4 CTbc $tmVu:B SdmSlfin.- wi nTTrvvtun TV X sVt V Hj i t I . , a . .-.L. .'. . .-J- -3- i -vv3r4--r lljai SATURDAY, DECEMTJKlt M, 1868. Klctim r Dsn fx to at. Tbe stockholders .of the Pint National Bank of Sanbar will bold " the regular annua) election of Directors, at the bank ing hoase.la this Im,m Tuesday, Hit tii of Jan- y Accidiwt. J. P. Hogae, Esq., of Wstson ' .town, tu severe! y stunned end somewhat Injured on Imdij iHk last, by being thrown out of bit bogfj, Boar the Buffalo Crook bridge, at Lewlsburg, 'Caused by bll bort frightening and running away. y Enow to tba depth of eight Inches fell on -Banday latt. Everything, therefore, oat of doors, tiu a wintry aspect. Sleighing it good where tie roads wen not too rough, and many art Improving 41s advantages. ..." r 1 a mm e 17 Dsaa. Mr. J Mob D. Hoffmen, a gentleman bout 70 yean of age, residing in Jordan township, tbia eonnty, recently shot a deer, weighing from 6 to JO pounds, within a few rodi of hii home, where .the door was discovered grating among bii oattle, ' tp Oca CoitsRESsatAST, Hon. George F. Miller, thai been appointed a member of the Committee on itoads and Canals, and alto on Expenditures In the yfu Department: tyini Cahkieb'8 Apprkis. The carrier re -quosta us to say that bo will oall on the subscribers .of the America, on the 1st of January, 1867, with fail annual address, wbioh he hopes will be roceivod in a spirit that will be satisfactory not only to the .parties concerned, but especially to the carrier. tf Tbi snow has spoiled the skating on the sore, ral skating ponds or parka at this place. On Friday .and Saturday last the pond adjoining the Shamokin Valley Road was filled with skaters. The ladies, particularly, many ol whom have become good ska ters, will regret that these enjoyments are cut off by .the snow. CF About Leaving. We regret to learn that Rot. L. W. Gibson, of the Kpiscopal Church, In this ,plaee, will leave us in a few weeks, to aooept a call in Minnesota. , We regiet to learn, also, that Rev. M. Rhodes, of she Lutheran Church, has accepted a eall from Leb anon, and will leave Sunbury In January. OFair and Festival at Watsomtow.h. The ladies connected with the Methodist Kpiscopal Church, at WatBontown, design holding a Fair and Festival at that plaoe, commencing on Christmas Kve, December 24th, to continue several evenings. On Christmas they will give a dinner. Admission to the fair, 15 cents ; tickets for dinner, $1. GPTna New Bridge at Miltom. The Milto man, of last week, says that the false works have been put in place whereon to erect the last span of the river bridge at that place. The work proved exceedingly difficult, owing to the high river, bnt through the indomitable energy of the contractor, Mr. Griffey, tbo work was accomplished. The bridge will not be passable for teams for si week or mora, owing to the heavy filling In of earth needed .at the abutment at the west end of the bridge. VP" Ltwissina For a week past Lewlsburg has been accessible only, from this side of the river, .by way of the West Branch bridge at Northumber land. An Ice-dam. has formed about a mile below the town. Since Tuesday passengers hare been taken over below the dam in a small boat. We are pleased to learn, however, that our. Lewuburg neigh bors are making strenuous efforts to relieve them selves from their isolated position by the construction of a now bridge aud branch railway, to connect with rthe Philadelphia A Erie road, and by these facilities and ronewed energies, revive the business of their beautiful town. 13 Holioat Gifts. Christinas, is near at hand, and the season of profouts will soon commence. It Is right that the people should, know where toobtain goods suitable for holiday gifts, at pricecwhieh can not but be satisfactory. Photograph albums, gold pens, cutlery, jewelry, watch chains and fancy goods are suited to older persons, and tuyibcoks, guaes, Ac, to the little ones. All of these articles can be obtained very cheap at the B00& aad Variety Store -of N. F. Lightnor, Market street. . "Bcrburt, Pa., is.tani to contain the ugliest women of any place. in Kantsylvanin. Old maids abound." We copy the above from the narrisburg Patriot and Vniqn. Tbe local's vision wat evidently be fogged and hitbrain.Kcddled .when he penned tbe tbove paragraph. .favereJ gentlemen, from Harris-burg,-have given practical evidence, within the past year, that such a slander could only emanate from jome one bo Jiadhcen "crossed in love" or perhaps weired the "mitten" . from seme indignant beauty rom this place. 15tTbe Promtcc asj. Provision Market. The city papers, everywhere, speak at a decline in produce and provisions, especially in meat. Good eef it retailed in Baltimore at 15 to 30 cents ; pork, ountry slaughtered, at 0 to. 10 cents, by tbe hog! ausages, 20cts. ; mutton, 10 to It ctt. Poultry is ca only article higher tban Sunbury pricet. In bit place pork, in bulk, is telling from V toXOcestt; eef, by the quarter, from 121 to 14 ets. j turkeys, 2 to 15 ots. per pound ; chickens, 60 ets ; dueks, D ctt. to 1 per pair ; potatoes, 80 ets. to ft. CP" A Fiek Buildiso. Mr. Btilwell, the trchi it of that elegant structure, tbe First National k building, in this place, now approaebing com. etion, ehowed as, a few days sinoe, a plan ef a tndsome building, designed at a.residtnoe for Mr. hn Haas, on the 41U of bit present dwelling in irket street. Like all of Mr. Stilwcll't work, it hlUii the taste and practical skill of an architect A builder ef no ordinary character. Mr. Btilwell to designed tbe handsome new dwelling of Mr, lomas D. Grant, on Aroh street. There it nothing .e a good example, and in this respect alone Mr. J well hat done our town good service. . C7Sale or Valuable Property. We under, nd that Benjamin Hendricks, Esq., has sold his pable property, adjoining the .shops, &o. , of the fibers Central Railroad, containing about forty es, to Wm. I. Grecnougb, Esq., for tbe turn of ,000. The adjoining lots, belonging to the est he late Judge Weise, have alto been purchased Mr. .flreenough. The property purchased, it it erttood, is intended for the Northern Central way, and will be used by the Companf for tbe lose of affording greater facilities for the greatly sating business of tbe railway at this place. PTHE SCRBCBT BciLDIMd ARB MARKET COM r.-We observed a communication in the Cozettt tit week, referring to the fact that a charter, ,r the tieaf the "Sunbury Building and Mar. Company," wat obtained last winter, a 00m labia measure that wgbt to be improved. The r, after speaking of tbe want of bouses, tayi : require, too, a sufficient market building. iln our farmers, butcher and venders of truck iroeuee ean find accommodations for vending commodities, thut securing competition and ic resulting advantages. Our farmers, even i tban the cititens of the borough, are interested Y'urlng audi a suitable and properly yegnlated t building. ' ' roelving these two jrreat wants, And desiring t them, a charter was obtained Jast winter, orating tbe "Sunbury Buijding and Market my." An orgauixation under this has not yet ffectcd. The Commissioners named in it are VlexanUtir Jordan, Jobs B. Packer, Eliat Bro Jeoj Hendricks, E, Y. Bright, George Hill, Vurdy, Geo. W, Zii'glsr, John Vcungmao, ww and Jha Key Vlemeut " . . . -, jpT BnAHoaiit Arrjitas. The lltrqld, of Thurs day, 13th Inst.) says f0 Taeaday evening, Jne T. I. Harper, Who for jnore thai) a year hat been book keeper for ,Mr. John . SOouto, pop arretted cm ebarge of embattling money to the amount of ovor II , 000. Some two weeks ago Jiarper left town with his wife to visit Philadelphia, ."her both be and she oarae from. The second da after bit arrival there he was aliasing, and was not beard from until Tuesday, When he arrived here la the evening train. Tie bad a bearing before Kaq. Caldwell, and was committed to jail, 'whither be was escorted by eon stable Smith, on Wednesday morning. He alleges that he ean explain matter, although be failed to do to at the bearing, 1 and it is thought that tinder this belief be !- a. v ?- T " r Borne rascals, not having the fear of the law before tbelr eyes, broke into the "Small House" on the R. R. platform, on last Saturday night, and 000II7 walked off with lis sacks of flour and 45 pounds of butter. They also invaded the individual oar of Mr. Mussel man, and the saloon under Con rad's saddler shop, bat did not get muoh for their trouble. ; : A tudden psnio bat tar a time fallen On the coal trade In this and other regions. Many of the Collieries bave stopped, others are working on half time or at reduoed rates of wages. In tome locali ties this will fall severely, though it it generally be lieved this region Is In mnch better condition to bear the reverse than many other placet. There are two reasons for this hope .1st. We are mining above water level, and ean produoe and ship eoal at a lest expense than most regions ; 2d. We have to ninny public and private improvements in progress, that will be carried on, that labor will find employment during the winter in other channels. This crisis in the trade was occasioned by a recent sale of Scranton coal, at Eliiabethport, at ruinously low rates, vis : from $4 to $3 65 per ton. Now as coal cannot be mined and prepared for muoh leM tban $3 per ton, and as the freizbt to the above point is over S3, any one can easily see the effect the sale of 40.000 tons of coal at the above rates must nave on me market. Tat Sktdertowk Oil, Well. The totter of our Snydertown correspondent came too late for Insertion tbil week. We are pleased to learn that operations bave again been commenced and that they are now boring through conglomerate rock, whioh invariably undorllet the ooal veins of the Shamokin region, and affords additional proof of the eoal fein referred to. Our correspondent complaint that we seem to be skeptical In regard to the coal vein discovered, and offer to furnish unquestionable proof of the fact. We are glad to hear this. We did not Intend to question the truth and correctness of his statements, though we thought he might be somewhat mistaken. l5"8nEitirr Becexet. The jlftroMiait, of last week, speaks of Sheriff Beokley at one of the most elever men, socially, in the opposite party. This is no doubt true. Mr. Bockley bat always been es teemed by all parties as a worthy man, socially and morally, whioh it tbe true key to hit popularity among the masses, and will, we have no doubt, suc ceed in making a popular officer. If he does not it will not be for the want of effort on bis part. Mr. Beokley hat always been a strong party man, and prides hlinxelf on the faet that ha has been a consis tent Democrat, but with all his party prejudices he has succeeded in gaining the rcspeat and good will of his opponents. Accidents ir Dahville. A man named William Dorman, of Bloomsburg, reoently fell from the bridge across Mahoning creek, on Church street, in Danville, fracturing his skull and injuring him internally He died on Sunday week last. A littlo child, daughter of Geo. W. Miles, about two years old, accidentally swallowed a solution of the article known as snponifier or concentrated lyo, from tbe effects of whioh it died in a short time. Some three or four weeks sinoe a child of Mr. A. C. Russel, aged about fourteen months, swallowed a I snawi pin, in lengtn Between two ana uiree mcoes. The pin, notwithstanding its length, worked through the passages of the intestines and was evacuated from the bowels. But tbe irritation from its passage produced inflammation, which caused its death on Sunday morning, 9th intt. ty Depicatior. The Odd Fellows' Hall and Academy building, al Elysburg, hat boon comple ted, and tbe Hall will be dedicated on Tuesday, the 1st uf January. The members of the neighboring Lodges, and tbe uitisent generally, are invited to attend. A dinner will be given in tbe Academy room, the proceeds to be applied to purchasing a carpet for the Hall. Editor's Table. Blackwood's EDixnunoH Maoaiirb. The No vember number of tbil able British magatlne hat been republished by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 38 Walker street, New York. Tbe contents are : ' 'jna Jiulatka : The Ptory or a Maiden or Prague,'" part V. ; "Cornelius O'Dowd j" "His torio Portraits ;" "Sir Brook Fowbrooko, (conclu sion;) 'iticrapt of Verse from a Tourist's Journal ;' Celestial. Jtule and Jtebellion , " Jhree Presidents of the I'nited States;" "What should tbo Ministers do f" I We direct the attention of our readers to the Prospectus, in.our advertising columns, of tbe Bri tish periodicals republished by this Company Godey's Laov'j Book. The Lady's Book for January, 18G7, cannot be excelled by any fashion periodical in the United Elates or Europe. Look at the pontcnts :i-"Tbo First Party," a very su perior itecj engraving ; a steel-plate title-page, con taining several, handsome piosures ; tbe usual highly finished colored faahiou plate ; a fancy slipper, printed in oolors ; "On the Wiasahickon," a skating scene, printed in colors; "Spending a Penny, a handsome engraving for the juveniles. Tbe latest Paris fashions consist of a Morning Robe ; Promo nade Suit, two engravings; Suits fur Children ; Tbe Irene Jacket, front and Lack flew ; and a Gentle man's Draxeing-Gown, to., ha. The literary matter in tbe January number it by tbe best magatlne wri ters in the country. Marion Uariand, Mary Jau- vrin, toplile do Lamater, t). Annie rrost, Mrs. Vent- ton, 8. A. Ornery, and others, contribute arlioles that makeibis number rank as tbe beat ever issued. Address, i.. A. Godey. a. . cower iUUt and Chest nut ttre Is, Philadelphia. The Atlartic MoxTn.LV, forjanuary, entert on its nineteenth volume with an array of distinguished names and sterling article! that promise well for the coming year. ' The January number oontains tbe first instalment of Dr. HolmeS't stery, "Tbe Guard! an Ante!," in which will be found the same old charm tnat so fascinated the readers of tbe Auto rrat, the Professor, and i.lvt itintr ; a humo rous story in verse, by James Kussell Lowell; a grapbio tketch of Henry Ward Beeeher's eburch, with tome uerlinent reflections urjon modern church- going, by James l'arton ; a legend in verse, told at only V) tattler can tell It ; apoem entitled "lermi nut," (on Growing- Old,) by R. W. Emerson: a snir ited and faithful trajulaUon xf the contest between Achilles and Agamemnon, from tbe First Book of Uie Iliad, by w. U. Bryant. Dr. Higgtnson eon. tributei a Plea for Culture : Mr. Trowbridge fur ni.-hee anotbor of bit attractive stories, under tbe uue, jne Man wno stole a aieeum-nouse : Bayard Taylor tells a characteristic story of Tbe Strange Friend .jiir. cnaui v give a numorous sxeion ot Capillar? Freaks : . O. Stedman offer a noem on Pan In Wall Street; end Walter Mitchell describes the Kingdom of Infancy. The ttory of Katharine Morne, by tbe author of "Herman," is continued. Topics of current political interest are theroughly treated, the Causes for whioh a President eau be Impeached are Lucidly tat forth, and Frederiok Douglass makes a powerful Appeal to Congress for impartial eunrage. im dumber closet witn noti ces of several Popular pew publications. Published by ficknor st fields, Bostuo, Matt. Oca Yours Folks. Tbe Janoary number of this excellent magatlne has beon received, and contains, ss ususl, a large amount of interesting matter. At it It tbe publishers' dosire and intentioa to keep their Magatlne in advance of all other magatioee for tbe young, and at tbey are confident that tbe volume lor inoi win prove tneir auuuy 10 ao to, we invito the attention of eur readers to tbe prlnoi pal featurea of their plan for the New Year : The department of travel, sustained by the adventure! of Bayard Taylor and "Hoond-the-World Joe:" of poetry, filled by Longfellow, Lowell, Wbittior, At drlch, and others; of muslt, to be contributed by J. R. Thomas, the most eminent song-writer, per haps, in the world ; of gamei and sports, (a new one) under ebarge of a man of practical experience ; of stories and iketchis, from the best writers to the country ; of full-page pictures, inserted monthly, supplemented by occasional steal enrravines and colored platet, every article which is capable of illustration Swing so accompanies; aaa me eootinu ancc. tith new interest, of tbe "Eveoius Leiep,' "Letter Bex," and other sUettneliye end favorite rhert-W-'t! of .' Ore Yoiku I'oLxs " lickaor i Fields, fubliihert, Boston, Matt. BU8INK8B.JfOTIOJ!8. Fiki EntmATiRol. We are Indebted to Mr,. H.F. Lightner, the entorprislng.bookseilet, for copies of line steel engrartogt, 'reprejiSntlng lit group) Pre sident LlneelD asd bit Cabinet, aadaliio of the aroh traitor, J of Petto, and prominent rebel generals. These engravings art of a superior order. They have heretofore been told at ' J5 eentt por eopy, but ean now- be obtained t Ui. iilghtnei'l Bookstore at the ttry lew prlee ef U oebti. .:, n. i " Pennaylrania Agricultural Booiety. ' . : " Kastoh, P.. Sept 88, l8o. . One of tbe prlnoipal features of to-day't show wat the American Cow-Milker exhibited by A. C. M. M. Co. Three eowt were milked to our entire antisfao tion, standing perfectly quiet, although milked for tbe first time with tbe machine. . Tbe Cow-Milker gives sure indications of a complete sucoeas, and do sarvet to acquire by lit merits at popular a reputa tion, as the Sewing Machine or Reaper. We give this at especial award and diploma. . 1 B. MoRRtl ELMt.Hughetvllle. ' A. E. Kapp, NcThnmberland, ' Tobias Barto, Reading, " ' ' ' Speuml Committee. r lo naiEtr CERTirr that I have purchased and used one of the Ambricar Cow Milkers, and they are fully what they are represented to be, and go far beyond my expectations. Bcmahin Hoover, . . . Proprietor of the Sunbury Dairy. Towrship Rianrt, in Northumberland, eounty, for the great Ahrricar Cow Milker, for sale at the Baxaar, in Sunbury. Alto the rights for Union and Snyder oonntiet. - CRer.RrcL Facts. Not tbe least among tbe cheering news is the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, thowing inch a healthful state of the finances, which most place our financial reputation on a par abroad with our physical fame. Not lest cheerful is it to tee brisk trade at Jacob 0. Beck's fashionable tailoring establishment, on Fourth st. ilohat the finest stock of Cloths, Cassimeret, 4c, ever brought to this section of country. Ar editor compliments a brother editor thus : "Mr. Brown is a clear thinker, a ready and vigor ous writor, and a first-rate fellow to boot.' The greatest fellow to boot or shoe it our good naturcd friend, Harry Thacher, at the old Boulton stand, Market street. He "boots" evorybod.y who goes into bit store, and oharget very little for tbe opera tion. As a natural consequence he hat any quantity of ouatom. We advise everybody to eall on Harry and try hit "booting" qualities, A clerk In a mercantile establishment writes to a friend at home : " I have a nice time of It now-a-days very littlo work to do our firm don't adver tise." But this is not the case with Mr. John E. Smick, whose merchant tailoring establishment is on Fourth street. There it not a newspaper published in Sunbury that does not oontain a weekly notice of tbe splondid suits turnod out at his stand. John thoroughly understands the power of ihe press, and Is reaping the benefltt of judicious andN liberal ad vertising. ''".. A mar whose hand was eaught in a stool trap in bis neighbors oorn crib in Tennessee, wat dismissed by the magistrate on the ground that no stolen pro perty wat found upon bim, and a man had a right to put his hand into a steel trap if to disposed. We are no magistrate, but our advice is go to the Con tinental Clothing Basaar, Market street, put your band Into your pocket, take out money and pay for one of those splendid overcoats just received at that establishment. They are the best end cheapett in our market. .,-' Holiday Preserve. N." F. Lightner has just received at bis Bookstore, Pleasants' buildiug, Mar ket street, a large and fine lot of Prayer and Hymn Books, Diaries, Toy Books, Toys, Dissecting Pic tures, to., to., the largest and finest ever brought to tbil place, Thb First Ssow. We have bad tbe first snow of the season, and it was welcomed with all the test that new things give us, but like most other things it loses iCi attraction! when we get too muoh of it. Tbe only new thing that we know of at present that hat not lust its attractiveness it Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street. It bat tbe continual freshuess of novelty always about it. Larqe as Life. " Large es life and twice as natural," It an old eayiug. It is not a mere fanciful expression, or a figure of rhetoric, for we know, from observation, that tbo life-site likenesses taken at Byerly't Gallery, in Simpson's building, Msrket street, will (bow oertaju lineaments aud expres sions more accurately than they oan be detected in the living subject. This is true, and if you doubt it, go and see them. ' , Fun Winter. J. B. Engol has just received tbe second supply of Ladies' Fi rs at greatly reduced price. Viotorines and Muffs at (10 and upwards. Uaudtowe setts for children. ly To Clair Aoerts. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Nop-Com missioned Officers," under the lute Act of Congress, equalising bounties, have been priutej and are now for sals at tbe An ericas office, We keep on hand a full supply oi all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and oan be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dist ance will reoeive prompt attention. Lire Iksi'RARce.-" I shall lore all I have paid, if unable to noatinuo my payments." But you will not lose all. The Mutual Life Insuranoe Company of New York will grant a new Policy, which, with out further payment, will assure to your representa tives, at your death, a reversionary sum, equivalent to tbe preteut value of the Policy on surrender ; or tbey will purchase your Policy and pay you tbe value of it on surrender. Jacob Shiprar, Firtaiut Lift Insurant Astnt. Bunbury, Pa. A Few Reasons why everybody should boy at S. Kronenberg's Cheap Clothing Store ; ' 1st. He sells cheaper than anybody else in this plaoe. 2d. He has better goods tban anybody else in this place 3d. He sells more than anybody else in this plaoe, and consequently can sell cheaper. Any man who is in need of clothing ean .save TWEKTT-riVB PRE CERT. ' by buying at the Cheap Ctorhing Wore of 8. Krorerbero, Next to Geo. Bright's Drug Stors. Hii;.-IIL'KV ItlAKKUTH. Corrected Weekly for the "AmaricsA." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Bye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red per busbel , Bye, do ' Corn, old do Cora, - us Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared ' per pound ' de do un pared do Dried Applet, do $11 00 8 00 10 00 6 60 S (0 1 00 1 10 80 M lb ' 14 S 00 - ti 34 IS 14 'JO u IS 18 to Dried Cherries, (uutoned,) per bu But tor, per pound. -gg. Cheese, Lard, Hams. ' :t ' tiboalders, Beef, hind quarter, front Mutton, . -. Chickens, per dosen, per pouud, do "t do.. ' 1 do do - de 1 - do per pair ' trfeosnoktn Coal Trade. Aaxi, Dee. 18, 16. ' Tons. Cwt. Sent for week ending Dee. Per I act report, ; . r. ' '. . f t : : 8 V60 03 0 I Mo.BJJ OA ,0W 13 To same time last year, lucres. TaRAasvaainxsoe PRBjoDtcsnInopasMtnoy Is a weMtRCes of hemes: naturet as ,nreaMiable as H Is absurd" and indefensible. ' Many people, for Instance, hnvS a Wfor of purchasing anything that hi extensively advertised. Advertising is, in their opinion, a gigantic game of speculation, or amedl am of pu(Bng worthless goods.. , Tbe Samburg Port Wine la largely advertised, because the proprietor, Mr. Bpeer, le desirous that the ptblio become ao quoin red with It. ' He Wishes tboai to judge rot tbemsctvee, and he has Instructed his agents and all who retail bis wine that If It should not prove equal to what he claims fur it, to return tbe money. All he wants Is to give it a trial. Nothing ean be fairer tban this. This wine ean be had at the Drug Store of W. A. Bennett, Market it rent, Sunbury. ' ' Sclaeiick Mrnweed Tonic This medicine, Invented by Dr. J. If. Scherck, of Philadelphia, is Intended to dissolve the food end make It Into chyme, the first process of digestion. By cleansing the itomaoh with Schonok'l Mandrake Pills, the Tonio soon restorot the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using It, will be easily digested. . . Consumption a an not be cured by Schenok'e Put monio yrup unless the stomach and liver it mede healthy and tbe appetite restored 1 honto tbe Tonic aqd Pills arc required in nearly every ease of con sumption, A half doson bottles oftho SEAWEED TONIC and three or feur boxes of the MANDRAKE PIM..S will cure any Ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr.Schonck makes profeMlonal visits in New York, Boston, and at his prinoipal Office in Philadelphia, every week. See daily pa port of each place, or hit pamphlet on consumption, for his days tor visitation. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when 111 tbe last stage of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by nil Druggists and Dealers, pries SI. 50 per bottle, or $7.50 the half doten. All lcttors for advice should be addressed to Dr. Sohenck's Principal Office, No. 15 North Cth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes k Co., X. Y. S. 8. nance. Baltimore. Md. ; John D. Parke, Cineinnatl, Ohio ; Walker i, Taylor, Chicago, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 1 Oct. 20, 1 8C6. 1st w , ea. mo. 1 yr. ; , Errors or Youth. , A gentlcmnn who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Dcoay, and the effeots of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he wat cured, Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser ' experience, can do so by addressing . JOHN B. OGDEN, ' No. 13, Chambers St., New York. January 1.1, 18. 1y To fonMiinipilTPHt Tbe advertiser, having been restored to health in a few woeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fallow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direo tlons for preparing and using the same, which they will find a scrb Cure for Coxspmi'Tion, Astura, Brohcditis, Cuuous, Culuh, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object oi the advertises In sonding the proscription Is to benefit the afflioted and spread information which he oouoeues to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hi remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a Messing."' ' ' Parties wishing the prescription, raxE, by return mail, please address ' Rrv. EDWARD WILSON. Williamsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 18GG ly. A Cough, A Cold or Sore Throat, Rxgl'IBCS IMMEDIATE ATTERTIOR, ARB SHOULD BE CBECKED. Ir ALLOWED TO COKTIRCB, IrrI union of Hie Lung; A. Permanent Throitt IIeiiv, or Con tissiptlon IS OPTRR THE RESULT. II II O W II KU.1 Ml I A L T K O C II E H BAl IKO A DIRECT IRPLl'EXrE TO THE PARTS, Q1VE IMMEDIATE RBLIEP. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases, Troches are used with always good success. 8INGE1U3 AXD PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhet useful In clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving tbe throat aftor an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Trochfs are recommended apd prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved thotr efflaacy by a test of many years, each year fin, is them in new locali ties in various parts of tbe world, and tbe Trorhr are universally pronounced better tban other ar ticles. Obtair only ' Brown's Bronchial Trocbes," and do not take any of the Worthless imitation! that may be offered .Sold Everywhere. Jiovcwber 24, lbtiO. cm . Ibealnt'HH, Illiulnea land Cntarrfa, Treated with tbe utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurift, (formerly of Leyden. Holland.) 11,. u: -. i.l : , .. 1 1 . I. : .. T , : : . I. from the uiost reliable souroes in tbe City and Coun try can bo seen at bis cflica. Tbe medical faculty are iuvited to soon in pap y their patients, as be has no se oreti in his practice. Artificial Eyet. inserted with out puin. Ko charge mode fur examination. Sept. 29, ln6a. ly itch : 1 1 en 1 I't't'ii ; . SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure (be Itch In IM Hours. Also euros SALT RHErM. CLCERS, CH1L BLA1N.S, and all ERUPTIONS OV THE SKIN. Prie.a 50 oenls. For ul fav the druffviaU. Bv send ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will bs forwarded by mail, free of pottage, to any part of the United kj .una, j- m v j j lUmrDtal institute , FOR BPEOIAL OASES, No. 1 1 ltond Jlr-e TVew York. Full Information, with the highest testimonials also a Book on Special Diseases, iu a scaled envelope lent free. I'iTBo lure and send for them, and you will not regroi it ; for, as advertising physicians are generally impostors with references po stranger should be trusted, hn close a stamp tor postage, and direct to DM. LAWRENCE, No. 1 Bond street, New lork. t; ... Nov. 17, 1861 ly .-..' ftlruiicr, but Tru. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can bear something to their advantage by re. torn mall, (free of charge.) by addressing tbe under signed. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing tbiseard. All others will please address their obedient servant, TUOS. P. CHATMAN, 831 Broadway, New York January 13, 18M ly rillie ConfeHaloua und Kxprrlmre X or ax jxxauu. Published for the benefit and as a etuUon to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ot aiannood, it., supplying at me same time tbe means of self-cure. By ooo who nas oured hirusohf after undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid auarestea envelope, single Co pics, (res or euargs may De naa oi toe an. uaor." NATHAHPEL MAYFAIB, s).,BCfiOklvot tings tff, n . x . ... January JT, 1805 1y. ' NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. AVERY desirable UOV8B and LOT, situate on Walautetreet,inebe Boteugh of Suabury, it offered at private tale. The house is almost aew and well anithed. rersont dttiring to puy, wtll do well in exainine ebit desirable rteidence. I For particulai apply at tbe Boot A Shoe Store of IT . At. OI&SJX.. fambury, Nov. II, 180.-4t 11 !E Albums. Hvma A Pit. ex Books st 1 ' 1 .... i ' UUUIMR'S FANCY DRY GOODS STORE Market street; foer doett Wcsf of Wm.' M. Miller , - Boot and 8he mri tlUMBllRy, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends in Bunbury and vioiaityltbaAsht bet just opened bar WINTER GOODS., ol NoAlpttS ud t anoy Pry Goods, ' j ! Iter stoeh eotitlui of All-Wool Delaines, Kmhrnide rlee, Lece Dollars, Uleaohed and enbleaohed Mntllna, Pheelinge, Drillings, Garibaldi Muslins, Bird-Eye Linens, Alapaoait Poplins, Crape and Laos Veils. Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladles' Woolen Caps, Break- . fast Shawls, Bontoga. Children's Woolen Circulars, Children's Woolen Skirts. Mine. Demorest's Hair Curlers, flair Colls and Curls, Gloves. Stockings, Collars, Corsott, to. Gents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's now Patout Duplex Elliptlo (or double . Spring SIUKTS ) HOPKINS Elliptic Bkirtt. Perfumery, Toilet Hoaps, Hair Brashes, Combi, Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS. KATE BLACK. Bunbury, Nov, 24, 1808. Valuable Farm for Sale. fTTHK subscriber! desiring to move West, offers for l sale his FARM, situate in Lewis township, Nor thumberland oouotv, pear McEwensvllle, on the road leading to Turbutville, (two miles west of that filaoe.) and about three miles from Watsontown sta Ion. on tbe Pbila. Erie Railroad. The farm oontains - Two Hundred Acre of the Flrut .'. lnalilw ot funning- LrfmsJ, twenty acres of whioh ii woodland, and the balance in the highest state of cultivation. - The land ir well irrlgntod by a stream of running water and two never-failing springs. The improve ments are a large two-story Brick Dwelling llouio, a large Bank Barn. (00 by 100 feet,) two double Wagon Sheds, Spring House, and other outhouses. Also, a good Tenant House, Htnhling, and all ne eessary outbuildings TWO APPLE ORCHARDS, and a large number of Peach and other fruit trees. The terms will be reasonable. For further infor mation inquire of the subscriber, near MoEirensville, Northumberland county, Pa. KIMON CAMERON. September 12. I860 3m , NEW AJtEIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS AT THE MAMMOTH STORE or J, W. FKIL,i:iU X NO.-, Market Square, 2 doors sast of the New Court House, ' BUNBURY, PA. HAVE received a large quantity of new FALL and WINTEK GOODS, which they ofTer to tbe trade at the lowest possible prioes. DRY GOODS. Their stock of Ladies' Dross Uoods is large, and contains a greater variety than nan be found in any oountry establishment. Call and examine. Black and Fancy Silks, Gros de Grain, Grot de Rhine, Ta Betas, Ac, of every width and price. Me rinotof all shade and colors, all-wool Plaids. Irish and French Poplins, Blacb Figured and Striped Alapaccas, Empress Cloths, Silk and Wool Pluids, Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Mousselaine De laines, Black aud Wbito Checks, Ao. THE SIIAWL DEPARTMENT Deserves particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Flannels, Mantillas, Hoop Skirts, Ac. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Contain! iti more then usual supply of Laces, Ho siery, Gloves, Ac. TIJE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Comprises a new assortment of Gentlemen's Fur nishing Uoods, Cloths, Oalioos, Ac. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, The large Carpet Department of the establishment Is now filled witn a fresh and elegant lot of sew styles snd patterns. THE PAPER DEPARTMENT Embraces WALL PAPER of all kinds and pricet. Window obades, l aper. do . do Oil large, new assortment. Urnsra, Oil a, Pulnta, Coal Oil an Lumps. Fish. Pork. Coarse and Fino Salt. Coffee, Toa, Su gar, Molasses Syrup. Spioet, Ac, Groceries. Tobacco. Seeart and Snuff, together with a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prioes that cannot lau to ta-.isiy purcnasers. j . iv. rniuiu a sun. gupbury, October IS, 166. HALL and see those beautiful Bird Cages at tbe V fivn il-l U n ai MJl j. n. uujuti tvu. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuanoe of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland eounty, will be sold at publio salo, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, THE 20th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1806, the following described real estate to wit i am mat certain Tract or I'leco of Land, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland count', Pa., adjoining lands of Peter Price on tbe North. South by lands of Hugh Teats and others. East by lands of Peter Price, and West by lands of Joun vrsy nij oiners, containing anoui seyeniy-iwo acres, more or less, anoni ou acres oi wmcn are cloared and in a good slute of cultivation, whereon are erected a small FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, end a LOG BARN, aud other outbuildings. An Or. chard, with well selected truit. and an excellent Spring of water at tbe door. Late the property of Barbara Ann Alexander, de. ceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when the conditions will he made known y jAuuu r.. jiicMii, executor, Bv order of the Court, J, A. J. CUMMINGS. Cl'k 0. C. December 1, IsOS. TO"WJST LOTS T N the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in X nigu ana ceuuai looatuus, . . i on N.ti.i:, on such easy terms as will enable persons, with limuea amount or available money, to purchase nomes. rcrsons navtng Kllueral or Timber Iand, Farms, Dwellings, or ether Real Estate, for sale or inane, as well as tnote desiring to purcbase or rent are invited to consult the subscriber. His eonnec tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, ana eisewnere, anora nnusui an vantage!. vonvoyancing correctly ana neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Genther t Stove Store. euaoury, fa. eonbury, iee. 8, inno. tr, Adniinlait rulor'si Kotice. XTOTICE is hereby srivan that letters of adminls 1 tration having beon granted to the undersigned on tbe estate of Peter B Master, late of the Borough ot bunbury, is urUiuwocr lo4 county, ra., aeoeuwl All persons indebted are requested to make immedi. ate payment, and those having elaimt to present uieiauuiy aiacstuosveQ lurtveiteqieni. ' ueu. w. oatiiit, Aom r. Snnbtiry, Pec. 8, WO. tt Andllosm rof Iro. mill undersigned, appointed bv the Court of Com X mon Pleas of Northumberland eounty, auditor Ia rft.lrihnt th mnnM nHld lulo UOUTt on IDe iMl ef the real estate of S. L. Bergstrewer, at the suit of Campbell A Thurston t. laid Burgslreeser A J. W. Billman, hereiy notifies all perauut interested that newiuauena to uie uuue ui hjiuiuiii.uu Friday the sth day oT January, lew, at 1U e olooK - .f -. . i o;.:. 11 U . L'... ln lit- II... S,M.illlUflUlvut4 w w. -uv w rough of Sunbury. 1. t . 41 iuupAn, Auuiior. Sunbury. Dec. 8, J868.-r-St Vm to KterTvody. A largt t pp. Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan, rrecklos, rimpiet, uiuicaet, aiom ratcpet, Sallowness. Eruptions and all impurities of the skin, How to force Whiskers, restore, ouri and beautify the hair; renew tbe age, cure Drunkenness, Nervous De. biuyr, aad other useful end valuable Information. Everybody seed (or U. Addrea BtiRGEK, SHUTliJ A CO., Chemists, 'iHS Kiver Hireet, Troy, S. Y. December IS, 1806. at - ' SUHBURY BUILDING LOTS -N 'J. W. CAKlf 8 AddiHoa to the Borough of JL Sunbury. for Hale ea reasonatne lermi. - Apply to Dr. R. II. AWL end, ' SOL. BROSIOUS, Bunbury, I'S Or P. W. SUEAFEB, Peturville, Te Nor XI, iw. .,,,, - .... . , 6 re at Pi si r i b ut i o nj . 4 sa tui. ,a Lt ,nt Tjjic . . ' American Jewclrm' si sjoclntlon. DxroTs:Sr A noNiniiiv, .11, SO k 5S Lie- TI DTHIIT, NEW YORK CITY. Of Rosewood Pianos aed Melodeona, Fine Oil Paint- lngs, r.ngravings, Silver Ware, Hold and 8llver Watches, and elegant Jewelry, consisting of Dia mond Pins, Diamond Rings, Gold Ilrsoelets, Coral, Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Cameo Ladira'. Sett. Gold Peus, with Gold and Silver Extension Holders, Sleeve Buttons, Set of Studs, Vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Chains, Ac, Ac, valued at u 1 1 it M.000,000, F0H 03E DOLLAR, which the they need not pay until U is known what is drawn s sna us vAiiio, THE AMERICAN JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION calls your attention to Ihe fact of Its betng the lar gest and most popular Jewelry Association in the United States. The business is and always has been conducted in the most candid and honorable man ner. Our rapidly increasing trade Is a sure guaran tee of Ihe appreciation ol our patrons for tills method of obtaining rich, elegant and costly goods. Tbt udden stagnation of trade in Europe, owing to the late German War and recent disastrous financial crisis in England, has caused Ihe failure of a large number of Jewelry Hooset in Iiondon and Paris, obliging tnem 10 tell tboir goods at a great tocrinoe, in some initsxoei less than one-third the cost of manufacturing. We have lately purchased very largelv of these Bankrupt Goods, at such extremely low prices, that we oan afford to send away Finer Goods and give bettor chances to draw the meet valuable prises than any other establishment doing a similar business, unit Aim ta IM tUHASfi, and we respectfully solicit your patronage, as we are confluent of giving tbe utmost satisfaction. During me past year we nave turwaraea a numncr or the most valuable prises to all parts ef the country. Those who patronize us wilt receive tbe full value of their monev. as no article on our list it worth less ithan One Dollar, retail, and there are ne blanks. Parties dealing with u,s may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be im mediately scut to any address by return wall or express. The following parties hove recently drawn valua ble prises from the Americnn Jwelcrs' Association, snd have kindly allowed the use of their names : Charles J. Hunter. Esn.. Treesnrv Department. Washington, D. C , Piano, value 9.'I0 i Miss Anna G. Vales, 52 M. Mark's i'laco, N. V.. Sewing Ma- hine. vnlue $76: Brie. (ten. 1 . L. llau.'on. U. N. Vols., Nashville. Tens., Silver Tea Set, value (150 ; .uiss t'.mma nunier. 03 uroni ot.. inuriKhurir, fa... Sewing Machine, value $i0 ; Licut.-Col. Waiter Chittenden, Quartermaster. Louisville. Kentuekv, Gold Watch, value 1!'0 ; Wui. S. Haines, 27 king St., Charleston, b. C, Silver Watuh, value HO : Alexander Jobnsop, Esq., Editor HIusJLatrur Pio- iirtr, Aluskateur. Alimi., Ladies J'.nnmeled Watch, value (toll ; Samuel Leo, Esq.. President Colorado and lied Bauk Mining Company, Sou Francisco, Cat., Mclodeon, value $-00 ; Aaron S. Long, Eq., f'fjncipaj Eikhort Collegiate Iiwlitute, Eikburt, N. r., Diamond Pin, value $200: R. M. Loncrstreet. Montgomery, Ala., Musio Box, value $75; Rev. Isaoo Van buinr, Albany, N. V., Gold Lined Di. ning Set, value S'lllO i Mir Cltra Lucuguer, Dayton, Ohio, Pianoforte, vuluo $100, and Diuuiupii 1'iu, value t!7i. Manv names could be placed on tbe List Lut we publish no names without permission. Our patrons ore desired to send United States Currency when it is convenient. PARTIAL LIST O V ARTICLES TO KB Sold lor One DollarGacli, Without regard to value, and not to "be paid lor until you kuow what you arc to receive : IS Kletant Rosewood Pianos, worth from SjfiO to SI.'O IS F.leuaut Mehnlniis, Rosewovd Cases. 175 tn i.5o SU Fiist Class Sewing Machines, 4U Ui 311 J5 Fine Oil I'uiiitinia, .TO to IH) 150 Fine Steel Kngtavings, framed, tfu to 30 au ni iic unxes, lo 40 ISO Revolving Patent Cnators, f ilver, 20 to 40 SU Silver Fruit and Cuke Baskets, 'ill pi 3-t (lll Sets of Teu and Table Snoop.;, 20 In 40 150 Uoid Hunting Case Watches, wnnanteit, 50 to !5II I0U Diamond Hius, cluster and tiiiie stone, 7S to !2titl irSOitMWntehes. MM 150 300 Ijltlies' Watches, SO to H0 ouopnvrr aienes, uu iu a 1 Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops. Ladies' Sets of Gold and Coral, Jet and Hold, Flot'eiifin-. ! Mosaic, Lava and Cameo; bets of Studs, Vest and ! Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Rings, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, New Stylo Belt Buckles, Gold I Pens and Pencils. iancvViork Boxes. Gold rem nitli 00 Id and silver r.xicmnon iioiuors. ana a large assortment of Fine Silver Ware and Jewelry of every description, of the best make and latest stylos. 3? A chant to attain any out of tht ahovt Articlts for OXE DOLLAR, by purchasing a settled t nveape fur 2i oil. r7"Five Sealed Envelopes will be sent fir $1 ; Eleven for $2 ; Thirty for to : -Sixty-Are lor IU: Ope Hundred fur $15. Agents wanted everywhere. Unequalled Inducements oSerei to Ladies and Gents who aut at such. Our descriptive circulars will be sent on applioation, Distributions are made in the following manner : Certificates naming each article and its value are placed In scaled envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these envelopes oontaining the Certificate or Order for soma article, will hu delivered at our office or sent by mail to any address, without regard to ohoice, on receipt of cants. On receiving ttie Ccrtiticato the purenrser win seo whatarliolo it draws and its value, and oan then send One Dollar, and receive the article named, or can choose any other article on our list of the same valne. Purchasers of our Senied F.n reloritt mny, In tb is manner, obtain an article worth from Que to live hundred dollars. Lomr Lettors are unnecessary. Have the kind ness to write plain directions, and iu chosing differ ent articles freni those drawn, mention tbo style de sired. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in every case be aaompnoied with tbe each, witb tbe'i name of the person sonding, and Town, County and State plainly written. Luuers suouia no aaarotuea 10 tue managers, as follows 1 siii:kha., watko w co ar v 30 Namau st xcw y 01 1 cii Ouluber 30, I860 Step. H. L. LAZARUS. j FALL TRADE, iticfl ! FA LL TKADE, 1B6! ! h tf W. I-. I.tXAKI N m 5 ITOULD rtwpcptriilly call the attention of g W the public to her LARGE and NEW s AsjOBiMriT or fi a Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, , IrOMM idooilsi. S I Q Ot all kinds and styles in great Variety. 3 rOPLINS AND MEBINOS, g- j 9 Black, Green, Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, Ac, Iu All-Wool 1'luiJo, Dcluius, Calicoes, g m to., we have an asr.rwent. o I Ths bcit Black Allpaocas, ill-wool DeUins, Poplim. O . ts White Goods. 2 a Cambric, Swiss. NainKiok and Jooonat 41 us- q lins, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen anii'lVialing 5 5 Berlin and American Zephyrs, Shetluod W..1.I 1'i.Km.,- V.nu .1. Caabuiere Yarns, Ac lliilinoral NLtlrt. b S Gum Cloth, Dress Trimmings, ' Hosiery, u H Gluves, Hoop-Skirts, Cornells, Kibbons, and f Woolen Goods. j? 5 LADIES' tiLOTO CLOAKS A C0AI3. g S Bed Gloves, ef tbeset aualily, and a great 3 3 variety of goods too numeiput to jnontion, all g of wbioh witi be sold at the very lowest for carb. M. h. LAZAKl'S. g Sunbury Oct. 17, 1363. g Deo. 1, 1866. 3m NEAV OPENING Ol-Cluibltiff.'sV (JotifM PurOUblnif fl'UIE undcMigncd takes pleasure in ansouswins: to X tbe pubiw hX Sunbury, and vicinity,, that be lias opened bis CLOTHING STORE, with a well tuleotod stock of i:.l'N FLItaittlllftU UOODS, wbUth he stprepered toteH at astonishing low prices. At I am determined to bring down prioes at mu..b at awMsbie, aud at I asa doing no credit business anasusuta ne loesse. it will be to the advautsge efCASM Uvvaas to give me a call. . . - B. KKONENBERG, Kaat door to Gee. Bright s Drug Store. Suubury, October JO, lao6. A LL goods bought for Cash and sold at lowest XX pnese 1 for each at the Hardware Store ef J H FuuUirv, June !, 116. CON LEY t t.0 AGENTS WA.NTSD. g .j froiu M u 4 p5Cith. ForkiiaV IU.. B ' K k PjUBOTHKBSsn Agents, X W t Cneatnul St., Phil., W J , F(iQSlaiwH fck, tout, i,"ptlY A-QT "W"-i 1STT 3C U , Aivi:w'AiiuiVAL or FACti"&' WINTER GOODS, AT TUB HTORE OF XII. ENC13L, Market Street, SUNBt'RY, PA. 1 UST received from New York and PMIadolpMe, ) a large lot of FALL AND W INTER GOOD, whieh he will soil at small proOts, for cash or conn -try produce. . . .tlis line of Goods for Gentlemen's snd P.nvs' wear is good Fine Black and Blue French Cloth, Fine Beaver Cloths tor Oeeraoats. the Very best of Blark snd Fanny Caaaimeret, Good Satinet and ken'uuky Jean, all at Ion prices. His lino of Ladles' and Mums' Drcrs Goods can't bo bent in hi little borOMgb HENT OF IILACK Sll.fi. Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, nll-wnul Poplin, 'Hain and Fane French Merino, from one dollar pet yard upwards, of all Shades snd Color, nil-woo) Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. Plain and Fanoji Mnhalr Lustres. all-Wool Delaines. Fancy and Figured Rnglish Merinos, very handsome, Deliiiuis, Oalioaos and Muslins, all prices. Ladies' Cloth for Dresses, Ladies' Cloth fur Sai ks, Sacking Flannel, all ibades, Ladies' Shawls, plain and fancy. BEST WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed Spreads, Balmoral Skirts. Yankee Notions in 3rptU Variety Hosiery, of all description, Gloves, lor Ladles snd Gents, Dress Trimmings, Fancy lhttons, Ac., Ladies Frenoh Corsets. Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Gents' Shirts and Drawers, Ladies' Vests and Drawers. Ladies', Missel' and Children'! Fancy Hoods, la ooi itanr-f. Ladies' fancy Scarfs, ad a variety of other goods. a J. R P E T s, Wove Floor Cloths. Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Clolb. Tahlo Oil Cloth Widuw Shades. Plain Orrsn, and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows.' ' OHOCERIB8, .Sugar. Coffee, Mobuues, iiice, Crackers, Spicei, Salt pish, Cheese, Ao QueenswarS,Ula.wara. splendid Se tts of Teawaro, tki low pricet. BOOTB 8HOE8 IN OBSAT VABIETr.y Hats and Caps, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, Sohi Cooks. Papor, Slates, Ao. II A R D W A 11 II . Shovels, Forks, Nails. Locks, Hinges and Screws, A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prioes. All persons debiting to get good goods will p'ease give bim a call. J. II F.XGLL. Sunhury. October ?0. 1MB. LADIES' FAN QY FUR8 AT JOHN FAUEIBA'S Old Established F U 11 Manufactory, No. 718 ARCH Stroet, above 7th, PHIL'A. : V lluvo now 111 Moro or M lmni.rl.linn.nil iA 1 , j v. ,. ......... .u . .uu .... . if- Manufacture one of the 'ttiVs '' largest and most beauti .a r .1 1 : c 9 FANCY FURS. rt'fiir Ladies' and Chil- .irv'.-. 1 , -t- : .v.-:... -jV? uren a 11 enr in iiiv viij 1 --4. -xrz ; ' rtlSO, I Ulin ru-aoi uuvui w Gent's Fur (J loves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, audi would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county ant vioinity. P.emember the Name, Number and Street ! JOII FAIir.USA. No. IIS AKCn .St., above 7th, south side, PHILADELPHIA. October 8, I860, "4mw. W0 I JANUARY I I HOOTS, NlIOl.S, A.M Tlt AK.O. H, Q. THAOHEB, ICCCESSOtl TO W. W. AP8LEY, MARKET ST BEET, 6UXBIIIY, TA A larze lot of Boots and Shoes just received. A fine lot ofTRUNK on hand. A genu- ral assortment of Gent's Travelling fratohels, It K. Hags, Vulises, Ac. Ac, Ac, Ac. COMB AND SEE! Ai Ilia well-known bouse of Mrs. Boulton, Market Street, between Third and Fourth streets. Supbury, Sept. 20, 15&6. a g 1; r t n"w ax t"k I " FOB THE HQST POPULAR And best seUins; Subscription Books Pub lished. WE sre the most extensive publishers in tho United States, (having six houses.) and there fore oan afford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more llboral commission than any other company. Gur Books do not pass through the bands of General Agents. (as nearly all other subscription works do.) therefore we are enabled' to give our ean. vassers the extra per coot, pbioh is u.uad'y allowed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will see tbo advantages of dealing directly wjth the pub lishers. Or series esihraqei the most popular works on all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old agents, and all others, who want tbe best pay ing agencies, will please send for oiroulars and see our lortns and compare thiuu and the character of our works with those of ulher publishers. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia. Pa., Boston, Mass., Cincinnati. Ohio. Chicago, Ills., St. Louis, Mo , or Uivbinond, Va. Pecember I, ISOli. 4t. F. VTIAtiJ V ttUKliu SALOON I'Oli kai.i:. n"HIE undersigned oilers for sale, the Eating and JL Drinking Saloon, in SIMPSON'S BUILDING, Kiinhiirv. Pa. Tbe fixtures are almost new, and tbe saloon has a Kj-unofgoodoustom. Th wtuda mill be sold on reasonable terms. Ap ply to V' V JOHN B'lWEN, j ..:.,. J. E. S.MICK, iropnetora Suubury, Deo. 8, lBBii. NEW HARDWARE" IRON STORE, rplIU subscriher laving opened in SUNBURY, I Pu , a new large, and well ajrted stock of all kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, COACH WARE 6ADDLEUY, SUOE FtN'DIMGS, IRON, NAILS. Ac, laid in at lowest Now York and Eutern prievs which they will be pleased to tell for Csoh at tbe lowest Eastern prices. Intending to do business in tbe honost principles of .mull profits and quick salo fur Cosh. J. II. CO.NLEY A CO. u:ibury. June 16.JS5S. TIfE VERY LATEST AEEI7AL ! ' Fall and WlAter Gfoodtj! J05EIMI EYSTKR, (SuctetuftDor .- John lioteen.'i Corner of Mai Vat and Favo street, SUKllL'UY, FEN N'A. Ipvites tba public to eall and examine bis elsaol assortment of AVINTEK DOOpS, which he will setl at greatly reduced puces. fl tto).'k Consuls in part of CLOTHS, &C-. Silks, De'eines, l,a;is. Ginghams, .Calicoes. Musljns, .S'biHiting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of (JoUun und H'owKo goods generally. iaisrr, Gloves, Uoop fekirU. AU ilandkercbiafs, tiruabct, Combs. lfttta and Cops, llopta nod fihos-n, lfis assortment of gods will not, he is are sura foil to please the fanoy and suit the wauls of any i, tirous of purchasing, liis stock of HARDWARE AND QUKENSWARE, and Groceries is large in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or oruaicvnt. lie is always ready and glad to fee his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods ev.u though ao sals art made, lie only aWs a call, and it sure that the stock will epupore favorably in prioe and quality witb the eheaet. H JOtLPlI U'STER. 5unbury, Nor , l(f. CA R PENTER.S, Saddlers, Blacksmiths. Carriage Makers, Shoemakers, Merchant, Miners, Far mers and tbe silicons generally. Look to your intercut and buy at (he new Hard ware .Stare of J. II. CO LEY A CO. Bunbury, June 16, 1666. SHOE Findings Sola Leather and all gnodj be lcnciag t" ane makni bu-tnn f r sale bv J U CON Li. V i CO mm trims . ' i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers