1 3nbut ftmtrican. 'H. B. MA SB mi. Editor ABroprteitpr. sixmnrjY pa. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1806. . m . .'j .t no PApaa itext week. la accordance with tlie estubllslied cus- Liim. in niiiw W4I lio iunnrl ni-tt k. rvi w - tn l . i . . , orjars fur. job work, ansl receipt fur money, H7 'i sometimes nmrjfc ourselves in 'looking over- Hie letters of a Georgia. 9e- t,a cesslonist, who vsatrilatos himself occasion- ally through the eohmn of the SellhBgrove .Timet. .During the war he openly advo- rated the doctrine of secession, and justi , fled the rebellion, in the lume paper; Thase ii'- doctrines now, however, have hecoir.e ' odious, even In the nostrils of the more in . tcllisent and sensible Southerners. The ' writer now. complains of the proposed TDUi &&TATOUtiUJV rrepaiwitaMfiiv thai titKii;ailMa.; - Wobopy the following article from the 1 ofsrOory.. Berkssnd Schuylkill Journal, with comments HARiusaciio, Veo. m. ine .oiiowinu from the Hnrrisbnrg. Telegraph, on the subject J address Uy- h Central Club oiLthe Bpys in of the successor.. In the United States Benate. I Blue of. Pennsylvania has jnsi been Issued of Mr. Cowan. We observe tint many of from thsir headquarters In this eity to their D((t Hke( companions la arms tbrtwigaout ttie state: rprEaa-A- Woman,- ia. eaoiher-enkKan, picking. I Hamburg grapes fur Speer s.Wine. It is sn admira- bts article, and ia the eenpitala and by ths first glim families ia Peris, Los ion and Hew York, la proforonce to ol Port Wins. It h worta a trial, as it gives greet satisfaction.. Vo tats by.W. A. Ben tho Kcpr.blioe papers take a stand fei Gen Cameron om the ground-that in this can test hc ia tfuly tho representative- of the Republican paity, having been mora tho roughly Identified with all the leading mca I i all doubt sures of the party, than any other available tho expediency of having a grand display of tnO JOOVS IB- SJIUSJ uu vuv uviwiuii ui tue lu- auguration of tbe Governor eleciil JIujes General John W. Geary, would beg leave to suggest the propriety, and at the same tfcne extend to inoir oretnren turougiiout trie State a cordial invitation to be present on that occasion. ' ' Shoulder to shoulder we foucht tho bat tles of the Union on many a well contested field, and when tho conflict of arms was over TotheBoviln Blue of Pennsylvania-: m.VV 'IIWITOTIKKM KN.TN Wa. tha undersiened committee appointed xhm..umjm.' by the Boys In Blue of narrisburg,-at a sneclal meeting held at their hall on Thurs day evening, December 0, 1868, to consider- candidate: . ; ? ! ,' , It is now ascertained beyond that Gen. Cameron is the leading Republi can candidate for United States Senator. Ilia fnr-secinff atatesmanshiD from the com monccmcnt of the Rolellion, his unflinching radicalism,' and bis life-long identification with, and defense of, the Industrial interests of tbe Commonwcaltn, wuicu are sgnm threatened, have caused him to bo regarded itA ltia man above all others named for toil high, otfice who, at this peculiar crisis, is btt fiucd for tbe position. For the last few weeks ha- has beta Caning ground rauidlv. So patent is tins to the- dullest HOLIDAY GIFTS I FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SELECTIONS mmi (bddids stm ri Two doors West Of tho Post Orhce,' JCST OPENED A general ortmsnl efrANCr GOODS nieful and acoepiHuiv ivr IS nan MUblithed In N. Y.CIIjs" 'Only mfnllibl rmtlia known." "Freefroni Polwni," I. )nerM to th Huiran Firmly." J ; J "IUlounool of (hell bole to dia." j , , 'COBTAR'B" itATTROACH, kl, fcXTERM Ii a nmte mti tot Rata, Mica, Roaebea, Black and Red Anta, As , A.O. "COSTAR'S" BED-BUO EXTERMINATOR It a liqaiuur wainiiini w unpiruy, nu , I . 1 I H..1 1 " a. C I 1 amendmcnUto the Constitution, embodying. llavo ont tlia forjnrn hopo f ecurrinn his " smoDff other things, universal suffrage. , lie defeat by a coalition of the friends of op ":' sTa llio war has desiioiled the South of posing candidates. But even this alterna- .v:- -...i.i. v. ,i,:r ;tive is sure to result in disaster. Gen, Cam -.slaves. The slaves, now freed negroes. hotn he would still regard as property, lie ,r tU cancu nomination. and when we had returned to our homes to r'timaTxt a a a Tin KEW YEAR'9 GIFTS ! !.. ..!.. 1. , .. 1 W W- cojot iue iiuiisoi our Titvorv. uuuer iuo lcadersnip or General Geary, wo marcned in solid column to the ballot box and there thwarted tha machinations, of those, at home who would: destroy those glorious, results which we etrovs so hard to brino about. It is. therefore, fitting, that we assemble our selves together at the State cnpitol at the timo above specified, and ratify by our pre senco tho political victory we have lately won and make stronger And urigntcr tuose For Iaidlea nitfl (jrntlcmen, CtT CALL AND 8KK THEM. Alio nr Ift Hook epially deaign- ad M Wfta tot THE COMINO HOI.IAY SEASON. rgr Sold at Moderate Bates.. Bunbury, Dae. 121866.. i ii abw a a pieventiv for Bed-Buga,Ae, "COSTAR'S ELECTRIC POWDER FOR IN9KCTS la for Motha, Mnaqnitnaa, Flna, Bd-Baga, liuaouoa riauta, rowia, Aaimaa, e. "Ill Rnriaa ! ! I of all wntlbleaa imitatlnna. taflee tbat "CuniiV name ia on each Box, Bottle, and raw, Del ore yoa our IT Addren, BENRY R. COSTAR, 484 Broadway, rl. Y. rsTSoM la SONBURY. PA.. - i CyBy WM. A. BENNETT. ' And all Druggitti and Retallaia ararjrwhara DIARIES for 1S0T. cheap, at - AU kinda and qnantitieS LrQUTNER'3. eron hat voir a mahfUv of the Republican ' l T . . f . 1 t . . I Willi DUU UIRRQ Ofcl nilU wiiu"vi " I . . ... . . . ... . vxcmwr, pj me i.unrc, . - ."ncMhnr in tT.e circle of WATliJS.i;Bauis, oiwve oawon., oiaa. o., ir tue boid "rrr.:-v?" "a .r.:-t wuuiaMo' thinks should continue to form tbe basis of ; game of buying over enough "Democrats" ... .... ... .ii. :.. .. it ....I t. ku rsvessiitatio ia Cocaress, so that a, linn v ttrcd thousand whites, 111 the South, should have as much strength in Congress as two ' hundred, thousand whiles in the North.. Aa , well night a Northern man claim the right : of representation in his mules and horses. He also complains that cotton only, of all J agricultural products, is taxed. This is true, and if the South was injured by it there might be some reason for complait. But ' this is not tha ease. If the tax was 15 cents, instead of 8, it would make no difference to . , tha producers, as no other cotton can come into competition. The cotton growers now i get 8(1 cents, instead of 10 and less before the ' war, for all they can produce, and whatever . , tax is imposed is paid by the consumer, and e as long aa the South con realize three times as much as formerly, for all they can raise, 'lib worse than folly to complain. At the , olese of the war the South was willing to accept almost any terms from the North. " But since the President has "swung around the circle" they assume the attitude of con - querors, dictate their own terms, and ask the North to accept them. C3F Important Bill. On Thursday Mr. Stevens submitted to tbe House a plan of State Government prepared by the Republi cans of North Carolina. It recognizes tho : fundamental condition in the reconstruction of tho secedod Statos, that loyal men alone , should fashion and form the new State gov ernments. The bill enfranchises all classes t and colors who can take the oath it em bodies. The loyal North Carolinians are '. rejoicing ut the prospect of ths removal of r their present bogus Stato government. The J other Southern States, it is anticipated, will ' speedily follow tbe example of their North 'Carolina brethern. There is an energetic movement in Florida to get rid of tbe State : organization there, and Louisiana ia falling b Into line. We are glad to witness this first t practical beginning of complete restoration. , ' " It"!" ACOCRAHON OF GoVERKOR GEARr. It is proposed that the Boys in Blue, and . the members of any other military organiza ' tions existing in the State, shall participate ' in the ceremonies attending the inaugura- . tion of Ocn. John AY. Geary as Governor of - the Commonwealth. Tho suggestion is a good one, and we join in the hope that it will meet with general approbation. The . election of General Geary was not only an sc knowlodgemeBt and reward of bis own per sonal services and fitness, but was a distinct '( and graceful recognition of the merits of the military ciass to wntcn ue ueioogs, ; ., IST'IIumbuo Advertising. Friend JuJd, of tho American Agricnlturut, the cheapest and best Journal of the kind published, is doing good service in exposing numerous bogus advertisers, aud indirectly, though justly, ceusuring the newspaper press in ' aiding these charlatans by giving publicity to their advertisements. IIu looks upon ulj . gift enterprises, without exception, as im- - positions. In this we concur, and add that ' any one offering goods at less than the . market value, is an impostor. So are also advertisers who profess to perform miracles in thtir vocation,' and those who require . payment in advance. And we might add . also such advertisers who assume tho name of company, and offer to selt the best . quality of goods 60 per cent less than their ; market value. For Instanoe, the "American Tea Company" in New York, whose adver ' tiscment is so conspicuously displayed in ine Agriculturist and wuich, in some re spects, is about the biggest humbug of all tho humbugs in that great city. 1 - IW Son II. Scratt. It is understood that John II. Surratt will bo offered his pardon on condition that lie will testify a rmtnrui witness against all other parties .M bo knew or had connection, elthi r direct ' ly or indirectly, with tbe assassination plot. 5 . . 111 1 r - f3r Taut Btboudsbcho Bank. Rumor says that this Bank is minus fifty thousand dollars aud neither the Cashier nor any of the Directors are ablo to give tha public any satisfactory explanation of where this amount has gone to. The institution still ' does business nnder the old State lans, bsv ing never been couvcrted into a National Bank. .. . . , Well tAii. Tha Pittsburg Commercial contains tha following frank avowa) la an article referring to Piraoo Cameron as a can didate for V. S. Senator; "Pennsylvania has no out more loyal to her interests, lu him she can confide without n shadow of fear of betrayal. No one is more loyal to tha Republican party, I To was the first man In the councils of the nation who gave tha curse of slavery a death blow, and who was In 1 ited to leave the Cabinet on account of his 'extreme radical views. u Let us not be led ni' by eloqueut tongues, but look to the taa) who baa always stood up for our in terest at nil times and ia all 'places." - - to, defeat him is attempted, as is more than hinted, it too will fail. Republicans have no stomach for "banraias" of that sort. Next to Cameron, ia point of real strength is Thaddcus Stevens, though it ia pnobable that Gov. Curtin, as a matter of compliment,. will get more votes in tbe caucus. Aa lor the other candidates, whose names are legion, even the most prominent of them will not be likely to receive maro than half a doze votes each, if so maoy. The bulk of the aspirants must rest satisfied with having their names appear in tbe list of "general nominations." This is our view of the "Senatorial situation." Time will show whether or not we are "well posted." Our friend of tbe Journal is correct. Gen. Cameron will be elected to the United States Senate, next month, without the shadow of a doubt. No combinations of tbe topper heads or those who were doubtful at the time when the country needed friends can prevent his election. Tbe Republicans of tbe Commonwealth will insist on tbe eicc- tion of Gen. Cameron, becauso he has nl- wsvs been true to the interests of Pennsyl vania and supported the Government in its uaikest nour. imrvmUurg itugirapn, a sncred comDunionshii). All thoso organi zations or associations wno may see nt ana irrky TIi A V U U Kb N'lX AT proper to attend on the occasion specified llULll A I rlvlOXill 10 AL Wlii please correspond wun me commura SOOOACRESOF-TIMBER LAND rOR ALK.-On the Line Mountain Jt .oath of the Mabonoy Creek la Cameron Town. amp. jtorHMtnoetiana scanty, ra., ana near ue Bbaaiosw ana ntaoonoy vow rieiaa. i- it P. W. RHKAFKR,' , ( ' i tnirineor of Mines, Petts'llle, Ps. -, VMemosr zzd, isoo.--sm jj Congressional Ntirs. ' In tho United States Senate, on Monday. the proceedings of a meeting of loyal citizens space of time than the New Ironsides, of Norfolk, Va., asking for a reorganization was a capital sea-boat ; competent to of the government of irginia, were present ed. Mr. Cowan presented a petition for an increascu mrjii ior uiu prouicuou ui uinuu- facturers of silk fabrics. The Military Conv mittce reported the House bill authorizing a contract for an equestrian statue of Lieu tenant Ucncral fccott, trom guns capturea in Mexico, to be placed on his grave at West Point. The bill to repeal the annuity section of the Confiscation act was taken up, and was debated by Messrs. Trumbull and John son. Tbe bill then went over, anu tbe Ne braska bill came up in order. Mr. Hendricks spoke against the bill. Mr. Brown gave notice ot a proposed amendment. I be dm was then postponed, and the Amnesty bill was again taken up. but was not finally act ed upon. The death of Senator Wright was announced, and appropriate resolutions were adopted. Adjourned. The House of Representatives adopted a resolution declaring that it will give unfal tering support to tbo Executive department oi tec government to vindicate tue time honored policy of tho republic against for eign armed intervention which tends to the destruction of constitutional liberty on this continent, and especially commends the tone ot tne national voice in rctcrcnce to tue re public of Mexico. Adopted. A resolution instructing the Banking Committee to in quire into the expudieucy of withdrawing the national bank currency as speedily as tbe same can be done without injustice to tho banks was rejected yeas Go, nays 68. Several other resolutions on financial sub jects were laid on tbe table. A resolution iniikmg it the duty of the Postmaster General to allow Senators and ltepreseotativca to ex amine all papers and recommendations for office, went over iu consequence of the ex piration ot tbe morning bour. A mcssnge was received from the President, inclosing the roply of the Emperor of Russia to the at as curly a date aa is convenient l 1,ANE O. 11 ART, Committee. Robert A. McCoy, f A. B. Simmokb. Ibe .Vw aVotssLdcs) troyed. The splended iron-clad New Ironsides, a first class vessel of war, of 8488 tons old tonnage and 2380 now, wss destroyed by fire on Sunday, at the pier at League Island. She lias been laid up for some time. The New Ironsides was built by Messrs. Cramp & Sons, of this city, in 18G2, at a cost of f 1,500,000. Sho bad a wooden bull ana was plated very bcaviiy. duo served in tbo South Atlantic Squadron at Charleston, whore she suffered from the explosion of the torpedo boat David, on the 14th of August, 1863. licr injuries were slight, uowever, and wero readily repaired. We have still remaining the Dunderbcrg, iron, 5000 tons. and 10 guns; tua Dictator, iiusa tons and s guns, and the Puritan, 32G5 tons and 4 guns. Tbe AliuntononiAh, iron clad, wbtcn so suc cessfully crossed tho Atlantic tho current year, witb Assistant secretary f ox, tons but 1223. new measurement. We have no ship at present in tne service which has won more renown in so short a She make "Tbe First national Bnntc of Sun bnt-y, Prna'a." a voyage without aid, and to bold her own wherever she went. Sho inaugurated a new era of naval sbiD building and. thoush now so unfortunately destroyed, will baveenected vuluublo results iu our naval architecture. The causes of her loss have Lot reached us. They will probably be found in the negli gence of some who were on board at the time of the misfortune. We are not inform ed of any loss of life. Philadelphia United tstaM tiazctte. VICOM THIS Ol.is trURLD. THE COLLIERY DISASTER. Barnslet, Sunday, Dec. 10, Several explosions took place at the Oaks Colliery, yesterday and to-day. which show that the fire is still raging in the pit. No further loss of lifo. Touching scenes of woe and despair are bourly witnessed ia tbe vi cinity. Over eighty funerals have taken place. One buudred and sixty women nave been left widows, and S30 children have been made ornhuus by this terrible oalamity, und many of these are mourning on the streets from morning until night. TBE STArFORUSllIHE EXPLOSION. Haily, Staffordshire. Dec, 16. Eighty five of those who went into the mine at Talk o' the Hill, on the morning of the ex plosion, are known to be dead, and there are more still remaining in the pit, of whose safety all hopes are lost. All the dead that bavo been reoovered were buried to-day at Jalk o' tbe Hill. Ibe ceremony was deep ly impressive. London, Dec. 17. The Pans correspond ence of the Timet says t "It is now generally admitted that the object of Gen. Castclnau's mission was to get Maximilian to abdicate." I'aris, Dec. 17. It is stated, semi-official ly, mat ucn. Almonte lias received assur ances by telegraph, that Maximilian has abandoned his intention of leaving Mexico, resolutions congratulating lam on bis escape BDtl of ,n avowed determination to put bim AIWUJ H9oncJU(lllUUi A UE WUUiUlillVG UU . tU6 A gtg Is New Orleans steal cV.Mrcn,'snd rlu.it get a rr ard for bringing them back. the head of loyal Mexicans, and fight tor ois crown. . BTETUENS NOT ARRESTED. London, Dec. 17. There is no truth in tbe reported arrest of Head Centra Stephens. .11 .! . ! , . J aii cumiuues quiet in ireiana. 1'ksth, Dec. 17. it is rumored, and on apparently good authority, that the Govern ment ot Austria does not propose to yield to tue ucmantts made in the address of tbo Hungarian Diet. Bbklin, Dec. 17. King John, of Saxonv. has arrived in this city, and ia tbe guest of mng vviiiiam. A MAK-OF-WAB TO BRINO SURRATT TIOMU. Valella, Malta. Dec. 17. An United States Bloop-of war has arrived here, bound to Alexandria, to take Surratt back to America. A Terrible Calamut. On the 12th Inst, we learn by cable dispatches, that a terrible explosion took place at the Oaks Colliery, nesr Barnsley. Yorkshire. England Tbe colliery contains the largest pit in this district of tbe country. The shaft is 270 feet deep aud the lateral works extend a distance of two miles from tbe bottom of the shaft. Nearly 400 men and boys were in the mine at the time of the explosion, nearly all of w hom perished. Every aid is being given to rescue the survivors. Tbe exploring parties have counted 83 dead bodies within tho space of fifty yards. A few of the unfortunate victims have been brought out alive but badly mutilated. The engineers are of opinion that owing to the foul air there can be no more alive within the works. If this is so, over 800 human beings lie dead in the recesses of tha pit. The excitement among tho families in this town is most intense and painful, and the works and vicinity have been a scene of despair and wailing all day. A similar ac cident occurred some twenty years sine in tbe same pit, by which some 78 lives were lost. A second dispatch, dated tha 18th, adds to th. foregoing an account of a second explosion, at 9 o'clock that morning while working parties were finding and drawing out tbe dead. Eighty of the bodies baa been brought out when the second explosion took place. Several officials and a number of volunteers were in the pit at tha time of th second disaster, and it ia (eared that all have perished. Tha excitinor scenes of v. A Main centleman la Boston inhaled terdav were renewed. . A Uter atatemant as for a bronchial com plain t, and almost nays soma of the volunteers have been taken ied. . He says ha won't try it again. . out alive. Still later dispatches renort Senator Dixon, of Connecticut, has re- "other explosion in thla oolliery at ten turned to hia allegiance to tbe Republican f,010" ?MaT nigut, U U estimated patty, and announces that be shall oppose that tbret hundred and flfty buoMn, beings both tha President and his polUy. ,Vtt.hM? lo w b intffu ta L-lncinaattt. - ., ik. .i. .v.a . elgu Affairs was instructed to inquire whether tue good offices of tbe Luited blatcs should not be employed, if practicable, iu restoring pcaoo In the States of South America. A joint resolution prohibiting the further is sue ot agricultural scrip to States lately in rebellion was passed. The Judiciary Com mittee was directed to inquire into the esse of a negro sentenced to be sold as a slave at Annapolis, and also to report what legisla tion is necessary to protect loyal citizens in the enjoyment of life, liberty and property in tne lately rebellious states, except leu nessce. A suspension of the rules for the Introduction of a resolution for the appoint ment oi a committee to inquire whether any acts had been done by any officer of tho United States government which in the con templation of tho Constitution are high crimes and misdemeanors was refused yeas aa, nays 4.- a resolution for tbe appoint ment of a select committee to inquire whe ther the laws of Congress for the assessment and collection of direct taxes in the lately rebellious Stutes, and for the seizure and sale of forfeited and abandoned lunds, have been faithfully executed, was adopted. The Com mittee on Foreign Affairs reported a resolu tion that it be recommended to the Exccu tive department of the government that tbe friendly offices of this government be offered for the promotion of peace and harmony in South America, which -was adopted. In Committee of the Whole, Mr. Hise. of Ken tucky, made a speech against the power of Congress to territorialize the Southern States. Adjourned ' Several of the conductors on the Pennsyl vania Railroad charged with embezzling, and some acquitted, are about to commence suits against 1'iokerton, the Chicago detec tive, for damages. The hearing was before . rancisous, general agent ot tbe road, who is satisfied that if crime has bten com mitted it has been to a very trifling amount. The conductors on the Reading Railroad, who were discharged a few years since on the oath of Pinkertna, and made to disgorge Inst sums of money, have commenced suits for Its recovery. A I'aris advertising firm has paid sixty thousand dollars for the exclusive privilege or posting ami in ina ouuaiug o tua Ex position, IS hereby given tbat, Hi regain annual election of Diieotora ot "The First National Bank of Sun- bury, Pa ," will be held on TUESDAY the 22(1 day of JANUARY, A. 1)., 18S7, at the Banking llouto in the Borough of Sonbsry, Pa., between the hours of 10 o 'does A. M. ana a o oiock r. in., oi aaia aay, in acoordanoe with the provisions of ths Act ef Con gress. Sunbury, Pa , Deo. 18th, 1866. "BOARDING H0USET ,' CHESTNUT STREET, BUNBURY, PA., NBAB THS DEPOT. Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON, - Proprietress. Regular and Transient bearders kept on the moet roaaonaoie terma, Paraont attending Court will find it a deairablo Boarding-Houne, and wilt do well to call. jjunbury, Pec. 22, 1866 3t. THE CROSBY OPEBA HOUSE ART ASSOCIATION. The late Determined. THE DAY ON WHICH THE FINAL DISTRIBUTION WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE IS January Slat, 187. We. th undertizned, a Committee appointed to eondurt the awarding of I'reimunw to Uie Memuera of the Cruiby Opera Houae Ait Aiwieiation, have been authorized by the MaiMReinetil to announce MONDAY, JAN. HI, ltx)7, aa me time wucn me Final Award of all Ibe Premiuma ahall be made, without faither pott- nnnement. Inordcr thnt Mr. Croibr may realize the full bniefit of hie enterprise, and that tae uenincaiea may ue neia oy bom fide purehaaera. and not by him, it ia neceMary that the remainina certificate! ahouM be speedily disposed nr. The Committee assure all nnitiea interested that every care will be taken to secure perlect fairness In awarding the Premiuma. WILLIAM T. COOLUAlUll, rresiaeiu Union natlini- ai Hum. AMOS T. HALL, Treasurer C. B. k Q. R. R. K.O HALL, Hsll, Kimbark A Co. CLINTON BRIQGS, Ewing, BiijrgaJt Co. J Cl no RE. President of the Board of Trade. JAMK8H BOW UN, President Third National Bank. JAMKl C. FARGO, Sop't American Express. FRANCIS A, HOFFMAN, Kv Ueol-Uurerivir. I. Y. MUNN, Monn k tScoU Elevator. J, A, E.UU&, Fieaioenl Second. National Bank. Tbe subscription books will be closed when the sale of Certificates hall hnvn been completed, WITHOUT KU'R. THKK NOTlOri! !! A Chi Initial President fui ynur Parent ! one certificate. with "The Apple Guiherers," and the chance of a Premi um worth snuo,wi: A Chriatiiius Present tor vnitr sister ! one certificate. with "The Little Waiideier," and Uiechanceof l'remiomi woitb from S5U) to tWOO.UUC : : : A Christmas Present for Your Brother ! one certificate, with the new Engraving, "Westward, Ho!" and the chance of possessing the Ciosby Opera House ! ! ! A Christmas Present fur your wife! two eeitificates. with "Irving and his Literary Friends," and twu chances 1 ol premiums worm irom sow to : i : A Christmas Present for your Dausliter ! three CertiS- eetea, with Huntingdon's "Mercy Dream," and the Chance ol becoming worth more titan nan a iu uuon : : A Christmas Present for your .n ! four eaitifiaitea with the Clirumngraph, "The American Autumn." and four (Justices ol Premiums worm trom vaw to sjouu,uuu : A Christmas Present for the Dear One ! one or twenty Certifioatee, with one nr Twenty Chances of nuking her almost a Mimonare : : ! Aa well aa dinners of becoming the possessor of A BIKRSTADT, worth e'M.OU)! A conhtan iSltl r.K.woriu 3,uw: A LKL'TBK, worlh ai,0 ! A CROHCEY, wurtb SO.000 ! A GJGNOUX, worth 11,00! A HART, worth 3,000! A BCHUFSELK, worth SS.O0O! A BEARD, won h S4,uu0 ! YOLKU BVST OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, worth !!.00U I Or Hundreds of other Ptelutea, by the Leading Artists lM Ameiica: I Certificate, FlreUolIara. ry Remit, if possible, by Draft or Poatoffice Order. Register all Letter eeutaining currency. Direct to U. H CROSBY, Actuary. Piineioal Eastern Agency, THE ART INSTITUTE, No BROADWAY. JACOB PHIPMAN, Agent, ttonhary. Pa., where spe cimen eopiea of ine auignsvuigs oaa 09 aeen. , Deceubei W, IMS. COST -A. CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cuta, Burna, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Canecra, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Paitiftil Plies; Scrofulous, Putrid and III conditioned Soles ; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneoua Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Ac ; Chap ped Hands, Lips, Ae.j Bites of Spidcia, Insects, Animals, C7" Boxes, SS cts., SO eta., and tl aines, t Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And br HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 491 Broadway, New York. And by W. A BENNETT, Sunbury, re nrttnisl nlls'aai Mataaaaaaaema A. GIFT CONCERT I. At UNION HALL, MUNCY, PA., on Friday Even ing, Fob. 22d. 1867.-10,000 Tickets at ft each. A44 Presents, worm ts,ouz,to. s.uuu to be appropria ted towards a suitable MONUMENT, to be ereoted in tbe Munoy Cemetery In memory of our Noble Soldiers who fell while defending the Kepubllo. No cheap Jewelry or trifling Presents. The lowest S5. All are rated at their their true value, end consist of superior Pianos, Organs and Melodoons, Green, backs, Florence Sewing Machines, first oiaaa 8py Olasael, Mierowopet, Stereoscopes, Musis Boxes, Photograph Albnma, are rare ana aostiy docks, so., Aa. See the descriptive Scheme, and the satulaotory Testimonial appended. Plan of drawing same as that adopted by the Crosby Opera Uonse Association. Scheme sent to any address on appl ieation and receipt of two cent stamp. . Address, . J. M. M. 0 ERNERD, Manager. Money, Lycoming Co., Pai Tickets for tale by J. BlilPM AN, Agent, Bnnbury. December 22, 1866. lior roit this iioi.iivi NEW ARRIVAL OP tfSEFUL AND FASCT articles. . A very large assortment of Prayer and Hymn Books, and Bibles, School, . Juvenile, Toy and Blank Books. Tbe largest stock of Toya ever brought to this place, consisting In part of Dolls, Doll Ileads, Doll Bodice, very lite, style and kind. - Bleda. Wagons, China Tea Sets, all altea, Rattles, Whistles, Harmonicas. Tin and Wooden, . Toys of all kinds, Ac, Ao. A fine line of fanoy articles. Jot Pins, Horn, Gum, and other Chains, . . , , Khnwl Pin and Milrt tnd. Sleeve Buttont, Pocket Books, Fins Purses for ladies, Perfiunea, ioaps, Brunei, tombs, a, A large stock of . PINE ALBUMS, Dissecting Pictures, Maps, As., Passe Partouta, I'ic ture f rames, rorlloltns, ink stands, Lamps and Fixtures, Bird Cages, Canei, . ' Pipes and Stems, Cigar Cases and Tubes, T IIEUMORIPiTCRS, Ac, Ac. Call and tea our stock. Evertbinz kont in a Book . Stationery and notion, to be had by culling at K. FERRER LIU IITNER, Market Square. Bunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Dee. Ii, 1886. ' UNIVERSAL C0R1T 30LTE1TT, For Corns, Bunions, Waits, Ae. OT Boxes, SS cU , SO cts , and SI aitea. .Jrf hit all nrnffvistaevervwhere. And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broedway, New York, . . And by W. A. En.ir.i i, duiiuui j, north f isnds ot heirs of Jonathan Bower ana . . liempbell,, containing BO acres mora or lsss, wbaraoa are erected a two story brick dwelling bouse, old frame Boose, and a large frame barn, &o. ' ' ' . Also, upon a certaia tract or piece of land, situate in. same township, county and State, bounded on tba east and west by lands of Jphn B. Ilprplpg, on tha north, and south bj. lands of Samuol Garinger, containing ' about Sve acres more or less, Whereon are erected a-brkk dwelling house, frame barn and other out buildings, &c. 1 Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William Horning. ALSO: All that certain trace or parcel of Land, with tbe Rollins Mill Buildine tbereon erec ted situate in Coal township Ta tha county of Northumberland and State of tennsylva nia, beginning at a peg in the centre line of the Branch Rail Hoad to Big Mountain ; thence south 82 degrees 17 minutes west one hundred and seventy-nine and one half feet to a post ; thence by land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark, north one degree . 0 miuuUaenst seven hundred feet and one tenth of a foot to a post ; tbencs north eighty-two degrees 17 minutes cast sevcutyrtwo feet and four-tenths of a foot to a peg in the said centre lino of the Branch Itullr.oad to Big Mountain ; thence along tho same south 7 degrees and 42 minutes and a balf east six hundred and ninety one feet and eight tenths of a foot to the first mentioned peg in the centre line of the Branch Railroad to Big Mountain aforesaid and place of begin ning, containing two acres of land, attic measure being part of a certain tract or par eel of land, containing six and one ha) acres. ' Sc'rzcd-, taken In execution and; to-bo sol as the property of Frederick Albert Rcisteii trustee of Susan Longcnvcker, wife of Davi Longenccker, David Longnecker and Susc his wife. , . ALSO : AUT1CK. IN aecordancs with the provisions of the Charter of the "Bunbury Masonio Hall Association," the stockholders of said Association will elect a board of seven managers, on Monday, December a 1st, isob, for tbe ensuing year, mention to oeneiu at tne mw Offioe of Messrs. Hill A Wolverton, in the Borough of Sunbury, between the hours of 1 and 3 o f. M. ol saia nay. By order of JNO. HAAS, Pres't. L.T. Rohrbacb, Sec'y. Sunbury, Deo. 16, lBSfl. Nanhood t How Ioit, how lt'.(or-l Just published, a new edition of DB. CCLVIBWELL'I CxLSBtATIfll EsXAT on tbe radical enre (without medicine) of Spermator rhoea, or seminul eakaest, ipvoiuntary seminal One and one-half acres of land, with tl buildings, Ac. thereunto belonging, situs in Jackson township, Northumberland coc ty, l'a., bounded and described as follot to wit : containing one and a balf ac mora or less, bounded on tho north, t and west by lands of Henry Pifer, and sot by Bull Run, whereon is erected a two st irame Dwelling House, Barn, Tan Hot Bark Ilouso, twenty-three Vats and a B Mill. ' Also, at the same time and place, by tue of tho Bbove writ, lovy many tnadi another lot of land, containing one-half more or less, with the buildings, &c. tli ?u?n ) unto belonging, situate in Lower Mahr clock, .j,-,--!,!,, K.irthnmhprlnnrl countv. . ' I T - - J ' bounded nnd described as follows, to j Bounded on the north by Bull Run, s by html of Henry Peifcr, cast by lun Abraham Klock, nnd on tho West sai . runs to a point, whereon is erected a . story frame Dwelling House, Shoe She Summer House, and a Burn. Seized, taken in execution and to b rty Dauicl Seal. alsu: Louses, Impotency, Mental and PhytioaOIneapaoity, ! nrobc Impedimenta to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, , I I v Tbo ..r,.n1ant'a intorput Rllttnriapd sexual exirTn5u. I u v v. .. ........ - -, ri tyPrice, in ascaled envelope, only 6 cents. the undivided one-eleventh part of a I The celebratod author in this admirable essay t t or iccc ()f Rnl Bituatoin Lewis cisarly demonstrates, from a thirty year t successful , . vtl,mlw., InnA r-nnntv Pmnsv1 praotios, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse ship, Northumbci land county, renns) may be radioally cured without the dangerous use bounded and described as lollows, I of internal medicine or the application of tbe knife ! 0n the west by S. D. Ball, on the DC pointing ct a mode of cure atoroeaimple, oertain . jan( 0j ij-nonias wT4tt8 and Le and eueetuM. ay means ot wntcn every i iUa.n ti,e cast bv the Montour 1 line, and on the south by laut'.s. af Snyder, containing about one humlrc I of "land laying in Northumberland i rjcnrly nil c!ertd, whereon nrc crnctr ; story" frame dwelling house, bank b other outbuildings, an apple orchan ' Siiied taken in execution and to as the property of Mary Iteiger. : ALSQ: All those certain messuages, hou pieces of ground, situate, and des ' follows, to wit : One house and tl. acre lots in the town of Trcvort countv of Northutubcilr.pdi Two COSTAR'S PBKPARATION OP BITTER-SWEET k ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. L'sed to Soften and Beauty tip rSkin, reinuve Freckles, imples, Bruptiona, Ae. Ladies are now using it in prcfersnca to all olhera. 17 Bottles, VI COSTA K, Depot 484 Bndway, Sold by all Druggists everywhere And ny tlfc.K n New York And bj W. A. BENNETT, Sunbory, ra. BRITISH PERIODICALS. THELONOON QUARTERLY RF.VIEW Consnvativa THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church), and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tbr) OOBTAB'S PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY ' In Connecticut thi wooku mills art run atag on half time. " ThatasaMa property of New' Prlaua'b DOW fully J0O,O00,00p. tbe ptaia than witb graat ioleooa. . Tha work of Urawiug out tbs bodies is sutpsnd ed and tha mine is to be flooded wits water. Tha cause of tbe esplosiue will probably rcmaia a pcrjtual mjaty. These foreiga periodieale ere rrculai ly republtahrd by i the same style us heretofore. J'bose who kuuw taei lung i For Coughs, Colda, Hoarseness, Bora Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Conamno'iiui, Broo. chial Affections, and all Disease! ol the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, Si cts., 50 cts , and SI sues. Hold bvsll Druatis's everywhere. And by HWllX iu uuirAt, vrpw ct uroaawsy III m .... h.u. L,. 1 IFllisI (,, Ihain mJ ha ..I -. . I U1UM whom uccjvii war M in KH lew ysara nas acpriv-I jV itf St'VVRTT HuuWv Pa alol' their once weloouiesunnlv ul ilia brat naruxlio,! tata. And by W. A. BbNMlTr, BUUtrary, re. rature, will be a lad to have them aaaiu withiu their leach : and those who luav never yet hove met with them, will assuredly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of I ine progress of ciroposn ecieuce anu utcraiure. TERMS FOR 1SST. , For any one of tbe Reviews $1,00 per annum- ror any two or tne neviews 7,uu Km any three of the Reviews 10,00 For ell four uf tne Revtewa 1..U0 Foi Blackwood's Magatine 4.00 Fur Blackwood and one Review 7,00 Fuc Bbwkwuod aiid anySof theReviewe 10,00 For Blackwood and thieeuf the Keviews 13,00 For Black wood and the four Keviewa 15,00 CLUBS. A diaeonnt of twenty per cent will be s Bowed to clubs of four or more persuns Thee, foul eopiee of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent loons sources l of er.i,tMi. Four eopiea of tbe four Rvviewe and Blackwood, for eHS'ULaiwaooa. rOSTAOE. When sent bv nr'l, tha Postage to any part of the United Hiiiiaa will be but Tweulv fouf ccnta a veer to a"Bkekwood,"4 but Eight ecu is year for seek uf ue hovmws . PREMIUMS TO NEW BUUSCKIBBHS. New Bekeeribere to auy two of the above periodicals fin ISO will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of lie Pour Ha views fm IMS. New slubseiibera to all tveof ta Fortodicaie for IbS? aoay receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the -Four Keviews" for Ined. These premiums will be allowed on all new subscriptions Mteivtd Wore ApU 1, IM7. .... ctubeer ibere saay nun ubwia back Buroberi at the foilow tug reduced retee, vi i The Nortk Brilieh from January, IMS, In December, tSSS, laetueive the Edmbutf h aud Ike WeeUsunaMr froie April, IceM, to Deueuber, Iced, luclusiva, aud the London Quarterly fur the yeaie 1664 aud I bod, at tlie rata of SI 60 a year tor aaek or aay Review also Hkwktrood for UriS, Inr as se. ... rfNeither premiums to Bokeeribere, nor diacounl la Chiba, nr reduced prices for back nurabees, eaa bealknred, amine the saoaey ie resaitssd direct t the Pnbbakera . . NMauMuaa can he gives taCUtba. TUB LEONARD BCOTT PUBLISHING CO , .V ". i . ; 38 Walker He, N. V. Tee L- 8. tX. 0O.,nsso ablua tbs ....- FAHMER'aOUiDK, . " : ' Iw UeawyBtenksaie.ea' Ediasawrh, and Ike sua f. P. Nor toa, of ale Cice. S vole., Aoyel Oeuve, ISee pegee, end neuierouer.aaraving e. PiicS' fos Un lave vvlusajee f Mail, poet paid, SA cebei SS: taeaj ... . ', CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS. A UNIVERSAL DtN!fF.K PILL, For Nestroaa and Biek Headache, Coativeneaa, lodlgeatms), Dyspepsia, BUIuusaess, Coaaupauoa, Diarrkee, Col lea. Chills, Fevers, aud general deiangeruent of the Digeetiv, Boxei ics, ti cts , AO cts , and SI sixes. ' everywhere. COSTAR, Depot 4S4 Bioedwsy, Void by all Druegiata everywhere. Ana ey untt n New York A ad Uy Yf. A. BENNETT, SaaUny, Pa. matter wbat his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private, and radically. Ibll lecture snouio. oe m tne uuuits ot ctcij juum and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six oeuts, or two postage stamps, by addreesing tbe publisher!. Address the Publishers. CHArf. J. C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Offioe box 4.5SB. Deo. 82, 1866 3m . SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of certain Altai writa of Yen. Exponas, Ven. Exponas, Plnriui Levari Facias, Fieri Facia, and alias Fieri Facial, issued out of the Court of tlnmmnn Pleas of Northumberland oounty, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court : ground in said town of Trovprton, n Mouse, In the Borough or Mnoury, on monuny.tnu jn tlje cnL.r:il plan of ssld town .ar. w. aueiui-' u uumours uigiit niiu nine u block one bundrt-.l and four (.104) is erected a two story fruinc hot. lots pieces or parcels of ground iu. of Trevortion, numbered one, t four and five (1,2, 3, 4, and 5,) numbered one hundred, aud five which is erected three frBme hou lots numbers eleven and . twelve (.' 12.) io block number fifty-one. which is erected a double frame b house aud lot, alo situata in numbered two in block one bu sixteen (110) two bouses and lt town numbered eight nnd niue f in block number twenty-throe (N house and lot nurabc tour (4.) iu bcr one hundred and. thirty-si one steam saw mill anu grouc containing one acre mora or. lets of ground numbers oue and. tt eiirhtv tiuht (No. 88.) One lot ground marked number sis. in b seven (87), all situate in the ton ton, and county of Xnr.tbumbc: Seized taken iu execution am as the property of Charles P.' administrator of Edward Utile' witb notice to John Toy & Ch fenstein, assignees of. Edward deceased. DAJUlvL BKCK Phcriff sOffiee, PjtPburjjJIeclS ' Iro-lainatlosi la If' " To CIIAKLKS II. LKADEU ;: NoETBUKBaBLixn County, : . . The Commonwealth of I Seal. ! the Sheriff of Norlhnik 1 Usastihu :-WUtllt A dcr by her next friend, Michael La 24th day of February, IBM, prefei our Judges of our Court of Comti county of Norlbuaiberland, pravin therein set forth, that ibe might the bonds of matrimony entered int Leader. We do thercfero command you fore we did i the suid Charles II. L aside all other business and excuse be and appear in your proper p Judges at Sunbury, at a Court o there to be held on the imt Jaoudi (A D. lrjrtt.) in and for the Count land, to auswer a petition or libel Leader, by her next friend X' r niter ft, lfl .-Jm rl i 7 th day of January, 1. -037. at 1 o'clo lowing property, to wit : A certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Borough of McEwensville, Northum berland county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north bv let of David Eckert, cast by an Alley, south by Mechanic street, and on the west by Main street, containing CO feet in frout and 100 feet deep, wbcrcon are erected a two and a half story brick dwelling bouse, frame pig stable and outbuildings. Also, a certain other lot or piece of ground, situato in said Borough, County and State as above stated, bounded north by an Alley, east by Main atreet, south by lot of Louisa Liill and Hannah llood, auci on tue west, uy an Alley, containing 60 feet in front and 100 icet deep, wucrcon are crectcu tuo woou cui riage shops, Lumber shops, &c. Also, a ccrtsin other lot or piece of ground, sltuste io the above named Borough, County and State, bounded north by Mechanic street, past hv nn Allev. south bv lot of E. W. Mc- Corty, and west by Main street, containing in front 60 feet, and in depth 100 ..cot, whereon are erected tbe brick Blacksmith shops, carrisgo house, frame stable, well of water, with pumps, &c. Also, a certain other lot or piece of ground, situate in said Borough, County and Stato as above stated, bounded north by Mechanic street, east by Church street, south by lot of John McGioney's heirs, and west by an Al loy, containing about one acre, whereon are erected a doublo two and a half story brick dwelling House, and other outbuildings, 4c. Also an orchard of fine growing fruit trees. Also, a certain other lot or piece of ground in said Borough, County and State, bounded north by lot of David Stahluccker, east of Main street, south by an Alloy and west by an Alley, containing in width fifty five (55) feet and in depth ISO feet. Also, the undivided one half of the steam grist mill property, situate partly in Dela ware township and partly in said Borough of McEwcnsville, inoluding the lot of land with the tenant house tuereen, the steam engine and fixtures, the water-power, mill dam and privileges, now occupied by IVm. Hood & Jacob M. Fry, under the name and firm of Hood & Fry. Tbe whole being bounded on tbe west ae north by lands of David Gold, east by an Alley, ana soutb by an Alley and street of raid David Uold, 4c. Also, a certaia other lot or piece of land, aituate'partly in said Borough ot McEwens ville aud partly in Delaware township, bounded rorth by tbe Presbyterian Parson age lot, the neit hereinafter described and lot of John Bausb, east by lot of said John Baush, south by the Turbutville Road, and west by Church street, containing about seven acres. . Also, a certaia other lot or piece of ground, situate and adjoining the last above named lot, bounded north by lot of land, occupied by Henry Werner, next hereinafter describ ed, east and south by the lot last above de scribed and wett by the Presbyterian Par sonige lot sforessid, containing about three acres., j , I . Also, a certain other lot or piece of ground situate and adjoining the last aforesaid lot, bounded north by lands of Henry Werner, east by lot ot John Baush, south by the lot last above described and tbe said Presbyte rian Parsonage and west by Church street, containing about three acres. - - Seized, taken in execution and to" tc sold as tha property of William Hood. . . ALSOi - : .. J A certain tract or piece of laud, situate iu Lower Augusta township, Northumberland eounty, Pennsylvania, bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit : on the esst by land of Joel Wolf, on tha south by lauds of Dan iel Zarttnaa end ftauiuel Gariegrr, on ths west by lo 4 of Gco'ge Kcefa, sad on the ! ,tort ,f show cause if any you have, wb, Leader, your wife, should not be bonds of matrimony, agreeably t bly in suoh ease made and provic ViTatsg ths Iiunorahle Alexa dent Judge of our said Court a day of December, A. D- IBM, JOHN J. RKIMKXS Sheriff's Office, 1 Sunbury, Deo. Ii, 1866. I J). bhCWLEY, Sheriff. i toiler I1E(JISTER'8 Aocounti for C V 6th oi January, A.D.,1U67 SThe aooount o( Henry Uau lower, filed Oct. 12, lb. t The aoaount of lliram Hoe lor of Elisabeth Vt'Uower, dea'i 3 The final aocount of Solon of Sarah h. Uoneert, minor eb deceased, filed Pet. 19, ISM. 4 Ths aocount of James K-' of John M . Wagner, dee d . , Hi i Tbe accouut of John Po Abraham Lunger, deeoaaed, 111 fi The aocount of tMunuel tt tbarine Kiisabeth Vastine, filr T Tbe account of D. M Bra ef Grifreih Jones, deceased. Ii . a Tbe anal eooeuM of W and Thomas 8 kuta, Admink deeeased, filed Nov. Se, land Ibe final account of Oe. Mciurer, Fseoutora of Feli) Dee.8,Uei. IS Tbe aocount ef Charli of Sarah Jane Keeder, dee d . i. A.J. C tanbnry, Dee. 8, lbSS 4 BrjiLPCRd ana those would do well to call a ment of Leeks, Latches, I Straps Sad T Uinge. W u, thmg wear tsaanpieis S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers