f)e &untmrfi American. B. WTLVEBT, Ptibllaher. . B. JUJNUXjJU, M 1L SLNlMJItY, IA. i t i ri -v ,' SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, I860. Eocal Affairs. dpJlk PrlnllBfr. Hiring received e lara supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of TarloM new 'itjlw, Poster, Handbills, ClroiiUri, Card, tetter IlMdi, BUI Roads, Label, c, ean be printed In the lateet and beat stylo, and on short notice. 'Order by mall promptly attended to. , QTRiuoiovi Nonce.- The Unitarian Cburch in Northumberland having been closed for a season, t will be opened 6n next Lord's day, August 20lh. Horning service at II o'clock. Vespers at 80'olock. IjjT PoBTaaoRKAia Touh .-rA poitemonnaio, containing papen of great value to the owner, was fonnd on Third street, near the depot, on Saturday last. The owner can obtain Ibe fame by calling at this offloe. si- y Soldiers' MontmlRT. The yonng gentle men of thia place, who entertained onr citiiena last winter with aome excellent negro delineationa, mu--aio, Ac., are now rehearsing and ereoting a stage, for the purpose of giving a concert for the benefit of the Boldiers' Monument Fond of Co. 0, 47th Pa. Vet. Volunteers. . The entertainment will be given early io September about the 4th or oth. It ta a noblo chjeet, aid should be encouraged by our cltiieni. y ScnniR Dkatii in Williamspobt. On tlio 4th Inst., Mrs. Augusta, wife of Charles Butt, Jr., of .that city, while conversing with her husband and 'Others in the room, wasseixod with palpitation of the iheart, and falling on a sofa, expired almost instantly. Mrs. B. was the daughter of Alexander McFaddin, Chief of Police of Williamsport, and was only 18 years of age. ffCAVP Hietino. A camp meeting, under the direction of the Elysburg M. E. Circuit, was held between Elysburg and Boar Gap, commencing on Friday of last week, and continuing in session about .a week. Quite a numbor of poreons from this place tended it on Sunday last. A woods-meeting will be held on the grounds of Mrs. ltccser, near Ammerman's School House, in -Shamokin township, this county, by the United Brothren in Christ, commencing to-day, (Saturday,! .and to continue through the week following. I If The delegate election for Montour county will take place to-day, (Saturday.) The County Convention is to be hold in Danville, on Monday next. Tbi fall sessions of the Missionary Institute And Susquehanna Female College, at Sclinsgrore, -commenced on Tuesday lost. The prospeots for large schools are said to be good. The University schools at Lcwisburg, comprising the College, Academy, and the Female Institute, will open their fall and winter torm on the 20th of eptember. - - fy A Juvenile Game or Basi Ball. On Wednesday last a game was played between the 6lar Club, of Milton, and the " Athletics," of this place, in whioh the former club were boatcn, tho core standing as follows at the close of the game : Athletics, 24; Star, 11. The Athletics were the challenging party. Both are juvenile organisation?, the Athlctio Club being composed of boys from ten to fifteen years of age. pTnB Great Eastern Detective Horse Insurance Co. Mr. Isaiah S. Gosslcr, of this place, has been appointed assistant general agent of this Company, which insures horses, mules, cattle, Ac, against all risks, whether by disease, accident or theft. The rates are lower than in any other insu rance company. See bis oard in our advertising columns. 13 Railroad Bin no e Burned. On Friday af ternoon last the covered bridge at Monro's, on the 8bauiokin Valley Railroad, wus set on fire by sparks from the locomotive, and destroyed. Business on the road was brought to a dead halt in consequence. Next day the construction train of the Northern Central road catna np with the necessary timbers, aud on Monday morning passenger and freight trains were running over the new structure, as usual. Or Pavements. Our citinens are extensively engaged in paving the sidewalks. For some it will be an expensive improvement, but it will add greatly to the value of their property. Brick and stone is the only material authorised by the ordinance. Very fow have adopted the tar pavement, which, while it costs as much as stone or brick, is certainly not worth ooe-balf, besides being unauthorised. ty Quoen Emma drew quite a crowd to the depot on Thursday. She arrived in a special cor on the mail (rain, on her way to Niagara. She opened the window of her ear, and bowed to some of ladies on the platform. ty Tm Bora in Blue. A meeting of the Boys in Blue was held in the old Court House, on Tuesday evening last. The Club now numbers nearly one hundred men, and Is, daily adding new members to its ranks. The "Boys" have adopted the nam of the "Sunbury Club of the Boys in Blue," and bold regular meetings on every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, to which the publio are respectfully Invited to attend. At the last meeting the following perma nent officers were elected : PresidentCol. W. M. McClure. Vioe Presidents Sergt. J. H. Love, Lieut. Wm, Hendricks. Recording Secretary Copt. J. E. Torrington. Corresponding Secretary Lieut. A. N. Brioe. Treasurer J do. W. Buoher. y Amono the improvements in this place we observe a handsome dwelling house in course of ereotiou by Mr. Thomas D.U rant, on Arch street. There is a yard in front, which a large bay window overlooks. Mr. Btillwell, the architect and builder kf the new banking edifice, designed this struoture, which w trust will serve as a model and precursor for this and ether varied style. At the corner of Third and Arch streets our neighbors of the Gatttte are making a deoided im provement by remodeling their dwelling, wbieh, When completed, will present a handsome and impo sing front. iy Base Ball Tbe Keystone Club, of Dor- risbufg, played a match gome with the Susquehanna Club, of this place, on tbe grounds of the latter, on Thursday of last week. The IlarrUburg club ar rived in the T A. M. train, and after breakfasting with the Susquehanna beys, tie game was com toenced immediately, in order to give the Harris- burgers time to return on the 11.40 morning train. As will be seen by the following score, the busque banna Club was victorious by runs. Had not three of the best pUyers of our club been absent, tbe Sus quehanna boys would, no doubt, bave made a much better score, whioh, owing to the late hour at wbioh it was received, -we were' Enable to publish last week. eetstonb. StJSQUEBAXSA. 0. O. Frish, 1st b. Cool, s. s. Buck, r f. 'Juigluy, e. Cox, I. f Snodgress, p. Stockton, 3d b. Torrington, 2a b. Ualbraith, o. f. , s 0 I , 8 6 J 8 I 4 24 Seller, e. Weaver, Ut b. Torrington, 8d b. Weiker, I. f. Newbtrry, p. tiower, e. i. Faust, s. s. McConkey, r. I ItSarvis, Si b. 24 44 - UMBOS. i s a a. fi. I. 8. Keystone, 1 1 8-M 8 T J I 10 8 T U-4 Susquehanna, Fly Catches Keystoa. i 1 Susquehanna, JJoubl Flays Susquahaana, 1. ..... I'mpir U. Grattoa, of Baltimore, Ma- ... Poorer F. Uarbaugh. Tim of Uam thxe hoar. . , - , , , THE . OB AND . PIO-NIO. ... Our Atrial reporter sends us His following poet' eat sketch of a grand Ple-NIo that earn off Bear this place, oa Batsjrday, the 18lh Inst. It is proper to premise that a ple-nie which was to have eom off at the asm place, two weeks previous, was Indefi nitely postponed by snddea showers, When all things were ready. The beaux, now ever, went around lat In the afternoon and prevaltW on tb ladies to r-rig themselves, and "wall for the wagon," whioa was to take them Out. They soon round themselves victim' lied, and their baskets of provisions, Ac, earrled off by the gallant chevaliers, for whose benefit, in re turn, they gav the following described pio-nlc Hereafter it cannot be said that ladies are notable to keep a seofet. Here were, perhaps, twenty ladies, each the repository of a profound secret fur several weeks, With probably twenty more helping them to keep it ! . Vet not one of the gentlemen Interested discovered the plot that oiroumvonted them. In the yea of grace, eighteen sixty-six, ' Some great events occurred, i - Some of them you all may know, But, of some, you never heard. Let me, therefore, relate The story I have to toll) ' ' ' Of how, and what befell -Some nnlucky wights, of late". At that most wonderful of Plo-NICS, Time August eighteenth, 'aixty:six, Plaoe out behind the Milt. Whon under the bowers of a shady grove, Lovers for awhile forgot their love, Where bachelors grave, and Lotharios gay, Fretted and fumed a "brief hour" away While ladies shouted, and the joyous sound Re-echoed through the woods around. Meanwhile the disoomfitted boanx , Stood wondering, like chop-fallen foe- i . In mnte astonishment raised np their eyes, As if bewildered by some strange surprise, Now fully convinced that all were sold, And that whioh glitters is not always gold. Smart as they might bo, and up to tricks, In oajoling girls with sham Pio-Nic, They found, ut last, they'd " caught a tartar," And however smart, tho girls were smarter. When the joyful Saturday earn round, Our gnllnnt oavaliera were found Kager to renew the deforred Pio-Nle, In which untimely stowers had left them stick. ' The eventful day hod come, and at last Tbcy were bound to enjoy the grand ropast, Prepnrcd by fairy bands and forms, In spite of showers, clouds and storms. Anticipating so great a feast, The beaux came out in their very best ; They rushed in haste to Tonsorial Jim To smooth the stubbled face, and to trim . Tho rude moustache in modern style, And coax straggling whiskers with brush and He. ' First in the list, and first to plan, Came the ladies' right-band man, The Flour Merchant prompt on the ground Felt sure that all was safe and sound And neither dreamed of trap or snore, Laid by the hands of the wily fair. Soon, be who had so many hungry fed Felt an " aching void" in his own (broad Basket,) and called for the provender Mowed in the baskets of the fair. But, alas ! we find that many a slip Oceurs between the eup and lip ; That things are not always as they seem, That ' pure ioe-croam" is not always cream, When made of buttermilk stale and sour Flavored with tausey and thickened with flout ! The Doctor, too, looked most demure. Began to think, nay, was almost sure, That minute doses were not best When thirst and hunger sorely pressed. Ice-cream in allopatbio doses He thought an allowable process. Tho Express-Man expressed no wish For cakes or coffee, flesh or fish, And of vegotuhlea that stood the test lie deemed eait pic&les much the best, And taking care of number one, Left others feast on mirth and fun. The Junior Publisher was quite content With anything good the fair ones sent, But preferred a well dressed (German) rabbit, as a matter oi lutto, as well as nablt. The Leather Dealer, also, raised his voice, And did not with to hide bis ohoice; Was fond of pickles plump and fine, Fresh and dripping from the salted brine. The sandwiches be thought wore somewhat hard, But made palatable with ancient lard. The Bachelor Editor was only there To enjoy the rich and sumptuous fare, Without which, (he almost swore,) That ladies were an awful bore, But with patience might be endured, As he lately hadhis life insured. The Captain Clerk was not hard to please, Could eat roasted turnips or toasted cheese, Preferred his cakes in fat well fried, With a little ration stuffed iusido. A brother Editor was also there, to see And enjoy the mirth and revelry ; To measure visages with a two-foot rule, Long as a traant boy's, brought back to school. And see that all. when truly "sold," Were " labeled" ere they left the fold. The gallant Colonel was also there. As tbe chosen commander of the fair, And carrying out their plans, well laid, Outflanked the famous '-Sandwich brigade.'. Among the other delicaciea on board. The vegetable pound-tale requires a word. Composed of bran and melon rind, The first and finest of the kind, It pleased the fancy, as we knew it must, Iced, as it was, with marble duet. But we must stop to enumerate All that we saw at this grand feto, And when another such shall be, May all of us be there to see. lySuAMOKlN ArrAins. The Herald, of lost week, says that a man named Casper Furrer was found dead on last Friday morning, along the rail road, just above the Culholio Cburch. An Inquest was held under the direction of Esquire Lake, which brought out tho following fuels: Tbe deceased was seen at several of the restaurants in town during Thursday evening, and drank freely. Between ten and eleven o'clock he was seen at a saloon near the place whore be was found. It is supposed that he sat down on the side of the track, and was struck by tbe freight train and killed. As tbe night was dark, this oould easily have oooarred without the knowl edge of any one. He had three ribs broken, a severe bruise in the small of tho back, and was otherwise injured. He appeared to bave expired immediately. He was a butcher by trad, a single man, and ano ther to the list of rum's viotims. A large meeting of oititena farbrable to the elec tion of Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, to tbe position of Chief Magistrate of tbe Commonwealth, was held on Monday evening, 1 3th Inst., in Ut Central School House. Notwithstanding th Inclemency of th weather, th sueeting was a large one.. . Many of the "Boys in Blue" were present, who, having followed the gallant General through many conflicts in the past are still resdy to follow btm la the fight b is making against horn traitors, and in which fight bo will most certainly be victorious in Ootober next. The meeting was organised by the election of tbe following permanent offioers : Pres't, A. R. Fiike; Vice President, Samuel John ; 2nd Vice President, F. S Haas ; Secretary, W. A. Richardson ; Arsistsnt Secrotary, 0. H. Fowler ; Cor. 6eorotary, Capt. A, Caldwell ; Treasurer, John 8. Bittenbender. The title of th organisation is th "Uoary Campaign Club," of Shamokin. After listening with much pleasure to an exceedingly neat and appropriate speech from the President, th meeting adjourned ITT Tub Coal Tbade. The Shamokin Herald in speaking of the coal trade of that region, says that notwithstanding all fears and nrophecuss to tbe con trary, tbe coal trad eontiuuea to increase, ana tner. is still a sieaoy aemana. l ne increase up to me same time last year is 108,100 tons, ft ewt., while that ol tbe Schuylkill, keuign ana Wyoming valleys shows a gain of over two and a half million Ions. This indicates clearly bow th consumption of coal is increasing, as railroads are extended to different points in tb country. Wood is bcoomiug too soare and valuable to be used as fuel. The industrial interests, it would appear from those statements, ar also in a flourishing slate or activity. .... . n... in. r . r i ... .Av u v. following repon of tb coal trad in tb Schuylkill r .Eton : Tb quantity sent by railroad this wsek is 88, m 01 bv eanal. 84.S74 00 for tb week, 123, Oat 01 tons, against 100,032 for the corresponding week last year. The demand for eoal is falliuc off. and coal is ao cumulating a littl at th shipping port. This nnnLh a I nan Lad would b the dullest ia lb Tear, and w ar nut disanpointad at tb result. Prioa her ar about ii eenU lower than they war last month, wbieh equalises th advance IB toll. W hardl think that eoal will be tower in tbe Coal Re gions than it bow is, and as it is believed that oar transporting companies will advance Lb tolls 8ft eeat mora on th first of September, dealers abroad seed not be appraheosir of aay further malarial rfillna In Lha nrioa of aoal. Operators oaonot afford to mine for lw, ami would prefer stopping than to submit to any further acim. . , , BUSINESS NOTICES. t r (ylii First or tee Reason. W hr happy lo state that Wm. H. Miller, the enterprising propri etor of the Excelaior Boot and .Shoe Store, Market street, I the Brat in this place or vicinity to lay in a full supply of boot and shoe. H has Just opened a large assortment of the latest styles, mad up of the beat material. . Call and sea his stock. ty Regret. How often hsve w heard th regrets of those who bar lost th dear one of their household, because they bad neglected to get a like ness of the loved and lost, ere they departed, B wise tbn in time call at Byerly' Photograph Gal lory, in Market streot, Sunbury, and get a life-ilk picture, that may prove a priceless memento In the dim, uncertain future. - i . ., . r;eai-inni y Ax exohange says : W wer compelled to refuse an offer of job printing th other day by a man who innocently called to get torn postage stamps printed ! He was quit disappointed because we oould not do tbe work h wanted 'enV real bad to put en letters when he writ to a gal, and they cost too much to buy them of the post offio fellers. Of course th verdant youth never wore on of Smlck's fashionable suit. Th olothing mad at his establishment is not only polished Itself, but frequently polishes the Ideas of its fortunate wearers. Call at Smick'a establishment, on Fourth street, nearly opposite Weaver's hotel. , lyHAT Wanted. Sevorel tons of hay are want ed lor which the highest market prio will be paid. Apply at Adoml' Express Offio, Sunbury, Pa. iiat. y Lost. On Wednesday last, In Market street, Sunbury, a plain Oold Ring. The finder will be re warded by leaving It at J. K. Smlok's tailor store. 17" Superior! Clotbiho. Gentlemen who wish to replenish their wardrobes by clothing of a superi or quality, should go to itadob 0. Beck 'a fashionablo tailoring establishment, on Fourth street; where suits are made up in the neatly fitting style and faithful manner that have gained for him an enviable repu tation with persona of last and fashion. Oiv him a call. rf"NAY, Madam, I know not seams." Seam less coats most have been worn in Hamlet's time .There was then no Continental Clothing Basaar in Sunbury no genUemen's suits, no boys' suits nothing worth mentioning. Now, however, every body who understands their interests, get their choap and fashionable olothing at the Continental, because suits are sold lower at this establishment than any other outside of the large cities. si'iAiiiiiY iMAitifinrfc. Corrected Weekly for the "Amerioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $14 00 7 00 10 00 6 60 2 60 1 00 90 70 2 00 40 80 20 4 60 40 20 25 25 " 27 22 10 15 18 60 do do do do per owt. per bbl. per owt. per bushel , do do do Rye Flour, do Wheat, prim red Rye, Corn, Outs, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unpared Dried AddIos. do por jound do Dried Cherries, (unstoncd,) per bu Butter, per pound, r-ggs. Cheese, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, per dor.cn, per pound, do do do do do do per pair lront " Mutton, Chickens, Kliuniokin 4'onl Trade. Shamokin, Aug. 20, 1860. Ton. Ctrt. Sent for week ending Aug. 18, I S. 51 9 05 for last report, 3J,mi us rMMO 10 245,770 05 107,600 10 To samotime last year, Increase, fyfticil Notices. Tiik Stiiuooi-e is Ovkh I As the mcngre licaves bowed to the main sheaf of the field, so tliu whole brood of imitation and couri er ft-it extracts have bowed to the Sorerciyn rerfumeoi the day PhalonV'Night-Bloom ing Cereus." They have gone to oblivion, hcie they liclong. Sold everywhere. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent lree by mail lor ou cents that retails easily tor fO. ny It. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y. Sopt. 10, 1865. ly. ITCH! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! . W II EATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure I lie in 4H Honris. Also cures SALT R1IEVM. ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF 1UE 6KIN. Price 60 cents. For sale by the druggists. By send ing 60 centsto WEEKS i POTTEtt, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, freo of postage, to any part of the United States. je 23 6-y WUilcer t Whiwker ! '. Dr. L. O. Montes' Corrotia, the greatest stimu lator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on lbs smoothest laoe or chin ; never known to fail , sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Address, IIekve Co., 78 Nassau St., ft. X. jew am The ConIeKlou niid Kxpcrlenco or am invalid. Published for tbe benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, ao., supplying aims same timo the means of self-cure. By one who nas oured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge may be had of th au thor. NATHANIEL HAlrAln, jn.,BrooEiyn, n.ings Co. N. Y. January 27, 1880 Ty. IarueM, III I nl and Catarrh, Traatad with the utmost sueees bv Dr. J. ISAACS Omiliai and Aurist. (lot merlv of Levden, Holland.) Ha. M8 fine street, rnuaaeipnia. lesiimouiais frnin lha nnt reliable sources in tb City and Coun try can be seen at bis ofboe. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be bos no se- l. a-.:a..:-i L'.. 1....,-! sris in nis practice. Animiw ." ... " out pain. Ho otiarge inaue lor examination. July 1, IBQQ. ly LOU! AXM MATttlMOJIT, Ladies and gentlemen, if job wish to marry, ad dress the undersigned, who will end you, wiinout money and without prloe, valuable Information that will enable you to marry happily ana apeeauy, ir respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This inrorma tion will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. ah letter irij bus fidenlial. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward askea. A "are. Greenpoint, Kings Co., New York. June 9, 186A. 3m To Coai)tieupiiTM. Tbe advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a stver lung aoeouoo and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to mak known to his fellow sufferer th means Of aura."' Te all who desir It, h will send s eopy of th nresorintlon used (fre of charge), with tbe dire lions for preparing- and aslng thesaaa, whioh tby .III Hnrl a SlIBB COBB for CoNSUBFTION, AiTBMA, Bboncbitis, Cousbs, Colds, an all Throat and Lung Affections. Tbe only ohjeot ol th advertise in sending th prescription is to benefit th afflicted .nd abroad information whioh b eonoeiv to be in valuable, and h hope every sufferer will try hi remedy, as it will cost tbsss nothing, and aj proe .Uasataa?. ' ' ' 1 L " 1 Parties wishing th presort ptioa, rass, by return mall, pie-, address ' Williamsburgh, Kings Co , Nw York. ' January U, 186 ly. ...-,,.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO fj. fJ. TAX-FAY Kit ' Oollnetor's Onto, u 8' Internal Revenue, ) ' 14th District of Pennsylvania, 1 MirrUnsuao, July 25, 1BC. ) TAXES on th anneal list, 18M ' , Income, Car riacea, Ac.) ar now due atd payable at th following time and place in Northumberland ont : i ' - i 0. II. Sbriner, Collector, will collect lo Sunbury, Wednesday, August 29th, at the offloe ef P. M. Shindle, Esq. In Oeorgetown, Thursday, August SOth, from 8 A. M., fo 8 P. M. In Shamokin, dt Howell's Hotel, Friday, August 81st. '.;(','' , A. T. Bisel, Deputy, will oolloot at his offloe, In Turbutville. Taesday, August 21st : at Cart. Huff's Hotel, in Milton, on Wednesday, August 22d: and at Vandyke's Hotel, In Northumberland, on Thurs day, August 23J. L To all who neglect to pay aftar ten das, a SPECIAL NOTICE ' will b Issued; for which the law provide a fee of twenty cents; after that four oenta per mile, and ten per cent, penalty, to bo ool looted ty distraint. Taxes must bo paid in Government funds. CUAKLES H SHRINER, Collector, 14th Distriot, Penn'a. Sunbury, July 28, I860 44. . NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store In ' BBLIN'8 O-ROVE, and buy on of . Haines Buotber's New Soat Piano Fortes. Every instrument ia Warranted for fire years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of the celebrated PELOUUETS MELODEONS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORllANS. and challenge others to sell cheaper than we are selling. We also keep all kinds of Masioat Merohandiro, and receive all the latest musio as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi naries . j tdsSccond band Instruments taken in exchange for now ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. ' BALEM AKERLIN. Selinsgrove, Snyder CO., Pa. (July 28, 1800. ly Dr. GAMSEV00RT, Practical and Consulting PHY8IIOIAN, For the Cure of all diseases. Author of Lectures on the Treatment and Cure of Chronic Diseases. May be Consulted as follows free of Charge : Lewisburg, Pa , Revicre House, Monday and Tues day, August 2m h and 21st. Mifllinburg, l's , Union House, Wednesday Aug., 22. Sunbury, Pa., Central Hotel. Fridav. Saturday and Sunday. August 24th, 2Mb and 20tb. Danville, Pa., Montour House, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 27lh, 26lh and 2'Jth. Will Visit Esch Place Once in Three Months Re gularly. INVALIDS affliotcd with chronio disease of every name aud nature, will beeonvinoed by consulting me that they will bo fairly and honorably dealt with. They will not bo pursuaded to place themselves under my treatment unless there is a reasonable hope of euro. Dr. OANSEVOORT, can bo consulted at his ap pointed places ; he is a Practical and Scientific I'hy sioion, and treats all kinds of ohronic diseaxes, which hare been on Hod incurable, by many of the so culled distinguished physicians of tbe country. Such ns disease of the Yiiie, Asthma, Consumption, Salt Rheum, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, St. V itus Dance Catarrh, Melancholy, Liver Complaint, Rickotts, Bloody Urino, Headache All disease of Women and Children. Also cases of Seminal Emissions, which is sending thousands of poor unfortunate vic tims to the grave yearly. The doctor does not propose to heal all the direascs that afilict mankind. Some diseases are curable, others arc incurable, while at certain stsges all di seases are curable, if treatment is commenced at tlio proper time. Therefore, do not wait lor to-morrow, the present is for us to improve, to-morrow we mny never see. So beware of delays, they are always dangerous ta your interests. Invalids who reside at too great a distance to visit tho Doctor at bis places of appointment, can com municate with him by letter, and have medicines sent to them by Express, to any part of the United States and Canada, without delay. All letters ol inquiry must contain a three cent amp to renav reply. Prinoipal Office and Labratory Uraromarcy Park, New York. Address me at my psesent residence, Bath, X. V. J. 41. UAfctVOUrli', at. v. July 28, 18S6.-4t NEW SPRING GOODS!! NOW OPEN, A FULL STOCK OF NEW BPBING GOODS Consisting of OrrnM 4J !, in great variety, such as Dvluinus, Uhallies, Uinghams, lrapcs, Lawns, Brilliants, Ac. Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods, in variety. Dress Trimmings, Lace and Embroideries, VEILS of all descriptions, Uloves. Hosiery, Corsets, Zephyrs, Patent Hair Crimpers, Nock-Ties, and Notions of all kinds usually kept iu a Fancy Htore. Jjockwood s Taper Collars una uuns. Stamping and machine stitching dono to order. MARY L. LAZARUS, Two doors west of Wm. H. Miller s Shoe Store. Sunbury, April 2S, 1800. GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE. TA 4j.iAi;i:i:K.'M SASH STOPPER AND LOCE. implioity, Durability, Conveuionoo, Comfort and Security, combined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports cither sash at any point. it oan oe applied to any wiuaow in a iew minutes. It does not iuterlere in taking out a susli. It is not oflVctod bv any jarring action, and pro- vents the rattling ot sash. It is self-acting in all its work, and makes it im Dossible to forget to lock the window. At allows proper vcniuutiun wiioout. leaving tuo window unlocked. It acts by gravity bos no spring and can never gel out ol uraer. it aoes not wear out, nut win last wu-io bouse stands the Windows that bave only one sash moveable, may be changed, so as to move bom, at a inning expciue, KlopiM'r nuil I.tM-U, One Dollar Coaiiplrte. It mast come into general use for its radical ad vantage!, as a Seir-Acting, uurgiar-rrooi jxksk ana Ventilator. For Railway Cars, Steamboats, etc., it is perfect, and, in fact, the thing long wugnt. It is emphatically just v. net everyuoay wants, ana everybody oun nave, lueowmanu uium oh uuniui tea. , , Capitalists, Manufacturers, uuituers, ana men looking for business, are invited to call on the sub scriber and exauiiue it. 1 JAUUJJ VtILi.K, Jr., July 21, 1868. Cm Sunbury, Pa. IMTO I. U A lMUC. E. A H . T. AKTHOBY A CO . Manufacturers of Plnn-niphi Materials, YTl nlesale snd Kolail, 0O lilt UA1VA1 , new i la addition toour mam business of Pltoingranb jo al ata rials we aie llouiiiails for the (oUuwii.u, vis. BTERKOSCUP K8 STKREoCoriO VIEW 9 Of Anwrieaa aiul Foieigu Cities and Landscapes, Cro ups Blaluarv, le. '., ,, , . STKHi-liIMJOI'lc vir.Mour mc Pmm nivu made in I he various ramnaiaiia and fivminf a complete l'tiuloKiapbic history of th (real eou- BTERF.OSCOPIC V1KWS ON GLASS, a.i r. th Mhitia l-auttrn or Lha fstereoaeonic. Out Catalogue will be aul to any address cat receipt of P PHOTOGRAPHIC ALUUM8. W manufacture more largely than any other house, turn friHu au Muia ui aval sack. Our Al bums bsviiif lha rawutaliuu of being superior ill beauty aud ilareoiuiy to auy uttier. Cabb Puoieeaaras or annals, Bris, Across, Etc, Krc. Our Calalocue embraces over Pive Thousand different subjects, Including leprodaeluurt of Iks axial eelelaaled K.r.i ..... Paiuiiiws. Status. Si. CelaaiftM seal oa irei-ipt ufaum- '. . . t-aotoarapOeis u Maem order lag foods C.O. D.. wiH Bleaa mail per eit t the amount with tarir order. i-Th. nru-r aud ouablv of our luuala cauwit fall to satisfy. . .' i . : July tl, lbM. F INE Feather Brushes, at LIGHTNER'S. FINE Myrtl Pomatum, at .JJj.f PERUVIAN GTTAITO SUBSTITUTE ! - BAUGII'3 n-tVW B03ST13 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. After mora than twelve venrs of ennstnnt n. ihii highlv concentrated manure has attained a wide spread reputation as a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active in Its operation, and of great du rability. It docs not exhaust the soil, but on th contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular vaiuo oi mis manure, ana osuiniisn ine r.ict or its being relied upon by a wide circle of agriculturists to supply all wants in the direction of manures for every crop. 13 -A. TT GUI Ac SONS, Solo Manufacturers A Proprietors, Office, No. 20 South Dolaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BKOTIIER.3 & CO. General W'hohmU Ajen(t, No. 181 Pearl St., cornor ol Cedar. NEW YORK. . GEOKGE DUG DALE. Maryland Vinjiitui, WhvletaU Agent for No. 105 Smith s Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Price $,io per tlOOO lbs. Cawli. Just Published. tllO 1.1th edition rf nnr in imii.i. phlot, "How to Maintain tho Fertility of American Farms and Plantations, "-'-furnished frco upon appli cation to us or our Agents. BAUUn A SONS, 20 South Delaware AVenno, 1'hiladelphis. Sold by SMITH A GEXTHERt Sunbury. July 28, 18fi0. ly NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JUST OPENED. KNOEL & ROBIilNS. RESPECTFULLY inform the citisens of Sunbury and vicinity, ihut thev have just onoued a lurife stock of TC In the store mom lately occupied by Weaver & Fa- geiy. opposite tne Ulii Uourl House. REMEMBER that these Ooods bave iust heen fiurcliased at reduced prices, and arosold according y, cc in prising of DRY GOODS of every stylo and variety, such as CLOTHS, CASSlMEkES, VESTINGS, AC. Dress tioods, l'rints, Muslins Dumestio Goods, Notions, Ac, Ac. GROCEIilES, TEA. COFFEE. 8UGAK MOLASSES, AC. IlosiMckccpiBiig tioedN, The attention of the publio is respectfully inv'ted to tho advantage offered at this ettublishment. TnE HIGHEST PRICES TA1D FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cull and cxamino for yourselves. A.J. KNCF.nEL, li. 1'. BOBBINS. Sunbury, July 21, 1808. I710R Bounty, Pension, Increase of Tensions, and ' Arrears of Pay, Prise Money, or for the prosecu tion of any claim whatever aguinst the National Government, or that of any State, arising out of the late war, or any previous one, Especially that of 1S12 all persons would do well to apply to the Military and Naval Agency of JOSEPH E. DEVITT A CO., ao. izt vt ainut street, rmiauuipiua. All luiurma tion and advice givon froe of charge. Sunbury, August 4, 18US. .'tt T ADIES call and fee the Hanging Baskets, U Brackets and rine Work Boxes, at LIGHTNER'S Procure oneof BYERLY'S Fine Photograph Pic tures at bis Rooms in Simpson's Building. To procure a family group Photograph, go to iJlfcllbi O llooin in Simpson s lluilduigup stairs PKOT1I .OT A It V. At the solicitation of many of my friends, I have consented to ho a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the office of Proihonotary Ac. Should i be elected, I promise to fultill the duties of the ollice impartially and to the beet of my ability. CHAS. J. BRUNER. Sunbury, June gQth.lMftfl. rursim: am mwm.n jej Sheet Iron and Stove Market Street, near Engel s Store, SUNtURY. PA. AN immense stock of every kind of Tin War and Sheet Iron Ware of all descriptions. STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed lor oeauty or nuisn. imnlieitv of arrangement, oombinini cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. 'oul Mil, C'ual Oil iJiinpn, I.nnterns Shades, Cbiuinys. and all articles usually kept In on establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETI LLo, or all j Sixes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of th latest improved styles. lie Is also preporea io ao an ainus ui opvuiiuir, uu RiKifing, Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply anneatyr -- ()yER Sunbury, July T, 1866.;y 8PEINO AlkD BUMMER Millinery Goods, Jualopening at the Millinery Store of MiBB M-L. QUSSLEft Fawn Street, below the Railroad, UNU UY, PA., ib d i fa"' u a a 9 SHAKERS, Dress-Trimmings, Head-Bresses, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, wbiok have bceh carefully selected. The attention of the Ladies is solicited to her large assortment of the latest stylus of BONNETS, which give sulisraaiion io an. Call and examine for yourselves show goods Sunbury, April It, 1884. No trouble to LADlr,l3LOVISKIDBOOTSlBl ...... W. V Aeillev's. BOOTS AND SHOE", FOR MEN, WOMk.Ni AND CHILDHEN.al W.W.Apsev sHOIfTvmTy DK3CRirTlUN.tw Ap(y El New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE of - a. w. mii.iu bo. Market Square, near lb New Court House JUST OPENED a large and n assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cessimcres, Cottonades, Linen Panting, A LADIES' DRESSGOODS. Silk, Delalnos, Alnpacas, Kncllsh ami Sootoh Oinghiims. Challiea, Lawns, Arinurcs, Brilliants, vt hue tfuotls, ualteoes. Muslins, and every other article belonging to the above branch of business. WHITE AND COLOIlfiD FLANNELS Sheetings, Honp Skirts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, Glnsswsro, Queenswarc, Crockery, Ilardwaro and Cutlery. Ikragw, H, I'uinlsi, Coal Oil iind liiiniM. Fish, Pork, Conrso and Fine Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup. Spices, Au., Groceries, Tobacco, Segnrs and Snuff, togctliei with a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prices that cannot foil to sa'.isfy purchasers. J. V . i'lllLiiNU BU. Sunbury, Juno 2, 1R60. New Spring Styles! IVllsii A-VA IVVIM'l.lt, Two doors West of tlic I'ost OtHco, 8TJNBTJBY PENN'A . RESPECTFULLY Invites the attention or the publio to hor largo and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Ooods whioh she has just received and opened. Her stock embrace FANCY DRESS MOODS, Embroideries. Cluny Lace, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dreas Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ac. A fine assortment of Indies' and gents' Hosiery. Gloves, Fans, l'arnsol, Bugle Trimmings, Ribbon's, jeib iiiooous, civet itiDoous, jiraitt. j.aiued ..Neck tics, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Ao. Jrvin's Patent Hair Criinners. Hair Coils. Corsets. nml a largo nssortmont of other articles, too nume rous to mention. I have also just recoived a fine lot of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Rritfhes. Ac. ANNA FAINTER. Fmibury, April 28. 18t.fi. NEW HARDWARE! IRON STORE. THE subscriber having opened in SUNBURY, Pa., anew large, and well aswirted stock of all kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. COACH WARE SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, ao., lam mat lowest New York and Lantern prices which they will he pleased to sell for Cash at tho lowest Eastern prices. Intending: to do business in the honest nrincinles of small profits and quick sale for Cash. l. 11. lU.l.r.V A UU. Sunbury. Juno 10, lHfifl. "llfE would invite tho nttention of Cnrpentcrs to V onr lareo and well selected assortment of loolcs, aoniprifing Chisels of all kinds, Auziii'S. Pianos. Saws, Iron nnd Stocl Soiinro. and in fact every thing wanted to complete a full outfit, at tho Hardware store of J. H. COXLEY A CO. Willi I'll o l- and Border in srrcnt variety new styles just received at the Mammoth Store of J. W. ilULl.NU A iON. Sunbury, Oct. 14. 18B6. 3S,000 Ibis, assorted Charcoal Iron at 5) cts. lb. at J. IT. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, Jane 10, 1SC9. BOOKS! BOOKS!! fllHE subscriber begs leave to call the attention of X his customers, anil tlio community in general, to the fact that he hits now received his second lot of ISTE'W GOODS, consisting, in part, of a complete lino of PAI'Rlt AND ENVELOPES, Blank, School nnd Juvenilo Books, Fancy Toilet eoaps. I'crluincs, ricture frames, Lava ana vt mow Hanging Biiskels, Bird Cages, llnnd nnd IS I it nd lases, Fine Vnses. Handsome Glove Jcwciry nnd Work jioxes. iraveiing and other I'ortroiios. larvcd lirackets, reather Dust lirushes, Balls, Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Parcr Shades. Coal Oil Lamp and Fixtures, Ao. Thankful for past patronage, and hope, by strict attention to business, to continue the sauie. r. 1. Ha 111. N til. Sunbjury, Juno 9. ISOiJ. iVli-c lo 4'i-fdiloi-ai. ALL porsons indebted to the lute firm of Rohrbach A Cooper, on nolo, book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to nmko immediate payment if they wish to save costs, us they will bo placed in the bauds of an officer for collection. D. C. ROHRBACH, T. G. COOPER. Sunbury, Juno 10, ISfS. AdmlnlKlruloi-'ai police. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Witmer, lute of Jordan township, Northumberland county. Pa , deceused. have been grunted to tho undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. BLNJAMIN WIT.MEK, MICHAEL EMERlt'll. Jr. Jordan twp., July U, lsioo. tit lU.vUv keg, at tho new Hardware More of ' J. II. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury. June 10, 18(10. T ATROSE'S Hair Restorative, the best In use, for XJ sslo by LIGUTSER, solo Agent for Sunbury. BOYIfl&N & LEONARD, Monufaciurcrs aud WEtOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS and SILVER PLATED jx OOODS. 51) I Anil tt ! t. lMjilndoIpUIli. Thn. In want of SiWer or Silver Plated Ware v. ill find it muoh to iheir advantage by visiting our Store before making their purchases. Our long experi ence in the manufacture of tho above kind of goods enables us to defy competition. Wo knei, no roods but thoso which are of the Kirst Class, all of our own make, and will be sold at rcduo od prices. July Tin, iou ijcj JJAND and Stand -lassos at liwBtsbb a. A1 i t. kindsof Hardware, Iron, Ac, not in store will be sent tor una acurereu at ine iusi irioe by vv. Sunbury, June io, isoo. I F tou want a good Likeness for your friends, go to S. BY EKLY S Gallery in bimpson s liuiiding. f rU'RPENTINE, Coal Oil, rieh Oil, Linseed un X for sulo low for Cash by j. it. livjixi a. -.' ICE CREAM FREEZERS aud Haley's Patent L Clulhe Wringers, tor sale by t,tii - V. 4..lEtLj.UVJi.a. Sunbury, July 7, 1R. PIliHIK, Glass, Putty, M bit Lead, Varnishes, A. Everything that Painters us at uuhcard of price, at tho lUrdwarc 0'CONLEV 4 c0. Sunbury, June 10, 1869. Cueli ! i'uelx ! Coals ! ! ! for all kind ol hiir Iru', Sunbury, J una Id, 1888. - ' LL goods bought for Cash and .old at lowest price for east at tbe Hardware e)UW "jj tONLEY CO. Sunbury, JB lo, 1S0. 1 B1 3 qojijiiititi:i, BBXD tfHAT DR. 8CIIENCX 13 DOING. R. . H. SCIIBKCK, . Dit4B Sib : I feel It a duty I owe lo ynu, and to all who ar suffering under the diseases known a Consumption and Lifer Complaint, to let the in know what great ben i fit I have received from your Pul monic Syrup and Seaweed Tonie In so short a time. By the blsing of God It has oured me thus far. Dr. Schenck, I will Bow make my statemenl to yrn, as follows : About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a sever oough, and It settled on my t'l f001'1 not run anything 1 ate, and suf lered with evoniug fever and night sweats. I was very much reduced. The whites of my eyes wore very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat; bowels swillen, ITS" ,n? 1 r"y kw spirited, and had such violent spells of !ooughlng when I laid down at night and when 1 arcs, in tb morning thnt they would Inst one or two hours I then would be nearly exhaustel, and was entire, ly unal, e to lie on my lott side. I ,.mnni describe my wretched BufToring as I would wh todo. Every organ in my body was diseased or deraniad. Such was my situation at this time, and 1 Was confined to my bed from thowast of February, 1M2, not able to sit un. I had the best of medical attendance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked me very much. 1 at tl.ii time raised a large quantity of thick, yellow, offi-nsive matter, sometimes with blood, and it wasgcrrmirly Seooiupa nied by nausea and a furred and thick cnHt ton rub. At the time of coughing so badly I would have sharp, shooting pains in my left rido and heart, niht sweats, and soreness ull through my whole client: had much inwnrd fever, pain In my baek and under my shoulder blades and in tlio small of my back, and at times so severe thnt it wonld throw me Into ipnstns. Now my physician gave me np to dio. Others f hud, and the best of them, but they oould do nothing forme, and at that time I was nothing bill skin nnd bone. I then was in the western purl of Missouri. In Juae lost we left mere lor tne r.ast, and in August Inst we came to New York, and I was so reduced that I ovwld only walk a little with my husband "a help. After I had been here a short tuuo the salt water breer.o made niel'eol much belter for o. time and then 1 hail again to call a physician fur aid Wc had four of the best physicians of New York on tho diseases "f the lenys, and doctors of all kind.-, but of no avail. They surd 1 was pastouro. aud that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cure inc. But at this timo I wn a my feet obout the house, not able to do muoh of anything. In November last I srrew worse, nnd tbe consumption diarrhea set in nnd lasted about eight weeks. We hod tried all and everythiug that 1 could grasp at line a uyiug perseii for my di.eu.cs consumptrwrand liver oom plaint but of no avail. In January, 1803; I was brought ow again on my bed. and was not expected to live tlw night out. Mv hiuhuiid slayod at my side, aud ether friends, and they all give me up to-diw. At this Mm every one who saw me did tint think I would leave my bed a living woman. The first night I wos attacked with spnEins, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs Harris, came to see me the lust of too week, anil brought the Sunday Mercury, in it v. as an account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck . She read it to se. and- it was so much liko my own disuase that I nskl my husband to go and see him for me. Al this time I bad given up all hopes of ever getting weU again, and made my peace with God, to bu ready when He called for me. On the 27lb of January, 1B03, my nus'iond called on Dr. Schenck, :2 Bond street, Now York, and " stated to him my case, w'rth a request for btm to call and see mc, which he did. nml examined me with the rcspiroinetor. When he' was about to go 1 asked him if he could cure mc 7 His reply was: "1 con not tell, both lungs are diseased, alia the bronchial tubes aro affected on btli rSes. ' Ami yet he seemed to think thero were lans enough reft to ef fect a euro if tho flinrrkcnr cochl he stepped. Ho sai.l in order to do this, he would have to givo Muu drako Pills in small do.wj at Sr.rt, to-curry off the morbid mutter, nnd then, with astrigeni-, be hoped Ui cheek it, which he dill, Vut tho constant c-mghing, night sweats, nnd tliarrlica had prostrated me so that ho was afraid my vital oowoth wertW) much pros trated evur to rally, aid yet ho sceme-lto think if I could live to get eue..rtt;h Pliuouic Syfup througls my system to cause eiectorutiorr, there were luni enough left lor me to recover. Ho wished me to try tho Pulmonic Syrup sad Seaweed Tonic at once, saying it would do uin karai.if it did mono good. The first week it seemed, lo give mo strength, so that on Sundny after I sat up in bed and ate hearty for a sick woman; but tb xt week 1 lost all hoio and wished my husband nut t give me any more" medicine. But tho doctor ha't warned him of this, and when the medicine was clearing out the system it made them feel somewhat retfles, and to perse vere; and be insisted on my taking it; and 1 new feel the benefit of it. For alter eight days I hegan to gain strength, and, with tho exception o a cold thai put me hack sotno, I have been gaining strength o.' body, my cough is going away, snd all my pains are gone; no soreness of the hudy, my bowels are regular, ami my breath is sweet, and 1 tbunk God that I am now going about, and sow and read as well as I ever could. I liuve tuken sixteen bottles ol the medicine, eight of each. 1 now have a good appe tite aud rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble mo in getting up or lying down. 1 would, here snv to the afflicted with coutiimption or liver complaint, that Dr Schenck is no humbug. 1 ou can rely ou w hat he says Dolay not; it is danger ous to tritlo with these diseases. If you would be oured, go at once, and any one wishing to know tho facts as herein stated can cull ai my rcaiueueo, in West Houston street, New 1 ork city. MRS. MAKi i.lAliiiUn. We, the undersigned, resident of Sew York, ura acquainted with Mrs Farlow, and know ner state ment lo be true, v o aiso kdow mm rim tw Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup and Suaweed Tonic, aud have reason to believe that to this medicine she owes her preservation from a premature grave. S. t AH LOW, 17 M eH lliiiuiou si. EUGENE UXDERIULL.nTA Greenwich at. Mrs. EUGENE ILNDI.lUilLL, 076 Greenwich t AUGUSTA UNDERBILL. 670 Greenwich t. A. ?. 1IAKR1S. 117 West Houston st. EMILY GLOVER. 117 West Houston St.. J L. COLE, SH Cottage place M A. LE1G1ITON, Broadway. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP. 1 Ainily plnco. I am well acquainted with Mrs- Mary Farlow, id with berhtisbaud, Mr. 11. Farlow, they having for a few months past, attended ut my etiuron, and I amicuiivinced tl at any statement wbioh they uiiglii, make might bo relied on sm truo. J 1 1 1 1 . yuiiui.iu,v.".i Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N. Y. De. Schenck will be professionally at his principle oOice No. 15 jYorth Sixth streot, corner ot Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from A.M. until 4 P. M., No. 32 Bond street, Now York, every lues day, from 9 to :t; No 38 Summer street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 8 to 3, and every other Friday at 10$ Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. All advice free, but fur a jhorougn examination oi the lungs with the Resplromotcr, the charge is threo dollars. . . Prico of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed ionic, each $1 111 pcr bottle, or $7 50 pcr half dosen. Mau dr ike Pills. 2 cents pcr box. For Biilc by all Druggisrs and Dealers. December 2, lStio 1 y. Support Home Industry ! llulN of livery llescrlption! A FULL ASSORTMENT Jist ofbnbd by SAMUEL FAUST. Two doors west of Bonnctt's Drug Store, Market st. QUNBURY, PENN'A. CALL and examine the large assortment of the latest New York and Philadelphia styles of Silk, Cassimere, Petto Derby, Wire Brim, Soft Fur, Straw and Boy's Hats which for beauty and du rability cannot bo excelled. Being B practical Hat ter, he flatters himself that bis stock has been select ed with more cure than any ever before brought to this place. He also manufacture to order all kinds of soft Fur Huts, all of w hich will bv sold at wholesulo and retuil. ut icujouablo rates. Dyeing done ut short notice and at the lowest rates. Sunbury, May 12, lSttri. AIUNN i:XIIti:?M COJII'ASY. REDUCTION OF RATES OS PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AC. milE rates on Fresh Fish, Oysters in the Shell, sn I X Truck of all kinds, to planes in this Division, whero the rate rsTicents per lull llnor over, has beeu reduced 25 cents por 100 lha. At plaee where lh rate is between 60 and 75 cents per 100 lbs, the rate will be 50 cents per 100 lbs. Barrels of truck weighing less Ihou 1U0 lbs will be charged a 100 lb In weight. . ..... U1 1 Fnadi Fish will require to be packed in tight bar rels or laixcs. Prompt attention to the collection of Bills, Drafts, N. FKRREE LIGHTNER, Agent .Siinbiiry, June 10, 18ofl. 17a AA Customers wanted to buy Hardware, Ac. I U vU al th Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of J. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, June 19, 1803. SHOE lene HOE Findings, Sol Leather and all goods bo- inx to shoe makers businei 9 in far sals by J.U. CON LEY A CO. 1.AU1K3' CUM SHOF.8 for l.0. at '.V. W. Apslev'a SARATOGA TRUNKS at W. W. Apsley's. A NVIL8, Vice, Bellow Stocks, and Die, nd all goods belonging to th Blaoksmithing busi m for sal low for Cash by J. 11. CONLEY A CO. UILDKRrl and those contemplating building, would do wll to call and see lb large aort- Sent of Leeks, Latobe, Bulla, ButU and Screws, trap and T. Hingea, Window Springs, and ever, thing wanted to complete a home, st the uew Hard warstoruf J. U. CONLIil AvO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers