N. tt. ENOLE, Publtahart. BATUROAt, NOVEMBER 10. .800. ESTPaT Cf All tWt Indebted to the tnaof MstR& WtmfcT, To? Printing, .o re(ju'cVt'i1 ' to "pij ;iif,'at 'iTie accounta matt bo settled, i Thoio at a distinct can forward the amount If mail at our risk, If enWoicd in prtaenct of poat-aiaatcra wltcr mailed, i fcoral -affairs.1 UP Pork and beef art ooming down la the city markets. Pork ia now quoted in Cbioago from 7 to 6, Pittsburg it 8t to Vi conn, Bnltiinort at 9 to 10, nd Philadelphia It lo 12 nett, for a prime aitiolc. Li?"" LocAt, Nawe. Now that tba olectloa itovar, ere would be thankful to our friandi throughout tht count; for luoh local newt at will b of interest to our tenderi. Bend ui the facts, and we will put them In proper shape far publication. ; IjiTTaa Nxw Masokic Hall. The corner (tone of this structure wai laid on Monday last, with the ninnl ceremonicii. Quite a number of the fra ternity were present. The Deputy Urand Master, Kunpp, officiated, after which an addreu wat do lirered by Ret. Mr. Cramer, of tbia place. tea Oil. The Oil Company, organised for the pnrpoee of boring for oil on the property of Valen tine Kltse, about 0 miles east of Suhbury, having pro cured an engine and boring apparatus, are actively engaged in boring for the coveted troaaure, in the pursuit of which so many have, of late yean, made and lost so many fortunes. tjfTiia Festival hold on Monday, Tuesday and Wedneedny evenings of this week, by the ladies connected with the Presbyterian Church, proved to be quite a success, pecuniarily, and otherwise. The dinner prepared on Monday was well ralronlted, as it deserved to be, for the bibles were covered with an abundance of good things, prepared in the best style ef the euliuary art. In too evenings refreshments were served. . An interesting feature of tbo festival was the bnllotting for a large and beautiful cake, to be presented to the fortunato minister who should reoeivo the largest number of Votes. Quite a lively interest was manifested by some of tbe members of tbe different churches in tbe sueoees of their respec tive niini.ittrs. Tbe ladles, particularly, were very active, and, of course, did tbe usual amount of "elec tioneering." The contest was principally between Kevds. Messrs. Kcigart, of the Presbyterian ehurch, Gibson, of tbe Episcopal church, and Rhodes, of the Lutheran cliurcb. On Wednesday evening the "polls" were closed and the votes eounted, which resulted in a majority of 23 for Mr. Reignrt. Tbe following is the vote east: llev. Mr. Reigart, J-0 ' Oibsnn, 312 Rhodes. 122 " Anderson, 47 " Creiner, '" 38 Total, 8M The amount realised by the festival was about $3i0, which speaks very well for tbe energy and good management displayed by those having charge of it. The proceeds will be used in purchasing a library for the Sunday School of the church. Up- Piiockbbisos or Court. The November term of court commenced in this plaeu. on Monday last. . His Honor, Judge Jordan, oharged the Grand Jury, end referred to the inorenso of crime and tbe necessity of tbe prompt and vigorous prosecution of all offenders. Commonwealth vs. P. M. Randalls and Free man lluiipl. Larceny. True bill. This was an action brought for stealing a trunk belonging to Jacob Keefer. at the '. C. R. R. depot, in this place, about throe weeks since. The trunk was discovered in the poi-tession of Randalls, while in the act of breaking it open. Ilaupt was supposed to be an accomplice, but was acquitted. Randalls wu found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fino of Cvc dollars, coals of prosecution, and undergo an tuiprivnincnt for a term of two year in the Eastorn Peniten tiary. Co m. vs. Aetron Heier.l'or, and bas. Contin ued to next term. -" Com. t.i. IVm. Neylin. Larceny. True bill. Verdict not guilty. Com. vs. AngH.Hu Hunt. Tot. and bas. Ver dict guilty. Usual sentence. Com. r. John Mufone Assault and buttery. Recognisance forfeited. Re-arrested anl eve con linued to next term. Com. vs. Samuel Groii. Asaiult anl battery. No bill, and tic t rosecutcr, Henry Strom, to pay costs. Com. vs. Daniel Williamson. For. and bas. Continued to next term. - Com. vs. Samuel R. Irwin. Homicide. This as an indictment for shooting Andrew Meixell, ; vhile in the act of picking up apploi on tbe prcmi- ! of frwin'a mr.thor. In this n'.aee. on the 27th of 1 eptruibcr last. Hail was entered In the sum of It) 000 for defendant's appearance at Dext session. Com. vs. 7Aom.jjI-'ocytAr.--AssauUand Battery rue bill, defendant ideal guilty. Sentence Sue of ' 20 and costs. Com vs. S.fickael Felsmger. Malicious mischief, rue bill. Verdict not guilty rendered on the plea of sanity at the time. The court directed the defend it to be confined in tbe State Lunatio Asylum, lo i maintained at the expense of the county. Com. vs. Patriel WstA. Assault and battery, uc bill. Verdict guilty. Sentence, fine of $5 and its. V'otn. vs. Rett! Keidig . Aisault with intent to l. True bill. Entered security of $2000 for bis icarance at next term. ,"om. vs. George Dougherty. Lsreeny. Defend plead guilty. Sentenced, to pay a floe ol $1, and t, and restore the property to the owner, and Icrgo imprisonment in tbe Eastern Penitentiary a term of two yean om. vtrTittman Fovst. Assault and battery. diet guilty. Eontcnce, fine $30, und costs ofj rcution. , .... om. vs. Henry Artmon. Assault and battery. ignored. Prosecutor, Thomas Tully, for costs. jm. v: Mary and Margaret Reek. Laroeny. ignored. Prosecutor for costs. vs. Thomat Tully. Assault and battery. ignored. Prosecutor, Henry Artman, for eostt. m. vs. James Baxter Dujley Surety of the . Cose "dUuiUsed prosecutrix, Jane B. Duff- for costs. in. vs. Jesse It'. HWs.-Surety of the peace, ict guilty. Sentence entered recognisance of to keep tho peace for six months, et.fs. Charles Juues. Lewdness. Bill ignored, culors, J. B. Suyder aud William Sline, for n. vs. Michael Cra-i 6elling liquor with leuse. Verdiot not guilty. Prosecutor, Siinoa , to pay the costs. . v. Geo. Apeley.Geo. E. Afsleyand C. If. ir.Iudiotmnt, conspiracy. True bill. The .r.nio.l leave to enter a nolle proseque. The ulor, Jonathan Hoover, to pay all the eoett, defendants' wltueseet. i vs. Geo. Aosry tt a!. Commonwealth bill j. .nUilian Hoover, uroseoulor, was ordered to iri Heeler vs. Michael Graham." Petition i judgment Rule granted to show causa why ml shall not bt opened. Returnable next J. Greeueugh V. llrnry Johnson. ranlod in f.ivoeol pbuuUaT for $134 27. s t s. Jouvk SaviUgt. Jadgtueut granted of plaintiff forllet) 0. ; - ' missioneri of Northumberland County vs. rough of Snuonry. Exeeptioni Sled and l off for want of aa affidavit of defense. fhissler vs. E. Y. Bright, CUUf Burgets, Bill in equity. Rult granted oa tbe defend ihow etuse, by Monday seat at t'olock, tcISitiiieiy iujuiiotkss it'.l a J V frtttod. ' ttFUaa fiaA A nertaa-The lewUberg ChronirJt, In speaking of the late Democratic eandl. date for Coagrosa, la the Fourteenth Cngrotslo4M dlstrlot aayet "Thome Hewer, whe was repudi ated in (hut district by the people, to fauna a plaoe In Andrew' bosom,., tie hat been appointed Assistant Assessor of luteraal Revenue ef Snyder ounty, In place of John Oilier, Esq., of tbe Middle burg (T'leana. "My polity" is aura to fcreetaea Into offiee wh are repudiated by tba people, and that secure their friendship (over tbe left.) Mr. fcllget leaned a HtUs Johnson-ward torn time ago, While holding the ofaoe, bat tbe bread and batter subsequently toured and turned bis atomaob, when be abandoned tbe eftuts, and tunpotud deary and the whole ticket with all bis might. lie found that boaeety and "My polity' aMVi ; dovetail Very aiaely," -. ' "r . - . CF Snoot-mo Arm at in SaAMoxia. The J2r. aaVof tbe 1st lust, says that on Saturday, the 27th alt., about noon, a very cool shooting affray came off a Douty't eorner. A man nauiod Reed Naidig was ob served running after one Thomas Quina, with a pistol io his hand . At tbe above corner he called after Quinai who turned round, and as he turnod Keidig shot and bit Qulnn on tbe side of the tomple, the bull glancing off and passing near the ear, Inflicting only a slight wound. It was a narrow escape, for had the ball came an inch farther ia front, it would certainly have produced instant death. Both men were in toxicated and Lad been quarrelling. KtlJig was arrested by Constable Smith, and lodged In the lock up, but owing to itt dilapidated condition, lit soon worked his way out, and it bow, we understand, at liberty. Buch desperate characters who will so freely use fire arms on our sti cuts In broad day-liglit ought not to be permitted to go unpunUbed. Editor"! Table. Coal, Irok, abOil, on trr Phactical Aaeat CAHMiaau: By Samuel II arrios Daddnw, Prac tical Miner and Engineer of Mines, and Benjamin Bannan. editor aud proprietor of the Miner' Journal. This it the title of a new work on our mines and mineral resources, with numerous Maps and Engra vings illustrating and explaining the geology, origin and formation of eoal, iron, and oil, thoir peculiari ties, characters and general distribution, and tho economy of mining, manufacturing and using them ; with general descriptions of the coal fields und oonl mines of tbe world, and special descriptions of the antiiracite Meld and mines or i'ennsylrauia and tbe bituminous Golds of the United States, the iron-districts and iron-trade of our oountry, and the geology and distribution of petroleum, the statistics, extent production, and trade In coal. Iron, and oil, and such useful information on mining and manufacturing matters asscienoe and practical experience have developed to the present time. We are Indebted to the publishers for a copy of thit valuable work, which we have only had time to glance at, for the present, but have teen enough to satisfy us that It It a work of more than ordinary merit and interest, and will prove a valuable acqui sition to all interested in tbe eoal, Iron and oil re gions of Pennsylvania. This book is for sale at the store of Mr. K. F Lightncr, Market street, Sunbury. J Thb WasTMissrsn Ravicw, for October, eon tains articles on 1. The Irish Church; 2. The Apostles; S. The English and their Origin; i. The Abbe Lamennais on Dante; S. Tbe Canadian Con federation and tho Reciprocity Treaty ; 6. The Dog His Intelligence ; 7. Our North PaoiGc Colonics; 8. The Forest of Fonlaiubieau, and Contemporary Literature. Published by the Leonard Scott Pub lishing Company, 38 Walker street, New York, at $1 per annum. Blackwood's Maoazixx. for October, has also a varied table of contents. This magatine, In tpite of its politics nnd sympathies, is always interesting and instructive. It is as reasonable as any "un prejudiced" Englishman can be, but its ability makes up for many defects. Among its articles are : Sir Brook Fosbrooko part 1 7 ; Concerning Salads and French Wines ; Light and Dark Blue ; Nina liiihiiku, the Story of a Maiden of Prague part 4 ; Allison's History of Europe, lS15-i2; Lectures on ,u ,..ry o. iuo vuureo, vorueuus - ; Dond. Terms, 4 per annum Blackwood and four r .1. . T M L . r. I:. - r.. Reviowa, $IS. Leonard Scott A Co., publishers, 38 i Walker slrect, iw York. Atlantic Momtblt. The November number of this excellent magatine opens with a simple but touching story by Ruth Ilurptr, entitled '-Rhuda 11 Passages from Hawthorne's Note Book." are con tiuued, while we' have another sonnet from Long fellow's ' I)i vinu Coiuejia." "Five Hundred Years Ago," lots us into the secrets ot domestic life in the middle ages. That story of thrilling Interest, "Urif tith Uauiil," is concluded in this number. It was all through worth the price of the magazine.' We have a touch of European politics, with another strong article against "President Johnson nnd his accomplices." . Robert Carter gives ut a gossiping account of tht lute Count tiurowski. A new novel entitled "Katharine Mourn," is begun this month, and promises well. It also contains the usual num ber of reviews and literary notices. Goufcv's Laht'i Book, for November, bos the full,. wing excellent table of contents: "Out of an i-ugagement, a beautilut atocl plate, f he colored f whion-plate contains six figures. "Riding in the Park," a tinted plate. "Ibe Mouutoin Path," a very haudsomo wood-cut. In the wood-cut fashions, containing tbe latest Paris dates, is presented seven new stylos ef Paletots, a gored dress with peplum barque, walking dress for a little girl, bonnets, operj I stylta, its. The "Work Department" contains the usual variety. Marion Hailaud, Miry Janvrin, Mist Dorr, S. Auni Frost, and others, contribute to tbe Literary Department. The present is a rnn't i excellent time to make up clubs for this magazine. Two copies for one year can be bad for $5 iU ; throe oopie, 17 SO ; four oopies. 1 10; five copies, with tn exira copy to geiler-up of tht club, fit ; eight cop iet, with an extra copy, $21. Address, L.A.Godey, north-east eorner of Sixth and Cbesnut Streets, Philadelphia, P. ,, . ; A SirxniuB KuMBxn. Tbe Pbrenologk-Al Jour nal, for November, contains sketches oi tht King ana Queeu of tbe Belgians, with likenesses ; Chief Men among the Mormons, With many excellent portraits and other illustrations ; bssides, Lyceum Leoturers ; Dr. J. Fossali, tht eelebrated French Phrenologist ; Publie Opinion ; Women who talk ; Family Dog; and aboil of other reading, suggestive and profita ble to all. Price 20 cents, or ti a year. Address Fowler and Wells. 3b9 Broadway, New York. Tax Laot'i Frikxd, for November, contains a beautiful tteel engraving, "Feeding the Swans," and the usual superb double fashion plate. We note tbe usual number also of engravings devoted to tbe fashions to bats, caps, bonnets, dressei, fancy work, Ae. The literature it tsasual, excellent. Splendid premiums are offered to getters-up of clubs. Speci men numbers of tbe magatine, containing the par. tiouturs of the premium aud other offers! and tbe reduced priaea to clubs, will be tout on the receipt of 13 cents. Price ti 60 a year. Address Deacon and Peterson, IK Walnut street. Philadelphia. BUSINESS NOTICES. Call tB Exauixb TheestablUbment of John S. Marsh, Market Square, It one of tbe great empo riums of fwblun. In tht clothing lint be eannot be excelled. Hit articles are told at most reasonable prices, and eta be relied upon as being all they are represented. Do it ImiDUTXl.T. Tbe poet lays, "tecure the Ibadow are the substonoe fodot," and in order to do from the moat raitaMa eoureeii tu ui. l-lty and l-oun-T . . , , . ., trv can be seen at bis office. The medical faculty art 0 W gooa advantage, go ttraigiiiway to vjmr.f Photograph Qallery, in biupson'l building, Market tlreei, Sunbury. Mr. B. it prepared te furnUb Pho- I tiurranha and Ambrotynet In aU stylos aud sites. . ' We would advise all whe desire, to bare a good pittura te pay Mr. Byerly a visit. II -! I Fmost. M't have bad tevtral heavy frotte, indi- eating tbe approach of winter, and thit reminds us of the Urge, elegant and ebetp assortment of winter lUbinent of Jacob 0. Seek, oa Fourth street, where men aad boyt are tupplled prompUy te erdar with anv article In bis line, made ia the Beat taaeuer, Iu waWteJiejl-u . IStThb Farmer's) Gatr.-A near and useful Invention, plain and alttple in III construction, detlgnnd fur farmers gnte, I float on eahlbhioR io UiU place. Tbe agent rill remain liero next week. Our farmer vrould do well to examine it. It la cheap and tcenn well adapted fur lite purpose in tended. rlPLADiKt' Fcbb. W are requested to atnta tlint Mr. J. II. Engul, liaa just received a handsome lot of laditY fort, vlctorlntt, berth at and muffs, which will be told at gieatly reduced price. Taa conn cnor'of Pennsylvania, this fall, will reach about 30,000,000 bushels, being an average of 33 basbels to the acre. While this spades of grata bat flourished to well in fields, the crop on tbe toes f tht eititent of this community bat greatly dimin ished, awing, no doubt, lo tbe fact that the boots and shoes worn wtrt purchased at Harry Tbacher't oheap Boot and Shoe Store, in the old Coulton stand, Mar ket street. Hit boots and thcet art so toft and comforlablt that they do not produce corns. laa Result or raa Elxctiox. That the State eleotion It now over must be a touroo of satisfaction to everybody. Those who have been elevated to office are very well satisfied, of course. Tbe candi dates who were not elected have no further cause for anxiety, and doubtless experience a very tgrteable sensation of relief. Persons who bet on tht result of tho election hart cither the gratification of re ceiving money, or tbe lolly and magnanimous plea sure of paying it over, livery one now bas leisure to attend to greater and wore important matters, luoh as the seleotion of a new full suit from the Continental Clothing Bataar, Market St., Sunbury. Ah Vxluckt Admiral. Admiral Tegtthoff, ef I Austria, bos been dismissed the servioe for tailing bis vessels contrary to tht Austrian rules of naviga tion ; but the most luoky Admiral Te-get-boff we know of is Admiral Semmos, wbogot off from Capt. Winslow in an English yacht. The best things "to get oQ" or on either, are the splcnJid gurinents man ufactured nt John E. Smiek'l tuiloring establish ment, on Fourth street, lhey go off very readily m(i wiy f10In ,nt itor,i nii 0B l0 tnt customers. Fiiotxa tots are not a very delightful attach ment to the understanding, and to prevent suoh mil- fortune it is well to always look ahead, and be pre I pared for cold weather, especially in tbe full, when mow may be expected at any time. Therefore, be sure to lay In a supply of good warm shoes for each one of your household, and be ready for any emer gency. Call at Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, where you cun be supplied with the best boots aud shoes, cheap as the cheapest. Cs7"To Claim Aqlsts Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com missioned Officers," under the lato Act of Congress, equalizing bounties, hare been printed nnd are now for salo ut tho Aukhican office. Wo keep on band a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very ohcap. . They are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis tance will receive prompt attention. Lire Iksvraxce. " Were Life Insurance more i universally adopted, it would save a world of misery, nnd smootbo tho thorns of many a pillow would re lieve much parental anxiety, would add to the snm I of human happiness and more than that, woold promote the beet interests ot morality, ami would even conduco to the highest interests of religion Uncertain as human life is, one of the surest ways by which in tbo event of death, a lare body of men can secure independence for their families, ia by joining a Life Insurance society. This I think is every nan's duty, if providence has p.aced biui in a posi tion in whicb he can do it. because I hold that if a man can pruwnt it, no man is justified in so acliug as to leave his family dependent, either upon private hcnevolence or puolic chanty. 1 loon upon insu- TailCe OI IIVC3 IU IUO 'C3l UlVnilS UT M lllllll cun tho,, ,.; T, higbta f,colnInon,laii0n of i,Ie Assurauee appears to me to be this, that I can provide for my family, in a way that, least ot all, I exposes mo to be entangled with the cares of riches, and that love of money, which is the root oi all evil. , When 1 joined a Lite Insurance Society, I felt my ; band was more open afterwards to every work of ; humanity and benevolence ; nnd I also loit that my heart was more oncn to the claims of roliirion. I have seen tho anxiety of a father lor his unprovided family cast a dark gloom even on a good man's death bed. I have seen a more painful case. I have seen those nnxinties engross tbe attention of tbe few brief days of one who bail lived too negligent of his highest interests, aud nhnso attention und lime should have been coiiseoraled to uiore important duties. I feel then, that a Lite Insurance Company is not only parallel, so to apeak, with tbe grand interests ot morality and 'cligion, but even auxiliary to iheui." Kev. D. Guthrie.) Jacob Shipuah, Fire ana" Life Insuranr Agent, Sunbury, Pa. MARRIAGES. On the 1st inst..by the Rev. L. W. Gibson, Mr. Wil i iaii 11. UixmK and Miss Mart J. Cuhui.ios, of Uenova. 'jir.-':'.-",'g?j:.; j lu DEATHS. In Sunbury. on tho 1st Inst., MARY LOUISA FRY, age 1 about 14 years. i V7i II lltYMA It UBVtVN. Corrected Weekly lor tbe "American." Wheat Flour, extra fumily, per barrel, do de do do por cwt. Ryo Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Outs, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unpared do Dried A Doles. do $16 00 8 00 10 00 t U J SO 1 00 1 10 50 74 24 : ;;o 14 3 I'O Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu Butter, per pound, 44 30 4 2s 2d 24 10 14 IS CO Fggs, Cneete, Lard, Hams. Should art, ' . . Beef, hind quarter, ' front ' Mutton, Chickens, per dosen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair liaiiioktn Coiil Trade. EaaMOKia, Nov. 8, ISS8. Ton. Ctrl. Bent for week ending Nov. S, 4 u 12 Per last report, tfiLioO la 471 BS5 10 3b7,I66 U Te tamt time laat year, Increase. S,7St) It Special Notiirs. ITl'lI! ITCH ! ITCH I SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! NVIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure tU I It'll 1st 48 Hours. Also cures SALT KHEL'M, ULCERS, CHIL BLA1NS. and alt ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price iU ceuts. For sale by tbe druggists. By send ing 8u ecu is to WEEKa A POilErt, bole Agents. 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, tret of pottage, to any part of the United busies. je i ou-sy leafuea, lllludueasi nud Cat Arris, Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Auriat, (foi merle of Leiden, Holland.) tin ii: . hl:i.:i.i..I.:. no. 1V riu eireet snniMivioui. iniiiuiMiiuii try can be seen at bit office. la.ult liiuuainnHnv LhHIl .rited lo aocompauy their pUenU, at bt has no se- cre(J a Lis praotToe. ArliBclal Eyes, inserted wita out pain. No enarge made lor exammauoa. P'- tooa.iy .. ' ' ' ! rpite Coail'caiailoust used l-lapei-leuce J or aa ikvaud. Published for tbe benefit and at a eautloa to young men tnd others, who suffer from Ntrvout Dtbiliiy, Premature Deoay or Manhood, At., supplying tttue tame time the meaut of self-cure. By one who not eared biuMlf after undergoing considerable quack- f!0;" mvm " " ' NATHANIEL MATFAIB, Esq , BiookJya, Kingl C0.M.1. . ' "-. To ConssiropllTC. Sao advertucr, Having been restored to lienllu in few weeks by a very llmplo roniedy, after having euffered for several y-ars with a severe lung aflicliuo j and that dread disease, Cunsump'lon n nnxiout to taokt koowo to bit follow sufferers tho meant Of ear. ' To all who desire It, be will sen a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the rlirco lions for preparlur and using the enme, which they will find a tune Cm a for Consumption, Asthma, BnoKCBiTit, CoLsnt, CoLjj, ai all Throat and Lung Affections. The only-object ol the advertires la landing the prescription it to benefit the nfHioted and spread Infotmallon which he conceives to be in Valuable, end he hopes every sufferer will try hi remedy, as It will oost them nothing, and may prov a blessing. Partlee wishing tbe prescription, max, by return mall, pleas address Rav. EDWARD WILSON, Williamtburgb, Kings Co , New York. . January 13, IBtio ly. lr. Rcticnck'si .TlnisdvnUc I'llls. A fiiliiinile for "ulo!ii'l. These Pills art composed of various roots, having tht power to relax tbe secretions of the liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous effect! which often follow the use of the latter. ' In all bilious disorders these Pills mav he used With confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, which are tho cause of bilious affections in general. bCHKNCK'rf MANDRAKE PILLS cure sick headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by tallow skin, coated tongue, costivencss, drowsi ness, and a gencrul igding of weariness and lose! tude, showing that tbe lirer it la a torpid or ob tsructed condition. In short, these Pills may bo used with ndvniitago In all cases when a purgative or alterative medicine is required. and observe that tho two likcue.'so of the Doctor are riease asx ror "vr. ecnencK S .Mnnoraxo rius,- on the Uovernmont stamp one when in the la.it stage of Consumption, aud the other in bis present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price, 2.'ccnls per box. Principal Offico, No. 15 North Ctb Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ucnurul Wholesalo Agents : Deinas Barnes it Co., 21 1'nrk Row, New Ymk ; S. S. IImi.co. Ills Haiti more St., Baltimore, Mil. ; John D. I'nrk, N K.eor. of Fourth and Walnnt St.. Cu.cii nati. Ohio : Walker Taylnr. 134 and 130 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III.; Collins Brothers, suuthwest corner of ii aud Vine Su.. St. Louis, .Mo. Oat. 20, IbOO. Ubloib w.ea.nio.ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Great Distribution BY TUB American JTefvrlVi-' .ItiKorlsif ion. DxroTt: 87 t S9 Naciaiv SS, B3 38 Lid brtt Stiikkt. NEW YORK CITY. Of Rosewood Pianos and .Melodcons. Fine Oil Paint ings, Kngravlnict, Silver Ware, Hold and Silver Winches, and elegant Jewelry, consisting of Dia mond Pins, Diamond Rings, tiold bracelets. Corul. Florentine, Mosaic Jut. Lava, and Cameo Ladies Sots. Gold Pens, with Hold and Silver Extension Holders. Sleeve Buttons, .''ets of Stud'. Vert and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased tiold Chains, Ac, Is., valued at fl.000,000, F0H ONE DOLLAR, which thev need not pay un'.il it is known what is drawn and its value. THE AMERICAN JEWEL!' KS' ASSOCIATION calls your attention to tho fact of its being the lar gest and most popular Jewelry Association in tho United States. The business is and always litis been conducted in the most caudid and honorable man ner. Our rapidly increasing trade is n sure irnaran tee of the appreciation of our patrons for Ihismelhod of obtaining rich, elegant and cosily goods. The sudden stagnation of trade in Europe, owing tu the late Uerman War and recent disastrous financial crisis in England, bascnusod (ho fuiltiro of a lare number of Jewelry Houses in London nnd Paris, obliging them to sell their goods ot a great sacrifice, in some instances less limn one-third the co-t'of manufacturing. We have lately purchased very largely of theso Bankrupt Goods, nt such extremely low prices, that we can afford to send nwny Finer Uonds and give better chances to draw the ntot valuable prises than any other fstnbli'hment doing a similar business. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, nnd we respectfully solicit your patronage, as wo are confident of giving the utmost sntitfaetioii. During the past year we have forwarded a number of the most valuable prizes to all parts of the country. Those who patronise us will receive the full valuo ot their money, as no article on our list is worth lis than One Dollar, retail, and thi-io nre no Murks. Parties dealing with us may depend on having piotnpt returns, and the article drawn will be im mediately sent to any address by return mail or express. The lollowins parties have recently drawn valua ble prises from the American Jwelers' Association, and have kindlv allowed the use of their names : Charles J. flunter. Esq., Trousury Department. Washington, D. C. Piano, value $1U0 ; Miss Anna. O. Vales. 62 M. Mark's Place, N. Y . Sewing Ma chine, value $75 ; Urig. (ion. I,. L. Hanson. V. Cf. Vols.. Nashville, Tcun.. Silver Tea Set. value l5u ; Miss Emma Hunter, C.t Front St.. II irri.bur. Pa., rowing Machine, vulue Sill; Lieut. -Col. Waiter Chittenden, Quartermaster, Louieviile. Kentucky. Gold Watch, value $l.'-0; IV ni. S. Il.iinrs. 'JI7 King at.. Charleston, S. C, Silver Watch, value $.'u ; Alexander Johnson. Eq., Editor Mutlatenr Pio neer, Muskatuur, Minn.. Ladies' Knnnielod Watch, vulue liO : Samuel Lee, Esq.. Provident Colorado anil Red Bank Miuing Company, Sun Francisco. Cal., Melodenn. value 200 ; Aaron S. .m -. Kq., I'nooipal Likhart Cullegiaia Institute, Kikliarl, N. J., Diamund Pin, value $200; R. M. J.'insinet, Montgomery, Alu., Music llox, value $74; lluv. Isaac Van Dusrr, Albany, N. X ., Uold Lined li ning Set, value t iUII ; Miss Clara Lucucuer. Dayton. Ohio, Pianoforte, value $100, and Diamond "1'iu, value $174. Many names could be placed on tho I.isi, but we publish no nuines without I ermition. Our patrona are desired to scud United Slates Cuireucy uheu it conveuiout. l'AUTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES T BX Kuld for One Owlliii- ICiis is, Without regard to vulue. and not tn be paid for until you know what you are lo receive : IS F.letaut KkmwoikI finaio). worth lr..in .! to ?l',0 IS Kienaiit Mel atcats, K'nu-w-mmI Cases. 17.1 to H-'ai an l-'uat C ass sowing Alwl-iues, 4u io 3 41 75 Fine till J'HlotuiKs, till lo list ISO Kine f'leel Kiijjiavuigs, fiumed, ijO t.i Oo Ml Music ti'ixes, i.ll i 40 160 Revolving I'alent Caators, Pilver, 121 In 41- Stl Silver I'ruil and Cake liaakpls, in ,1'i 4ihi Feis of Tia ami Tahln t.fMins, lrti to 40 ISO Gold HuiiIior Case Walchrs, vvarraiileil, all to i.Ml jou Di'iinomt Kiuks, cluster and single stone, . tu viiu IM ti. ild Wali-li, ttm 1,(1 3110 litliM' W'airhra, ' Solo too Son Milirer Wnii-liee, V 10 7i liiumor.d 1'tns, Drooenet and tor Orom. Ladies Rets of Hold and Coral. Jet and U.dd. Florentine. Mosaic, Lava and Cameo: Sets of Si ml-. Vest and Nock Chains, Plain and Chased Gold lliii.-s. ()., I Thimbles, Lockets, New Style Belt Buckles. Hold Pens and Pencils, rancy Work lioxes. Uold Pens with Uold and Silver Extension Holders, and a large assortment of Fine Silver Ware and Jcwelrv of every description, of tht beet make and latest styles. iy A thane to obtain any on of the above Articles for ONE DOLLAR, by purchuiiug a sealed envelop for ii ett. I if' Five Sealed Envelopes will be sent for SI ; Eleven for f j ; Thirty for ti ; Sixty-five lor $10; One Hundred for Hit Agents wanted everywhere. Unequalled inducements offered to Ladies and Gents who aet as such. Our descriptive circulars will be sect on application. Distributions are made in tht fullowins manner t Certificates earning each aniole and its value are placed iu sealed euvelopes, wbioh are well mixed. One of these envelopes containing the Certificate or Order for some article, will be delivered at our office, or tent by mail to any addrets, without regard lo choice, 00 receipt of 2i cents. On receiving ilie Certificate the purcbrser will tee what article it draws and its vulue, aud eau then send One Dollar, aud receive the article named. 01 ean choose any other article on our list of the same value. Purchasers of our Sealed Envtlopss may, iu ibis manner, obtain an arliole worth frou one lo five j hundred dollars. Long Loiters art unnecessary. Have the kind ness lo write plain directions, and in ehnting differ j tnt article rem those drawn, luentiou the style do 1 tired. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must In I every case be aoouipanied with the oash, with the I name of the person sending, aad Town, County and ' State plainly written. I Letters should be addressed to the managers, as ! follows: ailllinHA.'w, WATSO & CO., ar fc .-asitiuu tit., NovrterU City. October M, 1888 Smp. . . 1 AAA Carriatrs Makers Wanted to bu Felloes. lUvU Spokes, H uhs, Axlet, Springs. Bands, Rol it aDj verythiog pertaining to the busineet at tbe 11 re 1 vaeep u at aware asn 4 roe ovor, ot J H COMJTT tj8tV "A UW A It ft 1 V , IV 's I n i i T, o Hl VTrrmn ifrTn ' i1 .LlLl Cu V 1IN 1 III IX UUUlO, AT THE STORK OF ' ' j. h. a n a a ii . - - Mmket Slrsot, SUNUURY, PA. JUST received from New York and I'hiladnlprttnl a large lot of FALL AND W INTER UOOD.-, which ho will toll at small profits, for cash or eoun try produce. his line of flood? for Gentlemen's and Roys' wear Is good Fino Black nrid Blue Frenoli Cloth, Fine Beaver Cloths for Ororcoats. lh very best of Black and Fancy Caasiiueres, UooJ Sutine'l nud Keii'ueky Joan, nil at low priues. His lino of Ladies' and Misses' Drcft Goods can't be beat in this little borough. It lis 'A' Of II Is AC 1st fsillsU, Plain nnd Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool Poplin, Plain nnd Fancy French Marine, from ono dollar per yard upwards, of all Shanes nnd Colors, all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. Plain and Fancy Mohair Lustros. all-wool Delaines, Fancy and Figured Kngli'h Merinos, very handsome, Dolaincs, Cnlieoos and lluflins. all prices. Ladies' Cloth fur Dressea, Ladies' Cloth for Sacks, Sacking Flunuul, all shades, Ladiet1 Shawls, plain and fancy. , BEST WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed Spreads, Balmoral Skirts. Yankee Notions in Grout Varie-v Hosiery, of all descrition. Ulovee, for Ladies and Genu. Dress I n in. Fancy Hi n0s, ., Ladies' French Corsets. Ladle' llo.ip ekliia, Uenls' Miirta and Drawers, ha lies V.MU and br iwent. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fancy Hoods. Wool 'carl's Ladies' Fancy ek arfs, nnd a variety of other goods' O A. R P T Q , Wove Floor Clotls, Stair Cnrretl Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, 'I able Oil Cloth) Widow Miadcs, Plaiu Green and Brown Oil Ciolh and Fixtures for Windows. 13 H O C K R I E 3, Fucnr. Coffco, Molasses, Rico, Crackers, Spices, Bait F't. Cheese. An r Queenswarc.tilnsswnro. splendid Sett6of Tcaware, tt low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN GUI! AT VAMETY. Hat! and Caps. Oil, Paint, Gloss, Putty, School Books, Paper. Slates, to. H A R D WARE. Shovels, Forks. Nails, Locks, Hinges nnd Screws' A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor" dor. at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will plcaso give him a call. j. n. EXCEL. Sunbury, October 20, ISC6. VM. MENCKE & DllOTHfiTlli Xo. 801 AllCII Si reel, PHILADELPHIA, Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in b e rt t. t :n zjispn-vrns, E.MIIROIDF.RIE.V. Fine Knit flood, etc.. pcrson t ally rcleetwi in Euiopo. ltotnestlo Zephvrs, Gel imiulown Wools, Cnshmcre Yarns, etc., latest styles in Ladies Dress and Clonk TI22.mTGS.. Buttons, Drnp Fringes, Laces. Shan I Borders, ia. White Emhroidored Hands, etc. The eoods huiiiu carefully selected, our Wholesalo Department offers great inducements lo tbe trade Sci telnber b, ltjiiti. :Jmw Great Attraction, NEW TIN -WARE, fSli--t Iron ! Slovo Store of S2ITZ & GElTTSEPe. Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order nt short notice. TI.V AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call tho attention of pur chasers to their lurgc and well selocled stock of COCK AND l'AHLOa STOVES. Tho subscribers have mode arrangements to hnvo all their best stoves made to order, and those who would have a good slovo would do well to go and ex. inline their largo and well tclccled stock. First. They defy competition on tho following tried Brands of Cook huvu', vis : 'oattlii:i(Iii niiM ItsiviM-i-, Cook, (iorcruor IN-iiu t'oolt. WABASH AND IRONBIDES. and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called i SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor nnd office Stoves in grent variety em- i bracing nil the best manufactures an l most ( i.-hi'in. I able designs, uiiMii passcd for beauty of lioish siuii'i- I city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability ' and each stove warrautud to perform what lhey are I represented. ( Also, The celebrnied Baltiiiiorc Fire Place Stove,! ior iic.iiiiii urwi. peeomi nun iiuru stories oy itegistcrs j Also, VI LCAX HEATER. Also, the celebrated MOH.VINQ GLORY. I'oal Oil, Coal Oil I.iiiipsi, Kliadc-s, C'Esiiunicsi, und ttll urtlclcit usually kept in an establibhment of this kind. T'hy arealMi prepared tofurni.-h Slate und do slating in the bust workmanlike manner. Also, to do 'fin Kootin, Spouting. Rnngo nnd Furnace AVork, tins Fitting, 4c. Bewailing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: s'SSuiis;U'it SRuw SBoko fscipcr-Ptsos-plinle," Remember tho place. Sample and Sales Room nearly oppotitu Ooiily's H.irdiv.iro Store. Market s'reet, between Third uud Fourth meets. Building dark paiuii-il. August 25, 15o5. I'liti-utt'd .faiiy tf'J, I'-'Jo. This is nn article for wuhimr wi'hnut rubbing, except in very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub. mid unlike oilier preparation? offered for a I1I10 purpose, will not hot '.hi; cloth ks, but will leave them much uiiitkii than ordinary u:clh t'd'. without the Usual wcur and tear. It removes grease spots as if by luaic. and softens the dirt by soaking. w llml riuiiig will inordinary oao'S entirely remove it This powder is prepared in accordance with chemi cal science, and tifou a prices peculiar to Itself, which is "oured by l.eit-rs Pn'ent. It bus been iu use lor more than a year, and bas proved itself an univer. sal favorite wherever it has hecn used. Among tbu ad vantages claimed ma the folluniu, vis : It saves ull the expense of soup usually used on Cotton and linen atoods. It s it es most of the lulor of rubbing, and wear and tear. lso, for cleaning windows it is unsurpiBiel. Willi one quarter the time and labor usually re quired it iu. parts a beautiful f"H aud lustre, much supenor to at y other mode. to water required ex- cpt to inoi'tiii tho powder. I'll cctoi i.s with each nackase And e in be readily apprceialed by a ainjle trial. Thecitnf wusliinu; for a l.miily of fire or six per sons will not exceed Tuntii cknts. '1 he iiianut'aelurer td this uowder are aware that many u.'eless Ciuiounds hato beeu introduced to Ibe putdio blob have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the inlrin.-io excel lenco of this article, lhey confidently proclaim it as being adapted tn meet a doin ind n hich has long exuled, und bas huiutol'ort lemaiued unsupplicd. ha.m rACTtinsu ir iiiitvii u. r.'i't;vi:.'i, SUU Iti'uttdwti)', Itonloti. ALSO, MANl'FAC'i'l'ltKIIS Or 1A111LY DYE CULOItS. For tale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. October 13, lhW.Huip. : FALL AND WINT Eit Millinery Goods, Juatoptning at tbeilillinery .Store ef tilbo Id. L. GijSSLE-i. Fawn Street, bolow the Railroad, bl''BURY, PA., B 53 1 3i V9 31 ii Ji 3 , Drect-Trimmings, Hoad-Drewes, U loves, " Hosiery 1 Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, llaodkcr obitfs, Ae , te., which have been earelully selectod. MISS .W. Ii. uusslev not jusiupcuvi isrgv wa mcnt of Millinery Goods Lsdias should not fail lo go and see ihe latest styles as it will pay to not delay IU visiilliR ouraiuT. I Cal, and examine for yourselves. Vo trouble to sbuw goods Sunbury, Oct. , 1808. . 7 ADIES eall and tee the Hanging Baskets), Ij Brwikett aud Fine Work Boiet, at NEW AND piIEAP GOODS JUST Of2NE12D. KNT(EBKL & KOBIMNS. stock u( t .rMV . la the store room lately occupied by Weaver A Fa- H'--i. opposno me vi.i vourt House. UEMLMflEil that these Ooo Is have just hvun purchased at reduoed prices, and ares-ild acoordinr. ly, CKUpriting of JOJ-r QOOD9 of every style add variety, such as CLOTlU, CAS8IMERE3, VE.STISOi, 4C. Dress Goods, Prints, Mus'.ins Domestic Ooods, Motions, Ac, Ac. CUOCEP.IES, TEA, COFFKE, SUGAR MOLASSES, Eloiiaioki-Fpliisf Uootle. The attention of the public is respectfully inv;.tod to the advanlnges offered at this establishment. THE UIU UKST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY ' PRODUCE. Call and examine for yoursolvet. A. J. KNfERF.L,' 11. P. ROUlii.NS. Sunbury, July 21, IPGS. NEW HARDWARE AND IRON STORE. rr"iF ,ut""lber hnvinj opened In SUJTBUUY, L Pa, anew Inrgo. nnd well nssorted stock of nil cV'm,':',lA1;WAllli'l:11',;llV, COACH WARE SADDLLRk.suou FIXDKSUS, IKON, NAILS, AC., lati inut lowest New York anl Eastern prices which they will be pleased to tell for Cufh at tho lowest Eastern prices. Intending to do business in tho linneit principles of small pi oUts and quick sale for Cash. Suubury, Juno 13, Idjd. C'GALEY A CO. C'.isili ! ;siIi ! ! ..'nii ! ! fc'iO.OOO wanted in c.tchango for nil ltin ls ol Hardware, Irons, Nails. Ac, at th new Hardware Store of .1. H. COXLLY 4 CO. Sunbury, Juno Id, latfit. GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE, v ..' ti. 4aiiii':i:u'fj S A S II STOPPER A I.' D LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and Secmity, combined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash at tiny point. It can be npplie.I fo tiny window in a few minutes. It docs not interfere in Inking out it snrb. It is not affected by any jarring notion, and pre vents tho rattlinj; ofst.di. It is sclf-itcting in nil its work, and makes it im possible to forget to lock tbo window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving tho window unlocked. It acts by gravity has r.o spring and can never gel out of order. It does not wctir out, but v'iil last wbilu tho house stands Windows that have only one sah moveable, mny bt changed, so as lo move both,nt ntridiug expeusu, sr3cnsii3'jar,a Ntopjicr ujkI S.ovU, One lolluf Coisiplelc. It must come into cenernl uso for its radical nd- vnntnci. as a Self-Acting, Burglar-Proof Lock and 1 emunior. For Railway Curs, Steamboat, etc., it is Derfect. arid, in fact, the thing long sought. J It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and everybody can have. The dcuiLii j mutt bo unlimi ted . j Capitalists. Manufacturers, Builders, and men j Inokiug for business, nre invited to call on tho sub- ecribur and examine it. 1 JACOB WILVER, Jr., July 21, 1S3. 6m Sunbury, Ta. I NEW MUSIC STORE. Cull at our New Music Store in SELIN'8 GROVE, acd buy one of Haikls BiioTOER'a New Scale Piano Fortes. i i .im.tt Every it.struuient is Warranted for five years. Wo also keep coiislamtv on hur.d 11 r.od sli.ctc ot the cc'-bratel Pl'iLOl'UET'S MELODEOXS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORO AN:-, and challenge others to sell cheaper lhau we urc selling. Woul.'O ke.'p all kinds of Musical Merchandise, and receive nil the latest music ur soon as pu'iii-bed. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools au 1 Semi nnriet I if Second hui.d inetruujcuU taken in oxebaogo for new ones. Pianos correctly turned and 11 paired, fend fot" Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Sclinsrove, Snyder Co., Pa.. July 1S0O. ly BOOTS. SHOES AND T11UNK3! SI. ,'. TIIA4'lIi:, St'CCESSOKTO W . W . A P S L E Y . 1 N addition to our large stock, already on band, we 1 are now receiving; a lull supply ol Vail and Win- j lt-r goods Ladies, Gciitlcmcu, Misses and Cbil- : dreii's wear. ! Also a jjood nfsortuicnt of Trunks. A lmvu lot of ! R. R Bags, Genta' linu loa'.hcr Satchels. AVe wish ' it distinctly iiudui'tond that wo intend s liiiigour! goods at siiiall prolits, exclusively fur the cash. ! Don't f.-rirct the place. A -ley's old stand, in the wcll-knonn iiouso of Mrs. BjuIiou, Market r'-rcet, : huuburv. fa. !' NOilCL Boots and Shoes nealiy repaired at rbort uolieo. It' any bougtit of us should rip they! mI...M I... H.-u.l I'.. 1 nlllin.. - I U. u. iiiai tan. j Sjnbury, Sept. 20, 1S0. L A D I L 8' FANCY F U R S 1 1 ! JOHN F.vr.EIR.V'3 ! Old EstublLhcd pi a1 Manufactory, .So. 7ii ARCH Street, nbi.v e 7iii. Pill l.'A. ajKit''A llavo now in More of , M'tiil-.t uiynnu ti..por aiionanu : '' f ft :rl Vi 'V-'' ""nuiae.ure one 01 tne Mi I KiiV-V.t'a-in-Hri '"g-et and 11 ost beauli- ; .ff-ai FANCY runs, i r-.-. ' .JA-J $;4 tor Ladies ar.d Chd- ! -lS-JWISdren't Wear In the City. I 'iS.-frv:X Also, a U110 assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collirs, I am enabled lo dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and! would therefore soib-it aeoJI from my friends of Northumberland couniy and vi'iniiv. Remember tho Name. Number and Street ! joii i'Aiti:iec , Ke. 7 IS ARCH St., above Tth. south side, PHILADELPHIA. Ootober 6, 1 SG8. 4mw. STOP & LOOS AT THIS C.ll'li Ali, $100,000. lusportant to all Ovviicrx of I.lvc Moli. flMIE GREAT EASTERN DETECTIVE HORSE J lusurauee Company, chartered March 13, Hit, by ibe P-liilo of Pennsylvania, insures, UOUsEi, MULES AX U CATTLE, against loss by theft, death by fire, accident or disease. Mltrr: liW Kf'I'i Fwtr-thStrerl, PMU-l, " President: Col Chariot Frailcy; Vice President. D L- Ksterlvi Soo rotary, Dr. 1). Becker General Agent, P. Uaflfi. Referes ee. by permission, to the following gentle men : lba. rum n Cameron. Harrisburg, P.; Burd Patiersou, Esq., Poiuville, Pa ; lion Joseph LSiioli ter. tlnrilwara Merchant, lteadlntr. Pa i l'r Jobu Gloningir. President Lebanon Bauk ; L Whitney, Banker. Pottsville. Our rates are biwor than any ether Insurance Com pauy, while they Insure against one risk, we Insure against all rLke- Agents wanted luerory oouaty ia tne oiaie, ISAIAH 8, OOSSLER, AteUtaat Oeoawol AxcitL, subry, pe Ar-stl8, pisM-ias BOOKS! BOOKS!! Till! suli-criii.jr bc?s leave to call tbo Ht' ntiono lnscunon.ors, and tho eomni-inity in geeral, to Uie faot that he bas now rocuived bis second lot ef tTEW GOODS, Consisting, In part, Of a eouiplote line of PAPER AND KNVELOPES. Blank, Pclmol and Juver.lle H..k, Fancy Toilet Sonps. Periumes, l'loturo l'ranu.s, Lata aud Willow Hanging Unakets, Lird Caes, ktu si 1 niia hi nasi 1 n n e , Fine Vases. Handsome (jlo.e .Toweiry r d Wotk iloxcs. Travi lit,K ,;nd otter Porlfnliln. Catred Lia;lti:ts, Feather Dust lliuslitF, Balls, Ual,, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a larec stook cf WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ac Tnanktul for past patronage, and bone, by strict attention to business, to coo'Ikcc h snuis, . . N, F. I.IOKISLll, Sunbury, JuecO. 1B6B. I K vnt'. want n good Likeness for your friends, go to S. UYEKLY'3 llallery la Simpson's Building. SHOE Findings. Sjle Lcnther and all goods be iciigiug to shoo mukeis business for sain hy J.H. CONLEY 4. CO. T ATROSE'S Hair Restorative, tbo best in use, for 1J salo by l.IGUTXER, sole A.jcul for Sunbury. fERITVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE : DAUGH'S BA"W BONE S U I'EIU' H O S r If A T E OF LIME After more than twelvo years of constant Use, th'.i highly concentrated muuuro has attained a wide spn-'id reputation us a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN OL'ANO, Being found active in its operation, and of great du rability. It docs not exhaust tlio soil, bul on tho conlraiy. peruiaiienily improves it. The inoreasimr sales aui.ually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish the fact of its being rolird rpo5 hy a wide circlo of ngricullurisis to fin ply all wants in tho direction of manures for every crop. 3A.TJGI-TI is SONS, Solo Manufacturers A Proprietors, Office, No. 20 Sou ih Delanaro Avenue PHILADELPHIA. bau3it nnrnirns & co, Ciiernl Wholetnlt Agenit, No. 161 Toarl St.. corner oi Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE. ir.Wcoii.V Aneul or Maryland Virginia, No. I0i Smith's Wlmrf, BALTIMORE, .Ml. t tec tSO vrr SOOO lba. dials. Jnit Published, thu liiiu edition of or.r new pirn- iililct, -How lo Aiaititaiii tlio Ecrtiiiiy of American arms aud Planlutious,'' fumi:hud irec upon appli caliou lo us or our Aleuts. B A Up II & SONS, 9 South Deluuuro Avenue. Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A GENTUEIl, Sunbury July 2d, ISiio. ly I).liill, liluss. I'utly, White Lead, Varnishes, Ac. Everything that lV.iulers use at unheard of prices at the llui'dnaro Storo of J. II. CONLEY i CO. Suubury, Juuo 15, ItjtW. AO-riTTo wanted. 'SKIP & Kally J.lci-i?aX.JirrtutTll fit ti u.u eo iu .-uu px.-- WTtra viiviar&lM.JrSswlu PAfirntUOTHKItS.i.-HsM AeeL'ta. ' x i ncBiiiui Ol., Cllllfc, iti z-.i tiiM.,'ioi.a,o. JXSMa cpt. 8 IbiJ. 2m4 laI1010iK.tlIIlC. ft H V. ANTHONY & CO.. 1'!, Manufuetifiers id IMiMitatrat-kM' Materials, Wli desilc end Retail. S'H il. IO AD WAV, New York. In a.Mitii'ii lonur main tatsiufss of Pilot ura.h ic Mule rials we ate Uraiio-iilers lor the liilowo., vi. Sl KltKOCLil'KtS 4 fSTliflKSCtU'm VIEWS OT Aioerii ao hiiJ I'oiein Cities and LandM'upts, Gro up M.it'lire, rte. t-T i'.HKOisCOI'IC VIKW3 OF TIIF. WAR, Fr r.i 10 alivus n.ade 111 the various campaigns and f riuui a compile l'holojiu;i:,:c liuuiry ol'tae (ivut tiai lest. STRRKOSCOI'IC VlhWS ON GLASS, A-tantrd for i-i'brr the Music loniteiu or the Strreoaeopir. lioi 'Javuue wili be seat to mi;' w.Iim ihi rtvcii 1 f Ftlioa. ruoroGRArfiic albc.ms We loaniifnemro in re laiiji-ly Una uay other ht-use, nS-int tfuo vioieiiis, Irian Au ci ins lo w"0 eia-h. Our At. Iiii'i.s Irivoig the repjttiliua of bei.lg su;icnor ill liesuiy uud ilunilaiity to anv i-iiiera. s, CaHD rilOIOGRAl-US or 'iRKKSALS, TATffSlirX, ACTCXS, i'.tc, r.rc. Our rnlali'Ciie i-otltraers over Five Thoasuml I'ifferi nl S'tl-ieis, inetniloilr repri-daeliiHta of Ilie most eetelaeltd KnaiaviiK', Faiiinui, t-utiics, etc. Cutakiguea sent on Icei'lpl of btailii. l'l...l.V'ipti-'saiMl ialier inlniiit foods C. O. D , will pie-tut i.-iiut -J.) prr eeol "l ilie himhuiiI with tiirr order. ('T- Tlik pra-i-a and qualay of our goods cannot fall to satisfy. Ju! t, It81.-ia i 0:3, i HOOP SKIHT8 623. UOPKIN'8 "OWN MAKa." Sew I'ull Ol y U s) I Are la every respeot l'itt Clinu, aud eaibraee a a complete nsauiimuiit lor Ladles. Missut aud ihild rcn, otibe lowest styles, uvcry Leugtli and Siiet of Wait. OCR SKIRTS, wherever known, art more nniter silly popular lhau any others before tbe public. They leluiu their shape bailer, are lihtor, uioio elastic, more durable, and realy Cheaper, than uuy other Hoop Skirl in the market. Tb.) ptiu,-s and fastenings sre warrtuted per foot. Every Lady should Try Them ! Tbey are now being exteasively sold sy .Merchants, throughout the Country, an I at Wtu!. tale Reuil, at Manufactory and Sale R m. No. o2S ARCH Street, below Tib., Phllodol. bia. A'k, rr-l!" L.I!rk "ow" ake,''buy no other ! CAt 1 f'J.N, None pcQuine unltt eiamned en f P"'lt'Jl'a Hoop &kirt Mmiuloctory, o. bid Areb siroct, Philadelphia," ' .untUatly 00 baud full line of 'tw Tork J rnadt ikiris, at very low wic Terms Net Cash. Pri-eOiilv fttiH I. ISM -ie jr i ru i, iiiuf , I tUAttaU, .UC4 U e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers