foil to please the fancy and suit the wants of any de, sirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is large In quantity and choice In quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to see hit friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no salee are made. Ho only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will oompare favorably in prioe and quality with theoheapent. JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, Nov. S, 1868. Manhood i How losit, how KcMtored Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwkll's Celebrated Essay on tho radical cure (without medioine) of Spermator rhoea, or seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotenoy, Mental snd Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits induocd by solf-Indulgcnoe or sexual extravagance. Taf Price, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cents. The eelebratcd author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year's successful practice, that the alarming oonecquences of self-abuse may be radically eured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure atonoe simple, oertain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself enenply, private, and radically. This lecture should be in the hands of every youth anu every man in ine lana. Sent under seal, in a nlain envelooe. to snv ad dress, on recoipt of six cents, or two portage stamps, oy addressing tne publishers. Address tho Publishers. C11AS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Offioe box 4,588, Deo. 22, 1H66. 3u FARMERS call and look at the stock of Grass an Grain Scythes, Manure, Hay and Straw Fork Grain Cradles, Cradle Pincers, Trace, Loir, Fifth, Tongue and Halter Chains ; Scythe Stones, Grindt stones and fixtures, and everytbing to make harvese ing pleasant ana agreeable at tne new liardwar store of J. ii. v;urLi.x s uu- R EMEM B VAVUl E D E AD. 1 TESSRS. D. C. Dissineer and John A. Taylor, iVX would respeotfully announce to the eitireas of bunbury, and surrounding country, ttmt naving formed a copartnership, they erenow prepared to iurnisn ornamentea anu piain UrnvcsleiK's, 'I'oiuba A Monument of the best Italian and American marble, at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re spectfully solicit the public patronage. DIS31NGEK A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31. 1868. ly. ClIA.XjiU OF l)i:iOT. fTUIE undorsigned respectfully informs his friends X and the publio that he has ohanged his place of loading Freight In fbiladelpbla lroni Freed, Ward a treed, Ao. oil market mreet, to A. X. AOHESON (Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour, Grain, Seeds, Ao.) .o. 1015 market Kt., Philadelphia, where all freight will bo loaded on ears of the un dersigncd, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Shauiokin, and all intervening points. All freight will be carried as low as on any other line. Orders to carry freight respectfully solicited, wuiou win rwvos pruinui, auvuwuu. J. B. WEISER, Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1888. 3m. J VI. K H J Alt I? Ik' N "IICniall de Partes THE NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIS. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. This secret of beautifving tbs skin being known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, they honorably state that it differs from all other preparations. It gives to the most iiarsn and rr celled sain notn tbs texture and oolor of polished ivory, removing all diteolora tions, whether appearing as fieoklee, tan, morphew, moth or blackworm specks, and is especially sue eessful in smoothing out the works left by the small pox. The agents or "L'EMAIL de PARIS" mast confi dently submit to the publie tbs earnest endorse ments of such distinguished ladies as Signora RISTORI, M'ddlO; ITA YES1VAL.1A, Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madame PONISI, Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RTJSnTON, NOEMIE Da MARQUERITTES, Miss A. PERRY, and many others whose high standing in the profes sion gives tho stamp of trathfulaets to their intelli gent and genuine approval. The beautiful Luoille Western says : I And that the "Email" produces all thtbrilllan. ey of rouge and lily-white, with the great and pecu liar advantage of total harmlessnees. It really adds to the softness- and beauty of the skin." The magnifioent Vestvalia says : 'I have suffered so much from the various white lotions, Ao., whioh any theatrtoa! profession obliges me to use, that I consider it a perfect benefaction to find a preparation which gives the neoessary white ness to the skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth.' Miss Maggie Mitohell says : 'I have tried ths skin beautifier. "L'Emall de Paris." and found that it lastaatlv imparls a natural bloom and freshness to ths complexion." "Jared 's Email de Paris" is used as a delicate beautifier of tbs skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by the most refined and scrupulous ladies, producing all Ike beautifying effeels of rouge and lily-white, without their vulgar glare or injury to the skin. Soid by all first -class Druggists. Perfumers and Ladies' Hair Dressers. L. Isabaau, 811 Broadwav ! Demos Borne A Co. and V. 0. Wslis Co.. New York : and Eursma Jouin, 111 South Tenth street, and Johnson, UoUo- wj vowueu, rnuauoipuio, agents. JAKEV HKHB, General Agents oad Importers, New York. Jan. J8, 1687 4m , , . . 1000 Carriage Makers Wonted to bnv Felloes. Spokes, Hubs. Axles. Borings. Bands. Bolts sad everything pertaining to the bus in sss at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of Prescript !. arefully eompouaded of the best D&VGS at at Mam Biota Store of leave to Inform the eitleens of S-rVh , ..nit,, that I have 'tVJi '". mm,B','J S ' FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combe, Brushes, Peeket-Boohs. J, &yoin1rc1gaV,,i,"' -5fffciC Paint., OIIsh lo, , p v.r.I.he.t Pate. Medici.;., IV o,r' from the best material I can rm,. u"' 4n Having had quite a nuir" tTftS. Ia , ,ni PreeriVtion Butinett, both in Philadelphia and the oountrv and .i- .i. advantage of the Coll.. of ?PiT. 7?J D1 ! h petent to COMPOUND A LL PRESCRIPT m5 that the Physioians and public Tmav f.. All my preparations as I nav aboe MaertT made from the best mal,,,,.? .iT Tl, aro. - vwi. uaieriai, aa assert, they are of officinal strength , mi j, upon honor I ieinal parposes, I keep on hand the verjr best WINES. BRANDIES . uyuuiM, that I eon procure. yor1wnffib"'D el""". convince, Anbury, Nov Ig, ,JJ NEW GROCERY Tvodoor. uett of J. IL EngUt Stor' in, Jfarlvt Square, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of .ttseTof keP C0"UUU' S & FLOUR & FEED, Hams, fchoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Bggs Also to".0d tW !i?da' C '-SS W toes, rickels, Ketchup, Pepper Sauoo. Raisins Lemon. e of best quality, knd in, mo tJcTSyk of artio es kept in a well'stocke,! cJJw Als Cider V inegar. All kind, of country produce takea GEORGE E. BEARD CO' 5unbury, Nov. H, 18B5. NEW LIQUOR STORE! WM. HOOVEB Hallroad Street, above Market, AH THE CBITTBAL HOTIL, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY Invites his friend, and the, public generally, to call and examine his lares, assortment, of li, i . before purchasing elsetheV.! ,,Jrs-?t?ck ," '" Urondle. a? Khiii, MononjBrahelii and Jlotirlson of the l,H( au. ly. 1 inesi, I tier, Viiie grar, Ac., Ace. ?0tif' Ke6Per- o'hers are invited to .Miction " g0n,",,e ttDd r0nder B1 SurburyjJFcbruory 3, ISOtV EESTAUKANlT&BOARDINO HOUSE Cllts S'S'!-a"a . . - - a-s-viirtetor. In Cake's Additicn to SUNBURY, near the Penn'a. Railroad Company's Shops Tilir n?BEER,',Portcr8DdAI'' f very best CheesririT'1"".1 0t'rm"n WinCT- Schwitr Lbeese, Inpe, Ac, alwayson hand. kepf whMoA.NnLAND T"AKSXT BOARDKHS. Kept wbo wil find amplo accommodations Good cook, .d wa,t0, bouarB can 00 ; ood SUNBURY FOUNDRY"" KO. ItOliecis v 13 A. NO A i-V0" cnrr.vin3 on business at this old estab. JA. hshment with renewed vigor to order " " JcsoriI'li"'. Pmptly furnished -SSlffl . ndr, have Washington House. SAMUEL SNYDER, OrroBITK THE KEW COCRT noUSK, SUNBURY, PA. rIfitLruPU!l!r.,U"1 eulf'irtl'' Hotel ha, been tin ff T, P ,uJ""or or" for the occouimoda. .1W &ST' rakroller"' and he public gener n il'. I c tfurt b ?ared by the Proprietor to moke it a favorite resort and a oloanant horn. every guest Hi, Uble, hi. b,Pondha lonj ex ESiih0' brtopretot' "'"""him lnlntfcipi: ting a liberal share of publio patronage. ""lcl?a nleno.e. ,,able' "d 8VerT dirttbI " Sunbury April 7, 1866. ly ALwlll,bVltUf"rdwn' 40 not in will be sent for and delivered at the lowest prices oy j ir COM.KV en bunbury, June 16, 1866. H.n1Jtei".PtoS.d Die,, and te Sailoi fcTDa by ' u,tc'S busi. J. H. CONLEY A M ness CHILDREN'S Carriages of the n.wertud most . u.u. .ljiv. at, meuneap Hardware store n- VVXLEY A CO. AHAMS EXPRUSM CIHIPivv REDUCTION OF BATES ON PRODUCE, OYS TER3. AO. TnTEru",rlLf.. will be bO 7p M0 IblThrtrSS ta'wei ht WU1 bobr8el as 100 lbs relsoT boxM.""1 rqUlr' to U P0ked ta W hu' PromDt attention Ia IliA Ar,llui: . n,. ita """"""" ot xuits, raits, iB i. , N',?ERREB LIGHTNER, Agent. Sunbury, June 16, 18i. ' ""nt TOIXET SO ra r..i..ij..v.. .,. . 4 i , V -"" ""s, jiair nrusnea Jfotn9by ANNA PAINTER. mi'RPMTrvp r,..i nn m.i n?. i"T TTT A...,, . 1 iomm vu, AiinseedUil. for sale low for Cash by ' J. H. ONLEY A CO. P:. '"LQ Galleryjnjimpson's Building. PnenNi mi.itr nrrni via i - n, . . tare. hta iioos 1 Tf) TsPtonilPsk sa u ... 1 1 fls . CARPENTERS, Saddlers, Blaoksmitbs, Carriogo Makers, Shoemakers, MerchonU, Miners. Fsi. msrs and the eitiieus geuerally. Look to your iuterost and buy at the new Hard ware -Store of J. H. CONI.KV a r-n Bunbury. June It, 1866. FINE Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Store or a rain icrl. rCB CREAM FREEZERS and HsJeyTIFaUnt L Clothe Wringers, for sale by 7 MH Bunbury, July T, 1806. IBTELMOYER, iLii5estrnh.t,,n."h Hardware Store of r , J" H' CONLEY A CO. Bunbury, June U, 1866. W ld InviU the atUntion of Carpenters to our Urge and well selected assortment of Toolee, eomprulng 'CbUels or ail kinds, Planee. Saw.. Iron ui.i b T .' . ' , uuarv, aoa ra laoi every thing wanted to eompleU a full outfit, st the Hardware store of J. H. CONLKr A. 1111 1 AAA Cumen wanted to buy HordwaTeTAeT". 1UUU at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store DeceaaUr 99, ISol.- J0. r RILLS a A OK. 6Wy, May M, 186.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers