1 gEfje gmft,uttt American. c L in, F.WtliVRRT.l V . K. 6. KNCJLll, I PoblUheM. BUIUI-TIT, PA. . 'SATURDAY, MAfiCII t8, 1807. A BEQTJXBT TO .ssTJBSCBrBlBS. , ': Bulwerlbers tU Abica- ar particularly re 4sested sot to How their Indebtedness to overran M JMT, Alt nhnrlpUonf should be paid In a4 vance; bat under ne oiisideTtloo should th year pas Mound with th subscription anpald. A ttrlot attention to this will aav at ta Immense amount of 4roMb1 and a very heavy lot. " Eocal Affairs. . CP Xo Somobibbbi. Al mtny of onr subscri bers will change their plMM of residence between thlt and th drst of April, wo will thank them for .notifying n of tho ehange, ttatlng their former ad--dress and present retidenoe, In order to males tho correction on our book. ty Wa learn that Mr. 8. T. Bioklet, formerly of thle place, and late of tho Wathlngton House in .Northumberland, hue taken charge of the Laporte Hotel, at Laporte, Sullivan county, Fa. 't?Tita Soldikbs' Girr Conoirt. The Mana ger of the Soldiers' Gift Conoert, at Munoy, haying completed bla arrangementi, hu Died upon Thurs day, the 4th of April, ai the time when the drawing will positively take place. There are but few Alcketa remaining untold. tjr SrDDis Death At Bbamokisi. On Tuesday morning.of lait week, 'Jonathan Fanuworth, brother of John Farnsworth, County Treasurer, waa found ' -dead near the engine home at Bharaokln. The phy ' ilcian who wai at the Inqueal held, waa of opinion that hia death waa oauaed by diaease of the heart. Ee waa about 60 years of age. r-js Grand Ball. Wa learn that a grand ball will be given In the new Masonio Hall, in this place, tome time In April. It will, no doubt, be a splendid affair. The new Hull, which Is nearly completed, will afford an excellent place to "trip the light fan tastic toe," and the hop to be given will undoubtedly I be a rcry large one. y Barh Bcbreb. A barn belonging to Jacob Bartholomew, .hf Lower Augusta township, was burned on Saturday night last. A quantity of hay and straw, together with wagons, sleds, Ac, were consumed. The horses and cattle were safely re moved. Tho fire Is supposed to have originated from sparks from the chimney of the dwelling bouse. Admitted to Pbactice. On Tuesday morn ing last, on motion of Win. C. Lawson, Esq., C. A. Rcimenenyder and Rufus Luoore were admitted to practice in the several courts of this county. Both of those gentlemen, we learn, passed a oreditable examination. Muddy. Our streets present a mlserablo appearance at prosent. We hope that our borough fathers, who havo lately beon organised, will pay necessary attention to it and have them repaired as soon as possible. There la much room for improve ment in this matter. The streets and crossings, if properly attended to, would not only be a beneft to pedestrians, but would add much to the prosperity of the place. Record torn Deeds. Many persons are doubtless Ignorant of the law, requiring docds of land, made within the State, to be recorded within six months, or they will be declared void ngainst subsequent purchasers or mortgages, for value Ig norance of the law excuses no man, and therefore owners of property would do well to notice tho re quirements of the present statue. All deeds should be recorded by the Register and Recorder of the county without delay. tyTB Lath Death in the Cabs. We learn from our Snyder county exchanges that the man who died in the cars of the Northern Central Rail road, between Sunbury and Harrisburg, on Monday night of last week, was a Gorman printer, named John George Koch. lie was employed in the office of the Middleburg Vollsfreund from October, 1886, until a week or two before hia death, when, after ateadily working for four months, he beoams Intoxi cated and took a drunken spree, the effoctt of which doubtless caused his death. ty Election im Urr-En Acocsta Towbibip. The voters of Upper Augusta township held an eleo tion on Saturday week lost, on the question of re moving the election polls from the house of Martin Oast to the Augusta Hotel, in Cake's addition to tsuribury, or to the house of Squire Farnsworth. It was decided, by a small majority, to locate the polls at the latter place. An election was also bold on the same day for Justice of tho Peace, it having been omitted at the late spring election John Farntworth, Esq., was re-elected by 31 majority. ra Encampment Officers. Tho following offi ears of Fort Augusta Encampment, No. 140. 1. 0. of 0. F., having been duly elected, were installed on Monday evening Inst, to serve for the ensuing term : C. P., George W. Smith ; n. P., P. M. Shindel ; 6. W., Levi Seasholts ; J. W., Sol. Btrab ; Scribe, Emanuel Wilvert; Treasurer, Henry Clement. This Encampment was started about a year sinoe, and is now one of the most flourishing lodges outside of the cities. It Is composed of some of the best members of the subordinate lodges In this vicinity, and will soon rank among the Brat in the State. 7 Show Storm. Stern winter la again apon ns. The unseasonable snow storm that com menced on Saturday brought with it unusually oold weather. With the additional snow on Bunday the depth was not less than ten inches. It is, however, rapidly disappearing under the influence of the sun. In Philadelphia, and other cities, the churohes were almost deserted and tome not opened at all. . The storm seems to have been wide spread. Sinoe writing the above, we have had another now storm, on Thursday. Though not heavy, the earth wean a garb as bleak and wintry duringaa the Dost frigid days of January, ry Another Murder in Schuylkill Cocktt "The Pottaville Mintrs' Journal, of Saturday last, records another murder near that place. On Friday afternoon last, while Wm. LiUlebalea, Superintend sot of the Gleo Carbon Coal Company, in Cast township, was proceeding from Potlnille to his tesidenco near the colliery, In a aulkey, be was murdered at lonely part of the read. The aai sins shot him, one ball taking effect in his head, and another in his breast. Tbey expected he bad a large amount of money with him, but in this they were mistaken. The assassins are unknown. The Jour nal says there it no protection (or life or property from the bands of assassins that infest Schuylkill county, and urges the establishing of Military post for the protection of the people. j y Stole IIobhb and Bdgot Recovered. Some tims) in May last a valuable bona and buggy were stolen from tho premises of Jaoob 6easboIti,Etq. below Sunbury. Although a large reward was of fered, no elu was obtained in regard to the robbery until a few weeks siuoe, when an individual naraesl Clark was eonvioted at Danville for horae stealing Clark, gratified at the kind treatment received from the Sheriff, in order that be might get the reward, told him that he could And the horse aad buggy in Lancaster. About two weeks since Mr. ewatholta went to Lancaster, and with the aid of a deteotive traced the buggy and recovered it about 20 miles bolow that place. Of the horse they obtained soma lot, but aid tot find him. On Thursday morning , lut, however, Esq. Seatholtt received dispatch ; from Laooaster, saying that the horse had been re covered ta Philadelphia. Ho immediately left for . Lancaster and that plaee. Arrests of soma of the auspeoted pertuoi were made at Lanoaster. That Slaee and neighborhood is no doubt made one of the rpota of an organised gang of bone thieves , We hne tbey will be rrompiljr puniiued. ' , J ty pBOCBitarwfl or Cowsr. the March terra of Crtjnteo6e4 Is) lb hi plan en Monday, IDA, lnsti bis Honor, Judge Jordan, and Associates, pre siding. .. - - v i v ' Com.' ta. Job Bhive. For. Bad baa. Defendant and John Fires-worth held la he mm of $300 for . his appearanae at next term of Court. . ' ' " ( Com, vs. Jaoob Marta For. aad bat. Defendant and John, Mart each held in the sum of $300 for bit appearance at next term, i . . Mary Allow Miller vs. Epbralm Miller. Subpoena In Divoroo. Petition filed to tet aside writ. Isabella Gurton vs. Robert Gurton. Subpoena Jn Divorce. Court appointed Wm, M. Mervlno to take testimony in tha oast. ' Com., vs. Daniel Snyder. Misdemeanor in ob structing a highway. True bill. . Case not tried. 1 Com. re. Frederick Marts. Assault and battery. Verdict, aot guilty, aad each party to pay half the oostt.' ' - ' ' Com.- vt. Mary Crawford. Laroony. True bill. Indletment quashed. ' Com. ti. Jacob Crawford. Laroeny. True bill. Not disposed of. , Com. vs. Mrt. Frances Bupket. Malicious mis chief in killing a goat. Defendant acquitted and each party to pay half the costs. Com. vs. David Druckemiller. Assault and bat tery. Bill Ignored aad prosecutor, E. U. Bostian, to pay oostt. Com. vt. E. G. Bostian, Zebedee Bostian and Ed ward Lyon. Assault and battery. No bill, and proseoutor, David W. Druckemiller, to pay costs. Com. vs. Durell Bhafer. For. and bas. Defend ant bound over to noxt term. . Com. vs. Philip Batman. For. and baa. Bound over for next term. Coin, vs." Lewis C. Crossland. For. and bas. True bill. Indictment quashed. ... . , - . : Com. vs. Robert Welsh. Assault and battery on Is wife. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and undergo one month's imprisonment in the county Jail. Com. vs. Theodore H. Manly. Assault and bat- tory. No bill, and proseoutor, Juun Wesley, to pay tho oostt. Com. vt. David Donmy or. Assault and battery. No bill, and Henry B. Crissinger, prosecutor, to pay theoosts. Com. vs. George Apsloy, George E. Apslcy and V.- Walker. Conspiracy. Indictment quashed and defendants discharged. Com. vs. David Eckman. Assault and battery. No bill, and M. Ehlpe, prosecutor, to pay oostt. Com. vt. Same. Assault and battery. No bill, and Emanuel Shipe, proseoutor, to pay oostt. Com. vt. Michael Corcoran. Indiotmont, for re sisting a Constable. True bill. Tbo prisoner es caped from the county jail. On motion of Wm. C. Lawson, Esq., Edward A. Evans was admitted to praotice in the several courts of Northumberland county. On motion of G. W. Ziegler, Esq , 0. 8. McCor- mick was admitted to praotice in the courts of the county. The fallowing report was made by the Grand Jury, relative to the county buildings, to. : To the Honorable Altxantltr Jordan, Frtstdrnt. and his Associate Judges oj the Uoitnty oj j.or thumberland j Tbe Grand Inquest of the county of Northumber land, having passed upon and finished all business laid before them by the Court and District Attorney, and made such examination of the public buildings as deemed necessary, do report : To Joseph Bird, Esq., of Northumberland, thanks are due for tho presentation to the county of the gilt eagle, which occupies the recess in the arch over luo Judge's chair. As the national emblem of America the Jury considor it a very appropriate ornament to the court room. rnon examination of the public buildings, the Jury find that the following articles are needed at the Jail : Two stoves, two tables, half dozen chairs, sine or sheeting under all stoves; also certain repairs to tbe floor and toe jail yard wan ; aiso recommenaing that an apartment, for females, exclusively, be sei apart in the tront portion of tbe Jail, and that suita ble furniture be procured therefor. Tho recommendation made bv the Grand Jury, January term, in regard to a partition for the hall in the Jail, to prevent communication oeiween prison ers and outsiders, has beon acted upon by the Sheriff with good results. Three breakages are noticed in tbe Court House roof one in the front and two at the rear end of the building, which should be at onco repaired. The uublio rooms and offices are found in good condition, and well adapted to the purpusos for which they are used. It is recommended that J. A. J. Cutumings. Eq., be reimbursed for expense incurred in necessary Improvements in tbe Register and Re corder's otiioe, upon presentation of vouchers. . li. u. r unk, roroman. The following cases were disposed of during the second week of Court, commencing on Monday lost, 18th inet. : Peter Jlackcnbach vs. Cattawissa Railroad Co. Action of debt, for 41 eords of wood. Verdict for defendants. Com. vs. John Carew. Defendant is an engineer and was charged with blocking a public highway ith a train of cars. Verdict, f 2i damages for plaintiffs. Wm. L. Dewart vs. J. B. Masser. Action of debt on bond. Verdict for plaintiff for $749.20. George A. Ruuck vs. Francis A. Carr. Action in debt for a boat, mule team, and bounty money. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $234 CP Tbe following are the appointments of the Susquehanna Distriot, Central Penn'a Conference of tbe Evangelical Association: E. Kohr, Presiding Elder. Lewisburg Station Josiab Bowersox. Butfaloe Circuit S. D. BeunincUin and W. P Thomas. Lycoming Circuit M. Waltor and J. O. M. bwengla. Willinmspnrt Mission Jacob Young. Blockhouse Circuit P. 11. Kishol. Muncy Circuit U. W. Buck. Cherry Cirouit I. M. Pines. Columbia Circuit A. It. Irvine and J. Price. Wyoming Circuit S. T. Buck and U. F.Swcngle. Luserne Cirouit T. N. Morris. Danville Mission II. A. Stoke. Northumberland Mission 8. E. Davit. Pur the Sunbury American. Nobtdi'MBeki.abd. On Friday evening, 15th Inst. Mr. James Aiken, of Lewisburg, gave a lite rary entertainment in the Unitarian Church, in Nor thumberland, consisting of poetical readings from variout authors. Mr. Aiken is a schoolmaster of the olden time, being nearly seventy yean of age, yet retaining in full vigor all the enthusiastic fervor of the most youthful of his pupils. Some of the latter were present, and we beard playful allusions to past experiences of the hard lesson and the helping twitch. An audience, respectable in numbers and thoroughly appreciative, rewarded the efforts of tbe reader. Mr. Aiken enters deeply into tbe spirit of hit favorite authors and brings their strong points into bold relief in bit reading. He deserves tbe tbankt of the community for ministering in so satis factory a manner to their entertainment and instruc tion. We hope Mr! Aiken may again appear before a Northumberland audienoe. A Festival, for tha purpose of furnishing musical instruments to the Northumberland Brass Bond, it la progress in tbe Town Hall of that place. Ever greens, flags, mottoee and other deoorationi give quit a pleasant appear anoe to its walls. Every evening, to far, the hall has been crowded, and we learn that there is a fair prospect that the efforts of those having the Festival in charge will be crowned with a good degree of pecuniary success. BUSINESS NOTICES. CP Job PriaillBff. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of variout new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Hoadt, Labels, Ac, eaa be printed In tbe latest aad beet stylet, aad an short noUoc Orders by mail promptly attended to. To Meecbabti. We Invite the attention of mer abaaU and all dealert is boot, shoes, trunks, Ac., to tha card ef Mr. Wat. W. Apsley, in another column, who it connected with the extensive wholesale boot and shoe establishment of Tbacber 4 Co., No. It North ith Street, Philadelphia. Mr. Apsley it well known in this plaee aad violnlly; having formerly beea engaged la tha retail boot and thoa trade in Banbury. Having a thorough knowledge of the bu tineas, aaerehantt and dealers la thai article will be benefitted by ordering goods through htm. Tbe Ana wbioh be represents it one of the old set and moot reliable U rhUadelphia.. ' fc" 'i "' ' " : '! ? , ..- JlfATCBBa, JiWiter, Aa.-i-Mr, T. 8., Shannon having reea(lj purchased, the 'eslnJJtiWBt ef A. E. BsvagV, In Simpson 'i building, Market street, hat on bond a superior atook of Walobet, Jewelry, Silverware, Cloeka, 0, which ha will sell at oity ftrioea. Mr, S. hat been eonneoUd for tha last tea years with some of the nest homes la Philadelphia, aad guarantees that all work will bo done cheaply and satisfactorily. Hi Intends shortly visiting the elty to get a new and larger supply, and will offer to the public a bandsoma anortmeut, in a few days. Persons desiring anything in hit line will do well to give him a call. , , ', , . . . . Jorbi' ClotbinO House, Pbiladelphia. Wo oall the attention of all who may wish to purohase cheap and fashionable alotblng to the advertisement of Jones' Clothing House, 604 Market Street, Phila delphia. Thlt celebrated establishment loot busi ness exclusively on the one-price system, and the prices are the very lowest. Mr. E. Q. Maise, for merly of Sunbury, is connected with this house, and Will be happy to tee hit friends from this section at the above stand., We would advise persons who contemplate purchasing in tha city to oall at this houie. Hoop Skirts, of a superior quality, "Hopkln's Own Make," New Spring Btyles, advertisement In thlt issue. Ladles, make a note of the fact ! "He stood a Spell on one fut fust, Thoa stood a spell on 'totbor, ' . , . An' on which one he felt the wust, Ho oouldn't ha' told ye, author ;" For bit boots were perfect fits, purchased at narry Tbaoher't new boot and shoe store, in Pleasants' building, Market street, next door to Adams' Ex press office. Bpbino. The weather has been very unsettled of late, and It would puisle anybody to toll whore winter leaves off aad spring begins. If tbe weather should open during this gloomy spell, it would be well to oall at tbe fashionable and ohesp tailoring establishment of John E. Bmick, on Fourth street, and have your measure taken for a beautiful spring suit, and also examine tbe splendid assortment of goods for gentlemen's and boys' wear. ' Lira Insurance. Rov. Henry- Ward Bccoher says : "Onoe the question was. can a cnristian man rightfully seek tucb Assuranoe? That day is passed. Now the question is, can a Christian justify himself In negtooting such a duty ?" Jacob Srii'Mar, Fire and Life Insuranre Agent, Sunbury, Pa. . , t ",, For Rent An office in the rear of Bennett's Drug Store, on Market Square. Inquire at this office. Domestic Drama. Scene 1. Mothor in the cel lar splitting wood. Scene 2. Daughter In the parlor singing to Clarence Fits Noodle the pathetic ballad of "Who will care for Mother now?" Scene 3. The indulgent mamma at Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, purchasing a pair of 'ho boautiful gtilter boot! for hor affectionate and dutiful daughter. . , t..N '. "Isaac," said Mrs. Partington to her nephew, "when you enter tbe state of alimony, chooso a vo racious and well-informed young woman. Then, my dear, your love will be infernal and your pos terity certain." Ike looked exceedingly solemn, while Mrs. P. proceeded to Beck's tailoring estab lishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury, to or dor a ' bran new" wedding suit for her Isaac Tbe old lady, it seems, knows where to get a good articlo. "Mike," said a bricklayer to his hodman, "if you meet Patrick, tell him to make haste, as we are waiting for him." "Sure and I will," replied Mike ; "but what will I tell him if I don't mate him?"' "Why, tell him that J. F. Shaffer, mer chant tailor, N. E. corner of Third and Market sts., Sunbury, (second story,) makes the best fitting suits to be found outside of the large oities." The Result or Advebtisi.no. A young man advertised for a wife, and recowed eigutoon hundred answers from husbands saying he could havo theirs. This shows the virtue of aorertising. Another in stance of the benoGts derived from advertising is the tremendous rush for roady-made spring clothing at tho Continental Clothing Basaar, Market street, during the past week. A Large and New Stock op Wall Patch Gilt, Column, Satin, White, Buff and Brown, Blank with border to match cheaper than ever just received at Liqiitner's. Pbotoobapbs. If you would possess yourself of a faithful and life-like portraiture of a friend and who hat not a friend f if you would secure the thadow ere the substanoo fades, go at once to Byor ly's Photograph Gullory, In Simpson's building, Market street, Sunbury, and procure one before it is too late. ty To Claim' Aoenti. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com-missioned Offioers," under the late Act of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now fur sale at the American office. Wekoepon hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. Thoy are copied from blanks prepared in tbe Departments at Washington, and can be relied oa for oorrectness. Orders from a dis anca will receive prompt attention. NU.XlllItV MAKUE'l'N. Corrected Weekly for tha "American.' Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $16 00 8 00 do do do do per ewi. per bbl. per cwt. per bushel, do . do do do , per j?ound Rye Flour, do Wheat, prime red '' ' Rye, Corn, , , new OaU, . Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unpared Dried Apples. 10 00 6 60 I 75 1 li , 85 50 1 00 40 80 15 3 00 35 do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, per dosen, per pound, do do do do . do do per pair r-Kgi. Cheese, Lard, - Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, 20 25 20 25 15 14 13 '. 18 0 Sbamokln. Coal Trade. ' Sbamokih, March 18, 187. Tons. Curt Sent for week ending March It, 12.901 13 Per last report, . j . 64,344 07 S7.254 00 72,031 17 5.078 17 Ta tame time last year, Decrease. Special Not'utsj, " It Is a gratiflcation, a pleasurable duty I owe to tboea suffering with pulmonary symptoms, suoh as Broaebud, Throat or Lang difficulties, ta recoro mend Blades' Euphonlal Lubricators as far superior to any other medicine In thlt form before the Ame rican people. Rev. W. 11. Goodwin, D. D., "Pastor M, E. Church, Geneva, N. Y.' For sale by all druggists. ..!'. i Tbat Hacking Cooqb must he aeouroe of great trouble, and will certainly produce fatal result if not attended to. Just enough of Cob'i Cocoa Baliam to wet th throat, taken ono an hour, will ure it la a very short time, and only oostt 15 or 40 cents. l'rec to Krerybodr, A Large 8 pp. Circular, giving Information of the greatest importance to tbe young of bout sexes. , It teaches bow the bomoly may become beautiful, tbe despised res pooled, aad th forsaken loved. No young lady or geatlesaaa should fail to tend ; their address, aad receive a copy, post-paid, by re tura mau. i , Address P. O. Prawer, V, Troy, N. T. sb rntcB clotmso. OLD EBT ABLIS1TBD ; OMR PRICE : . CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Market Atroet, One door above 8lxth, Philadelphia. For many years thlt Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Hysiem, and we believe we are the only Olothlng House in the city that strictly adheres to this prinoiple. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select- f;ood stylet and substantial materials, and not leaf mportant, for having all our goods, KXTIIA. WEU. lIAIn. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prioee are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must tee, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for at no deduoliont are ever made, we must put our prices down to tbe advantages we promise. 1 i The people may depend, this Is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' 0XE PRICE CLOTHING U0CSE, 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ono door above Sixth. Mnroh 23, 1867. ly Xo t'onatiniptivfis. The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few woeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferors the meant of cure. To all who desire it, he wiHv tend a copy of the proscription used (free of charge), with the direcs tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a bure Cure fur Consumption, Astbma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Coldi, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tbe only object of the advertises in sending the prescription is to boneflt tbe afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be In valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hi remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tha prescription, pbee, by return mall, please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Willinmsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 1866 ly. LfiA Yoono Lapt returning tuher oountry borne after a sojourn of a few montbsln tbe City, was hard ly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed faoe, sho had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon in quiry as to tbe cause of so great a change, she plain ly told them that she used the 4'ii-'iiHMiitsi Bllllllt.nnd considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentle man can iuiprovo their personal apj earonoe an hun dred fold, Jt is simple in its combination, as Nature horsolfis siinplo, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautilyiDg the skin and complexion. By its direot action on the cuticle it draws from it all its impuri ties, kindly healing the same, and leaving the sur face as Nature intended it should be, dear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $1, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. February 16, ls67. ly IIELMI30LIVS FLUID EXTRACT Is a certain cure foi diseases of the UI.ADOKR, KIDNKV9, GRAVKI-, DftOPSY, OR. UANIC WEAKNKS9, FKMA l.K COMI'LAI.NTrf, GKN'ERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the CRINARY ORGANS, whelhrj existing ill M.U.K OR FKMA l.K, from whatever cause nrigliialinc; and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of ihfsenrgiins require the use of a diuretic. If mi treatment Is submitted W, Consumption or lti.ill- ity rimy ensue. Our I Icsll and Utoud uie suppuited iron! these sources, and the I1KALTII AND HAPPINESS, and thitfnf Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable ceiiiedy. HKI.MDOCD'S EXTRACT BUCI1U, Established upwutds of 19 years, prepared by ii. x. m;i.nmi.u, ' DRUGGIST, 501 Broadway, New York, and ml ouili loth Street, Pluladeiphia, Pa. March , 1t-6J ly PERUVIAN S-5THXJIr A PROTECTED SOLUTION OFTUE PROTOXIDE OF IRON, supplies the Blood with lit LIFE ELE MENT, IRON, giving t'.rength. vigor and new life to the whole systom. If the thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia, Dobility, Fouiulo Weukuoss.lo , would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, tho effect would not ouly astonish themselves but would plaase all their riends ; for Instead of feeling cross, "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and ac tive. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: "I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result fully sustains your prediction, it has made a new mau of me, infused into my system new vigor and energy; lam no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you lost saw mo, but stronger, heartier, and with larger onpaoity for labor, mental and physical, tnun any titneuuriug tne last nve years. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, tu strong healthy, and happy men and women; and in valids cannot reasonably herniate to give it a trial. Tbe genuine hot "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. A 32 page Pamphlet will be sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 30 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. J race' Celebrated Sulre ! Amesblbt, Mail, Oct. 13th, 1803. Mr. Gbace Deab Sib : Having been afflicted grievously for several weeks with a severe abscess upon my side, I used several remediea for its eradi cation without receiving any relief, until 1 applied your salve, which effected a speedy aud permanent cure. I therefore feel happy to certify my oou&dunce in its virtues. tours with respect. JAMES BEAN. I certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. ii. S. Dearboiin. M. D. SET1I W. FOWLS A RON, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists, at 25 eonli a box. March 2, 1867. Im Ir. Nt'lienck) Jlnndruke l'Ulai. A faissbaititule Tor Calomel. These Pills are composed of various roots, having tbe power to relax the secretions of tbo liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of tbe latter. In all bilious disorders these Pills may be nsed with eonSdenoe, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary duett, which are the oause of bilious affections In general. SCUENCK'd MANDRAKE PILLS cure aiok headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, ooalod tongue, euetiveoesa, drowsi ness, and a general feeling of weariness and lassi tude, showing that the liver it in a torpid or ob tsruoted'waaulitioa. ' ' - In short, these Pills may be used with advantage in all oases when a purgative or alterative inedieiue it required. Please ask for "Dr. Sohenek'a Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are oa tbe Government stamp one when in tbe last stage of Consumption, and the other in his preeenl health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Priee, 25 cents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North elb Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Denial Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, New York ; B. 8. llanoe, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N.E.oor. of Fourth and Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio : Walker A Taylor, 134 and 13 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. III.; Collins Brothers, southwest corner of 2d and Vine Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. , I860. 4thA5tbw.aa.mo.ly. HKl.MBOLDII EXTRACT BUCHU and Improved Ruse Wash cwree secret aitd deiioai diaordcre iu all tluur euujes,at liuit expruae, lulls or a ehange in diet, t o in etiiviiierieBi uo csiveure. It rs pleasant In iJute end odor, iiaioedian iu Its actipn,atd :ee irma all iuju. iioitsiw'iperiuw iK'Jl7y 0 , KirMnarot bait Tine. Bv art rcant lady and geaiteTeeif 'la She Culled lUtel can bear enrheinlfig to thelf advantage by re turn mall, (free of charge,) by addressing the under- flgned. Those having fears of, being bBmbugged wlU oblige by not netloing this card. All others will I please address their obedient servant, .. .. -. TUOS. P. CHAPMAN, i - ,811 Broadway, New York. -January IS, 1fl6ft.-ly 1 The Cons'ewislou and aV;scrlrnc OP AH INVALID. Publishod for tbebenefttand as a caution to voting men and others, who suffor from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the ma limn the tnnnns nf salf-flure. Bv one who nas eured himself aftor undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-patu aaaroasca envelope, tingle coplee, free of charge may be bad of the au thor. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, King! Co. N. Y. January 27, 1869 ly. Ucmcbial institute FOR BPECIAL OASES, !o. 11 Uosisl trc( Hmt York. Full Information, with tha highest testimonials ! also a Book on Special Diseases, In a sealed envolnpo sent free. I s7"ie sure and send for them, and you will not regret it ; for, as advertising physioians are generally impostors, with references no stranger should be trusted. Enolose a stamp for postage, and direct to DR. LAWRENCE. No. 14 Bond street. New York. Nov. 17, 1806. ly irui i i:iit l it nt SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT . Will Jiu tbe Itch lat H Hotim. Also euros SALT R1IECM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF 11115 SKIN Price 60 cents. For sale by tho druggist. Bv send ing 60 cent to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of tbe United States. JfL" B0"' .. . Know 'Hi j' DvHtlu', Madame E. F. Tiiornton, the great English As trologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who hns astonished the scientiflo classes of the Old norld, bas now located herself at Hudson, a. l . iUndnmo Thornton pososscs such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to Impart knowledge nf the greatest importance to the singio or mnrrieu ot either sex. Vt bile in a state of trance, sho delineates the very features of tho person vou are to marry, ami by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the I'nTohornotrore, cuarrnntecs to produce a life like pioture of the future husband or wife of tho if . .. - .t. j... c t ... : , rtppiicnrii, lugumer mm uuiv vi umiiiun. p'reuiuii in life, leading trnits of character, Ac. This is no hunibuz. as thousand nf testimonials enn assert. She will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or written Euuranlee. tbat the picture is wbut it pur ports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating plaoe ot Dtrui, ago, aisnosuion ana com plexion. ana enolosinir uiiy cents ana tnaiuneu en volope addreraod to yourself, you will receivo tho pioture and dosired information by return mail All communications snored ly confidential. Address In oonfidenoo, Madame E. F. Thornton, P. O. Box Hudson, N. ten 10- 67. ly, HKLMUOI.D'8 CONCENTRATED EXTRACT ML'CHU Is the Great Diuretic. IldmloliT I Concentrated KHratt Sartnparitla lathe Great Blond Purifier. Both are prepared eecnrding to rules of Plurmnev and Chrmistr), and aie the inoauictive that can be made. Mnrch , IM7.-ly A Couch A Cold or Sore Throat, Reqdibe immediate attention, AND inoULD BE CBECKEO. Ir ALLOWED TOCONTl.Xt'E, Irritation of the L.iinfjrn, , A Permanent Tlu-ont I Ilcnr4e, or Con- ii caption 18 OFTEN THE BESl'LT. II K O XV X lIROiHC IIIA Ij t k o C II rc K BAVINO A niBECT INVLPBNCE TO TBE PABTN, CIVE IMMEDIATE BELIEF. ForDronchitia, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases, Troches are used with always g)d lucccsi. SIXGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhrs useful In clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vooal orgam. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have bad testimonials from eminent men throughout the country, jieing an arucio oi true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many yenrs, each year finds them in new locali ties in vorinus parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronounoed better than other ar ticles. Obtain onlv "Brown s BnoNrniAL Tnocur.s," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations thut may be offered .Sold Everywhere. Novcmbor 24, lane. 6m Wonderful but True, Madame Remington, tbo world-rclumed Astrolo- gist and Somnambullstio Clairvoyant, whilo in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features o1 the person you are to marry, and by tbe aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psycho mntrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life like picture of the future husband or wife nf the applicant, with date of marriage, occur ation. lead ing traits of character, Ao. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and ha:r, and enclosing fifty oents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will reooive tho picture by return mail, together with desired information. IV Address in confidence, Madame Unarm ns Rkminoton, P. O. Box 2U7, West Troy. N. Y. febl6-7.1y. TAKKNO MOBK IWPI.K AN T AND f .NSAFE RKMKDIKS for iiuptaimmt snd dj ircous diseases I'te IIklmS'ilo's Kxratri Utcim snd Imtsoviu Host Willi. March 'J, It07 ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. folleo to AitcNsor for 1 ?. NOTICE is hereby given to the Assessors of the different townships and boroughs in Northum berland County, to call at the Commissioners' Onioo, at Sunbury, on tha 1st day of April, 1SU7, to receive tbeir Booka and instructions concerning tbe Assess ments. All must appear in person, and none should fail to be present on that day. HUGH MARTIN, J NO. ECKMAX, Comniise'rs. SOL. B1LLMAN, ) Cba. Weave. Clerk. . Commissioners' Office, I Sunbury, March IS, 1807. j diioott newst for Mothers! " lOTHEHS. are yoa oppressed with anxiety for ltJL your little ones? Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries Do you awake in the morning uorefreshed and apprehensive ? ii so, pro cure at onoe a bottle of Dr. Leone' Infant Remedy and yoa will have no more weary hoars of watching and anxiety. mc. . leoss' i.t'FAvr ni:.ni:Y has stood th test of years. Thousands of nurses snd mothers bear witness that it never fails to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure aud speedy cure for Colio, Cramps and Windy Pains, and is in valuable for all complaint Incident to Teething. Sold by Druggist throughout the United State. Address all orders to ZIEULER SMITO,' Sole Pproprietors. ' 1ST 1'orth Third Nlreet, IMill'u. November 24, 1S6. ly. JOHN BOWMAN, " No. 704 ABCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, M ANL'F ACTL'RKR AND DEALER IN ., SILVER &PLATED WARE, Our (Jood are decidedly the cheapest la the City tor . TI1IFI.1: PI.ATK, A So. I. , July Ttb, 186. lyc . . Caaab ! t'uah ! ! Cia.fa j 90,000 wanted In exchange for all kinds el Hardware, Irons, Nails, Ac., at the new Hardware Hloreof J. 11 O.M.KV t'. I Hunbury, Jaae l, 1WK. L. ... silver's wash powder! CJAVE3 Time, Labor. Moray. Makes WAPHINO tO A PAHT1MH AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL .Sold Everywhere, TRY IT. v. I Address all orders to (he Manufacturer CIEQLER A SM1TIT, Chemist and "Wholesale Drurrglatn, 1ST North Third Htreet, l'hll'a. November 24," IBM ly ." " " No mors Dald Wadtl , t A norc Gmy Lock' I It . E. R O N ELECTRIC HAIfi RENEWER, is pronounced by all wbo have nsed it the very best repsrntion ior tne iiair. jr. is a positive oure mr latrines, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops tho Hair from falling; out, and speedily restore Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance It operate on th secretion! and nils the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to itt youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair loft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the tonch and ensv to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks beoonie moist, pliant and disposed to remnin In any dosired position. AS a Hair dress ing It bai no equal. The sales are enormous and it is a univorral favorite with old and young of both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United SIfttos. Address all or dors to ZIEGLER A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, iar north Third St., lhlln. November 24, 188H. ly. S0VERNMENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE OTKIMO. 6.000 New and Sccond-Ilnnd TEAM HARNESS, 10.000 BRIDLES and COLLARS. .1.000 SADDLE, all Stylos 2 to 8 00. 300 Four llorye Government WAGONS. 2.WII) WAGON COVERS, nil Siies. now A worn. 6,000 BLANKETS, and HORSE COVERS. Also, a large Stock of Reins, Lend Lilies, Whips. Bn'gy and Amhnlar.ee Un'ness. l'ortahlo Forges, Chains, Swingletrecs, Load Bars, etc.. eto. Wheel Team Harness, little worn all Onk tann ed Leather and serviceable, cleaned arid Oiled 5 dol lars perhorse or mule, inoluding Bridle Lead do., 4 dollnrs. Wngon Bridles, 1 dolliir, Collars I to 2 dols. Extra Hair lined Artillery Case do., 1 and 3 dollars. Double Reins. 1 75 to $2 25. Lead Lines, Idol. Hollers, 0 to VI dols. per Jni. Officers' New Sad dles Irt dols., with plated Bit Bridle, 21 dols.; good as new, 12 dols., with bridle, 14 dols; valiso Saddles for Boys, (I dols. Wagon Covers, made to fit nny Wagon. heavy linen, 3 to 6 dols., supperior ootton Dnck. 0 to 8 dols. 12 or... Duck, to 12 dols. 1,000 Hipitul Tvuts. new and good as new, 12 ot. duck 14 feet square 30 to 40 dols. Officers' A. Tent. 7 feet square, from 5 to 8 dots. 10.000 BAGS, from 12 or.. Duck, 1st. quality, 2 bushels 9 dots.; 2j bus. 10 dols ; 3 bus 1 1 dols. per Dos ; 2nd. quality, 7 50, 8 50 and 9 50. f MALL ORDERS SENT BY EXPRESS, CO. D. II I'KI.X & CO., No. .137 A 3.19 North FRONT St.. PHILAD'A, Pa. No. 6 Park Plaoe. NEW YORK. No. 4i3, 0th Stroet, WASHINGTON, D. C. Price-list S"iit on application. March , 1SI17. 2in. fUOPUWALM. Ccnnaylrnnsa Aerienltural Land Wei-lpt lor Knle. The Board of Commissioners now offer for sale 520.0U0 aercsof Agricultural College Scrip, being the balance or tho Scrip granted lo the Coiiimowealth of Pennsylvania for tho endowment of Agricultural Colleges in this State. l'roKsals for tho purchase of this Land Scrip, ad. dressed to "The Roard of Commissioners of Agricul tural Land Scrip," will bo received nt the Surveyor (4 enornl's otiioe, at Harrisburg, until 12 o'olock, 11., on Wedcoedny, April 10, lbf'w. This land may be located in any Stato or Terri tory, by the holders of the scrip, ujam any of tho un. npproriated lands (except mineral lands) of the United States, which may bo subject to salo at pri vate entry. Each piece of surip represent a quar ter scctiun of one hundred and sixty acres, is issued in blank, mid will be transferable without endorse ment or formal assignment. The blank need not be filled until the scrip is presented tor location ami entry, when the party holding it enn fill the blank and enter it in his own namo. Rids must be mado ns per acre, and no bids will be received for loss than one quarter soction. Tbe Scrip will be issued immediately on the pay ment of the money to tbe Surveyor General. On all bids for a less quantity than 10,000 acres, one-third of tbe purchase money must be paid within ten days, and the remniuing two-thirds within thirty days niter notification of the acceptance of tho bid or bids hy the Uoard of Commissioners. JACOll AI. CAMPBELL, Surveyor General I'or the Hoard of Commissioners Harrisburg. March lti, 1S67. Ira. 110, FORS-KRONENBERG'S AT the above named placo will be sold from this date nil the GOODS at Wholesale prices. We Invito Families to supply thomsolvcs with CLOTH 1NO, eto., and also call on Country Stores to come and buy of us as we will sell strictly at City Wbolo salo Market Prices. All our Goods must be sold up to the 1st of April, whon our Store will bo removed. Fur the sako of yourself, eome anil centra bnrgaini. ARNOLD A l.OrciillEIM. 8 KRONENDERU'S Old tnnl Sunbury, March tf, 1807. rn c on t vrr.M Practical Watchmaker JEWELER, From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, S-J1T3TJP.T. PSITIT'A. HAVING beoonie the successor of Mr. A. E. Sa. vacs, he would respectfully solicit the distant ot the cititensin general. Hoping by strict atten tion to busiuess tbat they will favor him with their patronage. Mr. S. has been connected for the past ten years with romo of tbo best houses in the city, in the Watchmaking trade, and all work eutrutle l to bis eare will be done with promptness and dispatch, and wnrrantod to give entire satisfaction. His stock of American, Swiss Watches, Clocks. Jewelry nnd Silverware, will be sold as low ns can be purchased in tho city, and of the first quality. Particular attention paid to tho repairing of Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Ib""A11 ordurs promptly tilled. Masunio Marks nindo to order. Sunbury, March 2, 1807. Adiuinittrator'si oliee. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of adminis tration having been granted to the undersigned outheestMtoof Robert W. Brooks, latcofthe Doiougli of Sunbury, Northumberland oour.ty. Pa., decuased. All persons indebted are requested to make immedi ate payment, aud those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. B. MASSER, Adm'r. Sunbury, March 9, 1H07. tit astasia B'tklx atl.K. ' II ANDSOME, Bne-roeed, new, and price low. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. THE TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. L'pham'ss I'reh Sl-iit l ure. Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau, of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General Debility and all mor bid conditionsof thesysteiu dependent on deficiouoy of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtuo as tbe great healing remedy of the age. tl a bot tle, or six bottles for $5. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. I'PHAM, No. 25 South EIGHTH .Street, Philsdel)hia. And all principal Druggist. Circulars seul tree. March 2, 1S(7. Sin THE STOCK and FIXTURES of an established Confeotionery, with ao Oyster department, and good run of custom . Apply eoa to JNO. C. MILLER, Jan. 1J,18B7. Sunbury, Pa. LL and se those beautiful Bird Cage at th j J new lluusMfnuniii J. II. CONLKY A CO. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rpHE undersigned offers at private sale the follow. X ing valuable real estate, silusl in the Borough : Sunbury, late tbe property of Thomas Hobiuj, dee'dt 1 The Hotel Prof erty on Front street, with all th outbuildings, Ac, lately occupied by Frederick j Spaebt. I A valuable House and 1a on Market Street, to- 1 gei hor with all the outbuildiugs. For further particulars apply lo JOHN U. MARKLE, Executor, i f. 1. 1M7 J Suahury, Pa t Commissioner Sale OF Hentel nnd trnnetitod Itntla. NOTICE hi hereby given that the following Iraci of Unseated Lands and Lots of Omund will I sold at public sale at the office of the County Cow missinnurs, in tho bornngh nf Sunbury. Northiimhn1 land ooanty. on MONDAY, tbe Htn day of APRII A. D. 11), which snlil tracts of land and lots ground hare heretofore linen purchased at Tre. surer's sale, for the use of th county of Northon norland in pursuanc of an AntofHrneral Assembl passed the l.llb ot March, 181S, entitled an Aol emend an Act directing tbe mode of selling unseat' lands for tnxos and for other purposes, the said trac having been purchased as aforesaid by Ibe Coun Commissioners and have remained unredeemed I flro years and upwards, this sale to be in pupunn of.and In aosordance with the powers given In t acts of (leneral Assembly, passed tbe 2Vth day March, 182A, sootlon I. i 3 lots, block I2.V Nns, and 9, in Zerba, as th ti porty of Widow Miller. . 2 lots, block 139. in Zorbe, as the property of Jo Burk. 1 lot. block f8. Xo. 12, In Zerbo, as the property Gottlieb (tanev. 2 acres of land in Lower Mahonoy, as the prnpe "I 'I. JH.TOIU. 2071 acres ol laud In Coal, Warrantee, Alcxan Hunter. l.ViJ acres ol lend. Warrantee .Tamos Fee'ey 1U0 aerea of land Iu Shamokin Warrantee, Airs' der Hunter. CO acres or land in Coal, Warrantee. Trier Rros' Ml acres ofland in Cameron. Warrantee, Alexnu Hunter. One-third nf 101 acres of land in Coal, War ran Thomas Reose. 57 acres of land in Liltlo Mahonoy, Wnrranteo, A ander lloftn. 2$ aores of land in Liltlo Mahonoy, Warrantee, 1 Smith. 42 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantor, J Smith. 28 acres ofland in Lower Augnsta, Warrantee, .1 Smith. 77 teres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, J Smith. Fire-aixths of 100 acres of land in Jackson, War toe, Thos. Reesn. 11 lores of land in Coal, Warranto. Philip Hi 77 aoros of land in Lilllo Mahonoy, Warrantee John Smith. Five-sixths of 2.'!!! acres of land in Little Muh Warrantee, Thos. Reco. 2SSJ acres of land in Little Mahonoy, Warrs John Smith. 42 acres ofland in Little Mahonoy, Warrantee, , Smith. .".00 acres of land In I'pper Mahonoy, Worra John Smith. 103 aores ofland in Shamokin township, Wsrra Jnmes Lewis. HlVJHMARTfN, ) JOllX EC KM AN, IComm: SOLOMON BILLMAX J Cni. Weavkb, Clerk. Mnroh 2, 1.SH7. fit m Go n"T l a m p u eahT X o . S nnd 4 1'ullon .ti u r U NEW YORK , WHOLESALE DEALERS & WHIPP of all kinds of FRESH F I S I- All orders punctually nttonted to. February 23, 1807. lu. Northern 4Vrts.ru I Itiillwii.t FOCR TRAINS DAILY to and from Bolt and Washington city. THUEK TRAINS DAILY to and from the and West Branch Susquehanna, and f'ortber Western Pennsylvania nnd New York. ON and alter MONDAY, MAKCIf 11th. tho Trains of th Norlhorn Central lit will run asfuiions : NORTHWARD. Mail Train Inires Baltimore f ' " Harrisburg, 1.1 arr at M ilhamsport, f'.i Bnffalo Express leaves Baltimore 10.1 " Harrisburg, 2.1 " tlmira. II : nrr. Canaudaigna, 3 ( , Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, 1 j ! " Harrisburg, 4.1 Eluura. 1.1 arr. Cansnilaius, 4 Erie Express leaves Baltimore, T.l " Harrisburg, 2 1 arr at Ijele, 7 i York and Hsrrisa j leaves York, 7 burg Aooom. ( arr. Harrisburg; t - SOUTHWARD. Aloil Train, leave? Williamsport, 8. " Harrisburg, I .. arr. at Baltimore, B.i BaiTalo Express leaves Cannndaigua, 2 " Elmirn, j. " Harrisburg, 2 arr. at Baltimore 7 Fast Line leaves Canandaigita, 10. Flmira, I " Harrisburg, 0. arr at Baltimore. I.1 York and Harris- j luuves Harrisburg, t. burg Accom. (arr. York, n Mail Train and iinrrisburg Aocommodatiot and S"Utli will run daily, except Sunday. Express North daily, and South daily, excep day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily Sunday. Fast Line North arrives daily except t?i Eloiira Express North leaves daily, and E press North leaves daily exovpt Saturday. F'or further information apply at the Tick in the Pennsylvania Railroad llepot. I. N. DuUARRY Qen. I rxerulor'a ftotice. Estate of THOMAS HOJJIXS, dr XJOTICE Is hereby given that letters tester having been granted to the undersii the esiatc of Thomas Bobbins, Into of the 1 of Sunbury, Northumberland county. Pa., de all persous indebted are requested to make dialu payment, and those having claims to them, duly authenlicaled, for settlement JOHN G. MARKLE, Exec Sunbury, Feb. IB. lKrt7. BOUNTY FOR SOLDIERS? I HAVE made arrangements in Washingto for the prompt collection of Bounty uu late Aol of Congress. I havo also received '. por blanks to prepato the claims. Nddicrs to this Bounty should apply immediately, as tiwute I that it will require three years to a the claims. All svldicrs who enlisted for threo years n liave not received more thun el 00 buuuty are to the henetits nf this Aot, as well as ohii huve enlisted for three years and discharge service of two veara, hy reason of wounds ri disease contracted in line of dm v. or re-enlit LI.OYD T. ROHR13 SuiiburyAtigust 18, lSOd. , PAVING FLAG ST0.N aMIE subscriber is prepared to deliver to . suns of Sunbury aud Norlhuuibeilnt' neighboring towus. a superior quality ol iMuNE, for paving, at tho slioitwt uotieo. attendod to by addiotsing at Suuhurv, to WM. CL. PunliuryJTcbMtl. lSn7. .tin j M. L7 LAZARUS. FALL TRADE, IMS ! FAIL TRADE, I! a yi. I. I.A tltl S 9 WfOl'LD respeelfullv call the attcni g V the publiu toiler LARGE and NEV ASSORTMENT PP Fancy and Domestic Dry Go g Dre sjjoodw, fi Of all kiuds aud styles in great Vs ' POPLINS AND MEMINOS. o Black. Ureen. Blue. Wine. Brown. Purple S la A II-Wool Plaids, Delains, Calicow Ac , we have an axsurment. S The best Black AHpaeeas, all-wool Dt j Poplins. K White Goods. a Cambric, Swiss. Nainsook aud Jaconet; lins. Dimity, Bird-Eye Lineu and fowl a Berlin and American Zephyrs, Slit '2 Wool, Cashmere Yarns, Ac. llttliuorul ktkirlsj, u Uuin Cloth. Dress Trimmings. H. Q O loves, Uoop-Skirts, CursetU, Ribbour Woolen Oooda. LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A COA1 Red Gloves, of tbe best quality, and a ,3 variety of goods too numerous lo uentii of whiuh will be sold at the very lowr '" , M. L. LAIAK g eunbury Oct. 17, ISSfi. GEO. (J. WELKEH HRH LIFE INSURANCE AG Office, Market Street, FL'NBl'RY, P Risks taken in First Class Stock aad Mutua nies. Capital Represented Mi l, VOtf.OU Sunbaiy, May Ix, liA y BUILDERS and thm oontrni plating would do well to rail snd toe the larg iii.nl of Looks. Latches. Ri,, Bulls and Straps and T. Hlnsrs, ttiudow .priogs. ai thing wanted tominplrte a brniiH, ar the nr ware store nf j j rri.i. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers