All Old None net I w Tone. 1866 T: "As spring approaches 1 1 Ants and Roaches ' ' From their holes eninc nut, Ami Mice Anil Ruts, . . , , '.-. , In spitoof cats. ,-- ...., Guily skip about." ' . I 18years established InN. Y. Olfy," "Only infallible remedies known .'' , . "Free from Poisons," "Not dangoroui to the Human Family. 'Rats come out of their hole to din.' Costar'a Kn,t, Roach, Ate, Exterminator, In a paslo used for Ruts, Mice, Roaches, Black and Rod Ants, Ac, Ac, Ac. ,, . Costar'a Bed-Bug Exterminator. Is a liquid or wash nurd to destroy, and also as a preventive Tor Bed-lings Ac. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects is for Moth, Mosquitoes, Fleas, fled 1 ug9, insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. - ! ! ! Bkwabb! ! ! of all worthless Imitations, Soefhat 'CostnrV name is on each Box, Dottlo, and Flask, beforo you buv Address, HENRY R. C'OSTAR, ' 4S2 Broadway, New York t3-6old in Suubury, Ta. By Friliso For. and all Druggists and Retailers 1SG0. INCREASE OF RATS. Tlio Farmer's Ouette (English) asserts and proves by figures that olio pair Rats will have a progeny ud descendants no Iops than fijl,tljl) in tliroo yoors Now, unions tlii tin nicnse family can bo kept down, they would con sumo inoro food tban would sustain l)5,l'U0 human beings. Sco ''Costah's" advertisement above. lSGi) , UATS verpnf ItlliPS.--Whoever erifcrigei in shoot Inff cm nil birds in a cruel irmn; whotMer aid a in cx torminntitig rut is ft bene (net or. We elmultl like fiome one to civeu? the benefit of their exporivnoc in driving out tWc pests. Wcneed something be ales rings, eat?, nm. trap for this busiucse. iScieuitJic AtrtrrirTfi, j'.Y. ee 'Costar V' advertisement above. 1SGI) COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR Is simple, safe, and sure tho most perfect RAT-iiieation meet ing wo have ever nttonded. livery Rat that can get it. properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that cats it. will die, generally at somo place us distant as possible from where it wus tuken. ike t-hore Mich Mirror. iSco "Costar's" advertisement ubovo. 1SG0. Housekeepers trouble w ith vermin ncel be so no longer, if thoy use '-Costar'a ' Exterminator. We havo used it to our satisfaction ; and if a box cost f.j, wo would have it. Wo have tried poisons, but they effected nothing ; but "Costar'a article knocks tlio broathoutnf lints, Mico, Roaches, Ants und Jled bugs, quicker than wo can writo it. It is in great demand all over the country. Medina, Viiu, Ga zette. See "Costar's" advcrtiscinentabovc. 18G6. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST. Speaking nf "Costar's'' Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac Exterminator 'more grain and provisions aro destroyed amiiiHlly In (irant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer.'' Itaneaster Wis. Ilcral.l. Soo ''Costar's" advertisement above. 18GG, Farmers. and IIoisKkKEir.n should recullocl that hundreds of dollars worth of (Iniin, Provisions Ac., are annually destroy by Rats. Miuo, Ants, and other insects and vermin nil of which oan bo pre vented by a few dollars' worth of "CostnrV Rnt, Roach, Ant, Ac, Exterminator, bought and used freely. Seo "Costar's" advertisement above. Bold in Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. Filling A Son. and all Druggists and Deuiert. . April 7, li(i 6m SAI)LI:it AND HAHNIaSS M A N I P A C T U II K K . -A.. J. STROI-I, Deer Street, opposite tho Central Hotel, Sl'NClItY. PENS' A. INFORMS his friends and the puhlio that having removed to his new establishment, and extended his lino of business, is now prepared tn manufacture more extensively, nnd invites nil to call und examine his large assort uicnt of Sndlns, Ilnrncrs. Collars. Whips, Common and Fancy Fly-Netts, Blankets, Btifliiloo and Fancy Robes, Horse Combs, Slcigh-Bclls, Huddle, Hornets and Coach Trimmings for manufacturers. LIVERY! L1VEKYI! LIVKHY '. ! ! In eonncction with the above he has uUoa Livery Ktublo, good and safe Horses, Rugbies, and Couvey unces. which are hired at reasonable rates. AUCTIONEER ! He isalso a Lioansed Auctioneer, and will attend to all business entrusted to his care, i'unbury, March 3, lotifl dm InvcuforM OlticcH. 'd'khsdeh t kvass, Civil Enoikeers and Patint .Volicitoks. No. 4.15 Walnut street, ihilalclphia. Putcnts solicited consul (:it ions on J'.ngii.eering Draughting mid Sketches, Models and .Machinery of all kinds made and skilfully attended to. h'pcciul attention given to rejected cases and interferences. Authentic copies of all Documents from 'utent Of fice procured. H. B. Suvcynursolvcs useless trouble and travelling expenses, ns there is no actual need for personal interview with us. All Lusinc-s with those Ofliccs can be trunsaeted in writing. For fur ther information direct ns above, with stuuip enclosed, for Circular wilh references. February 3. Ifcoti ly. Prom rljit iorns irefully couifKiunded of the best DRL'US at U Mammoth Store of J-NO. FK1LIX0 & SOX. Hiit.biiry. Mav 20, 18tl5 NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FURMAN'S OLD STA.ND. WHOLESALE Si RETAIL AND Provision Store FOU CnEAP GOODS ! Their Stock Is complete, consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, -SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Suit, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Ulass, Lumps, Ac, Ac. Country Produce taken In exchange tor floods. jCull aiid examine vur Stock, aud sutisfy your selves. : Sui.bury, May 12, lnU, ViiA.xi.i: !' itv.vlii'.' f I11IE undersignud respeutfully Informs bis friends I ami the publiu that lie bus changed bis nlaeo of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward A Freed, No. 81 1 Market Street, to ( A. D.A0HB80N'- iComiulssiuu Merchant, dealer in Flour Urain, Seeds, re) o. 1013 llui-Iit l (SI., l'biladlplitn, where all fwigbt will be loadud on can of the un dersigned, tor Duupniu, Suubury, Shauiokiu, aud all iutei veniuir joints. All freiglit will b carried a low a on any vtlitr line. Orders to early freight respeetfully solicited, which will receive prompt attention. ' J. B. WEISEU. Sucbury, Jan. 13, IcHjd. 3iu. . LADIES LASTING GAITF.H0 for VI.T6, at . V. W. Ar-nW-v's. DKF.AKFA&1 SHAWLS, Store if for sale at the Fanoy ANNA PAI3TKK. CIA It PtNTFRS, Saddlers, Blacksmiths, Carrie J Mukera, Shoemakers, Merobanu, Miuers, ir. leers and the oitisens. generally. l.u k to your interest and buy i.t the new Hard ware More of J. Ii. CON LEY CO. Sunbur, June 1A, ISot). ; ; t a CK li o a p 1 1 A'lii w. KSTAULISIIED A3 A REFCGBFROM QLACIi- EHV, Tim ONLY rLACli WllEltE A CVRK U can ii b odtaLved.. i : y DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Corlain, HpJy and only EtTnotual Remedy In tho World lor all PrlvftlolHseaups, Weakness of tho Back tt Limbs, Strictures, Aflootions of the Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Disuhnrges, Impotenoy, licno' al Debility, Nervousness, Dyspopsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idena, Palpitntion of the Heart, limtilily, I romhlings. uimnessot Mgni or MMdiness. Disense of the Hoad, Throat, Nose or skin, Afioetioni of tho Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowols thoso Torri bio Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary prnoticcs more fntnl to flioir victims thnn tho song of Syrens to the Ma liners nf Ulysses, blighting their most brillinnt hopes or anticipations, reudoring uiarriago, Ac, impossi ble. ' Especially, who have bceouio the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive hnbit which annually sweeps loan untimely grnvo thousands of Young Men of tho most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might omorwisc nave enirnnceu imien ing Scnntes with the thunders of eloquence or waked o ocstuty tho living lyre, may .call with full eon tidonco. , ' ' i ' Miuriod Persons, or Young Men contemplating innrringe, being nwaro nf physical weakness, organio debility, deformities. Ac, speedily cured. Ho who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rclv upon his skill as a Physician.; . out; vi; wkaiwukx- Immediately Cured, and Full igor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victiinsol improper Indulgences. Young persons arc to apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences thnt may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will protend to deuy that the power of procreation is lost sooner by thoso falling Into improper habits than by tlio prudent Resides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Woakcned. Loss of Pi rloreative Powor, Nervous Irritability. Dvsrorssu, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Uoiiauuiption, Decay and Death, Oilier, .". 7 South I rolevi K Sli ce! Left hand sMo (roiu)? from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Foil not to observe name and number. Letters most be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in liisohloo. A CX'HK WAKRASTIil) I TWO DAYS. No Mrrevry or Kaueoti Drugt. it:..ioits'i'0'. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 'Jradunto fmn one of tho most eminent Colleges in the United Stntes, ami the greater part of whose life hnshcen snent in tho hospitals of Inndon, Paris, Philadelphia and elsowhorc. hns effected somo of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and earB when asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrmed at Hidden sounds, bashfidness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were surcd immediately. I'AIii: I'Atl TK'I I-Aie !0'I'I4.'I. Dr. 3. addresses all those who lnwo injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. Tiiksb aro some 'of the sad and mclnneholy effects produced by early hnbits of youth, vis: Weakness of II c Rack nnd Liiiibs, Pains in the Head, Dimnccs of Sight, Loss of Museulur Power, Palpitation of tho iheart, Dyspepsy. Nervous Irritubilily, Derangement of tho Digestive Functions, Gcueral Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ac. Mi.ntali.v. Tho fearful effects on the mind are much to be drended Loss of Sleniory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust., Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao ore some of the evils produced. TiiorsANnR of persons of nil ages con now judge what is tho cause of their declining health, losing tneir vigor, becoming wenk, pale, norvous and enociated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. A'ho havo injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in wbon alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or ut school, tho effects of which aro nightly felt, even when asleep, aud if no cured renders uiarriago impossible, and destroys both miud aud body,sLould apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the liopo of his country, tho darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of lifo, by the conscuuence of deviating from the path of nature snd indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons MUST, ueloro contemplating .iiab:kiai:. reflect thnt a sound mind and body aro the most necessary requisites toproinnti connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho joi.rucy through lifo be somes a weary pilgrimugo ; tho prospect hourly darkens to tho view: tho mind becomes shadowed with despair nnd filled with the melancholy rctlec- tion thnt the happiness of another becomes blghtcd ' wilh our owu. - I When tlio misguided and imprudent votary olr. pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed senso of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to thoso who, from education nnd respectability, can alone bui'riend him, delaying till tlio constitutional symptoms of this horrid diseaie make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the hoad and liuibs. (lioness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, face und extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till ut libit the palate of tho mouth or tho bones of the nuso fall iu, and the victim of this awful diseaso becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till. death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from w hence no traveller returns." It is &Hruitrwu furl that thousands fall victims to this terrible diseaso, owing to the unskillfuluess of t ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly j Voi ton, Mrmiru, ruin the constitution and make the residue of liTc miserable. S'i'KAXiil.ItS Trust not your lives, or health, to tho care of the aiany Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ol knowledge,' nanio or ohnructer, who ooiiv Dr. Johnston's udvertitenients, or stylo themselves, in tho newspapers, rcgulurly Educated Physicians, incapable ol Curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their filthy and poisontis com pounds, or as long as thesinullcct feoenn be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined heulth to sigh over your gallingdisappoinliuent. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. lUs credential or diplomas always hung in his olfice. His remidies or treatemeiit are unknown to nil others, prepared from a life spent iu the great hos pitals of Europe, the first iu the country and a more extensive Vrirale i'raetin than any other Physician in the world. 'ioMi:Mi"r oi' tii: 1'itr.Ks T lie uiuiiy thousands cured at this institution ycur after year, and the nuuierous important Surgical liperntions performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of tlio "Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of wliieh have appeared again and again before tho public, besides his standing as a genii'Mnan of character and responsibility, is a uflieii nt guarantee to the nillieted. ssiiA msHAst'.s ha,i:!:ini,v IIKDI), Persons writingshould bo particular In directing their letters to hu Institution, in the following muune .KII ,11. JOIl.!TO, PI. I. 01 the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 30 lbt)4 ly. FANCY DRY GOODS STOKE MIBS KATB BLACK, Market street, four doors west of Win. II. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SL'NBUKY, Po. RESr-KCTFCLLY informs her friends In Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened ber BPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS, ol Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, llcrstoek oonsits of All-Wool Delaines, Cbniubrns, uiugiiiuue, j-.uiuroiueries, l.ace Collars, Fans, It A Is, Muslins, Drillings, Garibaldi Muslins, Bird-Fye Linens, Linen Lawns. Crape and Lace Veils, Ao. Mine. Deuiorest ' Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Curls, Gloves. Stuckings, Collars, Corsets, Ao. Gents' Collars, Neckties, huirjtuso, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex F.llipUo (or dcuble Spring SklliTri ) Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brashes, Cuaibs. Toys, and a general varii t v of No l'lON.S. G Al'1'i'i.UlNll I'one haudsoiiu-Jy aud at short notioe. KAT'K BLACK. Sunbury prIIJH, lSflfl 2ESTATJHANT & EOARDINQ HOTJgE 411 AM. ITXI'I l'rorlloi. In Cake's Addilii n to SUNBURY, near the Pcnn'a. . Railroad Company's Shops. J AG 11 BKLU, Porter aud AJo of the very lest J brands, excellent German Wtues, Sohweitser Cheese, Tripe, Ao., always on hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample aoouuiiuodulions. Good eooks aud waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet com torts of home with fore equal to the host hotels. Sunbury, May ft, IBM. . - - MINOR'S Patent Pocket Lanterns for sale at tk Book and Stationery store of N. F. LiailTNFtt STORE. iH ii rUrt Square, MC.'MIl ItV, ln. HAVING reoenlly 'purchased the Drug Store formerly eonductod by R. A Fisher. I beg lcavo to inform tho citlsetis of Sunbury end vl-; entity, that 1 havo eutiroly replonlsbed my stocK of as jac ttj ra- em such as Comlu, Brashes, Pocket-Books, Ponps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, -Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps. Tobacco and Cigars, , . , Iaiiils, Oilsi, luoV!lnsH, l'ntly, TnriiUliiN, I'll I Out iTIodiineia, Ar. AH my Tinoturei, fyrups, Olntmonla. Cerates, and other preparations nio manufactured by myself, nnd from the best material I oan procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience In tho , Drug and Precrijilion Jlusiiicts, both in Philadelphia and the oountry, and also tlio advnntugo of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physiciiuis and public may favor me w itli. All my preparations as I havo above assorted, are uindo from tho best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band Iho very best "' WINES, BHANDIES AND LIQUOUS, that I can procuro. Before purchasing elsewhere, call nnd convince your own mind. . W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov 1R, 1865. N Y W G IU) "cTrT a HIE subscribers begs leave to announeo to the . citir.ons of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY. Tiro doort icest of J. If. Lngle't More, in Market &piarc, where they aro prepared to furnish every vnriety of grooorics, nnd will kcop constantly ou hand the choicest vuricties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coflco. Tens, Sugar, Molnsscs, Checso, Snlt Spices of nil description, Sonps of every variety, Candles. Smoking and Chewing tobneco, Segnrs, limns. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, end Eggs. Also Dried fruits of nil kinds, Cnncd Peaches and Toma toes. Piekcls, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every stylo of nrtieles kept in a well" stocked Oroccry. Also Cider Vinegnr. AH kinds of oountry produco Inkcn in exchange The patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, I S5. JEWELRY ! JEWELRY! JOSEPH KESSLER, AVulelimaker iml Jeweler, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the lublio, that he hns just received a largo assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and plated spoons, Forks. Ao. - Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired nnd war ranted Sunbury, Jnn. 13, 18o8. ly JOHN WJLVF, -BOOT Sc SHOE MANUFACTURE It, Ono door East of Friling'a Storo, Market Square SUNBURY-, PEKN'A . RESPECTFULLY informs tho oitiicns of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho is prepared to manufac tured) ordor all kinds of BOOTS A SHOES, at the shortest notice and in the best workmanlike manner, of tho best material and at the lowest Cash prices, llo hopes to receive a full share of patronage. Sunbury, June 2, 1860. Washington House. SAMUEL SNYDER, OITOSITE THE NEW COURT nOVSE, SUNBURY, PA. T HI! IS popular and comfortnble Hotel has bocn fitlod uu in superior order for the accommoda tion of Strangers, Travclleis, and the Dublic eencr- ally. No ctfurt will be spared by tho Proprietor to make it a favorite resort ami a pleasant hoiiia for every guest His table, his bar, and the long ex perience of tho proprietor, warrant him in anticipa ting a liberal shore of publio patronage. Kxtonsive stables, and every dosirublo conve nience. Sunbury, April 7, I860. ly TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, 1 ESPKCTFVLLY infhrms tho citizens of SUN-' t j BURY and vicinity, that he hns opened a M 'nilot-iitg; Mjop, the mom over Farnsworth's Grocery, opposite the Ccutul Hotel, Suiibnry, where ho is ready to mako op garments of all kinds In tho latest stylo and best workmanlike manner. Having had experience in the business for a cum ber of years ho bupes Ut render genorul satisfaction Custom work is respectfully solicited. J. F. SCHAFFJiR. Sunbury, May 13, 1S65. ly rF you rant good Tin-Ware, go to SMITH A UF.N1 itR'S New Shop. r dr .H. "SUiVBURY FOUNDRY 1IA. KOIIItllACll A- K, ARK now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. tastings of every description, promptly furniched 1 1 order. Tho btoves manufactured at this Foundry have ueuuireu me uigncat repuisuom Particular attention i.uid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS mado at the buubnry foundry have never been equalled Agricultural implements repaired at short notice email eastings, including looking utensils, of th mosi improved ana most usetul patterns. The business will be conducted on an oulurire scale. Old customers will be accommodated u usual and new ones are respootfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, lrStjo. -A. LECTUHE TO YOUNG MEN. - Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price floents A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment', and Radical Cure of Spormatorrhoca, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments iu iuuiiiagv KuiiuiHiiv, nervousness, uonsuuipllun r.puensy,una tits; Mental and Physical Incnpacit ri-sultlng from Self-Abuse, Ao. By ROBERT ', uuLViatlvtLU, M D., Author of the "Green Book," Ao. . , The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from Lis own experience owim vNJsqocuct UI oeif-AOUSe DIRT 00 - .. . .uu . . j iviuu, itimuui 1UUUUIU1Q, aua wunout dangerous surgical operations, bouirio. inrrnmi,i rings, or oordinls. pointing out a mode of cure at onoe eertaiji aud etleotual, by which ever suiri.rnr. matter what his condition may bo, may cure himself ununuy, pnvuioiy, nnu rauicuny. This Lecture win prove a Doon 10 aoousanus suit Thousands. Sent under seal, to anv address, in a nltn -ij envelope, on the receipt of six oeuls, or two postage , L ,C"AS- J' C' KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Ofilce box s.SSo. March 17, 1866. ly 1 AAA Carriage Makers Wanted to how rii 1Uv7 Spokes, Hubs, Axles, Springs, Bands, Bolts and everything pertaining to the business at the vuvaii uoiunniv nun iruu more oi - . . i. U. CONLKY A CO. CHILDREN'S Carriages of tho newest and most a ui.f'iwble style at the Cheap Hardware store "J.u.WHl,liVCO. NEW MUUOR STORE! . i.waL noovEa ' , ICuilroud K(i ov, nbove Mui-Kt-i, . i KkAB THK tKHIBAL UOTEt, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY iuvites bis friends and the public generally, to eall and examine his large uuorUaeuts of li-j . before porvbasing elsewhere. Hits tilocU tea Ula r -'llrussdlest. Mlilskey, Ilulluud tiiu, uu k Isiiiu, Jlunoii; alit-lu uud Itourltoti ol'tlsn beat iuuli ly. tt lnes, t ld-i-, tiue. ijur, Ai., At'. - Farmers, ITotel Keepers, and others are Invited to eall, as bis stock is goauine, and will reader general satisfaction. ...... Sunbury, February 3, 1804. A New and fine lot of PERFUMES, Ao . lor lis Holidays, at LIUHTNEK S. AyefsSarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to bo the roost effectual AUmtiiv that oan be . made. It it i concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, : M combined with miter aubstancet of still greater nlterativo powor ns to nfTord an flec tiva antidote for the diaensies Sarsaparilla it reputed to cure. . It is believed that such a remedy is wonted hy thoso Who Buffer from Strumous Complaint', and thnt one which will ' accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven hy experiment on many of tho worst cases td be found of the following complaints:- ' . ScitoruLA Attn Soaoriit.ous Compi.aiwts, EtturTIOMS ATI D EllUPTIVB DISEASES, Ul.CERS, ViUPtBS, IIlotches, Tumors, Sait Rheum, Scald IIbad, Syphilis anb Svphilitio Af fections, MbucuiiialDisuasb, Duopsr, Neu halo i a ouTio Douloureux, Deiiii.itt, Dys pepsia AU iNDIOP.STIO.y, Ehvsiprlas, Rosb on St. Anthony's Fiub, nnd indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Imvuuity or tub Hr.oot). i i - - This compound 'will bo found a great pro moter of health, when tuken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which , fester in the blood at that season of the Year. Bv the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders nro nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which tha system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the nnturnl channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out tlio vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the reins; clennse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and tho great machinery ol lifo is disordered or overthrown. Sorsapniilla hns,: nnd deserves much, tho reputation of accomplishing these ends. Hut the world has been cgregimtsly deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not olf tho virtue thnt is claimed for it, but more because ninny preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. . During late years the public havo been mis led hy large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Snrsapa rilltt, hut often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood tho market, until tho namo itself is justly despised, nnd has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wc call this compound Snrsnparilln, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue tho namo from tho load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think wc have ground for believing it has virtues which nro irresistible , by tho ordinary run of tho diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. vnEPATiEi) nr DR. J. C. A YE It & CO. LOWliLI,, MASS. Price, $ 1 per Hot tie Six lloUloe ior 3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. . As it has lung been in constant uso throughout this section, wo need not do more than assure the peoplo its quulity is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied on to do for their relief ull it has ever been found to do. Ayer's. Cathartic Pills, FOB TUB CUBE OF Costivtticss, Jauiitlict, Pyprjuia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, I'.i-yttpclas, Headache, Viles, Rheumatism, Ki uptiunt anil Si; Diseases, Liver Complaint, Diojsy, Tetter, Tumors: and Halt Wienm, Worms, Cant, Neuratyia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Vurifyiny the lilood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sciim tive can take them pleasantly, nnd they are tlio best aperient in the world for all tho purposes of a family physic. Fries 25 cents per Box ; rive boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Fhvsicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify tho unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Am emcAW Almanac in which they are given ; witli also full descriptions of Die above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put olf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they mako more profit on. Demand Aykii's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for llicm, and they should have it. ' All our remedies are for sale by FRILrNU A SON, Sunbury, Th. R. B. McCny, Northumberland, and all Druggists and dealers everywhere. At wholesale bv J. AI MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. December 23, 1S05. ly II A. Mi OI' Oil 1 II I 51 ICIOIC I.A. lT WHERRAS the Auditor -General as required by the 11th Section of Iho Act, entitled 'An Act enabling the Banks of this CouimonwaHlih lnhnm. Associations for tho purpose of bonking under the laws of the United Stntes." pnwed on tho 2d dey of August A D. irtt'4, has certified to me that the "Bank of Northumberland," loeuted in the Burough of Sunbory, Norihuuihorlttiid county, has furnbhed satisfactory evidence to him thnt all the requirements of said Act huvo been eonirliid with l n- Bank, and that It hns become an association for the purKwe oi unnnnf; under tho Laws of tho United I do therefore, cause the notion thxrenrin k r,k lishod in accordance b ith the provisions of the said II th section of the said Act, and do declare that tho Churter ol the said Bank by tho terms of said Act, is uuemea nun uiaen to no Hereupon surrendered sub- jeci w iue iiruviMuus oi tnc nrst section or said act , , A. G.Cl'UTIN, Governor. h xecutivo Cbhiubrr, II arrisburg, Aug. 2.. ISoj. I ulvs-uulioitiU Clots-I, uOS and 307 lirondtray. Vomer, Franklin Utrt'l . iMiiv lUltlv. THIS first class House (he most quiot, homelike and pleasant Hotel in the city oliers superior inducements to those visiting New York for business or pleasure, ai is ceuinu in its location, and kept on theErBor-CAS Flam, in connection with Taylub'i da loos, w nere relresbments can be bad all hours or served in their own rooms. The charges are mo derate, tho rooms and atteadnnoe of the first order oauu, aim an uie utawn eonveuienoe attaohed .... J011N XAihOK, Proprietor. Nov 4, lbUJ. :.:, S1.500 m-i.u ne won " ageuts everywhere to sell our 1I I'Boved 1 2f Sewing Machines. Three new kinds Ipper and upper feed. Warranted five years or isrge eomiaissiuiis poiu. lue oslv maehinessold in I niLu.1 fur leas limn iii which are fully liuensed b Howe. Wheeler A Wil. son, u rover A Baker, Singer A Co , and Baeheldel All other oheap machines are Infringements sud tr. seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and impriso- uient. Circulars free. Address, or oat I upon Sbaw A Clark, Biddefiird. Msifce, or Uhioago, III. dec23 ALL KINDS OF TRUNKS at" ' ; . .jJu .j;..w- W.Apsleys GENERAL A8SUUTIENT K, H BAGS at i , W. W. Apslev's. . LADIES' FINE LEATHER 8ATCHEI al - ' ' ' w. w. Aiwley s. auuhuiy, March 31, 180B. 0 KN TS CA LP BOOTS FUR 4,00, al L ., w. w. Aiwley's. I'ure lJIr t) Vt hlte I.udt Will do mors and better work al a riven Coat, than any other! Try it! Manufaernved only by zircui.KK A bftllTH, ' Wholesale Drug, Painl A Wlass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. -January 17, lHooly. t .mI , . cpqo A IO.TMI-r.AaiiNTS wanted Jbr six entirely new arliului. iiut nut Ad dress 0, T- GAHEY, -tHty Building, Biddeford Itaitia. ' " ' . jw'iH 1 fHOIOOKAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND BTATIONEBY, , Monthly Time Books, Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum "''" l",i xocaet AHjoas, aua stands. Pens. Petals, a but aseorUuent of Paper, Ink, Ao For sale by ANNA PAINTER. Confectionery, Toy nd Tifkxtxt sT03EtJ,.,;:,.: i . Market 8tretU Sanlmrj, Ia. i COXFECTIONEUY OF All WINDS, 1f ! TOYS OF twnY D i.5.cmrTi6ii ... . , . FUUIT,'&c, Jcc.v ' ... T CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale st the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at retiMn ablepTlces. ' ' .!-----i Hs'lS tnarinfactnrlng' all kinds of Confretlmisrie to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rstes. ... i . .. . - . . Tobacco, Pegars,.8tntionory, Nuts of all kinds', ana a variety of other artioles, all of which are oBeiea wholosaln and retail. t ' : ...;n Remembor the name and p1aoe.1 M. C. GEARHART, Market street, .1 doors west efE. Y. Bright A -Son's store. : .. j i . i Bunbnry. Sept. 19, 1863. tf t , EWESnBlISlTMNT ! ."A. E. SAVAGE, '!; i : Watchmaker , AND .... . JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Markot Square, STJ1TBTJET. PEIUT'A. I I AS constantly on band a fine assortment of I 1 WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Bpeo ttieles, (Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ao. , ' Wairhes, 4'lorkn and Jewelry re pnlrcd nnd tVAItlt A'l'i:i. Sunbury, Sept. 3ft, 186.V Geo. W. Bmitb. Chas. B. Okstbep SIITE bu GE1TTEEH, Xsrket street, one door east of Mrs. Boullon's Hotel .Ilnvo opened , A NEW TIN-WARE, Klirrt Iron nnd Siovo (torc, and intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortMt notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovesof the following Brands P 3 1T1T GTLT A1TI A, UNION QOOK, nnd on the following two Brands we defy competi tion, namely- . CoiiiUinnilon iias Ilnrner, Cook, Uovernor IVnn-d'ook. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining oheapness and durability, and each etovo warranted to perform what thoy are re presented. ALSO, TARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embraoing nil the best manufactures, and most fashionable designs Also, The celebrated GEM for heating up and down stairs. Also tho celebrated VULCAN nEATER Coal Oil, Conl Oil I.iiiiih, Shades, I'liiinnicN, and nil iirti-Ic unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We aroalso prepnrcd todoall kinds of Spouting. Roofing, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produco taken in exchnnge at market price. SMITH & GENTIIETC, Have the Aircncv for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FfP.E I PLACE STUVKS, for the Counties of Northumber land, tuyucr, Union and Montour. Ard are also agents for tho Pipher A V'illoWcr Lino of Transportation. Sun, urv, Sept. u, I Ml. I .FARMERS call and look nt tho stock of Grass nnd Grain Scythes, Mnnure, Uny and Straw Forks, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Log.Fifih.. Tougue and Halter Chains ; Scythe Stones. Grindt stoucs and fixtures, and overything to make harviss ing pleasant and agreeable at the new llardwar erc of J. II. CONLKY A CO- INire a.ii rly V'h:iv I.i tul. Preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it '. and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZlEGLEil A SMITH, Whclesulo Drug, Paint A Glass Dcnlcrs, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, Ibcill ly. '1'lic .tltiNOU & Hamlin (alilucl Ol-ernilH, forty different stylos, adapted to snored and suculur lnusio, for 4WU to $iitil) eiwh. FIFTY ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. AdUicss. MASON A HAMLIN, BosTu,r MSON BROTHERS, Now York. tWitembcr 8. If lij. ly KING'S I'OIM AHI.I- i.eiio-,a:)u Is the only preparlion of the kind mado from tho fruit. As an article of economy, nuritv. and deli- snciness it cannot be surpassed, and is recommend- I ed by physicians for invalids nndfnmily uso. It will ! aoep ior yoiu-s in any oliiuato, -vhile its condensed form coders it especially convenicut for travelers All who uso lemons are requested to give it a trial Entertainments at homo, parties, nml picnics should not bo without it. For sale by all Druggists uud lirst-class Grocers. .Manufactured only bv LOUIS J. METZGER. e . . . Ku iu l'enrl Stroot, Newlork. Sept. TOILET SOAPS, TthTIi"ushos! lTarBrtshIT Ao., Ao, For sale by ANNA PAINTER. REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissingcr and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to the eitiseus of Sunbury, and surrounding oountry, that having formed a oo-partuerhin, they are now prepared to .u.MaM viubuiuuvvu nuu uiaiu . Uruteslenrs, i'eiabs & .llonuincnts of the best Italian and American marble, at prices that Ainiu. tmil ...i: . ' S"" cuurw mieiiioilun, una rt ai'wtiuti euiivii. -pun no pairunno. b i, . u "SSIXGEK A TAYLOR Sunbury, March 31j 18t! PACIPIC HOTEL J 170, 172, 174 ii 170 Greenwich St., 'One Square west of Broadway.) Between Courtlandt and Dcy Streets, New York JOHN PATTEN. J, . P,.(... , The PActrto Hotkl is well and widely known to tho traveling public. The location is especially suitable to uiorchants and business men , His in clow liroxiunty to the business part of the City iw on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adja- ecui ,u u me principal Kailroaa and Steamboat depots. ': -- - The Paciflo has liberal accommodation for over " u w lurnisnea and posseaes every modern improvement for the oouifortand ettortaiu ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every deliuae ..I th season. .. . i -i . . . The subscriber, who, fur the past few years, hss Ti i t t ,V , proprietor, and luU-naa wuiuvmiii 1II1I1BUII Kit IMF 1 1 tr n I w issiOi l. i..a .. .A bis bouse. W ith long experienee as a hotel-koeper, tie trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal pulley, to maintain the favorablo reputation ef the Paoifio September fl, ISM.Iy (Late Buuhlcr House.) IIAURISRUlia, PUNN'A. . mHIS well-known hotel has not only been extend- a. ea dui uss been greatly altered and newly fit up by the present proprietor, and is now one of the uiuab wuiiur luuim convenient h,,l..l- in II :.. - 7" ,. .u uiir March 10, 1S. ly ' lre Liberty tVlsil Ixud. T The Whitest, the most durahla ! ik. , .i nomlosl. Try it! Manufactured onl h. , n '"WIS A SMITH, W holosale Drug, Paint A Glass Dealers, No. 1.17 NojtU THIRD Street Philadelphia January 27, 1808 ly. ' UU,"PU BOLE LEATHER TRUNKS at V. W. ApaWy's DIAKIES for 1800 ' An ilsnrtmitnl 1 of Diaries, largo and kmull, for Bale l.y . f AINTICn. Bunbury, Jon. 6, 188(1. 11 '(- VALUABLE TOWN ' LOTS E"a lu tor luig's addiUon, in the Uortufih of'SuuWy I quire of - J.B AIASSER ouubury, jfebruary 8, 1868. ' 1 V. I-J SI 'i ' 1' v- 1 to 75000 ! I !.- ! I $2 t S2 n;S2nr -' .TWO IJOJIsI-A-IIS. )i- -1 1 .lUanuaiscf(r.rl, Agents I i ; Our New Mode- one of onr ClOI.n . or Ml.VI'lt , WnlclicD, or Sllr Tn Wei for . ; t ' a "'low (stated. ' One of onr tea Sethi or one phc of our Gold or Silverware Is worth a bnshe of the oheap dollar jewelry it. .! ... , - : t , We have adop'ed the following mode of .D I S T. 11 I 11 U.T.I Q4N ! ' by sale of 75,800 articles of vtffoi Onr new Mode I The articles of coods are numbered from 1 to 75, 000! 37.600 consisting of Pianos Melodoons, Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Ten A Table Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons nnd Forks; etc.. etc.. and the other 37,500 artioles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Fkotngrsph Albums, Openfuce Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety, 75,000 notices numbered from 1 to 75,01)0 are urintcd and put into sealod envelopes and well mixed and one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to ns 25 cents to cover expense of postngo, corrosjicndence eto., ana mo ariicie oi goous corresponding with the number on the notice will be sent to the bolder of the same immediately (if he desires to purchase the artiole) on tho receipt of two dollars. For Instance; If the number on the notice sent to yon should be 500. and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered oUO; it will be t . , , ..... . .ir. j soni to you suuuiu uo oou, anu a uuiiiu or .uniuouu sett or it old watcb should be numbered 500, it will bo sent to you for f 2, and so on for every article in our list of 75,000 articles. lAl'tcrrcocivingtho article, (fit does not please you, you can roturn it, and your mouey shall be ro unilcd. 25 cents must be lent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence eto., on one notice. Remember i that wbatover artiulo corresponds with tho number on your notice, you cvn hare it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $1U0 or $!t)0. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives oonfidonoe to tnc puunc, una thereby inorenscs our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 ots., which pays for correspon dence, poetnire etc., we send one notice. Upon receipt of $1, which pays fur correspondence, postage, etc., we semt six notices. UKn receipt of to which pays for correspondence postage, eto., we will send 40 notices, and a fine pro. sent valued at not less thsn $15, as a sample of our goods Upon receipt of $18 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc, we will send 150 notices, and a solid Itilver Wntch. by return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Send for a circulnr ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 31 Liberty street Sept. 21, Ib05. ly REED A BROTHER, Box 51. IS, Now York City, N. Y. s PEER'S SAMIiURG PORJL GRAPE JYINE. I'lirenndl'oui' Years Old. FOR THE COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILY USE Prescribed by Physicians for Females, weekly persons aud INVALIDS ! (' ' V;. '4V sSyr'-' -'i.'- VN'rt--iT- v . jv.--ii.-T-"- ' .'j.- .-vTS-Ar ft, - vi vt Ji , '-i?r ' .7 M a . . d . r ..'7 --i.. . --.ft- L' EXCELLtNT WIXK FOU FEMALES x Every fHiuily at this Mason, fhould u?e SPEER'S WINE, celebrated In Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent pbisiciana. used in European and Amerioan Hospitals, and by some of the first families in Europo and America. AS ATONIC It has no equal, causing an appetite and building up tho system, being entirely a pare wine of a most valuable grapo. AS A DIURETIC it imparts a healthy notion of the Glands, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Gout, and Rheumatic Affections. SPEER'S WINE is a pare article from the Juice of the Port Grapo, possessing medicinal properties superior to any other wine in use, and an cxcllent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, im proving the appetite, and benefitting ladies and children. Try it oiire. ami yon will not he. deceived. . (j-Bo sure tho signature of At. hied Si eeb is over the cork ol'eauh bottle. Sold by W. A. Uonnett. Sunbury, and all first class dealers, who also tell the 4'A!i'I'lI,la I'OIt'I' HIE OIkV, a choice old article, im ported only by Mr. Speer, direet from the valley of Oporto. . . , LkrTrudo supplied' bv Wholesale Srinnrisls. Lt'Ry A. SPEER. at his vineyard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 BROADWAY, N. Y. Buuuury, osn. 10, thou. ly. 3 STSY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, ARB not only unequalled, but they are absolutely Uneaualleil. Iiv unv nth. U ...I T.,. In luouuumrv. umienea exnnumlv ft.. ei.ln.l,H ...,l Schools, they are found to Da equally well adapted .uv ram auu urawiug room, t or sale only by J5. Al. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh streot, Philadelphia. SAlso Bradbury's Pianos, and a oomnleta a surtwent of the Perfect MELUDEON. pept. iU, tSOj. lyw RECORD 70TJ2i EEEDS P .? ? 3 B,v,n nnrecorded Deeds are reminded that they must be recorded, aooording to the Aot of Assembly which requires that "All deeds and ry , ,-7''J awa I vest COMttt Hi IU IS Commouweaitii, shall be recorded in the office for " m me vounty where the lamb) lie mi nit sit month! after the cii,iin nr...i. .i..i. and oonveyonce : and every such deed and eonrey anee not recorded as aforesaid, shall be ludirad FRAUDULENTAND VOIDai'n ! any sulC'ent purchaser fur avalnat.U .,.i.iri.ii....r"" eeds be eoorded before the recordiugof thedeod or eunveyanoe under which suoh subseuueni purchaser or mortgage shall claim." 1 '"umI AUgUSl Ztl, IM BREAD & FANCY CAKES. odours west of the Post Office, SUNBURY P. 1 ESPECTFULLY iuforn m- c. k"'i Hnlln, tirtlrsi.'Ar. Famllie " re supplied with FRESH BREAD Tmi-i Hulls Ru.k fjeaBun., Ao, and al ktpt on W manafaotured out of the best materials. navlnr bad larira-eici,ri..,n. r w 7. . general itiafacUon. to s.l Vki , I S V - x'-pCw-'-v it 1. I.' .-J. . - ' V - !' ii.-.i V a P E II U V I A N SYRUP - "' i' ,t I V . i 1. IS A PROTECTED BOH)TWNOF THKL Protoxide ol Iron, ' anew aiscavery la taedleine which STRIKES AT THE BOOT OB DIBE.UtBt by supplying the Blood with Its vital rameiri-ii, , OR 1.1PB KI.BMBST I HON, , This is the seoret of the wonderful success of thin remedy in snring 1 Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronle Tlnri . rhosa. Boils, Nervous Alfeotions, Chills and Fo- vers, Humors, Lose of Constitnttonal Vigor, : : Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, ,, . ... Female .Complaints, .. . and all diseases originating in a BAD 8TATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by hsnii.ttr or a tow stats or Taa systk.v. , Being free from Alcohol in any fnrm,i its cnergi sing eflects are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, Infusing STREHom, virion snd new lips into nil parts of the system, and build ing up an HION CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AMD DEBILITY. From the Venerable Archdeacon SCUTT, D. JJ '' DuHBAX, Canada East, March 24, ltMSA.- "lam an inveterate Dyspeptlo of more than 25yearsstanding." . . "I have been so wonderfully bencfiUod in tho three short weeks during which 1 have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I oan spareely persuado myself of the roality. : People who have known mo are astonished at the cbango. I am widely kuou.n. and oan but recommend to others that which has done so much for me '" One of the' most Disllngiiislioil Jurists it New Engluud Writes to a Friend as follows: ' ' ' "I have tried tho-PEftU"VIAN SYRUP, nnd the result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has mmiu a new man of me ; infused into my system now vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you last saw me, but stronger, henrtier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the lost tho years." An Eminent Divine of Boston, says: 'I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it gives me nbw vinoR, r OF SPiniTS, Kt.ASTlCTY ut Ml'SCLB." Thousands hare been changed by the use of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering crooture s ei strong healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids connut reasonably hesitate to give it a trial A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificate of cures snd recommendations from some nf the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will bo sent tree to any address. Ltf-See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SVRUP blown in the glass. For sale b J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. 34 Dey Street. New V'urk. AND BY ALL DRUGUISTS. SC R0 FULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is Iho lie. Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred diseaso ev. i discovered. The difficulty has been tuohtuin a Pun Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent!: Containing a full grain to eneh ounce of water. A most Poworful Vitalising Aent and Rextorativi It has cured and willcureSCRtU' CLAinall ileinani fold forms. I'loers, Canerrs, S.v1iii, Salt It Ileum and It has been used with astonishing success in c.i.-c of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Consumption. Fcmsb Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Diseases, A. Circulars will be sent free to any one sending then address. Price SI OP a bottle, or 6 for j I'll. Prepared by Dr. 11. ANDEK.S, Physician and Che mist. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York . Aud by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam or WILD. CHER !T. hns been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in curing Cuuglis,, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Inlluenz Wlnmping Cough, Croup, Liver Com lail.t, Brochitis, Difficulty of Breathing. Aslh ina and every a flection of The 'I'lirout, I.nnsTH, uud lievt. CONSUMPTION, which carries off moro violiuis shun oilier discusi and which baffles tho skill of the riivsieians to greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS RRMKPY t when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, an receives the general confidence of the public. VEVMOUll THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y.t writes as follows : " Wistar's Balsam of Wil J Cherry gives nnivorsn satisfaction. Itseems to euro a Cough by loosenin and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, the removing the cause, iusteud of drying up the eoiig and leaving the rause behind. I consider the Hal sain as good as aiiy, if not the bust Cough niediciu w ith which Ism acquainted." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER, of Canajohario, N. V Gentlemen. -This is to certify that mvself an, family have used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cbcrj lor several years, and that I take great pleasure i recommending it iu preference to anything of tb kind lor the purposes for which it is intended. I cases of Asthma, Phthisic, or affections of tho Throat I have never met with anything equal to it, Very respectfully, . . , . DAVID SPRAKElt. The Bev. JACOB SECIILEK, of Hanover, Pa., Well known and much respected among the Genua. population hi this country, makes the followin ' statement for the benefit of the afflicted. Pear Sirs : daring realised In my family Impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prepara lion Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry it attorii me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Som eight years sgo one of my daughters seemed to bo li a decline, and littlehopesof ber recovery were enter tained. I. then procured a bottle of your exeellen Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of th eontcnteof the bottle there was a great lmproveiuen in her health. I have, in my Individual ease maib frequent use of your valuable medicine, and havi always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECULEtt. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J.I. Dl. 'HE, 36 Hey f "MORE, 36 Dey Ptroct, Now York. SETH W FOWLE A SON, Proprietors. Boston. UWLB A H)N, Proprie And by all Druggists. UllACKVS CELEBRATED 6.VLYE Cures Cuts. Hunt. Koal.l. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Wounds. Rmiu. Kr.ral.,. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE : Cures Boils, Vloers, Cancers, V ' GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. ' ' GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. , '' .' ' Cares Chautiad HanAa Mihi,.:... GRACE'S CELBARATED BALVB ' . Heals Old Soros, Flosh Wounds, Ac matiooa. a. Uto:&IZV?"'u "" eompleU eure. " ' ""is -'i una a FolrS.uT.U? Vite"" f. au , Naw Vik rj"'. ' Wrevt, A by W k-TO January IT, 18B-!y. i . ...... .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers