gtllEftU DtADltlUE VIL.1M ' , FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. , A SUBSTITUTE FOK CALOUIL mt buwsl at eosilv. " " ' TRY THEM. yoa havs worms, TRY TUEJL. " yov breath li bad, THY THE.M. f Jfou feel drowsy, TOY THEM". If To ar low ap.Iritcit; TRT THEM. If Tou have a tick hendsehe, A TRY THEM. If you hav taken drop too much, TAKB A FULL DO?K. They only eost Si eenti Dnx-j - TRY- THEM. Bine Msss,niirl other prcrisrsilnn of Mereur". actanlly podM rears eufferiug unit ilesth Ihsn the diseases wliira llity profess ui cine. And )et this corrosive mmrrnl so driHiuuced by the allnpaihie divtnra, I prescnlieil hy inera roost eniversuiiv 111 Liver vuiuiiihim., vw.i"i'.' of Last - THWM'AWWt.tlti? PT1.L trroHnpoSetf entirety of roots and herln, ohtnined from the great stoielmuseof Nature, and their salutary rffeets will upiimr ns mm m the meilieine is lnought M I lie test vt a-fatf expel iinent. 8C H K.V CK'r M A IS t - It A liK I'H .(.! do nrt prtsjucc auy nausea of sickness-of trie; lut when given lor 1 i-im, II "my I'" proper m " tbem- in e.mueetl.ui wMll HCttSiXtfK-' fi'.AW M.I) 'norslC; Uy tine jiiilicl'iu treatment the digestive hunt ties are speedily restored tu their full vigot, and the worst esir- nf indigestion mny be eureii. When we ielk-ci th:U the lever is the largest imrriMl organ of the rssly, that to it is assigned the iinporiniii duty of SlLeruig the blood and preMiig the bile, that it Is subjectto rrmny disorders, oinl thai when it irdiseosed or luaclivs tile whole bodv suffers sympathetically, it is not surprising that a medreiMe which eon rrsloie the llsenby oprmtiflsie uf the l.iverehoukl produce wonderful changes in the general health, nud cfreet cures which may appear to he almost miraculous. Headache of long con tinuance, severe pants in the aide, hrenst and shoulders, aetnnsof the limbs, a feeling of general weakness and wietcliedtiees, aml'iither alarming and distressing symp toms,. indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the itvrr, are sneedilr lemuvcd by Ihe use of SCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE I'll.LS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or snur erections, and Ihnt llhlrsciirwlile feeling of oppression, mental anxiety, lull gniie. teMxuny. DKtii depression of Siiriri vhK-ir unlit a. BBBrn fnr the matinge.neHt of liusinesa mid the enjoyment of life, ere nil relieved hy the use uf gCHENChVd MAN DRAKE PILLS. D. Scitaxes, Dear 9,1 I tukrpleasuie in sending you cerlilicate in addition to many you have alintdy re eeived from suffering huinmiity. 1 ca'i scarcely bud Uwi a-ungvsunVleatly sarong; to empress my IsnmCrU gruttfreff tion of the wondeiful cutea your MA.1UK IKK PILLS and SEA WKKD TONIC have ellceted in the em lie cure of one of the most stubborn onsesof the affection of the livur. For three years 1 sufleted beyond description ; all my friends, as well as myself, came to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. tucb wns the terrible ciHiium to whtvh I whs reuuftu mat me to me had he eome a burthen ; my wraHs system wna in n stale of ln flurmarf s-w L c-'ukl i.t entrl emdd not. sleep; my whole body was fi led with pain : awemiwc vsrmi.1. arise in my wrists ami ankles, rendering them totiilty usWrss tin seve ral oreitsions I was attacked with a wall of blot d to til head, which, taroukhfelt imr to tne f round, and I would be eirtreiiaway for dead. 1 applied to several eminent physicians of our city, who ndinmisteretl nil the medicines that they thought wituld renrh my ruse, but ofw avnit. ttiteiif them snid he could do no mote for me, mid nd vis-trm. iiaar lne resort, tu drmlc c l liver nil. Not relishing the b-nrid trash I declined to take it. Accident put your ndvettieemriit in my bnnds. I called on you ; y u exatniiwd me and told me the u iluie of my disense. You then orileretl tne the Pills mid Toioc Willi no obseiv auce of ilret, ple.fgitig vont word that in one week I would find tnysrirnnolhel man. 1 followed yonrndvice. and. hs you t.retlivted. no iistonisltiiig cure tvns effected I eitiltinunt your I'ilis on.l Tonic fo some time, nnd now thatilt UkI for his g-odiiess, nntl yonr valuable medicine, 1 am oncn in .re restored to perfect health. I most earnesily recommend those who iire snrTering from i.ilec tiotlfTf ft Uuer. to ftive your Pills nud Tonic a'fuir trial, and a ruie will be elfeeteil I have sent many peisoits to Vyit, nud they have nil been cnreil. Any lofirmutioii my fellow citizens tmy require will In freely aiveu he the suliaeri'ier. ut hia lesidence, o. 8l'j Fetlerul street, be lvresst Stb atreet uud Pam link r.iti'l CH HI.KJOMX! V. !n Forinerlv Printers' Ink auufacturer Dr PCnFNCKwJI lie iirotessioiiolly otitis priuctpnl office. No. 15 Vorttr fixii street, corner of Commerce, rilll.AfrKI.PHIA. every ftnurdav. from 0 a. m. until 4 n. in : No. Hi Hood street: New York, eveiv Tursdav. li'Mn 7 to 3 ; N'. W Summer street, Dostou, Mass, every vTeniteautiy,. mmt ten at wihj evet7 otner r rnmv ftt lira nattimore street. Haltimore, Md. Alt advice free, lint for a thorough examiiiattoti of the lungs with Ins Ktspi rometer the charge is three dollars Price of the Pulmonic etyrup and Seaweed Tonic, each H. V) per bottle, or 87,50 per liaif dozen. Mnndiuke Iill.tMeiita per lur. For sale hy nil ttrtitrgists nnd Dealers. Match t, IM4. ly. CARI'ESTKRS.Snddlcm. Klnckfiiiillis. Carringc Mnkcra, iboeiDftkerit, McrclktnUt, Mitiorf, Fur mora and the citricns n;cncrnUy. Look to your interest nnd buy nt the new Hard ware Store of J. 11. C'OXLKY & CO. Sunbury, June Id, lSGfl. New Spring Styles! Two doors AVest of the Post Office, RESPECTFULLY invites tlio attention of the publto to her large anil varied now.rtmont of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which lbs bus just rocciveil nml opened. Her slock embraces FANCY PKESS CiOiJDS, Einliroiilcriaa, Clur-y '.r.;c, I " -c Collars, Liiiun Collar?, Dress Cord. Zcpbyrs, liuttotis, 4c. A fine amort men t of Indies' and gcnls' Hosiery, Gloves, Funs, Pnrasol, llulo Triiiiinitii Kililxins, Belt Kibbons, Velvet ltib.i s. Dr..i.i. Ladies' Neck ties, Fanoy Prt..-r; Cntnl Head Drsiwcs, Ac. Irvin's Patent JInir Critrpera, linir Coils, Corsets, and a large ossnrtiJirqt of other articles, too nume rous to mention I have also just received a fine lot of Perfumery, Toilet Soupi. Tooth and Hair Ilrulir. tc. ANNA PAIXTEU. Snnlny, April 2S. 1 Sfirt. BOWMAN &. LEONARD, t Manufacturers and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 1"1J SILVER VW, and fe I L V K U PLATED GOODS, 7t Arris Kirccf, I,lUal lpltin. Those in want of Mllvnr or Stiver Plated Vro will find it much hi their advantage by visiting our bture before making their purchases. Our long experi ence in the maDufneture of thonbovo kind of goods enables us to dofyonm petition. We keep no goods but thoco w hich are nf the First Clius, all of our own make., and uill be sold nl reduc ed prices. . July 7tb. 1360 lyc H A.ll aiid Maud Ulavsut l.ifilliJiiiii's. SPSBU&YftASSICAL INSTITUTE. Instructor. Rev. S. S. Mill n, Uav. W. C. Cbekkb, lr. Joun J. BiRUKit, Miss S. E. Powerk. Miss Jbnxik A. Fletciibr. Every fnotlity afforded for a thoroush training in the E ioish, Mathematical and Clruutcal Branches. Mmio, Drawing and Book-keeping, extra. Sad Quarter of Hummer Souion opens Monday, September .Hd. 18n6 ' SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. Bnnbury, Kept. I, 18. OP rL J XwO. A J J.VX 1 Jj H x . Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, l'tice fi eeuts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Seniinal Weaknew, or H-rmatorrKea, In duced by Selfr Abuse ; Inoluntury Emissions, Iiiikj teucy, Xctvous Debility, and IinpeditnenUto Mar riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mcutnland Physical Inui.pacily, Ac By BOB. J. UI'LVElttVELL, M D., Author of the ' Urccn Book," i. 'I'lij, .M...n.rnk B,ill,A1. in ailtiilrAl.ln I.ectuse, elearly proves tioui bis own experience tkat tne awful oousetiueuevi of .Self Abuse mny be etteotually romoved without inedicino, nnd without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instrnuieuu, rings, or cordials, pointing out a uiuJeof cure at onoe eertain and eliectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis eonditicn may be, way cure cheaply, privately, and radically. T!)is Lecture will prove a boon to Thousands aud Thousands. eient nuder seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on reeeipt of six eeuu, or two postage (lamps, by addressing the publishers. Also. Dr. Cl LYLinvtLL'S "Marriage Ouide," prloe fi een " Address the Publi'btrs. CUAB. J. O. KLINE CO., 127 Bowery, Nsw York, i'ost Uffiue bos i.&t, PJeinber W, lttoMt )y PURE Lubla EatraoU and Lubln Soap, at LWUXNEH B, Market Square.. Fyoa 'jant good Tin-Ware, go to I OKN'lat.ij.'sT Hew Shop. - . BMITH flr I. N w lVal pAixr saad llordre- juTt waaaAvmA Lv l.mitTkiL'U A. SADLER AND HARXESS M ANUFACTUHKIl, . -A.. J, BTROH, ! Deer Street, opposite the Central Hotel, 8UNBUHY, PENN'A. INFORMS his friends and the publlo thai having removed to bit new establishment, and extended his line of business, is now prepared to ninnafaxrtasre more extensively, end invites all to oall and examine his large assortment of Sadies, Harness, C""'!' Whips, Common and Fancy Fly-Notts, Blankets, BnDiiloe and Fancy Robes, norm Combs, Steigh-llells, Saddle, Harness and Coach Trimmings for manufacturers. LITERYI LIVEHYtt LIVEUY ! I ! In connection with the above he has also a Livery Stable, good and sate Horses, Bupgies. and Convey ances, which are hired at reasonable rates. AUCTIONEER f Wj hialso a Licensed Auctioneer, and will attend to nil bnslneiv entrusted to his care. Snnbnry, March 3, l6fl. flm Prrairrlnfiosai :efnlly compounded of the best DKli US at hi Mnnimnth tiorc of JxN'V. fMUSU SON. Stirhnrv. May 2- 185. NEW GROCERY! CAUkAT FIK.MAS S OLD STAND. W JW1,E.?ALJ KKTA1L AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS I Their Stock ts oompleto, contisting in port of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Hour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Harn., fhrmlders, Cheese, Vrurt, Ulan, Lamps, Ac, Ao. Country Traduce taken in exchango for Uoods. Call and examine our &'tock, and satisfy your selves. 6'uiibury, Mny 12, ISSA. Willi I"por and Border in Rrcttt variety- new styles just ruceivcu at tne .uninmotn store of J. W.1KILIXU 4 SOX. Sunbury. Oct. 14. 1 SrtS. 4 .t.OOO ll. eseetlc 1 Chnrcnul Iron nt 5 cts. lb. at J.U.CONLEV A CO. PtinBttrr. Jrrne 15. 1JW. liUvkun uuuu V lliowsiialtstr' lliTil rond. 51 anoj after Nor 27th, 1805, Pnuongcr Trains wiTI run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. P. M. Leave Scranton, 5 50 lo.o.i " Kingston, O.fio 11. IS Kttpert. V 15 " Itnnvillc, 8.60 Arr. Northumberland. 10 XU MHITHWARD. Leave Northumberland, 8.00 Danville, 8.40 Rupert, 9.15 A.M. " Kingston, 2.3 8.W Arr. at Scranton, &Ai 9.35 M. 4.50 6.20 8.53 0.30 10.15 8.05 3.41) 4.15 6.55 8.10 J'rnins leaving Kingston nt 8.30 A. Al. for Scran ton. connect wilh Train arriving at New York at 5.20 Leaving Northumberland n. 8.00 A. M. nnd KiliL's- ton 2.30 V. M. connect wilh tho Train arriving at New York at 10.55 ). M. Passengers taking Train South from Scrrntonat 5.59 A. M. via Northumberland, rench Ilnrrifburg to .a n II r....; i .in n r , ia. hi r. iii., uutiiinoro 0.00 x. in., i asntnr.on iu. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m H. A. FONDA, Sup't. Kingston, Nov. 25, 18S5. Korllscrii Criitrtsl ICnlUvny. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Bal'timoro and Washington city. THREH TRAINS DAILY to nnd from thoy-r!i and V" WKjich Snwjuelitumn, tlmirn. rd a!'. j' Northern New Yoik. ON and artcr MONDAY', MAY 21st. ISOB, tho Pnwengcr Trains ol tho Northern Central Railway will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train, leaves Kltnira 4.45 p. nt. " Hnrrisbiirg, 1.35 p. iu. arr. at Baltimore, 5.30 p. m. E7m!ra Express loaves Klmira, 6.30 p in. " linrri!.bitrg, 2.50 a tu. arr at Baltimora, 7 00 a in Fast Line, leaves Hnrrieburg, 8 45 p m arr nt Baltimore. 12 30 pin Uurrisburg Accom. leaves Unrrisburg, 6 (15 p m arr at Baltimoro, U 37 p in Erie Express leaves Krio 4 4 j p m arr at Unrrisburg, 8 33 a in NOuTllWAKD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore 0 15 am " Unrrisburg, 2 05 p m arr at Elinira, 10 45 p in Dmira Express loaves Baltimore, 9 45 p m " llnrru-burg, 2 05 a tu nrrat Elinirn, II .15 a ni Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, 12 10 p ni arr at Huniaburg, 3 50 p in Trio Mail arr at Baltimore, 7 20 p in ' Unrrisburg, 12 00 a m arr nt Krie. 0 55 p iu Eric Express, leaves llarrUburg 4 10pm arr nt Erie V 30 a in Ilarriabtirg Ace, leaves York, 7 10am air nt Il.irrtpburg 8 40 a m rio Express North and linrrirburg Aecommodn tioti South run dally, except Sundays. Elinira Ex prens North daily, and South daily, except Sundays. Fn?t Line North nnd llarrisliuri! Accoiniuodutiiia North arrive daily, except Sundays, l.lmirn 1.x press Norlh arrives and Fast Line South leaves daily Mail North nnd South runs daily, except Sundays. Erie Express South arrives daily, except Mondays. For further information apply at the Ticket Office iu the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. For further informal ion applv nt the Oflicc. I. N. DiBAltRY Uen. Supt. Itciidlue Itailroitil. SUMMER AREANGEMENT. June 11th, 1800. GREAT TRUNK LINE from Ihe North ana North-Went for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, l'otthville, Tiiuiniiiii, A.-bluud, Lebanon, Allen touu, EnMon, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Triiins heave nariisburg for Xow-Y'ork, as fol. lows : 8 (10, K Hi and 11.05 A. M. and 2.10 and V.15 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the I'cnn selvania Railroad, and arri ing at New York nt (I 00 and A. M. and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 P. M ; Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9.15 P. M.'ii'Hins, nilhout eliange. Leave llsrrt.-burg for Reading, Potlsville, Tama qua. Minersville, Anhlaud, Pine Urovo, Alleutown and Philadelphia at b. 10 A.M. and 2.10 and 4.10 P. M., stopping ut Lchauon and rincipal way sUt timit ; the 4.10 p in. Train making connections for Philadelphia aud Coluuil ia only. For Pottnville. ScliuyUill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave llurrifiuug al 3.20 p. m. Returning- Leave New York nt 7.011 and 9.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon and H ull p. in.; l'liilui'.uldiia nt 6 1 j a. in. and .1 30 p. m. Way PtiKsentter Tniin leaves PliiladelpblttatV.30 a. in., returning from Reading at 0.30 p. ui. stopping at all Stations ; Poltsville ut all Stations; l'utl.v ille at 8.45 a. in. and 2. 45 p. Iu. Ashlaud 0.00 and 11.30 a. ui. and 1 05 p.m.; Tama tf.45 a m. mi l 1.00 nnd 8 63 p. ui. qua at 9.45 a in. and I 00 and 8.55 p. m. Leave Potlsville for Ilarrieburg via ISidiujiUill aud Su!UUeliauiia Kuilioudat 7 t.!i a. in. Rondiu; Ai.eoiumiKlation Train leaves l.u l!!ig ut PMA' ro""'"','lf froul i'bila.t' Ijlia ni j.uO Columbia Railroad Trains leave V.emliii? al 0.J5 A. M.. 12 0;i ution nud tl.lj P. M. lot Li.braia, I.ili., Lancnstur Columbia, no. On Sundayst Loavo New York M 8 00 p nt., Phila delphia h 00 A. M., and .1.15 P M. tho 8.00 a.m. train running only loKca ling. Poltsville 8 00 a ui., lamaqua 7 30 a in, for Jlarrisburg, 9 05 a m. and Heading at I .13 a ui, for ll.rri.burg 7.30 a. m. IV. 50 a. m. for New York, and 4 Ja p ui. Ut PUilndulpbia. Commutation, Mileage, Sua,n, and Exeursiou Jlikute, at reduced rates to aud from all points Baggage chocked through : 60 Pouuds Bi girsJe al low ed each Faascngur. Q. A. N I COLLS, J eiieral Supei inteodtof WE would invite the attention uf Carpenters to our large and well selected aasortmeul of Toolcj, com timing Chisels of all kinds, Augurs. Planes. Saws, Iron and Steel Square, and is fact every thing wanted tycouipluto a full outfat. at the Hardware store of J. 11. CON LEY A CO. 1 AAA Customer wanted to buy Uardwaro, Ao , XvUl W the Cheap Hardwarn nni Inn 8 tun, of J- CON LEY CO. Sunbury, June 18, 1863. . A New and Bne lot of PERFUMES, Ao , for the Holidays, at LHillTNEH'S. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BYKRLY 'si Room in Simpson's Building up stairs ICB CREAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent Cloth Wringer, for sale by B..,. , , 0. IETELMOYEB. Banbury, July f, 1864. BAlTIMOBB 1 LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED 3 A BEFU9E FROM QUACK IKY. THE ONLY" PLAVB tVITBltB A CVRB VAlf BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON has dlscoreswd the most Certain, Speed nnd only Efleotwnl Remedy ta i to World for all PrlvaUDiseaaea, Weaknessof the Book I i.u mi.i... a nuiinM nf the Kidnevsand Bladder.'lnvolunUr'y Dlsobargos, Impoteney, Oene- I ral Debility, Nervousnese, Dyspepsy, Lt guor. Low spirits, ton fusion ol iiieas, i ip":-'- j, ' llmldity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Uiddincas. Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin. .Affections of the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Bowe s-thoje Terrl blo Dlsordor arising frowi the Solitary Habit of Yonth those sceret and olllary praetiecs mor ratal to their vlotlm than th on of Byrens to the Ms. tlnors of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or arrrfctptrtrerrs, rendering marriage, Ac, impossi ble. Especially, who have bconwt the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and dontruetlv habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men ot tne most exaiten imeuts ana nriinnni intellact. who might otherwise hav enlrnnoed listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with fall eon lidence. niAnniAGF.. Married Person, or Yonng Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organio debility, deformities, 4e.t tpeetlily cored. He who places himself under the ear ofDr.J. mny religiously confide In hi honor ns n cmt1man, and confidently rclv upon bis skill a a Physician. OIMJaSm: M'KAHXKNsl Imuiediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. Tlirs DijtrcMng Affeclioii which render I.ifo miserable and innrringo imporrible u the pennlty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Y'nung persons are few apt to commit excesses from not being awnre of Ilia dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands tho subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner hy those falling into improper habits than by the prudent' Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the must serious and destruutivo symptoms t both body and mind arise The svstom becomes Deranged, Ibo Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Prncreative Power, Nervous Irritability.. Dvspepwa, Pnlpitntion of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Dobility, a Wasting of the Framo, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, !. 7 South I'rcdei lt U ftilrccl Lcfthnndslda going from Baltimore atreet, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must no paid nnd contain a stamp. Th Doctor's Diplomas bang In his office. A t'l'RE W IUHASTEB I.U TWO BAYN. Xft Mertvry or Kameoui Drugt. K..VOIIHXO. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, Nrndnate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whoso life hrisbeen spent in th hotnitals of London, 1'arts. Philadelphia and elsewhere, nas eneetea snsie oi the most astonishing eurc that wore ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at ludden sounds, bashfulncss, with frequent blushing, iltended sometimes with derangement of mind, wcro ?ured immediately. niti; iMitrici i.Ait roTii'i:. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them, elvcs by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marriage. Therk are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of lie Back and Limbs, Pains in tho Ilcnd. Dimnccs of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation oflho llicart. Dyspopsy. Norvous Irritability, Dorangement nf the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ae. Mkntallv. The fearful effects on tho mind nre much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Dcpreionon of Spirits, Evil-Forebodiags, Avcr linn to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ae are some of the evils produced. Tnoi'HA.vna of persons of allagca can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing tnoir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and e nnciatcd, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. mi: rVho have injured themselves by a ccrtnin practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned lioui evil ctnpnnions, or ut school, tiie etlecls of wl.icb nro nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no cured renders mnrringo impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should npply immediately. What a pity that a young man. tl.e hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the Consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons must, before contemplating UAHHIAUK. reflect that a sound mind nnd body nrn the necuiinry requisites to promoti connubial hnppinuis. Indeed without these, the journey through lifo be comes a weary pilgrimugo ; tho prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled wilh tho melancholy reflec tion that tho happiness of another becomes blgbted with our own i1!Si:asi: of inpiti'itEXii. When the misguided and imprudent vntnry of pleasure finds that be has imbibed the seeds uflhis painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed tense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education anl respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in thu head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the bin bancs nnd arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones oftbo nose lull iu, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid objectof oommiseration. till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sendiug biiu to "that Undiscovered Country from whence uu traveller returns." (t is muranriolv fart that thousands fall victims j to this terrible di."uase. owing to the nnsklllfulness nf Ignorant pretenders, wno, by tne use ol thai Jieatl'i j uisou, Mcrenrv, ruin the constitution aud make the residue of life miserable. MTUAAiaKKS Trust not your lives, or hoalth, to the oaroofthe uiauy Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ol knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. lobuston's advertisements, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month Inking their filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as long as the smallest feeean be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruiued health to sigh over your gallingdisappuintment. Dr Joliuslon is thu only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always bang in bis office His reinidiea or treatetnent are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in the eountry and a more extensive J'rivate J'rartice than any other Physician in the wor'd. iiokmi:mi:t or Tin: fiiesm The many thousand cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the '-Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before thu public, beside bis standing a a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. tun i i : , (:! ii:i:mLY i ni:i. Persons writing should be particular in directing their letters to his Institution, in the following inanne .ion si. joii.xsto:, 91. I. Ol the llaltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Juno 30 UOo ly. PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS FOR Crimping and Waving; Ladies Hair. i -VTU HEAT REQUIRED IN USING THEM. Ask x your storekeeper for them if be does not keep . tiit-.n, i.rilo to the manufacturer, I".. I VI. 'Mai, I KittuVt. aud Columbia A.. Pniladalnhia. September 29, ItWtt. 6tua. 'aim si r.iui-:s comhaviT REDUCTION OF HATES ON PRODUCE, OYS ifcKa, AC. fTUlE rate on Fresh Fish, Oyster in the Shell, and X Truck of all kinds, to pi noes in this Division, where the rat i 75 eeuts per 1 00 1 be or over, has beeu reduced 25 eeuts pur 100 lb. At place where the rate is between 50 and 75 cent per 100 lb, th rate will be 50 cent per 104 lbs. Barrels of truck weighing lea than 100 lb will h charged as 100 lb in weight. Freeh Fish will require to b packed in tight bar rels or boxes. Prompt auoution to Use aolleetioa of Bills, Draft, N. FERREE LIUUTNER, Agent. Sunbury, June IS. 8A. Iui e I.ibcriy t lute Ixud, The Whitest, th most durable and th most eoo noiuictl. Try it ! Manufeatured only by ZltULliK A tMITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint A U lass Dealers. No. 137 Nojth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 87, ledo ly, TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Brusaei, Hair Brushes, Ao., Ao. For sale by ANNA FAIN TEH. TURPENTINE, Coal Oil, Fish OH,"" Linseed OU, fur sale low for Cask by J. H ONLEY CO. ScrofUla, or Kings Evil, i ! a conntitutlorinl rjltia, o corruption of tht blood, by vlilch trl fluid become rHiated, wenk, and poor. Being in th crroulttion, H pewade tlw whole body, and mny burst out In disease on amy part of it. . No organ ia fret from iu attacks, nor ia there one wlitck it may not destroy. The scrofulous tniut is vnriounly ea-naed by mrrctiriul tlisvusc, loty living, dis ordered or unlienltliy food, impure nlr, illth nd llltby lutliits, Jio donreaaing yicca, antfr abovo nil, by tlio ytncrcnl infection. Wliat ycr Imi iu origin, it ia hereditary in the en re stitution, dcsccntliiia; from pm-cnUi to rhililrcn unto tlio third and fourth generation" indeed, it aocma to bo tho rod of J lint who says, "I will visit tlio iuiqiiitic of tho futhcra tipou thoir children." Its effct'ts commence by deposition from tho uiomt ot corrupt or tilt:oruus matter, Which, In tho Iting, liver, nnd Internal orgnus, is termed tubercles! in llio frliiiids- swellings; nud on tho snrfiiw, eruptions or sores. This foul cor rtiption, which getulcrs in tho blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not (inly Miller front serofulons 'coin plnints, but they linvc fur less power lo with stand tho tittiteks of other tliscoscsj conse quently vnst ntiinbcis perinli by (li-ortler which, nltli(int;li not scrofulous in llieir nntiirc,. are still renilercil futtil by this tniut hi the system. Most of Ihe cnnsumplion which tic ennntns the liuiniin fuuiily lias its origin directly in this scrofulous. cDuiiiiuiuiitinn ; nnd many destructive nf (lie liver, kidneys, limits, nnd, indeed, of nil tho organs, arise from or nro ngrrrnvntcd by the Mitno ennso. One riutirtcr of till our people nre scrofulous, f their persons nro iiivndcd by this lurking in fection, nnd their heidtlt is undermined by it. To demise it from the fy(cin wc must rcnovitto the blood by ntt til lenitive medicine, nntl in vigornto it Ivy heulthy food nnd cxurcUe. Such a medicine wo supply iir AYER'S Compoiind Kxlract of iSarsapnrilla, the most elfcctunl remedy wliirh the mctlienl altill of our time enn devise for this every where pievniliugnnd fntnl nitihidv. It is com bined front the must netivu rcmctlitils thttt hnvo been diseovered fur the expurgation of this foul disorder from tlia hluotl, nud tho rescue of tlio system from its destructive consequence. Hence it should lie employed for Ihe cure of not only Scrofiiln, but til so thoso other nlTec tions which misc from it, sueli as J'.itri'TtVR nnd Skim Diskasfs, 8t. Antiiohy's I'litR, t(ISI'., or KlIVSIIT.I.SS, I'lMCI.KS, I'l'STfl.tlS, IIKS. lll.INSIIItd llilll.,'l't'MMIl,'t'i;TTKK nnd Salt Hiiki m, Scm.ii IIkaii, Hinowoiim, llllKCHsTISM, SVI'IIII.ITIC nud MKIICI'ltlAl.lllS- kasi'.s, Diini'sr, IIvkcki'sia,, nnd, indeed, ai.i. Comi'I.aints aiiiminii kiiuM Yitia thii on Imti iik 111 nun. The popular belief ill "impurity of the hlautl" is founded ill truth, for scrofula isndegeiiciiilinii of tl.e blood. The particular purpose nnd virtue of this Snrsnpn rilln is to purify nud regeiiernlo this vital fluid, without which i-oiinil health ia impossible in coutominuted coiistiluliona. ACER'S Ague Cure, roit tug sr nr.n if cer. n or Iiiterulltlciit Fever, nr Fever anil Agne, Itriiiil.r.vtia Kevvr, lilll Kevrr, lnntU Ague, Periiifltcnl IfeiMlnrtie, r ItUlons llertilaclie, sind llillosie Fevers, tvirleetl tfr Site whole rlaea wrillsfaaeswrlirliiat Ing III Itlllnry i1rrnliremet, c awsvit bjr the Malaria mt IlinsiiiMtlu Coiilitrlss. AV'c nre enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the ulsive comnlainta with certainty, ia still perfectly harmless in any quantity, finch a remedy is im ulunbie in district where tbeso nllliutiiiK tliaordcrs prevnil. This "Cent:" expels the liiinsmntic poison of FltVKit AN i AotiK from the system, and prevents the do velopment of the diseusc, if taken on the first nn. proneh of its nteiuoiiiloiy syniituliis. It is not only tho best remedy ever jot div-ovcred for this tins f complaints, but iiImi Ibo cheapest. The lnriie quantity nc supply for u diillnr brings it niiliin lite reach of ctciy body ; uud in bilious districts, where 1' am Aoiih prevails, every bolv hliould have it and use it freely Imlh for vine and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of IntcnnitteiitH is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious ellccts whatever upon the constitu tion. '1 hose cured by it nre left us healthy as if thev had never hud the disease. Fever ami Ague is not alone the consequence of Ihe miasmatic poison. A great variety of iliwr ders nriso from its iiiitation, among ulmli uro Aclli'rl'rlfl, ItttunintixtH, (initt, llettttuchc, UtiiiH nesi, Tuothiuhe, liaraclie, Cnt'irrli, Asthma, i'til pitutinn, Painful Aflirtiou of the Spleen, llislev sts, I'uiu in t'le How Is, futic, i'amlyiii and Je ranntmrnt of Ihe Slohimh, nil of which, when originaliti' in this cause, put on the iiitiiuiitirht rvw, or become periodical. 'J bis Cl'liK " expels the poison from tiie blood, nud cntisequi-itlly cures them till alike. It ii an invaluable protection lo immigrants nnd persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious dislriets. If taken occa sionally or daily whilo excised to tho in'cclion, that mil be excreted from the system, and cannot aectiiuulale ill stiflieicnt quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even ninro valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever sulfer from Inter mittent if thev avail themselves of tho protection this remedy utl'ords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Haas. FRILINIi A SON, .Vunbury, Pa. R. D. McCay, Northumberland, and all Dnnrgifl and deilers everywhere. At wholesale by J. M. MUlUUd A CO., Philadelphia. December 2J, larij. ly Pure I.ilM't-ly 1 lilie Ipud, Will do more and better work at a given Cost, than . .n. ..... any other ! Try It ! jnaiintacrured only tiv ZIEtiLEll A S.MITH. AVholcsale Drng, Paint A Glass Dealers, No. 137 Noilh THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, ibli ly. ftQQ A .l'I II AtiENTS wanted for sis entirely new urtiules, just out. Ad dress 0. T. UAREY, City BuiWius, Biddeford. Maino doc23 ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AK.1 BTATIONEHV, Monthly Tinio Book Drawing Book and Slates. Bocks, Hvinn Books Bunk Books, Metuornnduiu Dwkl, Diurics, Pockoi Hooks. Ink Stands, Pens, Pciols. a Quo ussortmcut of Paper. Ink. Ao. Fur sale by ANNA PAINTER. Washington House. SAMUfcL SNYDER, OPPOSITE TnK NEW COURT IlOCaK, 6UNBIRY, PA. .TMIIS popular and comfortable Hotel has been X. fitted up in superior order for the accommoda tion of Stranners, Travellers, and the public gener ally. No effort will be spared by the Proprietor to make it a favorite resort and a pleasant fcouia for every guest His table, hi bar. ami the long ex periinoe of the pru,rietor. warrant hiio in auliuipa. ting a liberal share of publlo patronage. Extensive stables, and every desirable eonve. nienou. Sunbury, April 7, 1804. ly TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFEB, ESPECTFT'LLY inform, th eitlsea of BUN. UL.iv.1 and vicinity, that be has opened a aVuilerinjr bliop, tbe room over Earns worth's Grocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbury, where he is ready to make ap garments of all kinds in the latest style and best workmanlike manner. Having bad experience in the business for a num ber of years he hope to render general aatufaoiiua Custom work is respectfully solicited. c , J- F. SCHAFFEB. Sunbury, Muy 13, 1865. ly avenlorai OUiresi. IVEPINUEIL A EVANS, Civil ExciNEcas avd Patest fioticiroas. No. 43 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Patent solicited consultations on Engineering Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery oi all kinds mad and skilfully attended to. Special attention givou to rejected oases and interferences. Authentic cipie. of all Doeuauenu from fntent Of lice procured. N. B. Save yourselves useless trouble and travelling expense, a there is no a-tual need for personal interview with us. All buaiaese wilh those O the os oaa be transacted la writiug. For fur ther informal ion direct as abuvs, wiUi siaian eacloaed for Circular wilh reference. ' February , Itlag ly. . : 1 0 000 Pik" t V per Iv.VVW keg, at the new llardwars iioreel b v t ,a ,p.. 4,11. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, J uns lo, WO. - BREAKFAST SHAWLS, tbr ala at th Faoe Stors if ANNA FAINTER. .'3 iAMDCRO - PORT ' GRAPE WINE. - 7 Pure ad Tot tear Old.1 ' ' " FOR THE CWMMUNKNTABbB A FAMILT CS Prescribed by Physicians for '- Fimaloa, weekly perse a A INVALIDS! t. u-k"z: v''1-'--- jay EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES Every family at this lesson, should as SPEER'S WINE, celebrated In Europe for it medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phrncrinws, used in European and Ameriean Hospitals, and by some of the brst (amine in Jtwropo ana America. AS ATONIC it has-a equal, causing an appetite and building up the system, being entirely a pur win of a most valuable grape, AS A DIURETIC it impart a healthy action of the Ulands, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Uout, and ltheumntio Affections. SPEER'S WINE is a pur article from the Juice of tho Port Grape, possessing medicinal properties saperier t any other wine in use, anil an exeiient article for all weak anrt debilitated persons, and lb aged and infirm, im prmtng the appetite, and benefitting ladies and cniiuren. Try it vnce. and vox trill not he dtetivtd. Lar-Benire Ibe signature of Alfred Srata is over th cork of each bottle. Sold by V. A. Bennett. Sunbury, ami all first class aeaiers, wno aim sell IB ;jm m I l.s.A I'UIIT lilt 4,-ll . a enoie old artiele, im ported only by Mr. Speer, direct from the valley of vporio. L-Trade supplied by Wholesale Druggist. laBy A. SPEER, at his vinevard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 DKOADWAY, N. Y. Sunbury, Jan. 16, 1866. ly. BFEAD& FANCY CAKES. JDJTVTJD FRY, ' wo door west of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. 1 ESPECTFULLY informs the citiiens of .Sun- JTi bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order allk dsof 4, kes for Ilallst, Inrtlca, Ac. Families sre supplied with FRCSU BREAD, Twist Kolli, Kusk, Tea Bows, Ao., and also kept on band manataotured out ot the oest materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hop to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with thoir patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 1865. m. c7jii:AitiiAirr Confectionery Toy and FIVCTIT STORE, Market fJifret, Wetissssry, Iu. confectioneuy!)fa;T vjsds, toys of every descijiption FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for salo at th abov cstablishmeut at wholesale aud retail, at rvasnva able prices. He is manufacturing all Kinds of Confeelionarlcs to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rate. Tobacco. Scpnrs, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds. a variety of other article, all of whish ore ofi red whulernln nud rotail. Li Keuieniber the name and pluee JF .M. C. UEARJIART, SInrket street, 3 doors west of E, Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf A. . SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, HAS constantly on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLUCKS and JEWELRY, Spec luole, Silver aud Plated Spoons and Forks, Ao. Wilt chew, 'lM'ka and Jewelry, re paired untl UAIIIMTi:i. Sunbury. Sept. 30, 1S6S. I71ARMERS oall and look at the stock of Grass an Urain Scythes, Manure, liny and Slmw Folks, i tirain Cradles, Cradlo Fiuuers, Trace, Log, Fifth,. iongue and Halter Chains ; Scythe Stones, Urindt ' "onen(1 sture. and everything to I loir filnasunt anil airrMl,lH Ml Ik. i tuakc barvess " s , " . ., new llardwar store of J. 11. CONLEY A CO- Pure Liberty While I.cad. Preferred by all practical Painters! Try it ! and you will hare no other. Manufactured only by Z1EULER A SMITH, Wlalesale Drug, Paint A Ulass Dealer, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, lSOo ly. RKMEMBKIt TIIE DEAD. 11 1 ESS US. D. C. Dlssincer and John A. Tavlor. 1V1 would respectfully aunouoce to the citiiens of sunbury, and surrounding eountry, that having for in el a oo-partnersblp, they are uow prepared to furnish ornamented and plain tsriivetotosies, Ttsnibs) V Moniimcats, of the best Italian and American marble, at price that cannot fail to giv entire atisfaction, and re spectfully (elicit the public patronage. DISSINUEU A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31. I860 ly. ClI.VXUi: OF DITOT, riIHE undersigned respectfully informs his friend X aud tb publio that he ha changed bis place of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward A Freed, No. Ml Market Street, to A. 3D. AOHE8ON i Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour, tirain, Seed, ie.J .. IOI3 Market Nf Philadelphia, where all freight will be loaded on ears of the un designed, for Dauphin, Sunbury, bhamokin, and all intervening point. All freight will be carried as low as on any other line. Order to carry freight respectfully solicited, which will receive prompt attention. J.B. WEISER. Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1800. 3m. .BITOT'S HOTm. (Lat Buehler House.) IIAKRISRURG, TENN'A. rpilia well-kaowa hotel ha aot only been extend X ad but has been greatly altered aud newly it up by the present proprietor, aad is now on of th uinsi 0001 lor table ana couvenieot hotels ia Harris- ""If. areh It, I80A ly VALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOR HAI.U. FlItlHT (8) valuable towu loU are offered for J salu cheap, on Dewberry street, oppoaila Fri liug' addition, la th SorougU of Sunbury. I quire of t .... ,. J. , MASiEJf, Sunbury, February I, I8M. t $1,050 PER VF.AKI W...M agent everywhere to Sell aur m uii; Maobiue. Three naw kinds rauvav e. oswuic Uppar and apper ? paid. Thajaty unwhioissold ia United hut a forler lhaa Vo which art fully llc.ased by Hows, Wheeler A Will f!' 3akar 8ilgw A Co , aad. Baohaldsl. Ail othsr ehsapssaehlnes are infringement sad tr olltr or user sr liabl. to an est, tJe, sod lapruiv meDt. Circular free. Addressor aall upon Siiw Clurk, Mixi, Mali!., oc fckic, IdtcJ" narraaisa svs vaars ST OattEs .. -1 W. A. BENNET, Msfk Bm.ri, tntattinT, P. TT AVISO tesjowtiy 'mreiaaad Ui Xsmsi jStope XA rornerly sMdaeted by R. A Fisher, 1 Vest Uav to Inform the ell I tens of ..j rr. Unity, that I bay mtlrely repKnisked ssy stock FA NOV ARTICLES! such as Comas, Brwsfies, Poebet-Boolts, fops, Per turnery, Hair-Oil, Knife, Sciseors, Coal-Oil Lamp,. Tobaooo and Cigars, Pain la. Oil, Olsie, Olaaw, Pntty, Vnrnlaiaea, Patent Mledlclneai, Ac. All my Tinctures, flyrops, Ointment. Cerate, and ether preparation aio manufactured by myself, and from th beat material loan procure in Market. Having had quite a number of 1 ears' experionc in tho Drvg and Preeriptuin Btisinm, both in Philadelphia and the eountry, nnd also tat auvamage oi me uonege or rnarmacy, 1 reel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that th Phy.iwM an public may favor ma with. AB any preparation al barso seers asserted, are mad from the best material, and npon honor I assert, they er of oSioinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, BIUXDIE9 AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. ltefore parchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. bnnbury, Nor )Sv 166S. NEW GROCERY riHE subscribers beg leave lo anaeuace to tbe ja. eitisens of Sunbury and Its vicinity, that they sbt w cneu NEW GROCERY, Tiro doort wett of J. 11. Enyle'i atom, in MnrVet Squart, whet they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, ana win scop constantly on band tho cnoieest varieties ot FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, MUasses, Cheese, Salt. Spice of all discription, Soaps of every variety. Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Segnrs, Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets. Kutchar. Pepper Sauce. Raisins. Lemons, Ao., of bestcpsality, ami ia fact orery style 01 articles Kept, in a wen siocaeu urooery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of oouutry produce taken in exchange, ibe patronage of the publlo is re- spectlully solioited. OEORUE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nor. II, iofli. .JEWELRY ! JEWELRY! JOSEPH KESSLER, Watchmaker nnd Jeweler, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. T ESPECTFULLY inform bis friend and tbe XV public, that he has just received a largo assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Speotaclcs, Silver and. plated spoons, Folks, ia. Watches, Clock and Jewelry repaired and war ranted Sunbury, Jan. 13, 18HG. ly ' JOHNILVia, BOOT Sc SHOE MANUFACTURE.!, On door East of Friling'i Store, Market Square SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Inform, the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that be is prepared to manufac ture to orvfer all kinds of stOOTS A SHOES, at thu shortest notice and in tho best workmanlike manner, uf the best material and al the lowest Cah prims. He hopes to receive a foil snare of patronage. nunoury. une 2. lonn. SUNBURY F0U.U!U .-i:o. itoiiuiiAt ii .v wo. ARE now-carrying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnlfhed to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have ntuuirvu mu nigncsi reputation. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not fwget that the PLOWS ma-le at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, inoluding Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most ta-e-ful patients. The business will be condaeled on an enlarged scale. Old customers will be accommodated s usual, and new cues are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, ltjtitl. . MI NOH'SPntcnt Pocket Lanterns for sale at th Book and Stationery storo nf N. F. LIUHTNFR ALL kiwis nf Hardware will be sent for aud prices by , Iron. Ao., not ia star delivered at tlio lowest J.H. CONLEY A CO. eauuury, Juno 1,0, isuti. Support Home Industry! Hots r Utery llracrlptlon! A FULL ASSORTMENT Jt sr of ax s. by SAMUEL FAUST, Two door west of Reuaett' Drug Storo, Market st. SUNBURY, FENN'-A.. CALL and ezamino the largo assostaivnt of the latest New York and Philadelphia styles of Silk, Caeshnere. Petto Derby, Wire Driin, Soft Fur, Straw and Boy's Huts whieh for beauty ami du rability cannot be excelled, liein a practical Hat ter, he Batters himself that his stock has been select ed with uiorecaro thau any ever belore brought lo this place. He also manufactures to order all kitnts of soft Fur Hats, all of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, st reasonable rates. Dyeing dope at short notice and at tho lowest rates. Sunbury, May 12. ISO. AN V1LS, Vices, Hollows Stocks, and Dies, snd all goods belonging lo tbe Dlacksiuilbing busi ness fur sal low for Cash by J.H. CONLEY A t'O. NEW LIQUOR STORE! WM. HOOVEB llnllrond Ml reef, above Market, B BAB THB CBNTBAL HOTKL, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY invites his friends and the publio generally, to call aad examine his large assortments ot liq 4 ' b"fure purchasing elsewhere, list Mock cots lata) s llrossdiesi, VliLUc), IlolliiBad Jlrs, Vim. kee, Meaoiin'ahelu stud Jloui-hwss etftlse Itewf nssulU I'. Wines', t 'Ider, Vliie gur, Ac, Ve. ' Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and others are invited to call, as his stock is genuine, aud will render gtueral satisfaction. Buubury, February S, 1S44. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MI83 KATE BLACK, Market street, four door west ofWm. II. Miller' Boot ana buoe sture, SUNliURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends iu Sunbury and vieiuity, that she has just opened her BPHINO AND BUMMER GOODS, ot Notions aud Fausy Dry Goods, Her stock eonsits of All-Wool Delaines. Chambras, (linghams, Embroideries, Lace Collars, Fans. HATS, Muslios, Drillings. Uaribaidi Muslins, Bird-Eye Linens, Linen Lawns. Crape sad Lace Veils, o. Mine Demorest's Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Curls, Gloves, Stockings. Collars, Corsets, Ae. UenU' Collar, Neckties, half Hose, Hand her ohiei and buspender. Bradley' Uuw Patent Duplex Elliptic (or dcuU Spring SKIRTS ) Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Hair Brushes, Combs, Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS. UAUFFERlNti does handsomely and at short olio. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, April 28, 186(1, RESTAURANT & BOARDING H0U8& CHAM. ITZELh Proprietor. Ia Cske's AddiUiu to bUNBl'RY, near the Pena a. Railroad Company' Shop. LAGER BEER, Porter aad Ale of th best brawls, excellent Ueriaaa Wines, Stibweitser Cheese, Tripe, Ac., aJw.ysoa band. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT nnAftnir.RR. kept who will find ample accommodation. . Good cooks and wtlters, boarder eaa enjoy the quiet com. fort, of home with fare saaal to tb beat kotos. 1 ounaary, stay jt, loot. a . , . - - CHILDREN' Carriage of ths) awtao4 mart kisleaaU Style at th (.'bear Hardware I tor d. j. vuwi MM. tub PERUVIAN ' t 'I J if 1- I '. TaVT 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION Ot TBI Parotoilde ! lra. a new d I soot cry lamedierna which Timers at thu boot or dibdabsi. kysapplyif th Blood with Iuvithi, ramcir-La,. oa s.ira aiawasT snuis. This Is th Herat of th wonderful luoes of this resaedy lo euring Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronlo Dlar beta. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers. Humor. Lor of Constitutional Vigor, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all disease originating In a BAD 8TATE OF TIIE BLOOD or accoaepanled by drbilitt or a low statc or TUB SVITBM. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energi sing effect are not followed by corresponding reac tion, bat are permanent, infusing itbssstb, viooav and Maw Lira into all parts of the system, and build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From tie Vemrabe Arehdeaeon SCOTT, V. J DuiiffSK, Caaada East, March 24, 180. "I am an Inveterate Dyspeptie of mora than 25 yenn standing,." "I have bee so wonderfully benefitted! in the three abort weeks during which 1 hare useds Ibe Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuader myself of tbe reality. People who bar known m are astonished at th change. I am widely Bnovsn,. andean but recommend to other that wbioh.hasa, done so much lbs ra " O00-0C rlut most Dfet'mgnrartetl Jonsls fu New Engluutl Write to a Fricntl at iollowt ! 'I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has suida a new man of me ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; 1 am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, a whew you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and wilh larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years. ' ' Ah Eminent Divine of Boeton, toys: 1 have been using lb PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it gives me siw vigor, Bi'oriKCT or SriKITS, BLASTICTT Or MIISCLI." Thousand hare beeu changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy wen and women ; and. invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. . A pamphlet of 32 pages, eoutaining certificates of cures sua recommendations from some of tbe most eminent physician, elurgymen, and others, will be sunt free to any address. Lgf-Seo that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYiXP blown in tho glass. For sal by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 38 Dey Street, New York.. IFF BT Abb DltVOaiiTS. SC E0 FTJLA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE I Ihe Be Remedy for Serofula and all kindred disease ever discovered . The difficulty ha been to obtain a Purs Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine, Without a Solvont!! Containing a full grain to each ounee of water. A moot Powerful Vitalising Agent and Restorative.. It has eurcd and will cure SCROFULA in all its maul fold form. 1'lccrn, Caiseerw, MyplsIIisi, Stilt llltcuru t sad it has been used with astonishing success in cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Female Complaint Heart, Liver, and Kidney Diseases, Ac. Circulars will be sent free to any ono lending address. Prioc$I.OIabottlc,orSfor $5 00. Prepared by Dr. U. ANDERS, Physician and Che wUt. For jmIc l.y J. P. DINSMORE, :tfi Hoy Street, New York.. And by all Druggists. . Wis tar's Balsam WILD CHERY. has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, w iih the most astonishing success iu curing Coughs, Cilds, Hoarseness, Soro Throat Influent' Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Urocbitis, Difficulty of flreuthing, Asth ma and every election of The Threiil, I.uiim, uud t'liest. COXSLMPTIOX, which carries off more viotims shan other ditcas and which battles the skill of the Physicians to greater extent than any other uulody, often HELPS TO THIS RE1IKPV ! when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe iu its ope tion. it is unsurpnsed ! and is entitled merits, s ' receives the general confidence of tbe public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows: " Wlstar's llalsam of Wild Chorry gives unive satisfaction. Jt seems to cure a Cough by looser and cleaning the lungs, and allaying irritatiou, I roiuoviug the pauso, instead of dryiug up the en and leaving tho cause behind. I consider the .' sam a good a auy, if not the best Cough Biedi with which lam ac(uainteu." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER.ofCansjoharie.N Ucutlemen. This is to certify that myself family have used Dr. W istar's Valsam of Wild CI Fir several year, and that I take great pleasu recommending it in preferenco to anything of kind lor the for which it is intended, ensusuf Asthma, Phthisic, or affections of tb Tb I have never met with anything equal to it, Very respectfully, DAVID SPRAKI The Rv. JACOB SECULER, of Hauover, 1 Well known and muck raspcotod among the tie population in this eountry. makes the fulb statement for ths benefit of the afflicted. Dear Sirs: Having realised in my family I tanl benefit from tbe use of your valuable pn tion W istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it 1 me pleasure to reoommead it to tho public eight years ago one of my daughters seemed u a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were tained. I then procured a bottle of your exi Halsaia, and before she had taken th whole content of the bottle there was a great iuiproi iu hor health. I hav, in my individual cast frequent nsu of your valuable medicine, am always been benefitted by it. JACOB SEC 111 PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For talc by J. P. DINSMORE, S6 Dry Street, New Yc SETH W FOWLE A SOV. Proprietors, B. And by all Druggists. Gil ACE'S CELEBRATED SAL Cure Cuts, Burns. Scald. ORACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruises Pptaios " URACE 6' CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, U leers. Cancers, U RACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. URACE 8 CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Chapped Haads, Chilblauss. CEACfc'al CELEARATXb SALVE Ileal Old Sore. Flesh Woaads. It I prompt ia action, r.mcves pain at rduce th most ogry.ookiug .welllngs motions, as If by magic, thus aSWdiug is complete oare. Only t5 eenl hoi I (Seat by mail for Far 61 by J. P. DINfcMORM, 3d D N.w York. B. W. FOWLE 4 SON, P Boston, and by all Druggist. Urocers, sac tor . -Jaaiury tt, lAIy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers